6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TIIOtHDAY. OCTOBER 21 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. * COUNCIL BLUFFS. TIU'HSDAY MOKNINC OH * . 21. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered liy fr.rnrr In nnj pnrtof the city Rt IMC nty tt nts j > tr week. ) ! W.TiM o.v. . . . Manngcr. K , NO. 13. NIUIIT iiiiion ; No. 2) ) . Ml. NO II MIONTIUN. Now York Plumbing Co. Now fnll poods at Rcntcr'fl. Cooper it Mecc ( ! sull stoves. Bin .Seal brand oysterH , the boil. C'licnp rnllronil lickuN lit Builmcll's. Tins ( iootl Toniplurs liuvo u supper to- Lnrntbcc siiunks in thcTi'ii'v ] ilu hull Snlnrdiiy ni lit. Tin ) 1'i.stopporlnnit.y lo register will bo Wcdnesdsii , ( Jclober 'JT. One io/.en c.iblncls nml a lur u pinul : for fS.ni ) nl Scliniiilt'.s nailery. tJ. P. Filbert Is buililitifr two coltaKC'S on 1'ir.sl iivunnu , to bu rented. Maiiajior Brown , of tlm\Vo \ lorn Union , is slmiylili'iintf ducks without inuruy. Mr Lnnfiinaid , of the Metropolitan hotel , is building two liouso.s on Avu- ntiull. llarry Boccroft liascnnghltho linprovn- nietit fever iin-J h.wt purchased a new hack. Mr. StenluMison , a younir man from Omaha , has .opened up a lumber yard near the old foundry on Main street. Hi'oso and Iluycs , Iho two witnesses to tl Keating .thootin , an ; btill in jul : , not ' having been able to furnish the necessary bonds. Leave to marry was yesterday invi-n W. 11. Wallare and Llllio M. Pierce , both of this city ; Patrick Doyle and Hannah Barry , both of Neola. Jack Hildrilcli , of the Transfer hotel , has drawn $10 in a lottery , the lirst winning reported here , although many tickets are sold hero monthly , The case of the eltys. . Mase Wise , in re.uard lo the now addition to his livery stable , is b'-ini ' ; wrestled over in the superior com t , the lirst skirmish being over demurrers. The officers here have been warned to bo on the lookout for prisoner ? ) who broke jail from Mnryvillo , Mo. There's n revolving jail nt Maryvllhs , and the wonder is how the fellow made the break , and details are awaited with strained cu riosity. tA little delay is buinfr canned in the completion of the new lire alarm .system , owing to the dilliimlty in getting poles. The market Is pretty well cleaned out of poles , and thuro is said to bu little chance for any material increase in the supply until winter. Professor MeNanjrhton lias been looKing - ing through the Omaha .schools to see if ho can gain any now points by which the schools here can bo improved. Council DUill's has excellent nubile schools , and _ vet the eagle eye of tnoMiperintundenl is ever o'n the lookout for improvements. Mrs. Mary Allen has commenced pro ceedings to free her from Dell Allen , to whom she was married ten years ago , in this city. She says his habils of drunk enness and the snlluringH which have been caused her thereby cannot be en- , dnred by her longer , and she asks for the i court to set her free , and give her the clmdion to euro for. ' The United States Masonic Benevolent association , of this city , has written over $3CO,000 , insurance in the last seven months. It has $10,000 de posited as a guarantee fund. It is doing not only a largo business , but a safe one , Mr. Jamison , the secretary , carefully ex- aminingall applications , and allowing none to be accepted where the npnlicftlu is not considered a first class risk. "When ' there is any question on the subject blanlts are sent to several residents ot the same locality , and so far as possible to members of the company , which , when iiiled out and returned , positively settle nil doubts. Shcrill' Reed took personal charge of the novel revolving jail yesterday , Jimmy O'Ncil being out to his farm. The shorlll succeeded in turning the big cyl inder , but he oilers a reward for the cap ture of the man who made the county board believe it would turn as easy as a colleo mill. It is said that ono of the ministers in holding Sunday semces in the jail look as his text : "Turn Ye , Oh ! Turn Yo , for Why will Ye Die ? " The Bjiorifl' thinks a fellow would die if he did turn yo. Surely , if ho tried more than one turn a day. A tramp was brought before Judge Aylcsworth yesterday morning , and was promptly sentenced to jail for ten days. Ho bogged so hard , cave such a pitiful account of his wanderings and made finch good promises , that the tender heart of the judge was touched. He concluded to suspend the sentence and let the fol low go. Two hours later the same follow was seen staurgoring up to ono of the windows of the city jail , and poking u bottle