Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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AdUTtHements under thu he id , 10 cents p r
line lor thu tlr t Insertion , * cents for each tub-
teqi out Insertion , -and ( I.M n line per month
No artve.rrii'cmont tnkun for lift tlinn 36 emit *
foi tlio first insertion. Seven words will le
counted to tlic line ; they must run consecu
tively nml must bo paid In advance. All ndvcr-
tlsomvnts mint bo h ndod In before f o'cloiV
) i , m. , nnriunuVr no ont'iim'tnnccs will tbtjlio
taki'n or dlconlnticd ! by totophonc.
I'm t ltd advertising In tlio'w < olnmns md hiv.
Inp the answers H.'dr rd in cure of TUB Urn
will vlPMO nek fr-r n phrPK tnonRblc Ihfin lo pet
tliclr letter * . R4 tiono ill bo delivered except
on t > ro ontMU n of chock. All hiiswors to ad
vertisements lioiild ho mclo'ed In pnvrloTr * .
MONivtnnnnnn : ! Pity nnd farm propprly ,
low intos , Stennrt 4. Co. , lloom ! l. lion
llnnk. fisj
MONF.V TO LOAN-At rpnsonnbln rates.on
furniture , linn wntchns ini'l ' oilier
property. C..I. Cnsnoll , room 13 lion llnnk
building , I2lh mid I'nrnnm. _ IUI
rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on Ini-
JL provo'l ronl p tatq In city orcininly for
New inglnnd : Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , 18th nnd Chicago gts. 807u 27
$ .10,000 to lonn. Sums $500 and upwards ,
Lowest rutos. Itomls , 15th and Dougla-i sis.
\iONit ; TO I.OAN-O. F. Davls.tCo. Heal
111 listate und Loan Agents 1505 Fnrnam st.
] \IOMV TO LOAN on real estate nnd"oh >
J-'l tols. DI _ Thomas. U'i ! _
MONKY to invest If jou hnvo good notes to
eell call on J. II. Parrotto , ISth nml Chl-
rago. 60U
MOMV : TO LOAN-In sums of 52.0JO "and
upwards on first clnss rent estate security.
I'ottor * Cobb , 1515 rarnnm st. H10
MONKVloloan on cbnttel nnd ronl estate ;
fair rnto Interest. J. II. Parrotto , 10th and
Chicago. 4'iP '
MONKV TO LOAN-On farm and city prop- delay. U. It. Hull & Co. , 11.1 South
15th st. 1ION1
MONKV I.OANr.I ) nt C. P. Uecd * Co's Loan
olllc , on furniture , plnnoi , horscs.witgons ,
personal property of nil klmM , nnd nil other nr-
tleli'S of inluo , without removal. 81'J ' S 13th ,
o\er IIInghnm'8 Cotnmlssion store. All liusl-
pnnflrtentlnl. Oil
MONKV to lonn nt straight s Per rentNo
commission. Hammond Uros. , looin.'l , 1KSJ
DoUBlns strotit. 437-110
( tr.OO.fWO ToInnnonUtnntm city property ate
P percent O.V. . lny. over lills Douglnsat.
1)14 )
T OANS Loans l.onua.
Hcnl estate lonns.
Collnteral lonns ,
Ohnttcl loans.
Longtime lonns.
Mioit tlmo lonns.
Money ulwaya on hnnd to lonn on any ap
proved security.
Investment cecurltlra bought nnd oold.
Ciul nt the olllco of the Omaha Financial ft-
chnngo , second tloorof the JlnrKor block , s. w.
our. of Flflonnth nnd Kuniiiin stH.
forliett JlnnaRor. 012
Gl'Kll CKN'T Money to onn. J.J. Mulioncy ,
lW Knrnam. IU5
_ " _
6 rKlt CKNT"moneylb loan. It. ( J Pnttor'on ,
13th nnd Douglas. D1R
* JUl oNl'.Vto lonn by the undersigned , who hm
1TJL the only properly orgnnl/od lonn agency
InOmnhn. Innn ; of { 10 tn $1,000 mndo on fur
niture , pianos , orgnnn , horses , wngoni , machin
ery , ic. , without rcmovnl. No dolnys. All
business strictly conlldonttnl I/onns so mndo
that nny part can be paid nt any tlmo. cnch pay
ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advnncos' '
made on flno vrntches nnd diamonds. 1'ersoni
should cnrofully consider who they nro rtenllng
with , ns many new concerns nro dnlly coming
Into existence. Should you need monor , call
and sea me. W. n. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthnell
Ilulldlng. 15th nnd Ilnrnoy. tUO
FOll SAIilJ nakcry , n bnrffaln , ) ) iiylng n good
jiroliton investment ; practical baKer not
required ; rent chotip. Ou-ncis havoothcr busi
ness. N. Y. llakory , 130 Boutli 12lb , Lincoln ,
Neb. 837 21'
\\rANTKn A partner with "t2/X to $3nno
> T for n good paying nnd lOKltlmato busl-
no'W. Tor partlculnrs upply to llarko i Ilui-lm-
low. 1421 Douglas Rt. 813 22 *
AI.IVH-MAN With smnll cnpltal can find n
nrst rln---3 olianco lor tjiislncss by calling on
C' . S. Hanchctt , 1M1 Douglns st. 8JJ-2-
pOH 1 SALB Small restaurant , S100 spot cnsh.
Addnxs H 45 , lleo olllco. 81122 *
Foil HAM : An Implement slock. Stock
will Invoice $4,000 , warehouse Is 1 nml 'J
Btorlei , 44x120 ft and cnn bo bougnt or loii'od
on easy tornm.warehoupo Is sltuntrd In the best
location In the city nnd well arranged to handle
Implements wholesale orrotall. Address Iloiv-
Itt Hignfoos ACo. . , rromonl. Nob. ffl7'fl *
FOH SALE Hurdtvnro KUBIIICRS Wo oiler
our shelf and heavy hnrdwnro business for
Rale , together wlih our lonso nnd good will.
1 taiio Inrgest In the city nnd location the lii'st.
Itetlilug from the business cnnso lor soiling
The llnum Ilnrdwure Co. , 10.8 ! O St. , Lincoln ,
" 171O11 SAI.K All furnlsliwl commercial hotel.
J-1 28 looms , also siuuplo room , llvnry barn ,
wind mill ; only hotel In town , llmrtidmw. Neb.
> l. F. llotchklss. 7CO nl8 *
I 7HH ) SALK- Hotel , nt hnyder. Neb. , 14 rooms ;
1 51,3(10 ( , t TOO cash , balance easy torms. T. J.
Ilpolc , ojllco 10,150 ' ! ) rnrnam St. 743 22
- o 1 hotel , proprietor. We
have for rent the loading hotel In lleatrlco ,
Nob. No ono need npply unless ho hns miinoy
to purohnjo the furniture nnd cnn give the licit
of reference. Huzlctt & llutes , IJeutrlco , Nob.
. fliO.
ITIOIl SAI.i : A large boarding house In husl-
JJ ness center of city good ronsons for Roll
ing. Terms reasonable. Address M's. M. A.
Council , Omnliii. 761 22 *
TC10H 3AL1S 1'lrst-clntss luirilwnro buslnea ,
J : 100 ft. building , with 15,000 Btopfc No en
cumbrances , Slcknosi cause or soiling. Ad-
ll ess locx : box 1 , Alngwoith , Neb. _ 274 _
! Or trndo lor Omaha property.
.v. The beat loonted llvorj- business , with stock
Inlhoclty. Long lease of burn nt cheap rejit.
JI ayno llros. , 1610 1'iminm _ 022 _
H IOtlKUS Lots , 1'armB , I Jinus money lotinod.
Ilomlj , 1Mb nnd liouglas streets. C16
FOUND A larjjo bay uorso. 11. J. '
I'M Cnmlnir st 868 2J *
UP A BOW ; ownoronn hnvo by call-
. w. corner lUth nnd lllondo. .Ins.
I.oreiitfon. ! Si ) nov 0 12 ! '
f ivi : bTOOK Auction sfabloH , ffiSa C\t\n- \ \
J-J ing Btroct. The best fncllliloj lor
liamlllni ; nnd felling nt auction. Horses mules
nnd llw ) stock , also carriages , carts , llvory nnd
liort-o suppllet , west of Clilcuvo. Sain days.
Jlondays , Wcdnosdnjs nnd Saturdays. Drown ,
Wlnbpour& Caul or. Telephone Ko. Ml.
215 N 4
IOST-An overcoat elf hnrcocnr botwoun Cni > *
j Itnl nvo and Cnss at. Finder return to No.
013 N 20lh st and ( toil roward. SbO 22 *
Y OST Oct. ildnrk brown horse colt 5 iniiiitTis
J.J old , with hmid-alHll on , from slookynrdx ,
Houth Omnliii , ta t hoard of was following
liutr.y nenr Wlthnoll's brlckvaid , about II
o'clock p. in. 1'Iougo uotlfy till or A Uould ,
Honlh Oiimlia Nob. 8172
'T OST A blnclt bronnded velvet cnpcv , Finder
J-J will return to Alum 1 ! Kuithonp. P. O.
