Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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O3EAEA DAILY : . - -V , -2V !
* - -
A Specslator Predicts T > at Vheat Will
R ach One Dollar in January.
Oats Only Moderately Active The
Ocncral Cattle Market Hetter
JIoji Values Higher
Quotation- .
CHICAGO , Oct 22 [ Special Tel fTa to
the Ur.K.-Kor ] an hour this mornlnz Tilwat
told at about the "pat" ptlee of l t nlelit ,
and every bear on the floor was jubilant
The receipts In the northwest were larser
tlmn yesterday , and a comparison uf tln > cur
lots show a t idy inereae for the week. It
looked for a considerable time a * > if the bull
movement had culminated. AH tliii was
> eiy suddenly turned by the receipt of better
Cflblelby ) the encasement of over IGO.WO
bushel * ) of wheat for export at New York ,
and by liU ) Ine here by such old-time bears as
Ilobert Warren A Co. aim C. W. Brc-ra it
Co. Xovember sold up to 74Hc , , J < ' \c
above the "call" pr-ce , completely altennc
the situation of the morning C. W. Brega
f.ild of wheat : " 1 think there will be an ad
vancpof KX.41.jc a bushel between this aud
January. Speculators who took wheat at SI
are soiling It now. I'd rather be agaln-t
them than with them. It it cousideied a
very encouraging tetilun * that while this
market is in abovauce the fiirekn markets
have steadily Improved , aud that in fact for
the week all the bull news has come
from abiuad. There wan some indicntion to
day that somebody had crept umlei the market
slyly , and that a really good strong hand had
a hold on it It was , however , probably
merely a suspicion of the crowd of bewil
dered operators , who could not explain the
strength , and who will not behove that
wheat can go up without manipulation , even
at the hand-i of Ream , or Cudahv. or Kent ,
or Armour. The highest range touched dur
ing the forenoon was 741474'ic ( , for Xovem-
bcr , 70kw7r ' 4C for DecuiuDer and y-tc for
Way. I he last prices at 1 o' : were l\f *
} ic under the top , Corn w a- lifted out of its
rut by the bulge in wheat , and at 1 o'clock
the leading futures -howed an Improvement
of 4 ( 'l.c , with only moderate receipt- , , and
local funtmient apparentlv showing to the
bulls that there was a joe 1 of nervou--
ncss amuui : the shcrw. and it was prmciiKilly
the demand from this quarter that caused
the hrmnes- . The Liveriwol market W.LS
marked up another- ! . ' , and Nevvork was
tendiui : higher -or tutures , and yet the crowd
watched thi * tluctiiatioiis in wheat so closely
that It is whether corn would have
adtatieed , had It not been for Cudahy. In
the forenoon the market did not manifest
nny Improvement in strencth. The * nccula- )
tion , however , wa.s larger tl-an ye-tenlay ,
and May was again the f.ivorite option , with
trade nrm atH c for May. At the
01 ailing there was an adv.tncu to
lie and nt 1 o'clock 4 < % ' 't4tc was
the market Xovember reacted to tC STi c
and December toJfiJic. . The speculative
market for oats was only moderaiely active ,
but prices were V < i'.ic tronger in sympathy
with the advance in other articles , Mav clos
ing at rovu'WVjC ' at 1 o clock. Provisions
were hrm but not especially active , otteriuirs
being somewhat re-tricted. The provision
market acts as thouch It uiieht be oversold ,
the short inten-t being the heaviest In lard
and in January pork. An advance in the
product in all Dosltionsis noted.
Wheat on theatternoon ion was active ,
excited and hiiiher on reports of warlike
preparations in Europe and laree export busi-
nesTheexjioits from the-ea boanl were
put at foitj-Uve boat loads. Wheat was
excited , strong nnd hmher , with heaw buy-
Ini : trom a number of source * , . The failure
of a big bucket shop In Xe\v York also stimu
lated buying , and ttie market closed at " ' "
for October , 7. > l < ; & 5Vjc for November ,
forilav. Corn wis.stnmj.'and higher
for October , l cfor November , 411
for May. Oats were active , strong and
higher at 2.14aii\c ( for October , 2jJ4a'iye ( ,
for November. 1'ork w as a .shade iirmer .it
Sb.90 for October , Sis.HO for November , 5 : .90
for December. Lard was steady.
CnrcAGO , Oct. 2J. [ Social Telegram to
the BEE. ] CATTLE The cattle market was
Tvell Mipplied with common to fair qualities ,
which sold no better. The general rrarket
wa.s better for the good grades , and tome
sales of desirable fat cattle Indicated a lOc
advance. A lot of fancy 1,357 Ibs high grade
llerefords sold at 5.23 for kinds that were
nearly steady. There were too many thin
entile coming In competition with common
to fair raugers. Shipping-steers , 1.S30 to 1,000
Ibs S4.SO@5.30 ; 1,200 to 1.3TO Ibs , S4.20@4.70 ;
P30 to 1200 Ibs. SiS5@j.OO. : Of range cattle ,
there were too many cattle of one kind-
thin and rough , native ? and Teians. The
supply was lar.e , aud buyers were bent on
getting the poor to fair kind at a lOCglSc re
duction. Wyoming feeding cattle , which
were on the Omaha market Tuesday , were all
here to-day , and there way a surplus of thin
stock. Fat cattle were scarce and
would havn sold well. Two hundred
and twenty-seven of the Devon cattle , which
were on the Omaha market Tuesday , and
which averaged 1197 Ibs litre , sold for S3.'J5-
H5 of the same brand , averaging 1014 Ibs ,
broucht 82.05 , and the cows sola for SiCO.
Other sales : CO Wvomlne. Ito ) Ins. S2.W ;
ISs Wyoming. 11 iLs. SUM : ; lOi Montana ,
1KO Ibs S135 : Ib7 Montana , 12il Ibs Sa.35 ;
SOI ilontina Texans , 1 > 4 Ibs , S3.10 , 44 Wyom
ing. lit * Ibs SAIO.
Hogs The market opened rather easier
nml a few early sales were made at lower
prices , but later a big demand was developed
by the apt e.irnnce of all the buvers for
packers and all the btijern for shipment , so
that at the close values were really a shade
higher than at tlie close jestcrday , with
fewer left unsold. With fresh receipts and
the number left over last niirht , there were
about 4nOU ) on sale. Koush mid common
sold nround about taOO@L7S ; fair to good
d , 53 > ( § ) . , and beat heavy at 34.1S.
York. Oct 2i MovBT-On call ,
quieter , muring from 3a7 per cent , closing
offered at a per cent.
aTRKU.xn EXCIIAXOE Dull ami unsettled ;
actual business at-4.hO'4 < * 4.N4 ) for sixty day
bills ; S.S'.Hn54.M for demand.
UovitK.NMKNTk Goveniment bonds were
dull nnd steady to weak.
STOCKS The stock market opened higher
In sympathy with the London prices , show
ing advances ot J < Af per c nt Prices ro e
without much Interruption until the neighbor
hood of 1 o'clock , when the Increase in the
amount of business dona was noticed , accom
panied by a decided weakness of the entire
list The prices were carried dovv n below the
openluir figures before2 o'clock , and a frac
tional rally bumeded , bringing tlu ttnal
rices small fractions above the lowet > t of tlie
S a ) , the market do > iu quiet but steady.
8TOCS3 O.I VVXLt. T11E T ,
soeentbonds. . myC.Ay.Vf
U. b. , . ' . preferred. . HO
New 4 s. . , , . . * . . 113
rMinc6'sof 5. Oreeon Tran. . . . S4-SI
Central Pacidc . Pacltic Mall. . , . .
IM.V A.- A . , * * . . . . . 143 P. D.AE
rrcierreii. . . . KO P. P. C 143
C B.4O Kock Island 123
D. I. Jc W. . . . . . & ii. XV * * *
D. ill-G 31 referred. . .
riB pre erred. . , 78 i preferred. . . 121
IlllnoU Central. 1S4 . St. P. A O.
u , B. AW - . . . Wi\ \ preferred. . .
