SIXTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 23 , 1S8G. NUMBER 117. THEY FEEL MUCH INCENSED Virginians Pouting Because Mrs. Cleveland Did Not Visit Richmond. TOO MUCH OF A DAVIS SHOW. Congressional Committees of floth I'nrtlcs IlcstlrrlnK Themselves In- dlnn Depredation ClnlniH Acted Upon Capital News. The First Families Pouting. WASIII.NOTO.V , Oct. 22. [ Special Telegram to the Huic.1 Mrs. Clevelamt's lalluro logo to Richmond with thu president vestoiday Is leading to very complicated political embar- lasBtni'iii.s to thu administration. A couilo | of New Voile men who havu been In Richmond mend ( or tlneo weeks attending the Knights of Labor convention arrived licit ) at 1 o'clock this morning on their way home. Thevsay that every on except the more discreet dem ocratic politicians speak bitterly of Mis. Cleveland's fniltno to attend the fair and re ception nt ( lovernor Leo's mansion nnd refer to It as "an Instdt to MSH ! U'lnnio Da via and the best families of Richmond. " Piusldent Clcvchind'Id personally responsible for the disappointment to Itiulimond people , and politics Is as-dirned s the foundation of It , both hero and In Virginia. It Is the note topic of comment hero at this tlino and people wonder how the president will explain mut ters. So far , no explanation lias been at tempted at the wliltu house , except that "ills. Cleveland concluded not to go. " A\VAKIXK1 : > INK ) ACTIVITY. That remarkable Indifference ) which has charactcil/cd the \voik at the headquarters of both the eongiessionat campaign com mittees Isdisappcailngand actlvitv making Its place lleielofoo few people h.ivo been Keen iiLotit these places , and there was no importance attached to tlm daily routine. It began to look : ts thott-'h both parties ware trying to evade le.sponslbillty of electing tire next house of rcpresUitatKes. Now there Is life. This change is due , In thu opinion of the Evening Star , to repoits and appeals from the democrats ol Ohio and Indiana , "Whcie. " It states , "tho demoeiats will lose several dlstiictp.1' "It Is not Impiobablo , " it was stated by a politician at I'm ' headquarters of the demo cratic concessional committee , "that .six districts will bo gained by the re publicans In Ohio nnd tour In In diana , whllo It was conceded that futnould ho tinned In the f miner and tluee in tnel.itler Htnte. " At lepiibllcau lieadiiarters ( | there is a feel ing of hope that the dumociatlc innjoilty will be oveicomo in a iiunjlicr of demnctatlc dis tricts wlieio the distribution of federal pat- innagc has produced dissatisfaction. Gen eral Cabell. ol Danville" , with a democratic majority of several thousand behind Him. Is being forced to n very vigorous canvass. Ills jniiln cffoit Is to quell the discontent growing out ol his appointments to olllcu. In tlie Ninth Vliglnia distiict Bowcu , lepubllean , seems to bo considerably In the lead. Republican gains me limned for neaily every state north of the Ohio ilver nnd haft of the southern stilus. INDIAN IlIM'rtr.OATIOX CLAIMS. Thoseeietary oi thu Interior today disal lowed the claim ot William Bishop , of Lin coln county , Nebraska. for SIS.750 tor dciire- dations committed by Sioux Indians in IbiH. The commissioner found that Bishop sus- talned ) i loss of propcrtj amounting to & 1..VOO , but as thu account was not tiled in the time reqnireil by law no allowance is iniido. Action was taken on the- claim ol .Jo- hanna Wlieleg , of Lincoln county , Nebiaska , ? ' .ibw , : for Sioux , Cheyenne anil Aiapahoe Indian depiedatlous. The finding Is a loss of S4lHiI. but the claim not being presented wlthl n the 1 nutation by law Is not allowed. John Jones , ol Council UlnlTs , was allowed iC.Oot u claim ot & 1,1G1 lor Sioux depmla- tions In l ifl. and Seth Wood , of Chuy- enne , Dale. . SJ.rr.O ! ol a chtim of S'J.OOO tor Sioux depicdatlons In IW7. HIM rnisii'ixr's : : iticirTiox. ; At thu president's public lecepllon this afternoon , Mr. Smith , ex-minister to Ll- beila , lonno.Iy of Ohio , was accompanied by a blight , intellLeiit looking young colored man lioiu Llbeila , who has b-ien heio but a tlunt time , the Hist time ho ever left his home. The piesideut appealed much Inlei- csted and spoke a few pleasant words with the coloied visitor. An unusually la-gu number of people were too late to see the inesldent and were much disappointed. One lady was very Indignant because it was only twenty minutes of two and the leccptlon , announced for lull past one , was over. There was thu usual attendance of nearly Sue at thu icception. Sceietiiry Lamar was among the visitors , accompanied by seveial ladies liom Geoiuia. Alter an Introduction. one of the ladles' laughingly lemaiked to the secietary : "lint < < m didn't Intioducuus you Bald von would. " "Well , I always got tins- tc'iod with the ladles , " replied the secretai v. An Atlanta lady , Upon shaking hands , 10- niaiked : "Soiry not to meet Mrs. Cleveland , lor , next to Mr. Davis , was anxious to see the wife of the piesldunt , " The presi dent did not make anv reply. A great deal Is being Mild to-night about the snub the pieshh-i t delivered to Rlelnnonil people by refusing to permit Mrs. Cleveland to accom pany him to thu lair yestei day. It is well undcistuod nnw that political tcasons gov- ci ned the pitisldent , Dispatches Horn Richmond mend slate that the best people leel thu cut keenly and will bu uuspulng in their icsont- incut. N'lrginla will not be tulld for the ad- mlnistiatlon In ISSS. Till : I'KNSIOX llt'Ur.AU. The picscnt adminlsliatlun ot thu pension oflice Is deteimlned theru shall bo no clianco to make political capital out ot the rccotds of- the business of the ollleo under the piesont eonuiesilonal campaign. Durlim the boss'on of congress just closed Conunis- Blon'T Dlnek attempted to besmlreh Cominls- Bloner Diulloy by tiylng to show that the Intterolllclal made special ceiUIn c.uses In order that ihelr allowance mli'lit be made iisnful to leiuiblicaii candidates for con * gius9 , who asked that the claim ? Bpcciiied mlnht btthnirled. This attempt did not piovu as fiulttul as desiied , but General Black lias licquuntly stated that while he 10- mains at thu head ol the ollleo theie shall be no cihe.s : taken up out of their icgular oidct to obllce democratic eon 'iessmen. To-day a omjiloyed bv Congiessmati Stahlnecker , ot the onkeiij , X. V. . distiict , called on As- Mstunt Commissioner Mel.e.m the el.ilm ot a ceitaln soldier lie' inaik " pfcal. ! " lie Mated that it was Mr. Staid ncclit'i's duslin that such a couiso might hi pursued , as the soldier claimant was neon Ktltuunt of Stuhlnocker's and thu prompt al Inwanco of thu claim might bo iiselnl to tin congiosman , who Is meeting with cnnsulura bio opposition In his canvass for ic-elecllon Mr , McLean called ttie attention of his