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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , OCTOBER 2J , 1880 , SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements under this hoid , 10 cents per line lor the first Insertion,7 cents for each sub sequent In'ertlon , and $1.50 n line per month lie nilicrtiicmont taken for less than 26 cents for the first Insert'on. Pevcn words will bo counted to the lines they must run consecu tively nnd must be paid In ndvnnce. All adver tisements mu t bo bunded In before 2 o'clock p.m..and under no clrcum tnnccs will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In these < olumns nndhiv- Ingtho answers iK'dressr-d In care of THE \\r.r. \ \ will plcn o nek f ( > r n check toennblc them to get their , ' * " < tpr'-n * none will bo delivered except on pro.cntall6n ' / chcek AII answers to ad- TcrtlEcments should bo rnrtv TO tOAU-MOHEir MONKY toloniion elty nnd farm ptopcrty , low rules , Stewart A. Co. , Dooms , Iron Hank f M _ MOXUV TO LOAN- reasonable rates , on furniture , One- watches nnd otlior porsonnl property. C.J. rnswoll , room 19 Iron llnnk building. Kill and I'urnnm. 101 _ rpo I/JAN Money 1/onnn placed on Im- JL prove-l rrnl estate In city or county for Now KnirliiMil Lonn it Trilbt Co. . bv Douglas County bnnk. 16th and Chlciigo Big B07 o " 7 fMfoo7rT loan. S umV W03 and upwards , $ Ixmcst rales , Hemls , 15th and Douglas sts. . VUi ONKV TO 1-OAN-rO. F. Davis ACe Heal MST Estate nnd Loan Agents Ifj0. " > 1'nrnniM St. _ _ ? ° s _ _ _ ST O.NKV 10 LOAN on real estate nnd ob t- toll. I ) U Thomas. _ J.B ) _ MONKV to invest If jou Imvo good notes to sell cnll on J. II. I'arrotto , 10th nnd Chi cago. HX ) M - LOAN-In sums of $2,0)0 ) and upwnnls on first class real cstnto security. Potters Cobb , 1515 1'arnnm st. BIO MONEY to loan on chattel nnd real eMato ; fair rnto Interest. J. H , Parrottc , 10th and Chicago. 4'J ! M ONKY TO LOAN-On farm mid clly jirnp- nrty , DO dolny. O. H. Hall .V Co. , 115 South 15th st. 110N1 MONKY I.OAXKU nt 0. K. Hood & Go's. Loan cilllcs , on furniture , plnnos , IIOISLBrnpoiis , personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar ticles of vniuo. without removal. 319 S 13th , over IltnKham's Commission store. All busi ness strictly conlliiontlal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fjl _ M ONIJV to loan nt Mrnlght fl per coutNn commission. l > 1' . llnmtnond , room n , 1522 < 37-n _ flJ.WO.OOO TolonnonOmalia city properly nt 8 P percent. 0. W. Day. over W 12 UuuclasBt. T.OANS LOIUIS Ixjutis. llenl estate loans. Collnteial loans. Chattel loans. LOIIK time loans. Miort tlmo loans. Money always on bond to loan on any ap proved necurlty. Investment svcurltles bought and cold. Call ntthoolllco of the Omaha Financial cr- chatiKD , second floor of the Darker block , s. w. cor. of Klfleonth nnd 1'arnam sts. Corbctt Mnnnuor _ 013 _ GrKK CUNT Money to ouiu J. J. Mahoncy , 1D01) ) Farnnin. 15 _ _ " " I'M IT" CENT money to loan. It. C Patterson , ] 3thand Douglns. _ _ _ _ _ _ B1 * MONKV to lonn by the umlerslf tied , who as the only properly orgnnl/od lonn apency InOmuba. Loans of J10 to 11,000 rondo on fur niture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machin ery , &o. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential Loans so made that any part can bo pnld at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances raadoon flnn watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they arc dealing with , as many new concerns arc dally coming Into existence. Should you nred money , call nd see me. W. n. Croft , Boom 4 , AVIttinoll lUllldlng , 1Mb and Ilarnoy. U20 BUBUES3 CHANCES. i-A partner with $2/i03 to f. 1,000 fora peed paying and legitimate busi ness Tor particulars npply to Uarko . Ilitrkn- - low. 1121 Douglas et 613 22 * FOK SAI.K An Implement stock. Stock will Invoice fl.nni ) , warchou'o 19 1 nnd H stories , 44x120 It nnd can bo bnugnt or leased nn easy termswarehouse Is situated In the best location In the city nnd well arranged to handle implements wholesale oriotnll. Address How- lit Sigafops .V Co. , Fremont , Nob. TO" 20 * FOIt 8ALK Hnrdwaro Hnsmoss 'Wo oner our shelf nnd heavy hardware business for oale , together with our loa o iimi good will. Tnuio largest In the city nnd locution the best. ItotlrliiK from the business cause lor selling The Damn Hardware Co. , 1028 O St. , Lincoln. 787 AN established real estate agent dcslrui a partner. First class location. Address 3139 Iteo oOlco. 811.21 * Poll SAL.K All furnished commercial hotel. 28 rooms , also sample room , livery barn , wind mill ; only-dotd In town. Ilradshaw. Neb. 21. F. Ilotchklss. 700 nib * A CUSTOM tailor , with peed trade , seeks a partner with small capital : Knowledge of trade preferable. Address It K , Hoc olllcu. . 7fk ) 21 * FOR SALE- Hotel , at Hnyilnr. Nob. , 14 rooms ; f lnoo , $700 cash , balance easy torms. T. J. Hoolc , olHco 10,1W9 Karnurn St. 74S 22 * ' ANTED For a No.l hotel , proprlctorr vfo have for i out the londlnc hotel In Ilcatrlce , Nob. Nn ono need apply unless ho has money to purchase the furniture and can glvo the best ol reference : Hnzlutt & llatos , llcatrlcn. Nob. CM. fjltilt SAIjK A larp-o boarding house In bust- J-1 ness center of city good reasons for soil ing. Terms teasonablo. Address M's. M. A. Council , Oinnnn. 701 22 * SALK First class bnnlwnro business , J-1 100ft. building , with J5.000 stock. No en cumbrances , ( Sickness can so of soiling. Ad dress Ipcjcbox 1. Alnsworth , Neb. 274 FOK AtK llakorj' , confectionery and lunch room , cheap If sold goon ; glcknoss cause of selling- . Inquire of Kopp. Drolbus & : o..llOflFarnniiiBt. , Omaha. Neb. 1)57 ) Jnoit HAI.IC-Or trade lor Omaha property. . The host located livery business , with stock In the city. Long lonso of burn at cheap rent. Mnyno Hros. , 151B Fnrnam. 923 H7 IxitsFarms.Uml money loaned. Homls , IMh and Douglas streets. 018 FOUND. L1VK STOCK Auction Stables , 2505 Cum Inir street. The best facilities for handling nnd selling nt auction. Hotto ? , mules and live stock , also carriages , carts , livery nnd borso supplies , west of Chicago. Sale days , Mondays , Wednesdays nnd Saturdays. Ilrown , Wlnspcnr& Cantor. Telephone No. r < 01. LOST. LOST Dog. lied Irish setter , two years old , tnx.tnirr ) on collar. A reward forri'tuin- In ? to col south 10th st. tin-JO' IOST Last Sunday , October 17. Omaha Pav- J Ings bank book , a mcmorunaum book a ml li'llcrs , of no use to any person but owner. Please Icnvo at lloo ollico and got reward. reward.B2J20 B2J20 * IOST On Saturday afternoon , on Iliu way to ' the fair grounds , a ullk umbri'lla. with carved sorpcut handle. Hctuinto lieu ollico. C . 81H20 TOST Gray pony , now ImlUir. IB months old. J wiutolofl hind foot , rindcrroturn to 1403 Baundurs mid got rowan" . NlokOlosen. 74020 * BOAKDXVQ. BOAHDING-Tliebestof tablolmanl In tlrst class private famllyi 1H N , Ibth , bet. Dodge nnd Capitol v * . 7W 24- PEH3OWAI , . 7 1llsoN.\r-rino acre In ( Use's addition , .1. Just off Sauiidersft. , only JJ.1W If taUcn thli weok. J. li , Hlcc & Co , P03-20 ' -i > nso : < T\lT 3"lliie lots In Plainrlow add , J oni-t nnd west fronts , ffl-'fl each , 1-3 cash , t-plotidld bargain. J. Ulllco&Co. 801-20 rl5irHSON'AI l uiu ) usty all-wool buimess JL sulti , (7. U O. Jones .V Co. , Ainnrluan ( .lolhler * , /JKnrn m st. Mall orders tilled. ' 1 . > KllHO.NAI.