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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1886)
SFEJOIAL NOTICES ; indcrthls he rt , lOciuitspor line ( or tbo first Jlisertlon , 7 cents for ench sub- ff'fiuenl tn'Ortion. nnd Jl.W ) n line per month No BrtvertlWuenl taken 'for less thnn 85 cents for the Orel insertion.- ' Boi-.en wotds.will bo countcil to tlio' line ; Ibo'y mut 'run .consccu- tlyolya'ml iniistbo paid In nd'vnce. All adyqr tln'tnt'itB-mtna bo hflnJ'vd in'neCdro 2 o'clock ri.m.itn'd under no clfpunrlanecs Will thcjbft tfiken'nr il'lsonllniic-dby1olcplionc. ] ' Pfllk-s Bd cr.titlti4f l-n tliosu I'oJutnns jid liir * ln.glhonnswrrsii'1dreMeil In csib of THE IlEE wlll'pli-aiH ) luk fdc n rbeck io.Rnnblo t'hoin to get their Itlter ? , as none % T.II1 be ilvlircreil except on presentation of choolc. All. answers to s4 * vortl'cmcnLsuboiilil be cnrlo > o < l in nnvelotioii. TO LOAU-XOKEx. MONKV tolonnon elty nnd tnrm pi-opert'y. low ratea , blowart & Co , , lloom 3 , Iron llntilt. .W MOXBV TO LOAN-At ren ! ontiblo vatos. on fiirnlluro , linn wntebe and other personal property. C.J. Oiuwoll. room W Iron Hank IjUlMlMK , 1-tli and Farnnm. I0t _ _ rpo I/JAN Money Lonns placed on 1m- JL proved reiil pstiito In city or county for New Fnglnnd Loin , V Trust i' Douiflna County bank , 16th and Chicago sis. 8)T ) u 27 $ nnOM ) tolaan. Sums ffiOO ami upwards , Ixwcsl rates. lionils , 15lh mill Dousl' ' " sts. rOMlV TO I.OANr * ) . F. Duvis A Co. Heal I Estalc and Lonn Agents iMTi Farnnm st , iM oNiv TO l. AN on real estate nnd ch t- * tols. 2) ) . J [ Thotnn ? . _ UjU _ I\I ONlIY to mvost If you have good notes to 1V1 eoll call on J. II. Parrotto , ISth und Chi- tngo. MO MOM V to I.OA\-lii turns of f'.Ofl and upwards on Ilrst class real estate security. Potter iV Cohb , 1515 Farnam n. 1)10 ) AIONKV tij toaiioiTclinTtol and rent cstnto ; JM fnlr rnto Interest. J. II. Pnrrotte , loth and Clijcaga 4'JJ M ONF.V TO LOAN-On farm nnd city prop- nrty , no delay. n. n. nail & Co , , us South 15th st. 1IONI MONiY I.OANr.l ) nt C. F. Heed .V Co's.rx > an ollics.on furniture , pianos , horseg.wairons , personnl property of nil klndx. nnd nil other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th , over IIItiKliam's Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. Ull MONHY to loan nt straight 8 per centNo commission. L. ] ' . Hammond , room 3.1523 Douglas street. 437-n'J 0:500,000 To loan on Omnlm city property nt 0 P percent. O. W. Day.over 1:112 : DoUKlnsgt. T 0 AN P Loiinl Loons. Heal oslnto lonns. Collnturnl loiina. Chattel loans. Loiwtlmo lonns. Short tlmo lonns. Money always on bnnd to loan on any ap proved security. Investment securities bought nnd sold. Cull at the olllco of the Omnhn Financial ex- thatiKO , "ccond floor of the Darker block , s. w. cor. of Fifteenth nnd Fiirnnm St3. Corbett Mnnairor. 012 Gl'Klt CKNT Money to oan. J.J. Maboncy , 1609 Farnnm. HIS 6 'riill CUNT money to loan. H , C 1'nttnrson , lath and Douglas. Olji _ _ M' I oNIIV to loan by the iindorslKiied , who has _ L thn only properly orjranl/od lonn nttonoy m Omaha. loans of f 10 to 51,000 mndo on fur- ulturo , pianos , orgnns , horees , wagons , machin ery , Ac. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. I-onns BO made that any part can bo pnld nt nny time , ench pay ment rediiclnB the cost pro rntn. Advance" ? made on flno watches nnd dlnmomls. Person * should carefully consider who thov nro dealing with , M miiny new coneorna nro dally coming Into existence. Should you need money , call and sco mo. W. H. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthncll Hulldlng. 15th nml Hnrney. l 20 13UUIME33 CHAITCES. Alt.VRi : UAIlCiAIN The Hammond Ma- clilno Works , consisting of Machine Shon , lllacksmlth shop , pattern shop , steam fitters otitlltonolo liorso iowor ) onglno and liollor , to gether with nbout i.noOgcinernlpnttcrns.Prlco , Jl.noti.flO nasli , bnlanco $ 0 per month. Apply to J. F. Hammond at woiks , 014 south lilh St. . 072 18 " llcatilco steam laundrFof Heat- J rice. Nob. , doing n good business ; reasons or soiling other business. Inquire or write to Mrs. H. N. Mnlllnson. llentrice. Nob. 4M 18 * J7 OK MAl.t-V-Or exchange.Klognnt stock of : .millinery , mostly now.tavnlcoabout JII.OOO , consl.-tingof Icntliorg. blrdc , ( lowers , ribbons , Etruw and felt hats , bends nnd novelties , Inoos , nnd neckwear , hair goods. In fact ovorythlng necesf nry for n stock suitable to n flno and se lect trndo. Unexcelled location. Will seller trade for choice Omaha property. Some cash required. M. A. L'plou i Co. , 1309 Furnam. ANTED For n No. 1 hotel , proprietor. Wo ! invo for icnttho leading hotel in llcntrtce , Neb. No ono need apply unless bo has money to piircha o tlio furniture and cnn glvo ibo best ot reference. Ilnzlclt & Iliites , llcntrlco , Nob. KO. 7)11 ) bAI.K Flri-t-clnts hnrdwnro business , 100 ft. building , with $ . " ) .000 stock. No en cumbrance" , SIcknees cause ot tolling : . Ad dress lock box I , Ainsworth , Neb. 271 71 < m SAL.H Hnkory. confectionery nnd J.1 lunch room , chcnp if sold soon ; sickness causool Belling. Inquire of Kopp , Drelbus& l LIHM Farnnm St. , Uiiiiihn , Nob. _ ! I57 _ K Or trndo lor Omnhu property. The besl located livery business , with stock In the city. Long lease of barn nt cheap rent. Mnynojl ros. . KilU Fnrnnin . _ 023 H OIIS1C.S Lots , l-'nrms , linnets money lonnod. Ilcmls , 1Mb nml Douglas streets , CIS TOUHD. TIAKF.Nup , Oct. Ut. on the Mlllard road , 1 nillo west of Puuleon's Dairy , u man cow. r.llzaboth Diivli. 8'-4 ' 1 * JIVK STHCIC Auction Plablos , Sirs Cum- I Ing street. The best facilities for bundling and selling ut unction. Horses , mules nud live stock , nlso carriage ? , cnrts , Ilvory nnd liorso supplies , west of Chicago , Snlo days , Holidays. Wednesdays nnd Snturdnys. Drown , WliijponriCaulor. Tolophonu No. 501. IOST Water Spnnlel , brown with white - / breast ; answers to nnmoHob. . " Had on ! on chain collar. Liberal reward for his rot urn or intormiition a ) to his wlicrunbouts. J. O. I Toft.2JndundMn"on. 714 IB * _ IOST A line rod knit shawl , nbout B o'clock J Sntnrdny evening , Sept. 11. Leave nt this nllleo nnd got rcwnn ! 201 HOA11DIJJQ. BOAHD1.SG Oooddny boanl , 1018 California 447 OI6 * VEKSONAI. . "I3KUSONAL Mrs. Sum Nolan cnnlonrn some- .1 thing to her boiicllt by addressing It 27 lieu olliCf. 713 18 _ IDCHPONAI - Nenland tasty nil-wool business .1. suits , t" . L. O. Jones & Co. . American Clothier * , 1WJ Furnam nt. Mall orders filled. 'I'JKIISONAI * Weak , umlovelopod iiarts of the X iiody enlarged nnd strongthonca. Positive pi-oof , full particulars , etc. , mailed In plain ron ycloposoulod for stamp. Address Erie MeJl- culCo.,7 Swun St. . llnllrtlo , X. Y. 20o n U _ Clairvoyant. _ MADAM A LAS 1C A rnvoals past present and future , how many In family , UKO , etc , , how to hold affections of busbaml or lovwr. Satis faction guaranteed , it coma aim upwards. M3 H. ICih it. 71 TmiSn NA L"Mr . Dr. Nunnio V. \ \ arron .1. clairvoyant. Medical nnd business Medium lloom No , 8,121 North llith it. , Omaha , Nab. OH U7.8GEX.I.AHEOUB. MATUlMONlAL-Paper conlnlns nearly20J advertisements from ladle ) nnd gentio- inun wanthiB correspondents. Sent 3 niontlis for 10 cunts. Address , llcipintr Hand , 70 l.u Kale st. , Chicago , IIU _ _ fc'J M ' I 0 TltA Di : A lot in Auburli Hill , lor 11 ( . ' I. sound horse , llWS. It-tint 2ia ) ArAI.KKT'NB'S Short-liana Institute Is In Exposition - > position building. ItX ) JTOH KKNT Sijuuro riuno fa inontnlv. U Hoapo. 