Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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ly tntriei in n > pnrt of
tninty ( .onlsjior wtuk.
11. \ \ ' , Tii/rox. . . .
TJrMM-Ornrf , No. t.1.
NIUIIT r.nnon Xo , 2) .
New York Plumbing Co.
Now fall poods nt Huilcr's. '
Cooper & Mccc ( ! ' fll stove ? .
Cooper tV Mcop ! sell hardware.
llnSunl brand o.yators , I ho bust.
Cheap railroad tickets nt tltishnult'it.
Kindlon takes place ono week from to-
The now Broadway variety theatre
opoiH lo-iuplit.
Pnnr-ls ut $ ! 50 per doat Schmidt's
gnlh'iy , Alain St.
AlVtill ( \ - , und .fohn Teller wcru yes
terday taken in for disturbing the peaee
on Sixth sheet and Uroadwny.
.1 , StepheiiMm & Co. , tlio now lisli mar
ket nipii from Sioux City , who luiye
oppncd on Hioadway between Kichth
and Ninth streets , have put in telephone
No. 103.
Several of the conductors wont east
Saturday overllio Chicago , Rock island
& I'aoilio railway to i-.ttend the meeting
of the Conductors' Insurance company at
Doth the coitRri'ssinnal candidates ,
Mayor Lyman and Colonel Keatley ,
Hpeut Sunday at home. The former
speaks at Lewis to-day and 1'anora to
morrow. Colonel Keutley speaks al
. Andiibon to-day and K\ira to-morrow
Day after to.morrow , Wednesday , all
( inalilied voters who have not alreadj
done so , will bo given a chance to regib
tor , all failing to bo regisloii'd on that
owning at II o'clock will bo disfranchised.
If the weather remains favorable the
paving of upper Hroadway wilt be completed
pletod this week. The fitrect-car track it
completed nearly to the liabbitt home ,
the terminus , and betoro long the
cars will bo running up there , much t < i
the delight of the residents of that purl
of the city ,
The thermometer pot down to CO dog ,
at ( i o'clock last evening. The day was
damp , chilly and disagreeable , am
nearly all who had overcoats broughl
thom out. Very few indulged in a Suii' '
day drive , but those who did had on
their heavy coverings , and occasionally
a buffalo robe was soon.
Pat Kelly and George Howcrton were
yosorday making the rounds of the sat-
looiitf and demanding that they bo sold
something to drink. They claimed their
money was as good as anybody's , and
they wanted more booze and would have
it. When landed in jail they had money
and whisky in their pockets.
The seventeenth annual convention of
the Iowa Y. M. C. A is to bo hold in Les
Moinca commencing next Thursday af
ternoon , and extending to Sunday night.
Harry Curtis , the secretary here , and
who is one of the most successful work
ers , will represent Council JUutt'h , and
will doubtless bo given a prominent place
on the programme.
The time for registering caught Judge
Loofbourow in Sidney , Tronioht comity.
Ho had to adjourn court from Friday
until Tuesday in order to got homo to At
lantic , and got registered. A rather
heavy expense for the sake of giving the
judge a cnanco to got in his one vote , bill
the now registry law is chargeable witli
the responsibility of the suspension ol
court business.
The independent candidacy of Justice
Hcndricks will result , without doubt , in
the election of that wortny man. Ho is
an old citi/cn , has boon tried and found
not wanting , and many democrats will
by their votes for him rebuke the jobbing
of the township convention. Some of thi
loading democrats arc working earnestly
for him.
The republicans have boon wise inthcii
nomination of constables Jo Spalding
Wall McFadden and John Fox. Thoj
arc men whom ttio people will gladly
support. Jo SpiuildiiiK , with his emptj
sleeve , was ousted from the democratic
postollico because ho was a republican.
Wall MoFadden is an experienced ollicer. .
an old soldier , and a man who knowing
his duty dares to do it. Colonel Fox IF
also a veteran , an old citizen in whom all
have confidence and one who has filled
the position most acceptably once bo
The republicans acted wisely in cndors
ing the independent candidacy of N
behuras ono of the justices of tin
peace. Justice Schnrz has shown him
self to be an honest and capable magis
trate , and the people will see to it thai
ho is retained in his position by an over
whelming majority. The only light being -
ing made upon him is by the clique wlic
manipulated the democratic township
convention , and they will bo terribly re
buked at the polls.
11. J , Chambers has so attended to the
duties of county recorder , that even ir
the heat of the campaign not a whispoi
is to bo hoard against him , not ever
among the democrats. There is no gooi
reason for n change , and those who volt
for the democratic candidate can give tic
better reason for doing so than mere
party preference. The democratic nouv
inco , on the other hand , is being knifed
by men in his own party , on account o :
the way in which the county democratic
convention was run by a clique.
Anything you want in Housmkcopor'i
Hardware and Tinware nt Cooper &
Substantial abstracts ot titles and rea
estate loans. J.V. . & B. L. Squiro.Q No
101 Penri Street , Council 11 lull's ,
Iiom mid Found.
