THE'OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1880. JACK IIAXLEY'S RELEASE , The Well Known Pugilist to be Set at Libert ) To-day. OMAHA SPORTS WELCOME HIM. A Jtc\fo\r of l ho I'nrdottlnrn of llic I'YII-Itnnlcy KlRm Ilrovl- tlrs Ic > ri < ) iiiil < , ninl Other Jiocnt Hclrnso. At D o'clock to day tlio doors of llio stnto pt'tiitunti.iry al Lincoln will .swine upon anil Jack Hanlcy , one of tin- best known anil popular porting men in tlio west , will step foi-tli a frets innn from the walls witliln which lie lias been confined lor n year anil n h.ilf. Hn will bo jrrc-ctctl by \ 'Aliitliur \ { > , Jnok Monison. Duncan MuUonnlil , A.S.Forbes. Herb Hotliery , Haby Harm ; * , Johnny Clew and otliur iiiembcr.s of tlio sporting fr.itetnity who went lo Lincoln last night to be nrcsi-nt when he h released. It Is proposed to bring llniiley to Oniuha , where n com- pllinotilary bow-lit of somti kind \\ill bo londurnii him at an early ilato. 'J'lio of- fcnso for which Hanlcy has lieen doiiiK penance was hh pait as a prlneiapl in tlio I'oll llanley piizo lijrlit , which took place Jit Clcarwater , in Saimdnrs county , in May , 11H3. It was one of the most son- satlonal nffiiirs of this kind that over occurred in the state , and will bear a brief review. The. fl ht had been announced for a lone time before it took place. As it was the first li ht in many years that was tin- iionneud to take place in the vicinity of Oniah.t. < | itito an amount of interest was nroused union ; ; the people who patroni/o fiueh untcitiliiiiients Kell , the man who was matched ajjainit llanley. was com paratively unknown here , lln had been brought here by a man named Al. Mas- turson. who was then the manager of what was known as the Turf K\elian e. on Douglas .street , opposite the Millard hotel The place Ion" since went into bankruptcy , and Morrison , who was en ilunvorliii ! to build up the nllair and es- taiilish a pool room on other peoule's money , went to other paits. During the state fair he was dealing in a Kanililmjr house in Lincoln , where he is now t'tigiiijetl 1 cll'q | jrt achievement here was with 1'iof Smith , the leading glove artist , who , however , was not a very remarkable man. Vet lie \ \ as es teemed to bo possessed of more hcienee than Fell , and , it was. thought , would l.noeK the Jailor out Smith , however , early in the llyht received a louinl arm blow in the back , between tlio spine and ribs , which sadly intorferred with his health at the moment , causing him to retire and preventing him from respond- in" when tlie call of time was made This gn 'e Fell .some prominence and the &poi ting men began to look around for a now man to set against him. The match was finally agreed upon by the repiesentatives of himself and llanley , who at the time was out in Colorado , where he had fought sen oral baltles and attained to nuilo si distinction. Ho had previously been a favorite in Omaha , where he had often put on the gloves lethe the Kali.sfaction of the spectators. The scone at the I'ell-Ilanlcy fijjht was kept n .secret. For a long time , it was thought the engagement would talco place in tlio vicinity of O'Neill , but that place was abandoned because of the expense which necessarily attend it.s selection. Iowa was also men tioned , but finally abandoned , because it was thought the inteiferenco from both the Nebraska and Iowa sides would bo too great to overcome. Finally the night before the light arrived , and oven then but u low intcicsted people know where the ring was to bo staked. All the paities who intended to bo present , met with : i host of others at the Tmf exchange , lloro vyhisky was imbibed in copious quantities , and before midnight a number of the crowd were in anything but a state of sobriety. Among those present a mini- l > er of strangers , though visaged tallows , who had achieved unenviable reputations in all the walk of illegitimate enterprise. Tlicro were fellows who would not hesitate to use tlio bludgeon , knife or revolver on but .slight provocation.These had come from u number of the nvor cities , as well as from the mining regions in Missouri , where Fell had vvorkcil before - fore he was brought hero to light. When home of the leading gamblers and sportsmen - mon of she city saw the eiovvd , ami the condition of Inebriety in which inany of its members were , they got together , and uoming to the conclusion that trouble was piomisod , turned away and refused to attend the light Shoitly after midnight it wa an nounced that a train would leave the Union Pacilic depot at 1 o'clock in the morning to take spectators to the fight. An immediate rush was made to the place mentioned. Some wont on foot , others in carnages , many slink- inir down the by-ways , fearful of arrest , and others declining to board the cars until they commenced to move , lost they might bo apprehended for abetting nn unlawful undertaking. It had rained early in the evening , and during a part of the night. The streets were covered with water and the night clamp and cold. Overcoats worn luxuries and goscnmers were worth gold. When the sliivormg crowd tiled into the cars , each member showed : i ticket which cost Him $10 , and of these there fewer than 200. 200.The The train consisted of two passenger coaches which had boon in the business for about halt a century , and a way car , which brought up the rear Shortly after 1 o'clock Hie train pulled out , and went slowly toward its destina tion. Jt had not been many minutes under way when n "sera"occurred ) , and one of the nontenants emerged from the stitilllu with a nose about tlio si/.u of an elephant's trunk , mid u pair of eyes which caused him lo revel In darkness during the ot the trip , At I'apillion , u fellow " . 