Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Great Libel Trial Ended and the Ver
dict Now Awaited.
\Vrlthcs ft ml Squirms Against Von
Wj-ok's 'Yppunl to tlio I'oople Sluto
Convention ofthc Y. M. O. A.
News Prom Lincoln.
The trial of the case of Hoffman vs
Itosownlor ocanpicd yesterday in tlio dis
trict court with an increased attendance
of apparently greatly interested spec
tators. When the court opened shortly
nfter ! o'clock a. in. , the evidence being
completed , the arguments were com
menced. Attojney Woodard , of thu
prosecution , occupied the hour1 ? Ironi 0
n. in. until noon in a spocch , largely a
review of all thu evidence. Attorney C.
O. Wheodoii followed for the defendant
niter the noon hour , and Judge Mason
on tlio sanio side followed him. A ver
dict is not at hand yet.
The agony of the State Journal and
papers of its ilk aver the request of Sena
tor Van Wyck that voters express their
preference for United States senator nt
the polls as provided by lawis appalling ,
nnd the liowls that are made that siiclt
action would tie unconstitutional and
against law came with very poor grace
when it is remembered thai voters hnvo
voted this way before ; that no howl was
made at the tinio and there is no one in
the penitentiary for so doing. Because
Governor Dawes , who is the tool of any
thing to beat Van Wyck , did not incor
porate in tlio election proclamation a
call for a vote of this kind , makes not a
particle of tlill'ercnco us every one well
knows already. The legislature itself
has passed upon this question ouco , giv
ing their seal of validity to the canvass
and return of votes east for United States
senator , and have not only sealed it but
made it a matter of record
as the following abundantly testifies
Iu the election of 1880 votes were cast
for preference for United States -senator ,
canvassed by the comities whore cast ,
and returned and canvassed and made a
matter of record. ( S < ' 0 House Journal ,
1881) ) . The returns show Adams county
east 109 votes for James Laird as its
preference for the senate , and -1 votes for
A. S. Paddock ; Cass county cast 10 votes
for Filiucr S. Dundy , 28 votes for L. C.
Pace , 1 votes for C. 11 Van Wyck , t vote
for A. Saunders and 2 votes for Frank E.
White ; Custcr county cast 20 votes for A.
S. Paddock ; Pintle county cast 07 votes
for Paddock and 1 for A. J. Weaver ;
Thayer county cast 8 ! ) votes for A. J.
Weaver and 1 for L. C. Pace.
The second judicial district convention
on the part ot the democrats met again
yesterday in Lincoln and adjourned sine
die without making any nomination.
This leaves Mr. S. M. Chapman an tin-
contested election , and his majority will
only be limited to the number of votes
cast. At the gathering of democrats
yesterday Otoo county was not repre-
bcnted at all , only ono man was present
from Lancaster , and the delegation of
seven from Cuss wore unanimous in ad
journing without a nomination.
Senator and Mrs. Van Wyck were in
the city yesterday stopping at the Opolt
Iiolel. The senator departed for Syra
cuse. Otoo county , in the afternoon ,
where he spoke in the evening. Thu sen
ior is speaking to largo audiences and
spcakiii" on an average every evening
during the campaign. His appointments
for tlio coming few days are Saturday at
Schuylor , Monday at Pawnco City , Tues
day at Sterling , Wednesday iu Saline
county , afternoon and ovoning.Thursday
at Hooper.
of the Davenport Butter and Cheese
Manufacturing association have been
filed with tlie becretary of state ,
their place ot business being at tlio town
of Davenport , county of Thayor.
The capital stock of tlio corporation is
$3,000 , shares , $50 each , the corporation
lo continue its business for ninety-nine
years. A , , Easton , J. Mi Bnrky ajul forty-
Bovon others have signed the articles.
The central part of the cnpitol build
ing that stands open and unroofed to
the weather , soaked wilii every rain
storm , will bo temporarily sheltered
with a false roof over a part of it , work
men now having the mutter in charge.
The Moehanis1 Insurance Company of
Philadelphia lias complied with the state
laws governing insurance companies
and is now authorised to do business in
tlio state.
Tlio livn stock commission cnmo m
from Hastings yesterday , after a long
journey out through the western part of
the state. Three glaudorod horses wore
killed on the trip ,
of the Young Ainu's Christian association
mot in Lincoln at 4 p. in. Thursday , but
no business of any importance was trans
acted until yesterday's session. In the
evening , following the opening hours , a
welcome and reception meeting was held
at St. Paul's Methodist church , Hov. C. F.