-I.ots In Insiltuto Pluco ure n Jnnolnvcitmont. . Hell line within half a mile nnd only a miles from the postoflloi' , bet. lied- lunl Place nnd Highland Park. Wo have u few lioloo lots left at tliOto fUO | , on easy terms and small pnyuu > nt down. J. U Hlcn .V Co. , over Commercial National Hanlt , fa03-20 T3KHSONAI. Weak , underolopod part * of the J liody cnb\rir < xt und ttrongthenia. Positive proof , full particulars , etc. , mailed In plain en velope scaled for stamp. Addreis Erie > 1 JI- cnl'o.,7 ( Swiin St. . lluffslo , N V. 05 n 3' 1)KllSN.VL W have ( omothlnir choice on 20th St. , llwmlltnu St. nnd Huundcrs M. . on Cable line worthy of Investigation , J , L. Hire FEil ? N'AI Mr . lr Nuhni * V. Wlarrn clnirvonnt. . Mcllcil and buslnru Medium lloora No. U , 1SI North IMh bt. , Otuaha , Neb. Ctairvnynnt. T\I ADAM ALASKA rineall t > kt present and Jill. IIUUIT , Imw mntiyi family , OKI ! , etc , , how to hold atJectioni of liujbaud or lover Satisfaction - faction gu r = trca. > conti nnd upwards. J > 12 ' A ffiTSToNTAI < i'npcr contains tic rly 20J advertisements from ladles and irontlo- men wanting correspondents. Pent S months fur 10cents Address , Helping Hand , "ii La Snlogl. , C blcago , III. 89 2 * XTt'l SB-3lr . R. F. Whtttlor , experienced - > nurso. No. llUJiictisnn ft. M9 24 * T > O TIIADU A lot In Auburn liliTTfor n good JL sound horse , 49S S. ISth at. f ! 20 * VAt.BNTlNi's : Short-hand Institute Is In Ex position bulldlnc 100 TjioTi it KM Sq.mro l lane TJ momhlvT A" JL1 Hospc. 1513 Douglas. 0' ? : - hlng for good domMIco hciponn -Jtiu supplied nt short nollco at the Omnhn iinptoymunt : llurcnu , 113 North IGtli St. , C'rnunso block. 464 _ ATTIIN'D Tlip evening fou lon ht Valentines' Short-hand Institute , Imposition building. 081 Flio TIIAlii : Land In 1'raiiklln county , Neb | . for a roiinty ncivspiperotittlt. Correipon- dfiiCO HiiC.ltoJAddsost Y , FrAiiklln , Neb. IlKNT-Organs , f2 pof uljn'Q'O.P ' . ° > 1613 Douglas. V" llllNT Fquaro Piano , { I roonthlv. A Hospe 1313 DougUs. OJ7 rptflr.3 : , Hotcs.ihrubi'.clc , planted free for .L per ons buying of Do'iglas Co. Nurseries C.O. Howard. Prop. . P. O. bet 20. > . M7-nl2 * BLACK Walnuts , hulls on. sacked , on cars , nt W cts per bushel. AdJresS , I ) . 8. LnXo , 3hnnandoali , Iowa. 527 23 "IT OIt ItKM Large elnun towels , cheap. JL\ Omaha Towel Co. , 1M , Howard si. 729 nti * A ITTKSD Tim cvenlnifROMlon p.t Vnlontlnes' Slioi-t-lmnd Institute HxK | > altlon uullillntf. Pfil A IITHND The ( rcnltift "es'lnn nt Vulentini'S Short-baud Instlluto , Kxpojltlon building Mil ALL-Rinds of typo-wrller copying nontly done nt Valentino's short-band Institute. CGJ HNST IC1IKHS , raanngcr of thn Nebraska Vinegar works , removed to 132225th ave. 'TOE PAI.E-MIBCEI.I.AITEOTJB. TpOH SA1.R I'rpgh milch COWB. Inquire H. S. -U Jester , vsa Montana st. or J. W. 1'onny , near Ittner's brickyard. TfJSO * lt SAI.i : A new complete silicon , furnl- ttiro. counter. Ice box , trtblca , etc. , chonp. Address UH : , Ileoolllcf. 75'J go * TTOIts Alji5 A , lcr < PV row , pond inilKer , ppn- tic , etc. Will * cll for cash , or vtehmiKoliir jtrocorles or dry Rood * . Call ami sec at the cor. ot ' 'Oth nnd Webster streets : S W corner Call 5:30 : p. in. Mrs. K. Woodbrlilgc. 1 M * T7X1H SALK-Ico In car load lots. Address JO Gilbert Hro . : Council mulls. 373 Foil SAI.i : Parlor l.odroom mid Mtchon furniture cnrpcts.rango and heating stoves , alluo.irly now , n gentle horse flvo years old , allot n bargain , giving up housekeeping , 2511 Do u gl iiss _ t. 52o > ou SAI.K-Lurgo flro nnd burglar proof 17 t nfo , costf55 , ) . Soil forf250 , J. W. Mar- Bluill. I50J Farnam st. 700 SAI.I : rurnitiiro mull cuso ol six-room Full boiifo , time on part. Call 120J North 27th street , twoblpcksfromIted Car Hiio. _ MI l _ OUSTS Ixls.rnrm8I.anils--monoy loaned , llcmls Ifith and Douglas streets. Wl Foil SAM ! Cnonp. iron columns -md win dow cnps sultnblo for front on brick bulld- Inp. For partlcularaapply nt this utTlro. 813 HELP. " \ X7"ANTKt-Cnsh plrls wanted nt Thompson , > V Iloldon&l-o. , lillBKarnnmst. KTA SOX * ED-A ) ns t. 740 V\TANTii > Walter at the F.uroponu IT betel , corner IQtli and Jones. 78121 WANTKIThhtygood RlrU for general work. Good vvniros. Call at Omulin Km- ployraont Hiucnu.llDN ICth bt 7f8 A\7 ANTUli Good cook , lUigllsh or Gormmi IT preferred. Hoforoncea itijulred. In quire 2212 Cuss st , 81222 * VXTANTKIi ( Jirl for general npusoworu. In > ciulto M rs. H. McMnnus , 17J1 Cumlncr. 780 21 * WANTK1 > A good girl for gunornl house- wont ; references required. 122 F. 17th 72720 * WANTIID Competent person totakocaro of infant ; a good homo to thorl ht per son. Apply 1914 Pnrnnm st. 7SO Good wixires will bo paid t'l n peed , compotcntglrl ; CHS. 17th. 751 "TITANTii : > Waist , skirt and sleeve hnnils , immediately. Mrs. Marie A. Wnllaco , southcuft corner I3thand Dodeo hts. , rear Millard - lard hotel. TU720 * \7ANTKI ) GUI for general honsowork. t > II. JIayno , s o cor. 21st and Webster. _ _ _ _ _ \ \rANTKli P.rpcrlonccd Shirt Matters nt the V > Omalm Shirt FnctoryilWS North Itith Su 783 'ANTHD A cool ; nt Miller's rostaurnnt , 1001 N. 10th st , C37 \\7"ANTHD- A competent person as nureo for > T child ut 44B Convqnt st. M3 " \ATANTii : > A first-class sblrt polisher. No- > > brnskn Steam Laundry , IOC nnd 1U3 S. 14th street. 73il < VNTiu Chnnilicrimiul ftt fJ12 Douglas. j ANTKIi A coed Blrl for ten oral hnuto- work , 1415 Jones fat. 4SJ TT7'ANTED A poort girl for gnerul house- worn , 1W Karnam st. 4C5 ANTJU Acook for small family , inquire 50B south 13th st. Ol'J \v ANTKIJ Head cook nt the Famous res- taurnnt. 1110 B lllh St. 78D WAMTE1J MALE HELP. " \\TANTF.D-Few carpenters for m Uo work , V V bct.2.-th nnd2Ctb , south of Popplcton nvc. J. C. linden 7M 20 * VNTii : ) A steAdy tellnblo man us city salcsmuu. Call 42t B 10th st 722 20 * \\rAXTii : > Surveyor ; a good chance for the > I right man to work Into o permanent payIng - Ing business. W. F. Payne , County Survoj or , Sidney , Nob. J ? * WANTUii Agents in city rnd country for Personal .Memoirs of Hon. It. I ! . Leo , thu confederate commander. Outsailing all otlior war books. Aircnts dolmr grandly. No capital required. Wrlto for special terms. HIMorlcul Pulillshmif Co. , SI. Louis , Mo. 715 ill ANTKIl fllv flrfl'class Gaivai.izcd Iron Cornlco Workflrx ; good wages to the right men. Apply to It. .1. 'Ihomson nt Now Court House , or Kiel's Hotel , Council Illulfs. C1I5 22 * " \TfANTii ) Hook nironta , O'Neill A ; > T Ushers nnd guncrul ogt'nts for sub-crip I ion books , box 4i'J ! , Omaha , Nob. KiU n 14 \\'ANTiD ; In-tnllmoni canvassers to call nt \ > 1207 Fnriuim st. nnd sen what wu have to offer. C. K. IA.-O , .Mnnaircr , : I7" > \7ANTKli-A mllkor , J. F. Hoch , Vt mlle north of deaf und dumb institute . H)7 ) 2S * 1\7ANTii : ) A peed , ftliablo'boy thiit lives at i i honuMind that can come recommended , to tuko euro of hoi so and cow mid work In stoie. Apply 1723 Dodge St. , 7 B in. 821 21 _ JfANTKO-Mcn for railroad work. K. S. Albright , Lubor Agency , IWS I'nrnnm. fc7 Ten trooil cornice hands and ton good tlmifis and roofois. Apply at Western Cornlco Works. 514 22 * . Co , in the world nantmon . to soil tholr goods on snUry or commission In nil towns in Nebraska. No capital or experi ence neeesmry. Hefernnco lotiulred. AUdtosN , M , box 2C7 , Omaha , orM , box M7. Lincoln , Ni-b , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7llU2i _ : \\f ANTHD A man that U good In flvuros li nnd u peed talker. Addro > s 11311 , llco ollico , vrlth reference , bJI 251 \\/ANTU / ! > A few more agents to Introduce ii our Autoinatlo Musical Ini'ruraenu. on Init&Ilmonts Anyone cnn play them without musical Instruction , the bo t paying , oaslcsi celling novelty evrr known , f 25 to (41) n wnnk ran bo realized , 0 1 ! . J.ce ' , Mnniiror , 1207 Far- niimstreet upstairs. 