'ho had not , provided hlm.solf with a ticket , was unceremoniously pro jected into the outer darkness , with the impression of a boot behind him. At intervals alons other lights oc curred , so many.indeed , that among about a do/.on of the excursionists , tlio fellow who could not boast a facial dis figuration was badly ollonded. The two contestants w ro picked up at Waterloo and Valley and after innumerable delays , every ore of which , suspicious peoplu'thought , had boon brought about to secure the arrest of the excnr.slonibts , the train shot down the Republican valley brunch about day light , and stopped about a. quarter of a mile ! on the other Fide ot the 1'latte. Thorn the ilnjj was pitched , The mornIng - Ing was very cold , the grass wet , and the sun fcoomcdj'ovvcrless ' to ollect a change in tuo temperature for hours. llanley mid Fell remained in the cars until the ring had been pitched , and at a signal loft their quarters , Fell being covered with a blanket unit looking liku tin Omaha Indian in holiday attiio Jlanloy was covered with a coat , though it was thrown over his shoulders , and Ins lighting costume did not succeed in keep ing him comfortable. Two houra" were conbiimed in ( ileeting-a referee. lp that time lifU-on lights worn averted by the moiest accidents , and dm ing that tlmo the principals worn e\po cd to the dull ing blasts which wore sweeping over the jirairie. Hauler's friends wcro In the minority , while Foil' ? were bpld , noi y , supplied with money , tiiul solid.on their prim Ipal " "jus was shown by one of them , p " " T < i hiinilrul-dnllar bill in Fell's hands , \tith which the latter walked Around the ring and offered to bet Hint he would win the light He takers. Hanlcy saw immediately that if be should win the fight it would cost him his life , becftu o 1 ell's frirnds .showed that they wcro bound to have thulf uionoy badk at any h.v/.ard. The reforre was at length selected and the fight commenced , llnnley displayed excellent science and'reserve , while Foil was awkward but impetuous He forced the lighting with bull-doc pertinacity anil got heavily pounded nil over the body , vvhilo ilanley's ear showed a slight abrasion The end of each round was accomplished with n clinch and a fall with llanley on top. One round lasted about half a second end , llnnley striking Fella sledgeham mer blow in the ribs which raised the latter oil his feet and sent him pluugning thiough the mud. This arou ed the strongest indignation on the part of J'ell's friends , who increased the abuse they hail been Jieaping upon llniiley. Cries of foul weio raised incessantly anil one of bell's backers got inside the ring with malicious intent , when one of the 11-uiley men remonstrated. This led to a fight , In which half n do/en men pitched onto the llanley man , who to save him self , ran , followed by a host of others. Clew , of Denver , took part in the chase to sec that fair play was done , when ho became the object of the chase anil finally came to a stand with a revolver , which caused the others to bait. The crowd then broke up and returned to the ring , wheio the contestants continued the light as if nothing had taken place Every round caused ciies of foul , and at the end of the fifteenth , where it was apparent that Fell was liadl\ winded and In a fmv minutes would bo completely at the mercy of Hanley , the former's friends jumped into the nng. pulled him out and claimed the light llanley was on tlie scratch ready for the next round bJl lie had no one to light. The stakeholder was tcrrori/ed and surrendered tlio lirsl money to Fell. The party then broke up the ring , took 10 the cars and started for home. At every station the parly was met by gaping rustics , who seemed most anxious to learn all about tlie fight and see the principals. Hut the utmost tt was but lightlvirr.itilied At I'apillion Fell slunk away , waited for the Missouri I'aeilic and went south that noon. When the tram was within about a mile of Ivlillnrd tint old feeling which had l een engendered in the light between the par- ti/ans culminated in a row. ( Suns were drawn , and when tlio Ir.xm icaeneil the depot at that place tlnoe of tuo excur sionists had bpun shot , and tuo < e who could do bo climbed on the engine jumped 011 the cars and ran nu fa"t as possible out of danger. Some hired buggies and drove into town , others waited for the next train , while n few again bo.irded the train and road to the stock yards , whore , with the excep tion of a half a do/en , all got oil' and walked into town. When tlio train reached this citv , a doctor from Council Hind's , a printer of this citv and a IJr.i : re- potter alone remained. The re t feared that the tram would be met , at the depot by the ollieers , and sought to evade arrest llanley remained around , finally ac- ceptirgsecond money , A few days later lie was arrested at Plattsmouth , taken to Wahoo the county scat of baiindcrs. where the fight had taken place , was tried and sentenced to the penitentiary for the term which lie has now served. Safe Hloucrs. When Charles Hall wig opened his sa loon at 2215 Cuming street yesterday morning ho found that the place had been visited by burglars. An entrance bad been ofleetud through the rear door by breaking it from its hinges. They then broke the knob from the safe door by the use of a sledge-hammer , which they left on the floor , ami opened the sate by blowing out the combination witli a powder blast. Their labor urns all for naught , however , as the money in the sufo consisted of twenty live-cent pieces. Either disgusted by tlio small ness of their find or fiightencd away , they left the building without taking any other pioporly- Vtsschcr's Ijccture. On Tuesday evening AVill ll. Visscher , tlio well known poet , journalist and humorist , will lecture at Hoyd's opera bouse on the subject , "Sixty Minutes in the War. " Mr. Visseher is one of the best known men in the west. Nearly twenty years ago ho was actively con nected with the Omaha press and since that time the works of his pen have brought him an enviable reputation and hosts of admirers. Tickets for his lect ure ate now on sale. All who attend will bo delightfully entertained. People's Thoaire. Last night tlio Western Theatre com pany opened a week's engagement in "A Mountain Pink. " At 8 o'clock every seat in the house was tilled , and over one hundred people wcro turned away. 