Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE SUNDAY BEE ; OC'lWiCK 24 , 1880. t-TWEl/OG PAGES.
Delivered by currier in miy pnrtof tlio oily at
twenty cents per week.
H. W. TILT-OX. - - Malinger.
. u.
NIOIIT EtniOn No. Si
Now York PltuiibloK Co.
Now full poods nt Hcitor's.
Cooper & McGco sell stores.
Cooper & McGco sell hardware ,
liuv Seal briuid oysters , the bnst.
Cheap railroad tickets nt liuslmcll's.
Only ono ttrunk for the police court to
dispose of yesterday.
A non-union insurance agency Ims been
opened by Ernest Smith.
A. J. Mnmlcl's ' double front looks well
with Us now coat of paint.
There is an old bird in the cage , It Is a
Purrott. who was put in for being drunk ,
AS usual.
The few days of dampness show how
great the need Is tor some systematic
cleaning of paved streets.
Furniture and stoves in endless variety
lower thnn the lowest at A. J. Mandcl's ' ,
No. 823 and 025 Broadway.
Thu seventh annual ball of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians Is to bo hold Thurs
day , October 28 , in the Tcmplo hall.
The salvation army does not create so
much of a stir hero as in other places.
Public ctirioity seems to bo satisfied
To-morrow the war is to commence
against the saloons who have not paid
llcensu. Such is the declaration of Mayor
Murray & Murphy , the Irish comedians ,
arrived at the Ogden yesterday with their
company and occupied the opera liouso
last evening.
Mr. Beach , of Hamburg , arrived last
evening to join his wife , who has been
visiting for a few days her sister , Mrs.
Arthur Cowles.
A ploaaant party was held at the resi
dence of J. It. Hell Friday evening , at
which a number of young people were
well entertained.
The Worklngmon's Progrcsslvo asso
ciation meets this afternoon at 2:30 :
o'clock in the hall over the poslofllco.
Business of importance.
The ladies of the Gorman Catholic
church will on Tuesday evening give a
calico sociable In the hall of the lanish
society , No. C37 Main street ,
Sargent & Pusoy will in n few days
distribute among their patrons some
very handsome embossed folders , which
they are having printed at the BEE ollico.
The Schlitz Brewing company is to
build a patent ice house on First avenue ,
between Tenth and Eleventh streets. A
largo stable is also to bo built on the same
A special sale of remnants of all kinds
Is to take place to-morrow at the People's
store in accordance with the announce
ment made in another column. A rare
chance for bargains.
AndyNcally is getting along nicely ,
nml it is expected that he will bo able to
be out and about soon. The wound ECO in 3
not to have caused such internal injuries
as was at first feared.
The wagon bridge enterprise scorns to
bo an assured success. It .is said that
provisions are all completed by which
Omaha will take its share of the stock BO
soon as Council Bluffs completes the ar
rangements on this side.
Yesterday afternoon there was a happy
.gathering of very young people at the
fthomo of Mr , and Mrs. ST Theodore , No.
r08 Fifth avenue , the occasion being the
fiirst birthday of their daughter , Miss
Blanche. There were thirty-seven of the
little folks present , accompanied by their
mothers. The little ones were royally
entertained , and the gathering was no
less pleasing to the older folks.
If ono wants to rcahzo how much railroading
reading there is on the bottoms those days ,
i 'lot him try to drive to the stockyards in a
buggy. The streets in that part of the
city arc sometimes blocked lor an hour
at a time , making it a tedious journey
foi any ono attempting it. South of the
transfer ten more tracks are being laid ,
bridges are being built over Spoon lake ,
and railway iron is scattered all over , in
dicating that many more miles of tracks
are to be laid nt onco.
Personal Puragrnplis.
J. C. Iloll'mayor is homo from his Kan
sas trip ,
> V , II. Bowlin , of Harlan , is at the
J. E. Price , of Cincinnati , is nt the
C. W. Abbott , of Baltimore , is nt the
. * = ?
C. F. Fisher , of Frcoport , is at the
John Roomers , of Grand Island , is at
the Paoiiio.
J. W , Buchanan , of Chicago , is a Pa-
cllio house guest.
J. D , Paddock , of Malvern , was at the
Ogden yesterday.
Alox. Malmroso is homo for a short
rest from , his travels.
