BQncvvnvamH ' THE OjltAHA 'DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1880.-TWELVE PAGES. II I ! WE SELL WE DEFY COMPETITION Good Goods JA"yl Styles of Goods. THAN ANYBODY , 502 , 504 , 506 , and 508 South 13th Street. araain Hosiery and Underwear MAIL ORDERS FILLED. J.AB > EBS' : Pioe All Wool Mjfino Hose ir ? EElncU and t' Iori. Worth fi ° o Children's : t nil WOOL HIT HOSE , 1C BEcel and TVnith2."o ALL-WOOL HOSE , 1C All Mlzen. Worth lOc White Merino Underwear , Extra ( Rood Quality ulth SHU Worth 7lic iLA OIKS' AM. . WOOL \1RI1M \ , Ic 4ood Quality. Worth $1. fir Scarlet Underwear , IJl Fine Duality. W'tllft.OO For ntroriuliMl IM-uss < oo U. I'or IMuin E > rcH < < < See K For Wool IMahl B rrss Per Yard. For All Wool J > ross JTor I'iiic HugMsli Cashmere JFor All Wool ttress INtilds. For Umiblc-Wfdlli All Woo ] TJ-k .tls. E'o--jUoiiI > tc-Wi UIi All Wool For Doable-lVidlh All Wool Camel's ISair. For Double-Width All Wool Mixed Tweeds. For E > oal le-Widlli All Wool Clolli. Per Yard. For All Wool ISccl Twilled Hlctliculud Flannel. JL.Branleis&Sons)502s2,35Ki5D8 ( , . ) , A DOSE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE , Slugger MoOorraick Badly Worsted by McDonald , tlio Montana Champion. A JUGHANDLE GLOVE CONTEST. Tlio Kccoril of the Union I'nclllc I'luyors Omalin. niiil the . Bicycle Unco Other Notes. An Inlorofitinc AfTnlr. The glove contest between McCormick and McDonald attraileU a largo crowd to Cunningham Hall last evening. It was a very orderly throng , composed of repre sentatives of almost every class in Omaha. At 9 o'clock , "Baby" Barnes , as master of ceremonies , stopped into the 21-foot ring , and announced the first event of the ovoninir , a four-round sot to between Matt Richardson , the champion middle weight of Alinnosota. so called , and Steve Carroll , of Dos Moincs , la. It was an amusing affair. Carroll played with lUchardson just as ho pleased , hitting him all over the face , HOOK and stomach. Richardson was ganio , however , and took all that was given him with tlio utmost good nature. Carroll was nn easy winner. "J don't allow no nigger to do mo up , " was the remark of a big , over-grown boy , Charley Short , who faced Jesse Sinitn , the colored pugilist , in tlio next contest. The bout was of short duration. The "coon's1' blood was up. and ho sailed into his opponent in the most lively manner , knocking him down four times in less than that many minutes. One round was sulliolont to convince Short that ho was no pugilist. The crowd fairly shrieked with laughturo at the white man's discomfiture. Smith Is a nifty quick little lighter , and prevented Short from getting in a sinclo blow. The main event of the evening , the glove contest between James McCor- mlok , who claims the championship of Nebraska , and Duncan McDonald , of Butte , Mont. , was announced at exactly five minutes of 10 o'clock. Shortly after that time , McDonald appeared in the ring , Ho is a line looking man , of splen did physique. Ho Is six foot in hoig'it , weighs 101 pounds and is twenty-four years of ago , Ho appeared in a ring costume of white trunks and black hose. McCormick is five feet eleven in height , weighs 108 pounds , and is 28 years of ago. Ho was attired In tlio snmo costume which covered his form when ho met Marx. William McCunn was chosen to act as referee. John P. Clew acted as time keeper for McDonald and Jack Nugent for MeCormlck. "Baby" Barnes and Sherman Tlmrston were selected as Judges , to score points , McCormlok's seconds were Prof. Patsj Fallen and Harry Gordon. Mlko Ritchie acted as second for McCormick. F1IIST HOUND. A few minutes after o'clock both men were ordered together. "By , " said McCormick to his second , Ritchie , as ho ovod McDonald curiously , " 111show that dude something about light ing , I'll break his jaw worse than 1 diil