vis Itor to thu tumble brought upon Colonel Dnd ley by similar action , and wild II could no the done , lie promised , however , to "ex pedite" the claim , nnd casually ob forved that ho did not wnni nny paper relating to thu "expedition" sem In , Ilo added that a number of eases IKK been pushed by this method for democrat It con.'ies ! > men , but In no liManco had \n\n\i \ \ \ : lelatlni. to biieli cases been meM'ivcd , us 1 was intended hy Ccnenil lilnck that no con- giu-Sblonul commltteo bhould llnd papein oi lilothnt might prove that politics h.ul any thlnt : to do with pension claims now fi couie of adjustment. I.NCIIEASI.S'a HANK CIIICI'I.ATION. The siMiotary ot tlm ticasury will , I t.s under > teed ii'cummend , In his torth coming repoit , that conaitivs IMS' ' an act a'lthurl/lng the national banks ti is uo circulation no to the lull par value o 4 percent bomls lieul by thorn and to rutln the Ss as a b.isU ol circulation. This is i modlticatlon of the schemu nttempttd b' ' Comptiollci Cannon , whleh failed in con It will doubtless MTVO to boom tin of 4 per cents , I'O&I'MAhTCJt ArrOI.NTKIl. Kihvln lluslcn has U'en appointed post master nt n new noslotllcu nnmcd Kldndj.0 Chasocount > , .SelMfttka , AP.MY MArrnn" . i Colonel Uobcit K. A.Crottun.Thlitcbnth in fautry , iccently nromoted tioiu the Flfteentl Infantiy , nud Lieutenant Colonel John C Hates , recently ptomoted tiom the T\ven tieili , have IXMMI ordeied to join their i\c\ \ commands. . Army leave's Imvo been granted LUutoiuin Colonnl William K. Meriill , of eoips nf en tlnccN , Cicclunati , two months ; Captali DyrusW. Uray , Twenty -fifth infantry , i\n UtraJo , Dak. , ouu uii < ulb. UNWRITTEN WAH A Gigantic Scheme Which "Wits Con cocted to Overthrow the North , Louisvn.i.n , Oct. 23. The Times pub lishes an Interesting column concerning the northwestern conspliacy attcm pt of the con federate government during the war to rc- uasc southern prisoners In the north , enlist into active service the sons of liberty and antl-Uncolnltcs , copperheads , etc. , through out Ohio , Indiana and Illinois In a gigantic attornpS to create a diversion , which would relieve the pressure upon the atmyattho front. The active operations were in charge ot.Judge. Thomas 11. Hlnes , with John Cas- tleman asehlef adviser. This episode In the secret history of war times has been forced Into public notice by current rutides from all ( matters on war topics , and the dc- lalls are mainly taken from papers In the liands of ex-Chief Justice nines , of Ken- lucky. The success of tlio conspiracy waste to have been largely dependent upon a very largo class In the north who were dissatisfied witii the admlnlsttatlon , The story Involves a scheme to capture the only gunboats on the lakes , attack Chicago , release theconlcdeiato prisoners at Camp Cha o , attack St Louis and the general uprising of northwestern copperheads. GEORGIA WHISKY. People Manage to Cot tlio StulT In Spite of Prohibition. ATLANTA , Ga. , Oct 2) . Fulton County jail Is full of Illicit distiller * . KUhty men ate in thu jall-jard and others have been dis tributed out to the jails In Cobb ami other adjoining counties. There are 3JO cases of revenue violations on the docket of the United States distiict court. This shows a wonderful revival In the manufacture of Illicit whisky In almost every county In the slate. It Is due to the fact that prohibition , having closed the baitooms and cut olT the foreign supply , has created an excellent homo matket for Georgia-made whisky. People who aio well-to-do , or who have drinking habits , send abroad lor their lliiuor , but the poor whllo man and Hie negro buy from the wagon which may bu so olten seen around the coiner. As an exnmplu of how tills work Is carried on It may bo slated that a wagon laden with apples will start out fiom Uaonn county and willbohoaid fiom as far south as Wilkus , having crossed mountains and stieams through lUbcrsham , Franklin and Oglu- thorpu counties Ot course , the pi ice of ap ples would not nay for thu tiip through one of these counties. It Is out ot thu Illicit whisky hidden under the apples that the thrifty tanner mak s his money. Thu gov ernment distilleries also enjoy the boom , 'they are free trom the esphmago ot thu rev enue olllccrs and can pick out a betler cla s of customers than can tlio illicit distillers. The men to whom they sell could not atfoid to stand up In their communities as in- formcis , and hence the government distiller has absolute Immunity. Tim question winch is now occasionally asked , and which may jet assume huge pto- pottions , Is , Mould it not be better to take iway all goveinment protection tiom tliu liquor Inteicst bv a complete abolition of the luvenuo laws , which would destioy tlio liiinur maikct by glutting it. The answer lo tins question may open up an via of tree whisky as opposed to no whisky. The W. C. T. U. MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. 22. Thu national con vention of thu Women's Chilstiun Temper ance union opened here this moinlug In the C.tsino theater , Miss Fiances K. Willaul piesidlng. The toll call showed neaily every delegate present. Including a number Irom Canada. Mis. .Mary T. Willard. mother of the piusldent , aged eighty-twoycaitf , occupies a plaet ) on the platform. The piusldent an nounced a committee on eiedenttals and then dcllveiiid the annual addiess. In licraiinual addiess Miss Willard dvei a series of tvveiitv-totir recommendations , ji'uong which aio the li 1'owlnir : A sjstem of township oiganUalinn ; an addiess to the Knights of Labor , asking them to include total abstinence In tnulr basis ot member ship ; to send nut citculais urgln ; woik In behalf ot the White Cioss movement ; urging con iess to pass tlio Blair educational hill ; tor the abolition of prison chain gangs ; tor tliu placing ol women under women's caru In all penal and philanthropic Institutions ; peti tion tocongiess for a prohib.t'iry amendment to the constitution : also giantini : thu ballot to women , in glng tlio adding of a clause to thu W. C. T. U. pled o. pledging the signer against thu use , of opium , and for the ap pointment ol national Icctiners. Mis. Marg.itet Blight Lucas , of Knulanil ; Mis.ouiiians , of Canada ; ami Mr. Pearson , ot Knglami , assured the convention ot the heaity .sympathy of their countrywomen In Its work. A committee on resolution was ap pointed , Mrs. , C. Unco , of Alabama , cliaiiman , with onu member for each state and territory. The IjiiHt of the Apaohcn. N , Oct. 22. Assistant Adjutant General McKcery , of San Francisco , has transmuted to the war department the fol lowing telegram just lecelved fiom Ciencral Miles : "Mangus , who was captured by Cap tain Cooper , ot the Tenth cavalry , states that a party was c.iptured by Mexicans and