Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1886, Image 1

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The Tales of Eye-Witnesses Told Before the
Governor of the State.
The rorntpr DcM untcs ArcnBdorTng
the Mftti Who Did the Shoot-
liiK The I/ntlcr Accuses
Htcainliont Chnrllc.
The Ahsnssltis of linddock.
Dh MO'INUS , la. , Oct. M. [ Special Tclo-
giam to the Ilhn.J A missing chapter In the
whereaboutsof "Dlsmarck , " who Is held for
complicity In tbo Haddock murder , has Just
been made public. When "Hlnmarck" re
turned from San Francisco he was met at
Council HlufTs by Mavor Cletaml , of Sioux
Cltand brought to this city In compmy
with Chief ol Police Nelon and Marshal Shan-
ley. On Saturday ho vvas taken to the gov
cnior's onice , and there , In thu piescnceof
Governor Larrabeu and the persons above
named , he made a complete confession of his
connection with Ids crime , he being aucjo
witness of It , Thlsconfcsslon was taken down
In short hand , and when transcribed made
about tun pages of foolscap. The governor
personally nqucstcd the newspapers to make
no mention of the tact at the time , as the
prosecution could woik better If its plans
were not made public. For tliat reason no
mention of lilsmiick's presence
hero Saturday and his conies-
Blon to tlio govetnor have been made
public till to-ilav. To-nliht , by nermlssion of
the attorney-general , It Is given to llio pub
lic , nismarck Is now In jail In Sioux City.
Ills testimony shows that the innrder vvas the
tesultol u saloon plot , and no one but the
saloons were concerned In It. The confes
sion Is tcgarded as the most Important evi
dence jet produced , and Is staitlmg in Its
developments. It Is as follows :
My name is Albert Koschlnski. On the
dav of Haddock's mnrdui 1 went to see
bvlvester Ganders at 4 o'clock p. in. , at the
pfaco where ho was woiklnir. I talked to
{ ilni a low minutes. 1 told him that Saloon
keeper Trcbcr wished to see him at Ids
saloon. 'Ilie purpose of the Interview waste
to Induce Ganders to beat Haddock. Ganders
promised to sec. him , and then went home
and remained an horn or an hour and a hall ,
and at half past 5 01 0 o'clock 1 went
to Tuber's saloon. Ttebet asked mo
if I had seen "Steamboat
Chat lie" ( Sylvestoi Ganders ) . I replied
jes. H ( < then sent mo lo Ganders house and
gave me live cents lot sticet rar fare. 1 went
to Gandois1 , but ho had gene to town. I went
b.icU to Tiebri's s.iloon , 0 it d J not lind
Gandcis. I went down tlio slieet aboutS or
halt past h o'clock and found Gcoigo Trebei ,
Muncliiath , Ganders , uho Plath and a party
whosophotogiapli vvas shown to moLeavItt ( ) .
I nevei saw him befoie. When 1 met the
p.irtv ' 1 lebui sent me and Svlvesloi Ganders
to H iddock's housu toseo it xve would not
meet him. Wo went to the house and stajed
about half an hour and ictnincd lo thepiity.
When wo ictiiruul Svlxcstor Gaiuiois
asked toi mono ) toradilnk. Plithgaxo him
25 cents. Ganduis then went toj. Ulncr's
saloon and took a drink of vvhlskjTieber
cent Gandois and mjall to Chniles libcr-
haidt'b hotel to inqulio vvhetliei the bugcy
had leluined. The ) IOUM > joins the stable. 1
asked I'.bethaidt. hut ho did not know. Then
1 asked him to mi to tlio stable and Inquire , as
1 ( ould not speak F.ugllsli veiy well. Ho
sent a joung mm , wlioiclurncd and said the
biurgy had not come ( landers and I Ihen
went to tlio cot net of Fourth stieet to watcli
for Haddock as loqucsled by Tiebet. Gan-
deis xvunt to Lhcihmdt's saloon anil drank
BOIIIO whisky. He returned and both-of us
waited a vv hilo until all returned. The im.'gy
came at the same time. I wunt to Dan O'Con-
neli's saloon and asked tora drink. I had no
mono ) and asked lot tliopiomuitor. who was
not In. 1 then left the saloon and went to
the conur. Gaudeis wont to the ciowd
in Fourth stieet. Then 1 noticed that
llrcwer Aroniiloit and Hairy Peters had
come. Into thu crowd. I heaid then .sav to
Ganders : "We don't want vou , jou dinnken
fellow , " and pushed him out ot the crowd.
Paul Leader ( a saloon keeper ) stopped | fiom
the ciowd toxvaid me and said : "Those men
will have trouble. 1 think wo had betttr
leave. " I replied : "Vcs , that is so ; let's go. "
Then the ciowd came nearer Foutth and
Watei slicets. I went toward tlm allojAs
the crowd appioached the corner 1 saw Had
dock come out of the bain anil cioss tlio
slduxxallc. John Arensdorf and the othci
biexvei ( Harry Peteis ) met him and shot
him. Leader ind I tan to the Fanner's hotel.
Aiensdoif and the eroxvd ran acioss the
bildiro. I drank some wlilsky and then went
to Fourth street to J. Ulnor'a saloon , wheio I a glass of beer. Some ono came In
and said a man was killed. I went down
town and lieuul the people talking about the
iiiuidei.and went lionioaboutll o'clock.
The next day I met Gandcis In the morning ,
and he said : "Let's report the whole thing. ' '
1 said : "Vou enn do what vou please. " 1
vxent to the saloon and then to Sixth stieet
and then to Fuintli stieet , and then Ganders
\\oiitboine. I went homo also. The next
ilaGeoigo Tieber eainu to mo at my lieu > -o
about 10 a. m.Wild said : "Vou must hurry
uwai fiqmheie. " Treber then gave me S125
Hi ; said that vviiun I was diunk 1
might talk , and that I would get txventj
-jeais In the pwiltcntlaiy anjxvay for my
ii.ut If tlm mallet leaked out. 1 said that I
liad done nothing and did not llku to go.
Tiebet then wiintul the money back , 1 told
him that 1 had use tor thu money and would
not give It luck. Tidier th.Mi said that iliov
would eel HID out of the way , nftet which ho
left. The next week Mommy following 1
lixtd a pump somewhere. FrIU F.d < or met
mo theio ( Folger Is a cousin toGiindeis ) .
He told mo that his cousin ilad left and tliat
I had betiei leave also ; that 1 ml.'lit posslblj
get tittcen or twenty ) eain In the ponitcn-
tiaty. I told him that 1 had no money
then , FillFoigei said : "Vou got $ Vff > like
bjlvestet liandciri , " I icplli-d tliat 1 was on
n MHCC lei a low da)8 and my vv ilu took the
rost.xway trom mo and I did not hive a cent
lett. Then I'olcer and I went to the beet
ganlen. When Iheiu Aiensiloif eamu tidliic
along In n buggy. As ho saw mo he said : " 1
thoimht ) ou had lelt long ago , Vou got
money to leave. " 1 teplled II at my
wife took the money and that
1 no money to yu. Then
Aii'iisdort took me lo the woterelosot In the
gniden and aske.l me If 1 saw who tired the
hliol , I teplled , ves. Arensilorf .sad | : "Vou
had betiei lauiy and leave ; it might bo
pielty Imid on jou It > ou don't. 1 will give
) im anolher hiindicd If jou go. but I
will not islvo tlio money to jou , Fied Folner
will jto with jou and plve It to you when
jou aie o i the toad. " 11 ild him : "All right :
jou all want me to go. " Arcnsdoif wanted
me to have the next mnrnlnir , when Frit ?
