1 THE OMA&A DAILY BEE : MONDAY. OCTOBER 25 , 1886J LITTLE INCONSISTENCY , fhe Stito JoumnVs Attitude in the Pait on the Van Wyck THE VOTE OH ITS ADOPTION. Hc slon of tlio Y. M. O. A. Tcnllon OHtrlrit Coirt Iioo- ; ( tlviM ; ATlor tlio Itapu Fiend Stntfl Capitol NWH. ( i itr.c'B i.imsoi.i There Is a litUo ufipublisboil history safely stored away in the vaults at the capilol huiltling that at the present time in llm eamoaign will make excellent reading , and especially lo the votem who have Ireard tlu wnlN Of despair that have welled up from the Stale journal ollii.-o from the desk of its editor , Mr. Uero , over the uueonstilutiotiality of Iho question of voting for a preference for United Slates Honalor. Since Senator Van \VyoU \ 1ms htopped out before Iho public and asked an endorsement from the people for a re election through the manner prescribed by law , the Journal , lit company wilh every oilier enemy of tlio senator , has cried out lustily that "it couldn't bo done , " that the law Is nullity or a joke , and no more tlui n a farce upon Ihe public any Way. If this law is a faicojaud .such a nullity , and us ridiculous as the oncmioN of Iho senator claim It is , a little history that will show the consistency of the odilor of Iho .Journal and that will show just how this opportunity provided in the slalo constitution in which voters may oxpius.s a preference for senator came into existence , will cer tainly be in order. On the .sixteenth day of the session of the constitutional con- volition the records show that C. II. Gore , chairman of Iho commillco on miscellan eous subjects Di'csenled a report includ ing the following seclion , numbered sec- lion live in Iho report. "The legislature may provide thul nt the Kcucial election Inmieillalely proceed Inn the oxpliallon of the term of a United States H'liatoi IKIIII this state , the electors may. by ballot , extness * their preference foi Mime jtTSoii for the ofllwot' United States senator. Thu votes cast for .such ciuulhlatos hhnll bo canviissed and returned In the same manner as for stale olllccrs. " Jl will bo observed that this is Ihe ex act wording of the proviso as it exists in the slale constitution to-day and when it was pieseiited to the. convention by Mr. Gore himself , there was no minority ro- porl accompanying il and the record all shows that it had not only Iho endorse ment of the chairman of tlio committed but of the entire committee as well. On Iho twenty-second day of Ihe confili- tntion-.il convention , six days after the proviso was intiodiiccd , Ihe report of the committee came up in committee of the whole , Mr. Abbott presiding , and when this proviso , section live in the re port , came ui > for endorsement in thu committee of the whole James Laird moved to strike it out , and on his mo tion Ihe ayes and noe.s were onlered. The vole by ayes and nooHshowslhalMr. ' Gore was in 'favor of the proviso and Voled to rot-mi it , and that the present Governor Davies was also in favor of it , and also voted to retain it although now , after Ihe legislature has carried out thu proviso , ho trios lo smother il by ignoring it in the election proclamation. Tlio fol lowing is Iho vote by ayes and noes on the question of striking out the proviso , the ayes being iu favor of killing it and the noes in favor of making it a pait of the constitution. Those voting ing aye were : Eldredgo , Gronnoll , Gwyor , Harper , Kendall , Laird , Powers , Kens. Robertson , SlovensVarriiigton and Webster. Total , 12. Those voting no were- Abbott , Agur , Broady , Clark , Cotites , Connor , Dawes , ] ) oem , Dunlap , Frady , Gore , Grebe , liiifling , Halliuor , Hamilton , Harrington , liawley , Hayward - ward , Henry , Hinman , Hunter , Kirk- Patrick , Munderson , Martin , Matlhows , MePhorsoii , Perry , Pound , Sauls , Steven- eon , Thompson , Theme , Vallorv , Wall ing , A\ caver , Wileoxediker. . Total. HO. Absent and not voting were : liicker , lloyd , Hriggs , Jjrown , lUittch , Calhoun , Carnes. Cummins , Ewan , Foss , Garber , llopwell , Max\vel ) , Munger , Pierce. Kogers , Shedd , Van Wyck , Smilh and Wulllior. The article allowing the legis lature to provide thai voters might ex press their preference for United Slate senator was therefore on the vote of ! ) ( to 12 declared carried , and it i > as > od to its third reading and linal adoption with out further division. Finally the legislature has , since the adoption of the constitution , carried its provisions inti : olVect. Section Oof chapter 'JOsays"Al ; the general election immediately proeet ing the expiration ot the term of H United Stuto.s homilor from this slalo , the elect ors SHALL , by ballot , express their pref erence for some person for the ollice ol United States sum.tor , the. votes to bo can vassed and returned as heretofore pro vided. " This is the record of the law This is the record also of the individuals who advocate violating it because for sooth they are afraid to trust the. people ple iu expressing a preference. V. M O. A. CONVENTION. Yesterday was Iho closing day of Iho stale convention of the Y , M. C. A. , and it was the close of the largcsl attendee and most profitable convention of the kind ever held in tlio state. At the Sutur liny oven m" session at the Cougrega tional church a very largo attendance was noticeable and the programme was full of interest to all. A Hiblo reading and song service opened the evening a work , the reading being conducted bv C. K. Orr , international secretary. Miss Knight then addressed the meeting upon the work of Iho Young Women's Chris tian union , showing that this organiza tion had reached eighly-elght associa tions located liv seventeen states. The romaimlor ol the evening was turned into a general conference meet ing that brought out very many points of interest to all. The committee on resolutions prepared nnd presented the following , which niet with unanimous approval : Iti'Milu'd , That gincefiil neknowledpmonl Is duo to tlmt Kind 1'nivldonco mulor which our convention has been so pleasurable In Its associations and so motitablo In its in sults. Ursolvei ] , That wo return thanks to the local associations and citizens ot Lincoln for their L'onurous hospitality ; to the mil varsity ami the litertuy societies for thotr retention on hiiiluy uYoiiing ; to the clmivlios ot Lin coln ; to the press ol Lincoln ; to 1. 