never heaid fiom atterwnrds. This would seem to contirm the other reports , and adds to the ro- poitthat Mangus hlmselt had been killed. C.iptaln Vi'llo. comiiii nillng Fort Apache , states that hu believes "wo havu all that mo Sett of tlm Mangus paily. " It Is learned at the the Indians above leteired to fo.nied a part ot ( leion'mo's ' band , but hup.n.itcd trom that waulor's com mand last Api 11 , when he ottered to suiicn- dertoUenuial Ciouk. Nothltu delliilti ) was known of Magnus' movements alter thosop- aiatlon , but It was repotted ho had escaped Into Mexico and been kill o I by thu Indians. Ciire-H Onuses n Suicide. M.VKcnianit. : : N. II. , Oct. 23. Hon. Jo- Eeph 11. Clark , onu of the most prominent citi/ens of this city and state , committed sui- cldo In his barn to-day by hanging. Ho was weighed down by business caies , which , to gether with his b.ttei disappointment at his failure to receive the nomination for con gress In the that district , undoubtedly led to Ids taking his life. . He had been mayor of this city and a member ot the legislature. Ho M-ivcd as captain in the ICiuventli New Hamp- shlio lugiment dining thu warand was inti mately associated with many business cuti-r- pilbcsheie. failures. Nr.wYoiiK , Oct.c."J.- Huslness failures oc- cinlii ; , ' thioughout the country dining the last teveii days number , for the United Stales isanil for Canada 10 , or a total of a 1U3 lalliues , nscompaied witii 179 last week and UK ) thu week piuvlous to last. The fallmcs In thu eastern and middles slates aio light , while In the western , southern and I'acincbtate.i , the number icpoiied this week is above the average. Collojjo Krntcriilty Convention. Niw : VUIIK , Oct. 'Ji. The biennial conven- llou of ( ho 1'hl Ui'li.i Tliita college fraternity closed Its .session In this city to-day. It has decided upon Uloomlim'ton , 111. , as thu place of hnldtnt : the next coiuentlon. Thu gen- eial council will 'IK ' thu day. A Kooiuulrnllr \-l'rli:8t. . NKW YojtK , Ocl. W , William J. Sherman , ex-Catholic priest , \vlio was urrcsted ycster- dixy on complaint of Julia Mu.vauey , of UrooUjn , tor reduction and bastardy , was to-day airuigncd In the police couit. lie jileaded not guilty nnd wasifiiianded for ex- amlmilloii next ' - Tlio Vlra Ilcanrd , ii , Oct. 22.- The worts of the Paper company at WlmUor weio burned last nlsht. LOSS , S' K'.OJO ' , which falls enthcly upon Ameiluan companion. A 1'cdogoguo Nominated. NmvAiiK , N. J. , Oct. 50. The gieonback- eis nf the stale met In this city to-day and nominated Krastus I'ottci , a schoolmaster of I'oilUnue , for governor. IT WAS STARTLING NEWS , The Bismarck Confession Creates a Sensa tion in Sioni Oity , AN OUTBREAK OF PROHIBITION Temperance People nt An CUB Confls- emu Intoxlcnntfl null Itnlly to Support Iiaw Two Wtnneii JVIurilcred Iowa News. < ? * * _ _ The Hn\ilook Trncctlj- , Siorx Cirv , In. , OcU 22. fSpcoial Tcle- Kram to thu HKK.J Tito pulilic.itlon of Uls- marek's conlcs.sion was thornnglilr unex pected , as the general understanding of the Sioux City officials had witii the statu officials at les Molnesvheie It was made last Satur day , was it was no t to bo made public for some time yet. Mayor Cluland even goes so tar , hpeaklng of the matter to your cone- spomlcnt , to Mat' ) that Attorney Ceneial Baker promised upon Ids honor not to allow It to go out of his o til co , and Is confident it will militate against thu best Interests of the pros ecution. Thu fact Is certain , however , that Sioux City was thrown Into a state ot excite ment over the confession , and It has been the one lliing talked of to-day. It OVPII corrobo rates Luavltt's .statement more than the majority of citizens had anticipated , and the prow Ing belief that the guilty parties will not bo able to cir cumvent the evidence as It now stands.Is veiy Bismarck was visited this morning , hut he appeared morbid and un communicative. He Is In great tear of bodily liaim and e\eiy nolsu scales him. Hols caretully guaided and ptotected. however , and theio is little or no danger ot Ids afetv. When the question was put to him whether Atensdorf Hied the shot or not , no loplled in the nlllrmatlvu positively , Tlm apparent dlf- fciences between Ulsmarck's statement and that ol Otto ( irieber , the bov who was pies- cut , nro not essential. The statements ot Dismarck , Le.ivitt , LIcbciton and Utluber , as to what they saw ot tliu killing , differ onlv in that two say the muideierappioachud Mr. Haddock from behind , the others liom in front. Tlio theory now is that Treiber , who was stationed athrston the opoosltc side of the street , came across and followed Mr. Haddock and was ne.irly up to him when Arensdort uistied out ot thu crowd In front. Colin ol Swanbeen bus been retained as Hls- marck's attoiney. The pr"llminaiy hearing has been set lor to-day , but the examination will undoubtedly bo waived , The olllceis aie haul after 1'latli Trleber and others vet at huge. The wlieicahouts ot I'etcis Is still Involved In tinceitalnty. Hut little conccm Is telt by the officers on this account , knovv- inirhow essential It will now bo for the defense to produce him at the trial to cast oil the tciiihlu Misnicion which lias been pievnleut as to his" mysterious disappear ance. Active Work for Prohibition. Dr.sMoiNiis , In. , Oct. 22. fSpcclalTele- gr.un to the Uii.l : : Angus , a mining town In Hoono county , has for some months pos sessed a icputation lor lawlessness neaily equal to Sioux City , and tliu icason has been the same. Tlio saloons have been Kept open In deiianeo of law , and ovoiy attempt to close them has been met with persecution and violence. Tlio Methodist church was out ned s-omu months ao because some of its membeis wcie active in enforcing the law. One piohibitionist has had his house burned , another his cow killed.and a tliiid. a drayman , had his horse poisoned beeausulm haddiawn to town a uiohibition lawyer. The puoplo o ( Angus Imvo at last waked up to the fact that the saloons aio ruling the town , and they have determined to recoverthuir rightful au- tlioiily , so they hayu n"nin begun prosecu tions ioi the violation of the piohihitoiy Jaw , and acting under a justice's wauant , thev havu just smashed 2bS bottles of buur and poured out ten callous of whisky. They havu raised monuv and bought another horse for the old diayman and they piopose to have the law enloicud if it costs a hundred horses. Two Women Murdered. IOWA CITY. la. , Oct. 22.