Croighton , the pastor , giving an eloquent
address of welcome , in which ho pictured
the wealth of work that the Young Men's
Christian association was accomplishing
nil over the world ns well as in the state ot
Nebraska. Yet now , but with fields wait
ing for work , lie welcomed the workers
to the capital city and hoped that their
htay in the city would be pleasant , as ho
know it would bo profitable , Secretary
George A. Joslyn. of Omaha , replying in
a speech full of earnestness nnd which
was listened to with tlio closcstnttontiou ,
Durlmr the same evening Henry Curtis ,
ot Council Bluffs , J. A. Dumutt , of Liu-
coin , and H , A. Orr , of Pittsburg , Pa. ,
general secretary , gave addresses thai
were listened to with marked attention
nnd brought much enthusiasm to the
opening hours of the session. Following
the reception speeches the convention
adjourned to tlio reception parlors of the
association , and until late in the ovcuinc
a general getting acquainted and pleasant -
ant social time was enjoyed by the visit
ors and the many association members oi
Lincoln who wcro present.
Yesterday's session opened with devo'
tional exercises in the morning , lex ]
with Bible readings , conducted bj
General Secretary Orr , who took foi
his text , "Ye Are Bought With t
Trice. " After thu devotional exercises
nnd Bible readings a permanent organ
ization was effected nud the following
otlicers were elected :
President. B. F. London , Omaha
secretary , O , J. Wilcox. Lincoln ; assist
ant secretary , C , A. Merrill , Fairtield ,
An interesting address was next reported
by Hov. H. E. Brown , of Now York , wlic
delivered an address on the work of the
association , the field and what was being
done for tha advancement of the assocla
tion.Ueorge A. Josylin next presented a report -
port of the work in the state , which was
given close attention and entered intc
nvcry detail in a thorough and onioien
manner This report bhowed that then
weru in the state sixteen associations , ui
increase of one over the year previous
The total membership of the state told it
round numbers was S.dOtf , a net iucreasi
ot 500 over the report of the previous
year. The financial statement showec
that after nil bills had been met there wa
Xjll u surplus iu the state treasury o
some ? - > 0 , The report further hewed
Iliitt several important points in the tate
at tinpesclit time were peeking to ell'ect
organization1' Reports from local a o-
( Millions were read from Lincoln nnd the
boys branch at Lincoln , state university
association , Nebraskat'ityOmaha , Hast
ings , Donno college association at Crete ,
Fairlield , \ alparaiso. Other association *
nro cNpi-eted to rcpoit cither by delegates
or by written reports to-day.
The afternoon se sion opened with the
usual devotional exercises led by C. K.
Ober , of Pittsburg , Pa. The programme
for the afternoon included discussions-
"Hoys' Work , " led by O J. Wilcox.
Training cla s led by different workers.
Report from thci Young Women's Chris
tian As ooirtioii of Lincoln , closing ( he
day with Hihle reading" . .
The attendance of delegates > estcnlay
numbered sonic seventy-lho and addi
tional numbers were arrhing through
the day. It is expected that the full quote
of workers will be on the ground for to
day's work , ami the attendance already is
such that it encourages all of the mem
bers who nave had active work of prepar
ation in hand. Among the prominent
workers in attendance are J. K. Knsign ,
of Now York ; C. If Ober , R. A. Orr ,
Pittsburg , Pa. , nnd 11. W. Curtis , Council
The democrats and independents of
Lancaslor county held n meeting nt Hen-
nett Thursday night that completely
filled the house unilevcry approach to it.
A prominent of the place said it
was the largest and most unanimous
meeting held in years , nnd that Major
Davis innde n great speech. Howe's
actions in Bennett a few nights before
and the way he acted when a lady asked
him to define hi.snosition on the prohiol-
tion question left the way open for a
great mooting , and from all accounts they
had it and made Howe's vote in that place
bountifully less.
J. 11. tireeu , traveling passenger agent
of the Union Pacific , has been in Lincoln
the past two days in the interest of his
company in the line of California excur
sions. Mr. ( ireon ronoits the coast travel
as giving promise of being extra heavy
through the fall months.
J. A Murray , the wide-awake agent of
the Northwestern , has boon in Lincoln n
number of days the past week. Judge of
Mr. Murray's surprise when n number of
the Boston excursionists from among the
Odd Fellows yresonted him with a hand
some storeographercope as a reminder
to him of the courtesies they received
from himself and the road ho represents ) .
Tlio Odd Fellows grand lodge adjourned
yesterday after selecting Grand Island as
their place for celebrating the anniver
sary of Odd Fellowship no.xt spring , and
Lincoln as the place for holding the no\t
session of the grand lodge ono year from
thu present. The installation of grand
oflicers concluded their session yester
Policeman Eagan , of the Burlington &
Missouri depot force , wheeled a dead
drunk up to the jail yesterday through
the mud to the great amusement of a
crowd who followed along the way.
John P. Sutton , secretary of the Irish
National league in America , who has
been absent from the city the past six
months on railroad work , has returned
to Lincoln with his family , and will make
the city his permanent homo.
There is nothing new to relate con-
cerniifg the strike of the plumbers. It
is understood that the differences existing
between the men and the proprietors is in
regard to signing agreements for the
future and that the rniso of wages would
bo granted as asked , trom ? 3.oO to $1 per
Messrs. F.E. White , J. V. Weckbach
J. W. Cutright , Kclloy Fox , and W. B
Shryock were democrats from Cass in
Lincoln yesterday on judicial matters.
