Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1886, Page 11, Image 11

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"Wlillc ObJof of The fawned Scouts His
Frontier Experience.
Mnrcli of Three Columns to tlip Nortli
Die 1'nwnpc Scouts Annllil-
'ntc .1 I'arly of
( /if / ftinilnu ttrc 1w Mfinl
fti SIIMM or t"ir u'Tru IV-rnm"iiiB i nsilut the
fclOtlx A Mutiny t I "it l.nnmu kUiiri | | r < l
' . . HUcruntKln .No'l1 I
I'Htini ( .ohm.ron Po dfr HUcr- ( ! n
lil * I'lniiprj , \ 11 M lute n IMrty or 1 wi > ntir * " "i < n
Sliiili The Mctufr ( i'i bmtwl lif HdraiKl Jitllinin
linn ana srHlj luinn1 1 no I'H\TIIOC Lc/nliT ( Ji Jt
IlDijr ui'on ( np'.iiiti Nor ji.
( icncrnl 1' . Hden Connor , of ( . 'alifornw ,
who sneeei'ileil ( jincinl Mitehull in the
coiiiinniul of the District of tliu Plains ,
nrrivoil tit Toil . .Inluilnir/ / the l.Mh duy
of Mny , 1805 , fioin the I'nullic * co.-ist , with
Ins stsill'nntl a portion of the Second Cnll
fornln reKiinonl. In assuming command
of the district lie announced that his
lioalitiaiturs ( ] would be in the Hold , and
In ; nt oncu sol about propming for nn c\-
tended e\iditloii ) ) ! to thu Powder rlvir
nnil Yellowstone country ugnlnst the
Slouv. His plan wni to h.ivi1 tin ec aopai
ate columns march for tin objective point
in the not thorn countiy. Ono of these
cohtmns was to stutt from Oinalni on the
1st of June , under coinnmml ot Colonel
Cole , of the Second Missouri arUlleiy ,
his command to consist of one battery of
hia own regiment and twelve companies
of the Twelfth Missouri cavah'i twelve
hundred men Inking with thorn ninety
da > s' supplies. They wcio to meet { Jen-
oral Connor nt tlio mouth of'l'onnoii\ur ,
on the Yellowstone , on thelstot Suptem-
bur. Colonel Walker , ot the Sixth Kan
sas , cavalry , with MK Hundred men of his
regiment , several dotaehmenis of the
] 0i/litli / ; Ohio cavalry , and ether troous ,
in all about one thousand mun , was to
start from Koi t L\ratiiio : on the 5th of
July , with lifty-fonr duys' rations , and
R- proceed north to the Miohraia and Clioy-
h % - onno rivers , Keeping east ot the Hlack
Hills , crossing Iho Littlu Missouri about
fifty miles west of the point whcioC'ol-
onol Cole was tocioss , and he was to Join
Cole nt or near tlio mouth of Tongue tivei
on the 1st of Soptombor.
General Connor , with all his stnfl olli-
cors , and lio.iditiartuis | of the district ,
and detaehnionts of the Seventh Iowa
cavalry , SKth Michigan cmnlry , Second
Califoinia , the Pawnou scouts , and a sig
nal coi ps > , was to proceed loFot tLaramic
and tliditcc to the mouth of Tongue river
wlioro tliu tlueo columns woio to meet.
Accordingly on the 1st of June Colonel
Colo's column left Omaha , and on Hit
Kith fioneral Connor's command marched
out from Juleshuig for 1'oit Laranue ,
which was under command of ( loncrul
Ktagg.anrl liero ho tcnipoi aril v c.stablit > lei : :
liis lieailimurtors. llo found great dis
Hatisftiotion prevailing among the vomn
teoi tioops at tliis post. They had enlistoil
for three years or dm Ing the war of tlu
icliellion. A great many of them won
veterans , having rt'-enlislud. After tin
war Imd closed that siing ] , instead ol
being di uharged and sent homo , as thoj
ought to have been , they were ordered
out on this Indian campaign , and the 10
suit was that a giont many descitioiu
took plai'o. When the older to marcl
fioin 1'ort Laiamic was read to tlu
rnr. voi.uNTr.r.Ks
and nworo they would nol go on the ox
podition. General Connor at oiu-o formci
nil tlio icst ot the troops into line ot bat
tlu togi'thor with the tutilloiy , i-xpectint
to have a oovuri * encounter with tlio muti
uceis. Tlio artillery was liioiight to b"ai
on thorn , and just -is General Connor was
about to order nn attaelc on thoin , thuj
consented to go. Had they not done so
they would undoubtedly have been mosl
fieveroly puni.shed. Accotdingly thoj
Ml Fort Laramie on the appointed day
the filli of July , under command of Colonel
onol Walker.
General Connor , having the shprtes
rontu to the meeting plaeo , was in tu
liuiry , and going into camp on < hu Lara
mie rlvor , tw only miles above Fort Lara
mid ho i rmalnod tliero with his commaiu
until tlio 1st of August , whun the marcl
was resumed. At this point another com
] iany of Indian scouts , known as tin
Omaha scouts , joined the command
These seotita were principally Winno
bago Indians , who haU been in the Min
npsotti massacres.
The command marched up the Nortl
Flatto nvor to Ihidgcr's ferry , cro.ssuu
nt that point , and thence up the not tl
side of the stiuam to a point opposite tin
plnco where Foil Fottermnn wa
nttoi wauls locatod. 'J'horo they turmx
to ISrown Springs and the Choy
cnno rlv-r ( , which they crossed
and thence piococdcd to the Powdo
river , which tlioy i cached on the I'Jth ' o
August Hero they Immediately bcgai
the coiiNtruution of a post , which wa
called t.anip Connor , iintl which after
wards became Fort Heno.
Captain North was icqulrcil to furnisl
men trom his scouts for picket duty , General
oral Connor nol having much conlldnnu
in the so-called Omaha scoutson accoun
of their participation in the Minnnosot
niiissaouis. On tlio afternoon of Angus
22d , three days after the 'at rival at thi
point , thoPawtieo plcUotHcamomto cam
about o'clock from the north and u
ported that they had
Captain North was thereupon immcd
ntoly onlorod out with his whole com
puny , tlio scouts shipping thomsolvci
according to their usual custom , in e ;
pectatlon of a tight Mounting tliei
lior nti biircback , they wcro on the mov
in aory shott time , mid striking into
lively gallop , they were led by Iho scout.s t
thu point from which they had observe
the Indians Alter ridingabout throu milt
they found the trail , leading oil' to tli
west , it being evident that the Indian
wet o traveling as fast as possible. Tli
trail was made by about foity head i
liorsc.s and mules , and the ninika of
truvnis wcro plainly vibiblo along tl :
track. A travois consists of two poles t
slmfts , between which : v horse
strapped , nnd just In the roar of the nn
mat is a willow basket fastenud to tl :
poles. This is used for transporting sic
or wounded Indians or small childrci
The murks of the travois made the irn
vorv plain , nnd the Pawnees wcro tin
enabled to follow it on the gallop. Tl
lloelng Indians w < ro evidently aware tin
they had boon tliscoxered by an onora ;
The Pawnees followed them into tl
sand hills in a westerly direction for
distance of fifteen mile's , when the trn
turned to tliu north. From this pen
they folio tvcd it for sis or oteht uiilu
when il tinned again ami led back I
Powdnr river , Htrihing thu stream not fs
below the post , and making a circuit i
over thiity miles. When the Pawnci
arrived at the river It was sundown. Tlu
hud had a hard ride nnil many of the
horses wore overheated. Coplulu Noti
accordingly sent back to camp the pee
est mounted Indians , together with h
two lieutenants , Then \ \ itli fort.y-olgl
of thu but mounted Pawnees bo r
THE 1'tUISt'lT
of the Indians , whoso trull led down tl
Powder river , crossing the stream lm <
and forth as often us two or three tlm
In a mile. 1 1 linally became so dai k tli
the trail could not be seen from hors ,
back nml thereupon Captain Notth til
moiintu't two of his scouts , and puttli
t'cm ' at the head of tlio column , ho to
tl em tint if they lost the trail it wottM bo
fl fho laril of their lives. 'Ihe two scouts
stalled Oil'oi ) a elogtrot-oh the trail , the.
command following them ns quietly ns
po-siblo , pxpectnig.overy minute ; lo over
take the fugitives' . In this , however , they
were elisnppoinleel , as they marched all
night le > ng , frequently being dclavi'd by
Ihe dossing of the river.
