Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Dellirrnl l > y f.nir.cT m nnj fnrt nr tlioWtynt
t iity ( flits per wist'k.
11. AV. Tin ox. - - -
IK'piNrsa ' fimt-r. , No. 4 %
NIOIIT I'.nnoii No. "I.
Now York I'liinilii.iK Co.
Now fall goods ut HulU'r's.
CooDc.r & Mi-fioo sell slovos ,
Cooper iV Mcu ( ! ( ! M'll luinhviiro.
)5in ) Seal lirninl oysters , tint best.
( 'limp tickets at Hit.shiicir.o.
One c'o/eii ' r.iblncts nnd a largo panel
for $2 SO at Schmidt's jiallory.
More li lit IM nocdcil in lliu vicinity of
tin * Northwestern depot.
The Hramhilla concert is to bo given
Ttiefiliiy uvuiiln next : tl the opera
Numerous small now houses nro poltiR
up in that portion of the city ol' the
The ground * * mid surronndiiiKS of tlio
Dloonior richool bnihlin arc boin < r ini-
Twelve panel jthoto'iraphs forn.50nt
Jlarry Sclinitdt's gallery , Main street ,
opposite Cresion house.
Leave to marry was yesterday given to
K. M. Winn , ofOeoiiee , III. , and Anna
Kdenllold , of Lincoln , Nob.
Murray and Murphy , the comedians ,
are to appear at the opera house this
evening in "Our Irish Visitors. "
The Workingmen's 1'rogresslvo associa
tion Is lo meet Suu.lay afternoon at 1 !
o'clock in the hall over the postollicc.
To-morrow evening the Suutlav school
of Broadway Mclhomst church will give
n concert exercise in p'.acc ' of iho regular
uvunlng service.
The new Broadway theatre is to bo in
what is known as I'ltittnor's hall. It will
be u iHM'iiinnunl variety show. The place
bus been all refitted and greatly im
Aimer Keesc , arrested for being con
cerned in tlio shooting alVair , in which
Win. Keating lost his lift ) , has secured
bail , and being free , has resumed work
at the transfer.
,1. MeCandy , L. B. Hicks , .1. Brown and
John Tuition , constituted tlio list of over-
onthusiaslie anti-irohibllionsts | ! , who
Yesterday Inspected at their leisure the
interior of the city jail ,
A meeting for Bible study will be held
in tlio parlor of the Young Alan's Chris
tian Association rooms this evening at
80 : ! ! o'clock. All young men are invited
to be present and takopart.
Miss Blanche Theodore , daughter of
Mr and Mrs. S. Theodore , celebrated her
birthday yesterday afternoon at her
home on 1'ifth aVeuuo. The gathering of
little friends was a happy one.
Only a few days moro work will com
plete all the upper portion of the new
Hewer ditch improvement. Then comes
the question of the lower end , which is
being litigated drearily in court , with no
prospect of an early decision.
A pleasant company of friends were
ily entertained Thursday evening at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Swan , corner
of Pierce and Slutsman streets. The
evening was spent mainly in cards , and
bountiful refreshments were served.
( Jeorgo MePeck , one of Captain Hatli-
nway's crow at work on the bridges over
Spoon lake , slipped and fell into the
water Thursday afternoon. He had a
crowbar in his hand , which in the fall
struck him on the leg , iiillictinga pain
ful wound. "
The city council meets next , Tuesday
night. There is considerable interest in
the matters now pending bcforq the
council , and the aldermen are besieged
daily bjMaxpavcrs who are anxious to
have action taken in accordance with
their individual notions. The lifo of an
alderman these days is not an easy one.
Fidelity council Hoyal Arcanum will
give a series of live parties in Masonic
temple , the lirst to bo November 8. The
committee consists of ( J. A. Keeliue , W.
A ( ironoweg , , J. F. Kimball , James Pat-
ton-oil , I. M. Troynor. W. 11. Uobinson ,
Gcorgo Kichiiionil , Adolph Bono , J. L.
UeBoroiso , T. K. Cavin.
Mr. Stopheuson , as a prominent mem
ber of the Union Lumber company of
Wisconsin , has leased tlio old foundry
property on Main street , the company in
tending to open here one of the largest
lumber yards in this part of the countiy.
The company docs a wholesale business ,
B well as retail , anil tlio enterprise will
proye a valuable addition to the city.
Richard O'Connoll , who resides near
Wcston , was married early in the week
to one of Dnbuquo's fairest daughters.
Miss Nellie Moore. On their arrival
homo , they were given a reception
Wednesday evening , at the homo of
William O'Connell , tlin lather of the
groom. About lifty couples were in at
Last evening the ladies of the Catholic
church gave their first social and quad
rille party of the season in the building of
J. J. Brown on Alain street. It is the in
tention of giving a series of entertain
ments to take place every two weeks dur
ing Iho season. The proceeds of the en
tertainments belli * ; for the improvement
of tho. Catholic church property in this
Hard and softcoal , wood , limo. cement ,
etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. , No. GUI )
Broadway. .Telephone No. I'M.
liiruurutlis. |
Mr. and Alra. K. A.Volls , of Denver ,
topped In th city Thursday to visit the
parontH of Mrs. Walls , Air , and Mrs.
