Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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Borne Startling Ohargoa Against a Finn of
Omaha Butchers.
IVIIIInm A. Pnaton Declines AVIth
Tl > txnkH-A IjlttloV mlcrcr lio-
cat Imconlcw , Police lointo
mid Oilier
Tainted Jlcnt.
Tor some time past it hns been sus
pected tlint scvcnil of tlio butchers of
this city , as already nicnlionuil in tlio
Jli'.r. , wuro soiling diseased moat. Marshal -
shal Cmnnungs sonic time n o detailed
men to look up tlio mutter , nnd sueuro
cvldcnco amiinst the olluiiding bittclicrs.
A startling slalo of allhirs Ima bosii ills-
covuictl. U hns been found thorcis
n linn of butchers in South Omaha , tone
of whom IH a man discharged from tlio
employ of llammonil for disagreeable
practices ) , making a fipt'oiiilly of
buying sick niuf halt-dead cattio
nt greatly reduced rates , and To
talling this moat to Omaha butchers. In
one instance this linn was shadowed for
nine dins , and during Unit time it was
found that they had disposed of several
pipe-OS of gangrened meat. Tills meat
\vas traced directly to pimps in Omaha.
Part of it was made up into sausage ,
corned beef and smoked buef , nnd pan of
it WIH : sold on the blocks.
K is understood that thn cases are not
In such shape that any arrests can yet bo
Hindu. The matter lias been sub
mitted to Judge Stenbm-g who is of the
opinion that directly criminating evi
dence has not been secured. It is par-
ticularlv hard to fasten the orimo upon
thcso Omaha butchers because , in tlio
first place. Ihey are fully aware of the
fact that they are being watched and
take great pains to sell this diseased meat
only to regular customers who are too
ignorant to know the risk which attends
the purchase of biich rotten stun" . And
again , the greater putt of this mett is
made up into bologna sausage , corned
beef , etc. On this account it is impossi
ble to make a chemical analysis of tlio
meat In order to fully establish its
poisonous character.
Jlow Democratic ami Republican
NointiiccH Are IHptl Tor Cash.
For several days past a man named
Van Alstlne has been going among the
candidates on both the republican and
democratic tickets showingalist of names
purported to have been nominated by a
convention of workmen , as a ticket
to be supported by them at the ensuing
election. As return for this alleged
nomination , Van Alatine assesses each
nominee twenty-live dollars to defray the
expenses Incidental 10 a canvass. Some
times , it is claimedhe iibcs the name of tlio
Knights of Labor , and that of thesethere
are possibly 4,000 in the county who will
support the ticket in question. Leading
laboring men hero say that ViinAlslino
has no right to speak for the knights.and
furthermore that lu > is not even a member
of the order. It is reiio.'ted that he sought
to get a little contribution of the kind
mentioned , from Jim Creighton , but was
quietly and charactoriiitiRall.y consigned
to a place where assessments are un
known. The desire of some other men ,
however , to get upon a workingmen's
ticket was more prominent , and caused
several of them , it is alleged , notably
Alexander AIcGavock and llughU. Clark
to advance the money sought by him.
Candidates , who have not yet been approached
preached , are reminded by leading work-
ingmeii that when they are called upon
for a "divvy , " to ascertain whim the
workingmen's convention was held , who
composed it and who Las
nuthoii/.ed Van Alstimo to spaeak for
ihe Knights of Labor.
Pound Her Mnnny.
Yesterday morning Airs. G. Anderson ,
of Springfield , Neb. , arrived in town over
tlio Missouri Pacific road. She went up
to town and at about 7:3i : ) o'clock re
turned to the depot and claimed to Ollicor
Mares that bho had lost her uocketbook ,
and must have done so on the train. The
latter still .stood on tlio track , and the
oflicor and the lady looked through the
cars which had not ynt been swept , and
wore pleased to find both pocket-book
nnd money under one of the beats of the
car in which she had ridden.
Dentil ofMIss Gul > rlella 31111s of Tills
Miss Gabriella Mills , daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. James Mills , died at the rest-
d'ccnc of her fatlior on south Tweltth
street on the 10th. She had passed
through six montlm of illness , and al
though hope was felt for" her recovery
even to the last , she was finally called
Those who knew Miss Mills recall how
patiently she bore her snU'orings ; how
' trustingly she submitted to 'Jotl's dealings
With her , and how willingly she yielded
up her life , although her wish was to live
to do good among her young compan
ions , Life is dear to all and especially to
one so young , but when the call came
eho placed her hand in that of her
Divine Master , anil cheerfully
descended into the dark valley.
