Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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. .i.i. . . . -i-I i " - + < > j ui. HM.H.-I n i i.i 1' '
Dclluitd liy inrniT in BIIJ rnrt 'if tlicultynt
itm.ty < nts PIT week.
IMV.Til.To.v. - - -
- OinrK , No. 41
NIUIIT l.nnoii NoI. .
311.NOU ai
Now York Plumbing Co.
Now fall { { nods : tt Kelter' ? .
I Cooper A : McCco sell hardware.
Hnv Heal brand oysters , tin * bc t.
Cheap railroad tickets nt P.ushnoir.s.
Unit ( ' ( /.on e.ibineii Mini n largo panel
for $2./iO / at Schmidt's nailery.
The ( tootI Templars liud an oyster supper -
per hist evening.
The Catholic ladles Hive : i quadrille
parly this iv * iiing.
S , W. Thomas has sold his business nt
No. 123Broadway lo Mr. Betof , Lyons ,
Fred ( ! i-rse , not "our ( Jursc , " but a
1'ersin man , was run in yesterday for be
lli1 , ' drunk.
The Harmony mission dime social is to
be helil at tin * lioine ot Mrs. R. MurelioiiM !
this evening.
II. is reported that Dr. Freeman , of
Macedonia , has .suddenly and myster
iously disappeared.
Tlio eoiineil Bluffs handle factory is
now running night and day. Its business
is on tins boom , anyway.
Ono week Irom to-night Harmony
-ulraptur No. WO. K. S. will give a .seleel
parly in the Temple hall.
I. SUiVonson & Co. , of Sioux City , have
opened a lish stand on Broadway , 'next lethe
the Union Avenue hotel.
Kobert Maxwell , arrested for Mealing
the cap belonging to a Uock Islaiitl eon-
ductoi , was discharged yesterday ,
The ladles of the I. O. ( J. T. will civo
dinner and siip | * r to-day at the old
Coeke & Morgan .staml. P'rieo 2. i cents.
Kevival nieelintrs nt , the Methodist
mission , Fourth avenue and Sixteenth
Mreet , nro being continued with marked
F. .J. Day is ju t completing the sale of
I'lOft-el. eonier of 1'tirk avunue and Hast
Pierce street , to parties who intend erect
ing thereon a * 1UH)0 ( ) residence.
I' . 1' . Lanstrop will start , for Minnesota ,
Saturday night in charge of a land seek
ers' ' excursion. Any who desire to join
the party should interview him.
Mr. and Airs. Camp , of First avenue ,
have tlieir home made happier than over
by the presence of a young lint promisIng -
Ing son , who arrived'yeslerday.
The case ofVhile , tbo colored man
who assaulted his while woman , has
gone over until to-day. The woman is
Bullertug considerably , but is not in a
tlangerous condition.
The police have been holding a fellow
irho it was thought was the one who
throw stones at the Iloek Island train the
other day. The train men were not able
to swear to his identity and he was let
loose yesterday.
In the list of the amount of bills for the
support of insane patients at Mt. Pleas
ant hospital for the last quarter , Polla-
wattamie county stands fourth , its share
boin < : $1,007.50 ; Lee , ! * ! , , ' ' .Vi ; PolkJl.2'11. .
find Scolt being at the lead with if Ii07. :
Yesterday afternoon two barouches
came over from Omaha containing eight
of the sporting traternity of the male
BOX. This grand parade was in honor of
his nebs , Baby Barnes , who yesterday
morning returned loOiiiaha. After visiting -
ing a number of their acquaintances on
this side of "the big muddy , " they re
turned on the WtO train. Jack Nuirent
havjng acted as master of ceremonies
iluring the parade.
Thu blockade that has obstructed the
pidowalk has been partially removed from
in front of the dilapidated Union Avenue
hotel by ( ieorge ( lorspaohor , on account
of tho-now lish market to bo opened next
door. It lias been a disgrace to the city ,
nndisomo steps should be taken by the
council to attend to it , that it be wholly
removed. If not , it will bo just like the
city's luck to have some follow come
nlonir with a $5,000 logand have it broken
The Klkhorn Valley line will continue
tlieir Tuesday excursions during October
and November. Special advantages are
offered those desiring to visit the free
homo country in northwestern Nebraska
and southwestern Dakota. The rate
from Council Binds to Ciordon on thesu
Tuesday excursions is only if''O.SO , to
Chadron , $ M.V ) > . and Douglas 10.1)5 ) ,
Full information can be bad by address
ing II. < J. Cheynoy , tlio southwestern
passenger accnt , cither at his Council
lllutls ollico , or at his Omaha ollico , No.