George Marshall , whllu on route to their
homo after having been In attendance at
thu death bed and funeral of thu father of
Mr. Wells in Fairbury , Ja. They left yes-
terdny for their home.
C. H. Tyler relumed yesterday mornIng -
Ing from thu oast.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. ( iunltltnvo returned
from thulr visit to St. Louis ,
F. 0. H. Artanz. a young man who has
boon connected wllh uaymond & Campbell -
boll , thu brldgu builders for a year past ,
started last evening on a visit to Norway ,
expecting to return in a few months.
Mrs , K. 1) , WoodrufT and Miss Gussio
Itosbyshnll , of ( j Ion wood , were In the city
The many friends of Mrs. Talbot ,
whoso husband was formerly Etiperin.
tondunt of the Institution for the deaf
ntid dumb hero , will bo pleased
to learn that she is spending u few weeks
hero , thu guest of Mr. mid Mrs , A. li.
Miss Anna Dodge and a friend have returned -
turned from Portland , Oregon , and only
Plopping hero for a brief greeting of
frimuls , will proceed to Now York.
Mrs. Coblclgh , of Red Ouk , WHS n Ulufls
City visitor yesterday.
W. D. Wynkoop , ono of the most witty
8.nd original news aKonU in the west and
who has been "running" between Miss
ouri Valley and Long Pine , will shortly
lnko the west end , the Wyoming exten
sion business ,
Mrs , Marshall Key nnd daughter , Miss
Mary , who have been spending the past
year in Lolpsio , Germany , have arrived
in Now York City after u very stormy
ocean passage. Mrs. Key will in about
two weeks return to this city , while her
dnughtor will remain in Now York.
Anything you want In Housekeeper's
ilartlwaro and Tinware ut Cooper &
The Day's ' Chronicling of a Variety of
Happenings ,
ThcMnyor Hnj-s flic Snlooni Must Payer
or Me Closed Mnklnji KatiiiiKO
Out of : lluy'i Ihuiil The
ninok mill Wlilte How.
A lllnclt anil AVhtto Cnreor.
Ycslerday morning there was an amus
ing , and yet sa-.l , case in the superior
court. A colored man , stiangely called
White , wa given a hearing on the charge
of having attempted to kill a white
Woman with whom ho had been living for
f-omo mouths pal. The details of the af
fray were given by darkey witnesses , in
a manner provokative of much mirth.
The testimony showed that White and
the woman had been living together at
the house of Mgllie Scott , on Pierce
street. He and the white woman had
had a quarrel , she refusing to livn with
him longer. He left the house , and swore
vengeance , threatening to maul her if ho
ever got a chance. Cn tlio day ot the af-
frav no came to the house , forced his way
in"and attacked the while woman , strik
ing her with hi list. The Scott woman ,
not being able to slop Him , got
a stick' from Ihe wood box and
lilt him with that. He wrested this
away trom her and struck her with it.
Shi ! ran to gut the axe , and he put in his
time mauling the white woman with the
club. Tlio hcott woman returned to the
attack with the ave , and this claimiiighis
attention the white woman took advant
age to make her escaiio from Iho house.
Tlio Scolt woman and Iho man then had
it out until the man got a cut across the
arm and ran away. Ho was arrested ami
locked up.
The man admitted having struck the.
whiti ) woman with his list intentionally ,
but claimed that the blow with the club
was accidental. He. was wresting the
club away from the Scott woman , and in
this struggle the while woman was Int.
One of Iho sad features of the ease was
the presence of the gray haired father of
Hie white girl , who liatf thus fallen into
such depths of depravity. The sickening
thought of a ' daughter O becom
ing so low and hlthy did not'
seem lo cll'eel him greatly , however ,
ami by his actions one would not have
mislrusted that ho was interested in the
case more than an ordinary looker on.
Judge Aylcsworth , afler hearing the
stories of all concerned , declared that
the woman hail sank so low that perhaps
it would have been a good thing for Iho
community bad she dieil of the wounds
iullictctl , "but still , no matter how low
she was , she was entitled to personal
protection. He ditl not think it would
bo advisable to put the county to the ex
pense of holding the colored man for
trial on the charge of attempted murder ,
but he would give him the full penalty
within the jurisdiction of the court thirty
days in the county jail. The worthless
fellow will therefore ho boarded and
longed at the county's expense for that
He in turn had Alollic Scott arrested
for hitting lijm with the axe The judge
disiuissedthis case , it appearing to him
that the Scott woman had simply tried
to defend herself and her domicile.