1513 Douglas. inontnlv.B3T T ADIES Wishing for KOoJdomstico help can .t De supplied nt short notice ut the Omaha Employment Uuroau , 11'J ' North iCtli St. , Crounso block. 408 TTF.NI > The ovonlTTi ; w ssion nt Viilontlnes' Short-bund Inatiiutu , lUposltlou building , CD1 rpn TltADi : Ijmd in Franklin county , Nob. , J for county iiort-spiiper outfit. Correspou- dunce bollclieii. AdJscsB V , Franklin , Nob. BLACK Wnlnuta. bulls on.sacVoJ. on cars , at CJciaiier bushel. Adirc3 , O. ti. Luxe , BliHiiundonh. Iowa. _ 527 2J A' rnJNIl--1'10 ' evening f esslon at Vulfliitmos bhort-haud Instuuto , lltK ) ) ilion builJln ; ; _ _ _ _ _ Ml ; _ _ j1OU HUNT StlUllro } 'milo , (1 wonililr. A ! Hospe. 1613 Douglas. 0.7 fPltUKS , Uoscs.-jlirubs.otc . plni.tuj tree lor . .1purtont buyluirof Do n-lai to. Nn i' . ' C.O. Howard , Prop. , p. O. boi . * ) . "C i ATTF.SIVrThc ovenlnif'session nt Valentines' Short-hand Insttuito Exposition building. CAMI'KT WRAVIXO neatly done by nn > .t' tinrlchcod Denver. OAK ut 911 X. 17th st. between Hurt ami fuming sis. ALL Klnil of t'ypo-wriier copyinneatly done ut Valentino's slioil-haiij fn ! > tltutc. INT : Organs , js pec month. tlo pc , 1B13 Douglas. _ L 8i7. FOE. UAI.E-MIBCEI.IAI7iOtJS. \n-A nne llnblctnnmn Stnlllons i' jjent ) nViil klndi cheap t < } lile , lnp < jr iiros. , 1018 IY.rnamst. 671 13 . | - > IU'K. ! Drioi , brck ( ! for fft6 ! andnowrondy J > for delivery ni SralMi & Whitney's brick yard , or U. H eiosslnir. 551 lo Tj OIt SAJ.fcj | spun of I.nfire draft mnios.flro X yeifrs old. nr will trndo on r .i ! ixlato. Iiu quire , No 12uil,5tii , sU Up Fture. J , i : . Vnh- 54) s'Vl.H llor r , harties * nnd wagons , SchleslniriT Itros. , 101 Farninust. 674 IS ) H ALB -Ire In car land lots. Gllbefl Hro't. : Council ( Huffs. | 7UH SAt.K Pnrtor l.cdroom nnd kitchen -I ? furniture carpetsrange and bcatlnirsloves , nllno.uly now , n gentle horse tlvo' yours old , all at n bargain , givingup housekeeping , 'Mi Don ulns st , 5-'i T7"OK.SAMi-larKO tire andburftlar proof : sate , coot $ VV ) . Sell for { 250 , J. W. Mat- ahull. IMtf Fnrnnin 8t. 700 _ _ Fint SAI < I ; Furniture andi ca'oot stt-room house , time on part. Cull 120J North 27th street , two blocks _ from lied Car lino. _ S'J3 _ ' ' H'ouwn's f/ots Farms.Landi money loaned. Ilomls ISth and Douglas streets. 1K > 7 JflOll SAM ! t neap , iron columns ind win- dow cnp sultablo for fronton brick build ing. For partloulnraHpply at this offlco. S13 WAMTED-FEMALE HELP. A"\7ANTnn-Olrl at St. Jntncs hotel for kitchen worK. GU7 18 * WANTRD Klrst-olnw pastry cook. Also ono dishwasher at Dining Hall ird8 Podg-j slrcel. GMIS * _ WANTKD Cook at 602 Forest nvcmfo. H7S lt > * 'AN'TICD-Dining room girls mid ono ill ! wnshor nt tbo Cunflelil houso. frilt IS' ITAXTED-Etporlencod shirt n nuers tit tno V Oinntin shirt factory , DOS N ItUh st. W ANTHU Uood girl tor > rctiernl housework nt s. o. cor 2Jth and Farmim at. G48 18 IVANTKD Olrl forKonernl honiowork. A. 1 > II. Mnyne , s o cor. 21st and Webster. 641 \A7ANTHU-Anlrl fur general homework , t T must bo n good , plain cook. Apply to Mrs. A. II , Hitstls , Colfax tt , 2d door north of Loavcnworth. C1'J ' ' "WANTED A m-st-clii illnlni ; room girl. > Apply to the ( Jordan bou-o.Wymore , Neb. Liberal wnges. iMJ-l _ A cook nt Miller's rostnurnnt ICO I N. . \\TANTEn-2 good kitchen girls nt Pacific V > Hostcor. 10thnnd llnrnoy. CMIC- ' ANTED- competent person as nurse for child at 44fi Convent st 543 WANTKO Girl for general housoworlc , In quire of Selbcrtlnst ! Orovo st. between Mt. 1'lonsnnt nnd Popplotonavo ? . Cl16 * ( Jooifgirl for genornl housework. WANTED . P. Tukey'J4ll Chicago t. C21 ANTKi > A cook lit U. P. Hotel , se. cor. W 10th nnd Jonos. 5'A ) lf. . WANTEIl A girl to do housework III n nmnll family , Gorman preterrcd , apply nt 1900 Fnrnnm t. 4i.l ! _ _ v\7 2 Douglns. AJs'TKI ) A good girl for gonornl house work , 141.1 Jones st. 489 WAJ A good girl for general house- I > woric , 1WJ Farnam st , 405 W ANTUD-A lady for olllco work , 1010 How- unl. _ CIO 1C * 1 ANT8IJ Olr ! Must bo good COOK and laundress. 23)3 Fanmim , Mrs. J. M.Thurs- ton _ 2 _ WANT1JD A cook for small family , inquire Wlli south 13th st. _ cm = \\7ANTii > Hcndcookut the Fumous ros- YV tnurnnt. 3l9Sllthst. 780 'ANTKn Six Ilrst class Gnlvnnlzed Iron Cornice Workers ; good wages to the right men. Apply to H. J. Thomson nt J ew Court House , or Kiel's Hotel , Council limrfs. O''o ' 2i * 17ANTKD Uoy , ntonco. Newspaper Union > 12th and Howard. 073 10 WANTKD A tlrst-clasj pastry cook at once ut Cow.ons IIouso. Olfl-10 WANTED Rxporioncecl dry goods elork , 101'J Howard. 017 IB * \T7.vXTnn 10 Ilrst clnss tinners , 1S15 Dodso. \ \ II. 1C. S.iwyorA ; Co. 54710' i VANTUI ) Track men for now track my- ' ing , just started. Steatly work and good Job. Albright Labor Agency , 13J3 Farnam St. 4 Ji WANTKD-Ilook agents , O'Neill A : Co. .pub lishers and general ngcnls lor subscription books , box 4'J'J ' , Oniuhn , Neb. C2J n 1 1 WANTED-A Banlcnor.iniirrlod : good terms ; Partloulnrs Inanlro olllce , S. 5th Rt. , No. 015. MO 18 * \T7ANT13D Installment canvassers to call at VV 1207 Farnam st .mil see what wp have to offer. O. K. Lee , Manager. ! ) . Co. in the world want men THKlargostJIfg. to sell their goods on snlary or commission In nil towns In Nebraska. No capital or export- enco necessary. Itcfernnco rooulrod. Address , M , box 207 , Omaha , orM , box M7 , Lincoln , Nob. 711 0 3 -TX/ANTI-Jl ) Men for Wyoming. Good. T V winter's job. Compnny work. E. B. Al bright , l.nbor ngency , 1303 Farnam et. laO \ \ / ANTED A few more ugents to Introduce > > our Autonmtlo Musical Ins'ruinonta. on instiillinents. Anyone can play them without musical Instruction , the boat paying , easiest colling novelty over known , f 25 tot 40 a week sail bo rmilued. C. K. Low , Manager , U 7 l-ar nam etrcct , up stnlrs. WAHTEP. WANTED Situation ns booltkeeper.clothlng sulosmnn or uny kind ot olllco work by n young man who writes a fair band nnd cnn speak German. Have bud experience in cloth ing. A U , room 23 , Kronzler block , city.oo4 oo4 loll Situation asdry goods . . . . . liiuini u yetrs experience ; good rofercnco- furnlshoa. Address linmcdlalely It 10 lleoollico OJ2 l' W ANTKD A ludy mnkinif u spocliilty ol opcrutlvo dentistry iloslri-s a situation , thoroughly competent. For particulars address A. W. Miller , Vail , lu. 674 J VITA NTH I Situalion , by thoroughly expo i T rlenccd bookkeeper nud collector ; coiro spomlont , EiiBlUh , Geriiinn nnd French ; ried ; an years old ; very best of references. dross HSJ , llee olllco. W A NTKl > Position in DryOoods store , 10 year' * experience , best of reference , > \ Norris , 710 N. ' 'Ulh st. 640 IITANTBO Situation by B fully coinpotcn IT wiitchtniikor with 8 years' experience Ii F.uropo and America ; working nt present ii ono of the Inrpest Jewelry houtos in Chloigo : gtnto wuges and luhlrcas , Curl Tb. Lundiiulst care Mrs. Nordoll. 