THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 24. 1880. TWELVE PAGJS.S. TLJ N , S8&1 Y Hereby announce to the citizens of Om&ha and surrounding country , that on OOTOIBIEie , 1SSS They will open at 1319 Fariiam St. , a stock of Dry , Goods , Cloaks , Notions and Furnishing Goods , That will be complete in all the different departments , Our facilities for buying are unsurpassed , which enables us to sell at the lowest prices uossi- ble to be made on first class goods , Our method of doing business is the only one that can do exact justice to all , We mark every article in plain figures and sell Strictly at One Price and for Cash , from Which Rule We Never Deviate. This gives every customer an equal advantage , and a child can trade as well as the most expert shopper , It is a self-evident fact that firms doing a credit business must employ a much larger capital , keep a force of expensive bookkeepers and collectors , beside losing a large amount in bad ac counts. Who pays for all this ? The cash purchaser in every instance , Our aim will be to supply our stock with new and desirable goods as fast as they appear in the eastern markets , and trust by square dealing and close attention to the wants of our customers to merit a share of the patronage of this community. ± 31Q FaaneLStECL Street , OOFFIIAS GETS A VERDICT The Jury Fixes tlio Damages at Gnlv i Thousand Dollars. MOTION MADE FOR A NEW TRIAL. I'rocecillnus of the VOUIIK MCII'H G'lirlHiian Association A Onso or Itnpo Travelers' Protective Association Inn coin NotcH. Trnou TUB TH'K'R LINCOLN IIURKAU. I The jury in the long drawn-out Hoffman libel suit retired to the jury room Friday evening , where they remained all night , and at ! ) o'clock yesterday morning they returned a verdict awarding $1,000 to the plaintitf. The counsel for the delenso immediately made a motion for a now trial , and if overruled an appeal will fol low to the supreme court. Kvcry poli tical enemy of Mr. Hosewatcr and the political ring that fears honest daylight in public , matters are ready to dunce a hornpipe. Following tlio charge of the judge in the case a verdict for the plaintiff - , tiff seemed to bo expected. Judge Mason'.i closing speech was terse , pointed and at times a terrific arraignment of the false issues lugged into the trial. Upon the measure of damages ho was particu larly strong , and ho uprooted the pre tense set up of mental anguish in a way that fairly startled the Hoffman sym pathizers. Ho challenged the jury to show wherein a scintilla of damage had boon shown by the evidence in the case. Ho asked the jury how much damage any publication could do to a man who stood like Hoffman in tlio stairway leading from the governor's oflico at the tlmo of thu alleged state rob bery and told Mr. Caldwell to wait and see what would happen as they looked upon a man with his gun to his shoulder nnd who shot a fellow man in the back. Judge Aluson declared that the publica tion had been made in the interest of good government ; that it had been con clusively proven in that way , and that now they had brought the defendants nway from business from where the pub lication was made to answer for stand ing up for public good and the exposing of what the paper believed was for the interest 'of the people to know. The plaintiff , the judgo'allegcd , had not lost a dollar , had not lost position or honor , but had gained additions in both from the executive of the slate since the expos ures. The plaintiff , the judge further declared , had not shown oven where II oilman had even a shirt left unwashed on account of the alleged libel. Following Judge Mason , Mr. Sawyof occupied the floor for tibent two hours in jv. sp'h characteristic of tlia pi'dseciitlon'throughout the case , Mr. Sawyer criticising the attorneys on the other side for not confining themselves to the question at issue , and then , roaming himself over eighteen hundred years , ringing in the race that crucified the Savior a race that , Mr. Sawyer declared , were after gold without regard to other things ; that wore ready to tear down at nil times for gain. His peroration on thu Omaha HKK was a great effort. Every thing dishonest and filthy and false was merit in his eyes for the HEU to publish , and ho pressed upon the Jury the advis ability of making the HKK pay Hoffman Rome of this ill-gotten great wealth that lie ascribed to it gained through pub lishing lies and libels. He ascribed the BKK'S rapid Increase in circulation from 7,000 to 12,000 copies to the fact that it had published the libel In question , nnd kho figured , like an advertising agent , the hort time that it would take the I\KK \ on ft circulation of 13,000 to pay Kotfman $80,000. , If they did this the Jii ! : : would be allowed to exist. TUB Y. M. O. A. CONVENTION held its .second day's session yesterday at the rooms of the local Y. M. C , A. The evening before the services wore hold in the Presbyterian church , in addition to the delegates a largo