THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; MONDAY , OCTOBER 25. 188tt THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. YETWS or Kunsriitr'rtO'f : Dntly ( Mornl.iB IMItUm ) IncldUtiig Hundny IlKP. , Olio Ytnr , $10 tn For Six Month * fi Ml rorTlitwi Months . . . . . . . . . . S M Tlio Onmhn K mlny HKK , mnlloJ to any ndilre-w , Uno Vt-Ar. . , - W oi-rirr , No , r > llvn 91 * FAIUMU S-mrrr. Nur Y IIIK iimi'K. ii'iiot ' . Tnini'iit iii'ii.inxa. WASHI.MITOX urrice. No All rotnmunlc.itn > ti3 relating to nc\rs nn'lfll- torlnl rnuttor HliduKI bo Bddrosecd to tlio Kiil- lOIt OK TUB 11KK. nrstsEBfl T.Errnttsi All t > iifhici < w loiter * mulroinlttunoos should 1)0 ftililiMnoil to TDK lit : : riWM.siliwi OoJti'AW , OMAIH. Driifla , rhrrks mid pmlnnicn order * to bo lundo pnj ttblo to tlio ordaroC tliucomiuny , m BEE poBiisHiHTcflimiT , piiopm. U. IlOSKU'ATKIt. E TUB DAIIiY llttIS. Hworn Rtnteinont or Circulation. Blntoof Nebraska , ) „ R County of Doiiclas. ( SlB > ( ! eo. It , T/schuek , secretary of The Bee .Publishing company , does mileinnlv sweur Hint the actual clrrulnttnn of the Dally lieu for the week ending Oct. li-'d , ItfcOua ns follows : SMurdav. Oct.10 in.OC'J Sunday. 17 NUM Tncxdfiv. Ill . l'J.7-fl Wednesday. 'JO. . 1T.M ! ! . I2 , tr. Friday , 2 : . .l'J , l. Avcraco . 12.1IM ( il0. 1) ) . T/.SCIIt'f'K. Sworn to and subscribed In my picbcnco this i'M day of October , A. J > . , ls3fi. N. 1' . I'isii. , ffcK.YLJ Notary Public. tco. ! It. 'JV.scluiCk , bcliiL' fir t duly sworn , es and says that he h sccietnry of the llco PnhllshlncRoinpany , that the actual av- eratre daily cliculatlon of tlio Duliv Hce tor the month of Jnittuity , ItNl , wns lO.iitS copies , for Kcbrimiy , ttW ! .'Jri copies ; for March. IBM , ll.Kir copies ; for ApllI , 1SSO , 12,1 1 conies ; ( or May. issil , li4K : ) copies ; for.lune , 115. i'jKis ! copies : mr July , 18MliUt ! ! copies ; for Auciisl , 1VJ ( , 12,401 enpiesfor ; September , 1SSO , lo0 ! ! ; ! copies. Qr.o 1J. 'lV. nivrK. .Subscribed and swntti tohcfoic inn thls'Jd day of October , A. ! > . , l O. N. 1' . Kmi , , ISKAU Notary Public. HTATK T1O1C15T. For ( lOvernor-.IOHN M. T11A YKI5. For Mcttt. ( Sovernoi H. II. SIJKDI ) . ForScrietnryof State.It. ( ! . IjAAVS. For Tro.isnror-C. H. WILLAUl ) . For Amlltoi II. A. I5AHOOUK. For Attorney Conural WILUAM ItKRSE. For Com. Public Lands .JOSKi'M SCOTT. ForSnpt.Pnblleliislniction-io.H.IANK. ; : KKPUIUjICAN COUNTV TICKET. Kor Sountnrs : UKO. VT. LI.VlNCKlt , UKUNO T/CSCHUCFC. For ItoprcNcntnllvos : \V. O. WlimiOUE , F. H IHliUAKD ; CJICO. ilKIMKOD. II. S. HALL , JOHN MATTHIESOfl , JAMKS U. YOUNG. T. Vf. UliACKBURN. JI. 0. 1UUKETTS. For County Attorney : ELMVAUU W. SIMEUAL. For County Commissioner : ISAAC N. TIERCE THIS is the last week of registration , IT ia to bo a red hot campaign week. No one will fool the oppressive heat more than the Nomana juggler. MR. IlnoniTT oilers for $75,000 to kill the Onmlm & Northwestern project. Mr. Hughitt's kind offer should bo * respect fully declined. TIIIIKKT seems at present to bo under the thumb of the czar. This is prelimi nary to being under the foot of the auto- ornt of the Itussius. CUUKCIJ HOWE'S meetings are dwindl ing awny to the size of ward caucuses. Hiring n hull lias become a senseless ymsto of boodle. A good siiied closet would fill the bill. A NUMISEU of plans for the new county hospital havi ) been received by tlio county commissioners. The greatest earn ought to bo exorcised In the final selection. The best will bo the cheapest in the long run. MH , PAXTON declines , Mr. Paulson don't want it , Mr , Crcighton won't have it , itnil Mr. DonovHii declines with tlmnks. What is loft of tlio democratic county ticket should at once retire und leave the Hold clear for the men who are bound to win. Ittlioro - " iu-3 any "prominent demo crats" who arc going to Europe this week , their names .should be sent at ouco to the county central committee. As a last resort their names might bo placed on the tlokets as soon as they lonve town. Letters of declination cannot bo mailed from ocean steamers. rojristorod ? Jf not see to it at oiii-o that your name is on the registry list of your ward. A wooden Indian in front of a tobacco store has not much in- lluonco in determining the result of an election , but it will have just as much on NovomburS as the man who has neglect ed to ruglster. Tin : popular vote on senatorial preference - once is an experiment whloh , If success fully carried out in Nebraska , may revo- Iiitlonlzo the selection of senators -in other states , Friends of popular sever uignty in this state owe it to themselves whatever their preference for senator to voice it through the ballot at the coming ulectiou. liim.Di.N'U 1ms taken a fresh start just before the closing in of winter , This is a very dibagrcoablo habit building in Omaha has of doing every year. In other cities where nmloruil is abundant build ing operations blossom out In the spring and are com pin ted in the fall. A few brick yards whoso owners are not con tractors would remedy the evil which now exists in Omaha. FAHMEHS will decline to vote for Church llowo because he lias sold them out time and again. Laborers will cast their balloU against him because ho has used his influence to sustain their op pressors. Kusiuess men will work against lilin because ho has been a political blackmailer. Young man will -decline to assist In. tils canvass because'they are un willing to uphold a cttndidnto who is notoriously corrupt and a corruptcr of others , Itct TliPin Indict If They IVnrc. Thr organ of .public thievwt and'rail - ; muni' * aV Lincoln Intimates that the biowl of iHrH'il ! < that have procured the vjTil'irt ngainst Kthvard llosowatcr propoiii- now to grt him indicted for criiiiinntlihel.V know that tin-so coil' spiraioM and plrtltors 'of ronliery anil plunder are capable of : < n.vtlii > ig. In the early days of thi < stale thl. samr gnng of. ) ioliticlU ) lnvh.vmcn rolibvd thii xtatc and its children out of hundreds of limits- uiitls of dollar * in lot" und lands wnirh weie donated bv the government and set apart by the II.UP. Valuable lota in the city ot Lincoln \vhifh had been given to bcnnvoknil institutions \verefiuiitlenllv transferred to the old Ki-nnnni ring. 