1411 Farnam street.
J. C. Orason , who has been running
the Sitcom Springs , has not been as
fortunate as his worth as a man seems to
merit. The lire which recently destroyed
the buildings caused a heavy linancial
loss , and he got but little insurance. Ho
has been ohligrd to dispose ! of the prop
erly to pay oil'his obligations , which ho
is * bound to meet dollar for dollar. Des
Moincs parties have taken thn springs
nnd this winter will put ? 10,000 into
buildings. Mr. ( irnson will remain hero
during the winter if any business oppor
tunity opens , and will probably associate
himself with tlio now management next'
Try a ( Jarland cook stove for roft coal.
Cooper & Medco have them.
Substantial abstracts ot titles nnd real
estate loans. J. W. & K , L. Squire. No ,
101 Pearl street. Council BlullH.
Onklnml Clilpa.
W. II. Thomas , democratic candidate
for recorder , wns nu Oakland visitor
Tuesday ,
Sam Friim was handshaking with the
republicans Thursday.
Fred Hancock , of Dnvenport , wns in
town Tuesday , watching the progress of
Ills now elevator.
Jimmy O'Neil came down from his
farm in Vnllny township und renewed
ncqnnlntancos the fore part of the wcok.
The family of W. M. Maxwell , of James
township , are nil on the sick list.
John Young , of James township , is in
Dei Moincs this wcok , attending the
ctnto meeting of the Anti-Hon-o Thief
T.0 Indies of the M. B. church AM Vo-
lioarslng "A Jnpannsu Wedding , " which
they will present to the public ul the opera
house , Tuesday evening , 2''d.
Colonel J. H. Kentloy will talk to the
democrats at this place Friday evening ,
SUth. The democrats are preparing to
given him a grand reception.
\ \ illiuni Lymun , was wrestling with
the diphtheria the fore part of the week ,
K. A. Aliller , of Silby , la. , was looking
after hit ) real estate interest ut this place
K , W. Allbach , of Des Moines , spcoinl
agent of the Commercial Union Insur
ance company , wns looking after the
company's business ut the place Wednes
day.W , T , Cnlllson , made a business trip
to the county oupitol Thursday.
Sunnier Union , of Cantor township ,
will move into town this fall to outage in
nion-untilo business.
Tlio race horses have all loft town , and
the only excitement on tup for this and
next week will bo tno grand hand shak
ing tournament between. nv l candidates
for county o'JIccs. '
A Coloied-SUbleman Fatally Btabbfed ly ) a
A Klclf Atrnliisl tlic Upntlny-Hnlton
Ti-iuln A ItuloliPi' liny fSoni llrnku
anil Skips Other Dollies
In UK ; UlnH" ,
noon yo tcnlay the pn s-
ors-b.y on Main street , between Broad
way nnd First avenue , were startled by
the ight of a white man coming running
out of Keller Marie's stable , followed
by a colored man with uplifted club , who
cited out to the white man , "You stabbed
me , " the chase continuing across the
street lo near Heiio's store , wlium tlie
eoloted man o\erlook the other and
dealt him a terrible blow with the club
over the head. The white man staggered
along to Shugart's block and up the
Mt'irwuv , where Constable Wesley found
him sitting trying to wipe away the
blood from the wound. The colored man
in the meantime cro-sed back to the
stable. Ho was none oilier than Andy
Neally , a well-known colored man who
has charm1 of the stables. J M. Palmer ,
who was driving along in his buggy ,
stopped him long enough lo ask what the
matter was. but Andy simply told him he
had been slabbed , and then went into
the stable and threw himself down into
a chair. A colored boy , who works
bout the stable , just returned from
going after a cigar , and Andy informing
him of his condition , a doctor was imme
diately sent lor , while Andy was helped
into tiie oflieo of Ihe stable and laid on a
robe on the lloor. A crowd quickly
gathered , and their eager inquiries led
to the information that the white man
who had done the cutting was a well-
known citlen.V. . S. Hobinson , a tanner
living in the edge of thu town. The phy
sicians called in to attend to Andy's
wound found that be had a deep cut in
the left groin , the extent and result of
which could not at once be determined ,
bill tlio appearances indicated that it
mitrht prove latal.
The stories told of how the affair oc
curred are quite contradictory. It ap
pears , however , that Robinson bad been
drinking some , and he wont into the
stable to relieve himself. Andy is very
fussy about the stable , and ho ordoreil
the man in a very irritating way to go
somewhere else , and Hobinson not obey
ing promptly , Andy collared him to
throw him out. In me seullle Robinson
pulled his pocket-knife and gave Andy
a quick lunire with it , and then str.rted
out , followed by Andy , who pjoked up a
club and on overtaking him hit him.
Robinson's head was bleeding badly , the
wound being a serious one. He was
taken lo Justine Frame ; * , 's oflico. and
there awailed the arrival of counsel , Mr.
N. M. Pusoy being sent for as his attor
ney. It being reported that Andy's
wound was dangerous , and that he might
die , the case was continued until 2 o'clock
this afternoon , the charge being assault
with intent to kill. Bail was fixed at
$5,000 , and beitiff unable to give this
Hobinson was commuted to jail.