.Just nt daylight C'npt-iin Notth , who
kept a constant lookout , di covered n
column of blue < niokc nsceiieliiiir from
n small giovo of timber , some little dis-
laiiep aheael. anil ho tolil his iiieti that
they must now be near the enemy. They
rode foivvatel te > the timber and thcie
found that the tiail ug-iin cro"-ed the
live-r , ami on thu opposite bank the-j
came1 upon the place whore the retreat-
intr Inelmns h.iel stopped for a few min
utes to t-oeik seinie v ictuals. The coals of
the lire vvue still alie. From this point
thu tiail led into the open prairie , then
turned to the h ft elovvu Iho liver , and is
Captain North and his men made Ihe
tut u out of the timber the > eliscovcitd
not over eiirhtv iods ahe'ud of them
Till' l u-MNei slut .s ,
ns they proved lo be , ui.d who .RVV Ihe
Pawnees nt about the1 lame lure. 'Ihe
Pavvii'-es were mini' ; in column of twos ,
and owing lo this fact the biouft first
supposed that the. were w lulu tl oops.
The .Sioux instantly dismounted nml
foimcdn bountiful line of Intllc on the
side of a little hill. Captain North , upon
tlie ail vice of M > nle of Ills warrioi.s ,
hastily eli guisi'd hmi'CJf us an Indian by
wiiuh'ng u i eel s-cuif m omul Ins henil and
painting his faeo with war puiiil. HP
then nidercd a ehaigi1 on the enemy. The
Pawnees kept cool anil epiicl until they
came up within two hunilrod yaieN of the
line of b.iltlu , when they begun shouting
their war-whoops and bioke into tlie lu-
eliati fashion of lighting , Mapping themselves -
selves on the breast us they udvauceil
The biou\ soon ihscov01 c .l that the ad
vancing body was their olit enemy , the
Pawnees. 'I ho discovery
sritt'i K vvun irutteiUt
anil thev broke anil ran in ovurv elirec-
lion. The Paw bioitglit down seven
of their wutiiois at tin- first liio , anil the
rest seitteruel Into neighboring ravines
J'he Pawnees , who had better and ftcshcr
horses , followed them and killed oveij
wnrilots anel
ono of them-twenty-six
ono squaw. At the1 opening of
the Sioux turned loose a mule , to which
was attached a travois , on which was
sonteel a eilpplcd vvnnior who had been
wounded in the thiirh in a previous light.
This was thutrnvoiswhich hud so plamlv
mil keel the ti.ul of the Sioux. The mule
jccamo fnghiuncel at the shouls ot Iho
L'UVVIICCS , ami ran away ,
tlnovv himself from the travois and
Irugged hin.solf to thu edge of a ravine ,
which had been washed out by the water ,
mil rolled himself over the steep bun I ; to
.he bottom , a distance of litlccn feel ,
loping by thin elosperato tc ° oit to escape
the o\cs of the Pawnees. Hut the Paw
ices were watching ; him ail the time , and
ifter dispatching all the others the. > fol
lowed him to the tavino to send him lethe
the happy hunting ground along with his
companions. Not one of them , however ,
cuieet to risk his neclc by jumping over
the bank after him. A Pawnee sergeant ,
armed witli a saber , was then sent u round
to the mouth of the invino , and as lies en
tered the lavine the vyoutidul Sion\
warrior threw tip his hands anil
begsrcd for meiev. The intense hatred
ol the Paw nee fin the Sioux vvoulel not
allow the sergeant to halt for a moment
on his bloody en and , but lushing upon
the kneeling warrior ho dealt him a povv-
jilul stiokc with his saber , actually
.srurnso ins IHAI > en-bN
fiom top to bottom , the blooilj aet liein
witnessed with glim satisfaction bv the
Pawncos vyho had assembled on the bank
of the ravine
The unnihilateel patty of Sioux had
boon sent out from lied Cloud's band , and
had had a light a few days before at Foi I
Casper , fifty miles above Fort Pettei man
with a licuteuiant ami louitceii men ol
tlie Klovfinth Ohio oav airy. They had at
tackeel the post and this lieutenant witli
fourteen men was oideied lo chaigeoii
them. The tcsult was ihut the bioin
completely annihilated them evcryom
of the partj being killed. These Siouv
had now met a bimiiur fate at the handset
ot the Pawnees , and it bi'ouu el to bo r
sort of retributive justice.
The Pawneesnowuathoieel _ ; upthoplun
dor and trophies resulting from their vie
tory. IScsides camp uemipinunts , the
captured eighteen anet soventcer
mules , some of the latter being govetu
nionl mules which the Sioux ; bail taken
from the soldiers whom they hud killeeJ
nt Fort Caspor. On the boeiioa of tlu
Sioux were found the scalps of thcsi
soldiers , together with articles of women *
and childieus' wearniK aparol ) , fron
which it was supposed that they bad ulsi
attacked a party of emigrants
Just half an liour was occupied by thi
Pawnees in annihilating and sculping
these twenty-seven Sioux , and roniulint
ui ) the atoclc nnil collecting the othei
putnelor. The Pawnees lost only live
horses , not a man being wouneleel or bur
in any way , anel Captain North accorel
ingly received n gicat deal of prni&e
for this icsult from the superstition
Pnwni'cs , who vvould never have gone
out with him again on the warpath lint
ho hud oven ono man killed. They bo
licv oil that n Icnelor who lost a Bingh
man vvouhl forever be cursed with ill
Captain Not th soon hail his compan ;
drawn tip in line of march , nnd startci
on trio return trip to camp , HoA-onty-livi
milcH distant. U hey made the march u
vupielly ns possible witli their jadee
steeds , knowing that the main village o
bhmx , under Keel Clouet , was somuwhor
on Powder river , nnd that to romnin loin
in Unit country with such n small fore
mignt prove very disastrous. At siinsu
the victorious Pawnees rode into cam ]
triumphantly swinging the scalps of th
tweuty-seven Sioux , and firing oil' thol
p'.ntols. ' General Connor ami the othe
olllcers and the whole garrison tuinti
out to receive Captain Nortli and hi
company. The troops formed n doubl
Jine.through which the Pawnees marched
singing their war songs and llourishin ,
in Hie air their scalp-polos , to which th
Sioux scalps wore attached.
