Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1886, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAIIA DAILYT. t HSDAY. OCTOBER 21 , 1880. ' A \LHV \ BEAK WEDNESDAY DttfMH ef Grain en Passage Onuses & Wart totrtl reeling , UNB&M tMfi WEATHER 1'rtffc Fiftttf r fifiit Urllj Miiitprntc'Trnit' lltiK-.Minv ! ( jffotntloim. MVItKRT. I'ltlf-Awn , OH. * i i.Vrlal Ti'leiriam to iC IJf-fc | - [ 'hut VVM n dtK-tcn e ( if aKHi.iHO ( Itnlh ilmw II ( Hi | mi < nen till * mom In * , fUilrli , till Uiline * bi'liiR etpntl , ( itiKlit ( it Intf * lflillii | ( < liril lliu market , lint nil tlilnun ctitrtijr cijiiitl , Tin * local Irollng l llirt vvPitk , ninl the nrliml advance i lltit'iiintulltiinurt | < only HC. No- wheat opened lit 7i'v : , ninl nld elf to TW. Tilt1 fnli tei-elids ( if Ilili itrulii wete I to mil ( . t'tirii UA In to tint extent of ait ) trtlfi , rtlul ( if tmt llii'ic vveie ; lut cu , luonglit ( nit li.v tliiiil'iiliili of li'lcfUami M'lit lichee > o li'iilrtv ' iiiiiinniii'ltig the termination of tliu MHkc , mill tiiKlUK tinliliiiii | < nt nf ilfttiimiv imtki tin * ItaiMn wheat dining tliu Hist Imtir wniof llic Unhurt possible ilficrlptloii. Olit't ) November got its low AS Tit" , ! ' . lint on Ilinntciniti * lltiitnti'd a simile iiM'i ' 7iV : No tipt'tntiii VMI disposed to tin iiiiytliliiif , mill ( lit ) hulk vviifi'ciillii'h ' without oiileis. Coin fi'll nlf tn III MS mill | KII | ( ki'pt Mcadll ) ntoiilnl Sl'Hi'd ' , Traders wnlli'd ' in Miln lot anything l transpire , not offering tliu fellllllim ( if III ! I'M'nsP | ( ir eitliel Illllking til liit'nking tin * mullet , A iioliMvintliy ( if till' Innmlng WHS thill > CScldllv'H | 4Kpi its ( > l I\M hlslbout loads vveio eon- lltiiii'ili ' 'I'iii1 usual thing It tin Ihoolllclal ie- pOltH tdkllni'k Illf HlC Ilist llglllCS Wlll'll till' Hilpniciils iiminne Ihi'io pioiiillons | , I'm an limit iillt'i Itissm theie VVMS a steady , tin wind Hint buck inoM' between 7.t'C ' anil 7Pe. : 'I'lui whi'iit i row d HITIII tn have got on to Mi. I'luli' ) mid his inllkiiii ; tacticlur when he now cnlciM the pit with some M fj nols.v anil niipatntly ! genuine bids lei wheat tin1 } Id Minium1 nil In- Mill bin. Tlili game was plitjcd this iniiiimig. Ho lilil iJiVr ami tliu mitt kt-l Immediately dci-lliied to i. j4e. Tim ( ilTi'MliK * weio so plcntilnl shoilly idler noon that there vvnsu ili'dlnu to 72Jf'f7i' ( : ! , local ( "diem coining out In InciriiM'ci 'I'lii'tii U H HiiMiiicUin Hint l''rnU > y clnin cil Ills llll'lll'M IlllOllt lllH HllU'i lit It'Utt hUlllLUIpUIII- tlllN llUlTt III llClll'M. ' that \\lllll' III ) \\I1H iliU- | | t'titly huyliiKlinit n ilo/i'ii or MO luoUeis \vcii' uiniilnjcil liy Mm In M'lllim piopoity. In tliu NMI > of ni'vtH tliocniNsil hailM'iy llttlu In ciiKaut ) ( hell attention. 'I'Mis msulutln * niuikui tnitninllv slow and ht'a\y. Cum \MIH iiKalii Inill-p'H'd tounul any ( ip'ciftl nuiMMiioiit anil ill * ; , imi cit ilotsiiVMiiit tioin t'liw at tliu oniiiilnt ; till .Mu ) toiielicd lU'atiftD ' o. 'lilt' cloMIS ijtili't. ilmiiinry pork ronctrd to S0.70 HV.71M , but Intel lull elf to t'.i.OX 'I'ruile wiis very nioil- ii ! ale. 'Jlto : p. in. Wlirat wnsciy stesuly iliuln ; ? tlit'ikllctnixin ' Mjhslim r.niulni : nt WH ( < C7iu for NiiM'inlM'i , anil cli sliiK HI 7JJt < enuas < ' < u lltllii Inwci. 1'ork in. i ; i.uiKL'il. l.unl , No- M'lnlii'r wnsn Ir.irtlon hl lioi and .lanumy nb ficcliuninT. I'l'in. 'lVt : p in.I'lhllc.m's . on > fo\eiuuer l UtIICACO IIVK STOCK. CiitrAdti , Oct. 'JO. | Spi-clal Tulucinin to tliu JII.I..J- CAI ii. i : 'I'lie cuttlo mnikut to day WIIH Mow and week throughout. Thi'ic was n pretty lair pioportlon ot imd to thoicti liravy oatllu and in some cnscs heavy sold nt lowei prices. Cotnnuiu to fair w ciuirun- t'tullj ' K'o lower and thin mid roiiKh cnttlu noldMr ) shiwlj. Sinoiith fat call In of MIII- ilij. weight mid good iiuallh hold at Mi'iuty lillci" . ShlppitiK stcets , U'53 to l.)00 Ibs , 8i.Vi/n.oj ( ! : KW to 13.W Ibs. 54.ic ji.a ( ; iwoto lauiis. : ItmiKooattlf otreilims were fniilhirit' mid the quality wut rea'ou- nlih Kood. HoiiH ! of I Innio t dc liatilc 'J'dMiiiM and tciutoiy r.ittlo .koid at aUuut Hlindj pi Ices , hut commnn to fair ipiidltle.s weiu In some ca es lower. The gi'iii'iiil nmiket biiiely steady. Snh.v > : 101 .Mont.tnii , 11(11 ( I1)H. , M.IC ; 105 .Montmia Texas. Him His gil.lfi ; 177 .Moutaiin , llii'i llw. 8i.5 : : ! ; r > l ( , 'oloiado , lMi ! ! Ibs , SH.15 ; ino Moutaiin cows. l i ! Ibs , S'J70 : \V\ouiuiK , 1171 Ilii , S.TOd : W SVjoinlnu , 1070 Ibs , < : i.OO. IlixiH-Ti.ulu wns dull and juU-es'JSy.'Mc lower. SHUT the decline set in the icceijits for the lit ft threodaysot tills week me greater thmi the entile inuiib-r last week and tor the two days the mrlxals leaehl.'i.OdO. . At the elo-e In day tlieie were 1 ! > ,0IO ( to 2U.IKK ) un fold , the sales reachlnir about l.'i.iHO. HtiUL'h nnd coiniuoii. Si.i0ti : ; < i0 ; lair to K'wd. ' 8XKnl'.ri > ( : best heavy , S : ' . . : 1.40 ; litht ; borti , * : i.(0 ( ; Yoiks , l.oo'A. . I-'INANUIAU. New York. Oct. 20 MONKV On call , nctive , ranging from 4Jj8 ( per cent , closing nH' 5iH'r cent. I'niviK .MKIICANTII.E I'APEII 4iJ ( % per rent. STKiti.ixn KxciiANoii-Quiet but .steady ; HPlnal business at S4.bO4nM | ! hi tor si\t > day liillH ; tl.Mii.4.M ( > 4' for demand. ( JoVKK.N5ti.Nia ( iovcrnment bonds were dull hut strong. fiiofK.s blocks showed more stieiiKtli than lor many days While theio was pome slight heaviness In earh trading , the market soon rallleii , and .Manhattan , Jersey Central , New Kngland. and Cincinnati , Cleveland , Columbus A Indianapolis made mall-rial advance. * . The ilse was checked toward 2 p. m. and .lorsey Central took the lead in the decline whleli followed. The r.uly galns vveie wiped out and the final iirlrei weio at or near the lowest ot the day , the matkct closing weak. STOCKS ON VVA.I.L STItKKT. n t rent bonds. . 100 | C. A N. W . . . . ( ; ' "W pretened. 141 New 4'n" . . 'N. ' V. C I'acihc C's of 'to UiOteeon Trail. . Central I'aciilc. 1 'I'acUic ' Mall. . . 63 C. & A 1411 II' . I ) , A K . . . . SO iireierre.0. 100 11 * . I * . 0. 140 C. II. .to . . . H 'Hock ' Island. . . . 125'- I ) . I , . AW. . . J401 , bt. L. AS. F. . . , I ) . All ( J : t preferred. . , Kilo. . . . S C. , SI. it St. I' . . , pro erred. . . 7 preferred , , , 121U' Illinois Central. 