KaufisATexas. S5 > tjtuxas Pacific. . .
03 lUmen Pacific. , . 1 = S
Midi. Central. . . W j "preferred. "
e lUKlWcttern Union.
iPac. . . SSHI0..1C JL-N. . . . 106
Ctiloco , Oct. Si Flour UurJitneed
winter wheat flour , S4.ax54.10 ; koutbern
8a.00 < 34.00. Wisconsin. 1M 4.10 ; ilrchi
ran soft tprtnir wbtat. 83 0 4.10 : illnn *
tola baVers. . > 3.lU ; patent * ] . 94.3C&4.GO
low i/radesf J.T5@i75 ; rje flour. , nuiet a
$ X'iV < j3.60 la barrels ; and S3.X ( > gS.SO ti
\Yttat--Oponwi nmvdecllnedallshUy atx <
nft ri mTS < > { a blc eirtort demand tx > ,
> Hu > ant ailvancetl A ? from inW ( " tie-
nml pi-ft ! in lal t trarlme In Wie ft-r-
n f > n nt a O o'clock t n - clr o t < lfle fl nrp :
ca l > . 74V vemb"r. 7 * > ! c , December. TTc ;
, .
and bi h r : ea b ,
yfirenrib * T. : ft * < * ; December , 37e : .lannary.
7Hc : M r.HV. .
O t K rrn &n t hlrhpr ; < 3i b , yc ; No-
mtwr. iV.c ; Mrvr. 39-4c.
Hyp btetiiv Kt We.
rtarlej Finn atIT c.
1-Tax J Weaker tit P o.
Steady ; prmw , SI. & * .
. .
Pork tronirer ; e h. Ki > tmb ? r ft d De
cani ter , JMIUSH. WO.
I nl Kirin * * ; : cah. . ; 7.3B ; Xotetnoer ,
S7.72H ; Jann rj.r. 4.
Bulk Meat- ! short ribs SO. 0 : h > eWers ,
$ i.4'i .i. > V ) : short dear sides , btxed ,
. . .
Iliittcr Wmkrr : erwroery , IScJ'Mc :
p ; nnckinz itnrk. 7f- > > .
fe ( } u rt ; full-creaui et > eddr .
fl J' . ItCtll'jCO-oaHS.VinericaJ ' , UMi *
11skim : ? . 41 * * * . I7' < fc
Uul5 Heavy mn sited , fully mred ,
ehU do , H-1-1)/ * : ; dtmtscd , 7 ( *
bull hWes > < cUry ; tttltetl , llfSl'Jc ; dry
Tallow No. I country , SJiifSKc ; Xo , 2.
Sc : take , S , e.
Kiti-Int * * . Slut ment .'i ' 7.0.0 13,0 fl
Wi.atbii ffi , < XW HUkjO
Corn. Du Uil.iK ) 2TRO (
OatJ.bU lai.OQO 14R.HO
K > e , Da 3.000 l.UOO
Uarlev.D'.i 02.0JU ) .Vi.OOO
New York. Oct 22. tVhtat Receipt ,
W.OOO ; exports , ' .M.wo ; cash S' lc and
Utlons IKftZ-iS' ' higher , closluitroncat ;
near the b , * t rnt < 's : uncrade , ! nd. Uii-OSc ;
loc. f. A-1. sV : Mo.iied. . MS' SMtc ; inele-
alor , S4 e f. o. b. : Xovember closing atfc. .
Corn boot ' 4@4c and options "H'ific
lieher. clo-ing strong ; receipts , fti.OXi ( ; ex-
KirtT ? . ) ; ungraded , 44K" - * - 8iC : olil Xo.
1. 455 < c ; Xo. 2 , 4i > , c in elevator. 4C'4Q
W c atloat ; Xovember clo-ed at 4Gc.
Oils L iii-jc higher ; receipts 73.WW : px-
x > rt- * . I.MXJ ; mixed -ve-tern : , 31 > Sc ! ;
Petroleum btcadv ; UnltPil , fse ,
Pork Firm : nuot l nt U.75 ( jvi.37 } > j for
old : S 10.00 10 . 'X ) for new.
! j.inl llichervf.tern ; steam , snot. 50.07- .
Hutter Dull and i-nsu-r ; vvcatern , Vx <
' - TC.
flippse Stcnriy.
E.-C'S rirm ; western. 21gi21Kc.
Cincinnati. Oct. 2iVne.u Stronser ;
No. 2 red. 77-yr7S' } .
Corn No. 'i mixed. Scc.
O.iU No. 2 , tiilxed , 27e.
Kye-No. 2 , 5'Jc.
Pork $9.fO.
Kant S.X" . " ) .
MMwaakee. Oct. CO. U'lient Stronc ;
rash. 73Kc ; November , 73 , ' c ; Deciiiuocr ,
C'orn Firm ; No. 2 , Slh'c.
Oats No. 2 , 24 > ic.
KyeNo. . 1 , SOHc.
UHrlcj No. 2 , ! > .V.
Pork-October , SS.W.
MlnucnpolU. Oct. --Wheat Strong
and higher ; No.1 ! hara , cash and November.
TJc : December , 74Hc ; Jairiary. 7Pc ; No. 1
northern , caih and November , 7lc ; Decem
ber. 72Hc No. 2 northern. c.i--li and Novem
ber , GIV ; DeeemLcr. 7uHc-
Flour Finn ; patents , S4.10@4.25 ; bakers ,
Jtecelnts Wheat , KQM bti.
Sshlnincnts Wheatf 15 030 bii. ; flour , 10,000
8t. Loul . Oct. 2-i Wheat Strone ; No.
2rcil , ca > li. 7."i f7 : > h < * - , November , 75\c ; De
cember , 77He ; Mav , b > S'e.
Cora Firm anil htgher ; No. 2 mixed ,
ca-.h , iSJ SS'.c : November. SS'-.cijSJi o ; De
cember , : H C : Mav , Ss' c.
Oatn Steady : No. 2 mixed , ca > h. 25 r ;
November , 20c bid ; December , 20 c ; May ,
! * c.
live Firm
WhlskS1.13. .
Pork S9.37K *
l.nrd SO.C.V tC.70. ;
Uutter Quiet. > teadv and nnchani'ed.
Afternoon Board Wheat Excited and K
@lc higher. Corn Via Vc higher.
Toledo. Oct 22. Wheat Active and
firm ; Cash , 7bl/c.
Com Cash , 3bc.
Oats-Cull. 2CHc-
Kansas City , Oct Si Wheat Steady ;
No. 3 red , cash. 63c bid ; Xoveinber , 6J'ic
bid ; May , 73c bid.
Corn Stronger ; No , 2 , cash , 29 fc bid ;
November , 30Sc bid ; May , 35 ic.
Oats Nominal.
Liverpool. Oct 22. Wheat Good de
mand ; new No. 2 , steady atCs Sd ; new No.
2 sprinc , steady at Cs Od.
Flour Demand iuiprovineat Ss 4d.
Corn ( Jooil demand ; spot , steady at 4s
5d : October , steady at 4s 4Kd.
NowOrlcttus , Oct 22. Corn Quiet but
Oats-Quiet at SS. SoH'c.
Cornmeal Fuir demand at 80.15.
iloi Products Dull and unchanged.
, Oct 22. The Drover's Journal
recorts as follows :
Cattle Receipts , s,000 ; stront ; ; shlppint ;
weaker. Si25y3.SO ; western ranera 10@5j
lower ; natives and half-breeds. 53.10v < i.iVO ;
wintered Texans , SiUaS-i-tO.