1. , lirowif , stnto stT-.C'turv of Illinois ; to Itobort Orr , nonir.il heeietiiry ot PittsburK ; to Harry UuitK uenetid secretary of Council lilullV to the lutenatlonnl ! committee for sending Hecrolai lea C. K , Ohurnnd H. K. Hrown to this convention ; to the ndlumds for reduced fare. \V. F. KiNOi.AM ) . Clialnnan , Yesterday the closing day was made of o-spccial uitoiosl by meetings in different churches In the city , which wore all largely attended. The programme us carried out yesterday was us follows : At V a. m. Ooiiswrntlnn meeting nt Y. SL C. A. hall , lad by 1. K. llrinwi , * At U p. m. Meeting ut thu university In Union hall , lud by C. K. Olwr unrt Itohurt Orr. Also at the satno hour , a iiiL-rtln ' iu I'ldlaillun hall , led by MUs Knight and 1 , K. lro\\ ! . Al 4:80 a in. McotltiR forynunu men only at 1'eoplt ! theatre , led by Kobert Orr , At thosamo hour a niuutniK fur yoiinp la dles nt thu CoiigteiaUunul church lud by Mli > s KnlL-ht Also a boy * ' nuvtlnt ; nt Y. if. O , A. hull , conducted by Hurry C'urlls and O. -At7KO p. in , A union farewell service at MetliodiNtchuu-h. Addn scs tiy IX K. Ouer and Itobfrt Orr , followed hy Inlet remarks Dy delcunt 'a. DISTJtIM * COfUT After a long and laborious week's work puUnonlhollbelsn.'U/ithp court opensto- | day ready to atrain take up Urn regular docket beMdi > 3thejjroatmaS3of'clYilca < ie3. , many ofwhich iu < ? Ix-ing anxiously pressed to triiil The com 11 * confronted with fovtv-iilno imlU-tmenfs in criminal mai lers ! l > ieu pile if tried t6 the jury would occupy a day nod continue the court to : iu uliuoM , indclinite lengtli. However , some of the casi s arc certain to be con- 1iiim.il , and others will evidently throw themselves upon the mercy of the court .with a pica of guilty , hut at best the criminal docket will be a long and weari some ono In numbers of tihils H is no- Hccabln that a good many of the law and orderea < -es bniiiia over for alleged misdeed by ( he lower courts have ailwl to reach irtdictmeiiis in the grand ury room , scvetiteun of this class of ases being dismissed and the accused et at liberty , Ono of these is the alleged ilvinnor rune case , brought down from ho north part of the cmmtv last summer , itil ( which was considered a Very weak juse al tl o time of preliminary hcarmg. \iuong the important criminal ca cs tote to licarlt are the Indictments against Stewart and I'huio for forgery and em- ) e//lemt'Ut. and that have been the sub net of much comment for some lime. Affru iitr. UAi'isr. The city has been in a good deal of ex- cltvmeitt since the facts of the rape com- nilled 1'Vidaj ' niglit have been known to tne public There have been a great many rumors alloat , but up to last even- 'ng nothing definite as to the arrests Imd jome to light. A man largely answering : hcdcficriplion of the rascal was appro- tended out a tow mlka In the country Jilt released again. He came lo Ihe cily , ' mi-chased ti ticket for Wymoro and yes- 'erday detectives , who believed him the man wanted , wore alter him dowuinthat ocalily. It was also freely alleged thai lie rapist answetcd exactly the deserip- .Ion of the man who recentiv committed m atrocious murder near Hastings , but in times of cNCitcmeut of tins iiid people at a given to taking rumors with a yioal deal of allowance. MINOIt MENTION . The capital city is apparently booming n ( he teal estate line , judging from resent - sent sales , nud it is evident thai specu- ators in town lots are looking for a now iccoloration iu prices witli liin coming season More new residences have boon jreeted in Lincoln the past year than in my three years , is tins expressed opinion of one of the city's prominent con- .factors , and il is evidently largely on .his account why the real estate boom is cooping to the front and laying such 'oninhition.s for the fulurc. The number ) f additions laid out on all sides of the city is getting to bo something great , mil at present prices it is expensive for in actual setller to attempt to purchasa n any of them at anything like what would appear a reasonable figure. The Parson's failure case is attracting goDil deal of atloniion , not so much a 'ailuro ease as a deliberate lighting out 'o beat his creditors. A Mrs. lihoadsnow .aya claim to Ihe slock of goods , claim- tig that she secured them by bonalidc mrohase tlio day before Parsons left. Judging from the action of the creditors at : m informal meeting Saturday im- uediate stops will bo taken bv them lo li.sposo of Ihe slock in Iheir own inter ests. ests.Tho The contractors on the sewer work need to pay n litlle more alloiition to .larding the open iiUocn-fool trenches on the streets at niglit or they will have lamage suits tlio first they know. Two men rode into a trench on K street Satur- lay night , but fortunalolv without .ser ious injury. There were no lights what- 'vcr to warn the wayfarer airainst acci- lent at the place where it occurred. The police station had ele\en Sunday boarders yesterday , only two ot whom , lowovcr , were now guests , they bavin" arrived the night before under escort of the blueeoats and looked up for gelling distressingly drunk and trying to sloop on thostreeUi. A Chicago detective arrived in.tho city yesterday and mot by appointment a onstable from Firlh. Alter a consulta tion at police headquarters the two de tailed southward on the noon train. Judge Crooker , an attorney of this city , who was arrested by U. 11. Randall for assault and battery , had Irs trial Satur day and was assessed -$10 and costs for exhibiting his pugilistic propensities. The Chieniro \ ; Northwestern railroad has secured