through the bars , was seeking to Civo the prisoners a slake for their thirst. Ho was uiit inside again and his bottle loft on the outside. The building lately occupied by Cocke & Morgan is being titled up for the occu pancy of an Iowa City firm , Wilson & Allen , who will open up about the lirst of thu coming month with a largo stock of holiday goods and notions of all sorts , The lirmlms hail a very successful career In Iowa City , ana move here with the expectation of doing a still larger busi ness here. The changes being made m the building will improve it.s appearance greatly. One ot the most marked of these changes will bo the raising of the cornice BO jii to make the front conform with that of the next building. In making this change it is discovered that the old cor nice had bncomo so detached , and its lai-tunings so insecure as lo render it dangerous. It is a wonder that long ore this it had not fallen on the heads of some of the numerous passers-by on that streot. Thu necessity of having a building inspector specter to look after such matters is daily growing more apparent. This city is Bolting largo enough to demand such an ed , ns under the present arrangements ro is no such protection allordcd as in Custom-made railroad shoes and Her man sMppers at ( i. BUxsiin'u , Main st. Richmond Ranges for hard coal are tlio best. Cooper & McCeo sell them. Not That lluyes. E , M. Hayes , wlio resides nt C.18 North lirststroet. has boon greatly annoyed at the similarity of his luimo to that of the witness to the Keating murder , who is BOW under nrrest. This Mr. Hayes wants to inform his friends , through the UF.K , that ho is in no way connected with the ease and docs not want to be mixed Bp with it In any way. An Independent Candidate. I hereby announce myself as an independent - . pendent candidate for justice of the pence , and submit my claim to the voters ' of Council Blnil's , la. , on tlio 2nd day of November , 1880. A. L. HENDJIICKS , Masonic. Regular mooting of Harmony Chapter No. 35. O. E. S. thin ( Thursday ) evening , at 7:80 o'clock. A full attendance is re quested for the transaction of important ' fcusiness. lly order of the W. M , Mrs , A. S. Hall is prepared to ( to dress making on short notice and at reasonable prices. No. 828' Broadway. FILING ITS FIRST PAPERS , The New Briilgo Company Opens Its Books For 3. Starter. THE CITY COUNCIL'S ACTION. A. itlncU Iiovnr Sce-lt * to Ilrnln n AVtillc Woman A SlniKj lc Itli a Hur- Ulnr ilottliiui Aijejtit Town. Tried ( o Kill Her. An ugly diluted darky named .1. B Wliitu insuli ! n d'-spiMMto attempt yostor- iliy : to ailil liis iiiinii" lo tin1 roll of the > o who have jumped from tlio ' eallohl right Into huiivcn. Ho Is a liotul cook of ir regular habit , anil cainohuro froniSioiiv City about thron montlis ago , workinc a few eliiys at the I'acillc house , and tlii'ii pcttingon a drunk was discharged. He then got work at tlio Metropolitan and soon was again out of work. For throe Weeks or inoro past In ; has buen loallng about Iliii streets , lie has for months been living with a white woman , Jcuniu Thomas , with whom he becanui ac- ( | iiainteti in S'IOIK C'ity. Sineu thuy camu to this cittlioy havu been living in a part of tlio lioiou occupied by Molliu Scott , a colored woman , on L'carl street. There has been trouble brewing for Hovi-rnl days , and thu white woman had decided not to live with tliu black man. Yesterday ho came to the house and sought lo got an entrance. Molliu .Scotland tlio while woman tried to keep him out. Ilo was drunk and was threat ening to kill the white woman. At last lie gained an entrance , and. armed with piece of firewood , procendo'l to club his woman , lie struck her in the month and twice on the head , and would doubtless have finished his murderous work right then and there had not tlto colored woman , IMollio Scolt , sci/cd an axe anil opened an attack upon him. She aimed well to split his head open , but , he throw up Ins arm and received the bow there , it causing a good si/.eilyasli. He started then on the run with the Scott woman chas ing behind him with uplifted axe. M. 11 , Brown , the manager of tlio telegraph olllco , chanced to come along Broadway ami seeing tint man bloody and running , caught him and started to take him to the police station , but was soon relieved ofnf \ unpleasant charge by an ollicer , wlio locked White up. The white woman was found not to have boon so badly injured as at lirst supposed. Dr. Capoll attended to her and found no fracture of the skull , the blows having been glancing ones , in