THE DAILY BJEE : FRIDAY OCTO-BEll 22 , 1886 , 7 SPECIAL NOTICES AdiortlMfnonts under this lioid , 16-ccntsper line lor the first Insertion , 1 fonts for cnch sub- feqiicnt Imort'on ' nriJ 41./ ) n line per month No fuUcrtlsotnont taken for lf stlinn S5ccnM for tlio flrst limrt'on Sivi'n words will Ijo counted to tlio lines thfy must run consocu- tlvolj and must bo pild In advance. All adver tisements must bo handed In before 2 o'clock t > , tn..iinrt under no clrcum tnncc will thoj betaken taken or discontinued bj tclciihono. Pnrtlei mUcrti liitf In Ihoseioliimnsrnd tnv. Ing the answers nJdn. cd In cnro of IHKllrr. Wllltilcnso nfik fern check loanable them togd tlielr letter * , ns none will bo delivered except on nro cnttttlon of chock All answer * to nd- vmllsemonln should tin enclosed In TO LOAH UONE\ . MONKY tnlotnnn Fit ) mid farm property , lav , rutoa , fctownrt > V Co. , Itooin J , Iron liiink nit MONKY 'IO LOAN-At ronsonnhlo ifttoj. on furniture , line wntelios nml ether personal property. O.J. Cnswoll , loom 19 Iron Hunk building , lath mid Fnrnnm. 101 r pO LOAN Money Loans plnco I on 1m- JL prmc'1 ronl t" > lnto In clt > orroiinty lor Now linglnnd lo < m .V Trust Co. , liv Uoiujhu County limik. 16th Mid Cltlciurn BIS 817 o 27 $ . ' ) ( ) , OCX ) to loan. Sums f.WJ nnd upwards , Lowest rates , lloinls , 15th nud Douglas HIS UU7 TO l.OAX-o r.Dnvl..Co. Ilenl M Kstnte and Loan Agents 1&0 * > Knrnam st. M ONKV TO i.o VN on rcnl estate und oliHt- toU. 1) ) I < . 'Ihoinns. _ _ _ Ul't ' _ M NIH to invest If jou hnvo peed notcsto sell call on J , 11. 1'nrrotto ' , 15th and Chi- _ _ MOMY 10 i.ois.-n : ] tiling of fjoo hnd upwards on first class ronl estate eccurity. Potter A Cobb , IMfi rnrnam st. 1HO MONBY to lonn on uiiittol anil real estnto7 fulr rate Interest. J. II. 1'nrrotto , ICth ana MONKY TO I.OAN-On fiirm nnd cltv prop erty , no delay. I ) U. Hull & . Co. , Ur > South 15th st. 1ION1 MONHY rOANiHntO I' . Hoed At Go's.Loan olllcs , on furnltiirp , pianos , hnrscs.wigono , peisonal ) ) ropcit ) of all kinds , and ull other ar- HclesofMiluo. wltlioiit lomovnl. 31'J S 13th , ouir HIiKrlmm's Commission store. All busi ness strictly conlUIontiiil Oil M ONKY to lonn ntBti-nlsht 8 per crntNo commission L. 1 > . llnuimonO , loom n. 1523 * 417-u9 _ _ QM)0CX)0 ! ) Tolonn onOmnlm city propcity ate P percent , a.V. . Day , over J.1U Douiimiat. Ull OANS l.ouns Ixjuns. Hcnl ostuto loans. Collittonil lonns. Chattel loiins. I.OIIK tlmo lonns. bhoit tlmo lonns. Money nlnaya on hand to lonn on any ap proved security. Instment securities bought nnd Hold. Call nt the olllco of the Omulm Klnnnctnl ex- chiuiKO , hecond lloor of the Iliirkor block , s. w. cor. of rittoonth nud I'm nnm sU. t'oiliptt Miinngor _ 012 Gl'KltCKNT Money to onn. J.J. Mahoncr , rnil C15NT monoy"to lonn. It. C 13th and DaiiKlas. _ _ _ _ _ Blfl MONKY to lonn by the lindorqisrnoil , who hnn tlio only properly ortfnnl/od lonn npenoy in Omaha Ixinns of $10 to (1,000 mndo on fur- clturo , pianos , organs , horses , wnpons , machin ery , io , , without removal. No delnys. All business strlrtly conlldonttM. Lonns BO mndo that any part cnn bo pnld st nny tlmo , each pay ment reduclim the cost pro ratn. Advances made on flno wntches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they nro dcnllnir with , as mnny new concerns are dully conilnu Into oxlitenco. Should you need monor. cnll and foe me. W. Tt Croft , Ilooro 4 , Wlthnoll Buirdlnif , 1Mb and Hnrney. W20 DTJSIHE33 CHANCES. f2.50D to fS.OOO for a good pnyinif and loirlttmato bubl- nosj 1-or piirtlcillnrs apply to Ilaiko .V Ilnrka- low , ll-il Doiik-laa at. 81.1 & AI.1VR MAN-WIth small cnpitnl can flnd a Hi ft class ahanco for business by eBllmu on C. S. HimehcU , UJt DoiiKlaa st. 6J'J-2i ' * COn SAl-n Small restaurant , 51M spot rush. -D Adilrt-58 It-45. lf > o omcoi Bit 24 * fnou SAI.K An jmploment stooici "Stock -t ; " will Invofco $4,01)0. ) warchdiiso Is I nnd W Htorlos , 44jtlSu ! ft nnd cnn bo bought or loaded on e 9y tcrmswnrobou o H situated In the best location In the cltj mid neil uruuwd to h.iudlo Implements v > holcsnlo or totull Address ( low- Ut Signloos H Co. . rrcinont. Nob. FQT iiii * TTOIt BALK-Hiu dvrnro llusmess Wo olVor Jour shelf nnd heavy hirdwaro business ferRule Rule , together with our louse nnd ( food I | | . 'litum Inrfto't In the city nnd loc-itlon the best. llutlrliiK from the business cnuso for sclllnjf The Unum Hnnlwnro Co. , 10"8 O St. , Lincoln. 787 AN o-itabllshcd leal ottnto niont desires n partner. I'lrut class location Addiosa 1133 Ucoofflco. 811.21 * TjlOH SAbi ; All furnished commercial hotel. - I23 rooms , ulao munplu room , llvory burn , wind mill ; only betel In town. Urailslmw. Nob. M. F. Ilotcliklse. 7CO nI8 * UUblOM tailor , nttli peed trade , socks a partner with Email cnpitnl : knowledtto of trudo pioforablo. Address UK. , Hco ollleo. 75121' F Olt SALH- Hotel , nt Miyder , Nob. , 14 rooms ; 11,300 , { 700 cash , bnlntito cusy torms. T. J. Hoolcfflco 10,1509 1'ariiam St. 743 2.J * For a No 1 liotel , proprietor. W o have for rent tbo loadliif hotel In Hentrleo , Nob. No one ncod apply unless bo has money to purclinsa the furniture and cnn Rlvo the beat of roferonco. Hazlott & Hates , Beatrice , Nob. 6'Q. TT1O11 SAIjR A Inr o boarding house In busi- Jness center ol rityjfood reasons for soil- Inir. Terms reasonable. Address Jlrs. M. A. Council. Omaha. 701 22 * THOlt 8ALK Mrst-elass hnrdwaro business , Jt ! 100 ft. building , with f.l.OOO stock. No en- oumbrnnce . Slekness caupo or soiling. Ad- drti'S lock box 1 , AliiBworth. Nob. 274 "iTlOK SAI.K llnlcory , confectionery and J.1 lunch room , cheap It sold soon ; sickness cause of selling' . Innulro of Kopp. IholbiiH i Co. . lluill'nninmst. . Omulm , Nob. t'ri7 ' * 171oif > Ali : Or trndo for Omaha property ! J- ' The best located tlrcry liuslnoss , with stork Inlhoclty. Lonu lease of bhtn at cheap rent. Maul H UroH .1111) ) Karnnm o j H7 rotsrnrm , Lands mono > lunnnd. Ilemls , ICth nnd lloiiKlns streets. G16 LIVK hroilll Auction fctnbles , 2M3 Cum- Ing stieet. The best facilities lor handling nud telling nt auction. Horses , mu'os ' nnd Ihostook.nlio carriages , carts , llvory and horse supplies , west of Uhlengo. Bale days , I ! llondiijs.Wednesdays ninl Sntiirdavs. Drown , Wlnspc'urJbCautcr , Telephone No COL EO5T IOS1' Oct. 2ddirl { brown hoi so colt 5 months t old , with head stall on , from slookjnrds , South Omulm , mst Inurd of was following buggy nour WlttanaH's brlckynid , about U o'olocl : p , in. Please notify Blltor A : Oould , BqutJijOrmiha Nob. 81724' T OST-A blnck brocndod velvet capo , Finder -LJ wlllroturn to Alma I ) Keitholip. P.O. HIS 22 " JtlOAiiTJIHO. BOAUD1KG The beiit of table bonrd In IIrat- class private fuiully ; 114 X. Uth , bet. Dodge nnd Capitol in o. 7,1 J 21' TT > K1IW > NA INonl I nnd tnsty all-wool - iBulls , $7. It. O. Jones ft Co , Amorlean Clot'il ' r , 1343 Pnrnim st. Hull ordois tilled. _ OVl N B IDUSONAliYoHk ! ! , unile\olopo4 pans of the -L body enlarged und atrongthcned. Posltlva proof , full pnrtloulars , etc. , in ill led in plain on- ) ulopaic.ilod for stamp. Address Kile Medi cal Co ,7 8w n St. , llutfnlo , N , Y. ! i"5 n a * PiitSONAI : T'Dr. "Ntimuo V. W rren clnirtcjnnt. Medical nnd business Medium llooin Na S , l.'l North IGlu St. , Omaha , Neb. ' _ Cjalrvoyant. " " * j\"f"ADAM AL AUK A ru > e > iU ) i t present and J.1 K : ntnri\ how ninny lu fainlyn [ o , etc , , bow to bold affections' husband or lever , hulls- fucllou g'.iurantuol K cvnti and upwardi. 613 B.lfitbit. S71 " _ Mia Cii.I. AKEQU3. _ Tl/f / ATlIFMoNIAlj i'npor c-or..nina nea-ly200 lu ud\ertlicmvnt Ironi ladlei and Kuntlo- tnvn wantlnjr coirosiKimlontg. Bent 2 months 'nr 10 cents llrlplnsf timid , 711 La llulo 31. Chlcacol. 