It appearing that White came hero
from Sioux City , the judge soberly asked
him if he was there nt the time of the
Haddock murder. The colored man
turned as uale as he could , and was ap-
ranjntly greatly alarmed nt the possi
bility of being held to account for that.
Ills sudden scare resulting from tlio fa
cetious question was quite amusing , and
to none"more so than to the judge who
put the query.
Klectric door bolls , burglar alarms , and
very form of domestic electrical appli-
anccs at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Nenlly Will Itccnver ,
Andy Neally , the colored man slabbed
in an all'ray with a farmer named Kobin-
son , instead of dying as was expected ,
was easier yesterday , and Dr. Hanchctt ,
who dressed tlio wound , has hopes of bis
speedy recovery. The wound seems not
to have been as deep nor lo have done as
much internal injury as was at lirst
feared. The prediction is made that
unless some unforeseen complications
arise the wounded man may be
able to be out and about in
the course of a week. The cuso of Uob-
inson , charged with attempted murder ,
was called up before Justice 1'rainey
yesterday afternoon. The bail , which
liad been iixcd at $5,000 , was reduced
to $1,000 , and bonds for this amount
wore given , John Bcuoand Charles Greg
ory signing as sureties. A further con
tinuance was given to await the result of
the wound received by Neally.
A now theory of the allair was ad
vanced by seine yesterday , it being to
the cllect that the colored man , after
hitting Uobinson , thought he had killed
him , and then slabbed himself. Such a
theory seems to have nothing to bolster
it up , and it will hardly bo urged with
seriousness , though slarled into circula
tion yesterday.
After Neally had chased liobinson
across the street , overtaking him lie hit
Kobinson with the club , and as ho turned
back ho mot Air. J. AI. Palmer , who
asked. "What's the matter ? " Neally
told him then that he was stabbed. Other
witnesses do away with any seeming
probability for such a new theory of the
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire , No.
101 Pearl street , Council IJluffs.
Glvintf Up Tenth Avenue.
There is still considerable discussion as
to the advisability of giving the Union
Pacific the right of way along Tenth
avenue. There is a general disposition
on the part of the citi/.cns to give gener
ously to any enterprise or improvement
which will advance the interests of the
city. The shippers and wholesale mer
chants have joined in a petition , asking
that the Union Pacific bo allowed to have
tracks so as to establish a new freight
depot at the corner of Sixth street and
Tenth avenue. A petition thus signed by
representatives of the most vital commer
cial interests of the city , ought not to bo
slightingly treated or Ignored. Council
Blull's has already lost some of its
wholesale houses , and it is said that
others will go away unless biieli
increased advantages are given.
The proposed elmngu ought not to be
Killed simply because inuniliors of the
cily council that tlieir particular
part of the city uill not bo directly bone.-
fitted or from other peivona ! motives.
The proposition should htaud on its own
merits and bo treated fairly and squarely ,
bearing in mind the chief question of
how it will allVct the city as a whole. It
is evident that Council Blutl's is now in a
peculiar position. If just the right notion
is taken the city can be. helped materi
ally. It all now enterprise * are fought ,
if croakers are to be liMcncd to more
readily Ihun wise counsellors , Council
Illufls will sutltir greatly.
The wide-awake business men , of whom
thorn are not a few here , arc very anxious
to have the city government help rather
than hinder. At the same time tlio city
should sou to it that proper safeguards
are thrown about these new enterprises ,
so that privittu citizens are not forced
to boar all the burdens unit
stand all the expense of mukiiij ; changes
by which Hi- whole cily willnro'H It is
d'ilHeutt to determine ju t what to do or
how it should be done , but that some
thing needs to be done is evident. It is
: il o evident that all enterprises helpful
to the city should be given great encour
agement and generous aid.
If by any Abort-sighted policy the pres
ent council thwart * any attempt , proved
Inter for the bettering of the ci'.y , the re
sponsibility will not bo hn easy one to
It is believed some way can be tiro-
Titled for securing the desired freight
depot. It may not be that the route
named is the best or the cheapest. It
may not be advisable to let the track run
beyond Main street. It may bo neossary
to lirst provide some arrangement by
which property owners can secure any
ju.-t damages without being forced Into
prolonged litigation. All of these fea
tures of the ca o Humid be freely ami
fully discussed by all concerned , ami ar
ranged honestly ami above board. But
care should be taken that no worthy en-
torprNe is slopped because of 11 few
mere whiners or whines.
Seal brand oysters at II. J. Palmer's. '
I can save you money in Stoves. Tin
ware and Hardware W. A. Wood.
See that j'our books are made by More-
bouse it Co. , room 1 , Kverett block.
rut Up ovHImt Up.
Mayor Oronowcg now comes out with
an ollleial notice that "all persons en
gaged in any business requiring a
license under the city ordinances'1 must
pay at once , and that persons in arrears
lifter Monday next will be piosoeuted.