'I he masonic order was robbed of its share of property in that way. ulncli was tninsfcrrt'il through the Jotirmtl plund erers to their coparceners in thievery. When the legislature of 1H71 , of whleh ICd ward Ho ewiteT' : was : i member , had impenehiul the govurnor and auditor of the stale on charges of iimlfoasani'u , Tom Kennuril suddenly discovered that ho had forgotten to accounlfor $ ! ! , ( l ! ) of the stale' * money and turned it over for fear of an indictment. The old gang ot state house thieves were not content with petit l ; < . ! > < . -"iiy and ombe//.lement. They wore not content with Uiildinirgrand mansions with biieks purc-ha ed for building the htulo institutions. They built an insane asylum , and then hail It set on lire in order to cover the wretched construction of the building. Tim murder "f thu men mid women who perished in the llames is on their heads yet , and will haunt them to their graves. It Is n notorious fact that can be verified by prominent insur ance men now living in this state that the principal living witness to this arson ami whole-sali ! murder was poisoned iu St. Louis on the very n'giit before she was to start for Nebraska to testify against them. If stones could talk at Lincoln they would a tale unfold that would horrify the people of Nebraska and send upon the gallows and to peni tentiaries some of the very men who now clamor for a criminal indictment for libel against Edward llosewatcr. Of all the places iu Nebraska Lincoln can furnish more indictable material than any city of its si/.e in tlio union.Vu do not mean that the citizens of Lincoln as a class are law-breakers and subjects for felons'cells , bttt there are scores of men in Lincoln whoso whole life has been a continuation of felonious nets bribery , subornation of perjury , down right perjury , conspiracies against the state , collusion with jobbers , murderous detectives and criminals of low and high degree. It is mainly this gang that has interested itself in the Hodman libel suit. This is not the lir t timu that they have threatened to procure an indictment of Edward Kosewnter. They tried it through the grand jury that indicted Detective Pound and came very near in- dieting his excellency the governor. Why didn't that grand jury indict Hoto- water when the facts were fresh before them ? At that time the gang that engi neered the libel suit were glad to escape for themselves. The spectacle of such infamous wretches threatening criminal prosecution against those who dared to expose their rascality and protect the public treasury is simply amazing. Let them dare to bring their criminal libel suits. There are still some people in this country who will resent outrages upon justice and protect nnunbought and fear less press. Church flown'a Campaign Lies. I have just received a letter from Ben nett , Lancaster county , which contains the following extract : Mr. llowo. the candidate for congress , was at Bennett on the Will , ills public abuse of you and your paper did uot meet with as much success ns lie desired. Mr. JIowo's next method was to whisper something he dared not state In public , viz : that tlioro was a conversation hold , between you and him at Hcatrlco after his nomination. Did you , Sir. Uosowater , call C hiuch llowo into a private room at. Beatrice after his nomination for congicss and ask him ( Cburch Howe ) how much he ( llowo ) would give yon to keep quiet during this campaign ? Did Howe reply that ho w ould not give you anything and would not buy his way to congress ? Our informanlsays that the stoiy about my pretended interview with Howe at lieatrico is being circulated privately , to gether with a statement that I had oilcred to support Howe for the nomination if ho would como to my terms. There is not a word of truth in cither of these rcnorts. The only conversation I had with Church Howe nt Beatrice was in the street and in the presence and hearing of Paul Sclimlnko and several delegates from Otoo county. Paul Schminke had justaaid to Church Howe that ho could rely on the whole delegation , when I stopped tip and denounced it , adding that it would bo ruinou9\ to Van Wyck for Otoo county to cast its vote for llowo. I was talking to Sohminko , but Howe turned around and scornfully said : "I'll make good an.y vptcs that Van Wj'ck will lose or that j'ou can take away from him. " I replied rather terdcly that llowo would have no votes to give to Van \Vyck after the election , when the trumpet of Gabriel would not resurrect him. This was the only talk 1 had with llowo at llcatcice. I did not even see him after the conven tion adjourned. Equally untrue is the story that f ever offered to support Howe on any terms. Ho called at my oflleo two or three times last summer , and the last time ho called put thu question squarely whether I could bo induced to support him , I told him it was utterly out of the question with his known record and the position the HKE had always maintained with regard to his conduct. Howe then begged mo not to oppose him until after he was nominated , To this 1 simply said I would sco about that , On re flection It struck me that Howu might possibly bo nominated , if his party treason and general bad record were not shown up. It struck mo also that Howe's anxiety to bo Jet alone until after the nomination was designed to wlacn mo in a false light before the party. To keep still about him before the nomination would have given him a chance to charge that my opposition at that juncture was the result of a bargain with the demo crats , Republicans would doubtless have asked why the UKK did not warn the party against Church Howe's candi dacy , why it did not shoxv up his record before he was nominated , and give the party a chance to select a better man. Having decided : lo give no such excuse for Howe and Ids supporters , 1 mildn a vnrj. vigorous fight against his nomina tion. I kept beloro republicans the rep- ord of Ins treason in 1S70 , whi-u ho op posed the convoking 'of the electoral vote for president. 