Folger should laku me In Ids buggy to Sallx.
The next moining It mined and FilU
did not vrmt to co on ac
count of tlin bad dtive. Tuesday
afternoon I went to the brer ga'den and
Peters came along and Haw mo and t-a < d :
"Vou G d s of a b , are ) ou
still heie ? " If 1.see jou again , no nutter
M licit ) , I will shoot von down , " I Iclt and
went home , The same aftetnoon FilUcamu
a-id Mid It was time for mu to tot away iw
my life was not safe. Ho said wo
would start Wednesday moining.
We Jett the next moining for Salix and then
Fiitz Foljet gave mo S'.ti. 1 lett the suuo
day for Omaha and the same 1 left tor
Callfoinla. Aflet being In bin Franclsio
foi two or thic-u weeks 1 wiote < to my wile to
bell the hon-o and cimo to b in I'rnnclscn.
Kliorotu back tor a written consent.
1 sent thowrltten eoiisent aiidmywlfocame.
FritFolger told me on Iho load between
hloux City and S dlx that Ids cousin ( Gan
ders ) had told him that Alensdotf killed
Haddock. 1 am afraid to go to bloux City.
1 think that Folger knows , where bjlvester
Gandeibis ,
The lollovvliic is a statement of one of the
0)ovvItnebsesolthB 11 addocUmurder who was
brought to this city and made llio statement
In the presence of Governor Lanabee , at
torney General Uaker , anil tlm bloux City of
ficials. The important fact of ids testimony
Is that ho Implicates the man Gander ! * , who
Is variously known as "Clmrllo"aiul ' 'bit-am-
bout Charlie , " for whom Pinkerton's men
ad the pollco ate now searching , lie
examined privately and did not know what
Bismarck u stifled. . , ,
My name Is Otto Trelbncr ; I am eighteen
jears ot a o ; I was born in Darmstadt ,
Germany : 1 am H printer b ) trade ; I came to
Airerica two and a half jears ape , and have
resldrd In Sioux City since that time ; eight
vi eks previous to the murder of GeoigeC.
Haddock I boirded at Sylvester ( landers :
two days before the murder 1 saw "Bismarck"
nnd Ganders talking together on the street ;
the day of the muidcr b ) Iveiter Ganders was
( hoveling dirt bttxvecn Pearl and
Water streets and between fourth
and Fifth streets ; I was talking to Silvester
Ganders when Hlimarck came ; Dlsmarck
called to SUvestor Ganders and said that ho
wished to see him on Fourth and Water
streets that evening ; this was at 5 o clock In
the afternoon , and In tlm morning , t'ctwcen
Water and IVarl Rtrcets , ho spoke to him
tiear the KiiKlish kitchen on Fourth street
and said to Sylvester Ganders that he should
be sum to come that ovcnlngto Fourthstieet ;
If Im ( lilsmarck ) was not thete that ho
( Ganders ) should wall on Water street :
when Ganders came homo ho ate supper nnd
vx ent to tow n : Hlsmarrk came about S o'clock
for GaniUrs ; 1 askul him what ho wanted ;
Hismarck said "nothing ; " 1 called to him as
ho left the house , sayln. tint
1 might tell "Charlie" ( Ganders )
what ho wanted : Hlsmiiek added that
he could find him ; an hour alter Hismarck
lett I went to Fourth street at the crossing of
Water street lo see what Ganders and JJIs-
niaiek vxero dolni : : when 1 came to Water
street Ganders went to the Columbia house
and came bick shortly aftetwaids and called
Hismarck , who vvas on Iho other wldo of the
sticet : Dlsmaick did not want to cioss : he
caid , "I do not want logo" ; after a vvhllo
Gamleiscameoutof the saloon and crossed
ovoi with Henry Peters , the beer driver ,
whom he had met at the corner of the Col
umbia house ; the thiee. Henry Pelers , Bis-
nmick , and Gaiideis , vxent up the street as
fai as the livery stable and then retuined ; I
crossed over to the othei side of Iho street to
the tin shop , and after awhile a man came
across Fourlh sluet. When ho vvas about In
the middle two men followed him , one of
whom ( the ono behind ) vvas Henry Peteis.
The ono In the middle looked like
Hismaick. Tlio litst man raised
his hand , and as ho lowered the shot was
find. Idon'lk.owwho tiled. I thin went
h ime. Ganders i a no In m ' an hour latir ,
IICMV.H dm uk ; somebody biought him as fnr
as the gate. I went out to take him Into the
house. Hc ( Gandois ) Slid If lie was as well
elf as Arensdoif ho would not have shot tliat
man. 1 vvas them about lifteen mlnutrsbefoie
1 vv the man shot , 1 did not see tin buggy
comlnir. 'lite nc\t daj Gandirs went to
woik Iwent toh'm ' wheioho was to vxoik.
Its sild to mo that he was sick anil asked mole
lo woik foi hlmlhat day , iron i went to
woik for him. When I
evening Gandi r had just left his bed and sit
up some time , but did not leave the house
Iwent boat i Idlng thenext dav on the Mis-
souilrlvei. Iaw n man with a black inns-
tacl.o and light chin whisUcis. wearIng -
Ing a white straw hat standing on
the shore and motioning to G uder .
The same man was j-Ptlni : on llio biidgo
vv hilo iho shooting occiu led. Mr. ( andeis
siid to me : "I do not know what the man
on the shore wants. " We ictiuned about fl
o'clock and saw the man standing theie
again. Ganders left the boit and talked to
thu m in. I followed and saw the man go into
thobiush andglve Ganders money. The next
night we went down the Missouif liver with
two bouts. Gandcis teld mo tb it I micht co
along. I went to Omaha. G.indeis said ho
vvas going to Nebraska City and if he failed
to cet woik there lie would leturn to Omaha.
Ho promised to write to me , but he nevei did
so. After I leturned tiom St. Louis Frit/
Folger sa d tome : "If jou want money to
co to Germany 01 anvwhcio else , just saj s > o.
1 vxlll see that ) ou get the monej to go. "
Again After the Saloons.
Sioux Ciiv , Ia.Oct.'JO. jSpccml Telegram
to the Bii : . I Attorney Wood , of Injunction
fame , is In the city to-day , having just re-
tinned from Chicago , where he left H. L.
Lcavitt in chatgo ot the proper authoiitles
Wood rays they went to Chicago to see sev
eral parties wh6 are noxv in various parts of
the countiy panics , it is understood , who
arc to further coirobointo Leavitt's stoiy.
Wood sas tlio principal business hero now
will bo a settlement of the injunction cases
against tlie haloonUts. Court meets the hist
of next week and these cases havopiofci-
rnee. He expresses himself as certain that
pcipctiu ! injunctions will b gianted , and
that ho means to btaj hero until they are.
Jinn Over and Killed.
Sioux GUI , la. . Oct. 20. [ Special Tcle-
i-rani to the BKK J Palilck Hjan vvas almost
instantly killed this morning by a loan of
sand passing over his body. Mi. llvan lives
on a faun near the cits , but vxas at work
hauling lor a force of qradem at woik In the
northern paitol the city. He had just started
with the hrst load , shortly after 7 o'clock
when the wa on struck u chuck hole with
such force as to throw him from his seat and
forw ai d betxv cen the horses. ' 1 his frightened
the animals and they startedjo run , ciusing
the fruhtful and very sad accldo it. Ho was
about sixty-seven jc-ars of ago and a
widower. II is only daughter is teaching
school near Ulk Point , Lak. )
A I'rint Shop ( Scorched.