This evidenlly moans I hat the new mayor
insists upon the saloons paying their
licenses at once. This may seem like an
easy task , but others before him have
tried it and there has bet u no gre.U suc
cess. The saloon men pay for a lime
promptly ami then some begin to fall
behind , and others follow until there is
only a handful left of those who pay.
Alter u time the slate is wipetl oil' , old
( cores forgneu , ami they start in anew.
A few liavo paid ru/hl along , but num
bers have got out of paying but little.
The better class of saloon men have tired
of being called on to pay promptly while
others , having a full share of the busi
ness , gut out ot paying. If I lie now
mayor means business , ho will not delay
in shutting up those who refuse to abide
by the requirement of the cily. There
should not bo any and fowl
division. ' One law for all.
Stolen Sorrel horse , small white spot
on forehead , scar on right front foot ,
right hind foot white with red spot in the
white. Hcward o lie red No. 11)17 ) Fourlh
Custom-made railroad shoos and Ger
man s'ippers ' at (5. ( Bl.ixstm's , Alain st.
Richmond Ranges for bard coal are
tbu best. Cooper & MoGco sell them.
Dr. Hanehett , otlicu No. 13 Pearl street.
Residence l-'O Fourth street. Telephone
No. 10.
1-iost. u Finger.
Yesterday afternoon a boy named But/
got bis hand caught in a sausage machine
at L. Neunas' place. Dr. Capel ! attended
the injuries , anil found it necessary to
amputate the finger.
Seal brand oysters at II. J. Palmers. ,
Mrs. A. S. Hall is prepared to do dress
making on short notice ami at reasonable
prices. No. 328 Broadway.
An Independent Cundiilnto.
I hereby announce myself as an inde
pendent candidate for justice of the
peace , and submit my claim to the voters
of Council Itltills , la. , on tlio 2nd day of
November , IbSG. A. L. HKNIMICKS.
J. Krnsdlorf , having taken entire con
trol of the Phumix chop house , desires to
.state that ho has securctl the services of
Charles Decker , a lirst-class cook of New
York city. The best the market affords ,
night and day , in the best style ol the
art. Will also have a regular bill of fare
IJvliiKVltliniit Sleep.
Pall Alall Gazette : If there is a man at
Milan who docs not eat , there is another
at Homo who does not sleep. This un
fortunate , who has no doubt boon incited
to his experiment by M. Suoei's fame ,
which to-day is as wide as the world , is
called Massimiliauo Kun/eni. Ho is
forty-two years old. By profession he is
n porter in the Piazza Alontnnara , spend
ing his leisure hours in mending boots.
On three consecutive days ho has pre
sented himself at a newspaper oilico
asking lor the insertion of a paragraph
to the effect that ho bail not slept for the
last , eighteen days and nights. Rnnzcni
gives tlio name of several persons who
can testify to the truth of his assertion ,
and he slates that lie is ready lo make
the experiment of living without sleep ,
before a committee. In order to show
that sleeplessness does not exhaust his
physical strengti. ' , Ranzeni is willing to
undergo all kindsof fatiguing exercises ,
such as loii" walks , to which ho is quite
accustomed. The only anti-soporilics on
which ho relies are frequent ablutions in
cold water and an occasional snilV at a
small bottle of ammonia , which ho car
ries with him. Ho eals very lilllo , and
declares that during the eighlcou days
of trial he has not once telt tho. need of
Fresh oysters in every stvlo at the
Phojnix Chop House , No. BO.1 ! Broadway.
First class regular dinner 2.T cents , 12
to 2 o'clock , Pluunix chop house , nori
Ijntcst Styles for Men.
Tlio newest thing in dress suits is the
dress sack , H sack coat of blade diagonal
with a shawl roll to the lapels ami really
much likn a dress coat without the tails.
This is to bo worn after dinner , when
there are no ladies present , for smoking
or cards or billiards.
Cud'buttons will not bo worn this year ,
links taking their place almost entirely.
These links , as a rule , will bo of worked
gold , heavy and solid. Some will have
stones inserted , but thu plainer and
heavier ones will bo thu more fashion
There will bo little change this season
in thu gloves that faslnonablu men will
wear. Tbu hands will bo covered by
heavy tan-colored gives , just as they
were last winter. Heavy stitolung.eithBr
in black silk or in silk which mutches
the color of the gloves , will oniameut
their backs ,
The smaller the studs a man wears In
his dress shirt the nearer ho comes to fol
lowing the fashion. Only two studs aru
shown. They may bo liny pearls or
binall studs ot white enamel , or mother
of pearl studs cut to imitate the old-fash
ioned shirt button , and even small diamonds
mends are not incorrect.
Rings are to bo small and plain , The
rings with a slab largo enough for n
sidewalk is no longer to bo worn. Many
new rings have no stones ; but merely
gold name plates.