Uojs Ilccelpts , 21,000 ; steady and morfl
active : roushand inixeil. 33.40(34 M ; packing
and sliiupinc. Sas34 10 ; light weights ,
S3.50@4.15 , skips S2.--5 < aS.40. :
Sheep KeceipU , 3,000 ; steady ; natives
S2.00atb5 ; western , S3.HKs3.GO ; Texans ,
52.10 ( < tJOy : , : lambs , S4.00@4.M.
St. Louis. Oct 22. Cattle Receipts ,
SOU : shipments. SOU ; choice native steers ,
S4.SO'5-I. fii ; fair to medium shippers , 53.70(3
4.15 ; butchers' steers , common to choice ,
$3.00(34.10 ( ; feeding steers , fair to good ,
SKn2.W ! ; stockers , fair to good , S1.7&3
lloirs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
llKht grades sold readily at steady ligures ;
heavy , weak and slow ; choice heavy and
butchers' selections , 54.05(54.20 : packers' ,
fair to best , sas&a00 ; Yorkers , fair to
choice. S3.t"0@4.10 " ; pins , common to good ,
Kanxaa City , Oct 22. Cattle Receipts ,
3,000 ; shipments. 2,000 ; best steady : com
mon , slow : common to choice , < a-4.CO ;
stockers Si25-i75 ; feeding steers , 5itO(3 (
3.CO ; covvs , SLJO(32.CO. (
UorfS Receipts , 9,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ;
weak and 5y10c ; lower ; common to choice ,
_ _ _ _
Friday Evening , Oct 22.
CATTLK The fresh receipts of all jrradei
of cattle were llirht , but there were a good
many left over from the day beiore. The
market for feeders was not active , but there
were several bunches sold. Ranee cows ait
In moderate supply and selling slowly. Tht
receipts of native butchers' stuff were nol
heavy aud there is a little more Inquiry foi
good stock. Corn fed cattle continue in gooc
demand and all receipts meet witneryreadj
lloos The receipts of hoeu were more lib
eral than jeiterday. There was a very fall
demand and ever ) thing told. Thequalityoi
the ho s was very Koo < l. The market openet
slow and was about 10c lower than jeaterday ,
SiiEEr There wertjpo fresh receipts to-daj
and ujne sold.
Cattle . , . 7C *
. . . . . isa
Prevallln-r Prices.
Sl'owlne the prevailing prices paid for llv <
Rtrx-k on this market
Choice steers. 1350 to 1500 Ibi. . (
Choice steers , UOu to L'SWlbs. . 3.75S4.W
Me llum steers * , 1250 to 13M Ibi . . 3.fiOyJ4.i :
Fat little stetrs. 1030 to UM Ibs . . . . a&3rt4.0 (
Good fee-dew , . , . 2. k < | 3.2 ;
( iood to cnoicu coru-fed cows . 2.9U ( 1CK
Rangecows . , . . . , , . 2.25fX5 ( (
Fair to medium KrasS cows . 2,00 < a2.2 '
Coed to choica Dulls . . . 1.5d1.7 ;
Ijchtand mcaiuui noes . 3..X33.7I
( iood to choice neavy boss. . . S.C.VX-17 :
Good to choice mixed i-.oxs . 3.5@3.7I
Koujrn throw outs . , . . . . . ' . 'xj.aa.u
Good to cnoicu sheep. . 2.7.vTr-Xi
Falrto ; t)0d iiieep . . 2.2f..32.5 (
Representative Hales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pi
93..1SS ) 54.37X n. . . .1133 54.2
Xa Av. l r. No. Av. I'r
140 . .1200 5S.CO 40. . . . 1203 8-1.1
CO . .1043 S.OO 60. . . .1050 . 3.1
ICO. . . . 1223 405
, ' HOGS.
No. AV. i3ht Pr. No. AV. Shk. Pr.
6J . 2G ! > SO S3 G5 35 373 1 V > J3J2)
S3 206 40 8.G5 ftj . . 3SO J 2.70
5M.MO \ta 3.C5 21 . . .326 170
CO S 7 40 r 6'
* -o .
, t70 41
ffSA 440 3705 S0..3.M 40 ( .7 %
M . . .31 ! ' 120 8,70 3D 272 43 87 %
16..370 HO H.70 43. . . * * 0 - : * . .
48 WOfl S.70W . S8 40H7 - .
. . 27H 2tO 3 , II. . 388 40 S-7 }
* ; ' . ! ! WB sO 8.70 9B.1..W3 103 ij.73 |
Shipment- .
_ UH > number of can of mitta. , ,
nd * hephipped from Smith Omnlm dannc
tw day : j
. .nutc. Df-llnation.
12 K. t Buston.
Uniiue or I'rlcc * * .
Showlnsf the hlchst mid Iowt Drlcp *
paid for loads of hoes on this mnrktt < tnrii ! f
he i n-t i-even dtijs and for the same tirn * >
i Oct. iA i Oct. i ? .
-th ! t 44 tt < DO ! 4 15 ' 3.18
7th , Snntinr. - 7.i
Mh 4. f > ft ( U ' at ) 0V- ' 5iii
nth Sunday i M . ( V 3.10
Kh 4 so 6isi 3 a * ( . ( , 3 10 nrvta-
i t i 41 § 4 a.'O n.j. o 3 u 0:1 ? s i
"ill I I 40 at.30 S.86 e 75 i 3 li'i fr < - > )
All rile < of "took in t l < market are made
> erc'.vt llveweliclit tttuesothervvie stated.
) cail line * i-Il at Xc ! * " lb. for allvvplchts.
fekias , ' ' or hess \M-l.-hlni ; less Uian 100 Ibs.
no values Pregnant sows are docked 43 Ibs.
vlld stags SO lb ? .
Notci * .
Hoc all told.
Cattle steady.
Corn feil "leers In demand.
Hogs averaged sist } to the car.
Iloas continue on thu dovvnvv ard road.
Uutcliers' stock in a little better demand.
Squires & Co.'s hots ; averaijtd 34 5 ib-j to-
daj.A .
A coed mnnv feeders changed hands to-
I ) . X. Fisher , Fremont , was a visitor at the
D. Solvers , Cedar Creek , was nt the yards
H. Gilmore , David City , was In looklnc for
The Bit : Horn Cattle compiny sold 2sO head
of cattle for feeders.
G. H. Hammond A : Co. , received eicht loads
of fat cattle to day.
Will there he a war on livestock rates ? Is
the tues.tiou | on every lip.
W. W. L.itta. Tekamali , was here and sold
live load-ot corn fed cattle.
D. H. A. J. W. Snvder had ekhteen loails
of cnttie in from IlilT. Colo.
William Hussenetter , Lin wood , was here
and marketed a load of hosrs.
Milo Uurke. of the Big Horn Cattle coui-
! wn > , was at the vards to-day.
The average qualitv of the hoes on the
market to-day was exceptionally iiood.
It S. Van Tassel. Cheyenne , was here to
day. He had a train of cattle in yesterday.
G. H. Hammond is : Co.'s1 string of hojs
nought on to-davs s market averaged J45 Ibs.
There were a creat many strangers around
; he vards , mostly parties prospecting after
feeder- .
C. H. Pannele , Plnttsinontli. was here and
sold two loads of hogs and one load of corn-
ted steers.
Bartlett Richards marketed sixty head of
cattle and the Lacotah company the same
number. They were all sold tor feeders.
On the market with hog- : Reynolds , P. fc
To. , Ravmoiid ; Lorsej bros.ahoo ; II. II.
Dorseyoc Bro. , Mead ; George Boetel , Mil-
ardO. ; M. Bruce , Hancoct ; J. Askvvig &
Co. , Oakland ; J. V. Werdergreen , Craig ;
John Dern , Hooper ; R. J. Morrison. Fuller-
on ; E. L. Kinimin- . Elm Creek ; Mary A.
l.eis. Gibbon ; J. Rothscaild , Dakota City ; J.