'J ho company is tlio strongest that has played in this house this season. To-night they present "The Octoroon , " and continue through the week with a change of bill each night. The Well. The capitalists who have formed a com pany for the purpose of sinking a well tor gas or oil on the city's property near the liver arc having trouble with the squatters who occupy the lots which have been deeded to the companv by the city lor the purpose named. The squatters refuse to vacate the lots and will probably have to bo ejected by legal measures. Plnlnlnc Mill Fire. An alarm announcing the outbreak of a fire in Moyer's Plaining mill , situated in the alloy between Ninth and Tenth and Douglas and Dodge streets , was turned in at 1 o'clock this morning from boxin. . Hose companies 1 , 3 and 3 re- siioiided promptly , and in a short time tlie blaze was extinguished. The loss is cntimated at between ij OJ and $103. Impersonating nn Olllcor. For a week or more a follow has been hanging around tlio saloons and dives of the city sponging drinks and meals , re presenting himself to bo Olllcor Ormsbo. He was arrested last nighr and gave llio name of Horace Yonkor. Ho carried a police club , kmicks and a full supply of the iindlements of war. After Tineo Yours. Ucorgo Marguard is a business man of Kansas City. Three years ago his room was burglarised and about $300 stolen from his trunk by a fellow .named Sohreck , Last evening Mr. Marguard was in a Tenth strout saloon and f rceog- nued him by an India ink mark on his right hand. Sohreci ; win arrested by Ofiicerllazo. Jloises Wnnlcil , I will w Infer a few liorses al my farm in MeCardle precinct during the coming winter , which will bo cared for as par ties wi h. Prices reasonable. Forfurthher information write to 11 W. CUOSSUE , lo71t ! Omaha. Can Kin Them In tlio Act. Ofllcor Ormsby did'a neat piece of work ltt t night in capturing two crooks in the a'ctof turning u trick upon a saloon imiu He overheard them say they were going to make the' rounds and do up Mime one , and , concealing His star and brass buttons , followed them The fel lows made sevcrel attempt ? lo catch some fellows , and dually borrowed $10 from Charles Neiber to show him a trick and then pocketed it. At this juncture fhe ollicer interfered and arrested the two fellows. They garo their names as Ilowell and Hrooks. After Lincoln. Deputy Sheriff ( trcbeh.i4 gone to Chicago cage , armed with requisition papers , for tlie return of Lincoln , who is wanted hero to answer to the charge of stealing n horse from Mrs. Hechtele , near Fort Omaha , and another from a fanner near Klkhorn. Lincoln was o.iptured in Chicago last week. litirKl'irfl. ' The enterprising burglar went through the American house , at the corner-of 'lenth and Douglas , last niirht , securing $ .V5 in c.\xh and $15 worth of oisara from tlio bar. Kntnince was ollected by pry ing a door from its hinges. * People's Theatre. To-night the Western Theatre company in "The Octoroon. " Change of bill each niulit. Popular prices , 15 , 25 and Ooc. Jlatineo Saturday at p. in. Personal Parncrnplis. J. S. France , of Blue Hill , is at the Paxton ton H. II. Leo , of Heatrice , is at the Merch ants. ants.W. W. H. Hooper , of ( irand Island , Is at IhoMiilaid W. W and C. H. Chandler , of Cedar Hapids , la , are at the Metropolitan. W H. Smith , of St Louis , special agent for the Travelers' Insurance company , and one of the best all-around prevarica tors in the business , is in the city. A ROMANTIC STORY. The Siillenly-Cliaii c < l Fortunes of n YOIIIIJI Aiisirallixn. Truth is at all times stranger than tiction. A few days ago there sailed for England a young man whose career would furnish materials ciiounh to con struct a romance out of it. His father was a younger son of good family , and related collaterally to a baronet of old descent , living oh a valuable estate in one of llio midland counties. He was somewhat wild in his youth , and a clever amateur actor A junior clerkship was piocurcd for him in the ticastiry , and he used to spend us many of his even- inus as he could in one or other of the Uieaties , where he fell in love and mar- ucd a pi city ballet girl whose father was the stage doorkeeper and whoso mother was the wardrobe woman in the theatre from which the lin-band , took her. The union gave great ollenso to his fi-iends , who lound very little dilliulty in prevailing upon him lo quit England and go to Australia , accompanied by his wile , and furnished with the sum ot 500 over and above their passage money. Durinir the \tiaago a son was born to them , and a seuous disaster befell the child's father , lie aecidi'iitly fell into llio hold and in jured his spine so severely Unit he was bedridden from that time toith. Ho lin gered for a twelve-month after Ins land ing and then died. His protracted ill ness had cx-hausted his resources and his youn ; ' widow found hersolt worse than penniless somewhat in debt after pay ing the funeral expenses. Hul she was a brave little woman , and soon obtained an engagement at the Theatre Hoyal , under her maiden uuino , and was en abled to maintain and give a tolerable education to her boy. She dipd of cancer before he was seventeen , and his life since then which was about five years ago has been one of vicissitude. Latterly ho ho has been acting as a waiter at ono of our restaurants , wlierea Certain inherited elegance of manner and relinemcnt of accent on his part havo-oftpn caused mete to speculate as lo his history. i-15y chance I had the opportunity of rendering him a trilling sen-ice , which encouraged his conlidence , and he told mo his' personal histoiy. A few months ago , glancing down the advertising columns of the Times , I noticed ono inquiring" for a missing heir , and tlie Viirticiilars given seemed to tally with those of-'his own narrative. 