Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Church Howe's Attempt to Pacify the
Tonrth Ward Republicans.
The First Promenade Concert The
Duvllt Hcceptlon A JoyotiHVcil -
dine Court Notes nnd Uthor
Ijocnl Mutters ,
Kotirtli Ward ItrpnMlcnnR.
'U'liorover two or throe men are gath
ered for political purposes n representa
tive of the Nelnaha trickster will bo
found among them or In the immediate
vicinity. A HKI : reporter , en route to the
meeting of the 1-oiirUi ward republican
club at Jolmson'fl store , near the corner
of Twenty-ninth and Farnnm strcot , last
night , overtook a mlld-rnanuisred man
who was stumbling along over the miser
able flidowalks west of Twentieth street ,
stopping every person bo met and mak
ing Inquiries about the nlneo of the meetIng -
Ing of the club. He Dually succeeded in
reaching the place and after carefully
Inquiring aa to whether any but members
of the club weie allotted to bo present or
not , slipped inside nnd niil himself be
hind a pile of wall paper in one corner of
the room. There was a large attendance
upon the meeting , the objcotof which was
the selection of candidates for the posi
tion of coiiHtahle and assessor. After
considerable discussion of the merits of
several candidate. * named action upon
the question wns postponed for ono
M. Weinberger asked for Information
from thu chairman as to what candidates
nhotild bo suppoited by the club. He
wanted toknow whether the state , county
and congressional tickets were to bo sup
ported by the club and also what action
the club would take concerning the pro
hibition question.
The president said ho did not know
that the members of the club were bound
to suppoit any espeeial candidates. As
far us he was concerned he was not in
favor of piohibltton and did not think the
club was in favor of it. ( flfjfl
i Mr Lindsay thought that the club
ought to perfect a system by which they
would see that the full vote of the ward
was registered and then brought to the
pools on election day.
Mr. Mnthicsoii , tlio candidate for the
logislatuie , was called out , and made a
bilef address , lie waid he was n working
man and would do his best for his fellow-
workmun. "Wo don't want prohibition ,
nnd 1 am opposed to it. .Nebraska don't
want it. Down with prohibition. 1 will
nupportany matt whohas been nominated
by tlio republican party , "
Mr. Christianson wanted to know if the
prohibition plunk couldn't bo taken out
of the republican platform.
Captain Woods replied that there was
no danger of the prohibition question
being forced upon the people of No-
Draska. The prohibitionists have the
right to petition but the republican party
is pledged to high liconso.
Mr. Weinberger abked Mr. Mnthieson
if ho know whether Church llowo favor
ed prohibition or not.
'Ihis question caused an awakening in
the corner. A sin. ill staturcd , hald-hcadcd
individual \ > ith a smile like unto ISrcto
Harto'b Chinaman , stepped into the cen
ter of the room and begged the privilege
of being hoard , lie was u republican
and happened to hear of the meeting and
happened to walk out that way unit hap
pened to ask some one Where the meeting
> -.vms , and happened to get in and happen
ed to bear some ono aslc-for information
tthit : hn happened to possess , and he
J.would like to answer the question. Ho
said his name was James Stevenson , of
JNoinaha county , llo know Church llowo
very well and could tell nil about that
prohibition vote of Church's in tlio con
vention. The majority of Uiu Momnha
delegation "a part of whom L am
which" were in favor of prohibition.
Ikil there were saloon men .such as Bailey ,
of Ikownvillo , and T. J. Majors and
Henry Stoman , who woiked for Cnurch
Howe. llo left it to bo interred
that because those men worked
for Hewn thojantlprohibitionists ought to
bo satislied. Then ho branched off into
n eulogy of the Nomoha Hoodie dispenser
nnd told how the people of his county ,
republicans and democrats , temperance
folks and saloon people , wore vicing
with each other to see who could civo
Church the most cordial support and all
that Kind of Blush.
Mr. Weinberger then wanted to know
if it would injure Van Wyck if Howe
wore biipportnd.
Mr. Stevenson reallv didn't know
whether the club was a Van Wvck club
or not. Ho was given a lip that the club
was a Van Wyck org.mi/.ation. Then ho
was morally cci tain that it would not in-
biro Van Wyck if Howe wore supported.
Why , down in his eounty they were al
most solid for Van Wyck and llowo.
"Yes , but wo know , " Haiti Mr. Wtiin-
border , "that Van Wyck is a fiiond of the
'laboring ' classosand that Church llowo is
n monopolist. How Is that p'inso ' going
to t IVect the standing of the two mun with
the voters ? "
Mr. Stnvcnson really was not posted in
regard to the policy of the two men , in
deed luin..s not , ho only made bold to
come befoio the meeting to answer the
questions concerning Howe's prohibition
tendencies ,
Mr. Johnson wanted to know , if Mr.
Stevenson's ' statements worn true , why
Church llowo was fighting Senator Van
Mr. Stevenson pledged his big republi
can word that ho had never heard
a thing , honestly , ho had not.
At this point borne one moved a vote of
thanks to Mr. Stevenson for his explana
tion of Chin eh HOWO'H position.
The motion was moro than ho bar
gained for. He had merely come up at
Howe's direction to try and fix things in
the Fourth ward and was hardly 1110-
imrcd to answer the questions that had
ucon put to him. llo begged that tlio
motion should bo withdrawn as ho did
not want to have any newspaper notoriety
that might bo taken up and commented
upon. Ho begged so earnestly that a
pyinpatlil/.mg trieiul olVerod a mo
tion to adjourn which cairied
tuul the envoy of the Nemalia boodler
iloatcd out and disappeared into the
darkness fiom whence he oiunu- His ex
planation of Church Howe's position
came iar from satisfying tlio members of
the Fouitl'ward republican club , most
ol whom openly announce that Church
llowo is not their choice for congress ,
.11 SI" JtnSIGNS ,
Anotlioi- Vacancy On tlio Domoorntlu
IjoulMnmo Ticker.