John A. McSjinnc , of Omaha , who
passed a day with Lincoln people , re
turned to his homo at Omaha yesterday.
Three prisoners only were up for dis
posal in police court yesterday with the
usual result.
The city marshal has a letter of in
quiry asking for the whereabouts of
Charles K , Lowery , who was in Lincoln
a few days ago. His father , living at
West Point , la. , is lying at the point of
Each Received n liesson.
Atlanta Constitution : A young recruit
recently enlisted at Camp Hancock , near
Atlanta , while.tho country was threaten
ing war with Mexico , and ho Intended to
make a good soldier. One dny ho was on
guard duty nnd was slowly stopping
ulong when an omcer approached. After
the usunl salute the oilicor said : "Lot mo
sco your gun. " The raw recruit handed
over his Springfield rillc , and a pleased
oxpresssou stele over his race. As the
ofliccr received the gun he said in a tone
' 'You're fine soldier !
of deepest disgust : a
you've given up your gun , and now what
nro you going to do7 The young At-
lantian turned pale , and roachmc for his
hip pocket , drew a big six shooter , and ,
propa.iing for business , said in n voice
that could not bo misunderstood : "Gimmo
that gnn or I'll blow a hole through you
in a pair 'r minutes I" Tlio olllcor in
stantly decided not to monkey any
further with the raw recruit , nnd the gun
was promptly surrendered.
Not Quito Yet , Tlmiik 1'ou.
Boston Record : A bargain sign stopped
n procession of vehicles m Tremont.street
the other day , in an amusing wny , opjio-
bite a noted dry-goods establishment. A
woman whoso weight could not have
been less than S00t generous measure ,
rose slowly nad majestically in her place
in the street car nnd looked eagerly out
of the window. The conductor marked
the attitude and pulled the strap. The
car cnmo to n .standstill , and the stout
woman descended with much foroo on a
feeble-looking passenger next her.
"Don't you wish to got out. " cned the
conductor in a rather irritated way.
"Of course not. I only wanted to SCO
what that bargain in socks was ! "
OlU-Tlinn Drinking Habits In Mntno.
Lewiston ( Mo ) Journal : This writer
remembers having worked in a crow of
sixteen carpenters iu Portland in 1823 ,
every ono of whom drank spirits. The
employer furnished grog to all at 11 n.
in. nnd 4 p. in. Having finished ono
building the whole crow wont down
the harbor on an excursion nnd look Iwo
gallons of rum. In 1832 ho helped build
a meeting-house in Whitellold. A hosrs-
Jicad of rum was boughl by Iho contractor -
tractor , nnd the most of it was consumed
in building that inceting-houso. No
these wore not the "good old times. "
Prepared with strict reran ! toPurtty , Strength , ani
HeMthtulaoas. lr. ) 1'rlcu a Hiking Powder conulni
DO AmmonliLlm9jAlum or Fhoeph&tea. Dr.l'rlce'a
&UIKU , Vanilla , lecioa , & , OATW flsllciOMl/ .
MST or roTiits
Second Dlitrlotof riftli Ward.
Allison Daniel AhlqtrUt Chns O
Anderson Henry Ainold Wlllian
Ariu troic ] J T Anilerion Clms II
Arnold. ) W A ml res ( icittijeb
Andres Clms Aink'f'on .lens
Anderson Antlryw.s 11 U
Atkiti oii .lohn W Allen J V
Hnrnuin 11V Hrowcr Harry
BrunerTC Hroun KlcTmid.ll
Bitrkley Thomas Bnllvy Anthony
BtNiev John Hhrrc-l A
Broslu * " | ! KII\ ) ! John '
Maker B V ] ! IO\MI J .1
Holts A 11 Mrcslns M C
Hiirkc ( ieoreje Hrophy P B
Baker Jolm liurko.l 11 .
