SPECIAL NOTICES iH h a. r ihf TirVt i\ TicTi4 , tvn\ \ for it H'frtOn.nn4 na line rr month * it * tr Bl Hkcn fhr k'-st than Si e.-nU c lirtt ln 'rcm. c-i to h" ! IM : th < in < l roost be pa d in Mt'unef . Al ! (5rcr- I , " ' U murt fcc handed In bf'nre f o'o-k ) j . ii jnfl tmdrr n * Wtcum-lwcw * ili tbeyb * ttk' n or < ! } ontlnv'pa by telefhonii i'irti < adrift ln t lo ttiwfe otu0iniin4Iiv * ftp the fint ers 'dre fd tn er * of Tn BtB T ! i ! * rt fr chwls tocnaWt thtra lo r the r letter * . s nonft will fc > d ITer ! J oe * | > t 1.2 piCfnt.il.c.n of check. An n ers to M- rer' < r ent 10" ) < I be roc'o > d .n CUHXKCBS CJIA CBS. B I MST * * II i > l ' Partner tfintfl. A rprc > ianc" for a pprtt or lartj to enier 'n'o a 'H J | inIn ! ' eita , "fe d t > u lcp . O3)ce ) rk Ore ihnnsind i'.oUrs ! roqulrml. Ad- ur - H V , n . nnd ne ontm. . .rr 5 , Hee office.nnd i7 ! 4 " 1)1 l > K > CIIAXOK < i rorMUo. InM J ) ihff > nIj-flr ! - U s Hotel in tlip b m.n ? 10 * ' ] i f HliioPprlnrt. VPry cheap , or w II < -t- ! < ti niirf tor Mnclc Aildre * " , J. Krch ? lc , lllue t-l-r p N b. 6 2i I im sAI.K-llaSprr.Bbarirain. | iymr a cooil pn ni on m c-tinent : practk-sl tmKcr not rr , u t < ii : rent chf tp. Owni havpniher liusl- n < - - . N. V. UaKcry. 1 South mil. Lincoln , . t - * N. _ _ _ S-7 24 Foil SVI.T ; An Implement locX. Mock will invoice ? 4.f W. warehnu'o 1 * 1 and ' , MT i' . 44xU i It and can l > o iMiUKnt or loaded on * s > tt-rnn warehouse t fltuat"d In the be t Inr i.n | In the oil } nn < l we.11 arrand to h tndle Imil ment wholc ! B orrolail Addre's Hew. Ill gafofx \ ( < . . . Kromont. Xcl W7 Si * Ifult SALK-Hardwaro Hu ino s We offer our flii-lf atul hcn\j lianlware bu bine < for R'le , toppihpr wlih our loa'e and peed will. 1ra < ie larroM tn Hie city and location tUe boil Jlctirlnir frnm the bu lncf caufe for Tlie Ilnuru Hardware Co , IMS O EL , Lincoln Irwil * < AI.K All fuinislHilcommerfiBl liottl 28 looms , nNo siimplc room , livery linrn , wind mill ; im'y ' hotel In town. llrad haw.eb. . > f. r llotchkl's. 7 < nl" \VA NTKD FeTa No 1 hotel. pmiirTetor.e * nnvo for tent iho leadinr hotel In Ilcatnce. Neb No one Pfctl npplr nle ? ho ha tnoncv to purchase the lurnlturonnd cnn phe the Iwst 01 reference. Hnzlett 4. Bates , Beatrice. Neb. _ Foil \LK-Klrft eln hnnlwnre bj lne > i , 100 ft. bulldlnp. with f..XM ) stock. No en- cumbrnnce * . PicMiees cau e ot fcllintr. Ad- dre'SlocKboil. Alusworth. Nob. 274 _ _ 'TT'Olt > Al.H Or trndo lor Omahn property. J. The bpt located livery bulncs n lib stock Jnthoclty Lonirlea oof bum at cUcup rent. Mnynt > Ilro ,1519 _ Farnnm _ B22 _ H IOt'si > Ixiw.Varrne t-nnrts monev loaned. 15th nnd Loucli Ktrof C16 rOUKD. LIVI : STUCK Auction etablp , iW5 Cum ins ftrcct. The best Dull ties tor han'illnir and sclllnir at niittlon. Horseimio ! nd live rtock also iarrlnr 's. cart * , llxerynml liorho siipplie" . we t of Cli ca 'o Sale dn s llonil jF. woilnesflays anil Saturday * . Drown , AVliispeartCautcr. Telephone N'o 531. I.OST "I OST Two cows. 1 white and 1 rod , from 13th J J nnd Division. I'inder pha'o return and irot rcwa-d. VM F STflAYHD A forrcl marc about 12 yonrs oU , had spavin on h nJ le . Kinder will return LA GolasmitD'iM nnd Draco ets , and bo ro- wardi-d. 'J4'JS6 - From the corner of 4th und Division LOsTFrom stn daik brown pony. Ilrandcd "C" on left side of jaw. f 5 reward for return. 013 25 * OST Oct , ly.rtnrK brown tiorso cell 5 months I 'old , nitli lirnci sinil on , from btocli ards , Boutli Omaha , la t heard of was following liupjry near Witlmell's briricvnrd , about G o clock p. in. I'lense notify fcliler Jc ( jould , Bouth OiiinliH Xoli. M7'- < * PEHSOVM Gentleman of means and posi- t'on wlshi-s to miiVo the airiiaintnnce ) of a brlpl.t ana afra titt * younK ludy , one of talent prctcrrod. Address in 9trkl conlidr-nco U 51 lleo oflice b ° J L'5 PE11SONAL Ncnl nnd ttsty all-wool business nulls. J7 U O. Jones i Co . American Clothiers , 1W3 Knrnatn st. Mull orders filled. _ _ _ .150 N 6 T > Elt. < ONv\I < W"c k. un lerelopsrt parts of the bodyenlarroJ nnd EtronKtliencd. I'oslilro proof , full particulars , etc. , mailed in plnln en- Tflono sealed for stamp. Address Krio Modi * calCo .7 Swan su. HiitTulo , N Y. J05 n r. I > EItr > SAIJ Mr . lr ) Nnnnie V. W arrcn clairvojnnt , llodkral nnd business Medium Room No. 3 , 121 North ICxh ftOinnUu , Neb. - _ Clairvoyant. _ " \TADAM ALASKA rovcols past pre-ont nnd J.Uluture , bow many In family , age , etc. . bow to hold affections of husband or lOTor ntls- f action iruarantced. ' i cents ana upwards. Ill p. 10th tt _ = 71 OVEH < 0OMWeaver Foot Motors" § ol 1 slneo their Introduction Hy their u o the opera tlon of sewing innculncs Is rendered a pleasure inetcadof an Injury. Closest intpcetiuii soli cited iiud satisfactory trlnl always ( riven before purchase. G H Keys. State Agent , 15th and Capltul ave , Exposition Iluildlng Ut3 27 * AT1U.MONIAL Paper contains nearly 203 advertisements from ladle * and gentle men wantlne correspondents. Pent 2 months for 10 cents A ( Mress , Hulpln Hand , 70 La Bale at. Chicago . I. 8fl > SO * _ _ vrUHSE-Mrs. E. F Whlttler , experienced Jnurse. . No. llllJackson tt. H'J 2i' " \7ALKN'JIMI'St-hort-hnnd Institute is in Exposition - > position bulldlnp 100 fno TKA lit. Lnmi in Franklin county , Ncb J fOr - county no spaper outfit , correspon dence tolicilcu. Addscss V , Kmntlln , Neb. NTOT1CB "i O I'Lr > IUKItb-Joure.t men plumb- J. > ers arc hereby notified to keep a pv from Lincoln ae there Is a fctrltf In jiroure-s. Slg-nCd , Journeymen Plumbers , Lincoln , Nep. b 6 25 * Foil KKMNiUMo I'lano inontnlr. A" liospe. 1513 l > oiL'lns. 5B7 F Iolc KI. > T urtrans. S3 per momn. 1513 Douglas. PS" PS"A * n-oit IIBNT Square Piano , Jt momhlv. A OJ Hotpe. 1513 Douglas. 927 T "A 1)1 -Wlstiiup for peed domstlce help can Jjtx- supplied at short notice at the Omaha Kmployment ilureau , 113 North 10th St. , Crounse block. 4C6 ITTI5NI > The ovenlnj session at Valentines' A Short-hand Inst'tuu- ' , Exposition building. 61 rpllKKS , Hosec.-shrUDsetc . planted free for J. pertons buylne of Doapia * Co. .Nur-erleg C.O. llnwiuit.Jro > ' --J'O. boi2 < . ' 0. S 7-nl ! ! * OH HUM Larec clean towels , cheap. F Omaha Towel Co , 1517 Howard st. st.729nlT * A TTENU t he evening K' lon F\5alcntTn& ' JShorthand Institute Eipoiltiun building. 661 TTIOK TKAI-U Lot In Umalia for a Good 43 I'lano. Write J F 1,321 N 15th ft.P1726" P1726" ATTEND-Tho evenlnf/ cession at Valentines Sbort-batid Institute , Kiposltlon bulldlni- LL-Kinds of type-writer copyintr neatly A done at Valentine's euort-hanii Inetltute. 6G3 "fc OK .s.\M - Handsome square piano attest 4 ? than half price tor cash or time pay- mcnts. 