Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1886, Image 1

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A Washington Doctor Writes a Oanstio Letter -
tor to the Commissioner.
tllcli llnnk OlIlccrH
edict Sipioals on the Uxtravnganco
of Ills 1'rcdeccHSor DIsltnrHO-
inentH of Ihn Pension Otllcc ,
A Physician .Scores Itlack.
WASIIINIITON. Oct. ' > , [ Sjicclal Telegram
to the Hii-Un : : ] Thursday last Dr. ( larnctt.
a leading phsclan ! and prominent demo
crat of this city , sent to Pension Com
missioner Hiack a sick cert Illcato In the ease
ot a lad > ' employe of the. pension ofllce.
Next day the doctor received from ( Jcneral
IllacK a note saying the certificate was not
sulllclently explicit , the rules of the olllco re-
ipilrlnt ; that physicians shall specify the
trouble with which an employe is allccted.
The commissioner therefore requested that a
new ecrtlilcatu be made out as soon as practic
able , and added that such documents were
treated with the strictest confidence. Dr.
Oarnetthas sent a reply to Commissioner
lllack's request , in whleh.'jvimong other
things , ho savs : "JIv" lirst Im
pression when reading this ex
traordinary and somewhat impertinent
edict was to return It without comment , but
reflecting that the interest of a lariro number
of innocent persons may bo Involved I have
determined to give expression to my views of
the issue which you have thus presented.
Several jears ago Ibis question of the right
on the part of the government to require eer-
tlllcalesof physicians specifying the disease
with which an absent employe has been af
fected came before the medical association of
the District and ni'ter a free expression of
opinion by its members upon trie subject it
was determined no such demand should bo
compiled with. In all civilized countries the
medical man and patient Is legarded as a
private compact involving the personal honor
of the former and possessing all the
sanctity Implied by an oath , ono which no
honoratile memb.'r of the fraternity could
violate without entailing upon himself per
sonal dlsurace. This question cannot now
ho determined by meiu olllelal dictum of a
government functionary , although clothed
In seemlimly arrogant language of "requir
ing that physicians shall , " etc. No medical
man in this city who possesses proper self
respect mid correctly appreciates tlio dignity
and lesponsibilitles of his profession will
ever demean himself so lar as to comply with
Hitch a iide. "
IIHlll-TONl'.l ) HMl'UHI.KIIR.
A lengthy interview Is published here
this morning with an ox-corporal of the
marine corps , a man who is vouched for
as being honorable , liavlng resigned from
the naval service In issa , in whicli It is slated
that naval olllcers have for many yeais been
In league with sum. glers and have bnumhl to
this country a large poitlon of the impoited
poods consumed. The ex-marine olllcor. who
Isln business in this city now , says that in
ISM ) while serving in a subordinate capacity
on the United Stales ship Saratoga , the ship
was sent Into the Mediterranean to bring
home u car 'o of goods for hluli olllclals tit
Washington. "At thu naval pay station , at
Villa Franca , " he says , " wo took onboard
( pule a carjo ol carpets , rugs , etc. . purchased
by ptisons In high station and sent to Villa
I'rancafor storage , whMi were marked 'Sec
retary Thompson. " ( lloves , silks ,
) r."os , etc. . were purchased In
huge quantities , packed In sealed
metal boxes and waterproof paper. Jirfnct ,
the pmchases wcio made so extensively that
we began to think wo represented some mer
cantile house , lather , than the United States.
On oifr relurti "trip , Ave shipped at Funolml , .
wlicre the shli8 | launch was low'eredifor this
phrftoso of assisting -iif talclng-oii boatdotir
last ciirco. viz. , wine. Upon arriving In thu
United States Instead of putting into
an Important port , wo. anchored In Hamp
ton Koads , and were not troubled by a visit
from the collector of customs. ' 1 lie first
transfer of cargo made was to a light-house
loader which came into the roads , and to II
was transferred casks of wine and maiked
"llabcock. " A few days later theTallaimosa
came down from Washington , proceeded to
Hampton roads , and imulo It convenient to
come alongside the Saratoga abottl dark.
The crew was at oncis put to work rigging
whips and tackle to aid in taking the cargo
out of the hold. An estimate of the
amount of plunder , consisting of
wine , carpets , laces , silk goods ,
etc , , transferred to the Tallapossa
may be- formed from the time occupied in un
loading the vessel , about five hours. In jus
tice to the officers attached to the Saratoga It
ts proper to state that their portion of the
cargo was a reasonable ono ono or two
casks of wlno each to ship to friends In dis
tant parts of the country , some dozen pairs
of uluves and several bolts of silk. The bulk
of cargo , however , was consigned to such
humble clti/.eus1 as Secretary Thompson.
( ieneral Sherman , Commodore Kntlish and
. others of the same standing.
Public Printer Benedict , In an Inter
view with tlio Post , endeavors to show
that Itomida' administration of the printing
oir , e was criminally extravagant , If not cor
rupt. The Interview concludes as lollow :
"borne of these days them will bo a staitllng
explosion of the way In which ex-Public
Pi inter Hounds mnuagcd to squander public
money. Ink und other supplies are now be
ing pmchuscd for one-half or one-fourth
the sum Hounds paid for thu articles that
were Intel lor In quality to the new supplies.
Of ir > , < HX ) pounds of Ink purchased during the
last year of Koumls' administration , tour-
fil'thh ol it cost ( r'J in 8" > per pound. Benedict
does not p.iv over $ \ . ! > 0 per pound forauy ink
now , and must of It ho buvs tor less. Ho
Invites competition , and buys Iiutho cheapest
and iKist maikor. Hounds hotunt all his Ink ,
and some other supplies1 , limit his brother-in-
law In Chicago , .Most of the supplies of vari
ous kinds ho obtained either trout or
through his relatives ami peisonal trlends.
Wlion now printing presses were wanted his
HOD was madu the necessary nilililk-man
through whom they worn purchased. Some
WQV was always found for n frlund to
make u commission and much of the sup
plies wore wasted ur destroyed by not boini ;
properly kept. Printing Ink for Instance ,
which needed to be kept at a moderate tem
perature , was exposeit to the weather when
the tliermeme.ler was at.em , KO that it was
rondcted useless. I'rlntms' tellers , for which
hluh prices weto paid , are all slack lo-day
that novel havit been tiiicd and never can bo
used. They aio ns hard as the crust of a
EH nigger's heel lluit lias been barefooted all Hie
vear. The workmen and foremen of Hounds'
tlmo aio all there , and they readily admit all
these things.
Ills sala by employes that Benedict has
been ai ound moio and has given moro atten
tion to Iho itffahs of the establishment diulnu'
the couple nt months ho has been heiotlmn
Hounds did during all Ids four years term ,
Accounting ollleeis say that the Improvements
nlrmuly effected by llonedict will tave the
L'ovfriiniont huudit'd.'i of thousands of dollar
lar every year.
Tito folio wing ainiv leaves have been
granted ; Cuptain Olri W. Utind , Fourth
rntalrr. Foil Howie. Atl/.otia , ono month ;
Captain Selden A. Day , Fitth artllleiy , Fort
Hamilton. N. Y. . two months , with permls-
filon to ask for a four months' extension : First
Lieutenant Wm , It. Hamilton , Filth artillery ,
l-'ort Columbus , N HV York h.ub.'r ' , nnu
month , after October - * .