1 called his attention to it. and the result was llio opening up of a correspondence with a firm of solicitors in Lincoln's Inn Fields , followed in duo time by n remittance from them -and the information that ho had succeeded to a baionelcy and 12,000 a year. No less than three lives stood between him and it when the old possessor of the.litlo died , but these had all been removed by acci dent in the short space of 6ightcon mouths. One had been drowned vvhilo bathing near Mount Orgnoii , ir. Jersey ; n second had slipped intoacrovasso upon the Alps ; and a third had broken ins neck while riding to hounds in his own country. Sidney Mail. Ilnlforil Sauce makes cold meats a lux ury. O'Donnhou & Sherry CAI.I.Sri'.CIAI. ATTKXTION TO IIIKIII STOCKer or xiw : rAr.i , NOVBTKIKS IN imnss GOODS , COMniNATION" SUITS , l'IA IN AND1 bTItll'i : ! ) VELVI.TS , 1'LAIN AND JIOTTI.UO 1'J.UBIir.S , FRATIIEK THUrMINGS , 3IO33 TIUMJIINGS , ISUAIIW , BUTTONS , ETC. Wo are showing the finest stock ot these goods this season we have ever offered and our prices defy competition. We opened Friday a iwrniCATK T.OT OK LADH-.S , JACKITS AND WUAI-S which will bo sold at llio PAI.IJ OPENING THICKS. Vi'o also call particular attention to anew now lot of UNIN : noons JUST OI'ISNKD consisting of TAIII.K DAMASK NAI-KINS , DOYLIES and TOWKLS. MONIYWILL HI : SAVIU ) UYMAtlNU YOIM I'UltOIIASUS AT Till' CMIHAI-KSl STOHK IN El IK CI TY. O'DONAHOK & SIIKKFY , 15TH SIUIIT : , NKXTTO rosiorricu. lIllOllCOUk'H HircJicocic's HiioiicocK'a ADDITION ADDITION ADDITION Cut In the center by the Bolt R. U. Kqmil distance from Walnut 11111 and Hertford Placo. Jt is by location ono of the best additions now offered for sale. Lots can be bought hero on very easy terms , at prices less by 23 to 50 per cent in any adjucentaddition. tieo them and then KCO us , J. H. KVANS & Co. , Solo Agents. Try our ( Jibbon Creamery Hutter and you will use no other. For sale only by C , H. Mooiti : ie Co. , Grocers , 1515 Dodge. Good Holiemian Hye Dread and all kinds of rolls tresh every day. Order by postal card. Frank Kuboyei. cor l5th ! and Williams st. A. Morsman , M. I ) D , 1) . S. Dentist. Residence ollicu 1021 Capitol ave first 11 oar , Fresh oysters , celery and cranberries , now buckwheat Hour and maple syrup at Win. Oentloruun'b grocery , Foster's addition still attracts attention and wo have few lots left w ijeh can be had at reasonable prices and easy terms , This addition lays within ono and two blocks of the 20th st. cable line , Mf IH & HKMINOTON , 1502-FiU'ilam. . _ > _ _ Dr. Iliraillon Warren , Koleetio Physi cian and { surgeon , Itoum 0 , Crounse block corner ItStb. and Capitol avenue Day a ml night calls promptly uttentod lo Coa 1 Je ) f quality Iowa Nut Coal § 3,75 , Coutant is SqnirosfiJtSTS. ItStti st. Don't pay big pnoojr lumber but buy ctioap at HriuIfordV ' * _ . ' „ For fine Merchant Tailoring call on Isaac Hart , 1005 Howard street , OP VOTK1VS. Second District of Klrst WnriU Ajcr J B 11th bc-t Dorcas and Martha Atkins Sfiin I'icrco bet sth and I'th ' Hock Hnusliith and Vlntun Hlazlcek Jo euli 1313 9 l Mi Heclcy John cor 10th and Charles Hliiik 1) C ror toth nnd Martha nniiillmuer F W lath bet Center and Dorcas U uiilliiiuer Wan/el 12th bet Center and Dor cas Hrndj John cor 12th and Castcllnr llnKon Anton istth bet Outer anil Dorcns Itrcdeilck Sleplien J llins tlth Heionsak Jim IRth bet Williams nnd llrlsfgs Ui'hran-.l DlUOl'lereo Humes I'MwAttl ITO unit llondnav H Alley lint Williams and Plorco Mov le Terence Ihlups bet llth and 12th Mallard F W Kith and Williams Hlndernii Julius lath bet Dotcas ami Center Hock Fred Hitliand Yliitun Ioi ) cn Phil Utli bet Dorcns and Center Meisen P ( ) 12th bet Dorcas and Center litusUll Fh ( . 'enter sticot ciool | Coulter Jeioino KUth bet P.tcillc and Pierce Cook M 1) law Kith Coian ; D.vii I'Jth lift Arbor and Maucroft Cuei Win A Center bet 10th and llth Ctavvford.Ainlrew cor iith : and Center Cliristetisoii John U.'iT 10th Cox J no H J Hickory Cuiiiinliur Win A ISOtl s 12th Caine CV Goodman's residence Cliristeiieou J no tins sfltli Cinica .Ino H cot 13th and Plcrco Clifford Clnis 15'J2 s llth Doll Win S07 Pierce D.ivenpnrt A C llth bet Dorcns nml llnllhl Drexel Fied cor lOtn ami Williams Drexel II PlOlhand Williams Dio.\cl U H 10th nud Williams Deitllngur A nth bet Illckoiy and Cliarloa IX-o Morris KO" H 12th Dnlan J 11 llth bet Dorcas and Center Doll , ! io lltli near Pierce Dvn/dansky CiiasSth m-ai Hickory Dlanan D.III llth bet Wlllinais and Urlggs Dennis.I II 1JXI s 10th Dennis S Lmis 10th Deinpsev Mlclmcl 1111 w 10th Dillon Itediiian llllslUlh Dillon M 1111 sloth Dillon John nils 10th Diaiunn .Michael 12th but Pierre and Williams r.lirenpleit llemv IT-Ms llth Klu'iitter Moil Is 100i > Paollic Illsaster U I * ' Oth and Dim Kstelle L T 1015 s 11th Kills .llio Cnstellar lift Bill nud Oth KiiKontlului Jits Williams bet llth and 12th Klsassei .loliauiies alley ou 10th bet Piicilio and Pieiee Fml.i Wen/el llth betPieico nml Williams Fhda Joe liHIi botPieice ami Williams Poll Albeit 1414 sloth Foster M 151(1 ( s llth Ford Michael 013 Pierce FimmsC II IWis llth Km mis K I ) 1515s 11th Finn/is LU1 Pieico F.iny And l.lth bet Pieiee and Williams rieml'ijr Moiris loth near Dorr .is Politico James 12tli bet At bar and