Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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A Terrible Accident at the New Bridge Nar
rowly Averted Yesterday.
How Tlio Cnlmson Sprung a Leak
llnllrontl NC\VH A Illcyclc
Track Other
Iiucnl ,
A Narrow Uscnpe.
Yesterday morning , sliortly after 0
o'clock a leak was sprung In the now cais
son now in thu course of erection for tlio
Union Pacific bridge , and before it could
bo caulked it had filled the shaft up to tlio
surface , thus cutting oil' the escape of
eight men who were at work on the bed
rock belor the bottom of the river.
Thu announcement of the accident
caused a thrill of horror among the hun
dreds of employes on the bridge , and im
mediately every precaution was taken
to divest it of the startling import which
it contained. News of It was Hashed to
the ollice of ( ! uo. A. JLederlc , the chief
engineer Lln charge of the work ,
with the result of bringing that gentle
man Immediately to the scene. Ills
assistant , Mr. Ralph Modjeska , ran with
haste to thu headquarters and Informed
the higher ofllecrs of the dreadful catas
trophe. Dcforo long , however , the news
spread with the rapidity of a whirlwind ,
and hundreds of people ran to the river
bank and thu bridge to gain all
u the Information that could bo
had. At the latter place
tlio watchman steadfastly refused to
allow any person to cross , and declined
to answer any and all questions pro
pounded to him concerning the accident.
A red flag was placed on the bridge over
the pier where the men were entombed ,
nnd this guided the fuw trains which the
preparations for relief .permitted to pass ,
run SCKNI :
The accident occurred in the middle or
third pier from the Iowa side. This ,
liku the others , is a mammoth granite
structure , and lias been in course of erec
tion for some months back. Its dimen
sions are si.xty feet in length by twenty-
five feet in width and it weighs thousands
of tons. Its surface is now about live
fodt above that of the river , and its base ,
for Home time back has rested on l > cd
rock seventy-three feet below the top of
the river.
Yesterday morning at 8 o'clock the
first day shift went down
through the shaft , into the
air lock and thence to the workingcham
bnr below , when they immediately com
menced the work of slushing and cleans
ing tno rock preparatory to tilling tlio
appartmciit with concrete which is always
done en the completion of a pier. They
worked unsuspectingly until ten
o'clock when they started to
como to the mil-face. Some
of tiicin re-entered the airlock and found
to their horror that a small stream of
water was trickling through a pipe , and
told the story that walcr'was in the shall
ubovo them. To open the door leading
from the lock to the shaft would have let
TONS OF Tin : runi )
in upon thorn , so , it is
presumed the loaders returned to the
chamber inimcdintoly below the lock.
There they remained. In this chamber
they were safe so long as they could
stand the pressure of the air
which was absolutely necessary ,
to keen the water from forcing
its way from thu river beneath the cais
son , and so long also its the water from
above could bit prevented from forcing
thu air chamber. But in view of the fact
that they nro not allowed to work
more than two hours under
this pressure , there was scarcely any
doubt that the'enforced detention for
double that period , would be productive
of sorlous results. At thu time of writing ,
tlio men had been imprisoned for three
hours over and above the regular
time , and there was then no prob
ability of their being early relieved.
As soon as possible after the announce
ment I of the accident , Air. Lederlu
bent his energies to relieve the impris
oned men. Enfriuo 813 was run to the
Dior and immediately set to work to ex
haust the water from the shaft ,
but alter working tor an hour
it was found that she was
inadequate to thu work , and was
withdrawn , the distance of tlio water
rendering it impossible to work with
effect. Darrels were tliun substituted
and in this slow and tedious manner ,
the attempt to allbrd relief
was carried , on with indifferent
success. At the time mentioned there
wns no possibility of ascertaining when
the shaft would bo exhausted , especially
because the water was running in about
us rapidly us thu barrels could draw
It up.
Tin : CAIJSI : .
In conversation with ono of the engi
neer force , the accident , as already men
tioned , was iiseribcd to a leak , and
thu opinion prevailed tlurt , it was located
near the air Jock , the tissuru
having been caused in thu concrete
by either indlll'orout material or work
manship. It WIIH so far down , that for
BOIIIU time at least , it was thought it
would bo beyond the reach of any at-
tumptto repair it.mi
mi : VICTIMS ,
The men In the caisson , are in greater
pnrt strangers. They are most of them
unmarried some of them stopping in the
1Unil's , while several of them re
side in this city at thu Union
Pacific hotel. Georga Draddon , fore
man ; Cmis. Hamilton , M.Vimmor ] ,
\Yin. Luigldon , ihunes Dewey , Gus Nel
son and John Bowman.