number of inter ested visitors being in ntlondance. Her. K. II. lirownlof Now York Cily , spoke upon the subject , "The Relation of the Church to the Association. " it was an tuldroKs full of pith and point that was greatly appreciated by the largo audi ence , J. E. Drown , state secretary of Illinois , followed in an interesting ad dress on "The Helatlou of the General Secretary to the Association. " This ad dress was also listened to with much interest. Yesterday morning the association opened the work of thu day with a song Borvico and with ! ) | blo reading , led by h , 11. Hrown. Harry Curtis , general secre tary at Council lUull'u , read an interest ing paper on "How to Use Secular Agencies , " which was a practical add reus full of interest to the association. Mr.J.E. Hrown followed in an interesting talk on liiblo marking that unfolded many now ideas to the delegates and the visitors. Under the call of business a committee on resolutions were announced by tke president , comprised as follows : W. P. Itingland. of Hastings , J , K. Knsign , of Omaha ; F. ( i , Davis , Nebraska City , and W. H. Williams , of Crete. A telegram of greeting from the California state con vention Y. M. 0 , A. , was received and answered , and ti message of greeting was sent from the Nebraska ( otheTonnoosspo association , which is in session at this time. In thu afternoon the work of raiding funds for the prosecution of the state work was largely the order , nnd other miscellaneous busineja was trans acted , A UAl'K OASE , Early yesterday morning u young man named Kennedy came-iutu the -city from his homo three miles out in the coutf try and placed in the hands of the Ne- b.raska .Detective association thp yarticu- irs of a case of rape that was committed Ins night before. It seems that young vennedy's sister , a girl of fifteen or six- ' en years of ago , was crossing iv Held a ittlo way from her homo , when a ramp approached her and by threats upon her lifo accomplished his hellish As soon us the facts were made known , search xvas commenced for the brute , but up to Hie present time ho has eluded capture. If ho were caught , under the present state of excitement in that neighborhood there would bo an almost certainty of mob violence. The case now in the hands of the detectives , is being pushed , and a reward of fifty dollars has been ottered for the arrest of thu rapist and bis delivery to any railroad station. Ho is described as a German , weighs ICO pounds , heavy mustache , light hair and eyes , dressed in gray coat nnd v st. T. 1 . A. MKHTFNO. Tno members of the Lincoln Post A , of tlio T. P. A. , arc urged to bo nrompt and meet at the Windsor hotel parlors on Saturday evening next. All traveling men in Lincoln are invited to come around to the mooting and become ac quainted witli and become members of the post. The ollicor.s are especially de sirous that the post have a rousing meet- lug at this stated time , in order that delinite arrangements may bo inada to take possession of the now quarters re cently leased for the use of the post , THE BTHIKINCt PLUMIIEIIS. In an interview with some of the boys who have gene out from work from tlio dilferent plumber firms in the city , they state that no firm now has four or any ' number of gangs of regular plumbers a't work , that the pipe men arc at work , but not the bench men. The boys further say that they are standing out for teed wages for good men , nnd that what they ask and want is that the firms employ first-class men , and not fill the benches with cheap labor. This the story of the men in comparison with the talcs of the bosses published in the local papers. I'AKSON'Sl'AUTING With his creditors-seems to be quite an extensive one. On Friday when the sheriff took possession of his grocery store on a single attachment none know that Parsons had left the city , and few suspected that by noon yesterday twenty- five attachments , amounting to several times the value of the stock , would bo piled up against it. II. P. Lan has a claim of $200 , L. Burr , for diamonds sold Parsons. $100. Field & Harrison sfyoi ) , Brown & Patrick $1)5 ) , and others for vari ous amounts and for all kinds of claims. Parsons just before leaving wont so far as to borrow an overcoat which ho failed to return. Inquiries from commercial agencies seemed to have hurried pro ceedings. SOCIAL NOTES OK TIIK AVEKK. The Mikado , that was so pleasantly and successfully presented bv the Home Dramatic company , with Miss Lillian Brown as Yum Yum , will bo presented agH'.n on the evening of Wednesday , the 2th , Mr. Norris , the musical director , fixing that date at the urgent solicitation of citizens who asked time the opera bo repeated. Among the well known citi zens making this request wore Hov. K. H. Clmpin , H. P. 11. Miller , 1. M. Raymond , A. S. Kaymond. Uev. A. Allen , George II. Clarke , John 11. Clark , Edgar Dudley , II. N. Parks , D. D.Muir , J.C.Hopkins. H. B. Patrick , E. U. Sizor and C. L. Algor. Thursday