Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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return op RimocHirrioH :
.Ditty ( Mnrnl.iR Kdltlon ) Including Hunilnr
Urfr. Onn V ar . . . . . . $1000
ForfilicMemUn , . fi W
For Thrco Month * . 2 fX )
The Otnnhft Hnndnr ttftv. , mallevl to nny
g , Ono Vcnr. . . . 300
OMAHA Orrirr. No. oil > vn W FAH-JAM STHFKT.
N w vemK orpin , linnii r.V Tittni'Nr WIII.IUMI.
WAKIIINUTU.V Urncc , No. 61.1 Put'ittCKsniyntkEr.
All coin mil n leu tiotm rcUtlm ; In ixiws nml edi
torial mnltor olioulj bo nildroMuel to Uio Km-
All tniflne lMtrs nfiilromlttnncosBlioulil bo
Rdilrchsod to TIIK Hi ! < ! I'eim.iHiiiMi I'eiMi-Asr ,
OMMCA. Dt-nftH , rtiockn and itoslnffipu e > nlori
to bo mndo payable to tlioorelcrut the coiu | > anjr ,
Htvorn Statement of Circulation.
Stale of Nebraska , I. _
County of Douglas. I8' " '
( it-o. II. Tztchuck , uecrelnry of The Hce
Publishing company , dews : solemnly swear
Dial the actual circiilatlem of tliu D.illy ! lri >
for Ilic week ending OcUiUd , IteO.v s us
follows :
Saturday. Oct.10 . in.OOO
Bunelav. l . ii.l : * )
Monday. 18. . IM.r.ii
Tiiosd.iv. 1 ! > . . 1'J.TV )
Weclni'Mluy. UO. . 12 , 7150 . 18.SI5
Filday , i J . l'JCI5
Average . 12.05. !
( ! KO. 1) ) . T/RCIUTK.
bworntonuel subscribed In my presence
this ISM day of October , A. ! > . , isso.
N. 1' . FBI t. .
fHE.U , ] Notnry 1'ubllc.
( ! oo. 11. Tr.sclnick , being llrst duly sworn ,
depot's mid says that ho Is secretary < r the
life Publishing company , that the actual av-
crairo dully circulation of the D.illv llco for
tliu mouth of January , ISbfl , was Kt3 ) : ! copies ,
for lYImmtv ' , IBSO , 10,605 coplc.s ; for March ,
18NO , llKT7'copies ; for April , IBSO , l'Jll , l
copies : lor May. I8h)1. ) KAiw cetpies ; for Juno ,
188.13,2W ) copies ; tor July. ItWl , 12n4 : copies ;
for August , l&srt , 13,101 roplesfor ; September ,
1880 , in , < tf0 cople'.s. Giso. H. Tzsmuric.
Subscribed and Hworn to before ino this lid
day of October , A. 1) . , IbbO. N. 1 . Kim. .
ISEAU Notary Public.
ContontH oTBunelrty Tlco.
Pace 1. Conceal Telegraphic News.
Page 2. < 'lty NewH. Miscellany.
Pnuo .1. Spi-olal Adverti&cnicnts. ( Jenoral
nud Ixxsal Markets.
Pa i 4. Helitorials. Political Points.
rrcss Comments. Sunday Uosslp.
Page fi. Lincoln News. Mim-ellany. Ad
PaguO. Council IJlufts News. Miscellany.
Page 7. Tlio Week In Omaha Society.
Miscellany. Advertise-meuts.
Page 8. ( loneral City News. Local Ad-
P.igoO. Miss Tickle Love In Sllcc-s-Tho
Tragedy of a ( Slanco , by Fred Njc. Sunday
In Path and America.
Page ) 10. Hints for House Hulldnrs. Col
onel llowlo and His Knife. A Delaware
Ghost Story.
Pace ) 11. Adventures of Major North , by
AlfredSoronson. The Paim llotliM-hilel's.
lloney for the hadleis. Connubialilios.
Keilgfous. Peppermint Drops. liiipleties.
Musical and Dramatic. Educational. La-
lavotto's Uravo.
I'liKO 13. Aino'np the Wits and Waits.
An Entertaining Trio. Clara Hello , Omar
.Tamoa and Uavlu G. Croly.-A C.irecr of
UIOISTIK : : , register , n-jistcr.
Tins is the last week of registration.
DON'T full to vote your preference for
United States senator.
HUNDHKDS of voters lost their right to
vote last year through a failure to regis
RKAI , cstato in Omaha more than holds
Its own. It is proving a bonanza for wise
Do not trust to friends to register
your name. Call in person -it the regis
trar's olllco.
KitS should not fail to BOO that their
names arc placed on the registration
this vreolc.
ONE by one the roses fade. One by
ono the democratic candidates decline to
bo slaughtered to make a bourbon holi
day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TflK town of Freehold , Now Jersey ,
has been photographed by lightning.
The possibilities of Jersey lightning seem
OMAHA'S prosperity is not bound up In
tue success or failure of any ono enter
prise , but she needs an independent rail-
lt > ad outlet to the west for all that.
CLKAUINRS for last week again passed
the four million point. The volume ol
Omaha's bank clearings are the surest
Indication of the prosperous condition ol
OMAHA democrats evidently believe In
the principle that the ofllco should seek
the man. The men are not seeking the
oflloo to any great extent In local demo
cratic circles.
TIIK cable car system will soon bo put
* nto winter quarters. It has boon the
worst managed enterprise with which
Omaha capitalists have dealt in years ,
A combination of brains , "get up" and
ntoiiuy would have had It in operation
weeks : igo.
question for honest republican
voters to consider is whether they will
bo whippet ! into voting for a self-con
victed bribe teikor , a party traitor and n
consummate scoundrel simply because
his name happens to bo printed on a re
publican tiukot.
Goronimo and his bands to Florida with
out throwing any further light on the
disputed question whether the nurrendor
was unconditional or not. The action of
the secretary seems to leave further con
jectures on the subject unnecessary ,
. Evuiiv voter should see that the name
of 0.11. Van Wyek is on his ballot on
election day. The popular vote , now lirsl
nppwUcd to under our constitution ,
bhnnjil bo KO largo ns to force the con
tinuance of this method by which the
poophP wHI In tli" future cliooso their
senator's itf clipping the wings of un-
Bcrui.uloiis arid aiubitiouspollllclans.