The banks on uilhur side of the river
wore thronged with people , the comminy
taking thu precaution to allow no person
not engaged in the work to get nearer
the uaibson.
A 1'
An accident similar to the above ( oak
place about lifteon years ago when the
magnificent bridge at St. Louis was In
was In course ol erection. At that tlmo ,
however , the sciuntillo world know less
nbout the budding of caissons tliaivit
does at tlio present time , and as a consequence
quence , that accident was attended with
considerable loss of life ,
mi : iti > ri'n.
The engine already mentioned suc
ceeded in ritdticin" tlio watur until the
column In thu.halt was about twenty-
live fuel in height. It was unable to do
any more , and the barrel process failed
to oxliaiiit the water as fu : > t as it flowed
in through the leak. To equip an engine
with power nocosMiry to empty thu shaft
would renuiro thu labor of hours , and
that would surety result in thu death of
the men below , Finallv , the expedient
was suggested of allowing the water to
csiapu through thu air-lock to thu cham
ber below. It wns no sooner suggested
than two men volunteered to undertake
the feat. This requiuul u diving through
the tun feet of water which lay at thu bottom
tom of Iho shaft and filled the first apart
ment of tlio air look. This was done
with considerable duringund skill hyena
of thu hands , an intrepid and brainy lad
nallied Mitch Ambrnso. He was followed
by another , Iko Itroiitun. Auibrqso
descended through the chilling waters
which at times enveloped him , darted
iuto the lir t uparliiK'ut of thu lock uud
dragged Dronton after him. Doth fliif
fcred from thu cold , fiandnaily succeeded
in closing tlio apartment door , though
the chamber was full of water.
They then opened lha equalizing valve ,
which allowed the compressed air from
below to enter the anartmcnt in which
they stood until the iircs.sure on either
side of thu door was the same. The
weight of the water in the lirH apart
ment then caused the door leading to the
compartment , where the men were work
ing , to swing easily upon its hinges , and
thus descend to the bed-rock. In this
way about ono-lonth of the watcrin the
shaft was drawn ofT. The last mentioned
door was then closed nnd the process
just mentioned was reversed , and
another tenth was drawn away. This
was continued until the shaft was
pructicallv exhausted. The men wcro
thus enabled to come out of their subter
ranean prison. Nearly all of them stood
their enforced detention in an heroic
manner , but two of them. Gus Nelson and
John Uownlun , Wove badly all'ected. One
of the arms of each a s paraly/.ed , while
other parts of the body wcro racked with
A Dr.r. reporter conversed wills Grorgo
Braddcn , the foreman of tlio gang , who
seemed to feel that ho had had a narrow
e capc. "I tried to get out1 ho said ,
"but when I found that I couldn't , I con
cluded that something was wrong. I felt
that the water mnft have gotten into the
shaft , or that something had fallen
into itto stop it up. Dili I
knew that the men up above uould
do their best to help us , so 1 kept those ot
the gang below at work. Yes , of course
they noticed that they were longer than
usual down below , but thought that the
I'elioving shift were delayed and did not
make a fuss about it , because , sometimes
when they are nt work only an hour they
think they have been th'-ro ' twice tl'ut
length of time. I was satisfied that if 1
died I'd have a collin that cost iflO.OOO ,
and that's more than I'll ' pay for one up
hero. "
When the men ramo tothn surface , Dr.
Galbruith , thu Union Pacific surgeon ,
was on hand , and had made provisions
to attend to them such as their circum
stances might require.
The Woman llntcr-
John T. Raymond's now play , "Tho
Woman Hntor , " which will bu presented
at Doyd's opera house to night ,
for the first time in Omaha , is one of the
greatest successes of the great comedian's
life The Chicaho New says : "In the
delineation of a nervous , middle aged ,
blundering good nuturcd man , Air. John
T. Raymond has no equal on the stage ,
and when ho undertakes a part contain
ing these characteristics he makes a suc
cess. Mr. Lloyd , who wrote "For Con
gress , " has supplied him with a charac
ter after his own heart in the play "Tho
Woman Hater. " It is in four acts , and
in construction resembles in no small de
gree tlio current style of German comedy.
It is full of very ludicrous situations ,
which Mr. Raymond and his company
make the most of. Mr. Raymond has a
play which will servo him 'and iiis audi
ence for many a day to come , iiis pecu
liar grotesque humor and Iiis wonderful
facial expression find full play in the
unique and terrible situations of this
play. "
"The Woman Hater" will bo repeated
at the matinee Saturday , and Saturday
night "Tho Magistrate" will be played.