4M 6ITUATIOH WANTKD Work n bixikkeoper or cashier. Host of references. Satisfaction upou fair trial guaranteed. YlgilcULO a cliarnctc'r- l6tio quullly , N. H.I , city. H ) , ? o " \ \ 'ANTiisiiunilon ! as huuiieleoperln prl- ii vale family or hotel by experienced lady with little clrl : no objection to lea v Inn city. Address Ita HseoUlco. r-HSJ' V\MVTKl7I-ppsftionin DryCloodj ore,1o I > year' * oxpenouco , bust of reference , W. Korrii. 7WJjSOthjt. . 5S1 20 W ANTKD A position bj a stenographer , references tlveu , tiddrc-il P14 , lire oBlce. 10J 2. > > * IBCEIiIVAHSOU3 WASTE. WAN run To tmdo , a new IJrevrstor top uuiryy. for coirj or uiaroj , . 0 E. Mayne , 15th and Fanutu. 6UJ21 \\-ANTKD-A warohousu or large bftrh suitable - > able for storage of hajInijQire ( loom 27 , Pniton bulldlnif. 779 21 * _ "XA'AN rin : lly single gentleman , pleasant room Location not far from r. p , depot preferred. Address u. 31 , Hco olllco. 767 2u * ANTiTUesk ; room or pirt of offlco In central location. Address Ummette. P. O. Hoi CO J. 70.120' _ _ V\f ANTIMl To trnrto , be t one-mnn bugcy > > Snyder ever made , almost now , for cows or a maro. C. K. Mnync , loth and Fnrnnni sts. ftW 21 AlfANTED All kinds of short-band nnl typo ' * writer work at Valentine's Short-luinil In- f It til t o. _ _ _ _ OSS _ \\T ANIIID To rout 2 or 3 furnished or nn- i' turulshed rooms for light hoiiMikeepliiir ! no elilldreii. Address Mrs. C. Cumbcrllduo , li2J ! Davenport. 74'.i 20 * \\'ANl'Kli To buy n jrood 1-horso Ilirht ' ' wagon nnd harness or part of above , nud pay in carpenter work. Address H 31 , lleo of- mo. 74420 * w T. Murray. o:3 \1TANTKD To trade , good road horse for n f , innro , C. V , Majue , 13th nnd Farrmin. Vl'ANTKD-Copyof ComS'lod ' statutes oflRS , , > with ( rood second finnd tri.Xt books lit room I ) . Itedlcfcs blk. 7SJ \\7AvrKii .Mlnantingtolonrn short-hand V > nnd typo writing in attend Valentine's Short-lmnd Institute. Imposition builillnir , Omaha. Wo cnn furnish suttlcloiit employment to young men nnd boys to pay tholr board while In attendance. MS-Oct SO TOB REUT HOUSES AHD LOTS. 'Ht KENT Store22x0) ) , 1110 Jackson tv ItKNT Good brick storo-houso , 111:2 : Douglas WO 22 OH KHNT-sftroom hotl o,27Ui St. , l7oith of Dodge , limiulru J. T. Withriiw , Ull Hnrney st. Tint FOK HUNT Store on Cuinlng Bt , 3 stores on South 13th St. , 1 rpsldonoo 10 roomsilbt : mil Jackson. C. K. Mayno , loth and Fiirnnni. FC3.I Til OK KiNT : 2 houses on Hmicnifl st c.ut ot JL lOtn st : also lots for pale on o'isy ' terms. No. ! * OIS 12th t. N. J. Smith. 7 , > 20N iJMMi KiNT ( l room hou o , 1107 " Davenport ' at. IniUlro ] 1010 I'urnitm Bt. , up sttilrs. 510 2) FOH HKNT nievcit loom house cor " 1st nnd Lonvcnwortli st. Two blocks from street car. Apply to llnrUe Si UarknloM , Douglas st or W. K. Annln , lleo Ollico. C85 * | 7Ull HUNT lilegniit 10 room residence on JL1 Pnrnnin st , all modern Improvement ! * , tur- ulturonnd carpet for sale : nil new : am com pelled to lvo up on account ol Illness. Ad- dl ess H 15 , lice ollico. 512 HIJNT-Storo suiinblo for Itcsluur.uil , 12 S IJth st. Peterson. fi7h FOH IlKNr Half n donn new. six loom houses In A. 8. Patrick's mliiition two block ) from either rod or green Ktioot car lines. Cull at room 2\rllutou block. Patrick Bros. 4'-0-20' _ _ YTIOK KKNl' Mlotson the Ill-It U H in Oak 1 ? Chatham , just south of the S.irnton school house. These lots can bo routed for 10 years on roasonublo tcims. John I. Hulick. ! > 71 N 7 FOK HUNT 1'lnc l.Vrnom bou p , inodnrn Im provements , 2jth nnd Karnam. A. I'.TuKi-y. 1304 Farnani st. 022 POB K.EBT BOOM3. "ITUm KKXT Three unfurnished room , front J room has alcove mid -bay window , privilege of bath room , etc. , references exchanged , iu- qillro 2432 Dnvonport St. * 1i 20' TTlOll KENT Choice rooms , newly furnished , JL ? with or without boanl,20JI Mobster st. 771 25 F Iult UK.NT Ilooms , nnd boanl for gentlu. men. Hoferencoait'iiuirod. ltI2aCupltnl avc. 778 21 * FOK KENT Ono suit of rooms and ono front room with board. No. 010 N. nth hi. OJ7-21- POK KENT Nicely furnl-hcd room , central ly located. Ill a 14th st. Upotnlrs. 72J 23 * K HKNT Two nicely 1 urnshed ! rooms wilh or without board ; 5'ij I'lcntiuit st. 717 24 FOIinKNT Brooms In my new tint , l tO n 20th s-t. 0 rooms , 10W n 20th tt. Brooms , Mai tin terrace , s w cor 7th and Pa- cifiost. 2o'-ioom houpo , Pacific st. Apply to owner , M. F. Martin , DIG s 13th t. 723 Foil KKNT Unfurnished rooms , single or en single gentlemen or jmrtics with- outclilldrc-n , 13J2 Douglas St. , Ud story , inquire Kaufman. 5JT 2a * F Olt KENT House of ten looms , with barn , 15I2S&thac. 570 TTloii HUNT with lioBi-.l. to n few gontlD- J3 men desiring n pleasant homo , sunny com- munlcatlnir front rooms , with every conven ience. fi)5 ) Pleasant st. 67020 * Foil UINT Two nicely ftlrnUnod front rooms each suitable tor two or three go n- tlomon with or without board. Terms umdcr- ate. 19W ) Furnnin. 014 2J * Foil ItUVT In private family furnished front room with gas , rent moderate , 3JO Wob- sterst. WO 21 * F Oil HKNT Jtooms , 1810 Fainam. 633 oil ItKNT Furniaiiod rooms ut IM2 How F ard st. 770 21 * K OOM-With board for two , 1813 Capitol nvo. fc72 23 * OU ItKNT Part of tloorfor lulu manufuc- F rent. 1207 Farnam St. upstairs. 434 , "TTtOlt HENT In prlvato family two very deslr- J ? able front rooms furnlsnod or unf tirnlshod. Hoard next door. 2414 llarncy St. 4V9 Foil UiXT A sulto of rurnMiol nml also unlurnUhnd roonmat 1112 South lit list. 743 KJ * "ITIOII KKNT Ono Inrgo nicely furnished J } Iront room with hnv window , use ofbuth , hot and cold water. Unqulro 1)10 ) S. 17th st. 7l > 4 2.-1 * Foil KINT : A fine furnished front room nnd closet , s. w. cor. llth and Howard. ' | 7 OK KKNT- One furnished room. ( J22 south L1 18th st Terms , $12 per month. Till. 2,1 * PVOK ItKNT Cheap. Nlcoly fnrni-hcvl looms , now building , now turnlliire. f > 0 ! bontli Ibth St.ono blocK fi oiu com t lioiio.7y-'j' Hi.NT-Furiilsliod : room 1015 Dodgo" FOH S5 22 * FOH III'.NT-Lurtfo furnUhril front room , 141B Jones. WJ.21 * FOH IIF.NT : ) unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping nt IbJJ Hurt st. 819,21 * " 171011 HUNT HOIHIIH lei light liousiikeoplng ; -i1 alfo tlcoplng rooms nnd furnished Insc- mont Hiillatlu lor day board , 270 N lUih st. Mis. Allen. SI5 22" 1011 IIKNT Nicely furnlaliod room at 1WI I'aimim st. h24 ItKNT-Lnrgo. * outh front room : bay window ; unturnlshoJ ; on car lino. 2K1 S. tec.l. _ < . 8i ; ) _ u IllISTMcoly fu'iilehedroom. Imiulro Kaufman llros. , 100J FariMtii. 457 TCT Ki.VT Nlooly furuljhod front room , able for 2 trentlomeii , $15 per mouth , 512 S. ICth. rns.-'u T710H HKNT Furnishnd rooms , 1810 Fnrnam. JD MB 33 _ -THm HKNT Pleasant furnished rooms nnd , V tlrsi-class board , 4 blocks from U. P. depot , 1 block fiom tireel car , ne cor and Pierce. bO.25 _ _ Foil lnNT : Largo Front Hoom , up No.)20 ) N 15th lit , J. a Yundoroook. _ ; _ _ _ _ . _ ' _ _ 6W _ FOll HKNT Aliinru' front room ; also for t.xlo choup.squuro rosewood jilnno tit 1S21 1'arnam uluck west of court house. 429 Tor ono or two - . genllomon ; furnltiiro now , ploa-nut loca- lion ; Howard tu , bfct. bib and 3th. ; coutb slilo. _ 421 _ 'II1OK HU.vr I'lonsunt furnlnhcd rooms. JL1 south front brick Hat , bord can bo hai null dour. Apply t 1416 Chicago at. 01 J _ Foit It KNT Nicely fiiriiUhml fnnt : room , alcove and closet. No. 115 S 23J si , _ ew _ FOH HUNT-Furmsned rooms , 1BU1 Dodge. _ _ 6-JOrf FOH HKNT A nicely furnlihod front room with alcove , to Kcntlomeu only , at No. 1011 ' I'lirnnm ft. 94 " | 7VK HKNT Suite ot rooms , furnUhcd ; alto -U 1 single rooii lor uentlemun. 