Marx's. " But ho was badly fooled , McDonald , who is a litho , active , clean built man , quick as a oat , and familial with alt the scientific points , demon Btrated from the start that hg was vastlj McUonulok's superior in everything bul miihclo , In fact ho handled his oppo < nent exactly as ho pleased , playing wit ) him in very much the same manner thai n cat does with a mouse. The first round opened with cUrcfu biiarrtngon the partof botlunon. Finally McDonald got h\s \ right homo on MuCor ' licok effectual astc ulck's in such style as knock that worthy fiat on his back. Mc Cormick stumbled to his feet and re turned the assault with a counter or two which did no harm. McDonald hit his opponent several smart blows in tlio stomach with the evident intention of winding him. The round closed with McCormick puffiing like a grampus. SKCONl ) KOUNI ) . Both men rushed together and some lively short-arm work was done , honors being about equally divided. In this round McDonald confined his work prin cipally to round arm blows , which ho worked in cleanly , taking care to avoid McCormick's return blows by quick dodging. It was evident that ho had the latter completely at Ins mercy. THIUI ) HOUND. McDonald came to the center smil ing and fresh as a daisy. * 'Ilow do you like the dude style of sparring ? " ho facetiously asked McCor- mick. The latter gritted his teeth and said nothing. Some lively cross-counter work followed , both men getting in some good blows. I'OUUTH HOUND. After two or throe preliminary rushes McDonald throw his right square at Mc Cormick's ' neck. Tlio blow wont beauti fully homo , and knocked the heavy man down against tlio ropes. McDonald waited a moment for his antagonist to recover himself , and then tapped him lightly in a playful sort of a way. Me- Connie ! ; replied feebly. THE OTIIKIt HOl'NDS were but a repetition of the preceding. McDonald toyed with his antagonist ex actly as ho pleased , rustling in and tap ping McCormick and getting away before the latter could re turn the compliment. On two occasions ho made a iiunn into the air , wiiiriod clean around anil hit McCormick a sound back-arm blow in the nock , before that worthy could recover from his astonish ment. The eighth and last round closed with lively sparring , in which both men did good work.Vhen the bout was closed McDonald was still smiling and easy , though a trillo winded. .McCor- mick was not injured to speak of , though ho was bleeding a trillo at the mouth and nose. The four ounce gloves which were used precluded any such thing as a jaw-breaking blow. At the close of the contest the roforco awarded the honors to McDonald , who had scored 1UG points against McCor mick's 40. Taken all in all , the evening's sport was a pleasing entertainment , and gave ample satisfac tion. The managers of the afl'air tloservo credit for having adhered strictly to their promises in making the contest a strictly scientific out' , for points only. Just before ho left the ring Me- Cormiok was given a handsome box of llowors from one of his lady admirers. Jqhn P. Clew , the Colorado champion , who was present , challenged the winner to an eight round contest. McDonald will meet him next week to arrange the date and terms of the contest. nioyclcrs , Schock. the brother and trainnr of the famous long-distance bicycle rider , is in the city and has arranged a fifty mile race to take place between John S. Prince and Schock at an early date in this city. Prince oilers to give Schock one mile in fifty , and will tuko 70 par cent of the gate receipts if ho wins. Schock is now in activb training in Minneapolis for the great six-days race , which is coon to take place in that city. Ho will bo pitted against Prince , who Won the last six-days race in that city. Omaha anil the League ; QTho prpspect ot Omaha entering the Western league for'the uoxt season-has created 'a .considerable interest among ball players throughout the west , an'd if tho'company Is promptly .organized they will be able to almost select their own players from the tucu who wcro in tlio \ -iiJiPi = StV > f * * fcSirfi > \f' m SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! 