24 , iaSl { rn\rKLVl < ] PAGES. HISS-TICKLE LORE IN SLICES , Tlie Ho < Jem Yonfctj Woman nnd Her Mad Passion for Show. i- ' . WANTED , SENSIBLE WOMEN. ife for Orris AVonmn's Sftv ln I'mvcr Knny Intlmnolcti Women of tlio World. She Will Xot Lone tic Missed. Tunintu ( llntir. ' 'The plrl who KOPS to rollcRo , " yet wlio knows lust what to do > \Ith vegetable nnirows , nud cooky-lccky too , Can nuiseon thodlgtunmn , or nil cplielku&tl- ken , let never be unmindful that the porridge Jiot is on ; A ninlden Mich as this no "Icy classicist , " ) ou put her on your list , Hut she will not long bo "Miss-cd. " The girl that's "up In" mulillnns and pics , nnd politics , V ho can compound n firnvy , or confound church heietles. Talk rrcllmtly of llenel , or knowingly on Knnt And yet be wllh her cook'ry book as deeply comcrsiiiit. A midden such ns this e'en though "suf- , Vou may put her on your list. Hut she will not Ions -.Miss-cd. . " The ninlden who can charm you with Hncli or -Mendelssohn , Knows when the moon's In aim ee , can | iioto Anacieon. And jet eau boll potatoes knows when n turnip's dune , Can mold the restful dnimhiiut and the fes tive cuntint bun A mnlilen siieh us this needs no apologist ; on may put her on your list , Hut she will not long bo " .Mlsa-cd. " And thoiimthcinallc uiaiilcn who can eiiti- clse Laphirc , Or by a pliemleal dexterity can analy/oa uas \ \ ho can also sew a button where n button ouihlti > hc , And , If nceilful. wield the duster and the bloom slick sk'llfilllv A maiden such as this , U sate economist I You may put heron your list , Hut she will nut long bu " .Miss-cd. " And she , the best and dearest , whose native common scnsn Kschuwethlee-creim blandishments the cara mel's nxpeiiMi ; Who iimtcth | llo Lewis , iocs supperless to bed , And riseth In the morning with n clenr and painless bend A mnidun such as this , 1 with i ni | > i nsis Insist. So .sensible nnd womanly ami r.ire a Midlist , i ou niny put her on your lir-t , lint she will not Ion /bo " .Miss-ed. " 'J'lio Modern Younjc Women. Toledo Dlado : The newspaper wit aims hisshalts of humor at uoobject with such keen pleasure and delight as when he di rects them at the modern young woman , her caprices and tendencies. And it must be acknowledged that he does so not without cause in many instances. While there are thousands of young women who represent what is best unil highest in young womanhood , whose purposes in Jifo iiNtend beyond the frivolities of dress nud outward adornments , there is , on the otiier hand , a large percentage that look upon life "aw a joke that's just begun. " 1o borrow an expression from a popular opera. These young women live under the de lusion that social distinction , beauty of person and richness of apparel make the woman. They are slaves to custom and fashion and revel in i xternal attractions. They accept the glitter lor the gold , her aldry and trapping of the world for the priceless essence of woman's worth , which exists within the mind. Their high est attainment is not thu po.sse.ssion of a true womanhood , but that their position in society may bu a conspicuous one , and thereto they bend all their energies. Hours are spent over tlio latest fashion- plates , while days are given over to the making and perfecting of n w apparel They torget that a true woman exists in dependent of outward embellishments , that dress is regarded by many us only the ivy that encircles the oak , and is never mistaken for the tiling it adorns. It is not tlie queen of fashion that sways the sceptre of inllue.nceor author ity over men. It is in the hand ot the true , noble , sensible and virtuous women that authority is placed , and where she dwells there may retinenient , culture , in telligence and moral power be found. The influence of such a young woman upon society is that of the most salutary kind. Hut what is that of the retailing society belle V Men may ailmire her for the mo ment , when , in brilliantly lighted parlors , her beauty and charms da//.lu thu eye ; but what are the after conclusions ? "Silly creature , wrapped up in herself and thu world , " was the comment of an apparent admirer upon a young belle after an uventtul social occasion in Now York only a few weeks since. Fashion and folly never gained an ounce of respect worth the possession , and never will. Young women , alasl too often mistake adulation for respect , only to find at the nnd that it was but hollow mockery and , like a pyrotechnic display , prepared for the occasion. A true young woman's ambitions ptretcli beyond thu ball-room and the milliner's establishment. Shu strives to make her life grand in womanly virtue , and by her example inspires others to se cure the same priceless crown of woman hood. This is tlui woman thnt commands the respect and admiration of tlio world , not temporarily , but permanently. In her friends rccogn.i/.o a rich store of prac tical good sense and a beautiful harmony about her character that at imcu inspire sincere respect , which soon warms into Jove. Woman's Saving 1'owor , Lowlston ( iazatto : Woman is tlio great conservator of the family life in health nnd honor , Let her inlluenco extend to thelinsinesH side of it , on which family health and honor depend , and we shall have fewer heart-breaking , nior.il anil financial wrecks of the Cioiild variety to mourn over , and less occasion for the exercise of that profound sorrow and ( sympathy with thu siiflering wife ami family , tints suddenly called upon tn traverse the valley of the shadow of death which are enlisted in all coiisid crate citizens in behalf of Mrs ( iould of Portland and her unhappy family. Uo For Girls. Cassell's Alaga/.ine : When a girl enters a colleen ) she finds l > orsolf in a small world , full of people with all shades ol . oharautor and disposition. No ties ol biooil bind her to them ; she knows uotli in < r , o ! their various tastes , nor they o ! luM'3. Diving closely together for several weeks , g/'u / has daily opno-ctuullU'B of see ing this unction rfso boford Jior fellows mid ht-rsoU , rtJJd she SOIM how it Is , nnil ever iniut me.aiisworjij , tf Jdo , von < l h to J g on at all pcaeubly. She atx's n w povl'Oftly dependent human creatur 8 r" on omJ another , however much they 11. " * protest to the contrary how each ono must bear lief neighbor's burden , if there is to be comfort ; and , lastly , how the Troijd is really kept together by the great- rst of nil virtues charity. Thus she learns self-sacrifice. There la little more to eay. No ono can deny , if they know anything at all about it , that the social trajning of college life is very great Indeed.t The luixilig together of Undents of diuefeiH ages has a wonderfully good eflect ; the younger- gaining by the experience of the older , and thu latter by the energy and trdor of the former. The joining iu tbo annwmpnlt of n college" lafces j\ girl out of herself mid gifts tier a oqnli- tl'iicc ( nnil ease most valuable when slio leaves college to enter into society. . . In. conclusion , let 1110 say tlirit ill thus urging n nnivL'r. tty t'raining for girls m suitable ea i-3 1 would , -of course , except it for those. who liuvo aiiy pre img homo chiuis. 1'or them college life5s oht of tin * ( | iiustio'i : mid rdiotild ln < resolutely laid uslile. Duty -"Morn daughter 0f the voice of Cod' ' forbliU tlu-iir to take it up. . Jlml Oiiulctit N'J Jnmut U7iroml ( ( < Jlltrjl. 'Twns tlm hmhtof the felt1 when wo quilted the lint Anil c | t ( > tly toli' to the tcrrnrc alone. Where , pnlo as the loveis thnt e\cr swear by The UK on It gazed down ns a god from the thrum . \\'e \ stand thi're enchanted. And oil , the do Hi-lit nf The SR | | t of the stars , mm the moon mid tillsen , And the Infinite sklo.sol thnt opulent night of I'urplo nnd qold mid Ivory I Tlio far n\\ny lilt of the \\dt7. : rippled to it" . And tliroiiKh us the exquisite thrill ot the air ; Ukr tlir . i > nt of bruised , bloom was your bir.ilh , ntul Itsili-w was Xot luuu'H'i * < w cot than your warm kisses weiu. \Vo stood thcic ciieliaiitqd. And oh , the do- IlL'Ilt Of The sluht of this stars , and the moon and tin ; sea , 3 And the infinite sides of that opulent night ot Purple and sold mid Ivory I Wanted. Sensible Women. Fortnightly Koview : .Specialized cdu- cntiou does not necessarily create com panionable norcvenbeiiMblowomoinolse. by purity of reasoning , would all profes sional int'ii bo personally charming ami delightful , whiuli uiiiloul > tcdly they alt are not. A girl may be a .sound ( ireciau , a brilliant niathmctician , a .sharp critic , faultless grammarian , yet be wanting in all that personal diet and temper , clear observation , ready sympathy , and noble belf-eontrol which makes a companion able wife and a valuable mother. Nor is unprofessional or unspucialiy.oJ in struction necessarily synonymous with idleness and ignorance ; while a good all round education is likely to prove moro serviceable in the home and in society than 0110 or two supreme accomplish ments. Many of ns make the mistake of confounding education with acquire ments , and of runnm" together mental development and intellectual spcciali/a- lion. The women of whom we are most proud in our own history were not re markable for special intellectual ac quirements so much as for geuiual char acter and the harmonious working of will and morality. The Lady Fanshawcs ami Kli/.abcth Krys , the Mary Carpenters ami Florence Nightingales , whose names are practically immortal , were not noted for their learning , but they were none thu less women whoso mark in history is indelible , and the good they did lives after them and will never die. And taking one of the , at least , partially learned ladies of the past is it her Lat- inity and her bookishness that we ailmire so much in Lady Jane dray ? or is it her modesty , her gentleness her saintly pa tience , her devotion ? in a word , is it her education or her character ? -tho intel lectual philosopher or the bWeet ami lovely and noble woman ? A rtillct-Doit.v. She was u winsome country lass : So William , on a brlet vac.itlon .More plcnsantlv the time to pass Essayed II nation : And ns they stro'led ' In t\\IlUht dl'U Wlills near the time for pirtiiig diew , Asked if she'd like to I ave from him A billet-doux. Of French this simple maid knew untight , Hut doubting not 'twas Miuicthiii ; ; nice , Upon its mcun.Di ; quickly thought , Then m a triei ) Upward she turned her putty head ; llerrosi lips toirether drew For piiim se plnln and coyly said : "Yes , Billy , do I" Sequcl-And William did. ICasy Intimacies. A writer in a London paper discourses about the danger of easy "intimacies" ; that is , of giving the confidence to people ple of whom one knows nothing except that they are pleasant companions \yhcti they are met socially. "Thu danger lies , " ho