848 23
BOAIID1NO lHt nt tahlo board In llrst-
plHsm prlrato family ; 1UN. Uth.bct. Dodge
nnd Cnpltol iivo. IE 24 *
T > iitSONAI.-Klognnt : ri-sldonco lots In Wash-
J liiKton Hquato tuld. , nn Shcnnnn n\o. , nnd
Ji'ivi-o gtrcoW , J1.&W tn } 3lXKcnnli. ) ( lood lonir
tlmo to those who dc.slro to build. J.UIIIco.V
fo. bdi SJ
_ _
1 ViilHO.VAI.-Wo : cnn soil boiiutlful InTslij
Plnlnvjow ndd. at 5U' > U to T7JU for corners.
'J'hn chi'iipost und best propvity on tlio mar-
lit , Only no w left nt i Ida price. J. I _ Itlco .v
Co. t-&J23
at and tasty all-wool busiupfi
imiu , | 7. U O. Jonu * & Co. , Ainurloau
Clo'.hlsrx. 1309 rarnam it. Mail order * Illlod.
_ _
- Weak , unde\ali | > o.l inirU of tho"
lioily rnlnrtfod and HtroiiKthoiiFil , 1'osltlvo
{ iroof , lull purttouUrs , inc. , m-lloil In plain on *
yi'loiHisoulod for Btninp. Addros Krio M < sdl >
oil to.,7 Swnn * t. , lluff lo , N V , _ uoo n a *
'r > V.Us > nSfAI.-Mrr Dr jfnnnlo" V.VurreiI
JL plairvojant , Medical and bUiiness Medium
liooin No. V , 121 North Kith ft. , Ouuihu , Neb.
MADAM AliAtJKA rovouls p * t present and
future , how ninny In family , ax" , etc. , how
ft liuM itUootloiif of Iiuil'iindorioror , Sntls-
f Action Kuarantoed. 5 ceuti ana upwards. t > U
t % 16th .
MATlltMUNlAli Pnper contains nearly 20J
uilvcrtlioinuntd nom ladle ) and uontlo-
incn wuntlnjr iMrrostiouJfnls. Sent 2 months
for 10 rentu AJdrosi , Helping lUinl. 7U La
tiaieit. Chlo i . .I. kVJ Sfl _
VTUItSE Jtnj. K. V. Wblttlor , oxpflrlonccd
iiune. Ko , lilt Jackjou * u tl * 21 * j j
Injtltutc is In J'.x-
position ImlliUni' _ UQ
f P i TIIA li- : I.Hiiii TnTtwnkini coumyt NPI >
J torn county novfupnpcronttlt. Correspon
dence ( aliened. Addicis V , FranKlIn , Noli.
_ f > n 31 * _
OMiiro liorrby notlHod to keep nwiiy Trotn
ln n ; them Is n Mrlk' In iirnrros. hlitncd ,
Journeymen I'lumlmrg , Lincoln , Not ) . S'B gs _
tnomnlv. A
Ho .
_ _ _
inoltiT.Ni urgunv J2 per mnnth. 7lo { > o
L1 1513 DousrlRS. 9H
_ _ _ "
IlKNT P-jiiiifo Plnno , S monthly. "A
X1 Hosro 1613 DotiRlii * . 027
I" AliilS - VihiiiTTor ] i'ooil lonMttro limp onn
DO supplied Rt shnrt notlpn nt the Omnhn
imploynvnt : llurcnu , 119 North I6tn St. ,
C"roun i > Mork. 4M
ATTr.XIl TliForrnlnT sPS'lnn at Vnlcntlnes'
Short-lmnd Inititutc , exposition biilldltif ; .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ml
TTtiTS. : Ili7ii > rMirtibs.otc . plnnfd rroo ior
ifoni miylnir of Donglin Co. Niirsorlfn
C.O. Howa . I'lnp. , P. ( J. box UK ) . _ _ M7-nl'l _
BLACK Wnlmtti , hulH on , Bucked , on c.iri , nt
COctsvcr Innliel. Ad'lrei' , I ) . . ' . l.nXo ,
Bhnnnndo h , Iowa. _ _ B37 2.1 _
1JMHC HUM LnrRO clrnn to pl , chnnp.
Ju1 Omnhn Towel Co. , 1017 Ilounr.l st.
" " ITIiNil l hoT\-oiTTilrfea ( lin ( lit Vnlnntlnr i *
Shoit-hnnd liutlliito Imposition building.
ATTLNI ) The evening session at Valentines
Short-baud Institute , Kxposltlon hulMIng
LlT Kinds of typitMTrltor copylnir lionffy
douo at Valentino's short-lmml institute.
Vincffiir works , romovfd to I3 2. < > tli nvo.
721 2J
TJ'OH SALK-Oood honlors ; nnd cook stoves.
JU 1III5 ( Jcorsrln nvo. tJTiilU'
Ij binfAlTr. A lliirTlinmhlptonlnn Malilon ;
JL/ politic and kind , cheap. Schlosmgcr llros. ,
1013 1'iirnnin st. 840 2J
"fJlOHSALi : l pn . onurhits ; Mlllor , Onlncy.
JU III. , miiko. In excellent shiipo : been run 1
\onr. Apply Oration * Druinmond , ini.Vt"
Hnrncy. 80i 21
IilO H A i. K Horses , hnrno's nml
S- Uros ,1US | Fainninst. _
.M.i : Clioiuii full sot household nnd
kitolum furnlturd at 14.11 N 22nd st. 812 22'
Fun SAM : A largo lot or kindinnc wood
and old Window siish. 435 Convent Bt. . J.
Klrnor. W si *
HA LEFr sh milch cows. Iniiulro K. S.
.lostor , US' ' ) Montaiui st. or J. w. Penny ,
near Ittncr'a brlokynrd. 7W ti *
_ _
TTIOH SAI.t ; A now complete ) saloon , furni-
tuio , counter , ice box , tables , etc. , chen ] .
Address It 31 , lleo olllco. 1 %
_ _
TTT Ult SALK-Ico 111 car load lots. Address
JL1 Ollburt Ilros.I Council IlluITs. 1173
Tj1 oil SAIiK Largo tire nnd burglar proof
U hiUo.cnstfVX ) . Sell for 62iO. J. W. Mar-
shall. l.Vli ) Fariinm st. _ 700 _
| TH > li SAI.I : Fnrnituro nndl rnso ot six-room
JL1 hou o , time on part. Cnll 1202 North 27th
street , tuo blocks from jlod Car lino. _ 6M
HotlsKij Ixt9.1"nrmsLanils--monoy loaned.
llomls 15th nnd Douglas streets. U07
ITiOlt SALE tnonp. iron columns nnd win-
JLA dow caps suitable for front on brick build
ing. For particulars npply nt this onico. 813
\\TANTKD Laundry linndn. 4 experienced
> > hniuls to tnko the contract of starching
nnd Ironing Shirts nt Jnckson Street Steam
Laundry Plenty of work nt ni-2c nploco
f2.r/0 per dny cun bo made stendy by the right
parly. 872.21'
"tlj'AXTlJI ) A good girl lor general housework -
work In fnmlly of two. Apply nt 2SI N
18th st. , corner DavenporL 871.22 *
" \\7ANTED-A good girl for kitchen work.
i > German prcforod , 1017 Howard. 8J1C-2J *
W ANTKD A girl tor general housework ,
nnd n girl to take care of cigar storo. Ap
ply lOl'.l Ilnrnoy. _ W.S 22 *
Al'ANTUn Danish girl for light houso"workT
Small fnmlly. jKlj' st.
\ \ TANTHD-Glrls ut the Occidental immedi
V V ately. 8S1
Good cook , woman prelcrrod ,
good wages. 1418 Douglas street.
884 23 *
WANTiD-Glrl : at 1015 Chicago st. ( Jonoral
housoworli. .874 2.1 *
" \A"ANTnD A ncut steady girl for housework.
i f Must be able to cook , wash and Iron.
Jlnnoor CJormau jn of erred. Apply northeast
corner 19th nnd California. .877 23
IA/ANTK1) Sor.1 quick girls to puck buck *
I > wheat. W. J. Wolshans & Co. Ell 22
\TJ-AJfTEO A small nurse girl nt 2 OO'Tioiig
V Ins St. 710
WANTlilLuundros ntClty liotol.
1-23 23 *
V\7ANTii ) Thirty peed jrlrls for ironnrnl
work.JOoon wnircs. CnllatOmahn Km-
plojmuut llurcnu , 110 N. 10th st. 71.8
\Y.\NTHD-nood cQOk , KnglMi or rionnnn
' iirufcrrod. lloferoncos reijulrod. Inquire -
quire 2J12 Cuss St. 81222 *
WANTKIi Competent por.on to tnko cnro
of Infant ; a good homo to the right per
son. Apply 11)14 ) Fnrnnm st. 7"fl
\ \ - ANTlHJ-Otrl for general housework. A.
t > II. Mnyno , s o cor. 21st nnd Webster.
_ _ _ C47 _
T \ rANTKIi-Bxpi-rlniiPOd Shirt Makers nt the
> > Omnha Shirt Factory , 803 North 10th St.