The headquarters of the Depaitntent of
Dakota will bu it-moved from Foil Snelllng
teSt , Paul November 1 , as announced by
General linger In n gcneial older. The garrison
risen at Fort Snellln ; , ' Is to to largely In-
The now second lieutenants recently pro-
moled from non-commissioned otilcors In the
nrmy are all In this city fiom Fort Monroe ,
where they passed their tiuul examinations ,
Thoyhavy been oidcrcd to join I heir npw
sultans iu follows : Lieutenant Odin ( lino-
Icutenant Ilcufy tleteuer in
fantry , Company K , cantonment on thn
ITncottninhurt * , Colorado : Lieutenant Carl
Keeps , Thirteenth Infantry , company C ,
Foil Stanton , Now Mexico , and Lieutenant
( iooree It. .Martin , F.ljhtcenth Infantry , com
pany F. Foil Leavetiworth. Kansas. K.ieh .
oflicer Is authorized to delay thirty days
before joining his new command under this
Lieutenant D. L. llralnaid , hotter known
ns Sergeant Hralnard. has been assigned to
company U , Second Infantry , and will he sta
tioned at Walla Walla. This Is his old regi
ment , but a different ronipinv Irom the ono
he formerly belonged to. Ills promotion
meets with unanimous approbation , the gen
eral opinion being that he deserved It on ac
count of his brilliant Arc'lc record. Kven in
tlie signal service , where n feeling of Jealousy
mlu'lit pievent a hearty congratulation , every
body seems to think he has received nothing
but what be deserved. His promotion will
not stand in the way of his proposed Airtlc
expedition a few years hence , but the addi
tional rank , he raid to-dav , would bo an ad
vantage , giving him a better .stamllni ; as u
commander of the expedition.
Till' NATIONAL lllllt.t. .
Notifications of intention to take p.irt In
the national drill hero next spring am being
constantly received. Lieutenant (1. ( K. ( Jar-
lock , commanding the .Muscallne ( la. ) Hllles ,
writes ; "You can put us on tlie list. If pos
sible we will send vou a drill team and a
rllle team also. We have held the stale
championship-dneo 1M ) , and the champion
ship of the not thwest In 1SS4. 1VO mid l a
We have been in thltteen drills and cap-
lined twelve p"ii/.e.s , ten times litst , once
second and once third. Wo weto at Mobile
and weto badly beat'Mi , and arc anxious to
try eoiiclus.oiis neiiln with the southern
romp , nlO ! < . " Captain A. F. Piawa. of the
Vlcksburg ( Miss. ) Hdles , writes : " 1 liavo a
very tine company and we are all very anx
ious to enter the national drill inoiir city. "
The artillery drill excites not only keen
Interest , but are.itlivcrsltv of opinion.
Ci.ptain Curtis , of Indianapolis , airaln wiltes
strongly urging tlio foot dilll and learning
to usy only one piece. On the other hand ,
Captain Dennyot tlie Danville (111. ( ) battery ,
savs : "My battery Is enthusiastic about tlie
drill , and delighted at the suggestion that the
contest will lliicly be in the mounted diill. '
As alteady noted , Captain Heaiilmm tele-
giuphcd the entry of four detachments with
A postofllce has been established at Galena ,
Haynes county , Neb. , and Eliza Meady ap
pointed postmaster.
Mail messenger service at Hutler. Keoktik
county , la. , from tlie Central of Iowa rail
way , has been ordeted discontinued from
November li ; also messenger service at Sal-
tille , Lancaster county , Neb. , from Hag sta
tion , and at St. Kdwurd , Boon county , Neb.
Star mail service between Noblesvlllo and
Lincoln will bo increased to twelve trips per
vrv'elc , beginning on next Monday.
Fiom the annual report of Thiid Auditor
Williams , now in the course ot preparation ,
It is .seen that the aggieiratedlsbuiscuieutsof
pensions at the DCS Moines oflleu tor Iowa
and Nebraska dtirlnir the past year wen >
in ISTli and Sl.-NO.OiW in 1ST8 , making a total
of S'jr. ' Tl.ST'J ' In tlie past nine years. The
total expenses of the agency last year weie
James D. Hale , of Iowa , has been appointed
to a SUM ) clerkship In the pension ollice
under fh > 'civil service rules , and Wm. K. II.
Alexander , of Iowa , has been moiuoted In
the pension ollice from Sl.-OO to SI.-IOi ) a year.
Invitations have been icceived here from
Colonel William Thompson , one ot the llrst
congressmen from the state of Iowa , and now
n retired iirniv nllleer residing at Bismarck ,
Dak. , who will celebrate his seventj-foirtli ;
birthday November 10 , on which occasion a
trand leception has been tendered him by
bis sons. Colonel Thompson has been in
Washington much of Ids lime during the
past two winteis.
- A I.A.VI > oKi'iri : r.vs1. ! .
In August the defendants in the case of a
contest ii ainst a public land entry in the
Oxford land district , in lilaho.tucd out a writ
of prohibition in the Third judicial district
'in Unit teiritury , to restrain the losisleraiid
icoeivcr trout taking testimony in respect to
the-validlt.v of th < ; entry and compliance by
entry , made with the requirements of the
law. Commissioner Sparks reported the
matter to Secretary Lamar with a recom
mendation that ho request the attorney gen
eral to Instruct the United States attorney
by telegraph to appear without delay before
the court issuing the writ , and have the same
dissolved on the ground that the court
transcended its jurisdiction In attempting to
Interfere with United States land
officers In the ills-charge of duties
Involving the exercise of their judgment and
discretion. Thu secretary concurred with
thu commissioner , and at his request the at
torney general gave tlie necessary Instiuc-
tlons to the district attorney. That olllcer has
now reported ( Mat on the Mth lust , the court ,
Chief Justice Hays presiding , madeaii order
vacating and distolvlnir said writ. This
action Is icirarded by the geneial laud ofllco
as Important in view of the question of au
thority , recently raised , ami is said also to be
in tcoirdnnce with the decision of the su
preme court of the Bulled States for three-
quarters of a century , ' that courts hav j no
power to control tlie action of the. exccullvo
department In its investigation or adjudica
tion of public land entiles before patents
have been Issued.
"Pietty Piospect. " President Cleveland's
country seat near heie. Is being Improved fur
beyond what the citizens , of northwest
Washington expected toi < ee , It was thought
that little else than a tojiivenated house
would he put on the place , but now fences ,
any quantity of Irnit trees and vines , and
loa'ilsof the best qrallly of fertilizer Imvo
been taken out hero recently. The roads
weio alieady line , so Unit it iHwau to look as
though the farm would not only bu made to
look pleasant , but productive. It Is slven
out In society elicles that these Improve
ments are being made lor the hniclll ot Mrs.
Folsom , the mother .of Mrs. Cleveland , and
that nextspringslio will IIIONO to ' 'Pietty Pros'
licet. " Mrs. FoUom intends to spend most
of this winter hole. It Is said , and that situ
will assist the daughter in the white house
calctylcy. Theri'Iwiiii a report eiru'idalfd a few
ila\B ago that .Miss uosoKIIibeth Cleveland
would live at tlie PieMilcntV ( aim with Mrs.
