A CRASD KICK ALL AROUND , ! The President Greatly Dissatisfied With His EichmondrTrip , A MAD CABINET MEMBER. How Mrs , Clovclnml H Spending tlio Aiituinn JIcinlHTH of Ilio Cabinet nnd Their KninllicH Ocltlmj Bottled Tor thu Winter. The Ulrfjiiond Trip Ilmlcvvod. WASHIVOTOV , O t. 23. | Special Tolesram to the Iln.j : It Is not nt all probable that President Cleveland will attend nny more demonstntlons In the south w Idle ho Is in his present ollice. Ills experience nt Itlch- monil on Thursday and the fuss that Is be ing made over Mrs. ( 'lev eland's failure to go with him 1ms made him , your correspondent vvns Informed at the vvhtto house to-tiny , heartllj sick of the southern procedure. A momhcrof thu ciblnet who went wltnlho prestdi'iit , believed lobe 1'ostmaster General Vllni. Is quoted In this evening's Ciltlc ns saying that there were very unpleasant clashing of Interests there , growing out of the efforts of thico factions to reap nil the glory from the presidential visit. Uesides the fair committee thoio weio representatives of the state government ntul the- major and council of Ulchmond , nnd they could not ngrcc on n plan of hauuonlous action. Each committee thought It was "tho representa tive bed } " and began pulling nnd hauling at the president's coat mils as soon as an audi ence was secured. Kvery triflewas Liken advantage of by the various commit tees , but thev had rcfialned fiom ovet nets of hostility till the atteruoon of the nli In t , and after It had been decided that the ladles should nccomp any the pirty. Some of the latter had gone so far ns to make purchases which they thought would be nee- cssarj and It was regarded by the ladies as n good chatico fora frolic with their Ilexes , but n clash came Wednesday afternoon between two of the committees , and the picsident quietly determined to nip In the bud the con spiracy to make n show out of his pretty wife nnd especially ns In all ariangemcnts theio seemed to bo doing nothing definite concern ing the ladles of fie pirty. It w as not know n whether there were pieparatious made to ac commodate them at the governor's mansion , at a hotel or on the fair grounds , but every enciuj vvns being bent to secure attractions for tlui fair and Hichmoiid. Word was sent around to the cabinet ministers' houses late Wcdnesdaj evening that the picsldentwou d like to see them nnd when they returned to their wives they simply announced that the ladies would not accom- JMIIV the test on that trip. One of the ladies in speal Ing of the matter , said that she iav\ In her husband's manner that the determina tion was mini , and nlthoiish very much dis appointed , slm diil not ask for any cause lor the change in the pie iamme. "It vv is u peed thing v on did not go , " remarked hei liusbaiid , "lor It wasonoof thewoist nr- rnnuvtl affviisI ever saw. Not content with keeping our pat ty at thu fall grounds until it was monotonous , n reception com mittee secured us and verv considerate ! } took us out to n Cemetery. The nttiactioii , wo weiu told at Hichmond , wa principally be cause It wis the last resting place of a Hum- tiur of confedoiatu dead. Then wo were lia'ilcd over thu city a good deal like circus jieiformersor neuro mlustiels are exhibited , nnil linally , to ciown our misery , the train was ( lelajcd over nn hour In order thnt the crowd might shako hands with the president. It will be a long time before I go off on n southern tilp , nud 1 think the president nnd inj .self nro of one mind on this subject. " MIIS cMvirAM : > * 8 siovijii\rs. : Mr . Cleveland Isemplojins the pleasant summer days in ovcrscclntr the completion ot the improvements nnd repairs upon their countrj house. The Interesting sta < c otdec- oiatlon has been reached and the all absorb ing question of hangings , carpets and drap eries Is under consideration. Mrs. Cleve land sees no one but cabinet ladles except by previous engagement , nnd very lew engage ments are made. W IfAT CA1I1XKT MBVMIKI1S AUK DOtXfl. Secretary Manning and household are ngaln comfortably settled at their home. Tim bicrotnry is advanclui ; in health and streimth lu hiiro and steady paces. Secretary and Mrs. Kndicott will visit liostou carlv In Xovem- bcr. Secretary Whitney had Secretary and Mrs. Kndicott to dlno with them at ( irass Lands this week. Mrs. Whitney has left her home in Tenox nnd Is now in New York city. It Is expected that she will nnivo in tlio capital eirly next week. Secn'tarj- Lnmnr has vv Ith nun his sister-in-law , Mrs. Lnuiar. of Monticelto. 1'l.x , Mrs. Liuinr is an attractive and agreeable lady and Is a pleas ant acquisition to thu secretary's Interesting household. Shu will bo in the city tor n short time. The attorney general and his family , with Mrs. Hubbard , have reinstated themselves for thu winter In their Ithodo Island avenue home. AIM.SKWH. : . Major General John M. Scholield , U. S. A. , arrived this morning from New York , ac companied bv his ahle-dcc-amp. First Lieu tenant John I'ltchor , First cavalry. Lieutenant Colonel Sanford C. Kellogg , aide de-camp to General bheildan. received this morning from John J. Uppham , Fifth cavalry , n pumplu of the new caiiijiaign coat , which has just been adopted by thu French army. The Mimplu Is for civilian use and Is n water-proofed diagonal casslmere. which lins been tested In an exposure of twentv- four hours of heavy rnln. His very light and Is very liandsomu In Us general appear ance. Army leaves granted : Captain John K , Corson , assistant surgeon , Jetlerson Bar racks , Missouri , om > mouth ; Lieutenant Ormond M. i Ksak , Fourth artillery , six month ! ! , sick leave. VAI.UK OF EXI'ORTfl AND IMPOnTS , Thu chief of the bureau of statistics reports thu value of the exports nnd Imports of the nation , for the twnlvo months ending Sep tember 80 , as follows : Exports lbt , SO''J- U : IbhS. S71HOOT.- . Impurti 1 S03tbrX4'U ; ib 1" A .MISSISMl'l'I MAN Al'I'OIVTKn. The president has unpointed L. N , Bnford , of Mississippi , to bo deputy fourth auditor of the treasiirj- . 