This year thu mildness of the suit
necessitate * a brilliant scarf , Broud
"iour-in-liands" in solid colorsin
- - , stripes ,
or in solid colors with largo spots , aru to
bo the fashionable style of scarf , For
thoMi who do not or cannot tie their own
scarfs , the same patterns aru made up In
ditlerent stales ,
With a dress suit a gentleman who is
reasonably fashionable will wear a plain
white shirt and standing collar , with n
black silk or white lawn or Indian tape
necktie. Ho will , of course , tie his own
peek Ho. or Ret i > 'u < > one lo t'l1 ' It for him ,
but h1 will on no a ' mnt get a readymade -
made white lie. The moderately fashion
able man's shirt front Wjll be of linen or
of pique. If of linen , it. may have only u
single pleat , being ad'pitie-bonrd' ' front ,
or it may be in numc > 1otjs narrow pleats.
The overcoats that fashionable men
will wear this winter are not very diller-
cut from those they \VorC last year. The
single-breasted "Chester Held" anil the
double-breasted heavy'overcoat will bo
worn by pollto society , nnd the double-
breasted ulster with a capo is to be re
vamped , while the very swell "Inver
ness ' will be worn with full dre s by
tlio < o whose pockeU or the innojcnce of
whose tailcrs can all'onl It.
The crown of Ibis year's Derby is moro
tapering than was Miat of last year , and
the top is more curved. The brim has
the same shape as that of the silk bat.
Black Derbys are going to bo as fashion
able as ever , but for those \\lio like
lighter colors tin-re is a choice between
sea-brown and maullla-brown , Ihe latter
of which is the "very latest thing out1
am ) is going to bo much worn.
Shoes this winter will not be so pointed ,
but will all'onl plenty of room for thu
veer Iocs , so long squeezed oul of shape.
Patent-leather pumps will bo worn , its
for ages past , for dancing shoes , lint
dress shoes will undergo a change. The
Oxfoid tin will disappear , and patent-
leather button or luce boots will take its
place , anil , like lliu walking boot , Will bo
broader than for years past.
The watch-fob will not bo brought
back this year , but n chain may be worn
oven by tliic nlrn-fa ! hloiiublu man with a
drcrs suit. But it should not be the chain
that ho wears ordnmrilv. The dress
chain is a iight , dainty little bit ot jew
elry , without any charm attachment ,
just long enough io reach comfortably
from Iho wearer" ? buttonhole to his watelt
pocket. It may be ot gold or ohl and
j.latinuni , and either-double or single.
The silk hat this year has rather more
"bell" than last year's hat , and the bell is
almost ontin ly on lliu sides thai isfrom
in front tliii bell shape is very eviileu t
while from the Hide the hat .seems almo s
cylindrical. The brim this year is heavier
limn Unit of last year's hat , and has les
roll to it , wbal roll there is being le ss IIn
than last year's.
Scarf pins this year are very small ,
ladies and gentlemen wearing pins of
the same si/.o ami selecting them from
the same stock. The latest things in
scarf pins are made in Ihe shape of birds ,
beasts , and conventional ligiiies , such as
dragons , cut from sea shells. The
tendency is toward small pins , stones in
small settings being fa > hionitblu. Ku-
ameli'il gold will also bo correct , but the
large and elaborate pins of former years
have no show now.
The only article of men's attire thn
this year is to bo more conspicuous ib in
last year is thu caues that they will swing.
Gold and silver headed canes aru still
correct , but they must be grolcsques and.
outltmdisti , tlio more the better. The
"crutch" head will remain , but the
nu'.urnl wood head will disappear , as will
the plain silver head , and grolesquo jig-
tiies of ducks or frog or moles will Iiml
their way into then : owners' mouths ,
where the old wooden onus uod lo be. C !
For lho > o uioii wluhnVfa / lo get now
tires suits this year there is little choice
of material. Tlio whble suit is made of
blue-black diagonal cloilt ; blue-black ,
simply bccutis" dead-black diagonal cloth
cannot bo procured from'fcnglnnd , where
the dress Miitiugs come fi'om. The coat
will have a shawl roll lo its hipel , which
will bo faced with heavy black silk , and
the most uxpeu.iive mid correct coats will
have silk collars. Tlio dress waistcoat
will be cut low enough to show only two
bosom studs to the bljirt. The line
of the opcniiisr ; will follow
almost exactly the 'roll of the
coat , the opening being cyon larger than
that of last year s drc&i waistcoats , The
waistcoat can with prjprinly : bo either
bbiclc or white , and the black one can bo
trimmed or iintrinnnud. Many waist
coats , however , will bo of black or cream
colored silk or satin , embroidered on the
collar , down to the edges , and on the
pocket welts , and those who think they
would like that sort ot waistcoat will
find themselves backed up bv fasuion.