Folsom , 'ml ' that is untrue. President Mid
Mrs. Cleveland look forward to the time
whim they can drlvo out to Mrs. FoKom's of
eveniuirs to dinniu'or lunch and llvo from
the gardens to m cultivated , with great plcus-
in e. II will m-.iko the imief executive a
splendid reln'.U.
MOIIIiioxn : OAI.I.S roMiNo.
It has been decided by tlio ca'ilnet that Ihe
bond calls shall continue nearly as lare and
remilar henceforth as diiriiii ; tuo past three
mouths. This conclusion has been arrived at
after a determination In urge upon
the necessity of providing another basis for
national bunk securities. Uy decreasing out ,
standing bands the debt is thus diminished-
and t' ' < o nocessllj oC , a ' ! per cent bond for
banks \\lll be mote plain , Tims will lift
good nolleles bo inaugurated , At tlm tieas
ttry dop.ulment It Is thought a U per CPU
bond will bo Issued before the end of the liii
of the next congress.
Inter fitato
WASIHNOTO.V , Oct. aTho hiipivnu
couit to-day retulored a decision In tu.1 ca i
of the Wabash , SI- Louis it P-ieilic lailroat
comi > aiiy against thu people of the State o
Illinois , The ctise was one of alleged un.itis
discrimination In violating the .stale law o
1S7I , revl'fd In isni. Thu do
cl-'ion U In eifect. that the htato
law designed to ro nlato charges cannot ap
ply to interstate trallle , as such nppllcatioi
would livneh niinii the coi'stilntioiial power.s
of congics * and bv a > ! amtiging nt.itrlclion o
( lie fieedmu of traffic. Kulln * of the supreme.
c.ourtof Illinois IK ieve ed. Opinion ol Jus
lieu .Miller , the chic ! jiiatlco und Justice
Bradley dissent.
The spocllio allegation wu > that thn rail
road company churned KlderumlS. UeKiu
ley l.'i cents JK-I H i noun is for the transpott
In. : of gouils fiom Pouiiaio New Voik Cny
and on the same day d J < ase Htillox
and F. O. .Swanuell r > ivnts per too notni'Is '
for thu SHIIO class of coeds from ( illlnian
111. , to New York Uillman being eighty six
miles nenjer thmj Pt-oria-to New York. Tin
di.'crimiQallon , it was alleged , was a violation
of tlu law ot lllinol.'i , whii-li prohibits an >
dii.ive for tnuiiprirtatlon of pas ongtrs o
freight uilliin tlm stati'j of Illinois proper
ti iMteI ) irt iUr iiin ) | would uo charged 'f > >
Iho traur ; > i > rtaltoii of passengers or Ilia
lJi lLt ) rvcr a greater dutunce o
FWO Defenseless Women Knocked Down
and Eobbed By n Negro.
He Initially Assaults a Companion For
Thrmvlnu a Kl to Ills Girl-
Hnlvlile by Dynamite
Other Crime.
A Urn till A
CHICAOO. Oct. 2.1. [ Speclnl Telegram to
the Hui.l : A brutal assault was made upon
( wo women by unknown negroes In Ilydc
park last night. Mrs. Dolan and her sister ,
Miss Moral ) , weie walking along Wa'iash
avenue near Sixty-third street , eolng to visit
a friend , when a negro met and accosted
them. liccelvlng no reply ho passed on but
in a moment returned and sttuck Mrs.
Dolan. who was carrying a baby , n brutal
blow In the face , knocking her to the ground.
The baby tell on the hard paving and
sciearned. The brutal assailant delivered a
vicious kick at It. which missed the child ,
but struck the mother in the abdomen. The
assault on Mrs. Dolan was continued until
she was unconscious. Miss -Moral ) , para
lyzed with terror , bad been unable to scream ,
but now started to run. The ncgio
followed , knocked her down and beat ner
also into a state of insensibility , lie then
secured S-IO which Mrs. Dolan had In her
pockcthook and made nooil Ids e.M'ape. The
attention of a saloonkeeper , some little dis
tance away , was attraetrd tiy the walling of
the babe and the unfortunate women were
carried home and cared for. Mrs. Dolan Is
badly bruised , but not seriously Injured.
Miss Moran had part of her hair pulled from
her scalp and was horiibly pounded about
the lace and kicked about the lower limbs.
Her head , face and limbs nio raw and bleed
ing and it is t'eaied her Injuries will lesult
fatally. No trace hns yet b'-en found of the
nilscieaiit , whose sole ohjict seemed to have
been robbery. If caught last night he would
surely have been lynched.
Killed Ills llival.
Lorisviu.i : , Ky. , Oct. 25. A Courier-
Journal special says : Alex Ito.ird and John
Paxton , school boys and rivals In love , stood
Inastoiuat New Franklin , Ind. . yesterday.
Their sweetheart , .Miss Inez llollls , passed
by going to school. Hoard threw a kiss to her ,
and Paxton.em need , knocked him in the head
with a stick , fracturing his skull , and then
stamped his face to a jelly. Paxton hoimied
to be a mad man and foamed at the month ,
ami before he could he captilted rushed to
the woods waving his hands and shrieking.
Hoard will die. Hoth are sons or prominent
farmers of Scott county. Great excitement
prevails. The young lady remains by the
bedside of her dying lover.
Suicided with Dynamite.
DKTUOIT. Ocl. 21. A IJitrlinglon special to
the Fteo Press says : A str.nue suicide oc
curred on the farm of William Kidney , near
here , late last night. K. J. Wilcox , a-cd
sixty , waited until Ihe oilier members of the
family had retired , and then stepped outside
the dour and exploded a dynamite caitrld.o
under his arui. The teport was terrific , and
triisinienls of Ids body were su.itteieil in
every direction.
Crooked Municipal Olllcials.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 3 > . Geoige T. Seller ,
ex-clerk ol the board of public works , was
jounil over to the grand jury to-day in thu
the sum of lnoo. This afternoon he ave
some startling testimony at the examination
of James .Morgan , of the board of public af
fairs , who Is charged with certifying to
fraudulent vouchers. He said he got his
nephew. Joseph Puters. to personate Joseph
Meyers & Co. and draw money on false bills ;
that Peters -rave the money to him and lie
paid three-fifths of It to Jnmes Morgan. He
mentioned specifically where and when he
paid the money to Morgan on two of these
bills for SMX ) each. The case of M organ was
submitted without argument and Judge Fitz
gerald hold Morgan to answer to the grand
iuiv in the sum of S2iKX ) , which was given.
Tills testimony by Seller was wholly unex
pected at this time , although it had been
thought ho would express all ho knew befote
the trials wete ended.
A Murderer Attempts Snlolde.