A secret meeting of the democratic
county control committee was hold yes
terdny afternoon at the southeast corner
of r'arnam and Twelfth streets. Hut few
members of the party outside the mem
ber * of tlm commitfco know of the gath
ering , nnd even these bad to bo espe
cially advised of the affair. A great deal
of talk was indulged in and but little
work was done. The only featuio of
jiupoitanco was the resignation of Mr ,
Juiucs Croighton as a candidate for state
Bonatar. The action was unexpected by
the committee , and but few of its mem
bers know of the intent of Mr. Croighton
until Ids declination hud been oOleially
surrendered to the commiltco by the
chairman , Mr. Martin , to whom it Svas
nijtlrc seu. There wus no reason as-
plgi'od for the declination , but thobo most
acquainted with Mr. Creighton claim that
ho never sought the oflice , arid further
that ho rightly entertained the Idea that
a man of Ills ago could not well afloat ! to"
indulge In the exactions nnd excitement
of a senatorial canvass and a tedious ses
sion of the legislature It Is not known
who will bo Ins successor.
Btr.NOHA imAMHIliljA.
Till * Kxcellent Singer unit Her Com
pany nt tlio Exposition Iltillclltiir.
The exposition managers have scoured
Nahan Tranko , the eminent violinist , to
manage the series of popular conceits
whieh they ptoposo to give during the
coming winter , llo now makes the an-
nouticumcnt that ho has secured for a
grand concert the Linda Hrambilla con
cert company , which will appear In the
exposition building in this city on the
87th of the present month. The soprano
of this company is the lady whoso name
is above given. She last appeared herewith
with what is known as the Mo.\icanTypi
cal orchestra , and aroused more appreci
ation among our people than has any
other singer who has appeared m our
midst for years. She will be accompan
ied by Miss Kvn May WycolV , contralto ;
Mr. Joseph llirscfibach , tenor ; Mr.
Yottrup , violinist , nnd Mr. Simpson , pi
anist. This is an array of talent seldom
equalled To this , however , it must bo
stated that the full force of the Musical
Union orchestra is to bo added. This
will bo under the leadership of Mr.
L'ranko and will discourse its choicest
music for n number of dances which will
take place after the concert. The piico
of admission is placed ai ( if ty cents , anil
when it is considered that this entitles
ono to an almost unequalled concert
with u delightful and select ball , the
figure Is very low. A number of season
tickets ha\o already been sold for these
concerts ; and each of those entitles its
holder to reserved seats at all the concerts
throughout the season.
At 9 o'clock yesteulay morning nt St.
Philomonn cathedral the marriage of Mr.
James 1. Nichol and MBS Minnie Notion
was solemni/cd , tlio Rev. Father Mc
Carthy ollicialing. Even at that early
hour the church was well filled with the
friends ot the contracting parties , whoso
union is a source of sincere and hearty
congratulations to all who know them.
The groom was attended by Mr. Michael
Whalon , while Miss Minnie Nichol , a
sister of the groom , acted as bridesmaid.
After the impressive ccremodius at the
church , the newly wedded pair were
taken with their friends and guests to the
homo of the groom's father. Mr. James
Niehol at the corner of Sixteenth and
Csistellar streets , whore a reception was
tendeied. Here the fiinnds met and
showered their congratulations upon the
happy couple. Tlio wedding feast , u
most elaborate spread , was given proper
attention. An almost endless number of
handsome and costly wedding presents
evidenced the esteem in which
the worty young couple are held ,
I'ho principals in this unusually happy
affair are both well known in Omaha.
The groom has lived hero a number of
years , having boon successfully engaged
in the grocer's and afterwards in the
real estate business , and by a strict at
tention to his work , an upright and
honest style of dealing , has not only es
tablished himself in the good graces of
all who have had relations with him. but
has amassed n competence that will
enable him to fullv enjoy the blessings
and comforts of n married life. His wife
is an estimable young lady , a favorite
with H largo circle of friends , and fully
endowed with the graces that constitute
a noble womanhood. That the future
may have much of happiness in store for
Mr. and Mrs. .Nichol is the wish of their
mnnj' friends.
The bridal partj" loft for the cast , last
evening on a brief wedding tour.
Dairy Maid's Concert- .
The young folks of the First M. E.
Church will give r. dairy maid's concert
nnd festival at the church this evening.
The following is the programme :
Dahy Mnids In Costufuo with maich and
so in ;
Duetto Instrumental
Misses Klttello nnd Milestone.
Solo Selection from "Krnano"
Miss Edith Davis.
Duett Vocal
Walter and Louis Dale.
Itccltatlon "Sistei I. "
and ( IJy request )
Miss Mnucl Kotulu.
Diiutt "Where are Who Oolnu Sly Pretty
Mil ! < lV
Cljile Western and Kdith Jones.
K. W. llrecklmiilce.
Kecltatlon "Flylmt Jim's Last Leap"
Miss Mamie Fetch.
Duett Spanish Dances.
Mr , Fiank lirown and Mis. Hills.
Solo Voo.iI-"Staccoto I'olka" Muliler. . . . .
Mlbs Ida I'orter iiloomingtoti Ill's.
Oorniin School Pair.
Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock , in
response to a call of Messrs. Hoimrod ,
Huiimor and Spethman , committee in be
half of the ( lorman-Ainerican school ,
about fifty Gorman ladies attended u
meeting nt ( iermania hall for the purpose
of making arrangements for n fair to be
given for the benefit of the school men
tioned. The subject was carefully con
sidered and tlio necessity of an entertain
ment of the kind made so apparent that
the ladies promised to heartily unite anil
undertake the ontorpiiso. OnnoxtFii-
day afternoon they will meet again in
greater numbers when committee * will
bo appointed to attend to the different
features of Iho enterprise.
Tlio Fortieth Munlcnlc.
The fortieth musicale of the Ladies'
Musical society of Omaha and Council
IHun's took place yesterday afternoon in
Meyer's music hall. This was the second
entertainment in the fourth season of this
hocioty. It was attended by about fifty
people , many of whom were young la
dles from Council lUulfs , It was a Liszt
programme , comprising the following
programme :
Itlouraphlcnl sketch Miss Jmln Knight
"Knuvu'dt Them the Land" ( Mlcnon ) . . . .
. : . . . .Mlts Uarbam Merkel
, ,
llliaiisodle ; . !
llongioUe , No. i
Miss Minnie HolhschllU
j n. Lleliestnuim Nocturne , No. ! 1.
j h. KtoiinMaich Miss .lullo Offioor
Violin solo M. Nahnn Franko
The next entertainment will bo given
two weeks hcnco.
Court Cull.
The following oases will be called be
fore Judge Wakoly to-day :
( ioellor vs. Omaha Mail Co.
Itallou et. al. vs. Kollins.
Council vs. HolUiubecket. al.