YV'ANTEPT-A. cook nt Miller's restaurant ,
1004 N. 10th et C37
\ \ rANTKD A eonipotent person ns nurse for
child nt < Ifl Convent St. _ - _
A flrst-cliu.8 Milrt polisher. No-
i > braskn Steam Laundry , 100 and 1US S. 14th
street. 730
\ \ 7ANTii ; Cluunbcrmnid nt 012 Douglas !
xifANTKO _ A good girl for general housework -
work , 141B .TonesSt. 48'J
A 7"ANTii ) A cook for small fnmlly , imiulro
500 south 13th st. Oil )
f ANTit > Head cook nt the Famous res-
> tnurnnt. 319 S llth st. 789
Hey with $10 sociinty as news
ngunt. Apply nt 1 o'clock , 807 N. 17th i < t ,
\X7ANTKI ) A sober , Industrious young n.nn
> ' as salusninn in n retail grocury Morn , one
ulmlmshad exporlnnco. Addii'ss , giving rof-
uroucps oto. , H 43 , Heo otllee. f32 22
\\ANTD ; Surveyor ; a good chancu for the
> > right man to work Into n purnmnent pay
ing business. W. F. Payne , County Suivoyor ,
Sidney , Nob. 73324
Agents In city i'nd country for
Personal Memoirs of Gen. K. K. Lee , the
ronrodornto commnndpr. Ontsettlng all other
vnr books. Aconts doing grandly. No capital
miuirod. Wrlto for Hpoclal ttrnu. lllstorlual
' iillshing Co. , St. Louis. Mo. 715 81
_ _
ANTKll SU nrcitTclass Oaivniiized Iron
Cornice Workers ; good wages to the
right moil. Apply to H. J Thomson at Now
Couit House , or Kiel's Hotel , Council IllulTs.
Cl ! > 22 *
\\rANTii : ) Iloolc agents , O'Neill A Co , pub-
' ' Ushers nnd guncrnl aguuts tor subscription
books , box 493 , Omnha Nob. 020 n 1 (
I\7ANTED Installment canvassers to cnll at
> i 1207 I'nrnnm st , anJ BOO what wo hnvo to
oITcr. C. E. Lee , Manager. ! I75
) -A milker , J. F. Hoch , mlle
north of deaf und dumb Institute.
b0722 *
\ \ rANTKIl-Mi-n for railroad work. K , 6.
T ' Albright , Labor Agency , 1304 Farnnm.
\ \ TAKT IJO Ten gooil coinlcn hands undfe1T
good tlnnura nnd roofers. Apply nt
Western Cornlco Works.r &U 22 *
riMIlJIargoatMiiiN Co In the world wnmiiuin
J- to soil tholr ( 'nndit on snlnry or conimls Ion
In nil town * In Nehrntkn. No capital or oxperl-
once noeei > ary.llerer9iH'o vo-iulrcd. AUdrojs ,
M , box 207 , Omaha , or M , box 5u7 , Lincoln , Nob.
t\VA N'TKn An oxpbrlencoil bay nt bundle
' ' counter In dry goodi storo. Apply ut
TliompEon , Urldoii Jc L'o's.,131uraniBm.frM
frM 22 *
" \\7.\NTI5l ) Oooil mciu nnd pastry cook.nmn
II or woman i white. ; Address Unuiil Pnoltlo
hotel , Columbus , Neb. W322
\\TAXTKn ion mpn for trccklaying in No
i > lirnslciu Calloni : . A. Hello Uli'.lW north
Ifitb st und Capital ave , b J
\\'ANTED A iiian that Is gooj j.rrT.ures
i' nnd n good tallior. Address H 3S , Itbo
onico , with reference. 8J12i *
\ \ ' A NTH D A fo w more agents to Intrnduco *
II our Automatic Musical liis-rnmonn , on
Installments Anyone can play them without
musical Instruction , the Von paylnir , easiest
c lhngnovelty over known. t > to $40 u waek
sun borealUed , O. K. Lee , Maunger , 1207 Far-
nnmitrrct up stain. 1W
YtTANTIM ) Situation to tuke care of horses
IT bj youn/inaa eijn dented. Adores * W
Q 5bUu < % ' SOU 22 *
ANT > : -S4tution liy reliable"diu. .
clerk Host of references given Ad-
die sO It. IlaUs , OjutliH mi S3 *
\Y ANTiiSltMAtlonin private fnmllv by 2
i rlrl * . for gcnoint housework. Address
H 41. lleo ofllco. 2782 *
prnpher desire < jiosltlon. Is fntallmr
with law ropurtmir nnd has nlso had railroad
experience. 1 nl onn attorney nt Inw. lll
rcrerences.\ddrcss _ It 41 , llooolHco. KM _
\ \AM'in-situatlon : ns housekooperln prl
' vntc fnmlly or hotel by experienced lady
with llttlo girl ; no objection to leaving oily.
Adrlro-s K33 , lleoonico. 7M2J *
W rANTKl ) A jio ition b } n ' tonngrnphor ,
references given , adilress P II , Hf > o ntllcc.
Atiso2rrAKroi3 WANTS.
WANTKD 100 cnttlo to teed for winter.
PbciM for nil entile nro provided. Au u t
Ariidl. 1H inllo north of Wnvorly. Neb fffi ill *
' \\'ANl'ii : ) 6 obd cottiurp In deal rnhU1 locn-
lion. Aildrc8 < It T IU.p otllce. Ml 24
TVANTKfi- 1 or"unlurnl hfl " "roonisTln
> > South nmnhn.or south C'f rnrnntn nnd hot
Inth nnd 24th Ms. : want moms north from $ I
to { 5 per month. Address H 4R , Ik-o olllro
ffiO 2 !
WS > rKii To trndn , n new HrowMnr top
UIIPB.V , for cows oriniirc" . C. 15. Mayno ,
IS'li and rntnuinv _ KV- * _
\ \ ' . \ > 'r 5 > To "e\l \ n good jiony or will trndo
forgroeerlee. Address It 4U , Hooollloc.
TjloTfiTUXT Good
JL1 DoiiKlHB. M > l 2J
ArANTTiTo ; "trndp , ln t" ono uiatl TiuBcy
' Snvdor over nuidn , nltnoil new , forcoxvs
or n tnnro. U. 11. Mayno , 15th nud i'nrnnm ft- > .
_ WHSl
V\7rA NrrTi > stock nf dry'BO'd , cTothlnc nhJ
' > Kcnts' furnl.ihinK' goods or boots nnd
Rliooi in orclmniro for Oinnlui ronl ottnto.
Schlo'liiRor llros. , 101S Fiirnnm st. 9IO'ji :
W ANTKD 3 furnlihed rooms for llirht
liousckccplng. Addroj } 1(44 , tlco olllco.
VV"ANTHl > Lndies nnd young men to in-
ii struct In bookkeeping and business
nrlthmotlo , good situations ; terms , ton dollars
commniiclng and ton iloll'irsoiit of first month's
wages. J. 11. Smith , 1013 Chicago st. B4it 23 *
WANTIID All kinds of sTibTrT-hnnd nmf typo'
writer work at Vulentlno's Short-hnnd In
stitute CO.
AXTII : > Teams. T. Murray.
; ) To tradn , a good road horse for n
mare , C. K. Mayno , 15th und Farnam.
\\rANTKr , ) Copy of compiled stntlltesnf ISSTi
' ' with good second bund books at
room , Itcdicks blk. 733
Ij > OU HKNT Parn. For snlo Small hcntlnc
1 stove : uow , never set up. Hnrgnln. 2010
Cass st. fc7r. 22 *
1T\OK \ HUNT A now dwelling s w cor Dod.o
Jnml 20th. Inqulro1. . Goldsmith , 1410
Douglas st. S41 22 *
lV > it KM * r ' . .
( store2-\u ) , 1110 Jackson st. _
- 783
Oil ItK.VT-SK room house , 27th St. , noi th
of Dodgo. Knqulro J. T. Withrow , 1311
Ilnrnoy st. 703
"IJ Oi ; HUNT Store on Cumlng st. iJstorcson
J- South 13th St. , 1 losldonoo 10 roomsillst
andJnekson. C. K. Mnyno , 15th nnd rarnam.
808 20
JjlOH ItKNT Klovon room linuso cor 21st nnd
-L1 Lonvonworth Bt. Two blocks from ttroot
cnr. Apply to Ilarko & Ilarkalow , Douglas st or
W. K. Annin , Heo ollico. C65
FOKKKNT Klcgant 10 room residence on
rnrnam st , nil modern Improvements , fur-
nlturo nnd carpet for Mile ; nil now ; am com
pelled to glvo up on account ot illness. Address -
dross H 15 , Hoe offlce. S12
F I Oil HUNT Store suitable for llestnurnnt ,
1412 S 13th st Peterson. C78
Foil ItKNT Ml lots on the Uolt It It In Oak
Chnthnm , just south of the Saratoga school
bouse. These lots can bo rented for 10 years on
ro.isonublo torrue. John I. Hcdick. : i"l N 7
" 171OK KKNT Choice rooms , newly furnl'hocl ,
J with or without board,2021Vebsturnt. \ .
77J.23 * .
T7VH HENT Nlooly furnished rooms , bath ,
Jovery convenience , 102J Hurt st. gcntlc-
mnn preferred. HIIL
FOIt HUNT Largo front room on Fnrnnm ,
good offlco location. II. W. Huntress , 13US
Karnnm , 852
UKNT Pleasant furnlshod rooms with
board , southeastcor ' Utrt'tuid Howard.