says , ' 'in the facilty with which com panionship of this kind is mistaken for true intimacy , though it does not really imply anything to ic. " A woman "will trust her life to tlio keeping of a man , of whose aims , of whoso standard of right and wrong , of whoso iiowor and habit of living up to that standard she knows just as much and just as little as she knows of thu actons whom she has seen on the stage , though she is deceived into think ing she knows more , only because she happens in this case to have been one of the actors and not merely a passive spec tator. " There is mere truth than poetry in this thought , for in nine cases out of ten tlio two persons who come together in marriage liavo no more conception each of the other's trim character and real disposition than those of a dox.cn others in their circle of acquaintance. They are simply pleasant , social com panions , and that is all. There are quite as many mistakes made in friendship through these "easy intima cies , " though thu consequences are not as far reaching. Women , especially , are apt to give their conlidenco to those with whom they have been familiarly associ ated when they have never proved their trustworthiness. It is one thing to liavo pleasant little familiar conversations about every day matters ; it is another to impart what perhaps touches thu inner life , and , which madn light of , or misrep resented , would place one in an uncom fortable position , or possibly oven worse , injure the reputation or put it in the gos sips' hands to do with as they please. A real friend , n true triend , ono who can be trusted to enter the holy of holies of your heart without desecrating it , is among the best gifts that life can ofl'er , but they are found in small numbers , and are only proved by trial. A certain amount of reserve , oven with familiar companions , is a good thing to cmp'oy ' , for itgives not only a sense of safety , but of security. "Women of tlio World. The late Mrs. Ann S. Stephens was the first woman to send a message by cable. The llaroncss liurdett-Coutts advises young men who wish to economize to get married. Young George Gould seems to liavo drawn a pri/o , his wife knows all about cooking and housekeeping A Boston tomalo lecturer claims that tlm revolt of the thirteen colonies was in spired by Washington's mother. Queen Victoria is still u woman. It is said that she is enthuhiastio over thu an ticipation of the coming of a bran new royal baby. Mile Ucaury-Saurel is proclaimed as the successor of KOMI Itonhcur. She won tljo Ilrst prize ut the recent art exhibition t Versailles. Kangalli , the leader of the ballot at the l' < irTrf' ( > pcra house , will dance no moro. She ImJ- becomes , by marriage , the IJaron- C N Marciwle Saint-Pierre. A 'uroting1 of southern newspaper women lyill titfep Jditco at Grecnboro , North CareUnu , on jo.vombor 3. for the ' Woman's Tress purpose of organizing a' association , TOM pendt and tl au4 tho'lost voice rocket are flayed i Harriet Needier Stowo dnniei the im putation that her henlth is shattered. She declares that she needs only rest to put her o n her fict ug.uii , dc pito li r To year. * . . The NoW Jviidand woman who invent- 'cd forty-seven Kinds of pirkles > uid pub lished a rook-book ha committed Miif'ide. Hi-morsp anil dyspepsia led her to self- destruction. The Held of womon'swork'l1'constantly enlarging. Saratoga has a wopian bill- poster who handles t'je paste-brush with the skill of an expert. She inherited the bushier from her husband. Women all over the laud arc solv ing the problem , "What shall wo do with our ? ? ' Two sister * out m Iowa are professional paper hangers , nnd during the busy season earn togetner $12 a day. They charge the panic rates as men em ployed in tin1 same line. Mr ? . Lelatid Stanford is a woman of wide-.spread philanthropy , duo of tier latest benefactions is the establishment of a night-school for the jockies employed on the senator's ranches and raeing-sta- hies. She has also four large kindergar tens in operation in California. Publishers of newspapers am begin ning to appreciate pretty generally the value and acceptability of woman's work. Il is estimated Unit women are luiployed on the stall's of over 200 newspapers in tlio United States ; and many of those who ' do not regularly pay for w'oman's work regulatly reprint her articles from inoro enterprising journals. Mrs. Lydia Caldwell of Chicago , has invented a dryer for the treatment of damp grains , sugar , salt and other sub stances requiring evaporation , and also for rendering the blood and refuse of packing and slaughter-houses market able in the form of fertilizers or oilier commodities. The drver is particularly valuable to hi ewers in drying the grains after the washing process m the manufac ture of beer anil in removing mo'.stiire from wet gram in elevators , etc. This gifted and energetic womail is now at work on a sinoke-cousumiug apparatus and a device for purifying an infeeted water supply. Princess Mottprnich of Vienna , is de scribed by a Paris corp'spondent as "of ordinary beauty , but Miproniidy charm ing , elegant , witty , original , and stead fast in her love and her hate. " Previous to the downfall of the empire she lived iu Paris for some years , in the Kue do Var- cune , but could never ho induced to re turn there smeo 1870. She was expected the other day at the marriage of the Comtesso