evening , Mrs. G.M.Lambert- son entertained n number of friends from the young married people of the city at a six o'clock tea. The following ladies and gentlemen wore Mrs. LambnrUon's guests : Mr. and Mrs.'D. D. Muir , Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funko , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheldon , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. G. Beeson , Mr. and Mrs. W , M. Leonard , Mr. and Mrs. Lippincott , Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Huckstaff. Mr. and Mrs. Little , Mr. and Mrfl. J. D. MoFarland , Mr. anil Mrs. Coons , Mr. and Mrs. Green , Mr. nnd Mrs. Opden , and Mrs. Seymour of Wheeling , W. Va. A now and novel entertainment was presented in the lecture room of the inrst Congregational church Wednesday even ing which was quite well attended and was very pleasing to nil. The sunllowor part of the concert was n canvass upon which wore painted massive ( lowers and through nn npcrturo in each ( lower np- ponred the fnco of a musician. The songs of these suullowors wore highly entertain ing and amusing. The progrnmo of the evening including the above mentioned was as follows : Sunflowers. Heading. "High Tide on thu Coast of Lincoln- shlro" Miss Ndllo llorton llnritono solo lieyoml Mr. 0. W.Mnllory , Duet Marctio Trlomplialo MisscsCochran and Doollttle. Sunflowers. Soprano solo Seine Day Airs. , W. Seymour. Ui'citntlon ( iirl of the Period Helen Gregory. Quarlfltto Selected Messrs. Biirnham , Eddy , itnllnry and llama- by , Sunllowers. The Chautanqunn'd hold their next reg ular meeting on Friday evening of this week. The previous meetings hnve shomi n greatly increased interest in thu work of the year , ana uside from the spectators who have boon attending the club meetings a number of now members have boon enrolled , The following is tliu programme for the next meeting ; Oiwiiilntfoxeiclse ? . Miscellaneous business. Question on "Walks nnd Talks in the Geological logical Fields , " Mrs. Itlvutt Twenty iuln- Uulfct reading. "Colerhluollymii to Mount Diane. " Mrs. Itollius. Uiltlcs report Atones of the Field , " topic , Mrs , HnlL Twenty minutes. . News of the week , F. W , Smith. No Talk on Iron and steel ( from tno article lu Cnautanquan ) . Mr. Glee * . Query box. Mr. Altkeii. ' ' ' Holt call. . Quotations on mountains. ' The LaVe'tn clubr the latest social club- oryan.lzed in the city for the " winter's campaign gave its inaugural party a Masonic lemplo hall Friday evening , ! which was very largely attended and re- poi ted as a success in crery particular. The first annual ball of the Lincoln let ter carriers , held the past week at Tem ple hall , was all and more than its pro jectors anticipated , both as a tinancial and social success. The society people of Lincoln remembered tlio diligent force of Uncle Sun's ; emplovcs in n manner to warrant them in makfng their ball ono of mutual occurrence. Mr. Jacob Mahler , who conducted a delightful school of dancing last spring in Lincoln , writes from St. Louis that he will bo in Lincoln the coming spring to conduct his classes again. The Ladies' Foreign Mission society hold a very pleasant afternoon and even ing meeting Tuesday , with Mr and Mrs. L. J. Byer at their home , 1510 P street The afternoon was largely devoted to the business of the society , .and the evening was given over to sociability. Mrs. F. E. Newton , Mrs. T. B. Davis'Mrs. T. F. Lasch , Mrs. J. Teeter , Mrs. O. F. Spen cer , Mrs. A. C. Woody and Mrs. F. A. Brown assisted at the reception. The coming amusement attraction at the Funke opera house is the concert by Mine. Brambilla and her meritorious company. The entertainment is entitled "A Niglit of Song , " and it is n taking title to Lincoln people , who are generous patrons of all musical engagements at the opera house. Sid C. Franco , with Miss llillman as leading lady , opens a week's engagement at the People's theatre Monday evening , with Wednesday and Saturday matinees. The People's theatre has proved a popu lar house since its opening. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Hayden are in Chicago. Mrs. 'iV . J. Cooper is visiting in Fair- bury , 111. Carrie Smith , of Ohio , who has been visiting in Lincoln , has returned home. Mrs. E. M. Cooley and Mrs. C. M. Leijrliton have gene to Minneapolis to the National W.C. T. U. Prof. H. H. Nicholson , of the univer sity , was visiting in Omaha the first of the week. Mrs. Cornell , of Columbus , O. , is visit ing her parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. A. i Brown , in this city. ' Miss Jennie Wadlo , of Crete , was in Lincoln the past week , attending the state convention Y. M. C. A. Misses Mary Crissmnn , Li/zic Stino and Maud Wohring , of Hastings , wore visitors at the capital city the past week. Miss Helen Phisscl , of Clinton , Mass , , has arrived in Lincoln to pass the winter with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Marsland , of Lin coln , were visiting old friends and