Yinton ( iooilmnn U F 10th and Dorcas ( ioll .Ins lUOr P.icino ( icnslci Andrew 11U s litth ( irocov Kieluud llth but Dorcas and Maltha ( ireuii W K 1111 s 10th ( ioriimn Juo llth and Maltha ( ireeley 1'lms I'Mi s lltli ( iooilmanear ( ics llooye Amende ITJSs llth lllit Mielil lOtli bet Dotcas and Maltha Ilollmnn Ceo 12'U ' Williams 1 lei7.1 ; I'reu 10th and .Mailha lliitmelster lleurj bill ami Hickory llollman .Ino 11th bet William-and Pieico lliulicel ; T.d mh ojid Williams HoiiKcn Mnrlt/ Hit sOtli HciiKcn C 15 Ulls.Jtli ) Haves ThosOth ami Castollnr lliiieliey Pat lath dad Aibor Hoist T W Hilt ) s IPIh Havel .Ino lltli and Williams Unseal I Isii ic H Oojmojiolitan lintel licit .Ino Williams but llth and 12th Hiumou Andre .1. SU Picirc Havel Vaclav Williams b-t 12th and 13th Havlicek Jos Williams but 12th and liith He an Con 6th and Kim Henley PC 120T PK'ice Henley K 1207 I'iOrto Huulies I'.Uk llth and Mnilha HnrbeyJ H 1818 . < i lltli HalepM lltlun Yinton Johnson Anihovv VCI7 s 10th Jnuline J W llth 5ct Arbei and Yinton Jones J 1) Ninth ur Hiekorv .lonos Henry Cosmopolitan hotel Jansoii ] ' Al-JSRls lOih Jvrovvsky John Willlnms bet llth and 12th Jurjrensen T 12th nr Pieiee Kiuitiiiun Chnilea 10th bet Illckoiy and Chillies Kount7o lleunan Kount/c resiileuco KnajD ) Michael 1500 s llth KuappKC 15os ( lltli KnappJ ( r IVX ) s llth Konvalin John Wl'.is WMi Kuka Jos 12th and Williams Klot.i Jos 12th bet Wllll.ims and Pieico Kellev W A 1717 s I'JIh Koetter Fred W bth nnd Dorcas Kennedy J J 10th and Uastellar Kent Josla 810 Pieico Kiecliler ( ! eo btli nr Hickory Kiley Mike014 Pieiee Kuua Albert cor llih and Williams Kiecek Anton cor 12th nud Wllli.ims Kempt Am : 12th nnd Dorcas Lonupioy L F IMS s llth Lalble Leouliaid 1WS slltti Larson Nels 12th bet Center and Dorcas Jielller A C inth and Dnrcas Lumim ; Herbert 142(5 ( Hickory Lovvery W U lOtli near Hickory liih\lck ( ( icor oblli but Ilickoiyand Chailos Ludwlck Joscpli 8th near Chailen Lacey L cor lltli and Williams Llseman August cor ith : ! and Williams Limberir Frame Otli and Chniles Mai tin I'oter cor 10th and Castellar -Mills Jas 1711s 12th Mattsen P L141H sDtli JInssion Alfred llth anil Cnsletla Mnthlesen 1510s lltli Mathiesen Ilnnry IT S.s llth Hnliu Hugh illslevo bet William 12lh and ith : Jlassion Anilrowcor llth and Castellar Miller J II 82.1 Pieico Mnllck K17Msloth ! Manvvlll It H 1715s 12th Monday Jos 1123 s 10th Mattseii John llth but Dorcas and Center Jlnck Charles U 10th near Hickory MlnneckJno 1024s llth Jlonk Aiidiew lltli near Pacific Mlniuiio Jno 12tli bet P.ieltic mid Pieico JIat/a Peter 124 ! ! s 12th Million I' H Oil Hickory JklcAuUIT Sam cor KHh nnd Aibor jMcMnhon James cor liilh und Arbor McKvoy Pat cor 12th and Martha McLaney JDH 1BJ1 s 10th McCarthy. ! II 17i S loth McKcon Patrick J 1VW s llth MeCandless H 11 10th near Hickory JlcCandless K II 10th near Hickory Nelson I'eter IfilS s llth Neve Win llth belDnrcasnnd Mnrlha Nelson O K llth bet Dorcas and Marliift Novncek James 12th bet Williams nnd Pierce O'Siilliviin i : loth and O'D.ur Win bth nud Cnstollar O'Nod 1M 1525 s ISlh Olbcn A COtli nnd Doicas Olsen N 14'M H 10th O'Domdd Tiiomns 1113 a lOlh O'Neil KuKeiie cor llth nnd Dorcas Pills Otto cor Kith niid Pncilic Pnntzltttv Cluulcs IM'l H 10th Pomey ( ins coi IMh and Pieico Peter-itin P S 14' s 10th Piruensliam Fiod.lPth bet Hickoiy and Cen ter , Plla liiB W 1444 rf ( Ull Plla iniFiedl4/UOIIi } Pnsplslill Frank ill5s : I3ih PavikMartin Willlnms bet llth nml 12th Prokop Tynek 121h .but Willlnms and Pierce 1'ilbovvstcy Josnpli Utli s Willlnms Polan Jniuph 12th bet Williams and Pieico Pollnn Pi auk UllltHlth Ptillo Tlumiiis C lilts llth 1'llip K D 1411 H 101 h 'Pearson F W UOUndth Kednold Win 1CWX llth Itoslcky J no jr 1 > W u Ielory KiislekyJiiusrOOC Hickory Hush Jno cor I2tllalid ) Aibnr Honsok Jo > . IRtli WU Pierce and Williams HicoWm Fl4lOll1i ) < Itushlnw P J cor ( Slhtinil Dorcas Hichcleu lM14470ih Uissc Christ 1447 slOlh Kiibln Mose.s cor ith : ! and Castellar Kacek Jerome iilbt : > llth Iteiien .Jno 1U1112lh Umllotr Gu-tavcdi 12th and Center Itusldavv Win No 4 Kncine house Scelx'izcrM Oili neai Illckoiy Segelktt Win c r llth mm Pleivo Hlepii ( iii-itaOlh lint Ilickorj nnd Charles Sw.itina Peter Williams bet 12th and Uith Muhcndorf Kicd 10th bet Williams nuc ! I'lerce .Spuiildliii ; W II cor 10th and P.ichlu .Smith Jim Pierce Lu-t ' .Uh nnd 10th .Schmidt Josoiih cor 10th and Center Shaldu Prank 12tn hchonliol Hanss 10th Kvv.uisen .VeltiOth nnd Illckoiy Seliolpp Adolpli 1W > llth { Sullivan K A 10th ami Dorcas btas Paul 12tli bet Ph'icu and Williams ttliophaid J O Out lliekory Sheaalin JnoOllibet Hickory nud ( ' ntor Shnvelik Jns D Cosinopol liou-1 ! ? cliii ( l > el FrcdereleU llth and C.istellar SnidnJ P l 1.'i s nth Slav ick Juo lath bet Willlnms nud Pierce Slmroil Jne Williams bri ISlh and Wth Smitnim .looeph Wllll.ims bet 12th nnd l th Smihnp Vincent 12th bet Dorcns and Martha Soiutnrr Paul 10th nml lllrkory Selinber H llth near Center Slewnrl W II 15tn slllh. 'lYnccy .tno Ifltll brt Plorce nnd Willlami Ti.ieey \ \ m tub near lllckorv j'rneey Jnmes ntli neir Wllilams I hninpsou J H 1 07 s litth Yodica V LOU Hickory \ ntiilerford Joseph lltli bet Dorcas and Cen ter Ynii Deu en Henry is-jr.n mil Yedlcn Anton imh but Williams nml Plcrco Yltia Finnk 12th bet Williams and Pierce WHlerp Aucii'-t 14u : , loth Wilbeip A ! ' I-1'U s 10th Wliidhelm K 11.11 stMli Williams August ! > th nml Oastollnr Ililams Cipnrcc llth nnd Martha Wlmleu Owen Hid P.iellle Woikmnn ( } H I72iis 12th Ximmermauu ( Jotlleb Pierce nr lllh Yost Clnrles A Itth bet Center nnd Dorcas Xellrr John bi > t lllrkory nml Charles X.Minvsky Anton Wlllmms bet llth anil 12th 1 heiebv ceitlfv that the above names aie n collect list of the vottr of the Second district. First vvaul , as thev appear upon the legislation books at this dale. Hr.Nitv lIiinnNpFoitT , Irilstrnr2l ! ( ( DIsMsl vvnrd. October C2il , ls > > 0. Ctirc ol' liivor Complaint. IOWA FAM.S , llardin Co. , Ia.luno8 , ' 8r > . 