JRIcycle Sport.
The directors of the exposition building
held a mooting Wednesday night and de
cided tObinldabicyclu | | track in the exposit
ion building for a grand tournament to beheld
held this winter. The track will bo con
structed in wooden movable sections , so
adjusted that they can bo taken-up or re
placed in two hours' time. Itvill bo one
of the finest tracks in America , being
oven broader and more easily traveled
than the famous Minneapolis track. Mr.
F. A. Gray has tliu contract for its con
struction , and will bo completed within
the next few days. The track will bo ono
of eight laps to the mile.
It is the purpose of the exposition man
agement , under the direction of John S.
Prince , the well known bicycle rider ,
now in this city , to give a series of races
here this season , embracing everything
from a fifty milo contest to six days "go-
as-you-pleaso. " The first event will pro
bably bo a hundred mile race between
Prince and Shock , who was the world's
champion until defeated by the former at
Minneapolis a few months ago.
Prince oilers to give Shock one mile
start in the hundred.
Small Job Printing Ofllco For Sale.
Two Small presses , job and body type ,
racks , cases , stone , etc. , will bo sold at a
bargain. For further particulars ad
dress U.10 , DEE ollico.
1'ollCO I'oilltH.
Agnes Parker a dwarfed specimen fro m
a"castlo" | onjlowor Jackson street , wusar-
araignud in police court yesterday for rob
bing Charles Northrupof $30 Wednesday
night. She was unable to prove her in
nocence and was held for further exam
Dick McGuirc , an old vagrant , was
given ten days in the county jail.
Four suspicious characters were dis
charged. Thirteen drunks wore ar
raigned , five of whom wore lined.
Michael Murray was fined $5 and costs
for leavinghis team unhitched.
Joe Warring was sent in ) to the county
iail for stealing a pair of shafts from John
Mntt on.tho man accused of attempted
rapt ! on the person of little Graclo Bur
ton , was Wednesday hold to the district
court in the sum of ! ff,000. ) Doing unable
to furnish bail , ho was sent to the county
Two Now Drutr Firms.
Gee , Scliull , the traveling representa
tive of Richardson & Co. , the St. Louis
druggists , has received a telegram from
J UlitVord Richardson , stating that the
St. Louis establishment Had bought out the
U. K. Goodman company of tills city and
would take possession of thu pla'co on
January 1st.
A representative of Dlakn , Druco&Co. ,
a wholesale druir firm of Ottumwa , la. ,
was in the city Wednesday looking for a
location for his firm. Ho announces that
his establishment will remove to Omaha
as soon as proper quarters' can bo so-
Arrested In Chicago.
ShorlirCoburn received a telegram yes
terday announcing that Charles ' lytncoln ,
the man who stole a from 'Mrs , Bee-
hul Iho livoryhtublo keeperiwar FortOnui
ha had been arrested in Chicago. Papers
were made out in Justice Anderson's
court to-day to bring Lincoln u.iok , ami
a deputy sheriff will bo sent aflor him at
Hebrew Sewing Socdrty ,
An important meeting of this society is
called for this afternoon at tlio
vestry rooms of the synagogue. Elec
tion of ollicors for the ensuing year and
reorganization for a successful winter's
wovk will bo ell'ecteil.
WeVnut Kicryhody's Wife
To have a free h\mpln : copy of''TiiE Cur.-
TIVATOK and Hocsr.KKi'Eit. " Send
name and address on postal card to
_ Omaha , Nob.
Miss Agnes lloyal , daughter of Colonel
Royal.of the Fourteenth cavalry , a for
mer well known resident of Onlaha , is
annonnci'd lo bo engaged to Mr. Arthur
.lell'i'v-i Par.Miiis , u wealthy gentleman of
Boston ,
THE ijAUlKS * FA I It.
HplHtcd Content FOP the Article !
Ijlflt or 1'rlzo Wlnncro.