flicting only scalp wounds , from which the woman will recover. After dressing these tlio doctor , in the absence of the regular city physician. Dr. Lacy , who is out of the city , dressed White's wound White denied that ho intended to kill the woman , or that he even intended to lilt her with tiie club. Ho was mad at the Scolt woman , and in the rumpus the Scott woman hit at him with the club , the white woman unfortunately getting in tlio way , nii'l receiving the blow by mis take. Such is his story. White is a darkey wlio boars the marks or having been in encounters before. One hand is maimed , a part of his no o has boon cut oil' , and his visage is scarred like a veteran's. Tlio Seott woman de clares that ho has a long record'as a lighter , tuul that lie killed one man while living in Chicago. * Richmond Mangos for hard coal are the best. Cooper & McGco sell them. STIITJ AX ; ; ' . Burglars Continue to IMaUo the lloumls A Struggle With One. Despite the vigilance of the police the burglars continue to make nightly raids. At an early hour yesterday morning Mr. and Mrs. William Bohning , wlio live over the saloon kept by him , wore awnkoncd by some one prowling about , and going down stairs Mrs. Bohning found a man , whom she grappled and hold to while her husband was golting his revolver. They had a lively struggle with the follow , Mr. Bohning not being able to find his re volver. At last the burglar broke away from them and made good his escape. It appears that ho must have secured Bohning's revolver , before the struggle took place , and also iJ-10 in money , for both the weapon and tlio cash are miss ing. ing.Another Another burglary was committed at the residence ot Air. Ingliss , corner of Eighth street and Eighth avenue , the next house to that occupied by Detective Price , of the Milwaukee & St. 1'aul road. The burglar got hold of Mr. Ingliss pant aloons , with u few dollars in the pocket , and was just crawling out of tlio window when discovered. The follow made good his escape , taking the pantaloons and money with him. Seal brand oysters at II. J. Palmer s. I can save you money in Stoves. Tin ware and Hardware W. A. Wood. UKIUGK UliEGTlON OUDEltED. HroadUvny to un I'uvoil Clear to the Itlvor. Last evening there was a largo gather ing in the lobby at the council mooting. The eiti/.eus in general , and n goodly number in particular , were greatly inter ested in what action the council would take in regard to the important railway and bridge matters , which have so at tracted public attention for the past few days. The roll call showed all present but Alderman Shugart. A romotihtranco was presented by prop erty ow IIOM on Tenth avenue , between Third street and Main street , and protest against allowing the Union Pacific to oc cupy that part of tlio avenue. The prop erty owners said they hud boon , ordered to fill the street to grade , and had made improvements in accordance therewith , so that it was unjust now to give the railway company this part of the avenue. The remonstrance was placed on file. George F. Wright presented a petition signed by a largo number of jobbers and business men , favoring the change of the. Union Pacific freight depot to the proposed site on Tenth avenue , and ex pressing a belief that this change would bo to the commercial interest ot' the city. Received and placed on file. The property owners along Tenth avenue , along the proposed Hun east of Alain street , also presented a protest against giving the Union Pacilio the right of way along the avenue. It was signed by fourteen. Received and tiled. Property owners on Fletcher iivuntin. between Oakland avenue and Second street , petitioned for establishment of grade , Referred. Bonds of the newly appointed police presented and approved. Petition presented asking for un ex tension of the lire protection so as to in clude the transfer , elevator , stock yards , oto. , Spoon lake having run dry und that property being unprotected , Referred. The suggestion was made that the or dinance in regard to Tenth avenue bo called up. Aluorraan Ditnfurth said that ha had agreed with Alderman Shugart , who was absent , that it bhould not betaken taken up. Mr. Wright called attention to the agreement made at tlio last meet ing to huvo the ordinance passed to a second reading. Alderman Hammer moved that it lay over until thtt next meeting. Seconded by Danfnrth and the motion carried. , The ordinance in regard to tlio Omaha and Council muffs Railway and Bridge company , was passed to a second read ing , and laid ovi r ti i.li-r the rule * tint 1 the IH'M 