1)1.9 ) MOIM.O , la. , Oct. 20 , [ Special Tele
gram to the UIK. ] A tno broke out in Gose
Ac Jordan's store at Uockwell City at 7 o'clock
this monilng , destiojlng the building and
entito stock of goods. The building adjoin-
ln > ' , occupied by the Leader , nov.t burned ,
but tlio press and pilntiun material weio
safel ) re/moved. Total loss J > 7,5lW , Insurance
< HOOJ. _
A tilttln Fortune.
Iis : MOI.NKS , la. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele-
giam to tlio HKIJ.J Apooi woman named
Matilda He. ker , lesldlng in Fort Dodge , ha.s
fallen heir to ? 0,000 thiomrh the death of
agrandlathcrvvlio died utlla.'crslown , Mil. ,
some juirs a.n. The woman has a Hus
band and six ihlldien. The husband Is n
braKeman on tlie Illinois Central.
Siorx dry , Jo. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele
gram toll o Hr.i'.J Democrats to-day nomi
nated r. . C. Palmer for congress. Palmer has
been a peislstent olllco seeker for some v ears.
Hott.unls no .show whatever of election.
Ohio f'on in FlainoH.
Cot.UMlllJ.s. O. , Oct. 20 , At 2 o'clock this
moining n tire broke out in the wheel shop in
the penitentiary , and at tills tlmo that buildIng -
Ing Is In ruins. The cooper shops are now
biirnlnir. Ills scarcely possible to keep tlio
llanies liom iho gas works. No estimate can
buclveu of the loss.
LATI it The lire Is now under control.
Loss about S-lono ; paitly Instiled.
Ci.KVif.ANt : > , Oct SO. Uev. Dr. A. II.
Norvross , presiding elder of the Cleveland
Methodist Episcopal district , vvas to-day
fleeted preaUlmit of the 1'ittsburg fonulu
college. _
For llio AdvanoiMiKMit of Woninii.
LouibVii.i.n , Oct. ! X ) , Tlio national as
sociation for the advaiiciiiiimit of women
began Its session hem to-day with a good
attendance. Mrs. J ill In Ward Howe pie-
_ _
nulKKllitil Aflalrs.
.Sort A , Oct. 20. The Bulgarian govern-
meiit Is airanglnc xxith a London Htm fora
loan of four hundred thousand pounds.
btambulotf , llado > l.iviill and Nullchoff have
icu'ivcd aiionjmoua leltersthreatening them
with da < li If they continue to lesist Itussia.
Uood Nevvw Prom ntloxl.
Nr.vv OiiLKANS , Oct. , 30. Telegrams from
liiliixi , Miss. , toilajleportthe sick all doing
well. There have been no new cases and nose
so i Urns or alarming case Is under treatment.
Nollutislnn Occupation.
CONSTANT isoi'LE , Oct. 0 , The Itiisslan
gin em men t bus officially Informed the iwrte
that it does not intend to occupy Bulgaria.
Whltobreos t nut coal , f 3,75f er ton the
fKt atul best fuel.
N KB. FUKL Co. , 3U South 13th St.
The Death Squeal of Porkers Again Heard
at the Packing Houses.
An Inquest to lie Held on tlio Hoilj of
Tim KnlghtR or Labor
JJnd Tliclitjnlinrs Chief
Arthur's BotiNllilo Talk.
Cnirvoo , Oct. 21. [ .Spoclal Telegram to
the Hi K.J 'Ihlnps are laplilly resuming
their noimal condition In iiacklnc town and
ere the ne\t ten dajs have elapsed the recent
troubles \xlll be a thine ot the past. At
Armour's to day the \\eleomo sound of djlni ?
hoRa BqucalliiK their dentil azonlcs was asalii
heard and lie kllllnir was belli ) ; brisklj car
ried on at both beef house1) ) . Slaughtering Is
being done to the full capacity of the houses
and nearly alt the hands of both houses are
bark atoik. . The decision of the Imported
men yesterday morning not to lenuln at
\xokhasresulted In a laige number of the
old hands being taken on , and to-day there
were veiy few men hanging aiound the
hou cs. Cutting up will commence at
Armour's In a fexx dajs , and then neatly all
the men will belli theii accustomed places.
Fowler's was the onlj other house that reM -
M lined ling killing to ilay , but the others \ \ ill
commence as soon as they can uet hogs.
Lhueooneirtiill ovut the jaids refused to 10-
Uirn to woikat ten liouis and are still out.
ilie rinkertou men Imvo all been wlthdiawn
fiom bight and a ninglo picket stood this
moming at the ontr.uiu' of the bauacks.
Ordeis have beenr-eelved to disband them
and anood many went nvvay jesterday ; the
others will all leave to < iajA good foico of
town polke Is still keot around tlio houses.
From pie.unl Indications but a few dajs will
elapse ucloroeveij thing aiound the picking
houses will bo i mining in theii customary
A train of three cars with 100 Plnkciton
moil and about halt as many of returning
non union men. lelt the stock j-aids shortly
beloro no n under cscoit of a detail of Town
of Lake police. Supervisor bafford had
ordeied that all the windows be kept
closed and tlio plattorms clear. The
city limits at Thiity-iilnth Rtieut were
safely ua-hod and thoio another detail
of town police was ttitloncd In a patrol
wacon , A b l"f halt was made to enable the
town police escort to bo leplaced by city
oflicer * . No onto v or demonstration of any
kind was ma lo and the train sued cityward
In peace. Another 110 of Imported workmen
will bo font back to the city after the houses
close tills evening. There will bo some loft
after this exodus , but it Is believed that be
lore next Monday theic will not bo a non-
unldi man lelt in the homes.
The Piiikcrton
CHICAC.O , Oct. 20. It has been decided to
hold an inquest on T. Ik'gley , who was
killed by the 1'inkerton men jesteulaj- 10
o'clock to-morrow morning at the Twcntj-
Fecond street police station.
This moinlnr William A. I'lnkciton called
on the i oioner to consult \\llli him as to the
best uliicc to make the Inoulry into the
causes ot Uejrlev's death. jJ'inKcrton snid he
did not think it would be'advibablo to hold
Hie Innuest In the town ot Lake , as
10 feeling theic was so fieico against
his men that it nilL'ht lesult
in liijmy to thorn fiom the fi lends of the de
ceased. It is the opinion of the ollleers in
chaico ot the I'inkeiton agency that the men
ai rested for shooting Heglev will tindoubt-
cdlv bo held to the gtand jury by the core
net's jiuy , and that then tlio mallei will
come up whcic all the real facts cm bcbhovvn.
'llio oiiginal icports given to tno novvspipeis
ap"ar | to be rather one sldt < l. The cars
in which the 1'lnkoiton men were being
brought to the city are all battered up , and
many of the windows aio broken , showing
evidence of tlin assault made by a laigo
body of men. The I'lnkerton men all asseit
the assault was made bctorc the shooting
was done , and that they thought their lives
vveio in dangei.
ClilcT Arthur Talks Sound Sense.