The ladies' fair in the annex of the exposition -
position building closed Wcdnesdaynlght [
Thnrewas a largo attendance and great
interest was manifested in the drawing
for the various articles on which chances
had been taken. Two spirited contests
were had , the lirst for tlio "dog cnrt , "
donated by Eil Meadlmbor , and tiio second
end for a side saddle. The lirst closed
promptly at 11 o'clock and was won by
Mack Morrison. Dert Murphy , who en
tered the race late in the day , made a
strong pull for the pmc , and came in a
neck behind thu winner. Master Mack ,
a gentlemanly little fellow , was heartily
cheered on his success , and made
a triumphant tour of the hall in the cart ,
drawn oy his playmates. Three lusty
cheers wcro civeu Dcrt Murphy. Tlio
side saddle contest closed at 11:30 : and
was won by Miss Mullen by a largo 111.1-
Drawing of the various articles on Iho
tables then began and continued till 1)0. : ! )
Following is a list of the lucky ones :
Altar society table Garland heating
stove , P. J. Darrett ; china tea
set , W. A L. Gibbon ; moss
rose chamber set , F. ,1. Hurkloy ,
card stand , Lir/.io Manning ; rocking
chair , Mrs. Coryell ; ladies gold watch ,
Kntlo Murphy ; rocking chair ,
Mrs. J. Ford ; tea set , Thos Tulloyj
work box , M. J. McMahon ;
Fr. O'Connor's picture , Rose Lundy ;
castor , Andy Klirackhett ; album , Annie
Cunningham ; lamp. M. linan ) ; cake bas
ket , J. F. Goodfollow ; watur sot , Mary
Fra ; lambrequin , H. Durkley ; child's sot ,
G. H. Anderson ; fruit dish. Kntii Purcell ;
silver cup , Andrew Murphy : berrv dish ,
D. Hurley ; castor. Clara Crelghton ; pic
ture , Annie Mulcuhy ; toilet bottle , Klin
Wlnan ; coloirnc bottle , T. Fallon.
Mrs. O'Hrlen's table Urass plaque. K. 1) .
Piatt ; berry dish. Mr. Kdiiey : chair. Mr.
linvin ; sewing mai-hine , T. P. ( ileson ; Ven
etian vase , Mrs. Daubach ; .silver water set ,
Owen McCallrey ; doll , Macsle Diennaii ;
album , Mrs. llicgins ; toilet set lion. ,1. Paul ;
candlestick. Mrs. James Ciclilitoii ; ; tidy ,
Hannah Johnson : plo knife , Maty Hansom ;
tea set , . ) . 11. MeSliane ; sofa pillow , W. 11.
Htodeilck ; embioldered banner , Anna
Moran : cnstal water set , M's. D.mbnrh.
Sodality Table-Album , John Little : Sli
ver cake basket , Julia Uormaii ; cut-class
fiult dish , I ) . Hurley ; nlush chair , Mis.
Uurke : copper wash boiler , Thomas Swift ;
hand-painted plaijuc , C. Noiris ; silver castor ,
Father ( . 'alauan ; bride , Mrs. Ileuncssy ; pair
oC vases , 8. J. Brodeiic.k : toilet set , A. U.
Ross ; ton of hard coal , I ) . Mulhearn ; side
saddle , Miss Julia Mullen ; lacquer table ,
Julia llmjhes ; panel pletmo , Alice Lowcry ;
opera bonnet , 1' . Ciihick ; album , Minnie
Wldtesldu : aiitiuuo vase. 11. P. Heint/.o ; pair
of child's shoes , Fannie Hates ; lemomide set ,
Mrs. Palmblad ; water set , Klla Hurley ; oil
Valntlni ; , Hose McCann ; Father Carioll's
i n trait , Julia Mullen ; sofa pillow. Ida
AVbiteside ; oleograph , Pauline DuWItt ;
plush sofa pillow , Thomas Collepy ; hand-
painted banner , Hake Palmer.
Choir Table-Mrs. Paine , brldo doll ; Klla
Kennedy , cut jjlass water set ; Docio John
son , painted china ; nalr vases , P. J. Cum-
mliiL's : card table , W. A. Chambers ; comb
case , Katie MuScaliy ; embroldoied banner ,
May Sullivan : salt doll. Klla Crowe ; parlor
lamp , P. J. White ; ladies' stinc * . I ) . Mull-
hearu ; brandy set , Minnie Klannery ; amber
toilet set , J. Mclnernoy ; pickle castor , C. J.
Toole ; cake basket. Katie Crolt ; class wine
set , Mrs. V. liurkley ; cut tfla s water pitcher ,
P. J. White : pieklo castor , Inez Gentleman ;
butter dlbh , Will Combes ; toilet set and
music box , James Ulnan : coffee urn. J. U.
Doyle ; berrv dish. James Cook ; oil jiaint-
Int : . George Newlants ; china tea set , J. A.
Kelley ; t.ofa pillow , Richard Ryan ; doll ,
John Kiilm : brmnctnnd muff , Aunos Hun-
nUau ; blue water sot. Klijah Conklliu' ;
nlcklo dish , Mary McAidle ; chair , Uoso
13iady ; embossed chair , Sam Utimmoss.