8 > 8 8' 1SJUISE-Mr ! , K. F. Whlttler , ojperlenc-Pd - lnurs.e. . . No. llll Jnokson bt. bis 21 * V _ position'building. . 100 tirn TiBNr ; $4 A X1 Ho po , J513 Douulaa. par memo. UU rpo TKAin : Land in hranitlln county. ! . . _ . .1 fora county iioxipHperoutnt. t'orrospon- dean * tollclt > L Addttu * Y , Franklin , Nob. & ) 24 1 ? < I MK.ST &iu r _ Tmno , Jmouitilv. . A TADIK3- Islilng for RooJdomstlco bcip cnn Jbo supplied at short notice al ibo Omaha Kmiiloymont Uuroixu , 119Noith IBtti fat. , Croun o block. 430 A 'II1."N''r ' ' ' hc"o\cn'ln'n ' session Rt \ nlontlno ? -ex Short-hand llistrtutc , Lxposltlon bvilldhig , , _ CGI rpllKRS , lloocs.-Jhrubs.ctc . plantcil tree fern * -n per ons buying of Douglas Co. Nurseries C.O Hewn d. Prop. . P.O. box'"Hj. M7-nU BLACK Walnuts , InilM tin , sacked , on car 7nt CO cts per bushel Address , D. y. Luke , Shnnnndonh. Iowa. 5.7 JT 'TT'OH HINI : Lnrre clean towns , clicnn. JOmnha Towel Co , 151 ; Howard st. 720 n7 ! A' TTKN'O rhoovonlnit'emloil at Valentines' Short-hand Institute F.xposltlon building. trl. ATT1JND The evening icsiUiu nt Vnlontlucs Short-timid Institute , Imposition building . toi ALL-IUnds of tpo-wrltor copjlnir neatly done tit Valentino's short hnnd inMUntc . , . , KIIP.HS , mntnirer of the Nebraska Vinegar worw ( reunited to UJiilMli mo. 731 21 * Foil SALK-A PlmHIamblc'tonnStnlllon ; gentle and kind , eheiip Sihlo miu < r llro . , 10IS rnrinun at 810 2J IiM'lt S A i < 1 > Horses. harness nnd wrgons , JL1 8clilo lnor Ilros , luis Kiirnntn st. Mil 21 nvm SAl.i-CiionM | full sot imu ohold atid JJ kllelion f u mil lira lit II II N .ami si. 8t.2J FOU SALK-tllcTcle , M Ineh.f utl nickel plated $75 : cost > v lien nunJIW. . J 1) ) Hoirarth , Arcndo hotel. 83021 * I710H 8AL13 Fresh milch cows Inmilie IX 3 -L , li. ior , " > 0 Montana st or J. W 1'onny , near Ittncr'g brtekynrd. 7H > 2t > * "IjlOll SAMI A now oomploto snloon , ftirnl- Jttlro , conntnr , lee box , tables , oto , tlionp. Address U Hi , IJoo ollloo. 75.1 85 * POH AIiK-Ico In oir load lots. Address Ollbort Uroi.f Council \l\uttt. \ \ IITS FOR SAM ; Largo nro and burglar proot snro.costy > ' ) . Soil forSJJO. J.V. . Mnt- sh all. IMI'J Fiiniain st. _ 700 _ rnoit I.V.M : I itrnituro nmtl ease qt otx-room JL' tionno , tlino on | inrt. Cull l-03 North -7tli streot.jtwojiloulii rrotnlleiljnr ; lino. _ _ j > ! rt HOUSES IotsTnrmtl.niiils monej Innnod. _ llcnilq 15th nnd llointln1 * etropts. _ 1K)7 ) _ TTlOK SAl.K Cno'ip , iron columns mid > vln- -C dowcnpsi\iltnhlo \ for front on brick build- Inp. Foi pnrtlculuraiippl- thUoltlio. 813 WANTED FEMALE \\T ANTKD A good girl for kitchen work ii Clornian proforcd , 1017 How aid. 63(5 ( 2J * UANTKI-2or3 ) quick glils to pack buck wheat. W. J. WoNhuus & Co. HI 22 WAMTKD A girl for gonornl housework , 2101 la\onport ) St. It. Melons. 84" 21 " " ' AVni : > A'smnll nurse girl ut 2 OoT > c Ins st. 740 \ V'ANrKlVnlter lit tlio nTironoim > i hotel , corner loth nnd Jones. 78121 : D-Oood stout kitchen girl nt 11. 'otorson's dining hall. 50J s llth Bt. W AN rEU-Lmmdre ! S nt Cltj hotel.t2 t2 23 * WANTii > Rlrl to do general housework. Inquire Mrs. M. Goldsmith , 20th nnd Dodge. 843 21 * ANTKD-Thlrtyjrond gliU for g7niiral work Ooodwaires. Cnll at Omaha Em ployment nuroau , 110 N ICth st. 768 v\7ANrii ! need cook , RnglMi or Ooiinnn ' iiioforrod Itoforoncus uiiulrod. In- qUllo2JI.'Cussst. 81.22 * WANTEIi Olrl forgenornlhoii'ioworK. In quire Mrs. H. McManus , 17 1 Cinniiw. 7CO 21 * WAIHTKI ) Compatont per on totnkocaro of Infant ; a good homo to the right por- pon. Apply 11)14 ) Fnrnam st. 7uO WANTBD-Oood wages will bo paid to n good , compctcutglrl ; Oil S. 17th. 751 \\7AN1Kl ) Girl for goncrnl housework. A. 11 It. Muyno , s o cor. 21st and Webster. AVTii : > P.xperipnced ShliTMnkon nt the Omnha Shirt Vactoiy , 30J North ICth St. 78.1 \TANTED A coolc at Miller's restaurant. > 100 IN , ICth st. 037 ANTKD-A competent person as ntii'o for child nt 440 Com outlet. 543 \-\7ANTii-A : first-class shirt uollshol. Not - t > braska Steam L-iundry , 100 mid luS S. 11th Btiect. ' W l > Chamberrau'id at all Douyhis. 48J WANTKD A good c'll ' foi' tronoial houso' work-.Ul.lJonesst. 483 \ : \ 7 ANTED A cook for Small rnmlly , Inquire V > 500 aouth 13th Bt. 81 U V\7ANTM > Head cook nt tlio luimous refl tnurant. 319 SI 1th st 7SO WA1JTUD MAI.B WANTED Uoy with $10 soomity ns news agent. Apply at 1 o'clock , t > 07 N. 17th st. aSl-lt WAKTKD A good tailor to do press'ng- ' and repairing , Immediately ; call nt Dye Works , 1-12 Uoiiglas st. 853 Si W ANTKD Hey for tnkliifrcnrn of horses und cow and making himself useful. Inquire at Edholm i. Akln's , opp. P. O. 857 21 WANTi : A eobor , Industrious young nuan as ualosmnti In a rotall groeuiy store , ouo who hag bad experience. Address , ghing rcf- orenccs , etc. , K 43 , Dee of lice. tf32 22 yt/ANTKD Surveyor ; n good chance for the > i right mun to work Into n permanent pay ing business. W. 1' . Payne , County Surveyor , Sldiioy.Nob. 7J321 WANTHIJ Agents in city end country for Personal Momolrs of ( ! un. K. n , Leo. the confodornto commander. Outsottlng all other wai books. Agents doing grandly. No capital required. Write for special term . Histoil ' Publishing Co. , St. Louis , Mo. 715 31 : ) - 11 rsl class Oaivnin/cd Iron WANrii-Hlx Cornice Workers ; good wages to t'io light men. Applyto It J ThoniHoii nt Now Court House , or Kiel's Hotel , Council IllutU. , | fl'15 38 * WAN USD-Hook agenti , O'Nolll & Co , pub- Ushers and general agents for subscription books , box 4U'.i ' , Omaha , Nob. G2J n 14 \\7ANTKD Instnlliiient canvnssorsi to cnll nt T 1J07 Put niim Ht. and BOB what wo have to ancrC _ 15. LeoManager. 1175 WAN 11 : A milker , J. P. Hoch , y mlle north of donf und dumb Institute. Institute.Ml" Ml" 22 * TvfAN TED A rood , rollnblo boy Hint liif. . nt > T homo and thnt cnn come reeoinmenJi d , to tnko cure of horse nnd cow and worn In ? torc Apply 172J Dodgg at. , 7 ft . 21 for railroad work , U Albilghl , Libor Agency , IJOif Farnniii. M7 " \VA > t'ii > Ten good coinlo < Imn'lound ' ton good tlnnnia and iooei * . Applj at Western Corn'ce ' Works. fll4 ! * _ HI H K lai gostMfg Co in the world .THilt mo n" X to cell their goods on salary or commission In ull towns lu Nohrnska. No capital or oxporl- i nco necessary. Itcfornnco ion Hired. Address , U , box2UT , Omnlia , 01 M , box KT , Lincoln , Neb , AN'l"lT7v ! man that la goml in Ptures nnd n good talker. AJtlrnss 1130. lleo ofllco , with reference. Ml 26 * \ \ / ANTI5 ! ) A fo i niore ujonts to Introduce il our Automntlo MusU'ul Ini'rutBcnts. on Installments. Anyone onn play them without musical Instruction , the host mylng , easiest celling novelty over known. S otoSlO n week sail bo renlUol , O , K. LctK , Mnnnyer , 1-07 FAO iiutu street upstairs. 433 WAHTED. \\rANTKD-A produce and ocianl : ? ion mnn , ii twenty years' exporl n o , would like a position inOuali.i.Coiinoll llmffsor Jlonx Cltj ; could Invest coiitdduialle capital In a sbfu bnsl- ness. AdOrcniX Y / , , AbordeouP , O. , MHslj- gipjij. fS1 21 * XVTANTI.D Situntipn by n rcllabla drily clerk. Host of rpfeiauco glioii Ad- llallt , Omaha. 651 3' YTrNTKl8ituntion In pilvstn family by 2 i glrN for Kenontl housework. Addio = a 1U1 , IJoe onico. _ f-L" ' _ W ANTKD A thoroughly couipetint eteno- graphor doairoa iioiltloii. Is familiar with law i < polling mm lull Wio had railroad experience. 18 nUo an attorney nl law. Hliihcit references. Addrtailt I'i , lieu oillco. RB > 24 * U'ANTii -bitiintlor7 as housakceperln prT rate family or hotel by ox | > orl aced lady with Hula girl : no objection to Iciulng city. AddruM HUJ , UtooOlc-o. VJ32. WANTlfD A lioiulon hj n etenographorT rcf rencIron ( , addrutJ 1' 14 , Dee onice. 