the line room on Tenth street in the Stale bank block , adjoining the Wolls-Fargo Express company , which will bo Iheir lieKol ollieo up-town , Regu lar trains ou this now road commence running : to-day. A brakeman who was careless m mak ing a coupling hud a number of .smashed lingers in consequence at the 15. & M , yards yesterday. Major Uavis , who has been making speeches in Lancaster county the past week for the independent ticket , has been secured for speeches at Cheoney , Waverly , and other points the coming weok. Henry Brugman , a good German re publican of Lincoln , who wouldn't swal low Church Howe , was removed lrom Im place as a member of the republican county convention. Ho is the editor of the Anzeigcr. A Ilcnutlfiil 1'roBcnt. The Virgin Salt Co. . of Now Haven , Conn. , lo introduce Virgin Salt into every family , are making this grand ollor : A Crav.y Patchwork block , enameled in twelve beautiful colors and containing tlio latest Fancy Stitches ; on n large Lilhosraplicd Card having a beautiful gold mounted Ideal Portrait in the cen ter , given away witli every 10-cent package - ago of Virgin 'Salt. Virgin salt haw no equal for household purposes , ll is the cleanest , purest and whitest Salt ever scon or used. Remember that a large paokairo costs only 10 cents , with the above present. ASIC your grocer for it , Ninety bare-logged clansmen danced the Highland Fling by torchlight round and round the carcass of a slaughtered deer at Mar Lodge , in Scotland , the other night. The sueiio was to ticKlc the ontic never of the prince of Wales , who ailerward ate a slice of Jacques' poor "citi/.on. " "Stop work the moment you feel that it is tolling upon you , and take your va cation on your feet not on your back. " Snob is I ho sound eonso expressed by the Critic " " In bit of "lounger" a a paragraph tolling of thu discomfiture of some brain workers who overdid tlio thing. DRPRICE'S SPECIAL , fiAVoniife MOST PERFECT MAD0 Prepared with strict regard toParllr , Strength , a ' ' ' ' contain ! no Amuionl&IJii8j AJtua or Phojpbttoo. Dr.riko's XxtracU , Vanilla , Lemon , etc. } flavor delicious/ ! . CHtrt'a. z > ST. loaf. LEY.DEN 1 J OS TI1E RHINE , Ah Anoiont and Once Populous Town Fallen Into Decay. Features of a Doserteii City Htfignant Canals and aioss'Covcrert Streets. SI. Jumps OjucUot. From the llond kio k-IIku railway station a single tramline - line runs through live scattering suburb that fringes the spoorweg. A long shady nvonuo leads by n bridge over au nriu of tlio Khinc to tlio stately sinuous Ureedc slraat , which cuts the cily into two un equal halves. Tlio street culled broad is so only in comparison with the many nar- now ones which debouch upon it. This Is the longest null the principal thorough fare ; yet the rhythmic clatter of the horses hoofs us thuy swing along with empty tram-cars is almost the only bound , The cnr throbs with n strange imi tation in this eerie silence amid tlio homes of men. The great boll of a vut-t , cold church near by striKes ; and the echo searches every corner of the long , wind- ng street , and lingers among the crow- stopped gables of the si.vteouth and sovontecnth century houses , at last to die nway around the delicate stone- none spiru of the town ball , whore yet proudly liutters tlio banner of the city , with its blood-red keys in aaltiro upon a hilvcr ground. Here , in the very heart of one of Europe's most historic cities , in front of its exuberant renaissance town hall , the gras * grows in thick tufts be tween the terrible stones which pave the Hrcede straatj and this in a city which once had one of the largest populations in Kuropc , which successfully resisted tlio grtatu.it power on earth , and still counts 115 stone bridges spanning its miles of canals and its many aims 01 the Rhine. The Hrcedo straat of Loyden is a fine handsome street It contains many .shops : but in the old Dutch towns shops and houses are often mixed HJI very incon gruously. Nearly every building , whether it bo liotiso or shop , is old and tail and brown. Upon the front of many houses , high up among the gables , are great fig ures of beaten iron bearing witness of the two or three centuries they have seen. Wide , ample , and many-windowed arc the-o houses , with pedimonted doorways and ( iiieor gables. The long irregular roof lines are fantastically broken by the endless varieties of hcightuud si/.o. Over many of tlui doorways aie .sculptured shields of arms supoorleil by all the her aldic beasts known to the .science of bla zonry , and Mil-mounted very often by the coronets ot the old Dutch nobility. Most of the houses hero are occupied ; all aio neat and spruce ; none are vulgarly .smart. Tourists are rare in Lcyden , and when one passes along the old Hreedo straat he is reg.uded as ouiipiihly as it lie were a survivor fiom the Spanish siege. Shopkeepers - keepers crane over their counters or rush to their doors , and many a round , ro y Dutch face peeps from between the vol uminous curtains as a traveler passes by. The people in the streets stare too ; but there are very few of them , and at high noon in Loyden you may walk through street after street and meet perhaps two pedestrians , plus an occasional dog car riage loaded with queer loaves ot oread or other small merchandise. The Dutch care but little for walking exercise The rare foot-falls echo along the stony streets with a startling metallic ring which seems as in incongruous as a sudden ex plosion of Hound in u. chamber of the dead. Tlio most interesting and cuaractaristie portions of Loyden he along the green- watered canals autl the sluggish ollshoots ot the old Rhine , which cut up the city into half a hundred islands. Hero tlio Mlcnco and vacancy arc complete and op pressive. It is hard to resist the impres sion that the inhabitants are mourning borne dire calamity , such as that terrible explosion which laid a great slice of tlio Hapenbuig in ruins eighty years ago. Hero anil there an empty and dcseited barge