Robinson's statement of the affair is
that bo went into the. stable for a natural
purpose , meaning to cive no offense. He
was told to go to the further end of the
barn , and he did so. Suddenly some one
hit him with a club or something of that
sort , and ho was being used so roughly
that he tried to defend himself as best he
could. He did not remember of cutting
anybody , or of using n knife. In the
excitement ho did not know what
ho diu. If he stabbed any
body , ho did not remember it ,
and the only weapon he had was a pocket-
Knife. This knife was shown , and proved
to be. an ordinary two-bladed jacknife ,
the longer blade being about three
inches long. The blade had no
appearance of blood upon it , but
this might have been used in this man
ner without showii.g signs , it having to
pass through clothing , and the cut being
quickly made.
Robinson is a man over fifty years old ,
nnd has lived hero and near here for fif
teen years or moro. For some time hu
was in the bakery business hero , in com
pany with Ins brother-in-law , Mr. " Ayrcs.
Ho then moved out to a farm. Ho has
the reputation of being a very peaceable
citizen , and it is a surprise to Ins friends
that he should get into any altercation
of this sort. Ho has a family and many
acquaintances and friends.
The colored man , Andy , is also well-
known hero ami he has not the reputation
of being a slugger or lighter. Ho is a
quicker tempered man than the other ,
and is inclined to be quite "smart" in
ordering nbout any Intruders upon his At the samn time it docs not
seem to those who know him that he
would make any brutal assault upon a
man ns Robinson claims to have been as
Antly'H statement of the affair is di
rectly contradictory of the other and
hardlj more plausible. Ho says the man
came in and was committing a nuisance
when ho told him to go to the rear of the
stable , where a colored boy would direct
him to a suitable place , A moment later ,
while Andy was taking down a harness
nnd stepping backwards , Robinson came
suddenly up to him from behind and
plunged the knife into his side. Robin-
eon them started off , nnd Andy picking up
a club followed him , and on the opposite
dido of the street overtook him anil
knocked him down.
The two men seem to have been alone
in the stable ut the time , the other .stable
men sayinir that they were not there and
denying hat they knew anything nbout
Last evening Robinson was nursing a
very sore head in jail. The colored man
was lying in his room on Vine street in amore
moro comfortable condition ami with n
possibility of recovery. His family live
in Avoca ; and they being notified of Ids
condition , were expected to arrive on the
first train.
Klortrlo door bolls , btirglaralarms , and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the New York Plumbing Co.
Mum l"uy or Slay.
An important decision has just boon
rendered by the supreme court in regard
to the question us to whether ft snloon
man , committed for contempt of court ,
can trtke advantage of the poor act and
secure a release from jail. The ruling Is
to the olfcot that ho must pay np , or stay
in jail. The ease lending to the decision
is the habeas corpus proceeding brought
by George Hanks , of Ottumwa , against
Shorilf Wadomnn , and thu ruling of the
supreme court is as follows :
"It is shown by the petition and the re
turn of the defendant to the writ of ha-
buas corpus that , at tlic March term , 1685 ,
of the circuit court of Wapollo county ,
a judgment was entered in n caiifo
therein pending against tlio petitioner
making perpetual an injunction thereto
fore Issued in the cause , restraining peti
tioner from mail-tiling a nuisance. The
proceeding was Instituted under chapter
148 , acts of the Twentieth general assem
bly. At a subsequent term of the court
tlic petitioner was m n proper proceed
ing found guilty of a violation of tlio in
junction , and judgment was entered
against hiin imposing n line of $5011 ami
it was ordered that he. str uoV committed
to the county jail until the line should bj
paid. In default of p.iytw nt of the hm *
IIP was iniiri onedamliftvr ; he 'had huen
confined' lor thirty dn.v # , he tendered to
Hie fthcritr his iironiissory note for Hie
alnount of the judgment toRi'tlu-i' .with
the written - h * il.itt1 of his jirnporty re
quired by law. 101 1 of the rode. The
sheriff refused to liberate him and ho
therefore instituted this proreedinir.
claiming that as he i * unable to pay the
line annas ho has cmiiplioil with the re-
quirotni'tiis of the statute lie is now en
titled to bo libi ruled. \ \ \ > will content
ourselves with a mere statement of the
conclusion we have reached upon the
faels disclosed by Hie record : \Ve are of
tin * opinion that under the provisions of
.section 1'J of chapter MH of Ihc acts of
the twentieth treneral assembly a person
who is committed to the county jail for
lion payment of u line imposed upon him
for tlic violation of an injunction granted
under that return is not entitled to avail
himself of tlm provisions of section 1011
of the code. The power to commit for
the non-payment of the line is not con
ferred by tlie express provisions of thu
sei'lioii. " Such power existed , how
ever , wlieu that statute wa.s In
volved. Hy section -loUl ! of the
rode the " courts arc empowered
to imprison in all cases for ( lie nonpayment
ment of lines imposed. The power to
imprison for the uon-pn.vmeiit of the line
In question is incident to tin * power con
ferred by the statute to impose the line.