M. Murray , of Llttlo Sioux , dined at
the Pacifio yesterday ,
Joe H. Smith and C. L. Hyde , of Logan ,
are at the Pacific houso.
Sheriff Dan Furroll , of Mills county ,
was in the city yesterday ,
Mrs. O. M. Maynard fins returned from
a month's visit to Chicago.
J. P. Beach , banker , of Hamburg , was
nt the Pncitlo house last evening.
F. T , Northrup came in off the road
last night , and is a Bechtolo guest.
F. L. Stetson and J. E. Hoham , two
Lincolnltos , were at the Ogden yesterday ,
N. S. Collon , n commercial tourist ,
whoso homo is in Bouaparto , la. , is at the
Mr , and Mrs. E. Huntlngton returned
yesterday from a pleasant visit to frioiula
In Michigan.
0 , R. Fonda and wife have returned
from a pleasant trip to California , and
are gladly welcomed homo ,
Mayor George Cole , of Puoiflo Junc
tion. was umouir the familiar forms at
the Paoifio yesterday.
C. B. Jacauermm , of Helena. M. T. . is
in the city , but to-morrow will Icavo for
'Now York on a business trip ,
Miss OHvo Howe will , in a day or o-
leavofor Greonloaf , Kan. , to > " '
brother , who Is posimasto-
a * 1 different newspapers here
iCturuod from St. Joe , and wil
prybably remain hero as ono of the attaches
tachos of the Council Bluffs Herald.
Tlicro arrived at the Pacifio house yesterday -
torday & silk-tiled , line looking gentle
roan , who registered as "Collsaucsiirdon
ta. " Ho was recognised as Colote )
Toner , the auctioneer , who has bccomi
* favorite hero , The boll was rung 01
him , the card turned , and a burnt matcl
presented him before ho bad time ti
check his baggage ,
Mr. John J. Wads worth , Jr. , left lug
evening on a very happy mission , Oi
Wednesday evening next he is to bo mar
ried to Miss Kittio Baker , of Champaign
111. , the ceremony to tuko plane In th
Congregational church of that place nox
Wednesday evening. Mr. Wadsworth i
wnnectcd with Burnhnm. Tulloya & Co.
ind is a young man greatly esteemed ii
and business circles here ,
doncaiing the Laying of Railway Tracks on
Tenth Avenue.
Jealous Wives Wntohlnc Tliotr Iltts-
banda Governor hnrrnbco's
SpeechDcnth or Kcv.
Clint s On tlio Corners.
"Why don't you stir ap the Tenth
nvcnuosclionioi" asked one of the busi
ness men. "Tho people do not realize
how Important a move that Is , If the
Union Pacific is allowed to tnovo up
Tun 1,1 1 avenue it means for Council Bluffs
a union depot and other important en
terprises , -which will do more to help this
city than the new wagon bridge even.
There are a good many moves on foot ,
which I know will help this city if this
starter is made. The shippers and
wholesale houses all know it , and they
have signed a petition asking the council
to grant the right of way. Such a peti
tion , representing the unanimous wish of
the Council Bluffs wholesale trade , should
bo complied with , it seems to mo. They
realize that it me. ins a great deal to
Council Bluffs , and they surely know
what will help the city , and are as
anxious fbr the city's interests as any
class of men , even tlio aldermen , If this
ricfitof way is granted a union depot
will bo secured. "
"Tho only thing I object to it for. " spoke
up a workingman , "is that it damages
some property owned by men who cannot
afford to stand it. It may bo a big move
lor the city , but n few men ought not to
stand all the pinch to get it. Let the
question of damages bo settled so that
everyone of ihcso shall bo sure to get just
what is fair , without being obliged to go
to law , for some of these are too poor to
law it against a big corportion. "
" don't for the
"I see any reason having
tracks run east of Main street. They say *
it is so that the Union Pacific can get dirt
from the bluffs to make their approaches
with. If that is the case then let them
agree to lay only temporary tracks , and
agree to talco them up next spring. The
brldgcx is to bo done in March , and then
they won't need this part of the avenue
any longer. "
"I'll toll you ono thing sure , " said a
wholesale agricultural implement dealer ,
"if this does not take place , I don't mean
this in any bulldozing sense , but as a
fact , tlio agricultural implement busi
ness will all bo over to Omaha inside of
eighteen months. That will be just the