'vgnlnr moiting. Petition signed bv railway ufliri.il * at the transfer asking the oilj to appoint John Wagner us policeman at that place at city's expense. Refrnvd to polieo committee. A petition was urojontrd asking fern n special election November 'J on the eitr | > . * tion of lowing a 12 mill tax for the aiil of the new bridge Company. Accom panying it were thecertillcates of County Auditor Clau cn and County Treas urer Plumer , to the effect that a maiorltv of the tax payers of the city had signed Hie petition. The petition called out a eli < x > n < s < > ioii on one point mainly. A. ( ' . ( Jraham and others wanted to have it clearly desig nated where the bridge was to be. If at the foot of Broadway then it should be so stated , and if to bi > on the Union Pa- Hlio grounds , that should be staled , " -o that voters could vote underslandingly. The mayor wanted the city attorney to give his opinion as to the legality of the proposed election. The city attorney aid that the bridge company being willing to run the risk of local defects , he saw no harm in letting tlio company take that risk. The mayor stated stoutly and forcibly that he would not sign any paper , or call for an election , if there was doubt of its legality. Tlio attorney then explained that he saw no reason why the special election could not bo hold on the general election day. In regard to the othorobjoetion , Mr. T. J. Evnns explained Hint it was the inten tion of tlio company to put the bridge at the foot of Broadway , or as near that point , as possible. The change would throw it a block from that point. Ho was willing lo have that put in the reso lution. Mr ( irnhnin and others who hati raised this objection declared that they wore willing to vote the ta.x , but simply wanted to have the matter lixed so as lo represent the city's interests. The resolution was then amended so as to obligate the company to build the bridge at ( he foot of Broadway or at .some point within 330 feet of the foot of that streot. In this amended form the resolution was passed ordering the .special election. The citi/.ensin the lobby seemed satislied by this amendment , and enthusiastically applauded the passagn of the. resolution , and will doubtless vote for the tax with equal enthusiasm and will- ingness. Alderman Danfnrth presented a resolu tion ordering the properly owners on Broadway to pave with cedar block with in one hundred days , the entire length of the street to the Missouri river. The council then adjourned until Tues day evening next. Anything you want in Housekeepers' Hardware and Tinwaio at Cooper & Me- Goo's. ' Elcotrio door bolls , burglaralarms , and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. Tlio New Ilrlil c Company. The articles of association of tlio Omaha and Council Bluffs Railway & Bridge company wore lilcd yesterday. The articles pmvido that the principal place of business shall bo in Council Bluffs , and that a branch ollico shall bo maintained in Omaha. The general nature of the business is to construct , operate , and maintain a bridge across the Missouri river between the two c'tios ' , and a steam , electric , motor , hoi so , elevated , cable , or other hno of railway , and a public way across saul bridge , and within the counties of Douglas , Mob. , and PotlawaUamie , In. , V.'Itli the termini in the cities of Council Bluffs nfl : Omaha. The capital sri > ! ; j * placed at 00,030. with an additional capital > f f 1,000,000. The Shares arc $1CO each , ton pel1 cent , to bo paid .it date of subscripsion , the iO- maindor as ordcre.d by the board of directors. The lH > ard of directors is to bo not less than six or- more than fourteen , ami at least one-half of the board shall be resi dents of Council Bluffs. The executive committee shall consist of not lets than four nor more than six. The annual meetings of the stoskhold- ers are to be held in Council Bluffs on the first Monday in January , each year , the lirst to be in January. 