MK. EDMDKDS gave his ( injfj boto lnc
collapsed IJlalno campaign in Yc.ruloul
\eiion no declined to be cross questioned
us to his fuluro position on the presiden
tial Issue anil in the face of hid refusal
received 228 out of the 260 votes cast in
the Vermont legislature for Uuitqd States
senator. Mr. Kduiunds is probably still
of the opinion that a Western man should
bo selected as the republican candidate
in 1SS3. ' .
Hoffman Ijibcl Suit ,
After six days trial tliu jury in the case
o-t , F 'M llofl'ninn ngafnst Kdwnnl KOMS-
wrttiT has rendered n verdict awarding
$1.000 damages to the plaintiff for sup-
po cd iniurv to his feelings and reputa
tion. .Such a verdict would have been
rendered nowhere in Nebraska outside
ot Uiu-oln.
At the otilsot this suit was instigated
by the rings and plunderers whu
hung mound the .state capital , and
by newspapers that muko it their busi
ness to shield every dishonest man who
holds an ofllro. llohind those came the
political bank , which , in connection witli
u great railroad , has kept in abject sub
jection the business community at the
state capital. To that class of corniornntc
Hosowiitcr and the HKE have for' twenty
yars been a mortal terror.
With n populace prejudiced by a venal
press tind overawed by money power anil
" late house influence there was very little
chance for fair play and justice.
In imv other county a verdict for the
plaintilV , in the face ol tliu testimony ,
would never have been rendered. An
appeal for a new trial hns been made ,
and thuro are ample reasons why 11
should bo granted. The precedent
established in tills case will not detct
us ( torn doing our duty in
dealing with public men , and diiiuutmv
ing conspiracies and conspirators , public
thieves and ulllcinl knaves whenever we
doom it conducive to good government ,
The verdict of this Lincoln jury has nol
vindicated Governor Dawesand his pri
vate secretary. The high-handed outrage
which took place at thu capital when tin
wooden-logged man was shot down in
cold blood by the detectives for a reward ,
which the governor had promised , will
novcr bo forgotten or condoned. Tc
punish the editor of this paper for callinp
attention to this .cowardly plot and mur
der was fully As infamous as the plol
Qoro'n Honriiornw.
Great alarm prevails at the stale cap
ital over the discovery that Van Wyck'i
appeal for a popular endorsomeut wil
destroy nil the chances of defeating tin
choice of the people. So Mr. ( ! ere , the
great railroguo editor , has raised u scare
crow with which ho expects to frightor
people from voting for Van Wyck. 1I (
solemnly warns everybody against print
ing Van Wyck's name on the rcg
ular tickets , and goes so far as
to say that any man who at
tachus Van Wyck's name to the ticko
with : i paster will have to go to the penitentiary
tontiary for violatina the law agains
fraudulent tickets. This man Gore evi
dently imagines that the people of Ne
braska are n sot of idiots. Voting foi
Van Wyck is not voting for a candidate
but merely an expression of preforonci
for a candidate to bo chosen by tin
legislature. It is perfectly proper
and legal for any man to print
either in the middle or at thu botton
of the ticket his "preference" for Unites
States senator. Air. Gero's pretense tha
because Van Wyck is nominated by anj
party for the ollico his name cannot bt on any regular ticket is all bosh
Tliu law against fraudulent tickets simply
refers to canuidatcs who are cloctc (
directly by the people , and then only Hit
name inserted in place of another candi
date whotio name is omitted from tin
ticket cannot bo counted. The Unitoc
States senatorship is not an elective oftlei
and Van Wyok'd name will notin any wnj
tend to deceive the voter who might desire
sire to vote for the candidate of anothci
party. It is perfectly prcpostrous tc
threaten anybody with penalties foi
voting with pasters. The law has m
such intention and pasters have beer
voted all over the state at every clcctiot
since the law was passed , nlr. Gere' :
advice to vote on separate tickc.tsfor sen
ator is in keeping with his scaro-crov
threats. All the candidates are voted 01
ono ticket at n general election. Kvei
when voting for presidential electors n <
hoparato ticket is ; iscd. The judges o
election will tbrow out the separati
tickets if offered. The whole thing is :
stupid attempt to frighten timid pcopli
who do not know their rights in th
premi&cs. It is n notorious fact that several
oral hundred votes were polled at tin
election of 1870 for United Suites .senator
and returned by the canvassers to thi
state board
The Park Question.
Kansas City la agitating the question o
a park system to allofd breathing place !
for its poor and recreation and picas
uro grounds for its citizens. Mln
ncapolis and St. Paul have nl
ready taken steps to provide themselves
solves with a chain of parks to boamlfj
their suburbs and add to the nppearanci
of these cities. Sooner or later the saim
question will force itself upon the pcopli
of Omaha. Public parks bccomo n necos
fiity in largo cities. They are dosirabli
to atlord fresh air to parents and cbildroi
whoso lives ore passed largely indoor
and in the orampod quarters of tone
mcuts , factories and flats. Tlioyaroim
iiortant for the genorul sanitation o
cities where the free play of cuirontso
air is blocked and hampered by tal
houses and Mill toiler chimneys. The ;
are no loss important us adding to the at
tractivencss of cities na places of pleas
nut residence In budding up the localitio
by which they are enclosed with hand
floino places and ample grounds. Ever ;
ncro of park room adds twice its valui
U ) the neighboring property , The cos
of a mile of parked boulevard is quickl ;
repaid by thu advancing value of adjoin
ing real estate , while thu city as a whol
fclmrcs in the improvement whicl
trees and lawns and convcuion
open nir resorts add to the conveniences
voniencos of . the entire community
Omaha will yet rcg rot that the boulovan
project agitated a year ago was not car
ried into ofTuot when the price of property
orty was comparatively low and the owners
ors of large tracts of suburban property
stood ready to forward the iniprovemcu
by liberal contributions of real cstato
The sooner that any necessary publii
improvement which involves in any wa ;
thti condemnation of property is fos
lured ami pushed to a beginning tin
more economical it is for the city
Growth in population moans rising rea
estate values und added cost to taxpayer
when the dulayed work ia dually begun
Wlunlo DnvU Insulted.