effect if the council sits down on this
movo. The houses on lower Main street
do a business of three or four million
dollars a year. Council Bluffs cannot
afford to lese this.butit surely will unless
this Tenth avenue plan works. You can
sot that down as u certainty. If tlio
council refuses to grant the ayenuo and
the implement business is forced .to move
across the river , it will be a bad blow to
the city , and the aldermen who are now
unfavorable to the plan will have
hard work to square themselves with the
people if they succeo in stopping the
move and the wholesale houses move
across the river. "
"It seems pretty evident that it will bo
killed , though , " remarked a retail mer
chant. "I understand Aldermen Dan-
forth , Keller and Hammer are dead sot
against it' The trouble seems io bo with
this towni that when amove is made in
ono part of the city , the other sections
fight it and kill it. Alderman Danforth
has property interests 'which ho fears
might bo hurt if the Broadway dummy
depot was moved. As alderman at large
ho represents all wards. Alderman
Keller and Hammer represent wards
which naturally fight the improvement
of the southern part of the city , and they
claim that their constituency object to
the move and that in opposing it they
represent the will of their wards. Those
thrco can kill the ordinance , and they
will bo quite certain to do so. "
Oliuroh Clilmos.
At the Presbyterian church there will
bo special music given by the quartette ,
consisting of the Misses Mcrkel and
Messrs. Noble and Hunter.
Roy. T. F. Thickstun will preach in the
Baptist church Sunday morning. No sor-
vicns in tlio evening.
Divine service In St. Paul's chnroh to
day , 11 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. , Sunday
school 0.80 a. m. The public and strangers
always welcome. T , J. Mnokay , rector.
Services at Union chapel , Harmony
street to-day at 3 o'clock p. m. , conducted
by Rov. Harrison Price. Sabbath school
the usual hour. Prayer moctingon Thurs
day o veiling at 7:30 : o'clock. Topic :
"Godly Fear. "
Services In the Congregational church
to-day , morning and evening. Preaching
by the pastor. Morning subject : "Tho
Words of Eternal Life ; " evening , "Bo-
hold the King , " A cordial invitation is
At the Broadway M. E. church the
Sunday morning toplo will bo , ' 'The
Religious Duties of Parents to their
Families. " The evening service on Sun
day will consist of a concert service by
the Sunday school. No admission. Every
body welcome.
Rov. J. F. McDowell will preach to-day
at Saint's church. In the morning the
topic will bo "Communion of Safnts ; "
evening. "Tho Sunlight of Our Phil
osophy. "
Dr. Jeffries will confine himself strictly
to an ollico practice , unless in case of ex
treme necessity , as his time is taken up
in preparing his diphtheria remedy.
The demand great that ho cannot
fill his orders and visit patients , In future -
turo all fees must bo naid in advance.
Price of diphtheria medicine , $3 ,
The Governor Speaks.
Governor Larrabeo aadressod a good
sized audience in Tamplo hall last oven-
ing. The governor is an able rcasoner ,
but differs in style very materially from
the average political speaker , Ho might
very appropriately have opened thf-
ing by saying , "Come now
° arenti0vafonjV. . " There
, , - was ap
parently no
0ftt | on h,8 , parl t ( )
, -opular prejudices , or to create n
laugh , though no was earnest and em
phatic in his statements , and there was
a vein ot humor running through his
remarks. Ho mot the churgos made by
the democrats , and mot them fairly
and squarely. Ono of the principal of
those charges is that the republicans
have expended largo sums of money and
have nothing to show for it in Iowa. Ho
admitted the expend ! turo of such sums
as could bo raised by a two mills tax.
But showed that this state now Inn as
fine public buildings as any state in the
union , and the unfortunates in this state
were well provided for , while the state
debt per capita Is not so largo us when
the democrats were in power here , and
they loft no public buildings except ono
little old capltol ut Iowa City , and a little
old tumbla-down prison at Ft. Madison.