101 ai WAHT3 , WAHTKI To triito" R nnwrtrr nMcir top > . C. UMayne , 15th nndj num tOj 2i \\rAf TKt ) To * ell n gor.d pony or vrlfl tr ds i T for erocrrii * ! . Addre t U 4J , Ilpo office. EM 3 * . t'tlok bOOZJ . . > A wnrohotisa or larijo barn ult- i T able for storage of hay. Inquire Itooni t" , Paxton building 77 21 * WAMKH" To trade , best oncMnnnTniRiry Snydorover made , almost new , forcows orarnuro. C. P. Majno , 15th nnd Pnrnnm sts. " \V"A > rntftociiif drj goods , clothing nnd ' gents' furnishing goods or boots nud sho6 In exchange for Omnhn rcnl o tntc Schlosliittor Ilros , 1018 rnriinm 't. 6402:1 : " \\fANTP.n 2 furnished rooms for light IT housekeeping Address H4t , lieu olllc-e. AAfANl ii : > Informntli n of my son , nged 15 jcnrs , who left home about Maicb 25th , l.'St. It IMhaiuht bo hits changed bis last name , but nl flrM name Is Andrew. Any Information roiriudlnf him ulll beUmikfnlb reeeUrd. Kilns Peterson , Sand Alia , lloono Co. , Nob. 813 21 * \VANI ii : ) Indies and jonng men to in- i' struct In bookkeeping and business arithmetic , KOO 1 situations ; term" , ten dollius commi'iiclnir and ten dollnisotit of flr t month's wngo . J 11 Smith , 1013 Chicago st. Mi 31 * WANTHD-All kinds of"short-hand and tjpe wi Her work nt Valc'titlno's Short-hnnd In- Pittite CC-3 \\rAMit : 'Icnms. I.Murray. I V os VVMNTI ! ! ) To trade , ngood reid hone for n II iniiro , C 1' . Maine , 15th nnd rnrnnin \\r ANTED Copy of compiled stntutos of Wi < ' with good second hand text books at room i ) . HodlcKs blk. 73J TOR UEHT-noUBE3 AND LOTS. IjlOU ltiM' : A now dwelling s w cor Dodiio -I1 nnd 20th. Inquire M. Goldsmith , 141U llongl l St. 34422' "Tjioit HUNT 2 houies on llnncroft st east of Jlotii tnlso : tots for snlo on onsy terms No MH S I.'th et N.I. Smith. 75S 21 * Poll uis : -store 22xiO , lllfljnckson st 7 88 Foil KHNT-Stx room hou o,27th St. , noith of Dodgo. Kuqulro J , T. Wlthrow , llll Harnoy st 71) ) > FOI ! HUNT Stoto on Cumlng st , Sstoreson South lth ) st , 1 incidence 10 rooumillst nudJuckson. C. i : . Ma ) no , Ijlh and I'm num. 805S9 JjlOH HUNT nip\ou room hou o cor 21st nnd L ltu\enworth st 'Ivrn block * Irom itiocl cur. Applyto llurko A. llniknlort , DoiiBlnsst or W i : Annln , tlooollico. W5" > "IjlOH HUN I Klt'tfimt 10 room rosldenco enL -L 1'nrimir , et , nil modern Improvomants , fur- nit nro nnd carpet for snlo , nil now ; inn compelled - polled to % [ \o tip on Recount ol illnos * Ad- Uioss It 15 , lieu ollleo. 612 1THU IlKNT Stara sultnblo foi llcntiuinint , J-1 nUBUth-jt I'olorson 573 POK HHM'-Wlotson the Ut > lt H K In Onk Chntliiini , just -oiilh of the Surntown school house. ' 1 lii'so lots cnn bo routed for 10 } oars on roisimiililu tt-rins John 1 _ lledick _ .I71 N7 _ _ _ FOIt IIIJNI'-Him IVrooin hou o , inodoin Im- luoMMiicnts , " 5th nnd I'ainiini A. I * . TuKoy. 1)01 ) F.u-imiii Kt. 0 ! HKHT ROOMS. 17\Oit UiVT : Choice rooms , new Ij furnMioil , JL ? with or without bonil,20JI Wobstm st 774 U3' _ _ FTTTnTirST1 llooins , nturTionrd foFST'iiflo ? men. Hoforuncos required lOJJ Cnpltnl u\o. 77 21 _ _ _ FOH HUNT Nicely furnlshoil rooms , bntb , o\ory convonlonoo , 1BJJ Hurt st , contlo- mon p.oloirod. tilt 2J "U'OKllIJNT o fiont room on rnrnnin , JU ( jood olllco locntlou. H. W. Hunttcss , l.iUii Vnriinm. Sr > 3 FOK HUNT 1'loasftiit furnished looms with bo.\rd , southeast cor Htli nnd Howard. iUOJiT * Oil HUNT Uxcellontfnrnlshod or uiifiun- F lahod looms nt 424 n 17th st. RI8 1 FF F 1OU HUNT One suit of room's and ono front room with board No. 010 N 1'lth st. FOll HKNT furnlslied roomi , with orwlth- out boiud. S. W. coi. 7th and Pacific 83.120 TpOIt HKNT In private lamlh , furnibhed -U rooms with board at C33 Yliglnln ai o. b.11 u 3 * _ HUNT Two nicely furnished rooms with or without board ; CG Plea-nut st. t 747 24" TT1O11 lll.M' a rooms In in ) now Hat , lOtO n Ji 20tli st. 0 rooms , 1031 ! u "Oth < ! t. Orooma , .Muitiu terrace , s w coi 7th and Pn- cllloht 20-1 oem house. Pacific st. Apply to owner , M. P. Mnrtln , 110 a 16th st. FOH 11EVT House of ton rooms , with barn , 15tSfithst. 570 ItKVT In private family furnished front room with gus , tout modeiato,2.0 > Web ster st 1)0021 * Oil 11ENT-A room 10l Parnam. F B33 | 7 > OltiKNT Furnished rooms at 1513 How- J' urd st 770 21 * EOOM With bonrd for two , 1(113 ( Capitol nvo. 873 ffll * I f OH ItKNT Part of lloor for light mniiufuc- turing purposes. Conti ally located. Low rent. 1307 Pninnm St upstairs. 4J4 , TT1OII HUNT A suite of furnished and also JL1 unlninlshod rooms nt 1112 South llth st. 74J 23 * FOIt ltiNT Ono largo nicely fiirnishod front room with bav window , nso of bath , hot and cold water. Knqulro old S. 17tb st. 704 25 * UHNT A fine furnished front loom FOH and closet , s. w. cor. llth and Howard. 18 > , 27 * 7 > O'l KKNT-Ono furnished room , 1122 south JU luthst Terms , $13 per month. 7D1. 25 * TTtOlt ICINT : Chonp. Nicely furnished JP rooms , now building , now furniture , 603 south 18th hlockfiomconi t bonso 7V3/3.1 * TT OH HKNT Furnished loom 1015 Dod.'e " . I" tMr ' ) * F OH HUNT -Lnrgo furnished iront loom , 1410 Jones. 80J , 21 * iriOIl HUNT 3 unfurnished rooms foi light J. ' liousokeoplugut 170J lluitst. 810,21 * FOK HKNT llooms lei light liousekeoplng ; al-o sleeping looms and furnished base ment suitut.lo for day bouid. 230 N Uth Kt. Mis. Alien. 815 2.i 171011 HENT Nicely fuinlshed room at I'j2l -1 Fill nnm st. 834 Ijioit ItKNT-jNlcoly fu'nlnhedroom. inqulro 1 Kaufman llros , 10W I'nriinm. 457 ITlOlt ltiNr : Nlooly furnlshod front room , L suitable for 2 gentlemen , $15 per montlu d2. . Uth. 7'JS23 * ItP.NT-Furnlshnd rooms , 181B Pnnrun. M522 FOH HUNT Pleasant furnUhod rooms nnd ftrsi-clHss bonid , 4 blocks fiom U. P. depot , I block fiom struct cur , no oor 13th and Pierce. 803 25 * Foil HUNT Lurga Pront lloom , up stairs , No.120 N 15th st. J. li. Yundorcook. Bid FOU HliNT Aliirgo front room ; also tor nlo clieap.squaro rosewood pluno nt 1831 Farnniu block west of court house. 439 1I10H IIRNT Furnished room for ono Or two J- gentlemen ; furniture now , pleasant locu tion ; Howard st , bet. Sth and'Jtu. ; south side. 423 171OII UKNr-Ploasnnt furnished rooms. .1 ? south front brick flat , board can bo had noitdoor. Apply t 1410 Chicago 8t. C43 * 771011 HKNl Nicely furnlinod fiont room , JL1 ulcove and closet. No. 115 S 23d Bt. 205 FOU UhNT-lurnuned rooms. ' 1818 Dodge. h7J O 27 FOll HUNT A nlcel ) fiirnisho 1 front room with alcove , to gentlemen onat ) No. 1811 r niam at. 5114 FOH HF.NT Suite ot rooms , furnished ; also 1 singleroo-n for gentlemen. 2038 St. Mary's avo. 82724 * 171011 RKMV. Newly furnished room,25il St , JL' Mary s nve. yi\ \ UAXB KODSB3 LOTS. Alia AINS In Uts-Now Is the time to tocure n good lot at alow price. Wo Inn o decided to sell another 100 lots in Omaha Ytow during the nextsodu ) * , nnd win make such prices and tormaaswiil Insure their Mile within that tlmo. toll und get maps and epeclal prices. Uoia * \ . Hill , HOi Farnam Bt , Klf ' ' OR SALE-DySpUlealnifcr Ilros. , , . . . IU18 Fnrnnra st. 181 feet on Htb at near Fariiatn , will sell all or part. .S-Bcre lots In Paniam park , J125 per acre. E sy terms. 'Ibis 19 ery desirable for gardeti- Ing. 1 acres , rniprored. near city , house , barn , orlbl , etc. Chvup auJ on easy terms. Lota lu Sciilrtlosor'ii adultlon | 250 to ? 