8dTowuscnil st , Chicaao , lit Go2 * WANTKD-A i > o itlon by n stenographer references given , address P14 , Heooltice 10.J 2u * MISOSI.I.A1TEOU3 WAIIT3. WANTED A partner In an established roa estate business. Host location In tlr 1 city. Address H M , lle.o ollli ) . C80 lb AY TANTKD- Offices , mcrehants , chops nnd . printurs to use our Olllco Toilet Supply , C8 ! ) \TrA.vriI ) Stock of dry goods , clothing and \V ( Jems' furuishlnsr goods or boots nnd shoe * In oxcbango for Oiiiuha lluul Estute , Bchlosluger Ilros. , 1018 Farnam St. 074 18 Tlf ANTED-A11 kinds of short-hand and type i writer work at Valentino's Short-hand pen stitute. CSi nP. W ANTKD-Houso4 to 8 rooms near U. P. uepot , Aildrot * U22 , lloo olice. | WAJfTKU 2 furntslied rooms with BrstK-'lass board , for man ncd wlfo and 3 children. Hutu , fas and heal. 11 , 8 , ueo Office. V\TANTI-J : > Two lady correspondents of Jew. ish orlffln between sixteen.and twenty years of ago. Address C'jrrcsponJInjf Bureau , \Villiir , Nob. Inclose two cent for roplr , G53 10 * \rrAXTii ; > Hoard and room by gentleman 1 i and wlfo , private family piuferred , nd- oress , it 14 , ihU oiiico. &K ) 1C' iAJTKI Horse aiul buicgy. Must bo rea- \i sonablt ) . luijulra cor , 15tU and Viuton Sts. C03 U * I 'ANTEDvlen nnd boys to learn book keep- i lUfi iituatloiu , D. Smith , 1613 Chicago Teams. T.Murray. \v "ANTKD To meet demand for competent , . i bookkeepers I'will Instruct a few per sons nndwnit on half pay until you hive sit- viiitloils. J11. . Smith , 1013 Chicago st. 52116 * "XTANTED-f.orman ladles " "fo Fenfrf booV good situations , J. H. Smith , fc3 ! 1C * . , . , . , > All wanting to learn short-hand . and typo-writing to attend Valentino's Short-hand Institute , Kxnbiltmn bull I Ing. Omnlm. Wo cnn furnish sulllclf nt employment lo young men and boys lo pay their bonrd while in miendnnco. 6S.1 Oct. 20 ron Eirr-nooBE3 AKD 1.013. . on HKNT G room hou c , 1107 Davenport Imaulio 1010 Fnrnam slitp ttn.lis. Gil-IB * UTOll KKNT F.levon room hou o corSlFlnml Lcnvcnwncth St. Two blocks from street enw . Apply to Hnrko A Ilnrknlow , Douglnast or W. E. Annln , llee olllco. < V3 ! _ Foil UKNT-Pnrt of Ptore sultnblo for n ponts' furr.lshlnir irood * store : In irood lo cality ; address H 21 , lice olllco. C.jQ 10 ' . 'Oil HKNT 8 room house , 1107 Davonpott Rt. caI 1 Ingillro 10111 Fnrnnm Bt. , up stah-a. CHUB * IFOU FOU Itnvr Cottngo sl rooms No. OH N 17th . st. HufCrencuSfoiiulied. SiUporjnnnUi. T Elegant 10 room residence on Farimm st , nil modern Improvements , fur- HI u round carpet for sale : all now ; um com pelled to give up on account ot Illness. Ad dress 1115 , llee onlcc. 513 . F Oil TlKNT-Store suitable for llcstaurrtnt , 1113 S 13th st. Peterson. 678 Ip US IlKNT Half n doroii new , sis .room houses In A. fl. Pnlrlck * * addition-two blocks from cither rod or greoii strnnt car lines. Call at room 2 , Arlington block. Pntrick Fb'lt HUNT 50 lots on the licit II II In Onh Chnthnm , just south of the Sixrntogn nchool house. Tlicso lots can bo routed for 10 years on rcMsonuMo terms. John I. Hudick. a71 N 7 171OK HUNT Fine IS-roora house , modem Im- A ? piovemonts , 20th and IMrnam. A. I'.Tukoy. 131)1 ) Fnrnam st. 0-- _ _ FOIl HEVT H-room cottneo. Hnrnoy near 20th. $30 per month. S. A. Sicilian. 1613 Fnrnnm st C IJOOM3. Foil "HENT Nicely furnished frcmt"iroomsi 811X. 17th St. jO1 1 * TTlOt : KKNT One suit of rooms nnd one K front room with bonrd. No. 010 N.JPth st. I 1 . HKNT Furnished room , $7.00. No. PQS 8. UUnd 8t , Cl'ii ' 18 > _ I 1 ( ) 11 IlIINT t'nfurnlsliod rooms , slnplo or en smitle Kentlumen or piirtlcs Hltti- out children , laifcl Douglas St. , 'M story , liunilro Clias. ICuiit'liiun. 0370 * T7 < 01t HKNTTwo furnished rooms , with or JU without board. Apply lit 412 nortnltlh _ st. 57 F > OH HENT House of ton rooms , with barn , 1612 S 5th at. 670 [ TlOIl RUNT With board , to n Tow V men desiring n pleasant homo , 4iinny com- niinlcatlng front rooms , with every conven- cnco. 5131'leusantst. 67'J 20 * Oil URN'T Nicely furnlj-hod room with largo closet , with or without board , nd- olns hot nnd cold bath. ( KHNl7thst. 013 I71OH RUNT Two nicely furiilsned front J3 rooms cnch suitable for two or three pe n- lemon with or without board. Terms modor- Uo. 1903 Fariiara. 014 20' F . OH HKNT Hooras , 1019 Farnum.o ? ' 532 7 > OH HKNT Furnished front room with bonnlll73 17th. B'W-K/ I7OK HENT Nleoly furiiislied rooms , bonrd 1 if desired ; 113 S. 23d St. , bet. Douglas nnd Dodgo. 4'J.- ' > F OR HKNT : . ' furnished rooms nt 914 Hnr . 05S > - ney. t ! t- _ F TflFilBST S front rooms no.itTy7uTni hod with gas. Gentleman only at 5.J3 fpntli 14st FOK KJJNT Front parlors to parties wish ing to pay good price. Address H : > , lleo OIHco. 480.16' OIl HBNT Part of lloor tor light inniiufnc- turing purposes. Centmllylocated. Low rent..1207 Farnum St. up stnlrs. 434 , HKXr Nicely furnlstind front room Avlth nlcDVO , all inoclorn cn\inicnce.s ; ) , for thrco contlomun , four blocks directly south I rein opera house , apply nt onoc , 1415 Jones st. TTIOH HENT Furnlshrid room 101,1 Uodgo. JL } 035-lh * FOH HBNT In private fitlnily furnished front room with BMS , rent uioderat'i , 220 ? \Vebstorst. COO-ls * _ _ ItlINT Fnfurnlsbed rooms on second _ lloor new hloclt , cor. IJlth and Dolgcsts. . Biiltable for oiliccs. Inquire nt Hoom I ! I rum 2 to 0 o'clock p. in. _ 077 18 * _ FOH HBNT In private family two very desir able front rooms tiirnisnod or unfurnished. Hoard next door. 2110 llarncy st. 4VJ _ FOR HENT Largo , Fouth front room ! bay window ; unfurnished ; on car lino. 213 B. 23d steot. 4X1. _ pOR RKXTfstcoly fu-nlshedroom. In'tulro 1 Kaufman Ilros. , 10J3 Faam. 467 Poll IlliNT Lnrgo Front Itoom , up stairs. No.120 N 15th st. J. 13. Vundoroook. FOH HKNT A largo front room ; nlso for gale chonp.squnro rosewood piano nt 1B21 Farnam st.ono ulock westof court houso. 429 " 171O11 HKNT Furnished room for one or two JJ gontlcmon ; furniture now , plansnntloca tion ; Howard st , bet. &th nnd 9th. ; south side. 423 Foil IlKXr Pleasant furnished rooms , south front brick flat , bo.ird can bo had next door. Apply at 1410 Chlc-igo st. 813 17\OIl KKNT Nicely furnished front room , alcove and closet. No. 115 S 23d st * 20o FO R HENT-Furnisnod rooms , 1810 Dodgo. 873 ) 27 FOH HKNT 0 nicely furnished rooms nt the cor of 7th anJ 1'acllio Et for man nml wlfo or gentlemen ; with or without board CM Ifl * TTlOIt IlKNT Tbroo furnished rooms for -L ? housekeeping , for man and wife without children. Call at Oil North IDthet. 5M lii' Poll KENT A nicely furnished front room with alcove , to gentlemen only , ut No. 1811 Fiirnam st. 5'J4 ' T71OK HUNT Suite ot rooms , furnished : also -U 1 single roo-n tor gontlomoii. 