1 quoted from the records to show that ho supported Tilden in the legislature and voted for demo cratic candidates' for the United States senate , i followed this up with n de termined and organi/.cd light in Douglas county , which H-Miltcd in a solid itntl- Howe delegation to Beatrice. This course on my part shows that 1 had no designer or de.sirc to' bo quiet about Howe. Tlio party , or rather the convention , packed with his dummies , nominated him in spite "f my opposition and now they can elect him without my help. Church Howe never had money enough to procure the support of the III r. and ho knows it so Well thai lie never dared to comn with a propo.sition to purchase my support. E. Tlio Store Order SyHlrm. At the time the .supreme court of Pennsylvania rendered the decision do daring unconMilntipiial thn law of that state prohibiting the store order system , wo made extended comment on the subject , concluding with the fugCciUon that it i.s the duty of work- inirmen everywhere to reMst the applica tion of the fi.ystcm.'o \ observe that tins view i.s very generally held by news papers friendly to the interests of labor , and in Pennsylvania such papers are urging the workingmen to .stand together in opposition to this method of payment , properly characterized as an abu e. They are assured that if they will stand to gether in upon the complete hhnudonmcnl of thia system they will lint need to ask protection from Uio leg islature. In this matter they can be cer tain of having with them the sympathy and support of the public , lor the abuse is .so palpable that no intelligent and candid man can fail to .see and admit it. It is an arrangement the advantages of which are wholly on the side of the corporations which adopt the syntcin , there being in it not a single real benefit to the wage-worker. It is a system which takes from the workingman a consider able percentage of his earnings beyond what he would bo required to expend for an equal amount of the necessaries of life purchased in a free market , where lie had the advantage of competition in trade , and its oll'eet is to place him in a sort of vassalage to the employer. Con trary to the view hold by the supreme court of Pennsylvania , it operates to de stroy the manhood and independence of tilt ) worker. The system is not peculiar to Pennsyl vania , but exists in many other htates , and in nearly all of them where mining is carried on to any great extent. Hence it is a matter in which the laboring generally are interested , and in reference to which they should assume n definite ami positive position. It was ex pected that the convention of the Knichla of Labor would have taken cognizance of the decision of the Pennsylvania court and made some declaration on the sub ject , but we have not observed that it did .so. However , the omission need not estop those interested from taking such action as the cir- circumstances shall require , or those in sympathy with them from extending proper support. Workingmen minyrs us well as others should insist upon re ceiving their wages in cash , and wherever practicable payment should be made weekly , though the latter require ment is perhaps uot of vital Importance. Some employers of huge numbers of men , notably Mr. Andrew Carnegie , have , however , found the plan of weekly payments to work most satisfactorily , fie maintains Jhat the welfare ot the men is best subserved by payments of wages nt short terms , and no one is better qualified than ho to Hpoak authorita tively on a matter of this kind. But whether payments be made at short or long terms weekly or monthly justice to the wage earner requires that they bo made in cash , and not iu some substitute therefor whieh will compel him to pro vide for the wants of himself and family in aprcscribcd channelatcxtrcmo prices , and thus turn back into the pockets ot employers who are interested in the store-order system an undue percentage of his earnings. From every point of view the system is unjust , and should not bo tolerated or submitted to anywhere. General Van AVyoIt's Appointments Senator Van Wyck will cover a great deal of ground this week in addressing his constituents in various parts of the state. Ho will speak at Pawnee City on Monday afternoon. Sterling on Tuesday afternoon. Syracuse on Tuesday evening. Saline county , \\cdncsday \ afternoon. Sahno county , Wednesday evening. Dodge county , Thursday afternoon. Greenwood on Friday afternoon. Palmyra on Iriday evening. Voters who are in doubt of Senator Van Wyck's views upon the issues of the day should turn out and listen to his ex position of his rcconl and his policy. General Van Wyck is the only avowed Senatorial candidate who has made a personal canvass of iho slate and met hid constituents face to face. The largo meetings which have honored his canvas ? in every part of Nebraska have evidenced ho popularity of the senator among the producing classes of the slate , and nave been the strongest possible endorsement of lib open und above-board campaign. His record haunts Church llowo nt every stajro of his canvass. It will not down at his bidding and cannot be ex plained away. Indian Gamblers. Yakima ( Ore. ) Signal : For the last two weeks , ever since the hop-picking season commenced , a lot of .sharp , good-looking Indians have been lounging about tlio town. They own race-lioreos , good clothes , and the ahowiost of blankets ami carry plenty of silver. Old settlers know