- KM 27 *
OH HUNT i\collentfurnlslicd : or unfurn"
Ishod looms at 424 n 17th st. fc28 23
POK HUNT furnlfiipd rooms , with or with
out board. S. W. cor. 7th and 1'aclllo.
633 20
FOH UKNT In privnto family , furnished
rooms with board utG3S Viiglnin nvo.
8 l n 3 *
1/IOU K15NT Two nicely furnished rooms
- with or without bonrd ; 520 Plcnsant St.
747 24 *
1710K lti.NT 3 rooms in my now tint , 10tO n
JL1 20th st.
0 rooms. 1090 n 20th st.
C , rooms , Murtln torrnco , 8 w cor 7th nud Pn-
ClllObt ,
2ii-room house , PnelQo st.
Apply to owner , M. ! ' . Martin , 318 s 15th st.
F OK HRN'T House of ton rooms , with barn ,
1512 S 5th 8 c. 570
FOK KKNT In private family furnished front
room with gi 3 , rout moderate , 2.101 Wob-
storst. 66021 *
F OH HUNT A room 1010 1'iirnam.
KOOM With hoard for two , ItllU C.ipitol nvo.
S72 20'
TTKW UENT-I'art of lloorfor lUht innnufiio-
J-1 turlnir purposes. Centrally located. Low
rent. 1207'Fnrnnm St. upstairs. 434 ,
FOH llKXT Asnitoor rurnlshod and also
unlurnlshod rooms ut 1112 South llth st.
7 sl :
FOH HENT.-A newly f urnlphed honso with 8
rooms , " blocks from 1'ostolllco. Address K ,
51 , nto onice. M7 22
TT'OIlTHilNT A tlno furnished front room and
Jl closet , 1103 Ho word. fcCI ! M'
"IPOIt IinNT Two largo furnished rooms the
JL1 winter to uontlomnn with or without
board. Address HIM , Hoc. 876 23 *
frioit HUNT Nicely furnished front room nt
JL1 sin South 20th , near St. Mary's nvonuo. 870.
Poll HUNT Ono largo mcoly furnlshod
front room with bnv window , use of bath ,
hot uml culd water. Ilinjuiro till ) S. 17th st.
73425 *
OH KIJST A line furnlshod front room
nnd closet , s , w. cor. llth nnd Howard.
Ib'J , 27 *
1 7 > onitu.vr-Oae furnished room,322 south
J ICthst. Terms , ? I2 per month. 7i < 1.2i *
TSOU KKNT Chrnp. Nicely furnhhocl
JP looms , now building , now tiiriilliirn , 6DJ
south 18th sr.ono block from court houso.7W.23 *
1U15 Uodiro ! "
O *
" 171011 HUNT Ilooms for light housekeeping !
_ l nhoaleeplng rooms and furnished hasi.-
incnt sultutlo for day board. 220 N 13th fit. Mrs.
. 23 *
THOU KENT-Nleoly furnished room at 1921
JO Fnrnam st. 82 (
OH UKNT-Mfcoly fu'iiUhoilrooin. In'inlro
Knufman llros. , 100'J Farnam. 457
Foil HUNT Niooly furnlshod trout room ,
sultahlo for 2 gentlemen , $15 per month.
612 H. Hth. 703-22 *
'ITIOU HUNT Furnlshnd looms , 1610 Farnum.
JL1 b0522
HI'.NT Pleasant furnUhiul rooms and
-L llrst cluhS boiinl , 4 blocks fiom U , P. dOiot | ,
1 black from struct car , no cor 12th and Picrco.
lU ) HKST A largo front roonTT ill jo " fcii-
snlocheap.cquaro rosowiMid piano at 1B21
Fnrniun st.ono block woat of court hniisc. 429
37iOU U13NT 1'urnlJhod room for one or two
- gentlemen ; furnlturo now , pleasant loca
tion ; Howard Bt. , bet. 8th and Olh.j toinh aldo.
. _ _ _ 4X1
POK Kivr : I'Joai-int furnMioii rooms ,
south front brluk lint , board can be Im l
noxtdnor. Apply at 1411) ) Ohio igo at. DI2
I7OK IthNT Nleoly furnUboU fonf room ,
JJ ulcovu nnd closet , No. 115 S 2M st.
FOH HUNT-rurnisnod rooms , 1810 DoJgo !
. B7JU27
"IT'OH HUNT A nicely fiirnlshoJ front room
L. with alcove , to gentlemen only , at No. 1811
Frtrnum st. ft'Jt
TTtOH HENT Suite or rooms , furnlshod ; also
-L 1 single roo-n lor gontloaion. 20i3 St. Mary's
uv . 821 gl
-I7IOII KKNT-NewlyfuriiUbod roora,2)il St
JU Mary'auvc. Ml
1 42 One half rucro , oora r Hurt und llrown
J St. , with lieu jo of a roomi , well , cUtern , * coal
lioiife. workshop , all In peed rejiair. A burgwin.
Wo offer tiili for a few days only for lGOu.
Ileniwa & Co. , Opposite P.O.
Fen SALK-rtvo acres In Ilolredere , $ VX ) to
iiao each. 3.L. llloo & f o ,
TO SlIlHVKn-noalKstntollargnlns-
* ' 14.
C6 foot front onyayonport near 13th with
J.I.VJO liuprovb iftits . . . 8 T.
Hniriot nllti rilcdh6ti oonCi < i'tH , > nr1.'ith
Lnrgo house , btrn find n south front lots'
In West ldt > on county fon. * . . . 0,600
Half lot ntmr Saundnrs , with cottage ,
fii yterni9 . . ,
3 cottngpg . " > rooms on Charles t , Shlnn >
ndd , south front , iwsy terms , fncb . . . - . 2,010
Now cmtago Brooms , full lot North IPIli 3,5tX )
Cottngo nnd full lot , couth front on On-
vcnport ncnr2.W . , . . . 4,100
Nlco roiidi'iico ror lot on rnrnntn ft 23d . 14,00
Now votlnge , lot 91x140 on SIM nenr
Clnrk . , . . . , . . , 2,001) )
Full lot 6 room bottnenon Georgia nvo
coirLnnvptiMOrtli . fi.OM
4"i foot lot , MittilFOnIlnmlltnii no'iir27th. . 2,600
2 lot , coi nor , with good cottngc , barn ,
otc.Hnnsrom plnco . O.WIO
Now cottigps o rooms , on I'lm near Slier-
man mo. fl/0 c.Kli , bnlance monthly. . 2,600
Vacant Lots
Srnst front lots In Hut r Oak . . . .f S.OOi
nnlii > lots oil rarnam nnil 27th s'ts . . . . l .KOJ
2 nlco lot s ic-orneri Foator'si addition . H.uu
! 1 tots cornnrl Kllbv Plnoo . S.UOJ
7o foot float , tlnii'-u ' nn Place . D,7ffi )
r.4 f ( ot south front near Saunders strcot. l.&X )
N co lots , Sunny Sldo , on Calllornln. . . . l. OJ
1HH24I feet. llMiecnni Plueo . S.SOO
SO ) ft front Ul l nnd Knriiiiiiit front ft.
rornrron I'Uhnnd ' llRriiov sis . 1(1,000 (
Two beautiful lots Tnbor Place , both . . . 2 , M
Cornoi on Knrnain Hnd lliltty-linii Ms. . 4 > ( n )
Lot.ii.lft llnst front , Snumlers street . . a.OOO
( ) ft. Int.Cnlilwollstrott.ShlnirR Add . 150
Nice lot , Hlmohaugh Place , near Pnrk
nvo . a ,
04 ft. Just olfSt. Mnry'.s n\o . 4WW
60 or200x48'4 ! ' ft on Loavonwortli gt.npnr
Park nvo. $50 front ft .
rulllotou fassst. nonriitn . 1,510
Acru lot In HoUldoro . . 4bO
Nice lot. SI rent , llodford Plnco . 52.1
I'ull lot on R''lst , near Lca\onwoith. . . . 2,500
in.xfiitoii Howard near 10th . 6,000
lloautlfnl K front lot Ilnnscnm plnco.'Al
2 lots i : front In Hnnirom Plnco , both . . 2,500
HoiiiUlful K front lot ( KlxKW on Park nvo
near Mt. Plen .nnt nvo . 6.000
Lot 5U.X140 nn 20th nenr Clnik . 2. < X
Wo that " " .T2."i
can prove "Shrlvor Plnco" lots nt $
to fil'iil on very easy terms are the cheapest lots
on the mnikrt.
If you want to buy , or hnvo your property
sold , cnll on us ; wo gunrnntuo fnlr nnd cour
teous trontment to nil. W. O. Shrlvcr , opposite
. H7H
poMolllco. _ _ _ _
142 Onn-halt ncro , corner Hurt nnd llrown
St , with house of 5 looniH , well , clstorn , onnl
honso , workshop , all in good repair. A bargain.
We oiler this tor a few ilnys only for $ : tOCO.
lionnwn i : Co. , Opposite P. O.
B \TtOAINd In Lots Now Is tTio tlino"to"socuro
n good lot at alow prlco. Wo have decided
to soil another 100 lols In Omaha V.ow during
the noxtH ) May , and will makn such prices and
terms us will Insure tholr sale within that time.