1 Tor yard wide , very line Ml MUSLIN. Regular Price Uic a yard. For Turkey Bed Damasks , Warranted fast colors , gnnrautccil to stand washing : with soup and hot wa ter. J , L. Brandeis & Sons , 002,5oi. , 506 , noa s.'iath st , Western league the last season. Joe Walsh , of Kcokuk , and Charley Briggs , of headville , both of whom were mem bers of the Union Pacifies in their palmiest days , have expressed a desire to join tlio now club. Ilellner and Hoover , the great battery of the Lincoln team , can also be secured. The committee ap pointed at the last meeting to canvass for subscrintions to the stock company have met with such encouragement that they feel sure the } will bo able to file their in corporation articles some time this week. The Union I'ncillcs' Kccorrt. Frank Bamllo has prepared , from the otlicial score , tlio following table show- tlio standing of the members of the Union Pacifies for the past season : nicroim. mil.DING UKCOIll ) A number of local players who were engaged by the Union Pacitics for two games mtulo the following averages : Hatting. Fielding. Kly . ; . -110 Iii5 Millctt . 250 l.MO McUreary . 375 ( KM ) Jones. . . . . 22-J bS8 McClosky . l'5 701 Droxler. . . 000 1,000 Hurt . Ill 1,030 Toner . 000 818 Wlthnell . 428 1,003 , SVSIMAIIY. Homo Hun Strock 1. Tin-no Haso lilts McKelvy 0 , Salisbury 1 , Handle 2 , Hopkwoll2 , Dwyer 2 , Anderson 1. Two Uaso lilts Jlockwell 8 , McKolvy 1. Hramltl , Uiman 3 , Salisbury 1. Handle S , Strock 1 , Anderson 1 , Uwyor- . Michael Davltt. For the last sixteen years Mr. Dayitt has given the use of ills time and his pen to the advocacy of the cause of his coun trymen. A writer of depth ana power ; a speaker at once polished and convinc ing , ho might have lined his pockets with gold and acquired for himself the luxury of his titled persecutors ; but no , ho thought not of self ; his only care was the elevation of his fellow-man and tlio protecting of him from the brutal rapac ity of onobled villainy. To-day ho is a poor man , No inducement could lead him to accept anv gift , however small , from his impoverished but grateful coun trymen. His admirers in Omaha will see to it that ho is honored on Tuesday night , as becomes his exalted worth. Edward Wilson was arrested last night charged with larceny. He was caught n the act of nipping a. five dollar bill from the pocket of & gentleman in Hough's restaurant. PAIRS That h < ii'c been consigned to us liy one of the larijcft ntnmtfaclitrcnt in the Ut } . , to bcsold in the next ten tlaij.-fdt the following prices. MA 1L OKVURS FILL1SD. Moncij refunded ifltlanhcts are not Mitlnfaclory. Heavy grey blankets , 75o pair , Large grey blankets , $1.25 pair Fine grey bed blankets , $ 1.75 pr. Extra large bed b ankets , $2 pr. fine wool grey blankets$3 pr. Michigan fleece wool blankets$4 , fill wool scarlet blankets , $4.50 J , L. Brandeis & ; Sons 502 , 501 , , 500.and < iO S. 13th st. A Lost Hoy. Charlie Colson was tlio name of a dis- coiiFolatc young lad who wandered list lessly around the Union Pacific depot last evening as if in search of someone. Tnc unusual length of his stay attracted the attention of Depot Ollicer Green , who questioned the lad and ascertained that lie was in search of his uncle , William Fisher. The boy arrived on the Denver train from Shell Creek , oxpectingloiupot liis uncle , who resides in Omaha , to meet him at the depot. For some unknown reason the uncle failed to appear , and the boy was in djstress , being unable to tell where Mr. Fisher resides , lieing en tirely out of money , young Colson was taken to police headquarters until his unulecould bo found , Tlio Comity Hospital. The county commissioners were busied yesterday afternooi in examining tlio plans for the proposed county hospital. Plans and bids were received from E. E. Meyers & Son , of Detroit ; John C. Cochran - ran , of Chicago ; Blake Miller & Co. , of Dos Moines ; Sidney Smith , Mendelssohn & Fihher and Francis Tnnha. of Omaha. The various jilans were examined and the matter laid over until Monday for further consideration. The advice of ex port physicians will bo sought by the commissioners bcforo they decide upon any of the plans. TjicciiHotl to AVcd. Judge McCulloch has issued marriage li censes to the following parties : Xninn , Iti'sliloncc. Aco. ' ( .Ii'nsJnrgonson Oiunlm " 0 1 Aiiiui K.lenseu Omahi 0 i Chadou Combo Omaha 2S ( Maria Mueller Onmtm 17 I John 1) . Davis Omalm 43 I ( Juiiilo Larvlg Uuialm i3 ! i Andrew Uenmm Douglas'Co. S5 1 Kva Wood Douglas Co. 17 I James W. Hohm Bade Uock , I. T. 20 I Marion Norris Uuinlia 0 A Colil Wave. Clothing merchants who have boon de voting their onorgics to the business of Fixing up their show windows with over coat displays will rdjoico , with the coal merchants , at the following bit of weather intelligence that was received last night : WASIIINOTON. Oct. av-Six p. in. Hoist cola wavahUnnl ; tlio tcnipuraturo will piob- ablv fall trom twenty to twenty-livo decrees In the next thirty-two hours. HA/.KX. s a Itallroai ) . John and Kato Chrlstencr have liled suits in Judge McCulloch's court for damages in the sum of if 1,500 against tlio Omaha & Southwestern railroad for per sonal injuries , llhoy allege that on Sep tember 0.1880 they were assaulted anil forcibly driven from their house which was on the right of way of the said rail- Way. Mrs. Chrlstener alleges that she was so badly beaten by the agents of the company that she has lost the use of one arm. The Widow AVins. The case of Mrs , Dunk , of Florence , vs. Dr. Solomon , was decided in favor of tlio plaintiff by Judge McUulloch yesterday. The plaintiff brought action to recover f 1,000 which she alleged she had loaned to the oily-tonjrued ' 'dortor" from time to time. Judgments were given the plaintiff in the bum of $781) ) . The rafllo for the horse will come off at Thompson & I-lttlo's Palace saloon , Monday evening , October 25th , at 0 o'clock. A Georgia hermit has his house in the branches of a spreading oak tree. It is small but quite snug. 500 single white blankets 39c. All wool filled blank't ' $ l.98pr Brigb'n wool white blank's$2.75pr Fleece wool white bank's$3.50pr ! Cal'nla all wool blankets , $550pr COMFORTERS , 49o,75cl.25l.50$2l$250 , | , J. L , Brandeis & Sons , B02 , 501500 anil 508 S. lath St. Jjcarii to 'Jtcnd Mr. F. P. Trench , an experienced teacher , proposes to form a class in sight reading and singing in tins city , and will give exhibition lessons on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of next week , at 8 o'clock , at First Congregational Taber nacle , Capitol ave. near 18th ht. , to which the public arc cordially invited free of charge , Circulars with full particulars at all music stores. _ Dexter L. Thomas has laid out an addi tion to the city of Omaha named Mas- cottc , and wo notice that the streets are properly named Rocco , Loreu/.o , Bet- tina , Pippo and Frederick , and sncing that the same is on tlio Bolt Railway and at a point where the Omaha Northern H. H. promises fairly to make a junction with the Belt Line , and lots at only $100 to $200 , we think the location well named and that the purchaser will have a Mas- cotte , as the indications point the lots to bo worth from $50C to 800 soon. Those lots are to bo sold on contract , 20 per cent cash , balance $5 per month. Apply to Dexter L. Thomas , lloom 8 Crcigliton