The trousers of a dress suit will be rather
larger than last year's , and cut straight ,
but not baggy. Stripes down the edges
ot dress trousers have gone entirely out
of lashison , as they are too military in
appearance for this umnililary country.
tour of Ihe prettiest girls of Caledonia ,
Mich. , were caught stealing watermel
ons by moonlight.
Special ndvm'tUomonta , suoh 113 Lost , Found
ToLoim.I'or Suit ) , To Kent , \ > nnt3 , Iloanllnir ,
etc. , nlll lmliiortml In this column nt thu low
rntoofTBN ( JriNTS 1'KU MXK for tlio flisc Inser-
lonand Kivo fonts Per Ilno foronuli subsixiuont
Insertion. I.eavu ndvorllsomonts at our ollkn
No. 11'oal street , Hrotidway , Counell
lliu Us.
1/UIl ) ItHNT A Kood iloulilK liulMlnir BUltnbT )
JL1 for n irrucory store nnd ilwullliiKT , Hood
loenllon. TIIOH. Voilit0) | : ; ) North Mil st.
AN PHI ) A good nltrlit clerk ut Heehtelo's
W Hotel.
SAI.U Medium Hired Dlebold Rife : llnid-
Intry Binvlnit machine ; cash ro-'istor ; split
ting imirlinio : bnisa Jn\v lover erlmpliitf mil-
elilno ; e'oek ' ; KlioonniUers 10:1)4 : ) ; leslilcni'O nnd
IOIH , mid our wlinlusuio liulKllinr , No. 41 North
Mnln Htreot. Address / . T. Undeey , Council
Dlplttlicrlnlmnrnln iiiiilcliiir Us nnnuul visita
tion. Ten yeurh' trial of IMI.THOS. .IISI-'KUHIS'
HKMI 1)V tor tlmt filial nii'liily luis donuni-
btrated thu fact that It H inlnllililo nx n iirevunt *
Ivo and euro. If yon norm t your emldronto
die with diphtheria , "Tlielr hlood ho upon your
lii'iul. " For biilo only nt the ollleo , No. 1 South
SIli ctreet , Council Ulna's , In. , or bent by oxprusa
on reeelpt of price , fi
Krom the Oinnhn lleo :
Mr. J. II. llutler. ofHiucl lnl,1 | > ottnwnttnmlo
Co. , Inwn , nnd liU liimlly of eleven porMino ,
were nil slek with nmHimiuit diphtheria. Kvnry
one of them linn reeovorod hv the tiso of Dr.
.loll'urls' Provontlvo nnd Uure for Diphtheria ,
without the alii of npliyslcian ,
0. II. IllnUoPleeof No. H10 .Cnmnboll street ,
Omaha , who recently lost u bomitltul and l.i >
tor.istlmr daughter , nsod nl > am 16 yoaro. ly
diphtheria , under tiio treutmotpt of ouo of tlio
liest phy lelanH In Omaha , .writes to Dr. Jotferls ,
ol thtselty : "your remedy t'ar.fliputhoria came
too late , our dear daujjlitor was ctylnjr when It
WHS received. I am BiUlHlIed that her Hfo could
have IJCIDII iwvod. Another : 01(00 ( ! ourthlldrou
who had Iho diphtheria. Her throat was Illled
up with the putrid ulcerntlon. wo ntoil your
ineillelno nnd In twelve liAureitho disease wag
completely subdu-jil. In the future we will
keep your medicine t nllitlmrs In our house.
Wo foci that U raved the life oliono of our chil
dren , \Vniiro very ItnuiKful lo you , ami only
rouret Hint wo did not calljon you sooner. "
From the Counell llluiiB Onlly ( Hobos
M. A. Mel'IKo , editor of Iho Cumin-la ( Uliens.
liur * . Pa. ) I'Voomnn , hiw ueen the personal
friend of the editor of the Qlohu for moro than
twenty years , mid Is known wherever ho U
known as ona of the best men llvlnir. Ills family
was rnvuiroil with dlphtlmrla.-and ( 'ieatly dis
tressed. Borne of Dr. JclTorls Diphtheria Cure
was used , nnd thu lives of the rest of hlschlld.
ren saved. Letters from Mr. Jlrl'lko nro unbounded -
bounded In their expressions of cratltudo for
llndlntr some means of avcrtlmr the loss of nil
bis Hltlii ones. Five of Mr. Mcl'llie'H children
out of elfc'ht died from diphtheria before ho hud
mi opportunity of uslnir Dr. JefferU1 remedy.
Dyspeptic , why live In misery nmt dlo m dls-
pnlrwUhcancnrofthostomiieli ? Dr. Thomn.
JetferU cures every case of Indication nnd
constipation In a very short time. Host of ref.
erenceg riven. Djrepepjl * is the cause of
ninety per cent of till dleoasod conditions.