Cooke vb , Omaha ,
( livens vs. Omaha.
ISowman VH. Omaha.
.Jacobs vs. Omaha.
Detwilor > , Walter.
Jones \s , Omaha ,
Mcfiovern vs. Omaha.
Hess vs. Omaha ,
I'ollco I'ointa.
Judge Stenberg disposed of n number
of unimportant cases of intoxication anil
iightintr in the police court yesterday morn
ing. Among others smit to the county jail
WHS John White , a three hliull confidence
mun. Ho had btoluu two huts from
They AVuntto incorporate.
A petition was filed with the county
commissioners yesterday asking for the
incorporation of Park Vale. The village
ities the section of territory lying
south of the city limits nnd north ot the
stock yards , being a part of school dis
trict No. 37 , I'lio consideration of the pe
tition has been postponed until next
The citizens of Walnut Hill have been
holding meetings during tlio past week
to take steps looking to the incorporation
of Walnut Hill as a village.
Tlio O.-xvltt accept Ion.
The committees appointed to nrrango
for the reception of Michael Davttt , the
Irish nationalist , met at James Hrcnnan's
ofllcc in the Arlington block last niuht.
Hcports were made hewing that every
preparation has been made "for the Da-
utl meeting which will bo held at the
exposition annex on Tuesday night next.
Touched l < 'or Tlilrtr-
A little meek-eyed representative of
the "haircut" class of citizens was ar
rested last night charged with the
larceny of $11 from a stranger named
Noithup whom she had been entertain
ing at her place on Dodge street.
Noithup was also locked up a witness.
The pollcnman's ball will occur at the
Exposition building this evening.
The will of the late Ada McClostcr
was probated by Judge MuCulloch yes-
toiilay ,
A warrant was issued yesterday evening -
ing for the arrest of George Simmons for
the nssaultupou Win Kinsoy.
The evening Denver train on the
Union 1'acillo was over an hour late last
evening , arriving tit 0.30 o'clock.
Permit to wed was ycslorday granted
byJ'idgoMcCulloch to William XJ. Nlin-
mo , of Chicago , and Miss Nellie Hynn ,
of Hockford , 111.
Captan C. A. II. McCauley , assistant
quartermaster , department of the I'latte ,
has boon assigned to the duty of adjust
ing and settling telegraph accounts by
order of the commanuor of the depart
Jack Morrison's son was the successful
competitor for tlio dog cart oficred as a
pri/o nt the Catholic fair last night. He
received 3r.)0 ( ) votes , a majority of 800
over his heaviest competitor , a son of J.
J. H. Dulcbcr , ono of the directors of
the New Ifork Central , with a paity of
four friends , spent yesterday in Omaha ,
diiving around and looking at the city's
prosperity. They departed last evening
in a special car of the Central road for
St. Paul.
W. A. Dcnel , assistant . .superintendent
of the Union Pacific at Cheyenne , ar
rived in Omaha yesterday and will spend
several days in tlio city. Mr. Donol has
recently had his jurisdiction extended ,
and ho now has charge of Iho road as far
east as Grand Island.
Joe Waring was tried before Judge
Stonberg yesterday for the larcenv of a
sot of buggy shafts from Gee 1 * . Mul-
doon. His defense was that ho was afraid
some one would steal the buggy unless
ho removed the shafts to a place of safety.
Ho will bo sentenced thi.s morning.
Personal I'.irneraplis.
Col. O. F. Parsons , of Corning , In. is in
the city.
Gco. W. Snullbackcr and wife , of Kan
sas City , arc stopping al the Paxton.
Sam'l. Usher , of the linn of Usher &
Russell , arrhod this morning ftom Kan
sas City.
A. C. Gilman , of the railroad contract
ing firm of Snollbacker As Gillman , which
has just completed a couple of contracts
for the U. P. lines , is stopping at the
Paxton , looking out for other work which
is soon to bo let by tlio same company.
Chicago Wins the Third. Giiiuo of'ttio
ClininpIoiiNhlp Scries.
CIIIOAOO. Oct. 20. The thitd Kamo In the
contest for the woild's championship
played tills aftei noon before an audience of
0,000 people. The game was hard fought
fiom first to last , but the Chicagoa played
with oven moro than their wonted gor.
Clarkson's woikin the box was excellent ,
wlillo Cairuthers was not so hard to hit as
on yesterday. The tollcmlnu Is the score by
innings :
Chicago . 2 0 0 1 1 U 3 3-11
St. Louis . 0 1000301 4
Fbst base hits Chicago 11 , St. Louis t ) .
Krnns Chicago 7 , St. Louis 7. Pitcliers
Clarkson , Williamson and Carruthors. Um
pire J. Kelley.
No Man's Ijnml.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat : This is the
name popularly applied to a little tonguci
of land extending a few miles south of
Mason nnd Dixon's line , between the
states ot Maryland and Delaware. Every
now and then somebody starU the fatory
that this small tract is , properly speak
ing. part of no state , and literally out of
the jurisdiction of the United States ; that
it is ono of the left-over pieces of tlio
whole country ; that nobody owns any
property in it ; that it is the Grotna
Green , the resort of runaway couples and
prixe-ligh'ers who wish to evade the laws
of three states. On the maps the ground
js credited to Pennsylvania , but , accord
ing to tliCM ) same authoiities , the claim is
a shaaowy one. This triangular bit of
tenitory was marked oil' in a
curious way. The eastern boundarv of
Maryland was early determined , but" the
southern boundary of Pennsylvania was
long a matter of dispute. Finally Ma-
ton and Dixon began their work at the
eastern line of Maryland and proceeded
westward , while the northern boundary
of Delaware was declaied to bo a semicircle -
circle , whoso center with Now Cu.stlo. In
biirvc > ing tlio semi-circle it was found that
the circumference did not toiioh the east-
cm boundary of Maryland precisely at
its junction with the Pennsylvania line ,
but a few miles south of it , thus giving
nso to the triangle. As Dclawaro and
Maryland had both rejected it , it
was presumed to belong to Penn
sylvania. Just hero some say that
Pennsylvania had also rejected it by
claiming no fnvthur south than Mason
and Dixon's lino. Hut , as a matter of
fact , the btories about the old man who
did not know in what state ho was en
titled to vote , or the young lady who
could not say whether she was legally
married or not , or the escaped convict
who successfully delietl arrest , do not
amount to much. Every inch of
property InNo Man's Lt'nd , so called , Is
recorded in Wcstchestor , Pa. Tills ought
to settle the question as to which state
the tongue of lunu actually belongs. It
is a part of London , Hritain township ,
Chester county , and It contains a binali
village c-illed Mcclmnicsvillo , nnuinor-
ntctl regularly with the other villages of
the county.