1IKA1S THK NKllllASKA W1NTEUS. I'eoplo III the United States generally look upon thucliniutoof the Northwestern states nnd territories , where the thermometer some times records 40" below zero , as about as cola us It would bopossiblo to live In. Utit Lieu tenant SchwiUe. of the navy , who has just returned from Sltx'ria , where he went to dis tribute the pri-.sents ordered by congress for thu native * who succored tlio Jeannette survivors , brings back v ; Ith him a record of temperature that makes -UT below zero seem liky a summer day by comparison , The thermometer icports for November and December - comber , lbs. % show an average temperature , north of Yakutsk , of ortf below vero. lu January 10 of the present jear the splilt In the thermometer ( mercury is of no use In that climate ) full to Mi" below zero , and J et as far as heard from no one was frozen to death , Lieutenant Scheuuo Is at present busy pre paring hi * vouchers for presentation to anil nnpioval by Secretaries1 lUvard and Lnmnr , It will be auiuslug to sco tha able tirst comp troller examlnliu tliem , as the lieutenant has Incorporated a uic.it many Kusslan words that aie frightful to look upon. Hi traveled from St. Petersburg to Alalclm on the Indlghirka river , in northeastern Siberia , upwards of 18.000 miles. About b.COO inlles weruuude on s > ledire.s drawn by reindeer , dogs or horses. Siberia , according to thh eoutloman , is not noted for the cuisine oilVred to visitors. His diet was mainly bread , hsh and dried reindeer uiv.it. Thu was his tecou.d trip , but bo | s not auxloua U KO Again. NO iiLoool si'ii.i.in. The recently Issued oniurs concernln ; deputy marbli.ils at elections w as the cause o : a serious misunderstanding between Attor iioy General Garland and Comptroller Dur liain , which threatened for a time to result it thuieiUuitlnn of the latter. Immediate ! ; after Ihe order was Issued Durham sent won. that lesaubO congn'&s had falletl to make i BiH-clilc appropriation for the pay of the * oiUcors , lie could not approve requisitions fo their pay , Uarlaud bent a vote back calllu. ; the attention of the comptroller to the fact that the statute * provided for tbo employ ment of deputy marshals and that the failure of con cress to makn specific nporopriitions did not of npresMty repeal the law. Durham promised to "consider the matter. " Garland got mad and went over to see the president. He complained of the petty nnnoynuces bronchi UDOII him by Dtirlnm's finicky actions. The president sent for Durham and read the riot act to him. ' 1 ho result was an upolo y from the comptroller and a promise to allow the doputv marshal's accounts. Ills said that the president told Garland that If Durhim could not be brought to a roillflng sense of his own InMgnthrance ho would nsk for his lesienation. vt VNMINO AT w OIIK ON iif nnponr. "You mav put It down as a cortninty tint Secretary Manning will not remain lone in the cabinet , " said n democratic politician from New York to jour coirespondent to-dny. "On whit do > ou luso the prediction ? ' "On personal knowledge and on the sur rounding circumstances Manning is unable to do the work ot the trensurjIn fact he is not trying to do It. To all intents and pur poses Mr. r.ilichllil Is secietaiy of the treas ury. Mnuulng does absolutely nothing of tlio routine work , but Is devoting his time to the nropiratlon of his report. " "U hen do jou expect him to resl.-n ? " "Ilo will leave as soon ns his report Is In the hands of the president piobaoly about the daj tlntcongress moots. HOOK PI. 1)1)1,1 ) US IN IIIK l EP\iTVir"NT' : ' . The time worn rule which prohibits canvassers for books , etc , to eo Into depirtments ami pl > theii trade. Ins been set nsldo by Socretniy Limat , nnd tliej' nro not onlv permitted to canvass In the In- ti-ilor department , but distribute circulars for the "Llfo of Hobert K. Lee. " i-osTU. ru\Nois. Tlio following Nebraska postmasters were appointed to-day : M. L. Tor- uey , Hawkcjc , DKon county , vice Isabella Sivue , ro-ilgned : Ljiunn W Cornish , Lodl , Custercounty , vice Albert D. Sheldon , re signed. Also the followine In Iowa : Samuel Tip- ton , Centcrdalc , Cedar counTy.vico Hciijimln I'eisson , deceased : C , L Smith , Judd. Wel- stcrcouuty , vice Cliis 1) . Wilson , resigned ; II. S. llubtind , lllnton , I'lymonth county , v ice J. J. Dav Is , leslgned ; Jnb I'arker , Slain , Tnjlor county , vice Gee W. Uussell. re signed ; J. A. Loach , ISpniildlng , Union county , vice A. Hartiuan. resigned ; W. C. F. Dlassiiold. Spragueville , Jackson county.vlco Herman C Gro-h , resigned ; Miss Mattlo IX Markov. West Branch. Cedar couutj , vice D. i : . Mackej , leslgned. MYSTHHIOUS CHIMES. An Illlnnlo CninnituiltjCxcltod Over n Series ofKlrcs and Thofts. AI.IUOV , III. , Oct 23. During the last four months there has occurred within a radius of of three miles in n tocalltv seven miles north of town a series of accidents which are un doubtedly the work of a lunatic era tiend. July 31 , John Ulen , a prominent farmer of the county , was found dead at the foot of a ladder placed azainst the limb of an apple tree. Ills neck hitl boon broken nnd his face bruised by what vvns then supposed to be a fall from the ladder. Next August 2J a a largo two-story residence of George Elme-s , who lives but n quarter of a mile from Klons , was burned in the night under very suspicious circumstances. Again September 1 stacks of hay and abirn contain ing ; considerable grain and belonclng to James Crow , who lives near Elmers , was burned. This lire was also caused verv mys- teilouslv. The work of tills destructive demon was traiisfened hick to the Widow Kiens' nlace. The hou&o was ransacked In the absence of the family and souio money stolen. Shortly afterwards while the family w as seated nt supper they smelled hre , and upon Investigation discovered a blaze In a loom in the aecond-story. which after some trouble was put out. The next morning eome pirties passing the honso discovered tin ) veranda to bo on lire , and they nlichted from their cairiage to extinguish It , but almost before they had completed this a straw stack near the house broke out in llames , anil it requlieil the utmost efforts to s iv e the adjoining buildings. It now appears plain that these fires and thefts have all been the work of ono partv , and n young mnn in the neighborhood Is strongly suspected. Whoever the guilty party may be. if discovered ho Is In danger of meeting punishment before the law can lay its clutches on him. The neighborhood Is In an Intense state of excitement and everv in in his appointed himself n vigilance com - mittee to discover the author of the destiuc- tlon to the property of the locality. A FnNtilnnnuIo Treatment. NEW YOISK , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to the BEI : . ! A Washington special to the World says : The expert from the New York school of massaso , who has helped Secre tary Manning so much , had an Interview with the president yesterday. Mr. Cleveland intends to taken courseaf treatment to sen If he cannot reduce his flesh. He has gained so much In the last six mont'is ' that ho has had to hav.o the buttons on his coat moved tluee inches. General Sheridan placed hlmselt in thohandsof this massage professor vester- day to have his waist reduced to normal size. The massage and Swedish movements promise to be very fashionable with Wash ington notables afflicted with large waist bauds. Destructive Fire. FAHVIINOTON , Me. , Oct. 23. The lire which was supposed