Winevart , Hastmcs ; Morns-ey Bros , "Mil-
'ord ; G. ( t. Vreeland. Junlata ; hchoneld .fc
Taylor , Waverlj ; Parkhurst Jc Weils , Phil
General Produce.
Friday , Oct. 21
Tlicfollawliig price * are jar roundlol * of
produce , ax sold on tlie market to-da.\i. \ The
ipiotntlons on fruits represent me prioes at
ichiclt nuttiiac orders are tilled.
EGOS The light receipts have caused an
advance in the market and eggs are now sell-
inc at iaa20c.
BUTTEB An active feeling prevails on all
fine erades of creamery and dairy , as well
as strictly choice country butter , for table
use , all of w hich are in limited supply. Be-
ceipts of inferior grades are in excess of
the demand ; a tarse proportion of the same
has to be sola to packers at low figures.
Kre h roll butter should be packed in clean
boxes , not exceeding bO pounUs ; each roll to
Le w rapped in a pfece ot muslin. It will pay
shipper.- ) well to tike a little pains in pack
ing their butter. A nice , clean packa.e of
choice stock will always sejl at outside us
urps. creamery , iXsr-Jc ; fresh dairy ,
Ib < a20c ; choice country roll , ls < tf Oo ; choice
country roll , solid packed , 17jsiN ( : : good
countrv-rolt , lfX il7c : good country roll , --olid
packed , IScslCc ; Fair , Hil4c ( ; common ,
There has been some improve
ment in this line of late. Good , fat healthy-
lookinu' chickens sell more retdilv than a
w eeu ago. Live ducks also meet with quicker
sale. Old chickens , choice , per .doz ,
62.2.Xi2.50 ( ; spring chickens. S2 rO'a2.2.r > ;
ducks , S2.WXg2.75 ; turkeys. S7.0QS9.lorgpe5e ( ,
S0.00a8.00. (
GAME All choice sound bird are being
sold on arrival at quotations ; elf stock ,
however , ishaid toell at any price. The
demand for deer and antelope is quite brisk :
arrivals , thui far , have been exceedingly
light. Prairie ch ckens , choice , per dozen ,
geese. S3.00iM.50 ( : deer.saddles. per lb. ,
ll@12c ; deer , carcasses , per lb. , "gUc ; ante-
loixj , saddle * . H@l2c ; antelope , carcasses
7jWcelk ( ; , * , a < ldle > > , choice , per lb. , lOgllc ; elk
caic-issto , < X27c ; Jack rabbits , per doz. ,
SXNX..OO ; small , peraoz. , 31.00 1.20.
AIM-LES Prices on choice apples
arts holding up very well Mis
souri apples are In very liberal
supply. The follow inp quotations are for
apples well packed In barrels : choice Mis
souri stock.52.25uS2.'XMIchian : ) , SiSO.32.75 ;
fancy MciiiranS3.00 ! ! < a-J.25.
POTATOKS Ihere Is now a brisk demand
for straight cars of strictly choice potatoes at
50@5jc per bushel. Mixed varieties , small ,
or otherwise Inferior stock continues very
dull and will not sell for more than 25 or 40c.
OHIOJJS The demand Is not heavy and
thev are selling in a small way : Choice
stock , perbu. , tog 1.00.
HC.VIJUAOK The market Is fairly vvpll sup
plied : Choice stock , per dtiz. , 4X350c. !
CIIKESK Full cream cheddarssiiiglp,12fc } ;
full cream flats , twins , 13c ; Young American ,
13 } < c : fancy Swiss , 14(215c ; SwihS. imported ,
25M27 : Liinburcer. 12W ; brick , 13c.
SsWEET POTATOES Tne market Is glutted
with choice sweet potatoes. Very choice
stock was sold this weeK at 1-ic and even
lower : Choice shipping stock , per lb. , l@lj < c.
CELEHV A great amount of very poor
stock has been coming In. which has been
sold for what it would urine. Prices on
choice stock remains about the samnas last
week : Choice stock , per doz. , 35a40o ; extra
large , per doz. , 40 ( 45c.
OYSTEUS- The trade Is In very much the
same condition as last week on account of
the contluued wann weather. Prices are
low and dealers are well supplied with the
choicest stock. Order * from the outside are
being tilled In good shape : Mediums , 25c ;
standards , SO ; selects , 35c ; N. Y. counts 40c.
LEMONS Messina , per box SS.50 ;
Malaga , 50.00.
OKA.SOKS Jamaica , per box , 53.50ffi6.00 ;
per bbl. . 811.00.
CHAXDEKJIIES Stocks are moving fairly
well at the same quotations as last week.
Cape cod , fancr , per bbl. , 8450 ; Jersey ,
choice , S7.M ) ; Wisconsin , 37.50.
BANANAS Bananas are selling at the
same prices as last week. Bananas , yellow ,
per bunch. S2.00UC2 M ; bananas , jellow ,
lance bunch , 82.50C.t3.50
CAUFOUXIA FHUITB Stray shipments of
California fruits continue to arrive , but In
small quantities. Uraue-.Tokays.SlOO ; zrapes ,
black , 52.00 ; peari , jfiOO ; plums , 1.75 ;
quinces , Si50.
GitAPEs ' ! he market Is fairly well supplied
with Xevr York grapes. New Yorx , per Mb
basket , 40c.
HOSEV Nebraska , choice , white clorer ,
IVilfio. ; .Vebraska , dark,12 < . < tl4c ; California !
1 lb st-ctions , lie ; California , 2 lb sections ,
M.U-I.E SCOAB Bricks , i > er lb , 12Kc ; pen
ny caicea , ler lb , 15c.
MArtKSVuti * Bulk , 13 to 17 sal kegs ,
per jcalS1.0peal : cans , per gal , 51,05 ; } f gal
cans , per eaU 81.10.
C.DEB-New York.perl/bl. C LSOXew York ,
H bbl. S4.25. Crab , rr doz qts , Si73 ; .Michi
gan icfintd , per bbl , Saia
v , vu \ . .t r. * .1 ; v , - ler vn- I
1 W.u phi,1 iieii ti > . l-'c ; trfi'lo
. I1 * * * rtI I -
! 'ie : jhrnff Imin ? * ,
i-nr id - tmt itt. . 4r :
idr'JC ; imilcicr- . * * : driinl beet ,
50 il > can * , f-'io : Mittso lb can * . > n. . , > H.- , ,
7c : 10 Ib cans. Fwirbahf. * * . " * < \ ib eti , !
F.I rbank , % ' * : ' " . ! c t ! . Fair \nV . 7 vr.
B * . * .N Inferior -Mi-rh. ft. " , < * t.0l ; tranl
r.enn pntinUv , SlG < r t.-i5 ; medium , hand
p rkcd , SI. * * * ! . ! * ) ; ii inr | picked navy , Sl.40
( l/iO. I
r'totit ASn Mti-V'Tt-pr * * rt intft ivheat
faiir , rK"-t qnalin tstent , ! } . "Ss * > n l * >
ttSS. . * * : ht isnality prin * vvtwat
flour , Mtcnt 3'J. ObRin. ; sec percwtchonp l
fw- l , JOc rr r ; : wt > it < ? corn meal , t , 0i
? e.lowc rn nwa4 , We per cut ; * > orp n'n . flOc
rr-rcwts lioniinjr , EiiO per < " * t : s-lnwi * * . SSc
pr-rcwt : Ernmm , 51.60 ; nayvn bales , Sa OC- * !
aftir ) ton.
HUAIS Corn. 94c ; new onts 93c : rye iftc ;
wheat. Xo. a , cue.
GcnorM Jlnrfccti.
Wool Mr-dmm l .ifjoc per ib ; fine hcaw ,
H aife ; light H/itlv : .coarse , 14islfc ; burry
wool , Xtf'iIuiT.
llmii' lin-en buU'her * . fl''c ; ceeen cnn-d ,
iSt ( ? > licdrv ; Hint , liaise : dry salt , WtilOc ;
crecn calf skins. * * e : dninnced hides ,
two-thirds price. Tal ! < iw afiGrene
Prime white , 3c ; jellow. 'Jc ; Hirowu. lv\
Mieeii IVIt6ISc !