2iUt ! St. Mary's ave. 8S7 24 * 710H KK.vr-Nowlyfurnlshed room , il St , - Marr' ave. P31 POli HOL'siKS ' Lou , roruii.lJinds money lonnuj Beml * , litU nad Douglas itroot * . W7 FOK S\tE-ljouso nnd lot , Wn nnt HIIL HouSe anil ififon 20th st , f2VW. House nnd lot o 18th st , , 14..VO. Ho : o nnd Ift lit Omnhn Vlow , ? 1.103. Houses lor SSJoon easy pnymcuts. L t forBleon cssv terms. H. W. HuntrpJVljKte Fnrnnm st 7P7BS . _ . SALE- Lots on Oeorpln ave bol. Leaven- worth niia llarnoy , $ . ' ,5 > J eacn , nil other lots In that "neighborhood held nt f l.tnO to $5M > 0 : Invcstlgato-and tee. C. U. Mnyno , if > th and I'flnmm. SUM 24 HIGH bAI'3 Business Corner rn Saundcrs JL1 sti $3,000 ! Wxt front. J. L. Rice * Co , 1 tfll 33 IJMMt SALE Ono ncre on HrMtol , near Siilin- Jl1 ders St. A bfirxnlii nt JS.OOJ. Honawn vV Co , opposite P O . , 772 21 _ _ < 1 _ _ I poll PALK House 10 rooms , 2 lot,31st nnd Jackson , ( GAM , or hou e nnd one lot SI..VM , ( OUcash mid bnl. to suit. C. U. Mnvnp , 15th nnd 1'arnnm. J-US2I I polls ALII-4 cottnpes.O rooms an 1 basement , on Chicago M : tlmso are new bulldlnes , fenced well mul outbildliig , mid we onnslder very cheap nt * . ' ,50J mid $2.COj ; smnll cash pay ment balance t.'fi per month. One cottage on 13th st. , fl rooms , cistern , fenced mid outbuildings , $2.25J : 5-V ) cash , bnl- nncoS25 per month. Coltagoon S7th st , 1 block from street cars , 0 rooms , ienccd well , etc. , onlyMlj f200 c.isli , bnlnncu f 21 per month Cottage H rooms , nn Lake St. , $2,0)0 ; $4M cash f , ' 0 per month. Park X Fowler , 152J Douglns st. 709 23 I poll SAl.r Two loM In block 0. Kllhy Place. Hasy terms. A. P. Tukoy , iW4 : Far- nam. 704 iri ( i : SAI,1 { OH K.VCIIAN4TJ ; For Omalm -L1 lliiHl Kstnto , n finely Improved farm ot M ) acres , within 5 miles of Plaltsinouth , Neb .and 1 in Ho from school nnd church , nil fenced. 101 bearing fruit trees , good two-stnry house , wind mill , stable lor 10 horses , grnunery , corn crib , etc Cnll nml eo about thK HolterA Camp bell , 150J I'uruam gt. , HoomJ. 1)15 ) 21 * 1J1OU SAS , 15 Huslnrss Corner In Fnlrmount JD place , f 1,000. J. U Hlco & Co. 801 23 sALH-Ono ncro on llrlstol , uoar Saunders - Foil st. A bargain at f.tUU. ! llonawa .V Co. , opim-ilto PP. _ 772 21 _ SAI.K 11)2x132 ) on l.oavonwortn ammd Foil , ttl'li ' largo house mid barn , f 10fliW. Very o.isy torm.s This is n irreat hnig.Uu , Call nnd ieu C. K Mnyno , 15th nnd F.iriiam. ljVHFKAT.riT-8omo o"f the lioit "feiiJonee lots JJ In the city. PmldocK Place at i2FVl ( to fVWO. Washlmtton S.nmro nt SI.01 ! to $ . ' .00 , Iliui'coin Plaoo nt f 1,150 to2.20U , Mlllnrd I'l.ico , J2l . ) to $3.001. ( ireirory As Hadley , 13)2 ) Douglas pt. 510 _ Flll sIIOil : ft trnntlnjr on Doilpo st. 2 blocks oust of the iio-tolllee. A bargain at S18..WJ ; SI 1,000 cash Marshall i Lobcck. mw Fnrnnm. 339 ' l TlinWISl'.AC' . -Oix-hanl Hill AWOUIJ'I lots will sell lor $1,0 kilo $ \.M \ ) cacl > , Inslila of ono year. Wbnt will ctnsc the advance ! Street rnl.wav , eablo linn , graded strrets. Cum- ingMrect will bo paved within t o bluetts of Or.-hnnl Hill. Tor n fine view of the elty or river tro toOrohnnl Hill. Without a doubt this Is the tlncst rcsMenrii nddltloii to Omnhn Lots nniHpllln ? now nt $150 toS'.VI each , 10 per rent , down ami balance on monthly payments. See Orchard Hill before buying or jou will regret It. C K. Mayno , ISih and 1-nrnnm. Bl'SINK'S blocks on Farnnm. Douglas.Doilgo Hiirnny mid Cumlmr street. Gregory * HadloyJI3I2 Douglas st. 51T SAI.V. 2 line lots ill Marlon place , Ijvou . . llusy tunas. J. L. Hico & Cc. fOl 2.1 _ _ FOR SAlji ; Ono acre on HrlMol , upnr Sunn- dersst. A nnignlnnt J3.00U. Ik-mi"a .V Co- opposite P O. f 772 21 IjTOK SAI.i : House nnd lot : live room House J ? on Whcnton jst. . one block lioiii rod and inth st. car lines , cellar , well and cistern. Price J2MO. Tornii .on-sv. If. F. Hundy , room S"i , DjinhaNationMosnk building. 601 VI.K Wolrivo sixteen lots in Hawthorne - thorno ndilltlrtn that wo will sell : best and chonpi-stinsldnnroDorty In Om'iha. Ucdford * ' Souor 041 _ B\ ISO \IV VovvT ) room cottngn on fet , 32v 115. Only'liaU'block ' from Slinrinnn nvo. ( Seed cellar , cistern with Illtor I'lrpt class tltilsh throughout , l Will he palmed to suit uur- cluisor. Mustjjo sold at once , 52,500 ; cash t'J50 ' , balance Si5 permofith. ( Jiegory & IJ.idh/y / , 1312 Douglas st. 1 ) TO i'lIK U'lSIvC. . Orchard AWOHI will < ell for flOM to lrOJ each , insldo oC ohu J'fur. What will eausn this advance'Struct railways , cnblo line , graded . CiimlnJUtroet will bo paved wlihln two blocks of fichurd | Hill. For n flno vlow of the elty nn l-rlierjrrrto Orolmrd Hill. Witho n doubt this JJ thoulnost residence addition to Omnlm Lo-s arc sellins now from f.Vii ) to f7"iO each , 10.ppr.cent. down und biilanco on monthly payments Sen Orehard Hill bofoie buying or you will rejfrct It. C. K. Mnj'no , 15th mid 1'ar- num. " POIC SALi-Choico : llosliloiico lots in Wash ington i'0,11 ni o. Marsh's mid. Crcston , Jerome Park. Park Place , $1,100 to J3.003 each. J. L. Hlco > V Co. tOI 2-i / 10MPAHISONH aio sometimes ; pmlltnblo. \J Iliiii'coni plnco lots nro selling I or SIMX ) to 81,0-K ) , they aruoto Iflblocks lurthor out thnn Mnyno plncotlioy have no beautiful shade and fiult trees. Mnyno place has ; tlioy mo not near Lo-ivennrnrtli st ; Mayno plnco is. Mayno place cniinot bo surpnsson tor gilt cdgo buildIng - Ing sites. Onlv three blocks from present Plreotciirllnc. Lois only ? 1,4UO , to $1,700. Rnsy terms. C. K. Mnyno. 80J 24 FINK corner lot on Ciimlng street , 61x132 , with 3 houses , east of'Siiundors St. , (13.500. Gregory .v Hadloy , 1312 Douglns slroot. 519 FOH HAI'K House and lot on Sitwurd St. , near Saunclcri > . must bo sold thla week. Prleo $2.800. worth 13,503. B. F. Hlnu-nr. 50J FOKSAf.K Atn bnrBaln.nono-ncro lots In Hclvodoro. Inquire lit 120 N 15th st. .1. Ii Voudoreook. r 1 ! ? A'wnitn TOTIIliVISKJ. . Orcbnrd Hill lots will sell for SLOW to $1,500 each. Insldo of ono jear. What will cnuso the advance ? Stioet railway , carle line , graded streets. Cum Ing street will he pnved within two blocks of Orchard Hill. For n line vlow of the city nnd rlyor go to Orchard Hill. WIt.iout a doulil this Is tlio tlncst residence addition to Omaha. Lots mo selling nnw at J550 to $750 each , 10 per cent , down aril hnlanco on monthly payments. See Orcnurd Hill before buying or you will re gret it. C. K. Mnync , 15th ami Fiirnmn. Uoll * SKfifTv'S nig real estate na every \ > other dnjSco It , F im ftALE Husinccs Iota on > ontli ICth St. , 51,50) each , Unsy terms. J.I , . Hico.&Co , 8J4 23 Foil SAI.K Or otcnargo. Monso nnd lot , 18th ami Nicholas ; house and lot Kith and Dorcas. Win L. Monroe , flth and Doujrlas. OV1 " H IOIJS1SS Lots.l'nrms.Lituw--money loaned , llemls , 15th nnd Douglas slrrnts. 007 GIIKGOKYA ; \DI.m , Heal Estate und Hontal Afjcnoy , 1312 Douglas Street. Itespectfully rnqucst partlus liavlntf property for t > a'o ' ut le.isonablu prices , to ll"t inohiiina with us. Wo promise you prompt attention anil quick xalns. To purchasers wo say cnmo and goo us. Wo can give you nmvania. nml always glad to show property , whether jou want to' buy to day or noxtweok. llitslnofs blocks , Piopertylnslilo , Propel ty outsldP , Pioporly Improved , Properly unimproved. Homos to suit any ono mid every ono. Gregory i Hadloy , Telephone 851. 13U Douglas St. 728 PUKSAU : Uicaji , I0 acres well | inprovod'i mile nort'jof deaf and dumb institute. Adjoining lots hETPfor 52.00J. Apply J. F.lloch , on promises. KM nl'J ' * OK H.U.lAlargo lot of kindling wood and oldU'Indow Hush. 13j Convent SI..J , Klrnor. ' m ' . _ . / 1OUNiit : on 17th straet In Imp. Astl. ad < l. V)9xl32. | . A line lot and only $1 , fn. Gregory * Hurt Ion UlU Doujfln * street. 