A man nt the transfer on Salnrday wat
Been to pick up a lady's gold watch and
chain. Oflioor llendrieks was uotilloi
and on asking the man ho acknowledged i
nnd handed it over. The watch wa
given to Transfer Policeman McMillian
who wont through the waiting rooms it
Eoaicli of the owner. As no uno clahncc
it the watch was locked up in the safe
but Satin day night a telegram was re
colycd from a liulv who had . out 01
the Missouri Pacific railroad , describinj
the watch and chain in detail and the :
were sent her.
Seal brand oysters at 11. J. Palmer's.
I can save you money in Stoves , Tin
ware and Hardware.V. . A. Wooil ,
See that your bookb are made by More
house & Co. , room lLEvcrett block.
Small Buoaklnt ; Stoats ,
Yesterday morning Chris , Kisolor , 01
getting out of bed , discovered that he hai
been robbed. Investigation showed tlui
the window of his bedroom in the rea
of his saloon on Hroadway had bee
raised , and that thieves had reached i
with a long clothes pole and lifted hi
trousers out , taking about f5 in silvo
nnd returning his trousers to their foi
tner position on a chair.
A couple of coats were reported as ha\
ing been stolen from a house on Sixt
avenue and Fifteenth street during th
absence of the family.
Stolen Sorrel horse , yuull white spc
on forehead , scar on right front ton
right hind foot while with red spot in th
White. .Reward allured No. 1017 Fourt
r/ii'v'piT nt iMMT * pnv/M nvn
Cofflft Heftsona Fet tUs Wonderful Increase it
the If umber of Lunch Counters.
Coroner l-'aul a ciiiitlann1
'lliuot-y Alioiit tlio llnil'luck Mur >
ilor I'ctty Siu-alc Thieving
Sllll TnllflMK liooin.
Coroner Kitnl's Theory ,
The disappearance of Henry Peters ,
ono of tlu important witnesses of the
Haddock murder , mid 'the intimation
that ho had boon killed to prevent his
telling tale * , ha- , caused Coroner Faut , of
this city , to form a theory. On the Ithol
this month the body of a stranger was
found in the willows about a milo from
Crescent. It was badly decomposed anil
could not bo idontilied. The place where
the body was found wai one whicli
could bn reached by a skill' , coming down
the Mfcvouri , and Coroner 1'aul jumps tc
the coiielu.sion that the men who came
down the river after the Haddock mur
der brought the bodv of this man and hid
it there. He has hon't word to Siou\ City
of his suspicions and te conlident he has
struck the right trail , though others arc
not. so i cadto ; believe it. If the bodj
was that ot this missing witness to the
murder , that tact might easily bo estab
lished lo the clothing. 'Iho body found
war , dressed in a dark woolen striped
sack eoat , a nearly new pair of button
shoe" * , white shut , coarse cotton under'
shut and while drawer . In the pocket ?
Was a horn collar button , a now tooth
brush and a badly crumpled niteo ol
paper , on which was written : "Aliss Minr
Newman , Capitol ave. H. Hagburn. "
The friends with the body airived here
last evening , and the funeral will bo licit1
at 2 o'clock this afternoon. It appears
that the body was found at Platlsmout !
two days ago , and an inque-.t not leading
to any identification the body was buried
Tlio friends had it disinterred , and tin
identity being established , it is brought
hero for burial.
Ghats on the Corners ,
"It's about time 1 began to clear the
sidewalks of obstructions , " said Citj
Marshal Gnanolla to a Ui.i : man Satur
day evening. "Kvcr.y once in a whiU
tney put out these largo blackboards am
bulletins , " ho continued , as ho ucared f
largo bulletin board that obstructed fullj
a quarter of the width of tlio sidewalk ot
Hroadway. "It is now the opening ot tlu
winter season , and they will try to oui
do their rivals in business , anil before we
know it nine out of ton of them will bt
going beyond the limits , and the onlj
way to do is to put a stop to it. On
Monday I shall notify them to remove
all obstructions , and those that don't
comply immcdiatolv will have a chance
to pay over a small amount to the city. "
"It's wonderful how many lunch
counters and collee stands have sprung
up in the past year or two. Three years
ago there wasn't hardly one in the city ,
but now they are as thick as any othei
business , " .said asporting man yesterday ,
"Some ono or two of these lunch counter.
are not rcquncd to pay any rent. They
tuo ghen rent free , as the saloon in whicli
they are located derives a largo benefit
Often a man enters to got a lunch , or
perhaps sees something inviting am
goes in for a piece of pic and a cup ol
codec or a glass of milk ; ho may bo a
stranger in tlio city. While eating he
notices a bar dipsctly in the roar of him
and orders a drink , or perhaps meets : i
friend ; they have a few drinks ; in the
rear room they hear the chips rattle ; : i
' odd' ' 00 in
fellow shouting 'high and or
the red , high and oven ; ' ho goes in , looks
around , and finally dropd a few dollars
ajl from seeing something that looks in
viting behind the lunch counter. It won't
bo long before all the lunch counter !