them well. They are the gamblers of the Moses tribe and yearly make their pilgrimages to this point nt the time when the YaKima und Klickltat Indians are well provided with money earned by laboring in the hop Holds. They are ex pert card players up to all the tricks and are not afraid to try their stdll and nerve with the sportive frontiersman to the north , with whom they frequently have long sieges of "draw , " and often times to their material profit. To these experienced gamblers the local mwashcs areas children , and lose their earnings and ponies in a prodigal manner. This teiison is just a repetition of the last and many previous ones , and Moses' men will go home well fattened with wealth , while the home Indian nun money earner will pus. a lean and htihgry winter. The biggest "big gun" in , the world Is a 11 ton be.llower , with which Humbert , of Italy , cxiieut-3 to salute the iirst king who assaults him. Keep It lloTrtre republicans of the First district shrntld ask themselves whether n man tuning tich n roeord as that of Church Howe has any rightful claim upon the support ot : tny decent republican. Leav ing out of question his corrupt methods and notorious veiii'illty ' we appeal lo re publicans to pnio : and reflect before they put a pnmiUim upon party tren son nnd con.splr.a4y against its veryo\ist- cncc. i Ten year.s agb , when the republican parly was on tlipverge , of disaster , nntl every electoral iy6to cast for llnycs and Whcclor was nerjllcd to retain the party In power , Church Howe entered into n conspiracy to deliver republican Nebraska into the hands of Iho enemy. This infamous plot Is not n mere conjec ture. The proof of It docs not rest on .surmise or suspicion. It is not to be pooh-poohed or brushed nwny by pro nouncing it one of Uosowator's malicious campaign slanders. The records of tlio legislature of which Church llowo wa ° n member In ' 70-77 , contain the indelible proofs of the treasonable enable conspiracy , and no denial can stand against evidence furnished by his own pen. Briefly told , tlio history of this plan to hand over the country lo Tildou and democracy is as follows : In 1870 Nebraska elected Silas A. Strickland , Amasa Cobb nnd A. 11. Connor presidential electors by a vote of 31ilfl ! as against a vole of 10,051 cast for the Tilden and llendrieks electors. After the election It was discovered that the canvass of this vote could not take place tinder the then existing law before the legislature convened. The electoral vote had to bo canvassed In December at the latest , and the regular ses sion of the legislature did not begin until January. In order to make a legal canvass of the electoral returns , Governor Garber called n .special session of the legislature lo convene on thc5lliof December , ' 70 , at Lincoln , for the pur pose of canvassing the electoral vote of the state. The democratic effort to cap ture republican electoral votes is historic. Tilden's friends , notably Dr. Miller , had been plotting for the capture of ono of the electors from Nebraska , and It is also historic that a largo bribe was offered to one of thn electors , General Strickland. The call of the legislature broke into the plan of the plotters , und they found a will ing ami reckless tool in Church Howe. When the legislature convcBcd at the capi talChurch Howe tiled a protest which may be found on pages 0 , 7 and 8 of the Ne braska House Journal of 1877. The fol- lowingextraet makes interesting reading : " 1 , Church llowo , a member of the legisla ture of Nebraska , now convened by procla mation of his excellency , Governor Silas Gather , for the purpose of canvassing and declaring tlio result of the vote cast in Ne braska for electors for president and vice president of the United States , heicby enter my solemn protest against such act , denying that the governor bus power to call this body In special session lor any siu'li purpose , or that tills body has any authority to canvasser or declare the result ot such vote upon the following grounds : First. This legislature now convened hav ing been elected under what Is known ns the old constitution , luus no power to act in the premises , the new constitution of the state having boon in foico since November , 1S7.V The second and third clauses deal with technical objections , and are somewhat lengthy. The concluding sentences of this precious document are as follows : "For the foregoing reasons I protest against any canvass of the electoral vote of the state byhis body , and demand that this , my protest , bo entered upon the journal. " ( Signed ) Church llowo , member of the legislature of Nebraska. The democrats did not respond to the call of the governor and there was barely a quorum in the senate , while there wore several to spare in the house of which Howe was a member. The protest en tered by llowo was doubtless prepared by the Tilden lawyers in Omaha and llowo had the glory of being the sole champion of Sam Tilden. The legisla ture ignored Church Howe , spread his protest on its record and canvassed the electoral vote in spite of it. When the legislature convened in Jan- nary , 1877 , the presidential contest was nt its height in Washington. Church Howe had vhangcd places from the house to the senate. Early in the session , a resolution was introduced expressing the conviction on the part of tlio senate that Hayes and Wheeler having received a majority of the electoral votes were en titled to their scats. This resolution gave rise to a very lively debate which lasted two davs. Church Howe asked to bo excused from voting when it first came up and was so excused. On the final passage of the resolution the record [ page 370 , Senate Journal 1877 , ] shows the following result : Yeas Apibroso , Baird , Blanchard , Bryant , Calkins , Cams , Chapman , Colby , Dawcs , Gur- field. Gilhnm , Hayes , Kennard , Knapp , Popoon , Powers , Thummel , Van Wyck , Walton and