Anotlier.c.hurgo was that the republi
cans promised in their platform , but raado
no attempt to perform. Ho requested
that if any believed this charge they
would take the republican platforms of the
past thirty yeara and compare thomwith
the statute Looks and sco it any promise
had not been fultillud. Ho quoted from
thu lat > t platform to prove the assertion ,
lift also quoted from the democratic
platform. Ho said the very first idea ,
and from n democratic standpoint the
most Important one , was oppressed In
the first planfc , which demanded that
the prohibitory law be repealed , and the
privilege bo granted to open a saloon 'at
every cros * road , The second demand
was for pure whisky , yet at the last ses
sion the democrats failed to introduce
nny bill to prevent the adulteration of
whisky. They wanted pure whisky if
they could get it , but must have Whisky
any way. Ho argued at some lengthen
on the tariff question , and proved that
protective tarifl meant better wages for
the working clashes , hotter prices for the
manufacturer , and bolter markets for
the farmer.
The audience paid close attention from
beginning to end , and at nn early hour
dispersed quietly , talking nnd thinking
about what they had heard.
I can save you money in stoves , tin
ware and hardware. W. A. WOOD.
The best steve I over had is the verdict
of thousands who hnvo used the Radiant
Homo base burner.
Cooi'Eit & McGcn , Agents.
\VntcIilnjj Tliclr JlubbtcB.
"You have no idea how many women
want their husbands watched , " said a lo
cal detective to the BEK man. "That
woman that just wont out was hero on
that very sort of business. She told mo
a long story of her suspicions about her
husband , and o fibred to pay mo fifty dollars
lars if I would locate the woman on
whom her husband was bestowing his
affections , and get the proof nf his infi
delity. Before I got through talking
with her I lound that she wanted to pay
mo only $25 in cash , nnd the other ? 25
well , I'was satisfied that she was as bad
as slio thought her husband was , She
needed watching if either of them did.
Hero she was asking mo to watch her
husband , for slio didn't want to have him
doing the very sort of thing which she
was up to. Strange world , this. I won't
take such n job , but there's more such
cases than you have any idea of , and
right in Council Bluffs , too. "
Try a Garland cook steve for soft coal.
Cooper & McGco have them.
A Olianco For I/aborcra.
C. Shcnfiold , the railway contractor ,
known to many in this vicinity , ho having
finished the Rock Island into this city ,
and had other largo contracts near hero ,
writes to his friend N. Schurz , that ho
can give employment to a largo number
ot laborers and teamsters. Ho has n very
largo contract on the Southern Kansas
railroad. In the "want" column will bo
found further particulars. Mr. Shonfield's
well known reliability renders this an ex
cellent opportunity for these who desire
to improve it. Justice Schurz will give
further particulars to these who inquire
of him.
Death or Ilov. lir. Lynch.
James Henry and Joseph McCabe , of
this city , received by cable yesterday
morning the sad intelligence of the death
of their cousin , Rov. M. Lynch , P.P. ,
late of Diihtap , Iowa , which took place
at the residence of their father , John
McCabe , Esq. , J. P. Cootohill , Ireland ,
where ho had been for the past few
months. The Rov. Father Lynch was be
loved and respected by all who know
him , and none more than by his very
numerous friends in Dunlap , where ho
has spent quite a number of years as
their pastor.
Brlclfjo Company. '
The , stock books of the Omaha &
Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge com
pany have been opened for the subscrip
tion of stock. Evorv residence ! the city
is cordially invited to subscribe for stock
in any amount from ono hundred dollars
upwards. As soon as all the stock is
subscribed here , ana it is expected that
it will bo by the middle of next week , the
directors will bo ready to go to Omaha
and perfect arrangements with the stock
holders there , who have their stock al
ready pledged. Call at my oflicq.
By order of the board ofdirectors. ,
GEOUGE F. Wiuaiir , Sec'y.
B. Silloway , late proprietor of the Og
don house , is at that hotel , having' come
from his homo in Cedar Rapids , yester
day , to complete the transfer of some of
his property on Park avciaio , corner of
Pierce street , on which is to bo erected a
? 10OCO residence. .
Dudes "Dono Up" by Dctnpscy.