"Koon to Uloio Their Doors , "
There has been n good deal of talk of
lain about the manner that a curtain 15th
streul furniture merchant was selling
goods. It Is a common report that the
mices they are selling at this linn cannot
last long. Wo understand it is true. They
are soiling far below actual cost and giv
ing time to boot. Six- and soyim months'
time , weekly or monthly payments. In
an interview with a II KB ropoiter M. F.
Martin says hn i thn man alluded to in
the above , that ho is actually going to 10-
tire from business , and in order to boll out
fast 1m is willing to soil anyways near
coat. So come onovorythiimgoes , many
ni tides in tlio furniture und carpet line
at l 'ss than coat. illU S. 15th st , the Hluo
Front. Come curly , as goods are going
fast ,
Don't miss n good thing whnn you can
get it. You can find it at Lango's Stove
store. They are selling first-class base-
burners lower than any other IIOUMI in
town. Call mid jieo thulr line before pur
chasing. Quick sales and small profits.
MB S. 13th , near Furnain ,
Only a Small mllnnoo to Listen to
Ocr.CO. The torllT demonstra
tion to-day In honor of James 0. Hlalnowas
ti'olns ' large fls rntlc ! ] > , \ < ed , but Iho city as
filled with stranger * wholiail boon attracted
by the announcement thai Ulalnoand Heaver
would speak In ophhnW nic'otlnr , which wns
lioltl at tlio Exposition park , Allegheny , this
ntturi.oon. It Is estimated from ll\e to eight
thousand persons \verq iiiesent t'pwarOs
of three tlmus.lml bbrsons participated In the
parade , and tliiiconniitiiiccuiilcd about thlHj-
ll\e minutes In pnsMnpa u'lven point. The
manufacturer * , wnU mnally make a featuto
In such demonstrations , say they did not
have time to prepare1 fov It.
When Hl.ilno Whs introduced thoTowd
had Increased to 6Vbr ten thousand , lllalne
said in 8tit ) < tiuico ; A crisis In the tariff sys
tem of the United States Is rapidly apiunach-
Inc. 1-or a lone series of years , eer since
the close of the war , we ha\o had aast debt
to be paid. HOUOMT lurgo the national lev-
onue , the surplus could always bo prolllab'.y
amulcd to the liquidation of nm natloiia'l
obligations Wo h.mi discharged that debt
so rapidly that there remain now but little
more than t\\o humhed millions of dollars of
It that can be imld within this century and all
of that lulls due within four j ears Horn this
date its maturity thus rapidly approaching
may bu sold to bo e\en now ImiiciulliiK so
thnt matter Is one that must be taken into
consideration at once , because the rtmintnlng
SrOO.OOO.OW or S OO.OCO.OUO go o\er to the
twentieth century. Viider n wise adminis
tration of tlm federal government by the re
publican partv , the credit of the nation has
Increased MI rapidly that United States hoiulH ,
which weio at j > ai se\en JC.IIB ago. now com
mand tieatlv blSO , and holders will not re
linquish them to the treasuiy at less
tlmn that rate. It may therefore b <
assumed as a cerlalntv that their
payment Is postponed until the next cen
tury , and they full outside of thopicsent
power of the lesislatmo of this nation.
[ Applause. | When , thciefore , joit shall
have diminished tlio total volume of the
obligations of thocountiy to the amount of
S'JtW.uco.OOO now almost due. what are you
going to do with the suriilus.lilch Hews
annually Into } out treasury ? What disposi
tion nro jou going to make ol the largo
amount , which each > ear > ou Imo been
acoustomeil to apiily to the payment of the
imtioiml ilobtV The protectionists answer :
"Let us so rcilnce our icvcmie that
with wlso discrimination the Ameri
can laborer , in his daily earnings ,
mav bo piotccted by national law ami keep
that In \ lew as a Dismal object. ( Cheers ) .
This is n question that impends for your de
cision , and alter patient conslileiatlon of the
probable coiiHeitionccs | to icsiilt Ironi that de
cision , \enture theasseitlon that there has
not been since tlio national election of IbGO a
financial crisis so urgent and ptcssmgas the
ono which will bo upon the Amoilcin people
within the next two years. 1 cannot now go
Into details on the tarllf as to the
manner In which It should be regu
lated , but I can say this : That unless
It bo so adjusted as to continue the doctiint1
of protection , you , guiitleiiicn , will sue haul
times in this country.
lilaine dwelt at length upon the magnitude
of the manufacturing IntuiesU of the coun
try , and in answer to attacks upon his tariff
Ideas by tlio London papuis , compared the
starving laboring people of London to tlio
prosneious woiklng classes of this country.
Ho devoted some time to the discussion of
the Injmy to the gcneial woiklng public re-
BiiltiiiK trom the extiomely low wigus : pxld
the colored laboijng men in the south
and the recent notice taken of the
matter by thei.Kcncial . assemblv
of Knights of , Lalmc. Dlalno denied
that tliu icpublican party In its system of ic-
constructlon started , oiitith the Idea ot forc
ing the south to take ncKrosiiltrazc. The re
publican party referred the south to the
movlslon.s of the fourteenth amendment to
the constitution , which prevents moil whoso
hands had been made bloody In the field ot
battle asnlnst the -union men from taking
imrtintho government until congress , by a
two-thirds majority } slau ) release them trom
that disability. In. .that : amendment wns a
piovlslou that if the negro was excluded
Irom voting , ho mast bq. excluded from the
basis of lenresniUatlon. Ton southern
states scointully lOjected tha condition ,
Tennessee alone acqepttyg it. Then the lif-
tcmith amcndment'Was passed , which cave
tlto suffrage to every man ih the United
States who was duty naunallzed'or bom on
this soli. Neero suffrage absolutely
destrojcd. Tlm sOiitU'looe , thlrtj-hvo to
thirty-eight representatives In congiess and
the same number of 'presidential electors by
Irnml mm violence and counted them in the
democratic cnlumh. Wo ought , to bo able to
make a solid noi th as they hav o made a solla
RI > MUNJ > 8' . POSITION' .