At all times during her illness , she was
bclf-forgetfnl and loving , sought to com
fort her parents and sister. It was
harder to bee their tears than to endure
her pains. The parents amUlslcr , whoso
devotion to their loved one never wearied ,
liavo the bright hope that him is now
imiislng ( Soil among the saints above ,
and reali/o. as the hours drag on , that
heaven is richer from her presence there.
lliv. A. WILSON.
Local Laconics.
A citi/on " 1 tliink it is a sluuiio that
our gutters and alloys aie not kept in
bettor condition than they aro. I noticed
that the rain this morning had brought
out the fact that our gutter * especially
are continually full or rubbish , otlal anil
refuse matter of every description. The
authorities ought to be stirred up , "
Clerk PenUol , Police Court " ! have
no particular fear of being ousted from
my position for tlio sate of Captain Wood
In tlio lira ! place tlio council can't do it
without tlio consent of the mayor. The
power of uppointiuga pohcocourt clerk
has always been vested in him and I
claim that il would bo worn tlio
council to nominate my successor. " '
William A Paxtou " 1 have just' re
turned from my rauclms as far west as
Ogallala , I found tlio cattio in good
condition , never bettor. There are
qultou number of prairie tires and high
winds provaiilni : out thero. but other
wise affaire uro in good shape. "
lr. Darrow "J'ho narrow escape of
the men confined in that caisson yester
day was something that might have been
expected , 1 was over there a short time
ngo ami the superintendent asked mo if
I wanted to go down into the working
chamber , said I might not havnsncn
another opportunity. I told him 1as
willing to sillier the occasion to pass unim
proved. Thcro is always danger in go
ing down , and those who want lo run
that risk may do so , but -don't propose
to'do It. "
Herman -Kouritzo "Mr Hiiyhitt i ro
) oscd to us at the meeting held a few
ago to change his articles uf in
corporation and rnako Omaha the ter
minus of the Fremont , Klkdorn &
Missouri Valley line , but I do not know
in what event that change will bo made.
Jn a matter where it is n question of flght
inir PO powerful acorporation with a little
linn , it is not exactly the thing for our
people to rush into road building without
caution and prudence. "
J'ollco Points.
Dug McUniro , who enjoys the notoriety
of bcmtr a hardened young thief , was ar-
ralnged before his. honor , Judge Stcnbcrg ,
j'csterdav on the charge of being a va
grant. Dug had been ordered out of
town a few weeks ago and Judge Stcn-
burg insisted upon It that he had not
gone. Me(5uiro ( was firm in his protesta
tions that ho had obeyed the judge's
order , claiming that he had gone imme
diately to DCS Moines and found work in
a barber shop This story his honor was
loth to believe and sentenced
McGuire to twenty-live days in
the county jail This sentence was susj
ponded for two hours in order to give the
fellow a chance to leave town.
Henry Dw.yor and Dennis Dwycr , two
brothers , had some sort ol a dispute in a
pawnshop yesterday , and made too free a
display of their lighting irons. Yesterday
morning Henry was lined live dollars and
costs for carrying concealed weapons.
So\eral drunks and suspicious charac
ters were disposed of with the usual
Lecture on tlio X
The Rev. William Mellon arrived In Ihc
city from DCS Moines last evening , and
is completing arrangements for
lectures on "The Zulus , and the Mission
ary Work Among Them and Their
Tribes. " This gentleman has been
laboring uninterruptedly twenty-four
years among the Zulus In South Afriea.
under the care of the American Board of
Foieign Missions. While unavoidably
detained in this country he is engaged
in addressing the churches upon ms
favorite subject. His lectures are illus
trated by a map twelve feet square , com
piled from the latest travelers' maps , on
which are pointed out the routes of the
most noted African explorers. From his
long experience in Africa nnd acquaint
ance with the Zulus. Mr. Mullen's ' ad
dress will undoubtedly be of great in
terest to those not interested in mission
ary work , as well as those who are.
Judge licrlcn'a Doings.