This was indeed a promt moment fq
Captain North. General Connor compli
moiited him nnd his scouts in the I' '
terms and issucel n complinu ntory ordc
to the cummuml who had won the lir
real victory since the Sioux war bogai
After tlm formal reception wan conclude
the hungry Pawnees , who had liddcn 1C
miles without n mouthful to eat , satdovv
to n ' 'square ' meal , " which they great !
rulislud. Ono would naturally suppos
tint they would then have retired to res
for the night but there was to bn n
sleep or rest for thorn that night. The
wcro so enraptured with their succes
that they determined to cclobrato llicl
brilliant victory by
fJ A ( WA.M ) SCAI.r-lUXCH ,
having first obtained permission of Gor
oral Connor. A large tire was kindle
and around it g'ttheied the whole con
imiiu nf enniiu. anil friar ( ) ) | back were nc
( I
somblcd the spoctntors bomu 3CV9n
oiglit bundled soldicr-i. The dance an
the revelry continual nil night , enl
eiileting | down at intorxals to gi\o so in
biave an opportunity to make a.speech ,
Karly the nu\t morning General Coiner
nor wont to the quaiters of Cnntni
North nnd luquestod him to have all tli
captured tropliios and the stock iirougl
out In fiont of the company camp for u
speetiou This was accordingly don
and the general , after looking the colici
tion over , Jsaid : "Captain North , yo
can again thank these moil for mo ft
their gallant conduct and success , an
you may distribute this property amen
them its you sen tit. " Captain Noit
thanked tlio general for his approciatio
of the bravery of the Pawnees , nnd li
them satisfactorily distributed thaplundt
among those who had taken part in tl
expeditiontctaining only one good mnlo
for himself
During the tiny the Pawnees ttmk n rest ,
and when night tame they icsumed their
rev clry it was tlwir ctrstom , af t r a v ic-
torious fight , Intake unto lliotmohev new
names having Reference to ome ineident
of the light , but they wcro entitledlo
only ono change of name eluritig a cam
paign or until they returneel home and
wont out on the warpath again Iuilnj
this night they spent a great portion ot
the time in clniiEing their names. Cap
tain North hail been Known among them
as "White Wolf1 ( Skee dih tall-kah ) and
the Pawnees informed him that us IIP hnd
It'll them successfully ( o battle , without
hv ing lost a man , thej propo'ed lo honor
him w ith an appropriate- name , and the j
wished him to select one for fnnmlf. Hi1
thinked them for the honor , and said
llnl lit preferred that thedioulel make
the selection They necnidlngly nnnu'el
him Pawnee La.hai , the mo-t honoinble
iiame ever give'ii to a white man by the
P.nvnecs , it being the - line as they had
give MI l General I'lemotit , when he
prei cd the plains , he having been vei >
fiiendlto them. Tin-le-naming of the
captain wns accompanied with coiiMdor
ublc ci lemony. The p irlies wlio had the
light to make these eh inges always c\-
m'Cte-i ! pay for their MMvices ( , and the
captain ircorelingh presi-uted them with
the line mule which he had .selected from
among Iho animals c-iptuicil fiom the
Sions Thojeerenionics of name-chang
ing and itaiiclng weie kept up all night
[ 10 nr. COSMIM i.n MXT : ti NI > A\ ] ,
Tlio MnnsloriH They Occupy unel
'I heir History.
On the occasion of the elcath of the
llaronuss.laiiies do Uothschild , widow of
Haron James , tlio founder of thu Paiis
IIOIHO , "Clitipollo , " the chioniquetir of
Tlio SPOI I giv es SOUK ; inlercslmg details
of this branch of the famous tamily of
bnnkuti ) :
Baron Alphonse do Kolhscliild , eldest
son of Haroness .lames , lesulcs with his
wife , wlioislhedaughterof Haron Lionel ,
of London , in the splendid hotel Tulk'i-
land , at the coi nor of the Hue St Florcn-
tin and Place do la Cnucorelo , which was
the icsiilutieo ol the limpcior Alex
ander in 1815. The chlcst daughter
of liaton Alphoiisp , Mile. Ik't-
I mi , mart led her cousin. Union ile
Kolhchild , ot Vienna , the second Mile.
Juliette , has become IMmu iMatiiici *
Kplnussi 'lliisjoung couple puichased
iu'ltuo dc Uuiiy the hotel occupied stic-
cessfullv by the beautiful Counters
Villenouvo Albuquuique timing her
short , stay in Piris : uid by the Duke do
Nemour.s befoio ho went to teside in the
Avenue ilu Hois Houloftuu.
Huron Gustavo , her second son , and
tno baioncsSj nee Aiispaoh , live m the
Avenue Mnngny , in the sumpluous ivsi-
dunce rucontl } * rebuilt by them on ground
iluneii.liiig on the toi mei mansion of the
IhniiiuiorJJobroussc. All Parisians must re
member the tair.y-like aspect ot vast
garden. Hynmuels ot tiatisplantalion
superb groves ot sli.uly tices woie nn-
ptoviscd in a few months. The salon of
thoHaioai'SS Gustavo was tlie tiist in
which Uosn Cat on was iicaul. Her oldest
diiughtor marriuel Mr. Lnmbcit , who
loiirescuts the hou c of Uolhcluhl in
Brussels , but the * veiling couples pass a
gieat part of the .vear in Palis. Her
younger daughter , Mile. Aline elo Uoth-
child , came out in socictj hist year , and
was remarked for her and beauty.
The third son of the Huiouc'-s James ,
Haron Kilmond , who man ied one ot his
cousins , purchased tin en years back the
celebrated Hotel Pontnlh.i , the guidon of
which , looking on Ilio Avenue Gabuol , is
one ot the linest in P.uls. The house
that foimcrly stood in its grounds was
leveled to the gi omul , and in its place has
been raised a sple-iidid eulillco , in which
have boon assembled ailistio U ensures ,
and all the refinements of modern com
fort. Only a few intimate friends have
yet penetrated into the inteiior , and the
inauguration was to have taken place in
the coming season. Hut alas !
Haioness Nathaniel , daughter of Haron
James , possesses in the Faubouig St.
llonroe , at a few stops from the resi
dence of her bi other , the magnificent
hotel adjoining that occuuied so long by
the Marechule Suchot. Duchess U'Albu- '
loio , and which has been entirely re
built by the present owner , Count Pilk't-
Will. The baroness Nathaniel , who h
enc _ of our most talented aquarellists ,
lives there in almost absolute retirement
with her sou , Haron Aithur , whose
steam vacht Eros is one of the finest ve.S'
sels of the kind ntloat. Slip passes a part
of the year on her domain of the nbboj
of Vnuvile-Curnny. Her duugliter-iiv
law , the Haroncss James Kdonnid , ha1
scarcely left her residence in the Avenue
do Friedland since the death of her hits
The IJaroncss Salomon , widow of the
fourth son of the Haroncss James , is mo
prictor of tlio vast mansion in the Hue
Herrycr , which foimerl.y belonged to the
financier Heuujon. Her only daughter
Mile. Helen , only resembles her for hei
grace and beauty.
Alone of all tno Rothschilds in Paris
Haron Adolpho , who belongs to tin
Neapolitan branch , is not aelescomlant o
the Baroness James. His resilience in the
Rue Moncoait is , therefore , the only om
that may bo open to society no.Nt season
The Gciman churches nt St. Petcisburj
have a cliculntlng library of 100,000 volumes
In the state of Arkansas there aio eve
1,000 colored Haptlst churches. A sln li
church has sixty-four licensed preachers
and another sixteen.