1S4 St. r. AO U' ' 1. , H. AW preferred. . , 111 'KaiuaHATexns. . Texas I'.icltic. . . 21K Lhke Shore ftJ'yUnion r.iclllo. . < Ol'd ' ' ' 5SHW.St. | L..t 1' . , Mich. Centrni. . . U4U ! preferred. , lo. 1'aclflc Western Union .Northern 1'ac. . . teiiO. . H. AN. . . . pi uforled. . . I'UOUUQU .M.VUKKT. Cliloauo. Oct. 50. Flour Steady and un- chanued ; winter wheat lionr , 84.0.V34.10 ; hoiitliern , Si.W.ji4.00Vlbconsin : ; ; , S4.00 i 4.1U : Michigan Mitt sprlni ; wheat. 33.60 ® 4.10 ; Minnesota b.ikerc , S3.WX34.10 ; patents , M.ii'0(4.GO ; ( ; low grades , 61.7.1XS2.75 ; rye Hour , iiuiel at e.X'J5 S.0 in barrels , and S3.00 8,80 In sacks. Wheat Opened firmer and closed higher for cash and lower tor fnluies ; cash , 72o ; November. 7JKc ; December , 74 ll-lCc ; Alay , Corn Dull and weaker , closing about 12e under jestordav. Cash. 33 4c ; November , t UHo ; December , Sfi 11-lOc ; May , 40 c. O.ils CIosBd dull andconslderaDlv-weaker. ci.h , 24iio ; NoTrmbcrMJ c ; May , .T0 > c. Itye guietat4bhc ilarley CJuiet at .We. Tiuiothy beed t'rlnie. 81. CO. Flax-seed > j(307e. ( Whls-KV 51Ib. Turk Weak and lower. Cach , S8.W ; No- vemtK'i. St .07S ; January , 6l > . 5. l.ard-Kasv : October. ( 85.63 ; November , i.C7k ; Januarv , $ S.NK. Hulk Meats- shoulders , 5V4535.50 ; short clear , taw rt 00 ; short ribs. $6 S2' < r. liutter Steady ; creamety , 15tf27c ( ; dairy , Ciiei-se Quiet ; full-cream Cheddars , 11 * HKc ; Unts , llyiic , young America ; , 1H W Vif. i Heavy green salted , fully cured , IKc ; Itrbt. ilu 6 > fii ; bullhWea 5 > fc ; dr > . 8c ; nulled Uftl''c Tallow > a 1 country. 8 > , ( gSo ; No. a. Sc ; cake. 5j4'c. iJUipments. Flour , bbls lfl.000 1'J.OOO WlivaUbu. W.OOO Corn. DU 917,000 OaU.Du 120,000 14K.OOO , o\t 4,000 UUX , ) ll.CJU ) New York , Oct. 20. VVhbat-IlecelpU , I "iXij rtjtorK IPO ooo pM stonily ; options i < pni l linn and , < * ic higher , snoscquetitlv VM : ikrlied vvithweM declined V" * PIclosing hr-xvv ncfti iMilloiit rates , iineraded n'd , 7 * > -V. Nn. iipd , < & So. 1 red. SN'P ' ; So.'J tril , Me In elevator , ct > ' dt deiiveied : November closing nt M , p. Corn Spot lulil ) nitlve ; lather weak ! iiptlim * V'\P * lower , closing heavy ; n- 4V ( , No. - ' . 41V In clevaim. 1'i'vulOo ; November clnslnit nt l'i' < , o. O.its Hlmde lower ; receipts. W.COO : ex- pin It. l.KKij mlved vvestein , : ucittc ( ! ; while westein , iWrt lOc. IVUoleiim rifin : t'lilted. WiVc. I'tnk MesiimolMl S ! ,7.tor old ; Ki.fiO fur IH U . I .nrd U esiet n steam spot , S < MM' i' Iliitlei steiidv and ipnet , Clici'sc Mendv nnd ( pilot. nni'iniuul.Ocl.Wi , Wtieflt FlMtitir ; Xo. U red , 77e. CornNo. . 2 mixed , nsa ( ius NO. 2. miM'd , arc. live No. ' . ' , wp. I .mil v.v ; SI.IM. MIUvAiiknr. ( let. 80. WliOat-Wi'ft1 ; caMi , 7 ISP ; Novi'inbci , fl-'sc ; Deci'inOcr , ( Vn'iirirm ; No. ' . ' , 3t'e. ( ) .il So. . ' , 2-i4c. lt > e No. 1 , Mi' ' , r. ll.illcyNo. . 2 , M'tfe. I'oik Ueloliei.iMli1 , . Mliincapolls , ( ) i' | . --Wheat ) Stroinr ; No. 1 t mm. ? 'u lor c.ish and Xovemhei iTil c for Dpccmbcr ; No. 1 noithcrn , 7V ( foj easii nndft.oinlwi ; No. Suottliurn , tw-o lei cash nml Noveinlior. _ Jflom-Patenls , S 4.10 ® 1.25 ; bakci- * , * : i.lXtf ( " - - , : wOJ < ) tut. -Wheat , NIK.XI bit. ; Hour , 8.000 Hi. limits , ( HI. 20. Wheat Weak nnd IOWPI ; No. 2 ted , i di , 74p ; Novenibi'i1 , 7t''Bp ' ; Di-ceinlier. 7i1'nf > 'M ' ; .Ma.V , b.V4e bid. ( . 'inn WiMkXo. : 2 inlsed , i-ash , : Wc ; He- ppinber , 334e ; Mmi7vP. : O.llM Kusv : Nn. ' - ! nilTi'd , c.ish , ' . ' .iJai- ; Novenilu'r , 2iio ; May , KOViii : ; ) 4p. . U\p--N-pulpppd. | Whisk- . Hi. 1'oik-Kasj .U Saw. Lard- Weak at i-.1).Vil.tri.ri ( . llnllei Dull andiM .v ; ea'.imeiy , atj2(5c ( ? ( : daiix. 12 i21e. r Afternonn Hoard - WhiMt UncliaiiKPiI. Corn - 'KU'UI' IOVVPI. O.ils Uneliaiieud. I'olctlo , Oct. 20 , Wheal Closed weak and lowpr ; eash , 77'ie. ' ( . 'urn Cash , Hi e. ( Kits Neglected. Kiiiisas Oitj , Oct. SO. Wheat Slionu'Pr ; No. 2 red , cash , Ol c bid ; November , OoV ; .Miiv , 72' iC. Uom-hteadv ; No , 2 , rash , 2'.i5 c hid ; No vember. Wic hid ; Mmi'lJic bid. Uals Ninninal. Iilvorpixil , ( let. 30. Wheat Offered nioil- eratelj ; new No. 2 winter , btoady at Os 7d ; hpilii' , hteiulj al 0s S's'd. KlonrOlfered moderatelv ; steady it Ss 4d. Coin Ofleu'd sparingly ; spot and Octo ber , linn t 4s 4d ; November nnd December , In m ut Is U } < , d. LilVK 8TOOK. CtilcnRo , Oct. 20. The Drovci's Journal reports UH lollovvs ; Cattle Kecolpts , 0,000 ; slow , shade lower ; shlppint : btiHJis ? : i.fWC ( .r > .20 ; Mockers and leudeiii. S2.25 l.W : eovvs , bulls and mixed , S1.50u < H.10 ; bulk , yi.2TK.ii2.riO ; tlnoiiKh TP.\- niia , MOW ; eovvs and mixed , 8-.2T > Ot'-i5 ( ; .steeis , 52.70ii.iOvostuin ( ( ! : ; rani ; rs , blow ; natives nnd hair-hret'd" , si.X@l.oo : ( ) ; cows , 3ii5 : 3.IK ) ; vvinteied Texans , yl.OOW'l.K ) . Iloss Kecolptt,2.VXH ) ; Mow , tli@l.V lower than Tnc.sday'b ; lomrh and mixed , ; ? : U' > ( > ( ! 44 20 ; paekiiiK and bliinplin : , S4.0U ( < $ 4.r > ; lllit , $ : i.Wik'M.iOsklpsSV.Of3.m. ' : ; ( ( Sheep ISwi'lplM , 7.0iH ) ; butchers IDr lower ; natives , 5i.rA : < 4io ; we > tein , s : ; . I0v..iu : ( ; Texatis. S2.iOy4.10 : : ! ; lainbi. Si.7.\j5.0D. : at. Louis. Oet. 20. - Cattle : i,00u ; shipments , 2,000 ; deMinblu tjradc.s steady ; otlieis weak ; choice nutivo .steir-i , 84.80 (1/4. ( / N ) : fair lo medium shippeis , SWO ® l.-'O ; hutches s' steers , eoitimnu to choice , Si.OJai.lO : ; fcedniL' steers , lair to Rood , 82.150 ( : ! .oostorkers ; lull to Rood , &l.CO&fi.20. lloics Kecelptit , 10,000 ; .slnpinentH. li.OOO ; opmu'd Mpudy , tilled hrm , then declined ! > M VMS , closlnijweak ; cholcu heavy and bntehei ? M-leetions , * 4.10a4..0 : : pnuker.V , fair to best , si.UVJ : ! 4.2. . ; \oikeru , fair lo choice , Sii.'Oyj ' l.yO ; pijjs , common lo ijood , S2.Ul. ) < j.b"i. : ! KaiiHiis 'Jlti'i Oct. 20. Caltlo Ki't-L-ipts 2OtX ) ; hliiuments , none ; slow ; quality ste.nly ; medium and common wsk : nnd a shade lower ; common tocliok'c , S3.30 ( < i4.i'.0 ; stockeis , sa.'iVrf'J.W ; tceitiiiB Meeis , t . &Oy ? iiUi-ov\t ! ( ; > , 8l."Krf2.f)0. ) llou's Hi-reipt.s , 11,000 ; shipments , 1,000 : maiket demorrli/cd ; opened lOddinp lower , elosiiit ; . 