ac quaintances in PlatUmouth in the early days ot the past week. Mrs. Ports Wilson , one of tlio actiye and energetic ladies of the Lincoln Tem perance Union , has gone to Minneapolis to atteuil thn national convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in session in that city. Mr. and Mrs , D. B. Alexander , of Cali fornia , has arrived in Lincoln for a mouth's visit with relatives hero prior to the winter weather. Mrs. J. W. Wright had as her guest the past week Miss Belle Overman , ono of the social favorites from tlio village of Dorchester. Mr. . E. T. Roberts departed for Well ington , Kansas , where she visits for a week with friends at that i > lnce. Mrs. M. A. Williams , of Now York , who has been visiting relatives at the capital city , returned homo Tuesday. Mrs. Angio F. Newman has returned from Salt Lake City and departed Satur day for Minneapolis , to attend the na tional convention of the Women's Chris tian Temperance union. The Misses Peck departed Friday for Denver , where they will visit with rela tives for n time , visiting the Pacific coast during the winter months before return ing to Lincoln. MISS Emma Butler nnd Miss Annie Hd'ind ! : nro two popular young Indies of Crete wlirt Were Lincoln visitors during the past week. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. B$1K who have been absent on a month's trip to .Upston and oilier eastern points , are at honie again in Lincoln. Still Men Will Smoke. DA cigar contains acotio , formic , butyric , vuleriu and proprionic acids , prussio acid , creosote , carbolic acid , ammonia , sulphurated hydrogen , pyridine , virldmo , plcolino , and rubidinu. Sordid speculation and the business of barter has not squce/.cU all the poetry out ot the souls of the citizens of Minne apolis , This is the way a market report , in ono of thu newspapers road : "Corn , the friend alike of poet , peasant and spec ulator , hovered lovoingly a moment at 430 , and then alighted with pluk-doved feet on 4-lc. " Nashville has n citizen who , In dress nnd general conduct , appears to bo per fectly sane , but each morning ho got * up early , tills a small bag with food , a little tobacco and some stones , goes to the river and throws it in. Asked why lie does this , ho says ; "Brother can't get anything to eat under the wntor. " One of his brothers was drowned , That kissing goes by favor , nnd by favor only , a Berlin dentist recently found out with n vengeance. Ho had been so im pressed with the beauty of a sixteen-year- old client thut ho could n"bt resist the temptation of stealingtiovond kisses from her , for which theft and flagrant breach of professional etiquette ho wassentenced ; to a | ino of 000 marks , or lifty days' ' im prisonment. Shakespeare in French , as translated by the New'York Tribune : "llall. horrors ; hnil I" Otherwise : "Comment TOUS pqrtez vous , Messieurs les uoor'ours , " TIM DEXTER'S PLAIN TRUTHS , America's First Lord's ' Extraordinary Con tribution to Literature. WARMING PANS FOR HEATHENS. The .Josh 1111111118 .Speller of the Knrly Dnj-H A ( Jamldrr , Speculator later and Murderer of Kind's From Hook-Lore : One of the most ex traordinary books uvor published in tliu Enirlish. or in fact any language , is entitled - titled "A Pieklo for the Knowing Onus , or Plain Truths in a Homespun Dross , by Timothy Doxtcr , of Daldcn , in Middle sex county , Mass. " This f hnothy Dexter was born in 17-115 , and being in early lifo as poor as ho well could bo , turned his at tention to opeeulatiou , in which pur.suit lie eventually atpassed a very largo for tune. Tlio partiuular ventum in which lie reaped such a substantial reward , is ono which shows in a marked degree the possession of that adventurous spirit without which a gambler merely plays for the full. Dexter was a genuine gamb ler. for havjng made up his mind , he never for one instant , svyervcd from his course. No omens of forthcoming disas ter had terrors for him. aome persons , moreover , can do no wrong : everything they touch turns on the instant to a mass of solid gold. And of these was Dexter . of ideas which no one ever dreamed of before a man who filled his guldens with wooden statues and dressed himself like a Roman senator ; who wrote bool.'s in obstinate ilolianco.of every law of etymology and syntax. . "lLord" Dexter , as ho delighted to call himself , considered that the natives of the West Indian Islands must bo subject to occasional attacks of chill. Ho never , so far as can bo ascertained , went near any one of the islands in his life ; but he saw clearly enough that it was quite pos sible for an inhabitant of a hot climate to feel cold every now and then. He therefore fore- collected as many old and disused warming-pans as he could get for love oren on credit and shipped thorn to the West Indies , where , curious to relate , they wore immediately bought up at most out rageous prices. 