Call and got maps and special prices. Hoggs &
Hill , 1 H 1'nrnntnjit. _ K17
OH SALK-hy Schlcalnger llros. .
1018 Farnam st.
IRifoctonSSth st near rarnam , will sell nil
or part.
5-acro lots In Farnnin pnrk , $12. " ) per ncro.
I'nsy terms. This is very dos ruble for garden
W acres , Improved , near city , house , barn ,
crlba. olc. Cheap and on uasy terms.
Lots In Schlcsinger's addition 250 to f 3T.O , on
easy terms 810 23
HOUSICb i.ots , farms , Lands money lonnod
IScmls. 15th nnd Douglns streets. V07
F ell sTf K-Houso nndTot , Wnl'ifnt Hill.
House nnd lot on 20th St. , ? 2riOO.
Hnusound lot on 16th st. , JI , " > 11J.
Ho sc and lot In Omaha Vlow , ? UOO.
Hoii'.nH for sale on easy paymnnts.
Lots for sale on easy terms.
H. W. Huntress , 1308 rnrnnm St 7972S
6."ixlt2 ! ft. between St. Mary's avo. nnd Loavnn-
woi Hi St. , corner. S'1,000. Graham , Ciolgh-
ton blk. K1123
FOH SALK Lotsdn Ooorgia ave hot. Lonx'on-
worth nnif'Hariioy , $ ir > 00 oacn , nil other
lots In that uoigltborhood hold at $ 'lOliO to
' Investigate and sco. C. H. Mayno. 15th
nnd Farnam. ' ' b032t
"OOK MALi--llusncss | Corner on Saunders
JC st , § 3,000 ; Klft > r front. J. Ij. Hice \ Co.
801 23
TjlOH SALE-Hou s 10 rooms , 2 lot ,3lRt and
JL1 Jackson , f C.WX ) . or houve nnd one lot f4.500 ,
SWooash and baU 'to ' suit. C. K. Mnyno. 15th
and rarniim. ' KI32I
EAST Front , lot Hanscom Placo. $1 00 ,
firaliani.CfblgltpnHlk. | 8.r23
FOHSAfiK 4 cottmres.O rooms nnd bnsnment ,
on Chicago st , ; these nro new buildings ,
fenced well antl oAitbildlnir. nnd wo consider
very cheap nt Si.rXXTnnd JS.COJ ; small cash pny-
ment bnlnnco ft.'i ponmonth.
Olio cottngojnlth ! ) St. . 5 rooms , clstarn ,
fenced nml outjmiiaings , g2.230 ; W50 cnsht bal
ance ? 2. > pef inontKf
Cottngoon-Tth'EttT block from streetcars , 0
rooms , lenccd well , etc. , only fl.iiOJ ; 5-00 cash ,
halnncu 5-.1 per month.
Cottage.1 ; rooms , on Lake t. , f2,000 : SISO onsh
820 per month. Pnrlc tt FOwler , 1522 Douglns st.
709 23
FOK SAM ! Two lots in block 5 , Kilby
Place. Easy torms. A. 1' . Tukoy , 1H04 Far-
nnm. 704
lEOltfilA Avo. full lot nenr now school
housp , Ornhnm.CrolKhton lllk. 83V2.1
BAllOAINSlntots Now Mthotlmotospcnro
n Rood lot nt a low price. Wo have decided
tosollnnnthrr 100 lots In Oimihn View ilnrliu ;
the next : W days , and will innlio * uch prices nnd
terms us will insure tholr s-ilo within that tlmo.
Cnll undent mnpsnnd spcclnl prices. Un-'KS it
Hill , 1403 Kurmim BU 837
FOK SAr.K Tluslnrss Corner In Falrmount
place , $1,000. J. J. . Itlco & Co.
604 23
FINK-Pouth front lot Shlnn'sndd. . JI.500.
Graham. Q83J-X1
Full RALK-ChoIco Itosldonco lots In Wash
ington Eqnnro.Mnrsh'a ndri. Crcston ,
.lonimo I'nrlt , I'ark Place , $1,100 to 53,000 ouch.
J. lj. Itlco Si Co. EOI a
OMPA1CISONS uro goinotlnica prontnblo.
Hmiscom plaoo loin nro snlllnv tor $1,500 to.
St.OW.thcy iirontolOblouks further out thnn
Mayni ) pluco they hnvo no houutlfulshndo nnd
fruit troos. Mnyno pluro tins : they nro not
nonr IjOiivonworth st ; Mayno plnco n. Mnyno
i > hico cannot 1)0 eurpnsson forellt cdgo bulld-
lnn sites. Only three blocks from present
street carllno. I.ols only 81,400 to 11,701) . Kusy
terms. C. K. Mnyno. BU3 21
OH RAP LOT3-100 lots In Omnhn View to bo
Fold before snow Ilica , Durgiilns now ;
comonnd hi > ( i us.
Si Hill , Kual Kstnto , 1108 Fnrnnm st.
HTSINCPS blocks on Fnrnnm. Douglns.Dodgo
) Hiirnoy nml Cumlnvr street.
Orexory Ss Hmlloy , 1JI2 Dou ln9 st 510
Ir\Otl SAI.I3 2 nnoloti In Mnrlon plnco ,
1 12,500. Kusy terms , J. L. Hlcn it Co.
604 23
IilOIl KAt.i ; House nnd lot ; Ih'o-room IIOURO
on Whonton si. , one block tiomrodand
inth et. car lines , collar , well nnd cistern. 1'rlcu
f2WK ) . 'I'orms tjHsy. II. 1' . Ilundy , room 25 ,
O.iinlm N'ntlonnl bunk luilldlnt , ' . Ml
TT'lNRcnrncrln I.owo's uilil. soiuli nnd east
JL' front , J350. Qruunm , Oroigliton l ) k.
OH HAI.U-Houso 6 rooms.lot 3)xUO
ft. , cor. 19lh and I'liiilsti. biirtfiiln at. . .J-.inr
S lots , corner. liJOjlM ft. , llnnsconi I'luco. . . 5Wi )
II lots In Washington S < iimro , ciich . 2OJO
Solmioolota In I'mrlck's 1st add. Cxl2i ,
ouch . 1,100
iill Miirsluill It ] < oheck , IMS Farnnm ,
F OH SALE-Ono of the llnost ncro lota In
West Omulm , for JO.CflO. C. B. Mnyno.
FOK HALK-Fln/i / ncrosln Solomon's add ,
3y miles f/omfp. O. * | ) f 500 per ncro
on easy terms. 1 | i.ltlco& , Co. 601,23
| 7IOUtiAI.K-Txta < ' 7 nnd 8. 120x151 feet , In
B KST l.oi 1i"omnnu | Plow 'HW to * 'JiO. '
Oregory A.-Jlft lpy. 1312 Douglas st. 619
DO. l'ATTiilb4KV : , Itoom 1 , Omaha Nation.
al Hunk. hliH IEOVOII lots left In Ullcn
Place that ho wllti.edU at S12.V ) onch , to parties
who fntcnd to billtdtnlco rosldenpos. The o lots
are but tno blocko south of LoAvunwortn
Hticnt , nnd aroxrealry beautiful Ilo can sell
full lots on Cnllfortfln Sticot , near 2-Stli Street
lor fl.MU. Tlu9 Mill bo worth f J.VXJ In ono
} par. Ho nl-o 'tiat a few nn Webster Street
near 2Sih Siroot'atiiOO. ) . These nro covered
Hilh iinturul tlmhorl ' New ti-rnom IIOUBCH , ono
mlle from pnetrrmcmoltr water and gas,2 blocks
from street cars.'oiUy ' * , ' ,000 onrh.nn very easy
payineiils. Confer WO-180 , very sightly , In Han-
no m Plucu. CallariiTU'o for prlco ,
71 ft east front nn Vlriflulu ave . . { 3 , < iOO
fi ncrpj In Honllold nt . ' . 3V )
20 acres In Maytluld nt , 4m )
Aci03in Patterton P.uknt , , . . . . . . 4OT
" " 45) )
I-ots a atones throw fiom canning factory
at. , . . 825
Only 525 caih Ualiini-o f 10 monthly.
_ _ 8511.
! > UoII is BKLUY'S Dlgroil oitalo nu every
4-v othorday , Sou It. SSH
Tnoii SALK-UusIness lots on south inth st. ,
Jtl OJeuoh , Ka y ti'ruis. J.'L. lllco & Co.
HJ4 2.1
FOK SAt.K Or eicbargo , HOIIBO nml lot.
Ibttinnd Nicholas ; house and lot 14th nmi
Dorcaa. Win L Monroe. 6th nnd llouglm. V51
HOtJSKS I taFttrmsLanis ( - money ( oaned ,
Hemta. isth nnd Dou8l atrnetg , ' COT
IilOlt SAI.rflieup , 10 acres well unprovedi |
mlle north of deaf and dumb institute.
Adjoining lots sell for ! 2OOJ. Apply J. F.lloch ,
on promise * . WO nl'J"
FOH SAT.r.-Df ItoltcrA-CnmptiPll , 1509 ttxr
tfniiv , Hooui 1.
Iho bpst7rt fift , pnst'front , on Virginia
nvo . . . . . . f
lllpgant oust front > i. ncorirlnnVe .