'Oo lower ; common to choice , S3.50u $ , . _ _ OMAIItV IjlVIS STUUIC. Wednesday Evening , Ocl. 0. CATTI.II The flesh iccelpts vveie light , lint theie were onouuli left over liom the previous d.iy to makti a goml showing. Thei e were a tew coin fed c.itllo in which sold iiuickly. The maiket lor feeders is , slow. A good many feedeis aie selling , tmtthoieis no lito in tlie market. There was not much doing In butcher stock. One bunch ol cows was all that wns sold to-day of an > account. lloi.s The receipts vveie .slightly heavier than jesterday. The nmiket opened veiy neaily steady with llm closing prices ot the niuhf before. Tlio leported heavy decline In eastern maikets tended to weaken the maiket here , and while the range ol pi ices was as high as vostcrday the maikol was lower. 4ho market here has he.en holding up very line and is now considerable hiirhei in pinpoitlon than Chicago. Kor that leason some'iicalcrs are looking foi a further decline heie. Sin lit' Theic vteie a low In to-day and they weiosoid. niciiriB. : Cuttle Hogs lwx : ) Sheep 100 I'revallinc Prices. Showlnclho prevailing priced paid for live Ftouk on thlsinarkot. Choice steers , 1S50 to 1500 Ihs 84.2.504.CO Choice steers , 1100 to i : J llu 3.75 < < 4.oo Medium steers , 1250 to l.rj HH. . . n.Mt ( ) < i4.l5 Kat little steers. 1050 to 1150 Ibs . . . . H.80 ( ( I.OO Good teeders , a.KctH.25 ! ) ( Good lo choice coin-tod cows iJ.MMVi'S.oo Hangecowii 2.2.'iii ( > ' * .50 Fair to medium grass COWH 2.00i < t2.23 Good to choice mills 1.50 ( < 1.75 Lightiind medium nogs : i.7.i.bO : Good lo choice heavy I'ogs S..i.V'el.OS Good to choice mixed nous 8.s5fre.VJ > Uongh throw out * 2.50jtH.OO ( Good to choice sheep 2.7.V KJ.2.'i Fntrtogood shoei L'.2.'iii2.50 ( HopreHcntattvo Hnlci. KKKDEH" . No. AT. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 231..1053 83.00 43..10W 83.00 COWS. No. Av. I'r. 20..11CO $3.15 No. Av. I'r. No. Av. J'r. b2..0ia ? 3.00 10. . . . 1163 S4.2J SHKBI' . No. Av. I'r. 104. . . . 82 52. W 1100 = . No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Slik. Pr. W..2A4 120 SH.bO ! . . . .29 ; Ifil ) gfUIS ffl..2S7 240 S.hO fi3..2rt | SiO 8.115 r6..2-17 tO 8.PO 57 . . .HID M 4.00 M . . 203 120 3.b7M 27 . 371 240 4.00 M..215 120 S..IO ' .VS.i03 ! 120 4.00 4U..2S9 l' 8.110 52..20S 240 4.00 49..253 120 8.W C0..2M V.'O 4.00 41..244 120 3.CO fa..27rt 120 4.00 19..347 120 3.M ) 57..271 120 4.00 8.I45 ! bO S.1K ) f . . . .270 bll 4.0 .W..2.W U'O 3.1K ) &q..UNJ bO 4.05 17..847 160 ! UK ) 55..2U2 1150 4.05 U4..2U5 40 3.1K ) 55 . . .KOI ICO 4.05 T1IIIOW Ol'TS. No. Av. ShU. Pr. No. Av. hhk. Pr. 1..1CO . . 58.00 7. . .ii23 40 $340 b . . . "in 40 11.10 1. . .liliO . . 8.0 2..100 . . 8.10 l'i . . .170 . . 3.50 4.-A7 1 ° 0 it.5 1V1 . . .205 1 ) 350 9..COI JO ! ! .3i 4 . . .325 1'iO 870 9..1SO . . U.25 15 . . .21M VJtl 8.75 of 1'rlcoH. Showinc the highest and lowest prices paid for loads of hogs on this market during the past fcuven days and lor the same time la tjeai _ : _ Sept. ! llth' ' 4 45 fM bS I 26 Ci 85 330 Ulh 4 W it4 70 4.05 ( 4 3.15 & 3.30 leth 4 15 U4 CO 1 fO < tH 15 3.10 eau litbl SiinJuy. 2 75 Q.I 20 IMhl 3.1KI Huiulny. 1'Jlh tiunJay I a 80 ft4 05 Mlhi 4 GO iH ti'lj 3.tO ttt.tl5 3,10 HMpinonts. : the number of cars of tMttle , lie s nnd slicc | > lii | > i > rd from snniii Uinalia tluuim the ilnv . r VTTl K. Nn rnis. Kiiiile. Dostlnntlon , 6 . N.V . CldiMKO. IKKIs. No. rnii. llonte. lo lln\llon. : 10 . | { . I . . . Huston. All stlesof tooU In this inaiket tile in.vle percwt. llMwelitht nniefn olIietwNeslnted. Head linns st-ll nt S'1' pel Hi. for nil weieht < . " .Skins , " or hoi's McUliliii : les * than liKilln. niMnlne. I'H' sows ale docked -to llw. nnd sings so llu. N til 01. Hotf ninikcl rlosoletUc . The nmiket fin torn ted steers continues nellvo. ! ( . ' . SlmMdt , Mound City , Mo.lslled II. P td , Mnnpiettenshuie nnd sold a of hoi.s. .lames C.uit ? , Lowell , 10 , ' , head of sheep on Hie inniKet. lilies \M'ie sni led up more clo-i'ly to-day thmi yesleiiluv. N. II. Uurjcu'reon. W.ihoo , wns in nnd bought yn hcnil ot leeilers. l.oliinaiiA Uiillichllil hnit In eklit loads of i' , il lie limn Noith llend. A.V. . Hull. .Sionx City , Inul liftN-llnce head of cnlu's .U the janls. .1. S. Siniu'li , Wlsner , wns lienumd sold two loads of ( . 'tun toil cattle. .Mr. Mnore. a live sli ck limn of Unr\aid , was \lsltor nt t lu > > in ili. A. 11 , Kaierlne , Conneil ItluINMIS hcie nnd tnaiU'tcd n load of hog * . C. II. lltimtnotul iV Co. liiul t\\'holoiulsof cuttlo sliipprd In to them to-day. Colonul J. II. Pi.itt. ol Sinninur Hill , Neb. . was aiming the visitors at the jiutls. Mi. Kelly , nt Kcllj Ilairis , WNncr , was livieaml ncirketi'tl ' loin loads ol vallle. \V. Alontioineiy wns liciowith two lints ot lnms lor C. anil R llcniililll | , Ailnli , In. .1. A.Vlnn , nmmiKci ol the lilir lloin Cnlllo eoiniMiiy , was neie inMiltliit ; thcui- ilvnl ol two ti.ilns or cntllo. One Is ex.- incted In to-nl hl nnd anothci to-inoirow. .Sam Alk'iton , the Chicago packer , ' 1'lioinas H. Shrlu'i , lieasiner ol the I'lillndcliiliia stock yiiiils , nnd , li > M > | ih .1. Mai tin , live stock commission man ot Philadelphia , veie ninoiiKtholsltois at thestoi'K janls. On the maiket with lie s : O. W. Hna-e , Hancock ; , Ino. Lenike , .Millard ; J. M. lleilKe , Ynlan ; . ! . K. i.uwei , .Sliomslmiir ; i'\ M. .lelliey. OMTola : C. nnd K. llemphlll , Adalr ; Hicks AK. . , Uoleihliri * ; 11. II. Dexiei , Klnli : ( \ C. ClllHin , Colon ; .Ino. ( Jnliiii , Wood HiM'r ; I ) . Anderson , Columbus ; 1) . Desmond , llnrnelt ; C.V. . lioidil. Alnswoith ; M. Killner , Madison ; .1. Kolliclulil , Dakota Cltj ; 1C. 1. . Martin , Fairmont ; il. Kind , .Maiiiiette | ; Itlaok Aoigonson ) , Mindun ; Kelly A Co. Kxeter. O.MAHA.VllUIjKSAIjl3 SIAHIvlOTS General 1'rmltioe. \Ycilnesilay , Oct. 20. 