to have been extinguished Fri day started again , and In a few minutes sev eral buildings were burning. The fire stopped on its noithward movement at the Cragln house after burning it , and then leaned across the street to the Jail , which quickly burned. The iirlsoners were released. Thu tire leaned to the north side of main street , destroy inc houses and other buildups in Its path. While the Urn to the north of Hotel Marble was laglug It had spread to the south , destroying In quick suc cession innnj business blocks and the post- othce. The old county building and Kxchnngn hotel were next burned , as also the H.iptisl church. Most herloc efforts were made to save the church , by fifty young ladles of the normal school , who formed a bucket brigade. About 2iO ; : the tire had about spent Itself nut not th , but continued burning on thu south , Thirty-three dwellings , nineteen stores , three churches and two newspaper olilcos arc buinod , The loss is estimated at SJUO.OJO ; insurance , small. A Souimtioiial Suicide. WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. The sixth auditor's office was the scene of n sensationalsulchU to-day. Ilolx.rt W , Alston , a clerk lu thai branch of the gov eminent servlce.aftor coolly announcing to the chief of the division thai ho "was going to put an end to this thing , ' walked to his desk , took a S3 calibre revolvci from hU pocket and in the presence of hii fellow clerks sent a ball crashing through hi : brain. The pistol was placed so near hi ; head that the. hair was singed and the skill shattered. The unfortunate man lived bin forty-five minutes after the fatal shot had been tired. Nervous depression Is said t < have led to the act. He was a sou of Colone Hob Alston , of Atlanta. A Kiendlsli Crime. KvxsAsCiTV , Oct. 23-Ono of the mos barbarous crimes ever perpetrated In this clt ; was committed last night by a colored mat named Cy Latterly. Ho engaged In a quarrc with lib wife , knocked her down and bea her to Insensibility. The ( lend then saturate ) her clothlni : with kerosene , sot lire to It am loft her , makliu his escapn by the back dee of the house. It was several minutes befon thu neighbors discovered the woman's awfu condition , w hen the flames : w ere extinguished Her body was burned lo a crisp , and she dlei to-day. The murderer U still at large. . - Ivncbln ; in case of his capture U frccl. discussed. Liquor Doalnra Pail. UUICAOO , Oct. 23 , The liquor house o the Cavnroc companv went Into the hands c the slicrlif to-day , under levies tor ยง 10,515 01 stock and fixtures. A heavy business tia been done at tiine.s by the firm during th past tin yo.irs , but of late trade has fallen oil and tne c\pcOs 3 have largely increased. A THRILLING SEA VOYAGE , Experience of the America on Her Trip From Queenstown to New York. EXPOSURE KILLS THE CAPTAIN. Two Trnzy Mon Ailil to the Horror- One of the Lunatic * Succeeds In lircnklng lyoosc anil Jumping Ovcrhnanl. An nvantfnl Voyncc. Nnvv YOIIK. Oct. H [ Special Telegram to the HIKI : The last voyage of the steamer America seems to have been an eventful ono. The following Is the story as given by the log : The America left Queenstown Thursday morning n week ao with fair weather , but within two hours after loivlng the harbor a storm came up whloh the oftlcors of the ship describe as the most violent that the vessel over passed through. Captain Hraco went to the bndgo at the llrst sign of bul weather and remained there for forty- two hours , exposed not only to the wind and rnln but to the waves which , during Thurs day night , was clear over the bridge , tilltne the life boits with water and clearing every tiling from the decks that a foico of ten fet't of water could move. In the midst of the storm the stoker , who had narrowly escaped being hurled into thu lire by the pitching of the vessel , deserted Ids post and rushed up on deck with the avowed intention of jumpIng - Ing overboard rather than risk again the danger ot his work. Ho was forced bacK to the furnace room , but his fright soon devel oped Into Insinlty , and he was found crouch ing between the two furnaces in abject ter ror , nwaltlug ntiothur opportunity to commit suicide. Ho vvns placed in irons. At the same timeamnlc was created in the steerage - ago bynn alarm of "lire , " and several hun dred men and vv onion lushed to the hatches endeavoring to cet to the boats. Dense vol umes of what seemed to be smoke thiough- out the ship caused alarm nnd the olllceis in charge had a desperate lisrht for some time to control tlio frightened steerage pa MMieers. Investigation snowed that the "sinoki ) ' " was merely steim caused by some water having washed over the hot steam pipes , but airaln flighthad developed Into a case of Insanity , and ono ot tlio steerage pa semersnn Encllshinnn who had deserted his family and his position on an Kn-jlish imllcn force , now attacked the stewards with araxorand threatened to kill nny ono who tried to prevent his jumping overboard. He was placed under watcli after being dis armed , and became quieter after thu stoim had subsided. The cook was severely In jured during the storm by being thrown across the kitchen withn knifu in lit : hand , cutting nis head. About noon on Saturday Captain Grace left the bridge , the ship being entirely out of danger , but his forty-two hours'exposure without sleep ami the nerv ous strain caused bjtht ) clnpter ot incidents icfeirod to was too much forliim. Five min utes after coming ol ! duty the leactlou de veloped into a congestive chill , nnd at 11-33 . he died. His daughter was with him. & n Saturday morning the insane Englishman succeeded iu4 > reaking away from his guards In the steeraire , and amid great excitement among the men , women and children who witnessed the strmrsrle , he leaped oveiboard and wns drowned. " On Monday a baby died in tno steerage nnd It was buried at sea the next morning. The deatli of Captain Grace caused deep grlet among the cabin p.isson- gets , nnd nt n genomt meeting in the saloon appropriate resolutions were adopted by them. SALVATIONISTS SUSTAINED. They Hare a nistit to Conduct Their Street Service. TORONTO , Ont. , Oct. 23. A decision w as was given in an Interesting case hereto- day by Chief Justice Wilson In the court of appeals which will silence all disputes as to the legality of the Salvation army to beat drums etc. , on the streets , and relieve that body of much persecution in the courts. Georso Martin , a balvation armvsoldler. was sent to jail for ton days by a judce in Lake- held. Out. , for distuibing the inhabitants by- beating a drum or tambourine on the streets on Suudav , contrary to a mu nicipal bv-law. Tim chief : justice. In iiuashing the conviction by the Lakoheld jtidiio , quoted IZdmund Burke , showing that wb lemming n tire-bell at night disturbed the people , it was to save them trom possible destruction by being burned to deatli. It was not shown In the evidence against Martin that ho was not beating the ditim foi the spiritual good of the Inhabitants. He thought the law was too fnr strained m the Massachusetts reports where the statute" prohibited tiavellng on Sundays , except foi religious worship or necessity , but undei which it had been held that a poison attend ing a clairvoyant exhibition where there was no dancing , iml for which no charge was inadn for admission , was attending n iclig lous service. Tlio conviction of Martin wac quashed. Snocl For IHsnrny By Ills First AVIfc , You.s-nSTOW.v , O. . Oct. 23. In IbTJ Fred crick Hardosty married Julia Lockwood. of Canfield , this county. Their married life wis unhappy , and In three years they sepa rated , though no divorce was ever granted. Juno Oth last llardesty drove to Xlles , nine miles from this city , with Miss Maiy Oben- dorfer , and they w ere married. At that time Hardest's vrifo was living In Nlles , Hard esty and his now wife went to Chattanooga and the connlno Mrs. Hardestv getting wini of the affair be un proceedings against lilu : for bigamy. Miss Obendorfer returned hoiui a month aero , him declared she had no : known of Hardest's previous marriage , am Immediately alter her return sued for divorce from him. llardesty himself turned up lien Instniuht drunk and gave himself unto the police. He had a heirlng this morning ant was bound otcr for trial. Fatal Hillronil "Wreck. ALTOON.V , IM. . Oct. S3. This afternoon as thn regular passenger train from Coalpor to Cresson of the Short Line railroad , vva : on Its way down the grade , half way be tween the two places , the engine jumped tin track and went over a steep embankment turning twice over In Its descent kllllti ! Flreumn Grant llatheld nnd seriously injur Ing Engineer II. II. lllbbs. The passenge : cars remained on the track. As far ns car be learned spikes had been placed in a fro : at that point by some miscreant. It h thou7ht to have been the workot Hungarian : who had boon formerly employed iu the con siitiction of the roxd. 1:15 : a. m It Is reported that thrco or fem employes of the railroad have been badly In jured , but no oue was killed. iml of the Louisville Strike. LOUISVII.I.K , Oct. 23. As the result of i conference there has been ni amicable- agreement and the striker CO back to work Immediately am freight has begun moving. Switchmen won given nn advance of 25cents a day. Brake turn's pay will be remunerated by the trl ] and the length of it. A Monster Parade of Knights. Pini.ADEUMirA , Oct , 23. The parade o the KuIghU of Labor to-nlcht In honor of th delegates from this city to the Richmond cor ventton , who returned this eyeuinir , vva without exception the greatest dcmonstra tlon of the kind ever seen In Philadelphia It is estimated that K0,000 men were In line , A Lost Schooner. BOSTON , Oct. 23. The schooner JoTm V Monson , which sailed from this port Augus 11 on a cod tishlng voyage , Is now given u for lest She carried a crew of ten met Charles Doty was her master and nearly a the crew belong In the provinces. The ve : Eel was of tifty-uve tons re Utcr. IJ OLD at AX nxtmuaui ) . Mntte nitil Colfnt CJountle1' Declare Hir Sonntor Vnt Wyck. SnifU.Eii , Neb. , Oct. a\ [ Special Tele gram to the HEK.I The Joint convention of Matte and Colfa\ counties for the purpo o ot ilacing in nomination cindldatoj for float eprcsentitlve and senator from the district composed of those counties met at the court louse Irt Schtiyier nt 3 p. m. J , I. Itoblnsoti , ot I'htto countv , wis nomlnato I for float -eprcsontitive nnd Patrick M. Higglns , of 'olfax , for senator. Senator Me Muter , of Platte county , In placing Mr. Hobiiison's mine before the convention , said in behalf of the people of 1'lHto county : I will place in nomination for the office of loit representative a man ofclmnctor nnd conviction on nil the Issues Involving the In- ere ts of the farmers nnd producers a man who has boon n stiunch and unfaltering utp- icuter of Sennfor Van Wyck when timid souls nud time servers stood upon the feiico loubting In their abject spirit while their Lord was being crucified or wilting to see whether the tide set for or aL'.iln t the senator befoio daring to take n stand. While other men awaited in br nth- ess silence , nntl others echoed the words of Icorporate power In denunclition of the people's champion , our candidate vvns a factoi In directing Ihe lido of public senti ment In his own county nml through the columns ot his piper throughout the state I lave the honor to pl.ic In nomination for tloit representative , Mr. J , L Itobitison. editor of the Humphrey Independent I" Chorrj Coiintv. V vi.i VTtvn , Nob. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram to the Hhh.l IIou.G. W. E. lor ey and C. W. Motfamar , candidate for the state senate , addressed a Iar4e audience in the couit house yosteiday on the Issues of the day. The speeches were exceptionally good and won praise fiom both parties. Major Xorrls addressed a large open-air ineetluir. There Is much enthusiasm. Dorsey Is very popular In tills section. Xuinbers of demo crats in the countv will express In fnvorof Van Wyck. believing It Is hopeless for ono of their partv. An ngk-iesslve lisht Is being made by the democrats for Judge Wood as representative from this district , Cherry county bavin/ been ignotjid by bolh counties inthopist. Wood isoxouuty judge , for merly editor of the Ulade.and very popular. Stronjj Van \Vvclc Resolution. Snirv i.r.it , Neb , Oct. 23 [ Special Telo- gra u to the Hr. .J The republican county : ouvention met at the court ho isa In Sc huy- ler at 1 p. in to day for tlio purpose ot plac- Imr In nomination a full county ticket. The follow Ins reso lutlon was adopted : Kesolved , That the nominee for representa tive for Colfax county be Instructed to vote for Hon. 0 H. Van Wyck as lone ns there Is an v chance to elect him. 11 C. Kus = ell was nominated for reprt en- tntlve ; J. W. Hrown was nominated for county attorney : X. P. Dogman for sheriff , andO. U. lldsted for commissioner. A Nebraska City Scandal. NKiiuv K.vCiTV , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegiam to the 15i.K.J Sophia Struckmar swore out a warrant this morninir against Julius Kessler , a single young man , son of Henry Kessler. a well known resident of thls _ city , charging him with being the father of her child thnt was born October 2 , ISsT . It is said tuo defendant will Iigjit the case to the iid and cau refute the charges. Another Church Jlovve ; Fizzle. Louisvu.ra : , Nob. , OctsS. [ Special Tele gram to the UKK. ] Chufch Howe arrived here this ev cuing and was