Wilcox 20. , Those voting in the negative wore : Atcn , Brown , Coyell , Ferguson , Ilinman , Holt , Church Howe and North 8. During the same session of the legisla ture , Church Howe's vote on United States senator for tlio lirst three ballots is recorded as having been cast for E. W. Thomas , a South Carolina democrat , [ pages 108 and U08 Senate Journal. ] All this time Church llowo professed to bo a republican independent , republican on national Issues aii'l ' a temperance granger on local issues. Wo simply ask what ngnt a man with such a record has to ho snpp ort of any republican. STATE A.VO TliltUITOUV. Nehrnnlni Jotting ? . The veterans of York will build a hall next season. , Tlio bogus nota pushers of Blair have been convicted , i > A Presbyterian 'cJiurch has just been completed at Bondman. Columbus has unnatural curiosity , a barber who never talks. Ho was born blessed. i A nrairin fire last 'week ' swept through the Floyd cemetery in Nuckolls county. No body hurt. The Blair canning factory is running day and night. Forty feminine hands are employed. J. A. McMtirphy has purchased the Wahoo Independent. Both eyes are now focussed on the advertising columns. The postmaster of Benklotunn is minus a year's salary. An enterprising thief rilled the money drawer and took f20. John Fitzgerald's lirst tussle with Mr. Bull was a paralyzing failure. The bull was mistaken and tackled the wrong John. PapillionisU have been assured by General Manager Callawav that the second track will bo extended to town this fall , The news of the St. Cloud nnd Sank Unpld.s ( Minn ) cyclone , which occurred laM. Aprl ? has rcsiched Arnpahoo in patent plates. .A jealous bachelor asserts that n Vre- mont woman. When nettled tn an argu ment , puts her foot'dowti anil covers the Whole ground. Work oit the Kanpas City & Om.ilm rqnd has begun at Sutton. H. Mnrtin has a contract to grade two m'ics ' of toad- bed in Hie nolghboihnod Fremont proposes to head ot the Omaha it Northwesteiii by building the Fn'moiit & Central Nebraska road hud out on paper some years ago. Fremont must bo anxious to receive an official call from Marvin Hughilt. A Creighlon prospector has found slate and Iron ore , and inUicntlon.s of coal on the Ni.ibrnra. Ho proposes to bore down a few feet und develop the Hntl. Hntl.The The Carter Ranch company has estab lished large feed yards at Uichlaud , Col- fax county. Nearly hall n mile of sheds have boon built for the entertainment of steers. Engineer Morrison , the noted bridge builder , is Investigating the. Missouri's sandy bed and yellow banks at Nebraska City. Ho i planning a bridge nt that point for the IJ. &M. The enterprising citizens of Exeter who shouted loudly for a canning factory last spring nnd Biitaeribml a bonus of $ ,000 , worn induced by a lawyer last week to pay their obligations. Colonel Websler , of the-Big Third , is rohearrting a tc.nder littl'i duet entitled , "Olingor Here With Mo. " The sympa thies of an overwhelming ; majority , by George , are tendered in advance. A Grand Island grain buyer swore in court thai he could mdentify grain stolen from him when mixed with other varie ties , and secured the conviction of the thief. Tliis should bo taken with a grain of allowance. A festive tiger den in the basement of a "temperance billiard hall" in Spring- Hold was gobbled by the town marshal one night last week and dragged witn his keepers into court. The lail-lwi.sters kicked , but dually cashed in. Ctistor county i.s torn into a do/.en wrangling factions on tlio question of division. Broken Bow , the present county seat , is in the center of the county , but a division into lour counties would plant it in a far oil' corner and make it in fact a broken bow of promise. The campaign is getting interesting out in Cherry county. A. candidate for coroner refers to a rival as "that viper in whom talent perverted reveals a complex nioral putrefaction , anil whose nauseat ing exhalations taint heaven's pure air. " Hon. William A. Paxlon , of Omaha , has purchased 0,000 acres of land on the south side of the Platte river , north of O'Fallon , which he proposes to stock as a mule larm. Mr. Paxton will elevate the tone of future democratic conven tions at any co&t. Nemaha county is not as solid for her " favorite son " as Howe would have thn rest of the district believe. A ship- mcnt of $2,000 iu silver arrived in Auburn recently to stimulate the boys in their patriotic work. The cttrl-wlieel dollar will roll thu'e on the 2d. Grading on the Uock Island extension into Nebraska is being pushed at a lively rate. With the exception of two largo cuts , the grade is finished between St. Joe and Hebron , Thayer county. Fail- bury will be the end of the first division. Three hundred men are laying track on the lino. Nature lias come to the rescue of pro - hibition in Blair. A well digger drilled through forty feet ot limestone and struck u subterranean lake into which the tools dropped. Water immediately rose to within seven feet of the stirtaco. The nectar when properly mixed is an excellent paint killer. South Sioux City is the namn of a town laid out near Covington. The land is owned by Father Martin , the prose laureate of Pigeon creek , and the chances are that corner lots above old Indian graves will prove more profitable than dissertations or the oit'ect of wliisty straights on bourbon constitutions. The ex-Rev. Tibbies and "Bright Eyes , " his Indian wife , talked about the civilization of the rod man in Bollevuu recently. The impression that Tibbies had been gathered to the happy hunting ground of his wife's relations is a mis take. The "natural born journalist" and grasshopper suficr is waxing fat on Uncle Sam's annuities and his lavish gift of chin. Sarpy county sued Jensen & Knight , grading contractors , for $58 , the expenses incurred bv the county in burying the bodies of John Headon and Henry Wal ters , killed while in