With uuiISAvUn'au'0 ' stupidity but ye
characteristic ciwcH > ? lC ° Pu ! ot ! < *
mend last woolc sought Ja glorify thi
"loat oauso" by getting the pros rcut °
thu United. Stales and .his wife to 'paj
public court to thji ex-president of thi
southern confederacy , through his d ugh
tcr Winnie , at an official reception to b (
given by the governor of Virginia. Mis
Uavis was but recently , at a confedorati
soldiers' reunion , formally and official ! :
Adopted as "tho daughter of the confcd
eracy , " Governor Fltzhugh Leo escorting
her and presenting herat the ceremony
On the occasion of the visit of I'residon
Cleveland and his wife to Richmond h
rrsDonso to n formal Invitation , It wa
arranged , not that JofT Davis1 daughter
Miss Winnie , should bo a simple guest a
the governor's ollioial reception , but tha
she should bo the presiding genius there
of She was , in hur olllclal capacity ai
"daughter of tiio confederacy. " to form
ally receive the ci ost.s , with the wife o
Uu > president of the United States stand
ing at her side and assisting hcrl Tin
blue and the gray , not ns represented bi
Immblo soldiers of tliu ranks and 01
equal footing , were to meet again , bu
this time they were to bo represented bi
the families of the union president am
tlin rebel urcfldcnt , and that of the rcbc
was to hold the chief place of honor.
How clearly this proves that bourbon
ism forgets nothing und learns nothing
The ponth doe.s not forgot its treason , bu
still glonc.s in it , and it has nolyet lcarno (
that the popular heart of the north wll
not glorify treason or traitors. The mos
the north is prepared to do is to forgivi
those who show works meet for repen
taneo , It is possible that Mr. Clovelam
was caught in : x trap , that ho was no
duly advised of thu use that was to bi
mailo of Inmsult and wife in the old con
federate capitoi , but he should have fore
seen it and taken slops to guard agains
it. As a democrat ho would of coursi
have been in congenial company , but a
the last moment ho perceived , or then
were these about him shrewd enough U
perceive , that it would bo disastrous tc
democracy for him and his wife to pla
the parts assigned thorn in this apothcosl
of JolT Davis ana the dead confederacy
and so at the last moment ho decided t <
leave bis wife in Washington , and do
dined himself to attend the reccptioi
arranged for.
What is the consequence ? Thosouthon
chivalry is up in arms , and declare
that Mrs. Cleveland's absence was "ai
insult to Miss Winnie Davis and the bes
families of Richmond. " They do no
explain why Mr.s. Cleveland was ealloi
upon to honor Miss Davis by her presence
once i they do not perceive that they hat
arranged for an insult to Mrs. Clcvciatu
in the part assigned to her , and througl
her to the loyal north. They are enl ;
chagrined that their nice liltlo scheme t <
exhibit the president and his wife as celebrating
obrating the moral victory of the confederacy
fedoracy , though physically defeatedwu :
frustrated. This shows what the boutl
expected from a democratic victory. I
shows also that the north is not proparcc
to giatify that expectation.
Cruelty to Aiiiinaln.
Elsewhere is pubKshcd a notice of tin
meeting of the Society for the Provontioi
of C'ruelty to Animals , which will bi
held to-morrow evening at the residouci
of Judge Savage , on Twcnty-seoom
street. It is gratifying to learn that tin
effort made several yc.irs ago to main
tain a branch of this worthy organisa
tion in our city has not been allowed U
die out. Although it has not courted no
toriety or forced itself much upon tin
public notice , the society has already ac
complisbod much good. Arrests linvi
been made under the provisions of tin
law and for sorno time an agent was regularly
ularly employed to enter complaint ;
against offenders. It is now the determination
termination of its members to rcorgan
izo the society on a broader basii
commensurate with the work which the
growth of the city provides for its atten
tion. Every friend of humanity shouli
gladly co-operate. Not a day passe :
without glaring violations on our street
of the ordinance prohibiting cruelty t <
animals. Over-loaded uray.s and truck ;
drawn by staggering hornos pass to am
fro. Crowded horse cars groan up ou
hills elraggcd by straining and over
tasked teams. Abuse of dumb animal
stare us in the face on nearly every strco
where grading operations are in pro
gross. Months ago the HrE published :
letter from a stranger visiting ou
city , calling attention to the need o
native work by u strong societ ;
for the prevention of crucify to animal
and commenting in stinging langnug
upon the neglect of the west , so far ad
vunccd in so many other reformator.
movements , to engage heartily in i
work whoso results are now shown si
strongly in cities further cast. The BE :
will gladly lend its voice and assistnnc
towards futhering the work of thosocl
oty. It is an educational as well as
benevolent work. Its influence in lesson
ing the brutalizing cilccts of cruclt.
upon the growing generation is by n
means an unimportant feature of its opei
Results of Prohibition.
The HEP. of Saturday contained n dia
patch from Atlanta , Ga. , showing tha
the ell'ect of prohibition in that state ha
already been to largely increase illici
distilling. Prohibition having closed tin
saloons , moonshine whisky is peddlci
about in wagons , covered up witli apples
which travel tnrough the country am
stand in secluded streets in towns , giviuj
all needed facilities to negroes and pee
whites for getting all they want of th
most villainous whisky made. Well-to
elo people send abroad for their Hquoi
and drink as much as over. Thus pro
hibition docs not prohibit in Georgia.
In ono day , recently , in Portland , Mo.
fifteen liquor cases , a part only of : \ ver ;
long docket , wore passed upon in the su
perior court , and lines and costs imposed
umountinc to $1,030,85. Nothing mon
conclusive than tins can bo cited to shov
that the general sentiment of that clt1
does not sustain prohibition , or moi
would not bo found to incur such pen
altics fur soiling liquor.