met at the depot by eleven citi/ens , incfadlng the coloied porter of the Hall house ' * ! Ills meeting was a failure , being sllmly attended. The Ne- maha fraud made no v otes lu this section. A Hotel Chnnrcs Hands. NEBRASKA CITV , Neb. , Oct 23. ( Special Telegram to the BEE. | Thomas Wyiuoud , proprietor of the Grand Pacihc hotel , this nf- tcinoon made a bill of sale of all the fixtures and furniture In the house and the Mr fix tures and stock to ( J. W. Eiser. of this city subiect to chattel mortgages. Consideration , 55,000. TrjMPKKANCE WOMKN. Work of the National W. C. T. U. Con vention. MiSTfCAi'OT.is , Oct. 23. The morning meeting of the W. C. T. U. was held to day in sections In the various churches. A most notable paper presented was that of Mrs. J. K. Uainey , on prison and jail work. Mrs. Mary E. Hunt , of Massachusetts , in her paper on scientific instruction , urged thnt there Is n demand for supplementary leading books in schools , and that they bo supplied In the shape of temwraticn literature. At the second section the ' 'Flowei Mis sion ' was presented by Mrs , Hannah White hall Smith , In the absence ot the assignee , Miss Jennie Casshl.iv , ol Kentucky. Mrs. Nellie llngloy , of Illinois , wns also absent , butliernapei on "Chalk Talks" was read. Mrs. E. G. Greene , of Vermont , spoke on 'Kindercarteii , " urging a more extended considerationund Mrs. Salllo F. Chapln , of South Carolina , reviewed "Southern Work. " In the third section Mrs , Josephine C. Uato- liam , of Ohio , read K' naper on "Sabbath Ob-.eivance. " pleading for a more strict abiding by the holy character of the dav among both believers and unbelievers , and dwelling with emphasis on Sabbath desecration and such public works as malls , railroads and newspapers. Miss iiiicy J. Holmes , of New Hampshire , was absent , and her piper on "Suppression of Impure hlter- ntuiu" was read DV the secretary. At the afternoon session Airs. Maiv Allen SVcst read the report of the puhlicition committee. They have received $5JJBiO ! during the past year , an Increase of $ 2,000. The Union Slunal has 20,573 regular subscribers and has put forth forty new publications during the y ear. George C. Hall submitted the business report of the Union Signal , the excel lent showing of which elicited applause. Mrs. II. Uradley , ot England , spoke on "bo- cial Purity. " "I bring you greeting of love from thu English societies I represent and fiom our champion thu best-loved and worst- hated man In lirltaiu William Thomas Stead. Social purity , as wo n e It means the purifying of the ptople. I wish we had a movement like your W. C. T. U. In Enland. Many of our purity workers are not wtt.li us on the tem perance question , and tl Sjbomewhat retards work. " At the evening meeting Mrs. Frances J. Darncs , national suimrintcndent of the young woman's work , made her report. Mrs , Susan Evans Peck spoke on the objects anil terms of the W. C. T. U. Miss Mary Mc Dowell , of Illinois , described the work In that state. A KMGUT The Plen Tor the Cblpngo Annrchlstt Not the Hcnae qf'tho Order. PiTTsnuiio , Pa. , Oct ; , 23. The action ol the Knights ot Labor atj Klchmoiul , In inak Ing a plea for mercy In bphalfo of the con victed anarchists at Chicago , has caused con sideruble comment among the conservative labor leaders of this city. . There were othei measures adopted and recommended af tin Ulchmond convention which are quietly bin nevertheless severely criticized by member of the order In PHUburg. Thomas A. Ann strong says : "The plea lu behalf of the an nrchists Is very much out of place. It Is i disgrace to the order and Is not In accord vvltl the sentiments of a majority of the members We have nothing In common with anarchists no more than we have with murderers , am the line should be clearly drawn. The nn arotusts of the country will construe tin net ion of the Klchmond convention to mcai that the knights are Inclined to sympathize with them. It demonstrated one thing , thi Homo clue element which ruled the 8 onven tlon and which passed the resolution jester day is more or less In sympathy with the an nrchistic element. This faction will not tx allowed to prostitute the noble purposes o : the order. Reports from the Richmond con- yentlon showed that there was war in tin ranks , and it will continue until semi wrongs are righted. " Mr. Armstrone voicet the sentiments of all the prominent labo , leaders here. TAYLORS' ' WAR OF THE ROSES , Contest of tha Tennessee Brothers For the Qovernship of the State. THE CLOSE OF THE CAMPAIGN. A Great Joint nl cnsilon nt Clinttn- a AIT Makes n Speech toVhlcli Hob Makes Kojolmlcr. firothor Aitalii't Hrothcr. CIIATTAJ < OOO v , Tonu. , Oct. 23. Alt nntl [ Job Taylor , tlio republicin nnd dcinocintlc jrolhers nhonro running for governor of till * state , nirhi'd in the city yesterday morn ing nnd were mot anil escorted to tlic same Itotol by their respective committees of ar rangements. It is quite iintnrul as the two stand together for Hit- spectator to "size them up , " nnd frequent coiumont about tha "peculiar race' ' In which these two men nro engaged arc heard on uv ery side. The con test Is ti trntornai one , but the brothers nru foi that rcnson none the le s In earnest. Each feels that ho is smicthliigiiiore than an [ ndlvldiiil in the canvass ; that he Is tlio representative of the thousands of voters who people this state ; that ho Is the advocate of principles which his constituents mini- tnin ; that tlio triumnh of the principles of which ho Is the exponent , and the success of thopaity v\hlcU has put him forward as Its champion , nit dupeiid upon htm. What else but the weight of this responsibility and n determination to succeed could hnvo kept Alt Taylor In tlio canvass dav after day. Ills physicians have advised him to rest his throat has troubled him for two months yet In spite of the admonition ot doctors nnd ftiundsnnd throat troubles ho lias stood on the pint f 01 m day after day for nearly four moiuhs and advocated the cause of repub licanism. Ilotli candidates were escorted , about 1 o'clock , to the court hoUH1. Alt's carriage vv as drawn by four deon bay and nob's by four \\hlte horses , A joint procession con sisting ot M\eral bundled men lolloped them , headed by bias bands. The lepubll- cans woio led loses and the democrats white roses or robots as Indicating their sjuipatliy in this "A ar of the loses , " as the ii ce has been termed bj Uob Taj lor , the democratic candidate. This being the closing ot thu cauipaien , greater Interest than nsuil vvns taken in this mooting. Alf , the re publican candidate , was the first to speak. Ho lauded the honesty of purpose of the brave confederates who for 516 ? a mouth In confederate money took their lives in their hands .nut bled