The case of Ottwcll , the man who was
arrested at York in tins state on the
charge of receiving money under false
pretenses , was yesterday brought on a
change of venue to Justice Berka. It
seems that ho agreed to build a house
for $ ' .275 , and of this amount ho received
$100 in advance. Domestic trouble then
called him to York , where ho was ar
rested. Judge Folker will defend him.
There was some very contradictory
testimony m the ease of Jens Jensen vs.
Fred Nelson , whore tlio latter was sued
$ )0 for board. Kach party denied the
testimony of the other , but the defendant
had twice as many witnesses as tlio
plaint ! ! ! ' , and the suit was decided in his
Ilnd for Sick I'eoplo.
The ( jreat need of another hospital to
accommodate the people ) who fall sick or
become injured in this city and county
was well illustrated Thursday by the case
of a lady wiio arrived here from the cast.
She was taken ill suddenly , and upon in
quiry was diiccted to St. Joseph's hos
pital. Sim went there and found that she
could not bo accommodated. Every
ward was found to be full , and every pri
vate room had one and some of them two
occupants. There was no alternative ,
therefore , but to petition the county com-
missioncrs.and this was done , thn woman
being finally taken to the poor house for
Trouble /imonc Graders.
Deputy Marshal McDonald was called
out yesterday afternoon on South Park
avenue , beyond tlio city limits to investi
gate a shooting affair which took place
about noon yesterday The trouble arose
among some graders which have
been employed up to a few days
ago by Contractor Callahan. Three
or four of them , headed by a malcontent
named Sweeney , attacked Contractor
Caliahan , and one of them pulled a re
volver and lircd at him through the win
dow of the boarding house , which ho had
just entered. Callahan was game and ,
pulling his own gun , chased away his as
sailants. Ho will probably lilo a com
plaint in police court against the men
who started the melee.
Won't Accept.
"Not by a - sight , " was William A.
Paxton's pointed and emphatic reply to
the query propounded to him by a re
porter yesterday. "Do you propose to
accept the democratic nomination ? "
"The fact is , " lie continued , "about all
I care to have yon say is that I am too
busy to think of running for the legisla
ture. I have more work now than 1 can
attend. "
Mr. J. T. Paulson , the other democrat
nominated to fill a vacancy , could not bo
seen yesterdav. It is understood that ho
will decline to run.
DIXON Li/zlo , daughter of Mary and
Thomas Ji\on , aged one year and ten
Funeral from family residence , 809 North
Tenth btieet , on Saturday , October iia , at 'J
o'clock p. m.
The funeral of .Mr. Aitluir J. Mead will beheld
held at the residence ot Mr. Cl wiles S. llam-
briKht , father of the deceased , Nineteenth
and Ciaco streets , Sunday afternoon , October
S-J , at 2 o'clock.
The following notice , which appeared
m the Now York Staats-Zoitung , con
cerns a young lady well known in Omaha
and Nebraska : ' 'At the Stadt Ihoator in
Liegnily. , Germany , Miss Rosa Lindli , n
young American singer , made her debut
on October lltli. in Mo/art's opera , 'Mar
riage of Figaro , ' scoring an Instantaneous
biiccess and creating considerable sensa
tion among the critics with her reman ; *
able voice and histronlo abilities. "
Neat Invitations.
The Homo Circle Invitations to the
parties which are to bo given in Masonic
hall this season , will make tholr appear
ance in'a few days. The delay has been
occasioned by getting them engraved m
St. Louis. Tliey will be found to be gems.
The lirst party ih to bo given on the 27th
lust. , by which time the hall will have
been put In excellent condition.
Kcnzlo'H Condition.
Dr. ( iiilbraith , Union Pacific burgeon ,
told a UKE reporter yestorday'that Mr Ken
/io , the man who was malleled at the
Union Pacilio shops by ono of his fellow-
workmenhas , passed the dangerous btato
and may now.iiiilcas something unforscon
should occurr , bo expected to recover.
Kenzic is .still at St. Joseph's hospital.
One Week Ijatc.
ClerK 1'rank.of the United States court ,
received a letter yesterday from Judge
Brewer , in which that official states ho
cannot bo here to hold court until the
second week in November , probably by
the fifteenth. Lawyers ought to govern
themselves accordingly.
The registrars are now sitting in their
respective places , and voters should BOO
that their names are placed upon the
pollni.r ! lists , M > a ? to insure voting at
npxulcctum. .
She IB Hcsoued From Dentil After a
Itnmulr of Ten Hours.