NKVV'OKK , Oct. 20. [ Speelal Telegram to
the Bi'.BJ In an Intel view with Grand
Chlet Engineer Aitliur , of the Hiothcrhood
of Locomotive uninecis , ho bald : "With
regard to our convention 1 know of no spe
cial business which is likely to come up and
shall not till It makes its appearance at the
time resolutions arc In order. The brother
hood Is stionger than over , the COO delegates
to this convention renresentin/ believe ,
not less than 20,000 engineers in all puts of
the United States , Canada and Mexico. "
"To what do jou attribute the solidity ,
harmony and strength ot jouroulcri1"
To the fact that wo mind our own business
and learn others to mind thciis. We Imvo
enough to do to look after our < wn interests
without taking part In the attempt to take
care of the entire labor inteiestof tlio coun
try. Wo believe , and act cccordlnijly , that
It is absurd for a man vvoiking in ono line of
business to underukc to assist In tlie adjust
ment of ditfeientes between cinploxcis and
men engaged In another line ot business
which ho don't undeihtand. It would bo very
foolish In us to allow ouihclvcs lo ho tepre-
ponled In conference with our emplojcrsby , 01 a tailoi , or hod canler , and vet
that in the sj stem under whuh the Knlgnts
of Laboi ate conducting theii vxoik.
iMioc'KKiiisos OP TIII : fovvi.Mio.v.
The seventj-thlrd annual convention of
the lirotheinond of Loioinotlxe Kuglncois
was opened today bv public uxerelsis In the
Metropolitan opoia house. The lariro audl-
toiluni was tilled with delegates , their wives
and friends. A letter of le ret was read
fiom J'lesldent Cleveland. Major Giaco
welcomed the delegates to Nexv
Yoik. Coveinor Abbott , of Xevv Jersey ,
lfov. T. Duwltt Ta'rnigo ' and Chauncy M.
Uipow , piesldont of the New York Cential
ralliond company , nmdo compllmcntaij nd-
diesses. The hitler said that there was no
i.illioad president In the country who would
relume admittance to his otlieool members of
the oignnl/atlon. Grand Chief Knglnor
P. M. Aithur , In Ids aniiuil address ,
said that to Ids mind there was no real an
tagonism between capital and labor. There
was between woilc and Idleness. Capital
was only Invested vveillh. There was not
ono but could count himself a capitalist.
however small might bo hisiiile. Herecelvcd
tin ) vv oik of the Insurance bonetit fund and
bild that on August : tl , ibso , Hiiro was a
iin'inbornlilp of - 4Ha ) net calu of lOi , Dur
ing thejeai seveiitv-itlvht claims were paid.
aggregating SiM.CKXJ , making a unnid total of
Slffe5K > 'J paid to widows and orphans since
the wont began.
The KnlchlH or Lnbor.
lilciiMOND , Va. . Oct. 'JO The Knights of
Lai or to-day adopted tlmieport of the com
mitted on woman's work. The report Euys
tlie object of the organization Is to agitate the
principle vvlilih our order teaches of equal
ivi y for equal work und the abolition of child
labor. Your committee have cltc'rd such
oltlct r-i as were in their opinion in c.-bsary to
canyon the work propeilj- , said olllccia to bo
omiKivveied to aiipolnt sub co nmittcps in
every district wlieru Ilieio are women , to
look up cases that may require tlu attention
of the Investlgatoi and rejioit tlio
same to the presldunt of thecommltie.i. 'I he
ottie rb elected aie : Marj Hanalin , piesldent ;
Mary O'Hollly , vice president ; Nettlu lUrdl-
son , treasurer. The repoit recommends that
Leonora linn y bo circled general investigator
by the general assembly , said Invcstlciitor to
act as coriosDondlng secretiry and devote all
her time to the work and keep aconect
ncordof all cases acted on and itiport the
s.imu to the committee when they meet ,
which shall be at least twice a jcar.
The follow Ing ret > elution was adopted by
tlio general assembly :
lloaolvrd , That this ceneral assembly ap
peals for mercy for the seven men of Chicago
who are condemed to be executed.
Unsolved , That while asking for mercy for
the condemned men we are not In sjinpathy
with the action of anarchists , believing that
peaceful methods are the surest ana best
means of seeming necessary reforms.
All the business having been disposed pf ,
T'owdirly made a brief speech coneratuht-
lug the members upcrt the good work during
the session , urging Uium to depart with a de
termination to pnoti tlin Trork of Incn'cntini :
thoprlnclplosnrthp.onlBr. T. O'ltellly , of
the telegraphers' tlisltlct , Now York , sang
"Ono of tlio French Proletariat , " the dele
gates joining In the chorus , and the
assembly adjourned sine die.
The Commercial llelntlons With the
United Stntcs AVnrinl ) DlHOuised.
ltxG l > v Jiim' < fJonlnii lie mutt. ]
Oct , 20. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the Ur.i.j : The Spaniards
nhvajs take up warmly any question of trade
competition with foreign countries. Hut In
the present case outside of the purnly com
mercial and shipping circles of Uarcrlona
and tlio ports wlieie the Trans-Atlantic
Steamship companj and other llrms of ship *
pels combine to encourage the Italians and
oilier protectionists In icslstanco to an agree
ment with America the crcat majority of
tlio Similauls and the most respect
able orgatiH of the press seem
to share tlio opinion expressed very
strongly by the > \i > t Indian senators nud
deputies. In their minds the question at
Issue Is as to whether the Madrid govern
ment , by the sincere execution of the text and
spirit of the treaty of IbSl , which has been
faithfully earned out hitherto by America ,
will attend to the inteiests of the Cuban
trade and agiiculturo sooner than prolong
the diplomatic conlllct , simply to please a
few Spanish and Havana shipping films and
protectionists who hope that tlie conflict will
postpone the efforts of diplomacy to
make closer the commercial rela
tions between Cuba , Porto Itlco
and theii natural markets in America.
The Spaniatds umlcistind that with the
existing German , Fiench and Drlttsh treaties
a commerce with liltlo trade worth mention
ing from the countries without the ti CM tics
could teach the West Indies Indlicclly under
the American Hag , and Cuba would bo the
gteater loser by the sjfitemof reprisals fool
ishly adv ocatcd in some Madrid and llaico-
lonn papers , contrary to the friendly disposi
tion ot the majority. Public opinion nowa
days Is favorable to the Idea of uromotlng
colonial Inteiests. Thus tlio Coiiev-
pondoncla Deespana sajs to-night : "Tho
friends of the government claim
that a satisfactory solution lias been
arrived at on the micstlon of a commercial
comcnlion between Spain and the United
States , but I believe this report to bo prema
ture , though negotiations to attain that le
sult have made progress. "
The Episcopal Convention.
CmcAno , Oct. 5JO. Aftei religious ser
vices , llio general convention of the Piotest-
ant Knlscopal chiireb'ilibtened to a report
fiom the committee * , on canons rcconiiiicMid-
ing concurrence in Uiat portion of the mes
sage irom the house of bishop. }
which authoiized the Assembling of
all dioceses in , a jstito in geneial
( onncll foi consultation vxhcnevci It was
deemed essential. U'bc committee on state ol
the chinch submitted a teport lecqmmending
the appointment ot-a joint committee ol tit-
teen lo open communication with the vailous
other Christian bodies and nsccitain whether
there is a disposition among them for a
union on the basis of iho apostles'
creed , bieaUiiL' of bread and prajer ,
and to also ascertain what bene-
lit ; in their view would result to Christen
dom tiom sucfi uilloni liov. Dr. Hopkins , ol
central Pennsylvania- ' submitted a minority
icpoit urgliiK tlio prqmnlgatlon of adeliulte
and distinct plan toaMvstlu'iiilttc'd to other
Christian bodies to ccdily accomplish the
union , llio refofls vveio placed on the
calendar. . *
Attei a long discussion It was decided to
appoint a commission for whom .shall be
i.ilsed SoO,00'l to cany on the missionary
work In the south , the commission to repoit
the results to the next Ireneial convention.