is moored to the bank ; but upon some of the canals the green-scummed water is unbroken. Between the paving- btoni'S the gVass sprouts pertinaciously , and here and there n wide piece of un frequented pavement is .slippery with the velvet slime of moss. The dreamful man , wilh a hatred for the clatter of civiliza tion , would find a house'upon a Lojden canal a haven of perfect peace. Of a rich , deep red , pleasantly bhudcd by limes and planes , with great wide en trance halls paved with black and white lo/.engos , and the largo paneled rooms looking out upon prim little Dutch gar dens , the canal-bido houses are very in viting. Many of them are of enormous M/.O vast , , echoing' mansions , empty or hulf-fttrnibhed once the homes of mer chant princes at the time when , all the south Holland cities were proud and rich , and Amsterdam was the \vareiionso of Europe , the. mart of the world , and the banker of the indies. Wide swoops of stone stops lead up to some of these old mansions , nearly as largo and cer tainly as handsome as many of the coun try h'ouses which make a great liguro in our county histories. Nothing could be quieter than these dieamy canals. The dip of an oar can bo hoard from end to end , the splash of a stone thrown by a small Hollander of 10 , who removes his pie | for a moment while ho throws , breaks the stillness so suddenly that the stranger starts at the sound. ' 1 ho Kapen- burg , abounding with beautiful foliage and comely old houses , sot oil' by a canal which is almost limpid in comparison with some of tlio smaller waterways , is not much livelier. Silence and fiolitudo nro sacred to learning , nud the Kapou- burg at Leyden is a home of science and loiters. There is the renowned univer sity ( it looks for nil the world like a church ) , where Scaligor and Siilinusius taught and Urotlus learned , ' 'the glorious hall of all knowledge , the mother of all arts and sciences. " Near bj' is , the hardly loss famous Museum ot Natural History Yet the going and coining of students , and the passage of pcienlilio visitors to the museum , never dissipate the dreamy calm of tne Itapenburg. Loydon abounds with pigeons. Around the ancient burg ( whence the famished bosoigcd could bee the waters of the dikes Hooding all the land and bringing food nmlMiccorto their faithful city , ) and in the great courtyaid of the liurg hotel beneath , myriads of pigeons wheel and coo and strut. In the quiet streets and squares around the Hooglandsehe kcrk the coo of the pigeon and the periodical clang of the Stad iluiss bells are the only reminders that Loyden breaths and works and murks tlio flight of time , liy lamp light the city is so still arid so weirdly picturesque that you might think you were walking through a bct-plcco upon an empty stage , To "stand on the bridge at midnight" over onq of the less stag nant canals is to look into a city of shad ows , The gas-lamps shine palely through the gently swaying limes , reflecting fan tastic little spots of light upon the water , as it Hews silently and sluggishly to join the old and new lllnncs , where , upon the western confines of the town , the two streams mingle into a broad , opaque , still moving river. At 10 o'clock the city bleeps ; and despite that it contains so many students , it is rare nfter that hour to hear along tlio deserted canals any sound save the harsh toll of a great befj telling the hours , and the sudden , shrill note of the great horn blown night ly from the roof of the town hull to re mind the wakeful that although the'night is dark and burghers bleep , the firemen watch and are ready , ini ) V6TKRH. Second District' , Sixth Ward. Anils , i it HIPS T 2flt Spwfm'l Anils Herbal l.UMl innrtl ArniMinne ( leorcc W.i batni'1 TS ArmMronir K l.t'W ' UUUloti Aiifjel I ) I'SUOOnnilcH Allan .lamm 'JtH4 Hiirt . Austin ,1VUT u William llhlililton W C Dccntttriruf James Attwood. . ! tMT Division , . Alken Willlnm lliuUinil Itnrniony Archibald .1 1'ior nmlTrhnklln Asiiniitn II , ) to ? DhNmi Anderson llenttMl Muntnim A Hire U.I 'JT10 Hurt ' Ambus II K JM4 Scwnm AMmnii Henry near Utiipr's brick yard Mideison 11 ! M1 ? Hamilton Anderson I ! W 'Ml ' ScVard Aiirliinoodj S JS'JiMO Ktfwnul , limit's diaries bat Ullli niul Wi IVter'JMO llcwatil Honeo tohvln ' .illO llo\\ml ; Honge. , Ias Ki" ! > lC Ilowaul lliirntiam N .1 10i Idaho Illnlr I lout 1IOS Wliratun Hoylp Win " 47 Montana Homier 0 CiV24 ! Caldwcll HaUiV \ .1 MM Cnniphell Hcintet.rs lU.Mlil.dm UntncrC'KtnisCnldwoll HtirdlckK U Ml Centre Hi.ulley U litH7 Wlieiiton Ioon ! < < tia .1 H Iiene it ml Hmker.l M 813 Hlonilo BatkerA I1 'HI Division llniker .lanwi 213 i > lon < li > Hainiek W V .H ) Centre Uhiett John Sijvvaiil Heebe II T 24W ( fu'idwi'll Diitlln ( teolatesiiiiil ! iii'iin HuiKe Thoiims launders nnd llrlstol Hailpy AntlionvRM and Su\\aiu Itrannon Den Mist and fuming , nollcU.ldhn'.OMUut Honr ( , usi"iti ! mi- ' Hurt Hullliiu'ton A' Ciuniut ; Ihomllniist M L I'loi Hoden b .1 li < > ! l Division Hinndlcnt J It I'lentntl Culdwell ItiihserJnnius Ittuer's brick yard Hntdoit llpiirv U.C Mdtitnlia liaitlctt K C H" > Division llailtiy Frank K ji Ciiiniii' ' ' mid Idaho Hlakslao C 11 Uauii.lH-ll Brown A 'JTIIi mid Cu'iilnc ' ; Itnimna C S Division nnd Indiana ave HIO\MI Dnu ( Vi'tliaiul Hint Hellanmv F K'JHW Ohailes Htmllelv 1M 2S2S Cumliic llarnnolc .1 It 201 h and Uinioion Hainaclo Klplmrd'JOth and Cameron Halley T 1 ( ! ( "iimpbell Hoyd Lee \V \ r.uker bet 251 h and 20th Brady John Hlonilo nnd 1'litr HIO\MI A II ( 'iiiiiini ; niul Idaho Hcidulmun Kll ViO Dccntur Hionn Andiew 2018 Franklin Ur.iytoii KH Krnnkltn and Cninnbcll Hii'tce Owen Charles near Ctuning HillliiK.lnroh : > 5tli and I'urUcr Horn Phillip ( j ICin and 1'atrirU Hloseiulorfei .losuph 3415 C.dlfoiuia Urewi-r Win Wlrt. 'JJ31 P.uker Hindlck I A 110' ! 