UK.VTiihi : Prune olauchter sole leather ,
3h * : pnmeoakole leather. 'Wit' ' < . rpju-r
Icathet per foot."OaiV ; hem , kip , 3.V < * tv > c ;
onkkill. . NV-tttV ; French kip , Sl.OOiti.SO.
IIPIII , calf. Sl.OOtfl.lO ( : oak calf , frLO < il.2S ;
French cnlf , Sl.@Ls ) : .Morocco , boot li'tr ,
txXrtCKc : Moriicco on pebble. 2y ; jc ; ; toppinc--
and hnlncs " OiaiiOc.
llKAW HAIIKVV inK-Iron , rate 52.-0 : ;
jilnvvtti'l * s * . < > clrtl cn t 4c : cmelble ? twl , Cc :
cast tixiK do. ri-tlve ; wairon noke- , per > -et ,
S1.7.VaSOO ; hubs , per set 5 1.25 : telloCN
sawed dri , S1.V ) ; toncues each , 75c : axels
pach , 7-ic ; square nuts p r lb. 7'dle ( ; coil
chain , j > er lb. OctfJc ; malleable. ft.'so ; inm
wedups 6c ; ciowunrs , < V ; harrow teeth , 4c :
prinj : teel. 7ic : Burden' horse hoes.
54.40 ; Burden'- * mule shoes $ " > .4A ) . Barlxtt
wire. 111 car lots sl.OO | > er 10U lb- .
XaiK rates. 10 to : , S2. , ) ; steel nails iito.
.Shot. > : biirk l.ut , Sl.Sl : oriental powder.
kr-'s. Vi * ) ; dii. halt kens 52.00 : do. quarter
Isegs..M : b'a t iig kei52. . " * . " ) : fuse , per 10
tct't. < V . lAad b .r. ? lti.
PAINTiv tut \ \ lute lead. O'uah.i.P. P. ,
Xo ; white lead. ist. Loinure ] ) , S7.75 ; Mar
seilles green. 1 too Ib can-1. 2c : French zinc ,
irrt'eiieal. . 12c ; Freni-h zinc reaoal. . lie ;
French zinc , inamSh as t , 20e ; trench
z nc , 7.Vermiliion. ; . American. IN : : Indian
red. lOc : ro-e puiK. I4c : Venetian red , Cook-
sonX 2-4c : Venetian red. American , lo :
red lead , 7-c : chrome yellow , ccini ne , 2i > c ;
chrome vellow , K , 12c ; ociire , rochelle. :5c : ;
ochre , trench. 24c ; ochre , American.
1'iC ; Winter's mineral. 2--jf ; Lehigh bionn ,
2ljc ; Spanish brown , 2 c ; Prince's ijineral ,
VAIISIHES Barrels , per gallon : Furni
ture , extra , 31.10 ; furniture. No. 1. ? 1. ' :
coach extra , 51.40 ; coach. X" . 1 , * 1.20 ; Da-
mar. extra. 31.73 ; Japan. 70c : a * ) > haltuiii ,
extra S5c ; shellac , S3.JO ; hard oil hnUh ,
fcrmiT * Colosne spirits IbS proof , S1.17 ;
do 101 proof. Sl-ls ; spirits. < > cond quality ,
101 pnwf , S1.17 : do IS * proof. 51.10. Alcoho'l ,
l S proof , 2.11' per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies. 5l.OOWl.53. ( , in. blended. Sl."iix < ?
2.O ) ; Kentuckj bourbonS2.00(2tOO : Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania oes S-.OO-urt TO :
Golden Sheaf bourbon and r > e whi-kie- .
Sl.50.aaoO. Brandies , imported. S.VOOiiib.'fl ;
dome-tic , Sl.-0iif3.00. : Gins , importea. S4..V )
( aG.00 ; domestic , SlwS.Va3.00. Ch\mpane.s : (
Imported , per case. ? 2b.CKKa33.CO ; ; American ,
porca-e. SlO H.ijir. i-o.
SDuPAISTS Whjte lead , Sc : French sine ,
12c ; Psri- < wliitinc.2l2c ; whitiiiii.'cilder- ,
2J c ; whitmir. cotn'l , IHc. lampblack , Ger ;
uianstoxvii. 12 < r ; lampblack , ordinary. N > -
Prussian bluc..V c ; ultramarine , l-cvaudy ; Ke
brown , S" umber , burnt 4c : umber , raw , 4
sienna , burnt 4o : aieuna , raw , 4c : Pane
creen. genuine. 2oc. Paris green , common ,
22c ; chrome gretn. X. Y. , 20cchronn : green
K , I2c ; vermlllion ; Enelish , in oil.7.r > c ;
raw aiid burnt umber. 1 2 > cans , 12c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12c : vaudjke brown , ISc : re-
nned lampblack , 12c : coach black and ivory
black , 16c : drop black , ICc ; Pruian blue ,
40c : ultramarine black. l c ; chrome areen.L. ,
M. * fc D. , IGc ; blind and shutter green , L. , M.
& D. , ICc ; Pari sreen , 1S < ? ; Indian red , I5c ;
Venetian red , DC ; Tuscan , 2Jc ; American
vermlllion. L. , SrD. , 20c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L.
M. & O. D. , ISc : bood ochre , lOc ; patent
dner. Sc ; training color , light oak. dark oak ,
walnut chestnut and n h , 12c.
Dnros AM ) CHEMICALS. Acid , carbolic ,
32c ; acid , tartarlc , 32c ; balsam copaiba per
tt , 4Cc : bark sa-safras per St > , lOc ; calomel ,
per tt , TJc , chlnchonidia , per oz , 40e ; chloro
form , per Jb , .Vte ; Dovers powders per a.
S1.25 ; epsom salts , per tt , 3Kc ; glycerine ,
pure , per lb. 20c ; lead , acefcxte , per tt , 21c ;
oil , ca-tor , Xo. 1. per gaL , S1.50c ; oil castor ,
Xo. 2 , per gal. , Sl.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , Sl.40 ;
oil oriirannum , 50c ; onium , S < ) .20 : quinine ,
tt , 4c ; strychnine , perez , S1.25.
Grocer * ? * Jjlnt.
PICKLES Medium , in bols Sa.W ; do la
half bbls. S3.75 ; mall. In bbls. S7.-U ; do In
half bbls , S4.25 ; gherkins , la bbls , SS.50 ; do
In hall bbls. S4.7. > .
STRL'P > o.70 , 4-galIon Kess , Sl.20 ; Xew
Orleans , 3SSl6c ( per gallon ; Maple Syrup , K
barrel , "old tune. " 72c per gallon ; ! gallon
cans. 510 00 per doz. ; X gallon can S5.UO per
doz : quart cans. 3.00.
ROPE H inch. OKc ; % inch , lOc ; H Inch ,
DIIIED FRCITS Xo. 1 quarter apples. 3Jf@
4c ; In evaporated boxes , 9Sao ( * c ; blackber
ries boxes O'sSO'Cc ; peaches , eastern , 4 @ .
5c ; peaches , evaporated. 154@17c : Salt
Lake , none In maykef raspberries , new , n 4
( ili * > fc ; currents , 0i ( 7 < * ; prunes , new. 4 %
' .STAncn Mirror gloss , i lb , 5c ; Mirror
gloss 3 lb , 5Kc ; ilirror gloss , tf lb , 6Kc :
Graves com , 1 Ib , fie ; Kingsford's corn , 1
lb , 7c ; Kingsford's glo s , 1 lb , 7c ; Klngs-
ord's clops. 0 lb , "H'c ; Kingsford's pare , 31b ,
Jic : Kinesford's bulk , 4c.