the employ "of the latter , and secured judgment for the full amount. The county has presented a Himilar bill to the Union Pacific for ex penses incurred by reason of the railroad accident at Gilmore , and will sue if the bill is not paid. The B. &M. has lot the contract for gradinc eighty miles of the extension from Curtis west to a junction with the mainline at Akron , Col. , a distance of eighty miles. John l-itzgerwld , the prince of railroad graders , has the contract. The completion of this branch will shorten the distance fem Omaha to Den ver , and will doubtless be made thu northern main line in connection with tlie Ashland cut-oil' . The fool with a gun is diligently promoting meting the upbuilding of n local ceme tery. Out in Col fax county last wcou a hired man , tiring of ( argot-shooting , turned his artillery on a seven-year-old noy , son of Mr. Blazek , and sent a bullet through his brain. The Hindoo custom that compels a murderer to get under with his victim could be put in practice hero without retarding the growth of the country. "Tho Hcil Hand of O'Neill , " alias Mo- Donoiigh , candidate for senator , issued a bold "deli" to his opponent on the stump. Ho declares his readiness lo discuss thu issues of the day with any weapon ( lint may bo convenient and loaded , ami only reserves the right to name thn date any lime between the 1st and -5th of Decem ber , lie braves the terrors of a libel suit nnd denounces his enemy as a horse-thief , with n. g. branded on the outer folrin of his earn. The unfortunate who is thus "cornfully" hold up to the lurid gaze ot the ward workers should remember that funeral expense * added to campaign UH- KOS'.sments would bankrupt thu avenge purse , hence it is the essence of wisdom to conduct a still-hunt in the district. This will insure him the pleasure of at tending a political funeral in private. Vale , ambition ; glory , beJuh ! Iowa Jtnins. Ex Governor Sherman is practicing law at Vinton. \Vest Liberty will invest tCOO in tin ar tesian we'll. The Atlantic distillery will swill 1,200 head of cattle this winter. The Williams Harvester company of Cedur Kapidti is embarrassed to the ex tent of ? I7COU. It Is estimated that the registration law , in the llfiy-fonr cities in whieh it operates , will reduce the vote from 0,0)0 ) to 10,000. Thomas lliloy , > t Dug Molncs temper ance agitator nnd saloon raider , has been bound over to the crimiuul court for per jury and blackmail. The state convention of the Young Men's Christian association , which is to bo hold m DCS Moincs from October S3 to November 1 , inclusive , promises to bo an interesting and important gathering. Commissioner Carl ton baa been busily .engaged at Spirit Lake upon the now state fish hatchery for some time past. Ho has live ponds completed and in use , and Oio ( odious and dlnk'tilt jnV > of lay intf tile and piping out into Spirit Lake I.s done. While blasting for the en.s'lern nn- DronHi of the high bridge at Dulmque Monday , n piece of rock weighing fv > rlv or tin.y'pounds Wn.s , thrown into the air and dropped upon the'tin roof of a wnui- house , through which it went ns if' the root wns but pnper. In a soil for dnmnjres , against the Tlii- eago , Burlington tJir Ouiney , now _ being tried before Judge llnndnrson in DCS Mninc.s , the court room i.s littered with twisted bolls , brdben bltn of rails and ofher paraphernalia of n lirsl-class wreck , supplemented hy a mlnature bridge and trestle work , whlln the attorney for the i > ro eention has a nmnll railway on ex hibition , giving the court room the gen eral appearance of a "hack shop" lor the repair ot dilapidated ears. A thief in jail nt Dpni on , named Struck , is probably as industrious a prls oner as over handled : i saw. lie di-innged his cell to suelian extent that Iho jailor made a thorough .search and disco\ered several saws. These he i imioved thinking that the wort ; would cease ; but thene\t morning he found several bars over the window had been cut in two and nearly removed. The prisoner was then again searched and chained lo the cell door , and behold ! the next morning he was found snoozing at the other end of the cell with Ins chain nentl.v sawed olV ami his manacles reitmvcd. Where he keeps his saw.s is a question. Unliotn. Judge Church , who has recently left the bunch , will make Dead wood his'home for the future. Henry Weiiner , Hying near Tower City , was crushed to death by a horse falling upon him. The Western Union telegraph line will bo in operation to Deadwood by the middle of November. I'hn building of the mi w depot , three grain warehouses , nnd a section house at Armour makes things look bu-ines3-liko around there. Twelve carloads of brick manufactured nt Kapid City were shipped over the Fre mont , Elkliorn & Missouri Valley road into iSebrasua , Sttircis c.iti/ens , reall/.iugtlip necessity of an adequate water supply , have or ganized a company for the purpose of sinking an artesian well. The Northern Pacific railroad com pany have agreed lo furnish till the. far mers along the line of their road whose crops were a total .failure with good seed wheat for next season. Colonel Richard L. Dodge , of thn Eleventh infantrv , who has been in com mand at Fort Sully for four years , hn gone to \ \ asliiiigton , whore ho will bo retired from active army service. He has served Ins country honorably and faith fully for forty years. Saved by n Let tor. Boston Commercial-Bulletin : It occurs to me just hero , however , to depict a truthful representation of a California ar rest , trial , conviction , appeal , and rever sal of verdict , or , rather , verdict set aside. " A man had robbed a coach running be tween Stockton and Sonora , concealed the money , all he could carry , about his person , sought lodgings not faraway , and in the night had risen.stolen ahorse , and struck a TJCO line across the coun try toward a station where he could get