1'ier Hradlck C 11 1IOJ Tier Hradlck W II 110 : ! I'ier Hlinnoe K W. Irene and Decntnr Hrov.il lleniy Klncaiid Clmiles Benson Kdwin K KWlSiiunduis ll.iliniiui ItUUbtliavo Byeis 1M iMtli and Chailes Jiuice J A lUil and l/.anl Hush W 11 1018 San n ders Hnsch Hem y Fr.inklm and King Bicii'ton W 11 Bin land Blown Hrereton Chris 15 Hint and Brown Hieieton It K Hint and Brown Hrereton ( J ' 1 1'ior and UaUlwcll Chlhls K V .HO Siunulers ChildsHnrt ( HO Maunders Cnir John 161 * Wlieaton Canan CJ Sl'J Iliiiniltdii C.ise.Iohn N , "slH Kianktln Cr.unei W J C 1' Hint bet Hamilton and Dutton Clark 1'liilllp Oil Chains Cusaclc Patrick 1W.M Dec.itur Cieedon Kdw Sl'iii Calilntnla Cannon Marlln Saundeis Calhman Nlles Wlieaton Chllds ( ! co K ! HO Saumtm-s Critlieis Snin'l 'r > l7 Patrick Clailc Eduaul Valc.s anil Ircno Chiist > Kdxxaid'.lTi ' Whoatoa Collins .1 L Caineioii w ot Saiinders Clennans D T S015 O'ali rell Chilstenson K J ' . l Wlieaton Callun Win Division and Hint Campbell OO lioneatul Decatur CherW 11 .Mil Caldwull Cointsh M 11 Caldwell nnd Ircno Callen K N WM Division G 251S Docatin umr. Caldwell Corne.s , i II Charles Ciiiuor C ! 11 ittia Decatur Cain C W baiindoisand Ollvo Colvln Itobt S aS2S > Decatnr Clove Nels Hint betBOtli and 31st Carjsen Allied ii5th and California Cullen Win Kendall Chandler Chas near Ittner'fi biickyard Carney VV A Kind and 1'atrlck Clnistensen Kredillst and Cuminc Clniney 1 ! L Lake wet Saundurs Clenlans K S251U Caldwell Conlan 1'elei " > 0tli and Hamilton Cook W HUB Montana Connolly I'.U WO Saunduis Connolly .las 1' ! UO Saunders Catuuion J S lbU4 King Covne. Pat 2Tithand Cmffointa CnniDbell W K'r.iO Charles Campbell .1 A bio Division DietG 1' 1210KH1K lolieitv.losoDh ) U40 Division Davis D 1) OCU WheaUin Daley J no D ! ilb Wlieaton DilscollC F 1UG ( Idaho DeUney 11 A 2111 Uumlng Deboll ( > M llaiulltnn and Irene Debolt lleniy Chailes ncui Hamilton D.iulilo Andiewitlbt nndllamllton Dniible A 11 ! ! 2d and Sownrd Dounell .Ilia Lowe's 1st adit Davis C L UTitli nnd Hint DonalmyJ K'Jl'J Division Dioyer Jno .lames and Hamilton Diew Cii'o T Campbell Debolt diaries Cliailcs st Davis E K'Jt'JS Charles Detinev W T Charles Deval 1' 1 Hurdiitto bst King and Campbell Doyle I'hos 11 27th und Cumins Douehcrty J K Ohio and OtU Darr P/iillp / Vntes and Irene Dorrlon Oo'JIHl Ciiiiiinu Davis Isaac W ! < 0lh and Sewnrd Domjheity Ftank 'Jbth and Webster Davidson .1 K 1111 Pier Doty W .1 Cinnlngnnd Hist Dnrkee W P Hint and Dutton DuloyP WT Montana Daley Dan 2 > th and California Dalilstrom A ( iJ4 : Chicago Darby A K aJl Clnirles Deacon W HU1H Charles Day Gco A Ctmilus and James KbrlglitK/ra nitosaud Irene KllihJW Decatur Kllison C 11 California bet itlst and 32d Klkins C 1' State nmi Grant Kdliolm H n 5W ( Charles Krlckson Hivert 27th nnd Hurt IJIkJen HnngHW Jyi | | on Ekn Aiciilu baumleis .ulii Aicli Kwing K tilth and Charltis Kdwards K A 10 Division Knglo C M 2a'JO Charles „ , Fiench A 1 * i > 54 Saiinders Knleonur K L 2Sth and milt Kitzpntrlck 1) 3117 Cnlilwell Kltcli WmUlS Division/ Feckonsc-licr H King and Tat'lc ' Fry H K201S CiimhiK " ' Fry CH 2018 Cuinliiji i , Fiouninn G A 2id anil Call Coin InFester Foster Thos Cliailcs s > t , , Flodnmn I'KOJth and llfornia Fondran Jno bet Cumlimiand Hamilton Fox J W 071 Division Felker Sieptmn S 1210 Campbell Felker W \Vheaton \ and lad ave Flood J Hamilton and James Foieman Harvey Cumlntf'aucl Division FoxFK&thiue 1 Furrcll James25th and Calllorn'a Frew en James 1'atitck'a addu Flack John FitoO Division Fuller HF 2.101 Cninlnir Flint EM Wl Wlieaton Field OC 210) Cuinlnt ; Gardner J F21 taHoward Gideon .1 L Lake w cat of Saunders Groves John 24JG Chicago Gordon J A 24W : Clmrliw Gray Tnoinas Cumliig nnd Idaho Groshel F II 2125 Se\\ard ( lardMllus Casbius wu.t of .Saundera Gaul Isaac Cassiusest of Suundera Gorman J J Pier ami Indiana Gurske ICd Hurt and William Gissollmann William Irene and 1'urkcr Gram J J Cumlneani ] Center ( lretzliif ! r Juo 2ol5Se\\ard Goblo Jno BOth and Califianla llussio John 2107 Cumin ? llusdie lleiirv 3407 Cuinliilf Hostettor 1' 974 Sautiuer * HIllGco AiUO Division llerzog Fnmklin totw Pier Hcnsmann JJ Cbarlea Heel AU27UBurt Ilnn'IsChhfiUH Montana Hornu Jos P Kr.inhllrUiet Mth and 27tb lints W AM * Wheatou iratiKood A nans mitt Hancock \ ujws biiumlcri Holmes 1.1) U.VM Seward Helm N It Hiimlltlxi Umdcii Jos r U41 ( 'eater llo.uBP rhnrles lli'iint'iihoper I. Doe-atttr llnslliit ! ! ) Jnoiitnon btlck yard llamliu J tin 3i. ' . diaries Unl-cy J 11 Dw.itur , Hath.uvav S U Center and Ctuuliig tlatiseii I'etiM Scwnrd iinmsftortli J I-1 WK Charles Hunt A J 'J7Uf > ll.-unllum llmlliel'd Joe Ciimliu ; ntul Division Hillieit I'rnnk Yntvsninl hello Hosier b Ot''i ) Hamilton HovieD D ' .M'0 llnmilton Herold A .1 llKtt S.umdeis Ilillicrt Mold CiniilH'Il ; | n of llloiulo lloddei ( lea.I Sa'uirler ' llodder Klclid'JWJSewnrd llc.MliiUlscliVlllT Division Uummoml ( ! c < i 'Jail llniulllon lllckinnn 11 TO ! Idaho lloduettsViii \ lftll\l lon IhirrKon S.I cor Kim ; nnd llnlcliin on S J Din Idaho lladlield Jos C'ninliiL' and Division IlaasJno A'J > I7 Hurdelte llimseii Peti'i Ol-eir.0'JlP.ittlck ave llaMies A I ! K.itmdois 11 uijlies MaitlnUV > arili Hutu CU cald and Plci HeiiderMm P \ , H4t King Harvey.I A Cio\vell Hotrmnn rhasiMth and I'ltuikltn ' llessuiillinVHl ) Cumiriij Hal 1C IIUW Center llonlii D.III 1 ! SIKH ) ChaiIcs llaiuei John vil'JT C.ihlol nii ; Harvey O M Oinnlm View llaloTliosrifj nyith Ittuer Mnrtln Iiene nnd DiTatur Isaacson John Pier and liiaut Jordan Collins ' . " . ' .0 t'ltiuliii ; Jepseii iM ! { > r Iri-no neat Franklin .lours ( it'n H Piei iiiiit D enlur .loliiiMin l.euin Klni ; ntul Fr.mklln J < ine. " Hetirj Piei and Decatur Johannes H II FiaiiKlIn and James James J D > lh nnd Caliloinia Jester K \ > IW ) Montana Jen-sen Peter Klii it Parker Jensen , Inns 2410 Cumin ; ; Johnson J K2' ' r Hint Jes-ii'ii 1'etiM ! iV"J Decatur JiiekMin Kiink ; C Cuinini ; and Center Ke.ir W llamlltoii nnd illtli Kiiisey Wm sum Cnmlnt ; Kear A W V2i Cumhiir Kearney PatilcK lt)0i ) ( Snuudors Knmmer l-'rauk lieno Kuminer Lowia lieuc Kyle Smith .i7 Center Knuwles A S lOlii Sniinders Keysnr Urm W srsi Cnldwell Klin ; , ! U'Jl'il Kuwaid KmII ( JeuB 0 Unit Kniipp Knmk 11 lillt James Kader Hcnrv , Parker Klteheu A M Cluulosnud .Sauudcra Ki-ett Krisest 'AX Chailes Krnvaknw J L 1 > " > 8 Division King Jno 12 24'20 rewind Keene Wm H llnmilton. Koiidall C M State and Union Kelsey Gee M W Hurt Kent I W Piitnckn\e and Saunders. Kiont M L Piei nnd Giant Kulser Petoi 2'itli and Cass Ivi'lpln Kdwaid State KeiM'Iitteln AuirDKt and Hamilton Kiichapole A Cnnilng bft ! il"t and Sid Kul | > Joseph 2707 llnmilton Kul ) > A K 'J707 Hamilton Llngafcll H L2I18 Hamilton Leavitt 11 T112) ) Saundais Loud llenn Jtifi Wlieaton Llddell Ale.x P 2Ktl ( Hamilton Luras L K 2000 Hamilton Lawicnsi-n Anton iilstand Seuaid Linnbegei llenn : ) ! < ( nnd llnmllion L.UMOII . John C2T > th und Uumllton. Lucas AK 2t Xl Hamilton Larson Abrani Division Losan G W 2111 Blonde Lucas Ceo ! W 2slb Hamilton Llddell Jas N ' .T4 , : ; Hamilton LiraoiiNelsl 7 Division Low David Old Montana Libby AJ 2414 Catdwell Lund iVinliew ICInvand Paikcr Ludw lek G M ! M7 Whe.Uon Moil is John U7& Sanuders Marlon J F Franklin Miudis WLJ7lHlondo : ) Muslim Ij-FUlDCnnter Mojllcr Henry Htnei's bilelc yard MUmgan' ' ! ' F 1410 Sanndcitt Mntlits VV It Kincunil Decatur Moioney Edward 140 ( > Pier Matllnsbn F HiillO Decatur Ma orn M 132718'Hiut Miller J M L 'J7th and Cnsa iMiinslleld C Il'JOtli and Chicago Mai holt ii H 24'X ) Scwnul Momoo F D 1'nxlon MnishF WJOlfl Grant Aladsen Jacob Campbell Moore J KlWin P.nker Miickey V M WM Saundeis MaiMn Jnmes Hamilton and James Mctcait ( Sen C 'J72t > Hamilton Marsh I ] , I 2iiri ( ( iiant Manvllln F W 24UO Fianklln Mans Fiedk 27th and Cumiiig Miller Win 1111 King Milliiuisen Geo'iOth and Ciimlnfi ; Mini r Nelson 1114 Saundeis Miller Win K'J'tli and Cass Mortenseti il n State Moiev Wm Cnlllornla net Slth and 35lh Miller D < * . : J2d and 1/ard Mngnusen Ang27tli and Hurt May. I no 20th and Hint Miflcr.1 1181th and Charles Miller K , I Division and Cumins Mutsen Huns P.uker and Ulondo MillerS V 3521 Fianklin Morieil .lolin 1220Saundtrs Messei smith .1 II & 5d and FranUlin Milton J S ' . ) . ! . ' ! Idaho Mlllei Henry Itiner's brick vd Morrow Klbt I Ittneis bnelc vd McArdIoJnoC2fU4 Hurt McMillan Jno A3721 Hnmlltou McKee A IMUS n Center McCimeJ W 14101'lor MeLain C I1" lieno Mclntiie David 2Utli nnd Hamilton McManns Thomas ! ! .id and Cuuilug McKelvqy It K 3520 Chailes McMlclmel Jnuk Cumingaud Idaho McCullorh J U 3120 Decatur McCnguo Thoimis ! * 30 baiindors filcCamio W L UuU JSuundnis McAlvIn J H Hamilton and Pier McCahO HnehiUl Division MeCuho Patrick. 181 Division MeLeod W G U'JO Idaho McKckion Chailes OJS Idaho MciulroKdwaid ( Pier and Blonde McCagun Thomas H ! > . ! Saunders MrsKcnzie John 2620 Charles McGnireJ Him Division McKwiiiK John 20115 Hamilton oVusluIn George D18 Division Neal FrederickOiimini : bet 32d and 33d JSIlcs A ( J Sowaid JVelson Jacob Bill nnd California Nowcomb K C 009 Wlieaton NleholH.I W' ) OChaileh NUBOU W K 2410 Charlns Nickel Thomas 2SU1 Coming Nelson MimslQl Division Ndhon Clnist 2710 Cnmmg Newman Hemv2SOl Cumiiig is'elson Lars 2 tG Chicago Nelson J P Hurt bel 27th nnd 28tli Nelson Fiedestot Saunders Noiman Peter 1424 Iruno NewcombC NSlbt and Hurt Newman I 1C 270H Ciimliig O'HeinM Lnkouml Motlullan Olesen OIo Cass and 25th O'Malloy Peter 2110 Cass Ohlmrnu Win 2520 Derutnr O'JJrk'iiMk'li'JHOUnldwell ' Owens K 11 Ulondo and Pier O'Hi len M H Caldwell and Division OHIO S K Franklin and Irene Owens Tli os M Cnhlwttll and Kluir OWCIIB Chas h Caldwull and Kins I'pterson J C Division Peterson 8 T 90 Center Pyles PS diaries near Cumiiig Parker F M 2iu : Hamilton ] 'hilis ! ) J H 1'ir-r bet Hamilton and Chicago PruittoM P Piosnect Hill Patrick A S Lake and Saunders Prultto M K Prospect Place Puitt Joel 023 Wlieaton Patrick M T Luke and fiaundcrs Penny J W 27th and Hurt Pit-ret ) Win 2010 Culdwell Pltrnmn Vr Caldwell 1'errln J H Blonde und Sophia Plu-lps A W Ilamiltoii and James Peterson Andrew 2002 Sewaid Puirutfu. ) 11 1001 Idaho Paul U C Cnmltig betiiUl nnd SUh PerhacFiank 3-Jtl bet Chiuago and Oass IMikef LH203 Hurt 1'roctor Thos Parker and .Saundcra Peteison Ni'Is , U7IH and Bu-t Pc'lt'fboii S PlWtli and Charles PtitcTMin Wm 2sih and Chicago PeleihOu Frederick U37 Division Pinkham K H Hurt and Brown Pnttis O tmi Division Proctor H A 1715 Irene 1'auu JaniL's State IVteriMJii Peder near Itlni-r'i brick yard 1'arkur Jno FOm.iluc v'lew 1'iesson J H 2712 Dccatur Ptfssou UtirtonSTU Decntur IVekhntn W HiNllinnd Unit Putnam WB 113Sewnnl Prishm.in Carl roth and Hamilton Peter-Jon dirUtlW Montana Potter CW t\vi Center ' Onlni ) Jus KOib ami California Kuan JnsOlO Moiil-.iiiii Hooker W V ' .MI4 Cn s Roberts H H 3010 Sewaid Ito -ers A 'f \ \ hentnn nnd Indiana HsuiniisM'n Nels lt > ? Cenlei llllej J K 'i .Montana Rlhu J K "il.1 S.niiulcrs Robinson SlmniirtM Miami llnUimin ( ieo K Kim ; mid Charles ItnnK llott.iidlUt Montana Itowlcs.l II Kim ; and Pnrkir lolcCliasKlmraiul ! P.nkei Raii | | Jenh CnllUuidii tie.n Hrowti Knxscll i : H .Saundeis near PatllcU liohlnsnn S A HIM IITIIO lln-M'II W H vJTUV I'muMm liltehle 1K Pier and Cahhu-ll Rli liter A 'J414 Cumliic Richardson rims M)7 ) Division Reeee Jno Pin and Hindette Itdhettson C K : > 'd and CullforuU Itniidnlnh K N Otant lioms n K Montana Hotels . ( no K : N.t ! Parker itoncv Kitui arm Hl < > mlo UowK'j II PUMd Cnlilwell Heed t > 1 ! a I-JO Sewaid Itlee lll.