411 N 14th. 91624' U will buy a hnnd-ome decorated dinner and $ tea K't in udamuntluo china. TbU ware is very duiuDlo. und ii us pretty as French cl.lna , which itery much refemWef In color and ( hapes. You will find this ware only at Moody'g China Store , ICth end Davenport , elpn of the Big . > e2t "IJVHSALE 10pa fenircrbusMiller. Qulnry , 4 ? Ill .make , Iu excellent ib&pe ; been run 1 year. Apply Grattou Jt Urumtnond. 1315-17 iiarner. " - * * SAI.E-A large lot of kindling wood Foil old Window gasu , 435 Con\cnt t.J , Klrner. 95St' _ _ LUTWill buy * decorated dinner set. square P thaivo. ( uitable for email families , at WoodyV China Store , IGlh and Davenport , llffn of the Ills I'ltchrr KK SI nnSoil SALU Frea milch cows. Inquire E. S Ju JeHer , WJ Montana st or J. n' . 1'enny , Uar jttucr's brickyaru. WSu TTKHt SALK A new complete s&loou , rural- JD turecounter. Ice box , table * , etc. , cheap. Addre&s It 31 , liee otbce. 759 Si' TJIOIJ SALBj-Ic In carload lots. Addreu JJ Gilbert Brosu Council BluSs. S76 T7OU SALK L&rffe Ore and burglar prool Jj safe , cost JiiO. Sell for f 2iO. J. W. Mar shall. 1X9 Farnam tt. _ tM TTnOH h ALE Furniture nidi ea e ol flx-roorr JD bouse , time on part. C&ll 1203 North S7tt itreeMwo block * f romlle4 _ Car Una. _ K)3 ) _ "Hrotlblc * LotsTarnn.Lanas-money lonnel JJ. Beroli 1Mb tnd Douclsj streeu. Vj OK SA L K Cn e p. iron columns ind win J ? daw caps suitable for front on brick build bur. rorptrticuUrtspplr M this pfflce. CU l > TKl > A peril srtrt Tor r 'ii r l h n- < > - nt ti % . > rth - . ] t * n f _ uVfKvonJb'iii < ? ' * < tor. A ilrr ( W.M.rJin W'--"J _ NTii ) gl * ic n for lh < " drtcw aopart- tnnt In-dri iroo ! Ap-iy ; w r no" * th ncc to U Ioui > oe A rherfy , 114 S. ISth * . * * ? _ _ _ _ _ W AXIT.U Ulrl for KPtivral bou ei of1crto < Mx > d irorkw th best war" " * fll t * ratd : ri > mllr m-ia. Ai.pljr to O'Oon l > ft A rhtrfy , r > ta Jtrwt , next to tbe potofl ) v. . t _ _ _ \\7JINTRD-A Vonan Cook t 4 NorthTith J _ Jftt. Oood w eos _ SSS SM _ " \\7ANTEH An * > x-roiiofil ! m n In therro - it eery tuionief * to t k orders and l < -nr ! rood * } Call t _ m Gcitkn ! n . _ M3 i _ \lT.\NfHO-Kjj-erienPwl Shirt Matters at t > uroahn ? hlrt Faitory , 30 S l th f t. _ _ _ I undrv bamto. 4 export cured lake tbe contract of < Urchlnz Ironinr Pnirtt at J ck on Street Ptwrn Iwiundry Plenty of worli t l-Ze apiece $3 a per < Jajrc o bemaae steady by tlie HrM _ _ _ _ oun lady for offic"wori. rmi t lie ihfirouelily eiuittM. reflne l , peed ml- rapid writer. Addre * > K M , IJ e , _ ! * 8j ? ' ! _ \ \ -ANTF.n-A coed v < rl lor kitchen work , or'm n PrtiricJ. 1017 Howard. the Occidental iinTiu-dl- alwy. f-83 _ \ \ TA NTEt ) A 'mBh nurse girl at 2 00 1'oup > > ! > ft. _ _ 7 < 0 W ANTUO I untlfejsatCity hotel. - ' \\TAV riiTblrty pool 'trlrl for central > vork Good wa e Cttll nt Omahn Hm- plojrocnt Ilureau , m X Jfth j-t , 718 \\7"A > TKl > Compflciit I'erson to tnko cao i of Infmit : n cool home to the right per- tfln. Appl ) 1PI4 Knrnnm t TJO 1i'ANTJ.ll Cilfl lor general homework -V. It. Mflynp , s o cor. 21ft and V.'eb'fr. AV TAN -KiprnonceJ f-blrt MnXersnt the Omaliafcblrt Factor } , J0 < North ICthJJt. ANTEtJ A ciok nt Miller's rotnurant , 1001 N. ICth st , R17 A ootnpftont person ns nur o for child nt 446 Convent t. M3 \\-ANTKU-A llr t-rtii fhlrt ] K > U'lior. Ke- ' ' braskaSU-nm Lnundry , 106tmJ luj S. lull M rot't. 730 I7ANTiii ChamberraaidatOi ; Douels" . fT \ NTI'IA cook for small tamllr , Inqtilro > fiOO south 13th st. f'1'J _ l/ANTl.H Hendcooit at tbeTutnou * res- > tnurnnt. 319 11lllst 7f3 THU MA.Z.I : HBZ.P. ' F.iiplnc Inuldor- , resident ensrin- and in - re'lal-lp ' cer machinfst everj- city ; to hHn.IlP the l rst > ol inn-kins o\ir in- \onted Aililrets , with referrnces l.eeil * Me tflllic 1'acklng Co. , 1S5 Dearborn st , , Cnicntro , 111. P(2 ( i -TT'AXTl.U Oood solicitor ! AdlrcB' Ht once 317 S 13th K. I > . Hron-n. ' . > KJ25 * \\r.\NTKD-Hor with fit ) securlt } a news > > apent. W7 .N" 17th st. oJl-21 * TANTKIJAn office boy. Milton Hocrs A \v "ons. WASTED Afrcnts with peed appearance for n new articls : can make $ . > to SS a day. Call lit KM s 13th st K > < SS" WAXrcu 2 school boy with horses to carry - routes on Dally Evening Ilee. Call on Tboo. Williams , sub nptiou department , 4 m. ? 1 _ \\fANlKU Asrents outside of Omsha to \ taKc f-ubscnpttons for the Cultivator and Housekeerer. r.th year-M columns , BJ paftes. Steaily work lor six months. Inducements ev- traordlnnry. Oi.r tree preaiiutns nnd the value of our journnl are such th t aircnta cannot help makinz money. Mention this paper and send for outflt and Dumpies. cnci ( s'np ' stamp. Ad dress Smith nnd Hart , Oma n , Neb N. 11 bojs. Girls , Lndies , Clerks and others do well workingnt oJd times. No capital required. l-AXTKU Agents. Call at 2J'J N ICth.in the * ivenln-r ! UO 2S A \7ANTM Fl t-cla men to introduce "The t I Weaver Foot Motor. No . ompetltlon The be-t nrt cle evnr introduced' for sewincr inn- chine operators G. H. Kejes , lloom 1. Expo sition liuildinp- tra 2J % TTT'AXTKn Aitents in city pnd ciuntrj for 1'ersonal Memoirs of Gen. It. E Lee , the oonfodeinto commander. Oulsctlln ? nil otiier war books. Auents doinp prandljNo capital riviu'red Write for special terms , lli-toric.il PublisliineCo. . St. Ixiuls. Mo. 715 31 _ Tf T A NTEO rTook apents , O'Neill \ Co . pub- Ushers and funeral > rents for subscription booKs , box 4J3 , Omaha Nob. C23nl ( TANTKD InstHllment canvasser * to cell at > 13J7 Kurnam st. and see what wo have to offer J ) JE.Lee , Manager. _ 375 VrAXrKIMon. . for rnllronl worK. E S. 1 I Albright , Labor Agency , 1393 Farnam. rpHElarirestMtjr. Co intheworld want men -L to sell their eoods on salary or commission in nil towns In Nebra-ka. No capital or experi ence necessary. Inference ipquirod. Address , M , box2ti7 , Omaha , orM , box W7 , Lincoln , Neb. 711 123 " \ \ ANTED An experienced boy at bundle counter In dry poods store. Apply at Thompson , Ucldtii i Co's.,1319 Farnam.SS322 SS322- \\AKTED 100 men for trachlnvlnp in Ne braskn. Call on E. A. llellolsle , 119 north Ifith ft and Capital ave. 73 AAANTED A man that is irooj in flcurei t ' and a peed tnlcer. Address K 36. lleo office , with reference. B3125" \\rANTED A few more airents to introduce i > our Automatic Musical Ins rumenU. on Installments Anyone can play them without musical Instruction , the best paying , eailest cellinjrnovplty ever known. $15 to$43 n weei san bo realized. C E Lee , Maniger. 