I tarrclt.lames Heard Dclosl *
Huokley John li.nry .lolin
Hurgi' * * John 11 IkTerjucst A It
Bainnor.lohn liutke I'atrick
lllrtnlnchnin Ktnnk limner.I 11
Halscl .lohn Hurkct H K
Bennett K J HilceJohn
Holaii John T Hasiett U C
Hrownley 1) Ball James
Hiiinvlo T W Heiinett Tlios '
lulnn .Intnes T Ilolnu James M
lolnn Michael F Uolas Thos
inker John Hall Joseph
li'ldrnVni 11 llrntlford John
Hi own \\'m \
liointielil l.cvl Bi'U'Ilii H
Irelier C 11 Kcruucjs 11
Iran ton S I ) llaitlctt KV \
Jrowii Henry Hall IIV
Icnzon August JttooksV N
leaverJ W Hin Qharles
1 rownVm \ Heck Thro
Jntiiiielster A Uuans D T
iarbcr Thomas Beckrett James
Jrmly Dick JlerKstroni I'ctur
iiirkcr John Huinull W N
tiuth Valentino Jlacon AV S
larnuiii J H Hlcser Henry
k'.ird ( . ! i'oiire , W Jtcruen J K
JootRi'l 0 V JJellS M
Jrainleuburi ; ( } Jlirkhatiscr PV
iitinberyer J lliiflincton H K
lell A Jtieiton\V\V
Jrerton P R Hroitoii UL
iimco.l W Hrown ( ! co W
5uiin JV \ Jlurke Thos
: l.\CkllS TllOS Hiugess S
lurnell W N Buslipy MV
Inverness Henry Itr.tnton .Ins
5.illais UobvitO JJonler W B
niliXL't ! C HurhnKlm E
Brown Cite W Browirr I )
Jrown Ueo 0 Bryant Mrs I ) G
lone James Bracv Win
Btmn Forest Bullock Hurt
Callnn Titos Callim Patrick
oin M O Clulstic UohtS
.iUMiiaunh Patrick Counsnian 0 P
Cokecroft J A Carnhy Joseph
niiiiiKham II Carney T 11
Jarnaby James J Coscravo James
nilib. ' ! ! J W Carlin P
ambois S J Coiuisnian J M
Cotter Thomas II Chamhcts A J
rano W E Clnlro J J ,
Crounsu Seward Chollman Henry
hinburt ; .1 Callan .Us
'hauman Oliver Carroll Dennis
Janimenzlml A Caipenter E
Carpenter G W Carroll Gee L
alliin Saml Cook S S
CaneJno C.inhy T T
Jra\\tonl Andiew Crocker T S
: \idy C H Chanman Hugh
3lmuiplin W 31 Canilich W S
"aison Jas H Copley C
Jotter.J as Coon Luther
Christiansen Karl Carter Hobt
Coition .Ino J Costello Mich'l
Conrad. ) H Conmlon David
2ahou H 0 Conlcy Jno
Murray J no A Collett A M
[ Justls Ed Chadwick W II
Collins J U Ciuino Jno S
Comstock CarrJos
'Jramer.l E Cook W M
Culver Kdw Carcn Thos
otinsman II C C.xnnlne W
Clark Thomas Chum Edwin F
Cole S T Champl.itn Chas M
Cowsman Grant Clstns John
Cuslimaa C U ChambsisVm \
Clark Gee W Caiulon Thos
Clement II
Deitrick C Dauuhtou Ed
Ooollttlo W V Duncan II S
Dailey Tlios H DcilrlckSam'lF
Dempsov Peter Doyle Thos 11
Deacon " \Vm Dal ley Art
Dexter W 11 Di-iinlo Oliver J
Ootv C. N Dcrelin Moore
Doty J lj Deiss Joseph
Doty K L Donahey Dan'l
Dunn W A Dawson John
Doyle Chas Doollttlo C It
Doyle Edward Dwyer John
oRiiId Thos Doster W T
Dak in Thco T Deisb Herman
Dciss Win Deters G 11
Duffy Patiick Dotv O P
Dean Henry Dan forth C E
Davison M M Doolittle C J
Dahlgrecn John Davis J W
Denker Win Davis Byron
Davis il Dclman 11
DaileyJnmcs Doyle Thos M
DanlelsJ II Dunn 11 W
Dunham Martin Davis M
Daly Jas Dunlgan Martin
Deunev 0 B Dw\er John
Elliot Gee Ebrlght E A
Kngstrom 0 A Ertllng E 0
EcatiOwen EugleiE
Edmond.son W Ellingwood Thos B
Elk-rick Wm Elliot Nate
EtzonspergerJ O EiirlKhtThos
EHingwpott J M Elliottiloses
Evanj George Ebret John
Edholnt P L EmklnsJ H
Eastwlck W Eckhaitlt Gus
Ellis J D Ellison Hichard
Ellett Gee Edward Finttk
Eilnrds Martin Erwin William
Foster Titos Fowler Frank
Fitzpatrlck J 0 Frisk F B
Flanagan Hus F.trrell John
Ferguson A X FrisoniOtto
Farrell Michael Frazier Albert
Flack D Fleming Wm
Fanibworth Samuel Farrell Michael
Foley illchaol Fester Lewis
Fuller E A Fisher C G
Fnrrls E 0 Fogit CN
Fox Patrick Fox John
Flink Charles
Gallatin B OiltTcn J A
Gahan Thos GulurOtto