VAI.I.KY FAM.S , Kan. , Oct. 2o. Cy Laf-
ferty , the negro who so brutally beat his
wife anil then set lire to her clothing after with coal oil at Leaven worth
last Friday nk'ht , came to tlm residence of
his brother-in-law , John .Martin , near this
place , last night. Ho lot hold of a larce
butcher knife and mane a desperate ell'ort to
end Ids life , cutting a cash in his throat four
Inches long , completely severing the wind
pipe. Ho was ( nought to ( own for medical
treatment , and this afternoon the olllcers
stinted with him back to Leavenwoith. Laf-
terty will probatily die from the wounds If he
Is not lynched meanwhile.
Another Canadian Ilecrnlt.
IxniANArous , Oct. 25. It was learned
to-day that 11. J. Landers , a dishonest clerk
of Laudeis , Givean & Co. , pork packers , had
left a number of creditors upon transactions
conducted as a broker. In these matters ho
used the name of Jtickson Lander- , that being
ing the name of his uncle and at least ono of
the losers. What the amount of the shortage
on this line will bo cannot bo told until tlio
ictiirnsaio nil In , but it is believed it will
amount to full S'-W.OOO.
A Colored Fiend Iliiiii ; .
MKMPIIIS Oct. 25. James Haynes , col-
oicd , who miinioiod .Mary Jackson , also col-
oicd , last Friday In Bolivar county , Missouri
souri , and afterwards mutilated her remains ,
was taken hum Jail at Prownsvillc , Miss. ,
last fciatiiiday night by a mob of colored men
and hntiged.
Covornor BiraKiio'H | Present AVil'o
lUiigw Up Kate ClniNC.
Nr.w YOIIK Oct. 25. [ Special Telegram to
the HKK.J The present wife of Governor
Spraguu sends the following card to the
World :
To the Kdltor of the World : Melhinks 1
hear you Miy on receipt of this , "Oh. for n
chestnut gong , " and the wonder is why the
public is not uon-'ed with thirty or forty
years of Kato ( 'halo's intrusion upon thum ,
Bhii has said and written for twenty-live
years what him pleased about Governor
Bpntgw. with apparent impunity , hut when
[ he or her satellites put words Into his
tihnth , Ills incumbent todenvlt publicly.
Governor Spragtiu has never uttered n harsh
word concerning her , hut neither can ho en
dorse sentiments which ho docs not believe
wholly or In part. Slnca Kate Chase has
been iiL'ltallng the lemoval of her father's
body , she has beguiled the Interim by entertain -
tain In ? leporlors with reminiscences
and shadowing forth her charms ,
assuring the public she married Governor
.Spra. mi to fut I her her father's political in-
tete.-'ts , thus nmityring herself on tlie altar of
.Mammon. A recent article , which has been
extensively quoted , purporting to have been
an Inteniuw with Governor Spraate , but
which In lealliy cmunate.l from the same
source as the test , has demanded , In justice to
truth and decency , a denial in detail. 1 liuvej
felt over kindly towaid her , for her actions
have given mo the luvo of tlie noblest and
grandest of men , and would only ask her to
hesitate ere she hrniL'rt Into connection with
her shame that which belongs wholly or en-
tiio to another. 1 demand that she does not
refer to my husband In any form whatever.
Wo extend to her our united pity , which she
ever and will nlway.s comm.ivl : ,
Canpnchela , . Oct. 2J.
Mlaluo in I'ciinuylvanla.
PlTTSituHO , Oct. -To-morrow morning
Ulalne Marts on.a tour through the anthra
cite owl regions. I'toin tiiii anthracite re-
glons'.to goes'toowYoik , wlu-ro It Is said
h'e will ( .peak In behalf of. Theodore UoobO-
veil , republican candidate for mayor.
Sudden and PnlnlnsR Kmlinc of a
Varied Unrcer.
frnpyrfoM / . . * > dy Jiimrt Oiinlmifrntirf.1
LONDON , . ( Now York Herald
Cable Special to the llrLater } : ] accounts
about Count Von Hetist show that for the
ast eight months he liafc really had no sleep.
lie was afraid of opiates lest they should
cattle him to fall Into his last sleep. He was
silting with his eldest son , who Is sccietary
if the embassy at St. Pctershctv , when death
suddenly overtook 1dm. Sattnday evening
ic had bcvn dining with a good appltltc , and
after dinner went Into his study where ho
began an animated political conversation
with his son. Abruptly ho stopped talking
and felt back in a faint In which ho died
without a struggle. He was alieady dead
when his son rushed forward to save him
from falling olT his chair. U was he-
lloved that the count had made n
will , but up to the present nothing has been
touml except two thick volumes of memoirs.
He had collected all the caricatures of him
self that appeared during twenty years and
took great pride in showing them to visitors
at Altenberg. He also collected newspaper
articles and pamphlets relating to hims'elt.
Ills musical talent was considerable. Among
Ills vaUcs the most popular , "Itetoitrdes In
dies , " was dedicated to the Princess of Wales ,
His last poem , dated /M ten ben : , June , IsSi ) ,
entitled "Vorbel , " appeared a fortnight ago
In n Vienna review. H closed with words ot
forgiveness to his enemies and "The battle Is
over. " His remains will be burled at Alten
Spain nnif tlie United States.
L ( ' < ' ) > ! / ' Wit tfNtliuJain'lliinlinlewirlf.l
MAiMtit ) , Oct. ; . [ New Yoik Herald
Cable Special to lie HIP. : ] The Spanish
government has not yet allowed the Madrid
press or the public to know the reply to the
picsldent of the United States , and will not
Immediately adopt reprisals against Ameri
can Imports In tlio West Indies , because
Spain is disposed to make advances for a
general treaty of commerce to Improve the
relations between Cuba , Porto Htco and the
United States. Minister .Morel had a long
Intel view on the subject to-day with United
States Minister Cunie.
Itritlnh Grain Trade Hovlc.u' .
LONIIII.V , Oct. 20. The .Mark Lane Kx-
pics.s in Its review of the British grain trade
during the last weekdays : The restricted
scale of wheat deliveries has caused values
to harden. Several provincial markets re
port an advance in native wheat of ituQdls.
There Is an Increased Inquiry In London for
! > et samples. Sales of Kngllsli wheat durlni !
the pa t week were CiOl'ji quarters at 2 ! > s Oil ,
gainst 7los : ; quarters nt : ilsi'xl durlii. ; the
cot responding perlod' iiht jear. Values of
line baileys are steady , llain has destroyed
the Scotch oats and. barley crops. Flour is
firmer. Corn is rattler scarce. Foreign
wheats aie steadier. There has been a frac
tional Use in be.-t kinds. Wheat cargoes on
passage have improved in value. There is a
demand trom France under tlie stimulus of a
proposed Increase in the import duty. Car
goes of California ! ) for Kn'iich polls are freely
taken at a Sdt d advance . At to-days
nu'rket Iheio was an Impiovcd feeling. Kng
llsli wheat was not dealt in at below Is ad
vance. Foieien wlilte' Is Os dearer , lied
American and Httssia wej-e lirm at Is higher.
Flour was Oil duare.r. Foreign Hour was lid
is dearer. ICnglish inaltlm ; baileys advanced
-s and seconds Is. . .Oas ( , beans and. peas
were lirm.
The Czar toilljn Oflleers.