20JO St. Mary's aye. 8'J , 24 * T710H HINT : Newly furnished room,2.'iil St ' X' Mary's avc. P31 rou SPECIAL UAliaAINS- Two splendid lols , Kllby place , eacli S3X ) . Corner lot , Creston , very cliO'ip nt $1,200. Four buslnosa lots on Lcuvonivorth stroot. ouch fl.Ojo. Lot. W. A. Iloadick's addition , ncnr I.envou- worth , $1,0.10. Knst front Virginia avenue , cheap , $1,030. Sovonty-flvo feet east front Virginia uvoniio , between Popplotoii una Woolirortliu great bar gain nt $ . ' ) , r < oo. Now coltugo. flvo rooms , full lot , cellar , cis tern , etc. , $ li' < uu , only &JU cash rutiulroU , b&I > unco monlhly. Three lots , lllock A. Sounder * & Illinobinifh's addltiou , for all only * I.10J. 2-ix'iO ' , 14th sc.nourJuck8on , fO OO. ID feet front on Loavonworlh , near Purknvo. , W.OOU. F. D. Tanner & Co. , 701 19 1U15 Howard street. OUH Olllco ToIIot Supply Co. will furnish you with a cabinet , cluan towel , soap , comb , brush , blacking and brush ut low rales. OMAHA Property otters to-day as snfo nnd tmro proQu on lnve > tment as ut uny time in Its history : oepociully Is this true of cholco inside IDS IdOQCo und busltio > 3 property , . The , rapid . . . growth . . of . our city . , the . t'reat iium- bar of publio nudprlriitocntcrprifosnow under way must of necessity canto an udvunco iu tbo prices of desii able piopcrty. Add to these the vnet amount of public nnd private impiovemcnts contemplated lor nn ' < oltiur year und wo cannot fail tonco thatOnmlm ison tlio verge ofa tidal wave of prosperity , such n-i Mlnaotiiolij ] and Kansas City tmro loiiu enjoyed. Wo respectfully call the attention ot thoio seeking un inve&tinent to our partial list of bar- putnlslied below ; 60 feet , Including corner , oil Saundcrs st for ton days nl-7iW. M foot and corner on Snundors , $3,10 . 122 feet , Including two corners on Loavmi- worth struct. } , < UJ. Finest lot in Potter's addition , f 1.100. 3 lots on Belt Lme , necr Lonvcnworth street , suitable tor any kind of trackage , warehouse or storage purpose. All for ti.2uu. ' i'lneet corner in Hunscoci Place. Call nnj got price. Iloautifiil lot fronting on Hanscom Park. $1.800. ' 2 splendid lots in fiartlott's addition , adjoin ing I.envtuwortU street. The S for $40. bploudid businusi lot/iCilli-on Jackson street ciose to 13th. Only tltJ.OOJ.iS.OoO caab , balaucu to suit Full business lot , 63x133 , on Marry ncnr Kilt ttroot , for 10 daya at ' 7,000. ICG feet , Inciudlojf corner on Cap ] "olavcnuu * lllgseot nnd flift et i loco of business property in Iho maikot Call.und got price. Nice 8 room cmisiro , wlln W foot lot , on 19th near St. Mary's Kvenue. Uoso to business churches , Ha Lot , nlono Is worth Iho money for 15 day * at H/W A few lots In Drake s addition on Tnpitol nve- nue , Hedge and Davenport Mrccti. fl.JoO to JS.lXXhOJsy term * . This is tlio choipest pop - otty lu town. roiisMerlnjr Its iicurnojt totiost settled residence and business portion of tha Splendid eonfer Jql In Marsh's addition , less thun n mile trom p < iitofflce. Only Sd.nOO ; vu y term * . t if Elopnnt now tolifr on neorjln nvo , furtifico , bath roometc. ; splendid lix-atlon an 1 neigh borhood , fora few ln3S only at fVfi1" . NlroO-roiim house on Cuss 17th st.for ten days , at $ J , ' M. . Two elegant residence lots on Lonvontrorth Just 3 bfui'KS sooth of Coo .t Klr'KiTi.lnltrs elo- giint brickhonsb * on Pleasant St. : thfttwo tor 2. . > 0a Pinjtle lots In this vicinity nro selling for J2.0UO. Six business lof > on Vlnton st , the mnln street connecting Wth and Hith sis. with South Omaha uml thostock yards ; cnn oitertheso lots for ale day only nt * 1V ) ench , vorv easy terms : hero Isachanco to secure n good busi ness lot on n lending biislnosa street , with n smiill ensh payment. NVo nl o otlor some bargains In Cre'ton. Iriw- ttiornc. Hlllsldo. J. I. Itedick's subdiv , Prospeet plnco. West Eml , Tnbor Place. Orchard Hill , Lenvcnworth Terrace , nnd otbor good addi tions nt prices 'mul terms thnt will enable pco- . pie of limited niituH to seo.iro some cbolco In side ) ( property ttmt U safe mid sure to realize them n lair profit. Strnneers and residents of Omaha nro Invited to call and1 consult our list of Uirabli > bar' palm. Hicks Inahram , C.,7 18 ' 213 s- [ " 5t- _ TTTO K S A ! .15 011. UXCll.VNOl : For Omnhn JHonl F.state , n finely Improved farm ol K ) n'cres. within 5 miles of PltittMiiontb , Neb , nnd 1 inllofroin school nml church , nil fenced. 10) ) bearing fruit Irees , good two-story bouse , wind mill , stable lor 10 horses , grannery , corn crib , etc. Call ami see about this. Heller & Camp bell , 1WW Fnrnnin st , , lloom 1. Ola 21 * IiiOll'SALF. Fine mill property. ' Hcimwa & 1 Co. , opposite PO. ( BOJ7 O FNE lots In .North Omaha , 1 lilock from Lake st. for Iho two S1400. Amos , li > 07 Far- nam .St. O ' 1 i * ' IF you wish to buy or pell property , see Holler .V Campbell , 1500 FaniMii , room 1 , 6.1-10 -1 Flno mill property. Hcnnwa \ * . Co. , opposite p a KW17 _ " noTrSAUii"SoincTortho bo.U residence lots ' In the city. Paddock Plneo at t-.FOO to M.500. Washington Siiuuro nt $ . ! ( to $ ' 3,030 , Place nt 51,1 ) lo S2.2UO , Mlilnrd Place , 2,000 to 53,1.0 I. Orcgory &Ilndlcy , 13 > 2 Douglas st. _ 510 . . SALIC A HnoTosiilencolot mntTto" the IKW resilience of Win. II. Hums on Sev enth street , between First nnd Willow nvenlles. Apply to Forest Sjmlih , No. 130 Mnln Mreut , - - illiiffs. _ _ _ ; 4I' > > 17' FOiKAi.iFino : mill property. llonawn & _ Co. , opposite I'O. C'l ! ) 1" G. S1IH1VKU Heul Hetnto Full lot enst front Imoroved on 20tb , Furtmin ' ' -00 near f - , " ( A feet front on Davenport near lllth with SiUOO-improvcincnts 7OW llnlf lot with nlco house on Cuss near Lib st 3.000 Largo house and lot on yist near St Marys ) live 8.WX ) Lnrgo house , bnrn nnd i ! south Iront lots In West side on county road 3..VK ) Half lot near Suuiulers , with coltase , ciisy terms 1-w 4 foot lot nlco cottnge.en Hamilton near 27st , 2,000 5 cottages r > rooms ; on Chnrlos Et , Sblnn's mid , south , r < nt. cuavtormseach 2.0JO New cotta o fl rooms , full lot North lUth Lakes add S.u'.O ColtNKO and full ipti eolith front on Davenport - venport nenrf-KW t00 Nice residence cor lot on Furnam 14,000 New cottiifio , lot 30x140 on " 1st ne ir Clark > . .l 2/MO Full lot S room cottage on GcorirU ave near Leavenwni'thl 0,000 Vacant Lots. 2 east front lots In llurr Oak 5 2,000 4 lota Hanscom place , on Park nvo. , o. front 0 lots In Highland Place : > nice lots on Furimiu and Twenty-sev enth streets , 2 nlco lotK teovnorl Foster's addition 3,000 rnfoet block lillnns.-omFlaw . . . . . . . . llOti in UlUWItf il Ulll 1 1/llt * ItkWU * 2,530 JioHcorner ( ) KilbJ" Place. 3. 'MJ 75 feet east front llnn-ciin i'hico : ' ,7l Ii4 t'cot fbiith fitu.niunr'piiiindoi-s < trret. liO 0 55feet cast of H.ierod Heart on Wcbslor. l.oj : : lots , Sunny Side , on California l.i.Ofl Enst front lot in I'liiln View C7fi - . ' - . ' IlfeHFdm ' . ' . l-'Ox-'U feet , * 1'lneo C.00 1 lrustiJotiij ! : co/vats ) Huascoiu. Placu - ( IDOvlMO Ct.ovs ) ! > vUu-m j..J. . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 ! IOO ft. front Thirty-first nnd Fnrnam. . . . Corner on Nineteenfflnd | Uurnoy ste. . . Two bonutlfrtl lots Tutor I'inoe , both . . . C.fOO Corner on Fnrnam nnii Thlrty-tlfth sts. . 4.r.ifl U > ft Enstfrt'mt , Snunders htieot 3.0W 110 ft. lot. Ciildwoil Btroot , Shinn's Add. . . . 1,750 NIco" lot. Hlmebuugh I'laco , near 1'nrk nvo ' 2-50 Wit. just oil St. Mary's avc 4,000 50 or-"OOxl 18' ' Iton I.envenworth st.nenr Park nve. ? A'J ' 1 rant ft , , 2i ! acres on West Cumlnjr street , easy terms " 00 Full lot on Cnssst. near27th 1.5iO Lot on2lst liernumst 2.1.M . ) Acr lot In Ilelvldero 450 Nice lot. S front , liodford Plnco 523 Full lot on S2l6t , near l.cnvonwortb 2,500 It lots on Patrick uvo near car line , ench l.UJJ 8Sxl20 ft. cor , on Davenport E of ISth , goodfortlnU 21,000 IBxGG on Howard ncnr 10th f',000 HonutifulE front-lot Hnnfcom Placo. . . . 