-hd . tKi ! Wlieaton lluwo 1. R'rctChniles KcHinlds 1)11 ) ConUllngnud Patrick Row n J A iiV'l Chillies Koe JnoP 1'Ki Oamj'MI Sander A H SlU'JHaiitiilers Smith livln K IHJ.I Mnntnna hii'.ilh tire 1 U'n Saundeis Smith Peter ntOWIicalou .Smith W A I His Whentoti Stou'rSiH'iiom J 1U Siinnders Stover l''id ' ittl Siiiiuder.s Huiul/.huiiU'i J Caldwell Stiatmim ( Jen KtHU Division Snll/muini Adolf Irene and Pniker blnll John -I' ! . ' I-'ranKlln Spnuldliu ; S K I'Hi > : inndors Savllle John J 1101 Sniindei iSlipie Krnuk Hlonilo nnd lieno Smiih.r..U : : : ant * Hull Smith , ) M Si'VMiuI Still I'C liilii lieno Stevens hiueneatXM Uutt Slmiison J A Sniindi'rs Seilcqttett ( ! n- -d and California Shafiodh W MW1 > Wlieaton SnvidRn Clms W 34l.i lluinlltnn Mevens N'nihnn \ \ Illlnms and Parker Schmidt Win Ittneis bilckjiud Sidlshmy 11 11 mil ) Charles Stioiii ; U R'.To lilnlio Spiliiebott ; L D Parker Seiiman W l"J7f > ; i Hamltlen Sweeney C FIDO I Idaho SchellhciK.luo ISMI ) Cnming SllkworlhC II 'JliaCnss Stnrkey A llKOtScwnid Smith I ) JU51sSe\\aid Sinner llm n Utl Montana Kpallord J Him Wlieaton Stanton H L2I1I lilondo Si-hciil ; W II a8J ! Chlcaeo Smith H C llnmlllon nnd Kluc SclunhltC II 1410 lieno Small Joseph 1714 Sanndeis Swlshcr Win Pier and Hiudctte Smith Alldiew'J404 Chleuso Sliiin.sou Petei " 7th and CnaS hl > John 'JVJO Deeattir SniiKWIn llenrv ta-iO Irene Swivsy W KiMlShewaul Swee.sv J K 'J41S howard Swees\ C'MIS Sewaid Stout K anao Charles Stanley A. ) James nnd Doontur Sullhnu Miehnol Chuiles and Ciimlng Sooy K L " 42 ! : ! jewnrd StaiUev I'lios II Dhision and Unit Slow W A 'Ji'th ' and Charles Steves M asa'J Ki.inlslln Sleele .lames ' .no Chailes Sclimlilt A ir.HJU Wheat on Spoon D 1' IiPtiennd Parker Stevens C A'loas Hint hhimiook V TMil ! Hamilton Trtule V WUiJMotilnnn Thomas D L ' .HV3 Idnho Trench John 2l2 ; fccuuid Tinner Win Kim ; and Sowaid Thompson O P 'Jl'.M Hamilton Trout R M ! 71 Wlieaton Thompson Fred'JOOil JJiitt Tiont J L tin Wlieaton ThinIcles Itichd Oflu Center Taylor K II 101C. S.iunders Tliomns W FOJS Division Tiniili-r Saml I * Wi Division Tunder P P 2Sth and Hurt Tnnnisson D O Irene nnd Blonde Tnrpv P W : ! : ict and Charles Ton ! Frank ! J4M : Decatni Tlbke Mnrtln : toot Cuminc : Titllleld Chas 1'iPr UultlChns Ilnmlltnii betUlst and 32d Uhlch JnoClKKi Idaho Van Xess H J aJO Hurt ATan Itnren S S " > ! d aud California VolUmoyer K'JDI ! ! CnmliiK VititonR I12051Chaies ! Viindermnik Jno Pnxton st Oinnha View Vanderimirk Fred Pnxton st Omaha View Vandermark Kd Paxton st Oinnha View \Vriirht Ceo K 200S llnmilton WiiBht W L 302J Sowaid Wlnll L K yoi'J Charles Watts ClmsSfiTi Hamilton Watt Jos I242llomlo ! ! Wolcolt C F ifJ7 Wlieaton lnesC S1114 I'ler Watkins Clms Pniker bet King and Pier Wesley Frank Sf'ia ' Chailos WoodtiyO WaH Center Wroth Clms Kmit w ot Saunders Washington C U ffliin PniKer Waddell ( Jeo it'ith and Sowuid WIlHon M C 00 ! Center Washington Louis Pniker bet Pier and KliiK Woodliihke F M'IIS Docatin Winron W 11 2fi27 Decatur WrlKhtT R 11104 Irene Wilsht Silas 271(1 ( Decntur Wliiltlesloy L L 07i : Idnho Wick Otte3.110 Hamilton Woods W F'J.7ilt Finn kiln Wllliiims II A iisth and Fianklin Wettnoie ( Jeo R .Monliinu Wi K * . K R ( Sates and Ircno Williams Simon 2011 Cumlng Westonield J M 111 Pier Westmlield II AlllSPlur Wilcox Sevtnor fi 25'Ji ) Cnlilwell Walloic'iiiiiskv'en.el ' \ 'J4th and Iteno AVIlson Al 01)75 ) Center Wli miller Chas H27 Mnntnna Webster lllrnm F Uli'l Cnllfornla AVilllnnis It Jl Irene and Sownid Wioth L Ki.inklin iioar Jieno Wind J JN Uuit iinilKnnnody Wallace It H 2T.17 Hamilton Wildln-r Hehm llnmilton Williams G 1214 Kins Wind U illlam SOlhaiid Ohio Wlllett H T SunndnrB nnd Casslno WilKhKS I ) 00 ! Wlieaton Wllke Antrnst iWth and llnmilton Wchteitield Clms A 1118 Plor Walteimlie M ! > ? d nnd I/.ard Waltermlio A J HHd and lnrd VOUIIK ( inbnel Center nnd Ind ave Vales W M 1M10 Campbell J hoicbyccrtlly tlmt tlio nbovo Is a correct cojiy of the list of rcKisteicd leunl voteis ol uic Second district of the hixlli ward. A. Ricnrnii , Deintty llcshtinrM dist , Oth wind. ' Omnlm , Neb , , Oct. 33 , tHbii , Ron ) J'jHiixto Trunsrors. The following transfer * , were filed Oct. 23 , with the county clerk : A H Mould and wl to Gee F Drown , part ot It r blk 241 Omnliu. q c-SJSO. H Schmidt toco ( ! F Blown pait It D bit 311 Omnlm , o c S35. JameH Itonnernnd wf to Gee K Dertrand , ct nl , w ! < It If blk 7 , Omaha , w d 8.1,900. KG Halloiinnd wf to L P Pruyn , It in , Piiiyn'ssubollolB I toBlnclu In Paulson's add. w d S2.200 , Wm K Bfoveio lo Ooo K Htratman , tlio un- dlvKin. in lots 7 , 8. v , 10 , H , 12 la , 11 , 15 , 10 , HnmtioidU placchein ahubof It 2 1'ut- tles sun , also 17 nnd IS In sd add , wd 82,500. Win Sloven , and wf to ( ieo K Slratman , Us 4 , C , (1 ( , 7 , K , 9 , 10. 11 , K. 13 , blk 1 Fobdyko place , w d S,000. ; ( Gee A T'almoi and wf to Gco C Hobble , It 17 blk 10 Ilaiihccm pluee. w -Sl.02.5. . < ieo H Iloi'gs ot nl lo JHIIO Itobliison , It 11 blkflOinahii View , wd 81,30 j. . .losuuliVawr.i \ to Kmoiiu Wawraet ul , Us 4 and 5 blk 0 , Park Forioit , w d SI. John H InuliMtit to John H Sllvus , n 83 ft Us 7 and S blk 49 , in village of Valley , w d- Morris MoiiiR.son to Joslah Kent , pait of U 11 blk 9 ICmintZ'i 4th add , w d-SWO. Henry W Vales and ( J A Hompcl plat of Yules it Ilfiii | > lu'.s mid , txitiir a sub or HsO and 9 in sec .1 15 l.'l-Dudiuation. JOLukound wf to Omaha Real Estate Jk Trust Co , It W blk 3 Clnnmdon add , w d 52.400. K J Taggaii to O H Hunawn et al , It blk S , Lowea 8il add , w u-8 l , ± i . Jolin A MeShano to Warren Sears , H H blk 24 West Side , wd-340d. ( Ieo H Hogg" et nl to Wm W Davis. Its 12 and 13 , blic 17 , Omaha View , w d 81,400. A P Fifiich ft al to Wm A ' .bourn , Ha 10 and .17 , Ptlliniu lilacw it 81'JOO. Jane Picknrtl et al to U'ni Fitch , soleras in sees 14 1:1. : wd-isooj. : Marj W ( \loid id tlio First Girmah'Fico K\.in' ru | cliiirch.ot Omali.i , U 1'J ' L'lk J , Kount , v's 4tH add v-il-5lUbU. THINGS SOLDIERS CARRIED. Curloim ntnl Cnnibroun Articles Pli'koil Up OH tlio Iilno ot1 Mfti-oli. New York Sun "Ttorc | were lots o ! funnj thlmj * nbutil thf war , 'saidColonel I'Vednrick Martin of Hie Hrookbn plo \nted the other day , "now that you think of tlipm when the tears are dried nway , iiinl about the funniest things 1 recall were the quper arllclo.s the boj.s used lo pick tip on the march nud the ccet'iilrio way hildoh they'd tote Vni aloiiR to linally adorn seine diteh by the wayside , Straitulers wore llm woist nt this , but all , thp fellows were bad enouuli. \ \ lienever the arnly went through a lirst family rea- idenco the boys would capture wh t stuiCkcaeh us the