Block. Try Israel Frank's new butcher shop , 171 ! ! Soutli Sixteenth street , for fresh moats. To tlio Mrs. C. A. Uingor has a full line of fall and winter millinery at lowest prices. MHS. C. A. HiN'GKic , 110 North Fifteenth street. Israel Frank , an experienced butcher , and Into deputy moat inspector of Now York City , has opened up a now butcher shop at 171 ! ) South Sixteenth street. Give him a trial. Final Closiiitr Snlc , commencing Monday , Oct. 25. Every thing must be sold regardless of cost. One lot of wraps at four dollars , actual cost six. One lot of Jersey Ulsiors for seven dollars worth liftccn. One lot of light weight cloth ulsters for live dollars worth from ten to fifteen , Fringe Orna ments , Fur Trimming in fact every thing. Suits in all now and fashionable materials at actual coat. Silk suits in black and colored. Cloaks , Wraps , Plush Cloaks. Also a lot of children's underwear. Ladies chemise in cambric and muslin , The goods are nearly all now , having been bought for fall trade before I decided to quit business. CHAS MoDoNAi.i ) , M08 Fanmm St. Another invoice of now and very styl ish millinery goods at Madam llick- nmnn'0 , M14 Douglas s > t. All kinks of Job Printing , Omaha Lithographing & Stationery Co , At tlio Ilnjitibt Cliurcli. Rev. H. II. Branch , pastor of the Bap tist churoii at licloit , Kan , is in the city , and will preaoh to-morrow morning and evening at tiio First Baptist church , cor ner of Fifteenth and Davenport streets. Mr. Branch is a young man of marked eloquence and power , whoso abilities as a pastor and preacher have placed him in the front rank of tlio western clergy. Ho will doubtless bo greeted by a largo congregation both morning and evening. ItuHilInu Permits. Supirint ondent Whitlock Issued build ing permits yesterday as follows ; John \V. 1'aul , one-story frame cottage , Twenty-flint street new Chirk S 000 Lewis H. hlojd , one-story frame cot tage , Twenty-eighth avenue , near Lukit , . . . . , , . . , . . , . . , . Wr ) Drs. Oraudy Ac Ulffont , three-story brick buUdlue , Twentieth streel near liar- noy street . . . , 6.003 Three permits aggregating. , * § 7UO am.cL Ladies. Misses and Children , wJiich Ute warm , and unseasonable weather tof/ct her with rarioits other causes. lias rendered it exceed ingly difficult to sen , but IV JS JfA VJS THESE , and what is more , MTTQT1 o 4- ' And'inricwoj Hits fact we hare reduced our entire stock ONE-IfALlT. Alance orer the following will easily coni'ince yon that ve are in cat-nest : Our $25 Seal Plush Cloaks at $17,50 , * * ff ! Our $35 Seal Plush Cloaks at $25. Our $14 All Wool Cloth Newmarkets at $7,50 , Our $10 Heavy Cloth Newmarkets at $5 , Our $7 Plain Cloth Newmarkets at $3,50 , Our $12 Handsome Short Wraps , $7,50 , Our $22,50 Silk Plush and Fur Trimmed Wraps , $15,00 , Children's ' Newmarkets , all sizes , $2,50. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED , OPEN EVENINGS. f\ \ 502504 - , MW and XOS S. 13t7i. St. Kdlmlni . Akin is the name of the now ( inn which suc ceeds the well known and popular linn of Kdholin & Krickson. It is seldom that a new house falls heir to lliu trait o and prestige that has been secured by this one. Mr. Ediiolin , who has for years been among us , is known as a man of ex cellent business tact and of thorough in tegrity All who know him fool sure that his best efforts will bo enlisted in the welwnreof the new firm. Air. Akin , the new member , is u thorough going busi ness young man , who lias held a position ot trust and responsibility under his pres ent partner. His gentlemanly ways and thorough knowledge of the business makes him a member who will add friends and popularity to an already pop ular house. Thib is one of the most com plete unit thoroughly equipped jewelry mul music houses in the west. They enjoy n nieo wholosnlo trade in this