TliC Onlaha Northern itoad Notes and
DAnnother meeting of the monied men
of Omaha was held last evening at
the PaNton , in response to an in
vitation or call issued by several wealthy
gentlemen. The ccnrfeoncco was
strictly "on the buict , " and may re
sult in big things. A gentlenianQwcll
posted on all'airs said yesterday : "Tlia
road is going to bo built yet ; something is
going to como of that meeting to-night. "
Freight Commissioner Griliiths is not
feeling despondent over the prospects of
the Omaha & Northern , though he would
like to have things pushed more rapidly
than at present. Speaking of the DEE'S
interview with him yesterday , he said :
"You misquoted mo in making mo say
that President Hughitt of the North
western was a sharper. I think ho is an
accomplished gentleman and a good
railroad ollicial. Wo would do exactly
as lie is doing wore wo in his place. At
the same time I insist upon it that he is
deluding thoOmuhu people. "
THE NEW' nmi.niNG.
Yesterday mqrningThos.MJOrr , of the
Union Pacific signed the requisition for
material to be used in the construction of
the Mansard roof for the headquarters
building Work will bo commenced at
once ; and will probably bo completed
within two months. This will make the
headquarters building live stories in
height , spacious , airy and well venti
lated. It will be one of the handsomest
structures of this kind in tlio county.
The wonderful increase in the freight
business of Iho Union Pacific lias caused a
demand for moro freight cars. A con
tract for 700 cars , to bo completed
within tlio next few weeks , is
now being executed. Contracts for
500 more are to bo let next week This
will increase the number by 1,200 cars ,
and it is thought that the pressure will
bo temporarily relieved. A railroad elli
cial in speaking of the matter yesterday
said that all the other Iowa lines wore
similarly distressed for lack of freight
H. & M. srATTr.its.
"There is no truth in the rumor that
the D. & M. is surveying for an air
line from Omaha to Deadwood , " said
General Manager Holdrodgo of Unit road
yesterday , "At least if any such thing is
contemplated , 1 haven't hoard of it. "
General Manager Iloldredgoi \ \ \ just
signed the contract for a branch road to
run from Curtis , Nob. , in Frontier county ,
eighty miles west through Frontier , Lin
coln and Keith counties.
The fast California train scheme of the
Union 1'aeifio is not dead , but only
slcopoth. It will probably b6 revived In
the spring.
Mr. J. Dllckensdorlor , chief engineer of
the Union Pacilic , left last evening on tlio
Missouri Pacific for Kansas City. *
The Oiiinhu Type Foundry and Hup-
ply llotiuo for Printers nud
The Western Nuwspapor Union at
Omaha is prepared at all times to outfit
publisher * OB sliojt notice with presses ,
typo , rules , borders , inks , composition ,
sticks and rules , and in fact everything
in tlio linu of printers and publishers'
supplies , Dotter terms and moro liberal
prices can bo secured than by sending to
Chicago or olsnwhere. Save money by
buying near homo. Second hand goods
in the printing linu bought and sold , Wo
often have great bargains in this particu
our monthly trudo journal , that gives
lists of goods and prices und from time
to time proclaims unequalled bargains in
now and second hand material.
12th Street , bet. Howard and Jackson ,
Omaha , Nebraska ,
Chnutafiqua News.
The niecting of the Omaha C , L. S. C. ,
will be held in ttie board of education
rooms , corner of Sixteenth street aud
Capitol nvcnuc , on PiSiJ y evening , . Oc-
tobo 20 , nt 8 o'clock. ZTHc following pro
gramme hns been arranir.ul !
llusle . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . Dy the circle
Clnss matters. . . . . . . N. F , Uundy
Rouna Table-Best Plum for Conducting
tlio Circle . . . . . .WIssMnry Fitch
A Study of Kocks , wllli ipocimcns by
incnibers . . , . „ . . . 0. ! ' Scwnnl
. .
Class o.xoreiso First Klftyfjuestlon < on
Geology , | > IKO M , of'lhn Chautaii-
quail . .Miss Uetta Itcnd
Our aebrnka Iionie . 4.U'orKO A. Jojilln
Critic's iqxitt ,
Koil call . Miscellaneous quotations
An invitation to be present is estcnded
to all Chautauquans.anti to any who
may contemplate reading the riiaiitaiiqna
course. The year 188087 oilers an at
tractive list , Including KnglUh history ,
literature and composition , astronomy ,
Kcolojiy , pediiRORy , French literature ,
social questions and religious literature.
Tlio books for tlio year , Including the
mogazino , will cost about $7. To tho'so
wishing to pursue a systi'iiiatie couran of
reading , the Cliaulauqtia course oilers
the best possible facilities.