3M , on emj terms , ° ? vSl' ' ? T llr.ci2 ' } } plv > rfero ' $110 to tMOciob , > L. "Ice * Co. bil.SI HOUSnS-LOf l-'arml.tmnds-tnonoy loaned lltmH. l.'Jh and Douglns streets. P07 Foii iT\l -llouto nnd lot , WnlnntHill , Holrsfl and lot ontnli st , I2COO. House and lot bn 16th st , , I4AO. Ilo < o and lot In Omnhn \ low , $1 400. lloii e < f < ir hioon ens } pn > monts. l itsforsalpotionij terms H W Himtres , KW8 Knrnnm St 707S1 Gfil 3 ft , bettveon St Marj's nvo. nnd Lcavnii- worth st , cotneiuoj Urnhain , Cioigh- ton blk. Ktt23 IjlOK PALU IxiKondoorgin a\obet. Lonien- J-1 worth nnd Hrtrnoy , J,50J ! oncti. nil other lots In thnt neighborhood held nt f MAiO to ffi.fiOO : linestl moruid co. C. 1C. Majne , irth , and Pnrnnm , Kk < 24 Foil * < ALl-"llinlness Corner rn Pnundcis Ft , $1,000 ! OJft fiont. J. L lllco * Co , Ml 23 A IHO llAHOAIN-lVo full lots situated north cast lorncr Klinenth and Martha st Nine rnom bouse , modern Improvements. Per lull Inlormntlon Inquire , 1. H. llnrton , 1WJ Knrnnm M. SI7-21 p Oil HA Li : Ono acre on Hristol.noar Satin- I 1 dcrs st A bargain nt $3WO. ( Hotinwn * Co , opposite PO. _ 772 21 1/1011 SALK-llouso 10 rooms , 2 lots.list and JP Jnckson , ffl,5M , or home nnd onolol ft W ) ) , JWOcush and bnl. to suit , U U. Mayno , 15th nnd Pnriitiin P0884 _ _ E A T-Front lot Hnnscom Plveo , $ l300 , ( linhainCrclghtonllll { 8J.V33 "IjlOUSALU t cotlnges.O rooms nnd basement , JL' on Chicago st ; tln o are new bulldlturs , fenced well nud outblldlnir , nud wo consider \cry cheap nt J-J.WOnud f..COOi smnll cash pay ment b ilnnco 5J5 per month Ono coltngo on litb st. , n rooms , clstrn , fenced and outbuildings , f--'iJ ; J-IiJ cash , balance ance- ) per month. Cottngoon nth "t , 1 block from street cnr , fl rooms , leticed well , etc , only t-'WJj f.'OO cash , bnliuuu $ J"i per mouth. rottngofl room , on LnKo st , , fJ.OM : $4 < 50 cnsh $ M per monlli. Park A. Powlor , IJi ! Douglni st. 7IW 2Jt t7fT SA"M : Two lots In block 6 , IvTltiy" Plneo. KHsy terras A. I1. Tukoy , 1.W4 Km- nam. 7(11 ( - . full lot nonr now schoolhouse GKOlUIIA-Avo. house , Ornhnm.CrolHhton lllk 83r > 2l BAHO AINS In Lots-Now Is the tlmo to secure n good lot at n low prlco. Wo bn\o decided ( osell number IOJ lots In Omnlm Vlou dining the next Ml du's ) , nnd will make such pi Ices nml terms IISM III Insuiotholi silo wlllnnthnt tlmo Cull nud get maps nnd special price * . Iroigs & Hill , 1408Purii.ini St. 8J7 SAI.I : Oil i\Fir : V.MJII-Por Omnlm FOU Heal F.stalo , n lluely Impioved Inrm ot HO neroi , within 5 miles of PI ittsmonlh , Nob. , nud 1 milo from school nud church , nil fenced , Hi I bom Itur fruit ttoes , good two Mory hou r > , w Ind mill , stable ! oi 10 horses , grannon , corn crib , etc. Cnll nnd see nbotit this , lleitcr .V Camp bell , I'M Pariinm St. . lloom 1. 015 21 * TTlOIl S VV.i : llusliiPSi Corner In Palrmount -lv plnco , $1,000. .1. L. Itlco * Co. 801 23 INlT oulii f7ont lot Shlnn's iidd" . * l.nOO ( Iralnim aKI'i-33 > OHSALi-Oiioncioou : Ililnol , item Saun- I7 dcisst. Abnignlii atliiJO. ilonnwn & . Co oppixltoPO. 77281 sAM-Cholco : Hosidonco lots In Wash- Foil liiirtou Square. Mnrsh's ndd. Creston , .leromo Park. Park Place , $1,100 to $3,000 ouch J. L. lllco & Co. H)4 ) 2J OMPATtTSONb are somollmcs piolltntilo llanscom place lots are sdllng lor $1 , * > 00 to ! 1,0)0 ) , they nro to 10blocks further out thnn Mnynepliieot-tho > bn\o no bountiful shndo and fiult trees , Mimio plnco bus ; they uio not Lmivonworth st ; Mnyno pi ice is. Mnj no place ennnpt Iw , for gilt edge build ing sites. Ouiv itireii blocks from ptohcnt Rti cot cm line/-Lois only fl,4UOto 51,700. Kasj terms C. K. Milno. 8)3 ) 24 LOfS 100 lots in Omnhn View to bo CHDAP befordc3now Hies , llnrgnlns now ; come and sen us. f Hoggs & Hill. UeOjl Kstate , 1408 Piirnnm st. 8J5 Wn HAYIIJUotifitttnt imiuliy for all kinds of biislnessiniid. residence propeity. If jou Iwonuy property for sale li t snine with us. Sehlcslnirer. Ilros. , 1018 I'i i'tiuin st. B40-J3 " TiINK coiner lot on tJumlui ? street , ( Six I'll , J ? with 3ho lyis.bnstof Snundors st , Jll.WO. Gregory .V irHdloyJlJ12 DoUglns street. 610 fJIOIl h VLl'.TjJJouso nnd lot pu Smvurd St. , -L ? near Siilnulvr ? . ; must bo sold this week. Prlijo $3bCW , WorlTJ f,500. ! P. P. Itliigor. 5C3 In lot r-Now.istho tinio tojBociire BAHOAINS atVlow iirliu , TVO bilvo decided t6s611nnrrtlibi"fOO''ll8 ) In Orrialia View during thonuxtajjliis's , ilrid will nliiko sucll prices nnd tncmB n * . w HHnsiiv | their sale- within that time , Cnll und getipmps tind special prices. Hoggs & Tllll , 1408.1 nftim fit. 8,17 TjifNP Uust .trout lot on 20th St. , Plalnvlow , f bargain , $72i , Graham , Crolghton lllk. FOItbAM1 : At u bargain.3 ono-nero lots In Hehedoro. Inquire at J20 N 15th st J. I Vaildercook. 510 A AVOitnTOTIIKWlSl JtC. Orcbnrd Hill V lots will sell for $1,030 to $1,500 ouch. Inside of ono ) enr. Wluit will cnuso the nd\nnco/ Street inllwny , carlo line , grndod streets. Cum ing street will be paved within two blocks of Orchard Hill. Fern line \low of the city nnd rhor go to Orchiud Hill.Mt.iout a doubt this Is the finest residence addition to Omaha. Lots 1110 selling no w nt $ VSO to $7,10 each , 10 per cent , down nml balance on monthly payments. See Oicnnid Hill before buying or you will regret - gret It. O. D. Milno , 1'ith nnd Pnrmnn. RCijH &BP.LIJV"S Dig real nstato ad every other day , See It Utl F OH SAIjK Iluslne-s lots on south Kith St. , Knsy terms. J.I , , lllco .VCo. 834 23 EOH SAM : Or oxcbargo. ilouao and lot , 18tu and Nloholns ; house and lot llth nnd Dorcas. Wm L Monroe , nth und Douglas. 0 > 3 K Lots.Farnis.Lanas money loaned. Ilomls , 15th and Douglas streets. 907 : , . iiAii.iv , auiroKY.s Hcnl Estnto and Hontal Agency , 1312 Douglas Streot. Itospectfiilly request patties having liroporty for su'o ' nt reusonnblo prices , to list tne name with us. Wo promise 3 on prompt attention nud quick sains. 'lo purchasers wo say come and see us. Wo can gho } ou Bargains , und alwnys glad to show property , whether jou want to buy to day or iioxtweok. liuslnoss blocks , Pioperty Inside , Propoi tjoutsldo , Property Improved , Property 1111 Improved. Homos to suit any ono nud every ono. Gregory i Hanioy , Telephone 851. 1313 Douglas St. TTIOItSAr.i ; Cheap , 10 acres well improved5 ' X1 mllonoith of deaf nnd dumb institute. Adjoining lots sell for $2OOJ , Apply .T. P.IIoch , on premises. KM1 nl'J * Foil SAI.I'-A l.ugo lot of kindling wood and old Window H.ish , 403 Com cut st.J. Klrncr. 7W 22 * OKNKIl on 17th street lu Imp. Ass. add. U'J.xl ! 2. A line lot and only $3,000. ( Ircgory A. Hndloy , 1JI3 Douglas street 519 \VO itl"T < ) TJIK1 AV1SK , &C. - oTchard Hill lot.s will foil for $1,000 to ? 1/0) ) each , Insldo of ouo year. \ \ lint will cnuso the ad Mini o'/ Street rallwaj.s , cable line , gruded streets. Oumlng street will bo pn\od lo within two blocks of Orchard Hill. Fern line view of city nnd rl\or goHu Orchard Hill. Without a doubt this Is the llnost residence addition to Omaha Lots uiodolling nownt $5,0 to tlM ouch , IU percent down and balnnco ou monthly payments rio Orchard Hill before buying or 3011 will regret JtrtljC , li Majno , 15lh and Far- nnm. FOH SAM : f ( > fUo 5 roomr jot 3JX140 ft. , cor. lOtlRufliTPaul sts. bargain ot..J2.40D 2 lots , corner , lootlJJ ft .Ilnn'com Place. . 5,500 3 lots In WashlrcmmVSqunro. each . . 2,0)0 y choice lots luiU'nlrlok's 1st Add < GOxUl , each. . . . 'l.i\-o \ , . t/100 311 M B3'illl ) & LoboclC. 150J Poriiam. OH SALK-.flrlo' ' of The flnoTt acre lota In West OrauJmJgr JO , XX ) . C. K. Moyno. ' * fi09" < LuLl " . . POH 8AM--pJui : acres In Solomon's add , 3 > i miles ( > thijP. O , * 4O ! to' f 50U per aero oil easy terms/JfX. lllco & . Co. 804,23 IpOH SAM'-L ta' 7 and B , lJOil51 feet , In Jblock 3 , first addition to South Omaha. Call on fred IfiftionT care Purmors'liou o , or "ddregs Gcorso'j.iule , p. o. box 407 , Jlapld Olty KSr Ixjtsliiflmalm View r'wOtofa50. Gregory & Hadley. 1J18 Oouglaagt. B10 _ Do. PATrKKMJN , Hoom l.Onwlm Nation. al Hank , has sot on lota lett In 1'tlru 1'lnco that he will soil at fl-'i'J ' each , to paitka whp Intend to build nice residences. 