At the witching hour , when milkmen'
yawn , says a recimt number of the San
Francisco Chronicle , Jack Dempsey , the
pugilistic champion , was chatting with a
friend on Golden Gate avenue , while they
were about to part for their respective
homos. Presently four dudishly attired
young fellows who had evidently been
paying their respects to Bacchus , came
along and halted in front of Dempsey
and his companion. The revelers appar
ently mistook the mild-mannorod ana in-
oflensiyo looking little fighter for an old
enemy in the police department , for
ono of them ambled up to Jack ,
button-holed him and whispered
audibly in his car : "So you are ono of
these alleged thief-catchers , eh ? A sort
of n detective , as it woro. You think
you'rn u second Vidocq , but say you are
no good. " The other three chimed in with
loud indorsements of their leader's
caustic remarks , while Dempsey drew
back and replied , good nuturedly , but in
a tone that had n business ilug about it :
"Gdntlcracn. my friend and myself are
having a private conversation with
each other ; so please do not disturb us.
Knowing that you are mistaken in the per
son. I take no offense nt what you have
said ; but if you are the gentlemen
I take you to be , you will go
away and leave us alone , Wo would
not interrupt you like this. " "Oh ,
chestnut , " responded the dude spokes
man , ' 'you can't crawl out of it so easy
as that. Wo know you and show our
utter contempt for you In this way. " With
this the dude gave Dempsey u , stinging
open-handed blow actoss the loft ear ,
The next instant Mr , Dude sailed " - , .nio
the air and caromed " " * ; „ ' , < ! inn tnln-
Phone post , twcnt" ioot n"vty ? DudoNo.
? i' ° U9wod. wrhrminatQur of ( napoo-
HOH uown an adjacent basement stair-
Way. The third ono fared even worse ,
for Dempsey kept iv detaining hand on
him and thrashed him so severely that
society will bo deprived of his presence
for some time to como. Having re
lented somewhat by this time , Jack let
the fourth man off with a parting kick
beneath his coat tails , which accelerated
his speed to the other side of thu street in
u manner wonderful to behold , For a
few moments quiet reigned supreme , and
then the astonished duties collected them
selves together at a safe distance nnd
held ti council of war. The verdict was
unanimous that they had mistaken their
man , and they were about to worn ! their
sorrowful ways homeward when Demp-
soy's friend approached with a flag of
truce nnd added despair to their already
great misery by informing them with a
malicious smile who it was they had en
countered , The young men are well
known both in society and about town ,
and two of them are prominent mem
bers of an athletic club. Hereafter they
will remember the watchward of "Look
before you leap. "
Tolbot's IjotiK Head.
Chicaso Herald : "The Lake Shore
folks , were awfully clad when a certain
man died up in iunalo the other day , "
said a conductor. "The man's name was
Talbot. Aoout twelve years ugo Tnlbqt
saved a train from going into 'a washout
Weolll placi * on snJe a large vnrtctu of ' ItEMtfAyjCS anulno from ono
yard ujt to full Vitssa Patterns.
These Jlcinnanis MUSTbo sold tomorrow fMO2tt > AY , ) without rc-
scrvc , as we have not room for them rtndthci/ must GO. They will bo
soldatsnrprlsttigtir LOW ritlCES as we must have t7io nse of the
room now occnplc < llj \ them.
We offer ( tnwiiff others
of Silks , * )
ISeinnasits of Velvets ,
Remnants of Pluslies ,
Hemiiants of Dress Goods ,
Of nil Jtlmls and descriptions. We also will sell thousands
Remnants of Calicos , ' ! < ,
Bismuants of Ginghams , ;
E&enmants of Sheetings ,
E sinna.nts of Muslins ,
Remnants of Canton Fiaimels ,
Remnants of Red and Col'd Flannels ,
R mnants of Table Linens.
All muslbe sold tomorrow , ( MONDAY ) to make room for new goods
which will bcyin to arrive in a few days.
The ladles of Council Bluffs , Omaha- and vicinity cannot afford to
miss this this GREATEST OF ALL RElklNANT SALES tomorrow
( MOXDAY ) at
Persons residing at a distance , will please bear in mind that our
Mall Order Department Is one of the most complete In the west and all
correspondence is given prompt attention. You can purchase of its by
mall as well as If you were able to inspect our stock in person. Jf In
need of anything write its for samples.
, Council Bluffs , Iowa.
aiiis in Carpets ; This Week
Jfyouwlsli a Carpet , no matter wJial grade , be sure to call and see us
before purchasing elsewhere.
We offer sjieclal bargains in Dress Patterns and Dress Goods this
weeJc. Everything in this line will be sold cheap this coming week. See
the imwcnse stocJc.