Mr Charles Uarbeau , brother of Mesdames -
dames K. V. ami F Nash and Mrs James
Woodard , arrived with his wife and
child from Idaho , on their way to Can
ada. They slopped at the residence of
Mrs. F. Nash , Ctl South Eighteenth
street. In tlio afternoon Mr. Uarbeau
look a walk to town with Mr. Nash , leav
ing his little boy , aped four years , with
the otner children at home. The people
of the house thought the child had gone
with its father. After about an hour in
quiry was made for him , and lie could
not be found. Seareh was made for him
and ho was tracked to the house ot a col
ored woman on Seventeenth street.
thence through the Chicago lumber yard
and thence to Stephens' , tlieneo to C. J.
Rj an's on the Lowe road and finally to a
gully noithwcsl of Walnut Hill , where ,
pfter having been exhausted with a four-
mile walk , lie foil into the water and was
saved from perishing by a carpentcrwho
was passing and heard his moans. Ho
had been wandorlnglsinccllo'elockln ! | the
morning , and it was I ) o'clock Thursday
night when ho was discovered. Ho was
brotmht homo , restoratives were anplied
anil it is lioned nothing serious will re
sult from Ills ramble and dangerous ex
The Omnlin Typo Koundry nml Sup
ply HotiRo Tor Printers nnd
The Western Newspaper Union at
Omaha is prepared at all times to outlit
publishers on shcrn notice with presses ,
typo , rules , borders , inks , composition ,
sticks ami rules , and in tact everything
in the line of printers and publishers'
supplies. Better terms and more liberal
prices can be secured than by sending lo
Chicago or elsewhere. Save money by
buying near home. Second hand goods
In the printing linn bought and sold. Wo
often have great bargains in this particu
lar. Send for Tun PitiNmw' AUXIUAUV ,
our monthly trade journal , that gives
lists of goods and prices and from time
to time proclaims unequalled bargains in
new and second hand material.
12th Street , bet. Howard and Jackson ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
The Blc Sweeper.
Yesterday morning the new street
sweeper manufacturedjin Chicago for Fan
niiig iVSlavenot'tliiscity , arrived and wil
be immediately put into use. It is neither
so largo or heavv as the one
formerly used by the contractors ,
but it looks as if it could do its work
about as acceptably.
List of letters remaining uncalled foi
in the postolhco for the week ending
Oct. 21. 188fi.
Note Parties calling for these letters
will please .say "Advertised , " giving the
date at the head of the list , and inqurci
for same at the "Ladies' Delivery 'Win
dow. "
To avoid mistakes have your mail ad
dressed to street and number.
Anderson M A Atkins il A
Arthur K W 4 Ailhand K
Ayre K T A i instead \V C
Armstiong J Ad.miMm O
Adams 1) Atkins A
Anderson II A
liell J Bishop .T
lil.ick M II Brown W F
Ilu in ley W Bluest W
limns W U Brown W T
lioltln W A Bmnctt Or
Uiendcrvlllo M Brown M
UostulckSPU Brnrei S J
Blackburn T O BlidyT
Ulblo U .Blozies B
Hiirklieadll Brljws It
Dais J Bui r.teVilson
Ulshop C W Bietlel .1
Blown J Blown J B
Band .1 W Brown N B
ItadlcttA C Biin'liam J B
IJr.itlshaw O Boarmim 0
Biachholy K Burke D
Basell K Beaidsloy C A
Blanchard C 1 Bros Maitia
Brotchcr D Beak W
Beers T 11 BiyantTK
Brady M Bengtson i'
Bartholomew J BajsLW
Beldmir P U Bliven P
Bayer P BiooksT K