Cor. ! < * . Virglnln and Mxiolrtortb , bar- .
lot , Crcston ntld.oatnn < ? wrst
front . . . . I.1JW
AitlnTrthcr Plitpo.choiu . : . . . . WO'
l lxlW cast nnd north front , Wo f .
Omnhn . s . . . . ' . . 3,00) )
IVoonst fronts In Haw thornp.pich. ( , . . 8fci
TWOw st fronts , hno n corxior , In Atnl > -
ler Plnco. for both . - . .
Two wrst frnnts , one ai'ornor.ln Ainb- .
IprTlnco , for'both . l.lOO
Rood 4-rnitn | hoiifool 50.\7 , Pnrk Place ,
chonp nt . . , . . . . . . J.UOJ
I'lcitant it room cottnge , lot'OOtlfiS with
bonutlful shndO ti-\es , on PoppU-ton
n p . . . . ' . 3.70) )
Lots In Wnvorly from f30.l'to $ ; W > ; 'orio tenth
cn h.
Lots In Fprlngdalo from f. 00 to. $ fvl ! oiio-
Dftlici ( h ,
Ixjts in llcdford , from $ WI to $750 : ' pnih.
Lots In Wpst Sldii , "West Cumlng , Wnlnilt
HlllniulOrchitnl III' ' I.
If you hnvo property j-ou wish to sell , It will
bo joyoiir advnutnuo to cnll nud sco us. * * 20 2,1
.K onutlfill lol 111 triwos add.
/ f STOonoh on ensj terms. J . L. lllco A ( "o.
Hl.t3 )
_ _ _ _
)0th st , good lot , east front , 1'tnlnvlow , $ . ? 25.
-J itiahnm , Crolgton blft. BJ323
GHIIAPLOTS-inOlolslnOnlnha Vlo\v to bo
solil before snow files. Hatgalirs now ;
coiao nnd see us.
Hoggs A Hill , lloal ostatv , 1(03 ( Fnrnnm .st.
II' you want to doublryour money ( illicit , buy
lots m tfchlpslngor'a Addition. hto 2J
bwMNl < ! ltKK.VIotsIM. 10 porcoiltcash
nnd J5 per month. Marshall A Lobcck ,
Agents. 1509 Varnnm struct. 049
OWI.tNU tJUKHN-Our new additionTs
west of Wnlnilt Hill , on Hamilton street.
lly selecting lotdntj 150 for Insldo and f75 ! for
coiners , you will make , a good Investment.
Terms 10 per cent c'ish nnd fi monthly. No
chargn for showing the lots. Marshall .V Lo-
book , 150H Farnam 310
TTtOlt SAI.K-20 ncrcs 3 i miles northwest
JO from P O. J500 per ncro. J. L. Itlco &
. ) .
K KAl.i-2'xl32 : on Farnam , hoUron 20th
nnd 21st , for $3,000. Cheap. C. 11. Mayne.
I7MNF lot Rhlnn'sndd. , bargain ntSl,20i ) . Orn
Jt1 ham. Orolghton blK. KB 3.1
Heal Kstato nnd llontnl Agency ,
1312 Doiieliis Strent.
Hespectfnlly request paitios having property
for sale nt lonsonnblo prlous. to list tno name.
with us. Wo proiniso you prompt attention
and quick sain * .
To purchnsers wo say como and BOO us. Wo
can give you nnrgnliih , and always -lad to show
property , whether yon want to buy to day or
next week.
IlusIni"-8 blocks ,
Property luslilo ,
Pronei ty outside ,
Property Improved ,
Propm-ty iiulmprovod.
Homos to suit nny ono nnd ovpry ono.
Gregory x Hadloy ,
Telephone 851. 1312 Douglas St.
on 17th street In Imp. Ass. ndd.
WMK132. A line lot nnd only f J.OOO.
Gregory & Hartley , 1313 Douglas street. 619
Hill lots will sell for 51,000 to fl.W ) each.
Inside of onu year. What will cause the
advance ? Street rallwajs. cable line , graded
btrects. Outnlng street will bo paved to within
two blocks ot Orchard Hill. Fora line view ot
city nnd river BO to Orchnrd Hill. Without n
doubt this ! < the finest residence addition to
Omaha. Lots mo soiling now at fj.V ) to J760
onch,10 per cent , down nnd halnnco on monthly
payments See Orchard Hill before buylnir or
you will rogrct it. C. U. JInyuo , 15th and Fnr
nam. 80324
WF. HAVE Constant Inquiry for all kinds of
business nnd residence property. If you
have any property for sale IUt same with us.
Schlcslnger llros. , IOIB Fsrmim st. 840-23
FINE corner lot on Ciimlug street , 81x132 ,
with 3 houses , east of Saiindors St. , $13.500.
Grcgory It Hadloy , 1312 Douglas street. 619
FOK SAI.K House and lot on Snward St. ,
near Snundors , must bo sold this week.
Prlco f J.BOU , worth $3,500. K. F. Itlngor. 66J
A1NS In lots Now is the tlmo to secure
n gooil lot nt u low price. Wo hnvo decided
to sell another 100 lots in Omaha View during
the noxtS ) days , nnd will make sncn prices and
terms ns will msuro their sale \vlthln that tnno ,
Call and get maps nnd special prices. Hoggs *
Hill , 1408 rarnam st. 837
'INK East front lot on 20th St. , Plalnvlow ,
bargain. $725 , Graham , Crclghton lllk.
FOKSALK Atn bnrgain.Hoiift-ncro lots In
Helvpdoro. Inqulro nt 120 N 15th st. .1. K.
Vnndercook. 610
AWOIII * TO Tin : WISH , SC.-Orcbanl Hill
lots will sell for ? 1,000 to f 1,500 each , Insldo
of ono year. What will cause the advance ?
Street railway , canlollno , graded streets. Cum
Ing street will ho paved within two blocks of
Oiehard Hill. For n line Uow of the city anil
river go to Orchard Hill. Wlt.iout n doubt
ihls Is the tlnoat residence addition to Omaha.
I/otB in o stilling now nt $550 to $7M ) each , 10 per
cent , down and bnlnnco on monthly paynionts.
SooOrcnnrd Hill before buying or you will regret -
gret It. C. E. Mnyno , 15th uml Knrmnn. 803 24
FOKSAI.IS Wo hnvo sixteen lots In Itnw-
thorno addition that wo will sell ; best and
choapbstlnsldo property In Omaha. Uodford &
Souor G43
BlICQAIN Now 6 room cottage on lot , 32.x
115. Only hnlf block from Bhormnn uvo.
Good cellar , cistern with Illtor First elans
llnlsh throughout. Will be painted to suit pur
chaser. Must bo aold at once , $ - / > 00 ; cash $ G50 ,
balance $25 per month.
CJi egory & Hndley , 1313 Douglas 8t BIO
AWOItl ) TO Tin : \VISK , A-O. Orchard
Hill lots will snll for $1,000 to $1,500 cnch ,
Insldo of one year. What will oauso this
ndvnnco ? Street rnllwnys , cable line , gnwlcd
streets. Cumlng stioet will bo Duvoil within
two blocks or Orchard Hill. Fora line view of
the elty nnd river go to Oichaid Hill , Without u
doubt this Is the Uncut rosldcuico addition to
Omaha. Lots uro selling now from KM to f 750
each , 10por cent , down nnd balance on monthly
payments. See Orcha'rd Hill before buying or
jou will regret It. C. 13. Mayno , 15tb and Knr-
nain. bOS 24
FOH'SAM5 132x1 1 on 1/oavunn-ortli nnd33d
street , with largo house ami burn. ? 10,000.
Very easy term.a This is n great bargain. Call
nnd sco C. K Mavno , 15th and Fnrnani.
IflOKHAI.K Somoof the ho residence lotB
1 In the city. 1'addooK Place nt t2FOO to
SV'OO , Washington Square at Slri01 to $2,000.
Hnn com 1'laoo ut $1,150 lo 12,200 , Mlllard Pluco ,
? 2.iiOI ) to 1 3.00 ) .
Gregory &Hndloy , 13 U Douglas st. RIO
FDirsALli-fiO it irniitln < r cm Dodge st72
blocks east of the postollico. A hnrgnln nt
$18,500 ; f 10,000 cash. Marshall & Lobock , ISIM
Fnrnnm. ! I2'J
7 tHKAP LOTS-1UO lots in Oninlin View to bo
w sold before enow lllos. Ilnrgalns now ;
comonnd ceo us.
Hoggs MIlll. Hcnl Kstnto , 1403 I'nrnnm st.
_ B3ti
WOUT > TO Tin : WlSi. , JtO.-Orchard Hill
lots will sell for ? 1,0 Wto $1,503 each , Inslile
ot ono your. What will causn the advance 1
Ft rcr > t railway , cuble line , graded strcetx. Cum-
ingstroet will bo paved within two blocks of
Orchard Hill. 1'or n line view of the elty or
rivorgotoOrcbnrd Hill , Without a doubt thin
Is the tlncat residence addition lo Omaha , Lota
nro dolling now at $553 to 9750 each , 10 per cent.
down nnd bnlanco on monthly payments. Boo
Orchard Hill before buying or jouwlll rrgrot
It O IS. Mnyua. ItUiund Kninnm. B03.24
T OT-ltl , Illfc. 0. Kllby Pfaco'f750. Gnihnm ,
J Croiglnon lllk. R'B-a
ft. Cumlng- . , pavement , good business lot ,
IMlOGruhnm , Crolglitoiijlk. _ K 23
A WOKli TO TII > r WTHK,1-lT.-rcliafa ( TTlfl
lots will sell for $1 , < )00 ) to fl.500 oaeh , Inside
of one ) onr. Whnt will eiiuso the advance ?