state and Western Iowa , Their rooms at cor. of Ifith and Dodge streets are well worthy of : i visit. They have there displayed a most bountiful stock of silver ware of the most beautiful design and finish. Their slock of watehes includes gold and silver watclics of all the best makes , handsomely engraved and , uhovo all , reliable timokeopcrH. Diamonds glitter in their handhomo cases , set in beautiful and unique de signs. Every variety of vessel or orna ment can bo found there , licautiful figures in French liron/.o adorn the windows dews , wlioso tasteful arrangement and glittering array are constantly attracting the bus/ throng of passers by. If you wish a handsome wedding present do not fail to sue their display. A long exnorlenca in the trade give thorn the ability to buy just the goods wanted by our citizens. 'Ihoir prices nro such that all can trade with. They wel come every one , whatever his station may bo , to their Imndsonio stores. The representative of the BKB was pleased to hue the splendid trade which they are enjoying , It was almost impossible ) to secure an audience with the proprietor , who , with his courteous attendants , were literally overrun with customers. Their piano , organ and musical department is complete. In short , it is what they claim for it a jewelry and music house com plete in nvi'ry particular , an honor to its owners and the pride of the city. Night school at the Omaha Commercial college , 1111 Karnain street. .Scores of young men are spending their evenings there tilling their minds with useful knowledge. Go thou and do likewise , A Bargain. $400 / stock groceries , fresh and now , established trade , located on Sixteenth Ktroot ; onc'half oush , balance Omaha real estate.V. . G. AuiitmiiT , 218 S , Ifith. H. H. Hall & Co , is the name of a new linn In the real estate business at 115 S. 151 1 1 St. , composed of It. H. Kail and \V. A. Spencer. The business experience and good standing of thetu men ensure u good patronage. Colonel Vl . On Tuesday nvenlng Colonel Will Yisschor will appear at ISoyd't. opera house and give his humorous monologue , entitled " .Sixty Minutes In the War. " Mr. Vissohor's lecture abounds in fun , and is interspersed with many beautiful mill pathetic things. It has been doliv- oredin many citii-s anil always met with the highest iirnit > c. Visscheris a humorist of rani talent , but us fctory-tellor ho particularly excels , and his dialect and character assumptions are said to ho al most phenomenal , in addition to being a natural wit Air , Vissolier has linil the banolit of a. long experience witii the pi-ens and the training of the renowned editor , poi-t , and wit , tlio hito ( J'wrgo 1) . Prentice of the Louisville Journal. Please examine o&sr 1517 Douglas St. EXPOSITION BUILDING FIRST PROMENADE CONCERT Spcclul Untfugoincnt of tlio Celebrated LINDA BRAMBILU Consisting ot tlio following Aitlsts , Signcra Linda Bratnbilla , Prima Don na Soprano. Miss Kva May WyeotV Contralto Mr. lllrfolilcii-li Toner Mr. Yttrup Violinist Mr. 1' ' . Sliuoiibim Pianist Am ) tlio MUSICAL UNION OKCirKSTJl.l Under the Direction of > IK. NAIUN 1'UANKO. Admission MconlH. J. T. Linclsey & Co , WNOJ.USAUJ Rubber Boots and Slices , , Knlilicr Oiled Clntliln ? iiud Kelt llnoia. 'MO i. llth enrol. 'Jlio AlturntloiiH AIM Oomplnlod , and our Magnificent Now Cloak room is now open with tlio largest stock of cloaks and wraps ever sliown In Ne braska , comprising all the latest styles shown in the cast. Tlio prices are still less than lust season. N. It. KAI.CONKK. Wainrcl I Two messenger girls for our dress making department. Apply to Madaino Tiornoy , at Falconer's. AVantci ! I Two messenger girls for our dressmaking making department. Apply to Miidamo Tiurnoy , at Falconer's. Stamping free tail 1st , to a ! ! parties pur New designs jul re- . 15rt Douglas St.