Tlio Vermont Senator Declares Him
self a Bivalent Republican.
NKW VOIIK , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hii.J : A Montpulier , Vt. ,
special to the Sun gi\es the following cor
respondence between Jlcpiescntatlvo Fisher
and Senator KdmmulsRepresentative
Edwin Fisher wrote Mr. Edmunds last week
as follows :
I write in behalf of several members of the
geuenil 'nsbcinbly bofoio voting for United
fatates senator to Inquire , respectfully , If
we have any assurance ot" jour support for
the nominee of the republican national con
vention tor picsldent of. the United States in
Mr. Kdnmmls sent the following reply :
EDWIN Fismn : , llousn of .Representatives
Dear Sir : 1 have yours of the 14th , and re-
pl } Ing with candor and In all kindness I
would express my great astonishment ut re
ceiving such a coiiimun citlon. My standing
and devotion to the republican paity tor the
pisttweiity-nvo or twenty-six years are , I
think , perfectly well known to all the
intelligent people In the .state , and perhaps
to a considerable number beyond Its bonier.
If in anyone of these yeais my behaviour has
been such as to justlly any honorable and
honest republican In suspecting my fidelity
to our party , or to those great piinclples
and purposes , then that republican ought to
vote against mo whenever 1 am proposed for
anyplace. If the contrary Is ti no , as It Is ,
snc'i ' a question as yours Is one to wh'c'i a
sell-respecting man can maKe no ropiv. Not
doubting you will apmodate the force ot
what 1 havn said , and with evcrv good wish
loryouaiidalUinceio ropubllcin ? . and lor
our gieat parry on which , 1 bolluv e , depends
the truest libuity and the largest welfare of
the people of our country , I am , respectfully
joins , C.noiun : K. EDMI-NOB
AlONTPKI.lKR , \ t. , Oct. SO. TIlO JOL'islatlUO
met In Joint assembly al noon to-day and
completed the election of Hon. George K.
Edmunds as Unite , I States senator tor six
years trom March 4 , Ib87. Senator Edmunds
was escorted to the speaker's desk by a com-
piltteo , accompanied by Covuinor Oimsbtii. ' ,
and adilro sdil the Joint assembly , accepting
the hoiio ; confoiied.
Mr. Hewitt DrdlncH a Joint Delxito
With Oeorjjo.
NKW YOIIK , Oct. 00. [ Special Telegram to
the IIK. : ] Hewitt hos lven 10 the press his
reply to tleorgo's letter. ' 'Ho declines the pro
posal for Joint debate1 ] Ing the people are
fully Informed as tonhij iespecUvo v lows of
the candidates. He repeats his assertion
( ieorgo represents a tlnUffcrous movement of
ono class ot cltlrcns nL'aliist nil others , and
Involves an Indorsement or the doctilnus
which mlL'ht lead to n-rcputltlnn of the hor-
lors of the Fieiicli"lM'iimuuie. He adds :
"You ilo not , of coiirtoJ'iiUmlt that any .such
consequence- will inOpwTjha adoption of your
views , neither did iVjtfeiploiio. Cnuthen , or
St. Just , toresee < > rj ' 41)111t ) ! the honors m
which they we g t-vooii foiml to
take pait. My ( motive for ac
cepting the iinltcthiltaitiitcratlo Humiliation
was that It atToided.tliu.earliest opportunity
of putting the seal tt > l public condemnation
upon the doctrines wlmh' | ' arc destructive to
social outer. I suggest that } ou try your
popularity with tlio musses by contesting my
.seat In coijgicss which will thus become
vacant. If elected j on will have abundant
opportunity for discussion ot vour peculiar
Ideas In the presence of men iaimlinr with
tlio fundamental principles of social order
and the sources of national and Individual
l > inspeiity. "
The Man Who Goes ah Consul to Slicl-
Buffalo Special to the St. Louis Repub
lican : Honjainin II. Folsom , cousin by
mariiago to Piesident Cleveland , was in
terviewed regarding his appointment by
the president yusteidav. as United States
consul nt Shellleld , England , a pluca
worth $ 'J.r > 00 | i ' vear , young l-'olsotn is
not much jrivcn'to being interviewed on
family affairs , but on tins occasion i.r
opened his heart "This consulship Of
Shellicld , " said Mr 1'olsom , "I know lit
tle about , except that H is considered by
the government as an important place.
It is an imincnsnnianufacturing city , as 1
remember it 1 IIMC made the tour of
Ihigland three times , and if my recollec
tion selves mo tight , Hie population of
bhollleltl isioiiRMliinglargorfhanHulTalo.
It is about eighty miles Irom Liverpool ,
and Is the greatest Iron and steel manu
facturing place in England The loan of n
knife on , jes , it's n poor one. 1 hoiio to
have a belter ono when I come back
from Shellielil According to the rules of
the department a man has thiitj ihijs In
which to receive his instructions , so I
expect 1 shall go in a month I have yet
n number of Impoi taut matters to oloso
up For one thing I have before me a
law ea e , over which t have been work
ing for two years , and 1 must try anil net
that out of tno way. It seems to Inng
Hie Then I have the estates of my"
father and mv unnlo to look after. They
are largely identical , as a large amount
of property is owned jointly. Heing the
executor of the estates I shall have to
look after them. The greater pait of the
propert } is located in the city ol Omaha ,
"To set nsulo the question of any icla-
tioiHiip between tlio president and my
self 1 will say thislam cousin of the
father of the president's wife. I was a
cousin to Oscar Fohom , deceased. "
"What then do you liguro vour rela
tionship with Mrs. Cleveland1
"L'homost charming in the world , "
with n beany jatigh , "I understood your
question if 1 did not give the answer you
expected. 1 believe I have moro sym
pathy with reporters than any follow you
could find , because I served two years on
a Now York paper anil 1 know how it is.
1 suppose I can toll you what > ou want
to know about mo In a very fo"w words.
1 nm a graduate of Rochester university.
1 graduated in the class of 1871 Then 1
went into the newspaper business and
served n conpln of jears in the city de
partment of the Now York World. Then
1 worked a year as associate editor of
the Rochester Union and Advciliscr. In
187J11 began Iho study of law in Uufl'ulo
with tlio linn of Ifciss ite Histoll , which
subsequently became Has' , Cleveland &
Ulsscll. I served two years as a clerk in
the city attorney's ollico under John H.