'J'he'io lota nro but two blocks south 'of Lcnvenwortii Street , and are really beautiful. Ho can Bell full lots on California Street , near 26th Btreot tor SI.NX ) . 'iheso will bo worth f-J.MiO in ono year. Ho aUo has a few on Webster Htrttel iioarMih Htrootat J1/.CKX Those uro covered with natural timber. New 0 room house * , ono mllp from pottolllco.clty water und gus,2 blockH from street cars , only li.OOi ) eachonery easy pa > monts. Corner 100x180 , very sightly , In Han- torn Place. Call at oQloa for price , 73 ft o at front on Virginia avd. . , (3,090 5 acres in Ilonneld at. . . , , . . , , . . UV ) SO uqrea Jn Mayfleld at 400 At-realn Puttmonl'arknt , , . 400 " * " " " " * " * " ' ' " " " . , ' . . . . . . . 600 Ix > ts o atone * th row from connl'ntY ittet'oVy ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Onlyf25c\sb''niianco'fVo'raontbiKf'M' KM 1 * FOU9AL15-Ily IlolterA Campbell , 1500 fa- nnm , Hoom 1. The best75 feetenst front , on Virginia , no . . . . , f n.'tCO Klcffnntcnit front orl tleorRlnnto , . . 3,250 Cor. lot , Virginia nndoolworth \ , bargain - . gain nt . . . 1 , W Glegniit lot.Creston add. , cast an ? west , front . , . . . 1,150 Irfit In Tabcr Plnco , chertp . . , P-0 U'fltlSO east nnd north ftont. West Omaha . . . . 3,000 Two tnst fronts In Haw thorite , encb . . SX'5 fno ea t front * , ono n corner , Ih Amb ler Place , for both . . . . l.IOJ Two west froni , ono a cornerIn Amb ler Place , foi both . . . . 1,100 deed 4-rooinlionto.lot 60x74Pnrk Place , chonp at 1,100 r.lcitnnt n room eottacp , lot ( lOxICT with beautiful shade trees , on Popploton ap . .1,7iX ) lxts In Wa\orly from f-MOto $ JJJ ; ono tenth cn < h. Lot * In 9prlnifililo ( from J500 to $ Mi ; one- fifth inili Irfitsln lledford. fiom StOOtn $7" > 0 ; U ci h. Lots lit West Side , \\ot \ Cunilug , Mnlnttt Hill nndOrclmtd HIM If jou limo pioperty you wl h to ell , It will be tojournduintniro to cnll nnd sou it" xS > 2l ; T/iiHt"T\fK iipfttfurTjT ToTs Hi"iTowrs nddi -L f JUO onch on easj torms. J L. Ul < o & Co. 801. 3 * )0th t good lot cast front , Plnlnvlow , i ( . Crilgtonblk S.Ti J.I 0r.V \ LO1 SlOoots InOmihn View 1 1 bo sold bofoio snow files. Iliirgnlns now : come and see us Hoggs & Hill , Heal estate , 140 ? I'lunam st.MJ ( MJ ( ri' you want to dotiblBjour money quick , buy lots in Mhlooincei's Addition. 84023 Bo"\Vl7lS < l or.iK\TotJl5l : ) 10 per contensh and f5 per month Marshall it Lobeck , AgBiils,150JFnrimiii street. 4 _ B'oTvLlSn < ) HlTiirur" : Mow nddltlon Is wo-t of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton stieet. lly selecting lots nt $ I5D for Inside nnd $175 for < ornor , you will make a good Investment. Terms 10 per cent cmh nnd f > monthly. No charge lor showing the lots. Mnishall & Lo beck , 1 jOO Pariiam 310 _ FOH SAI.K-20 aeros ny miles northwest from I1 O. SVX ) per aciv. .1.1. It leu > V Co. bOl,2J _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ F ( m SAI.K iSTxTaa on rnrnnin , botwoir Ot li nnd 21st , for ffl.OJO. . Cbunp. C. K. Mnvne. 818 21 F INK lot Bhnn'8iuld.tvirtalu ! ( ntpl,201. Clra ham , Ciultrliton bin. 8.15 2J rnrnnni. llnrnoy ami I'uinlnir ttii ot. (5re orj A. Hndloy , 1 11- Douglas st. 511 s.viK s line lots In Marlon plnco , f-,550. Kasj toims. .1. li Klco&C'c.Ml Ml 23 FOU SAliK Onoacionn llrl-itol , ncnr Siiun- dois t , A tniBiiln at f WO1 ! llviriwn \ Co. . opposite 1' O. _ 77S21 _ Foil ' AI.K Ifou-io ami lot. ll\o room hou iii on Wheaten st . 0110 block from red and nth st. car linns , cellar , wull mid cistern Prlco SS.MKX 'lorins oiisj. If. F. lluujy , room 21 , O iinlm Natloinl Iriult ImlldliiK' . 501 FlNicornerln : Lowes ndd , south anil east trout , $ 50. ( ir.ilmm , Grolgliton lilk. BJJ23 _ OKSAtl.NVo / luivo sUlcTon lots iii Iliur- thornc addition thnt wo will soil : best and chonpbstlnsldo property In Omnha. UodforJ i Honor 641 _ B\llQAI > > o ' 5room cottuao on lat.12x II" ) . Only hnlf block from Sherman a\e. ( ooil collar , clstoin uith tutor 1'iist class llnlsh throughout. Will be painted to suit pur- chiier. . Must be sold at once , { -Y > 00 ; cash IC5D , bahuice JJ1 per mouth ( li eworyjs llnille . HU noiitflas st. 6 10 _ \ > TO lilis Wisi.v. . orchard A\vom Hill lots will sell for fl.OOO toJl.WU each , ln ido of one jear. What will oiuso this ndxnncB ? Slioot rall a > s , cable line , Bradcd atiecto. CumliiK stioot will bo puvod ultlim two blocks of Orehaul Hill. 1'or n line > low ot the elt > nml i IWT ro to Oiuluud Hill , Wlthoilta doubt this is the llnest reslilouco addition to Omaha Lots me selling now from JViO to $750 each , lOpor tout , doun and balance on monthly payments SeoOielmrd IIIH before Imjiniriir you will icgtct It C. K. Majno.lSth and Tar- num. FOR A few ( Tin s only one lot Park Wlldoavo. will lie sold at n bnrpnln. In Hillside Num ber i , two lots for $ zran , ? irooui ii. 'llueo lots In Hawthorne voiy chonp.somo aero pi opoi t\ just put In innikot. 'I ho Urn to conio will nut bust selection , loims \ cry easy. 1. H llaiton , 150J rarmim Bt. FTTlT SAlJ : i"D"xrK on I.oavonwortn and.Ud street , with hirno house and barn. $10,000. Yory ea y leim.s This w a in cat bsnffain. Cnll and sco C. U Muviio , 1'nli und Faimuti. SOS 24 TTUIK SAI.i : faomooftho bo < t rc-ddonco lots -U in the rity. Puddook Plnco nt W.fOO to $ l/iM ( , WnshliiKloii faqunro lit SI , < HJ ) to 52,000 , Haii com Place nt $1,150 to 52,200 , Millnid Place , J..riOO to $ .1.110 ) . Gregory X Iladloy , 1.11 J Douslis st. CIO F OK SAM ? cb it.Trontlnif on "llodffo'st72 blocks east of tlio postolllco. A bargain at 8'8WO ' : $10,000 cash. Marshall & Lobeck , 15U-J rarnam. 329 _ /1HEAP LOTS 1UO lots in Omaha View to bo W sold before enow Ilios. Bargulns now ; come and KCO us. liofrpa & , Hill , Item Kstnto , 1408 1'arnam st. 830 _ A WOK1) TO Til K WISH. & 0 Orchard Hill J\ . lots will sell for f 1,0 K ) to 51,500 each , Inside of one jear. What will oauso the nduinco ? Stront railway , cable line , prndod streets. Cum- Inff street will bopu\od within two blocks of Orchard Hill. Per a line view of tbo city or rivorjro to Orchard Hill. Without a doubt this Is the llncFt residence addition to Omaha. Lots nro Bellini ; now at $550 to S750 oacb , 10 per cent. down nnd balance on monthly payments. See Oiclmnl Hill before buying or you will rosrot tnrnnra. 08.24 LOl'-Kl , Hlk. "n , Kilby Place $750.Giaham , Creighton lllk. 8.15 23 _ 54 ft. Cnmlng St. , pavement , good business lot , $000. GrahamCroighton blk. 83 > 2J _ _ _ WOit ! ) TO Til irwiTSKT & ( T.-Orehnrd Hili A lots will sell for $1,000 to ? 1WO oaoh , Inside of ono jour. What will cnuso the advance ? btrcet lallway , cable line , iriadcd streets. Cum- int , ' street will bo pined within two blocks of Oruhard Hill. For a fine view of tbo city and rhorirotoOrctmid Hill. Without n doubt this Is tlio finest residence addition to Omaha. Lots nro polling now at SJM ) to $750 , 10 per cent. down nml b ilancn en monthly payments. Keo Orchiud Hill before buying or jou will regret it , C. K Muj lie , 15th nnd I'm man. l K ij room house on Popplctou ave , largo lot COxlW , only ? 1,0 H ) . Orogory A. Had lay. I.IU Diuglnsst. 