ST. Pirriutsiii'mo , Qc.t. 2. " . .Tito czar and
czarina yesterday affer uuvellintr the monument
ment In hbiior of the Uusso-Tiirklsh war , at
tended , a lunch glvei ] by thoofllceis of the
army. The czar , proposing a toast to tlio
officers , said : "In drinking to you. permit
iiiu to wish you success and full enjoyment of
health In the future. I thank you for the
liurdi-h'ps yon underwent In the war be
tween Utissia and Turkey , and I express
these thanks in the name ot him who is no
longer among us. Once moro I thank you. "
A Vlllaso Fire.
Vr.ii Air.t.i-s : , Mo. , Oct. 2" . The lire which
originated in a livery stable on Newton
street about midnight , last night burned fif
teen houses and rapidly spread to business
blocks , burning the pdhtoflico building , Odd
Fellows' and Masonic halls , city hotel , many
stores and small buildintrs. Total loss about
S.W.OUO ; insurance ,
A Steamer On Flro.
Livuui'ooi , , Oct. as. The National line
steamer Queen , whicli arrived in tills port
Saturday from New Yorlc , and which is lying
at Alexandria ikclf , Is on fire. Tlie lire is
burning In three holds. Sever , il engines are
pourim : water on the flames. Tn i steamer is
giadually sinking from the weight of water
thrown into her.
Two Kn llHti Fires.
LONDON , Oct. 23. Tlio Peregeux seminary
burned to-day' 'Tho loss will bo 8100,000 ,
A. great _ Iiro has occurred in Hornby dock
warehouse In Liverpool. It was stocked with
cotton and grain , The damage Is estimated
at 100,000. '
Another Hitlcnrhui Candidate.
LONDON , Oct. 25. The Standard says that
Prince Waldemar , of Denmark , will bo pro-
poe.ed for und probably- , elected to the vacant
Utilganan throne.
A Hoyal Head Laid I/o\v.
lIciti.iN , 'Oct. 2.5 , Prince liohonlohe-Wal-
denburg has died of apoplexy.
.JUGS IN < ; uor.niA.
Lively Times1 in Atlanta on ( ho
\VhlHky QneNttnn.
ATLANTA , Co. , Out. 85. [ Special Telegram
to the Iiri : . ] The clfcct of prohibition In
Atlanta has been to encourage the jug trade.
On every tiolii reaching the city there is a
lar < e consignment of jtjgs tilled with whisky.
These jujs are carnei ] elf by prohibitionists
and antl-prohlbltlonLst aliko. On uno train
notably there were littA-onc-trullon jugs. The
poorer people , who cjn't a If on ! to send for
Jugs , tire besieging thu druggists for pure
alcohol , the sala ot wljcli | Is permitted. They
make all manner of excuses to get It. They
take It out to the artedfjdi uiimps , to which
dippers aio ' ; ittqcliedjiud ( dilute It theie ,
drinking the liquid to the amusement ol
lookers-on. Thcro wilt bo a citizens' meeting
to nominate caiulldalei'forclty olllcer.s. Doth
wet and dry. KJ-O takliiK every means to cap
ture the mct'tln * . Lively times nru expected ,
s Death.
due AOO , Ocl , 25 , Cev. Hubert West , edl-
Itor of tlio Advance , aiida widely-known the-
ole ian , died suddenly nt Sycamore , Ills. ,
this morning , where lie had gone to deliver a
EI Jn Dairy Market.
CHICAGO , Ocl. 25 : The Inter Ocean's
Klgin , HI. , sppclal says : ' Uttlter was lower
and weak to-day on tlio board ot trade.
Sales were lighter than they have been for sev
eral months. Hegular sales were only r > , TH ( )
pounds at 27 cents. No cheese was bold.
Total sales. 5021'JO.
ItoiinU in llitlld tlm Jtoiul.
PirjBBUitQ , Pa. , Oct. 2X The Chronicle-
Telegraph this afternoon says : It instated
on tlie best authority that tinder agreements
now in existence the majority of stock in the
South 'Pennsylvania railroad will bo con
trolled at the next meeting by those who wish
for the early completion of the road and who
will so vote. They do not want to have tlieit
money tli d up'nny Ion er In an unproductive
fchape. They say they are wllllii'to put
more money into the company in order to
hurry things up and complete the Hue.
The United Stales Supreme Court Sends j
Back tlio Liquor Oases ,
Hello t'lnlne Makes n Contract for ( lie
Control ol1 Its Artesian Well
Death ol'a Preacher in n
Car Sent Iowa Items.
Itcniandrd td State Court * .
OKI MntNM la , O-t , 85. [ Special Tele
gram to tin ; UKK. I \ dlspitcli was ie-
eoived nt Diih'.iqiie to-day front Washington
statinir that the Unite I Stall's supreme court
had remanded back to the state court * tins
liquor injunction eases transferred from
thatrlty to the fedcr it eomts. This Is ie-
Raided as a trat : victory for tlio prohibition-
iMs , as the Honor men luivo tried wlioiovcr
they could to nave thesii eases taken out of
the ftiti ! rotnt.s , on the ground ihtt tic liv
ill irtlon pioeeodlnic was In e mlliet with the
Irdernl ( institution. The sup-erne enint de
cides thai there is no ennlllet and scud stho
eases I a 'k. 'This will lead to now activity In
cnrutclng the la\v.
Saloon Injtint.-lloiiN Violated.
Siorx Cirv , ! . , Ojt. r.-fSVln | Telegram
gram to the llii.j : 'I'ho new turn takei' ' in
the saloon Injunction cases to-day Is cans-
Inir no little exelteni'Mit ' here , esiteclnlty In
.saloon circles. The sherltt" lias arrested Paul
header. C. Ornusc , F. Glcnka , James .Itink ,
' 1'nni Mrennaii and Frank ICIapsch. These
parties were taken to Cherokee to-day , where
a hearing of their eases was to bu had. The
same was postponed , however , until Wednes
day. Attorney Wood piescntoil evidence to
Judge Lewis on Saturday showing that the
tempoiary Injunctions against tlte > u parties
had been violated. It is entirely safe to pie-
diet that .Hideo Lewis will follow the line of
his past rulings , which will make the injunc
tions pciputnal , and hence effectually close
every saloon yet open.
Hello IMnliic'N Nntnrnl Well.
Hnt.i.i : PI.AI.VK , la. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tel
egram to the ItKK.j Tlio city council of this
place , having advertised for bids Iroin patties
who would attempt to control the great well ,
have liad twenty responses ami have
awarded the contract to a Marshalltown
man. lie Is to shut off or control the well
lor SO.COO aim work has been begun. The
output of the well tor several weeks past has
been nt the rate ofH.OOO.OOO ua'lons of water
every twenty-four bouts. Since the contract
lor closing tlie well was lot a new well three
miles southeast of town has commenced
spoiitiii : . ' . sending a two-Inch stream many
feet in the air.
Fell Dead in a Car Scat.
Iis MOINIS : , In. , i1 } . [ Special Telegiain
to the Mr. * : . ) Itev. Louis Hraisted. pastor of
the Baptist church at Lo Claire , Scott county ,
died suddenly In his car seal this forenoon.
He attended a service at the Baptist state
convention at Cedar Haplds. This morning
he took the curly train for home , ami soon
after hell ) ! ; seated loll against his wllo , who
occupied I lie same seat , dying Immediately.
lie was lorniL-ily a well known revivalist.