that are located in saloons
and that is the present locatior
of every ono in this city except
copt tlio ono at the Rock Islam'
depot , will bo given rent free. Thcrc'i
money in the lunch counter business ,
but mostly every proprietor of one ii
somewhat of a sport and naturally 'blowi
in his dust' as soon as ho gets it. I sec
now u 15-cent lunch counter has beer
started ; that is getting it down prettj
low lor this part of tlio west. "
"The bones of thin city have beer
picked pretty thoroughly , " said agentlo
man yesterday in referring to a nunibei
of the public improvements that hav <
boon completed during the past two 01
three years and now being completed
' and it has boon by some of the oldoi
citizens , " ho continued. "There has , foi
spmo reason , never been a howl about
'jobbery' or 'stealing' in all our improve
ments ; nothing but whispers IKIVO beer
hoard and if the people don't look oui
nnd select tlio right men there may be f
big howl. The court house is not 3-0
completed anil many quiet jobs can b <
put up on the unsuspecting public in tin
next few years. "
" 1 lived hero a long while and I'vi
never yet SPOU as good prospects for i
big boom as 1 do for this city the comin ;
year. " said a twenty-live year resident o
Council Blull's yesterday to ono of the Bui
force. "We've talked of booms , etc , bu
now we've a grand chance ; I've bcci
talking to a majority of our moneyci
men in the pas three weeks and they an
are all of the same opinion. If we got i
boom tliis city will slide right along ; voi
can't boom n place when there's nothing
to boom , but when a boom is oncostartci
it's an easy job to keep it a booming. 1 returned
turned a couple of day's ago from a week'
trip nml 1 toll yon not only the people o
the immediate vicinity of this city but al
throughout western Iowa for 125 mile
cast of hero have road in the Bii ; ; of these
improvements contemplated and the ;
are anxiously awaiting dovolopoments. '
Another gentleman tiilklng of th
"boom" said "it seems next season wil
give this city a big shako up ; even nov
pionorty is picking up and the ad vane
shako is being felt. Every body has mor <
oonfidonco in the town than the'
have had for years back. Kvoi
one or two of the real estate linns lmy <
began to rub thc-tr oycs and tire awaken
ing to the fact that buyers are becomini
more numerous. If those real estat
firms would branch out with somollamini
advertising say they take a good-sizei
advertisement in the daily papers an <
tell the people what they have to soil
don't you think that would back up th
newspapers who are giving the boom
lift ? Certainly it would ; people in ou
own city would begin to buy real estate
BO would outsiders and our daily tram
fers of real estate would increase full ,
three-fold by the opening of next spring
We've got the makings of a boom here
and it is that of a substantial one and fo
graoious sake don't let us lie idle and Ic
it slip through our hands. "
"I'll toll you where there are a lot c
dry bones that need shaking up , " sai
another. . "Do you know that there is
large amount of property here owned b
non-residents , nnd controlled by loet
agents , who are making more by the !
inactivity than they could by activity
These agents buy up warrants at a die
count , to pay the taxes with , and the
get from the owners of the property th
cash .for tlio full amount. They get
commission too for Ipoking after tit
property , and in this way they mak
more than if they found u purchaser an
sold the proi'irty Ti' ! ' don t v , .nt to
find hu ur * I'he write flip twiU'tN
Oierc Is no demand for the pTopi-rty jui'
now , and to they hold on to it year after
yi ar , and tluti qr ( n revenue from if.
Tlioclisliui' ) s of tlie e nnn-lliMt' < ! a
luHdUim what plops n Rood many
rrjl : estate deals. Halves Council IJIuHs
a bad name awiyrum honie. A man
who has oiVncd u few lots here fora tfood
nianyyoar-i.'is inforhipit year niter'\ ,
bj Ills siKi'iit lliat the lots cau't hi' ohl at
any price , that tli'M-e is no nclivity'ln the
real cslati' m.irket , that lie had better
\\ait a-littio wMlo loncer ; and thin , jear
after jear , tiie follow jinos on Hjijinp
JIINCS , until he poti. tired out. ivvory-
body that mentions Coutu-ii IMull'-s to him
i < ! iiiilurnlly tolit that 'Uvorj tiling Is dead
there. I've owned properly thove for
reavs , and 1 eiiu'l sell it. ' ' 1 hu-u dry
boni-s iKvdliakinjT ! up. I ot tlie < i a onU
try to soli property instead of holding
it "
Seal brand oysti-rs at II. , J. I'almer.s.
I\t \ . A. S. Hall is prepared to do ilrois
making on short notice and at reasonable
prices. No. il'M Hroadway.