2.WO We can prove that "rihrlvor Plnco lots nt $325 to * 350 on very easy terms uro the cheapest lets on the market. If joii wantto buy , or have your property sold , cnllon us : wo guarantee lair nnd cour teous treatment to all. W. G. Shriver , opposite i poslolllco. C7- ) FOK SALK Eight-room rcsidonce on inth streetcist front , cheap and on easy terms. Will bo vacant Nov. 1st. Ludwiclc & .Scav , s ocor 15th and Douglas. ( W 17 IF you wish to buy or sell property , see Itoltcr & Campbell , 1503 Furnam , room 1. / 1OK > 'KR on I7tb street In Imp. Ass. ndd. V > "j9xl32. A line lot and only $3MiO. Gregory & liiidloy , 1312 Douglas street , 619 O ) NK of the finest east front lots (75xHO ( ) on ( Jfiorgiu rtvo ncnr U. S. Gmnt st nlthO room house. A great bargain t 5-"i,000 ; A inn ? , 1607 Fnrnam st. CS3 l IF you -wish lo buy or soli property , see llcltcr & Campbell , 150'J Farimm. room 1. 521-10 ( III SALU lTou < o"5 rooms.lot Il.ixHO . ' ft , cor. 19th and Paul sts. bargain at. . .f2.ino 2 lots , corner. PflxIW ft. , Hnnseom I'lnco. . . 6,500 Blotsln Wushlnifton Squnro. each 2,0 0 Ilcbolcolots In Putrick's 1st ' " " " " GOxI2 < l , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . 1 .TOO 311 Miirslmll A : Lobonk. l.WJ 1'Mrimm. I yon wish to buv or sell property , see ileitor & Cflinpboll. 1&03 Fiirnnm , room 1. Foil S.\lK-l ) t3 7 and 8 , isn.ti57 foot , in block 3 , llrst addition to South Omnhn. Call on Fred Lemon , care Formers' IIOUFO , or nddrossOcorjjo Lliulo , P. O. box 407 , Ilnpld City D. T _ _ _ B7 B KST Lots in Omnlia Vlow SWOtof'JOT. Gro-fory & Iliullojlaia OoiiKlasst. M9 BO\VLIN s ( JUUn.S lots , $ ' 53. 10 porcciHcash nnd Jj par month. Marshall if Lobcck , Agents , IK rnrlinm Btreot. 043 _ _ \ \ 'Khnvotwo now 8 room bousps with nil \ \ modern improvements on Park vo. 1507 Fiirnnm. IF you have 'pro-porty to sell , list It with ileilor & Cijmjibsll , 150 : ) .Furnam , room 1 , ' ' . fl.--10 . - | 1 ( TflOIl SALE Hout s on very easy payments. Lots on easy ( iaymonts , money to loan , fiOxISO feet on ItSttt street , 5-rooin house , ycry cheap ut 14.103. ' - > House and lot i'nlJVit Hill only $2.101. 'J hrro lots In ( ronvenworth Terrace f 2,0'C. 100-vlM feet TJJljaMo add , $ -J,800 cuty : terms , ' " ' onlyJSOOilown-i' . II. W. HuntrcvvUP ? Farnnm etreot. 484 POlt HALK-llbtrs& | nnd lot ; live room lionsn on Wlicatiin'sfe. 0110 block fiom rod and llllh tt , car HneSJ cdlar , well und cistern. Price fi.Wu , Terms oJmj'Jl " * ' Uundy , room y. ' ijialiu S'utlonn'l uJy > Jf biilldlng. SOI HOUfiUS Ixus , lUirmsLands money loanoj liomls , lO jujj.l Pouglus streets. 907 .K V/e.h'tvo sixteen lots In Hawthorne - thorno iiddltlon that wo will sal ) : best ami clionpc-stinildo pr6) ) > rty in Omaha. Bedford Si Souer ' C4'l " " Lc I on Hurt M. near pnvomont , ( Ira. ham.t'relifhton ' block. _ 401 15 B VUOAIN NewSroom cottui/o ( ) | i 115. Only hulf block from Shornisn uve. ( iooa cellar , cljtorn with llltor , First oluss fliilali thioughoutr Will bo painted to t > ult nils'- chaser. Must bo sold ut oace , f-'UO ; cash { C50 , balance $45 per month. " Gicsory & Hudlcy , 1313 Douglas et. 619 ' "i'F'you huvo property to toll , list It with , J. Keller&cauipbell : , 1 J Farnam. room 1. 63/-lu 1.oi E HAVE Constant Iniulry for uli kinds oiU ! business und residence propeity. If you hsvo any projorly for t > nlo llbt eamo with us. Schlesiiii'cr Ilros. , 1018 Fijrnam st. fl'MB F TNiTcoriierlliOxl407eii8t ( nnd nortii fronts in J 1 llodlok's addition. If taken wiibln U days. 3,000 , Amoj , )537 ) Furnnm st , W3 18 OJHNrJU < 10.x6)0 ) | ) on Park uvo with 7 room house. TbU property can lie subdivide into 4 bialnt ! ( ji .wnnJono res denco lot und net the t > urcb cr f . < > H insi so of 12 moAitus. Ames , 150"11 iirauui.-1. " FnnSAt.V M ft frontlntr on Dodpo M..3 btiickii t < if the po < toiltce. A tiatxnln nt $ , . " * ) 11,1,0,0 cn h. Marshall ft Lobeck. l.W F rn m. HiV Two jroo.l biMinejj lot's In South brnnhn. JV1 ; ! ouch. 1-3 cnMi. Three south front lot on Hurdotto st , Pat rick 9XU add , "iii.xl-.l ) . tUSOilCHcbj 1-3o.t. h. Two lots on Tenth * t near -Nicholas A0xl33t with tracka.esulinblo lor monufiicturlngor Wnrnliou e.botb f3'K ( > : l-i ea < h. A -line oust I rout lot In block 13 , Hnnscom pln-e , f.2f ! < ) . , , A neiM'lv new 7 room house , full lot on Park nve. nenr' Jianscom psrk , tJ.OOii JI.003 cash ; bnlniieo'1,2 , 3. Innd S . In Uloliniond on Lenvonwottb ? t near the West S do station on the Uelt l.lne , jJ.O : tc , JiVi cn h : 130 every six months l.oofc nt tueso. lots they ure the cheapen In the inarKct. ' Aero lots in llelvldere from 51SS to J.W. 1i n"re three miles we t from couit house , between I.cavenworth and DoJgo st , flMJ per iicro : it bargain. Improveu ami unimproved , buslnow and re l- deuce property In nil parts of the city. A. H. r in t ok. lloom 2,2d story. Merchants' Nnt'on- ' a It ) IIIIK building. ' . _ B t'lNESS blocks on Fnrnnm.louglnsDoJge llnrnoy mid Cunilnir strwit. r & Hartley , 1312 Douglas st 519 COHNEIt lot 20th and llnrnoy sts. If you want a biirgnln come and s > co us. Amos. 1507 Fnruam st. Os3 is FOK 8 A L K oT o xo h a r o. H o n s o and lot. ISlh an'l Nicholas : lioilsn nnd lot 1Mb and Dorcas. Wm L. Monroe , flth nndjoiigla . _ 853 f-TtTixril | : ANU : for city property or good .1 farm in Nob. , a elenn stock of clothinif. ad dress J. M , D.,820 ninth , Omaha , Neb Ir vou want to double your money quick , buy lota in Schlesineor's Addition. 671 18 IfUXK corner lot on Ciimlnflr street , fllsliW , with n houses , rust of SiuindiM'S St. , $ llMO. ; Oronory & Hadloy , 1312 Domjlns street. Big F you have property to cell , list It with Holier i Campbell , 1109 Furnam , room 1. 522-1U inolt SAl.n House nnd lot on Snward St. , nenr Snumierjt. must bo sold this week. Price 52,800 , worth $ n,50A E. F. lllngor. fiSJ U"EAt. ESTATE IIAHOAIN--C4xl3i lot in- HnwosV mill , $1,030. half u.isb. bco this ami you will purchese. J. L. Hlco & Co. , over Com morclnl bnnk. WO SATK Look ! Look f ! DniT't lill S it. One-half Interest In 22x73 ! , it slory , brick bulldlnsr , rontlntr for f200 per month. on DOIIB- Ins fltreut , opposite Millivrtl Hotel. Only 50,000 If sold at once for cash. As sjood a bnrRHln n3 you will tlnd In Omnlm to-day. Thellncst place in Omnhn Vlow. Overlooks the city , river and bliilT < . Now , H room house , 22\40. 1'orch on enst nnd south , closet' , pantry , cellar and splendid cistern all tor 52.50) ) . $50) ) rush and $2.1 per montn. Where Is them a hcttnrclmnco tocct an elegant homo than thHf Gallon Hi for bartrnlns. M. A. Upton & Co. , IKj'J Farnnm. " > fC- TTUHS HlINT-ft loomed house , 811 S 2'lril -t $25 , inquire J. H. Uliifpvnlt , 218 S. 1.1th st , CSO 1(1 ( 37IOK SAI.K Ata banrnln.ilona-ncro lots In 1 llclvedoro. liiqulro nt 120 N 13tb St. .1. 13. Vnndercook. Ml FINK now house ( S rooms ) and east front lot on Ceorsrln uvo. Choice mid cheap nt SoMJ. Ames. 1507 Fnrnam. tlsl IS IF you wish to buy or soil property , see Iteiter i : Campbell , 1509 Fnrnnm , room 1 KI-18 IF youhnvo property to sell , list It with Heller & Campbell , 150'J Ifnrnnm , room 1. B22-1I ) - _ _ CoH & UKLBV'S Dig roui estate nil every > other day. Sec It. 03.1 ylT ) don't want to forget that Manhntton Is .1 the best and ehenpest addition on the mar ket. Ames , 1M)7 ) Farnnm. 633 18 H O US KS Lots , Farms , 1/inrts money loaned. IleinK 15th nnd Douglas streets. Oi)7 ) EALEdTALK IIAHGAlN-2 beautiful Iota on west Ciimlng st. , S700 each. Flno bar gains. J. I * Hico & Co. , room 0 , ever Com mercial National Hank. C73 P OR SALE Ily Schleslngor lro ) . , 101f < Fnrnnm street. 