do" Pourtales and H.iron de llcrckhciiu. Shu is the moit popular lady in Vienna , and recently raised 100,000 florins for the poor of the city by inati- guratihg "Tho Feast of Flowers. ' The municipal council of Vienna voted her a few days ago an address of thanks. There are 5152 students in Wellesley college. Laura E. Crosby of Oakland City , In diana , has invented a burglar alarm. Hubert Hrowuiug , the poet , is writim. ' a poem in his highest dramatic style for Airs James Brown Potter. It is not to be printed at all , and her recitation of it is expected to be a great feature of her dramatic performances this winter in New York. Adelitia Sj-eech , for whom it is said Adelma Patti was named , died recently in Home. Like her namesake she was 'a iroat singer , and was iu her day consid ered tlie rival of Malibran , but her ex traordinary corpulency forced her to withdraw irom tile stage at the ago of 24. Sarah Herndardt's success is ascribed by one critic to be owing to tins fact that at tlio time of her lirst appearance there was a reaction in disfavor of crinoline and the general rotundity of effect which it produced. People were tired of circu lar things. lleing vcitieal she hit the popular esthetic fancy. It is said that Tsiglioi i w. o in luccd t ) niarry the Count Gilbertdcs'oisins upon his re.present.ition to her that cholera , which was then epidemic iu Paris , invar iably attacked women who lived alone. However , she evidently found her hus band worse than thu cholera , for she soon separated from him. Airs. A. V. Newman , of Salt Lake City , has a proposition to build an industrial hoiiiis iu iMormoiidom for women who desire to escape from polygamy. It is designed to give Mormon women who want to break away a place to live and a chance to make a living This is laying the ax at the root of the evil. One of the busiest women of the day is Marion Ilarlaild. She conducts a house hold department for a syndicate ot h'tteeu newspapers ; does the editorial work in Habynood ; is completing a companion volume to "Judeth" to bo called "In Old Virginia , " and a household manual , to be entitled "Home-making and House keeping. " It is a sad commentary on the percep tions of equitv and justice ot civillx.cd man that the Chickasaw Indians recog nized the rights of married women to have and to hold property two years be fore the law was passed securing the property rights of married \vomon by Mississippi , the pioneer of the common law states in this particular. And it may bo news to many people that in Missis sippi this reform was wrought iu 1837. by the individual cllbrts of a woman. Mrs. H. J. Hadloy , the daughter of Major David Smith , an old Indian lighter. Klmborloy GoKl-KiclilH. A ISrisbano special of September 8 , in the Now Zealand Herald says : "An out miner named Webb , who has just re turned to this city from Kimbcrley , gives a most disheartening account of the gold- fields. Ho says that when ho left Wind- ham there wore seven hundred men there waiting to take return passage by steam er. " A Cooktown letter of the same day is as follows : "The steamer Catterthun , from Foochow ( Aug. 22)via ) Port Darwin ( Sept. 3) ) , wnich arrived hero yesterday , brought nearly two hundred diggers from Kimberly. Of this number forty are proceeding to Sydnby. These men all give bad accounts of the gold-Holds , " A letter from a storekeeper in East Kimberly to his brother in Sidney gives the following details of tlio rush to the mines : "The route from Cambridge Gulf 10 the mines is fifty miles shorter than that from Derby , but it is not so good , being only truvcrsiblo by packs , drays being useless on account of the hilly and rooky nature of the country. Thirty drays hud to return lately , being unable to go by that route. Now , to glvo you an idea of the Derby route men are starting off from hnro daily with wheel barrows. The road Is like a bowling- green all tho'way. All the barrow wheels I had in store have been sold , and now I liavo a hundredweight of provisions for the digging , upon each. Just fancy an array of men with harrows starting for a journo3" of 350 miles ! Twnnty-six camels have just arrived whieii we will utilize for taking supplies to the fields. I intend to form depots along the route at intervals of about 100 miles. " * * The steamer , Triumph. which arrived hero yesterday , brought 280 die- gors anfl 170 horses , wJH" tlio necessary equipments. The men , us usual , tire of all kinds of trades and callings. There are ut present 1,00' ' ) men on the Held , and 1.000 more at Cambridge gulf and 800 at Derby ready to proceed there. Yot'lovo her better than lite ! well ll.en , why don't you do something to bring back the roses to her cheeks , and the light to her eyes ! Don't you see she is suffering from nervous debility , the result of female weakness , n bottle of Dr. J , II , McLean's Strengthening ; Cordial and Purifier will brighten those pale and send new life through that if you Jove her takehecdl THS TilAGIii F A. QLA1TOE- I n ; ini f , r iv .s * | 11. iy 1'ini Y | ' " 1 I'hilip ( f'rnrd ' 'v.