most attractive , mid some of their tastes were peculiar. They had n cnmt weakness for cradles You may ask me what u man treading his way to tno front wanted with a mahogany nullo , and I'm blest If 1 know , but they took VIM. Kirsl one man would back n cradle and cart it ado/.en miles- then he'd begin to cuss and dually drop It. "Vow , you'd mippo.o that any ordin ary idiot would just look at that millions it lay in the road and pass on , but they wouldn't. Some one- would bo cm tain to tnek it tip and lug It a few miles further into the I'oiifeik'iaey. "I recall one craillo that traveled 100 mill's on blue backs before it went lo in crease the bla/o of a mess llro. Some how thuy seemed to think vnjjtioly that there Wfts a chance of getting the infant Hoot her home , but they never .succeeded , ' 'The funniest thing I over .saw carried was a looking iritis : * ah high us your head , and two feet wide. 1 aw it llrst In the parlor of a central Virginian mansion , and in-Vt on a .soldier's luck , headed for Peter.sburcr. Then 1 lost sight of it for two days , and found it again propped lip against a tree foily miles further along , 'llm next ilay 1 saw it trtivollng tnnderlv oh a stranger's back , lie had his gun In ono hand and had Mimohow Mrautied tlio glass M > he ould get along without hold ing fast toil. "Well , this fellow must have got tired for HIP iinvt ili\y \ a third niaii had It and on the next a fourth , This chap toted it into the iim't. at IVtor&burg. Ho MH it up agaiii.st a tree , look u long , regretful look at full length of his shabby self and 0 turned away with n .sigh. "It was just as well that ho did. Iho next moment along came a Minio bullet , bti//.lng like a hornet , and lilt the glass .sqtiaii ; In the center , and .smashed it into a Ininio full of cracks radiating from around the hole "The heavier and the more useless things wore the more they clung to them , even combining to escort pianos into un timely graves in miidholes ; but the in : n who could steal a uickiug-chalr was u white-robed angel in his own mind , and the object of universal envy. "Another funny thing was to have the .sutler strike camp loaded up with con- denned milk I've seen a whole regiment sitting on a fence , each man with a milk can in one hand dipping out tne sweet , thick stiifl'w'itb his forefinger and licking it oil' with an exprehsion of bmilitudo that would make a Haphaollto saint look sick in comparison. " "Slewed prunes" have been in con- ID nipt Miiec Shakespeare's day , but tlio prune crop of Santa Cluni county , Cal. , ' this j-cason will bo worth $1,200,000. Prof , Glias , Ludwig Von Seeger profooBOrof Medicine nt me lloynl Unlvernltj ! KnU'ht of tlio llojnl Atutrlnn Onlflr of the Iron Cniivnj Knletit Ctiramfinilcr of tlio Ilnral Spanlsli Onloror iMiboll'i ' ; itulk'ht nf HID llojnl llniB uin Or- clc-rof thollcrt KiKloiOliovnllur uf the I.ealim of. Jlonirot ( ( * , i to. , HMTBI "JjUIIIIU CO'H COCA I1KKK TONIO slioulcj not bo confounded with tlioliorile nf trnsliy euro nlU , ltd In nnot9onr ! tlio wonla patent remedy. 1 am thor- ( itichly coiivor'iuit witli lit * niorio of uroimmllon and know It lo Lo nut only n Iccltlnmto plmnmuc'UUcil product , but uliowortliy of the lilgll romuiondatlon ] Ithnnruculrrd In nil partnorthe world. It contain * C'icMico of llcof , Coon , Uulnlnn , iron nnd Pnllsarn , which nro illmnlvoil In mini nunulno hpunlsli Imperial Crown Hhcrrr. " Inmlniibtoto nil who are Hun Town , Norvoin , r > n- pniillc , lllllmu Mularlnui or nnictvd with wcutt kid- IIOJT- . HUH A in : or IMITATIONS. Her Majesty's Favoritio CosmoticGlycerine U Pil liy llcrlloyiil lIluhneHs the TrlnCB-n of Wnloj and tlia Mobility. Tor the Hkln , Coniiiluxton , limp- UuiiK'.ClKiiiplhk- hiicia.lltU. Of ( IniKchiM. l.liillj ( UO'S Ctuiillnu Hyrup ncif.sanparllln , 1) Cuurioitcud autho bml tturnaparillulntho imukot. MEWSPAPEB Pays Best WHEN PROPERLY DONE. I WC AIM TO AND , DO CIVC TO ALL CUSTOMERS , SLOWEST I'mcEs--PnoMpT TRANSACTIONS--- lJUDICIOUS SEUECTION3 CONSPICUOUS POOI- jTioH8 - ExrcnicnccD ACSIBTANCE-- UNBI-J JAEED OPINIONS AND CONFIDCNTIALSERVICC , ! IADVCRTIQCMCNTS DCBIGNCD , Pnoora SHOWN AND * ESTIMATE * or COKT IN ANf NcWKPAPcn * . | FunNiftHCD TO RcspoNftivi-E PAnrit * j FREE or CHARGE. > The H. P. Hubbard Co. , Succ t or to H P HUBBARU , { Judicious Advertising Agents and Experts , J Estabtuhad 1871 * Incorporated 1685. { Now Haven , Conn. 200 PACE CATALOGUE or LtADII Nrw rApcn , " SENT Fncc ON APPLICATION. fcfl 017 I A result rfrfrdoitfl of l\.o U dt0i1Ca11rti , liri teen langtr ftodlluun UikiAiui ibinbnr otfter I'bjrileUft luSt. Loblj , Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Phjslcal Weakness ; Mercurial and olher Affeo * tlont ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning , tld Sores and Ulcers , rc tra < i with .ni.r uu j tucefif , on Utcil ttttitlDo prlnelplec. Eafrlr , rl * ttl/ , Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , ExpOSUr Or Indulgence , trhlili pr Jueo i0mi or I tit Soltowlof ir * Ui ctrruuibei , dtbltitf , djion'n or f ! kl areriloaUlLe taclet/or ffmttei , co&futloa or U i , etc. , rendfrlnir Marrlnaa improper or uohappy , 9 r > c : no D Dily cured , l' nifiblfl(9eijagti ( ) t > a ttiaabofo , sot Jnti otf id lt frcc.fni Ittd ftcd l I fill c BO < Jf ni ) < i > , A Positive Written Guarantee CID u r uc. Uidtclai f out t vf rjr wb rg b/ null OM 300 PACJKS , PINH PLATIM , eleiaDt o.Mh md tilt bltatDrii kl ( iror 9 c * l | tf reurroinf , O r eft/ Vbndrrnil ptu pleiurci , Iru * to life ; urtUlei oa tt r tlc > wnf | i who w 7 nurrr , wbonci. Fly i , V9t a. voic o/c / l u irrl1 cocttajU'fng P.trrlst * lanitff ( irfcli Tansill's ' Punch Cigars trcre alilppod durlliB tbn rait Uvo roam , without u drum- rurfnourtmiilov. No other uiuBdlu tlio world can trutb * Ono ucnut dlialnr only ) nuutod iu ouch town , COID Dy LEADINQ LBUECISTS. W.TANSILL&CO.D5SlaloEI.CIicano. ! J. L. WIX.KIE , Paper Boxes , lOfiS. 14th sl.-Oinalm , Neb , OrUiiisby i , ail i > luUt'd ! .ma wlh ro