Mrs. Tinner , Liverpool , widow of the lat
Charles rumor , M. P. , has plven S100.000 t. .
establish a fund for aged English chuicl
cloih'vmon In LIveinool diocese , the sum t
be nalel tu each not to exceed 81 , COO ,
I'oue Leo X1I1 has decided to clvo a col :
ribution ot SGO.OoO to bo devoted to an oxhl
billon of icllidoiis art , to be held at the Vatl
can Kaielcnon the occasion of the tittcontl
annlveisary eif his entrance into holy onlcit
Itaf. Augustus Stojiford Hrooke , the Un !
tarln mlnUter and well known author , ha
been taken to an Insane asjluin at Dublin
his native city. lie was lor ninny .vcars
premiluunt minister of the church ot Lng
Thn Chinese government has prompt !
paid 31,000 to the Canada Prcsbvtcrinn mlt
slon In Kuimosa for property elestroyed li
the war. The mission no ;
hns thlity-elifht stations , with l-Til ! converts
all thu lesult of fuurteun years' laboi ,
An addition of tlio gospel of Mark In Man
diuin has been published In Kimiand I
inist'd Chinese efmraeteis for the use of th
blind In Chlnn. This Is the 260th laniruag
In which petitions of thu scripture have bun
painted for the blind alter thu "Moon sys
tern. "
DP.ui ! von Hitter's gift of S75.000 to the Ui'l
vorslty of JenalH to be divided into halve"
The interest ot one-halt will go tor the e\
pauses of scientific travel and tor Impiovi-
means of Instruction in zoology. Tlm Intel
rM of the othei half will maintain ultlttu
professorshlo ot Phiiogcny , to bo iillcel b
Dr. Arnold Lang , formerly llacckel'a asslbi
ant and pupil.
From tliu reports of the Kvangelical A !
llunco ot Japan it appears that there ai
within 1)10 ) empire 163 oiganlzcel churches , o
wjiinh 57 nio wholly self-supnortliie , Th
ft immber C,0 , iinoi
10,775. The total number ot roreiR. , JTj.yii
niius Is'-i-O , of whom llOuro mim and 74 ur
mauled women. The numbci of adult con
verts baptized last year was S.I 15. There nr
li\o ecclesiastical bodies laboring for th
chiUtlanUatiou of Japan , the Prusbtcriaii
Episcopal , Uaptlst , Congregational nnd Mett
udlst. There are also single representative
of IheGeiman-SwUs Lutheran and America
Society ot Friends , besides a number of vo
untary laborers.
MAKE your family happy ! don't yo
BCO w hat a pale haggard dispirited womai
your wife has become ; get her a bottle o
lr' ) J. 11. MoLenu'H Strengthoninj
Cordial and Hlood Purifier , if 3011 woul
hear her rinsing laugh , nnd see the bloor
of health on tier checks again ,
IIONUY von Tnu
llodlceslmc plain plastrons covered with
tiasseiin ntfrii ) .
( , old brooclres represent In ; ; a Jeiinls rac-
que ) . w ith ball , ate pirjmlar.
'Iheitncflt velvet Is n levlval of tlio old
style , with very much stronsei ill > 'jints ; ,
A ellamond vuili'ed four-lenvcd clover , ser *
rounelcd Ifr anoueshor. Is a favorate design
for brouche * ! .
Cut chciiilleltrunnilns for panels and bodice
trliiimlne , With Pcis'an ' fiesiu. is shown in
all Iho seasonable color * .
Another' ' sliapeblebcrowned , turn up
slmrplv In the bicl. rlui , nnd HiiHheil wllli
benvstn clusters of tips was shown.
MeKiiistone1' * and tiiestones aio Inere'islnc
in favoi. A binooh his aciosceiit In "malt
gold with tin op pendant moonstones
A woman III ) l.oston stole a eoik lei fiom a
cnpple elMildiUi. She was bound to have
soim-thini ! new to put on her bonnet.
Yemnti ladles now furnish n blush broom
to ilust the coats of then Invtrs wliele they
have lalel theii pteltv povvderc d faces.
Ouo bonnet Is trlinmcel wlllialleinatofeilds
of cut and uncut velvet lu iiactoli'niidiuaiuun
colois , with iHtihh tips iloublc-toiicd.
Link sleeve buttons hive.1 a ctt's In
low icliel nnel a pug's face lu lilcli tellef ,
stabs ol the 7odiac , or any two objects not
A Hoslon girl said In hei description of the
Ilubcllv : "I ho state house Is a handsome
building nn Hencon street , with a hu.u ab
domen on top. "
Tlio w letch has been arrested who , nt a so
cial puty , snlel that a young lad } iihulnc the
phmoloite was like an ape because hot iingets
weie'iiiong ku > .
A man by tlio mine ot Fortune In Colum
bus , \Vls. , was piuMMitcel bv his wife With
tlueo glils nt uiieblith. Tuily , Miss-1'oituncs
never come slnglj.
\Vh \ > Is a bab > lid fiom leu to a dozen
times a iln.v' . ' IPC.III ! C babies , ble"3 'em ,
should be nlled up wheiicvei they shew
symptoms ot "holloimss , "
Now that almost nil the vcleinns 1 nvowi it-
ten somitiiiug about the war , whv don't
Susan 1) ) . Anthony iclate lici pmsotial iciulii-
Iscences ot tlie i evolution1. '
Lcithercord applied on nn ahnca banil lor
protecting the bottom ot diess skills Is n uov-
eltv anel Is to be had In nil colois. lllseles-
tlni'il to supciscdu biald bindings.
01 eighty glils that landed at Castle ( ? ar-
elen the either elav , lift-two Wfioied-hendcd.
When even loieign nations bu in to mint
this countiy ied it Is time to call a halt.
Yokes will bo much wnin bv jouiig glils.
The } aiu phi KM I en plain , iiccuiillinr to the
matcital used. Velvet , silk , embioldcre'd
net and passcniuntcilu me einplovcd toi
> oKes.
A Michigan woman has picked nnd sold
enough blaeUbeiiles this season to buy hei
husband a shot-gun. It Is nut often a woman
geies to work sosvstematlcally to become a
A novT style of niching hns waved crcpo
llsso edged with half-Inch rectangular pieces
ot lissu in coutiasting eoleiis , such as cieam
aim lieliotiope , cieam and iiiby , wood coloi
and pale blue.
Tiue-lovcis'Knots , foimed of turquoise or
enamelled toigct me-nots and s > pia > soltlio
same flower , w lib ellamond leaves , aie noted
niuiing the many elesinns in the tiiuiuoisu
jovveh > , now much vvoin.
The plastton may be outlined with trim-
miiige ) ! yak ot coloicd sllklaee. vplvet.eilhei
plain oi covered , with be.iel tassels , reveisot
wateicd silk , oi rows or handsome buttons ,
01 bows ot ribbon 01 satin.
Bonnets of velvet .met jet net woilc.of steel
combined with silk anil velvet , felt hats of all
teilois , and hats covered with silit jcisev
cloth , tiimtued'w th astrakhan , the latter also
in every va'rletj ot coloi , aie popul.u.
The old-time fashion of a seam down the
fiont of Ihvi Is levlved. the Listening
being hidden under the bands ot velvet or
ol'.ei tummiiig that pass from the point
In liout over thoshinildeis to tlio basque be
hind. ,
Foi day costumes , made vvilh jackets in
stead ot vet * , belts 01 sashes aie placed he-
low tlie vviiist. , Tliev aie cut in tlie pioper
shapit timn theinateiial In the piece. They
nre sometimes1 used as a tiniah to plain
A bonnfcl ol tlio feathers of the
pheasant , dotted at legular inteivals with
minute ied Or golden leaihcis , is ttiinmcd
witli loops of gicen velvet placed directly in
fiont , anel an aicretto ot tinted Icatheis. Thu
stiings atoiot velvet ribbon.
Kus ian blouses and Breton jackets have
plaitb tiom the Miouhlcis anil plain vests
lastened at the side beneath tliu blouse oi
jacket , bilvcr buttons aio employed tin
tummiiig the ISretou jacket and constitute
the chief difference between it and the Itua-
sinn blouse.
New cloth trimmings In all the fashionable
colors have two lows ol' cloth con
nected by a nniiovv Inscitlon of cashuieic
beads and aie ciUcd on either side by
bends. To be used with this stialjrht trim
ming is a cicnclated trimming made In the
same stjle.