-M : i man of10 yonr . .stout- elastic , with n strousj miuii. Hi fncc was of tlm cl'y. It had tlvo 1m- porv'ousue s and thf hard lines which ibn * lntgsrli' seems generally 1o indict. A3 lie walked up the stli > n ; on a chilly No- \omber eveii'trT , f"ilh ! u < lieuvv overcoat buttoned up to hfa cliln , and his square h ! resting firmly o' ' { his head , ho seemed thu embodied spirit of the prnctieal. A long walk wna before him , but it was a voluntary one , am ] so he did not mind it. There was duri ! ; Irs time a theory in the world that A man of podenliuy life tii'i'ded nil posibu , ! artilieial exercise , and Philip ttirard was a convert to tin1 theory. The long walk from his plnre of bu lne < " > to his homo was aegime a thing for a man to be as proud of as he niuv bo of his old wine , or of his still more elderly lineage. After Philip Oirard lunl walked a half mile or such a mutter , the electric lamps , which had for sonni time been visible as point * , but not i\s dijpnn atories of brightness , became the liuhl of the night. Under their witchery the city gained a brilliancy that would have been beautiful if it had not seemed MI cold and artifi cial. Common tilings were traiisligurcd by the light , but the beholder knew that thu transfiguration was of tile same qual ity as tlm eflect of tinsel on thu garments of the royal people of tint stage. The stout gentleman did not , however , stop to think of th'.S. The electric light had , like most other things come to be to him merely a matter of fact , if not a matter of business. It was cheaper than ga - or not so cheap this was tlm point of view from which he would Itavo ob served the great invention , if he had ob served it with any thought whatever. On this particular evening , however , neither the light nor the ero\d on the street , nor the gorgeous display in the shop-windows templed his attention. Hit mind was loat iu contemplation of the business of tlio morrow. Having started lu.s legs iu thu way of health and relaxation , Mr. Philip ( rirariPs mind was satisfied that it had done it- > whole duty in the promises and returned with alacrity to the shop. ft ot withstanding the power of thu elec tric light , and thu long experience which the legs of Mr. Philip Girard had gained in leading their master through the crowd without mental assistance , on this particular evening they led him to a slip pery place on the side-walk and were nearly guilty of upsetting him ; but his mind , returning from the shop , discov ered him and restored him cleverly to the perpendicular. However , he had left his orbit , and the consequence was that , as ho straightened up. Ids shoulder struck with considerable rudeness uguinst the arm of a woman \vlio had attempted to puss : him. Impatient at the shock , .she turned , and , as he involuntarily did like wise , they looked fairly into each other's eyes. eyes.The face that Philip Girard saw with all poMble distinctness * was that of a woman who had onco. been beautiful who , in a certain way trasbeautiful still. Hut there was sonultliHip more or less than beauty in the ifncu something that made the man shudder and the woman shrink as they confronted each other in tlm crowded street. No * one , looking at that face as he was looking at it then , could have escaped the ! terrible conclu sion to which he came. Among a thoii- cand punishments with which God visits these women who depart from thu ways of ploas.intless and > pence , no ono may more easily or surely bu discovered than the change of countenance which is at once a confession aitdiiu advertisement. Just for an instailt IVilip Girard and this woman looked Mnto each other's eyes. The hurrying croud was Dossing them carelessly by. Tlfo- accident which had thrown them together was as com mon as the apparently casual glance which had followed it. On that thor oughfare which men and women use , in general , as a means to reach an cud which fully occupies their mind , there was no traveler observant enough to discover that in the eves of the man and of tlm woman who had paused , was something different from anger or curiosity. No one saw in the eyes of Philip Girard the look of startled and horrified recognition which was surely there , nor in those of tlm woman the sudden light of intoler able shame and agony which threatened to burn them out. The woman gathered her heavy skirts deftly in her baud and .swept on. Philip Girard , pale , trembling and di.scompo-cd pursued his way. There was no word spoken. The compact man of business , whoso mind had suddenly been diverted from affairs of money , reached his homo with out further accident. His mother met him at the door , as had been her custom for many years. He kissed her gravely , and , after removing his great coat , ten dered her his arm and witli marked dig nity led her to tlio dining table. It was a custom which , adopted somewhat play fully in his boyhood , was seriously clung to ifow. The dinner progressed with little con versation. The mother liad _ doubtless become inured to thu taciturnity of her son. for she made no eflort to relieve it , although one might see in her kind face the capacity for good natured talkative ness. ness.The dinner ended , Philip Girard fol lowed his mother to her pleasant living- room , and after a moment's hesitation passed to his library where , with his pipe lit , his feet on this fender of a lire- place , and his head lost in thu clouds of smoke which curled around it , he thought of the woman he had met. That glance had toKen him back nearly twenty years , to n little country town , witli its white cottages , its surrounding farms , its parity and cheerfulness and oed humanity. He saw himself a strip- ng , thoughtful , imaginative , ambitions