The Providence Journal says that n
that city since the law wont into olVec
club rooms have sprung up in all dircc
tions. All that is required by the clul
manager is a poisonal knowledge of th
thirsty applicant und then ho isfurnishc.
with a koy. ' 1 ho more introductions hi
gets to the managers the moro key.s h
gets , so that in a short time his ring is ful
enough to gain him admission all eve
the oity , and his keys not only admit him
self but all his friends. In the high-tonci
clubs n fee of $1 is charged for initiation
and then the key is furnished and ;
punched slip for which the now incmbo
pays and which be uses until its purchas
ing power is exhausted , when a fresh sli |
i ? taken.
fjjjj.sftine-paper describes the Newpor
'method , of .o7di':2tho : JawA
called the AMidJnk company , of Nov
' York , sends thcrfc what is known as Avu
dink tome , which is .sqld at lifte-e-n cents :
bottle. The bottle is packed in a nea
pasteboard box looting the name of tin
company and tho'faot that it contains "J
tonic for general , use A good appc
tlzer. Aids digestion. Price 15 cents. '
The tops of t'hcpbiixcs bear either tlii
letter ' "w" or "c , ' . ' which siguilios the na
ture of the cocktail that Is , tonic in
side. The bottle cenitains one oocklail
and the directions say : "Empty con
tents in a glass , add a little picn <
of ice , stir amjdrink. . " The tonii
is said to have a large sale , find ns noni
is genuine unless the name is blown it
the bottle the company must bo coining
money. Do the people of Nebraska wisl
to see this state of things become genera
in our state ? Do they think it bolter tc
have our drug stores converted intc
saloons and such club rooms as abovt
described , established in our cities ant
largo towns , than to retain our well rcgu
luted systoni , with local option to pro
hibit ? Governor Hico , of MnSMichus
oils , says the prohibition law of 18TG ha :
proved a failure in that state , and drunken
nnss has increased instead of diminished
The people of that state , therefore , an
opposed to prohibitory laws , because thej
do not bcllevo temperance Is bcstsccuree
by such enactments. Has this not beer
confirmed by the ob-iorvation of thinking
people everywhere ? Temperance mus
result from a general conviction ol
its desirableness , to bo brought nbonl
by a gradual change of public opinion
and cannot bo compelled by anv law thai
was over framed.
The 1-intont Shocks.
Since the widespread earthquake
shocks of August 151 there have been frequent
quent recurrences of slight disturbance !
intLe region about Charleston , but these
have generally not been so marked ns te
occasion any alarm save among the extremely
tromely ignorant and superstitious , ane
confidence had become qulto genorallj
restored. On Friday , however , sharj
shocks were felt through a considerable
portion of the area in the south that wai
atlectcd by the great seismic disturbance
and in scmo localities there was a renewal
nowal of the feeling of alarm and anxiety
which prevailed after the first calami' '
tous visitation. At two or three place :
thcso last shocks are said to have been as
severe jis these felt in August. They die
not , however , do any damage , boyoni
opening scams in the earth , which oc
ciirred in a portion of Virginia , and up
selling typo in the fourth story of a news
paper ollico in Washington city.
This pronounced recurrence of the dis
tiirbMiccs will still moro distinctly iudi
catc the area in which the conditions pro
ducing them are present in great force
or in which at least they arc pe
culiarl ? susceptible to seismic influence
but whether the demonstration wil
be of any considerable value to science
once , one is compelled to doubt , in vie\\
of the very littio that lias apparently
boon definitely learned fioin the August
disturbances. The investigation and
study given to these phenomena- seen
not to have brought the scientists anj
nearer together ns to the cause and ori
gin of carthqakcs than they were before
or , in fact , than they have been at any
time in the last half-century during
which this subject has been a matter 01
scientific study. There have been printed
during the past five or six weeks any ex
tent of theories , all learned and most of
them plausible , but no two in full agree
ment , so that there is still no undisputed
ground upon which scicsmoiogists meet
in accounting for the origin of earth
quakes. The phenomena , however , have
become of such great that tliej
will continue to bo a subject of earnest
study , and every fresh revelation thai
may contribute to abettor understanding
of their causes and nature will bo care
fully noted.
EXAMINE your tickets carefully ant
see to it that you yote your choice foi
United States senator.
The Memphis knights have nominated flvi
members for legislative positions.
ThoUtica ( M. V. ) workmen have nonil
natcd a inolder for the legislature.
Ex-Congressman Del ford is leading an In
dependent republican revolt In Colorado.
The Louisville trades assembly have pro
pounded a series of questions to candidates ,
Tuo industrial party of Maryland has noni
in a ted municipal candidates In twent ;
Some of the Iowa papers are booming Sen
ator alllson for the presidency with mud
The Han Francisco labor party have nomi
nated Henry George's old JUally Post partnc
for mayor.
Congressman Kanney , of Massachusetts
loft a practice of 530,000 per annum vfhon li
entered political life.
Ks-Governor Brown , of Tennessee , sav
the democratic tlcxot in tlmtstntu will b <
elected by a majority of 30,000.
Charles A. Garter Is a candidate for congress
gross In California. It woman sutrraRo prevailed
vailed In that state , Mr , Garter would have ;
tiemendous run.
The Independent labor paity ot Detroli
Mich. , has put up a coiiKresslonnl , legislative
and senatorial ticket. Thrro are three ol <
printers ou the ticket.
Politically speaking- ! San Francisco seem
to present a scone of Inextricable confusion
There are ten tickets In' the lieltl and other
In course of preparation1.
Mr , John Tyler Coo or , the solf-nouilnatci
antl-prohltiltlonist cuudidutc for mayor o
Atlanta , Ga. , Is a grandson of Presided
Tyler aud also of James Fonlmoro Cooper ,
Senator Muhono will hid farewell to poll-
tics at the expiration dl his term as senator
and will go Into the real estate business al
Washington , where fye has recently madi
large Investments. ( ,
Secretary Manning announces that he In
teiuU to stand by Cleveland so long afhe I ,
president. It might b mentioned In pasbini
that Mothcr-ln-Law FoUom has expressed i
similar determlnationf
Hob Taylor , the democratic candidate fo
governor of Tennessee , married a cousin o
Senator Zcb Vance. Ho used to ride 01
horseback eevonty-tivo miles over the inoun
tains to woo the fair maiden.