'Ihe fashion was set and "Lord" Dexter became rich , so rich that ho retired to Newburyportyhoro he set up in magnificent style triumphant in spite of the jibes and sneers of his less fa vored because less hair-biained , - comucti- tors. It was at this time tiiat lie assumed the title of "Lord. " He remarks in his book : "Ime the first Lord in thoyoiinltcilStntes of A mercury Now of Ncwburynort , It is the voise of thu pcopel and 1 cant Help it unit so Let It gone. " It is said that ho also meditated dubbing himself "King of Chester ; " but after mature thought ho abandoned the project , not by any means through excess of modesty , but simply because being known as Lord Dexter by every tradesman , inhabitant , dependent or servant for miles round , he despaired of being recognized by any other tiMc. Next to the warming-pan exploit , which wo only mention because it allbrds a test of the character of the man , must certainly bo reckoned the "Pickle for the Knowing Ones. " We cannot say precisely when this book was published , nor have wo over seen a copy of the excessively scarce original ; but there is a reprint with explanatory notes by 1'otcr Quince , which \yas published at Boston somu twonty-livo years ago , and from this wo take what extracts may bo necessary. The first thing that would strike the reader of ihis production would bo the truly awful clmrnetor of the spelling and the total absence of punctuation. The latter characteristic is , however , not by uny means confined to "Lord" Dexter. for , as is well known , stops of any kind are even now omitted by lawyers. Further , "Lord" Dexter had precedent to guide him in this respect , for , although Caxton used stops , the professional scribes of his day were entirely ignorant f the first principles of punctuation. The early Hrlnicrs again , worried by the complaints oiquortllmiS J'ftaders , actually pointed every word , am ! , ' . * ' ot unlil the beginning of the sixteenth OOntnJy that any system of graduated punoluit- tion . "Lord" was adopted. Dexter , doubtless , after considorlr/g / the authori ties pro and con , decided lo abandon any attempt to divide his nonUinoos , and when the inevitable complaint which had boon leveled against I the ancient printers was likewise dlrnoted against him , ho published a second edition of "The Pickle , " and at the end placed some scores of lines consisting of noth ing but rows of commas , fcunucolons , colons , and noUts of mverrogation , ob serving , "fourder mister iprintur the now- ing ones complaino of my book the fust edition had no stops 1 pijuin A nnf here and tlioy may poper and H.alt u as they pleso. " In other words , his "lordship'1 tolls his readers that if they object to the absence of stops they can "pepper and salt" his book themselves. This idea certainly has the merit of antiquity in its favor ; but what can be said of the spelling or thu literary char acter of the production itself ? Phrases snob as these are common : "It dus fora ii < : ures as "riggers , " Plymouth us "plimith , " and so forth with an utter dis regard of every orthodox rule. Wo are sorry to have to confess that whatever "Lord" Dexter might bo able to accomplish in the way of vicarious speculation , he certainly could not spell. The compositor who "set up" his book must hare been incapable over after of spelling a word without wandering to tup Dexter system , and confounding''it for the moment with the usually accepted method. There is .something positively tempting about suuh words as "lam" and * 'liggor ; ' in fact we recommend "Lord" Doxtor's book to the advocates of pho netic uriiitin , who , it is believed , secretly revel in similar prnctieei. The actual contents of Ihis precious volume are as unique as the spelling , and wo admit that after a careful study wo are < | uitu unable to suy what tlin book- is about.Ve indeed defy miy one to tell the meaning with certainty ; to explain the use of tliu word pickel ( siielb "pikel , " by tin1 way ) ; to say who "the knowing ones1' wore , or what they had done to reuse his "lordship's" indignation , if a guess may bo hazarded , it would seem that Timothy Doxler was an ignorant - ant but sharp-witted man of business , bold ( as witness the warming-Dan incident - dent ) , arrogant , proud , and extremely solicitous of the world's good opinion. He had persuaded himself there was nothing he could not do , and when his capacity was called in ipie.stion , he put the "knowing ones" those who knew so much more about his own business than he did himself lo the prim of finding themselves ridiculed in sixtv pages ot jargon. To be ridiculed by "Lord ' Dex i ter , of Nowburyport , the vulgar trader in I warming-pans , the murderer of the king's English , and he all the time laugh ' ' ing in 'his slneve there was tlio rub. Dexter dieil at Ncwburypoit i on October 20 , 1800 , but not before ho had realized that even gold fails occasionally to purchase respect and esteem. He bitterly complains in ( he same vile hand , but this time without - out ostentation and presumption , that "I gave my