and romantic. He saw her , Louise , the tender girl with whom ho had gone to school , whoso books ho had carried , whoso trilling tasks lie had assuaged , whom ho had loved not only then , but all his life. Her blue eyes came between him and the lire , andher fair , careless hair was tangled in the olouds of smoku by which he was surrounded. This child , the girl' tvbo had taught him what it might haVa been to live , whom ho hud followed many Rummer days across the meadows in a happy search for flowers , who'-l ml many times so airily and with suall heedless grace helped him to fill hU dinner pail with the strawberries which grqvf by the brook , the girl with whonn ull the pleasant , sunny summer scene's of inie lite were so indtssohibly connected -itiisona ) of God's creatures who for years , | md represented to him all the romance nnd the greater part of the sentiment of | ho earth in the name of all misery ! anij" hopelessness , where and what was shutp-nigntl The pipe grow cold , ofjcl before filling it p"iiin Philip Girard walked dreamily i ? his desk and took from a drawer therein n single letter , He Uien lit Ids lamp , drew ihe lamp-stand close to the fire , refilled his pipe , touched a match to it , and , settling back in his arm-chair , read : DEAH PHIL ; I HIU folne > vay to-night to the city. Mottle ; la bound Unit I sball murrjr ( Ice , but I cannot. You muil not tcarcb for mo. I Imvo no thought of what I am to do , but tbull nnd eomi'tliliig , 1 know. TUpy my OCJ'protoots the futhci less I liopo Ho wW protect mo. Doaot tlitnk , Oourrtill. that J do not nppre- c.'uto bow you will feel. I know all about It. I know you love mo , but 1 Im ? bad such trouble of lute that it teems a though I could not euro for > ou or anybody tlee at I ought to. I should \ > f nfia.it to iniinj' y > .i now < ! pi , iior'\nns nit T I hi'.vtiioci ) : mi\j- ftn iiumtiH it \\ill nil conu oiil vlir'it Teen I lr < ll Know my own mhi I brtt r. Vou hue nlwrt > * IH-IMI Ktmlc" tome mo tlian'-injlio l.vti Jiln "II t'le.woiM. nil I If I WCTO t < ) innrri yovino .jini fcnnn ivlintirnub.fi' It TvotiM nm tp'iv.ndiip nil llio t' ucncnlnl il < "ir In us ' yosir folks nftil mluo : nii'l ti \\-cruM unl bo rlUttftir iiu inri < * 1 wa < . ! I lli-mirM nil tin1 xirhl of youIt oillil not lw rntiinnu ? nil > our kimlws * fnli'l.v , nntl 1 nm not nt-p. 1 Jin\o trlpil trjbr , mil It wdiiUJ bp gjijli omfort it 1 eoul 1 bp , nnil voi'lil Jiivt lvp > ou my liiiml uml trust It nil tn you -bin I iimnrrnM , Itlslmrt ! to ny iiool-tite - n linnl that tt nl- mo t tuntip * me reel a thumb 1 w < ro dninir wio'tp. I'crlmp I nm. If o 1 Miull Iliv ! tt out Boon , nnil will -viltP to run uiiiln , ( iooillie , dcnr. Don't woiry nboul mtMior try In llml me If 1 w.mt yon 1 will li't M'U Kmm.nii'l If I ilon't want jou. von sec it uonM do 3 on no troi'il tu Hint me. lori-K. lie had searched long for her , but mi- .stieee sfuUy. Had he found her , it Is doubtless true that he would have IVIMI altogether satisfied to ha\o a Med her in sume iiiiet | way , without her kiiowl ed , ' . ' ! ! . lie woiifd nU have worried her with his love. lie was Doling and reso lute , but oven then he was methodical and pu'.icut. lie moved to the city and entered business , lie was .shrew.1 , M'uM- ble , painstaking and luekv , airl he .suc ceeded , ll is probable thai none of his city ueiiiaintauces | had over thought of him in connection with romance ; and yet more than any ot them lie was the erea- luri'ofit. Ills ideal had always been idealistic ; 1m had never reached that familiarity with hi.-divinity'which is the chief ivas"on of inconoi-lasm , In his Mm- pie , manly , practical way lie had loved I.otil.se : losing her , there was to him no pos.s bility of losing another. The man who makes niereliandi.tu of hi-- senti ment , who loves beauty in lliu ab.straet , whose heart espands ai Ihe mention of a noble sentiment or at the sight of a beau tiful woman , would have found balm where Philip ( iirard hud never thought of looking lor it. His lack of the emo tional was tint one negative characteristic which had held him due to the taney of his early manhood. With the letter open in lusliand. Philip ( i rard sat long that night staring iKodly at ihi ! lire. U hat thoughts ran llironpi liis mind , what tender recollections of si past which he had olieris-hcd came to him with all the bitterness of moekery , what bewildered agony he suffered as a result of the sudden debasement of his love , no man can tell. She was not dead ! This thought which , at any time iluriug the years of his ide/ilism , would have been greeted by him with great joy , was uov the measure of his sutToriiig. At hist the man leaned forward slowly , and with a steady hand dropped the Id ler upon the glowing coals. There was an instant's hesitation , a moment's flame , and the ashes of the letter reposed in the grate as the ubhe.s of n true love were ly'iti"1 in the heart of Philip Girurd. That sturdy figure , that face which seems to be a combination of shrewdness and practicality , are si en on the street to-day and in the ollice which for many years' ha.s'beeu their place of business. ' 'Should you ask the casual acquaintance of Philip ( Virard if there hail been aught of romance in tlio composition of thu great merchant , the answer would be a laugh. So liUlu do we know our fellow- men. Sunday In I'nrls. Ol all the countries of Christendom