J'rico W for two weeks treatment. . , , . , ,
Dr. Jefferls' diphtheria medlclno ( s infallible
forallklndH of core throats. Indlspeuslblo In
putrid sort ) throne , In malignant scarlet fever ,
chaniflnir It In < 8 hours to the simple form. Infal
lible cure for all Inllntnmutory , ulcorutlvo , put.
rid , cancerous uleoratloiiof the womb And all
CHtarrhtl conditions. , .
Full printed instructions how to use the modi-
ernes sent with them. No doctor required.
lir. Jefferls1 remedies cnn only bo obtnlnod at
bis oltlco , No K3 south EU'htli street , Council
Hluffs , Iowa , or seat sy express on rec lpt of
! T * B fr % / ft I
i't fni'nct Hint the Council Jilii/r * Carpet fV > mrnii / will innkr n
'In thrii' jinn on > ltnninru tat nr.rl , ami Unit thru arc btnnul lo
iillil rnluci' their * tocl > before thttt tin/ ) .
( So sfT tliein before linn nil whilst" clueii'herc , itntl obtain tlielr price. * .
If } ton ti-iinf to bitonittlilnu ! In tlieir line then " ' " f/ / ' " < ' / / ' " ' ; / .
will cei'tnlnliunit UOH.
Their utoek eointlstn of all armies antl m/ikei of
Mattings , Window Shades ,
A lot of Table linenH. Toti'd. * anit ytinkinn to elusc out at LJSNS
Nee them.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ,
No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
" rH"
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas and ranging from .I.OO to
$10.00 pur auro. School and state lands In Miniii > < < oti ; on 3J years' tune B per
cent Interest. Land Hu.yers faro free. Information , etc. , given bv
3 ? . ,
No. rr . " Broadway , Council Blull's , Iowa , agent for FrHdrikseii & Co. , C'llcago. '
iiL. , is
Selling Oul Glcak Department
This Week , .
Jfca ( lq nartc iv fo r
1'raclices in Iho Slalo and Kcdural courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Sliu arl Bloilc.
rcMl ei-H , .fu until I * , County ami
ItaiiU WorJioi'AU liliuN a Spec
Prompt Attentionjo Mail Orders
Room 1 Kvurut Block , Council Binds ,
Standard FupurH Usud. All Hlyles of bind
ing in Magazines and
U n. Nntlonal IJunk , M. K. Smith & Co. ,
Clll/ciib' Hank. Deem , Well * ti Co. ,
Mri-t NAllmial Hank , U II. Insurance Co. ,
'luoy , tiuvlaza Hunk.
Justice of the Peace
Omco over American Exprosa
No , 328 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs ,
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
Late of the Parisian Millinery Co , Manager.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ludlcs buylnir a 15 Hut or llonnei , one fuer
will be puiil ; (10 rouud trip.
Creston House
Tiio only hotel In Council Illnffs havln ?
/nil nil modern Improvements ) .
"IS , " 17 uuilI'.l Main Ft.
Ho. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
HOIIEO , Flirn nu < l Dt'corntlvo 1'iUntor. Papier
Mncilio Wall Orniimcnts.
None but bnst Ininils employed nnd
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes , bo-tght nnd sold , nt rotnll nn : !
In loin. Liirso quantities to tcloct from
or < jrul pairs of line ill-Ivors , plngloor dnubln.
Council HI nil's.
Reduction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc.
, , . ,
AlV. . S. Ilcmor & Co's , No. 23 Main st
Council Binds.
Irt. frjo following Companies ;
German Amtrlcan , of New York
Phaint * , * of Hartford.
Hartford , * of Hartford ,
Callformart , of San Franclico ,
Siottlsh Union & national , of Cttlnburg ,
Union , o ) San Francisco ,
State'of Det Molnei ,
tVllllamsburg City , * of Brooklyn.
Those marked with a * Insure also agnlntt Ion by
Wind Storms , Cyclonei anil Tornuuiici
mil HAI.I ! IN
ONHY L.OANR1) os oooi > CITV
RAIT.S. * * * * * „ . * + * * * . *
R. L.
II.N' ! . Mnln St. , Council JUufTs , In. , nnd
20 ! ) B. IfitliHt. , Hoom lO.Oiiuiliii , Neb.
Manufacturer's Agent for the
TcntH. Awninirflt TloolIiiRT Sluto , Man-
telK , Plate iind Window ( Huna , SIiow-
CaecH. Klevatora ( hand mid hy
draulic &c ,
In tlio city v n be obtained by patrmilzlne the
CIO IlroaJwuy Council HluUs
GKO , W. SOHUWKLK , J'ron ,
None but oxporlencud hands employed
Out of town ordurs bv mall or uxprcsHOs ,
licitcd , and all work warranted ,
zaro-crsss O.F
/ I.Tl It.ll ,
Agricultural Implements , Buggia ; ,
_ rnrrlnim. ric , rto. council HluiTs. low.t.