For when the power to impose the line
was continued it follows as a necessary
consequence , that tin * court might im
prison for its non-payment. The peti
tioner therefore wns committed under
the power conferred by the statute in
question , and .one of its provisions is that
psrsons committed under it should not no
permitted to avail themselves of section
4IUI of the code. And this consideration
which in our judgment all'ord.s a satisfac
tory answer to plaintilf's claim is that
by its express terms section -1011 is fet
tlit * benefit of persona convicted of crim
inal offense , and weheldin Aiander.scheld
vs District court of I'lynionth county ; 28
N. W. Reporter , Ml. that the line im
posed as a punishment for t IIP. urhno com
mitted by the person , although the act
done by him is made a crime by the
statute. Tlie writ of habeas corpus will
be dismissed and petitioner will be re
manded to the custody of the sheriff. "
Soul brand oy.stersjit U. , f. Palmer's.
Hard and soft-coal , wood , lime , cement ,
etc. Council Hlnlfs Fuel Co. , No. 5t : ! )
lirondwuy. Telephone No. 1SU.
\VIII Not Stniul the Trade.
oliOS , Missouri Valley , In. , Oct. 20 , 1830 :
Whereas , It has come to our knowleugo
that a trade lias been made between the
stnto central committees of tlie democratic
and greenback parties , Dr. J. H. Halton
and Colonel Kcntley , whereby Dr. Hatton
withdraws with the idea that his support
will be delivered to Colonel Keatley for a
consideration or terms , therefore
Resolycd , That the Knights of Labor
of this assembly in session assembled do
hereby express their indignation , by de
nouncing the whole scheme , whereby
any political party through their com
mittees or representatives , seek to de
liver tlic support of our organization to
advance the political aspirations of any
individual man.
Resolved , That in consideration of the
withdrawal of our candidate for congress
Dr. ILUton in favor of Colonel Keatley
wo do as a K. of L. assembly bolt the
trade , and will prove our sincerity by
casting our votes for Major Lymun , the
republican candidate for congress.
Resolved , That a copy of these resolo-
tious be forwarded to each K. of L. us-
sembly in the Ninth district , and : i copy
of tlie resolutions forwarded to the Coun
cil Kind's Nonpareil. Omaha BKI : and
Missouri Valley , la. , News for publica
tion. LOCAL ASSKMIILY 508 ! ! ,
Missouri Valley , Iowa.
Fresh oysters in every style at the
Phojnix Chop House , No. fiOo iiroadwny.
First class regular dinner 25 cents , 12
to 2 o'clock. I'hiunix chop house , 005
Went Broke tint ! .lumped.
A butcher named Herman Reichard ,
employed by Messrs. Pace & Sehmid , it
is reported , has skipped town leaving nu
merous mourners.
Reichnrd for somu time lived on Fourth
street , near Ninth avenue , and kept a
butcher shop on Alain street , one door
north of Ninth nvenuoi Ho then went
with Pace & Sehmid us driver of one of
their wagons , and on Wednesdnyskipned
out of the city , leaving his wife and a
year-old child in straightened circum
His employers claim thatRoichard is ns
embezzler to the extent of some twenty-
odd dollars so far ns heard from. lie
has of late been a frequenter of the gam
bling dons of this city , and has no doubt
"blown in" all ho could Iny his bunds to.
Stolen Sorrel horse , small white spot
on forehead , scar on right front foot ,
right hind foot white with red spot in the
wnito. Reward ollbrcdNo , 1917 Fourth
avenue. _ _
A New Mntliotliat 1'apcr.
Rev. M. 1) . Collins , pastor of tlio Wes
ley church , of Des Moincs , secretary of
tlio Des Momcs conference , which lately
met in this city , was here yesterday look
ing after the minutes of the conference
just published in pamphlet form by the
15 KI : ollico. Rev. Mr. Collins is to bo tlio
editor of a now paper to bo started in
Des Moincs about the first of the month ,
to bo known as the Inland Christian Ad
vocate , It is to bo n live coin inn quarto ,
and the subscription prica $1 n year. It
will bo published in tlio Interest and for
the information of the 203,001) ) Mo thodisU
of town and the west. James H. I lodge ,
formerly of Toledo , is to bo the publisher.
These gentlemen are receiving many
words of ciicourngomcnt from leading
men in the denomination , and the ven
ture promises to moot with good success.
Custom-made railroad shoos and ( Jor-
niau nUppors ut G. Hliixsim's , Main st.
An Indopeti.C.nt !
I hereby announce in.ysotr as 3 in'G' '
pendent candidate for justice of tnC
peace , and submit my claim to the voters
of Council lilnUs , la. , on the 2nd day of
November , 18SO. A. L. HK-NDKICKS.
Mrs. A. S. Hull is prepared to do dress
making on short notice and at reasonable
prices , No. 338 Broadway.