quick transportation to San Fran cisco , intending to start for home by steamer. He belonged in Arkansas. In the morning the horse and rider wore missed. A party started in pursuit , and in twenty-four hour.s had his horse broken down and linn corraled. He saw his game was up , and coolly waited the re- Hiilt. The party overhauled him at early dawn. "Good mornin1 , stranger. " "Good mornin' . " "Seen anything of a man about your size straddle of a sorrel mnro lookin' a heap like the ride ? " "No , I haven't. " "That's a pretty good mare o' yourn. " "Yes. she was worth a cool $500 , but she i.s a little winded now ; say , nuslur , I'll give von $500 clean boot for that ono o' yourn and stop the deal. " Ho was making n good bhifl" , and al though ho knew that ho was recogm/.ed , his offer would well pay for the broken- down horse , ; uil ho hoped that his money would save him. He counted without his host. "That's a straight blind o' yourn , payd , am ! it strains ns to como in , but we're thar , ami hold you over. You look a lit tle placed out. us well as the mare. If you'll jest git down nnd join our little party it'll stretch your legs , and mebbe you need sfretcliin' all over. " Ho blunc-hcd a trifle , but obeyed in dogged silence. The pur.suors all dis mounted , and the .spokesman approach ing , threw over liin head n noose , and passing the other end of the rope over a limb of a true that overshadowed them , called the ether member * of the party mound him. Thu culprit stood erect ; not a muscle quivering. 'Now parti , is everything all right ? Docs it fit your nock accordin' to Hovlo ? " "All " right. "Have ye anything to say why this little - tlo picnic shouldn't proceed ? " "Have yo got any word to leave to ycr friends ? If yer have , make it Abort for we've got to break camp infcido cr ton ininuteij. " Then thn fflritigcr lifted his eyes from the ground for the first time and looked his self-appointed judge and executioner steadily in the eye for a moment , ihnn drawing from his pocket : i crumpled letter , tipoko with a slight tremor of voice : "Perhaps yon are a better scholar than I bo. If you 11 just road that , ami bo kind enough to answer it I'll tell you what to Hay. " The executioner hutl already passed the ooil of rope to his comrades and they had drawn it taut. He took the letter , and , as the party stood around ready to run no thu culprit at the first signal , he opened it and rend aloud : B , Ark. , .Inn. 10 , IS . My Dear Son James : For lonsr , weary months 1 have waited for news troin jou Hlnce your last kind letter to your old mother. ( Uxl hlcs.s von , Jnines , and unswur my pruyer that this letter may inach yon , thanulni : you for ) our ever thoughtful c.'iiu of me In my old axe. 1 received the letter and It has kept mo Iiom worn ill-oil. But once moioto look intovonr , fare and feel that > on wciu near niuould cheer my old hc.-ut more than to possess all the od | In Onlltoinla. When are you coin- IIIK home ? You promlswl me In tliiispilnj ; yon would roino back to inc. May ( Jed pros per yon nnd tcturn uiy dear bov toinyanns btiloro J die. J'loin your loving mother , lie began the letter in n btron r , clear rolcu , but betoro the closing words his reading was hardly audible , and tears stood in the eyt'i ol Iho rough , strong men who listened breathless Lo its con tents , The rope hud claolsonwl until it dropped from Iho hands of his comrades , and ns the breath of morning rii'llud tlio leavitN of the trees above them , nnd God's sunlight shimmered down through tlm opniiig boughs , molting their hearts to pitv , the thoughts of enon were busy bringimr mumorins of their boyhood dave and a mother's loving prayers , Kller.ce for a few minutes , tlion , reverently folding Iho soiled bit of paper , thu reader pusr.iul it to HH owner and without a word nlippml the noose from hir neck. In tones sis gontlu ns a mother's he asked , "Was you going home , slranuurV "Yew. " "Good-by , " Thu str.ungor dared not tiiist hl , volco in thanks , but drew-fioni his belt a small has of twenties and oflurcd it to the lea der"Hoss. "Hoss. " ' 'No , nothkn her aiid gooitby ' " He uiouiilcct t'ho mare mill sluwly nioved away , while Iho party < I him out of sight , tlion Un iircl aiid s\ \ | , t \ retraced their steps to e.imp ' - Wns adjourned. PKINCE MELIS5ANO. 'Dctnllsol His KitlHdn nt n l'ars | flub -n't In' Olwqiilcs. The suicide ol J'rmee MtU mio , linkf of CairaHoli. in the Ccrcle Imperial ol which he u'n * a member , and wm-rr h > hud a bedroom , : 's to J > e ascribed to ti s irai'ne being ported as thai of u dofiiuli. . r ou the jclnmncy gla of the card IOUMI 1'he prince was nicknamed Mclis c < < v > , Cannes , as a pers-onii ! trlMul of ( lie , \ . king und queen of ISnplo * . and vnj fond of Italian confectionery , which l > iscd | In cat daily at tlie corner ol tin Place de la Bourse and the line Qnatie Scptombro. He was ft small rtnd elloitn nnte looking man of 10 or there alioiits , and had ( lie haggard fm u of a pcrovering gambler who e IOSSIH have grnatlv over-balanced h s trains. On Icnyinjr college lie visited Paris as a loiitKt. nnd In ramp n permiui cut resident , IJIs Imtinie WMS nevrr si > great as report said. He imide gnmld i g for which he had u strong taste , a pro ! . sioii. At lirfl lie wn bold : iud fortunate , nnd llirn becnme ncrvnu.s ami liulucl.y His Italian liiliini' - of heart forsook him mid be constantly provoked iiiurrcl | This let ! to the cuinmiueo of Iho Cereie do In Hue itoyale n lew years ago , refus ing so admit him Still , hovermOr , li , lint tn the Hue < ! ' Antin continued to he called le Passage aux princes , beennso most ol the illn > lrioiiv personages wt o como here to nmii-e themselves used t go to Prince ( . 