-Special [ Tele gram to the OKI : . ] Last night one Soukub , a Bohemian of unsound mind and about sixty years old , Ret on tire the house of Frank Werba , of Jefferson township. Two I5o- hemlan women nelghbois went to render assistance , and Soukub , who was In the house , cut their heads open with an axe. The nundered women worn his friends , and no cause can bo assigned lor the minder ex cept his iinsonndness of mind. Ho was caught and bound , and Is now In jail at this place. No Mora a Grecnhackcr. ATLANTIC , la. , Oct. 2fSuechil ; Telegram to the HiiK.J Dr. J. U. Ilatton , of lied Oak , who lias been iiinnlng for congiuss in the Ninth district as the candidate ot thogieen- b.ickeis and Knights ot Labor , has withdrawn fiom the greenback ticket but still stands for tliu Knlehts of Labor. If lie remains in the held he will draw many democratic votes from K eat ley , ot Council Hlntls , who Is the regular demoeiatlc candidate. A OIIAKY COON. Ho Mnkos an UiiHiicccssl'iiI Attempt to Itnn a I'UHXCIIKUP Train. Cmr-Ano , Oct. 3.-The Dally News' In dianapolis special says : A cia/.y neirro boaided thu cauy morning expicss fiom Chicago on tlm I'anbandlo load at Logati- spoit , and took a scat In the .smoker. When the conductor demanded his fare he sprang to Ids feet with a whoop , and vvltli a knltu and heavy cane cleaied the car not only of passengers , but of thu train employes , and kept possession of it until itairived In this city. At Noblesvlllo the sheriff of Hamil ton county tiled to.anest the maniac , hut the latter made a dash at him witii his knife and refused to bu cowed by a cocked revolver. I'Vutniiately thu em ployes had taken thu piecantlon to lock the doors of the smoker , and thu crazy man was held prisoner until the arrival of the tiaiu heie , when , bvalittlustratogy , several police men wore enabled to approach trom the tear ana disarm him. This was not done , how ever , until alter a tremendous struggle. The lunatic's name Is Moses O'Connor. He had been to Wabash seeking some money , the location of which came to him In a vision. He wasciazed by rellg.ous excitement , and all the tune ho struggled with thu officers ho prayed for htiength to enable him to retain possession of his knife. Wagon Makei-H Strike. ItACiNK , WIs. , Oct. 22. Tno entire force of oiiiilo | > es of the U aclnu Wagon and Carriage company , over three bundled peisons , have struck becaiiso of the removal of John Heck , assistant foreman of the shipping gang , and the substitution of August Tinell in his place. Both Heck aud Trucll were Knights of Labor. Tiuell has been expelled fjom the order tor taking Heck's place. Thu company says It was never In a butter condition to stand usliiku , and that It will Ikht the men to the end. Htolii Money Collected on n UATTI.RCHF.KK , Mich. , Oct , 2-i-Kugeno 51. Conveiso , n prominent young lawyer , has gone to Canada , taking with him 81,000 which he had collected on a mortgage for eastern parties. A letter of confession was received from him. Ho had also been * \ oral times guilty of smaller bleaches of tiust picvlously , but fi lends helped him out , Killed at a Piro. OJIIOAOO , Oct. 22. The contents of Jacob's lumber j an ) , and the warehouse of the Amcrl- .can Vmnlsh company were damaged 875,000 by ( Ire this evening , Henry Stock , Stephen Cicorge , and a man , name unknown , em ployes of the varnish company , were badjy Injured. Sled ; .lias.a 0'ianco. for his life , but the other-tv. o are d > lug- . DRVOUUINO FtAMI3S. Another Mulno Town Devastated By An 1-Jvtonnlvc Plre. FAUMINOTO.V. Me , . Oct. 22.--A great fire has raged here since S o'clock this ovenlnz. At this hour (1:50 ( : a. hi. ) the lire Is sweeping down Main street and -will ptobably consume everything on the west side ot the street. Masonic hall , Odd Fellows' hall , the Chron icle ofllee , Knowlton & McLeary's Job printIng - Ing house , the postonlee , tlte Hotel Mar- bio , Exchange hotel and some rilteen stores are now In ruins. The burned district thus Is from the Hotel Marble down to Pleasant sueet , Kverythlng Is swept clear. Including thu jail , thctico along Ilroadvvavto Main street , thencu up Main street to b'arlwr Ilro'i store o n the west side of the street , also down the entire length ot Main street to Dcliot sheet on thu west side. The Daptlst church Is also In ruins. The -Methodist and Congregational churchus aio burning. It Is utterly Impossible to estimate the loss. A steam lire engine has just arrived from-Lcvviston , making the run liom Levvlston in one hour and fifteen min utes. A company fiom Phillips Is also vvoik- nitf , but Its labois are almost nulllcss on ac count of the irate which tnevalls. The Pto- pin's Fruit company Is also binned out , Tnu nro caught In K. ( fleer's stable on Pleasant street at : ! W o'clock. No accidents ate ro- poited , but evcijbody is exhausted. * KUKIjUX 1N TISXAH. White Men Force Negroes to Ucvcal Sccrois by Violence. Jr.FKr.uso.v , Tex. , Oct. 2i The colored peculation of the adjoining county , Cas are In a state of gtcat excitement over a Knklux raid made on them at Doiulasvllle the other night. The trouble arose from the recent or- ganl/ation of a secret society among tne col ored men , the alms and objects of which aiu a profound mystery to the white population. It seems that months ago a negro from Little liock appeared among thu .set tlers , initiating about tvventy-llvo bundled negroes 1 n Cass and Marlon counties In the mxsturles of tills now order. The rcpait dually gained curiency that the mysterious society wasorgani/ed for tlip assassination ot ob noxious white planters , and driving them out of the country oy burning their property and woirylng them until they were willing to sell out at a heavv sucillice. Another lepmt , which was traced to a ceitaln coloied wo man , ch.uged that the new sec lety was a ni hilistic omanizatlon. and that on a certain day the negroes weie going to rise en masse and kill the while planters and seize their cr.ips. This report tintlier alleged that the names of ceitain doomed white planters had been voted upon and were placed on what was termed the death roll. This death loll was said to bo kept In an iron box In the house of one of the officers of the new so ciety who ll\rd out In the outskirts of Douglasvllle. These rumors of the comini ; assassination glow so troqucnt and wido- spiead that hundreds , of white families were alaimed. The women became nervous on thu subject. Sunday night about twenty masked liorscmea'cntered Dougl.isville dui- lug a church meeting In the evenintr , and at the point of their shotguns matched four of tliu leading ofhceiaof the new secret societv to the house where the lion box was kept. Theyfoiccd the negiocsto open the box , ami tlinn catefully examined Iho con tents , looking for the alleged death- icll. No such document was tonnd , but many papers weroin the box bearing lists of names ot colored mun at homo In other counties. Although the fournegio leaders weio kicked , cull'cd and beaten witii gun- b.inels , they persistently refused to tell the objects of'tlio riWslcrkms ; society. Tlielr papers were all leturncil to the