An Imtoiicmlcnt Cnmlldnte ,
I hereby announce myself as an inde-
pi'iideiit catididati ! for justice of the
pence , and submit my claim to the voters
of Council 1S1 nil's la. , on tno Und dm of
November , 18 > 0. A. 1. . . 1'
A Concert Service.
Last evening Iho Hroadway Methodist
church was filled to its utmost capac
ity al tlio concert service given by tha
Sunday School. Kvery se t wa < ? taken ,
the aislob wci'O filled and the vestibule
oven crowed. The exercises consisted of
recitations , music , etc. The infant class
gave some intorestint : exorcises. Cor
don Knotts and Clyde Smith gave pleas
ing recitations. Nellie Joins gave a song.
AIIonNo Catirs reel led "Angry Words.
Lonio Orcutt recited "Try Again. "
Clyde1 Lyons gave a recitation. Ono of
the best of tlio evening was ' 'Didn't
Think. " by Kittie Drown. Dottic Me-
Naugnton recited " ( Sod in the Storm" in
a manner which would have dona credit
to an older person. M rtio Halo recited
"Don't Ho Mean , " a little poem written
by Rev. G. \ \ ' . Crofts , of this city. Eva
' 1 ilbort also gave a pleasing selection.
Mrs. Wallace's class gave scripture re
Mr. Hugh Smith's class recited "Pil
grim Wants. " Mr. Cokor's class gave
us a dialogue , "Mottoes , " ono of Iho
most pleasing exorcises of the evening.
The church choir furnished a trio. Mrs.
Hrown's cla > s sang "Help a Litt'e. ' "
Mrs. Orcutt's class of girls sang
"Daughters ot Zion. " Mrs. Tulley's
ela.-s furnished a quartette of boys , who
sang very nicely.
Tlio exercises throughout were very
creditable , and the programme , varied
and well rendered , pleased the large au
dience greatly.
First class regular dinner 23 cents , 12
to t5 o'clock. ' Phtunix chop house , 005
Fresh oysters in every style at the
Phtunix Chop House , No. 505 Hroadway.
Hanson's Holly Found.
On Wednesday , October 0 , a man
named Hans Hanson , while at work on
the new Union Pacific bridge , foil from
the end of a plank into the river , and
disappeared from sight. The accident
occurred about 5 o'clock in the afternoon ,
and search for the body was kept up
until after dark and then abandoned.
Yesterday morning word was. received
hero that the body had been found at
Platlsmouth on Saturday evening. A
team was sent at once from hero to bring
the body to his home in this city for
burial. Hanson vas aged twenty-seven
years , and leaves a family in poor cir-
cuinstanees , who reside on a street near
Fair-view cemetery.
Hard and sottcoal , wood , lime , cement ,
tc. Council Hlull's Fuel Co , , No. 53 ! )
Broodway. Telephone No. 130.
Electtic door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic olocfrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
J. Earnsdorf , having taken entire con
trol of the Pluunix chop house , desires testate
state that ho has secured the services ot
Charles Decker- first-class cook of New
York city. Tlio best the market affords ,
night and day , in the best style of the
art. Will also have a regular bill of faro.
Personal Paragraphs.
O. E. Livingston , of Hoston , is at the
Colonel A. Cochr.m , of Little Sioux , is
at theOgdon ,
John Kennedy was yesterday jailed for
being drunk.
Six drunks constituted the police busi
ness yesterday.
A. D. McDonald , of Mapleton , was at
the Ogden yesterday.
Henry Johnson was last night arrested
as an ordinary drunk.
George \V. Smith , of Lincoln , was at
the Pacific yesterday.
Vj. T. Lindsey and wife spent Sunday in
Malvcrn with relatives.
Charles Kobbins. of Columbus , O. , was
at the Ogden yesterday.
O. E. Doanc , of Pacific Junction , was
an Ogden guest yesterday.
Charles Smith and wito , of Omaha ,
dined at the Pacific yesterday.
Henry W. Uothort , wife and son , ol
Kcokuk , wore at the Ogden yesterday.
W. A. Mauror , who lias been confined
to his room with erysipelas , is convales.
General G. M. Dodge Saturday nigh !
wont to Chicogo on' the Hock" Islam !
Captain Nick O'Brien spent Saturdaj
and Sunday in Ncola , and returned tc
duty last night.
Custom-made railroad shoos nnd Ger
man slippers at G. Hl.ixsnn's , Main st.
Richmond Ranges for hard coal arc
the best. Cooper & JlcGce sell them.
Dr. Hancliett , ollico No. 13 Pearl street
Residence 120 Fourth street. Telephone
No. 10. _
Ho Was Xot an Umpire.
Pittsburg Dispatch : A dilapidated.
Individual limped painfully along Fiftli
uvonuo. Uno eye was draped in a eloiul
of gloom. Ono arm reposed in a sling. .