TOHACCO Plug , climax , 42 ; horseshoe ,
37c ; star. COa ; spear head. 33c ; piper heidslck ,
COc ; gold shield , 34c ; merry war , 25c ; J. T
TOBACCO Smoking , Durham. Is 51c ; Ks.
54c : Jfs , 57c ; Ha , COc. meerschuiu , 3oc ; old
stjle , 22c ; V. X. O , 15c. spirit cured , 45c.
MATCHES rer caddie , 2Sc ; square eases ,
SL70 ; mule square , JL20.
CAXDT Mixed , a HKc ; slice , SKKc. .
CRACKERS GarneauS soda , butter and
picnic , 5,4'c ; creams , 8Ko : ginger snaps , Stfc ;
cltr soda , 7Vc.
SOAPS Kirk's bavon impenaj , 82.70 ;
Kirk's satinet S3.00 ; Kirk's standard. 33.OT ;
Kirk's white Russian , 54.00 ; Kirk's White
Cap. SG.50 : Dome. S3.S5 ; Washboard , § 3.10.
White Cloud , S3.75.
H co AKS Powdered , 7ii47-Vc * ; cut loaf
; ( at5Vc ; conlectlonifra'
A. tyao'ic : itandard extra C , s-VfSVjc ; extra
C , 5Ju5Kc ( ; medium yellow , 5hs5- ( > .
UAXXED GOOD- > oysters , standard , per
caa , S3.30 ; strawberries. 21b. per case , 52.10 ;
raspberries , 2 lb per case , $2.10 : California
pears. tx > r ease , 54.50 ; apricots , per case ,
S4.LO ; peaches , per case , 85.25 ; white cherries
per case. 58.00 ; plums , per case , S3.ta : blue
berries , per case. SL.S5 ; eg ? plums , -i lb , per
ea. < , 52.50 ; pineapples , sib , per case. 83.30
35.50 ; 1 lb mackerel : per doz , 1.20 ; 1 lb sal
mon per doz. SL-WQUfiO ; 2 Ib gooseberies ,
per case. 5L75 ; 2 lb string beans , per ca > > e ,
Sl.7021b lima beens per eav. 51.60 : 2 lb
marrowfat p av ier case , S2.402 ; lb early
Juuepeas per gease. 2.75 ; 3 lb tomatoes ,
" "
"COFFEES Ordinary grades. ll@iij < c : fair ,
l12tfc ; prime. K lSo : choice. 13Higi4c ;
fancy green and yellow. 13) ) ( gl4c : old eov-
ernment Java.30iwc ( ; Interior Java.
20c ; Mocha , 22cfJ4c : Artmckle's roasted ;
isxc ; Mcljiughlin'-v XXXX roasted , lOU'c ;
DliTfortn's. lo > 4c ; Red Cross , ! 6
H'J H'f Jl'UQr BblslPla Kt
] 0
Ben'i S't.No 1 L'b'r ' 00 4 fO 3 65 2 Or 1 70 ? 5
L'iro Glb'd Fancy S 003 00 2 1 K1 SOi W 45
LV K'd fth'fe y-cy i M)3 ) 0) a 75 1 651 3J1 M 4t
LAKE flitl.
- . = , . HI BbU Or Bbli P 1 | KU
"sa * 100 W M 40 15 j 10
No. 1 White Fl h. . , 7 00 303 803 101 04
Famllr White Kjh. . 3 M , 3 1M U5 1 W C
No-lTrout , i M 4 055 151 65 , 74 65
irrvr nsa' iurU lit Bblf.Q'r BbUj Pails or Kltj
' ax > 10J W ! M 40 | 12 10
Norvrojrlan ' | j i I i , '
UCKHer-ngs 14 7 S0 603803 10. . . . 1 04 M
Holland her- I I I I i
rintenB > r. . , . | . | . . . | . j . . ( . . . 1 90
Drr lintnDer.
No. 1 Com. a 1. a. 12 , 14 and IB ft 517.50
I o.3 i > 12 14 andl6 tt 14,7.1
No. 4 * < 12. M and 1 ft 13JO
J o.t , 12,14 ana IS ft 12.00
1 * f I M ICTt Is ft SO ftH ft4 ft
8x4 . . w V. iwfc ; in * > i7.W ; * , ( P si or 21.09
irt . r.t > : i' 1-5 v > i : TO } ( i Siio
{ . . . ' . . . . l "y > W . | R.Vl ITCH isoiti f > 21 <
111 * . . . < . . Ili'ltaS. | .Vl. VJ
IIJ . . . . 16 a I * . > ki M JP 17.l i l
IU..K' i .ro I'Li. I ; . > H v.
, . . .
> a i , 4 A fl inch , is nnd 14 ft , rou-jh. . .517.05
> o.l , 4 > < v-fllndu ISnnct 14 ft. , roueh. . . it.M
11 com , , in White Psne Itirtittotn . . . .SSR.W
. .
9A Com , \ In. N'orwuy 1'lne CeHln ? . . . . t4.op
fi oonrrr * .
A 6Wh , white pine , C . SSMxj
O | IK * . - -K I ) . 21.- *
A 18 tech. 4-iC. . . . * ,
rt la inch " 4iO . . !
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. J i. 10. ISv1 , 30 U. . . 9L03
Xo. 8. " * " " . . . ls.MI
Xat , . WAUtl. . I7.CO
" " Mil . W.UO
XX rl ir. SI TO : AUudArt , S'lM ; No. 1 ,
S1.35 : Uth. SA .
Po -WhlteCedAr. . ! a. , h * . I- ; S In.
I tand2d. clear. l > i Inch , s. 2 3 . S
8d , clear , I Inch , s s s
* ! . eli-ar. l"i. " 1 * . . -2 In . 4T.60
B select , 1 inclu s 2 s . 2 .00
H stloct l' ' < . ' --'in . r&Od
< ntr i. v.r.
Xo. 1. ulnin.Saad 1 > inch .
Xo. 2 , pla 11. s and 10 inch . 15.V )
A Curious Trade Which is Carried on
In Pnrit.
Cisar-endcathennjr. wliirh ! jirncticeil
nioro or le < i in every larsc town , 11 an
industry. The man who picks up thrown-
away ci ar-cnd * * does not doijto smoke. .
but to < cl ! thoni Thu liculitiirtir- : | :
this cur ous tradi * are probably in Paris
where nunrlv every one smokes citrars ,
and where the cleanlinu s of the tri > it-
und the nnmerous cafes thi * linbitue < of
which , seated at the round tables on the
pavement , are invanablj smokers facil
itate the industry. The Tempfrivi's
SOUKiuteri'tins particiilars rt' r : r < .Iin < r
the life of the cijrar-uud gatherer ,
and of the mercantile value
of his "poods" ' Ho be-in-
work on the boulevards very early in the
morning before tlie pavementsire swept ,
and continnt- 7 o'clock in summer and
9 o'clock in winter. Then he gee < to his
lodpinn- thu outskirts of the town to
prepare hi * * merchandise. He cuts thu
ends of cisar- * into small pieces and
spread * them out on a newspaper. This is
tabac irros He rub- the ashes oil' cigar
ettes , i unloves the papers and spreads
them out in the same wav. This is tabac
lip. sub-it * > from day to dav on
hi * catlienufr-i , he mu-t dry- and pll his
stock at once. 60 he place-- in the un
to dry aud rt-diice it to oowdc-r. iiultins it
where it wih cot a current uf air. \ \ hen
dried he rolls it up in lit
tle packets and makes tor the Rue
Galande , in a poor district of the Latin
quartsr Groups of from a dozen to lif-
teen may be seen on the pavement- -
inp to sell their little packets to the pas
serby Workingmen stop and Ml their
pipennd there are rcjrular cu-tomer ?