77ic/olloiflii [ ; prices me1 ror round lot * ttf j ( ii/iifc / , as i > old on Uio innrhci ( oiaThe / ; nuiitiilhnii ( nifntltx roi > rexcni f/icp'fctw nt whMi nittxUic tuilcfK urc tilled. Kims The iiicvnillnt ; pi ice Isl tifUV Hi'riKitAn active iccllnciiU'V.d a on all line itrades ofcicameiy and ilnliy , .is well ns Mi Irtly choice c'mntry buttvr , lor tahle use , nil of which lire in limited supply , Ke- cilpt.s of interior grades me In cxc.'ss ot the demand ; a larne pionoitlon of tliu same has to lie sold to pacKiss at low ligine- . Kiosh roll butler should he p.icud in clc.m , not uxcccdiim bo pounds ; each roll to bo wnipped in u pleceol ninslin. It will p.iy shippt-r , well to i ko a lit'.l. ' pains In pack ing tiiulrbintcr. A nice , cle.m iiackiuo of clinlvc \\llliilwayssoll ; it outstdo in- ur.'s. Fie hciL'.imei v , 'iVi J-e ; tiesli daio , iSM'JOc1 ; choice loiintiy roll , iK'O.Oi ; ; choice country loll , .solid pa'ked , 17if4s ( < ; ; good country loll , H'wlTe : BOOI ! cmintiy loll , -.olid packed , 1'Mtlfic ; Fair , llsllc ( ; common , 4 oil. "Poi'i.Tiiv Them been some Iniprovc- mi'iit In tills line of late , tiood , , healtlo- lonkUK chickens ell more ruadilv than a weeK.igo.A \ \ od neks also meet with quicker sale. Old ehlckens , choice , per do ; , ' . * ' ' - chickens , ' ' ' docks , vj.fw@-j.75 ; turkeys. Sr.OO.UO ( ; . ( IA.MK All choice sound birtU arc being Bold on miival at ( [ iiotat mis ; elf stock , however , ish tid to sell at any pi Ice. The dim mil lordcci nnd antelope is iiniie hilsk ; ainvals , thus far , have been exceedingly light. I'ralrio eh ckens , choice , per do7en , gux ; > ; qnall , S1.50 : Milpc , plover , etc. , IMu ) 5'J3 : : ducks. ( Mallard ) , 1.7.Va2,00 ; ducks , ( Teal ) , Si.WJ Jl.23 ; ducks , mixed. 76e@Sl.UO : geese , S3.00@fl.5o : iK'e'-.baddles , per Ib. , ll ( > $ r.'c ; deer , caicasses , per lb.,7@9c ; ante lope , saddle * . ll@12c ; antelope , carcasses , 70f'i'elk ' ) ; , saddle.- . , choice , i > ci It ) . , 10 ( < ? llcolk ; caicisses , 0(3 ( > 7c : lack lahbits , i > er do-t. , S3.'jUtel.OO ( ; hmali. per do/ . , Ari'M > Prices on choice apples are holding up very well. Mis- sum I apples nro in very supply. The follo\ying quotations me lor apples well packed in hands : choice Jlis- s' rS2.rj.MicliiganS'i.50c ( ; < > .75 ; fancj Michii.'aii.Si.OOai.'J.r : ( : ) . PorA'iiii'.s There Isnowahiisk demand for stinlght cars ot strictly cholco potatoes nt fiOQ.VJc per bushel. Mixed varieties , small , or otherwise in'erior stock continues very dull and will not sell for mine than -'i 01lUc. . ONIONS The demand is not heavy and thcv aio bulling In n small v\ay : Choice stock , purba.MJ l.OO. CAIIIIAOI : Thu market Is fallly well sup plied : Choice stock , per doSUe. . ( tiiAiN Corn , Sic ; ucw oats , ic ; rye , -lOc ; wheat. No. 2. GOc Oniisi : : Full cream cheddarSjhliiglp.l'Ji c ; Hats , twins , ; , WKc : tancy Swiss , H@15c ; Swiss , imported , aXu'Ji : Llmhurger , 12' < , ; brick , 13c. bwiir : POT.VIOKS J'hc maiket Is glutted with choice sweet potaloes. Very choice stock was sold this wceK at IJ c and even lower : Choice shipping stock , purlb. , l@lV < c. CII.IKV : : A gicat amount ot very noor .stock has heon coming in , which has been sold lor what it would bring. Prices on choice stock remains about the sam as last week : Choice stock , pur do/ . , lirxu-lUo ; exlia large , per do/ . . -lOCfM'ie. Ovsrints-Tho tr.ide Is In very much the same condition as last week on account ot the continued warm weather. Price- , are low nnd dealcis are. well supplied with the choicest stock. Orders fiom lite onlsldo are being illicit in good shape : Mediums , ilc ; standards , 30 ; selects , ! ! jc ; X. V. counts.JOe. . JjKMOSs Messlnn , per box Sa.50 ; Malaga , SO.OO. OiiANOKb Jamaica , per box , 53.00 ; per bbl. , 511.00. CKANiimimr.R Stocks are moving fairly well at the same quotations as last week. Capo cod , fancy , per bbl. . S8.SO ; Jersey , choice , S7..W ; Wisconsin , S7.M ) . KANANAH Bananas are soiling nt the same prices as last week , Haiianns , yellow , per bunch. fcU.OO.a'J M ) ; bananas , yellow , large uiinchJ.S < i ® : .60.'oiiNiA Kntirs Stray shipments of Calltoinia trnlts contlniiu to arrive , hue In small quantities. Gr.u > .Toknys1S4J.OOirapcs ; , hl.u'k , 32.00 ; peaw , 32.TSffllOO ; plums , 81.75 ; quinces , g'J.SO , ( iitAi'is ' : Home-grown grape' ' ? nre about played out. A low are coming in , but thov are for the most part toosott to bear rcshlp- iiicnt. The mniket is lalrly well supplied with Now York giapes. Ifome-grown. tier Ib , r > c ; lionio-growi ) . lIMIi basket , 40c ; New Yoik , per U-Iti basket , 40c ; .Malaga , per bbl , SROO ; Malaga , extra larue bhl , SIO.K ( ) . llo.MiY Nebraska , cholco. whllo clover , IfiMlfic. ; Nebraska , dark , I'Jc Hc ; Califoinia. J Ib sections , 15c ; Calitornia , 'J Ib sections , lUi@Hc. M.u'i.i : avoAii Driclfs , per Ib , 12 > f ; pen ny eaaes , jn'r Ib , 16c. MAi'i.KhMU i'- iilk , ll ! to 17 cal kegs. POI gal , Sl.oo ; gal cans , per gal , SUft ; gui cans , PCI gal. 81.10. C.uuuNew i'oik.pcrbbl , SR.SONnw ; York , Ji bbl , 554.25 ; Crab , per iloz qts , S'J.75 ; Michi gan rcliiicd , per bbl , SO.SO. ViNKfiAii Whlto wine , 13@l5c : elder vin egar , 13 ( l.'ic ; single strength , 1'Jo ; tiiple strength , lf ) ( < ? lSc. Pitovisio.Nh Ham , 12c ; picnic ham l > c ; bicakfast bacon , Do ; clear sidu bacon , WJ } < e ; dry salt sldos , 8i4c ; shoulders , be ; dried beet , reMilar , 1'Jc ; dried beef , ham pieces. 15o ; lard , M ) Ib cans , OJ < c ; lard , iJO Ib cans , Kolibanks , 7o ; 10 Hi cans , Fairbanks , 7SIC ; fi Ib cans , Kalibanks , 7\e ; 8 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7 c. UKANH Inlurlor stock SO.i&y l.OO ; good clean country , SI ( KXgl.25 ; medium , hand picked , fcl.30ysl.-JO ; band picked navy , 81.40 ( ( Cl..riO. Fi.orn ANII Miu.STi'rrs \ \ Inter wheat Jlour , best quality patent , fc'J.75 ; swotid qual ity. S'J.40 ; best quality spring v\ Hour , patent , S' ) ; , fi0opercvvtuhnpneil ; fec-d , 70cper cwt ; white corn meal , Sl.OO : \uilowcorn meal. Ode per cwt ; scieonmg , OOc per cwt ; hominy , per rwt ; shorts , .v 5 perrvvt : crnham , fl.COjhay , in bales , S5.SO ® adOperton. Duv PAINTS White lead , SC ; French sine , 12c ; Paris wliitlnjr.J' ' e ; vvhliing , tlldcis , 2J c ; whiting , courl , lc ; lampblack , ( ler- m.inslown , 12c ; lampbi.ick , ordinary , be ; pru l n bl . - ' - , i . ST no , t < ! < ' . vandvKe. brown S > , \ 11 nl c Mill icr law C. Metliiii. bi-'lll tif s.l'.l ' MW , l , P.IIIS uiiH'ii 1'in.inio . . > > Viiils RICMI , common. "Jc ; < limice cr.'eiA \ . . . Oi.'iclironn Rii-en' K , Vie ; vel i.illluii. P.nclNIi , In oil , 7.V : , law .nut burnt innlu'i. I Id c.ins , i-Jc : r.iw and 1mlnt s enn.i. I'.V : vainUkc blown. l"-c ; re- llncil lamplil.K K. iVc ; conch blacl. and Ivoiy black. l"c ! drop binek. 