519 "TVOItlT TO'MIK WISK , .V-C. Oichard -CX 1 1 ill lot swill toll fpr JI , ' J to fl.'OJ each , Inslilo of 0110 yviir. Whnt will can so the advance ? trtentipB'lwHy ' * , cable line , gradud streets. Omnllht Mrcet will 1m paved to within two blocks of OVe'lM-d Hill. For n line \Iinv of city and nvur-'tio.'Vo ' Orchard Hill. WHIiout n doubt tlili I * MUicst rusldunco a'ldlllon to Omalm Ixits urir Si-llln ? now nt J.Vjii u , I'M ench.lOporcunt0llHwn nnd balance ou monthly payments Si4JOi4-liard Hill before buylnv or will " ' . 1Mb ami Far jou rpgrorttT"t/ , num. - _ FOH KAI.i-rirn : HOrcsin Hvlvodorc , $1V fiM each J , U Hlco If Co. KM , 23 FOK K.XI.U-Houso 5 rooms. lot iJJil ft. , cor , llitli and Paul U. b irguln at 2 lots , corner , iOOiI.V ) ft. , llimscom Place. . . TvVXI 3 lots In WashltiTtonB'iuare. ' each . 2OW 3cholculou In Patrick's Itt add. < Uxl2i , each . , . l.TOO 311 Wurshiill A : Lobeck. 1500 Farnnm. no of thi ) flHost"acr lots in West Umai ) > , for MU . C. E. Mayno. Foil SAr.K TJIIO acres In Solomon's add , 3Jf milus from P. O. fliuto fiOO perucro on easy terms. J. L. Hlco & Co. t4)lSi ) rjlOURiiTl LoTT ? anTl , 120rl50 foot , In JL1 block a , first addition to South Omaha. C ll on Kml I/jmon , care Formers' bouse , or addrets Ocor e Llnde , P. 0. 'jor417 , Hapld City 787 BK8T lots In bniTala Vlow $ MO to $950. Gregory & Madia ) ' , 1312 Douglas ot. 513 FOH SAI.r.-ny Heltcr A Campbell , 1509 Far nam , Uonra 1. The best 75 feet , onst front , on Vlrrlnlft nvo . . . . . . . . . . . f 8.VO Klegant cnit front on Georglnnvo . 2'iV ) Cor lot , Virginia nnd Wool worth , bar gain nt . . . 1,860 Elegant lot , Crestou add. , cast nn ? west . Iront . . . Il&0 Lot In Tnber Plnee. cheap . P10 . I2DX1.V ) east and north front , West Omaha . . . . 3.000 Two ea t fronts In Hawthorne , each . . . M5 Tno east fronts , one n corner , In Amb ler Plnpo. for both . 103 Tno nest fronts , ono n corner , fn Amb ler PUce , for both . 1,100 Goixt 4-room lunifo.lot Wt7ll'ark Place , cheap at . 1,200 1'lcfffln ! S room cottage , lot ooxlfls with beautiful shade trees , on Popplcton n\o . 3rO Ltifslti Wmorly Irom | AWto S3-J-I Olio tenth cn h. Lots In Sprlncdalc from $510 to $ M : ono- tlflhca h. I < ots In Hedford , from f VX1 to $750 : l < cnsh. Lots In West Side , West CumliiK , Walnut Hill nnd Orchard Ill'l. ' If you have property j-oil wish to sell , It will botoyoiirndtnntngotoenll nnd see us. SM 23 Oli SAI.K llr-aiillfuT lo"ts Tii ltoves"aild. . { HOO each on ens ) terms. J L. Hlco * fo. OWLING Ollllnv lots , J , SO. 10 percentcash and f5 per month. Marshall A Loheck , , 1500 rnriiam street. 049 _ BOVVI.INU uittr.N-Our : tion- addition Is west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton sticot. lly selecting lots at fiSO for inslile nnd SIT. ) for corners , you will mnko n good investment. Terms U ) pur cent ca h nml K monthly. No charge for showing the lots. Marshall .V Lo- ck,150tf Fnrimm 3'U ' _ _ _ \TilT-2iPaT17cs 3' ( mllia"iTirtliwo t from P.O. f" > 00 per uciu. J.L. Hli-o & Co. ' ' 1/UMl SAI.I : S.\IX ! on Fariiam , belweii 20th JL1 and 21st , for 0OW. Cheap. C. K. Mnyno. 808 24 \VOHI ) TO Till'VISK , AC. Orchard Hill A lots will sell for JI.WO to f I JUM each , Inside ot onu ynnr. Whnt will cnusti thn ndvanco ? Street inllway , cablu line , gi ailed streets. Cum- ing stieot will tin pa\cd within tno blocks of Orchard Hill. For a tine view of thn city mid rlxergo to Orchard Hill. Without a doubt this Is the finest residence addition to Omalm. I < nts are selling now nt * VO to JTTiO , 10 per cent. down and Imlnncecii monthly payments. See Orchard Hill bnforo buy Ing or you will regret It. C. li. MnyiR' , Mill and Fnriimn. _ Ij SA 1. 13 I ) room luiii o on Popplcton nvo , JL1 laigo lot fOxm * . only , Gresorv Ha1li y. Uli Douglas st. 6lU PlKNDIDlntslnTahnr Place. Kllby Placo. Hlghlitnd Place nnd Jerome Park. Ask for prices. Gregory & Hadloy , 1312 Do iglns st. 510 Notice of Registration. rpotho legal voters of i'd Wniil in the city of - - Onmlm. Vou nro hereby notitli-d that tbo iindorslgued will sit no legiMrnr for Third Ward , In the city ( it Omnlm , at Ml ! * Doilgn street , commencing Thursday , October 21st , IRMlat II o'clock a. m. . for the purpose of rejrlMerinir all iimlined | voters wlihln saldThlul Ward.und forthe pur- pn oof iiddliiK to , nml corioctliiK tlio legistra- lion nlrendv made , nnd lorttuch jinrpo thn um'oislgnrd ' lll Mt nnd keep his book of regis tration open oi'ch day thereafter ( except Pun- dnyfi at the place nforesald from eleven o'clock a. m. until seven o'clock 11. m. , until Moudty , No\ ember lt t. l Ni , nt the hour Ofl2 e'clork m. , when uld book of renl tnitlon will bo closed. All nuulllled voters nro notified to attend and see that their mimes an < properly regi-terod. oHdlOt .MATT HOOVEIt. Hegistrar. Notice of Registration , rpo the legal voters of Hr-t District of tho4th JLvnrd , In the city of Omnlm. VOM are lieroby notilled that the undersign ed wll ! s > lt as registrar for the First Dlstnctof the 1th ward , nt Foisyth's drug store , cor. liith nnd Capitol nvo. , commencing Thursday , Oet "Itt. I11 * ) , nt 11 o'clock a m. , lor the purpose of loglstc'rlngnlliimilillcd within Mild dis trict , and lortho purpos-o of addlntr to , nml cor recting the registration nltuiuly made , and lor Mich purpo othe iinderslKiicd ill sit mid keep his bo ikof rnirlstnitlon open each day Ihoro- niter inccopt SuiKlnys ) nt the place afoicsnld IromoUn on o'clock a.m. until seven o'clock p. m. . until Monday. November 1st , nt the hour of 12 o'clock M. , when said book of registiallon will be closed. All qualified votois nro notified to attend nnd sec that their names nro uroperly iegMi'1-ed. I ) . K. KKYTS. oHdlOt Hosl trar of 1st Di-.trlct,4th Wnfd. Notice of Registration- Tlin legal \-oters ol the 2nd District of TO the 4th Ward , In the citj of Omaha : You arc hereby notilled that the undersigned will sit as leglstmr for the Second District of thu Hli Ward , In the ollico of the count } xur- voyor , in the basement of the county court house , commencing Thurwlay , October 2Int , 1SN ) , at 11 o'c.ocK n. m. , for the purpose of icuis- terlngall qualified voloi * within said 2nd dis trict of the 4th ward , and for the purpose of mld- in to.and conecting the registratlou already made , and for such purpo o thu undor-Ugiicd will 'it nnd keep his book of reglstiatlon open onch day thereafter ( except Sundnj'M nt the place nlore-ald from eleven o'clock a. m. until Novell o'clock p. m. , until Monday , Novrmbn ; Itt ISM ! , in the hour of 12 o'clock m. . when said book of registration will bo closed. All qualllled voters ate notlHoil to ntlens and see that their names nro propi'ily leglslered. < )13illOt JA.MKS < ! . C'AHPENTBIl.Hoslstrnr. Notice of Registration , rpO tlio legal valors of Fust Dlstilct. 