Butcher II B Burin It
Briakman U BaiKO 11
Burnett A D Binns A
liortenlanger A
Conklln M Clove A M
Oiutis B Coats S D
Coihcn A D CaId\\ellFA
Carl In J N Calrnes .1
CiCL'lerJ C.imeacr W
Center W A Carr W A
Claikin Mr Craltf M
Copelaad M B Collier F
Conkley T Clausen C II C
Caryinclon C P Ciawfordd C
Cronk W B Cobmn II
CoBjers II Complon HE
Dnrcy M Devol G P
Dlneon T
Duiiuiiii : J . ,1
Day J V Do.\Ju J W
Davidson .1 C Downy M L
Dcdrlck W II DcMiiout
Dunham F DC Lone T W
Doyen C 8 Davies M E
Dunton U
Kvans A C Knccrt .1
ICvuns C A Wrfclc it E
Ford W 1'OK ( i J
Kuriiel J Foibos J
1'assln U B Kalln C
l-'oote M U Fackler W
Fisher W G Fniuteition 11
Feirle (1 Fonton .1
Foole Ij C Fit/Kcr.ild T
Ford W A Kiel/
Felteiman 0 K Frank F
( Jrutli F M Gieu } , ' A S
Grant A W Gerhui E P
( erbcr U P UrotnmtkO
Cant G F , GDI man CV \
Graham 0 W Goimaii 1)
Goodwin K Gallow.iy W
Gerber K V Goodwin J
Gunheuf I G.iidnei-G W
llnipstcrSS llamon C F
1 tollman 11 Jlonuh G D
Him G Holt F 11
llotnnliiKFE Hunter F W
Hanson 0 Jlaynes II P
Hampton W U llaeberleln A
Hawk A F Hawk J 0
Hamilton J W Howe. )
HallnnT2 Hicks K
HnuKOity F Hiiubell II W
HotlandW Iliincot W V
IhunmoiulV Umiak J
HaiiHun E
HnntTT lllpman H
Hnntoon 11 LI HllllurEG
Hooper K Hurst O
Howard A Hiiltiuau O W
Hnyaes P P
Idal G B
.lorgnnson J Jewell W
Jones. T Jackson II W
Johnson J 0 Johnson M
Jones J Jorgcnson II
Jacks O K
Kain J Kennedy W E
Kronso F Kiel J If
Kirk J King L
Kotli F W Kln > ell C P
Knius 0 K Kaescr 0
Kelly 0 Kochler K
Krown W F Kornor O
Kinglmm U Kraluer E
KClClllllll G P
Laundry K S Leather AVG
Lemo F Locknow P J
Limlmiist Looiuls E
Longhrey W Larncd J O
Louo L J Larson O K
MrElvln L Miller H
McKckson U II Moore F A
McAchran J V MeKeeJ B
McDonald U 0 McGolI P
McDonald P JlcSlmuoOS
Macety G Matliua J
Metcalf F Murphy FP
McGixcrnJ J Munson J 0
McAckercn J Mao Both J 3
Mull F Moore-
Metier 0 Maxliold C W
Morris O McKlbben G H
Murray 0 Messarchmldt T
McCarty W MoirowD
Mead U WnUyolm W
Monllon W II MoSnnno O
McCullon B Miller E F
Miller It P Main F
McKarty 0 Mlckelson AQ
Mine AH _ McDonald U
MKctwll U H MctcaU J A.
Bioakcs nils 0 Butts miss C
Boon miss J Benjamin mrs W
Boig miss A Burk mis A
B.uiermis A Kuitls iiirsO
Becratt n.lss E Bates E W
Bell mis P Bray miss E
Brown miss M BuiKtiian miss A
demons mrs J Clcaiy missN
Clao E Curtis miss K
Chapman L Canoll miss C M
Cat pouter mrs II Cook E
D.ivis miss S Dow mis M B
Douelieity mrs B E Earlnss miss F
Keau mrs -H Katoa mrs K U
ElkinsK Fisher mr.s Et
Fields mrs 0 Folles miss A
Filhor mis N Chinese letter
Fitch mrs Fajnca miss M
(5 ( ray miss R Grllfcil mis AM
(5ray ( mis W GrishtmrsEG
GuineltinisT Iliickelbery miss E
lliijiliesN Hobbatd O S
llultvman mrs G Hawk mrs F W
Harris miss M Hasedon miss E
Harrcl mrs M C Homy mis M ( A
Aasllngs nilbs 15 niinjiiis nibs U
Hnmma mrs M HlVlnns A
Hale mis J miss A
Halt mis 11 Jamison K
.Incobsoa A Jaeksrtn mis M A
James mis J Johnson miss S
Johnson miss I Ktiiisinger miss M
Kimball miss E Kiilcnirt , L
Johnson miss A KirkmisM
Kain mrs M M Kubck B
Kiiny miss C Lunbtily mrs E
Luaibon mrsN .Liniimlus mis M 1C
Lnnlcss mrs M .Lapbam mis 3
Lambert mrsF LaiiKstono mrs J
AI01:111 : mrs J Mj > iroynfs \ S
Meyers miss M Mahoncy mrs E
Maxwell mis K I Maul miss E
Mm ray miss A Mivcr latss M B
McCrarv mis J McGchec miss _ I