10 feet on 25th St. , near Fnrnam ; will sell all or part. fi-Aore Lots lu Farnam Park , $12. " . per nero. Kasy terms. This Is vury desirable for garden- Ing. Ing.H H ) acres , Improved , ncnr city , house , barn crib * , etc. Cheap , uiul on easy terms. Lots in Schldsingur's Addition 52JIJ to J350 , on easy terms. 67J-18 TTlOi : S.VM3-11-4 roro on corner State und -L' Hrlftol st. A bargain , by L'onnwn & Co. , opposite 1' . O. C71 13 - - T F pou bnvo property to sell , list It with JL Heltor& Camubell. 1503 I-iirnnm , room 1 OJ2-1C II FSH & SELllY'S big rou cstnto ud every othJrdsy. Sco it. VJJ IIH H \TOHKIl & CO. , iu Douglas street , Millniil Hotel Ilioek , oiler special hiirgiiins in ilosiriblo residence houses nnd lots. Busi ness property , choice lots in every desirable addition and u long list of business ana rost- dencolots In South Omaha , ciivousn cull and wo will sure ly p I ensoy _ _ ( m. POO 1C O NK of the Itnost acres In West Omnhn only $ . ' ) , V)0. ) Anic. , 1.VJ7 Fnrnam. 4KB 18 BO\VLrxo OltKBN-Our now addition Is west of Walnut Hill , on Hamilton street. Hy solectln ? lots at "jifiO for Inside and J175 for corners , you will make n good Investment. Terms 10 per cent cash and * . " ) monthly. No elinrt'o for showing the lots. Marshall te Lo- beck , 1503 Fnnmm 310 "IT1OH SAI.K-0 room house on Popplcton avc , J } lurgo lot COxlBH. only sj,000. : Gregory & Hadloy. 1312 Douglas st. 519 rtLAHIv tt FHENCH offer the following bar- \J gams for ono week : ro East front lot , block 1 , Hanscom place $1,150. East front lot block 19 , Hanscom pinto Corner , Yates It Heed's ndd. , very cheap 5700. Corner Oxford Plnco $175. Slots In Sdumlorfl A : Hlmbnuffh , ndd lay beau tiful , houth fronts for nil 11'JCO. 4 lots in Thornburir , oust front SIO , these nro nil bargains let us show them loyou. Clark & French , 15b ) Douglas. 515-10 -II..MMH lots In Tuhor Place , Kilby Place Highland Place nnd Jerome Park. Ask for price. . ( Srojfory * Hnilloy , 1312 Douglas st , BI9 To Contractors. SEALED Proposals will bo received nt the of- flco of the Chief Enirineor , 1'iilon Pacillo railway , Omiihu.Nob. , for the g rail Ing , bridging and truck laying , nnd siirlnclng ot the follow ing nurk. The line from Oakluy to Colby , In Kansas , about22 miles. The line from Lovolnnd to lluckhorn Stone Quarries , In ColoradonboiitS'i mlles , nnd the extension of the Hnliiiu , Lincoln .V Western Hallwny from Lincoln Cenler westward In Kansas , 40 to 50 mlle * . I'roiiosuis for thu Colby line will not bo rr- eel veil nftur October 12 h , but proposals for the other lines will bo received until luo uvcnlnif of October lUlli. . , Protllescnnbo seen nt the ofllco of chief "J glnoor for tlvo days provlous to the tluys nnmed ' " receipt of bids. The right Is resnrved lo reject any or all bids , S. K. OALIuVWAV.Uuneral Manager. octB-octl'J ' Notice to ContrncIorH. SRAT.KD Proposals will bo received at tbo olllco of tlio chief engineer of the Union Pacillo railway , ut Omnlm , Nebraska , unlil no ovunlmr of Monday , the First day of ir , lortho griullng. bridging , tnickiayliiif nnd sur facing of the Union Pacific und Western Colorado rado rnhway In the vulleyuf Uluo river , Colorado rado , about forty miles. oof Profiles and plans can bo seen nt office of chief engineer. Omuhn , nf lor October : r.tii. The right Is rosorvo-J to reject any or nil bids. 8. It. CALL A WAV , Oct I7dl3t Gon'I Manajor U. P , liy. Proposal for Lumber , SEALED Proposals will bo rccelvo'l at the olllco of tno city clerk until 4 o'clock p. in. , October SW. t < J flf't furnishing the city ot Oinuliii with iiimbiT until Juiioiwili. Wit , utct 'Jhe city council lOJcrvos the right to reject : BOUTIIAUD. City Notice of Registration. ril THK legul voters nflst District , Cth Ward , J- In tlio oity of Oiunha : Vou nro hereby notilK-J that the undersigned will sit lis registrar lor First District. Sixth Ward , ut the More of II. II. l.MCas.iiU ) Cumin ( lf ! street , commencing Tlnusltty , October 2Ut , IbSJ , nt 11 o'clock u. m. , for Iho purpose of ifgis- terlng nil nunllfled voters within said election district , und for tlio purpose ot mldlng to , nnd correcting the resist rat ion ulromly mndo , ndml for such purposa the unJowlgned will sit and ioop bis book of it-iclst ration open each liny thercaltcrnxc ( < ! | > t Sundays ) at the place ufore- suid from olcion o'clock u. m. until EOVUII o'clock p. in. , until Monday , Novomberlst I6ort. at tbo hour of 12 o'clock m. , wbcneiild l > ooU of rcsfUtrntlon will bo t-losod. All iUttllflcx | ) voters uro nolllloJ to iiltenil nnd ecu tliut their lumen uro properly registered , CHA8WILKIN8 , oHillOt Kvsnstrar 1st Precinct.Cth Wnrd , MENDELSSOHN & FISHER Notice of Registration. TtO THKleirfll voters of 1st D.strlct. 1st Wnul , In tha city of Oitinlm : , Vou nrn hereby notltUM that the Hiulowlf nod will ll s ri'Rl-trnr fr First District. 1 lr. t . .i South Tenth street , com mencing 1h'ir d y , tVt , bT 21st , W . nt U ' o'clock n. in . fur t'liopiirpi-JC of r i ti > rln * ! ! iiunhlli'd voter * within cat jIlHtriet.nn 1 tor the purmise of miiltiiir to , nnd curnvtms tlie i-egl < - tiAtlonulrpidy ninile , nnd fo.r nuib pur | o c the uiu1oi lifne-l will lt and keep bH book of ii'x- l trnlioti opf" ench ilav thereat t'er mveept Suti- lnys ) tthai'ft.o ( loi-oaW fioiu elo * en o'clock H. m. tintil seven o'c'O'k p. m. , until Monln > , Novrn cr ! at. ' ! ? * > , at the hour of I''o e'wk ' in , v lion wild Imok ol reirlsirntion will Vf c'i oil. All'iiiniii ' ! " ' M-ler nio notifitil to attend nnd sc o that thfr ( u nit > A nre pnjpei l.y n'Bi iered. ' . ' ISAAl 111 lilN. otStllOt 1st District. l _ t _ " " * Notice of Registration. rnn THK lecnl voters of Und DJsti let , 1st Wnrd , I In tlio city ol Onmlui : . . . . Vou nre Hereby tmlllled thnl tbolinderslgnrd will it nsri'gl 'rar ' lor Secnnd UFMrlet of the Ilrst Wnnl HI ITii South 11th Mioel.i-niiinunio- ln 'niurd .v. October ' . ' 1st , 1-w.t. ut U o'clock n in. , for tlio puvpo'o of ieii toilnir nil nmilitlo , ! voters within < nld 2nd ill trlft. l l wnrd. nnd for the piirpo v of nildlmrto , mid eoireet.tu tno roitNtriit'oiiHlreiiil.v iiniile.nnd for inch iiupo ) o the lliulerslglievl wt'll sit and leei < hn book of i eg- l < tration open cnch day thr-riMfter ie\eept nn- ilnjs ) ut tlu'phieo aforefnld t'itin eleven o'clock n. in. until poven o'clock p in , until Novem ber 1st , ISNi , nt the hour of 12 o'clock m. , when snld book of registration will be rlo od. All nnnlifleil voters lire no'llkM 10 ntU'tuI anil seo.1,1 , , their ' WAvvSvR ? oHillnt Uegl trnr''nd DIMrlet. 