Tor the mutual advantage of all con
cerned , Omaha and Nulmislm rimutnti-
quans are requested ( o communicate
with ( > corgo A. Soplin , Omaha , Nob. ,
who holds the position of stale organizer.
Child Lost.
A child , four years old , with light red
dress and reil cap , strnycit from its home ,
No. 411 South Eighteenth street , this
afternoon. Can't speak English. 1'leaso
return to above number.
What Milliard Snr" .
F.V. . Milliard , the man whoso son was
accused yesterday of being partinll res-
met yesterday by a reporter of thu HKK.
It may be remembered that lionsing died
01' typhoid fever Tuesday night , his de
mise being hastened as was alleged by
injuries inflicted upon him by young Dul
Mr. Dullard , the fathor.stnles that young
Rousing was to blame for the trouble
which occurred about six weeks ago.
He ( Htillnnl ) was lying siek at the time ,
from injuries received from a police
man's club. Young Housing was making
considerable disturbance about the house
nt the. time and was ordcied away by
Dullard. lie refused to go
when the latter throw a tin cup
full of water on him. He then
commenced to abuse both Dullard and
his son John , which treatment very natur
ally was resented. Hocsing kept this up
until ho was attacked by young Dullard.
The father , however , claims that Hoesiug
was not nearly as badly injured as his
friends clnim. This is Dullard's story
ami he says that lie is willing to buck it
up by proof.
Real I3ntnto Transfer * .
The following transfers were Hied Oct.
20 , with the county clerk :
Larmon 1' I'ruvn nnd wife to John H
Corncs : lotO ot I'ruyn's sr.bdiv : Mlllard it
Cnld well's add : W D-S UM ) .
James N 1'hilllps andrttlfo to Win Cobuin ;
equal undivided X lotstfi .hnd 0 , blk at" ,
Omaha : Wn-S3OUO.
K 1' Ilaiilon trustee to iWin'Coburn : lots 13
to 3-4 inclusive , blk 21 , Weat Side ; W D-
§ 4.000.
Xeil U McLcoil to A O-lMWcll ; lot 8 , blk 1C ,
llanscom place ; W ] ) Sl.MflL
August Pratt an < l wife to "Louis " A GrolT ;
undivided % int in lot ! ! , -block B , i'ratt's sub-
dlv ; W 0-6450.
Doll II ( loodrich and wife to Louis A Croft ;
lots 0 , blk 3 , Mnibli's add' Wfl ) S4,6CC.
Jtcubcn Allen and wife : to S S Wilkinson ;
v.yi ft of w 100 ft lots , blk TO , Omaha ; \V 1 >
§ 1,200.
J Wood Smith and wlfo'to Louis licrka and
Frank K Dwnrakr lots 5. f > . 7 , > , ! ) and 10 ; blk
4b2 , 0 rand View add ; W1 > STOO.
GRor e A Craucor to btocher : lots
2 and 4 , blk 11 , Mover ' , IHch&rds & TiMen's
add ; W P-SbOO.
Ucoriro H Bonus ct al "to " .JJ"ofa II Lnmou ;
lots 11 anil 12 , Ulo < jk 10 , Omaha VlewrVP'D- *
§ 1.700. > <
F V Fowler ct ! to OWVdrMiam : -lots 9
in Pruyn'ssubdlv -Millard & Onldwell'sadd ,
\V \ D-S'3,750.
George H Smith ( single ) to Gcorce A Jon-
lln ; lot 22 , blk W , Omaha View ; W' 1) 50.50.
A I' Tukev and wifutoKose Gratz ; sV lot
3.blk 10 ; K V Smith's add : W D-SlbOO ,
James Robinson and wife to Alexander W
Albro ; w of s e 11 , 14 10,80 aeicsV ; l >
-S3ioo. :
WE llawley and wife , to Haltlms Jetter ;
being nartof w n o 11,14 13 ; Q C Sl.OOO.
Marie K Hammond and husband to C.ith-
nrinn Ilayden ; lot 3 , blk 8 , Ambler Place ; W
D $4,200.
Catharine Ilayden nnd.'husbuntl to Hush O
Clark ; lot 8 , blk S , Ambler PlaceV ; LI
E E French and wife to II G Olarklots ; 2
and 3. blk 2 , Lake View add ; X Q C Sl.OOO.
Christ Nelson to Ellle C Beaver ; wK ' < > ' 11
and e 15 ft lot 10 , blk 4 , Parker's add ; W D
§ 1,200.