England is the most Sunday-ridden and Franco is the least , , says Henry Watterson in a letter to the Courier Journal. I do not think that the English maintain the S.ibbath "to keel ) it holy , " or that thu Kre.nch mean to desecrate it. Hut , whilst London becomes a .sleeping village every seventh dav. Paris takes its weekly vaca tion , and turns out en masse to have a good time. All the great races are run on Sunday. If there is to be a match drill , a military fete or maneuver , or a review of the grand armcu it is fixed for Sunday. Of course , tlio theaters are open , and the picture galleries , and , for that matter , the shops. Heiiiir tlm lord's day , it is given to the poor , who put on their best attire , and take their outing. In the forenoon the church-iroing is pro digious. After service all the restraints are thrown oil' , and it is Sony nnd 1'rovcncliil dunce ami sunburnt miitli , ilOPpenltiK far Into the nlirht. but vaioly tlovcl- ophi'JT Into dninitunno-B or riot. Paris is exceptionally situated for popu lar merrymaking. It occupies an undu lating basin , through which the Seine winds tortuously , surrounded by a tier of hills , which abound with every kind of resort jrom the palace of St. Cloud to the cafes of the 15ois do Boulogne and the Brasseries of the Hois do Vincennes. Them is no end to the places of out-door amusement , nor tlio vehicles of locomo tion. A few sous will take you anywhere. In short , if there bo anything cheap in France , it is recreation , and the day set apart for it is Sunday.It is , indecu , the custom iu all the Latin countries. In Mexico they assess an extra Sunday tax on the gambling houses , not out of any religious considerations , or for the pur pose of putting an obstruction upon vice , out simply to obtain increased revenues from the increase of patronage incident to the seventh day. In Spam Sunday is set apart for the bull-lights. Soon ns tlio nintln-boll iirnululnii'th ! ) , Tlio aalnt udoiuis count their rosary ; Thon'to the prowdcdcircus forth thuy faro. VouiiK' , old , liiijli , low , nt onto the Mime dlvblon eli.uo. Colonel CJ.ibriolVharton used to toll an amusing story illustrative of this Latin habit. Ho was. wajkmg ono Sunday on the streets of the City of Mexico , in com pany with a certain Fatheririfliii , a mont eminent and pious man. Passing the rear of a church they saw a priest emerge , carrying under his arm an uncommon lively rooster , and jingling in his hand a pair of spurs. "What do you think of that , Father ( Jrlfllny" said Colonel Wlnir- ton , 'Nothing whatever1 answered the good man ; "it is simply a ciihtom of the country. No doubt this prior is as duti ful .mil devout us anv ono of his order. Hu has said mass. His service is ended. He has a right to his recreation , and Ids recreation isnldckun-lighting , an nmusc- mont which is not regarded heioaseilher barbarous or unchristian. " "That is all very well , Father ( Jrillln. " Colonel \ \ harton rejoined , "but 1 am pu//.lcd to know what he did with that big rooster whilst ho wan saying mass. " "Why , " said Father Grillln , with un conscious innocence , "he chucked him under the alter , I Hiijiposo. " In matters of this sort the practice us ually runs with the maxim to do in Koine as Romans do. Anyhow , Paris was never brighter or gayer than at the present moment , nor yet in or i ) destitute of events on which public interest can fasten Itself. The gov ernment is largely out of town , and the city is given over Sunday and all thu rest of the week to the seekers and lovers of pleasure. The wicked gardens have closed their summer season , but most of them have winter quarters where the perpetual carnival of the demi-monde continues unabated. The cafes chantants in the Champs Klysecs still give their open-air concerts , but they , too , will presently move indoors. As for the leg- itimuto opera-houses and theaters , they ore crowded nightly. The streets are filled with sightseers , and such a bla/.o of electricity was never known before. The boulevards being , as I said , an endless line of torchlight processions , bro'en ' only by tlio squares oji pinccs , which burst SntO h&nliVcs , while over all the sweetest of autumn weather rains down JU sunshine and moonlight , whichever the stranger pleases , for he pays his money nnd may take his choice. I spent the whole of last Sunday out of doors making a tour of the Qnarticr Latin in the forenoon , taking a turn of an hour or two about midday iu thu eastern faubourgs beyond the old Place de la Has- tile , and closing the evening iu thu Jiois ua I01 ! fe' ! ' 38 Special Bargains for Next Week. ? 