McGiil miss B JMeGlnty miss M
McCoun mis 11 C Millaml miss E
Miller miss S Mitchell miss A
McKnlcht miss 5f Murr.iv imsM
McMillen mis M E McDowell mis
Nannie mrs 11 Nelson mis E
Nichols mrs L U Oryler mrs E A
Gtrdcn mis S Pliancy mrs L
Pernod mis O Pratt mrs B N
Powers miss C Payne mis 0
Pullman miss M Perkins miss M
Helen miss T Kasmiisseii mrs II ,
Rose miss C B.ivebcn miss A
StauaontiulssM Sclimld D
Saltcry miss T Swayno mrs M E
Summcisialss C SuiiKVlbt miss C
Smith mis I1' M bliutlio mis L
Smith nirs 11 Slgmund E L
Taylor miss S Thoma P
Wciley misb C Wilson miss G
Wallman mrs A Wilson mrsT
Wails mis 11 J Walker mrs N
'Walteis mrs L N
WilghtB WooilF
Wlilpnlo J F Wlieulock B E
Wyinan N Walsh T F
WrcaTJ Wooden E
Wheeler D
Yink J 0 Younir II
Yaser L York P J
Yales G A Yales G
Yatcs G A Yalcs H N
Clarkson J II Conrad HE
Cioss Gco Dald C P
Frlck miss E miss
Hossemer U'm Hopper GV
llurlbint mrs U M.mkur V E
Murtaiiu'li U J Iteld Floience II
White 0 P
A. 1'rntCHt.
OMAHA , Oct. 2. To the Editor of the
liKi ; ; Informal on has come to this
board that the author of the worklngman's
ticket printed in Ihe Herald of the 18th is
claiming to represent tlio Knights of
Lubor. All persons interested are hereby
notilicd that oucli is not the case , nor is
the puty : a member of said organisation.
Absolutely Pure ,
ThlipowJor never vnrle * . A ranrvo of pur-
ty.Btrenirtb and wlioloaomono s. Moro econ
omical tbao the ordinary kinds nnd oannt bo
cold Inoompetltlon with the multltudo of lovr
tsst.itiort welflit a'urn ' or nboipnnie powdorg.
Soldonir In cans. Korxi. IlAKlhQ POWDUlt Co
ICINTali St. , New York
QitfEP * A 67 ftfllF&i * uficrl , ° s from i , .
WFfi K M E N "SGStr.tarrf
B aairtHtt HBlwHI ; v.iupm B .
rrroiKlure lictll. . , elc.tMuliliigjora | Indncrtllonior
CINHFI Curr4 wllkoulNUuluclilrJllclur > .t/tll4
Hr l d bovk vvul fr o. Ebould l > o reiul t/ Fathers
ndpl c l ID I
llnll.lull of
their 8on . | _ _ _
At ? " Repl tl with TiiTorniHllun uf ralue to f.11 mf u.
Moat on O mili.x like.
To expect wJten an enterprising jftrm bends all its energies toward
fnrnisliiny a select stock of choice Clothing for Men and lioye , at lower
prices , mar nicy w.ust secure the highest possible success. 8tich a Jinn
Some of the pcopTe tvho call upon them tJniJg may iiuajine > hccau8C they
arc offering it such low figuresfhat the goods are inferior quality.Such is
not the case , as tlscy are actually selling the same Quality , in preferable
styles , from $3 to $1.0 less on each suit than is asTtcd Ity other tfcalcrs. If
you < fo not wish to buy Just now , call , looh around and see the cnor *
tnous assortment of clothing and otltet jfimings for Men , Jtoys and
CJiildren. Their courteous salesmen will politely sliow you tlirougU
and also convince you tftat all goods are sold at strictly one price btj
Gor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Union Sewing Machine ,
% jj | [ pa
Etf TES !
Simplest in Consiriiclion ,
OVER 1,000,000 IN USE.
Address for particulars ,
21 0 N. I ( till St. Oinaliu ,
183611 ISWIFT'S-SPECIFIC.1111886
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the
United States to Select From ,
S. W. COB. 15111 AM > rAIt.VA.TI , O ITU A HA.
Property of every Inscription for sale in all parts of the city. Lauds for sale 1"
every county in Nibraska.