Tlie principal business of the rcmalndei of
the day was in taking action on the proposed
chaliires In the liturgy. There was but little
opposition otleied to any of the propositions.
A message ot significant natuio , considcilne
the conservative character of the iMiiscopal
bodv.was icccived fiom thr house of olshops.
It was u i ( 'commendation that commit
tee composed of live bishops , live priests and
live laj men bo appointed to open communi
cations with other Christian bodies in the
I ind with tlie view of ascei tain In , ' If tliej liav e
disposition to promote nutty upon the basis
of apostolic fellowship ; the committee also to
Inquire what benefit they think can bo mate
rially Imparted by these separate bodies , ono
to another , and to ilevlse methods for the
evangelration of thitivoild. One section of
theiiiess.igc was as follows : We believe that
all who have befln duly baptl/ed with water
in the name of the Fattier , the Son , and the
Holv bpirlt , are members of the holy Catho
lic chinch. The delegate ? selected Now York
as the place for holding tlie convention of
IBs' ) .
The Loyal
I'lin.ADi.i.riiiA , Oct. 20. The annual en
campment of the commanderv in chief of the
Military Order of the Lesion com
menced here to-day , ex-PiesIdcnt Uutherford
II. Ilajcs , presiding. It devolves upon this
session to elect i .successor to ( ieneial Hati-
coek. Kx-Presldent Haye * . since the death
ot ( ieneial Hancock , Is senior tanking olllcei
of the order.
Lieutenant General Phillip II. Sheilden
was elected coimnandenin-chlef to till the
vacancv caused bv the death of Major Gen
eral Wlnlleld b. Hancock. Tlio nomination
ot General Sheridan vvas made by Major
GeneralIohn M. Schotiolij and second.-d by
General Huthorfoid U , Hayes. Iho urealer
portion ot the day was spent In discussion
of the question of eligibility tor
membeishlp of certain appllia'its and
tvvent-lour such cases were passed upon.
The comniaudciy of Pennsylvania held u
meeting at the Union league In the evening
and invested the officer * elect with their
official titles. At the close ot their meeting a
banquet vvas tendered to the companions of
tlie eomiuanderjMn-chlef. General D.
McGregor , commander of the commaiutciy
of PeniiNjlvanla , presided , 'lliero vvero no
format toasts. General bhnrldan was present
and inadd some teiiiarks. blmrt speeches
were also made by ex-President Hajcs ,
and Generals Scholield , Cochran and others.
Disappointed VlrjilnlniiH.
HiciiMOXi ) , OcU 8) ) . Uoveinor Leo to
night leceived the.following telegram fiom
Washington ; ' ,
Mr ? . ( Mev eland a ml'-ladles will not accom
pany mo to Ulchniondjtand my engagemiMits
anemias to return W Insliliigton at an early
hour , i regret that I aui obliged to forego at
tending tlie leceutionitt joiirhousoon this
occasou. * OftoVKit CM.Vi'.i.ANi ) .
This action of Uuv president creates sur
prise In view of tlm fact ibat only this mornIng -
Ing It x\as niinounct'd that MIR. Cleveland
and other ladles would xeitainly be fn the
presidential party. Guvernor Leo had ar
ranged for a reception at his house and had
issued Invitation to prominent citizens to
meet them. '
Civil fictvlon Jlxainlnatlons.
WASIIINOTOV , Oct. U ) . Civil Service Com
missioners Oberly auilLyman have decided
that hereafter thoexamlnatlons of applicants ,
whether tor appointment 01 promotion , shall
be carried on under the supervision of the
civil service coinmlfslonerH \\nshinpton. .
and not be left to the dlsctetlon of the locil
uoatu of examiners.
Minister Cox He ( Iron.
WASIIINOION , Ocl-20. Mlnlstet Cox had
a second Inteivlew ) with ( Secretary liajard
this morning , indicating a dcsho to be to-
Hexed of nis duties as United States minister
to Turkey. Ho was Informed that ho vrould
notlK ) leijulrcd to return to'iurkey aschaicc
Nebraska and lovta Weather.
Nebraska Fair weather variable v < inds ,
gem rally southerl ) ; waruiet.
lovva Falrvveathei ; variable winds , gen
eral ! ) wester ) ) ; warmer.
Further Particulars of the Wreck of the
B , & M. Construction Trniu
Miraculous Knonpo From Dcnth ofthc
Others on the Trnln Xnincs of
the Dead and Injured llio
Wreck Heine Cleared.
Fatal Wreck on the U. & M.
FAIIIKII. ! n. Neb. , Oct. i.0. [ Special Tele
gram to the HII : : J Yeslenliy a consliue-
tlon train consisting of an engine , caboose
and live car loads of now ties , was hacking
from Lawrence to Devvecso , canjlng about
forty track hands to Devvecso for dinner. A
bull ran onto the track just before they
leached a high ttestle. ono mile west of
Dewcose. Five cars went olT the tiestlo and
down the embankment , larijtng with them
nearly all of the men who wete t Idlng on top
of the cars. The earn wire sniLjhcd Into
line kindling wood. It Is a wonder that any
man on the tialn escaped alive.
As lliero Is no lelcgraph line west of I'.dgar
thoonlj recmuse for help was bx messengers.
Surgeons vveri" ent for from ralrlield and
Kdpir. Drs Prentice and Conrad from
Falrlield were tlio Hist to arrive. When thej
reached the scene of the disaster all of the
living wounded had been removed from the
wreck and placed on blankets and siraw
along tlie bank. Four dead bodies had been
taken out. The wind was bUmlnira gale and
tlio sharp sand and dust gicatly intcnsltkd
the sufferings of the wounded. Thodoctois
dressed nil of tlm wounds as
rapidly as poslblo to protect them
liom the wind and get them In shape foi ic- At & o'clock a train anixcd from
Kdgat blinking the division superintendent
and singeons. The vxoundod men
were placed In n box car and taken to I'dL-ar.
vxlicie a tempoiaij' hospital was ptepired lor
them. Dr. Mitchell , the IS. & M.suix'con of
Lincoln , came down on a special tiain , and
Is now in charge.
So far as known the total killed Is sex en ,
with four reported missing. All weie track
men , except Itobett Maivin.propiieltu ofthc
Dewecso hotel , who had gone down to
Liwronce on"tlio train merely foi pleisuie
Marvin was a popular live stock auctioneer ,
well known all over this and ad
joining counties. Ho leaves a
wile and tlneo children. Of the
sit men killed , but little Is known and It
was Impossible to cet tlie names of but three.
They are Daniel O'Connor , Gcorgo Uuike
and Kobort Collins. The other three were
disfigmcd bejond lecognltion. The total
number of wounded sent to Edcarwas hf-
teen. Followinc are the names of those
serious ] ) Injured :
WAf.Tru A MI * " , Aurora , Neb. , walci boy ,
compound fuctuieof leg.
THOVIAS KII.IY , Canada , fiacturoof the
ribs and dislocation of shotildci ; will piob-
ably die.
JOHN Knw utns , St. Joe , Mo. , compound
f nut in oof leg.
Li ) PIIA/I.K , Harlin , la , face wounds and
leg broken.
11. SrANi.r.y , Omaha , severe biulses and
bioken leg.
JOILS FIT/oKIIAM ) , severe contusions.
CIIAS Ci. viiv : , hip and legbioU'ii.
Axininw CAMPIII t.u sciiotib ilesli wound
In leg.
WM. Ct' t'.ilgh broken.
Owi.v : Hii VHMV , ICansas City , compound
fractme of both leus ; will niohibly die.