lion box , and thu masked i alders left the village battled in their laid. Tlio wllito citizens at Douglas vllle. Qneen'Oity ; Atlanta and Linden have since held mewtmgsYuid denounced the out- lage , which has-sepvcil .soiiiewhat to allay the excitement among the ncsioes , who vow veiiL'c.uico if.nny further attempt to pry into their private affairs is made. Cass county has a population ot 20,000 , nearly two-third ? of them are black. Any trouble between blacks and whitesun that section would re sult suiiously. ' The Episcopal Convention. CHICAGO , Oct. 22. At the session of the Protestant Episcopal church the committee on the general theoloiilcal seminary re ported that the contributions for the past thtee years exccedcil three hundred thousand dollars , bv tar the lar o t amount ever ic- ceived within a like period. The coni'iiitteo on marrhieo and divorce recommended changes in the canon on this subject , which will be discussed to-morrow. The Amir'can church building fund commission 10ported that it had aided 101 churches to build dur ing the year. The joint houses then met as a boaid of missions , and It was decided to establish two missions ami bishops for the same , Nevada and Utah to boons , and W\ online and Idaho the other. The board , adopting tliu Ideas of Bishop McLaren and others , declined to Intelfcic in the management of thu woman's anxiliaiy. The bninlnir question In legislation for mis- siona'y work appropriations for domestic missions was then taken up. The boaid of managers had reduced the nppropiiatlons for tliu current quarter 0 uer cent on domestic work and 9 per cent on the toiclgn. Lack of money was the. reason assigned. Finally a lesolutlon of sym- ratify with the board of managers In their financial perplexity was passed , and then , by a vote , or 6" > to S3 , It was agreed that the appropriations tor the remainder of tills year should not bo reduced. The boaid of manasrers were ordered to icstoro tlieap- piopriatlons to thu old basis. The boaid elected H. Fulton Cutting , ot Now York , tieasurer. On the board of managers Kev. Win. Lawrence , of Massachusetts , and Jumps M. Blown , of New York , weio clinson In place of JJuv. Dr. Schouck , de ceased , and Cutting was nmdn tieasuier The boaid then adjourned sine die. SimiRglliiKtiwltl Milk. CIIICAOO , Oct , 22. A half-do/.on ofilpen and deputies siood around yesterday in front ot the Plucnlx distillery nnd played quoits , whlln as many women and boys , equipped with tin buckets , wore busily en gaged In thu remunerative- employment of smuggling milk through a hole that had been made In the fence on thu south sldo of the yaid. In answer to Inquiries concerning the rleht of any one to carry milk fiom the quarantined she Is , one of the guards , who was ciud In police uniform , s.tld that the u paitles who owned cout were allowed to take jioine onouirh milk foi their own use. From , appearances It would seem that these families are large consumers , Somu ot the milkmen , when questioned , said that they weio not- selling any milk , but frankly said tluit-under thu circumstances , they feltthat they would bo justllioJ In dodg ing the deputies , and'placing their milk on the market. They Insisted that tlm milk , when diawn fiom the rows , was thrown intu the sewer , but It vvasjfotlced that every droo of It was caretully turned Into cans and sel away posslblya ; alleged for futtiio destina tion. . End of the Su'lt'chinen's Strtko. MINNEAPOLIS , Mltfn. . Oct. 22.-Whllo the switchmen's stiiue I ? not cntliely ended , the railroads have ceased to bo seriously troubled. Switching is being dorm in nearly all the yards and tr.illlc fs.'azaln movln ? without seiIons friction. Mauyof the old men have already been taken back bv tlm roads , and 11 is understood that more will bo reinstated al once. No serious intimidation has been attempted - tempted In the past twenty-four hours. .A visit to theotliciisof the different millers to day develop the fact that tlielr woik has been almost entirely resumed , Prince Napoleon in Buffalo. UUKFAI.O , Oct 22. I'rlnco Victor Nape Icon , accompanied by Mr. John Maekay , ar rived in UnlTalo this moining from the west The party went to Niagara Falls where they icmalu till noon aud then start for Now Yoik Gcronlmo SnirtH For Florida , NEW OwKANf , Oct. 23. The Times-Dem ocrat Sail Antonio special says ; ( Jeionliin and hU band under a heavy guard left thli evening for the Floilila totts wlieiu they ante to be confined. NEWS FROM ALL NEBRASKA The Dead and Wounded of the Fairfield Wreck Taken to Lincoln. A YOUNG GIRL. SCARED TO DEATH Ocstrttctlvo Holler ISvploslon nt Ne braska CityA Iilneoln Grocery Closed lly the ShcrlfT- Htrnck lly a Train. Victims of the Wreck. UXCOI.N , Neb. , Ocl. ' 2. ( Special Telegram to the ltii.J : To-nleht a special train , con sisting of a locomotive- and car , that went out to the scene ot the construction train wreck on the H. > tM. near T.ilrlleld , returned to the city , bringing tivodead men and eleven wounded , brought to this city under the direction of Dr. Hart , the company's pin si- clan at this point. One man who cannot llvo was left behind. The live de.ul bronchi to-nlcht , with two otloisdcad who havobcon hioucht fiom that place heretoloie , makes a total death loss of seven to date. Tlio wounded men will bo caied for In this city by the com pany. Destructive Holler Kxpfoslon. MunitASKA CITY , Xt-b. . Oct. 22. ( Special Telesram to the UKH.J The boiler used In the extensive bottling establishment of Klos < V Uaner exploded this ofternoon , but lor- Innately no one was hurt , though several bands were at work In the building at the tliue. The roof of the building was blown to atoms , while the laro smoke-stack was carried several tcct in the air and lodged on an adjoining roof. The damngo done will cause a loss of about one thousand dollars. Anew now building will be elected nt once , and during Its erection a building will be leased. Thought It Wnnn't Ijondod. LONG PIXE , Neb. , Oct. 22. Special Telegram - gram to the HKH. | Yesterday at Alexander Schlegel's ranch , some twenty-five miles south of this place , the youngest son of Mr. Schlecul was accidentally shot bv a neigh bor's son while handling an old gun which was not supposed to be loaded , but was dis charged , taking effect anil killing the boy In- Mantly. Mr. Schb-gel Is well known In Omaha , and his many filends will bo soiry to hear ol the sad accident , A Ijincoln Grooer Falls. LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. 