Of Titles of Doiiglus county kept. Alans of the city slatu or county , or any otlior
information debuoil , furuiiliud free of charge upon application.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock , Prices the lowobt. Hopairing.a opociitlly. AUvork warrunt-
ctl. KJoiuer Douglas uml lOtU streets. Omaha.
13th Et , Cor. Capitol Avenue ,
roil THE THCATIO.NT or Art
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. MoMENAMY , , Proptlotov.
Mvtcuii ji'iim' HiMimal unil J'rhnlo J'ruiilcn
H'oluuo tliu fncllltltH , iippiirntnt and rcmiilld
for the enrcoefnl treatment of ticry form of din.
ra c ruinlrlng either or purulent Irrntinei I ,
nud Inutonll tncnmonnd InvittlKUtofifHliemmlxi
or correspond with nt Lung rupcrti'iico In Innt-
Ing cases by letter enables IIH to treat many caxis
nctcnlltlrftlfy without ptclii" them
WHITE roil riUOUI.AU on Deformities nnd
llmcc. * , Club I'cit , ( . ' ( matures of the fijnj i
lieni Ks or WIJMBN. I'llc * . Tumor * , CBIIICM ,
Intarrh , llrouchllln , Inlinlatlon , KIcctrlrlly , I'i nil.
) ! > , Kplkiiey , Kidney , Kju , inr , HLIu , lllood mil
all Hiir icnl opcrallontf.
linltoilPH , Inlialrr * , Itriirm , Trnni-c , nml
nil l.lnch of .Medlcnl mid biirglcul Aj'li'luiicc.11 ' , uni . -
( .factnrtd nnd for eilu
Hie only Tollable Medical Insliluto maklnr ]
Private , Special t Nervous Diseases
rA f.ri ; < iArv. .
AIJ , CONTAf.IOIJS AM ) 1II.OOI ) IISI\Sr. ) ! < .
from "lialCMTCiUiHO jiroiliK.ed.i'iicccmfiilly Irc.ii' " !
V'u fin riinoTu K/i > lillltlo polion from tliu > ttin
uilhout nurcnry.
NcwrcHorativetii'iitmfiit for lonnfH | | ) pnnir
r ll mid ronsult us or t > vnd namu antl jiont-ofili j
nddrns p'alnly ' irrlttrn cncloHt ( lamp , iind vo
will stud JUM , In nlnlnuamur , onr
tros ri.ivATe , frrciAi. AMI NniM/un IisEAr. ,
Cf , KU'IIIIK , ( ioN'JIUlllli : * , CJIECT , VAllKllirl-l.l' ,
fiTnic-ruiiK. AMI Ai.i , nii-KAirs or THIS OB.MT
UKINAUY OIIUANI , or tind hUlory vf your take fur *
mi opinion ,
) 'rron < ) nnnlilc to N lilt us may lie la-ate I At tlirlr
Illume , by cornppondcnui .Mcdlelncx and Inttrn
iiirntu ent by mall or cxiircjn HIX'UHUI.V I'AC K
Kl > FUUM OllSIiUVA'J'lOV no marki to Imlluuu
contdiH or nndcr One pcrtunnl Interview pKv
ftrrtd If convenient t'jlty iixnn * for thncuti. .
niodotlon of ] iatlinl Hoard and ttitidneu i.t
natonnbltt pilcri Addreiu nil I.cttim to
Omaha Medical and Surges ] inslllQlf ,
Cor I3IHSI. and Caollcl/\vou / \ OMAHA , N"D
r'italo iirs nd I'ritri ou ui > | illrullon.
rlltii' bill Canlnuf I'MIIII'n.uml lJe '
, _ < * l > | q A4i < riM ( ! OO-'IV
Mqill' rATAIHIH. TheOrotnennaq
It iitdyUui silivncure Frfptnup.d
l-arkato and lit t tut IU eenti | u t miu.
U 11. MKIlJOAL 11) , Katl UuiplCQ , Coait ,
> ulliialUni < rudtuc uuiitiui
i v kn't n rnniilr ! . & Uiacuver d a rlioul
" ' lll.J'.tl..y..l'.Kll. ' < 1.F.PEPtoliUf HoWfUITir r (