Street rnllwuv , cable line , guided streets. Cum.
ing ctreot will ho paved within two blocks of
Oruhurd Hill , Tor n tlno view nfthaclty nnd
rivort-'O 10 Orclmiil Hill. WJilioiitu doubt this
Is the finest residence addition to Omnhn. linti
n reselling now nt SViO to $7V ) iiftch , 10 pnr cent.
down and balance en monthly paymentH. Sou
Orchard Hill bnforo buying or you will iParm it.
O K ilnyne , loth and imnn , _ BOS 24
FK ) .S.VI.K n roonThouKO on 1'oppletuii avo.
Inrgo lot COxlw , only i0. ( < .
Gregory & Hadley.lJI2 _ ' Douglas st _ BIO _
QPLV.NDIDiotslnTtibor'l'Uco. Kilby Place.
O Highland Place and Jerome 1'urk. Ask for
Gregory & Hndluy , 1312 Do Jjrlaast , CIO
Or Ilin I.lquur llabll , i'o ul t-ly
C'nrtxl by Administering lr.
IlalucH. ' Uuldoii Njicrlllo ,
t um be ulveu tn n cup Of talfve ot twt wlthoat
- knonle < lguof l-o poriuu laLIMK llUal > tulutUy
nilan , nud will ilfi t a prrumneiit col ij .tJy
Cure , wlietivr.the : patunt U u mwloiMv r.lnLeroj
iu uicunulla wreck. It IIBI been ( jlTtn .li'Ihou-
u .lrtj cl ca i' , and In every lnit < n. > nerlect cur *
lUki followeJ. It ncTt r lnl ) .The syil m OHM
Irupiejcnau-a with tUu bpeci.1 ? , It beconin an uttel
luipo lt > lllty for tb liquor appetite to eiUf
At'IIN < fc CO. , Cor. i5tb mid ) ) .usla . ntai )
IHIh oc fDuilDx Kin. , Omu > > a , Neb.
i. II. KOSTKJt fi llllU. ,
Ouuaell IllufT. ,
Call or writ * for pmmilbl't ountk'nlflK
f i iimpnl i iroiiithefx.t UBUICV ua
Hit i-
A Vot-niiliins Tnlo Wltti nMor ( I . for
Detroit i'rcu i'rosg : Never sij'ilow'n 'to
iVtltoirtrnrticU'/of a paper wlllunit : i sub-
k'ct , Hull's * .yon happen 't.o hav'o rtono
Imiiity. NOVI'T ullo\v pcrsounl fwliiiK 'to
tolas you , i'inli\ you ttiink the man U -
'servos it ; tltuti RD in. NoVcr write nny-
thiii ' } ; .that ' yon woiiUl not bo XYillitiJi to
n k' pay 'for tttul pfenty Do not
'mako your. 'irtfclc'i too lonp. nnliyon
ni-o wluTo yon i' n pot \oiir wfllitiR pi- :
l pr chcaj ) . A larKi * pllti of nminiBcrlpt ,
\viiilo ] it nmki's tlio tsdUor's ore jjlow
Avitlt the prospect of how ninelt it will
flch him ut a cent a pound nt tin ) paper
nilR nud liclp out his weekly paper hill ,
Is npt to create mistakes. A nu'latieholy
ca e of tin' kind occurred in these editor-
ia ) rooms last weuk' , A yonnR man with
intellectual hair ttud olbovvs int"lligontl.v
tlircailliaro , entered nnd aptiroanhi'd the
oarthpit\Ko ( \ editor , bo\\ed formally anil
nskod fonfultsnlly :
' Are yon thu proprietor , sir ? " '
The editor had just pot to where the
houses began to ifuncn ami wait/ around
tlio squares and tin ? earth yawned as it
was boinjr so rudely awakened from its
sloop , when , with hifi right uyo following
his flying pencil , his left slowly were
around , antl , becoming stationary , fixed
ItMilf upon the young tnnn.
" \Vo \ hnvo already lot the contract out
for p.ipcring this room" ho said , us helot
lot his loft cyo drift hack to keep com-
uany with tno other one at work.
'Taper this room ! " said the yoniiE
man , with surprise anil grcasa spots nil
over him.
"Yes , wo want no paper hangers. "
"Hut , sir , I am no paper hanger. "
"Judging from thoao rolls of wall pa
per nnuor your arm , 1 supposed that you
woro. Kxcnso mo for a moment. "
"Wall paper ! 1 bog your pardon , sir ,
tins is a story I have just completed in
suvcn chapters , 'Tlio Incandescent Mnsk-
nlonge : or , from French Flats to the St.
Ulairl'hits.'b.vl. M.Klntt. "
Then his turned white except his shirt
anil backing toward the door , fairly
lilsscd through his nose : "Wall paper !
Sir , 1 would not let you have this story
now for double its price. I'll take it to
seine other otlieo , 1 shall , sir. " Hero ho
tripped and disappeared down stairs ,
manuscript anil all.
mowing Up Hull Gnto
has boon a laborious and costly work ,
but the end justifies tie ! ellbrt. Obstruc
tion in an any important channel means
tlisastor. Obstruction in the orcrans of
the human body bring inevitable discaso.
They must bo cleared away 01 physical
wreck will follow. Keep the liver tn or-
dor. and the. pnro blood courses through
the body , convoying health , strength and
life ; let it bncomu disordered aud the
channels arc clogged with impurities ,
which result in disease and death Ko
other medicine equals Dr.
"Golden Medical Discovery" for acting
upon the liver and purifying the blood.
In Sioux City , the youngest of Town.
towns , and at the present time pretty
near the most enterprising , they have
what they call an "Kpitaph Club. "
Everything good that a member of it
does for the city , to iidvnnco its growth ,
or to mid to its civilization or charity , is
treasured up ) > y the people to bo placed
on his epitaph at death.
It is rumored that the supply of Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup is not equal to the
demand. Druggists should prepare
themselves for ml emergencies as the
people rely on them for this remedy.
A nine-year-old citinon of Nowburybort
is reported to have said to his mother ,
who told him that his signing the tem
perance pledge didn't timonnt to any
thing : "Maybo not , but if Dad hail
signed one when ho was nine years old
it might have amounted to something. "
An cightcen-months-old child in Texas
crawled out of its mother's bed the other
night , was not missed until morning ,
when it was tracked across several
farms , under wire and through rail
fences for four miles , and was found
unharmed in the brakes of the North
No preparation could have made such
n reputation as Salvation Oil has. with
out intrinsic merit of the highest order.
It kilts pain. Price 25 cents.
A successful lawyer wns asked to run
for congress , but declined on the ground
that if elected ho would henceforth feel
superior to trying n case of horse-steal
ing , and that ho wanted to do nothing
that would make him fool too big for his
A six-year-old girl in Florida dropped
her kitten into a well over fifty fool deep ,
and nt her earnest nntrcnty her father
lowered her down by the well rope. She
got the kitten out all right nud was pulled
up again damp , but happy.
Hood's Sarsnparilla acting through
the blood , reaches evorv part of the sys
tem , and in this way positively cures
catarrh. _
A Frtinch soldier of Napoleonic long
ings climbed nlone to the top of the
pyramid of Cheeps the other day. lie
tell to the base with blood , bones and
tlesh in a pulp.
The now $1 silver certificates are now
sent in sums of $1,000 to tmoh bank rank
ing application , and at the snmo time do *
positing that sum with the assistant treas
urer at Now York.
For chicken cholera Si .Jacobs Oil is in
fallible , says Air. J , MeCitnn , Uridgoport ,
W. Va.
Complete returns of the French census
show the population to bo , In round
numbers , ! ! SUOOI , ( ) , ) ( ) an increase of only
000,000 iu Hvo years.
A HarrKsbnrg , I'n. , young Jndy , while
on a visit to the country , caught a llyiug
spuirrol. Having no oagu , nhu made
ono of her bu tlu in order to carry it
Hed Slur Cough Cure within nnd St.
Jacobs Oil without , will promptly euro
A young man found a br.ndhag in n
carriage ut Tuscola , 111 , It contained
$35 , nnd belonged to n young widow in
Atwood , and when the young man re
turned it to her she rewarded him by
mrirrying him the next tiny.
A beautiful woman must bo healthy ,
nnd to remain heatthv and beautiful * > ho
should take Dr. J , II , McLcnn'sStrongth-
oning Coulial and lllood J'nrilier. It mi-
pars tone and Hush to the skin , strength ,
vigor and ptiro blood ; is equally adapted
for till ages , from the babe to the aged ,
nnd either sex ,
A duposlto of blood ugale , containing
fitours large enough to ho bawod into
slabs for manlc-l * , his : been found in
Utah , ( tear thu Grand river.
A Itu.iiilirul J'rcsont.