Gentleniun Thos Ciladden D
( hid.I H ( iiinnett Thos
Grnmlon J A ( Jolt H 0
Gates A F Gillcn Michael
( Jancttv Frank ( iwln joint
Glynii P K Granaclicr Joseph
Gunn A 8 Grace S II
GoherliiK Chris Grlcllny F U
GotBton M J Givens Lewis
Gotdd H 11 Gould M S
Goukl A H. Gitnuett John
G lover E Goldsmith E
Garrison C L Gardner (5 (
Goodull S T Gardner W A
Greg * C T ( iushurst Wm
( ireon C W Green ( ioo W
Gaghnghen Joseph GannoroJ
GrfilinVm Golden \Vm A
GritlinWnt GrubeWT
IIolmesLowIs _ D Howard BII
Heron James Hess U
tlenclcr Clias M HobbsJS
liohbsC F llot'le Jniaos
lleiiney E B Humphrey E O
llnynesV \ J Hartry 0
HarpstcrCM ilouek M D
Houck D B Horan 11 P
Haskell H A Hogan Dennis
lllgby Beecher Hoglo Chas
Hart Leo Hartwl ? A J
HobartJ II Hitchcock Jacob
HarrisGeoW Hazard John
llazhp John Hello Charles
Hail S A Hammond Wells
Hannlgan J F Haigreavns K U
llubor Wm B HonmnV \ H
Hefner Joseph Haftg Thomas
lloefont Cabper Hanson Jens
llansen E Ilelmo II S
Harris JF Horrsby E M
Holliday 0 E Hardy . /I / )
llansen Joigcit Hard JY \
Han sen Jens Harry John
HunnellYS Hansen George
Hofliuan Jaceb Haskell Josejm
Hushes Wm E Hunsman J il
Hall Thos llottman David
Haley J P Homo H 0
Hoilges Thomas Hutlman J W
llancy John HJerpJ 0
Hurbt Henry Hammond I C
Hngelet Edwatd
Isberg John
JonesJ M ! Jackson AC
Jenkins Jno Jones Hainucl
Jenspn A Johnson Uhas
Johnston F A Jackson Henry
Johnson Frauds Johnston S
James Jno Johnston Salvador
Jones Elmore Jcnnlnga Wilton
Jacobs John Johnston W K
Jensen Andreas Jackson Joseph
Johnson P E Johnson G P
Johnson SG Jacobs W It
Johnson U F Johnson Alfred
Kauu Jerf mlah KnlehlJns A
Kohl O H Kelsburg Win
King Gee W Kiiox Win J'
, Ketley Patrick Knight Chas
Klnney T I ) Kelley D F
* Kreius Nicholas Kttton E D
Kabttnan K Kelsey G M
Kennedy O KyuerJ 11
? M 00 More' nt Tnilur Matlu at 12.00
30.UO 14.00 $5.1 Mercliaul 1'nilor Miulo at lO.OO
Ki.on 1K50
40 ( V ) 18.0-i 10 " M.75
45.00 20 00 15 ' 20.00
50.00 2,1.50
" ' .
5ft 23.00
. .
Ga.OO 23.00
ii'iOO UO.OO (50 ( " ' 20.GO
75.00 ,00 70 80.00
From the Leading Merchant Tailors Throughout the Country , ALL THIS WEEK , at
the Only
McDonald JV
Newcomb Charles Xcedham Charles
Newman H Nelson J B
Niles Clarence Newman Win
Nulson W H Newman M
Nasser Henry Nelson Edward
Nalsmith Jnmcs Nelson Chris
Norton David Nichols James
Nleinann II NibbyGeoigo
Nelson Hans Noland Edward
Nopodal Jos
O'Connor David O'BrlnoMJI
O'Chlno Conrad Ojrbiirn C U
O'Nell. ) K O'Nell Jno
O'Nell Andiew Otis Thos
Owens A J Ohen
O'Hearno Ed J _ ciien B G
Olson D Ocesenbein Gee W
Ott Peter Ostruni Hiram B
Peterson J Plckcns F W
Polerson Errlck Payers U S
Price Thos 11 Pitts Gilbert
Plummer T G Paul Gee p
Plielan PatU Paulln Jos
Phelps O J PhclDs B
Place Thos Phelps O S
Plielps T ( J Pickens C II
Packard F S Popploton A J
Pruvn L P Page Frank
Pickup A Peterson Matlus
Pnrmaleo David b Parmaloo E A
Peters W T Prtiyn W D
Peter Ott Patterson It 0
Plckett L M Perkins L If
Potter T A. Poniicr F B
Pepper Wm Price John F
Peterson M Paul W J
Peterson Peter PllaeEitiK W F
IVlton Gee S Pills O JI
Peters ElinerE Patterson C F
Ttowell James
Oulnn Edward i Qnlnn T J
Uedinan Joseph , , i Kcdman GcnL
Itedman Win B , 1 Hodman B F
Uockbucl OP } Hellly Michael
Itynn Daniel Hosaeker Win
Itobers Frank i Itoberts A
Kobcrtson Wm U JtllcyJohn
Ituby Andrew I Itainsoy R S
Itogers E . liamsoy A F
ItaynerWmll ' 11 lloblnbon E A
Kyan Edwaid ' Uyan S E
Iteid Wm i Ityan W F
Itobluson J T > , Kobluson W T
Kedestat A J . Robinson J A.