wife and my sun live tousand dollars a pece beeos thav ast me , and they hav forgotten me. " Poor Lord Dex ter ! despite the strange mixture of let ters , there is something hero which places you beyond the reach of Parthian shots. Your lamentation is as genuine on tlio face of it as if it had been couched in the finest style of Addison or Stoclo. THE LITTLE SPY. A Story of the Civil Wnr. r FIIANM II. 8TAUITEK. "Corporal , you trained as a detective , did you not ? " Colonel Cardonno was steadily regard ing me with his keen , gray eyes. "And acquired quite a reputation , " I replied , with the customary salute. "It wasn't a local ono , either , " I added with pardonable priuo. "Then yon are the man I want , " the colonel rejoined , a grave look filling his face. "There's a spy in our midst and I expect you to arrest him. " Our armies were investing Vicksburg. The battle of Champion Hill had been fought , which placed us between the armies of Johnson and I'emberton with out a possibility of their oflecling a junc tion. tion.Tho The colonel told mo why his suspicions had been nrousod , and gave me a few clews , not about the culprit , but about his methods. He was communicating with the enemy by means of the Yazoo river or Chickasaw bayou. Within three days 1 captured tlio cul prit , a boyish-looking fellow connected with thoquarterniastor's department. He offered no protest , he made no de nials ; ho was either a bravo young fellow or else was supremely indifferent about results. I took him before the colonel , and when his eyes rested upon that ofliccr I saw his face redden with surprise and confus ion. Ho was smoothly shaven and that made the rush of blood more perceptible. I related the circumstances of his ar rest and his conduct under it , and presen ted certain paners which 1 found upon his person , The colonel and two mem bers of his stalf who wore present at once decided that ho was guilty. "J see the name of John Davis hero. Is that your namor" demanded the colonel , "His not , " replied the spy. However , 1 have boon known by that name. " "What is your real namel" asked the colonel , "Dulos Domarra , " was the prompt , fearless reply , without a supsicion of evasion about it. it was an odd name , but pleasing in sound , ? v ! ' J'0 ' 'latl ' Pronounced it with rare distinctness. , Happening to look t tJ'Q ' colonel just then 1 noticed n change in h'.f . usually stolid face ; it lasted scarcely a stiL-c.'Ji ! . and yet I plainly saw it. I could not help connecting it with the Hush that passed over the fnco of the spy. 1 was confident , too , that the ofl'ecl produced by the announcement of the nuiiio had not escaped the observation of tlin young man. bomething like a smile stirred his lips , and there was a sugges tion of reserved strength in It After a consultation between life col onel and his htulV , I was ordered to take the prisoner ( o the guard-house. That night while in mv tent , I beeamn uware of thu presence of an intruder. I was instantly on the alert , but instead of springing up , I remained quiet , and a minute later heard him step out into the moonlight. I walked nolsles.sly to the door and saw Colonel Cardonnu puss out of sight. There- was no mistaking his commanding figure and erect bearing. "What did ho want in jny U-nU" 1 thought. Then it came to me like a Hash. Stop ping to the plnee where 1 kept the keys to the guard-hoti&ti I found that they were gone , My amu/.emeiit cave place to indifference - difference , though my curiosity did not abate , "I am. not responsible for what the colonel nia.v do , " 1 muttered to myself. l crept into my bunk and soon fell asleep , lirtheuiorning I found the keys in their place. I had not heard the col onel return thum , and almost felt like looking upon the allair as a dream. A little later and it was known all over the camp that the spy had eflbctcd his escape. Of course the colonel investiga ted the affair with n show of thorough ness , but without result , and by and by the escape was forgotten. One day , just as our brigade was about to go into action , I said : | ' 'Colonel , a word with you , please. " Ho stopped and paid mo respectful at tention , lie was n soldier in every sense , of tlio word , but without arrogance. I I "You dill not call mo to the witness- , stand in that investigation , " 1 said. I "What investigation * " ho asked. I I "In connection with the escape of the , spy , " I replied. j | "Oh ! " ejaculated the colonel. " 1 did [ not know you hail anything to tell. " : i D"Ah , colonel , I had-a greatdoaltotoll , " 1 said. " 1 wasn't going to push myself forward. I held'nack for your sake. Colonel Cardonne , 1 saw you come into my lent and take the keys. " He was a little startled , "is that so1 ho asked in a queer tone. "Yes , " i replied. " 1 shall never betray your secret , colonel , but 1 _ ani everlast- mgly curious to know , what it all meant. " "mill , corporal , .so' would I bo , " ho said with ti short laugh. "You have been