A Sunday Scrap.
Sioux CITY , la. , Oet. 25. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hr.K.J John McLado got Into
trouble with Andruw Jensen at a boatdlnjj
house on Iowa street on Sundav afternoon ,
and struck Jensen on the head with a ham
mer. It is feared the wounds will prove
fatal. McLado gave himself over to the
authorities this moinlnir. and was bound over
to Ihc district coutt. Heing able to secure
bail he went to jnll.
An Foxva's Man Cable Patent.
Dis : MOINKS , la. , Oct. M.-lSpeclal Tele
gram to the UKII.J A Diiburpie special says
that the new system of cable cars known as
the Kastmisscn patent , and owned by.1. K.
Graves , of that city , was yesteiday given a
trial in Chicago and pro\ed a pronounced
success. The right to use the system in
Illinois was to-day sold for 5400,000.
A Fatal Fall.
CKIIAH KAPID.S , la. , Oct. 25. [ Special
Telegram to the HKK. ] A matt named
Parker , an employe of Morln .As Co.'s butter
and eg ? house , fell through an open hatch
way this morning and will die I rout his in
Illsmnrck's Case Continued.
Sioux CITY , la. , Oct. ' > . ( Special Tele
gram to the. BEI.J : Bismarck , now a well
known witness and conspirator in tlio Had
dock case , was taken buforo Police Judge
Lawrence to-day and arraigned for murder.
As few people were acquainted with the fact
that the examination was on the tapis , the
ollicersand newspaper leprcsentatives formed
Hie principal portion ot the audience. The
information was sworn out September 25 by
.Marshal Slianloy , alleging tnat the defend
ant did wound , britlsu and kill licv. Haddock
on August ! ) , and also on the same dav In
company with George Trelbcr ,
John Arensdorf , F. Muncliratli , L.
Granda , L. Plath , and others ,
did conspire to do the deed as charged in tin ;
lir.-t section. The attorney for Bismarck
stat 'd that he was not ready to proceed with
tin ) case , anil asked for a week's contin
uance. The state raised no objection , and
this was uiantcd. The grand jury will con
vene to-motiow , and it Is thought will BOOH
reach an Investigation of the Haddock mur
der and conspiracy eases. Fine of tlm jtuors
are democrats and six aie republicans ; live
am Irishmen and Ihieo GurmanK ; one was a
republican until the puty took up temper
ance and then Hopped over. It Is dilllcull to
prognosticate anything with reference to this
Itirv , but it Is certain the actions of few
juries will bu watched with mure eagoincss
and Intciest.
Print U'orkH Strike.
Cnr.STHit , Pa. , Oct. 'JS.--A strike occurred
at Kddystonn Print works on account of a
printer's wages not being iucicased at his
request , nnil tlio entire works are now idle ,
about one thousand hands being idle.
Tryliifj "Now l ) iwrtnre. " Mon.
BOSTON , Oct. 25. This altcrnoon at iho
United States hotel , the beard of visitors of
Andover Theological seminary begun a liPfir-
In ; ; whicli will ultimately lead to the decision
of the question concerning the .soundness of
the theological doctrines taught at A ndover.
Dr. Seeloy presided. Jtidgo K. linckwoml
Hoar and , liul it Asa Fiunuli appeared lor
the complainants , and ex-Governor ( iaston
and Prolcssor Invlght. of thu university law
school , weru counsel for the professors at tlio
theological wmiinary. Tito proceedIn gb to
day related entirely to tlm matter of jinn-
diction of the hoard of visitors to try the
case , and had no issu < ) beailnu upon the mer
its of the question.
Tito arguments upon the question ot jurisdiction -
diction were concluded this evening and the
matter was taken under advisement , but adjournment -
journmont was made without reaching u do-
Tin ; Oleo ImWt
WASIIINOTON , Oct. 25 , The commissioner
of Internal revenue has imuliliril Iho logula-
tlons in repaid to the oleomargarine law seas
as to make them conform to the opinion of
the attorney gnneral that the component * ot
olcomatgarlue'arobtiblect to tax only when
it is made in imitation or rosvwbUnco or
butter , J
ivouiif * Fuinulo Horse Tiller.
DKTHOIT , Mich. , Oct. 23. A Free Press
special trout Howell.Niy ? : A thcltucn-yrur-
old girl named Lena" Fairbanks , \us sent , to
thoietointbchool at Adiiais to < U , for howe
I'ropnrntlhus F r the t'nvollliiK
Arrival of tlio Krpncli UrlOKatos.
Xiw : YIIIIK , Oct. iY-Pieparatlotis for the
nnelllng of tlm "Statue of Liberty" next
I'hursday arc piogresslng rapidly. The
tMlnltig-shlps Portsmouth , Saratoga and
lameslown anlved yesterday fiom Xe pott.
and anchoied near the tlagslilp. The Ten
nessee Is oil Beilloo's Island. The rest of
the man-of-wars expected come In to-day.
The Hretague , with the Fio.ich delegation
aboard , was sighted olT Klro Island yester
day altcinoun , anil ni rived at the ipiataiitlno
last night. Members of the delegation on
the vessel are : Count Keidiliand do Lesveps ,
liresldent of II o Kranco-Amcrieait union
commltt-.i < ; Aiigiixt Itarlholdi and his wife ;
Admiral Jaure.s and ( Jeneral IV" -'i-r ' ; tlio
delegation of the chamber of i , niitl
othei distinguished represeutatit nt the
army , naval and civil bodies.
The t'nloii League olub otfered the Kiench
quests nil club privileges dutlng their stay
lietc. The freedom ot the city will be given
them by the mayor \\Ydncsday.
llattholdl and Dcl.esseps state they had a
pleasant voyage.
Tlueo jcar.s and seven months ago wmk
was begun on the foundation of the pedestal
for Barlholdl's statue of Llbctty. To-duy the
last rivets In the copper sheathing are being
liammered into place. On Thursday the un-
vi'llliii ; will take place , and ft tun thenceforth
It will be "Liberty Knllghlenlng the World , "
as the designer of the statue Intended. That
a goodly poitiun of the world will be lighted
is to be expected , for the great toielt In the
uplltted ngiit hand of the dame will contain
uiiX)0 ! ! ( ) candle-power electric light , and four
llirhtson the pedestal will sued light to the
extent ot ? , MX ) candle-power apiece.
It was a dlscoiir.i.liti task which tlio com
mittee having charge of the building of the
pedestal unilerto'ik.and all honoris due to
them and ( ieneral Stone , that their labors are
about ended. Last spring the pedestal was
about completed , and since then the huge
iron skeleton , weighing " 01,000 pounds , has
been raised Into position , and the copper
sheathing , weighing 170,000 pounds , has been
rlvited together and the joints carefully
hammered smooth. Congress last cession
passed a bill appropriating 5 ? " > 000 In a lump
for thoexpensesof the approacliini ; unveiling.