KTo.401 Broadway , Council Bluifs.
near his farmnnd of course the company
felt very grateful. P. 1 * . Wright , .super
intendent of the Buffalo division , sent for
him and loaded him with thanks for him
self and the company. Tulbot modestly
declined a money present of § 500 , but
said ho didn't object when Wright pro
posed making out for him a pass good
for tlio remainder of his life. While
Wright was writing out the pass Talbot
inquired : 'Say , Mr. Wright , Imyo you
any objections to making that read good
for mo and n friend ? I may want to take
a friend up to Cleveland with mo some
time to see an uncle of mine.1Vright
was so full of gratitude that ho couldn't
object to anything , and the man got his
pass , good for himself and friend , and it
was atterward sent on to headquarters
and countersigned by the president and
general passenger agent. Well , now ,
what do you think ? J < or more than ton ,
years , that man Talbot has been riding
constantly between Buflulo and Chicago.
Buffalo and Cleveland , or Buffalo and
Toledo. lie was never nlono. lie always
had 'a friend' with him. The friend was
generally some commercial traveler. In
short , Talbot lias made railroad riding
his regular business. Ho pi ,0 , arrange
ments with various ' .TLJiesalo and job-
if "PV08 * Gs Barry their men , and
" ° ° H MIS engagements months ahead
* r/uietimo3. when these failed lie picked
up stray passengers here and there.
After paying his sleeping car and other
expenses ho lmd0 or $9 a day loft as
clear prolit , and , put of these profile ho
managed to amass u snug little fortnuo.
lie tried to use his pass on tie ! limited ex
press , but the company wouldn't have it.
In fact it wanted to refuse to carry him
altogether , but Us lawyer concluded that
the suit for dam ages would bo too ex
pensive , TalbotoTs dead now , though
greatly to the regret to several traveling
men. t
It lias ija Drawbacks.
Buffalo Condor ; "Venyouhaf been an
alderman as lon os I haf , " said a rotund
Gorman to a friend last evening , who is
evidently in the hands of his friends , "you
will bo pretty sick of the pisness. I
thought it vas a nice ding mysoluf. Mon
day after do meeting a man vould como
into my blace and say how gl&d ho vas 1
voted asl did. 1 would dink to miiieself ,
'Jacob , you haf a great head. ' In afoty
minutes about ten or twelf odor fellers
como in , and dey tell mo must bo ono
damned lunatic to make such a mistake
as to vote for such a resolution , vich , by
the vay , vas the ono the oder feller vas
so muuli bleased over already. Being an
alderman I vould stadt , melii freund. has
iU drawbacks like almost everything ,
else. "
An American banker who is wortii
$700,000 lately wrote a letter home from
Europe tn which ho spoke of meeting an
other "toweribt , " and of the two visiting
an "artt galery. "
President Nlokcrson's Start.
Chicago Mail : S. M. Nickerson has
I for nearly ton years controlled the First
National , and is so many times over a
millionaire that ho does not know what
to do with all his funds. Just before the
war , however , ho was not only not n mil
lionaire , but was racing his bad lu'ok as
the keeper of a general store down in
Florida. Ho came north without any
money , and was taken by Crosby , his
brother-in-law , into a distillery ho
was running over on the north
side. Horace White , of the Tribune ,
was then at Washincton , and Clerk
of the committee on ways and means ,
nnd ho learned first of all of the proposed
internal revenue tax on whiskey. In a
whiskey pool that was soon after made
up at Chicago by Horace White's ac
quaintances , White himself , 8. M. Nick
erson , Crosby of opera honso tame , as
well as some others , all had good sued
interests. That pool mtidol whiskey and
stored it until , when that $1 nnr gallon
tnx wont on , they all realized fortunes.
Then Nickcrsoh bought out President
AikQU of the First National , and cvnr
felnco it has kent growing , until now it is
the most profitable banking institution
outside of New York city.
The Tall Tower of Paris.
A dispute has arisen as to tlio height of
the iron tower which is to bo the feature
of the Paris exposition of 1889 , It was
originally proposed to run it up 1,500
I feet , but it Is objected that it would dwarf
' every other structure in Paris' . A test is
to bo raado by sending up a captive balloon
I to tlio proposed height and suspending
. therefrom four cables , which will repre
sent tlio four edges of the tower , Hags
being affixed to mark the positions of the
several stories , All the estimates for the
construction have just boon completed.