1 have been using Allcoclc's Porous Plasters for four years , and I think I could not gel along without them. For a long time I was alllictcd with a pain under my right shoulder blade ; 1 also had considerable dill'iculty in breathing. I applied an Allcock's Porous Plaster on my luck , and one on my chest. 1 kept changing them ovety four days , and at the end of three weeks was entirely cured. K. S. STI\T.NS. : A rascally Kontnckinn who failed for $25,00(1 ( had nasuts , sis it ttirnod out , worth l Sauce excelled by none. TIJ It. In St. Louis 7,001) ) pounds of copper have been used in making just one steam kettle for si brewery. Complexion Powder is an absolute necessity ot the relmed toilet in this cli mate. Po//.oui's combiiios every element of hcautv. and purity. The "and thrown up by the Charleston earthquake is deep black , pale blue , light brown , pale yellow , and silvery , For 20 years Henry F. Halcoin , ot Shir ley , Mass. , sutlered with rheumatism He found no relief till he took Hood's parilla. Zig/ag lightning seized by the camera of I\I. \ Jlousotte , in Paris , proved lo bo spiral The streak corkscrewed its way from the cloud instantly to the much- smitten earth. Metal-covered leaves , set in brooches and made into scarf-mni , trom the trees and bushes at Lake Siornberg , where mad King Ludwig drowned himself , arc now sold in the stores at Blunicli "Mid pleasures and palaces though wo may roam bo it ever so humble. ' there's no specific ; for pain like Salvation Oil. Price 25 cents a bottle. "The most tiofiblesome companion a person can have while being away trom homo , is a cough , and 1 would advise everybody to piociire Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup belore starting. " ( Jiuinmcr. ) The White Island volcano , in the Hay of Plenty , oil' tlio North Island coast. New Xcli.nd , is in active ciuption and sending forth a vast column of flame and smoke , rising to a height of 100 feet. Scalds , burns and liousliold accidents immediately cured by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. _ The village of Haldwinsville , among the hills of North Worcester , Mass. . ha's had tlie honor of dedicating Hie first nnd only institution in this country , if not the world , for the Ireulinont of epileptic children. _ Hand bouquets most in demand fpr the society season will bo very long-st.ilked roses that will liang loosely , being sup ported by banks of sin i I ax nnd maiden hair forn. Corsage bouquets are to bo of Russian violets. No iJiicert.'iliny. There is no uncertainty about the clTecl of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarihoea llemedy. No one need lo sillier a single hour if they will take ono or two doses of it. On the eastern coast of the Caspian sea a curious change is in progress. The Kara Bobha/ an estuary nearly separ ated from the main body of ihe sea by a bank through which there is an inlet. The evaporation from this gulf is so great that a current continually sets in from tlie Caspian , and as them is no return current , the gulf becomes more and more salifcrous , and a deposit of salt is in course of formation. In time this gulf wjll bo cut oil' from the Caspian , and will then be dried tip and become an ex tensive salt bed. The wild man is coming to the front this fall. A Maine newspaper of repute pays that ono ten feet high was recently killed 100 miles north of Mooschcad lake. Ho had previously killed ono of throe hunters , and the other t vogot re-enforce ments and slew the gianl , who was cov ered with Ions , brown hair. There also comes from Topekn , Kan. , an account of the rapture of a wild tnmily , consisting of a man and woman and two children. They also had much hair on their faces and bodies , and the account au\s that on tiie lop of the heads of the man and woman were evidences thai they had been ficalped. Tlie theory advanced is that they were captured aed scalped by Indians , and then escaped and became insane , You can buy turnituro c.ioapor of A. L. Fitoh Ac Co. , 12th St. . bet Farnam and Douglas , than nnv other nlaco in tlio city. McCormick's 2d addition. LoLs In this addition alM per cent cheaper than snr- lounding propel ty. The nest of terms. JHUM A ; KllMIXfiTON , 100. Farnam. Criohton it Whitney sell hard and soft coal,18th and Iznrd and 218 S. loth street. If you buy lumber anywhere without first getting Hoaglands prices you will lose money. For linn Furnishing Cluods call on ISAAC HKAIIT , HHM Howard street. Cheap HOUNON. Wa IIHVO four neat houses and good lots in desirable locality , which we will sell cheap if taken this week. Kasy terms. CI'NNIMJIIAM & ISiirvvAN , 1511 Dodge. Messrs. li.ilton & Kompton will open the retail meat market of the Omaha Packing house , on Saturday , October 83. These gentlemen will bell lirst-cln i meat at packing IIOIIMI prices. Uivc them a culi and save money. WANT * i > A yonnir man lo make him self u eful around a store. Mu t bo strong aud healthy Must have llrst cU s ntf.jrolH'O , and furnish bond if desuable. "Ki > { ioi-M &AIKIN , 1 fit 11 and Dodge. Wliitubrertstnutcoal , $1.73 per ton the chcapust and lusstfuol. NEB. FIIKI. ( Jo. . 