Ono foot was clad in a roomy slipper. A
stout cane uiccil his slow progress and an
unmistakable odor of arnica emanated
from his person , permeated the atmos'
phoro nnd trailed behind him on the
"Charleston sulFeror , " suggested someone
ono in a little group as he approached ,
and as ho got abreast of the party one ol
tliom facetiously inquired ;
"What game did you umpire to-day ? "
"Shut up. " exclaimed another , "Ne
chestnuts. The man's been in an acci
dent. "
"Ho I haven't , " responded the subject
"and 1 ain't umpire
of remark , an ,
either. "
"Then what are you ? What's the mat
tea ? What hayo you been dolufl
chorused the group.
"I belong to the dandiest foot ball
team in this section and don't you forgo !
it. We had the best game of the season
yesterday , and it boats any fun you ovei
saw Wo nehd a couple of good men foi
substitutes. Don't tome of you fellowi
want to join * "
Careful chemical analysis prove * Rci
Star Cough Cure free from opiates am
Vi > ! an Oi'pr.i
Ni w \ i rU M/'im < ! i iV.e'Lci'Uo ' ,
ruaungtr of tl'o Am.i i.uiopi-i'a , sn l _ \e > -
U'rdn > "My advice-from uvpry rttrt of-
the connli\ ! t'tlirl * for the Inri i' ni. iF
belter organu.uiom the sea oii fus
opened aum" | < Wilv. On the other han-1 ,
the cheaper third a'nd fourth rail ) shows
aiv all ufVeririSi4rpitly ! ! Till * is the ex-
ad contrary of 1Wt M > a oti's experience' .
The rousoli donljtlt- l ll > t the great
ifiiddl < > ul.v of U ell to-do people Ir.uev
inori ) money utMtieir command and are
looking forwnflj' , to a general . re
vival of bu UiqSN. They fed now
that they can spend more money
OH theii1'nmusmnonts and so they
leave III" dlmi"iim eiim class of enter
tainment alone and wait for something
good to come. I need hardlv sa.v that
thU uiienur iges us gro'itl.V tts > to our nro--
peel.s of MU'ccWo hear , too , from
every large eit > that the people generally
are well iiielmiMl toward American opera.
Our Philadelphia s'll" will open on Nt > -
vombcr 1. and in the meantime we are as
busy as we can be preparing the new
operas. Before long all our pjinclpriM
will be here and the chorus is in an ml-
vaucod state of preparation. Our M-eiie
painter * are buoy in several theaters
jmlntinn Iho new scenery.1 It is under
stood that an amicable arrangement brv
tweon the Aeademy of Music directors
and the dlrcetois ot the National ( Ameri
can ) opera ha * been made. The latter
body will keep the dates for which their
lease calls and pay rent for the c nights ,
Hint the Academy director- ! have con
sented to the u e of the house in the
meantime foi rehearsals.
Ananias , nnil Where ; lie is Pound ,
Saturday Review : Among Asiatics ly
ing is a siirn of culture and polite
breeding. In Africa the natives ave not
yet sufiieiontly chili/od to have any dof-
inilu notions on the subject. They are
on the lowest possible level. They lie or
not according as they think it is to their
advantage or the reverse. Rum ami re
ligion , bibles and bayonets , have yet to
do a great work beloro the poor African
can to the dignity of forming a dcf-
juilo policy on the matter. The Austral
ians lean to the American side In Europe
Ananias is branded as a bad man ; in
America ho is a funny man ; in Asia ,
were ho known , ho woulel be canon-
i/ed as the polished imni ; while in
Africa ho is neither better nor
worse than any other man he is
the mere average moital , ho drifts with
the tide of events , and is not woith mak
ing an occational fetich ot. On the whole ,
the career of Ananias must be considered
a failure. Where he is known he is not
respected , and where ho might bo ro-
spooled ho is not known. In Sunday
school and in Iho pages of tracts ho point- ,
a moral ; but the position is inadequate to
the desires of a true ambition , or tlio re
quirements of a discriminating philoso
phy. To .sporting journals and to the
entire American press he is invaluable ,
cut this is iintccling , thankless ground ,
lie merely represents a "record'which
no one is desirous to break. Not a man
of those who cite him regards him with
gratilnde , not to speak of honest esteem.
A philantropic New York firm has
como to the rescue of Rhode Islander.-- ,
who want their cocktails in the morning
and are prohibited. This linn puts up
cockiails , cither of gin or whisky , in lit
tle bottles , which are packed in neat
pasteboard cases , on which are printed
tlio names of tlio "tonic" and the words ,
"A good appeti/.er. Aids digestion.
Price 15 cents. Directions : Empty con
tents in n glass , add a little piece of ice ,
stir , and drink. " The Now Yorkers aio
said to be fairly coining money with the
tonic. ExTitr.MB nervousness . , attended With
fear , and superstition is cured at once by
using Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood I'nrilicr.