513 SPLENDID lots In Tabor Pluco , Kilby Plnce. Highland Place and Jerome Pink Ask for prices , Gregory & Hndloy , 1.112 Douglas st. 519 Ordinance ITo. 1,100. AN Ordinance dnclui Ing tbo noeoisltyof op propriating LOI lain prhnto pioperty and hinds toi the u anf thooltj of Omnha , foi the purpose ot'extfiidlng bewnid Ktroot , Chinlos htioet , nnit the alloy in Godliej'g addition fiom the oust line of uodl'iej's addition to the west line or2l8t , In K. V , Smith's addition ot- tended , nnd pio\ Ming for tbo npjiolntment of tlui'o dlsinteicsted lee | lioldeia ol tnld oitj , to assess the dniiiagoi to IboowiioM , icspoc- lively , of the piopcit ) tnkeu l > ) f > uch appro- prlntlou lie it ordained by the City Council of the City of Omaha : beulon 1. Ibnt It If uocesiiuy , and It Is here by dechmd ncco-siiy , to npproprlato certain lirlvato propeity nnd land for thonsoof theoiiy of Omnlm lor the pin pose ol nxtendlm ; boward street , Clmrlo.s stioot nud the alley In Godfrey'K addition liom the eat-t line of ( iOdlie > 'n nifdl- tlon to the west line of 21st stteot In II. V. Smith's addition eitondod , Raid piopcity mid hind iii'tossniy for such purpose being situated In said ult > of Omaha , und desciibed us lullowa , to it : Per Sowniil street : Ho limlng at the north east corner ot lot ll.Godlruy'ii addition , thenoo oust to the west line of 21ft Uroet.ln K. V , Smith's aililltlon uUondnd , theme north CO toi > t , th nco weatto Iho houthcitst cornorof sublet 10 of lot JJ , sec. 15 , thenro south U ) lent to place of beginning , For the alloy In Godfrey's addition , Ilo-rln- inngnt thonoithenst corner oflot IQ.Goilfiuv'n , t lu-ncd cnht to tlio west line of 21H Hi out In ITV , Smith's addition 'oxtendod , thcnco north lOfoet. tbonto west to the siiutlmnst ( urm-r of lot ll.Godlroy's nddltlon , tbonct' BJ'Jth lij leut to plnco of beginiunif , Per Lhnrlua snoot : DeglnnlnH nt the north- oa-t coiner of lot 31 , Porlor'n addition , tin nco r ist to the west line of 2ist struct , In K V. Smith' * addition exti-ndi-d , theiu o noi Hi 0 1 fact , thoiioo ojt to the bimtlieust coinorof lot 10 , ( iodlicy's nddltlon , thtnco BO ill 1 1 uO font to plnco ot beginning. boctlon 2. 'Unit the major , with the approval of the city council , appoint thito dlalnterested froe-boldeiM oflhu slty of Omnha , to .igtusy tbo dnmageH to tlio owner * , respocthnlj , of nitld properl ) aullnn htnVeu byKueli upproirliitlou. | Seutioii . ) . 1 hut thU ordlniuico tukn tDict nnd by In foicu fiom und uf lot llspasimfe. Passed Oeiober Cili.lKMl. W i. K. IH-ciiBi. , PuiMdent City Count'JL J , U. yoiniuiii ) . Clt > Cleik. ApurovwlOUoberlJlh , l8Sd. JAMES K. Ilo D , Proposal for Lumber , Proposals will be recehdl at the SKALKD ihu city clerk until t o'tlock i > . in. , October 23d , ItlSJ , for furnishing I'm ' city pt Omulm with lumbiir until Juno oOth , 1MT. The city council reiervoj the ilgbt to reject J. n. BOirrn.Mtn. city ciorit. Notice. Tlio nrraof Kiltiolm i Krlclnoi. th J olor , ) ia tieonbr mutual co iteut Ol oliru1 , Mr. KMokion m- llrtne N , J Kdlinlm and A. M Akin "ill puccced lb olU tlno and * lll lulilllllo pujr all UeH and collect all bills due the old ttnu of jabolra & I' * uu. IIIIOI.M A KmtiusoN , jirN.J. Kaiiolin. KuiluLM It JL.HUI. Bpeolnl OrAlnsnco No , fiS7. A N Ordtnnnce levyirigTi spoclnl Ini nnd a e t- J-.meut upon certain lol , part * of lots nnd rortl pMnto In tlio clt ) of Oinnlia , lor Hit ) con truc- tlon ot sidewalks. \ \ ilriiKthu owner * . rc pcelUcly , of the lrtl , p-tm of lot * nnd real c tnto herelnnfter do < cnbod , have fnllcHl to construct ldewnlk < within thii tlmo allow ed by ordlnftncc , after duo nud proper notice o to do , and \ \ MI tiKV , uohMdownlkhato been duly Con- itnicted lij tht'cotitrnctorto whotn wn nwrttil- pd the ( Miitrnct for constructing nnd i-vpalrluir sldnwnlk4niid WiiEltrv , the e\ernl lot'.pntts of lots nnd ronl eMntO bine e lob been peoltll } bunollled to the full amount of th special IIIT nnd n' " ' ! ' ' - meut herein levied , bj reason of such lmpro\o- uienl opposite the s imo , ro peUI\el ) : llli'iu 10111 , for thppurpo oof cu\crltti { nnd pnj Ing the eo t of ueh lmprooment. . lie It ordained by the elty oounell of the city or Omnha Septum 1 That the several sums so ! opposite tbo lot , pnrttol lot * and real nsinieliprcltmftcr tlixct Ibcii. bo nnd the itmi' me hcieby re poet tl\il ) lolled and n < * ei'd upon onrhof nldlols , pnit of lots and teal estate , as follows , to-wlt. K Kstnbrook , It 1 blk 4 1 , city . f-0 W " II J blk 43 , fit } . . . 204(1 ( " It .blk U. cltj . i 4(1 ( Ada lllnck , It 1 bill 117 , city . . . . IV. 10 C I Mit unij.o ' , It 2 blk l.'l.ilfi . . . . 1 28 M O Doliough , It 1 blk 2-'s , elty . . 20 4ft M McDotinUI , ( i li II J blkJH.ell } . . . . 1 SI Hfplglo.wH It ibIK 228clty . U > ai Lou Is ( iodold.H nblk22elt ) . 204(1 ( L' P H H , It 4 blk 22J.i-lty . . . 27 28 A TMnthlixoii.u'Sli I blk StVi. . . M I'l O.I Womllng , w 'ill Iblk aWclty . . . < Mnr ) 15 2 blk iVJ.tlty , . . 1 1 2J Vrcdilek-on.o li Itilblk 2i.sclt } . I'M ' LNIolsoii.w'ilt : ) blkSflS , elty . . . . i Ouv & I ttcli , It 4 blk aw. 1 11 } . 1R IM C toukors , e IX ! ft It blk . , city . 31 N ) Anna M B ( ilk ,\ . . 44 G Aim tiongH3bll. l.Arm tioiig'i * Istnd 41 8J I ovl .1 McKcnnn , s ' , It I blk ,1 , " If > 0 John II Put . 8 blk. I , " U M It o tni. a.1 " lira flco Armstrong , It 7 blk 3 , " 1 M A NKonr.s' , It s idk ,1 , " lira IM'odoi on'i , It II blk 1 , " H 4U St Plillomenn's 7 , Cortlntult PI'o li 40 Anna M 8 , " U W AVIildsoi Xroblo.ll't ' , " 12(10 ( St Plilltimena'sCliurcb ; ! ! 10 , " \ - 00 " It 11 , " M 40 li 11 Wood , It 12. " 44 W ) A J llaii' I blk I ) , Hanscom I'laco 11 00 " It2blk ! > , " 10 CO " llll blk 1) ) , " 10 W " It4tillcll , " 10 HO " It ' ) blk It , " 111 W Mnrgniet A. llngllsh. It fl blk' > , " 1 M .Ins A 7 blk U , " 1000 Lincoln V Slues. It H blk 1" " , " 10 W \ \ m C P.Utorsnn. It 0 blk u , " , IJ HO A J Hiiiiscoin.ti 1(4) ( ) ft It 14 blk 10 , " 211 ( M it 15 blk 10 , " 10 0) " II 1(1 ( blk 10 , " 10 UO " It 17 blk 111 , " 1000 " 11 18 lillc 111 , " 10 t " ItlMhlklO , " HMO " U M blk 111 , " 10 CO " II 21 blk 10 , " 10 0) W C Pillions , It t blk B. Lnko's ndd. . . 10 iiO Ull Plemlng , It 5 blk 5 , " 10 WJ J K ICnhn , It 111 , Omaha 11. & L. An'n ndd 7 7" > It 17 , " 7 7S J W Paul , It 8 blic 11 , 1'arkor'n nddltlon 20 77 UU blk li. " 18 0 " II 10 blk B , " 181)0 " II II blkU , " IS 1)0 ) rilDnvli , ULMilkV , " 18 Ifl K K Mori ell , o V * It 14 blk 0 , " I'l ' 23 K Kllowill , w > , lt 14 , " 18 W ) Andrew J btanloj , It 1 , 1'tujn'n sub llsl , 2 , , I. Dlk 5 , Inkers ndd 700 A Lbtonoojldioi. It 2 , Pilljn's Btlb Its 1 , 2 , .1 , blk5 , Luke's ndd 0 00 U m C Cess , It .1 , Pi nn'g sub Us 1 , 2 , 3 , blk 5 , Lake's ndd . 0 00 Hours /liigburg , It 4 , 1'rnj n's sub Its 1,2 , . ) , blk n , Lnko s add . . . . . n 00 LP Pr ij n , 115 , Pruyn'ssub Its 1,2,3 , blk 5 , Lilie's ndd . 700 WA llodlck. It 1 blk 4J I Itoitlck's sub 2 Bt G II ( Jules It. ! blk 4 , " 2:1 : 2 J P Arnold , It. Iblk 4 , " 2.J 25 WH Herbert , n M U4 blk 4 , " 217 W H Moiohou = o. It 1 blh 5. " 1 8t A , I blk1. . " St 21 W SCuriK 114 blk. ) , " T125 1 tiblkfi , " 2J21 0 S Itaj mend , It 7 blk n , " 24 21 W T Itolilnson , US hlkfi , " 21 25 C 1 ! Hummer , It 0 blk W. Rood's 1st add lr. hi Ad DnnlolMin.o'i ' It IDblklO , 102) ) KLuiidbuig.w'- lOblklO , " 102:1 : iS\eiisou : , Itll bllt 10. " 20 IB Ccllnnunti , e28ftlt lihlklO , " 8 fS , T H Mlllopnugh , 38 ft It 12 blk 10 , " 11 7S J M ilj ers , It 1.1 blk 10 , " 2(1111 " It 14 blk 10 , " 20 40 JohnDLcCoiii o , It 15 blk 10 , " 21 4i ) 8 K Hogoi fi o 110 f t It 1 1 blK 11,8 K llogprs ad 0 08 S A\oi > , It 7 blk H , bhlnn's 2nd add 21 .I'J It 8 blk H , " 18 ft ) n Limbon , It 'I blk H. " 18 (0 C M Woodluldgo , It 10 blk H , " 18 GO J H & , M M I'roosou. It 11 blk H. " 18 Ul (1 ( HA : .1 S Collins , It U lilk 11 , " 20 IT 1 S Hiueall. It U , 27-13-13 . * . ' . , 3'0 bectlon2. That tlio sooclal taxes and assessments - ments levied nnd nsnes od ns nloi-o'nld shall bo duo immodintol } upon the passngo nnd approval ol this ordinance , and shall liocomodeUniiuontir not paid within 111 ( y d.ijs thei caller : and theio- vpon , a penalty or ton per cent elnill bo added , together with interest nt the rate ot ono poi com a mouth , pnj able In advance liom the tlmo suld 'axes become t-o delinquent. Section J. 