211 South 18th.St. Arrival of Vicuna underwear at Ilamgo WHITE WOMEN IN AFRICA Ktiropenn Iiadlos AVlm nro Into tlio Depths of the- Dark Continent. Quito a number nfwhile men who nro now in Central Africa lime followed the advice of the cclebtated explorer , Or Harth , who many .vears ago expressed the opinion thai the traveler in Afuea .should take his wife with him He said the native did not imdcrt > tand how a man could live without apnttuer , Uud that they would hold him In greater re spect if he was accompanied by his vvite Dr Harth added thai the people ho met south of the Sahara had nothing against him except that lie was a bachelor. Dr. Livingstone's uifesh.iicd the priva tions ami dangers of some of his tiavels , and it was while wciemaklnira long journey together Hint .she died ami buried on the bulks of the Zambesi it is only recently , however , that white women have begun to accompany their htnbniids into the depths of Central Afiica. If the young wife of Dr. Ilolnb , the Austrian tiMvi-ler. survives fheir pi eat undertaking she will have made a longer lonrnov in Afiica than most explorers Nearly two joars ago this bravo young couple stalled from Houlh Africa , intewP ing to explore the upper Zambesi and Congo vnllejs , and to go home , if possi ble , uy wa.v of the gi eat lakes ana the Nile Alter Dr. Ilolnb returned to An stria , a few years ago , having earned a place in the lirst rank of African travel ers by his seven years of vvoik in the Xanibosl region , ho married the attractive and gifted young lady who is now wan dering witli him among savage tribes The entreaties of her trieiids could not turn her from her purpose to accompany lur hiHbaud in his new explorations Anotit fcHD.OOO was raised to buy their equipment , and when last heard from , two months ago , they and their band of porters weie plunging into almost wholly unknown regions ol the upper Mrs. Holub was in excellent health , but her husband had sulleicd lo some extent lioin fever. Last spring Lieutenant Valehe re turned lo Km ope for a vacation , after setving fpr tluee 3 oars on the upper Congo. Soon after his leturn he mar ried a fair Itolgian , and two months ago he and his bride started for the Congo , where he has re enlisted in the services of the Fieo States. At last accounts they were at Stanley Pool in good health anil were about to st-irl lor Stanley Falls. 1,300 miles from tlie sta , wheie thej will lesule. One of the most extensive travelers on the Congo is the wife of tlie missionary ( irenfell , who , witli her child , accom panied Mr ( iienfoll , on some of his long journeys , during which he pushed his little steamer over o.OOO miles of tin mu- igable waters ol I he Congo and its af- llueuts. On an island in Lake Tanganyika , nnl far Irom U.jiji , w leu- Stanley found Liv ingslone sick and almost destitute , live Mr. and Mrs. I hue , who are among the iMonccr missionaries of the hike u'non The unhealtlifuliK'ss of the mainland lias driven them to this island , where Lieu tenant ( ileorup , on his trip across the continent tins \oar , onjojcd the hospitil ities ot a while lady in Centra ! Alnea A rat pouter named Hurgslag , who is stationed at Lulaburg , far up the Knssai alllucnt ot the Congo , where he has very successfully opened a plantation on which he has raised big ciops of rite , corn , sugar ea-ie , manoe , and Kuropoan vejr- oi.ihlcs , lias expressed the wish , at the end nf Ins term ot seivico , to bring his wife and childicn , now 111 Germany , to Lulaburg , and devote himself lo his plantation and cattle r.iising. Two other i'inlo. | > ees of the C'ongo state , Yon der 1'Vloon , the captain of one of the steam ers , and Schneider , a giiumakor , whose terms of ollice have exmred , have peti tioued the government for permission lo settle on the Sautnrn river to open plant ations and raise cattle. Dr. Wolf , tp whom tlieii petition was refericd , has advised that it bo granted , and has ex- pi cssed the opinion tiiat , within certain limits , selected emigrants from Kuropo inny safely ho allowed and even encour aged to sctlle : n llic same region , Dynamite has been used for diiving piles in Posth. A cast-iron plate is put on top of the pile and a charge of 17j ounces of dynamite exploded on it. The elVect is equal to five blows of a pile en gine having a vveiirht of 11J Vienna ewt. and a stroke of If ) feet. Just "What You Want. When you have an attack of colic , cholera inorbus or diarrhoea , you want the pain removed at once , Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy gives immediate relief. It is safe and pleasant to take , only " 3 cents a bottle. On the four sides of a handsome tomb stone , erected by a mnn in Niles , Mich. , over the giave of his wife , are thc o in scriptions : "The more Saints the more lljpocrites. " "The more Peace the nun o Plenty. " "The more Ppriesls llio more Poverty. " The more lioligion the more Lying. " Beware of Scrofula Scrofula Is prolmlily moro than any other disease. It Is Insidious In character , nml manifests Itsi'U In running soi cs , pustular ( Tiiptlons , bolls , swolllngs , cnlargoil Joints , abscesses , sore- ryes , etc. Hood's Rarsapai Ilia expels all tiaro of Fernfnlv ; frmn the blood , leaving It pure , enrlclieil , nnd lu-althy. "I wasse\crclynnilctcl sciofula , and over a } car had t o rnnnliiG sores on my nc < K. Took fl\o bottles HooJ's Sirsii : | irllla , nnd niu cured. " C. T. LOVEJOV , Lnw ell , Mass. 0. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mr. , had scrofulous Fores for foen years , spring and ( all. Hood's Saisjii.ullla cured him. Salt Rheum Is ono of the most dls.ifirocablo diseases rained bylinpuiGblood. HIsicadllycuiedbyHoud'a Sarsapai Ilia , tlio great blood purifier. AVIllIaui fiples , Klyrla , O. , Biirtcrcd preally from erjslpclas nnd salt rheum , caused by li.inilllng tobacco. At times his linnds uunlil ciaclc open and bleed. Ho tried various pii'i - mations without aid ; finally tool ; llooil'H H'ir- E.iparlll.i , and now paj s : " I am entirely well. " ' lily son liad salt iheum on Msliumlsmnl on tlio calves of JiU logs. Ho tuo ! ; Hood's S.irsap.irllla and Is onllidy cured. " J , I ! . BUnton , JH. Ver.