BalfJ D 1 Holner J
Ithyu Uudolph Uyan John
Ilogera C T „ Itoblnson H
lUuuel Nicholas , Robertson OK
Hlchnrdson VYnr lieincr Matthew
Badford John ' I Runquest John
Iteeves J G Rlchurdsnn J H
Iteoves Austin ' Reeil John
Beeves \ \ ' J Rannle Eilward Jr
IJiloy Dan'l P Roedcr Julius A
Khoiles Xacli Reed Frank
Bhcxles Thos F Rhodes Jas W
Jtlchnrd John Rbodcs Basil
KeavosHT Reynolds John
Itlchards J H Kimel James II
Spcrry James A btone P O
Slewnrt Allen SelbergJohn
ShillerJ Simpson 1) S
SlUerJV \ Stewart A J
Shannon Luke
Stout Frank Shannon James
Sweeney John Sweeney Daniel
Smiley J G Schultz 0
Sherwood E H Snyder 1) 0
Spullmnn Jas J Smith W B
S latter JO Smith B B
Smith Gee Sweiiby A H
Smith JV SchwrickWra
Smith J D Scherb I
Sullivan Gee Smlthson H A'
Shoemaker TM Steward J M
SymoudaJ J Smith John
St. Gever U Spellerbcrg Wui
* itout Frank bauuder Jas
Shannon Gco A Schware Jacob !
Strong I E Smith Jolm 1)
bhnlu C E Stockwell Albert
St. Pierre A Smith Cornelius
Spvllman Edwaid Squires Chas E
Sebln 1) W Sears .M F
Snccd J L Shew A H
Skankc John Sendbeth Jolm
Spellman Dennis Shires Gee S
Smith llaity Smith Peter
blutnarer L T Schalblo Jno G
Sinclalt Jos Sinclair Thos
Stevens W 13 Smith W M
Stoln B 1) Selserling Julius \V
Shields J II bhackelfoid C B
bellner Jacob SchrlckJno
Smith Jno Sash Jno
Shannon G A Shields Jas J
SOUT A K Schimardt Lonla
Sullivan John
Tomsett Chas Trail Jas
Taylor Jas Tighe P J
Trfmbell JnoN Trott F
Truckey Thco Too/er A R
Thomas W F Trott Ancnstus
Trott Albert Tltlt well Wm
Tompsett Uanc Tattle P M O
Tnttle Peter M Tuttle .las S
Tcnnerv Ed F Tracey Jas
Tigho Mai tin Tholen Jno F
Tholen Carl ' 1 aj lor Jas
Trenklo Hernam Taylor E A
Tnrltle John A Tllotson D W
Tliompson J W Too7er A 11
Ublo Adolph
Vanderhlck S J Van OnnanVm A
Aran Ness R 0 Ylckcry Jna
Valentino J N Van Aernam J B
Van Aernam AV J Vicrs Brice
Vannatta Wilson Vinegar W II
AVhelan Frank Wright W L
WicK-stom G E Wilson William
Waccher F AVarner E S
V.'illUuns Jas M AVilKie J W
Whltelmiiso J Walk or R II
Woods Edward Wads worth Jas
Williams W W Williams Holurt
Whitmoro George R Williams D F
Wohlfoid Jesse Weygole Jesse
Wroth AH Whitney EB
Wignard J C AViUon J
\\rorthiinr Eban AVIIson John
AVorthlng R Wilson Theodore
White J A AVhalen Jerry
AVhitcomb Abel AVood E B
AVetzal Nicholas AVilhelmy J F
AVashlngton Gee AVaters Avm
AVilbnr L T AVade Thos
AVcotergard A J AVickstrom A V
AA'eineit Gee AV'echter C J
AVatson 0 S AA'hitnoy A E
AVoodman Claik AVestJohnF
AArroth Thos AVotters'm
AV'elnettFtank AVIckback Wm
Yates Daniel Young J N
Young James R
Xlemcrmann A XionIoJ N
Xln.sifel F Xlegler Leonard
1 hereby certify that the above names are a
true ana correct copy of the registration
books , Second district , Fifth ward.
lilly Lmugtry's Llfo.
Chicago Mail : Tlio London corre
spondent of a Now York paper presents
what he calls "our side of the question. "
Ho relates tlio domestic life of tlio actress
with an apparent truthfulness that chal
lenges conviction , and which makes an
appeal to the chivalry and sense of jus
tice in tlio American public that can
hardly fail of awakening a response.
According to this correspondent Lily
Langtry was married at the ago of eigh
teen to a man from whom s > lie has never
received 0110 token of nHccUoiinto rnr * jirtl
since the expiration vl the honeymoon.
She took no afl''Ct'on ' to the altar hnrsclf ,
but wi'S ' influenced to the marriage
tnvough love for a brother whoso pro
motion would bo secured through Mr.
Langtry's money. To please her family
and benefit her brother she consented to
the union. That brother was killed soon
after accidentally.