22. ( Special Tele gram to the UHB. ] To-day Sheriff Melick closed out the grocery store of George H. Paisons , located on Twelfth and C streets , on a S500 a taehment. Oilier papers of a like nature weio filed against the concern In quick succession , and it Is thought tliev ag- iiiegato between one and two thousand del lars. It wasrnmoied on the sheets this even ing that P.trsons had disappeared leaving the stole and stock in thu hands of the sheriff. "Worklnsr For Law nncl Order. SrniXoriKi.i ) , Neb. , Oct 22. ( Special to the UiiE.J The Law and Order league of this place Is determined to enforce the law with regaict to gambli ng and the selling of liquor , having caused the arrest of a number of young men found pl.iying in the cellar of thu temnerance saloon , and of John Ulank- well , of the house , and George Mag- ner , of thu temperance saloon , on the chaigo of soiling liqujr without a license. Struck By n Tr.iln.- ; j LINCOLN , Neb'r , Oct. ' 2i [ Special Tele gram to' Iho Uiu. : ] The incoming Grand Island train this afternoon on the 15. A : M. , when near the town of Mulcom , in this county , In roundlnc a curve struck a sleep- ins ; or intoxicated man on thu track. He was tin own from the track by the locomotive and b.idly Injuied. The tram stopped and brought him to the city , where ho is reculv- ingevery care and attention. Scared to Death. Bnowxsvn.i.R , > fcb. . Oct. 22. [ Special Telegram to the Iin.J Miss Annie Stude- vlllo died nere this morning trom the effects of a nervous s'lock ' received a fnvv days nao , by one ot the pupils of the same school tlnowing a wooden snake around bur neck. She was a blight and promising girl ot six teen. < Acted In ScIf-lRfcnse. Cur.YKN.VK , Wyo. , Oct. 22. ( Special Tele gram to the Hin.l : Tliu latest Intelligence is to the effect tlsat J. S. Kerr , who shot his - moinlii' ' ctud In self-de- b -other yeste nlay ' , ( - - tense , his brother filing thu Hist shot It Is undoubtedly a case ot crlm con. I'ny of Colored ImborcrH. CUATTANOOOA , Tenn. , Oct. 22. James G. Blalne , in his speech at Pittshurj ; , teferredto Chattanooga as a point In the south where colored laborers are paid 00 and 70 cunts a day. Thu D.Uly Tlims , commentlngou tills speech , says' : Careful Investigation hero reveals the fact the lowest wages paid to colored laboiers in any Industry Is HO cents per day. and this late covers only n tew at the South Tiedegar lion works. The gie.iter number of colored men at these woiks iccelvuaires iiinnlng from 51 to S'i ' pur day , with a largo number at the intcrmullato lates of 31.25 and 551.60 per day. In every case where skilled colored men are employed as heat- eis , p'lddlers. hclro rs , etc. , they get exactly the siiiio wages as white men doing the same woik. Coloied laboiers nt the Cbatta- nooga furnaces get 81.25 , 81.50 and S2 per day , aecoidlng to the skill , responsibility , etc renulied to fill the various places in which they woik. These ant the repiesenla- tlvosouthern Indtistilcs. What we say of Chattanooga In this regaid applies lo liii- mingham , 'Knoxvlllo and other places. Col oied boys in the South Tredegar na 11 works , working as feedeis , make liom 75 cunts to Sl.'JI per day , according to tlm skill and in- desliy dlsplaved In their labor. Somu col- oiod men inaku as hlch as § 4 per day as pud- dlers and foumlrymen In tills section. Wo may say generally that the scale runs fiom 51 to § 1,5 ( ) tor the gioat mass of colored men working In southern manufactories. Fatal Hotel Fire. SHKIIMAN , Tex. , Oct. 22. About 8 o'clock yustoiday morning the Iiinkle.bouse , one of the best-known hotels In the southwest , was destroyed by lire , Thu Iho was thu work of Incendiaries , as It was discovered simultane ously In thu second and third stories. Theio weruover tluco hundred ( 'iiestn In the build ing , all of whom escaped with their lives , but suveial wi'ie badly burned and lost their el- fects. George Sheppcrd , ot Chicago , had his right arm broken In three places , his left arm brokinanit received serious Internal Injuries , caused by jumping from the third story ot the hotel. Ueorne W. Marshall had an ankle broken and lecelved Internal injuries. Cap tain J. H , Htltton was badly bruised about the head. Nelllu Douglass was badly burned on the face and received Internal Injuries. Thu loss on the furniluru and bulldiiii ; Is 870,000 , with a total insurance of SIW.OOO. Mr. Sheppaid died to-night fiom the result ol hU Inlcinal Injuries. A .Just Verdict. MH/WAUICKE , Oct , 23 , At Stevens Point , WIs. , to-day , it look the jury but a few min utes to acquit Lawyer Hazeltlno of the iinii- derof A. E. Mor e , a well known banker. The case has been on trial for moro than a week and has attracted great Interest throughout the state on account of the social prominence of thu parties Involved , Sev eral months ago Mon-u was shot by Httzeltino while tiding In tils bugcy. Thu latter iravo himself up and at the trial , just concluded , his lawyers pleaded that ho became temporarily Insane by the sudden discovery that his Intimate mend , Moisa , had led lifs wlto astray. Tljo details of the trial litoueht out social rottenness con nected with other leading society people of Stevens Point. Dan Yoorhces and Judge Cote defended Ilazcitou. ST. LOUIS 0X18 AttK.VD. The Fifth Clmtnplonihlp Gnmo Won lly the llrowns. ST. Lorto. Oct , M.The fifth game of the wuild's championship series to-day between the Clile.iftos aud St , l.onls Uiowns was a very tame alTalr , the latter winning easily by n score of ten to three. The new umpiring plan was revived and the few close decisions satisfied everyone. Quest umpired for Chi- cnc" , McQuado lor SI. Louis , and Kelly ofllcl- atcd between the pitcher's box and second b.i o ns referee. The playing on both sides was very loose , the batting heavv , and cnors numerous. The Cblei\L'os seemed for oneo to have lost conliilonco In themselves aud played a widened cnniu both at the bat ami in the Held. Williamson pitched for the Ohlcagos In tlio lirst Inning and was knocked com- pletelv out ot tlte box , and Uyan occupied that position foi the remainder of the dime. Hudson pitched tor the Htowns and did most eicclleiit woik , oulv thieu hits being made i ff his delivery The game was called In the M \ en th inning on account of daik- ness. Of the games plau'd so far tlm Chi- eairos lm\o won two ana the Hrown three , The loliowlng is ihescoiu bv Innings : st. Louis. . . . ; . a i'4 o u : i o-io Chicago . 