'Hint this shall tnkoctre.t and bo In loico from nno nttor Us pn niigti. Passed Octoboi 5th , 18SO. WM. K. IHciiKt. , ProjldontClty Council J. U. SouTHAiin , City Clork. Approved October llth. ISSrt. .TAMES K. HinD , Mayor. These tu\cs nro now duo and pajibltj to the city tieimutoi , and will become delinquent on December 1st , lt > M ) , after which date a penalty and intciost will bo added as shown in Sec tion 2. TKUMAN Hum , City Treasurer. _ o20d5r _ Ordinance Uo. 1,190. AN Ordinance ordering the paving of Paving Dlstilct No. 81 , nnd allowing tbo property ownois 30 dn ] s' time to poltct and designate the mateilal to pa\oHad ! district. Ilo It 01 dallied by the city council of the City of Omaha : beotlon L TliatPavlng Dlstiiot No. 81 bo and Is hornby oidcied pnvod. Section 2. That thirty days' tlmo bo allowed the property-holders within said dlbtrii-t to select and designate the matoilnl for paving siilddi'tnot. Hootlon 3 That this ordinance tnko olToet and bo In lorco from and rifti'i Its jii'-sngo. Passed October 12th , I8SU. WM. I' liKCiu.r. , Prosldont City Council. J IJ. 8otniT\in > , CltrCleik. Approved Ootobor Llth , 1880. .1AME8K. novu. Ma\or. Ordinance Ho. 1,107. A NOrJIn.incooideilng the Rinding of Cns3 3btreet l'iom' ) Blreot to 27tb hlreot. Ho It Ordulnsd by tbo City Council ol the city of Omahn : Section 1. That It Is lu-ccssniy nnd It Is hcioby dccIaiodiKcosrtniy thnt Cnssbtieot fiom 2Jid bticct to 87th sticct bo giudod , nnd the Piimo is heiohv oiilorud dono. P'ctlon' ! . 'Hint tbo bo ud of pulilio works Is herein diicctcd to take the necosjnry ttops to cau o cald woilt to bo done. bectlon.l That this oidlnancoshall Inkocllf-ct nnd bo In lorce from nnd alter its piijoujfo. Pushed October 12th , IMi. WM. I' . llM'iii i , , Pro'tdont City Council. J , H Sou-ill\nn , City 1'lur't. ' Appiotod Octobui llth , 1'tiO. JAMUS K. Jlovp , Major. ' Olhfiol ut ion Notice. The pnrtnoi ship heretofore ovlstlng between N J.F.dholm und U , L. Hilokbon , IsthMduy dlssohoil by mutual consent , O. L Ililckson 10- tiring and N. J. P. lliolm continuing the but-- ! no snt the old stand. All debts owing by the Into firm of r.dholm X Krlc'iMiu , will bo paid by N J. IMholm , nnd nil bills owing to the Mild firm ol IMholm i < Kilokhon ulil bocolleolodiind paid to N J. IMholin. lliiloiM ! fc UIIIOKKON. 020111 _ _ lly N. J. KDIIOI.M. Notice of Registration. rpo Tin : logid voters of 1st DIMilct , 1st Wmd , JIn the city of Omulm : You mo h'jruby mitlllod llmt tbo uiidoriiigiiod will bit ns iiucJstrur for i'lifct JJIatnct , l'lr t \\aiiintfilH niid. > 39 South Tuulh stioct , com- ineiielng 'IhurKliiy , October "lit , li O. lit 11 o'clock ti , in. , lor thupurpobo of ru istoilngnll qiinllrleil loteri wllhlii null uUtrlct.nn 1 for the puiposaof ii'ldlnf to , and corrocllog the rcvis- tuition Hlrondy made , nnd for riiu-h pinpoiio the underfllgiib < l will git nnd keep Ills book ol rcM- Utiutloii open cuch day thuicuflor ( oiceit | 81111- days ) at the place ifoiusuld fiom cloven o'clock a m. until so von o'clock p. m. , until Monday , No oinboi let. 18Si. at the hniirot l.'o'c'ocl ' < m , when said hook ol lOHlstratlon will ho closed. All'innllllul voters urn nullllcd to filtond nud B'jo that thuli n lines nr < ) nroieily | icglstou-d. ItlAAO HUIIIN , o3,110t ! HngliitrurUtDUtilrt. Ibt Wnrd. No. 1,100 , AN Oidliinnuu oidcril'g thegiadliu of Jours eticu liom iGlli ° ; itit to loih ttuct , In the city of Omaha , floltnidalnedby tUoclty council of Iho city of Omaha. bwt'ou ' L That It Is nncixnary and hoiohy declnioil nuiofciiu Ih'ii .lonraetrcet ficm ir.ii street to lull bticot bo i'iil'jl ( , mid thoenmu Is liotoby ordered done , hectloii2. 'ahnt Iho boird of | > ubla ! woiks U borehy OliLCtKl to t.iKu the notoisuiy stops lo cnUBO Mild woik lo bo done , Section U 'llmt thU ( irJInancofliallinko elTuct und bo in fiiicu from uud nttiirjt * puisn e , I'atsod OolnUoi l.'tli , l > d ( ! WM V. lltciihi , , PnmMont City Council. J. n , HOIIIII uu > , City ClerU. Approved Oeiobur itlit-M. : ! | JAMFSI : . Horn , Major. illswoA 0i TCO JISTO cJiil Genl. Insurance Agents , Mcrclnr.t's ; National lUiiK Huildln ? , Cor. far. /i om nud i3ih gta , room 1 up-it.iirs. Tolpphono NO. ii75 Omulia , N b-asU.i. Phiiriits.Loni'.on , ln , , . . , , , HreiuuD't , Kcwaik. M. J . , , . . , Ji-rilt.V ! ) . . > i Glou'O'ailV.iJlur.'sVall/.N , y. . , , , i.w. J.ej Olrsrd , 1'ht.adolpiila. Pn . . . . l ri.Wl.TI We tcli * tcr , W w Voi k , N. Y , . , JJU'.MUS * John U mitoclr UutJftl Life ' i ol Registration , mo THK IcgnUotors of 2nd Dlstilct , 1st Wnrd , I in tbo cit ) of Omnhn : You are tiurobj notlllcd that Uictnulcrslcntd will sit nsicglMinr tor Second DUtrlct ot the First A\nrdnt 1733 "ontli llth street , commeno- lug Ihursdaj , October 21st , f-sfi , nl II oclock n in , for the purpo e of i Clustering nil qualified xoters wlthlntnld 2nd district 1st wnrd , nnd for thepurpoco of adding to , nnd correct n ? ( ho registrationntipndt mnilp.ftud lor such purpose the uiidei signed w III sit nnd koo | > his book of ri g- iMratton open each da ) thi'renltor ( except Sim- dn > < ) nl llio place aforesaid from olcxcn o clock n m Until < eMil o'clock p m , until Noxoin- bcr 1st , I" " NI , nt the boiir of 12 o'clock m , when said book Of icgtslrntldn will be elo ed. All qualMli'doters nro notified to nttnnd nnd thnt their iintnes arc pntporh rrg | < tmod , IIKMIY KHUKNPrOlir , o3dlOl ! Hcglsti nr 2nd District. 1st W an ) . Notice of Registration , rpoTllH legal Milcrs of , ! nl District. 1st Wnrd , JL In the elM of Omaha You nro hereby notlllid fhrtt the undoislirned will sit ns ruclMrni H.I llilrd District , I Irst \\nnl , nt 1119 South Sixth lici > l , eommenelug Thuisdn ) , October Jl t , 1i fl nl 11 o'clock n. m. , for the purpo'i' of regNlerlug nil qiiiillflod \olcis ulthluiaid"ril district Ut ward , and for the ptirpoM Of adding to , and correcting the uvistrntloii nlioiidi mndc , and for such pur- IKI-O tbe nintpiMmieu will fit nud keep his lMil > k nf icglsttiillon opcuenchdii ) Ibeinnfter ( except Suiidnjs ) nt the place nfonxnld fmm eleven o'clock n m. until imn o'clock p muntil MondiM , NiiMMiihor 1st , IM1 , nt the hour of U o'clock in , whin snld book of lok'Mnition will be closed All iiinlltl | dotcr < aio notified to attend nnd sco tbnt their names nre properly loirlsterod. ALFIllU ) VlXlh . oMdlOt Heglslrnr Srd District , tsl Wnrd. Notice of Registration , rpOTllK legal \otors of the 1st District of the 1 2nd Wnrd , In thecit > of Omulm You nro herobj notllleil tint thoundcislrned will sit as legist mi-for the 1st District,2nd Wnrd , of said clt.nt the N W.cor. Uth nnd JncMou slieotft , ( Ilvlnnod A Co.'s sloro ) . oonimonclng Ihuisdny , October 21st , A. D , Itvsit , at 11 o'clock n in .fortliopurpoM'Ot rvglsleilugnll qunltflod Mileis within anld districtand for thu purposti of adding to , and correcting the registration nlreud } IIIHUC. nnd for Midi pinpo < Iho undor- slRiiod will xlt and Keep his book of reglstintlon open each da ) thcreiilter ( cxicpt Kumlnsnt ) the the plnco nforosuid f i om cloi t-u o'clock n. m. untilco\on o clock P m , until Moiuliu , Novem ber l t the hour ol 13 o'cliuk m. , when i-ald book of registration " 111 bo closest. All qualified voters aio unfilled to attend nnd nco tlml their mimes nu' properly regl-dou-d. JAMKH DONNKLLY , SH , ItetfUtrnr. Omnhn. October l.Ith , olJdlOt Notice of Registration. rpo THK Icirnl Colors of tlio Pooond DUlilct , JL Second \\.itd , In thuclty of Omaha : You nro hereby notlllod that the undpislgucd will sit us ie i trnr lor Second DlstiU t. Socnnd \\rnd , nt the coinei of 2ilth nnd Popplctou Ft rents , commencing Ihllrsda ) , Ootoboi 21st , n , nt 11 o'clock n in , for the puipoioof rog- qualillcd voters within said 2nd dls- ti let , 2nd w aid , and for the pin posts ol adding to , and ooirccllng the legistratlon already made , nnd for stub puiposu the undei signed will sll nnd keep his book of iwtNinllon opnii onch dnv theniatter ( except Sniulajs ) at the ' placa nfoiosulil from ilu\en o clock a m , until 1' soxnn o'clock p in , until Mondn > , November * ! 