fioiu shoeless feet for a lost cause , still believing their pilnelples were right. He arraigned tne leaders of tlio demo cratic party foi their many blunders , but not the masses , statin , : that the democratic party reptesented dead Issues , while the ictmbli- can uaity eamo Into power icpresuntlnt : free thought , free speech , and protection to honest labor. While the democratic patty of Ten nessee fa voted tlit * convict leise nnd scr nt systems , tha republican pirty was opposed to tho-o iniquities , and if ho was elected gov ernor lie would hnvo those evils abolished at .anv cost. Hocontlnued : Much has been said ot the nttltudo which the republican party sustains to the question of submitting a prohibitory amendment to thepcoDta. In the bill of rights which was reserved to'the people when the constitution was framed , the power of amending the con stitution Is expressly specinod , and they should not be robbed ot that rlcht I gc even further than tne convention did when it announced itself in iavor of submitting the question to the people for a vote , and say that the people have tfie right to vote on nny and nil questions which nffeet their rlehts as citizens of n Rteat government. The icpublican party favors the education of the masses at the public expense. It has placed itself so upon the recoul by Its advocacy of the policy embodied in what is known its the Ulalr educational bill. This was xiasscd in the republican senate and > oi would have supposed from the piofesslons of friendship to the people whien the demo- ci , its have made that it would have been passed in the house , where they have a ma- joiityof at least seventj-hvo , in live minutes , as it could have been. 'Ihere are in Ten nessee lO'i.OOO voter- , who were so nnfoitu- nato in tticir youth a- > not to enjoy tin sweets of mental cultivation , and cannot lead or write their own names. There arc in the state 700,000 childieu within the school nee , 400,000 of whom cannot read 01 write their own names. Place them inline. their hands toncliinc each other , nnd they would form a line 400 miles long , a line IOC miles gicalcr in length than could be termed of those who can read and write their own names. Hob Tn > lor was then Introduced. His speech was an arritrnment of the republlcm partv , together with the hackneyed jokes w Itn which ho has rojaled his audiences dur ing this canvass as he did with the luldle in his race for congress tour > ears ago. Jit hung mound the neck of the republican party the following millstones , which were to drag the party down to the bottom of the sea. The contraction ofan immense debt ; thu destruction of the navy : the jostorinK ot monopolies ; the Credit .Mo bller case ; the star-route trauds ; the Indian rings ; a henvy war taxation twenty years after the war ; voting aw ay five times as initcli for educational puiposes as would be ob tained by the provisions of the Ulalr bill. In his rejoinder Alt said tint I'ayson of Illinois was duo the credit tor 01 Initiating tne scheme by vv hlch the public hinds wen ) ictlaimed. In answer to Hub's Uncle itoiiius story ol the inbblt In the bottom of the well , who per suaded the opossum to lump In the other bucket and como down becatiso there vvaa good tisnlng there , and theieby drew the rab bit to the top Alf said the ruse was charao terhtic of the democratic paity , which coulc not bpeak without Ij ing. Alt said if the re publican pirty brought bavonets heto It with drew them also. lie said the icjuiblii.u pirty would have punished the Star i outer : if theio had not been eleven demociats 01 thu jury Hob's only lejolnder was a joke about tin man cauzht In a hollow tieo who , upon n * tlcctlon that he voted the republican ticket li IhSI , dropped out the little hole where ho hat pushed his linger thiough. The candidates were the recipients of man ; tlowers. Hob was given a Moral crown , The Episcopal Convention. CIHCAOO , Oct 23. The house of deputle : of the Protestant Episcopal chinch resumei its deliberations this morning. Key. lr Clark presented the report of the committee 01 memorials of deceased members , the readlni of which was accompanied by religious exei clses. After receiving the message from tin house of bishops , the house went into com mlttee of the whole to consider question affecting liturgical revision , The special topic was the alteiatlons am additions proposed for adoption by this con ventlon , and attei submission to the diocese : fort , 10 next three years for Unal adoption a the next convention. These changes dlffcrei trom the alterations and additions hitherti considered , In that , unlike the latter class they require thrco > cars tor their imal ratlti cation. The form adopted at the last con ventlon and submitted to the dioceses in tin book of notification was concurred In , tin house of bishops having already decided li Its favor. For the "order" how the psalter I Appolnted.to bo Head , " and for the "Ordc how tlie Itest of the Holy Scripture Is At pointed to be Head , " the general order "Con corning the Service of the Church , " Inelud Ing an enlarged table of proper ptalms , 1 substituted. Hy the action of Itio deputle ranch new matter , not only in form but I hiibstance , is afforded and the net result Is marked enrichment of a portion ot th prayer book containing what Is permlssiv and mandatory in the service of the chnrcl Further revisions of the book will be acte upon Monday. , , , The wile's session was concluded thl evening In the election of two bishops for th missionary jurisdictions ol Nevada an Utah and Wjoming and Idaho. Key. It. > 1 Kliby , rector of Trinity church , Pottsdnu N. Y. . was elected to the former place , ai : Kev. Kthelbart Talbot. rector of bt. Jauif : Macon , Mo. , of the last named jurisdiction The ceiemonlcs were impressive. Minister Cox WASHINGTON. Oct. S3. The formal nation of S. S. Cox , ministur to Turkey , h ; been received at the department of state. en AM i'IONS or TIM : WOULD. Tlio Kt , I > ouU HrownsVlii Tour Out ) T tlic Merles of m ( .nine * . ST l.ons , Oct. W. The sixth , nnd whit troved lo bo the decisive game between the Jhlc.iK'os and bt. Louis Uiowns , vsas by fnr he closest nnd most evcitlng of the Dories. Although the sky was overcast with threat ening cloud" , which promised nin at any iiomeiil , the crowd earlv began to arrive on he erounds nnd continued to pour through the patei until long nfter the vamn vvns welt under way. 