0 1 i o 0 1 0 : t H.ISO hits St. Louis 11 , Chlcapo a. Ktrors St. Louis y , C hlcago ! ! . Great Kentucky Ilnclng. LixtNiTo.v , Ky. , Oct , 22. Tlm races were the llnest and the attendance larger than at any fall meeting In thehlstoiy of the Ken tucky association. All aues , tluee quarters mile : Skobeloll won. Petticoat second , llrllllant thhd. Time 1:1014. : All age ? , mile and quarter : Sir Joseph won , Montana Ue unt second , Kaloolah third. Timo-2U74' : ? . Aliases , mile ami quaitor : La Sylnhldo won , Sis Hymn second. Gold lian third. Time 2OrK : , the liisteston recoid. All ages , nttlo : Climax won , Walioo second end , Playtellow thiid. Timu 1:43. O1VKN BACK. HKU HOY. A Alothcr'o Appeal to the Court Ito. colvcs Favornblo Contmloratlon. HAI.TIMOUE. Mil. , Oct. 22. Tlueo years ago Miss Lena Hlaok , a handsome brunette , was secietly married to Kicderick Black. It was as romantic a mairlageas the most senti mental girl could wish. Yesterday Judge Duffy beaut the petition of the wife and mother for a writ of Iribeas corpus to com pel the revocation of her child. A nurse at tended the young , stylishly dressed mother witii a ten-months-old b.iby. The child In litigation is n boy two ycat sold. The hus band declined In court that the young est child's name had been concealed from him. The wife said her husband lett her for months at a time without reason. Her hus band gave her the boy oi > ce , and she prom ised to live with him again. In order to get the child. Not lonij ago she went armed with a revolver to whore her husband was stopping and threatened his llfu If ho did not give up the child. The boy played mei- rily aioiiml thocouit room. Jnstlc Dully 10- turned the child to the mother , and when he rendered his decision the mother ciied aloud with jov and rushed over to where the little boy had" fallen asleep in his father's arms. The father tondeily kissed the child and handed him to the mother , and both parents wept as they left tlio room and wont in differ ent dlieetiuns. _ Kccoiicllliic Kusbiu nnd Ilnlgnrla. SOFIA , Oct. 22. Uadban Effendi't note to the Utilitarian , ministry , notifying It of the underb3andin'gAb.etweeu Toikia-and Russia , was.wrltBu to-M. StambuIolF In the form of personal advice anil was notan official declara tion. Godban Klt'endi'smissionasspecialen- \ oy fiom thu porto Is declared tohu to endeavor to icconcilo llttssla and Bulgaria. The Bul- gaiian minister ol war has gone to Tirnova , the loimer capital of Hulgaila , to make ar rangements tor atroidlng complete military piotection to tlio sobianjc dining Us foith- comlng session. The court-martial has lived the beginning of November for the trial of olllcers under attest for complicity in the deposition ot Punce Alexander. ISmporor Wlllluin Improving. Br.ui.ix , Oct. 22. The health of , Empcior William is improving. Crown Pilnco Kicd erick , becoming alaimed at the rumors ap pearing In the French and Italian papers , telegiaphed to Berlin for a special medical statement concerning his father's condition , and It is reporteu that he received reassurint ! replies to thu effect that there was no cause for alarm nor any reason why the ciown prlnco should hasten his icturn to the cap ital. Itnlgnrhi and ISj LONDON , Oct 22. It is now asserted that Itnssla has agreed not to occupy Bulgaria , and that Austila and Gcimanylmvo agreed to declare the nowly-eleclcd sobranjn illegal , to compel the regency to resign and to foict Bnliraiia to submit to Itnssla. Ids believed that M. Waddlmrton , French ambassador to England , demands that Great Biitaln lix a definite date for her evacuation of Efypt. Sale oT thn Ionian Lino. LONDON , Oct. 22. At a meeting of the crcdllois of the Inman Steamship company to-day , it was resolved to sell the concern to the International Steam Navigation com pany for the bum of 205,000. The company's steamers aie valued at illil WO. The iinso- cuied cicdltors will receive a little over 1C shillings on the pound. "Wreck ofa. Dispatch float. LONDON , Oct. 22. The British dispatch boat Imogene has been wi coked at ( lallipollt during a fog. Bho was at Iho time proceed ing fiom Constantinople to fSallonica , from wheio bhovvaa to convoy Sir Wm. White , the newly appointed lirltlsli minister to Tin key , to Constantinople. The ctew were saved. The Murder Ktory Koltorntcd. LONDON , Oct. 22 , The stoiy that the c/aj lately killed Baron Ueutcrii , one of hi : aides , with a sabie whllo under thu Impas sion that the baron was about to mal.o an attempt on his ( the e/at's ) lite , is reiter.itrt ! in advices from St. Petersbuis. Switchmen M dicing nt Lnuiwvllli : . Loui.svii.i.i : , Oct. 22. Tne day switchmen in the Louisvlu | ) & Nashville yards , tliiity four In number , quit woik this moining. The transportation of ficlght has bcqn greatly delujed , but the railroad official.1 claim they will have an aniplu foico at worli In a few days. No dlstuibancu of any kind , To-night sixty-six biakemen of thu Louis vlllo tb Nashville shoit line to Cincinnati comprising twenty-two ficlght cruvvs , iolnri the s\v Hob men in their ntrike tor nlghei waires. They oll'eied no violence , but IK freight Is moving on the shoit line. Tin strikers held a teciet meeting tonight IIIH tliuie wns talk of inaugurating H strike on tin vvlioln LoiilHvlllo & . Nitslivillu system , but ni dutin lie action Is known to have buen taken To Kill the Cattle. CIIICAOO , Oct. 22. Llvo Stock Conunls sloncr McChesnoy rcturjicd to-day irou Springfield , where hu attendetl a mcetlnc o the live stocc board. In r.ccordanco with tin plan decided on at the meeting , Medicine ] ordered the work begun to-day of kllluu the Mck animals In the dlstlllciles Drs. Casewell , liaknr and Castli visited the Shufeldt distillery and set apai thu sick trom thu healthy animals. They dli not hint over live head that Itoy felt vvnr ranted in slang hU'ring. At thu Pha-nix dls iillery tvvo mote ot Nelson Munis' atceri died to-day , III ; ; Opium Until. SAX FIIANCISCO , Oct. 22.-Cti5totn ortlocn to-day made n seizure of 820,000 wrrlU o opium on the steamer City ot ' " ' ; , ie cently fiom Hong Kong. The III Ht di'i : was fouiul In a package of lucicliuudi. e cui signed to Chinese uruis . . SHAKING UP THE SOUTH. Charleston nnd Other Oltios Aroused Bj Soyeral Livelj Quakes , NO MATERIAL DAMAGE DONE Hut n Number of Pcopln llndly Fright * cncd The Shock Kxtcmls to IiOiilsIllo Its Ktfcut \Vunlniiftoii. . Annthrr QiinUo In Charleston. CHAW.KKTON , Oct. W. There was n sharp shock of nn earthquake hero ntSLli : this morn ing. The duration was about twelve seconds. Houses v ere .shaken and windows rattled , but no damage done. The shake was sharp also at Bummervllle , and was followed by several baby shakes , as they are e.illed them. Telc ; iaplile advices state- that the shock \\ng felt at Kav.innah , Amnista. Columbia , Oiangehutg nnd other points In this state. Wldle the leeuironco of shocks Is trying to women and chlldicn , It causes no In'tcruip- tlon either In business or tlm work of repairIng Ing damages , which Is piojjiesslng vigor ously. Tlicro were two sharp shocks hero at 2M5 this afternoon , with equal seveilty at Sum- meivllle , C olumbus and Augusta. SAVANNAH , Ha. , Oct.J. . - Savannahas visited by two decided caithquaUo shocks to day , the llivtat : r > 5 a m. local time. This was notahlo for the duiatlon ot the tu-mors , \\lilch continued lltlcc'ii or twenty pccouds. A coed deal of appiehenslon but no general alarm was caused by It , Mauv people , hotel guests especially , got up and did not ire back tobed. At 20 : o'clock this afteinoon an other vibration , accompanied by a tumbling nolitO w at full. It was equally as severe us the lifst , but of much less duration. Manv claim that these shocks weic almost as sevetb as any that have been e.