1st Wnnl. _ Notice of Registration. rpOTHK legal voters of t\l District , Isl Wnrd , JL In the elly of Omaha : Vou are hereby notified thnt the undersigned will sit us roxIMrtir li.r Third DUtrlct , i'lrst Wnrd. nt lll'J foulh Sixth struot , commencing Thursdny , October 21st , 1S < 0 , nt 11 o'clock n. in. . for the purpose of registering nil qualltled voters within siildJrd district 1st ard , nnd for Iho purpose of adding to , nnd corrvctlntf Iho loglstrntlon nlrendy miulo , nnd for such purpose - pose the undersigned will sit iitul keep bis book of registration open OBchdiiy therenlter ( except Sundays ) nt the place aforesaid fiotn eleven o'clock n. in , until sovcn o'clock p. in. , until Monday , November 1st , It83 , at the hour of 12 o'clock m. , wbrn snld book of roglstrnlion will be closed. All uunllflod voters are notiliod to ntleiul nnd see thai their namoi nro nropurly roirlMered. ALFIIKD VINKY. olUIU : Hegl trnr3rd District , 1st Ward. Notice of Registration. rpOTIIE Icifiil voters of the 1st Dlslriol of the J 2nd Wnrd , in thecity of Omnhn : Vou nro hereby notified that tbo undersigned will fit us registrar lor the 1st District , 2ndurd , of said cltv , at the N W , cor. lath and .lucMon streets , ( llelmrod A Co.'s store ) , commencing Thursday , October 21flt , A. D. ISM ! , at 11 o'clock n. m. , for the purpose of registering nil iilialilled voters within said district , and for thu purpose ol iidJIng to , nnd correcting tlio registration ulroiuly mime , and lor such purpose the under signed will sit and keep his book of registration open each day then-niter ( except Sundays ) nt the the plnco aforesaid from cloven o'clock n. m. until seven o'clock 11. in , until Monday , Novem ber lot. 18 > rt. nt the hour of 12 o'clock m. , when nld book of registration will bo closed. All qualified voters are notilled to nttond nnd SCO llint their names are properly registered. JAMES DONNKI.I.V , SU. , Hoglstrnr. Omaha , October liltli. IK-o. Notice of Registration. rpO THElojral voters of the Second District , JL Second Ward , ill thecity of Omaha : Vou are hereby notlllcd that tbo undersigned will sit us registrar for Second District. Second Ward , at the corner of 20th and Poppleton streets , commencing Thursday , October -1st , 1SSU , nt 11 o'clock n. m. , for the purpose of reg- Istoiinjrall qualified voters , within said 2nd dis trict , 2nd wnrd , and for the purpose of mldlng to , nnd correcting thn registration already made , and for such purpose tli3 undersigned will sit nnd keep his book of loirhstratlon open each dav thnronltor ( except Sundays ) at the plr.09 aforesaid from cloven o'clock n in. until seven o'clock p. m. , until Monday. November 1st , ISSfi , at tlio hour of 12 o'clock m. , when snld book of registration will bo close : ! . All ijualifle 1 voters are notilled to attend nnd tee lliat their mini olSdlOt Hoxlstrar 2nd District 2nd Wnnl. Notice of Registration. r PO TH E lo cl voters of 2nd District , Cth Wnrd .1 In tne city ol Omnlm : You nre licieby notitled that the undersigned will sit us registrar for the Second District of the Sixth Wnrd , at the corner of 24th nnl Ciimlng streets , commencing Thursdnj , October 21st , IBS' ' ! , nt 11 o'clock a. in. , for the purpose of reg istering all nuullftoil voters within Raid 2nd dis trict of the uth wnrd , mid for the purpose of adding to , and correcting the registration already made , and for such purpose tbo undersigned - signed will fit and keep his book of registration open each day thereafter ( oxccpt Sundays ) ut the place nCorcnld from cloven o'clock n. m. un til seven o'clock p. m. , until .Monday. November 1st , IhM.nt the hour of 12 o'clock in. , when said book of registration will bo closed. All iiunllllo 1 voters nro notitled to attcnil and see that their names urn properly iegl lori' < l. QKMlOt JOHN CAlllt. Hogl'trnr. Notice of Registration. TO the legal voters of I'd Ward In tbo city of Omnhn. Vou are hereby notified that the undersigned will sit as registrar for Third Wnrd , in the city of Omnlm , nt 1HIS Do'igo street , commencing ThursdayOctober21st , 1881nt * 11 o'clock n. in. , for the purpose of registering all ( | iinllflcd voters within snld Third Wnrd , and fortho pur pose of ndding to , nnd correcting the registra tion already made , and lor such purpose tint undersigned will sit and keep his book of regis tration open each day thereafter ( except Sun days ) at the plnco aforesaid from cloven o'clock u. m. until sovcn o'clock p. in. , until Mondiy , November 1st , l 8rt , at the hour of 12 o'clock m. , when snld book of registration will bo closed. All qualified voters nro notilled to attend und BCD that their nnmoj nro properly registered. olldlOt MATT IIOOVEIt , Ilogislrnr. Notice of Registration , TlO the legal voters of First District of tbo 4th wnnl , in the city of Omnlm. Vo-j nro hereby notiliod that the undersign ed wi 1 sit us registrar for thu First District of the 4th ward , at Forsyth's drugstore , cor. 10th nnd Cnpltol nvo. , commencing Thursday , Oct. 21st , 18M , at 11 o'clock n. m , , for the purpose of registering nil qunlllled rotors within enld dis trict , nnd fortho purpose of lidding to , nnd cor recting the registration already niuile , nnd for Mich purpose the undersigned will sit and keep Ills book of rourl'tration open each day there- oner ( accept Sundays ) nt the place aforesaid fromoluvono'clock a.m. until seven o'clock p. in. , until Monday , November 1stut the hour of 12 o'clock M. , when snld book of registration will bo closed. All qualified votois uro notified to attend nnd sco that their names nro properly registered. D. E. IvKVI'S. olldlOt Hcglstrnrof 1st District,4tU Wnrd. Notice of Registration- T'O THE Ingnl voters of tlio 2nd District of the ltd Wni-d , In the city of Onuilin : You nro hereby notitled that the undersigned will bit an registrar fortho Second District of tbo 4lh Wnnl , in the olllco of Iho county Mir- vcyor , In the bnsomont of thn county court ho'.iso , commencing Tlmrfdny , October 2l t , I SHI , at 11 o'c'oek a. in. , for the purpose of nvis- termgnll qunlii'od voters within snld 2nd dis trict of tbo Itii ward , nnilfnrthoiirposaof | ! mlJ- ingto.and collecting the registration alrnndy untile , and for Hiicli purpose ( lie iindorfliiieil will sit nnd keep lilsliooicof registration open onch day therniftor ( except SundnyW nt tbu place nforosald fr < nn cloven o'clock n. in. until t > ovcn o'clock p , m. , until Mundny , November 1st IHffl. lit the hour of 12 o'cloelc in. , when nnd book of registration will bo oo-ed. ! All qunliHeit voters uio notlllo.l to nttena nnd sue that their iianios uio properly regidinrod. oliJdlllt JAJIU5 0. CAHI'IJ.NTEH.Ho lsirnr. Notice of Registration. M10 the legal votoM of Fust District , f.tli ward , JL In tlio oity of Omaha. You are hereby notillnd that the undor.'Un- ed will sit .s rolBtrar for tha Flrdt District , 5th ward , nt No , I'M' Civss street , ciiiniiioiiclnij : Thursday. October 2Ist , 18fll , nt 11 o'clock n. in. , for thopurpo5f > of ro lslcrlng nil voters within said district , uml for the pnrinisn of adding to , and corn'clliuIhu loglstratlon ulieady mudu , and for such purpose the iiiiUiwIirnoil will sit und hoop lii j book of registration open each day thrri'iiftor ( eveopl Snndiiys ) nt thu plnoo ai'ore- { uld from cloven o'clock n. m. until Boven o'o'ock p. in. , until Monday. November 1st , ! - < * ] , at the bourof 12 o'clock M. , whim mild book of rfglstnitlou will bnclo ol. All qunlllled voters nronotlllud lo ntlotnl nnd see thatthoir iiumoj nro properly rogUtered. H. WAKDFIKLD , olid7t Heslstrurlst District,6th Wnrd. Notice of Registration , fT".OTHK leifiil votui > or2nd il ) ! > trlct,5th Ward X In the oity of Omnlm. You m o hereby iiotillud that the undersigned will tilt MS rcK'smir ' fur Hoi-find District. 