It is said that from the day of her mar
riage until this day Mrs. Langtry lias
never seen her husband sober. Ho is a
confirmed sot , a physical wreck , and a
helpless drunkard. Ho has never been to
her a lover or n husband , gave in name.
On tlio death of her brother tlio full real
ization of the sacrifice she had made
came upon her. And she was bound for
lifo in chains she could not break.
In tins condition she turned to society
for relief nnd sought to turn her talents
to advantage. The result is well known.
The attempt ha.i only brought greater
misery and wretchedness , fcjho is reported
saying to Henry Irving on the eve of de
parture for America : "If they greet mo
as they did before , I'm coming homoand ,
shall give it up. "
Nearly ns Good ns Mark Twain's Prop.
Court Journal : An old gentleman nt
Towkesbnry for many years rode a blind
horso. Though sightless , the steed , which
had probably been a good fencer once , ' ,
had learned to jump whenever ho re
ceived a hint that no was desired to do so.
Ono day , after a run witii the hounds ,
sonio hunting men wore talking In tnu
bar of a hotel about big jumps , nnd tlio
owner of tlio blind horsu stoutly main
tained that that animal would jump over
a single obstacle which none of tboir
hunters would leap , Ho was ready to
back his words with money , anil as thu
result of the conversation ho made four
bets of 5 each on the subject. Very
soon tlio four sportsmen repented of
risking their money so rashly. The
owner of the blind horse put down a
straw in the street , and this constituted
the "obstacle. " Ho rode up to it , and
the blind steed , responding to his call ,
"rose at the rasper , " clearing it with a
bound f6ur fee.t in the air , anil covering
twelve feet of ground at least. None'of
the other four horsed would , a
straw , and the owner of the blind horse
was 20 the richer.
Twenty-Five Years' Courtship.
.Baltimore Sun.Oct. . 15 ; Miss Helen
Eadcr , formerly of Frederick-Md. , but.
'who lias been living for some years at
marrinlro produced something of a social
sensation in view of the protracted court-
bliip of the rouplo , extending ua it did
over a period o f about 25 years.
N.W. Cor. Wtli anil Douglas Rts.
Practice limited to Diseases of the
SlasHosflttoi for all forms of rtofootlvo
Yialoii , Artificial ICyea Inserted.
To Consumptives. Many have bsen hippy
m'ovo their testimony In fixvor or tlio 110 of
A Illioi'a I'uro roJ-I.lvur Oil inul Mmo. " Hxpo-
lonco IIHS proved It to bo viilimblo renuxly
or ( onauinntlon , Astlimn. Diplithcrlu ami all
tUscnccsnf too tlirnit anilliinxs. Mnnulactnr-
n\ \ only by A. II. WIMJOU , Chomlat , Iloaton.
i-old by
DR. KDW I. . WAU.1NO. Siir
goon In Clilof , National Ouarc
of N.J. , writes
"Jly Rttentlon WM rolled tt
your Kdjntnne M lit V > hlikuy b }
Sir. Later , Drujglat , of Trmtoii
and I haYo iisud a fnvr buttUf
with for liclltr effect than any i
have l d. I nm rFCommriKlIni
jour article In my practice , aaa
flud It vor > Bathtictory. "
cfBjttlJ. on the Lahal.
( flol is nti for Ihe U H )
316.318 ani 320 Race SC , Philadelphia. Pa.
Goodman Drug Co.Oonl.Agont3Oniaha
No pains are
to make
these meats
that can bo
People of
are highly
with them.
If your Oi ocer or MArkrimnt ) tlonntkerp
them , icud direct to Armour t Co.
Heccntlj Ilullt. -S'ewlf KurulibOil
The Tremont ,
J. C , KIT/.QKHA1J ) & bON , Proprietor * .
Cor. tth and I'tita , Lincoln , fftilx
) per d r. blreoi cars frumjiouio to anr
part of the ci > r.
Architect , '
Oftjtct OT. Bl mnl 42. HklinrUs Utock , Lincoln.
Nob. ElOMitoronlHU struot.
Ilreedfirol nroederof
OitLovrA-v CATTI.I.
Live Stock Auctioneer
Htilofl iniui In nil part * of tlio U. H. at fair
rates. Jtooro 3 , State Illook , Uiicoln , Neb.
Oulloway undSUnrt Horn bull * lor ealo.
Farm.Loans and Insurance ,
Correspondence In rt'ifiird to lonnt solicited.
Itooui 4 , Itichfirdi Illock , Lincoln , N&b.
H/iversicle Short Horns
Of strictly pure Ilutos nnd HiUusTumiodflittle.
Heril nuinbc about COheadt >
rninllli ! ' * roproooiitud ; .Gilberts , Cnggt ,
Aoombs , Jlenlo < , Hosoor Slmroiu , Mn4 llqsoi.
, KnlKtilly Duchi-mes , nm Creek 'Youuv Mur/4 ,
fhylllsos , Louans ntul'lYuo Jxiyca.
liulU for falo. \ 1'urt. JJniei 1'iloert. ( ) 'ure
Baxn CrflfcVu. I llosool & ( iuit > n , 1 Voun Wary.