1207 Far nam street up stairs 4SS &I7UATICZT Vii "ANTKD V VounB fan -vlth four ii experience as an accountant wishes n per- sotil interUoxv with nnjono needing such as sistance Address H C3 , carethlsoUiee 944 Si" \\7ANTnD-Eitiiation as housekeeper In i i widower's fninily. llest of references. Address It , 61 Pee Office. aj2 o- V\rANTio-Situanon B reliable druij > clerk. Re > .t of references given Ad dress O. P. Bates , Omaha. Bit 23 T\7ANTii > Situation as second pirl orcliim- borworl. , or cure of children. 503 S. llth St , P15-25. \T7ANTKD Situation by experienced dress- > i maker to sow in families. Addiess K2I N. JCth St. .04 2C "T\7A ? TKI ) A stcnosnrapher omplojol dur- ii 131 , ' the day desires work in the evening Address K M , Ueo office. fcSa 24 * "yxTANTini A thoroughly competent Eteno- i > i-rapher desires poelUou. Is fumlhar with law reporting ana lias ni-o had railroad experience. Isal o an attornei at law. llljliest references. Addrcsi It il , Uee olllco. US 21 * ANTED A pomion bj a ftenoj-rapher , references trlvc-n , address P14 , Hfo oftlce. 103 25 * WAIJTS. WANTED To Ileut Type writer. Must be in peed fix. Address with terms. K C4 , Uee office. ; * 24" -S furnisht-d rooms for Iwhl houtekeep.ng : must be eituattxl west ol 16th street. Address Artist , Omaha IlenuMican. lmi-24 TXT ANTED Partner in first class saloon. An- jjjpiy It. Munnwuller.309S Jlst J2a WANTED--To tradealipht deliverj' wairon or a family buppy , both in good order , lei a peed bone , single driver. L. C , Enewold , bead of SU Mary's uve \\7ANTKn--noard , with room : suitable foi i > ( fcntlemsn and wife , m ist be first-cUss. Addreis , statins terms , It. C2 , Uee PlfJoe. fr49- ; ' TTA"NTiTfo Invest { To-CUt - atmreainfoi I > cash ; describe location and piece ol property. Address H 6J , Bee office. VS3-24- _ _ _ \\7A > TKI > Purnisbed rooms to rt-nt. G H. Kcyes. Heal Estate and Hentlnc Agency , Capitol a\e , and 15th , Exposltloc Huildtn ? . f33 27" _ TT.7ANTED Hoom nnd board for man anc 1 > wife , near U. P. freight ollic-e. Priiat * family prclerrt d. R5a. Hoe office. TO 24 * \\7ANTKU Worfeinpmen and speculators tc i i know that I have wimo excellent bar gains in rity and suburban property , W. S. Htbst. 811 53 _ \\7A NT E -Sitiio heater for a doublt i I heater. Will pay ditlercnco Addro-g I ta , Bee oftcts. _ t-a. 35' TTTANTEn Stock of dry poodj. clothinjr and i i rents' furnlshm ; poods or bouts anc ( hoes in excUanze for Oinalm n-al ostute , ScUleslnger Urot , lulbFuruum tt. 840 SS \\7ASTKIi T-aJlf * and young mclTto in i i struct in bookkeeping and buslnesi arithmetic , sooJ situations ; terms , ten dollar ! commenrimr and ten dollars out of first raoutb'i wapes. J. tt. Smith. 1813 Cblcasro St. MS 23- _ AiTAUftED-AUkindsof * hort-hinl ani type i i writer work at Valentine's Short-hand In- tutute. US vr ASTI U Ten rs. T ' . -.n-ay ' _ . 8'g _ _ ' ' * ANTKt > tf tWfln'Tir'vv'f'foM ' r-or for ft \v mar * . C , Ii. Mat a * nth'nnl Frti m T\Tvff : u toTtr ip , l- t .ono-irmn. V Saidtc < > T mt'i" . ahno t D' w. f < > or u. r * C , K. M JT . l&tft utid r rnm "l"tANO irantpd to hit * for 8 month" : rood 1 $ * mn < 1-ttMi < l p'anrt ? t't ? I0 ct ter S . AiMrK SB , Be ' offlf * . _ _ _ _ * * * * ! 1 _ WAxrh1 JM'HrtV to FfBtl tor M-lnter. < l fl for fit uth > provMstl. AttKUftt Am it. rro ie noj JJ5j rrlJL * _ vo' ' . _ 5jlll \ \ A VTEB GOOJ p-ntair * In "artirabt * loci"- R17 Pf-"oHrp , 1 * 4 * , ' ' borRT. for row * or mare * . 0 H. Ma-rn ? . IVh snU Kfcrnim. _ $0 * * 4 _ v\T A > i hiTo K-il npo d p n or will tr * < l ? i ' for rrooerte } . Adrtress K K. .v of with r x > l econd hand tint took } at room P. ReJJcx blk. 789 ros. nEarr .gousi.3 A TP LOTS. OK KiVT-H"U fl. cliht room' , cor 2l t ( in 1 Clark. In nilre one door ea t t v _ OU T'.KXT ) ttcro * ftUo'nlntr city north- wit , tultuMe for < hurr or market uHrten. Ai | | lj to Theo. William ! , lice Ottic * , W Far- num. * IOH KENT V m H fTcroom cotUje Kov. 1't. Inquire at 141 * Larv av. 945 aft" Fnlt HKNT Hourr. n moms , ? * per month. Iniu re dee 11 Thompson , s. re. cor. 1Kb. End llnrupr. i'43 "VTi\V More" . Fist" . CcttHpp . ntid 1 > Hooms to rent. O. II. HPVw. HcJl RMuto nnd Itcntl.1Aconc ! } , 15th niid Capitol n\e. Kip - p ) l i in UulWlnp. J3 27 * FoTt KKXf Splenlld hou e for l-oanHniror roome. Furniture lor ale cheap. A Mre § C , lloom 1 , 1VU Douglas st. _ _ JIJ5 24 Oil ItnNT 1'nrt of tiou o 'Ji3 California -m > et. Floor of fl\o rooms with m nncl clt Jwnter P * 23 * P oi : UKXT Store 22iSO , 1116 Jnckon st- _ st7&S 7&S Fois ltK > T-Slx room hou .p.2ith vt , north ofDoJ o. IHiquiro J. T.Mthrow , 1311 Horiu-j- 7T5 FOKllKNT ? toro on Cuminp Pt. U torc pn South 13th t. . 1 re'Idcnc ; 10 room : tl't nnilJnckfon. C. E. Majne , latli ami IV.rmin. _ "JTUlTt KENT Eleven room houMTcor list nnd IIxnvenworth st Two block * from 5-trcct cnr. Apply to Ilarko A llnrkalon , lougln st or W K Annln , Dee otticc. 665 FUICICKM' Ulccant id room re idpnco on Farnnir. M. nil modern Improvements , fur niture nnd carpet for ae ! : nil new : am com pelled to cue up on account ol illness. Address - dross K15. Ilco office. 51S T7\OU \ HKNTtnro "iltnble for Itestaurant , J-1 1 < 1JS 13th tt Vctcrson. 'i7S FOlfuLST Mlotson the BUt H H in Oak rhnthnm , just south of the. Saratoga .chool house. These lots can lie rented for 10 vcar * on reifomtblo terms. John I. Hedick oil N 7 Foil HCVT Wam room = . In ulte and ln- Kle : pas , bath nnd pinnu , 40 < > . iSin 't SS3-24 F(1U ( HUNT Lnrpe furnl hfd front room ; unable for two gentlemen. 1416 JoneSt. . V1S--24 * r\OK \ ISHNT New 5-room flat , corner 22dnnd 1 Miami strc ets. N. E. Adams. P47-20 * TAOK lliNT CSjpnp. Nicely furnlshel JF rooms , new buildm ? , new lurntturcfit * south IMh . .one WOCK from court hou-e 7J-.25 * TT OK HKVT rho'CP rooms. np lv furnished , -I ? with or wltnout board,2U24 rtcbster't 25 * _ _ 774 TponilENT-Linro front room on T-nnnm , J Kood olhce location. H.V. . Huntress , laus Fnrnain. s j KENT I'lcasnnt furnished rooms wiiu board , southeast cor 14th und Hnw..nl. S3021 * HEXr Excellent f rnl lieJ or tinlnrn- FOK i ooma ill 4.4 n 17th st. 2s S T710K I.nNT i-urnisnrd room ? , with or with- -I ? out board S.V. . cor. 7th and Puciflc. S332G "JT'OK HEXT In private tamilv , furnished J-- rooms Ith lioard at C13 Virgin.a nvu. RM n 3 * OK KENT Two nicely lurnlbhcd rooms with or without board ; 520 Pleasant st. 747 2 " | Tlt > K Kli.s r 3 rooms in my new flat , IDtO n J 23th st 0 rooms. WW n 20th st. Grooms , ilartin terrace , s w cor 7th and Pa cific st 20-room house , Pacific st. Apply to owner , M. F. Martin , 316 s 15th st. 72-1 F OH KENT House of ten room ? , with barn , 1512bSth c. 578 RENT A room 1519 Farcam. FOK KJ "DOOM With board for two , 1613 Caplto nvc. Tj OH KENT Part of lloorlor llsht raanuf c- JL ? turm.r purposes. Cent rally located. Ix > w rent. 1207 Fnrnam St. upstairs. 