There wns n small , but grently Inter
ested gathering of friends and relatives
Thursday ovoninfe ntftho rcsidenco of
Mr , and Mrs , M D. I lard in , the ocusion
being the marriage of their daughter ,
Miss Jnno R. Hurdin to Mr. J. N. ( J.
Wylio , Rov. A. K. Hates ollicinted. The
bride is a young laity whoso futher tnkos
rank as the oldest settler now living in
the county , and oho has mnny womanly
qualities by which she has won nnd held
the esteem of a large circle of friends.
Mr. Wylio is tlio book keeper for David
Uradloy % * i Co. , n young man of thorough
businotf qualifications and of many
manjy virtues , which , render him wortliv
of winning such a pri/.u , The wedding
was n modest one , the young people mak
ing no ostentatious show. The congratu
lations nnd well wishes of friends are ,
however , none the loss hearty.
I can save you money in Stoves. Tin
ware and UardwnroL W. A. Wood.
See Hint your'books are made , by More-
houbo & Co. , room 1 , Kvure'tt bloat.
, hnl co K. t-J. Aylf-morHi was out of the
C't.V 'yesterday , ntvl i ) notice -Hendneks
occapied the bench . . ,
A. V.- lines , of Rati'.lolp'li , In. , . wns in
the rity yesterday. , ' ' .
W , D. Hobinsou and wife , of Carroll ,
were in the city yesterday.
A'torney Jacob Himi toft ln'l evening
for I.osan to attend to Home legal busi
ness. l '
Mrs. Cowdnroy. of Red Onk , is in the
city visiting her parmls. ' ' ,
Cram !
At the Bankrupt store on'Saturdny ,
, J tiui.nmttio.
The best stove I ever had is the verdict
of thousands who have used the Radiant
Home haM ) burner. Cooper fc Meeo ! ,
J. Krnsdtorf , having taken enMr con
trol of the Phii'iiix chop lionso , desires to
'tale that he has secured the services of
Charles Decker , a llrsl-clnss cook of New
York city. The best the market ull'ords ,
night mid day , in the best style ot the
art. Will also have a regular bill of fare
Seal brand oysters at H , J. Palmer.s.
Harmony Mission will give a dime so
cial nt the residence of wlward More-
house , 2:1 : Perine avenue , this evening.
All are invited to attend.
Few AcchlcnlH to Klnou *
London Lancet : It scorns strange , on
the first blush of the mailer , that so very
few accidents belnll sloop-walkers. The
nroportion of instances in which any in
jury Is sustained by the subjects of this
remarknbl' ! state of semi-sleep is very
small. The explanation of tins immunity
is doubtless to be found in the fact that
it is n stale of semi-sleep in which the
sleep-walker makes his excursion. He is
.sleeping only so far as part of his cere
brum is concerned. The rest of his brain
is awake , and therefore it is really not a
htrango feat to walk carefully and escape
injury , doing all the necessary nets of
uvoitfanco while carrying out .some dream
inn-pose , just as n waking purpose is ful
filled. The hypothesis obviously requires
u very fullexpluunttonof .sueh an accident
ns that by which u sleep walker recently
came to her death namely , falling out
of an open window. There must have
been some error ii : the carrying out of
the process ; such , for example , as turn
ing to the right instead of the left on
louring n room , nnd thus walking
through a doorway. As a rule the senses
arc MitUciontly on the alert to enable tlio
sleep-walker to take all precautions for
safety , and when he comes face to face
with n diuiculty involving moro than
automatic or sub-conscious self-control
he awakes. We should like to know
more of the case which has just ended
fatally from some competent medical
observer who has studied the develop
ment of this interesting disorder in this
particular instancy , burely a practi
tioner wns consulted. No case of sleep
walking should over bo without medical
scrutiny and counsel ; In sleep-walking
there is the making Of1 niaduess , and in
its inception this disorderly sleeplessness
ought to be stayed. , t /
Don Carlos' Great"\VcaIth. '
London World : Don Carlos and the
Duchess of Madrid haVe taken up their
residence at the Chateau of Frohsdorf ,
which was bequeathed to them by the
lute Comtesse de Chambord , together
with an immense fortifno , and they will
doubtless inherit another : ) ,000UOO at
tlio very least on tlicdjjnth'bf his mother ,
Archduchess Marie Hojvlrij c. who resides
at Gratx in great seclusion. The
Comtesse de Chambord be"qiieated u sum
of 500,000 to their cHUfet"s,6n , a lad of
sixteen , who is being educated nt Beau
mont , the Jostlit sch6plfrcar ! , , Windsor.