very frank and very discrete , ami I'll tell you all about it after the battle. " It was the 17th of May. and the battle which ensued was the battle of Black Hiver Bridge. The colonel was wounded and was sent to the hospital. In an engagement which occurred three months later , I was wounded , taken pris oner , and conveyed tc a confederate hos pital. There were several female nurses , one of whom was especially kind to me. She was clad in sombre hues , but they did not detract from her loveliness. Her very presence did mo good. As 1 was unable to speak , my most troublesome wound being in my cheek , 1 found my gratification in simply watch ing her. 1 fell desperately in love with her , which was not an inexplicable oc currence to me , and possibly not to her , for she was conscious of her charms. One morning 1 heard cannonading and noticed that it became suggestively dis tinct. The tide of war was surging that way and a tangible evidence of it came in ( lie shape of a shell which crashed through the roof of the hospital. The fuse was still burning , and to my intense mirprisoand admiration my hand some nurse picked up tlio shell and Hung it out of tliu window. "We don't want the nasty things in here do we boys ? " she said. A number of wounded men clapped their hands in applause. "You arc a bravo woman , " I said. "Why , corporal , " she exclaimed , coin ing to me , "those are the first wonts you have spoken since coining to the hos pital. " 1 was about to reply , but she cautioned mo not to. "Wait a few days , " she said with ono of her bewildering smiles. A week later I said to her : "You called mo corporal. " "Yes , " she replied ; "your chevron des ignates your rank. Yon forgot that. " "No 1 didn't. Wo have metboforo and you know it. For days ! have been trying to conjecture. It isn't a fancy , I am sure. " " .No , corp jral , it isn't ; " she said with a repressed smile , a twinkle of mischief in her glorious brown oyus. " 1 am Deles Demarra. You once arrested me for a spy. " It dawned on mo then , and I have no doubt my face expressed my surprise. 1 censured myself for not having at once iccalled that sweet voice and smile and those calm , fearless brown eyes. "I escaped , you remember , " she remin ded mo , with a slight grin. "Without a display either of nerve or sagacity on your part , " I replied. ' 'Why do you say that ? " she quickly u.ikcd , one dainty Irind uplifted. "Colonel Cardonno helped you , " was my answer. "Oh ! " she ejaculated , rifts of red and white crossing herfaeo. "Ilu told you so ? " "Ho got thu keys of the guardhouse from mo , " I replied. I did not add that ho had obtained them by stealth. Shu looked at mnsteadfastly , ul mo. < .t confidingly , I thought with a longing for me to say more. "You are on the wrong side of this issue , " I remaikcd. "I believe there is iv difference of of sentiment , " she replied a little dryly. "It is more than a sentiment , " 1 ven tured to say. "Well , we will not argue about it , " she replied , with one of her charming ges tures. ' 'I entertain opinions , and you'll ( illow mo to do that , I know. I'll nurse y.jl , so that you can go homo. You'll | iolt ( uio ( { 5 ijni'teo ' * " that , I am sure. 1 did the sumo for l onol Cardonno. " "In a-n union hosiinHJ- / naked , "Why , to be mire , " KIO | repjiau. "And lie's gone north1 "Yes. He'll ' bo ( jack , though. No\y wq hav ( i talked long enougli. dpn't you think ? " Our ne.\t conversation was still more personal. I proposed marriage , anil lojd ( tor my history and pro-meets , both of which were good. All was of no avail , Klie refused , kindly of course , bit | wjth hopeless po.siliveness , "You Jove some one else , " I said , "That wouldn't bo very strange , would Hi" she asked , that soft , bewildering smile once more about her lips , "Well , no , " I disconsolately adpiitted. The close of the war found mo enjoy ing the rank of colonel , while my friend , Colonel Cardonno , had been promoted tea a generi : | , A few years ago I spent a week or two at one of our popular mountain resorts. While sauntering along a wooded path I mo.t a sprightly miss of fgur or. five sum mers. She hud soft , questioning brown eyes , was prettily dressed and did not seem in-1(10 ( least thy. While I glanced around , wondering where ht-r protectors were , 1 .heard some one call out ; "Delos , darling ! Di-losl" Oh , how tluit name thrilled me ! Look ing at the child again my emotion in- oreased , for 1 rccogni/.od in her a strong resemblance to the woman whoso liandl had sought , in marriage. A minute later a vivacious , bright-faced , graceful young young girl came in sight. "I heard you call this sweet little thing Deles , " 1 mud , lifting my hat ; pray , what is her hiHt name ? " "Cardonue. " she answered. "Ah , " I ejaculated , mv baud at my mouth to ludo its nervous twitching. "The general and myself are old friends. Is lie hero ? " 'Must ' beyond the bond in the path , sir , " she said , with a courtesy. I found the