J. I ) , Jielford , erstwliilo known In congres' '
as "The lied Headed Kooster of the Hockles,1
and famous forhls convivlalhabltsha8 Jolne <
the Total Abstinence league. Hut this ster
toward reform Is counteracted and overshad
owed by the fact Uiat he has also joined thi
democratic party.
Amos J.Cummlngs , H. J , Mcrrlam and F
J. Conkllng , booked for congress from Nev
Vork , are all members of the editorial stalf o
the New York Sun. They are bright am
hardworking Journalists , and they probablj
want to secure a season of complete Intel
lectuul rest by going to congress.
General Sam Carey U to make fifteen dem
ocratic speeches In Michigan during th
pic-sent campaign or , rather , will elcllvc
ono speech fifteen times. That same' of
ocratlc-tcmperajico effort will apaln b
pressed Into active service.
Colonel Wind U running for congress I :
ouo of tha Wisconsin districts nud Is iiiakln
no blow about It. Colonel Quayle , of Ml-
souri , Is al o pluming hi * whips for a eon
gresslonal ( light , and Colonel JJob White , o
Mississippi , Mould like to meet him In th
repiesentatUe halls.
The New York voters ha\o In frequent In
stances demanded of the storekeepers the ;
patronlro to tnko down the lltliosinpliic pie
turns of Henry George. I'lve hundred speak
crs mo to talk for Henry George until ele'c
tion elav. ( ho.U enthusiasm v > icvnilsamoii |
the labor organizations , hut tiio linns wll
not bo drawn tightly by the political power
until a day or two bcforo election.
The Ollloc Hcoklnir the Cousin.
iVcic Yuik TCiirM.
Itcnjaiuln Polsom , of IliilTulo , tlm
appointed American consul to Sheffield ,
land , says that he did not urge himself
the pie'sident as an npnleant ! for olllcia
honors. It was a clear case of HIP ofllci
seeking for the cousin. H found him will
commendable promptness ,
1'mvtlorU'n Snlnry.
Clitcaan Mull.
Thcro Is some Ill-natured comment eve
the fact that the salary of Grand Alaste
Powderly will be S-\000 hcionfter. Mr
Powdcrlv's sci vices are woith that mud
to the organization. Kquat ability could no
beprocmed in the world's marlset for doubli
the amount.
Wlijr Cousin HIMI Out nit Ofllco.
ClilMuo Time , * .
It Is said that the reason Cousin Hen Pol-
soiu got an ollico was that he had tlireatonei
to spend the winter at the white house. Per
liaus , alter all , In dealing with Mich a case
the pieMdont Is excusable for ouco thiowlni
oir the icstralnt imposed by civil reform liar
It Jinn Uot Awny.
1'forfo Tia neelijtt.
The president \\ont on a deer hunt tin
other day , and a magnificent buck sprang up
Out of courtesy to the president the other
conceded his claim to It. The re-suit was thai
the buck came near celling away , but wai
finally killed by another member ot tin
party. It Is just the same with civil service
rcfoim. Since It has been turned over t <
Mr. Cleveland It Is in danger of gcttlnf
An Ordinary Mnttor.
Cliicaan llcmld.
The leport originating In Pails to the effcc
that Houiiuza Maclcay had lo.tuod the Bill
garian government 82,000,000 doubtless grow
out of the tact that he has been buying hli
wlto a few diesses , and his checks passim
thrniuh the clearing house excited some curl
o-.lty. Such transactions mav scorn like gov
ernment loans to people In Kuiope , but ovei
here they ani common mattcis of domestli
A flrcat Discovery.
Hew Yinl : Sun.
"My dear , " said Rutherford K. Hayes , ai
he oacked some ot the freshcst-looktmr cggi
en top , Christopher Columbus was a greal
man. "
"Yes , " replied the lady , "his dlscovciyo
America was a noble achievement , "
"I refer to his Intimate knowledge of eggs
and how ho taught the world to make then
.stand ou end. That was a sr.iud discovery
I suppose lie must ha\o kept hens. "
Has the n\K \ Head.
Chlr.aan 'Vriliunc.
Public Printer Benedict lias a great head
Indeed , many people who liavo came In con
tact with him say ho has the big head. Hi
professes to have made some startling ells-
covcilcsln his ofllce , but declines to main
them public till just before the New Yoil
election , atiel then , ho says , "It will boi
bombshell , and carry wolsht before it car
beelenicd. " This Is In the nature of an ad
vance advertisement of forthcoming cam
paign lies. Air. Benedict should travel aheai
of a circus.
The Tnlo of lilfe.
JiiKtln McCarthy-
Man is to-day what man was yesterday
Will he to-moirow ; let him curse or pray.
Drink or bo dull , ho Icarus not , nor shal
The lesson that will laugh the world away
The world as gray or just as golden shines ,
The wlno as sweet or just as bitter Hews
For you as mo ; ana you , like mo , may find
Perfume or canker In the reddest rose.
The tale of life Is hard to understand ;
(3Iut ( ! while the cup waits reaely to your ham
Uriuk , anil declare the summer roses blow
As red in London as in Samarcund.
Llns are as sweet to kiss and eyes as bright
As ever llnttereel , Omar with dcllcht :
Eimllsh or Perslan.whllo the mouth Is fair ,
What can It matter how It says good nigh !
Puttlnjr the Stovepipe Up.
firrflfen/or the Omaha Sunday llee. ]
The man stands on the tipsy box ,
With all his reason ncel ,
And glares up at the stovepipe joint
lie holds above his head.
Ills hands are black with polish paste ,
His face tattooed with soot ;
And down his arms and down his back ,
Sharp pains uunumbeiecl shoot ,
Ten thousand ways , ten thousand times ,
lie's tiled to make a fit ;
Thomoro of ways and times he's tried ,
The moro ho Is from It.
Ills wife and children are outside .
All petrified with fear ,
Awaiting the catastrophe
That comes this time of year ,
v ,
Then comes a buistof adjectives ,
And then a mudmttn's roar ,
And man and box with earthquake shocks
And stovepipe , Hood the tloor. .