1'V ' ; I'niss nn bine. UV" bliuIs ! - : chrome mecn.l. . . M. .vV D. , li'c ; blind nnd shutter uiecii. I. , M. A.D. . , IV ( : P.uls iriooti , IS' ; ldlali : ; led. ir.c ; Venetian led. ' .Vi 'I H'can. ftle ; Ameilc.ui vennllllon. Ij. A I ) . , " 9iV > cllovv oclnc , IV ; I. . M. i * t ) . I ) . . IS1 ; good wine , UV , patent duel. S ? : ulnllllnteoloi , llcht ti.ik d.nkoaU , walnut , chestniil aiul.'nsii , KV. Dm usMI I'uKVin MS. Arid , caibolic. : Wo ; aclii , l.ntaiie , .V.\ ' . luKim ciip.ilhi , pel tli. 4 ic : li.ilk < ltns , pel ll > , 10c ; c.iloinel. I pel ll > , 7-.V , chinciionidia , pei oHV. . ehloio- toim , pel tli , "ADuvei ; powdeis. pei li. ! ? l."i ; epsoni alts , pel Hi , ! t'x.o ; Rlvceilne , pine , pel Ib.V : lead , acetate , pel Hi. ' 'le ; nil. e.istoi. No. I , IH-I i il. , SI..VV ; oil eastoi. No. 'J , pel mil. . $1 l : nil olive , Pel ! . . SI 10 ; oil inifainnuii. 'iOopium. ; . $ : > . 'Ji ) : qiilniur. P , . \\.and It. AT S , , pri onv ; potnssinin Iodide per Hi , S..v , ; tlleiii. iii'i nUV ; sulphate - phate mnriihine. pel < v , SJ.ti : ; snlphni , per Hi , le ; sti.vchnlne , IH-I oSl.'ji. / . Wool. Medium Wif . ' ( ) , per Ih ; tim < lieavv , 1 Ini UK" light , U'lftHv : PO.USV , I4iliv ( ; liuiiy VVOIlldt'iC Oil , Hint's Gieeli huh IIPI-S , ( ! ' , t > ; geeeli enied , * - ( < < si4 , . ; div Hint , Ihiflite ; illy silt , M ? Hie : UK-en ealt skins , t' < n'.i'.e ' . ; damaged hides , two thlids pi Ice. 'tallow : u e. ( ! reuse Ptlmo while , He ; jellow , 2e ; Inown. l"ie. Sheen Pelts , -f ; > c. I.i\THin-PiniH' : slaughter sole leather , 3.V ; plinii < Vk hoL'lciUlipr , . > K * H * . I'pner leathpi pei fool , COfiV ; hem. Kip , & " . ( $ : ? ? ; 0,1 k kip. SWH.V ; Ktpiieli kip , bl.OO iol.vo ; hem , call , Sl.oowU 10 ; oik eall , gl.OO.ftl.'J.'i ; Fiench call , St.21(11 'O ; Moiocco. hoot leg , JiOdc'Kp : Moiocco ml pebble. 2H'iH2e ; loppings and linings , iw.uv.kv. IIi-AW H.vnnvv VIM : Iron , ratn * 5'0 : ; plow S'H-I special rastIP ; einelble steel , Cc : east t mis , do. I An IV ; vviieon spokes , per set , -M.7fiKiJl.OJ ; Intlis , per net , sl.25 ; lollops , sawed dri , & ! . Ml ; lontine.s , ench , 75iaxeK ; ( Mcli , 7.ic ; sipi.un nuts , per Ib. 7"llc ; cell chain , pei Ih. ( ii'l'Jc ; inalloablp , tiers * ; iron vvt'dups ' , lie ; cnnvKii- ; haiiovv teplli , 4e ; spring steel , 7c-'e : Bunion's hor.sp shoes. SI.40 ; Ilinilen's ninli' shoes SV40. Barbed vvlie , In car lots , M.0 ( ! iiei 100 His. Xails , rates , uitn.VJ , S2..V ) ; steel n.ills . , 2.dfi. Shot , Sl.ii. , ; Imekshot , Sl.K'i ; oiluntal povvdei. kegs , 5 25 ( ) ; do. hall keg.s , -2.ii ( ) ; do. iiiarter | kegs , M.O : bhisttni ; kegs , $2.r : > ; iu e , per lo leet. ( VV. Lead bar , jjlil. PAIMS is On. While lead. Oinaha.P. P. , Jiic ; white lead , St. l.ouls , pine. S7.7S ; Mai- selllesgieen , 1 to Ml ) cans , 2c ; Fiench xlnc , ureeii seal , I2c ; Ficnchine , red seal , lie ; Kieneli zinc , In vainlsh imst , 20\ > ; French uiiiiiinu > f-inf > i , i % , i v : , , 'uiiitT , luiilllii'v. . , ochre , trench , 2'ic ' ; ocliie , American , iSc ; Wlniei's mlneial , 2lsc : I.ehlgh blown , 2i4c ; Spanish blown , 'J c ; 11 luce's u-ineial , r.s Barrels , pur gallon : Furni ture , extra , SI.10 ; turn it lire. No. 1. * t.l)0 ) ; ciMchPMtn , 51.40 ; coach , No. 1 , S1.20 ; Da- mar , evlra , SI.75 ; Jnpan , 7Uc ; iisphaltinn , exlin N" > c ; shellac , $ . " .50 ; hard oil tinish , Si-inns Coloirno snlrlts. 1SS piool , SI.17 ; do Hit piool , SI.IS ; .spirits , second quality , 101 proof , < 1.17 : do IKS pioof. 81.10. Alcohol , Ib8 pioof , S2.1S per wine gallon. Kedistllled whiskies , M.lHXjil.Wi. Gin , blended , Sl.nocm 2.INI ; Kentiiekj loiirbmn. , S2.006iOO ( ; Ken tucky and Pennsylv.lnla rjes , S2.XX ( < tti.'iO ; ( iiilili'ii Sheaf bourbon and rve whiskies , ? 1.50'iKl. ! ( Hr.nrtlies , Imported , 5.00c-b..VI ; domestic , Sl.iit5.tH ( ) ( ! ) . Kiins. inipoiten , t4.Ml ( ( ) . < X ) ; domestic , ? 5l.2.13.00. CliampaKites. imported , per case. WS.OOt.00 : ! : ! ; Ameiiean , per case , SlO.tO Kl.t'O. ' Grocers' ll it. PicKi.ns Medium , In hols , SO.W ; do In half bbls. SaJfi ; small , in bbls , S7.oO ; do In halt bbls , SJ.25 ; irherklns , in bbls , SS.50 ; do In halt bbls. S4.Vfi ? SJYKIJI1 No.70 , 4-gaI10Il KP-'S , Sl.20 ; New Orleans , JVJC C4Gcpbr gallon ; Mnnlu Syuip , } i barrel , ' 'nld time. " 7'Jt' per gallon ; t gallon cans. 31000 per do * . ; Vi gallon can § 5.uo per doz : dimrt cans , S.'l.iX ) . KOIM : W Inch. WiX \ inch , lOc ; inch , 10i-c. ' DniKii FISCITS No l quarter apples , 3 % ® 4e ; In ev.ipoiated boxes , fi CjO' c ; blackhei- ries , boxes , Q\c' peaches , castetn , 4 ? ' * Ti' e ; peaches , evaporated , I.rv@l7e : Salt Lake , none In nmykeP , 17' ' fuis ) } < c ; currents , ( i 4 ( ( < l7c ; prunes , new , 4 % 4'iTc. 4'iTc.STAIICII Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , 5,4'c ; Mirror . 4c. ToiiAcro Ping , climax , 43 ; horseshoe , 37c ; star , 3Ui' ; spear head. : Wc ; tiliier holdsick , C0cjold : ; shield , 34c ; meiry war , 25c ; J. T J. , : > Jc. TOIIACCO Smoking , Diiiham , Is 51c ; ' s. 51c ; ' 48 , f "c ; 'js , , ooo ; meersclnim , Doc ; old style , ' 'c ; V. N. O , We : spiilt cuied , 4.rc. MATriu-.s Per caddie , 'J8c ; square cases , $1.70 ; mule siiunic , Sl.20. OANDV Mixed , 0llKc ( ; stick8K9Xc. ( . Cn.vcKr.ns ( iarnean's soda , butter , and picnic , M..C ; cieams , Wi'c ; ginger snaps , 8J c ; citv soda. "S'c. boAi's Kirk's Savon imperial. 32.rO ; Klik's satinet. 53.00 ; Kirk's bt.inil.inl. 8 .a"ij Kirk's white Kussiaii , SI. 03 ; Kirk's White Cap. 80.50 : Dome , S.l.M ; Washboard , Sii.lO. White Cloud. Si.7r : > . SUGARS 1'owdcicd , 7' C < 47\c ; cut loaf 7fi 7'4n ' ; granulated. O'HfeiiKc ; contectloners" A , CMOI + IS ; ulanilaid extra 0. S'MJS ( * 4c ; extra 0 , fi'i'f'i.'iKc ' : medium yellow.&lfiS9jSc. . UANNKD Goons Oysters , staiidaid. per cas , 5 . ! ) ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. 82.10 ; rapbii ! i ies , 2 Hi m-r ea e , S'J.10 ; California pears , per case , ' 84,50 : am loots , per case. 5:4. ' ( i ; peaches. | ier case , S.Wi ; while cherries , per case. Si'.O'J ' ; plums , per case , SH.f,5 : blue- Lcn Ics , per caso. Sl.h'i ; egg plums , Jib , pei rnfe , S2.50 ; pineapples , 'J II ) , per case , 8.20 : ) gS.&O ; 1 Ib uiackwel. ] ier du ( , Sl.20 ; 1 Ib sal mon per do ; : , Sl..V > ( glriO ; 2 II ) gooseheiios , per case , § 1.75 ; 2 II ) stiint ? beans , jier ease , 81.70:211) : ) liniii beens , pel cas : . Sl.OO : 2 Ib mariovvfat p'T.s , per case , S2-102 ; Ibcaily Juno pens , per case. S'J.75 ; 8 Ib tomatoes , S2.4 ifri'J . ' . ) . COKKKF.S Ordlnnrygiaaes.llftionKo : lair , l.Yaii'jiYjc ; prime , U iISccliotci > . la' Hc ; fnricy green and yellow. 