who will send for the day'supply. . Then
vv me merchants in poor localities buy
whole-ale to retail to their clientele. Ihe
tariff is a * follows : Tabac gros ends of
cijiars roiifrh at-d uncut lli pence ana 1
smiling per pound , the same cut small , 1
shilling 3 pence to 1 shilling .ij ponce per
pound , when sold in retail the pound is
divided into forty packet-at a half penny
each : tabac tin cigarette * cleared of
paper and a-hos 2 shilling 4r pence
pound wholesale and shilling < j $
pence retail , ends of cigars -pccialjv se
lected for chewers are sold at 1 shilling
7 pence per pound. The weight of the
packets is invariably judged by a vue
d'ceil. In case of a di.-pute an appeal is
made tothemarchande des qtiatresaisons _
the French coster. In addition to the
small wine merchant , the cigar-end
gatherer has another good client the
small florist. He doe not buy to smoke ,
to retail or to fumigate , out to water
flowers with nicotine water. This , tt
seems , has the effect of making them
suddenly burst into a blaze of
bloom , and also makes them after the
buyer has admired them for a day or
two as suddenly fade and die There
are only one or two centers for the sale
of this kind of tobacco in Paris. After
tiie tock has been sold the cigar gath
erer takes to the boulevards in the even
ing again. He also frequents railway
stations , theaters and other places. There
are about a hundred poor creatures en
gaged in the cigar-end industry in Paris ,
.ihcy are too proud to beg , shrink at
the idea of the hospital , and arc
not down low enough to steal. The
police , after having found out that they
were harmless , are not hard upon them
They e.irn only about a franc a day , and
when an opportunity offers are glad to
leave the tobacco business. There is
another class of cigar-end gatherers
which tne writer in the Temps docs not
tell us about. These ate the waiters in
tnn cafes , who pick up the remainders of
the cigars every night and sell them
when they collect a pound or two. In
Paris nothing is allowed to waste.
Ramon 'Vejar , of Pomona , Cal. , killed
a four-lesged quail , which is now in the
hands of a local taxidermist.
The streets and squares of Berlin con
tain upward of 4 , 000 trees , and the num
ber is constantly increasing.
Artists' Material.
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1313 Douclat Street , Omeha.
Agricultural Jmp/sments.
Wboleiale Dealer to
Agricultural Implements , TVagons ,
Carriages and Bufjrlen. Jonei itreet , between 9th
andlOtn.Oicaba , > eb.
Agricultural Implements ,
Waxani.Carrlaxea , Daniel. Btc. , Whole al , Omatua.
Agricnltural Implements ,
nd Buiie . IWl.iOl , y5 and'JOT. Jon i it
Butter and Eggs.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Refrigerator and Parklnz llouie , lltb and L4 T6n-
wonhStU.P. . H.H.Track , Omaha.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Cailngi of all klndi alwajrttn itock. till
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bnildera'Hardware& Scale Repair Shop
Mech-inlct' Tool * and Buffalo Scale * . ll'Ji Doaglai it- ,
Omaba , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Sheet Iron. E'e. Agent * for Howe fccala * ,
and Mlamt Powder ! o OmabaNeb.
Wholesale Hardware.
Weitem iftnt for Jererton Eleel Nail * . Acitln
PowderCv , ralrbank htauaard train. Corner
10th and Harner , Omaba.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers and Contractors ,
BHiieei.VUdnru. Roof Tnuwi. Steam P"e
, Oat oid P ne Bnd.e Lunb < r lilb u
Faniam. UmaLa > eb.
Uxnuftit , - „ * r1 tVljolC'-IvDMlMa IB
ami Shoe ? ,
Complft * tc < of lli * > et ( rrtnti | WIT on hiod
35 l. h t f c . . .Sr * A T Annin. ApHH.
in r. MOUSE P co.
lobbrr * of l ; < x t-.nit l Sfc * * * * * .
lilt tt. cmnhji. N b Vjirmfsttmj. 9an f
t , foiAabr iser-r.tHt
I.JCPV HmHrowpr ? ,
l v0h I * hr" t , 'Vniifm fC
? . Slices , tt.
CLARKE nnos. , c co. ,
Omnlm CoiFi'i * and Sptco Mills.
7c * .C < iB * ci > " 0 < Bali n ro d < f H ronn * EC-
tract ; i.iuiiQ'T HIuo Ink l"r lili lt > llarcejr
* -tir i , Omi h , > eb
c.rrCOLK tt-
Homt > CotTocnivl Spice Mill i M'f'ir Co.
n' o i-tf and cpu * ilfin 1-r la iMrtHrr
! i dcr. Hi nri < h\tnc" . *
ne c * o of o r 1 " * tnt k KTP lloroe H ! Pd UiM-ta
- l * MIln * r J n I'raih" N-t
jt : ; L K cony it / : i
John Epeiicter , 1'rop.
Mtrnfhcturt-r < > t C lt nUfl Iron nnJ Cornlc * . 95S
ni * ltj ) > nd I 6 > . lin : fU iinttii. > eD.
it UEM 1 ' AV d1 Jt O L TE ,
Mncnfi'-tarer' of
Oriinmcntnl Gnhaui/ed Cornices.
Dormer Wloilcir' . K'm ! Mpullc-kjlielit. ! < 'lc. 1133.
in i n t.miali.1.
Eitx conyici-
C. Sjinclit , Prop.
Galranlzcd Iron Cornier * , c-ir. t-te > \ lBipitiTn1 Pat
ent M OB' anil ' n * l-'th H t'mnlia.
J. obeof
Carpet' . Curtains Oil Clot1i . Rnsra.
I.tto umi. Mittlnr * KtIS11 Doua 8in > ct.
X. A. oRcirAin.
\VhoIcs.ilo Curppts , Oil Cloths.
.Mttttlrjs , Ci-ttalii ( JiHxJ. Etc. 1K3 Farnan itr t.
omaha. "t b.
Cr3t.Kcrf end Nations.
w. L. :
Agent for tb'Manufnctu-ersan.1 Importers of
Crockerv , Glassware ,
Laspi. rhlu-ooys , etc. OPirtS17 South Uth it ,
Uninbi. Neb.
Cominissicn and Storage.
Commission Jobbiurr.
Bnttcr. EwinJ I'rtsluce. r < in U-ncjeu lollc'ted.
Iloaijcuaricrs frr fclfncwan * . lltrry Uon-t ana
onpe llntleif HI I Ik > i1c trrctOinaaa.
Coininission Merchants.
Fnilt , Produce aii.i PruvUio t. Omaba Neb.
Storage ami Commission Merchant.
Sped" tie * Buttc- ; ; * . \1e ! 0 Poaltrj' . Game ,
Or tcr . Ktc. . Kit liouta Kth ntn-et
iAy co. ,
Prodnco Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , Gome. Fruits , etc. 22) ) S.
( > muh& . Neb ,
General Commission Merchants.
Anfi Jobbers of Knrelzn ind Domestic Kru-ts. Torre-
epondenre poilrited. Warehouse nnd nftice llj N.
Tblneenth MOmaha. . * Jeb TelL-pht > nc TT'i.
mporters and wbole a1o denlcrs In
Italian Produce ,
retfnTMme'tlcand California Vrulti and Commli-
lion Merchant104S. ! . luhsu OnljeicluslT *
fruit home In Omah .
Coal ana" Lime.
Dealer ! In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Office and yard , irth r.nil Klcbolaa BIS , Omaha , Neb.
Van ! Telephone. tCT.
GKU. 1.1.UAI.K. . I're' C. F. GoonuAX. V. Preg.
J A Scs-nEH.LA.VD , Sec. and TreaB.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
J09 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha. Neb.
. . .rco. . ,
Mannfacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal and Cove Comcnt. Platter ,
IJroe , Hair , Flro Brlct. Drain. Tile and sewer Pipe.
OOlre , Puton Hotel , rarnam ft. . Omtlia. Neb.
Telephone Ml. _
F. P. FAY& CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbenof l"rult , Nate and Clean. 1211 Fariutm St _
Life Stock Commission.
jr. BUJRILE .c soys ,
Live Stock Commission.