1887. The company commences Oct. 20 , 1830 , and continues twenty years. The lirst board of directors consists of George V. Wright. J T. Baldwin , 1. A. Miller , T. J. Evans , J. T. Stewart , Wm. Siedontopf , J. F. Evans. The incorporators arc : W-F.Sapp , J. T. Stewart , J. F. Evans , L.W. Tiilloy ? , T. J. Evans , I. A. Miller , F. II. Hill , E. II. Merriam , W. C. James , J. L. Stewart , George F. Wright. William Siodontopf , J. Lyninn , J. II. Keatloy , G. A. Kcolinc , John Danforth , N. P. Dodge , John Bono. T. Bowman. S. Farnsworth , W. II. M. Pusoy , A. C. Graham , John hclioontgen , John Clausen , James Wiokham , W. A. Mynstor , George 11. Champ. John 11. Plumor , E. II. Odoll , James R. Boll , A. B. Walker , J. J. Shea , J. P. Onsady. W. S. Mayne , J. P. Weaver , J. M. Phillips. L. Wells , J. T. Baldwin , II. 11. Metcalf , F. W. Spotman , D. Hoist , S. P. MaoCoii- nell , J. J. Brown , M. F. Rohrer , U. MoMackin. A , S. lioaliam. It is understood that ton citizens have already subscribed $10,000 each , making $100,000 , as a starter. J. Ernsdtorf , having taken entire eon - trol of the Pluunix chop house , desires testate state that ho has secured the services of Charles Decker , a first-class cook of Now York city. The best the market affords , night and day , in the best style of the art. Will also have a regular bill of faro Sco that your books are made by More- house & C , room 1 , Everett block. Personal Inrnfrnplis , James Tomlinson , of Marlon , is at the Pacilio house. Walter Bryant , of Cedar Rapids , was at the Pacific yesterday. Mrs. T. O. Carlisle , of Missouri Valley , was in the city yesterday. Senator James F. Wilson , of Fnirliold , was at the Ogdcn yesterday. W , 11. Graham , agent of the Rramhillo Concert company , was in the cityyostor- day.Mrs. Mrs. E , M. McCune and Mrs , I. M. Troynor loft yesterday on n brief visit to Chicago. William Noble , of Carroll , la , , was among the lowans at the Pacitio liouso yesterday. * B. D. Holbrook , of Omaha , one of the capitalists of that place , was at the Ogden yesterday. Hon. J. B. Jones and wife , of Wood stock , Vf. , are visiting with J. W. Squire and family. L. Owen , of Marion , Ta. , is at the Pa cific house. He is considering the advis ability of going into the drug business hero. . * Mayor Gronowcg , Postmaster Bowman and Judge James termed a triumvir-ate at the Ogden house dining table yester day noon. Gen. G. M. Dodge arrived at the Ogden yesterday in company with Morgan Jones , of Ft , Worth , Tex. , who is largely interested in the Texas Paoillo. Frank Cook and wife , who have been visiting Charles and William Moore , of this city brothers of Mr.s. Cook will start this evening for their homo in Min neapolis , where Mr. Cool : is engaged in the cigar business. J. T. Brid eman , of Sheboygan , Wis. , has arrived in this city , ami intends to make his residence Fiero , Ho visited Coi.mcil Bluffs some monthsjigo. anil was so pleased with the place and. us future that he considered to uio\.p her , and en gain1 in nme busintfii'nj'rprNeso ( o > n ns the right onenii g p cM.Mitt itself. He is trotting settled just In time to get the full bfiiollt of the boom. " Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. ArE. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street. Coimejl Wuffrf. Stolen Sorrel horse , niall white spot on forehead , rar on , right front foot , right hind foot While wilh red spot in tIll- white. Reward offered No. 11)17 ) Fourth avenue. Full line of typp-wrllcr paper placed on sale to-day , C. II. Slioles , Herald olllce. Hard and soft coal , wbod , lime , cement , etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. , No. 5'W Broadway. Telephone No. 1W. ! Seal brand oysters at II. J Palmer's. Fresh oysters in everv style at the I'liu'iiix Chop House , No. fiOri Broadway. .Sentinels AVIto Knew Their Duty. Atlanta rotiMUiitton : A peed story is told on a young reernit wlio recently en listed at Camp Hancock , near Atlanta. The yoitnir fellow joined the army while the country was threatening war with Mexico , and he intended to make a good soldier. One day lie was on guard duty , and was slowly stepping along when an ollicer approached. After the usual sn- into theollicor said : "Let me see you gun. " As the ollicor received the gun he said In a tone of deepest regret : "You're n line soldier ! You've given up your sjun , ; ind now what are you go ing to do ? " The yo.mg Atlnntiau turned pate , and reaching for Ins hip pocket ho drew a big shooter , and preparing f ° 1' business said in a voice that could not bo nmtinj derstood : " ( Jiinmi ! that gun , or I'll blow a hole through you in a pair 'r minutes ! " Tlio ( illicer instantly decided not to "monkey" any furlhoi with the raw re cruit , and the gun was promptly surren dered ? This story brings to mind one that is told of a con federate guard who was once on duty over in South Carolina. An ollire.r was discussing war matters , and remarked : "Yon know your duty here , do you , sentinel y" "Yes , sir. " "Well , now , suppose they should open on you with shells and musketry , what would you doV" "Form a line , sir ! " "What ! one man form a line ? " "Yes , sir ; form a boo line for camp , sir ! " One day Bcaurcgard , with several lessor lights , came upon a sc.'itiiiol who had taken his gun entirely to pieces and was greasing loclc , stock and barrel. The great general looked like a thunder cloud , but neither his Hashing uniform or the scowl on his face had any oiled on the. sentinel , who quietly proceeded to rub a piece of his gun. "Say , " remarked an officer , "that's Boauregard there ; ho's a sort of a gen eral. " ; "All right , " said thq unabashed sentinel tinol ; "if ho'll wail till Lgot.this gun to gether I'll give him a sort ofi a salute. " Catarrh t Is a very prevalent and' ' cxdcedingly dis agreeable disease , liable , if neglected , to develop into serious consumption. Being - ing a constitutional disease , it requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Snrsa- parilla , which , acting through the blood , { caches every part of the syntom , effect ing a radical and permanent euro ot catarrh in even its most wjvero forms1 Made only by C. I. Hood & 'Co. , Lowell , Mass. , . ' ' A large gray wolf was ! killed in Iler- kimor county , Now Yailc , the other day. C. B. Campbell shot a deer near Little Independence lake and hung it up in a ireo. Whnn ho returned for tlio venison he toilnd the wolf appropriating some of it. He"siioi ' "in. and will got $3 ! ) , the state bounty , for nis i.:1'- ' } Turkeys and chickens suffering V.'itli cholera can bo cured by St. Jacobs Oil. The French .yachtsman wears white llannol trousers hold by a scarf , which covers a bolt or girdle , a jacket of dark blue , yellow leather shoos and a straw hat , with a ribbon generally tri-color , and the adjective applied to him and his elothcs is copurchic , a new compound of pur and chic , meaning , the very best stylo. "Red Star Cough Cure cured my cold. " Mr. A. F. lloohstatter , Philadelphia , Pa. .Iniiviuils , County und Itinik Work of AH Kiiulh a(5iec- ( iully Prompt Attention ] ! ) Mall Orders fflOREHODSE & CO. Room 1 Evoret Block , Council Binds. Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind ing in Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. HKFKKKNCBS : O. n. National Hunk , M. K Smith & Co. , Citl/ons' Hunk , Doaru , Wulls & Co. , hirst National Dunk , C. I ) . Insurance ' - " . , onicor&l'uhov.lunkor4.U.lI ) bavin a Hank. FIRE INSURANCE Irj \\\Q \ \ \ following Companies ; Qirman American , of Niu > Vntk 1 riiatnlr. " of Hartford. i I Hartford , * of Hartford * , Callforinan. of San , //onc < co , Scottlth Union A A'af/oifi' / , ef fdlnburg. Union , oj San Franpkto , Statt. * ofDti Uointi. Wllllamsburg City.f of Brooklyn. Thott markidwltha * Inture alto \pgalnit \ lost 6y Wind Storms , Cyclone ! aft * Tcrnadoet , IN COUNCIL ZZ. nn'irs AND OMAHA , ONEY LOANED ON coon CITY AND FARM rilOI'KUTV AT LOWEST RATES , * * " * * FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. "W IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. LaUiea bujintr a ti Hat o1 Uouuot , ouo fur R ELSE YOU i't fnt'ffrt tlmt tlic Council IHnj'n ) Ctit'pct Coinixinn will intike ( t 1 In tlit'h' Jli'in on 'finnHtt'ii 1st > n\rl , mid tli t Un'U > < 'hound to nllH miner Itii-h' # h > rk lirfnrr Unit flaif. ( in w tin-in hi'/'ni-i' ifintwirww f/.vjr/M-rr , nntl < > bl < itn Ilirli'nrh-rn. If i/on tnint to linn iniiilhinif In tlit'lr tinttlnfi it'll ! f/i'jv jnntM' / < r.s Unit it-Ill i-t-rltiliiln mill unit. Tln-ir stofli wnnlita ofitll i/rnilm ( tail uniki-i of Mattings , Window Shades , CUHTAIN A3STD UPHOLSTERY GOODS , Etc. A lot nf Tublr J.tnriis , Ton-cln and UN to elote out nt LKSS Til. IX COST. See tin-in. Council Bluifs Carpet Co. , No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Farming LatuU in Iowa , Minnesola , Kansas and ranging from $ ,1.00 to $10.00 per aero. School and state lauds in Minnesota on 80 years' time 5 per cent interest. Land Bu > ors fare freo. Information , etc. , given by E3.E = > . rjJ iTjsi ± 3 , 'cra = , No. . " > .r Broadway , Couneil Bhill's , Iowa , agent for I'reidrikseti it Co. , Chicago. . G L GILLETTE , JV-nL HAIR GOODS , Selling Out Gioak Department Tliis Week , IN CLOAKS THIS WEEK , AND DRYGOODS NO. 401 BROADWAY , , la , ATTORNEY AT LAW , COXJ3STOIIJ BIjTTF1IrlS Praoliccs in the State mid Federal courta lloonis 7 and 8 ShnKnrt Blo-k. ) MURDER ! I ItK.MKUV lor tliut fatal ninliuly 1ms denion- strntecl the fact that It U Infallible us n prevent- Ivoundctirn. If you permit your children to dlo with diphtheria. "Their blood bo upon your head. " For Halo only at the olllce , Xo , ' 1 Boulli bth street , Council Itinffa , Iiu , or cent