13 } < ( ( tl4c ; old gov ernment Jnvn , 'JOwjiio ; Intel lor Java. lOJj' ® 20c ; .Mocha , iBMc : Aihucklo's roasted , inxc ; Mclaughlin's XXXX loasted , Dlivvorth's. lO c ; Kcd Cioss , ncmiiNCS. lien's S'I.NO i I/II'T ' oo i no : t --i or , 170 I/BO ( Jlli'il Kmiuy.OO'I 002 75 1 t&\ \ } 50 45 L'tf It'll hh'ru l'"uyiB COH 0)2 ) "SJ fM 60 46 I.AKK FISH. . 111 Illilfi'Ur ' 111)18 P'lxlKU FISH. 1W W ) i H ) 4U , 12 | It ) No. 1 Whlto Flili Too ; a : to iTm iTio feT " "iio FMiiilly Whllo Fish. . . 3 60 3 1.12 mi M. OS 55 No. 1 Trout 4 60 4 05 2 55 1 115 74 65 FISH. I''r . ' Hf IHils.'r . lllik I'uiU or Klti | i - \)7.600 ) fi03SOO 10. . . . ' 1 04 SKJ Holland her- rlnys , now. | 00 Drr 1'UiuDor. IJIO.UIDS. No.l Com. s. 1. 8. 12 , Hand 10ft . 817.50 No.U " 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft . K7.ri No.3 " " IB , 14 and 10 ft . 13.60 No.4 " " IB. 14 and 16 ft . 12.00 _ DIMENSIONS AM ) ftJ20 ftL-J ft J24 ft 'US ' iflS I 'iwo'i ' ' oo'iiuw'iuw ' ' xO . jlC.50 10 6UllU.SU 17.0U 1H.OO 22.00 2.00 1H.5U 166 > ild.W 17.00' ' I8.IKI.3I.OO 21.IW 10 All infill ('1 ' 17.00 < 1H.OU V2.d0 > > u\ 10.5. I0.6U 17.00 iauo 22.00l22.00 lld.60 IKM 111 511 17.00 1B.IK ) M 00120 00 FKKCI.Vn. No. 1 , 4 & flinch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 517.05 Jso. 2 , 4 it Olnch , 12 anil 14 ft. , louuh. . . 14.00 riMI.INTi AND I'AltriTIO.V. 1st com. , J ln Wldto I'ino 1'artition . . .S l.OO 2(1 ( " " " " " ' 27 ' fiO 2U Com. ? ' In. Norway Pine Celllnif . . . KI.OOIll.NCl. A C Inch , vvlilto pine , 2d C . 520.00 0 Olnch , " 4 I ) . i. . : 21.W STOCK IIOAUDS. A 12 inch. B.IS. 4110 . javoo H 12 Inch " " ' 4'JD . 1M.VJ No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10 , 1HA 20 ft. . . 21,00 N'o. 2 , " . . . . 18.M ) No.- , " " " 12 it 14 ft . 17.00 " 10ft . 10.00 8IIINOI.KS , I.ATII. hUlulaid' 5iWi NoJt POST Whlto Cotlnr. 0 In. ' < , V.V : s In irv. ! " c. MNM IIINO. lit nnil 'M , clear. l i Inch , . 'i s . $ . ' > i\W : M , eloar , llnoli , * . . y M . a.VlM : < il. oleni. l i. I . . -Jin . -4..M ) 11 n'locl , 1 nidiJ s . i.M ( iiiir i. vv. N'o. 1 , itlnln. iiiil Id tin-ii . S17..M No. tf , 1'l.i.n s mill 10 Ineli . If'--O ' 'I'lip l'i'il.mir's ( Ttifii I'niue l nst. l' o < toii Keeord \\onld i'em silino-1 jritiiilon-i ; to attnliiite to the Muderii Atlieiicin CMMI tin * taint of Miohlicrv In liii deMiv to nipour | e\eln i\e , sis 1 fre- iinenlh the i'iie u ! ' iiiiiiner revoltHnl oinetliiie- . the elinnie mny lie fairlj M ! > < - tainetl. : iv llu * ( nlltivv luj ; tor\ \\ill Hills- tinic Mr Kentrell lirnn ht hit family In Hiv v > Cine < | iilto carlj , and liefore the snitiiner -diininiiMN Inul aiipenred in force lie liiiil mtili : > tlie aiiinilntiiiiee ; | of .Mr. X. . a ireninl fjenlleiiirtii with a foiiil- ne-s for literary luii'sinis and nutiirnl hlstorv. All went \\ell for the lir-t week , anil then , impleaMtil to lelate , Mr. Hcntrnll , In vtrolllntr J < . \ the slime one nun niii" einjlil : Mr X In the M rv net of iltinir upon a tlmjjv Keg duxyii liy the li > < li lionvi's , ir. the rnuuli f.uih ; snilnlile for marine * -indie. < , eoneiliiK iileaisiiitly with a bevy of Ililiermen. ' . 'mild Mr. 1 ! lielieve lili e\es' , YeIt wits true , and he coldly reeo iu/ed IIH ) ihi//u aeiiiaint- | anee ; the ne\t ninrniny tin-re was a retie- tition of the lhiraiit ) oll'enee to pome soeietv. and poor X. was ii\oii tinem direct. Meanwhile the seaside studies : ind con fabs \utli Hie honest li-ilierinen went on , and llit ; reason Mom away Septemher came , and , after repMteii refusals , lt . X. was prevailed iiiion by se\eral of llic { ; ne ts , jinil aiming them a good minister wio ! knew him Well , to fn\e them a mil nral history lulk in the biji parlor. All ot Hrcc/y I'ovu was invited , ami when the cu'iim eamo there were eshibilions nf hti e diii fams , and nn hoar and a half of rapid clmrcivil drawiny in illti-- tration of a very pleasing talk upon an intcrostiiiK Iheme. 'I'lie conipany was deliirhted , and anion the HIM to come forward at the close of the lecture , with congratulation and fulsome eomplinicnt > "as the CM'Insivc Mr. Iteiitroll. It was now my dear Profe s.or X.'h ' tim | ' to bo cool. _ .Ind e Paul , of the United Stales cir cuit court of Virginia , had occasion in a recent case to decide when slavery Icjiallj ceased to exist in that slate. His decree wns that April 7 , IfOI , the lime when the Alexandria Underwood slate constitution was adopted , was the date on which slavery in Virginia parsed away. It is said that. ii ( > twithstnndiii < r Dr. Ward's advice that lie lisb and .shoot in- ihislrionsly while in the woods , in order to rudnee his llesh , President Cleveland took it easy , ate very heartily , took ( nap each nttcrnoon , and'thus esinie out of the woods ten pounds heavier than when lit ; went in. and lias never weighed so much as now. _ A batter in the KendnskcaL ! . Ale. , biso : ball chili knocked a ball nearly straight up in the : ur. The pitclier and catcher ot the Corinlli club both ran 10 catch it , and came together with sacli force that one received a bad scalp wound anil the other lost most of his front teeth , was knocked senseless anil did not regain consciousness until the no.\t day. At the recent meeting of the West Jersey Presbytery a resolution was unan imously passed giving it as the opinion of the Presbytery that church members \ \ ho required applications lor licenses to sell liquor were proper snbjVots for church discipline , and church sessions were en joined to deal with such persons by cen sure or suspension from church ordin ance. -5-FULLY WARRANTED-i- ( Joii. ,1. Arm i rust , 3MT On m'njf ' at. 1) ) . II lljw.n in. 1J17 F.irn.iiii it. Joint Him o , 24'ir OumlriK'st. Jloriinui KunilQ.UI'l Houili Oth st. O. [ , nn Bens : Sjutli ni'ist. . I'.iilU on A : Mlllnr , BIS North 11th at. J. fIt iy , 58J North I'lth ' st. \V P. St.vt7.el. ! ! ! ' ! II iwuril st. C.V. . riloouor , > 07 SliUU 13tli St. llh oliitliti Notice. 'J'lio pnrtncr > hlp hciolnloio o\l < tliir | liotwoon N. .1. l.illiolin mid c. I < . KiicKscn , Isthlsdiiy dls-olMid hv mutual consent , O. I. . lilcl ! < eoii 10 tli-lii ? nnd N. J IMIinlin roiilinulnr the Inisl- nr-s ut HID old Flaiul. All dchu ( living b > llio liitollrm ot IMliolm & IMckRon , ulll tin paid by N J. IMholin , and nil bills owl UK to tliu-aid Him ol' r.dliolm \ Kilc'k-on will l/ocollected / and puldloN J. Kdliulm. KIIIIIII.M A. KHICKSON. . 