'tho nttendanco was slightly larger than jostcrday , he total receipts being S'i.MO. This made the total amount won by the St. Louis club by the result of the game SIVKOCO , ot which sum St\V l.u."i vvas taken In at Chicago. At preclsel:30 : the game began , with Chicago nt the bat. Heforo the end of the irst Inning it becivmo evident that It was to boa battle of pitchers , Clnksnii and Car- ruthers , the crack pitchers of the jespectlvo club * , being In splendid condition St. Louis lid not iviiio a run till the olshth tilling , when It tied the scorn with .1. This created the gicnte t excitement In the crowd ind tl o next Inning was awaited with jreathli".s Interest. Vclthci side H-ored. In the truth lulling the Htowns scniwl one , winning the game and the world scliimploti- ship. The rvcltcinont which followed thl result Is Indescribable. The following is the score bj Innings ; st , Louis . . . . ooooooonoi-4 Chicago 3 11 IM ! hits .St. Louis , Chicago 0. Krrors fat. Louis 3 , Chicago'i Umpne 1'leicc. Closn of Ivontiicky ltnce . LnKiNmov , Ky. . Oct. ai. The fall meet ing of the Kentnckv association closed to- lay with beautiful weather and a largo nt- .endnnce All aces , mile and an eighth : Gold Har won , Little Minnie second , Itcd Stone third , rime 1 : "t\ . Twocarolds , mile ; Terra Cotta won , Uanburg second , Warj third. Time 1:44. : All ages , mile nnd n quarter : nlcobeloff won , Wdodciaft second. Hobby bwlui third , lime JtO'.iJi Two-vear-olds , five furloncs : Oonnj brook won. Lady Max second. Hen Cloche third , nine ! : ( & GllC.Vr KOUKST I'MIIICS. Untold naiiiaxo l > y Plcrco Finnic1) ) In Snntliorii A'cvv .lorNpy. Tnr.xrov , I > . , T. , Oct. a- For the last .he weeks there has not been a drop of rain in New .Icf-ey , and great appro- leuslon has been felt throughout the state of a recurrence of the dreaded forest lues tint have caused such havoc and destruction In [ list j ears' The fear of the llames has at last n renll/cd. On Mondiy night a spark from an engine on the Hew Jeisey Southern railroad started a contlagiation that has Inco been sweeping through nmu > thousand acres of land In Atlantic and Hurllngton counties , and doing Incalculable damage to the trrow Ing trees nnd cranberry boas. When tlio nlarm was given the lire tmd at tained considerable headwav and was sweepIng - Ing with rcilstli" force In the direction of Taunton mm Medford , The lire near Herlln was stopped beloie It had done much dam age , but atterwards broku out afresh and made its appearance on the borders of Ulrch's cranberry bos. It then swerved nrounu as the wind changed and moved In a northerly direction toward the extensive bo s of Josepn Hlndimin. A lire brigade was sent to the icene , and another contingent kept back to guard the buildings nnd storehouses from a tire In the rear. The long drought hail dried up the sipnngs-and water-courses , nnd tho' ground ivas as dry ns tinder. The only way to head off the flames vvns by back-thing or cutting down the undcibrush and digging a trench , which In several instances was successful and sived manv valuable cian- bcrry bogs fioin dcstiuction. The weiry file lighters had to be relieved nmeral times during Tuesilav nUht. At n little illitanco from the scene nbioid sheet of llamo could beci'ii above the tn'o tops , advancing with staitling rapidity , and accompanied by n roar like that of a cataract. The wind canlcd a shower of sparks which set tiio to the woods in advance , causing the hio brigade to be constantly on the lookout lest they should be suriounded by the llames botoru tlie.v knew It. Once they cnmo neat being hemmed In. and escaped almost by a miracle. Many fo.\e3 , rabbits and other pime were seen fleeing from the tlames , and many were destroved. Ycslcidiy mnintnirn party went out from Medford to relie"o the men who had been at woric nearly all night. and a Ftrons effort was made to get the lirr under control , but It was not successful. Already many valmblo cedar swamp- * have been entliely destrojed nnd cranherrv bogs ruined. As jet It Is Impossible to estimate the loss. A noLD uotnnuY. Umlcr Covorofa I'li-o TIHovcs Ilol ) an CifAuiorTK , Mich. , Oct. 23. A bold and daring robberj was committed atVeimnnt- vllle , this county. About 0 o'clock an alarm of lire was sounded to which evei > body was rushing , when as Charles Hull was passing the express office ho heard n nolso whicli caused him to stop and mnko an iuvestlgi- tlon. He found William Bates , express agent , with a block of wood tied In hit mouth and his hands handcuffed togethei nuiund the log of n safe , out of which SSX ( had been stolen. Mi. Hates vva hoou leleased from his uncomfoita' hlo position , and was taken to f blacKsmith-shop and had the handcuffs tiled off. Mr Hates s-ald n stianwr came in the ollice a few davs ago and Inquired the rate lc fiomo point In California whicli ho could not give nt the lime , and the man said ho would r all a'nin. This ho did last night and when the audit turned to look up the into ho slid up behind nnd struck him ncmss the temple , knocking him down and initially stunning him. \ \ l-en ho regained Ins Censes ho found himself In the condition stated. The lire proved to bo the barn of Hie haul Tnuiwiiilt- which was ontiielj ( le.stioji'cl with most ol IS content1- , Involving n loss of Sl.MO 'ihe supposition is that thieves fust fcct the II ro t < attract people nnd then stole the money 'iliii cltUcns aio aroused nnd olllccib ait doliu all that Is possible to capture the thievus. A& jet thciuis no clew. The Sh.iUn nt Hummorvlllc. OIIAIU.KSIO.V , Oct. * ! . Despatches ro celved at 3 a. m. report the damage ot Sum mcrvlllo by the shock jestcrdny afternoon li greater than first stated. Seventy-live chlm nej shave to come dow n. A number of gcj sen ave been discovered vv Here oily water spout1 up continuously. The water has the odoi of kerosene oil. It Is accompanied by Uno sand of dltlercnt colors. Th < people of the town nro thoroughly worked up and gieat uneasiness Is felt bj all. The shock's duration Is estimated n from twenty to thirty seconds and the fora socrent that persons found It oxc oalngl ] difficult to get nut of their houses or open the doors and some cases are reported wher ( persons wore thrown down by the shaking There was a slight shock in Buuimerville nui Charleston at 11 : M last nl. lit. No damage The development of the gejsers , at bum- mervillo by jestcrdaj's shocks is conobor atoil , but the oil found in the water Is explained plained by the fact that the lefusi * of tin Crcosotlng oil factory has been cmptlci Into a drain In which thu gcvhci1 appeared. The water does not spoil very hlu'h from most ot ( ho gejM-rs , but It I reported that the wati-i Is tlnown ujifull ] three feet from one of them near Aside ; river. The water Is an cold as ice , uul UUH ascrjstal. No new disturbances > ecurre ( here to-elay. _ _ _ Mayor IlaprUan for COIIRICSH. CiucA.no , Oct. iKl The democratb of tin Third congrfbslonal distiict nominate Mayor Carter 11. Hatrlson this afternoon Harrison declined to bay whether ha wouli accept or not. An Incurable litwinoHjluni. . Di-iii'Qt'K , In. , Oct. 5 [ uHUITeie'rai tothelUE.J ThuSlsteiBot MWI-J wllk-st.it llsh an Incurable Insanu usjlum here. London Monetary Circles Surprised By tha Latest Gigantic Deal , FRANCE'S GERMAN MINISTER. Ho IM I'ormnlly Ilccelvod IIy Kntiicror \VIIHnin ( loriunii Scnnitnl in lllilx Mlo Alcx.itulof's Succo her to Ho IJloctcil. , riiuuu'lal Hottsnllon. 