Special advertisements , such 113 Lost , Fojnd
ToLonn , For Snlo , To Kent , V > nnts , llonrdlnir.
etc. , will bolnsortod In this column nt the low
rntoofTENCENTSPEll LINE lorthellrK iiiscr-
ionnnd 1'ivo Cents PorLlnoloronch subsequent
Insortion. Lcnro lulvorllacinoiits nt our ollk'o
No. L ) Penl etroct , llroadwuy , Council
WANTED Jly C. Slionflulil , niilwuy con
tractor , 1UO rnllwny luboiors nnd 5U team-
store toroik on urndo or Houthorn Knnsns
rnllrond In the Indian Toriitnry , M ) mlles
Boiith of Klowii , Kan. Good wuirrs ; Hood winter -
tor woik. Work will lust two yours. For in-
forraulionlnUlreorN. Schuiz , Council Hluir .
"I/IOK IlKNT A Rood iloulilo bulldliic EUltilblo
-U for n nrrocory store nnd dwelling. Oood
location. Tlios. VoiRht , iXW North bth st.
OlTSALlMedTliirrBi7oTlio old snfc : Hind-
bury sowinjf innctilno ; cnsli ro istor ; split
ting inacluno ; brass jaw luvcr crimping inn-
clilno ; clock ; slioomnkors tools ; loaldouco and
lots , nnd our wholoxnio buildinir , No. 41 Noith
Main Btioet. Address 7 T. Llndboy , Council
Diphtheria Isncnln mnldnar It1 * nnnunl vlsltu-
lion. 'I'cn yours' trial of UK.THOS. JKKl'KUIS1
ItliMl'DY lor that fnlnl mi'liuly Ims domon-
dtrntcd the fuut tluit It Is inlnlllblu as a iirovont-
Ivo nmlomn. Ifjou permit jour chlldinnto
dlo with dli > htherfn , "Thc-lr blood bo upon your
bond. " For snlo only nt the olllro , No. 23 South
Mh street , Council Illuirs , In. , or sent by express
on receipt ot price , f i.
From the Omaha Iloo :
Mr. J. II. llntlur. of Huzol Doll.Pottawnttmnle
Co. , Iowa , nml his family of clown poi ons ,
were nil sick with nmllunant diphtheria. Kvc'iy
onoofthoin luis rocoveiod by the ueo of Ur.
Jolforls' Prnvontlvo and Cure lor Diphtherln ,
without the aid of a physician.
U. H , IllakcBleo , of No. 1410 Cnmpbcll Btroet ,
Omnhn , who recently lost a boautliul and l.i-
torcstlng dnuKhtcr. ngod about 15 jours , by
dlphtbeiln , under tlio treatment ol ono of the
bet physlciutiH In Omalm , writes to Dr. .lollcns ,
or this city : "Vonr romodyfor dlphthona ciuno
too Into , our dear diuiKhtor was living when It
was received , 1 am Batlsllcd that hur llfo could
liavo boon saved. Another ono ot oiirthlldidii
who hud thodlpUthoria , hur thiont wns llllod
up with the putrid nlcornlion , wo used your
medicine mid In twelve hours the disease wns
completely sulxluvrt , 1 \.z J.-.tara .TO \ \ > \ \
Vf ooyoav modlrtno at all times In our house
Wo feel that It tnvnd thn llfo ol ono ol our chil
dren.oaro very thankful to 5011 , and only
loirrct that wo did not enll on you sooner. "
From the Council Illuirs Dally Globes
II , A. MoPIKo , ediwir ot the Cambrln ( Kbcns-
biirir , Pa ) Frocnmti , has been thu personitl
friend of the editor ! > f the Glebe lor inuru than
twenty years , ami 4i known wliorotor ho U
Unownnsonoof tlmto ) imon living His family
was ravaged wllh dlphthoila , and gioatly dls-
trossed. btiiiui of Dr. Jollerls' Dlphthcila Cure
was ni-ed , iiTidlho IKV3 ol'tlio i mt of his child
ren suvnd. Letters fi-om Mr , Mcl'iko are un
bounded In their expressions of Kratltudo for
llndlng borne means of averting tlio loss of all
his lltilo onog. I'lvo of Mr. Jtol'iko's ehlldron
out of olght died from diphtheria before ho had
nu oppoi Utility or u-liltrlr. ) JofTcrls' romody.
DVPlT.PjilAl nVril'CI'SIi !
Dyepoiitlo , why nvo In misery and dlo m dls-
pair with cancnr of the sUminchV Dr. Thomas
Jollorij euro1 * every , cnso of Indltrostlon and
constipation In a vuiJshort ijme. Host of ref
erences given. Dyspepsia is the ciuito of
ninety per cent of all diseased conditions ,
PUce * .ri fortwo weeks treatment.
Dr. Jcffeils' diphtheria medlc-lno Is Infalllblo
for all kind * of soie throats , Indlspenslblci In
putrid 8or tin oat , Ii ) 'malignant srnrlot lover ,
clinngiug It In 4H hours to tlio Elmplo form. Infal
lible euro for all Inllammatory , ulceiatlvo , put
rid , cancerous iilcoratlon of the womb undiill
caiarihal oondllloiis.