5th ward , JL in thu city of Omaha. You nro hereby notilled that the undersign ed will sit UMregistrar forthe First District.1th wnrd.v nt No. 1202 Cai > s slreot , commencing Thursdaj- . October 21st , I tell , nt 11 o'clock n. m. , for thepuriioeeof roglsteriiig all voters within said district , and lor the purpose ot adding to , mid corrcftiiiu the registration already made , and for biich purpose the undersigned will Kit nml kcop hts book of regi-tration open each day thereafter ( oxucpt Sundays ) nt the plaoo afore said from cloven o'clock n. m. until seven o'c'ock p , in. , until Monday , November 1st , Irfft , fit the hour of 12 o'clock M. , when said book of registration will bo close 1. All quallllod voters nro notified to attend and fee that thnlr names nro properly legislured. S. WAKKFIKLD , oHdTt Hegistrarlst Di lrict,5lh Ward. Notice b Graders. Scaled proposals will bo recnlvcd up to Oct. 2"ll. IKSS , nt thfollcoof Anron Cnhn.Kon & Cj. 1322 Karnam i-t. , for the griidiug of 'M lots belonging - longing to the Windsor Place Hiilldlng Asso ciation. Profile can do seen nt above named place. Directors roforvo right to reject any or all bids. A. C. < Vooi.i.iv , Socretuiy. o'.Vd.'t Notice to Contractors. SEALHD Proposals will bu rocnlvcd bj- the Tru-tces of Mall.ilen ! rnlvcrslty for the erection and completion of n proposed unit or- ( < lty bui'dlng to bo erected at Hartley. Nob. , ac cording to nlri'is , details and specifications made by I' . M. Kllii & Co. , architects , Omulin. Plans mnj bo seen on and after the 2Cth day of Au gust. 18 II , nt the ofliso of the secretary at Hart- Joy , Nob. , unit at tlio ollico of the architect ut Omaha until the twcntj'-ninth day ot December , K-M ) , at " . o'clock p. in. All proposals must bo on lllo wltli the f-ecrolnry nt Hartley , Nob. , on or boforu the alMivoilato and hour , nt uhleli tlmci nml plnco bids will bo opened. A certified drafter or died ; of one thousand dollaiH will bo depos ited with each bid as n guarantee that the party will enter Into eonlriict and Klvoii HitMactory bond tor the faithful performance of his con tract In the amouiit of ono-hair of the contract price. Tlio Hoard of Trustees reserves thu right to r-Jcct any or nil bids , lly order of thu Hoard of Trustees of Malliillcn lTnlVfli > liy nt Hartley. Nob. P. C. JOHNSON , President Trustees. AM.KN HAIITI.IIV , Flnniicliil Secretary. Probate Notice. STATH OF NF.HHASKA , Douglas County , us. : At u county court heltl at the county court loom , In und I or gaM county .October 1Mb , A.D. , 1S.-H. l'n fnlJ. H.-McCiilloch , County.Iinlgi ) . In the in.illor of thoo.tuto of Abnor French , decenaed. On reading and filing the petition of I' lidrt K. French , eieeiilorot tbo cstaloof paid ilnci'iinnl , praying that ItU llmil a--tonnt , UilK day filed , iniiy bo nlloMCd , and that hu may bo discliargucl i rum Ills tiust us such nxccutor. Ordinal , that Novcmbc-r 17lh. A. T > . , lBR8ntlO o'clock a. m. , bo nfslgncd far hearing said petition , when all punou * Inter OH ted In Fald mutter may uppc'ir nt n count ) court to bo held , In and for said county , and show rnuso why llioprajprof said petitioner should not bo irinntcd ; ami it Is further i.rJurcd thut notice ol the pendency of paid petition and Ilio henilnv theieol , bo givcu 10 till other iii'isons inter- o fd In said matlur , by iiubllshlug u copy of this order In thu Omnha Dally Heo n newspaper printoil In raid county , oncu mich wevk tor lour biiecovlvo ! o 'ks julur to Mid day of hearing. [ A true copy. ) J. II. McClii.u > iu , o'flJ-27irJ-iJ County.I misc. Mauler's Sal * . In tbb Circuit Court ol' thu Uiilicd States for thu DislrU'1 of Nebraska. Wllliiim F. Hull , ) vs. VlnChaucery. Henry A. Kennedy ct nl. ) HIIF.flX-'L'MK ) OK VOHTO.UIK. PU1ILIC nollco Is hereby given that In purau- aiice und by vli'tnu of u ilocifc onturotl In tliunltovii cuu to , on the Ibth day of Decumbor , 1865 , 1 , Kills L. Hierbower. Special Master In chancery In said court , will , on Ilio 2Ulh day of November , IbW , at the hour of 10 o'clock in the foienoou of tbo > , ald day , at thu front fnoilh ) door of the I'nlted Elates court hoiieo and ollico bulldliiK , In " 10 city of ( iiiiulm , DOUIMU > county , time and district of Nebriibka , eeUut auction the following deacrilxnl pioporty , U > - Thoeast half of the soutli oa t quarter and lots NO& . ilx ( til and savin < 7) ) . all fn M.-CIIOU eltihtueii UHi , towntblp vltrht ( H north , runtiu vightucn | | KWfi ) > l Of liP. M . bcliiK ( .tiiutul in fcixjclul Hustor In Chnncery. I ) , H. Brricx , Solicitor for Complainant. ' Special Ordinance JIo. 857 , AN Ordinance levying n S | cx-lnl tax and assets. mciit upon certain lots , pur estate In the city of Omaha , lor the construc tion of sidewalks. WnnnK\s the owners , tespectlvely , of the lots , 11111(4 ( of lots and real estate liercltmflor rtescrlbfd , Imvo failed to construct sldewftlks within the lime alloivetl orillnance , lifter duo mid proHM | notice so to do. nnd \ \ mi . \ < , inch sldowalks have been duly con structed by the contractor to whom wns nwanl- ml the eonliiict fur coiKtructiiiif and , WIIKIII : ! * , the several lots , parts of lots and real estate have Ciu-h been specially beiietlteil to the full nmounl nf the special trtT and assessment - ment herein levied , by IPISOII of such Improio- liient opposite the same , respectlvelj1 : TilKiikMiiu. , for the piirpo e of eoverlm ? nnd pajliiK llieco't nfsucli itnpioxemrnt. Holloiilalned by thocltj council of thn city of Omnhn- Section 1. That the several sums et opposite tlis lois , paitsof lots nml nml Matclii'iclimltei nnd the same me hereby n-spect tlvelv levied ami assessed Upon encli of said lots , part s of lots and rc.ul ostiito , rtrollo 3 , to-wlt : K i ; tabrook , It I blk 4J > , cilv . f'AJ ' 11 2 blk 43. city . i'O 4il " HDblk IJ. city . ! 40 AdaHlnck , Itl blk 117 , ell > . 1M 40 C 1 MefWMT.e 'i U 21'IK 121 , elly . 1 * < M ODouoiiKli , II I blk22S.clly . ! 40 M McDonald , e S It 2 blk 22 ? , clly. ' . 102.1 HSplRlO , W'i It 2 blk SSS.clty . 1" ! ii : ! t bIK 22 , city . 20 4l I' I'll 11. It 4blk22scity . 2'- * * A TMiiihioMm.o'ilt I biksiH . com C J Wending , w l , It 1 blk ! > , city . 0 CO Mnrvi : 2 blk 2iis. city . 1.1-0 Fredrli-k on.oilt : blk aw.clty . . . . 0 0 LNIelsonw'1ltilbhi2fv < .clty . 1 (1U\ ( * 4 blk 2CS. clly . 13 IX ) C Tunkei , e W It It B blk 2r.i. ! city . HI 1 Anna M Kicll's ' , It M > lkiui ; , city . 41n O Armsiriuig.ltablkH.Arm-troiifr'slstad 41 W l.ovi.1 McKuium , R ( , It 4 blk a , " 1-50 John II Fumy , It o blk : i , " 13 M It H blk 'I , " 1350 Oeo Armstronir , It 7 blk 3 , " 13 W A NKoar.s'i ' It 8 blk ! l. " 13 M Pl'ederson , ' , ItUblkU. " 1440 St Pbllomena'sChurchlt7 , CoitlamltPlo 12 40 AiiliaM , " 12 CO Windsor .V Coblo. It 1 > , " 13 1 SI Philomelas Church , It 10 , JJ 13 W ' H II Wood , It 12. " 4 * 1 AJ I blk SI , Hanscoin Plnco 11 00 It 2 blk 0. ' 1000 " It U blk , " 10 IX ) 11 It 4 blk V , " 10 1X1 " Itr.blkfl. " 1000 Mnrgnirt A. Kngllsh , It 6 blkP , " 10 M JnsA llnwlcy. UTblkU , " 10 OJ Lincoln V Hikes. It 8 blk n , " 10 IK ) Win ri'nttoi gin. ItOblkO , " SOW ) AJ Hiinjcomllll lftltl4blkl0 , " ft ) " 0 " Itl.MilklO , " 10 0) " It 10 blk 10 , " 10 IX ) " It 17 blk 111 , " 10 00 " It 18 blk 10 , " 10 W " It 111 blk 10 , " UHO " It 20 blk 10 , " 10 W ) " It 21 blk ID , " HI 01 W C Fabi-ns. It 4 blk 5. Lake's add . 10 00 H lll'lemlng. It r , blkr , , " . . . 10 Ml J F ICiilin , li Hi , Omaha 11. & L , Ass'n ndd 7 > . > It 17. " 7 75 J W Paul , It 8 bin 0 , Parker's odd II Ion 20 77 " It 0 blk H. " 18 CO " ll 10bkV ! , " 1H BO " It 11 blkV , " 18 IW m Davis. It 12 blk 9 , " 18 W I' 15 Morrcll , o 'Sit 14 blk 0 , " in 22 1 ! KHowcll. w Ml 14 blkl ) , " 1800 Andrew J Slanloy , It I.Pruyn's sub Itsl , 2. a. tilkS , I.aUo'snild . 