Green. There were then simply an at
torney , deputy and the cleik. I had
charge of the books , papers , the mort
gages and that soit of thing 1 have ,
since 1891 , boon the secretary and tieas-
urcr of the board of trustees ot tliu city
and county hall. I am thitty-six years
old and unmarried. I have lived al the
Till'L house for seven or eight years. I
was a member of tlio HttOalo Democratic
league , and with Senator Titus I stumped
this and adjoining towns in the cam
paign of 1884. The president has been ti
vr.iiv WAH.M FKIINI >
of mine over since I came to Huflalo.
My relationship with bis wife never had
anything to do wilh my appointment.
You can see that very readily , for ho has
plenty of relations to look after , if ho
was anxious to provide lor the family. I
am quite a distant relative , come to the
fact of the matter , as you can liguro out
for yourself. I never expressed my pref
erence for this place over others. Before
the Sunday papers wove established in
Hull'alo , and when I was on the Union
and Advertiser I know Joseph Warner of
the Cotrier very well. 1 uiged him to
start a Sunday papot , I urged him very
strongly at diflorent times and ho was
quite inclined to start one entirely separ
ate from the daily issue. He used to say
when ho mot me : 'You're the man that
insisted on a Sunday paper in Huflalo. ' '
I was an enthusiast , you know. He was
inclined to do it. 1 said to him ; 'If
you'll start I'll write something rigiit
along for the first year anyway. The Sun
day Courier was starlcd. 1 wrote for a year
and a half , and had a scieed in on some
thing or othur under the nom do phi mo
of "Hence do Quisby. " 1 have often
been sorry I did not go into a Sunday
paper myself. It iioydeil a business head
and some capital. 1 had a little , and if I
know what I know now I would have
been tlio pioneer. In the interim tlio
Sunday News was established , \\nrron
said tome : "Hen , if this paper is started ,
you must remember that the money
comes in in pennies and goes out in del
lars. ' It
LOOKS roousn MOW
to look buck on it , but there was an awful
prejudice against Sunday papers ten
years ago , ana against their being sold
on the sticets. The Sunday paner now
is the cream of the whole week. Tom
Keene talked with mo about It , and his
idea was an illustrated paper.
" 1 went to Washington for u week's
vacation three or four weeks ago and had
a very pleasant time. During that time
I had some general talk about the muttoi
of this appointment , but nothing was
settled. Tlio first news I had was when
a reporter congratulated mo on the
streets. When 1 was in Washington I
drove out to the president's new house.
Ho is going to have u very pleasant place.
That'fe a place where the president is
goinir to take a great deal of comfort ,
and he is entitled to it , for ho is working
his life out in ollico. "
Turning to his desk , Mr. Folsom drew
put an architect's design of the house as
it now appeals , which ho explained in
"I have a favor to ask of you before
you go , " said Mr. Folsoinin , takinglcayo
of the reporter.
" 1 want you in what you say about mete
to make your article read just as modest
ly as you would if 1 were the ropoiter
and you weio the victim , I have talked
to you as I would to a personal friond. I
know what the papers say about my ap
pointment and I want you to do mo the
favor to draw it modestly. 1 know how
nil Interview roads in cold typo , so do not
make mo out badly. "
A Fruitful IIiiHlness Opening Declined
hy n Wnmlorer In > ow Jersey.
Detroit Free Press : If you nro waiting
in the depot ut Trenton , N. J. , yon can
walk up an inclined sidewalk about one
hundred feet , turn to the right ever the
tracks and walk another hundred and
you will lind an old bob-tailed street car
and two crazy-looking hack waiting to
carry yon up town. There is no rivalry
between the ear and the hacks , unless it
is to see which can assume the most an
tiquated expression of countitnaneo.
When I walked out there the mule at
tached to the ear was lying down , the
mules on the carriage were leaning
against a railing and the three diivers
were playing pcdro in tlio&hadu a dtunlcd
olni.My advent on the scene produced none
no consternation. The mules shut their
eyes the harder nnd ono of the men
slowly raised his eyes to the level of my
knees nud remarked that he claimed high ,
low and the game. That was all right.
llo looked like a hard-working young
man and 1 did not begrudge him his luclc.
I walked past the three without being ac
costed , made another turn to the leftand
after a short walk reached the budge
ever the Delaware river A hundred feet
above tlio biidgoa factory girl was learn
ing to swim , and I was noticing how
much moro awkwardly a woman Kicks
out in the water than a man when a
stranger appioaehed from the other end
nnd saluted mo with :
"Aro you a philanthropist ? "
"Yos.'sir. "
'You feoi for your fellow men ? "
"I do "
"Wilt'mg to help a man who | s down ? "
"I uni.'P
"Goodl I am the only son of a widow.
I am employed in that brick factory up
there Kb bookdecper and cashier. In a
moment of weakness I took $50 of the
company' * money to bet on baseball und
1 lost every dollar of it. lo-night my
cmbcr.zlomciit will bo discovered nnd mj
' \ < nr and myself will bo forever dis
-rrTeed T oinio hero to jiunti olTtlic
firiilno aril seek . : wftlcry grove , but I cai
be saved. "
"Mow ? " .
"Vnu will pivo mo tlio money to tiii. .