M T Murphy nnd wife to .1 W Phelns : lot 5 ,
blk 0 , Uonlhes add : W 1)-S1,000.
Frederick Dicxel and wile to Ausust Hansen -
sen ; lot 10 , blk a. Urcxel's Mibtliv in 8 E
Horn's Okahoma ; W D $1,050.
Algernon S Paddock and wife to Susan
Wellty ; lotT.blk 10.lerome ParkW ; D-8050.
Susan Welty and husband to Susan E
Evelethlot ; 7 , blk 10 , Jerome PaikW ; D
§ 1,100. L
_ _ _
Army Motes.
Colonel Henry yesterday received a let
ter from Colonel Dlonntrat Washington ,
( stating that General Drums' order cut
ting ( ( own department stall's docs not
refer to or include the inspectors of rillo
practice. So that Colonel Henry will
not be obliged to Icavn Omaha.
The firing of this department this year ,
as compared with last , is as follows :
In 188(1 ( tlio ligures of merit were as fol
lows : Known distance , 107 ; ; skirmish ,
41 ; general ; 71. In 1885 , figures were as
follows : Known distance , 81 : skirmish ,
a.3 ; general 00 , which shows an increase
rcsnectivcly of S3 , 0 nnd M.
Hospital Steward .1. 11. fJrant hns boon
appointed a clerk of the second class at
department headquarters and assigned
to duly in the ollice of General McParlin ,
the medical director.
Absolutely Pure- .
TblBpotrder never varias. A raarvo of pur *
ty , Btrenutb nj wholojoinonoss. Mora econ
omics. ! trmn tlio ordinary kinds nnd cnnnt bo
old Incorapotltlon with the multitude of low
testshort weight alum or phosptiato powders.
Sold only In rang. KOTAL BAKING I'OWDEII Co
UI\Vnllst.N _ > ir York
j. t. WH.IOE ,
Manufacturer of
Paper Boxes ,
100 S. 14th st. Omaha , Nob.
Orders by mIl : ( bolioitcd and will re
ceive prompt attention.
iu iiniuiuijy
VTococjpect when an cntejyjrj'seiiy jinn &cm7s all its energies toward
furnishing a select stochof choice Clothing for IfJTen and Ifoy , at lower
prices , fJiat thciunist secure the Jiighest i > osNitlc success. Such a Jinn
Some of the people who call upontJtetn ilaily may tmagineuccausethcy
are offering at such lowjtgureejhaf the goods are inferior quality.Such is
not the case , as they are actually selling the same r/uality , in preferable
styles , from $3 to $ tO less on each suit than is ashed Ity other dealers. If
you do not wisli to buy Just now , call , looh around and see the cnor *
nious assortment of clothing tnd othet fittings for lifen , l $ < tys and
Children. Their courteotis salesmen will politely sliow you througJi
and also convince you that all goods are sold at strictly oneprice by
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
THIS ROOFING is the perfected form of portable Roofing , manufac
tured by us for the past twcuty-sovon .yours , nnd is now in use upon roofs
of Factories , Foundries , "Warehouse1) ) , Cotton Gins , Chemical Works , Rnil-
rorul Bridges , Cars , Steamboat Declcs , etc. , in all parts of the world.
It is supplied ready for use in rolls containing 200 square feet , nnd
weighs with Asbestos Roof Coatings to finish , only about 85 pounds to
100 square feet.
It is adapted for nil climates nnd can bo readily applied by unskilled
workmen. Samples and Descriptive Price List free by mail.
H. W. Johns' Asbestos Fire and Water Proof Sheathing , Building Felt , Steam Packings ,
Bojlcr Coverings , Liquid Paints , Roof Painls , Reel Cemonl , Fire Proof Paints , etc.
"Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. All work warrant
ed. Comer DoiiRlus and Ifith streets. Omaha.
Property of every description for sale in all parts of the city. Lands for sale In
every county in Nebraska.
Ol Titles of Douglas county kept. Mans of the city state or county , or any other
information desired , furnished free of charge upon application.
I.EVI CAnTEH , President 6. H. HAYDEN , Becrotary.
, 3STEB.
For Sale by all the Loading- Paint , Oil and
Drug1 Houses of the West.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital , $250,000
Surplus 3O.OOO '
II. W. Vates , President. ,
A. E. Touzalinire President.
W. H S. Hughes , Cashier.
uintcToics :
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
H. W. Yatcs , Lewis S. Reed.
A. E. Touy-alin.
Cor 12th and Farnam Sta
A General Banking Business Trunsacled.