# * * * * <
The doctor comes with arnica
And little Mister cup ;
The tinner comes , us usual ,
And puts the stovepipe- .
The Hook Acont'H Hani ; .
11. H. Heath , in Ttti-lltti.
Talk. talk , talk ,
Till my tongue Is heavy as lend ,
And walk , walk ,
Till my feet aio as sore as my head ,
Which to-day was stauck by a rolling-Din
And cinslieil by a basebtll bat ,
While a bootjack took me across the ehln ,
And a frying-pan ruined my hat.
It's lie , lie. Ho ,
Till oncu an Innocent youth ,
1 really and positively wish I nmv die
If I know how to nttr-r the truth.
Besides which fact there roiiiaiua
A rather mure stubborn one yet.
That I've told so many no penitent pains ,
Forgiveness for me would get.
It's soil , sell , sell ,
Though noboely ever will buy ,
I 8iippo u for a saint 'twould l > nil very well
But it makes me wish I could cry.
Mv Kleep is troubled by phantoms gray
Of mv landlady offering her bill.
Till If I know how 1 tolleve I would pray
For a job In a rolling mill.
One energetic Charleston merchant
takes ad van toco , of the eurthq'uako. uutl
advertises : "Earthquake prices I Shake
'em down I" '
J3tfM > A'YOOSSIl * .
PKTITIONS are beliu circuited for pavhu
on South Sixteenth street. The section o
Hint great thoienichfute ou which it Is pro
posed to innkc this imptovemcut , lies lo
tuuen llowaidnnd Vluton streets. The hi *
toryof the lmpio\ement Of Sixteenth sttce
during the last lour years Is an Interej-tlui
chapter. No einclio shnxl at the corner o
Fninnm street and looked towaul the soiul
part of the city woulel ever IKIMI Imacluce
that within a few months theio would he i
le\olnnel uuubstrucli'd tlioremghfiue o\tend
lug from one end of the ell ) ( o the other ,
aud pa\od Us entire length , making ono ot
the Uu'licM aud busiest Hlicots li
thei west. To-day theio Is more
tra\el on Sixteenth , from Iiotmt.v * t <
Nicholas , than ou any oilier sheet In Oinulm
Being the only pa\ed iioilh and routh MHV
for any great ellstano e It attracts traMle fion
the mills , factories lumbei and coal yaiel.s
and fielglil yards , which ate do rapidly glow
lug ii ) ) In the north part of thu clt ) , while I
nlso draws tliu heavy v. hcclltu ; for ellstrlbutloi
on thoslelo sheets ninnlng troni \\e\sUan
to the hills. Asa ilcnsnnt elil\o for llghl
vehicles It has long since beceuue She mosl
popular In Oiualia. Hutuccn 5 and ? o'clock
In the evening it becomes almetst Impassable
fiom Dodge to Nicholas , \\hlle the ) nowlv- -
paved nor tion Itinii N'lehola.s noitli te
Millard it Calehvcll's neldltion Is lilted will
the handsomest turnouts in Omahn. KIOII
Ylnton street to tliu grounds Is about font
miles , and ono can loiulily imagine he > w nnicli
moro popular us a drhel-\\ay this will become
when the whole leingth Is Ink ! with a sniootl
unit attractive pavement.
"Wiinx you uoxt come to Washington , '
said Colonel SwItMer , who has bcem visiting
hisson In tills city , " 1 will take pleasure In
Introducing you to the prevent president as
well astlionoxtpresleleiit. Thoynrecombined
In the same IndividualGiover Cleveland. It
has been rather amusing to mo to read In
many of the western republican papers so
fur from thoscniio of political action tlm bold
predictions that Cle\eland's rc-uomlnatlon Is
out of the question or at least problematical.
Ho Is Mionuer In Now York to-day , In spite
of repoits to thocoutiaiy , than ho ever was ,
nnel Governor Hill , whom ho made1 , Is his
nbhiand faithful lieutenant. Mr. Cleveland's-
com so so f u y has given satisfaction to the
conservative business Inleie.sts of the east ,
nnel men of both political parlies who believe
in n strong and well ndmtniitlcrcd
government will como ns earnestly to
his support In 18SS as they ellel In
1SW. As for Abe Hewitt's alleged opposi
tion 1 don't believe theio Is a woid of truth
In It. Hewitt has resigned from congress be
cause he Is a worn out man. Ho is nfllicted
with insomunia and has scarcely had a
healthy night's sleep for yeais. The wear
nnel worry , the clashing of factionalism In
the house , the difficulty experienced in seem-
me the passage of measures which lie believes
to bo vital to the inteic.sts of the nation , have
led him lo ictlro for llio present fiom active
national political life. The idea that ho has
lelt congicss to se'curo the mayoralty of New
Yoik simply In older to oppose ? the president
in Ids own state and wield the patronage of
thu gicat metropolis In favor of Ids supposed
adversary Is simply absurd. "
* %
Colonel Swlt/ler , who hails from Missouri ,
Is an oflice-holeler. He holds down the chief
chair in the bureau of statistics. Had ho
beeuaelisappointed office-seeker , his Inter
view nilelit not have been quite so favorable
to Picsldent Cleveland. Cliciimstuuccs alter
"I WAS lather amused1 ssiel a prominent
railroad man the other day , "at hcnrlng one
of the clerks In ono of our railway heaelquar-
ter.s complaining about the drudgery ot his
work and the poor prospe-cts of advance
ment. AH a matter of fact tlicru is no busi
ness In which bialnft , energy ami willing
ness to learn lt most minute details , tell a.s
thoroughly as in railroading. Many of our
most piomincnt railroad managers ami piesl-
dents have begun work at the lowest roiinel
of the lidder , aud have advanced steadily
by Showing ability to hold subordinate posi
tions and do the bust of woik in tiio lowest of
offices. George Hobeitti , president of the
Pennsylvania ralhoad. began hiscaie-crns a
workman on the road. Tom Potter , as is
well known , was a station agent S. H. H.