7 00 A LStonccjiiher , It 2 9 Piuyn's gub Its I , 2i. : blk 5. Lnko'ff mid OHO Win C Ooss , It H , Prnyn's sub its 1,2 , a , blk 5 , LaUo's add 000 llonrv Xlngburg , It 4. Pruyn's sub Its 1 , S , : ) , bk 5 , Lake's nJil OCX ) L P Pr.iyn , It5,1'rujn'esub Its lSn. blk fi.Lake'sndd 7 00 W A 1 blk 4J 1 Hedick's sub 2-MU 0 II ( lutes It 2blk . " SI 25 .1 PAllliild.lt3bllc4 , " 21125 W II Herbeit. u W It 4 blk4 , " 2 17 W 11 1 blk 5 , " PJ 84 A Hlley , It , 'l tilk 5. " 2.1 25 W S Curl l , It 4 blk 5 , " ' . .I 25 1 H Tyrrell , It 5 bIK 5. " Z2. \ . ' , C S llnyinond. It 7 blk 5. " 24 2. ' . WT Hobluson.ltS bll(5 , " 2425 C U Hummer , It blk 10 , Heed's 1st add 1581 A (5 Dnulelson , o ' J It 111 blk IK , " 10 211 K Lumlbcrg. w " , It 1(1 ( blk 10 , " 10 SI K Sveiison , It 11 blk 10. " 20 48 ColliiC.iiun.o28flltUblklO , " 8 as 1" It .MIltspaiiKli , w : W ft It 12blk 10 , " 11 78 J M Uyoi-s , It Kl blk 10 , " 2(1 ( 40 It 14 blk 10 , " 20 40 John 1) LeCourso , It 15 blk 10. " 21 4i ! S E itogeis.c Ml ft It 11 blk li.S R Hogcrs ad 9 04 S A\ory , It 7 blk H , Sbinn's 2nd add 21 : w " It 8 blk H , " 18 r l EL-imboiiltllbIkH. " 18 fO C M Woiidliridge. It 10 bllt II , " 18 III ) .1 H & MM Piosson.ltllblk II. " 18 HI U II Ajat'olllnsIt 12 blk H , " 2H ' , ISIIuscdll. It 11 , 27-15-13 ! J2fl Sectlon2. Tlmt tbo special taxes and assess- menu levied mid UBscsfcil us nloresald Minll bo duu Immediately upon the pass.igo mid approval of this ordinance , and shall become delinquent if not paid wllliln llfty dnj-s thereafter : and there- vpon , u peimlt v of ion per cent shall bo added , together with interest nt tbcriitnof one percent n month , payable In advance fiom the tiuio said a.\es become delinquent. Section .1. J Imt "hull take elloct and be In torce from ana ntlur its pasda c. 1'asseil October SthlN < 6. WM. F. Hr.ciii'i. , I'ro.sldeiil City Council .1. IJ. SOUTH uin. ( , 'ity t'lerk. Apiirovcd October lllh. 18ol. ( J.\Misi : : . II < IVD. Mayor. These taxes are now duo and payable to the city treasurer , and will bccomu delinquent on December 1st , ! ) , nftor Mhlch il.ito a penalty nnd interest will bo added as pliown In Sec tion 2. Tui'MAX lltrcK , City Ti c.isurur. o2fldrit Ordinance iro. 1,193. AN Oidiunuco ordering the paving of Paving District No. 108 , and allowing ( ho properly owners tlih ty days' tlmo to select the muteilal foriavltif ) ( Mtld illslrlct. Ho it Ordained by the cltv council of the city of Omaha. Section 1. Tlmt Paving Distiict No. 108 bo nnd is hereby ordonil paod. . 8cctloii2. Tnat any person , companj- , cor poration or association otrning any street cahlo railway within Mil.l paving district , be required to pnvo between tbo ta'lsof ' anj- rallwnjIr.icl ; owned bj' such company , corporation , associa tion or person , at tholr own cost , sntb paving to bo done at the same time , and to bu of surh material mid clmractcr as Ilio pavlntr to bu ilone In the district In which thu samu Is Rllu- ated , unless thu boanl of imhllc woiKu shall otherwise specify- order , nud In tliu event of the neglect or rnfusil of any mich parties HO to do , said pavInT between the rills of tiny Mich railway , tlio cnnio is hcicby ordered donu ill Is liy law provided. Section H. That thlrtjdays' tlmo bo mid Is herojiy allowed the property owners within mid district to select tlio material with which they duslru said district paved , Section 4. That t.ii.s orillimiu-o shall take effect nnd bo In forcu from ami after Its pitf ajc. Passed October filli , IK.M ) . WM. F. IlKVMEij. President City Council. J. It. SOUTHAIIIJ. City Clcrlt. Approved October llth , Ifc . J.tsiK-t K. Tlovn , Mnj'or. Ordinance ITo. 1,104. AN Ord n uico ilodaring the noco i < lly of np- projirlatlng ceitiilu prlvnto | iropoity mid lands tor tin ) UKO of the clly of Omnhn , lor tlio purpose ) of extending Cnnvunt si reel , in > m Ihn nortb line of Thoriiell'H nd lltioii to thu tonili liiii ) of Hnrncj' strci t , mid providing for thu appointment of three ilslnlL'rc | ted free holders of said clly u ) asse- thu diimages to the onnors , respi'i-llxely , of the properly tnkon by such iipiioiilalliiii. | | Ho It onliilncil by tliu city cuuiiull of tbo city of Onmlm. Bection 1. That It Is iioco nrj' , nml it M here by declaroil nucL-tmuiy , toiipjiroprlato eertain private nropeity mid land tin- the 11 0 or Ilio eity of Omaha for tlio purpose of oMendlng Conventblriiel fiom tliunoilhllnoof 'Ihorncll's addition to tlifl soilih Him of llarnuy street , saliI propertj'iin I IHIU ! neces = iirv' Inrmieli pur- posu being Mltuatiul in Mild city ol Onmlm , and ilecrlbod as followc , lo-wlt : Heiliinlii ut the east line of Convent street , where It IntursoctH thu noith line ol ThiunoU's nddltloii In tin ) elty ol Omulin , thcncn norm to ! ho south line of tlarnej- street , tlioneo nn-tiV ) feetthencosouth tothitnorlhllnc orriiornell'8 nddlllon , Ihouco eiut to phieu of beglnililiir. Suetlim 2. Tlmttho muyor , with Ilio approval of the uity council , appoint ilnro illHlnterest * oil frco-lioldnrii of tlio citj' of Omaha , In assess thn damaguH to thu nwnnrft , respnctlvelj * , of said properlymid lairls taucn by surh uppro- pilatlon. Section n. Tlmt Ihla ordinaiu'o tnkn effect mid bo In forcu from uml alter tin pij : < .uto. ! Passed Oclnlnir K'tli , ( Mil. Wu F. Ilr.vnu. . Pnitldoiit Oltj Council. .1. II. roL'Tiiuiii , I'lty Clerk. Approved October 13th , IS > JAMIM I' , nnvn , Mayor. Notice of Registration , O'r l' Ii-Kiil voters of Ilio t-r-eond Dlitrlct , .Second Ward , In thuclly of Omaha ; You are hereby imtlllod that llui uii'lcrslgnnil will sn us regirtinr for Sncond District , Kecond Ward , at the ixirnur of 20th und Popilcton | striiols , roinniKncliiK Thursday , October 2UI , 1C < B , nt II o'elorK H. m. , for thu imrposa of reg- Ittinlngall qunliflud voters wllhlu said 2nd dis trict , 2nd vihnl.uiid [ or the piuposo of uildiiu In , and oonc iiiiK the roi'ittiailon uliuady imiite.und for such purpoiio Ilia mi'1cn ' > lgiicd will ultuud Keep bH hook of invlMralloii oneii uarli ilnv lliormilter ( oiciipt SiindayM nt tlin | ilnoa Hf'irchald from t'lavun o'clock u. in , until fcovt-'ii o'clock P. m , until Mon lay , November 1st. 1H.V , nt ( ho hour of 13 o'clock in. , when snid look of rnglMruttim will bo cliifon. All quallHe , ! voters nro notit'o ' I to uttond unl ten Hint their names uio pi-opirly registered. Jl'LlUH HUnOWSKY. olOJIOt llc.'istrarinil Dlblrlct 2nd Wiml. HENDELSSOHH & FISHER ARCHITECTS D , L , SlfAXK , \ Rei'lstrntlon. ri O T1IK legs .1 . JIn the city of Omaha Vou nro hereby tiotitlitl that nlllsltns ronl trar for HeorM Disfrlct , Tlftti \\nnl , nt I4 North Ifllh street. Omaha , com- menclng Thni dny. October 21 t , lStf , nt II o i luck 11. in , for the purpose of it guten ig a'l ' qualified \olers within said dl ttlrt. nml for the PHrmi'O of mMIng to. nnd rein etlnirthe rc .ls. trni inn ulreicly made , mid fnr uch piirpo p tlio undiT'lirurd M III sit and Keep bis bonk of 11 X't- trntlon open uiieh day thcrenfier lovccpt Sun dsj si nt the plnce nforesnlJ from eleven o'cloi k H in. until evpn n'clooit p m. , until Mi in .ay . , November IM , Iv-fl , at tlio hour of ISo'iloik m , hen said bonk of regl lintlou ill be- All l qualllled lotnrs nro uotillcil to attnud an.l $ ce thai their mimes : ire iirot < eilreg'son ' ( \ | ollillot H. F. HiilMU.V : , He i-tr\r Notice oi Rcclstratlon. fl O Til t ; II-KII ) voters ol 1st District , fith Wnnl , JIn the eily nf Omahii : You are hereby nntltUM that the \indci signed "III sit us retil-urnr lor First lli triet , y xth Wnnl , nt Iheslerenf II. H L.ieas. 220.1 Cumlnir stiect , eonimuui'inr Thins lay , IK-lober Slt , lSint lloVloek a. m , foi the purpose of regis tering nil qualified x-olrrs wlihln s'lld election district , mid for the purpose of nddliiif tn > , nnd I'orrectlng the ii'iil-uniMon nlieiuh liuido , nnd fnrsueh purpose the undet jgned nlllsltnnd Keep bis book of reglslnilloii open each day Uii'ienlterioxccpl yundaysi at the plnco nforc- snld from ulptcn o'clock n. m. until seven o'clock p. in . until Monday , November 1st , IfWl , at the hour of 12 o'clock m , n hen said book of regie trnl Ion will bo closed. All qualified rotors are not I HIM ! to Htlend and feu that their names oHillOt llccutrnr 1st Picclnot. Qth Ward , Notice ot Registration. fPOTHUlo nlvotursof 2nd DistrictOth Ward JIn theoltv otOmaha ; You nro hrreliy notined that theunderslcnoa will sit us registrar for the Hcoonit District of the Sixth Ward , at the ooinurof 24th und Cumlng streets , commimclug 'lliursdaj , October lst , 1BS , at 11 o'clock n in. , tor the imrpo o of ivJT- Utcrlng nil qunlinnd voters within said 2nd dis trict of the Gth ward , mid for the purposa of kildlng to , and correcting the registration already mudo. and for such purpose tlio under- slgnod will sit and keep his book of registration open rnchdny thereafter ( incept Sundays ) nt the place uforealdfrom uloven o clock a. m. un til soxcn o'clock p. ni. , until Monday , November 1st , IBSt ) , nt the hour of 12 o'clock in. , when said iKink of registration will bit close , ) . All qunllflod voters nro notified to attend and see that tholr names nrnpropcilj * ii'glslered. ollldlUt JOHN" CAHIl , Heglstinr. J1 Noticoof Registration. ri' ' HO Tilllegal : volersot 1st District , 1st Wnid , I in thu city ol Onmlm : You mo beieby notified that the undersigned will sit as registrar tor 1'list District , Mrst Ward , ntDIS HIM ! 