The tolois most In vou'iie are mandarin ( an
intensified orange ) pactole , and boreal ( now
shades ot blown ) . "Vicux , " maioon
witli mandnrin , maroon solid , and mniooii
combined with black. Cninslmiougli hats ,
with uarrowei brims than licietutoie , and
less pronounced turning up at the side , arc
still In favor.
Thu tendency is very marked to him the
fiont on most of the stjles wo saw Then
is nn effort to "push" the high hat , hlthoitr
known only as a part of a riding outfit
This , gainished in trout with algiette , en
bettei , an owl's head , with enough of thi
plumage to loriu nciiculnr ornament ( ' . ' ) , I'
to he tolbtul upon all-eiiduilng votaiies ol
tnshlon ns au Kugllsh ualKinhat. .
A hat of cicim white felt has the brio :
slightly rolling on one side , and It Is tacci
with moss-green velvet. On the left side an
loops and ends of cicam tinted ilbbon llnci
with moss-green velvet , and mound then
curve lar.-o ostrich plumes , also ctc.ini col
oredwhich almost cover the crown and drooj
ovei on Ihe brim In trout.
A walking cobtumo has the skirt of ici
brown woolen material stilpcd with nnnov
lines ol ied and blue ; the polonaise is ot plali
mateilal corresponding to the ground of tin
striped lubrlc , tlintln looped high on the fold !
nndcaimht with metal ajrralfcs. The sleeve1
and the plastrons are ot the striped mntoila
anel the high standing collar ot the plain.
A joiing woman of Ancona , III. , teache1
school , helps her mother do the hoiibo vvorl
anil takes rare of three horses and two cows
In summer she has chnigo of. u largo iraidcn
but loiind time to paint her mother's housi
and paper two rooms in it , besides sendini
coriespondenco each week to two count' '
newspapers. She was , however , obliged ti
call in a repoitcr to help her do tlio lying.
A dress of dark gieen nnd plaid wool ha
the full skill made of thu plaid material. Thi
overdress is of the p'aln ' material , very loni
in trout , caught up on the right side with ai
agratfo ami showing a broad rovers of tin
plaid. The hack elinperv Is lull and i cache
live thirds down the Bis lit. The vest am
culls aio of nlnld and the "ratio" which fas
tens over the lower pnit of the vest , is of th
plain material. ,
A dress of rich black silk has the fron
heavily cinbroldcieel with jet. On cithe
Mele are two wide folds of the silk , while tin
back of the blcirt , which Is straight and full
has a facing oil lace. The pointed bodice ha
the front and back of Inco anel jet embrold
ery nnd a y\keand ( \ collar of jet embiolder ]
The bastille's havobcaelcd rovers , and a fill
pulling of mcu Is arranged In a novel way be
ncath them ! A jet ornament Is placed be
tvveen these two piiftlngs , us If to hold th
gathers of the skirt In position , The sleeve
have rcvera. and.Jaco . coriespondlng to th
bodice. „ |
Miss Nina Kearny , youngest daughter o
the dnshlug ( ittnernl Phil Kearny. nnd
joiing Iniiy ( if .many attiactlons , will be mat
rlcel In Now York November 3 to Lleutunan
Itidgfiley limit pf the navy.
Adirondack Afurray was married on Mon
day uvenliie ; to MtbS Fiances M. Itivers , o
Montreal. Alib-y'Klvers Is a Hoiiinn Catholic
1 ho divorced wife of Mr. Murray is said to b
piactlclng medicine in Now Haven.
'Hiero was a unique nmrrlago ceremony rt
CC t' " " ' Vucrnl30rft * -r---nv , , , 'rtJ- 'M1',1 '
" ailltal
vvTs "file well Known armiessa. , ! . ;
llausmann , who wedded her linpresfarlu
llerr llauschlld. and signed her man ing' '
contract with lier feet. Kings were ex
changed and the wedding ring uf t be bud
wa-s placed on the louitn too of hei ugh
The staff council of thu Salvation Army li
London has Issued an oidorthat In future n
sanction wilt be given to courting bv elthc
hex or tonnvongacement of any male lieu
tenant. Ilu' must be promoted to the rank n
captain Ituforo an > thing of the kind can I )
rccogimod , Tliis changes the dictum of Cas
Rio In "Othello" that the "Lieutenant 1st
be saved befoie the ancient. "
A Uoston clergyman , deeply inteicsted li
getting money for a charitable Institution
ins offered n newspaper man' SVX ) If he will
'Pinaincd on HioMiRc nt n coming entcr-
Atnmrnt In ant of the Institution The news-
> api'r man $ ald he vvmild elo It. What the
Tonne woman said lm nol been made public.
nnd wjiy the mlniMordocMi't give the So W to
he charitable Instlfutlon outrkht is nlso an
uinnswcicd ciuestloii.
A lonmnce and a tiaecdv are condensed In
ho feilloW inc notice * i > iibll he'd In the .lour-
ml. ot Wnlla Walla , W T. : "After living
with U ( ! Pooleis his wife for twenlj-foni
imiis I have found him te > bo a man uiillf for
hpsnclelj ofti decent woman anil unworthv
it my ii'irard. I h-ave left him , never to live
vlth him n.'uln. I hcicby notlfj alli > eisous
lot to give him credit on my account , nnil
also elimge pcisous owing me lo pa.v him no
IIOIIPV. .Misw. . UPooh1 , foimeily Lucluda
A piofancupstail-The man who sits on a
A strapping tellow with nh'iity of soap-
I he bnibei.
When King Caunto ordeiod the waves to
oil bark he llioiightlie was talking to n suif.
It inn ) besnld ot the honest , thilfty ( ier-
nan ho love * his wife best and his liver *
win t.
A tale of joutli. ninlden nnd fnther Pceiip
list -gate bteuo sccoiul galtci. Scene
third-gait !
Jay ( ioitlel gives constant emiilovuicnt to
the ) Inwveis. llo is n man who can keep his
own counsel.
KIM spipents am innivollou lv largo moil-
slots , hnt not half big enough to swallow all
Hie yarns told about them.
"IJinllo " "which animal
, nsk tlm tencher ,
nttnehe-t hluiselt most to man'i' ' " Euiilc , aftei
coiiioH'llectlou , "theleech , all. "
Sumiuet boaider "I have he'aid that silk
Invclsgrow on jemr coin ! " Kaimi'i"Yes ,
miss logulai greis main silk It IF , too. "
Tliencaiesl nppioncli to peiin'tu.d ' motion
mnv bo loiuul In n bhoo Imtenj AU the
loicmnn to show jou the Inslliijt machine.
ItobeitJoy of Assviia , Mich , , took ciolon
oil leu cliolein. Hobeit has been MIII > evei
slme Hint ho elid not give the choleia a
"I've been dicciiig over my gat den , " said
Hiown. "and I'm " "All "
worn om. , tc-
lunrUcd l''is'g ) , "a new vail'-tyof o.ulhen
wear , chV
We leeched n Inskot of gi apes iho eilhet
dav tiom a vuh'i'iiber with the ie < | iiest :
"Please notice this on vom inside.Vo
In a elesciintion of the ihluocerou it is
statedtliat ho Is a poweittil beast , with n
moulh laiiglug fiom nn opun valise tonean-
dlelnto's smile.
The boj who quails at the Muht of a nuts-
tnid plaster Is the same hid that goes tear-
tssly forth to tackle n bee's nest with a
handful of w lllow sw Itches.
A westeiii papei leccntly noted the Uniting
of a "lady's skeleton. " A ladv's sKeleton
doubtlesselllfers liom a woinan's skclotou
In that it has a hoeiisklit and biibllenttaclied.