G. D. Doxsle , justice and acting coronet ,
impanelled a liny on thogiomids and Is holdIng -
Ing an lnouest to-day. rf XT , , -
Walter Shophard , a farmer , vvliose house
Is within a few bundled yaids
of tlie vvieck , Is the only man
outside of fioMi on the tialn who saw
the wreck. He says the train was run
ning at a very high rate of speed.
NehrriMka Grand Koduc 1. t ) . O. P.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct 20. iSpecial Tele
gram to the UEK.I The grand lodge of Odd
Fellows for Nebtaska assembUd today in
Lincoln atthoOcldi'cllows' ' hall , fully thtee
hundred delegates being In attendance ,
coming from every section of this slate. Tlie
session will continue for three dajs , and the
\lsitlng dclcgatef. were Introduced to Lin
coln tils | cvenlnc in a grand reception and
ball at the Metropolitan rink , attended by
nearlj a thousand people. Mavor Uurrand
Governor Davvcs wcio the men on the bill to
welcome the guests and tender them the
fieedom of the city. To-morrow at 2 o'clock
p. m. the citUons of Lincoln have
arranged to Imvu carriages In readi
ness to take the irrand lodge In
a drive and exhibit to them tlio beauty of the
capital city. To day tlie grand encampment ,
the higher older In Odd Fellowship , closed
Its annual session , which showed the camp In
itioxvlng and piospennw condition. The fol
lowing olllceih tor tlie grand encampment
were elected to-day for tbo ensuing year : G.
P. , F. JJrjant , Omaha : G. P. P. , IX M. Mor
ris , Hastings ; G. S. W. . Joseph Hoagland ,
Ninth Plutte ; G. .1. W. , C.I ) . Ajer , Kearney ;
O. M. , N. H. Helm , Omaha ; (5. ( b. , I ) . A.
Kllno , Lincoln ; G. T. . Sam McClay , Lincoln :
G. I. S. , C. C. Pace , Lincoln ; G. O. S . C. W.
Pileo , North Platte ; G. L ) . D. , Leopold 13utr ,
Lincoln. _
Church IIovvo Cornered.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram
to the HIK. ] A specimen of Howe's be
havior was Illustrated at his meeting at Hen-
nettTuesday night. A Imly aioso In the au
dience and asked Howe his position on the
submission of tlio prohibition amendment
question. Howe declined toanswei the < iues
tion , and the Ilttlu lady peislstcd In being
Informed. A circus was Imminent , and Walt
brclov bobbed up anil nodded for tlio bind to
play. Attei the band quit the lady aioso
again and lequchted an answei , when Howe
was lough enough to make an Indelicate
answer , and the lady , covered with blushes ,
vv as seated.
Kntnl Accident.
AiNswoiiTii , Neb. , Oct. 20. Sunday after
noon Sherman llmnx , of Keja Palm eouiitj ,
pulled his gun , mu//lu foiemost , out of his
wagon. The gun vvas dUchaiged , tlm con
tents enteiing hlsabdomon and thigh , Indict
ing a wound which It Is thoudit will result
fatally. Hums is twenty-five yeai.s old and
has a wife und child.
Dorscy at Nell ; li.
NKMOII , Neb. , Oct 20. [ Special Telegram
to the Jlur.J Hon. G , W. K. Doisuv and
Major Norrls addressed a large anil enthus
iastic R-idlence at this place last evonliu ; on
the Issues of the campaign. Tlio old Thiid
dlhtiia Is good for 10,000 majority for Dorsey
and Tlm ) ei.
Caused by the Truck Spreading.
Uviiinu : , Oct , 20. The News and Ob
server's Aslievllle special ta B : A wreck oc
curred on the Ashevillu & Sparlansbur rail
road this morning , four miles out of this oily.
While the train vvas ascending an eight-live
foot grade at Itobc-rtsvlllo the t-.ick spread
and tno express and smoking cats vveie de
railed. Somoof the unfoitunato passengers
In tbu smoKIni : car sustained Iniuries t-up-
peel to bo fatal , I'hyplclaiis were summoned -
moned and all relief possible vvas given to
the wounded.
Ohincsn IMrntPB Hilled.
SAN FIUNTISCO , Oct. 20. News has bpen
received from Pel.ln , China , that the Fiencli
recently had a brush with about two thousand
pirates near Hoe Lac. Tnnquln , Jforo than
live hundred Anumltes weio killed , tholr
fortllicitlons and magazines destrojed. and
a lot of cannon and small arms captured.
No Water In the Holler.
Alowi.K , Oct. 20. The Ueglster'b Citronele ,
Ala. , special sajs ; The boiler In U. Davis'
mill exploded ) cstornay , killing a white man ,
William Halley , and n negro , James Kobiuts ,
and wounding two men and a boy. The
cruise vvas lack of water.
The Hollcf Provnllliic Tlmt Iioulslnnn
und Tevnsnrc .Settling. "
UK vrvmsr , Tex. , Oct. W. fSpoelal to the
HKK 1 N'olhliii ; Is talked of heio except the
unprecedented tidal Hood around S.xbltie and
its oxtraordinarj ie ults. Slnco the older
residents of this vlelnllv inve gonoovetlho
ground and discovered what an Immense
stieteh of countrj was submerged , the ) have
advanced anot nor stirtlius theorj to account
for thodi's-lructlon at Sabine. Pass and theto -
mnrkablu Inuiuhtion of Jonnson'.s and Taj-
lor's Uajou.ltliout being given any
scientific reason the old leildents have
agreed that the Texas and Louisiana coast
about tlio mouth of the bablno river Is grad
ual ! ) sinking , and they think It Is only a
nmllei of a few decades when the sea will
claim a lirire slleo fioinbolh states. A gen
tleman who has lived ou the eotst for illly
jeats makes tlio statement that up to
tlie voar IWI no seiious ovcillovv
oceinrcd between Herxvlck biv , on
the Louisiana coast , and Galvi'slon
bn ) . ' 1 heic vxas not exen a tiadltion among
the white soltleis of nil ) oviitlow duilngthis
period , e\tendliu : hack lo thujeai 17H ) , vviien
the Louisiana coasi in tliat vielult.v was first
settlid. In 1V > 7 the stietls ot Sahinoweio
submeiged bj the tide tor the lust Hmo sltuo
its foundation In ISM. Since is > ( t there have
been eighteen dlsastioiis oveillows , thiee ol
wli'ch ' declined dining the piesent jear.
Tlnsi'xtmordlnary Increase In fotces
and oveillows since tlio v ear INTO not enl ) a ) > -
plie1 * to the hundred-mile strip of coast con
tingent to the Snbino estuary , but applies
with tlio simc mathematical accurac ) to tnu
entire Texan coist tiom Sabine to
Galveston , thence to Indlanola and C'oipus
Cliri ll , neatly down to Hrovvnsvlllo.
at which latter point the storms
since 1KH ) have been less severe
than dining the preceding quailer of a een-
Ittiy. Old settlers who Imvo compiled this
date cannot account for llio nominal Increase
except on the basis that tlie entire Texas
const lias subsided u foot or two since IWiO.
'Hie Oiaime Tilbune , descanting on this
theoiy , suggests that the matter should bo
mnde the subject of selonUtic Investigation
and ought to have thotough and Immcdlato
attention fiom thoceiieral goveinment. The
Tilbune calls on the people of the llrst and
second congicssional illslrlets of Texas to
join with the dlstilct of West Louisiana and
apply to the war and navy departments for a
joint corps of competent engineers and sci
entists to establish the exact attitude ot the
const on both sides of Sabine for a distance
of at least lifty miles Inland. Such a com so ,
It declines , would put at test the feelings of
anxiety caused bv the now locally widespread
bel.ef that the surface of the eartli in this
section isgraduallj Kinking.