The cost is to amount to 7,600,000 francs ,
the state contributinir 1.500,000 , francs and
the contractors furnishing the remaining
0,000,000 francs , in return for which they
are to have the revenue derived from the
tower for the next twenty years.
An editor out west remarks that ho has
good reason to believe that newspaper
men become white mules after death , be
cause the expression of the countenance
of a white mule often reminded him of
some deceased brother journalist , ospcc-
I ially the despondent droop of the lower
lip. Ho also calls attention to the fact
that editors and white mules seldom die
and are awful hard to kill.
An Indianapolis lady sendtf her small
boy to school in the forenoon only , SUe
thought site would go to school and Bee
him at work and observe the surround-
in ITS. So ono afternoon she dressed care
fully , kissed her boy at the gate , told him
to tin good , and went to the school ,
where she carefully scanned ttie array of
t faces in vain for her offspring before BUG
' remembered that ho was at borne. *
That cannot be found any wlier e in the west.
© * er stocJi is ns tart/e and complete as ant/
house in tJic went , and parties living nt a rfiV-
tancc iv ill save -money 1 > y cominf/ direct fo its to
malm tlteir selections. A.II orders vy mail given
prompt attention.
JTrotn the fact that on Dec. next tlicre
will he an actual cJtatif/e in our Jinn , tve at e
Offering haryains tluit tire honnd to materially
decrease onrpresent larjje stocli.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ,
KTo. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Established 1837
Creston House
The only hotel In Council 'Bluffs having
r © 3Hsoa/p ©
And nil modern Improvements. *
SIB , 817 and BID Mnln St.
MAX MOI1N , Prop.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and
In lots. Largo quantities to select from
Severn ! pairs of fine drivers , single or double.
Council Blufl's.
Reduction in Prices ,
IN ,
China Glassware Etc
, , ,
At W. S. Homer & Co's , No. 23 Main st
Council Blufl's.
Special advertisements , such as Lost , Found
To Loan , For Snlo , To Rent , VSants , IJoardinir ,
etc. , will bo Inserted in this column nt the low
rate of TEN CENTS PEll LINE forthoflrst Inser-
lonaud Five Cents ForLIno for each subsequent
insertion. Leave advertisements nt our ofllco
No. 13 Pool street , near llroadway , Council
WANTED By 0. Bhonfleld , railway con-
tractor , 100 railway laborers find 60 tenm-
Btors to work on grndo of Southern Kansas
railroad in the Indian Territory , CO miles
Eoutli of Klowa , Kan. QoodwoKOs ; good win
ter work. Work will last two years. For In-
lormutirn Inquire of N. Bcliurz , Council IlluCTs.
T/IOII KENT A good double building suitnblo
Jt ? for a crrocory store nnd dwelling Good
location. Thos Voigut , UOD North Etb st.
"TITANTfiD A good night clerk at Uochtelo's
TT10U BALE Medium sized Diobold snfo : Brad-
JU bury sowing macliino ; cash resistor ; split
ting machine ; brass jaw lover crimping inn-
ohlnoi clock ; stiooraakera tools ; residence nnd
lots , nnd our wlioloaalo tmlldlnir. No. U North
Main street. Address Z. T. Llndgey , Council
Diphtheria Is acraln waking its annual visita
tion. Ten years' trlalof DH.THO3. JEWJUtlB'
HRMEDY for that fatal mnlady bas demon
strated tbo fact that ft la infallible na n prevent
ive and euro. If you permit your children to
dlo with diphtheria , "Thoir blood bo upon your
bead. " For sale only at tlio ofllco , No. 31 South
Stb street. Council Hjuffs , la , , or sent by express
on receipt of prloo. $3.