00 YARDS OF BLACK GROS GRAIN SILK AT 873 Cents. TliIt lot of sill. 1-iltn f < i'lli > licit tKiiwiln lnti'iTi'r tntil toVr. . mil'iliH tli'ttl' In p-iuiil in ll'KKlWIDTH AM ) I-V.VIS// tinif > > ilt > * i > til In tliix I'ifii/ > < / . ? . * . of lUniilninit is noltl ircfi/irtinv for $ t.XQ. ll'c Intro //irnf.i to I'hmt' iurt mvli at tlie winu rl t hly lint < i > rlcr of ft ; cr HAIR LINE STRIPES IN WOOL SUITINGS , jff L 1 J Ut lin-lic.t whir nnil trorlli fl. Tlit" > < > f/oof/s / r ri'ulifU.tJt. . U'o t' tin-in in nil Mfjc mill ili-nimblc itltlnn : * . Silk and Wool Mixtures , 42 inches wide , 65c , English Cheviot , 40 inches wide , 65c , Fren h Foula Cloth , 44 inches wide , 75c , French Sebastapol , 40 inches widef 90c. French Serges , 42 inches wide , 80c , French Whip Cord , 42 Inches wide , $1. QUILTED LININGS IN BLACK A'lD COLORS VEM CHttP. . Striped Jersey Flannels , , in all Colors , at /.v ALL COLO IIS. Combination Suits in all Qualities from $4.50 to $40 in all the late novelties. A visit of in spection solicited. KELLEY , STICKER & CO. Cor. 15th and Dodge sts. do Iloiilognu , returning by way of Aiitunil and Pussy. If I had been boekinp solitude , as I most certainly was not , I should have found it nowhere. Kvcry alloy and lane , oven every cul de sac , M'cmed athorou < rh- fare. Kucli vista in the liois disclosed a party of lumpy merry-makers , the young and the old , drinking the fresh air , and making the wood noisy with their unre strained glee. The French sire inveter ate gamblers , and it I passed ouo I passed an hundred wine-shops in which doors and windows open wide games of chance wore progressing. Upon the way side in the country groups of men and boys might continually bo seen pitching coppers. Here none is too poor to enjoy himself , and ho docs it in his own way , asking permission of none other , and , in every instance , no matter what his pref erence , iirclty sure of finding company. Hat , drink , and be merry , for to-morrow yo die , has no terror for tUo French , who follow the injunction and forget the warning , and would do so if they knew the food and drink to be poisoned. That they are equally capable of Millering wo know well enough , and that they do uf- for is certain. lint they make no unreal sorrow for themselves , nor wreck their hearts upon imaginary griefs. Sunday Iu America. Sunday has moro value in this country , says tlio Princeton Hoviow , than merely as a day of rest. It has been n power in forming American character. It has pulled a pause to men in whatever pur suit. It lias kept before men always the the knowledge of a trroat authority regu lating their nllairs. Those who were brought up under the strict law of what is called thu puritan Sunday sometimes look buck from early manhood with in tense dislike to Us iron restraints imposed on the jubilant spirits of their youth. Hut as they grow older and more thoughtful they roeogni/.o at least the priceless disci pline of the day. its oiled on the forma tion of mind , its lessoiib that hurt so much in entering that they are never to bo forgotten. No wandering life pre vails to lead them away from the effects of those days ; nor are thcro among the sons of men in this world of labor and pain any who look back with such in tense yearning for thu homo rest as those men who. out from the anxieties and ag onies and sins of mature life , howsoever gildeit its surroundings , send longings of heart to the old fircsido. where the bible was the only Sunday book , and "The Pilgrim's Progress" was almost the only week-day fiction. Scorn it as may those who never know what it was , the puritan Sunday made men , tlunkii ir men , strong men , who in thu world looked always to something beyond the approval of their follows , felt always that there was some where someone who know what they wuro in their hearts. It made a largo part of w hat js worthy in our institutions and our men in Now England anil New Yrork , in Virginia and the Carojinas , and throughout the growing union. ' Hard UIICN for Ijaivyers. New York Times : Ambitious young Americans in and out of college who are aiming at glory and fortune by way of a law pllico will got entertainment , if not inspiration , out of this advertisement , published yesterday among the regular advertisements ot the Daily Kcglstcr the New York lawyer's organ : "Any law office that desires the services of an experienced attorney , at a salary of (5) ( ) dollars per week , please a-Jdre.'h , etc. " "Fivo dollars a week" isn't an unusual salary , either , for the "oxperience.il at torney" in this town at present , so n man standing high at the bar aver.s. Every Jaw ollice of consequence in New York is overrun with applicants for work at any price. Hod-earners are in better de mand. A I'rlnco Wiucfn < ; on Table. Hoston Record : The Prince do Lusig- nan is a waiter at a Milan hotel. Tlio father of the prince was the direct de scendant of the rulers of Cyprus and claimed the high but hollow title of King of Jerusalem. Napoleon III. employed him in secret missions to Syria and other eastern places , and paid him well. When the emperor foil Prince do Lusignan was left with starvation Mariug him in the face. His health broke down completely ami , after obtaining .some slight assist ance from a public charity in Milan , he dicil of heart disease in a hospital. His wife and two young children died soon afterward. Four older children wuro reared In an orphanage. The oldest son , the prince , learned French , and when ho giew up was given a place as waiter in thu Cafe del Corso , when ) hn IIIIH just married thu pretty Italian maid servant , who shares his extremely empty title. "Please Call and Examine The Latest styles in Children's ' wool and cashmere.Hose , C. II. PATCH 1017 DnugliiH St. J. VANS SOLE AGENTS FOIl HITCHCOCK'S ADDITION , On the Holt Railway. Lots $200 ( o $300. ou very easy terms. As good on Iny * vestment as tlio city furnishes to-duy. YATES and HEMPEL'S ADD , f > JiOtwoen Saniidors and 20th sts , $50J to fOOO ; on easy terms. Or.e block from .School House. 2 blocks from Holt Ilullway depot. We have also a large list of choice business and inside residence property. J. B. EVANS & COMPANY