GflO. Bcrke , llaruser.
Union Flock rarde.S Omaha. Telephone
SA J'AGE , > GltEEX ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
EbJpmenta of nr and all klndi of Stock ( .elicited.
Cnlon Stock Vsntf , Omaba , Nvb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Ciffars , Tobacco ,
Coni and Ammunition , 115 loZTl lltb it. , 1JJO to
ltc < > arnam t..OmahaX u
Maiiufacturera of Fine Cicrars , *
And Wboleiale Dealer * In Leaf Tobacroi , Noi.lDS
tb ttrLetUmaba.
Wbolefala Dealers in
, Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokers'
Agenti for D. Leldpraiorf 4 Co. Fine-To land 5rnok-
Ing Tobaccnt , Milwaukee , \VI conitn. No. 313
Nonh Slrteentn street , Omaba , Neb.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH .C CO , ,
Dry Goods , Fnrniahinj ? Goods &Notions
119 } and 1104 Donclat , cor. llth Bt. , Omaha , Neb.
Distil Iert.
DUUlIen of Llijttor * , Alcohol and Pplrlti. Importer !
and Jotbera of Wines and IJqaora.
CO. ami ILER C CO. ,
Importer ! and Jobb r of Fine Wlnrf and Uonort.
Aolemanufietnrenof Keonedr' * Kait India lilt-
Itri and Domti'lc tlqnnn. ill } Ilarner fct.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Large-it Drug- , Paint , Oil & Glass Home
Weilof Cbleigo. Complete Line of DruirUU Sna-
dn i. llli Harntjr IL , Omaba ,
Wholesale Diagglst * .
Anl D a ! < n In Palnu. OU and Window Gl i > .Omaha.
Drain Tile , Etc.
. . J.\T nzoronn gec.Tre
lU J. CAKfOH , r.Prei. and gupt-
Ottt 213 S lilt ) it. Omaba. Neb. Uactlocrr aod
bupplle * for Kanufaeluring Cement Drain Tile.
Wholesale Dealers In Furuiture.
Farnam itOmaha. . Kcb.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery ,
Mlwr.etc. 1306,1308 nd K'.O r rn m it ,
/M.V7Y > .Y. ( ! ILL Ki iimt , r C'O. ,
ami 1'rovl Sous ,
h t. 1cai . . Set )
,0 t
Hardware ,
jr. , / . nitOATCjf.
Hesvy Hiinlwrti-e , Iron atul Stool.
SprlBp" , W in M.nk. H rdw M > Inn r cit. 1X9
! ! ! ILinujr . < ni hiu
lo Iron mill Steel ,
W nn rKl Curn.kf WO.HJ stork.
tot. niTnniinu IfiiTi-n c'nl
Stovp-j. UHIUJP-J , Furnace * ' , 'IiUj ,
Maalli-s. i.nitw. L'ni ( , o l . USI > n < l ti. m i
sire t.
Iron lVorAs.
Iron \V iks.
Wroscht i l C t tton Hnllc'lnz Wort , tri iUil .
llBIH.f lle m nilltlrder * . I .BI Knk 'ft 1 r n
W. rl. < , inrril Tcumlri. JUchlnsnn.l iiitk n th
Wo. . t. l * Cf anUVVoil * . f ! Rjr ami lti ! fl "
AMiolesule .IcwclcM find Jlnslo J > nilors.
De l < ir -lin-rirfirp. . IWam < " 'ilr , \Viir't " > , I"ck . > ? i
Jeweler T-MI mt M Ht1 l . r c. HI " "
H c , > r IVxlce , Oruabn Sclx
Dealer in Lnmlipr. Lat'j ' , Lime , Sash ,
Door * . Etc. YarJC"nierTth nml Doak-lm Corner
Wholesale Lnmber ,
SI I S _ . llth tn'cl. Omaha. Xeb. I. Pulpcticr. MRr.ccr.
! Sth ted CallfoiTla Streets Otna-is. Net ) .
FRED Jf. GRA 1 * .
Lumber , Lime. Cement , Etc , . Etc.
Cor. ( tb ami l > ou la < * t' . . Omaha Neb
To Dealers Only.
Offer. 1403 Faroani * lct.G-naba
ClfAS. R. LEE ,
Harihvood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and Parquet Flooring. Sth and
Wlioli-siilo Lumber , Etc.
In.portP < t ami American Portland Cement Flute
Aitent for.Mllwauken llrdraullc < 'emini and lleit
( 'ulncjr While I.lme
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Bojd , Superlntordont.
Millinery and Motions.
IciiKirtera and Jobbers of
Millinery anil Notions ,
iHand IIljHarncr St. efft. Omaha , Xeb.
'C. 'S. GOODRICII ,0 CO. ,
Are the only Direct Importer * of
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In XcbrnnV.i. Chicaeo price duplicated without aiiJ-
In rrelcnt. 1 < 15 Fnrnam Mreet , Omaha.
\Vliolc lo Dealers In
Notion1 ? and yiirnisliiiiij Goods ,
4n ! and 5 S. Tenth * - tOmaha. .
Jobbers la
Xotions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing1
I0 y > and 1073 Fimacc st Omahi , Nsb
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeaci Pants , Shirts. Etc. lift ! and 1104 Douelai Street ,
Omaha. Nub.
Job Printer * . Ulank I3ook Makerg.
And Book Bludore 10j and 109 puuth
ilr [ . Onuba , Neb.
Auxiliary Publisher * * .
Dftalera in Type. Prei i and Printers'Soppllct. 603
bouth Txelfth Mreet.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
Manufactare'i , Puckeri and lieslera In ,
Pickle ? < fe Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar
Baklne Powder. nnTorinir Eitract , Table f-nuce.
French AIintB" * VV a h lilalnc < ! niters' ipSilUcs
hole mtntf fur York fcutc Sand ItcSccd Apple Ci
der. li'JOl earenwortb iu Omabx.
Safes , Etc.
Omaha Safe Works.
Minnfncturcmof Flr and Korclar Proof Safe * . Vault
Doori , \ and Wire Work. Cor.
14th and Jack on M . , Omxtaa , Ne b.
P. JtOYElt t > CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Ftre and Hurc'ar Proof Saf i , Time lf < t , Vault *
and Jail Work. 10JJ > aruitm > treet Ouiaba , M b.
Sash. Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISRROtf .C CO. ,
\Vbole > ale MaDUfacluren of
Hash , Doors , lilindn and Mouldings ,
Branch odce , ltb and Iiard u.OmabaNcti.
G. F. L YMAN ,
Sash , Door , Blinds , Mouldings ,
Building Paper , etc. 1001 South Tclrteuntli direct ,
Omaba , S b. Acnmplrle itoctcf Balldvn'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uonld'cgtf ' talr Work and Interior Hard Wiwd Flnlib
Juit opened. ti K. cor. 8lli and L Tea * orth8ta.
Ompfia , Neb.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittluga ,
Bteamand WaUr kupplltti Heauquartrra f r Majt
> O3itCo'a Uoudt. lllll'arnani it. , Omaha. Ned.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
§ Um. Water , Rallwar and Milling Suppllea. Etc.
m , / an < t W24 Ir araam itUniaha. . .Sub.
'u7 S . li'IND ENGINE nnd PUMP
HalladarWInd Ulllij eteam and Wtter euppllei ,
Plumblnf Gocxli. UeltlnK. lime. 919 and VS1 fur.
oamitnUmaba. 8. K. t-ellon , M n iur.
Telephone No.iO.
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlllarti Hotel Block , Omaha.
Wagons and Carriages.
The Leadinsr Carriage- Factory ,
JtO and 1411 Dod tlrecU Omaba.
Building Material.
, Dva-trln All Kiul.of
Building Material ut Wholesale.
JStb Street and Uo oa Pad Beack , Oinaba.