\peileneod here , ex cepting the jieat shock ot August ; ii. They weio lelt evciy where In tills section of the state , but no damage Is reported. ItAMiioii , Out. Si Two distinct shockft were felt hero at about A u. m. and ! ! p. m. Coi.ttMiiiA , S. C. , OcU 22. There was n heavy earthquake Miock heie at 0:25 : a. m. , lasting thirty seconds. It was preceded by n loud Mid continuous rumbllnir , which lasted until the quake nas.sed olf. Nearly mciyono wasavvakencd by the shock , which swti.Ved buildings and rattled things lively. It was the heaviest shock felt since the second one of August 31. Another sevcio shock of earthquake , ac companied by loud detonations , cccunril here at 2:4 : : ! p , m. , shaking buildings for about six seconds. Avot'hrA , Ca. ! , Oct. 2'1 Two severe shocks of caithqnaku weru felt heio to-day , one at 4:45n. : m. and onu at 2 : 17 p. m. Loi'tsviM.i : , Oct. S-i A slight shock of caithquako was feltheioat 2:10 : this after noon. It lasto i live seconds , and tl o vlbiat- ing motion neatly noith ami south. ATLANTA , < 5a. , Ocf. 'i ! . A distinct caith- ( inake shock was telt here at1 o'clock this mm nine. MNTimrnn , Va. , Oct. 22. Throe largo cracks in the earth were discovered on the top of " Flat-top " mountain In Taiowell county , caused by the earthquake. One rent crosses the mountain load , and huge trees and locks were thrown into It. WASIIIXOION , Oct. 22. A sllcht cartii- qnako slioclc was foil lieroat2W : ) o'clock this afleinoon. The tremor lasted but an Insttnt but was sufficiently strong enough to "pi" typo on composing stones in the lourtli stoiy ot thu olllce. The shock was so dis tinct nn thu fouith floor ol the state , war and navy buildings homo ol this clerks be- u camu alarmed aim ran Into the coriidor. GEOUOE .TONES'1UVEII. \VliiUIjioiitommtKoli\Viilkn Found In Jilt * iMitslCiin U.xpoIurtloiiH. CHICAOO , Opt , 22 , Lieutenant Frederick SchwatlM , of Aictic exploration notoriety , has beer stopping at the Lnland. lie has just letmncd from Alaska. Ho said ho was quite amused at the eontiovuisy of two New York jiovvspapeisovur his discovery ot the Jonca river , Alaska. ' 'One paper says thuro Is no such river , " wont on the lieutenant , "and If there is onu It Is an old one with a new name. Thu Jones river , however , is a new discovery and 1 followed It forthlity miles. It Is not down on any record or map , but It will bu on every ollicial man of this country and be recognized the woild over. " Lieutenant Sihwatka stalled out at the head ol a piivate expedition sent out last spiinc lor Alaska. 1'lie mission was ol HU exploiing character purely , to make an as cent of Mount St. Klias , which is I'.l.&UU teet hiqh. Ilo had u paity ot about twelve men with hi m , iiKjludini ; Indians and all. Mr. Schvvatka said that thu expedition was en- til ely successful In Its object , or icasonably so ; that they climbed the mountain to tlm height of 17.2IX ) feet , and were piuvented liom going highui on account ol the clouds. The snow line Is nt thn base of the moun tain , and snveial miles ot glacier had to bo traversed bnl'oiit thu pally reached the base prior to tliu ascent. They weio lour days in making the ascent. Mr. Schwatka bald that this expedition will not bu luiiowod. Compaiativelv llttlo Is known of Alaska ex cept the coast lino. The lieutejiaiit said that Its tcsource.s were irreat , but that Bouut Inter ests , llku that of mining , as in other sections , were uncertain. Other inteiests or products aie , ho said , tlioiouglily assured , but need development. The lishcileu ho mentioned. among other things , as very pioinls nnr , but needed a population along the I'nulliu coast to develop tliu ontoipilse. The lur seal Inter ests aie leading at present. Central TrnHlo AFtioclntlon. CHICAGO , OcU 22. Meetings of the St. Louis and I'eoila commUtoo-i of thu Cunttal Traffic association weio held to-thly at the commissioner's ollice. Tlio St. LoiilB lines agreed to snnmit all differences and pool questions that have bucn the subjects of dis pute to nibitratlnn , and in imimiancu of this policy selected 11. S. Uepovv , general man ager ol the Mobile & Ohio , anil 11. C. Wicker , tinlllo manager of the Chicago & Noithwostuin , as arbitrators , these two to choo-o a thiid , whose decision Hliall be final and binding on all thu lines. 'Iho puicoutagesvhun auanged , Blnill govern irom i'Vbuniy 1 , IBM ) . toUciombor Si , ibH7 , biibji'ct ' to tb lily days' notice of appeal thcic- atter , The 1'eoiia commltteo agreed upon K. 1' . Itipluy. of the liiirllnuton , and 11. 0. Wickur , of the Noi til wo item , as iirbllialoi.s , the peicentages to be awiuded to bu hiibjt'CC to the Hiinio conditions us lixed In tliu St. Louis pool. _ _ ISuriul In CoiiHcoratud Ground. Ni'.vv VOIIK , Oct. V ! , \ Halltax special says the Catholic chaplain of Iho Yoik and Lancaster regiment tetiisud to read Ibo chuicli service ovei the body of a soldier who died while drunk or to allow his builal lit coiibcnated ground , declaring that when the' bible said nodnuiKaid .should enter heaven it was a larce lo humanity and un Insult to Ciod and iclltfian to gl\u Midi a chilstlan builal. lly the older ot ( Laid Alux- niidiu Itussoll , coiniu.iiider ot tlm Jlrilish aimy In Not In A met lea , the soldier , who had distiiignlslii-d lilnibelf In the Soudan , was bin led In thu military cemuUry with mllltaiy honuib , Hut pioteslant cli.iilaln | reading Ibo church of Kngland oorvlco under nrolesf. It Is undeistood that Aichbisliop o'lirlrn will complain to the Dnko ot Cambridge , com- mander-ln-chlef of tbeltiillsb army , that the K.icii'd dntluK ot his ollico liavo bton giossly Intel teieu with by ( iencial Itussuil , ftlaliic and HlkhiH Intorcatcd In One , rrnsiiUJto , Pa. , Oct. 23.-OHH of the ob jects of Mr. Jllalnu'B visit to I'itlbburi ; , ac- coidlng to ijcod authority , was to organ I M it natural gas company. II o and Steiihen I ) . KlUins discussed the matter and agreed to organize a company with a number of Pitts- bnig capitalists , ( las ID to be piped Irom Washington county , tlds state , ana Irani Vhglnla , wheio Mr. Ulalno has largo ilituiests in lajid.i and wells. Ills two sons will bo t'lvon piomlnent jHisltions in tbo company. Uctails will bo felllcd when Mr. iJ'aino ' loturns tiom West Virginia. U 1.4 the intention to tiegin busiiu-s r.fvt sju 1 i.e c. ii fj'.v ' II bo iavje. Mr , Jf'nnu ' Mr. Uil.'ins ivill lie the ttuiViisu i-t-