; or > d tire defalcation. Oil ! sir , how can
f ever show my gratitude ? "
"Givo it tip. So you but on baseball ? '
"Yi . sir/
"What club' "
"Tho Now Yorkers. "
"Oh , you ( lid ? IJuln'l bc-t on tlio Do
trolls' "
"Not a red. "
"Tlii'ii you'll have to make a jump of
tlio biiilgo. I novur saw a gaino of lme
ball in my life , but I won't go back 01
my own town. If you had bet on the
DC - "
"Kay 1" ho interrupted. "I did win * 1 < J
on the ( . 'hicasoL'lub. "
" I'hen Miu'll have to lump twicn ! The
onuilty between Detroit ami Chicago in
imnlaeablo. If you had lost ? ) iOO on tlio
I'hlllies I could have forgiven you , but to
have won $10 on the Chiea o , and that
in all probability in a R.imo over tlio
Detroils joli'll have to o. "
"Stumper , think of my mother I"
"Jdaien'tdo it My wife is naturally
of n ju.ilous disposition , and it wouldn't
do. "
Ho walked to and fro for tliroo or four
minutes and then ho stopped and said'
"If I hud i-,1) perhaps mother could
raise the rest by mortgaging tlio household -
hold furniture. It seems hard to die at
my ago.1
"So it does. There's going to bo peed
rabbit hunting this winter.Vill . you
smoke before you pot"
" \Vell , yo < , I mipnnio a man might as
well smoke on the gallows as do any-
tninp else. You couldn't spare $30 ,
could yoiiv"
"Couldn't do it. "
"Norton ? "
"Nor ten. "
"Still , yon soein to have some good
streaks about you. "
"Thanks. "
"You might advance mo $ ! > and I'll
telegraph my brother in Canada and see
if ho won't mnku up the balance. "
"Yes. I might "
"And 3 on will ? "
_ AYe smoked for about five minutes in
silence , watching the suekers swimming
over the sandbank below , and then ho
turned and asked :
" \\'hat's your particular Iny ? "
"I work the conlidcneo r.ioket. "
"I thought so shake. That's my
racket , too , and I'd like to travel with
you for H month.Vo can pick up $ . . " > l)0 ) a
week at Long Branch as long : is wo care
to slay , 1 know three suckers who are
already theic and aching for us to come
I had to decline on the ground of other
business , ana nt palling ho shook my
hand and said :
"Well , if wo meet anywhere we'll go
snooks on the racket. You've got a look
which would deceive old Plnkcrtou him
self. "
Court Notes.
Gns Kacssncr , of Klkhorn , commenced
suit in the district court yesterday for alien
lion against the house of Emma and
Herman Itasnuif-seu for a , claim of
$ .10.70.
Andrew Meyer asks for n mechanic's
lien against the houae of J. T. Crofts to
satisfy a claim of $70.00.
Laura Houston has commenced a suit
for a divoreo from her husband , James
Houston , alleging cruelty as a cause for
the desired separation.
Y. M. U. A. Convention.
Tno state convention of the Y. M. C.
A. will convene at Lincoln to-day. The
meeting promises to be one of tlio most
successful ever hclrt in the state. Prom
inent workers in the cause in the east
will attend the convention. The Omaha
delegates who will attend tlio convention
are : Lcavitl Burnham , G. A. Joplin , Dr.
Lcisunring , Dr. Parsons , J. E. Ensign , C.
F. Harrison. M. L. Stone , G. E. Ferry , J.
L. Kennedy and B. F. Lankton.
Build i ne ; Permits.
SnpnrintondcntVhitlock issued build
ing Dcrnuts yesterday as follows :
P. II. Casey , two-story frnmo building ,
Eighteenth , near Howard . § 100
1 ? . C. 1'ioctor , two-story frame dwell
ing , Porter , iiearTweuty-cightli . 2,500
Oodinan Packing company , two-story
frame building , Eleventh and Grace. . 4,000
Konl Ratnto Trnnarora.
The following transfers were filed Oct.
19 , with the county cleric :
Clltton K Mayno and wife and others to
Francis M Kills , lots 19 and 20 , block ' . ' , Or
chard Hill , wd 32.400.
0 K Maviio and others to Aaron O In-
Khraui , lots 3 and 4 , bloclc 5 , Orch.ud Hill , w
il S2,400.
John L Plcison nnd wife to William G
Kruso , west 50 feet of. cast 700 feet of lot 14 ,
H.ulott'rt add , Omaha , w d 81,000.
William ,1 Paul to Dennis Cnnnlndmm
and otlieis , lots , block X , bhlnn's : J < 1 add , w
( jcoreo K Uarker and wife to James W
Carr , lot 10 , Clifton Place , w d-SS50.
John Sliiimoiids anil wife to ( Jooreo W
LOCUM , 10 acres ot the nw } ol no.Jf , ! ) , 15 , 13.
wd-3JKX ( ) .
( iuoiKO H U rCKs and others to ( icorirft H
Smltli , lot 3i , block 18 , Omaha View , w d
8500.TUP Onmha Heal Kstato and Trust Co. to
Xahiim 1 * Pell , lot Pi , block b , Illiuebniiilis
Mount I'leasant ntlil to Oinnli.i. w il S'JOD.
Win K llawloy to tlio public , plat of llx-
KO r.tieo , dedicntloii.
Win Cobiirn. sheilir , to ( icoico A Hoas-
land , west V of lot 4 , block 0. Slnnn's 1st add
to Onmlm , sherlfl'sdeed , Slr : l ) .
Cathnrlno N llniiis mid husband nnd
others to li .John K Soinei s , % of lot 0 ,
block ! iOI1 , Onnln , wd S4.1H.
AuifU'tiii Koiint/ii nnd otlieis to Cnrrlo J
3nikh ! , lot 10. block 2 , Plninvlew , w d sW5. :
llwirv I ) Khodes to , ( nines O .Sunderlniid
andotheis , lot 15 , block 'J , li.inscum Place , w
d S1WO.
Jnno M CroUhton to Thomas A Ciolchton ,
undivided Irilf of lots 0 nnd 10 , block a ,
finish's add , wd 81,200.
Kiln K K.itson to ( lenrfre C Hobble , lots 1H ,
10 and 20 , block 0 , llniihuom Place , w d
John 1 > .Murphy nnd wife to.l .1 Mahoney ,
lot 1 , block 5 , Hindi's 2d add , Omaha , n q
J .1 Mahonov to Margaret K Murphy , lot 1 ,
block 5 , .SlmllVJd add to Omaha , ( | c
John W r.uil to lluiiy H Berkley , uiidl-
vlilcd half of lots K nnd ! , block 3 , Oieston
add , Omaha , w d SViO.
Ji W Urainptou nnd wife to K N Whitman ,
lot 17 , block 1 , Creston , Omnlia , w il Sl.iiOU.
James. I Melntosh and wlfoto K X Whit
man. lot 18. block 1 , Cieston , wd 91,600
Jolin I1' Potter and wile to I-nxlerlck Hun-
zlker. out lot ail , Klonnico , w d S 1,300.
J W Harris nnd wife to Fiederlck linn-
/Iker , vvebt 10 acres ot neifof SH' nnd east
5 ncies of mv { of o < / , 0. 14. 1 . w d-fr'loo.
\V \ ,1 CoiiiM'II and WHO to I'elei Kdmnn , lot
21. Ilh'koi ) Placiiadil , w itS509. .
Adam Stephen nnd wlfu to Hi'iiry M Wler
nnd Iliitlon Hiulley , lot 1 , block S , 1'nddock
rlnco , w < ! &I.OJO.