by express on receipt of price , $2. From the Onialiu Hue : Mr. J. II. llutler , of Hn/ol Dell.Pottnwnttnmie Co. , lown , nml his family of eleven persona , wcro nil slok with mallicnant tllphthorliu Hvery one of them has recovered br the use of Dr. Jetrerls' l'i iivontlvo and Cure for Diphtheria , without the aid of njiliyslolun. C. II. HlaUcslce , of No. U1U Compboll street , Omaha , who recently Joat n boiuitltul and l.i- terc'Stlnir daughter , ngcd about 16 yourn , by diphtheria , under the treatment of one of the best physiclnnH In Orualm , wiltesto Ur. Jolluris , ot this city : "Vonr remedy for dlpbthorm came too late , our dear daughter was Uylnic when It was received. I urn s.itlilod ( Hint her Ilfo could have been Havod. Another ono of our children who had the diphtheria , her throat was tilled up with the putrid uloerutlon , wo used your moillcliio and In twelve hours the dlacase was complotfly subdued. In the future we will keep your inedl lno at all times In our house. Wo feel that It eavod the life of ono ol our chil dren.Voaro very thannful to you. und only roirret that wo did not call on you sooner. " From the Council Ululfs fMlly ( Hobo : M. A. Jlcl'ike. editor of the Cambria ( Ebons- bunr , J'a. ) Freeman , has boon the personal friend of the editor of tliu Globe for more than tHentyyoara. and Is known wherever ho U known as one of the best men llvlntr , His family was ravapod with diphtheria , and ( rreatly dis tressed. boinoor Dr. JoHorls1 Diphtheria Cure was used , und the lives of the rest of his child. itm sared. Letters from Mr. Mcl'lko nro unbounded - bounded In their expressions of cratltudo for finding some means of avortlnir thn loss of all his little onus. Five of Mr. Mel'lke's children out of olglit died from dlnhthorla before he hud an opportunity of uslni ? Dr. JetferU1 remedy. - Dyspeptic , why live In misery and die in dls- palr with cnnctir of tlio stoiuncn ? Dr. Thomas jotferis cures every case of Indigestion and constlputlon In a very Bliort time , licet of ref erences ifiven. Dyspupiln is tlio canto of ninety per cent of nil dlfrasod conditions , J'rlqo ? 5 for two weeks treatment. , Dr. JofforU1 diphtheria raedloine Is Infallible for all kluiU of sore tbronti. Inillepenslble In putrlii sore throat , In innlljf mint scarlet fever , clian rlnjrltlnlHliourHtotheslinplofonn. Infill- lltilo cure for nil Intlammotory , ulceratlvo , nut- rid , cancerous ulcorutlon of tbe womb and all catHrrbal conditions. . , . , tHill prlnteil Instructions how to use the lupdl- cines sent with tin-in. Me > doctor required. llr , Jetforls1 remedleu can only bo obtained at Ills onice. No. 3 boulh JJlghtn street , pound ! Illuffs , JowB.oreontay oipreis on receipt of price. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUMS , I A , sheil 1SJ7 Creston House , The onlj-hole ! in Council Hlnirs having © IDsoei/pe /.nd nil modern lniirovnmonM. | IMS , : 'I7 midxny.Miiln .M. MAX JlOlltf. Prop. P. C. No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. LATEST DESIGNS. MANUFACTURER OF PAINTS. IfoiiBc , Slfjn und Ducoratlvo Vitlntcr. Pupler Maclio Wall Orcnmoiitfl. Nonu but Lost linnils employed ntiJ charges rousoimble. Horses and Mules Forull purposes. bo-iRht nnd sold , nt retail ami In lots. Lurtro quantities to select from Several pairs of fine drivers , single or double. MASON WISE , Council Blnfl's. Reduction in Prices , IN China , Glassware , Etc. , At W. S. Hcmer & Go's , No. 2.0 Main st Council Binds , N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Onico over American Express SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , Hueli ns Ixist , Found To Ixitin , For Bale , To Itent , ft ants. Hoarding oto. , will bolnuortud In this column ut the low rntoof TI'.N CENTS I'Kll LINK for tlie first insor- lonand FivoCcntal'orljlnoforoacli subsequent Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our ofllci ) Nn. U I'onl street , near Hroiulwar , Council UluffB. WANTS. 1/IOH HUNT A ( food double building nultiitilo Jj for n grocery Btora and dwelling. ( Jooil location. Tliou , Voiuht , ! iO ) North Bth Bt. WANTKD-A good nlffht cIcrK nt Ilecbtolo's Hotel. ALL THE LATEST STYLES OF MILLINERY , 328 Council Bluffs. No , Broadway , - - - Mrs. O. A. Rogers , Late of the Parisian Mil inery Co , Manager. L. WILLIAMS R. . , 18 N. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. , and 209 B. 15th St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Neb. Manufacturer's Agentfor the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , A\vnliifl ( , Roofing Slate , Man * telH , Pluto and Window Glass , Hliow- Caties. Elevators ( hand and hy draulic &c. BEST LAUNDRY WORK Ju tbo city can be obtained by patronizing the HomeSteam MOIlroadwor V fVft.Council llluffs * % 5w&r fJEO , IF. HCIIINJOKLK , Pi'op , None bu { . experienced hands uinploycil. Out of wwn orders by inniL or express so licited , und nil work -warranted. V7HOLESflLE AND JOBDIHQ COUNCIL BLUFFS. -t i.n n.\i. DKKRI-i , \VHI.LSi& CO. , Agricultural Implements , Ba&iai , Cnrrlniro , nto . Kto. Council Illuffi , lowft. KUYSTONK MAXUFArrURINO CO. > mko thoUrlfflnn ! ninl Complete Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill 8. Press , COIIN S11KI.I.KII8 AND KRRD rt'TTRUS. NOJ. ic.01 , 1WI , IMS mid ir J7 ontti Main Street ! _ _ Council HiiilT.i. lonn. DAVID BRADI.KV A Cui ' Mnnuf'rs nn \ .tobtn < rs o ( Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , rrlRffp-i. nnd nil kln.U of K nn Mnotilnflrr. 1100 to Ilia South Mnln Street , Council UluCCI. AXK JM.VW.BS. . , . \Vntonr. . VI'ros AM in. Soo.\Couuicl. Council BlnlTs Haadla Factor/ , , . ( liKMrporntdl. ) MnmifncturcrRof Axle , Tick. Sieves nnj Sratll llnmllni , of every tlosrrlptlon. C.llll'KTK. COUNCIL K1.UKFS CAKl'BT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , CurtRln FliMircs. UpholMory OooJt Kto. No. 405 liromtwnjr Council UlulTj , IDT * . CMAltS , rO/UCCO. / KTC. PKRKnOY & MOOR K , Wholesale Johburs In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes NOB. ZS.Malii ttnJ 27 l'oni-1 Sts. Council llluff * . Iowa. ' SNYDKR & LKAMAN , \\'liolo nlo Fruit and Produce Commission MerclnatJ , No HtVirl ft. Council WulN. IIAKLH , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , 'IMs' Sundries , Kit ? . No. S3 Mnln St , and No.1 I'enrl St. , romu'll llliitK utrrrs. O. ttr. IUTTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Gunernl Cotmnl 'on. ' No. 5 ( ! llroiulway , Council HlntTs. \V1HT & DUQUliTTK , linlesiilo Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Grocarlaj. Nos. in linil IS IVarl t. . Contull Illiiirs. L. KIKSCHT * CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Grooarlei. Also Wliolopnlo r.lijuor Donler * . No. tW IJroiul- wny , Council I HAHNKiSS , KTC. HKCKMAN , STROHBKI1N & CO. , Jliinn'nctnroisof nml Whnhsilo Duilorjln Leather , Harness , SaddlerEtc. . Ko. Ki Mnlii St. . _ Councll lUulj , lowo. HATS , oms.TC. . METCALF BUOTHKRS , Jobbers la Hats , Caps and NOR. 31 ? nml111 Ilromlwny , Council IllnTi. JIKA'Y \ IIAItnU'AUK. ICE E LINK & KELT , Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardm And Wood Stock , Council lllulTs , loivn. IIIDKS A.\I ) JL ) . 'II. McDANELD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sala of Hides , Tullcw.Wool , I'clteOrpixionnil * 'ura Council Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale IJonlura In Illuminating & Lubrlcatla Oils Gi EJTO. , HJTO. e.Tlioodoro.-Aifont , Council IlluTa. low.v LUMUKlt I'iLINO KTC. A. OVERTON ff CO. . Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , A.nilltrlilo | Mutcilal SnoclixHIfsWholesale ! Lum ber ol all Kinds. UHIaci No. UJ llalu tit. , Council lllutrs. lown , ITIXES AND l.tQVUKS. JOHN LINDER , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. Aifont ( or St. fiottlmrd's Herb Illltorj. No. U Main St. Council HlullH. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JVoCW .Vdln St. . C.imiefl IV.ufft. Star Sale Stables and Mole Yards. . BHOADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Oppobllo Dummr DupoU oa CD g 1 S S S p. S. Horses tmd innlos kept constantly on hand , for side nt rntull or in car loudn.Or ders promptly Illlnd by contract on short notice. ( Stock sold on ooiuiniMion , SIIZ.UTKII ci BOI.IIV , I'roprioSra. Telephone No. 114. Formerly of Ivell Sale StnDles , corno Rt , uve and 4tli slrcot. AGENTS WANTED. THE CHAMPION FITTER. ThU KV > t m li entirely new and U no simple that wo wllluuurunloe to leach you to draft nucceiifiillx In ' * 7rJ".lurJs X"1"1' ' " draft all the pmterni Ihnt lie o caenge competton. io moil oiptrleucuJ ( Iraxnnikcn and talluri ackuuwUilKo lt > luperlorltr. UlilhelnTantlonofMiidaDio Wnlkcr. K will known Kiencli moJUto. It telli rapidly and uooJ ugcnti iii ke moiiejr. We want nrit rUii uienti ti Hike hold of lhebuiln n with in. W llk lo make raoner und allow olhftra to doHOnlso , § 11 wo nffur llbornl ermi. For further Information cull ornildrvi * . MIIS.SIAKV KAHTUII > UK. < lii.A ant. * " 11811 uiuir'10- R. BICE , M. D. , Cancers Orotlier Tumor * lomovoU without , / . tuo klllfo ordrnwlnx ot blood. Oi-er tliirty yenr priicticul uxperlcnc * . No. II I'eiirlHt. , Council lllulfd. lVCon ultutlou true.