434 , KK.VT AsJitoof lurnlsbed nnd aUo FOIt unf urnkhpd rooms nt 1112 South llth st , 743n H KB XT A fln furnished front room and c'osct ' , 1103 Ho ant SCI 23 * Foil UKNT Larpe front room , rood office looat.on. It.V. . Huntress. 13J5 Farnam. S52 ! ItKNT Furnished room and board , 521 FO1 Pleasant. 915 1OU itEN'T A large furnished room. 712 F N. jSth St. Sia 2 : * FFOK FOK RENT An cle-rnntly furnished room , centrally located , suitable for married couple. W. S' Scarcy.ni S. 14th st. U122J F iOK KENT-Furnished room , nnd board. No. 619 N. 1'Jth st , 911 2 : * TTlOIt ItiNT Nicely furnl-heil front room nt JC 51CSouth20th. near St. Mary's avenue. 870. F ItKXT One largo nicely furnisboJ 1 front room w ith bav window , use of bath , hot nnd cold water. Enquire tils S. 17th st. 71'4 2j OK HK.VT A flue furnished front room and closet , s. w. cor. llth unJ Honard. 11M , 27 * F I OK I.iNT Nlcely furnished rooms at tt Dodpe. Gas , bath and heat. K232S F H ItKNT Four rooms for uncle sents. Inijulroat DrueStorc.lCtb anJ Dodpe. 30 Jne furnlihe * ! room. 322 south 1 ! ICth ft Tcrm , f 12 per month. 791.25" Poll Itl.NT A nlco largo front chamber , newh furnished , has iras , furnace andbnth , 501 to. 20tb ft. , near St. Mar ) 's M e. f31 FOK ItKNT To ( rentlPmen , larpo front room well furnished , with large closet , f 12 1712 California * . 25 * T71OI. KENT Two rooms , suitable for lipht J-1 housekeepingunfurnlflied ; larue room , $ G ; small room f I. 2411 Charles it , ! i blk iroa Saundcrs. g'j2 24 Tj o K'Itl.NT Nicely furnished slums room -L and bedroom , with board for2 pcrM ns. 714 South I'th street. K35 24 * TTIOK ICCNT Nice winter icomslW3 Farnam. J ? S97 25- OU IlENT-Moelyfu-nlshodroom. Inquire Kaufman tiros. , 1031 Furnam. 467 'TT'Oll HUNT A lurg-e Iront room ; also for r tale cbeap.fvjuare rosewood piano at 1621 Farnam st.one plock w < st of court bouse. 429 T7KIK KENT Furnished room for one or two Jirentlemcn : furniture new , pleasant loca tion ; Houard St. , bet. ttU and 9tn. ; couth aide. 423 POK ItKNT Plea ant furnished rooms , south front brick flat , board can be hal neitdour. Apply t 1410 t'hleigo st. 943 FOH ItKNT Nicely fur.il-.ned front room , uleoi e aud closet. No llSri'JJJsu FOH HKNT-l-urnisnfd rooms , 1816 Dodpei t73O27 FOll ItKN'T A nicely furnlihed front room with alcove , to gentlemen only , at No. 1611 T7 > OH HK.VT Suite ot roams , furnUUod ; also - - ' Isinarluroo-nforKUQtlemen. 20 6 Si. Mnr > - ' ave. 827 . ! < _ Foil UKXT-Newlrfurnlsbea room-lH ! St. Mary's ave. P31 _ FOB SAiB KOUdES I.OTA , "IXTV FEET On Saunclen St. near Cuming , with pooa douf o , only f , C03 , 13. E. Msj no and Trust Co. - llentjustate _ U51U _ OIXTV FEET On Cumins fit. near Saunders , l with small boute , 1 5,601 C. E. Mavne Heal llstuto and Trust Oo. _ Sot - < IX FEKT On Park Ave near o- I avtmwortn. with nice Cottaps , for $7.0a. a E. _ > In-T ejltaI Estate and Truit I o. 95 lit T7 > bUtV-TirirE.5--rj- iiet , with small JUouse , near base ball proundg. for 1,600.- E. Mayrve Heal Estate and TrmtCo. M gt AN EAST Front corner la ° Haasoom Place , fti br 140 , for a few daj-s at f.SCKL C. B lUyne ItfctJ EjUite and Trim fo. SUM A BIG DIAL Ml HIE BILLS , Tbej Succeed 10 * Boo vug Wheat Force CORN ALSO FEELS THE EFFECT IJiWlt CorcrtK XCtlr flv Trntlett In nntl the Clo e.TlriH-J Uvi fork GcnqjtU Mai ket CHICAGO l-nODlTK MUilCUT. CJTKAHO. tw. . 'Sjvcial TeJpstum to : hcBr.r-Votli ] ! c in the jwtiathe ! 1W thi ? mom Inp held up to ycstenlay's tit iecs. Traders w cro centrally of the opinion that there was too much sU-ain on tiion. and tlu-re liadtotifH renron. ) : BroKm for Annour were on Imml enrlj ] < jttnc ! out wheat wlH-revw they oottUi find A p w for it Kt'ii- iiett < id before tht > opt nine that he till felt bullish , but thoneht the crowd were lone and would realize before ibcclOK' He lilt it CMiclly , lor they becMii ri-aliiitiKlnnnt-dlitt-ly alter the o.oiiliig. | No\ ember Or entd at 74t c , > 4'c ' olT , and foil to 74c hater thoa- as a rcoou-n to Tif. . May corn op iied steady at JlVc , nnd ilncltiateJ between that and Jl'4'c. Xobodv winl" < l pork. January w.is Ireely olTvied at S9/.2 . T c lower than It clo-til. The -wheat nUinlion was tnoto or le s weakened by n U-ry general chanirlns of Noxeinber deals Into Ieotmbe.r ! , and Ko\ein- bvr ffll to T-SJ gT-l c , hut recovered ataln to 7481@747t'c before 10 : M o'clock. An easier tone wits also assumed b\ corn , which e- cliiml 405 , o for May. Other articles kept up with fait steadiness. Before noon all the conditions of wheat cnan ed square round , and ] tnsltl\c strength ruled \\hero jirevinu lv an easy feelinc had ) irp\ailed. Xevv York came in with a qreat ni.inj btirinir orders , which started local Kali > ers bidding the mar ket tip. Before thev stopjxMl Novem ber touched 75s. < 3 75 } . e. A large share of mithldu tretistli ; came from report * . S-'hicli were not confirmed In any wax , that itamaee had boon done to winter wheat by the dfy ueat tier. But tins kind of talk was simplj incidental. The bulls found it possi- b < to bulge wheat tin n little so they bulled it , and it "K vaid forced in some ot tliebic loe.il short ? , a thine tbev havn bfen trvin tlie best p.irt of two weeks to do. U he bulcc was attended with no mure than the usual excitement , but some of the smaller opera tors , who had moderate lines of .short wheat out , felt for a time \ ernenou > and covered as ( jti'cklj as possible. The outside points were not quite sustained , the market reactinc teen after noon lo 75ljc , but alter that time showing great strength and som. : to higher point * ; than were preMouslv totvhed. Xo- vember sold quite litelv at 7"i jc on a resur- icctiou of the damage rcpo-.ts , short co\cnnc nnd local buj in. , hater it reacted to "i yt i"Zr. Huctttited some and closed \erytmii. It did tuit take corn loim to K > el the inspiring tffects of a hu-iier wheat maiket , and in re- spoiise theieto May sold tin to * ! } * ' & This trade was conducted entirely bv local operator torJanuaiy t > orl : Mld up to S'.t.tO , but trade was slow and the close dull. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , Oct. 23. 