> inko the Urlirnml ami Compleld
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill A Press ,
hc.s. 1..0I. nn , i.vxi ninl 1S17 .taiitli Main Struot ,
_ Council llnir , Innn.
1UM1) HK.vni.KY A CO. ,
Mannr'rs mi 1 Jobber * of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Bnggte ? ,
iuTil'lin"il ? mc1 "Jl1 " , KI" ls of Knrm Mno ilnorr.
1100 to Ilia South
Mnln Street. Counoll lllutfa ,
_ lono.
v- . - in. Soa.VCouniol , .
Council Bluffs Handla
( IticMrpnralotM
rAxto , 1'lek , Slodco and Small
Hamlles , of uvory iloacrlptlon.
oorNcn , MI.U-TS CAKPKT co. ,
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , rurtnln Klitnrps , Upholstorr flood *
Wo. No. < 05 llrondway Council UlulT * ,
, yr.
Wholesale .lohhers lu the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. CUMaln anJ i7 1'oarl Sts. Council llluff * ,
Frail and Produce Commission Merchants ,
Xo. Ul'etrl ft , Council Mluffs.
nit ran ISTH.
11A1U.K , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
tB' iiiiilrt ( i. Kte. No. 23 Main St. , and
NCI. 211'earl St. . Counoll lllnir * .
llll IT. * .
o. w. IUJTTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. Nn. 51 ! llruatlwar ,
Council HluT3. (
Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. If ! mnl IS IV.-u-l Pt. . Cnnnc'lt Hluira.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries
Also \Vholosnlo I.lqunr Donlcr * . Xo. 410 Ilrond-
way , Council lllnlK
Hnnu'ncnircinof an.I Wliolosiilo n < nf | > rili :
Leather Harness Etc.
, , Saddlery. .
No. Kij Main St. . Council , IOWA.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Glrm.
' Nos. : ) I2 iiml nil llroadwuy , Coiinoll lliiilM.
7/ / n.4.nn\\tnt \ \ : .
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heayy Hard .Yara . ,
And Wood Stoyk , Council HliitTH , I own.
tunas AND irour *
1) . II. McDANKLI ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , 1'oltB , Oren o nud 1'urs .Council
lllntfs Iowa.
UI1. &
\Vlmlcsiilo Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricatiaj Oils G
e.Thoodoro.Agont , Council lllulTa. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
A.n J llrldtfe Material Spoola ! ! ! , Wholesale Luui-
bar ol all Kind * . Ollleo No. 130 Mala at. ,
Council Illulfs. lown.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Ajfont for St. ( lOttlmriVt ) Herb llltt < < M. No. U
MiilnSu Council ItliillH.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Xntno iialu ft. . Council Iliitji.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Opposite Dummy Depot.
12 p ?
llor.scs and mules kept constantly on
mud , for snlo at rolail or in oar IcmdH.Or-
lcrn promptly Wind by contract on short
nollco. Stock sold on coininisHlon.
8urtmit : it UOIIY : , I'roprioSrs.
Toliiphonc No , 114.
1'ornicrly of Kcil Sale StaDlcs , corno
el. uvo anil 4th strcol.
TliUn/iU'in Hcntliclr ne < rnndliiiotliiiilutliul | < ro
Hllliiuiir ntuu to tench you to draft rnccuoriilly In
B few linurr. Voucnnilr ( t nil ttio valtt-rn * Hint It
ni'eilecl for llm faiullr. " " U , 'uu ull uarmtnU worn
if Uilic , KiUli'moii ninl chllilrvn ,
Judlf und Kunlleiuon , U will coil jnu nothing
mt'l you Imvu lujrnud , then you will wmit Ihu llllir.
Yu fliullenuu roiiihetltlon. Ttiu iiiott oxpurluncud
llii sniHkei und tullon iicknowliilfu In BUpurlorltr.
t lotholnrentloii of Miulumu Wiitkur. u vroll knuwii
Kreocli niuilhle. It nelli ni | > ! < 1lir ami KooJ ugiuitt
imke iiicinejf. .tto want Hr > tclii > u cnti n uha
lolil nf thebuilnniit wltliui. Wullku tu make niunnr
n ml nllow otlieri lo do > < i nix ) , no w nttor llburHl
emit. l' ir furlliur Infnrinuilnii cull or adilrrx ,
HUH JIAIIV KAhTltjDIiK.don. Agent.
JtooinW. I'urlllo Hnuio. Ooimcll lllutTi , luwu.
\V , A. WOlth , rrourletor.
U. RICE , M. D. ,
fianrprs Or " < ' " ' 'i'nmor * iomovo.1 without
. . .
UUIII.UI i , , ,
Over thnljjiiHH prnetieiileuptrletio-
No. II IV'irlHt Connul lllulTt