Formally Dedicated.
QriNov , 111. , Oct , 20. The foi mal dedica
tion of the Illinois soldiers' and sailors' home
took place to-day with Imposing ceremonies ,
Large numbers of Grand Atmy posts ft out
this and adjoining states anived eaily in the
day , and It Is estimated that over thlity
thousand strangeis are In the city. Diirinc
the morning there was a parade of soldiers
under command of General Post , department
commander. Geueials Login and Falichlld
and oilier distinguished euests tuviewed the
paiade. At the conclusion of the paiado
thousands of people went to the grounds ol
thu home , vvhete eommemoiation exetcises
took place. General Post called the mooting
to order , and pi uei was offered by Kev.
Wilklns , depattment chaplain. "Ameiica"
was then sung by a elioius of 0110 hundred
voices , and an address upon the institution
and Its advantages delivered by Governoi
Ogles- ! ' . "Columbia" was then iciideicu b\ \
nclioius , and xpeeches weio made hiJon -
orals Falrchlld , Locan , John C. Black and
Senatoi Cullom. To-night there will bo a
Viand Illuminated street paiade.
- > ' ! o night a urand Illuminated street parade
vvas held. .The piocesslon was the grandest
ever seen In this locality , anil wa hexded by
ci ht floats leprusontltiirticnnus In the lito ot
a soldier. 1 his was lollowe.d by a grand dis
play of liieworks on the liver , which was
witnessed by an Immense crowd fiom the
baiilc. Inspltoot tljo rain tlie giuatest en
thusiasm pniviiitcd , addthovlsltois weio well
tlm ceicmonlos. The exmciscs will conclude
with a camp lire to nun row.
CHICAGO. Oct. 20. At the session of the
national council of the Coiiiri optional chinch
to day , the committee on the paper presented
by Uev. lt. Ides reported. The paper dealt
chiefly with the educational question and
among Iho resolutions upon It vvas one ex
pressing stnm. ; approval and pledging sup-
pott to fie piesent RJ stem of public schools
in thlb country. Tlio report and icsolutlons
vveic adopted.
Itov. lr. Quirk piescneda ! series of reso-
InttoiiK approving of the work of the Ameri
can pence society and asking for ptopcr ob-
ncrvanco of tlm Sabbath.
Dr. Noble delivered an eloquent closing
address , dwelllnupartlcularlly upon the fact
of the unity which had characterized all the
proceedings. Iho convention then adjourned
sin die.
Crooks Hrealc Jnit.
M Aitysvna.E , Mo. , Oct. 20 , [ .Special to
the BKK.J Sheriff James Anderson , of
Nodaxvay county , offeis n reward lor the ca | > -
tuio of Grant Wright , charged vvitli rape ,
J. T. Ainsworth , i'iubi'7/ler and Frank M.
Ollpliant , foigei , who bioku jail und escaped
Monda ) nlglit.
Olipliant IK about.1) feet and S Inches high ,
somewhat bald , squints light eye , dink com
plected , dark halt , weighs about 150 , mus
tache , about thirty-six yeais old ,
Ainswoithls light cnmlected ] , llglit blue
exes , light hair , about. "i feet 10 Inches high ,
light liuinsldo vvlilskers , ab uu twenty-eight
Wrluht Is dark complected , small dark
Bimisldos. about twentx-sK icais old. about
r > feet eight inches liigh , daik hair.
Fust Kiitnoky ! HuiiiierH.
LKMNO TON , Oct. 20. The uttendiinco vxas
large and the track last :
All ages , mlle and ehhth : Hobby Sulm
won , Titxiatliercr f-e'ond , .Malxu II. third.
Timo-1 : fifl.
Twoouolds , thiro-qu.iitcis mile : Teita
Cotta won. It.inburg hceond , Llltrol thlid.
' - ,
All iiges. mild and tliicc-sKlconllis : HUb-
Illghi won , Kaloolah fieiond , Lltllu Minnlo
tlilid. T mo 2:01 : ono and ono hilt seconds
ends last T ilian the ho-.t on tecord.
TwO'V cat-olds , llxo tuilongs : Minnesota
won , Talcs CieeU second , LucKii thlid.
Tlmo-l:0t. :
I''ielK'it ' Hales JlalKcd.
CIIICAOO , Oct. JO The meeting of the
genctal freight agents , of Uio Noithvvcsterii
Fielght association vvas held to day. The
rates to St. Paul und Minneapolis went ad
vanced to : First-class. 7J lonls ; second , CO
cunts ; thlid.10 cents ; fourth , 23 cents ; fifth.
i tenth ; A , 2iconls ! : H , CM cents ; and 0 ami
Dlisccnts. Thu agents agreed to repoit nil
outstanding coutiacts to thu coiiimUsloiier
toi i emulation.
Slnio Itiiinril ,
Toito.Njo , Out. , Oct. 20. The extensive
piemlses occupied by Ulllott & Co. , whole-
Rain di iigglstH , burned this moinlus. Loss ,
SIOQ.QOO ; Insuiancob O.O' . ' ) ' ) .
A Child Cliokcd.
AtuiritN , Npli , , Oct. 20. Tlio child of T.
J. Majors , eleven mouths old , was htraiulcd
Monday nlu'ht by a piece of bono lodging In
Its wind pipe.
Fatal Holler Explosion.
PirrwrnMin , Oct. 20. Intolllt'enco has Just
beep received from Washlputon , I'a , , that Iho
boiler nt Hie .Smltli oil well No. U t-xploiied
between 1 aridv o'clock this inoniln , Killing
tout men.
Hit return -Work ,
CIIIJ.VF.V , Neb. , Oct. 20. Thieves burglar-
l/ed the stoio of W. L. and It. D. Garten
Moiid.iv night , taking 100 worth of goods ,
No tlue.
_ _
The Tililnn Will Prohnlort ,
Win tb PLAINS N. V. , Oet. SO.-Tho will
of tlio late..Samuel . J/niden vvus admitted | o
uiobato this morning In the buiio ate cu if
here , without opposition.
The Solo Snrvivor of Ouster's Command
Tells of the Massacre.
lliif ler Martini ADri * n
ship Tlio Now Colombian Minlfttcr
niul UlM l > aie-ncll Ilrotlicr
Ouster's Solo Survivor.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 20.- ( Special Tolosram
to tlio Bin : j V noitly dressed , cleanly
shaven soldier , In the uniform of nil nrtlllei-
mau of the Depirtment of the Kast called at
the wardepirtmont this inornln < to sou Gon-
cual Slictldan. Hu vvas the solo urvlvor of
GoncialCiHtci scoiunmml. Attliollmoonho
momoiahtc Oustei campilgn ho vvas bugler of
thnguaid , and vx is with General Ouster at
tlio tlinu ho dlseovoied the Sioux vllltuo nt
the Llltlo Hit ; lloin.jnst pun Inns to the terri
ble massacre. His name It M.vlliil niul ho Is
now but Ihlrty-thu'c jeats of age. "l vas
right with Gunoial Ouster \\hon ho spied the
Indian village , only a short distance away.