'iSp.vial Telegram to the BLI : . ] CATTI.I : Trade was slinv , as it UMiallj is on Saturday. Many of the i nnci- pal buyers were doinz little or nothing in fat cattle. There wire but few nathes amen ? the fresh arrivals , > et it was doubtful if that few would be all sold. As to prices , there was little or no change as compared with the close Friday , which is now really the closing day for the week. Texan * and ransers were also slow , but tlu-re was Jittle or \ariation in values as compared With yesterday. Xa- tie butchers'stock w.is the same as hereto fore. There has bec'ti a been a brisk re\hal in tlie stocker and feeder trade , with a sub stantial upturn in prices. The stock calf trade is neatly over for the season , none beini ; on sale to-day , but a few loads are expected next week. Shipping steer ? , 1 ' 0 to 1500 Ibs , SOXl55.20 ; 1203 to 1..1X ) Ibs , S-J. 10 4.70 ; aVMoLCOO Ibs , S3.4QC * J.Oo ; stockersand feeders , S2.25IKJ 50 ; cows , bulls and mixe < l , SUflitiM : bulk , SiVg 2.50 : iliroii-.li Texas cattle steady ; cows , 2.ii < u2yj : tters , Si7C@i.S5 ; western rancers steadj ; uati\es and half-breeds , S'lOO W.20 ; cowsS220Z-2.Ki ; Wyouun'Te.x - ans , & : i.H.ii-UO. ) Sales : 1W wintered Te\- ans , 'Mlb \ , e2.0 : ± iO Texans , SI ; Ibs , 5'J.is5. lloo bpeculators opened the bos ; maiket with a boom , and an upturn of about 5c , but after a few urgent buyers filled their orders prices w eakened , and at the close there was little or no change as compared with the close last night. There were only a lew orders for light sorts. Roucli and common , 3.00 ( 1.75 ; fair to good mixed , SIX&'WU'O ; best hea\j sold at S4.X4.10 ( ; a few fancy butcher pi.s sold at S4.20. FINANCIAL. Nnw York. Oct. 23. MipfKT On call , quiet , ? ranging from 4 < < ! S jier cent , closing at 4i 5 per cent. I'niHC MURCAXTH.B PAPEU ! ® 5 per cent. OTEHUXO ExcriAxr.E Dull at S4.SO' for sixty day Dills ; S4.S1X for demand. tiovEKKMKXTS Government bonds were dull but steady. STOCKS To-day's stock market was the smallest for a mouth or more. It was dull almost from beslnning to end , the monotony beinir relieved only by the dashes made by the bears. Only three stocks showed anv activ ity whatever Jersey Central , Western Union and St Paul. Thec neral market was quiet and generally linn , with fluctua tions confined within a nauow range Tim opening was heavy to weak , first prices shoftine declines ransins from V 1& per fent The market became firm and dull be- fate noon. In the la t hour thete was moie activitj' , accompanied b > increased streiutli and the market closed quiet but tirm , close to the best of the day. STOCKS OX WA.U. STIIEBt rnODUOB MAIiKKT. Chlcaco , Uct 83.-4FJour Finn and tin chanced ; winter wheat Hour. S4.UV3-UO ; wuthern. SUW2-I.OO ; \Vlsconsin.S4ti034.lO ; Michigan soft sprine wlit-at , S3.WCrl.10 : Jlin- Wheat Active , nervous and unsettled , closing about He below je terday's close. ; cash , 74 > ' i74'\e ; Xovember , 751-Hts ; Decem ber , 7015-lfx ; ; ilay. ti3jc. Corn Opened about , fhe same as yester day's closing , and closW-weal > t - < @ 14C be low je terday ; cash , 4irc ; Xovember , S5 > c : Ueeernber , 3 Kc ; May,4H. lhe Oats Spect'lathe market tirm. and fair advance in prices established ; cash , 25 > fc : Xo\ember , 2o > jc ; May. SOJic. Kye Finn at 49c. rtarley Dull at WJ < c , Flax-seed 'J0 06 > 4 c. Timothy seed Prime , SI.75. Wbisicr S1.16. Pork Dull ; fluctuated sllshtly , but steady ; cash , fcVXkgS.95 : November , Sb.'J > 2X < & 6.95 ; January , Butter Weaker ; creamrry , l&2Cc ; dairy , ailic ; packing stock. 7 < s c , Cheese Quiet ; full-cream cheddare , lOJf ® lli c ; flats , ll@lljic ; young America ! , Ilk' W HSc ; skims , 4 < &bc. . Hides Heavy green salted , fully cured , W c ; llcht. do , SH'SfJ/c ' ; damaged , 7Q ' X \ bull hldes.6H'c : dry salted , n@12c ; dry fliut , 1 i i I\T N i 1 C'tn j , S'rf"jr. . No 2. % 6JiTO C'lftl. Ml . 17M > 4 New YorJi. Get ai U'litt-Sp"t. 1 ® I'.c hlehrr : oMIon * < st i 1v , -M\c litgher. .So. s twl. siv : Xc. a H I , in * ! ev tw , 9r. > , fj7c sfloM ; Xo- . Oorn spot * ? Mahpr : * < ; Uc-tter. tttii c H < 1pnk ; advunc * rtxrelpjt. 73W ( ; exports , 6J.OOP ; 41 < " 4f > He ; No. a. 4 : Hc In ek < ator. * ; * it afloat ; Xorembn el < t at * Je. Oats { pV liisi.er : iwlptt , tnixrd Petroleujm Finn : rnltfel. < tb * e. I > 3 Finn ; vfcMc'rtu 21 < 211&e. Pork Actitp and * lrotiKf : tnas * . 11.TO for n ! < t : Siaoo * lo.so for new. Lsn ! Shade lower ; w * > 9tcrn st UUi spot , c v ihitter-QuIel nd wratt. Chew * btenay and qutcL Clnclniuul. Oct. S3.VtlP t PlTfflS $0. 2 ml. Tx * < > ) c. Corn Xo. . mixed , 86. Oats No. 0 , lnl\txl , STfec. Ilju-Xo. 5 , fflc. Pork SS-flSH1. s > . Whisk-51.IS. MlUv.ttikcc. Oct. asNlt tJ InfBnlar ; cash , 74c : Xo\uml > er , TJij'cj ftecewtser , 7j\e. Corn No. 2 , liyeXo. . 1 , Me. Batley-Xo. S. 5B/P. Pork-October , S--sS. Mltmcnpollx. O"t. 03 Wheat Pirong andhicher : Xo. 1 hard , cash and November. 74c : December , 75-\r ; .lan-iarj. iTc ; Xo. 1 northern , cusn and Xovember. 7ic ; uwt-in- ber. 7 < l c ; Xo. ' . ' northern , cash and Novem- U-r , 70 , % Flour- Patents , S4.10@1.25 ; bakers , 3.10 ( g-'t 2T > . Receipts Whiwt , 142,030 bu. ; Hour , 171 bbls. Shipments Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; flour , 20,003 bbK St. ivoult , Oct. 23.VhMt Stronc ; Xo. 2 red. cash. 7."i ? ( ii7Cci : Xovember , 7G. ? c ; De cember , 7s > ' 11a)7sVe ( ) ; Mav. S7c. Coin Stroni : ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , iScbid ; Xovember. Z3cDecember \ , 34 > ic ; May , . Oats Firm : Xo. 2 mixed , cash. 25' < o ; Xovember , SflHOT-OUc ; December , .J0 ; c ; Mav , : > < c. 15\e Firmer at 4S4'c , \ \ 'hlskS1.13. . Pork Steady at S9.37K. hard-Firm at 55. 70. Butter Quiet but easy ; creamery. 2l@25c ; dairy. ISiSS te. Toledo , Oct S3. Wheat Opened lower and excited ; closed higher and firm ; cash , 7 c. Corn Cash , S7'c Oats XeBlecteif. Itansas City , Oct 20. Wheat Stroiicer ; Xo. 2 red , jcasti. CS jfc ; Xovember , Ci' c bid : Pecember , ( Vi'SGS' c. Corn Stronger ; Xo , 2 , cash , S3\c bid ; Xovember. 31e Oats Xomiual. Liverpool. Oct. 23. Wheat-Offered sptrlncly ; Xo. 2 , winter , Cs Sd , steady ; sprint , C > 9d , steady. Flour Ollered moderately ; Ss4d , stead v. Corn Spot 4s .VI. tteadv : October , 4s 4lad , steady ; Xo\ ember and December , 4s 4cf steady. _ LiIVK STOCK. Chicago. Oet 2J. The Drover's Journal reports as follows : bulk , S-Ul > rira..V ; jhiounh Te\ins steadv ; cows * 2 l.25D ; steers. t.70@western ! r.uisiers stead > : nati\ea anit half-breeds. SS.OOS4.CO : cows. SiCoA'iC'O ' ; winteied Tex ans , ? ! J.SO33'.0. { llo'S , liceeipts , 17,009 : steady and weak ; roush and mixed. .14 fgi.oj ; ] iacklns and 3.7fl ( 20 ; l.ght , SJ.50 4 1J ; skips , Sheep lieceipts , 4 K > ; steady ; natie = . S2.OOiif3.9J " : Texans , e200eC3tiu ( ; lambs , $3.75 24.10" St. Louis. Oct 23. Cattle P.ecclpts , OOu ; shlDtnents. none ; linn ; choice native shipper * , S4.coa . < 5 ; butchers' srades SiOJ ( 4.10. 4.10.Hoes Receipts , 1,203 ; shipments , SOO ; licht grades- , firm ; heavy and rotuh. easy ; butchers' and choice heavy. S4.00S4.15 ; packers' , fair to be t , S3.t0 4.05 ; fair to choice , S3.85ci ( > 4.10 ; purs , common to gooj , Kansas City , Oct 23. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , none ; steady ; common to choice. 53.30(3400 ( ; stoskers , S2.25@i75 ; leeders , S2.bOaiOO ( ; cows , SL50@2.00. Ho s Heeeipts , 3.000 ; shipments , l.SOO ; active and 5J10c higher ; common to choice , 53.50@-J.CO. .OMAHA LIVE STOCK. Saturday Evenlns , Oct 23. CATTLE T he receipts of range cattle were liberal. Feeders continue to move slonlv but iu very fair numbers. Several loads of corn-fed steers were in to-day ami met with ready sale. Hoes The receipts were the lightest for several weeks , and the market was lorced up on that account Ucpoits from other points Indicated a steady market , but there not bemc enough to supply the demand here btners bid up stroncet. SHEEP There were no fresh receipts to-day audiune sold. KCCKII'TS. Cattle 1,100 Ho'S 300 Prevailing Pncei. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market Choice steers , 1350 to 1500 IbsS4.i4.GO Choice sUwrs , 1100 to 130i Ibs. 3.75&4.00 Medium steers. 1SW to 13W Ibs. . . 3.COi.rfl.l5 Fat lit tie steers. 1050 to 1153 ] b * . . . . 3.8JfiM.O'J Gooa feeders , 1V. C$3.25 ciootl to ci.oica corn-fed cows 2.tMW'3.00 ( Itangecows 2.2 .50 1'air to medium srasscows 2.03'i.2 < > ( iwiil to choice Dulls 1.50.tM.7. > Lichtand ineaium nos 3.70@3.SO ( ; oed to choice heavy to s. . . , 3.7r < J.b5 Good to choice mixed hogs s.GOC 3.70 Jtouch throw outs 2.50vo3.00 Good to cnoice. sheep 2.75W.1.25 Falrtoeood sheep 2.25@2.50 Rcprcscntntivo Sales. FEKUKIIs. Xo. Av. Pr. Xo. Av. Pr. 241. . . . .K5 Si50 0..1155 S3.00 7C..121b 3.00 40..1131 3.25 rows. Xo. Av. Pr. 13. . . . WJ SJ.O ) UUU.S. Xo , Av. Pr. 10..1257 Sl.M ) H00 = . Xo. Av. Shk. Pr. Xo. Av. Shk. Pr. &J..2.V. 60 3.K 75 . . .2,51 2 > J 58.NJ 8..133 a&3 0.211 203 IS.SO 2..120 IbO CO. . 2V7 OJ 3.bO Unneo ofl'rlccs. Showlnsc the highest and lowest prices paid for loads of hoj * on this market during the past seven daj s and for the same tiraa last year ; Sept. 1SS.5. . ( Oct l&M. Oct. IS'S. 17th I Sunday. 2 75 &J S3 IMll 4.45 ® l W , O.SIJ Stl.fiTi Sunday. lHli ! Sunday 3.W ai 05 3.10 iW.1'42 SOth 4 30 fel C2"i' ' 3M ftUfi 3 10 & 32U 2Ut 4.41 (14 m HKl & .I.M ) 3 15 C-1 U5S 22d 1 4 40 fct.M ' a.S5 & 3 75 3 l- ' ! ? M i4 50 & 4 40 ii R ] M.1.HJ 13.15 0.325 Shipments. Showing the number of cars of cattle , hors ; nnd sheep shipped from South Ouialia durlntj the day : rATTLE , A'o. cars. Itoute. Deitination. lb R. I Chicago. IS N. W Chicago. 17 C. , H. & Q . . . .Chicago. 5 O. , H. ifcQ tCreston , la. Allsiles of stock In this market are made per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated IJcaii hoi ; > Kfll at KC t"3r lo. for all wfiztiti. Skins , " or hogs weUlilnc less than Iw Ibs. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 19 Ibs. and stags SO Ibs. Notes. Hess averaced slity-four to the car. LlKlit receipts force the hog market np. J.oe Ttaany , Columbus , was a visitor at t he yards , J. A. Kehoe , Platte Center , marketed * load of hoes. * U. JL Hammond i.Co. nxt > rvcd fifteen loads of cattle. \ H ' 'r i''Mip < l f * liuidof . .o ; < J.-M. < ' i\ * . h < ! s of cwtllo1 ti thp-niaf ki-L Titt1r < Ve j t < < of ho w < ir Ihe lighut that Un v ha\e Ix-en In lena tin c. The North L j p futtle C < v. ' E < ba , seikt K losd ot hosr * on to-il \ " mark * t. lratt * Frri , CaiHc rotnrt ny had two load * of tattle in from Pine Bluff * . Niblwk t nil A rtlp ! Co. , Rtirlin * * , were on HIP markfl witii sis io , l oT cattle. J. 11. Barrdn. president < rf the Kf"W Hnnir * Shire rattlpwmpinj- a ! tbe ytM * . H. Tord. MarqwlW , firauent * hi ! } r to Hit" > nra < marketed tt load of ho i Uil > .v. Crsin Arj > < tff ru. Cw ! > n , In , , was the Ktictt of J. 1) ) . DUnchurd tit the ysrds to day.F. . F. ,1. Knslish , Chftrnnr. ha 1 ftwr Ifttdn of iHi > n to ay. Mr. rrank Mcr j came in with liiia. Willtrd ft Ftailor , Colnmbti" . sold nvt- load * of nrn-ffd cattle , Mr. 1'razier catno In with thrm. JoTtin * & Berry , llock Crwk. Ind oloNcn loads of rattle < > n the market Mr. Je\oi5 eameln witn them. OMAHA WtloFajsTAtTE MAUKI3TS Saturday. Oft. 23. The foil vrln0 jirtcci arc Jnr n nn < f tel $ of prtwi : cft , atxol'Jon Vie tiwtrkf ! fo-fcjj ; . Ti quatnti'invon frttfls rcpreten' tne ; > rocj ( ( it \tMrft nit lac oilers arc lUlt L llaos Tin ? rtrorailine price todayva * 30 \ Uf7Tiu-Ati active fcelins tm-v.ii s on nil fine era 1 * * of creamery and dairy , ns wrll nsstil-dy choice crantry biiiver , for taWo u- , all of v. lilrli nro in lunitud 'iipply. 1U1- ctl | i < nf inf'Tior gMd01 * nro in I'se-ss ol lie : U'inau < i ; a iireopinporilon of the has to . s.i'U ' to pacles ; ; at low ti fresh n > ll luitu-r > .houM i c pic vt d in cii-an IOMS not rvHHllns sOpoi.n ! ; uacli roll tn 1 e wrapped m n pu-ccot muslin. Jt will pay slnpp rwi11 toti'kff ? lit'l" pains in pa-k- Inc t'ic ' r butt -r. A nico. cL'in p-vka.-p of choice to"k will always * cll ai outside nc- un-s , Kix * hcre.iuicrjSCsc ; hc < > i dairy , Is-i-Mc ; clioicfto.iiurj roll , lsx.it.0ichoice ; cotntrv roll , olld pa-kel , 17 < ns : : gootl countrv roll , lival'c : Rood c nintry roil.olul picked , Ijrtliic ; Fair , ll < sUc ; coiiiiiion , 4 a' ' . "Citnu'-r Full crcim chcddat' ! . liiclft,12 c ; full croasn Hats , twins , l.V ; \ mine A met 10,111 , ir-Hc ; lancv b\\i ' - , 14yl. ' > j ; bwiss. imported , 2. % -7 : Limbnrcer , 12' , : brick. I" * . I'oVLi itThe receipts wore heavv , nnd thi' markft ruled \ory weak. Old chickens , choifc. per doz. S iOJS'it < 0 : spiini ; chickens , piOOaJ ffii : dut-ks , SJ.VJu2.T5 ; turLi'57.0D ( fV.i Oil. 2efse' fi.OCKa\0 ! . GVMK I'liu wpatlier has been too warm acain for tin- past few da\s. and the market ruled dull and \\cak. i--.W . .75 uas > tryouts outs do obtainable for s > eleoted pnurio chlckoiis. Thi bulk of leeeipts proved to he in had order and sold lor less money. Ducks fil o sold qu. to low. Prnirlo chickens ' - " * dnlce , nnv , laid I , ducks. . . . _ deer. Aaddk's. t > er lb. , 11 1'Jc ; deer , carcas ses. per lb. , 7fWi > ' : antelope , saddlell@l'c ; antelope , catcasst-s 7(3 ( cit'lk , saddles , chort : > , IHT lb. , 13rfllc ; ek ! ia cisjps , o7c : lark rabbit * , per doz. , SAf > Oi < il.lX ) ; small , per doz. , Prices on choice apples are holding np very well. Mis souri applfs are in very liberal supply. TUP follow in ? quotations are lor apples \\eli pacKed in barn-Is : choice Mis- souiisto -t-.00-Ji-Jo : Michigan , S..DO ! , < t-.75 : ; fancy Mtchi tra nSt.OO : ( < * : : . ! iV SEIT POTAIOI : * ? 