1st , 18SH. nt the hour of 12 o'clook m , when snld * IxioV of leglstintlon will be closed. All iiunllllcd Alters are notlllod to ntleml and fee tlnvt their nnmosniopiopcrlj reglstorod. JITUUS IHTDOWSKV , olSdlflt Heglstrnr 2nd District 2nd Want. ri Notice of Registration. TIO the legal \otcMof Ud Ward In the city of Omaha You mo hereby notified thit the undersigned will sit an icgistini lei Third Wnrd , In the oily of Omahn , ill Ills Dodgn sttoot , commencing Thursday , Oetobcr'Jlst , H o'clock n. m . for the puiiOM | > ot reglsteilng nil qiinlltlcd voters within snldThlid Wind , nnd for the pui- pope of nddlng to , and correcting the registra tion already made , nnd lot such purpose Um undersigned will Rlt and keep his hook of regis tration open onoh day thoivnflor ( except Hun- Onys ) nt the place nfoiciild fiom cloen o'clock 11 m until t > even o'clock i > . m. , until Mondiy , Noi ember 1st , 18M1 , attho hour of ll o'clock in , , w lion inld book of iculstrntloii will bo closed. All qualified > olors nro notlllod In attend nnd BUI tbHt tboir nuinoi are iiropi-rly icgWoied. 1 oHdlOt MA'iT ilOOVEIt , Iteglstinr. 1 Noticfc of Registration , rpo tlio Icjrul * otoi s of nrt liistilutof tbo 4th J- wind , in the city of Omnlm. You mo hereby notified thnt the undornlgn- cd will sit iw rostfstiar foi the rtist District oC lliolthwnrd , at lfoi j th's ilrugvtoio , cor. lOtli and Cupljpl aye , commencing Thundaj , Oct. 2Kt , 18 0 , lit 11 o'clock iv , m , lei the pin | ioso or rogHloilngnll quiilltlcd u > kih witldii Mild dls- tiict , und lortho puiposo of adding to , and cor- icctlng the icglstrntloii nlrend ) imidi * , nnd for finch pur | > ese tlio utuloi signed " 111 sit , in 1 keep lilsboikof ro lMrnliou open oiioh iliiy thero- ntlur ( accept Siindnjs ) ut the plu .e nloiosnlil 1iomolo\ou o'clock a m. until MOVOII o'tloclcp. in. , until Monday , November Ist.nt the hour of 12 o'clock .M. , when suld book ol inglritintlan will bi elo'-od. Allquallllodotois um notlHod to attend nud BOO that their names mo properly icgiRloicd. D. i : . hHYl S. oUdlOt Hcglsdai of 1st District , 4th Wnrd. Nottco of Registration. ' TUB lognlotuia ol tbo 2nd District of T'O thc4th Wmd , In the clly ot Omahn : 1 on nro hereby notlllod tbnt the nndei.signed will sit as reglstuir tor the bocoml Dlbtrlct of the 4th V.'anl , In the ollko of the county bur- voyor , lu the basement of the county court house , commencing 'Hun"day , October 21st , 1880 , at 11 o'clock 11 m , forthopurpoboot regls- tarlngall qiinllllodotors within mid 2nd dU- tilct of the 4th wnrd , and foi the purpose of add ing to , und correcting1 the rojrlstiatlon alioudy mndoand for sueh piirpoto the uudoislgncd will sit and luep his book of rcgKtnitlonopen each day tlieieiiflor ( except Sundajg ) nt Iho place nlorcsald from elox en o'doulc n m. until i-o\en o'clock p. in. , until Monday , November 1st I8.ifl. nt tbo hour uf 13 o'clook m. , wbon said book of registration will bo closed. All qualified > otoia me notlllod to attend and eoo that their names niopioperly icgjslorod. ollidlOt JAMI5S C. . C'Altl'KNTKU.UejIatrnr. Notice of Registration , rpO the legal \oteri of 1 list DlHtilct , th ward , JL lu tbo city of Omahn. You nro hereby notlllod that the undersign ed will situs loglstmr foi the KlMt District , 5th ward , at No. J202 Cuss BUcet , commonclug Uhursdny , October ' lit l , 18 nnt 11 o'clock a , m. , for the puiposeot iolstorlng all votoiH wtiin | ) paid district , and foi the purpose of adding to , and lomctlns the rcglsUatlon alioudy made , and for hiich purpose the iiiili > rbliiiod | will ( dt und keep his book of i cglst ration open onoli day therein tor ( except Snml'ijs ) nt tlio jilnoo nforo- nnld fiom eleven o'clock n. m. until .seven oc'ock p in , until Monday. November Iht , I--WI , nt tlio hour ( it I J o'clock M , when pnld book of ri'glbtiiitlon will bpclo'O'l ' All quallllodotora me notilled to nttonil and pen Ih.U their nrtniot ai o iiroiierly reglstoiod. B. WAKIH'IKLD , oltdit Jli-ghtinrlst DI tilct,5lh Ward , Notice of Registration , rPO THU % otoj i of .Jiid DIstilcr , Cth Will d J In the city ol Oinnhii You are heioby uotltlud that the undersigned Mill Kit as leglstinr lei hucond Ui-ti ki ( , 1 irtll Waul , nt UU hmth lutli tlicut , Omulm , ioii- | inciicfng Thuisdtiv , October 2IH , IHbflj M 11 o'clock n m , for the pmpo-ii of icfilstc'rln , ? ull qunlll'cd ' > otciH Mltliin paid dlstilit , und forth'l | juiioto | ol mldlngto , nnd coittutluif llio icglt ) . tiailoa nlroudy mndo , nud foi finch piuprmo the iimlorsliriud will hit .mil lic'op his hooUot : uitffi trullon opun onoU daj tlioienflur ( except .Sun- dajH ; nt the place aloim.ilil Ijom eluven o'docl : n in until se\cn o'clock p in. , until Mondny , No\omberlst , Itbd , nt thu hour ot ! 2o'clouf ! m. , uhon Mild book or reirlstinllon will Im closed. All > | ii IIIU < \oteis mil noti'.led lo into id and ecu that their iiamo nro piciiioily ir lhtoip | | > oMdlOt _ 11. 1' . UIIIJMON , Ko lstrir. Notlco of Registration , rpO TJIK hirfiil voluii of ibl DhtrJct.OthVnrd , JIn tbo oity ol Omiilmr Yod nro horel > ; notlllud Hint the undersigned will Hit us rojilstr.iilor i'iru District , Qlxth Wurd ; at the store of II. H. L.ciu,2UJj Uumlng Blrnet , ( ommciiLiin , ' TjiuioJuj , Oulobur1st , 11 o'clock a. m , tin thu imipoioof H'b'ti- lei In/t all qiiiililk'doi'tn \ within raid rltojion district , nml lei the pin pose of addlnj ; to , and c'orioctinx thu io/lfltration nlrondy mude , and for such pniposo the iindiiuUneil will t > li mid Keui | hli book of leglstrntion open ciich day thoio.iftci ( fixiopt Buudnynl nt the jihuo nloro- Kiild liom olc'Vou o'clock n m. until BUVHII o'llod ; | i. in . until Monday , Xovii-nb-irlat. IWO. At thuhourof U o'clock m. , when bold book , ot rp lttiutloi ) will bu dosed All qiiulllled Totc'ra nio notllloil to nt I end and 3'u llmt tlivlruumox f ol IdlOl itecistrar IH Prci Inet , t > t'i iVard' ' . Notice of RogiTtration. rpOTHKlo iHotrrior"idDUtrlctfllli ; L In ino city of Omnlm : You urn boroby iiotlllcU Unit tlibilndcralliiiod t Impound DUtilutoJ J tlru KiMh WuiJ.iit thu corner nfitli nnd Oiunlpg bliootd , ujmmcncliig TluiMilny , Uitober "IM , lh. > l , at 1 1 o'clock n in. , lor thu pui pooo ill rag * IstiM lnr ull ( iimlillixl VOIDM vilililn feuld 2nd , dl- Diet of thu ( th wind , ami lor the piupoao pf nldlng to , mid c-nritufnif t'iu levUttxtlou II already made , nnd for giicti purport llio uii'li'r- blxni'd will nit nnd keep hU book of iu ilrutluu opiti cuclijay ihcicmtor ( ojcopt bnii'inj ) ut the place aloiealdfiom oluvon o clock u , in.iin- UUouui o'clock p m , , unlll Mwndny , M'ltpiVHv lt. lK.Hat | ttio ofi \ o'douk m , , uhuiimld book of ri'tfiKti.-itlon will IHI cli.'td. . All iinulillo I % OIIH * mo nqltlM to ntteild HIM ) scu IUIIIK i arepioiiurl ; jcgistorcd. J ( HN CAHIt , Notice to Gratis , SenletlpropoMili will bo ( omjlird UP to Oct. 2.I.J. IMI , t llio olii.oof Aaiou Cr.i.ii rtou.VC. ) JJCiJ I'mnaiu hlor \ thu grading cl > vj JuU l > u- louluvto llio Windsor J'Juea JinUlm < f A5" ) * cia.lou , I'jclllo cnn bp tviin HI ( il.-Jioiianel pine * IVj-o.turi r nrVt ) rig it to ( ujtvt nny i'i H ) | bUls. AC. . .V'uoi.l. V , tit TO * r > - ,