N. W. HARRIS & Co.
HANK EltS , Oil 1C A ( i O.
nnftinO Of Counties , Cities mid otliersof
bUlIUO UlKli if rado Diiut-'lit and. bold Kustnn
offloo MOeronihlre lU IJoston. CorrcsponJ-
enco solicited.
TDCC TDIAI . . . "fH'TA Mr
FREh IinlAJ-i waiKS
N.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts.
Practice limited to Diseases of tlia
GlassesUtflJ ( for all forms of dofectlva
Vision , Artltlclal Kyos '
_ W rranled nbtolulelu
Coma , from which the etnof
Oil has keen removed. ItuucAr
limit the tlrtttflk of Cocoa lalxwj
with Surcli , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and Is Ihervfuro lit morv economi
cal , coitlnj Icit tliau one ( tnt a
cvf , U Is delicious , uourUhlng ,
Btrengtheulne , easily dlgtrted , * bd
admirably adapted for luvslld * u
well us fur jirrions In hrcllb.
ticld lit tlfoeefn eurpilitre.
& CO , , DrtEter , Mass ,
13th St , Cor. Capitol Avenue.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. McVlENAWfY"Propiiotor. !
Sittcen nml I'rivatu '
yeius1 llonjilml I'rnctice
Wu liuvo the fncilltU-s , uppnratus and rumcilltt
for the successful treatment of eiery form of di -
cu o ri'tiulniiK cltlicr medical or mir lcnl treatment ,
nud linlto nil to como and liiTtntlgatafor thcmsclrei
i > rcorrfioncl | wllli\u. Loni ; experience In treat.
In ; ; ca e > liy letter enables us to treat tunny emu
ncentificalr : | without fcoliiL' them
WHITE TOR riKCULAK on Deformities nnd
Braces , Club Feet , Curvature ) of the Spine
DISEASES or WOMEN. I'ller , Tumors , Cinccri ,
Catarrh , Bronchitis , luhnlntlon , Klectrlcitr , I'ural-
yils , Epilcugjr , Klilnej , Kjc , Ear , bltln , llloud uud
all Mirglcal operation * .
llattojli-d , luliulom , Brncric , Triinnon , nnd
nil ] ; lmln of Medical nnd Surgical Appliances , man
ufactured and for snlc
The only reliable medical Inttitute making
Private , Special S Nervous Diseases
from tthntoercuufc produced , successfully treated.
Wo remoTu Syphilitic poison from the t ) item
without iiuircnrj.
New restonilli a treatment for lots of Itnl power.
Cull and contult us or send narao und pou-ofilra
mldri'is plainly rlttcn cncloto stump , und o
nlll rend you. In plnln wrapper , our
uro.N 1'r.iViTx , FI-KCIAI. AND Ncnroi-s DIS SM ,
SKMINAI , WEAKNESS , SrriixiTonnmin , Ixroi KN
OT , SrrniLis , RoNoniuiiRA , OI.IET , ,
UniSAKr OnuAMS , or tend history of your caic for
an opinion.
I'crsona unable \Ultusmnybo treated at their
home ? , hy correspondence , Aledicinea and InMru-
DicntK fcut by mall or express BUt'UJtEXY 1'AC'K-
ED FROM marks to Indlrata
contents or tender. One personal Interview pre
ferred if convenient. Fifty rooms for tlii" occoui'
modatlon of patlvnts Hoard and attendance at
remonablu piices. Address all Letters to t
'Omaha ' Medical and Surgical institnto ,
Cor. 13lhSt. and CoDitol Avo. . OMAHA. NEB. '
Our production * ) nro too
Perfection of Hlioe-imiUliig *
In them Every Objection to rcady-mada
hoe * la removed. The success ot once
attained by our good * wherever Introduced
is because they are plovc-llttlnc , elegant
in style and finish , of Ihe finest materials
end workmanship , and moderate in plcc.
The horrors of hreaklne-In nre avoided :
they are comfortable from the very fu t.
Mdo la nil olrcs , widths and ehapct.
LectnSohtor Kami anil dJJttti ef
HoIdci'H of Currency lloiulH & loid ) of
33 ,
Will rerolvoii cc/inmiuil-iitlon / of Imoruat nnd
limini-mneu lo tlioni liy forumHugtliolr iiimii'H
iinJ udJrcxsea to us ill they luiv ) not iilro tily
ilono co ) with a inuinuriindiim or Hie nmmint
of liomlfl of fltliur illiihs Hold liy thorn , or \ > y
In iiureon at nurnllk'i ,
A. ft. HATCH & < : < > .
No , 6 NUSSUII fit. . How York.
State Agents
Omaha , Neb ,