C C llou el and wife to Suali K Pratt , lot
0 , block \ ± Slilnn's add , Onuiln , w d SUM.
.iil/ilclli : Tlioiiiijson to I ) L ThoinnR , lot
11. block L , LOWII'S 1st add , Onmhn , wd
| ) L Thomas and wlfu to Chmlo < > K Ciish-
man , north 78 feet of lotO , block U. Lowe's
aild. Omaha , wd3KX ) .
0 0 HoiiMil nnd wifonnd others to Kllon 0
lliitlloy , enst 2-4 leut of north t& feet of lot I ;
also noiUt 7 feet ot \\c t U feet of oiit:5l !
fuel or lota , block iBl. Oinuhn , wd-Sl:5J. :
( i II 1'ctoison to D.uld.l.inilsiiii and others ,
noithlinlf of JoUl and 2 , block il , Omaha.
w il-S7. w.
Win Cobiirn and wlfo to John M McMalion
and otliers , lots 1,2 , : i and 4. Cobiirn'n b-
division ol block 11Ve t Onmli.i , w d
S7.IXK ) .
0 K Muyne and wlfo to Prank 11 Johnson
uiul otheiv * . undivided one-hiilf liiteuiHt 111
all lott. In Mil ) mi Place , w d SI.
U K M.IJHU and wlfo to O K Darker , undi
vided fine-fourth Interest In nil lota in Maynn
PLire , w d-St.
Clam M Albee to John It Cannon , lot 7 ,
block I. Plnlnvlew , wil StlT. % .
Jennie Shields iinil husband to Lewis I )
Holmeebtj of lot 7bloclc.7 , , Ouiahit , wd
When ono has been snflerlng tlui ngo
nles of a severe attaek of rlienmatlini ,
neuralgia orselatlea , nnd ridlnf comes it
seems As If n now lease of life ( mil been
grunted. Sueli have boon I ho feolinirs of
thousaid | who , after tnlng
. ' numberlegi luiniHlioi , limn
. ' 's nni' ' found to Ihelr great Joy ,
* ' ' ' ! c
At DulHKiuc , linvii , Ilio ilitlCk-11 " ? ?
Atltlnpliorn * beats them nil.Wi thougtu
it woiilil be llko nnui.v ollii'r rheiimiulo
medieinei that have henn lint upon the
market , ell for a whilft tlien gradually
< smk out of our meniorv IlnttMieh Is not
tlio easi > \\llh Allilotdioro * . Instead of
our sales diminishing they mereain , nnd
what make ; 111 hino moie faith in Its fit-
( uro mission , Hlliat our customers eonm
hack nnd praHe IN good work In the
highest terms. Said one drnirgiil to tlio
writen "My uonllduneo Is HO grunt In
Athlophoros that I olten x ( > ll n bottle
with the umlerstnndlng that if U not snt-
isfaetory I will refund th money. I have
never \ot had to pay I he money bnok "
Mrs. 0. il.AlnbiiPK.loO ? Clay si , lubiuuo ) |
Iowa. siiyH "I was mibjeel to fivmiont
attacks of InflMininntur.s iheumntlin ! nnd
have been nearly all my life , at limes I
would be utmost lit'liilcs * . \ \ hen 1 com *
monccd with Atlilomumx 1 was carrying
my arm in a sling , 1 could not movu my
litigor.s without causing mo pain , Ono
evening while millerlng thli wny 1 heard
of Athlophotos. The no\t day I Kent for
a bottle. 1 was u littln afraid of it at llmt
on account of the Inix/lng Meiifatton It
paused in my head , but It worked like a
charm , thu. swelling and pain \teregono ,
my rhonmntism was well. It ) * 1iow n
year and n half , nnd I huvo not fullered
any slncu.
Lvory druggl t should keep Athlojiho-
ros nnd Athlophoros Pllli , but where
they cannot bo bought of tlio dttigitlitl
the Athlophoros Co. , 122 Wall MM New
York , will send either , carriage paid , on
receipt of icirnlar nrico , whit-It is $1 jier
bottle for Athlophoros and 50o for tlio
I'or li\ur nnd linlnoy illionsei , ihipci > ln , In-
dlifoitlon , wcnltiu'ss , nniMiuit tliitilllty , ill t'ioJ !
or Mnnien , e < itiRtlialliiii | , lirailnrlia , linpuro
blood , etc. , AlliloiihoMsl'llli nm iineiiinlloil. |
017 fit. ClinrloHnt.M | . I.onN , JIo.
- - . . J , ! ) l * iiUiiftf
UH | < I In Ibt pcekAl lr * lp > it of CM ft i HIP , Ntiroiri. H M
ut > l utocb Dutk.RN Ihftn nr olhur I htiltUn luttft. LotJA.
ei cllj rtf" .bow nn1 all old rttlilrnu knaw
Ncrtous Prostration , Debility. Mentil anil
Phjjlcal Wcakneet ; Morcurlnl and other Alloc-
tlons ol Tliroal. Sklnor Bonoi , UloodPolionlna.
eld Sam and Ulcers. > ri ir.iMrd * uti .np.t.nuu
uecm.en Ultil ifkullto r'Uclpl.t , flif.l ; . IVlTiul ; .
Olsonstt Arlilng Irom Inmicrollon , EICIII.
rondorlnc MorrUto itnjjroptr or unluppr , u *
flcor bj nfrt \ \ , InTlUJ nd it'lltlj enBdlUI.
A Positive Written Guarantee iirta l > eftrrtt.
ntu < u . lltdleUi tool i.r ; wL r br m ll or > ir'"i.
300 rXOES , FIKZ FLXTEB , ol f nl . ' lk .nl .III
btndlcir i tlid fur 5Co Iniintifner urrtney. Or r dfl/
wonderrul r nr' ' lirf < . lru tlu i rtld iealb f l0 ! ! i (
lolof r oirrprejuitinn , n < l mi y m rn. Tt * n ntrrltl tg
tArai " ' x * ,
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
A Hook that ercrr father
thouM pUce In liU eon'i liandi
onilrmil himself Ith thautmost
rare , lllfri nil tlio nrmpUiinl Urrlbla l rnulli of t > l u <
ilno to Knrlr A Ice and lunar.
U'rof.Jeiu Clrlft
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