To tlnsfalilv generous allowance a restriction
was attached. Owing to the cold water sym
pathies of some of of the senators an amend
ment passed the upper house providing that
no part of the appropriation bo used to foot a
wine or liquor bill ol any description. The
house , too , let the amendment stand , and the
president approved it. The New York
chamber of eoinmoiw , realizing the tetrlblc
elfect Crotdtt water might have on the diges
tions of the French oflleials If they weru com
pelled to ilrliiu it , have taken tlio refresh
ment pmtion of the ptogrammo In haid : , and
have promised to provide not only wine , but
senatorial cold tea for the visitors.
The entire party was taken tills moining
to Bcdloc's Island on board the steam yacht.
liartholdt expressed himself much pleased
with the work done In his absence. Do Les
sens will remain in this country only a week.
Many Clianuos In tins Ijlturyy Ailojilcil
Iy Ilotli Houses.
CuiCAOo. Oct. 23. Tliojjeneral convention
of the Protestant Kplscopal church this
motniiig resumed consideration of the plait
of liturgical revision as reported by the joint
committee. The house of bishops slgnilied
its concuricnce in all but ten unimportant
suggested changes. The house of deputies
then proceeded to vote on the remainlnt ;
eighty-one alterations and additions In the
book of common prayer. The vote on each
lesoltUion was Keneralll * over whelmluely In
tn.vor.ot tto | proposed Changes. OlMorty-nliio
dioceses , tlie clerical delegates of forty-three
.voted aye , of fet ty-foiie dioceses , the lay dele
gates of 'thlHv-sIx ' voted aye. Tills was about
the rcuiRsentiillva vole on thelkst elghtreso-
luliuns. As the voting was by dioceses on
eaeli resolution the progress was slow.
All the proposed alterations and additions
were eventually agreed upon. As a result a
' 'Betiedictus , " In the order for morning
. is insetted in full form. In tlio ru-
rle prelixed to the apostles' creed It is per
mitted to use. Instead of the words "lie
descended into Hell , " the woids , "lie. went
Into the place of departed spirits. " In tlie
apostles' creed the word "again" is inserted
alter the word "rose. " In the order for
evenlnic prayer "magnificat" and "mine
dimlttis" arc inserted. In the litany there
Is Inserted the suffrage , ' -That it may please
Tbee to send forth laborers Into Tlilno har
vest , wo beseech , " etc. In the communion
service , whim mot c than one celebration Is had
the same day , the saving of the decalogue
may ue omitted at the earlier service , pro
vided the whole otlice be used once that day.
Belore adjoin nmcnt the house gave Itself up
for a time to the proposed amendments to
the constitution afteeting the jurisdiction of
bishops and the admission of new dioceses.
Nolhliii : new was accomplished. .
To-night the house of deputies at the close
of the session formally coticnried in the ele
vation of Or. Kirov to the missionary enlseo-
pate of Utah and Nevada , and Dr. Talbot to
that of Idaho and Wyoming.
MISS. A. T. 8TJ3WAHT I > K.-VI ) .
The Wlfonf tlie Deceased "Millionaire
Suddenly Posses Away.
Nrcw YOIIK , Oct. 25. [ Special Telegram
to the Jiii.l : Mra. Cornelia M. Stewart ,
wife of the latii millionaire drygoods mer
chant , A. T. Stewart , died at 10 this mornlnc ,
ol congestion of the lungs and heart trouble.
Friday she took dinner with Mis. Henry
Hilton , and on tlio way homo contracted a
heavy cold. Satindny she was so 111 she was
compelled to go to bed and a doctor
wa-i sent for. Yesterday Mrs. Stewart grew
worse and the doctor remained at the bouse
all niL'lit. At UtfO this morning ox-Judge
Hussell called at the Stewatt mannion and
was Informed that . lfK. Stowatt was feeling
better and was nliln t t sit up In bed , At n few
minutes alter ten h < < wa/s nut prised to learn
from a messenger of Mrs. Stewart's death.
Mrs. Stewerl's funeral will bo Held Thursday
afternoon from her late lesldcnce , Thirty-
fourth btrcet und Fifth avenue. Kov. Arthur
H rooks , of the church of Iho Incarnation.
will olliclato. The services tit the house will
be pilvate. The remains will bo taken to
( i.irden City. L. L , tor Interment In the
tomb of A. T. Stowatt. The public suivlco
will bo l.iild in the chapel late In the after
noon of Thursday. Bishop Uttlujohn , who
In in Chicago , has been telegraphed fur and
is expected to arrive in time Intake part In
tlie t-ervicos. Tlio services will bo of the
plainest dcM'iiptlon , The casket will bo
eoviired wltlt brack velvnt , silver mounted ,
and wlll.bit enclosed in a cedar box in the
tomb. II Is saht that Iho body will bo enclosed
in a a steel casket to prevent all posslblu
chance n ( theft after burial.
Mrs. Stewart was the eldest dan Oder of
James Clinch , n former mcichantof this city.
She was born In isui and was married to A.
T. Stowatt In 1 A'I by tlm late llev. Dr.
Mitchell. Smco tlm death of her husband
tsled a retued life.
Killing DiKtlllorj Cattln ,
CitiCAfio , Oct. y . The wtato Jlvu stock
commissioner , rcphing to a delegation
of cattle owners , declined to makotho stalu
responsible for tlie appraisal or slaughtering
ot any of tlio quarantined distillery cattle
until siilllolunt funds uin placed at thu dis
posal of ilm commission by the legislature.
.Sixteen c.iltlo at the Pliieulx distillery were
slaughtered by the owners today under the
In.iue'jUon of the htato veterinarian. All
were ptonoitiici'd sound and tiio meat will bo
njl.l to-mutrow. Tlio carrasn of a cow that
died during the iiL'ht at the 1'Jiii-nix was
spirited away before the veterinariaii hud a
chance to decide the cause o | dt'utli.
A \Yiixlifimlun Ula/.o.
\VA insfrrox , O. t , 31. Fire hroko out
alioiitmldniu'htiiiM'-CormlckSsioct'ryslofe ' ,
sltnaled on I'aniisylv.inla avenue between
.Second ainlTlird ! slrrets' . southeast , which
spread to adjoining bulldlngi and de.stiove < l
property ' valued at S-'Ai/w. .During the
'ptifgre sof the lire a barrel of gafollne ex
ploded , wbHi si'rlou-jly Uijitrrd Iwi-lvo irt-r-
ii < tns , iioiiu of whom , no > ve\cr , wefo It. lly
A Saloon Keeper Suicides Rather TLanBj
Oaptnrctl Ey Officers.
Thn Old .Man Makes n limiting
Speech at I'awneo City Ilonno
Count- Politics Other
Nebraska Nows.
An Oakland Sulelde.
OAKLAND. N'rb. , Oct. 2.V f S | > celal Telo *
gram to the HKIPoke : | Hampton , of Craig ,
who has been limning u billiard hall nt that
place , committed Milelde Saturday evening ,
by .shooting himself witli a levolver. Papers
weie out for his a i rest for selling Intoxicating
Iliptor wilhmit a license. Ho would not bo
at 11 sted by Iho coiis-luble. Ills place wits sur
rounded with about fifteen men nrineit , hut
Hampton held tlm foil with a shot nun and
revolver until Sheriff Skinner anlved at 8
n'ckck. Seeing thn shei 111 and a large ctowil
of men on the outside , lie concluded to ) > ut an
end to Ids life. Ho wasconsideicd a desper >
nte nrin and leaves three children.