11 } N. J. MOnfi nATAnilll. Thi-nri-ntOpnn n JUinoily l6iiiuhiti\c ] > ciri * rrecsaniplo I pactati' nml Hook lur IO cenli In clamp * . ) li U. MKD10A1 , CO , liist JUuiptcu , Cuua. DIRECTORY Artists' Material. . "A. JTOSTE , , n7. , Artists' Mnterinls , 1'ionos and Organs , 151.1 Dmmliia Strocl , Omnlia. Agricultural Implements. " CJlUJiClULL PAJtKElt , Wholesale Di-nlfr In Agricultural JniplcinentH , Wnpfons , Currluifo nml lliiynli-K. Jonus utroet , bolwuen Uth Mini lOtli.Oinnlia , Neb , LIXIXGEK 0 METCALF CO. , Agricnltiirnl IniploinentH , lie , Ornnh * . J'A ItL IX , OJl EXD OltF < t Wliulcdiilu Denlora In Apriculiural Inipleinents , iVagonimiiil llugglen , 'JUI..m , 105 nml'.UT , Jnnont Butter and Eggs. E ,0 SCintOEDEK , liuycrs of linttcr nnil Ilcfrtnerntnr nnd pnrklnB Mouse Uth mid Ie veo- wurlligt.l' 1' K.II , Track , ( Imtlin. Butchers' Tools , LOUIS IlELLEJl , llittcliers' Tools and Supplies , Smuiago CuilDm of ull kinds itlwajl In itock. Uli Joncttlumnun. Builders' Hardware and Scales. 1TT3TEBA UGH C TAYLO It , Buildpr8'IIardwnro& Sea leltppair Shop Hecli nlc 'Tool nnd IlulTalo 8ralei. llOjDuuKlmil. , Oinulm , Nt-b. LEE , FJtIED cl > CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , TinwareMieet Iron. Ktc. Axrnti for How * huilei , and Jl In in I I'uwdorCo. Umnha.Neb , JtECTOIt .C WILUELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Wcctern acenli for JelTerton Rlrrl Null * . Auttln I'ondcrCu , 1'nlrbunkn Mandurd hculci. Curlier 10th and Ilnrncy , ( Imalin Engineers and Contractors , JIAYMOXD C CAMPBELL , KiiriiicorH ( and CuntrartorH , Drldpei , VlMilurle , Itouf Truxet , Steam I'llu Ilrltlni , nilug.Oak neil t'lnellrlilfd Lumber litli it . n ar Jariuuu Omulm.fieb. Bcots amt Shoes .s / / ( / : < < ) . ! / / j N , Mimurmli icMnnil W li.'irv\li > lioitrm In Honln innl Slides , Oonil'M" lei > rt II r.'iM'r l.i'i .ii nlirnt < on lint , r is > S Mllmi < > nmlii. Nch \ | VnMlli. VM'lit. " " H" . I" .1/O/i'sK , l < ( ) . .lolilietN of Pooi-s ninl Slier * * . till ] 'nrnniiijl .Oiiiiilm Nili Miimfnrtdij , iiinni lieer. Apt. Tor Anlii'isrHtisli ! ( UiovvitmAss'u Hlit'itnl tlrnml I miM. Uiuluoi.or timl Krlimii-f. ' ST01 } ? , P ILKIt , tiiujt'i * IVi'i1 UrowiMN , IVOI N.iitli l ili siiopt , Kinihi , Noli , Cot'ec , Spires , Ctc , V'7.rr//ci- . " Oiniilin Collee utnl Spli-o MI1N. Tcn < .ColTri | iiio Hi Mnn IMnilfi Id TO ti i Kr- trmlv UuiiHliy Illim it k In III ! U. llnru.-j M tt o' ' tiinnlin , Noli . . - > . . . Home t'litl'eo mill Spice Mills M'f'iy Co. ( . ' "iron Ho I IITH nn.l vpli . ( Irln. li-ri > , Mnnnl u IIIIITII rl IlKUIllti I'unilPi , I lixiifliiu hv.rirllllul'ix. . . I n- 'I'r * onii of trl r | > : u knao lltiuii1 Illond llu i l ut ( \iirr < - IUTI llontnl i .n-aihn Ni-h Cornice. / : . ; a L i : con \ / < / : ti 'o i : ti s , John Kiieiietcr , 1'rop. Mniiurnrtnn'r of ( ial\niilinl Iron ninl ( "nrnlrp. V23 IIIMHI. unit 11" Ullfl n&NIOIIii > t . OmMin.Ni'h. jn'KJirixu , o no i. 'IE , Mannlnrturcr * of Oniiniieiilul ( Jiilvniii'/eil Coi'tiieef. tlornuiVlliclo I lnnl Mclnllc-lolllit | : , 'l > . SIOH. L't i > l . liiuntiii. U'ESTIUiX COIIXICE IF ( ' . Speclit , I'fiip. Unlvnnlicil Irnn Cnrnlci' * . i Ir. Sin i I'l-lmprovnl 1'nt- nil Mi'lnll--kyllilit ( ! ! ( tn nml Mil S I'lliM Oni-ilin. _ Carpets. .InliliOM of s Citrtnitw , Oil Cloths l.liolouin' , M mini. ' ? . Ct 1MI DoiiRlii * utr.'i't. .S. J. Wltolesule CnvpeM , Oil Cloths. Mulling : ' , Curt.iln < | IK ] , Ktc. 1W-I rulimni blr Omiilin , Neb. Crockery and Notions. " jr. / . . iritiHitr , dit for tliu MiimifiKluM'ts nnd liii | > orlcti < of Crockery , ( Jhisswiire , , Clilmnujf , i-tc. Otllio. 317 Sonlli 15H < ft. Omnhiii Ni'b. Commission anJ Storage. " " it" A. jn'RLKr , Coniinission nml .lolthhi ? . llullnr , rwnKi" ! 1'roiliicc. ( nnslKntnoniH ( ollrltoil IIiMililiinrtcrs fur Htcmnwiiri' , Ui-rry ll'iti i > mill | ji.i | > a llnnkfio. 1411 HoilKuttirrl , ( minim. j'/j rr/i/i into * . , Couiinissinn Merchant * . Frullp , I'nMlurn ninl l'ro\l lini , Oni.ilm Noli. iiitil Commission Mori'ltnnt. IliiltoKKR < , ciH-psu. Poullry. ( JHIIIC , n. itc , inir sinuii miiMn t J/TK/)7iMr.l.V.C / CO. . Produce Commission Jlercluuits , Foullo , lluttcr , Cnnio rnilln , clc. 21M H. Ktbat. ( iinnlin , Ncli , WKEKfi C MILLAltl ) , ( icnernl CommiKsion JlorehunlH , AndJobborB of K < .r" ' ° n IMH ! Iomcs'l1'roltM. ) . Curro 0Oi.ilcncoBollilieilT | WurrS.JJ ! " ' ' oniii' . 11J.N. 'llilrlcriuli st. oiniiii.i.N ) . ) ! Tpl.iptiuii : " . fruits. r. rtocco ren. . , niportcrtt and wlioli'pitlo tlo.ilors In Kalian J't'oilnce , Forolk'n. 1)onio < tlcanil Cnlirornlu Krultn anil ilon Morclinnt' . 104 H. lull t. Onlr uxclu'lre friiltlionsu In Onmh i. Coal an < f Lime. r. MILIMTOXE < ( ' CO. , Jlcilcru In Hard and Soft Coal , Omca nnd yard , H'tli nnd .VU li'il.-is ' nib. , Omalm , Neb. Vnnl Tcli'tiliuni * . u" . ( JEo. r. I.A n Mill. I'ros. C r. GOODMAN , V. I'ro * . J. A. M'VDMii.NI ) , vcc. mid Truim. OMAIfA COAL , COKLTME ( ) COMI'AXT , .lohborsof Hard and Soft Coal. SOi nmli Thirteenth PUcet , Ouintin , Noh. { CO. , Mannfactnrors of Illinois While Lime. And Shipper * of ( Y il nml ( Jolp. Comi-nt , 1'lnnlcr , IJtuo , II itr. Uro Ilrh'k. Ilniln , Tile HIII ! Mvvt-r I'-po. ( iltlru , I'.iUon Hut'l. Kaniam t. , ( imilin , J\i b. Ti'lcphdno Ml. Confectionery. > P. FA r . .CCO. . , jriuinfactnriiiQrConfeetioiicrs , Jobbers of Fiulls.KuiH MMI ! CI BIB. 1211 rurnam St. . Omnlm. Live Stock Commission. M. BUJtKK 0 SONS , Live Stock Coniinission. _ feo. Hurkc , Mannccr. Union Stock Vardn.S. unulia. Iclepliono 661. Live Stock Coniinission MorclmntR , Ehlpmcnti of any anil all of htnck ollclteO. Union Mock VnltU , Omnhn , Ni > b. Cigars anJ Tobacco. MAX MEYEIl .0 CO. , Jobbers of Cignrs , 'J'obacco , Otini nnd Ammunition , 215 toKIS. lllli ! . . 1020 to lO.'l Knriiuin it , Om jli/i.Noli. / WEST 0 FltlTSCHEli , Jfannfacturors of Fine Cicrarfi , And Wholcunle Doulois In I.cnf Tubacrui. Km. 109 nd 110 N. Ulh Btri'i't , < l nuhn. IIOUHEli C WOODLAXli , Wholosnlu llcn'ors In Clsrars , Tobaccos , Pipes and .Smokers' Articles. Apcnlf for P. IiPlilpm lorf H Co. , I'luci Cutiunl Hmok- Ilirf TobicucK , .Mllwiiiikoc.Vhi onslii. No , , IU North Sliteeuth Mlrent , Omnhu , Nob. Dry Goods. jir. E. K fiTirti co , Dry floods , FnrnishiiiRr Goods &Notous ! 