520 South Tunth stiuet , eoui- mcnclng Thur > xliiy , Ootobor1st , Ifcsl , at II o'clock n. m. , for tbomirposoof ro isterlng nil qualified voters within mil district , an I for tbo pimxisoof nddlng to , and corieotlug the rwrls- trntloii alioady ninile , and for such purpose uin undersigned will sit mid keep hH l > ook of reg istration open each day thereafter ( except Sun days ) at the plnco iitoresnld from eleven o'clock R , m. until Bovon o'clock p. m. , until Monday , November 1st. 18SO. nt the hour of U'o'cloek m. , lieu said book of leglstrntloti will be closed. Allqunlllled voters nro notified to nt tend nntl sco that their nmn"S nro properly registered. ISAAC HUIIN. o13dlflt Hcgl-trnr 1st District. 1st Ward , Notice of Registration. mo TUB legal voters of 2nd Dlsti let , 1st Ward , . * - In thu clly of Omnlm : You nro hereby notllled that the undersigned will sit Hsicglstrar for Second District of the Iv , " First Ward ut 128 Soutli HIM street , eommonc- IngThuriday , October2lsl , ( * * , nt 11 o'clock a. m. , for the purpo o of registering all qualified voters withln.oald 2nd district , IslMiird , mid for the purpose of adding to , and correcting the registration already made , and tor such nurposo the iindorMgncd will sit and keep his book of reg istration open each day thuroaitur ( except Sun days ) nt , the place aforesaid from eloMin o'clock u. m. until su\un o'clock p m , until Novtim- bur 1st , IB1 * ) , at the hour of 12 n'elock m. , when Mild book of reglstrntlou will IMJ closed. All qualified votcis are no'lllod to atlcndnnd sco that tholr names are pioimrly registered. 1IK.NHY E1IHKSPKOHT. olHdlOt Hcgl-tmr 2nd District , 1st Ward. Notice of Registration , mo Till : legnl voters of ard District , 1st Wnnl , JL lutho ciiyof Onmlm : You are hereby notified that the unilerslgned lll sit its registrar tor Third District , Kirst Ward , nt 1110 South SIMIi stieet , commencing1 Thursday , October 21st , IB l. ut 11 o'clock n. m.- > for tlia purposu of roel-tnrliiK nil qunllfioit voters wlihln atdnl : district 1st ward , and for the purpose of adding to , nnd correcting the icglstrntlon already made , nnd for mich pur pose the undersigned will sit mid Keep hl.s book of registration open onch day llierealtproxeept ( Sundnys ) at the plnco ufoiosald from eleven o'clock n. in. nutil FOVUII o'clock p. in , until Monday , November 1st , I8S1 , nt the hour of 12 o'clock m , when said book of registration will be closed. All qiialilled voters nro notified to iiltend mid BOO that thulr names are properly rfijrNtered. ALFHI'.I ) VINBY. ollldllt Hcffistrnr3rd District , 1st Ward. Notice of Registration. rpOTHl ? lo al voioi-s of the 1st District of the JL 2nd Wunl , ill thocitj-of Omahai Yoiiai-o hciuby notified that the undersigned will situs ri'Kistnu-for tlio 1st District , 2nd Ward , of said city , at the N. W. cor. Kith and .lacuson streets , ( Helmrod Jk Co.'s store ) , commencing Thursday , October 21st , A. D. ISMS , at 11 o'clock n. m. , forthepurposoof registering all qualified voters Milhln said district , and for the purpose of adding to , and correcting the registration already mane , mid for nticli purpose the undor- Mgnud will sit and keup tiiH hook of ruglstratlon open each day thureaflor ( oxvopt Sundays ) ut thu the plutu aforesaid from cloven o'clock u. m. until so\on o'clock p. m , until Monday , Novem ber M. IMS. at the hour of 12 o'clock m. , when said book of registration will bo closod. All qualified voters are notified to attend mid sea tliiit their names are properly resri'-terod. JAMRS DONNULLY , SH. , Hejrlstrar. Omaha , October 13tb. IBM. oUdlOt Time Table Tbo following Is the tlmo'of arrival and do- parturoof trams by Ccnlral Standard Time at thu local depou. Trains of tbo U. , St. P. , M. It O. arrivu nnd depart from tholr dupot , cornorof 14th and WuhjtorHtronts : trains on thu H. & M. C II. AQ and K. a , fit. J. & p II. from the H. .VM.ilojiot nil othura from thu Union PaclQa dcnot. HHIDQE TltAINS. Jlrldiro trains will lonvo IJ P. depot atflH- : 07 : 5:00 :4'J-8:50 : ' 1110:00-11:00 : a. in. : 111:1 1:20 l:50-2uo : a :00 : 114 : UO 5Uu : 5 : iJ i : ia- 7:00-11:10 : p. in. Leave Transfer for Omaha nt 7:12 : R9l.l > --0:39 : 'J:4S : Hliisn 10:371IT7 : n. m.lU7 : 2:1U : 2'JT am-i:7f : : 4'J7 : 5:50 : 0:127:2d : ; 7:5J-a:53- 11:52 : p. m. Ica\u Hroiidway 10 .Ti p. m ; ArlvoOmulm 11 o'l , l.v. Omaha 10 00 p. m. ; Ar , Hrondwuy 10 ; . ; . In nlTnct August 29th until further no tice. TII is Is additional to present train service , J. W. JIOHSi : , G.P.A. CONNP.CTING LINKS. Arrival mul departure of trains from th Trims for Dnpot ntCoun'jll Hlulfi ; ULI'MIT. AlllllVn. HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. 117:15 A. M. I 1)0:15 : A.M. 1111:15 : A. u. H.V.'V ) P.M. ClIUi ! : > . M. 1 II7l ; l' . M. C.IIUAOO A MIIITIIWtlBTKIIH. A'JI5A. : M. I A'I5AU. ' : A fi:40iM. : . I A7ix ; ) ix. CIIICACO , IIL'IU.INO'ION 4 Ql'INCV. AUJ5A. : : u. I A 0:15 : A.M. U 0:40 : H. M. H il:20 : i > . . , A. 1 Mi : it. MlfiWAUKKK ST. I'AUU A'Jir. : A. .v. I A'JirA. : M AB40l ; > . M. I A7OJl ; > . II KANSAS I.'ITV , bT. JDR St COUM'll , III.UtM. AIOWA. : y. I 1)0 :33 : A. it. C : Miu. . | A5i- : : ) WAIIAbll , bT..DIMS t , IUUIHC. A 8:00r. : u. I A3:3Ji- : . siour IITV u IMC inc. A7uSA. : M. I A9H5A. : M , A :25 : r. u. I A 8:5 : < J f , M. " " "Dep.irtT WKSTVVAHD. Arnv " " , M. f. > t7TUNION PACI"FTJ. ( > .M. iiMlT . .Puclllo lixpniis. . 7:504 : . . . . .Denver I'.xpnm , ' 5Ja . . .Ixcnl Itxino J , , jJlOM H. Ii M. IN .Mi" . 1 tiilO.i Mull mid express. 1 0:43a : . . NlKht Jxpro { i . _ iaIOa : | . . . HOUTHWAItD. _ Aiiiva. " A.M. i r. M. MISSOUIII PAtUPJO. ATn. l % v. . . I . . Day ixpr4s : . . 025d ; . . , 9:101) : ) ' . Night Kxpross 0X.i : ) , ! K. C. . HP. J. ft 0. H , 8:45b : ! Via I'lattsmoutb 7.00 > I 7:11 : _ Duiart [ NOHTil\VAHD. _ Arrive. " " " "A. ii. 7i % u. I BT. P. . M A. 0. I * * . M. UI5n. ; . . . KlouxClty : C4So ; ' 'Oakjimd ' AocoinmoirjnlOina ! : | _ fl Dopait. KASTWAIID. _ Arrive. A. M. I r. M. I CH" "A Q. U. . I r. wT 0Sll ; | 0:0'J : | , , VUiPlutUmouth _ J V:20 | 7:10 NOTKA.ti'ulnsdally ; II. dally eirept Kim. day ; O , dally t-xcopt iinturdny ; Ddully oioept Mundutr 8TOOK YAIID TltAINS will lenvp U , 1' . depot , Omaha , nt n:40-Tp5 : 0:00 : n. m ; i:00-Uaj-4U5-iii-8UO ; ; : p. m Paclnalixiiross. 8:3J : p , m. ; Jluarer hx..lOU : a. m , ; Lonil Kx.,5:0 p. m. ii. { .oaVGbtock yard * for Omaha at * I:01 : 8:10 . :3o-llii.'iii m i2:30-3:85- : ; - : Wa ! - . > i u in. Atluntlo Kx. . lo B. O. 1:33 a. in. ; Cliloiizo li . . IF B. O. 6:07 : p.m. : LocM Kr , la 8. 0. 10:31 : n.m. ; Uo. Pio. Kr. , IB. 8a 6:17 p. u. ; 2d U. P. Kr Kice