-.on , Ohio. Hood's Sarsapariila Sold liyall driigKl t . fl , tUforfl. Jlailnmilf liyO I IIJOU < tCO.Ai > otliccarlccIxiwulllMiui. IOO Doses Ono Dollar A Buck tlint errrv f th r il.ouM iluca In hl < n"il' < lM' > at and ruul Iduuelf w jtli tliu utinct-t cult ) . ( Jitrt I'll th IMlUo-.ll aid i. uiim 1'n nor * fluoto t'.utlf > Ur unJ Ifiur. i ; ,7 in < r June * ) Jjuibandj and llfais of rara < Df IV H 1 i tn < c ) JUe4iit4Kiit , 'Jtttiu"iii < Ujf < oiiiiinIuii4VLondon UiAtun FREHCII HOSPITAL TREATHEHT For Dnbu , Durar , 1 > r.iln " lad 'JiUllly. Hift nl fMib M lfl 1'rrn I'onmlfollnn. 1 rot i i A ll t 5i I C'lVlAIj : A.i..Vt ( . U I 1 "lino M , A. . Vlfc. ALLEN'S ' LUNG BALSAM AN OLD CONSUMPTION jsjTANDARJ ) COUGHS , , COLDS < , Lllh CROUP , AND \f.l. CURING iigDiseases Ittonimiirmlol I'J Hn ii'liun Ax a Sitl'i * IXKH'lnfnnl | ItoiiiiMlj. IT CONTAINS NO CPIUM. A WORD OF CAUTION. Tlinio nip tiinnv ( "oiith ( ( < ttrt < * . iMinh rrpro oi'iitliiir lo In'M'i ' l n ni > inl IK" Al.tiKV S i.l MJ HA ISAM. Slum HuMnc or nil n innlio * with- mil nil-lit. t nil lor nml lie sure jini ( tot ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM , Price , 25c. , BOc. nnd $1.00 a Bottlo. AT DRUGGISTS. J. N , HARRIS & CO. , LmHProrrictors. . LIM INN \T1. OHIO. 'CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. ' 'I lie Orlfrlnnl mill Onlj ( Irmiliip. f' ! : . " ' " ' : . ' " . ' " : KJ : . " : . " " ' ' -HI.I. . ii.u.n. . . . . " ( MchrMrrV ( ltm | * l to it * t\t | TUc Tiir in trttir hr r.tiirn mull NAME PAPFR. < hphF.lrr'h | . , lHT . tfitIK Mii-ll. lire , l'lill.ln. , I'm. 1' ' > - V/EAK , NERVOUS Anil ' tliprn uiri > ilnir fmm niinini * ( li'bllli.otmuMiiiR 'hliilili Oi-uim , piriitnllilu ili-cllno of yoim or old MO llirnr'n fnmmii. rirrlrn. if illuenrtli ) III It lliuUkimU In Miwrrf In tin I nlun limn lmn HUT , , l.Irclrlil V.-5' t InMnnlljr felt I'MonniUn I iwl.l II ) Mini \\holn i 'nll > run wi-ir MUIIH lirll I Icrtrle Mi m-n > rli rrr < t w lib mnlH htlm Atiil I wprthli * . Im itilluns unil hoinii immmnlci r.ltH-lrl < < 'I li > r l { * > r'urr ' 7011 cuif-il In'HS Hi nil l lainprnr | iAnihl | < > t lB. ) IV. J. tlORNE. iNVFHTnS. IS ! V/ASA.OH / AY. . ClllltnO. Absolutely 1'iii-p ami Uimilnlterati'il. IN USF IN HOSPITALS CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS , INFIRMARIES. AIIO PncscnoEO nv PHV&ICIANS CvotTwicRt. CUPEb CONSUMPTION , HEMORRHAGES 1 ml itll ll'iiitlitfl J > t.ieasfii DYSPEPSIA , INDIGESTION , MALARIA. FOR THE SICK , INVALIDS , CONVALESCING PATIENTS , AGED PEOPLE , WEAK AND DEBILITATED WOMEN. Ifor rale by Drnpgists Groccru nud Jicalcra. IPrlco , Ono Oollnr | > crltoltlc. 8 Bf > l I nrijyn \ HMlM l" > tllcv , ftnrl ufttio crniilnn ffptitiria ) t > rfcroiirtr < tt tiiiiik InU-lrllliei I IchftuUt , Hb \et nud tlio i m ofcoiufun/ blown ItiNttllv. CC/Tpraoiiiimtof Ui K < ikMoui Un ! ( rirr | t tlifl TorritorltK ) , unftblB In procure It frum llirlr doNlir * , tnt , 111 ) > ! ( rttM > , tiiiin iLfd | ji- l , lijr rtiuUtlng blx UolUnto The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. , Baltimore , Md. iaruttti < t ( > t9 priHfijKtUlt rj rau IfrfrtruLaml o rubi * . Hf , kqunllf valuable / * htllfft liont l vl > tf > tion I trurfrv/ri'Matt ttattltff Ii ta * < * . Jl tan Itjtrtparr4 atrtthc ntv/ottr tfhttl Ht * au aUtaie , will 4 * r illy MiwcrrJ t > v otr Mf It ca I 'rpartnmtt ' THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN D003 131HC LATC8T IMPHOVEMENTOMTHS Practical . Bakincr and Itproducos Aa n * * * i Hosnltajn + * * * * * Ucaetini ; novcr before attainorl in any Cooking Apparatus , and will of Ccoiing I , thnlnll J'ood Ilnknl or Ilonilad.fihouM hn ennlinl In frtmliiilr fiHiljrn'liiilltMl totlin mtn. 'JuUlmlnni l y flii > i.jir < lufrtli ! clotoovun dour IieiutoiomUMM. nil 1 xiliHtltutliiE for Ituiloor roiilululiiK a uluxiliitllu Unuze utarljin Inrroufi tliu iluurlui If. ThrouBh Uila Gaiuso Door tlie nip frnoly clrculuUB , f icllltutlns tlioiroriMoJ' cooUnir.imJ l.rmlurlnn fiinil that I" iini | unlliil in tlntnr nnil liu- Irltloii.finil uctuullyconkod wllli Inu rnutuuqiUua ot luol tlmn in on oven with n iloto \ door. Jtinnki * nnnnortuoui n lHBln tliBWclulit ofronnt. Jt alee proilucua lai/ferLoayca of Jlreiul , rwinlrcB less nltnnllon fiom IIH cock , ami irnmatn tbii health of tlio fumllr ty tbg ufltiuoll QUAUllt or tuc iOOB CUOHLI > m iv. OPINION Or AN EXPERT. Mn . MAIIV H. Hrtcn.ToailierlinnmllolConnnmr. I o ihlr.ui Uilvpr : ty.i.ijr : " .MxiklllwriiUiJiuJKiatiit ll llmt thoovi ii of the Itinrn. liKconiiiaroil witli ( .llioix. li not only uioruonuillrlii-iitod Inimnimrt- front ai well n tunr liutnuariwultof flu uirliirtiDtllatlni > lhafood ilicpiltheri-ln It hcllnrcnoVnl. willl retain. Inn n * win flavor."nd n IniRcr | iroi trtlf > n uf lt l > 'i t . I llnil , ! , lliutlii'ii onmuiiijii ion of furl In tlild UULU U much I o.i thannny utlinr fur taiuu work , " EEIIO rOH HLU5TRATCO CIRCUIAIS ftHO PBICE LIST EXCELSIORKAKF'C CO. , ST.LOUIS. CHABTEtt OAK STOVES an-l JIANOES nro EOLI ) IM HtBHAbKAas JolUwK Mil TOS' I Ol.LUS i. bO S OMAHA , ] ' Kl NNKV. . UOKtio-i DAM Sh Ml SON , 1. C IlAV NILSOH. ' ' m l/KDhVANr'c. hON , . . . ill * ' ' CIIADROM KAVs LUH'KI-.K ft'wELcii' COIUMUUS , OI.DS DUOS . . . I W.AK JANM-.I I. ft SWr.I.NbV , IAIKUUKV filil I I.LfilApiU ; , I IIAM.I.IN , " " " ' N J JO1IN"-ON Nfttnil IlK'w , / McCM'l I'.KTY. O'Nrni CITY IIAZI.UWOOU , s nuKi- . - ' " ' " ' ' " " " " ' " A , I'MK'-.b. ' ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sim IMC. J G ( jkl.l N , STBOIIuun j , 1 A J'MjI'KMttSON. TIMMLUMAN i. I UAKEK. Vttoon- THE 0. E. iSYf E SEai ? ESTATE and TROST 69 , it. W. l.'OSi. 15111 A.\O TAK.N V.1I , OnfiAII.V. ' of ( iv sry iliisoriplion fo in sill purU of ti'ie cily. l.auils for kiile ii every counlj in N < l > rasku. A COMI'Llil'K ShT OF AUSTKAOTS Of Titles of Doii UtscomiJy kept MUIM oltlmclty m.itu or uouiity , or any wtder ik viuo , furniiHud frt'o ' .I clii.r e upon iiiplicuuoui |