Pull printed Instructions how to use the luodl-
cmos ent with them. No doctor required.
Dr. JctTerls' remedies cnn only bo obtained at
Ills onion. No ' 1 South Klghtn street , Council
lllutTs , Jmui.or Bout Dy ernrees on recBlpt of
Practices in the State and Federal courts
Hoonis 7 and 8 SluiRart lilo'jk.
Justice of the Peace
Office orer American
't fotyrt Hi it the Council lll > tj ) ' * Carpet ConijKinn lt < < tt inlt n
iwr In ( lirlr jlnlton htinuini l l nr.rt , ttntUltttt thru are litmml to
in < ti-t'itllu vrttiH'ffhrir * toclhrf'mv tluit ititif.
- C i ) mv flicni In-fore ami ) nii'i-liiinei > ttrirhciv , and Dblitdt tht'lr iti'tve * .
Jfon / iftnit to hnii ( nii/thiiif/ tlii'ii' line they it'ill yive i/mt indent that
irill. ' 't tlntn null
< 'e > < you
f-locl ; roiifMit of all f/ndfc * ( tint make * of
oets , ns ,
Mattings , Window Shades ,
A lot nf TnMf t'ii * . VOKV/.S / ami AVf ; > / . ins tu riosc out ut LESS
Til. IX COST , Sre
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ,
Ho. 4L05 Broadway , Oounoil
ra m n
ug Lauds in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 lo
$10.00 per acre. School and slate lands in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per
cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc , given bv
No. 535 Hroaclway , Council UlulTs Iowa , ajront for Freiilrik'-ou iV : Co. , ( Ji
7/j/oit tvitJi a Carpet , no mutter irtirtl f/nulc , lie sure to cull and sec us
before jHtrcliasinu elsewhere.
We. offer special banjahis In Dress Patterns and Dress Goods tMs
cJc. JSrertjlhiiiij in tlittllno will be sold cheap this coming wecli. See
the immense titock.
iffo. 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
KstnbllalicJ 1837
_ M _
Creston House
Tnc only holol in Council lUulls having
And nil moclui u lniiio\omontii. |
i15 ! , 17 and 210 Main st.
MAX MOim , Prop.
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes , bo'iglit nnd sold , nt rolull nnd
in lots. Luifo qunntitlos to select from
paliaof llnodihcis , Blngloor doublo.
Council Blull's.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
House , Blifii anil Docorntlvo Vulntor. Papier
MucboVallOrnninoiitB. .
Noiio but bust hunds employed nnd
EClgcrs , Joiiriuils , 01111(3' nnd
HaiiU Work of AH Hfiuls a Spec-
Prompt Attentionjo Mail Orders
Room 1 Evcret Block , Council Blufls ,
StiuiUard Papers Used , All btylos of bind
ing m Ma a'/sines and
0. n. National Hank , M. K. Smith & Co. ,
CirUcns1 Uank , Derro , We IU Ic Co. ,
virsl National Hank , C 11. Innurnnce Co. ,
officer 41' Savinsg IJanlf.
Reduction in Prices ,
China , Glassware , Etc. ,
At W.S. * Homer & Co's , No. 23 Mali ) st
Council Hlutli ,
No. 328 Broadway , . . . Council Bluffs.
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
Lale of the Parisian Millinery Co. , Manager.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
atlio a Iniylnt ? a J ! Hat or Ilnnnot , ono faor
will bo paid ; f 10 round til ] ) .
\r\ \ \ irje follov/ing Companies :
German American , of Neiu fork
Pticenlx , * of Hartford.
Hartford , * of Hartford.
Californiaof San Francleco ,
Scottish Union < t National , oj Hilnbutg ,
Union , of San Francisco ,
State. * ofOet Molnef.
Wllllamsburg City , ' of Brooklyn.
Those marked with a * Insure also agnlntt Ion by
Wind Storms , Cyclones and Tornadoes
nun rs AND OMAHA
II ! X , ilnin St. , Council UltifTH , In. , ana
2011 S. 15th St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturer's Atrontfor tlin
Tents , AwninrrH , Rooflngr Shite , Man-
tola , Plato and Window ( Jlas , Show
cases , Elovatorx ( liana and hy
draulic &c.
In the city can be obtained \ > y patroaUIntf tlio
OEO , W. SCJnyDELn , Prop ,
None bit ? exjierlcuccd hands employed
Out of town onlurd by mull or ex
Hcltcd , and ivll work warranted.
, U. I ( f hll'lUI. Mf/'I.J / WFV2X
DEERi ; , WI'.I.l \ CO. ,
W linho ! !