Clark was ubrakcinan on the New Jeisey
Central. An Instance ot what push will elo
is the career of Gcoigo W. Holdiegc. Gradu
ating with high honors at llarvaiel , the
stiokcoav of a winning crow for several
years , popular among all classes of students
by reason of Ids position In athletic
sports , bo loft Boston and joined
Ills fortunes to the B. & M. railroad as a
brakcman , Ho worked his way steadily up ,
mastering the details of every branch of the
service until finally ho occupied the supoiln-
tciideut's position with a knowledge of all
the details of railroad construction and oper
ation. Mr. Holdrcgo is now general man a
ger , and there are low men li ) the west who
have brighter prospects. Ho Is backed
by the strongest controlling Influence
of one of the largest railroad systems in the
country. He has proved himself able to hold
any position , from a forty-elollar-a-mn > ; th
place to that of a flvo-thousand-doUnr berth ,
Thcro are plenty of other mon who have
risen from the ranks to high positions. J. T.
Clark , formerly general superintendent of
the Union Pacific , and now holding the same
position on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul , at a salary of 810,000 a year , starteel eitt
as a brakcman. P. P. Shelby , general west
ern traffic manager of th Union Pacific , was
formerly n clerk. Paul Morton , who Is nol
yet thirty years of age. has rloon on his mer
its from a clerkship to bo general passenger
agent of the great Burlington road , after hav
ing ably filled feiratlme thoofllcoofasslsjant
general freight agent. "
W. A. AI.STADT ( "Mltlo Bismnrck" )
wants It distinctly undcistood that , although
he ) Is a republican , he In not for Church Howe * ,
whom he > chaises with being a prohibitionist ,
"Bismarck" Is the man who maeln himself
famous by overruling the supreme eouit
while ho was a justice of the peace at North
Platto. It was at the time an effort wns be-lns
made to enforce the Slocumh high license
law. A test case was brought bcforo his
honor and without any explanation or delay
"Blsmaick" decided In favor or tiio elofcmi.
ant , and thiow the case out of court. The ) at
torney for thu piosccutlon protu.sted vigor
ously agnlust summary action , saying that
there was but ouo side to the case , ns the
supreme court had passed upon the Slocumb
law and declaicel It to bu constitutional. "If
the supreme juelgos have nmdti el el fooh
of themselves , " said Bismarck , "I can't help
it. I ovennle thu supreme court , "
"SoiiK of the real oatato men of
Omaha are laying the foundation formuuh
business for tliei lawyers , " said acaroful real
estate dealer ye-sterelay. "Here me t.wo sam
ples : Recently an agent sold a lot which belonged -
longed to two bothers ! , and In making the
deed leclte-el that the property was conveyed
by'George Jones und Amanda Jones and
Wllllnm June * single , ' lliouih George and
Amanda Jones vtern man nnel wife * , which
fact had to bo stated In order to inane a good
transfer of their title. TliU week a mejtt-
gage was brought to my oltico for acknowl
edgment. It was given to sex-tiro the pay
ment eif a poiUon of the purchase price. The
puichasurs v nro oneof Uio ulid linns of tiio
city , and the mortgage recited that 'wo
Brown and Robinson htitby sell and convey ,
etc. ' I was tolel that the el ed to them ran
the same way , nud ofcouixe declined to take
the acknowledgment , but told tliu gen
tleman presenting It that ho had better
ha > e u now deed , nuule miming
to Robert A. Uro wu and Co mad lobl.nsou ( ,
for instance , If | hev wanted a legal title to
tiio nropMlj they werft purchasing 1 have
given Ib'tltloi s iiamcsln tin so case.s , hut Ihcjr
arc falrwiinp'es hf a earelesMiesj which will
cause endless litigation In the future. "
of real estate men , " lie con-
tinned , "that was a fut.ny sten'y one of the
tlty papers told rcccntlv of a hotel-keeper of
Kansas , who came to Omaha two ye'.irs ago
with SUOO capital , went Into llm real esl lo
business and Is now worth SIM.OOei. The
truth Is , there are hut three men In tii busi
ness who are weulli that amount , and they
ha\et been In Omaha for a quailor ot a cen
tury , or tlioieabouts. Theio aic not moro
than three others who could clean up the
half of SI 50.000 If their elebls were paid.
Tins evheitel-keeperot Kansas Is represented
as casually remarking to the ropoiter that
his sales elurlng thu pnst thirty days Imd
netted him S25.000. How much properly do
you suppose lie woulel ha\o lo soil to earn
that sum'.1 An oven million doll.irs , provided
hegeit ( lie biggest commission ailoued enlarge
largo elenh , mid these would nrcc.ssnrll ) bo
laigo deals. "
MA.IOU Cuvnn , of Southpoit , Knglmul ,
who Is visiting In Omnlia , to attend to wmui
raal estate matters , l.s by no meads a sti anger
here. Ho was ono ot the eurly sottleiseif
Omahn , and Is full of reminiscences of the
stirring .scenes of the famous claim club.
"When the ) claim club was stalled , " said
Alajeir Crver , " , les < su I , owe * was pie\slelemt , lie
sent forme ono day nud nskcel mo to mnko a
requisition on Geneinl Tluer feir arms and
ammunition for of the properly
of the club. General Thajer had ehaigoof
the government arms which wein placed In
his caio lor the defence of the lite and prop-
city e f eill/eus. A fe-w elays bofoie hu had
leeelved particular Insluictlon fiom .li-ITcr-
sein C. Pavls , then seeiotary of war , to bet
most careful about the Iwit ) of arms , etc. , lo
rlti/ens for defense against Indians , llo
hesitated a leilig time In lioneirlng my
leqtilsltuMi , but Ilually consented , after
exacting a ploeUe that they shemld all bo nc-
counteel for every tlueo montlis during their
retention by the ) club. Of course the mum-
bcrs of HIP club hart no eaithly right to the
govciiimcntanns any moic than any other
private eltl/eus who illicit wlsli let go on H
shooting expe-dltlon. Lowe know this per
fectly well , and tolel me that ho had called on
mo to make thu reiiul.sltion because , bolnjf a
minor , they woulel have ellilleiilty In holding
mo responsible In cao of any trouble. Mosl
of the guns never got hack. Tln < y mysteri
ously disappeared , and how they wrro set
tled for 1 have no means of knowing.