'J he market is Kluttetl \\ith choice sxu'ct ] lOtatoe . Ver.v choici1 stock v as Mild this \\ceK at IH'e and e\nn lower : Choice shipping tock. jier lh. , lJHf ( ! Cni.J.RA cre.it amount of very poor stock h.ib been ciunini ; inhich has been sold lorhat itould briniJ. Prices on choice stook remains about the samp as last wck : Cho'ce stock , per doz. , 35it > c ; e\tra larce , per doz..40a4"c. OisrEi.s- The trade is in very much the same condition as last \\eekon account of the continued warm weather. Prices are low and dealers are well Hippliedith the choicest stock. Ordeis from tnp outside are beintr ulied in peed shajte : Mediums , 2T > c ; standards , SO ; selects , 3Jc ; X. Y. counts. 4O ? . LKMO.NS Messina , per box SS.CO ; Malapa , 50.00. UALIFOIIKIA FiifiT < Stray shipments of California fruits continue to arrive , but In small quan til ies.GraDe-Tokav .SiOOtrrapes ; , black , S2.00 : j ear > , # 3.00 ; plurns , Sl.75 ; quinces , 'J.f > 0. GKAPES 'J he market is fairly well supplied with Xew York sr.ipes. New Yoik , Con cords , per 0-lb b isket , 40 .5Jc ; Cataw b.is5 lb baskets , .IX" > " > c. OIIANOIV Jamaica , per box , S > .W5 < i.OO : per bb ) . , 811 00. CitAXBiinnins Stocks are moving fairly well at the same quotations as last week. Cape cod , fancv , per bbl. . SS.M ) ; Jersey , choice , S7.fiO ; Wisconsin , S7.50. BANANAS Bananas aio sellinc at the sanif prices as last \\rek. Bananas.elow ! , tier bunch. S2.00a-2 50 ; bananas , jcllow , laree bunch. S2.MKtt3.Mi. HOXEY Nebraska , choice , white clover , 15S1CC. ; Nebraska , dark , I2 l4c ; California , 1 lb sections , I5c ; California , i ! lb sections , MAi'i.n Srr.Aii Bricks , perlb , 12J c ; ] ien- nv caees , per ! b , 15c. MAPI.I : Sinui' Bulk , 13 in 17 cal keps. per gal , Sl.OO ; sal cans , per gal , S1.05J ; gal cans , per cal. 31.10. C.nr.B-Xew York.perbbl. SO.WN"ew York , H l > bl , S4.25 ; Crab , per doz qts , 52.75 ; Michi gan rehned , per bbl , S0.50. ViNKf.Mt White H inc. 13@l5e : cider vin egar , I3@ir > o : single strength , 12c ; tiiple strensth , 15 ( < ? 18c. Puovisiox' ' Ham , 1'Jc ; picnic ham 9o ; breakfast bacon , lOc : clear side bacon , SW.fc ; dry salt sides , s e : shoulders. N ? ; dried beer , regular , 12o : dried beef , ham piece * . 15c ; lard , 50 lb cans. CJ < c : laid , l lb cans Fairbanks , 7c : lOlbcaus. Fairbanks , 7J4c ; 5 lb cans , Fairbanks , 7a c ; 3 lb cans , Fairbinks , 7 > fc BEANS Inferior Flock. 50.75 1.03 ; seed clean country , 51 OJiul.2o ; medium , hand picked , SLOO LCO ; hand picked navv , 51.00 ( a 1.05. POTATOES There 5s now a brisk demand for straight cars of strictly choice potatoes at 50@5Tx ! per bushel. Mixed varieties , small , 01 otherwise inferior stock continues very dull and -will not sell for more than H5 or 40c. Oxioxs The demand is not heavv and thev me wllinc in a small way : Choice stock , pcrbu. , Nlai.OO. STCAiiiiAOK The market Is fairlvell sup plied : Choice stock , per doz. , K' VJc. Ki.orii AND Mtu.sTi'FFs \ \ Inter -wheat flour , best quality patent , -2.75 ; second qua- ! itv. 52.40 ; best quality sprint : wlieat flour , patent , SiGObran.50cpercwtchopped fetd , 70s per cwt ; white corn meal , 51.00 ; jcllow corn meal , OOe per cwt ; screen ing , f > 0c per cwt : hominy , 72.00 per cwt ; shoits , n'Hj per cwt ; irraham , 51.00 ; hay , in bales , $5.rA 5 0.00 per ton. ( IKA.I.V Corn. 24e ; new oats , 23e : rye 40c ; wheat. Xo. 2. OOc. _ GenerM JlnrkcH. WOOL Medium lN3-30c i > er lb ; fine heavy , 14rflOc ; light , lf-@isc.coaise ; , l-iCaJloc ; burry wool , ? & ' ! olf. HIDES Green butchers , C' c ; ceecn cured , 6Tcfts cdrv ; Hint. ll/itKtc / ; dr ) silt. W < J10c ; creen calf skins , l icU c ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow a > c. Grease Piiuie white. So ; yellow , 2c ; brown , IJic. fcheep Pelts , 25 < g75c. UEATIIKK Pnnin slaughter sole leather , 3"2c : iirlmB oak sole leather , : KS& > c. Upjier leather per foot , BO.a-i'k ! ; hem. kip , 25f o.-.c ; oak kip. b5' { ic : French kip , Sl.OO-rtl.y ) ; hem , calf , Sl.00ftl.10 ; oak call. 51.0d l.5 ; French calf. Sl/JJl.bO ; Morocco , boot leg , SOutSic : Morocco oil pebble. - * Jctoptings ; ) and linings , oo-ftWe. HKAVV JlAUOWAiti : Iron , rain S2.EO ; plow steel si > eci.il cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Cc ; cast toolB. do , 12-c/ls : ; wagon spokes , p r set , 51.75 u3.M ( ; hubs , per bet , fel.'J.'i ; felloes , tawed drj , S1.M ; longnes , each , 75o ; axels. each , 75c ; square nuts , per lb. 7 < allc ; colt chain , per lb. OSlSc ; malleable , 0 ( < sSc ; Iron v wlces , Cc ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 7 < ftfec ; Burden's horte shoes. $4. 40 ; Burden's mule shoes. $5,40. Ufirlx-d lre , in car lots , & 4.00 tier 100 Ibs. XalU , rates , 10 to 0. 2.50 ; steel nails , 52 C5. Shot , Sl.M. buckshot , fcl.bS ; oriental powder , kegs , S2.51) ; do. half kegs , 5iOO ; do. miarter ke s , 81.50 ; blasting kegs , W,85 ; fuse , per 10 feet , fric , I ead bar , 510. VAH.viiub : Barrels , per gallon : Furni ture , extra , 51.10 ; fiirnlture , Xo. 1. 51.00 ; coach extra , 51.40 ; coach , Xo. 1 , 51.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 51.76 ; Japan , TOc ; asphaltum , extra 65c ; shellac , 43.60 ; hard oil nnish , 5I.M ) , bi'iitiTS Colosne spirits. IfcS proof , 81.17 : do 101 proof , SI 1 * > ; spirits , second qui- ' . . . 101 proof , 51.17 : do 1M proof. JJ1.1Ci'J , ' IbSj.roof . , Silb rr wine g whiskies r 81.00il.50. rrt . l A t tukv aid ' roous , S2.00a .CO ; Ken- fSohfrrennsylvanla rveSitOdfi M ; ° " 1..i Sheaf bourlxin. and rye uhULlcn. , * t,5ls3.00. Brandies , imparted , S5. K i..J : domestic , fl.3Cjiu3.oo. ( uns. importea , 4.50 Cafi.W ; domestic , SISSa'AX ) . t hau'paxnej , imported. IKT can5 > .0ftau3.00 : Auiencau , per case-SHM < H.4lO.OO. , 1'n. Pv j'i * -\VJiis \ * ? . Ki srh J < ; ' ran * . \s. , 'l ! I1 * ' ' , lltln } ! < tc. 0 < T I.o : lampT H > k , ordinary , s < Pni i < i , ' n'bltip' ' ' . ! > c. ltrarrtatitic. iv.vandy S l jv > # n , k" timber , bornt. 4o : timl'er. raw , 40 burnt. 4c : .ienn8 ( . tnw , 4o , Pa > o ftwn , . . " - < : . Pari jrm > n , comm. v , we ; rhrorae wn. N. Y. , AV ; chriDf < K , 13o : rrrmlimin. l.ni-.i. ) In oil , 7V ; raw and burnt nmlicr , 1 ! i-an , li - . raw and brtrnt nlenna , toe ; wndjKc brown , isc ; relined - lined lampblack , tic ; poach Mack and Uury M eh. tf ; fltflp fonwk , ifle : Pruwlati bl-ie , 40t : ultraniaiim * black. Iphr : , < i > ti < i > crpcn.l . , M , % I' . , 1 < V ; Mind and hntter piwn , L , M. * I ) . , l r : Paris ew n. IHIr.dlan ; tt-d , IV ; Y ii lan rod. OP ; Tusran. C-io ; Amrnnn vermlllion , L , H , 90c : jellow cx-hio , W ; U M. & O. I ) . . tHnj'prvml ochrp , 1 V" patent rtrver , 8c ; craininz e ior , lieht oak , dark oat , walnut , chestnut and a h , l-.y. Dnto Axr * rnnvirxt , Acid , nrl'ollc , 39p ; rld. t tt Hr , Sio ; balMtn mpailxt , i > or B > . 