11W anil 1104 liouuloc , ror. Ulh fit , Omnlia. N b. Distillers. niitllleri of Uqiion , Alcohol and Pplrlti. Importera anil Jobbpriof Wlnciaml l.lquon. WILLOW til'IHNGS DfST/LLE' V CO. anil ILElt (4 CO. , Importcrt an < l Jolibora nf Kino Wln < - nnd T.lqnnri. holu runniifjiolurtT * of Kcnncdy'ii Kant India llll- ters nml llonu'i lo Liquor * . HU llnrnorM. Drugs , Paints , Etc , n. T. CLAItKE DJtVO CO. , Largtiit Drtit ; , Paint , OH & ( iluna Honso Wsitof Cblctio Coinnlclo I.Ino of UruKgliti Hun- drloii , llll llnrnnjr M.uiah > , A" nn UG co. , Wholesale DiUjrpIsts , And Dealeriln 1'alnu , Olliuiul Window Clan.Omihm Drain Tile , Etc. A. It.BAiTKit.rr" . J.W n U. J. CAHKON. V.Prci. uud Hupl. THE UXION Jri'DltAULW JtltAJN TILE CO. , Office 213 B llth it , Omaha , Neb Mnchlnrrraad Buppllet for ManuftcturluK Crmrnt liraln Tile. furniture. i > EWEY 0 S Dealers In Furniture , Karnira it. . Omaha , Nt-b. CJIAItLUS ' KIIU'EKIVK , Furniture , lloddinp , Upholstery , Mltruri. otc. 1WC.1J03 uud 1210 Farnani rt. Ouiabn. ( } "tit'pun rt.roa \i.i. \ ( aunt , p co , , Wholesnle ( nwi'i'lrM ' nnd I'rovliloiiK , No. TIL , iivm.i i < ii x mill vl.n'inl , Nrh .iii'conn. it in in , i co , , Wholesiilo ( Ji'iici'iN , I ilh vt.I I 'ivnimnrli ( ! .Onmhn Hnnlwarr. nnno trcu. lli'tivy llimhvnre , Iron ninl steel , HptlliR * . VViik--n II.M V. llniitwnr. ' I iinii-i i i u IS * Hull I 'II llMi i M I'tllllM ' / : / > . > / ; , ( > < uittio\ , \Vliiilp-Jiilii \ Iron nml Sice ) , VV'nciMinml CHiilnai'VVinxl Sli > ik. limn lli\tit iitlS 111.- . I.'IJ ' nnil l"iv I < i > iMw.nliM itii.ilii . , Srli " " " MILTOiio < ; ltts : , i , sf s , SldVI" ) , 1 > ! IU | > ( ' (4 ( , I'lll'lllti'PX , 'I Ill's , M.iiilliilinli'n. . lli'ini. ( > I ; i in il I MilI I Iron r.txrox ( r iiii.i.\a : I run WorKs , \Vr UQlil nnil I'apt lion Hull. 1111,1 \\.nV , Invn "lulr , llnllln , * , lloiniii * anil liliilor * irant Intiuin lltitm NV.iik. Hi ncnil rniiniltt , Mnihino niul Illm ( .Mnllli \Viul . IMMif nn.l \ \ , nk , l I' lr ( nic.n iii itivi't EltllOI.M ,0 HHICKbO V. Wholemilc .ItMU'lers and Mtinlc Dealers. lonli'r < In slhiTMUi1. Hmnii'iiili' \\.llilu" , ( lock * . Jctri-lcr n'liHilianil M'iliMlal < IM > llll nml I'll ' IMIi pt. . POI. lltiiltcis I'lnalifi Nrli. Lumber. LOt'Ifi /J/MDI-'OKI ) , Dealer in Iiiinihi'r ' , l.ath , dime , Sash , lloori , ICIo. Ynnl Ooini'rTlh nml llmiKliin ( ' < itncr 'uli ' ami li < ni rli , CHICAGO H'MHKlt CO. , Wholesale Innilier , , 811 S. Ulh Mi pot. Oninhii , Nch. I. Colpolrpr , Minnsor. C. X. DIK'I'Z ' , Iittnilier. 11h ! nml dillforrln t-lippla , Oinnliix. Npti , Fiti-i > niA r , Lumhpv , dime. Cement , Kit1. , Kte. Cor.ilh anil i > ouvla p | .Onia'in. ' Ni-b JIOAULA.VI ) , ] < nnilier , T. II' llAltl'EYLUMltEH CO. , 'J'o ] ) calers Only. onicp. llff ) rntnmn rl'vPt.Onmlm CHAN. Jl. LEE , Harihvood LnmhcV , Wood Oarpvtii nml I'arinu I Miiorliii ; . llth unit Dounln ( Iniahi. JO IIX" A. WA K Err EL l > , Wholesale Lumber , Ktc. ImpnrtPil nml AmiTlum I'orlluml ( 'piui'iil Rtnta Aucnt fur.MllnnukPi ) llriliiiiillr IVuicnt iintl lint ( JiilnryVlill < 'l.lmp. Live Stock. UXIOX STOCK YAK US CO. , Of Omaha. I.hntlpl. John P. IlojJ , SuporlntcrdonU Millinery anil Notions. I. OnERFELT > Elt < 0 CO. , Iiiiiiorti-rn nml Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , Ulliiiid IJfillHrnuv St.cPt , Oiualiii , N'cb. Hotions. " ' ' c. N. 'noonnicir'tV co. , ATP the only Illrptt Importers of German & French Toys & Fancy Goods In Nohmakn. rlikuo urlPCH ilupllcntpil irlthont mltl > IHK iri'lKln. 14 II KHrliHin Street , Omaha. ' s cTT \Vholpnlo DpaliTu In Notions and J < 'iiriiisliiti ; Goods , _ 4li ( 4lti K 'IVnlll M , Omiilin. Fix VA nit .0 NCiiXEiiiJ-nc , Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnisliinp ; ( ionils. Idftlnii'l inns ririmn : st . Omah-i. Neb. Overalls. CO.MTAXY , Matiiifaf'turi'rs of Overalls , Jonnn I'.intKlilrts. . Hip llO-J'ind 1IU4 Doiifclao "trcel. Uninliii , NPI. | Printing. KEKK J > liJXTJXG COMl'A XY .loh Printers , Hlnuk Hook Makers. And Jlook JilmliTf. 1L > ! nnd UK Hauth FuurtccuUl rtrept. Omnlia , Neb. WESTEHXNEWSPA I'Elt Auxiliary Publishers. DoslcrslnTjue , I'rmir mil rrlntcr * ' Supplies. 009 South TncirthStrcvl. Plcklfs , Vinegar , Etc. x' zroitiut ; r co. , Mnnnfactiirc'c , I'lifkcru mid IipalPtBln Pickles &lStrictly Pure Apjilo Vinegar linking PiiHilcr , rinvorlni ; KxtrnetD , Tublo Sniicv. rn-iirli Mnilii i u' . | . | , Hl'lliti : . druoerh' Sj-e"4. . " , ! ? " Solu HKPiitn lor York Mule Snml Kcllui'd A | ' | > lo Ci der. I4UO I cavrnworth M. . OmalM. Safes , Etc. G.AXDUEEX , Omaha Safe Works. Uanufnrturrrnnf Tire and Iljrplur Proof Enfea , Vault Doorx , Jail Work.rlhul itrs mid Wlru Work. Cor. lllhund Jurkmin FIB , umr.tu , .S'jb , n& co. , for Hall's Safe & Ioek Co.s' Flro and Murir'nr Proof S.ifni , Time I.ntk , Vault ! mid Jail Work. | ( ui rnraum ptrcet Omalm , Sob. Sash , Doors , Etc. v co. , Vliolckiilo tlmiufnclurariof Sash , Doors , liilnds and Mouldings , llrnncli ullicc.r.'tll nnd Itnrd rti. , OmnUu.N'cl ) . ( J7 J < \ LYJLiX , Sash , Door , Hlinds , Mouldings , IlulKlliiE I'aiier , etc. 1(01 ( South Thlttranlli Slrcct , Omaha , Neb. A complete clock of llulldcr * ' llniilwnn * . HOILV MAXUFACTUltlKG CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'nttv.MiilrVVorltAm ! Interior Hunt Wood Klnlib Ju > t opuucU. h. 1C cor 8th ami I.cuvcuwolllJbu. Oinnbi , .Scb. Pumps. cirunrniLL JTMP co. , AVhuIohiUu ruinpH , Pipe , I'll tliij3 ( , omuHTid VV'nU-r Huni'llt-p Ucadquiirlor * f r Ulut fo tlCo'i ( iiiudt. llll KuriiHiu > i . ( luialia. Nun , * I'nnips , I'ipns nnil K fitoam.Vnior. . Ilallway anil Milling bnm'llei. Etc. ICJO , KWeml vu t'urnmii t. , ( ) iu h . Neli _ U. N. WIXI > EXC.fxWtiml PUMP COMPAXY. n lluJ T VVInil Mlllti rlcani Mnd Wner Ruppllet , I'luuilidik-Ooi'ls. llrlllnv. lloio VIS HIM ! K'O ' fur- UHU it. , Oniitlm. 8 K Kflton , Mnimuor. Icli-pbiina No. SIU. Trunks. II. IL MAItlfOFF , Wholesale Trunks , Mlllard llolvl lllork. llrnotio. Wagons and Carriages , A. , L MMPSOy , Tlio LciulltifrOurrluuo Factory , ( KtifAHl 1(111 II l&rf ) Il09iul Kll Ilixliio ilrrot Omnhn Building Material. OXtAllA Lir.MflElt C'O.T " Dculor In Ail Kindt of Jiuilillnt , ' Miitot' \\liolesaln. . HlU Strrrtuiiil I HUM I'tcitlo Trjck ,