I can remember Ueetrec and Joe Barker
In these days lying under thu hill on their
claim with the barrel" of their old mu.skcts
glittering In the moonlight to keep on"olalm -
jumpers. I was then holding down a elnlm
em the Papllllein , audhaetalsoa jmnpofR tltlo
to thegiound on which the Willow Springs
distillery is now located. The claim club
eifTuied to confirm my title to the Willow
Springs claim If I would relinquish my P -
pllllon farm. Having u pre-einptor's right
on the Pitpilllon land and no right under
heaven to the Willow Spilngs tract , I accor
dingly ga\e up the latter. "
An Olel Itreincli ol' I'roinlMO Suit
Against Iho GuiiMra ! iMiiiiniror of
the Wosturn Union Ilsvlvnil.
Ulovolantl Loader Otn > of the most.
important cases ever heard in Wayne
county , Oliio , involving many dolicatu
tcolinicalitics , and .sprin in from an
old love aflaii. ! H waiting iho decision of
Jiulf o Parsons in the e < > ninion plenn
ce > urt. In Scplcmbor , 18 lo , Mary E.
Fleming , of Wooster. sued Thomas T
Hckert , now general inunaRor
of the Western Union Tolo-
raph cninjiany. \ \ ( th headiiimrlorvi
al New York city , for breuieih
of jjromiso to marry Slio rooeivoel jndK-
incut to ( lie amount of $ 'j,2.r > 0 airainst the
defeiulant. About that time "Tom , " as
u.s ho was then known to tliu people 'of
Woostor , was a jovial rollicking sort of u
follow. Ho .soon after si-tiled down , however -
over , became an expert operator , wns
then appointed pnstniustiir of Woo.stor ,
and elurm < ; the war hold tli.o position : IH
managing ; operator e > f tiio Army of the
Potomac , which finally culminated in his
present position. Nomrunttou.sollbrtwus
made to collect the judgment , UK the )
plainiifl'supposeel It would bo settled with
out luwiiiK. The inte > re'.nle > n the jiulyninit ; )
uweillx thu ameiuntto $ BUOO , notono ueiit
over havniK been paid. Judgmemt was
oblnincel Juno 10. 1815. The execution
was issued in 1850 anel returned unsatiH-
lioel. Ki lit yours later the judgment
was renewed in the name of Mary K.
llartol , the plaiutilT having in Hie m tun *
time marrieu John llartol , of Woojlor ,
now deceased. Last Juno n motion was
filed through Kckeirt's attorney , Hon.
, lohn McSwuoney , to epiasli tliu service ) .
It was arRunel before Jud o Parsons anel
rtiiRUiinod. L-.i-st Salurelay morning Hon.
M A. Dougherty , ot Columbus , up-
neurod on the scene as , ftlttunoy for
Mary J2. Bartol , aud vVoceeded to open
up the cum' nnel sue for n rovnrsnl of
Parsons' lute decision. The case U
' .Yutchod with unparalleled interest.
owing to it ago and the prominence of
the parties to the suit. The great qtt a-
tion Rcoms to bu upon the construction to
bo given to the statute of limitations ,
particularly in rempeot to revives of judg *
nient-s , tliu pluintiD's titturnuy having in *
sifcteiel that the motion i neit to revive the
original action , but that it is simply a
continuation of jurisdiction once ac
quired. Ari'iimont on both Hides is com
pleted , but Juelpro Parsons ruHorveiel his
dooision , wliiem' will not bo given for sev
eral weukH , u < he i.s now on Die bunch at
A malhumatluul ouleulution which is
just olel onoimh to miiko interesting Sun
day reading once metre ) is basuel ou the
following pimsugo from the Hook of Heiv-
elation. "And ho niuasureel the city with
the recel 12,000 furlongs. The loiigili anel
the breadth uiul the heiglith of it are
eeiual. " This pretty littio oalculutiem ,
which Is being , is as fol
lows : "Twel\u thousand furoiigp , 7)20- ! )
000 feel , which burnt : cubed , ! 4tMi.7Uil.OSV
OOO.OUO.OOO.OOO cubic foul , Hulf of
this wo will reiseirvo for the
throne of God and the court of
hiiavon , anel half thu balance for
streets , leaving u remnindeT of r < M,108. '
173,000,000 000,000 oiibio feel. Oivielo tliia
byI.OO'J ' , tliu cubical feeit in u room six
teen feutHquare , and there will beiit'ij- : |
SyiJ fiO.OOO.OOO rooms. We > will now Mtip-
pose that the world ulwm.s did and al
ways will conlain OtjO.OUO.O X ) inhitliitunu ,
and that a generation lastH for thiity-
thre-o find one-third ve-urd , making in all
a.UTO.OO'J.OOO every conlury. and that the
worlel will stand 100,000 years , or 1,000
centuries , making in nil , aU70.rxKOCO,000 ) ,
iuhabitnnui. Then suppose ) llieru wcra
100 worleU equal lo this m number of In-
hnhitunU anel ( Inrnlion of venr.s , making
u total of 2f7OOO.OU,00',006 ! ) ) porxons , : ind
there would be morn than ono bundled
rooms sixteen feet square for cuoh per-
son. "
Au&trnlla'n Hahbjt 1'lnu'iio.
Gulignani's .Mcasengoi ; The farmers of
Anstrtuiu Huem to bo mill tronliled by iitb <
blU , which brrcd In that country at n
most enonnoiiH rate. One man has just
iicooptod a tetnelor for wire netting wlilcli
is to mnko a rabbit-proof fence fremi
Kurroinlnu to ISourke ; , ami will oxtcml
ovur ( MiiRtnnoo of SOU miles , If the mi'
fortunate rabbit * search nlong to find the
end of the obstruction they will bo a nit
weary bptoro they have nrrtvoil at their
destination. It-is saiel that tliq work will
cost ! 15,000 , and at llmt rate , if a inan
coulel ollitreuuh a HKiiro ,
the ruiibit must bo the mv < t dvKtructivf !
tuiiuiul in the