'Wliy ' Jit HI ( innlniiJoiitifW.l / LONDON , Oct. .3 [ Now York Herald Cable Special to tlic IJi i ] naringllrothers ls = ui > of S-0,0tO ! < X worth of shares In Aithur Guinness , "tho binwei's ' slock , Is the great excitement of the da > . It lniuguraUs a new fu.iture In London tiimncloittig. 'I he debcn * lure stock is alreidj at 17 IHT cent premium , the prt'fened nt 8 per cent premium , nnd the ordlnarv stock nt fO per frnt promtuiii. It Is the most successful innvo inaild on the stock e\chaugL for n Imii * time , and Is put ting millions into the pocket ot Sir Ldwnnl ( illinium. * 1 have the best possible authority hero and in 1'arlsto contrad.ct the Idlecossiu stalled by curbstotlo biokers n few da.vs 1150 thnt llaron Alphonso de lotn ! chlld Imd lost con Sf siderable sums In dMstioiis spcculallons Ihe report is without n wurdot truth. I nipcror William Herelvon the New I'ronoli Ainliass.ulor. IJr.ni iv , Oct. 23. [ Special Cablegram to the Unr ] . Emperor William received M. Hcrbette , the now Fiench ambassador , In a formil audience at 2 o'clock to-day. Count Heibert Hlsmnrck vvns present M. Hcr bette , being unable to speak Gci man , i cad an address In French , e.xpiesblng n deslio to take his stnud on the ground of the common Interests of both nntlons. Emperor William replied that he hoped M. Herbettu's experi ence In affairs would assist him to accom plish his mission and thnt the nmbassndor might fully rely upon Ids support In serving the Inlercsts of Franco nnd Germnny.rThe audience wns ot a ftiendly chnnxct r und lasted about twenty -live tnlnntcs r' ' > , X TAMTXU I'liri'AIU.NO , AN AX VVVll. The clamoi against Tanner , UnUed'Stntcs consul at Chcmnft7 , continues dally lnUm , , newspapers. Mr. Tanner Is prgparlng nh answer to the resolutions adopted , by the chamber of commerce of tlintltfivn. Ho will explain that he dill not pa < s' air Isolated judg ment of his own In his report to the uov em inent at Washington respecting the practices of the immifncturcjs at Chemnitz , but embodied ied iu it the views of largo American buyers who have been dcallrjK'for many y ears with Chemnitz houses. AblvM ) TO Stlfif'KXD IStl'rflSONMnST. The proirresslst ) jiembers of the relchstajr and a number of fiatloual liberals aie oro- parlngnn appeal to tne governuftnt to sus pend execution dining the session of the iclchstag of the decree of Imprisonment against Hebel and five other socialistic mem bers. They fear if they nsk the government for an absolute pardon It will be refused. A German Nobility Scnmlnl. Di'iiMN , Oct 23. A scandal has been caused in the highest circles by the nrrest of Haron Von Schlelnltz , nephew of the deceased - ceased minister of tint name , and member of the cmpcroi's household. Ho Is charged with acting as agent ot n bind of men leagued together foi the ptnpose ot extorting money fiom weilthy and liiih-born persons , and with selling forged titles and decorations. Schleiuit/ was captain In the Prussian guards. lie rambled and ran thiough afoituue. On thediscoveiy of his dime the police favored his escape to France , out of legnid lei his uncle , who was then alive. Sliico tholatteis deatli , SchleluItK has been tiaced to Knulnnd , where he Is charged with toigeu of n bill ot exchaii cc foi 2,400 marks. Ilu has just been extradited. An accomplice named Long. who wns concerned in the forcerv , committed suicide upon heating ot SchlelnlU' arrest Tlic IliilKiirlan Throne. SoriA , Oct. 23. Alexander has requcstal the sobrnnjc to ignore him as a candidate for the Bulgarian throne. The Bulgarian government Is endeavoring to persuade the Itoimicllan deputies to refrain from attend ing the sobiaujo when the successor to Alexander Is chosen. A mnjoilty of them promised to lemaln away. Coinlnc Meeting nl' the Sohranjc. LONIIOX , Oct 2.5. The liuUjiIan govern ment has announced to the powers that tl o sobranje will meet on Octo'ici ' 31 , nnd after vcrifUm : the election letnrus. will imme diately elect n luler. A Khock In Greece. ATIIKNS , Oct. 23. A shock of earthquake was felt heio today. limned In ATIANTA , ( in , Oct , 23. A scimtlon has been prei'lpilnt'd In this state over the se lection of Atlanta as the slto of the techno logical school. The sennit ) appropilated 505,000 to the foundation fund , and the gov ernor appointed n commission of the to select n site. Atlanta , Macon , Athens and Penlield were the contestants , ollerlng largo annuities. When the commission met , after twenty ballots the location vvns awarded to Atlanta , by thu deciding vote of Commis- bloner llenid. The Macon 'lelegraph grew very bitter over the selection , and published the statement that just lieloio the decidln < ; vote was cast Ahslstan United Slates DIMilct Attoiimy Palmer called Mi Hoard out and took him ti > thu goveinor. The Infcrenco vvns that the governor e\ciclscd nndiio influ ence ovei Mi. Heard. News comes to-night that the students in Athens last night burned Mi. Heard lu clhiry. Profanity in a Cniirt-Houin , Piiu.Aii.ii'iiiA , Oct. 23. While testifying In Judge Gordon's court yesterday after noon In the case of Mcl'adden against Strieker , which wns a dispute about an over flow of water , August Huberts , a witness for the defense , made u-e of the following language : "If dot brick hadn't been thro tier - alloy vend haf caved In. " A general laugh ensued , which Jiulgu Gordon promptly checked , and , bringing the profane witness betoro him , lined him S-5 ! for con tempt of court , GIIH CnuM-H n I'Tru. CIHCAOO , Oct. 23. The Chicago Glass Manufacturing works , at Fortieth street and Wentwoith nvenuo , burned thh afternoon. Loss , 560,003 ; Insurance , g : , COO. The rom- 1 anj employed uas to run the machinery and u tank of cas exploding caused thu Ignition ot the main building. and lovv.i Weather , Fet Nebraska : Fair weather , northerly wind * , colder , For Iowa : Fair weather , preceded ty local rains in eastern i.ortiui , winds till t.ng 10 'the north , colder , A Florida .lACKsnxvu.i.r , Fla. , Oct. 23. A Timcs- L'nlon pecial from Apulnchlcola says ; John and Lot Ueneii were lynched to-Uy ( at liiouiibtowit. Franklin county , In HUB state , for thu murdtrof John ( iritlln on October 3. All IIiiml ! LoHt. ST JOHNS , .S. F. , Oct. 23. A telegram fiom riltCove , Notre Uamo bay , this evenIng - Ing revolts thu loss nf a lushing vessel and ud I lid < t n riiursday lai > t. Us * - we- ' " '