Ho dismounted und , nftor dancing over the
situation , dro\v out his note bonk and wiotoa
low lines on n loaf. Tu.ii Ing tlio loaf out I
linndcd It to ino and ordered mo to take It to
.Major Itrno and Captain Ik'iiton This vvas
an idei tor them to liuiry up tholr com-
mand. Ho saw fioiu the slzo of the \IIlago F the engagement would ho a severe otio ,
and ho thercloro told ino not
to attempt to _ re.icli him again
until attetwaids. T'hat ordoi saved my llfo ,
foi when I returned alter the light 203 men
out of SCO that composed Cuslet's ' command
wore dead upon the ground. I wan tlio two'
huiulied and sixty-sixth , homo had suc
ceeded In getting away a distance , but they
hid been overtaken and Instantl ) killed. I
vvas the only soldier who siinhod. Tluno
was an Indian scout named 'Curloy * Mho
made his escape. Ueloro the butlo com
menced ho MW that \\ould bo n massacre ,
so ho loosed his hair , snatched elf a piece of
iI'd trimming from his clothi's to tie It with ,
toro a black blanket In t\\o ana vv nipped It
around his legs , as If hooio log/ins , and
then , throwing n blanket over his shouldcts ,
ho looked not unllko a hostile Sioux. Ho
dashed into theii midst and ) not detected ,
and In that way ho Hindu his escape. " Hugler
Martini further sajs tliat , bj the advice of
his ftlcmK ho is cndcavoilng to sectno tlio
position ot inessengei In llio dcpaitiucnr ,
hiving had hisshaio of sulk-ling and hard
ships , bhciidan piomlsed to glvo him a
hiMitj leuommendatlon as soon as a vacancy
ocoiiiiiil. Ho wore two sots of taiKct badge- *
on his c.ollat , showing that ho had been twice
successful In the annu il maiksm inship com-
petition. Ne\t jeai ho expects to b < a thlid
tliiw siicccsstul , and ho will then bo entitled
to weat a maiksnian's pin.
PAIINM MAll\'s- ! OlIIEIt.
' Von nowspapoi fellows aie getting Dab-
noy M.iuiy , the iiilnlstci to Coliimbnt , mixed
with his cousin , Hari ) M.iury , " .said As
sistant Secietary oC btate I'oitoi to jour
conespoiidcnt today. "llniuas the
duelist , not Dahnej , " ho continued "Ho
( ought Jboth those duels vi edited to Dnbncy.
Me was not only a duelist , but a date-devil
at ail ) thine , and 1 think he vxas 0110 of tlio
abluit men 1 evoi knew , lie was mil ot life ,
as brave as a lion .ind novel loit his herd.
Why , don't > ou luniember but no , 1 guess it
WAS uofoieour time how Hairy .Maury
made a great iciutatlon | as-a sailor without
any knovyledco of the business. Hoiib fiom
Yliglnia , but Was living at Mobile at the
time of the famous N ca'ati uin 111 >
busteriiiir expedition In li-fiG. Ho pot
possession ol n small vo el , and
loading lici with auiinuiiition and
lillibustcier.s. sot s-il to assist WulUui. Ho
was in comm.ind of the mmi and ol the vcs-
bcl , but 1 don't believe ho had oxer been to
sea before In bis life. That didn't iimUe any
diffeienee to Ham M.iuiHo didn't know
ono sail liom another , but ho know the ace of
hearts Irnm the queen of cluls , and having a
deck of eauls handy ho pinned the are of
heiits on one sail , the iiieen | of clubs on an-
othei , the jack ot diamonds on another , and
soon. ID this way ho kept thmn straight ,
and when he gave otdcis no would jell out :
'Lower the ace of clubs or take a reef In the
queen of hearts , ' etc. Ho made the vojano
all right , too. He led n body of mounted
moil ilmlnir tlio rebellion , brtamoa biicadicr
general In the confederate senlco and was
dlbtlnguished for his bravery and galluntry. "
A Flncrnnt Specimen of DcMiiocratlo
Nnw YOIIK , Oct , 20. [ Special Tclccrom to
the HEK.J ( icneial "Abner Donbleday IB
lather \\.mu oxer the treatment accorded
him by Civil Service Commissioner Kditcr-
ton. Some days a o the general \\rote to the
coinml.ssionci protesting ng.ilnst the removal
from the Chlc.iuo riibtom house by Collector
Suhcrger of Captain Schlcbnor , a veteran
with a record of t wen tjlive lionoiablo
feenlce In the army , Mmply because "Ills
place was wanted toi a democrat. " Schlcb-
nor was a connadc of Doubleilay's at Fort
Smnptcr , and has been In tlio custom homo
since leaxinif the aimy some years ago. Ho
pissed n vcrj hlsh civil service examination
two j ears aio , and General Doubledaj chui-
acterlzed his lemoval as an Inftactlonof the
elvil senlco inlos. Commlbsloner Kd-
Norton's caustic loply has alii'ady been
made public , and now ( Dotibleday
Is out with u htatemont Inhlcli ho sajtt :
"I ncelxed.i most iuhiiltlnirieply liom tlio
jirosldi'iit ol the commission. Ho accused
moot not designating the commission , mop-
DI Ij. It seems that I refcued to It as n Civ II
beivlcu Itiifoim Coiiinilsbion. Ho assails
mo tor my Imioiane , ! in spclllnt ; Mi. Uchicb-
ner't , n.iniiilh ! mi 'a' Instead of with an
' ( . ' Ho said Ml SiiliUJCW-wa" "a perfect
Koiitlcman , " and that I was adti.ucil l/-y , . . bias In assallliii ; him. Ho Infornii d
mo the malleiould not bo coiiHldored.
Lastly ho said the ( . iiiuiil.isloii hid no juiiK-
tlletioii In the r.ifo. "
( leneial Doubleday fuither states that
ho infilled by oxtiiesslni ; at the
want of r.liii'ciity which eharai ten/ed
the commissioner's communication , mid
apolorclrut toi usinir tlio wont "reform" as
dctiliMiatini : the ( ommlssion.ll a.smiicil
him I would not cotiplo him and icform lo-
gethei a aln. "
Kdccilon has reelved the reply and li jini-
inilm , ' to write miulhci letter. It Is undnr-
htood ( Jentral Doubleday will cur ) KchiU )
ner's case dlicctly to the pn-slilent.
Tlio liciuuH Ituttnr litive ,
WASIIINI.ION , Oct. 'JO. Tlio attorney ( 'cn-
eiallmsghen an opinion In ic ird to tljo
countiiictlon of section 3 of the oleomar ir-
Ino act , \shlch Is In elfect that oils used In
the itMiuifticturo of oUnnuiiMrino are not
Mihject to li'\ unless made In Imitation or
M'liibl.mce of butter ,
To Htop Halo
Ocr. 20. Tliu hoiii'iiu in
of the Cential Tialllo nssocl.itlon
to-day. The moiniiu's Ke-iblon was given
up to a dimension of the late cutting at tlio
sevcial association points , which was ( juilp
cliarji und full of lecrimlnations. The mat
ter finally c imu to a head by the p'iss.tlo ot n
icMilutlun vvlimehy nil ot the association
Jlni's pit iltd tlirniMilxes to n-sloro theiali's
to the tai 111 and refrain from rate cuttinj ; In
ClirlMllan Olmroli Cnuvontloii ,
K\.SSAS CJTV , Oct , 'JO. The ueneral iia-
nal convention of the Christian cliiuch
bPL'i.n this inoriilni : , ( ieueral K.M , DraUo ,
of Iowa , iiiosldluc. A niiinber of commit
tees wuo announced , and J'lesldent Drake
delivered his annual mldiesa.
Nouil lulled Knr Con rcm ,
CIIICAOO , Oct. , i0. ! The i'muth dlntrlct
. 'en.MTits ' . toda > nonilnatcd Jonathan I ) ;
1 \ a 01