LATP.H : The news his Just leached hero
that the oldest son of Hampton , who com
mitted suicide at Crali' , ha" had notice to
leave insldo of twenty-tour hours , It api
pears the boy has been making some grave
threats. Ho Is only seventeen years old.
Harpy Solid For Van Wyok.
Si'itiNFiii.i ( : > , Neb. . Oct. ; ! . ( Special
to the HKI : . ] The republican county
convention , after routine business , pro
ceeded to the nomination for representative *
J. 1) . Snell , of Forest City precinct , was nom
inated on the third formal ballot , James
Davidson was renoinlnated for commissioner
by acclamation. H. F. Clarke , seconded by
A. U. Hancock , moved the adoption of the
following resolution :
Resolved. That wo are In favor of the re
election of General O. II. Van Wyck to I lift
United Stales senate , and. In convention as
sembled , instruct our nominee for represen
tative , in case of ids election , to use all hon
orable means to accomplish ths : result , and
to vote for the sturdy champion of thu people
ple as long as he remains In the field.
The resolution was unanimously adoptedi
The following county central committee
was then elected : Papillion. William Hob *
inson , chairman ; Springiield , It. 8. Angling
Itollovuo , 11. F. Clarke : Falrvlew , George
Ilecker : La Platle , Otto H. Mevcr : Itlcliland ,
John Ward ; Pl.itlford , J. H. Nicholson ;
Forest City , JillL. Illlciuan.
A'nn Wyulc at I'nwneo City.
I'AWNKK CITY , Oct. 2.Specsal [ Telo-
L'ram to the Ilr.K.J Senator Van Wyck spoke
at the opera house this evening to an audi
ence of titlly six hundred people , the opera ,
house beinir tilled. Judge Kd wards presided.
The senator devoted about half an hour to
the record of his life , as he , termed tlie Lin
coln Journal lie. Ho held up to the liuht , Of
icason Gere's windy liarnimuc , showed that
the Sunday supplement wns a tissue of false
hoods , and U is thought that Captain
Humphrey , who It Is claimed Is distributing
1,500 extra copies of that issue , will be advnr-
tising old papers foi sale next \\eek. Paw
nee county Is sate.
Politics In liooue County.
AI.IIIO.V , Nub. , Oct. 25. [ Special to' tlio
UKE. 1 Politics are looming up In lloouo
county. 'The republican K'iiiliuated ' John
Peters for the legislature , .J. S.t Miller for
county attorney'find'J.-TV Anderson for
county commlss'Ioiier. Tlie'doinocrals and
anti-monopolists jointly 'nominated Honi
W. . A. Poynter for thu legislature , Kd. 8 ,
Connelly for county attorney , and 11. H. G1I-
letl for county commissioner. The republi
cans refused to bold joint meetings to dis
cuss the Issues of the day , but have called
meetings of their own in the different pre
cincts of thu county. The democrats und.
anti-monopolists have also issued notices o
meetings throughout the county. The issue
between the candidates tor the legislature Is
anti-Van Wyck and Van Wyck , and the
canvass is an earnest one.There Is no doubt
but that the largo majority of the fanners
of linono county are 'In favor of
Van Wyck. Hut the principal inleiost
Is In the election of county attorney.
In hunting up Major .Miller's lecord as a
business man. certain facts arc alleged to
have been developed whicli show many
transactions which are not stiicily honest ,
sncli as the collection of certain notes and
accounts which ho bus collected , and tailed
to pay over to the parties to Whom the Hitiho
are due. These things are having a damaging
effect upon Hie republican ticket , and the
leaders of that parly In this locality feel that
they are having a heavy load to carry in plac
ing .Miller on their ticket , Connelly , on the
opposition ticket. Is rocognl'/ed as ono of the
best.lawyers In this section of the state , and
lias thu confidence of our citizens us being ah
honest and tmstworty man. Glllett , on the
fusion ticket , will give Anderson a hard pull.
Gillett Is comparatively unknown out ol his
own neighboihood , but those who do know
hiir , are eulogistic ot Ids sound practical com
mon KOII&O and business ability.
Jimlln McCarthy Kleotod. '
LINCOLN , Nob. , Oct. 25. The following
cablegram has been received by John Fit/-
gerald :
DUIII.IN , Oct. 23. Justin McCarty elected
for Derry City , howls surrendered with
co > ts.
( ts.Signed. . ] JlAititiNnTo.v , M. P. .
Secretary 1. N. L.
Cnlfttx County DemooratN.
KciirvMiit. Neb. , Oc.t. 25. ( .Special Telegram -
gram to the Ur.K. ] The democratic county
convention met at the court hoiifo in
Schuyler at 2 , p.m. to-day , and placed In
nomination tlm following ticket : For ropio-
tentative , L. H. Williams ; conimissiouev ,
Alex. Li'g-'o ; shorllf , Joseph Ktidrna ; county
attorney , Miles Xontmyer.
No C.'ood.
JtAYMOMi , Nob. , Oct. 2"i. [ Special Tele
gram to the UiiK.J Last Knturduy iiU'ht
\Yhncdon \ was heio and addressed a republi
can meeting of about ten voteiH and die.f.f > el (
up Church llowo in a white chlrt and brass
collar. No good.
An Kdltor Doubled L'p.
YoitK , Nob. , Oct. 25. ( .Special to the
Uii.l : : Goortro I' . Corcoran , editor of tbo
York Domocuit , was manicd this moiiilng to
Mh > s MaL'ulo Neville , an oiHmabhi and well-
known young lady of this jihice.
A Move to Pool ihn Holt Coal Trade of
Tlnvr. Status.
PrrT.siii'itn , Got , 21 , fSiioelnl Telegram to
the ! : : . | A move IH buing made by a num
ber of coal opciator.s who use thu lalltoads
und wno nave sulleted to MJIIIO extunl by the
dullness in the past MMSOII to pool the entire
soil eoal piodi c.lion of Pennsylvania , Ohio
ami West Virginia. The moveis in the pro
ject iiro not mil ) piomintnt coal producers ,
but also ii-piwnlatlves of railroads carrjltig
mil rial. The lutl''i Imvocntcii'd intojicgo-
tiations for the iiiirrniMi of obtaining n sct'lcd '
poicentiuo of Iho carrying trade. The pro
ject its outlined by the operator who favoin It
it , thn regulation of the entire u re
duction , mi'lntonaiicn ' in rules for mining
and the amount of coal to ho run by each
lirm. Several operator * , who have a steady
trade established itllii : ycais of trouble , are
aga'nst ' I hi ) arrangement .for coiitro.'l ng the
imtpuX of tlm ml lies , and will vigorously-
oppose It ; who \/onld bu uf
fccted iiro the operators of the Di'lt'inoio ' ' St
Oliio. ' I'itlsbuig .V LuUo ICiIe , tho' Pitbibiirif ,
MclxCfsporl As Vofiglnogi'iiy , the Pitiiii-yl
viinia roiijjian M linelloe.kiuK Vulloy ,
O i ( Vntiiil and thu New 1'orl : , j.nku Krlt
1 A ; \ - <