1 Tuio Crulok Abunk anil oltteri C'giae ami
liujiei'i tbo liorJ. Address , CHAS , U. lilt AN-
SUN , Lincoln , Neb.
' '
, When In Lincoln stop at
National Hotel , .
And vet u Koqti uluuer fur Sc.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The only rend to taVo for DCS Molnon , Map-
sltalltown , f o lar Unpldn , Clinton , Dixie. Clilca-
po , Mlhrnnkoo : md all point ? oust. To tuo poo-
nlo of NclirRJlta , Colorndo , Wyomlnff , IJtuh ,
IilnboNo\ndn , OIPROII , Wnslilnffton mid Call-
fornln. It offora aiipoi lor ail\iintaffcs not jioasl-
bio by any ether line.
Among n few of tlio numerous points of in-
pcrlorlty nnjoyod by tlio pntron < of this road
between Ornnlin nnd Clilcuco.nie Its two trains
n dny of DAY COACHES whloli nro the Qnost
tnnt humnn nrt nnd Ingenuity can orpatn. Its
I'ALACK SLEEPING CAU3. which are modnll
of comfort nnd olrjriinco Its PAHIXnDUA\\-
JNU ItOOM CAMS , nnBurpnspndbr any , and Us
widely oolohrntcd PALATIAL DININU OAKS , I
tlio pmial of which cunnot bo found olsoivhcro.
At Coimoll Hlulfs the trnlnsof the 1'nlon racl-
fie Ry. connoot In I'nion Depot with the o of
thn rhlcaijo H Northwestern llv. In Clilcnpo
the trnlns of this line nmko cloao connection
with these of all eastern lint"1.
For Untrolt , Columbus. Tndl.Tnnpolin , Cincin
nati , Nlninira Fnllo. IlulTiilo , I'ltlHbiirir. Toronto ,
Montronl , lloeton , Now Vork , Phlliidclphlu , Hal-
tlinore , Wnshlnffton nnd nil rolnts In tha east ,
aak the ticket nccnt for tlckd.i rla the
If votiwish the host aocomrhodatlons. All
Uckot iiKonls Foil tlckula via thin lino.
CluncuU Mimn or , flcnl. I'asb'r. Affont
w M. lunrocif , L. u. IIOI.LKH ,
Gonl.Wcstorn Airt. Cltv 1'ass Agt.
1411 I'arnum St. , Omnhn , Nob.
- OF THE -
ChicapMilwaite&StPaulR'j , , '
< roi MM and CQUHCIL BLUFFS ot
Chfcnffo , AND JJllwaukoo ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Hnpitla ,
Clinton , Dnbuquo , Davenport ,
llock Islanil.Frccport , Rockford ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsvllle ,
Ueloit , Winona , Lit Urosao ,
And nil ether ( mportunt polnti Bast , Northeast
uud Soutlioust.
For throufrh tickets call on the Tloltot Aon
nt HOI rnruum ntroet ( In Piutoii Hotel ) , or ( t
Union Pacino Depot.
Pullman bluonora iind the finest Dining Cara
In the world nro run on the main lines of tha
nnd orcry attention Is paid to passoiiKora by
courloons employes of the company.
li. MII.I.EII , uenitrai Manavor.
J , F. TUCKEII , Ansletant General Matmg r.
A. V. H. UAiirgNTEn , Ooneral Pusseniror and
Ticket Atfont.
OKO. E. HiiArrono , Assistant General PMSOQ-
ger and Ticket Afrout
J , T. CtAHK , OoneriU Bupcrlntondoul.
and JaU Work.
1020 Faniam Street , Omaha. Neb.
Star Line
Carrying- Iloliflum Itoynl nnd Unltod Stittoi
Mull.sullllitf uvcfi-y biiturd.iy
Between Anfv erA & New York
Balon from ftH to $75. lixourslon trip from
1110 to lUi. fiwond Cabm. outwnnt , ( il :
prcjmld , Ji-5 ; uicurdluii. t'-O. ' BteorHiro puisaza
at low rates. Pole , YVrJrht & Bims , Oonorn
Agenta. U Hrondway. Now Vork.
Henry I'unJt , 1218 Kmaumht. ; Paulson if Co.
KM Kurnam Ht ; 1) , O. Fititman.lim Fiirn.tmiit
In colots , shows nil counties , towns , rnllro
M luted for HSc ,
Omaha City Map , new nddiuons , vie. , 25o.
NebrnekaBtitlo Gamto , Ifuiilticsj Directory *
nd Farmer's Lltti ff.
1S38. llth Et .Omaha , Nob.
. &
'Successor/i to Jno. ( } , Jacobs ,
I ) J3 If. T A It ID It
At the oht Hiaiid 1407 Funium f.t Ortlcrd
by t&lcgrapli bo.icitcil unit promptly at
tended to. Telephone No. 25.