The Virgin Salt Co. . of New H.ivun ,
Conn. , to introduce Virgin Salt into every
family , are making thiii grnntt oflor : A
Crazy Patchwork block , enameled in
tvvrh'u beautiful colors nn.d containing
the latest Funny Stitcher ; on n largo
Litho < rrnphoil Curd having n bountiful
gold mounted Idea ] Portrait in the con-
lor'gtviiii ntvay with every 10-cont pack-
no _ of Virgin Halt. Virgfn qnlt hiU no
cqual'for household purnohe.s , U is the
cleanest , purest'and 'whitu-t Salt 'ever
aui-n or jtsihl. Komnml/or that n l\rgc :
puukago coats only 10 cesila , with the
present. Ask your grocer for it.- .
Tickt only W. Shore * in. Proportion.
Wo do horobv certify thnl WP fsunorvHo tlw
nrrnn omp.iit for ml HIP Monthly and Qimrtorly
Drawings of The I < nn mim tftnto Uittory
Company mid In tiprson tnnnneo nnd control
tlio Drawing * thpin i ivps , nnd Mint tlio smno nro
rotuluctiHl with hminsty. fnlrnoss nml In good
faith toward nil j.iirtlos. nml wo nuthorUo thu
Company to u o tun certificate , with fao-slmlioi
ofour sU'tmturiu nttnohoJ In tu a.lvmtijmeiit
Wp..thoim < tprslgnort Hank * , nnd Ilnnkor * ,
Vi y nil Prlzps drawn In Tlio Louisiana Stale lot
teries which tuny bo pro-umtn.l nt our ooitutorJ
,1. n. oni.Ksnr ,
Prcs , Louisiana National Bank
Pros , State National Banl
Pres. New Orleans National Bant
Incorporated In 1SSS for 23 years by the loirls-
Inturo tor Kdiicntlnnnl nnd Charitable purposes
with iienpltnl of Jt.OOO.uM to whlrh R rosorro
fund of ovur t.WUUl IIIM Mnco boon nddcd.
lly nnoverwhelmingpopulnr vote Its frnnohlsn
nnsmadonimrt of thournsuntStnto Const liutloa
ndnotrd December 2U A. 1) . 1S7U.
The only lottery ovur voted on nnd endorsed
by the puoplo of iiny stntn.
It never scales or postpones.
ItKKTimd single number drawings tnko plnoe
monthly , nnd the extraordinary drawings iogu
larly ovury throe months Instead of ?
nlly us nuretoloro , beginning Maich , ISSrt.
PthOrnml Drawing , Class II. In the Acndpmvot
Music. Now Orloans. Tuesday , Novuiulior-Otli ,
181) , 10 < th Monthly Urawinir.
lOO.CUOTlckots nt I'lvo Dollnrs liuoh. Krnotlons
In KHIlia. In 1'ioportlon.
Application for ratoi to clubi should bo raixiiu
onlr to tu oHIco of the coinpnny In Now Or
Tor further Informntlon wrlto clearly. nv1ni )
full address. POSTAL NOTES , Eiprosi Money
Orders , or Now York Uxcliiuiffo in ordinary lot-
ter. currency br oxurusa at our expense ad
drCM ° dl
NuwOrlo nBLa.
Or JL A.nAtlPltlN ,
Wubhlnirton.D. 0 ,
O. Money Orders parable and address
New Urlonns. E&
Nebraska Nationa Bank
Paid tip Capital . $250,000 I
Surplus , . 30,000
H. W. Yntcs , President.
A , E. Tou/.ulin , ic.c President. '
W. 11 S. Hushes , Cashier. 't. .
iniir.OToiis :
W. V. Hlovso , John S. Collins ,
H. W . Ytues , Luwis S. Hood.
A. E. TotiKulin.
Cor 12th and 1'armim Sts
A General Bunking Husmuss Transacted.
N. "W" . HARRIS & Co.
IS , CJllCAdO.
Of Counties , Cltlos nnd otborsof
high grndo bought and sold. Eastern
oUIco CM Devonshire at. , lloston. Correspond.
enco solicited.
CTtCfllTtJC < ? O Its causes , and n now nnd
gjk-HFfiElOd Kiiccovstul CUUKiitymir own
* * homo by ono who wns deaf twenty night
ypais. Treated by most of the noted special
ists without' honcllt ; cured himself In Ihvco
months , nnd slnco then hunched * of othoi-3.
Full particulars pout on appl cation. T. S
PACK , No. 41 Vt'cstlllst St. , Now YorkO ity.
LULL ill H ll of roilkl.1 etr.r. ,
rnrr ucbmtr , mroiua.
I tltmtm uiyl/iun , I l Manliood ,
. ! rf 1 . .ffll n , . Til l Pick.j. I5c. i it 4.i. Fr..i oW .
I > K. A. . OI.JN CO. , N . ? . , ! | iciiSU tCilHij ) ( ,
III. ftl.UODerrmikuseSlxf
Railway Time Table
The following li the tlmo of nmvnl and do-
pnrturoof trnlns liy Centrul SUmdurd Tinio at
the local depots. Trultm of the 0. , 8L P. , Jf.rit
O. nrrlvo and depart from tholr depot , oornorbf
14th and Wohstnr Htrootg : tnilns on the II. ft M.
C. II. A ( } . nnd K. 0. , KU J. & p II. from the 11.
AtM. depot nil othoig from the Union 1'uciflo
lirldfro trains irlll lonvo U. P. depot nt 0TJ- :
n7a5-8W-8MO-sno-ltiU:00-lluo : ( : : 11. m. : 111:0 :
- -.20-1 : M-y :00-a : :00111 : : UO 0Uuaol':13 : : : -
7:00-11:10 : : p.m.
Ixinvo Trntisfor forOmnhn IU7:12 : n:15 : 0:33 :
MZWaRVMSl \ \ MfVt u. m.lSl : ! Jl3-2n :
3KO-BU7 : : 4a7 : SW : 0:13 : 7 JO ; T:5J-8W- :
Jhr.ip. m.
Lonvo llroadway 1035 p. m ; ArlvoOmnlm
1100. f.v. nranbn 10 00 p. tn. : Ar. Ilrondwny
10 y . In elToct Autfiist aoth until
tlco. This In nddltlonul to present truln sorvlqe.
J. W. MOItBi : , G.I' . A ;
Arrival nnd dupnrtilre of trains from tba
Transfer Oopot ut Council Blulls :
11 7:15 : A. M. ] ) : ! , ' , A.M.
It 11)15 ) A. M. HfitfWr. M.
C0i < 0i > . u. 117:00 : ] ' , M.
A 0:1,1 : A. M. AlijlSji. M.
A (1:40 ( : 1M , A 7:00 : I'.H
AUiI5A. ; H , I A 0:15 : A. M.
II 15 ; < U I' . U. i II OfM I' , M.
A 7UO : i > . M.
A 0:15 : A. u. I AUsiriA. M
AB40l-.M. ; I A7OJi : > . M
A10OJA. : u. I ICMA : , M.
Cb-.Ur. u. | A6& > i' , it.
WAUASII , ET. LOirjii k lUOIi'JC.
ASibOr. M. I A3:3Jf. : M :
HIOiX ; CITV ft PAQltlC.
A 7:05 : A. M. I A 0:35 : A , H.
A 0:25 : f. u. I A sW : i' . u.
UNION PACIFIC. . M. i i-t a.
. .P.iclfloKxpriMS . . 7:50iv : |
.Umivor Ki'prc d , ' : ? ? :
. . .IxitHl lixnio-- ) ilUOJu
H. .V M. IN Mill.
Mall and xpross. . . . . . . I CrlOu
_ Ifipurl. - "SOU'J'HWAllD. AirH'P , "
PACiriC. A.M. r. s
. . . . .Day llxpros ?
. BslOb . ifi p-i , .
K. ft , HT , J. & U II.
. .Via Plntumoiith. .
Depai t. _ NlimiwAiiD. )
A. M M'T'M. ' a"rlT. P."M.
, HlouxClty"
& :4' : > oaklund ! A
A.u. I r. M. I C..T ) . AQ. . "
_ SSO ( _ 6:00' : ' ' VM Platlsiiiouth
NOTE - . . - Jully : Jl. d.illy except Hun-
day ; ' . , > luy | | oxccr'tBaturduyi P.itaily oxoo ; > t
Jlondnv. _ _ _ _ _ _ .
will IcavoU. P. doi > ot , Omaha , r.t * 0:40 : T:35
8K5I-0OOn. ; ra ; 2:00atl5 : 4U5-5S5- ; : : p. m
PnclfloKtiirnss.fii p. ro , ; Denver hi , S0:55
a. m ; Louul Vin'M p. in.
Leuvostock yurdu for Omaha nt. * 7:0i8s0 : |
:3Q : ll3 n ro.2:80 ; 3-a5-4'ti 6:05 : * 8i.Sp. m.
AtlantloRx .loH. O. t 35 . tn. ; Chlnairo Ei. ,
le 8.0. frQ7 : p.m. : I.op.dl Bt , lo 8. 0. 10:41 : n.nj.t
Mo. Pao. Er , le : 3-a 5:47-0 : ro i 24 M. P , Mt ,
:0 : a. in ' .
ptSunditr. ,