'nrrneioli'.s card parlie- . Sons of millionaires aspiring to ser : i ! distinction wore glnd to bo admitted to piny with them. I'he piiuec hud to sell his bcautilul art furniture , but was able to keep Ins unique collection of walking stinks. Lntturl.t lie resided altogether nl the Corelo Imperial whnre lie was several limes ported as a defaulter. Tlie time he saw his name on the chimney glass In- gave the mirror a blow with his e.melneh smashed it The second lime his mime was put up while ho was * run , ling about tnmg to oh lain 10,000 fiain - to pay airnmblingdohl When lie came : n \\ith the money he found he had been "esecuted" ten mm tiles before. He proleMed , and the com mittce decided in his favor. The lliird time ho was a defaulter for 100 luuis. He told the other club men who had wit noosed his d grueo that ho was going to blow his brains on ) , but they .smiled in credulously. A few moments later the report of a pistol was he.ird , and then ho was found lying dead beside a little table , on which there were letters to his credi tors nnd to his frieml.s. One of them waste to a royal personage , who. when lie vis iled Paris , used logo to Prince Cnrraci olo's card parlies. The olneqtiies of Prince Melissai o ' were celobrn'led to-day at the ISlndi'l i.o entirely without pomp , but there were no mn'nvcd rites , the church having chari tably assumed that the unfortunate gam blur had committed .suicide while labor ing under an attnck of temporary ins. in ity. Tlie invitations lo the funeral wen- thus worded : "The family of Cnrnceiolo Me.lis.sano have the honor to apprise you of the sad 'oss ' which has befallen them in the death of Alberto Caracciolo , prince of Melissano , who departed this life on the r > t li of October , ISHii , at Paris , at the age ot 10 , and thoyrcquosl you to attend the funeral services and burial. The obsequies will be celebrated Friday , the BUi hist , at noon precisely , in the Mndc- Ininc , his parish church. Pray for him. His friends will meet at the church. "The body of Prince Alulissnno , uhich had been transported on Wednesday to the vaults of the Madeleine , was taken into thu church n few minutes before 1'J lo- day , in t'.ie presence of n police commit ) sary _ . There being no member ot the family in Paris , two of the prince's com patriots acted as ehlet mourners. Very lew of this old chums of the deceased at tended , and thu rosalperounage to whom he wrote a note u I'LW moments before ho shot himselt was not ivproncnled by so much as a lloral crown or bouquet. The vice president of the Circle. 1m penal and a few members of the I'ommes do Terre , line Uoyale and INIrrliton's clubs attended. Theie were two wreaths and a bouquet ou tlie coffin. A clo.ii'.d crown was on 'ho draperies of the cata- falco. Very few candle : , were lighted , and the church was nndnqitid. A low mass was celebrated by thuicar , and as there wns no music , was spocdily got through. All thee who came to tlm funeral dropped oil'at the church door whim the eoliln wns being taken lo lint plain hearse that awaited it to convey the body to a provisional tomb at I'ere In ( 'hai"e. ( Paris Correspondence London News , October < ) . Tliomp-xjiiY Itcinnrfcnblo , Feats. Overland Monthly : If not the swiftest , it is nnivor.iall.v conceded that , oven up to the time ol lii.s death , Thompson was the most , expert sii'jv.'Rhoe runner in thn Siorrn Nevada mountains. . At Silver mountain , Alpine county , California , in lb 0 , whim liu was r > " years of ago , Im ran a distance of l.iiot ) feet in twenty-one seconds. Thorn weru many siiowshoerfi at that place , but in daring Thompson surpassed them nil. Near the town wns a big mountain , whum the people of tlie place were wont lo assemble on bright days in tin ; winter to the muiibiir of UOu or ! ! 00. Tuu ordinary Kiiowwhoei-H would go part > \ay \ up the mountain to where there WUK u bininli , and then glide down u lieuicn path. This was too tame for Thompson. Ho would make a dnuiil of over a mile ami como out on the top of the mountain. Whim he appeared on the UUHK he would give one of his wild , high .Sierra wl.oops , po'se ' his lial.nice pole and dart down thu incit of the mountain at lightning spued , leaping all tlio terraces from top to bottom , and gilding for out on Iho lo.\el buforn halting. Knowslioo Thompson seldom performed any feat for ( ho mere name and fnmu of doing n dilllcull and daring thin' ' Vet W. P. Merrill. po t- Hiaotur at Moodfonl's , Al'linn ' cuiinly , writes mo as follow in spending ot some of Tliomp.son'ri achievements : "Ho at onu lime went bauk to Genoa , on a mountain , on ln Knowshoos , and made a jump ol 180 feet without a break , " This semns Ineredibhv , but Mr. Merrill iri a reliable man , and for ninny > eai'3 Thompion was lii.s pear neighbor and a tegular customer at his store. Thomson doubt jc made this fearful leap at a place where would land in a great drift ot soft snow. I spoke ol th < s font lo Mr. C. P. Gregory , iormerlv 1 humii.son'N neighbor in the mountain , . . Imt at pre-.oni a roidentof \ jrginln Cin , Novndn , and ho aiinui-ml thall nltlionuli ho had never heard of thul particular lonp , ho did not doubt what Mr. Alerr-l said. " 1 Know , " Mild Mr. Givgoi "that nt Silver mounl'tln hd ofinn imidt. clear jumps of litt.y and sKt.y 1'e.ut. . " A French Vlru Purls FigaroTlm uxcollenl Itcv Beenhur in no WIKO nwemiilor- the typ < I puritan pastor , with lean , long , dry tncr , mourntiil n * u rainy day. Un ia n'mnnll. btout man , with a laughing , rubicund face , a lover of good cheer , and an in comparable story teller and conve.rsu tionalht. As a visitor n u > one day compliment nig M. Chovruul'b two Mirving women ou tli length ot time they hud rumaimxi n > the same urvicn- rum thing nowaday onuof them rapllod : ' Well , sir , y < > sco , good masUns make good Rcrvnnt- DeiiUv , the hoiiuulaiopoi' , has been wi < . M. ChoUi'iil fory | juar , and Wllnc- . ill cook , thirly your * . A.profossionnl beggar nldnped $70 in nickels , dimes and jjmirters' tiom rilori I' , ] i. T to her husband in Miniap - olU ,