A woman has been elected "master vvoik-
iiinn" ot a Knkhtsul Laboi blanch In Chi
cago. Hwasbv biiugiiiir eleven childieii
Into tlie'vvoild that she "leained to labor and
to wait. "
Hilklus "Send me up two tons of coal and
1 will settle the hrst ot the month. " Coal
dealer ( dciisivolv ) "Chestnut I" Hllknn ,
( anxious to inlsiiiieluistand ) "Yes , chestnut
will ih ) , 1 guess. "
What eveij mauled man in this eountij
wants is a ttaiued , iierce-looklni : littlu mouse
that will npneai whenevci called. It will
settle a tainilv ( juarrel in less time than it
lakes to piovolte one.
It begins to look as If the theatei hlll-uoaui
iiuisaneo would soon have to glvewaj lo
those Kugllsli lei d- , who have gone into the
business ot advutisingbuilesque actiessesbv
walloping thelt husbands.
Mr. lsAacstein-"Ah , My friend , that cent
tits v.oii pettCLtly lovely. Andonlv SUO too ;
why , it's a baigaln at that price. " Pios-
pcctlvo purchasei "I don't know. Mi.
Isaaeslein ; It takes tv\ei to niako a baiirain. "
"You ought to chow tobacco , " said a would-
be wit to a yoiinir lady. "I am astonished ,
su , " liidlgnmntly icplled the ladj. "Paidon
mo , miss. 1 was pionipteel to make the ie--
marlc when 1 looked at voui 'line-cut'
moutli. "
"Did you hear the new cure forhjdia-
phobia. Mis. MulcahvV" "Faiv I didn't , an'
what Is It Mis. O'lteillvy"Plasthei ot
Pin Is , dear , an' I'm going to thry it on little
Tonimv. who was bit by JleneTiuan's bull
piipjistheiday. "
Two little bojs wcro discussing the
stiengthof a bee. "Ho can't pull niore'n a
lly , " said ono ot them "Well , " sain the
other , " 1 minno how much ho can pull , but
when he backs up to jou and imshps , I
guess you'll tall back up eveiy time. "
A counti v couple newly man led stopped at
a hotel at liii htou a tew days and the crooin
called for some wine. When asked what
Kind he would have , ho louliedVevvants :
that kind ol wine wheio the corks pop out
and the liquor boils up like soap sueis. "
In chiMiilstiv the best way to separata two
bodies is lo introduce a thud. The same
holdr , tiuo in othei eicpaitinents. Tei incieasc
the distance between n pair of lover- , all
that's icquliiMi Is to let Willie walk into the
"bnck parlor"vvith a lighted canelle in lilt-
Abnormally fat inpii hnvo a good many an
noyances in lite fiom which other men au
exempt ; but they have at least the satislac-
tlon of knovvlne that they can show nioie po
lilencss to ladles In n horse cat than any oiell-
nary man , because they can give u sent to twt
ladies at oneo.i
Thoconnti } Is full ot men who nrp coniln
ually making bad Ineaks. but it Isn't otten
that ono lieai.s an > thlng like that ol n Now
London , Ceinu. , man. lie stopped into r
eioeery stoio tlio other day and said : "I wani
an empty hariel oUlour to niaUo a hentooi
for my bullelog. "
"I regret to / ayat Mademoiselle Fnyetle
eea loctlo horsij/Is evening , " explained r
l-'iencli mnungei to an KiiulWi-sncnkliii : au
elionce , who hpel assemblcel to heai a piltm
donna sing. "Tiot her out , then , if slio Is t
little hoise , " bellowed nn urchin , whoo lee
hung over the railing on the gods' gallery.
Scientists know theio is no ( Joel , but tlmj
nre all moio in less in doubt about the sea
rltov. Sam Jones , like the tine clirNtlnn hi
Is , Is placing tno money ho makes by pi each
Ing where thieves cannot break In and stea
or moths consume in southern lauds
A cow entered a church In Kingston
Canada , and elrevo the choir Ironi tlicli scats
The congiecatlon weie very much pleasee
until they icllected that after the cow was re
moved the singer would icluin.
"Mercy on me , Maiy , wheio have yoi
bconV The back ot yom dress la covered will
dust. You Imvo not 1 eon silting on tlm fron
doorstep , I houo'.1'1 "No , ma ; 1 couldn't gu
the piano stool high enough , uo 1 put the bh
bible on It. "
"Now comoand tell me , deaiio. what wa
the most Interesting thing In thu sennon tld
morning. " Why , mammn , It vvnswheie tin
minister tolel about semiebody tiilclnir some
body else "ap\rt \ ; " but he didn't toll how I
was done , nor how ho was put togethe
again. "
No St. Paul Holies for Him. "Havo yoi
lumid of that inteicstlng case down east of i
woman who was ciireel of piralysis by tin
miraculous pow r of a lone of St. PnulV
"Yes , I have ; but I'm from Minneapolis , am
1 wouldn't touch n relic of ht , Paul with i
ten-foot polo. "
The Hov Mr. Van Oostonbrugiff ) , of Hail
tan , III. , recently Infoimcd his congioicatloi
that ho hail no mrmej to buy the uece'sltic
of lite , and averted that his I lode had din
plujed meanness in not keeping Us piomlse
bv him. Thu chulr then sang "We Xce <
Thee Kveiy Hour , "
"You'll bo glad to hear.John , " said n farme
to his shepherd ono day , "that the Univci
slty of St. Andrew's lias made our mlnlste
n eiortor.1 "I am naeways supprlsed n
that. " said the slu'jilferd. "jMali than twont' '
years syne ho cured my wlto o' a colic ,
think he should liau been made a doctor Ion ;
8) nol"
Minister You ought tocometooiirchurrli
John , and to om Sunday school. Chinninni
What folV M. Wo want to try and do yoi
- cava your joul ; In hort , to maki
goou , .v . , 7 ' " - > "v „ „ . il
} on a Christian , 0. Clinutmn , , , ,
lather bo heathen Chinee. Heathen Oh inn
hull nobody , Chlbtian come and bleakeo ni ;
window ,
The other night a woman living on Frank
Hn street. Hostouwas teaching her foui-jent
old boy his evening pra > er. Uhu little fellov
hail alvvavs lopentid thu piajci word fo
word , ns Ids mother iccUcd It , Imt this thin
tliulatter thouuht he > niltilit try to say It alone
.lolinnle was jtut tired nbouxh to think o
little else but bed. However , alter much en
couragement , ha began : "Now 1 lay me-- . '
then a louu pause , "Well , Johnnie , " sale
his mother , "U t there , Kll. " tospoiidei
Johnnie , and he was hurried elf lo lied.
The Illicit Hililitlou to Smith Oinnhii , only ttt'otiltielif ftnilh business
center ofStHith Oimt/m / < tnd tire Mud ; nttl of i heu rent Jlntninond
Large and Olioioe Lots , Wide Streets and
leys , Fine View , Easy Terms ,
I'or further jHtrtienliti' * en' I on
/ . " . . South /.V/ft. / W nuin < Nortli nf lloifd nt St.
wu : tin i xt'ii ivinv ix
Our stock includes impairs for all stoves OUM * sold in Oinnlia and the west. {
KoniomluM1 , it i jonrstove vvoKoop lepair for.
lM. . 13ATON , Mintngor ,
Oii ; South St. . ! ! ( > ( . iioitoa nml Jackson.
Jefferson Is plavlng a veiv .short season
ami limiting cngageuienls lo the pilncl-
lull cities.
Tony Unit will shetillv tiv hisluekn'aln as
a stai In a new lilsh comedy , lie has found
n wealthj baiUoi.