From the Omaba Boa :
Mr. J. II. llutlor , of Hazel Doll.Pottnwattamle
Co. , Iowa , and Ills family of cloven persons ,
were all sick with mallirnant diphtheria. Kvory
ono of them has recovered bv the use of Ir ,
JolToris'I'ruvontlvo nnd Cure for Diphtheria ,
without the nld of a physician ,
O , II. Ulaltofiloo , of No. 1410 Campbell street ,
Omaha , who recently lost a beautiful nnd In
teresting daughter , aged about 15 yeara , by
Jlnhtlioriu , uudor the treatment of ono of tbo
best physicians In Omaha , writes to Dr. Jeirerls ,
of this city : "Your remedy for diphtheria came
too late , our dear daughter wag dying when it
was received , I am aatlstlod that her Ufa oould
have boon saved. Another ono of uur children
who had tlio diphtheria , her throat was tilled
up with the putrid ulooratlon , wo used your
medicine and in twelve hours the disease was
completely subdued. In the future wo will
keep your raedlnlno at all times In our house ,
We feel that It saved the life of ono of our chil
dren. Wo are very thankful to you , and only
regret that wo did not call on you sooner , "
Prom the Council Dluffa Dully dlqbo ;
M. A. McI'iKo , editor of the Cambria ( Ebons-
burg , I'a. ) Freeman , has boon the personal
friend of the editor of th < 3 Globe for more than
twentyyours , and U known wherever ho ll
known as one of the bpsi men living , His family
was ravaged with diphtheria , anil greatly dis
tressed. Borne of Dr. Jefferls'Diphtheria Cure
was used , and tbo lives of the rest of his child
ren saved. Letters from Mr. McPilco are un
bounded In their expressions of gratitude for
finding some moans of avcrtlntr the loss of all
bis little ones , Five of Mr. MoPlke'a children
out of eight died from diphtheria before bo bad
an opportunity of using Dr. JelTorls' remedy ,
Dyspeptic , why nvo in misery and dlo in dls-
with concur of ihe stomacn ? Dr. Thomas
efforts cures erorr case of Indigestion und
constipation in n yery short time , liost of ref
erences given. Dyspepsia is the cause of
ninety per cent of all diseased conditions ,
Prloo f5 for two weeks treatment
Dr. Jefferls' diphtheria medicine is Infallible
for all kinds of core throats. Indlspenslblo in
putrid sore throat , In malignant scarlet fever ,
changing U In 48 hours to tbo slmplo form. Infal
lible cure for all Inflammatory , ulceratlvo , put
rid , cancerous ulcemtlon of too womb * > naoll
catarrh * ! conditions.
Full printed iustruotloni bow to ueo the wodt-
cines sent with them. No doctor required.
Dr. Jofferli' remedies can only bo obtained at
bia office. No , Si3 South Eighth street , Council
Illuffs , Iowa , or eont &y express on receipt of
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Express
F , C.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. A
HOUEO , Blffn nnd Docoratlvo Painter. Pnplcr
Mncho AVnll Ornttmonts.
None but bnst bunds employed nnd charges
K.c < 1gcr § , Journals , County nnd
Kniik Work of All Kinds a Spec
Prompt Attentionjo Mailorders
Room 1 Everest Block , Council Blufla.
Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind
ing m Magazines and
O. B. Notional Dunk , M. E. Smith & Co. ,
Citizens' llnnk , Deere , Wells & Co. ,
Mm National Bank , C. I ) . Insurance Co. ,
officer &PuBey.UauUor3G.U Savings llank ,
No. 328 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffi ,
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
Late of the Parisian Millinery Co , Manager.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
txdics buying a $5 Hat or Ilonnot , ono faer
will bo paid ; $10 round trip.
\r\ \ \ \t\Q \ \ following Companies ;
German American , of Him York
Pnwnlx , * of Hartford.
Hartford , * of Hartford.
Callfornlan , of San Francisco ,
Scottlih Union A National , o/Cdlnburg.
Union , of San Francttco ,
State , * of Bet Koines.
Wllllarniburg C/y ( , of Brooklyn.
Thott marked with a * Insure alto agalnit Ion by
Wind Storms , Cyclones and Tornadoes ,
UAres , * , * * * * * *
< * , * * *
IB N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. , ana
209 B. 16th St. , Boom 10 , Omaha , Neb ,
Manufacturer's Agent for the
Tents , Awning. Rooflne Slate , Man-
tola , Plate and Window Tllasa , Blioww
Cases , Elevators ( hand and liy-
draullc &c. J
In tbo city can bo obtained by patronizing the
640 Broadway V s K'Council BluU
None but experienced hands employed
Out of town orders by mall or oxproasoa
licked , and all work warranted.