general seated beside bin wife on ono of the rustic benches. Ho gave me a hcartv welcome and then in troduced me. "You have met before , " ho said laugh ing. "You arrested her once for a spy. " "And she was guilty , " ! replied. "She afterward nursed mo in the hospital. " . "Oh. she did , eh ? " exclaimed the gen eral "Why , Delos. you never told mo. " "Didn't 1 , dear ? " she said , in an odd tone. "I supposed you know. You told' the colonel that you released mo. " "Why , no 1 dld'n't ! " declared the gon- real . "You admitted it. " I reminded. "Well , maybe 1 did , " rejoined ho , laughiiig. Mrs. Cardouno WHS sociable with mo ; still she was reserved enough to show mo i that she had not forgotten my passionate i declaration of love. ' "General , " I said as wo walked back to j the hotel together , "you promised to ex plain this to me. " "Uxplaiu what ? " asked he. "Your previous acquaintance with the . " thc-spy. "Oil , " ho ejaculated. "Well , I believe I did promise. However , there isn't much in it. Wo were betrothed before the war , both being from the south. Then came the appeal to arms. I had been educated at West Point ; 1 was a child of tlio state ; I was in the regular army. I owed my country allegiance. My convictions of duty rose higher than my preferences ; I espoused the Union cause. Deles , hero , was a fiery little southerner , and she broke the engagement as she had threatened that she would. Loving her as I did I helped her out of the trouble caused by her arrest , and she repaid It by nursing mo back to life. The war ended and HO did our estrangement. Nothing very remarkable in all that , was there ? " "It has satisfies ! my curiosity , " I simply replied. The young girl I met in the path was Mrs. Cardonno's sister. She is my wife now , and whenever I hear the name Deles it does not disturb mo any niore than the name Hecky , Ann or IJridgot would. _ _ Not . Manager John Stetson Is deter mined that decency shall not lack a champion among the theatrical mana gers. "I mil not particularly anxious , " said he , "to say anything about the Violet Cameron allair , but I am fully re solved to stick by what I have said. Ido not want the company to play In my theatre in Hostou , anfl they shall not if 1 canholp it.1' There is little to say in cold criticism of Miss Forteseuc , says the Now York World. The ladies in the audience thought she blinked her eyes a little too much , and were inclined to declare her extravagant use of her orbs as affecta tion , hut the explanation made of this in that the lady is slightly short-sighted. She occasionally pitches her voice a little too high , but that is a fault which can bo modified. All through thu piece nho showed an inteUigent appreciation of the value of the lines , and in the sympa thetic passages gave faithful and affect ing expression to them. Henri Kockeforts now play , "A Daugh ter of Ireland. " produced simulta neously in Purls and New York at the jatter plaeo a failure. The scene is laid in Canada during the Funinn invasion in 1800 , The author sent the following rather curious cablegram to Now York : "KiiANfoiH MONK , Franco- American Avenov , N. V : My very best wishes to you allnndloMIXN ( ! i < orclt : Cayvnn , my younjj IrlFh clrl , and other IntrrpieterB of my work , and eMieoiiilly lor the principles advocated In It that Is to say , lor Immunity , for jus tice for Irelnnd. IIi.vm : HOPIIKKOUT. " New York Advertiser : Mrs. Paran Stevens says that Mrs James ISrown Pot ter has signed a contract with Mr. Henry K. Abbey for a theatrical tour through the country. Mr. Marcu.s Mayor , who is Mr. Abbey's chief representative In this country , niys that Mr. . Stevens is mis taken. "Hut , Mr. Miiyer. " said Mrs , Stevotis at the Star theatre Monday evening - ing when ho came lo visit her between the acts , " 1 have seen the contract at least the outside of it. " Mr. Mayor as sured her that It was not a contract with Air. Abbey , and so the matter rests for A slgular Mi.f1 Mainily rpgUter in kept in Home parts rfSwitzerland. / . Whonivor those bg | round ? * nro piiidit it is the oiifcfoin for Hie friends u * . . relatives of a newly nuiiriiid comilo to join in presenting them with an extra fcpocimcn ( ) ! their dairy produce , which is not intended to ho ( mien , but serves t\a family register , on which the family events , such as births , deaths ' and wed dings are marked by oroKnim out purpen diciilarly into the cheese. This custom dates back us fur us tint Bovcnteonlli cen tury , and a good many cheeses two con- turloi old are said to bu extant. A natural grotto was found in the heart of the glacier of Arojia , in the Erongor- thal , in the Valois , by Professor Forisl , of Merges ( Canton of Vaud ) , who , with some follow members of the Swiss Al pine club , explored the unitary to a , dis tance of 200 mptrjeti 0it yards. It wpu. in some places , itf metres wide and fruit 2 to it mctrcH in iKiiglit. Purtlmr tixploru , tions are. to bo mauu in this grotto , ,