Miss llmliy txildeno has enllroly recovered
fiom hei leeout Illness , and Isncuin pHvimc
hei pait ot Mother Jacobs In "Josephine
bold by llei SMci. "
The eminent violinist , lien vVllliyluij. h
about to form n stihu'iiunitM paili tor thu
iurpo , < ipof uudeitaUng aitlstic toun In the
juincliul towns id F.uiope.
Two or tlueo hundied people gather night *
Iv'at the staio ; entianoe ol the New \e k
Fifth avenue thu.ilie to see Mis. LuncUy
cenneotit aiosrato and lespleiidont vision
lu silks and laces.
Mine Jniiish hns n new Parisian wnidiobc ,
two new iilajs anil an euciu'itlc maiiagei ,
With thesor.dv.iiitn e-s she anticipates abill-
II ml and niospeious season toi heiself. She
opens at Montienl , Cnnnd > , Octobei .
Jessie llaitlctt Davis hns signed a cemtiact
to cowith the Ameiicaa Opoi a company this
season. She will sing In "Men.vHves . , "
" " " "Liikme. " bho
"Faust , "Huguenots.and ; ,
has jonie'il tlie compatij in New \ on. .
II Mi. liooth's torn continues to be as pro-- ,
peroiis as It has been the iccelpls thus fni
aveingo SIO.OUO a wi > ck above the Mime of the
local managers them will bo n net piolllof
SMO.OW ) to bo divided among Mi. llooth ,
Lnvviuneo Uanctt and AtthurM. Chnse.
The diesses that Fanny Davonpoit is hav-
inir made lei lleatiice in "Mueli Ado'aio
said to be novel and beautiful Innniaikpil
degiee. This lady hns nlwavs maintained a
leputntlon tortho cle-ganco and oilglnallty of
hei toilets. She petsonnlly designs evciy
diessshc wears.
Miss Fastlake , Wilson F.anett's ' lending
lady , has succeeelcd In making a sensation In
NewYoik. 'Jheiels not au actrossoo the
American stage who looks so "netiossy" off
the stage , or wcnis such striking costumes as
does that lady. ISroadvvay turn atoutid and
looks when she walks down It.
The hrst appearance oiaiiyol the. Ame'rl-
will be nt the
can eipera ; iilists this season
opontnu com oil of the Woice-stei ( Mass )
Ideal musical eniiMP , Oelobci ' ! . " > . Miss Lininn
Juch , Mine. Coinulia Xanten , Charles Has-
seltnnd William Lnelvvli nu > the uitlstsen
gnged. On the same eUtu Pauline LAlto-
maud sings in Boston.
Mile. Khca has a new voision of "Tho Ho-
imnceofa Pool Yemni : Man , " which she
will puvlueom Uoslou next month , Dining
thu same ene.mcment she will also produce a
new play called "Faiiy Flngcis. " Tins actress
has recently been plaving m a new comedy
called "The U'idow.'Mn which she intioduces
i pet dog Ndle L.ulj , in full mourning
Violet Cnmeion was asked lo leave Kdwnid
Stokes llotlinan house , New York , biniplv
because her husband. Do Huusuado , teilel
StoUesthat ho meant to shoot Lend Loiids-
ilnle in Iho hotel , and blokes , in view of his
own sciapo some j ems ag < r , was unw illlng to
inn the ilsk of a cat.istiopho that mlghtiuln
the good name of his hostehy.
The famous lenp In "Itlnckmall" will bo
given bj ct"vo Biodie , the New 'i oik iiedes-
ttmn and nevvsboy.who was the hist to make
a successlul jump liom the UlooUljn hiiiUi ; .
Urodio has been oflercd Uige sums to exhibit
himself at museums , but being miaht aim
ambitions , and an\lous to adopt the eltnmntlc
) irote slon. hn has accepted an engagement
with the "IJlackmaU" company.
A London cable dispatch says that Sii Ar-
tliui Sullivan's new cantata."I he Oolrten
J ecend , " was lewlcrcdat the Leeds musical
festival and fairly enraptured the audience.
At the close the choius and auditors called
the compose ! out and pelted him with llovv-
eis. obliging him to ictiiin and icoivc simi
lar ovations many times. His nvciy appeai-
anco was hailed with piolonged applause.
Mine. Modjeska has a new play , founded
on "Lcs Chouans , " the liist romaneo to
which Honoro Wo Haifa'1 appended Ids naim.
Tlm diamn. which was consliuctcd by AI.
J'aul liciton of Paris , and ti.instated and
leconstiueled by Mi. Paul M. Potter of Now
Voik , contains n chniacter that Mm Jlod-
jfska thinks worthy ot hei best effoits. lln :
theme of "l es Chotiaiis" Is similar to that nf
Tom Tavlor'h stiong eirama called "Plot anel
l'ab-,1011. "
Tlio veteran sif lor , Me. Waller LL Lehman ,
of HotUin , who hns been associated with the
stngo close i pen titty jenis. nnd who Is now
an old man and nenily blind , has vviitte-n
and published fin Interesting book entitled
"Memoiis of au Old Actor. " Me. Lehman Is
a resident or San Finnclsco , wheio this vvoili
appi-iis. This actor went on the sta'io ns
acall-bovin ISJ7 ; appeared proinlnnntly in
Montienl In 1S > > 2 ; was popiilat at Phllndol-
phla in 1W,0 , nnil wont to Cnllfoinla in ibM ,
ills lllo has boon one of vicissitudes. Ho I-
iioor and nei ds a liltlo prospurll > . Ills bool
Is a good one.
llllnd Tom's mother , an old colored ladj
named Wiggins1 , has been endeavni Ing te
secure the ii'leaso of her son liom the con
tract of tlio Heihnues. The r-econtiic pianlsi
was born of slave imrents In Oeoruia In 11 ! )
and when ho was tour years od ! the whole
lamlly vvero sold as slaves to James W. lie
thune , with whom ihoy tomalneel until fleet
bythowai. Under an agieement Tom wni
placed In control of Eotlmno for llvo jears
until Mav. IV0 ! , vvlren ho would bo of age
Without the imiHits' consent ] > etlnino tool
Tom out of the state and put him on oxhlbl
tlon ns a pianist. In ISTrt Tom bce.amo a cltl
7on of New York , While on oxidbitlon It
Virginia Tom was dednicel n lunatic , ane
Mr. IJothuno's son , John ( i. JJelliuni1 , was do
elated ncomralUno em his pi-rson. 'I ho Intte ;
acted as Tom's lO'emiger till Ibhl , when In
ellud. The oleler Jlethnno wnS then appointed
In tlio meiinllmo Mis. Wiggins icinovd u
Now York , blio biemghtsuit against llothiim
for the i ej vices odiei Mm nnd an account In ;
eif thopreilits of tliti exhibitions binco l.MVi
The suit Is pifiidlng at A loxandrln , Va. Tin
old lad v ha. tw elve < luhlrcn Iho oldest sixt ;
jcais okl and the youngest Ivvvnly-cliflit-
all born In shveiv. tlmrcfoio not bom li
lawlul . Tom has no heirs I HI
mo'her isnext of kin unless thocoiut dbcl.ue
the other thildron to be relative's.
Ten thousand public schools receive llnun
clal support trout thu Ko'inmeiit of .Mexico
The MelhodUts hnvo laid the cninci-slom
of a now college lei women In Ualtlmoii' '
1'iofetsoi lihonilK. late of Coinell iinhei svlth his on J'n deilclc In Los Angulea
1'iof. Plinv K. Chase , of Ilaivaid colluiro. I
In f.iillnt ; health , and has hud to ab.indon hi
v > ork.