4Sc ; Inrk > a * arra' < . ) ? r R > , lib- : calomel , per 3t , We , fhlnchonidisi. wr 07 , 4ivr chloro- fnrm. jier J > \ fl < V ; Do\ors powders jH'r tb , Sl.SSvponi ; talt s , per H > . 8Sc ; cl > rcrinc , pun * , ix-rlb. 2x' - ; lead , acetate , i r fr. 'le ; oil. castor. No. 1 , wr jrM. , Sl-'Oc ; oil castor , No. S , per ral. , f 1 40 : oil olho , KT ml. , , l 40 ; oil oricannum. , * 0opium. ; . ? .VJO : quinine , P. AW. . and i ! .V s. , p r ot , TOc ; ixitn'sium Iodide , IHT lh , SivS ; xaho.ii. per ot 40c : sul phate morphine , in > r 01 , S28. * ' ; sulphur , per Jt , 4c : strjchrilnt- , per oz , tl.ax PAINT * is tin. White lenil. Omaha.P. P. , TWe ; white lead , St , Ixxus pure. 57.75 ; Mar seilles grren , 1 to 5 lb cans ac ; French line , , I3c ; FnMich zinc , rinl seal , lie ; French zinc , inarnisii as I , 'JOc ; rrem-h line , 7r r ; vrrtnlllUm , American , lv ; Indian . . ochrp. rreiioh , * ! * c ; ttchtv , American , l'sc ; Winter's mlnt-ral. S'vo ; l.ehlgh blown , Spanish brown , ' . 'l c ; t'liucc's itincral , Grocers' Jilst. PICKI.CS Medium , in bt > K ffi.10 ; do In half bbl . S'-Uo ; vtnall. In bbK S7..V ) ; do in halt bbls , St. „ > , > ; gherkins , iu bbls , Ss.SO ; do In hall bDls. 54.T.X &Yiifv .N 0.70. 4-paiion Kec , 51.20 ; Xcw Orleans , 8bviMGc per gallon ; Manlo byrup , * < / t-anel. " "Id tiiii" . " Tx'c pt-r g.illon ; ! ( ration cans. 510 00 ixr ; doz. ; S' gallon can S5. < A > per dor : quart cans. & : i.i 0. fc'TAiiru Mirror PIOS.S , i lb , S c ; Mirror Jjc ; Kincsiord's bulk , 4c. ' 1 oiiAcro Plug , climax , 42 ; horseshoe. 37c ; stnr. , ; ! > - , "spoa'r head , 'e ; Piper hcldolrk , OOo trold j-hleld. Sic ; merry war. ' - i J * 'i' 'roiiAcco binoHne , Durham. Is Sic ; V1- We : ljs , S7c : S , < s. ov : ineprsehuin , Oiv ; old st > le. .Me : V. N. O , 15e : .spirit cuteii. 45c. MATCiirs 1'er u\ddie , ' c ; square cases , fl.70 ; mule square , Sl.20. CANDY Mixed,9311Vc' stickSH'9 ( c. L'nAri.nis tiarneauS so < liv muter and picnic , r S < M cicama , SKc ; glnser snap * , 8V c ; cltv t-oda. 7' . fto\.r < - Kirk s fcavon imperial. S2.70 ; Kirk's satinet. S-VXJ ; Kirk's standard. S3.05 ; Kirk's white Itussian. SJ OJ ; Kirk's White Cap. 50.50 : Dome , 5o.i5 : Washboard. 53.10. \ \ lute Cloud , cy.7. > . Kupi. X inch. o'4cV.inch ; , 10' e ; / Inch , lf > H4p. DIIIEB KKfJlTa No. 1 quarter apples , .T4@ 4cin ovanoratert boxes. < , , ( iC. blackbcr- \ - r'es , bo\es , ' . 'V.iOVc ; lynches , eastern. 4&f(3 ( 5isc ; peaches , evaporated. Livglic : Salt Laki'.new , % < k'ic : raspberries , new , 17l { currpnts , < v-4ts7c ; prunes , new , 4V s Povrrlered , 7Sfii7\c ; cut loaf 7fa7l < p ; granulated. 0'j.fdf.Vc : contectioners' A. OaC'vc ' : standard C3.tra C. . @i".cextra ; C , > - "o c : medlun yellow , 5'f. ' i51ac. UANKHD ( ionns Uysters , standatd. per cas , 5,1.30 ; strawb rnes. U lb. per case. S2.UO ; raspberries , a lb per rase , 52 00 ; Calitornia tveari , r > pr case , " ? 4Wi : apricot * , per case. 54. 0 ; peaches , per case , 5V2.5 ; white cherries , per case. 5 > .0j ; plums per case , S3.i < 5 : blue- benii-s , pei cisi . Sl. ' ; cg pium1. ilb , per PASO. S2.Vipineipies ; | ! , a lb , per case. 3.20 ( ? 5.5 : 1 lb mackerel , par doz. 51.20 ; 1 lb sal mon jxr doz , S1. " > 5U0 * ; a lb gouseberies , per case , 51.75 ; 2 lb string beans , per case , gl.70:21b limi beens. per case. 51.60 : v : lb inanowfat p"a . per rase52402 lb early June peas , per case. 5iU 3 lb tomatoes , 52.4reJ Si. COFFKKS Ordinary grades. ll@HJ < c : futr. 12Sl2H'c ( : prime i-ji ; < elCcchoice , laiiQWc ; fancy green and vellow. 13f@l4c : old gov ernment Java , 20 ay > jc ; interior Java , I0 > j ( SOc ; Mocha , SJ\ai4c ; Ailnickle'fi roastPO , Kc . ; MeLaudilin's XXXX roasted , 10 ic ; Dliworth't. 1 vSc : Hed Cross , inc. , Dry Liuinoer. BOAItUS. Xo. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 517.00 Xo.3 " 12l4tadlGft . 14.75 Xo.3 " " 12l4andlC tt . law No. 4 " " _ 12.1 * and 16 tt . 12.00 AMI TlMilERS. 12 n'n ' ft 10 vt ft fta ft : < tt ; i4 . KI.M OM io.5j n.o ElC . lti.SO 10. 10. 17.01.03 .00 22.00 - 18 . 10.W18.5j IO.W17.UOlB.W2I.Wl.tM S2.03 ZzK . ,10.5 , 1K1.WMO.M 17.WtlP.00 . ' .00 2iW I-JJJ8 ( . . . . lltlWi le.M'lfl-S ' ' 117.00 18.00,31 00 20 OJ FENCING. Xo. 1 , 4 & C Incli , 12 and 14 ft. , rouffa. . . 517.05 Xo. 2 , i it Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , rouch. . . 14.0J CEILIXO AND I'AHTITIOX. 1st com. , J/in White Pine Partition. . . . S-T3.00 2d " " " " " . . . . 27.50 2 < 1 Com. % in. Xorway Pine Ceilice. . . . M.OO FLOOIIIXO. A Cinch , white pine , 20 C . 529.00 C Cinch , " " : D . 21..W BOAHDS. A 12 Inch , s.1 s. 4tiC B12inuh " " 42U . 23.50 Xo. 1 , com. 12 in. , s 1 s. . 10. lb A 20 f t. . . 21.00 Xo. 2 , " ' " " ' . . . IS.M Xo.2 , " ' " 12fcl4ft. . 17.00 " " " " 10 ft . 10.00 KniNCI.Ks , l.ATll. XX clear. S2.M ) : A standard , 52.50 ; Xo. 1 , Sl. * ; Lath , 52.25. POBTS White Cedar , C In. , ; fs , 12c ; S In. qrs. , l t and 3d. clear , I'/ inch , s. 2s . . - 550.03 Sd , clear , 1 inch , s.2 s . 45.0J M. clear. I } ' I' ' . 'J in . 47.50 B select , 1 inch , s. 2 B . 29.00 B select , 1J , l ; ,2in . 00.00 SIIJI * LAP. X'o. 1. plaln,8and 10 inch . 317.50 Xo. 2 , pl.iin.s anil 10 inch Mr. Correspondent Carpenter , now on the wnv back from a Jong run in the British Isles , was tntieh stnifk with this point that follows- The fact that En gland is tiio workshop of thu world can only lie appreciated by a ride through Jt , und by the thousands anil leiio of thou sands of factories which one see * during n trip across it in any direction. There are about live persons licro encaged in rnaiuifactunnK to one en jagctl iu agri culture. OITono of the tea ships which lately nr- riwl at Portland. Oregon , was secured a singular bird , c'llied the Japanese tum bler. It has a habit ol jumping from it * perch , turning n somersault , ami coining down on the perch all Mamlinir , HIK ) this trick it will perform dozens of times in. BticctTsion , till beholders deem the biro , demented. His considerably larger than , n canary and of rather prettx- plumage , but not much in the musical Ifue. The four AcLcn brotiiers of .Middlesex county , X. J. , are fine men Wilinm is eigiit.v-tliree years old. siv fi-et three inches m height , ami weight200 penn Js ; Henry is eighty-one , six feet four , and weighs 3711 ; Samuel is f-eventv-nme , six feet live , and weighs 25 ! ; Tlicodore is Eevcnty-tlireo , six feet six , nnd , weighs 230 pounds. They are in excellent licaltb , and rigorous beyond their years. Eureka Knitting 25 ee s per Ml C. II. PAF ! 1D17 . . .ottglaa .St.