The Comtcsso do ChrabordBequeathed
the remainder of her .vast fortune , along
with the domain of Chambordtojlicr other
nephew , the Comte de Burdi. The Or
leans princes have very substantial
grounds for deploring tlio fatuity of their
attitude toward the Comto do Cnanibord
and the tardiness of tlieir reconciliation
with him , for if they hud submitted to
him when the Comto do Puns attained
his majority , tlie whole family would
have been on the most amicable terms ,
and they would now bo some millions the
Singers use Red Star Cough Cure as it
promptly relieves hoarseness. Price ,
25 cents. i
Spcclnl ndvcrtlsomutitB , sucli ns txst. Found
To lyonn , For Sulo , To Itontnnts , lloftrdliisf ,
etc. , will bo Inserted In this column ut thu loir
rutoofTKNCHNTSPHH LINK torihoflm liifor-
lonnud Five Cents POP Line for cnch subsequent
Insertion. T.mivo iidvortlsonicntH at our olllcu
No. 12 I'enl utrcet , near Uroudwujr , Council
lllnlTs. _
TitOH HUNT A ( food double building sullliirio
JL ? for n irocory store nnd dwulllnir. Uood
locution. Tlios. Voiglit , iOJ ! North titli fit.
WANTKD Aguod nl ht clerk nt lleclilele's
FOR KAI.K-Mcillnm elzcdDlcbnld enfo ; llrnd-
bury suwlnir miiclilno ; cash roiriRlnr ; split
ting muclimo ; brnps jaw lover ci Imping mn-
cblno ; clod : ; stioimmliurn tools ; rosldotico and
lots , anil our wliolesulo bulldlnir , No. 41 Nui'tli
Mnln etreot. Address / . T. Lindsay , Council
Journal1 ! , 00111113 *
Elanlt Work ot'AII EUmls aSpcc-
Prompt Attention ] ) ) Mail Orders
Room 1 Kvcrot Ulock , Council Hinds ,
Staiulurd Papers Uscd.-All 'styles of binding -
ing in Mugnzlnu's ami
C. n. National Hank , M , K. Bmlth A Co. ,
Citizens' Hank , Dec-re , Wells At Co. ,
Hist National Hank , U II. Innurance O > ,
ofUcor Sc I'ueoy.lUmkors.C. lltfuvlnirs Hunk.
" NTsCHU&zi
Justice of 1lie | Peace
Office over American Kinross
No. 328 Council Bluffs ,
. Broadway , - - -
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
Late of the Pfrisian Mil inery C , Manager.
1514 Douglas St. ( Omaha ,
I.ftdius buying u (5 Hat 0 * * * Bouuot , oue.l'ar
Don't forget ( lint Ilir Cnmit'll Ulu/fa Cai'prt ( 'nnintit'n trill mttlw a
In their Jinn tin thiinmi'H nr.vt , dint tint ! tlu'ij invtwHHil In
lH rrtltirr tlieir ntot'k In-fore Hint ttnif.
( ! o ttcc Ilirin Iwfnrc i/nit iHti'dniM clwu'Iifiv , Hint obtain llirh' yii'/rrx. /
/ / i/nii mint lo Iniji mintlilnf/ tliclr line ( ht'ii it'llliv ; / you Hi'lct
will cei'ltilnlH null lion.
Tlii'lr nloel ; conaial.-t of all ifi'ttih' , * itntl nnttt't'.i of
Mattings , Window Shades ,
A lot of TVfMr i.s. 'I'oit't'la anil . .Yff/j./'ix ' / to clone nut at ItKSS
Til AX COST. Sec
Council Bluffs Oarpet Co. ,
"No. 4:05 Broadway , Coimoil IBhiffs.
Farming Lauds in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to
$10.00 per acre. School and state lands In Minnesota on 3J years' time fi per
cent interest. Laud Buvers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
No. 555 Broadway , Council Blurt's , Iowa , ajent for Freidrlkseti & Co. , Chicago.
ce % , nt ± , ) tuCc
u ,
li , , tSo i < j a * .
Selling Out Cloak Department
This Week ,
Ifeitrtqmt for
la ,
Practices in the State and Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart Blo'ik.
Diphtheria Is ntfiiln mnklnif Its nneunl vlxlln-
lion , 'run yeurs1 trial of 1)11. THOS. JKFFKHIS'
ItKMKDY lor tlmt fiitiil nmhuly bus iluimni-
strntcd tlio fact tliut It U Infallltilo us a preventIve -
Ivo and euro. If you penult your children to
dlo wltti diphtheria , "Their blood bo upon your
bond. " For snlo only at the ollico , No. ttl South
Sth street , Council Uluffti , In. , or beat by express
on receipt of price. { - .
Fro in the Onmlm Hue :
Mr. J. H. Ilutlor. of Iln/ol Doll.I'ottnwnltninlo
Co. , lown , nnd hla fuiully of nlovcn persons ,
wore nil sick with nmllcuniit dliihthcrln. Kvury
ono of thoin 11 us recovered liy the UFO of Dr.
Jolforls11'invoiitlvo urn ) Cure for Dlphthcrln ,
without the aid of n physician.