DUon Jonfis , late pi ofoiso- iUiv-irdeol
lepo , Is piupuilngtoholeuiurus on pupjla
Miss ( fanny llayet , dauht'r ; ! of thu e.\
president , -vlll complete Jior soiiool cours
next spring.
Count Scrgltis Uvaroff , for nniiy 3 oar
nilnlstur of education In Ki"slj ; , rcccntl ;
celebrated his ronti-iiiil.U birthday.
Professor Whitney , tlio eminent phllolo
- tJiiu been ol'llned ' to gho 1111 his rlai'-e :
B - ; , - > U /iiUlnit livnltli ,
at Now IlAVen w . , - < . „ „ , „ . .
The ( lerman fcuvernniciii iiroliiuni .iv-
from outcriiih' any I'msslan unhcisitj a.i.-.ln
dents ot atU'iullii : , ' the l-ahuc-j of thu pro
1'iotessor Tucker , ot Andovcr tl'folo U
pHnilnary. h reiratdcdas the piubablo iiic-
e -sior of President Hartlett , of Dartmoutl
oollego , when the latter sues lit to lealgn.
Lfhluh iinlvoislty was eLht yean * old ot
ThutMlHj of this week , and herolithday wai
with appropriate ceieinoiiies , i
may notou gunersilly Known that vrhen thu
institution comci into posaesslou of the prop
T. J. HOOK ,
Room 10 , ISOflFarnaniSt ,
Offers for Sale :
A flnr lot lu rintko'g aildlllon , elosn to street
ms , sumo lilool ) with IAIKU I'lpunnt hoiisos ,
iutMliiK's ; 5lr > 'Xl ; Inl'caih. bal , 1,2 niul > Ij ears.
Oooof the t'ost niriioi lois In A
A nice , ne lieu o on Bcwanlat , In Slihm's
uilil ; mil ) $ li'0) ) ; JvWoinli.lia ) . f o imonth. .
1'or n f ow rtnys otilv Tiill lot on south slrto
Doitplns st , lift. 201 h nml SJil sis ; $7,600 ; o nor
letiirnluv to Uiuopo.
riuolot on ili\inevlipt\\oenSllh iinil'JTHi sis. .
liVrtl ) ; t2Wi oiisli balancii t , J unit .1 j onrn.
Kino now 7 room htiiiso , ctntilo , fio\ \ line looa-
tton , In Iliuttlioiiioadd , flWj ) ;
1'ull lot In lownuilil , $1,000.
Act o lots in UoMuiloro nuJ Nnwport , $150 to
* 4l)0.
Ifjou want to buy or iotl Heal Kstnto , BOO
Itoom 10 , No. IS01 rninnu'St.
Hk t ®
lol ? Douuflns st.
eitv which It has Inhoilted It will bo the i Idl
est collcsn In the world.
The site of Iho Lelaud Stanfoid , jr. . unl-
\eisltrat 1'alo Alto has been dehnitely se
lected by benatoi and Mis. Stanlonl , as
sisted by Ceiifcial l < "i.inch > A. Walkei anil Mr.
F. L. Uliiibteil. The future Imlldlngs , which
will bo of .stone , will stand on the
Palo Alto farm , In the \Iclnltynf thoartill-
elal lake eonstt noted by I'eter Coutts , about
ono mile tiom Senator Slanfoiil's leaulencc.
Mi . Olmstod tool ; east with him a topOKiaph-
Icjl man of Palo Alto and its Immeiiinte sur-
lonndliiKS and will piep.ue plans lor the
adoinmenl ol the crmimls , which will bo
forwauleil liom the cast.
All American's Vlult to Ilio No toil
Frcnclininn'M Tomb.
A Pans eoriespomlcnt of the Utiflala
Connor , wiiusHaving , after iinteh
questioning usocituincd , and that too of
an American resident , that Lafayotto's
tomb is In the ancient cemetery of Pio-
jins.ono of the fourteen cemeteries with
in the walls of Paris , 1 was not much bet
tor oil' , for 1 bad not driven far with the
cochor , whoso vehicle I had taken by the
hour , before 1 saw that he had no iileo ,
whcro the pluce was. And no wonder ,
anything more unlike tlio entrance to a
cemetery than Him do Picpns 'M , which ,
alter much blind driving we a row up before -
fore , aflor passing the Place do la Nation
could not be conceived. It looked llku
the ordinury entrance to thu ordinary
French house , with the walls a trilio
higher perhaps Our ring at the great
yellow-wluto door was answered by the
concierge , the usual little old lady in the
usual fussy clump Jiico cap The site ,
which was originally that of au old St.
Anunstmo monastery , is now ocoupiml
by the convent of the Sucre Co-ur , whoso
high buildings surround the cemetery on
three sides.
"Tho convent is a very fashionable
school , " .said the conotergo. "Many
pretty American gills are educated horn. "
blio led us down a long , shady path , past
a nourishing kitchen garden , wlioro the ,
liiciotiH rcd-iipo tomatoes looked ns
though they were longing to bo sorvert
with their proper accompaniment , may
onnaise fiiiuco , through tlueo dillorciifc
dooiH or gates , making four in nil.
through which wo passed , into the quaint
old cemetery. It it ; a little oblong plot
not larger than the ordinary city build
ing lot , and the afternoon bun was beat
ing down so llercely on its gravel walks
that 1 was obliged , having loft my para
sol In the raniago , to make my fitay
All the French cemeteries urn lacking
in tafte , but this otto , without a blade of
grass lo relieve Its time-worn Krayncss.18
the most austotu Hjiot in all Paris. Tlio
burial lol of ihoLufayutlcs IB at the lower
cnil In a foinor mirrotiiidcil on two sides
i > , j a brick wall and on the othorfl by nil
iron chain. The inclosuto contains slier )
or eight tom'js ' , with the slabs lying Hat
upon them. In | hu foivground. con
nected by a stone crops are those of
Lafavette and that faithful wife , the
granddaughter of the duke of Noalllcs ,
who enduicd imprisonment for his sake ,
and who , wlulo ho was a llvo yearH1 cap
tive nt Olmnt/ , wrote imploiing lotlurfi to
George Washington , mging him lo use
his inlliionco to have her husband liber
ated. 1 copied Into my note hook the In-
Bciiption on tliu slab over LufayottoVt
tomb , but It Is HO simple that U would bn
mipotiluous to repeat It hero , It merely
gi\e.s the date of his birth , nnd bo-
neiilh the motto , "Hcquiescnt lu
puce. " Two or three of the ugly
Iipiid wrcdlhh which one scea In nit the
Fiunuh cemeteries lay upon the tomb ,
and I was sorry indeed that 1 had tuif u
few ficfli flowers to lay in place of thoaa
upon the grave of a putilot , who , In
stead foresting In the Pantheon , H'eins
so ultony forgot tun jn Franco. Inter
ments are now prohibited in I'lcptts com- '
otui'v , which contains the tomb * of some
of the most aristoeiatie fitmlllcs of
T'i'anco. ' Piich HH the Montmorcnnyrf , thoM
M I , , , \ oailles.MJ J -
( Irammniii. , „ . " ' * ? 10 jn
Lufaycttca lie the Kcmuanls , Vul l wne
mote intcri-stcd In pooiilng through an
Iron-bailed door OIOHI bv the Lulnyott"
s'ibs ' : , w here , in a small Inclorure. the
grofii grass : H ( { rowing over the h"iidlcns
trunks of 'oiua 1HOU illustrloiti * \'i'tlma ,
guillotined nt the lianloro < lu Tione dur
ing th ioi < ; n of ( error nnd thrown tot
ircther in tills ( ( uninoti grave , culled the
( Joiaetcrio dc