, Agricultural linploaisntj , BuggUs ,
_ _ Cnirl-\ife , 1-te . 1 u- Council niufN. litwi
MnKo tliBUrlcliiiil nnd CoMiilolo |
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill A Press ,
COIIN siir.u.Kiis AND Kisnn c rrrr.iK
Noo. Kail , iwi , l.vuntul tV)7 ) ( iniith Mnin Siroot ,
t\niiioll U.ii in , ( own
" iAMl > ItKMM rv\fc CtC
Mnmif'M mil Jo'iiiov of
agricultural Implements.Yfagons . , Bn iass ,
rnn lne < - , nml ull UlnU , , | KHI-III Mnohlnorr.
HW lo lilt ) South Mnln Street , Commit Itluifs.
_ toniv
_ /r.vf ; IMWU.KS.
r.n. OI.IMSONT.Tfniirm < , ] ROviu oin7
1'ies Alt-cm. V.l'ioi.VMui. Pee \0ounsel.
Council BluTs Handle Facljry ,
iiiMrpoinfi. )
M mifnctnror orxtc < , Tick. Sloilcn nnj Sraill
. _ _ llniulloi , or < > \ urv ilo Dpi Ion.
< Altl'KI * .
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Clothi , Curtnlti Klituros , ( TpholMnry OooJa ,
Klo. No. 403 llrondwRjr Counnll llluin ,
Wliolcsnto .lolitiois In llio
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. SSMiUn iiiul 27 1'oixrl Sis. Council Illuirs ,
Frnlt and Produce Commission Merchants.
No ItPonrl St , Council 'Huffs.
Wholesale Oils Paints Glass
Druggists , , , ,
UrufKlsts' Sundries. KC. Nn. 32 Mnln St , and
Ko. 211'oarl St. , Council Illuirs
O. W. 1HJTTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 511 llrondwny ,
1 llluffs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. in nnd 18 Pearl St. , Council HhilK
L. K1HSC11T & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Alto Wliolosulo Llijnor nonlnrt. No. 410 IHouJ-
wnj' . Council IlluTs
lliinu'noturon ot nnd Wholcsnlo Do ilerj In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. K5 Mnln St. . Council UlutTd , lown.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
No = . ! ! 12 nml 311 Ilrondwnj- , Council HlulTs.
Wlioln nlo
Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council Illufffi , Iowa.
- - -i
1) . 11. McDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tullow , Wool , roltB.Oroiisonnd i'urs Council
llliitTa loivn.
Wholcsnlo DcRlors In
Illuminating SL Lubricating Oil !
B.ThPOdoroAf ( out , Council llluira. Iowa.
A. OVKHTON A : ( x'O. ,
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
And llrlilicu Mutcrlnl SnmMnltlns.Wholosnlii Lum
ber of all Kinds. Ollico No. IJO Mnlu 3t. ,
Council Hluirft. lown.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors
Atfont for St. Gotllmiil'a fieri ) lllltcid. No. H
MuluhL Council Illiilla
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
AtiCfK ) Main * t. . Council H'.ufi. '
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Opposite Dummy Depot ,
il 1X1
* > !
c3 - t r
P- r
Horses and mules kept ooiihtantlv on
hiinil , for Bale at retail or In cmr JoiidH-Or-
dorfi promptly lUlod by contract on short
notice. Stock Bold on flommhssiioij
SIILUTKH \ Hoi.i.i. ProprloSra.
Telopliono No 111
Konnorly of Keil Halo btaDles , corno
st. uvo Hint 4th street.
Thli rjilem U cntlioly now nnd Is 10 ilmplo tbjt wa
will KUiirunluu lo tcucli you to ilruft miouoclullr In
B ( uw liuuri' . y < iucuarti ft ll tUe pntluriii Ilial U
nci < il il for th fumllrH U < uti ull gurmi'iiti wriirii
bj liiclin.cntlliracii nnd cliliilrrn ,
ljidle unU genileaion. U trill co t 7011 notblnic
until you hmo loamoil , llien you will wnul iliu Hltcr.
We cliallrprfo comnutlllon. 'llio most ( uperleiicecl
drosimakfri und tullori iicknowlelice IU ii ; > orlorUr.
It Ir the Inventlun nfMnilumx Wnlkcr. n Hell known
Krtnrli motlltle. U tellf rapidly und cooil ugcnU
nmko mnner.VewantHrilclui ) uicnti uiaku
liolil of UmuuiiltieM llhui. Wullko to miiko money
und allow album to do no nl q , n ire < itfur llbcrfe !
trmi. Kor furllier Information cull or UJilr'i ( ,
MIIS.MAnV KAb'lllimiK.Uttii. Ayont.
Uooniif.l'ntlitPlIoate , Council Jllult , lo * u.
W. A. WO11K , 1'ioprlotor.
B. HICE , M. D. ,
° r otliurTumor * iomovo < l wltUout
> are
ancers , bu kniroorJtuwlnif of hlood. '
( ) v r thmr yc rn prncticaluxpe'
No. 11 I'oarlHt , Council UlutfK.
* '