C. II. ItlukcRloo , of No. I41U Onmpboll etrcot ,
Oniulin , who recently IdBt n lienutlful imil I.i-
torcstiiiK dmiKhtcr , used about IS yours , liy
Jlphtliorlu , under the treatment < ) f ono of tbo
host physlclanH In Omabn , writes to r , Jelfcris ,
ot this city : "Your remedy for dipbthorm ciuno
too late , our dear Uuiiifhtor was ilvlnif when It
wns received. I urn sntlslleil tlmt her life could
biivo b cn fiavod. Another ono ot oiirrhildron
who bntlthodlphthorm , bur thront wns llllod
i with the putrid ulcorutlon , wo uood your
- , , , ' in twelve hours the dltcaso wns
inoillclncniiu . _ ih , , future wo will
completely aiibiluod. iu . , -boimo.
koopyour mcdlnlno at nil Hmjs in K- .
Wofuol that It savcul the life of ono of our chil
dren. Wo uro very thunuful to you , nnd only
regret Hint wo did not call on you fooner , "
From the Council llluirs Dully ( lloboj
Jl. A. Mol'ltto , editor of the Cumbria ( libens-
burp , I'a.l Freomnii , Ima boon tbo personul
trlonilof the editor of the Ololm for moro thun
twenty yours , und Is known wherever bo If
known us onn of the boot men living. Ills family
wns rnvuircd with dlpbthorln , nnd Kicntly'dis
tressed. Borne of Dr. Jelferis' IJIphthorIn Cure
wns ured , and the lives of the rest of his child
ren saved. Letters from Mr. Mcl'IUo nro un
bounded In their oiproesloni of aratltudo for
flndlnur some menus of nvcrtlnir the loss of nil
his Itttlo ones. FlTO of Mr. Mcl'lke's children
out of elcbt died from diphtheria before ho hud
un opportunity of uslnir l r. Jolfurls' remedy.
Dyspojtle , wby live in misery and dlo in dls-
pair With uancnr of tbo stomach ? Dr. thomas
Jotforls cures every cnse of Indigestion nnd
'constlpntlon In u very short time , licet of rot-
crences triven. Dyspepsia is the cause of
ninety per cent of nil diseased conditions ,
rrlco f5 for two weeks treatment.
Dr. Jefferls' diphtheria medicine Is Infallible
for all klndu of eore thronts. Indispcinlblo In
putrid bore throat , in malignant scarlut fever ,
ctmngiiiK It In 48 hours to the simple form. Infal
lible cure for all Inflammatory , ulceratlve.put-
rid , cancerous ulcorntion of tlie womb and all
caturibalcondltlil'is. , . ,
Full prlnleJ Instructions bow to use the uioal-
ernes sent with them. ' Xo doctor roiiu r d.
llr. Jctfprts' ri'iiiedies cnn only bo obtained ut
hlsonice. No. 23 South Elshtn street. Council
Illuffs , Jowa.oreontDr expresl on receipt of
Kstnbl'slieil ' 13' > 7
Creston House
The only hotel In Council HliiUs liavlnjf
re lEsoa/pe
J nd nil iiiiidciii linprovemonts.
S1E , SIT aud'JlO Mnln ct.
MAX MOHrf , Prop.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
House , SlKM nnd Docorutlvo Painter. Papier
Muclio Wull Ornaments.
None lint linst hunils employed nnd clmrpos
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bo-iijht and sold , nt rotiill and
in lota. l.urno quantities to select from
Sovernl pairs of line a rivers , glnyloor ; double.
Council Blufl's.
Reduction in Prices ,
China , Glassware , Etc. ,
At W. S. Ilcmer & Go's , No. 23 Main st
Council Blufls.
-E *
\t\ \ \ frje follov/ing Companies :
German American , of New Yvtk
Fl'.arnl * . * of Hartford ,
Hartford , * of Hartford ,
California * , of San Franclico ,
Scottish Union & National , o/fdlnburg.
Union , of San franc/tea.
State , * o/DiS Molnn ,
Wllllamiouig City , * of Brooklyn.
Thott markttl with a * Iniuie ntio against Ion by
Wind Storms , Cyclones and
roil EAi.r. IN COL .veil.
KAIT.S. * * * * * * *
* * * * * *
18 N. Main St. , Council MulTs , To. , and
SOU S. 15th St. , Itoom 10 , Oiniilm , Neb.
Mauufacturer'n Aeent for the
TenK Awnings. Hoodnsr Slare , Man
tels , Plato and Window ( JInas , HLow-
CaHrs. Klevatora ( liand uud Ly-
drunlic &c.
In the city m bo obtained by patronlzliik'the
649 llroadnny
None but experienced hanils ornploycd
Out o ( town o'rdurfi by niit il or expressoa.
lleitcd , und all work warranted.
3a O.F
Anllilll.llltMWU.HKA7W. .
DKKlliVKM.S : , & CO.i
Implements ,
rni rltir : ! . I'te .Vic Council ItlulTs , Iowa.
Mnl.o tlio Urliftiiii ) mill Cotni1oto |
May Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
Nos. i.ol , nit , i.Ytt ntul t. " > i ; . nulli Main Slroot ,
_ C'ouiii'll ItiiitN , lonn.
1 > . \ \ 11) ) IWVDLKY * CO. ,
Mmiuf'r * an I Jnb'mr * of
agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
( > rilnirp . nnil till kin U or r nu Mnclilnorr.
1100 to lllii South Mnln Sirott. Counnil Ulu.ti ,
r.o. ( li.K.vsoN. T. II.Doroni , ( Jrto.P. WinuinC
1'ivs.vrri'iu. V.'ro | i AMui. J \Coumol. .
Council BluTs Mia Pact/ } ; ,
llncMrpornlcd. !
Manufacturer'nr Axle , I'lch. Sl < vlo nnj Simll
llmidlo * , of ovary il
c'orxriL m.tws OAHIM-T : co. ,
Carpets , Curtains , Windw Shades ,
OllCloths , Cm tntn rixturo * . UplmNtory flooJi ,
ttc. No. < 05 llrmilirrty Coum-ll muffs ,
f.-1 , IUIIACCO ,
Wholl'SIlIp .lolll'IM-S 111 tllO
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
NOB. SSMuIn and 27 1'oarl Sts. Cuuncll IIIulT.i ,
I own.
CO.1M/WS/O.V. /
SNYDKlt & LKA.MArf ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
Xo. ltl'o.u-1 St. , Pounoil '
11AKLK , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
lBts' Siindrli" * . . Hte. Xo.J Mnln St. , and
No. 21 1'onrl St. , Council Illuirs.
; 1:1 : nv.
0. W. UUTTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specially
General Commission. No. 511 Hroadway ,
Council lUutra.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
NOB. in mill ISVonrl Pt. , Council llttiira.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale I.l'inor Donlor * . No. 418 llroad-
way , Council IIIiilN.
Jliinu'ncturcrs of and Wholesale Do.ilorj I.i
Leather Harness Etc.
, , Saddlery , .
No. KM Mala St. , Council Hlulfj , Iowa.
HA. / . < ! , CAPS , ETC.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps , and Glows.
NOS.HCJ niul 'III Ilroadway , Council Illtilfr.
Iron Steel Nails Hardwara
, , , Heavy ,
And Wood Stock , Council Illulfii , lotvn.
i ) . 11. McDANELI ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sals of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , 1'olts , a reuse and Fuw Council ,
muffs Iowa.
Wholesale Doalora In
Illuminating SL Lulirlcitiaj Oils Ginlin
HTO. ,
E'.Thi'Odoro , Ajrout , Council IlllUTg. Io r ; ( , .
Hard Wood Sonthera Lumbe
, ? , Piltoj ,
And llrlilpo Material poc > lalllr > 9. < iVIi < il < milo Lum
ber ol aU Kinds. Uillco No. I'J-i Main at. ,
Council llluirs. Invra.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Annul for St. Oottharii's Hurb Illltfrs. .No. U
Mnln St. Coundl lllulTs.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Oppobllo Dummy
Horses and mules kept constantly on
iinntl , for sale at retail or in car loads.Or-
Ittrs promptly tilled l > y contract on short
notieo Stock fold on conimit-sinn ,
HOI.KV , IVoprioSrs.
TelephqtiK No , 114 , _
r ormcny o Ivcit an : atanifS , covnff
Ht. uvo and -Itli atrunt.
Thli i tem li eullr lr ) newuiidinailniplotliiit o
lll eiur.iittve to loucli you lo dmfi i.ocu.ifully in
i tow liour . Yuucunilrtrt ull the pattern. Hiul U
.luvilcd fur Iho rumilr.Mi u ruu HU unuruti worn
> f Inillvi.iillumrnund clillilren.
. . , ,
f.urtlflu ufl.l Ullnl Inlllnt I ur 111 I
irnnimiiiteri uiui lauuri HCKIIUWUOEU III miiJun
It ii thu Invtntlun of JladaniB W.nlkcr , u will known
' . . . . . ,
r'rvticli mnillltn. It ifllltt rnpidlj ! mid icoud Bg nt
imko innnor. We want ( IrtlcUmi luunti fi luke
uoldof thetii lno vlth at. Wollkoto m ke inno'i/
mil < Allow oilier * to on iu m l i > . ( i wo nfferllboral
. - . , . . . .
era * . t-nr further liifiiriiiiitl.ii : n cull urnildrnin
HUH , M All V KA8Tllll > ( JE.O n.AKOut.
llo''i' & ' 'Keltic llouio. Council Ulutriiow .
W. . '
A. WOith , J'roprlclor ,
B. BICE , M. B. ,
Cancers , fc SKK
r r ihiny practical v
No. K I'dunBt. , Council lllwO