1'litli Wnrd. ut 014 North IGlli street , Oinubit , to.n- menolng Thuridiiy , October 2IH , leoC , nt II o'clock a. m. , for the purpose of registering "II quulillcd voturrt wllbin enld Oisti'lcl , nml for tlio purpose of adding to , und correcting the regis tration already niiulo , and for Mich purpose the undersigned will nit and keep hli book of regis tration open nach day thereafter ( except Mtin- dubntthe ) place aforesaid fioru eleven o'clock n ; n. until t-veil o'clock p. m. , until .Munduy , Novemlj rUt , Iff J , at IIIB hour of 12 o'clocK in. , when suld book of registration will lie clo < oj. Allnuuliilcd voters re notiliod to attend nnd gee that their nane * are proi > eily rtglilori'd. o.ldltt 1 > . F. IlEOMON , , 3I.MPUOVKIJ I'AIIMS , Hutlor Co. , linns. , for sale ; 51 nlco city lots. El Dorado , Kan : . , 'orsitlo. F.nch fimi' h wull ndnnto t to grain nndetocl : : riu isollj nil puny or pasture land 'no ' waste1 ! . Title perfect , with warranty doe I. Tim low nro smoulli , nioo building lots , only ii nillo north of P , O. Pries. 17 to * . ! 7'i. Teachers , cloika , unyono who wUlitM a sxfo property that will double In 1 yeir , Khgnld b-iy lots in hi Dor ado ; oopulatlun fi.jJJ ; the jircu'.ust ' elty In Knu- sa Term ] cash. AdJrUJ * C. W , Cao , EMorjt- da To Whom It MAJ Coucorn ! VTOTlt'15 U liereoy Riven that ths umU'i i rnrtl i. will receive bids until 4 n. m. on Tuesday , October 19th , A. D. Kfl , at the office of tno elly e'leik , for Oiv h of the following parcolsot land , to wit : lli-ilnnlup at tlie N. W. corner of lot 1 , block lS7li nnil runnln'/ south 4 f i'i to the S. F cor ner of- said lit , thence west IHU fept. theneo nortli 4 fei'ttheiicoeiist 111 feet tolhpplneoof lieeinniig. lleiflnning nl the N. \ \ . corner of lot " , 17mill running south 41 t'eeLtltenoo I * .Vtei-t. tliciuf miith II i'nct.thonco catt 18.0 feet to the plneo of boginnlmr. llegiiMilng nl the N. W.i-ornefuflntn , block is'iniul runnlnir foutli 44 inei , tlicnvo wr t IB.l feet. thence north 41 feet , thence east 18.J feet to the plncc of beuliinlntc. I'Oglnnius l the N. . o > rner of lot 4 , blooX 17' , und tunning south 44 toet. thencii wo-t 17 7fect.-then north 41 feet , Ihenco e.istlS.l feet to the plnco of betrinnlnyr. lleginnina l the N. W comer of lot fl , block 1ST % , nnd running south P' ' feet , tbeneo west 17 t feet , thence north I'l ' feet , tncnco onsl 1. T fi-et to the plaeoof hojtlnnlng. , , Heglnnlng at the S. W. corner of lot 7 , block l'7'i , and miining notthlW feel , thoneo wrsttl'J feettlieiU-osoutiiy\1 foot , theneo vast . " foct to the nlare of beginning. lleKltmingattlui N. W. corner of lot 8 , block 1S71 ! . and running south II left , theneo wcH V.3 feet , thence nortit 44 tei't.tben.'eonst 'J.7 feet to thoplneo nf beKlnnlnir. lleglnnlng nt the N. W corner of lot 0 , block IRT'i , nnd running Ninth 41 feet , thenee west 8.8 feel , thence uorili 44 loot , thtmco east D.8 f ot to the place of beginning. lleglnnlng at the N. W. corner of lot 10 , block IS"1 , ? nnd running Mintli 44 feel , llience wesl 8.5 feet , thonru north 44 feet , lliciico enst S-V ) foct to thn place of beginning. Iteglnnlngat the N. W. oorncrof lot 1 , block IPI't. ' nnd running south 44 loot , IheneowoslT.S feet , theneo north 44 feet , theneo cast 7.9 to t to the place of beginning. . , . , , . lleglnningnt the N. W. pornprof lot 2 , block 19l' | , nnd running south moot , theneo west 7.12 teet , theneo north 44 leettlienco east 7.5 foot to thopUco of beginning. lleglmiliiir nl the N. W. cornerof lot 3. block 19U4 , nnd running south 44 loot.tbeneo west tf-TU feel , thence north 44 feet , thence east 7.12 foot to tint plnoo of bcslunlng. lleglnnlng at tlio N. W. corner of lot 4 , block 1'Jl't , nnd uniiilnu south 14 feet , thciH-owosliVU feet , theneo north 44 leiit.thonco oust 0.7U toet to the plncoofbcglnnltig. KegliinltiH nt the N. W. eornorof lot fi. block 101H , nml running south 44 feel , thunco woet B.U-I feet , thonro north 44 fcct.thoneo citsl 0.3t foot to the place of beginning. . , . . , , lleglnnlng at the N. W. corner ot lot 0 , blook IDI'tVnnd itiiinlng couth 41 foot , tlicnco west 5.fki feet , thence north 41 feet , thence cast 5.M feet to tbo place o < beginning. llo lnnlngiit the N.V. . cornerof lot , , bloclt ini'i , and running south 44 feel , llieneo wojt 5. IB feet , thence north 44 feet , theneo east Ii.5.1 loot to tbo plnce of beginning. , . , , , lleglniilng HI the N. W. corner of lot S.blooV 191 it , nnd running south 41 feet , thence west 4.77 foct , thence north 44 leel , thence east 5-lfl feet to tlio plneu of beginning. lleglnningat the N. W. corner of tot 0 , block IPl'i , mul running south 41 fret , thence west : feet , thence noith44 feet , theneo east 4.77 toct to the placn of beginning. llegliinlng at the N. W. corner of lot 10 , bloc't V.HV4. nnd running south 44 feet , thence woat 4 feet , theneo north 4 1 foot , thence enst 4.00 feet to the plnco of beginning. No hid * to bo considered nt n rnto below the ' " ' 'iHiocUy I'ouncll reserves the right to reject .my or nil bids. } sorrHAUDi clty Cork. | October 1 lib. 188)1. ) olldtlt _ THE CHICAGO SHORT LIE - OF JTIIE - Chlcao | , MilwaukeB&SlPaulBIj _ _ , THE BEST ROUTE hoia aad COOSCIL BLUFFS fl ! TWO TRAINS DAILY I1ETWEEN OMAHA COUNCIL ULUFF3 I ChicnffO , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Miniiciipolls , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dubuqiio , Davouport , Rock IslanaFrcoport , Bockforil , Elgin , Madison , Jancsville- , Uoloit , AVinona , La Crosse , And all other important points East , Norlbeajl and Southeast. For through tickets call on tlio Ticket Agon at 1401 Farnnm street ( In Puxton llotcUor a Union Pncltlo Depot. Pullman bluooera nnd the flnsst Dlnin ? Cora In the world are run on tlio main lines of the ClllCAOO , MlI.WAUKEK * ST. PAUL UAU.WAY , and every attention Is paid to passoiisora by courtoons employes of the company. H. MIM.EII , General Manager. J. F. TUCK en. Assistant General Manager. A. V. II. C.uifBSTKii , Ganoral Passougor and aiu > . E IlKAFt-oitn , Assistant General PRMOU- ger nnd Ticket Agent J. T. CLA.HK , GunenU Suporlntondont. I'KE AW a RAILWAY. Omalia , Council Blnffs And CMcaa The only rend to take for Dos Molnos , Mar- liitll'own , ( mlar llnnldr , Clinton , Dixie. Chica go , Milwaukee nnd nil points cmt. To tlioneo- iilo of N'ibi-askn , Colorado , Wyoming , IMnh , Idnho.Novarin. Oregon , Waslilngtnn und Call- foinln , Uolf r.-i HMiioi-lor advnnlngos not posit- bio by nny otimr line. Among n few of the numerous points of su periority mijoycd by Iho patron * of this rpail Imlwecn Onuilin nnil Clilongo. nro Its two tralAi n day of DAV COACIIKS wlilcli nro Ibo finest tint Irnnnti art nnd ingonntly cnn create , Jt I'AI.ACK SLF.KPINO CAIIS , rfhloh Hru inndnl * of oomfort and olok'.inco It PAIU/H DIIAW- INi ) HOOM CAIIS , iiiisurnnundby any.nnrt Its widely cotohniti'd PALATIAL DlNINO CA1I8 , thonminl of wblrh cannot bo found o'sewlioro. ' At Coiino ! ) Illulfs tbu trains of the I'nlon Pncl- fit Ily , coiinnct In I'mon Depot with ( hose of the Chicago fc Noiibwestorn lly. In Chlongo the trains of this line inaki * cloeo connection with lhon of nil rnstorn llne < . For Dntrolt. Cnliiinbiis. Jmllunapollt. Cincin nati. Niagara Fnlln. Iliiffulo , I'ltlHliiirg , Toronto , Montreal. Huston , Nuir Vorlc , PhlliidulphlH , Hal- tlmoie. WnshitiRton nnd nil 1 olnts In the naif , ask the ticket agent for tlcknin via tlio "NOHTHWnSTHIIN. " If you wish the bo t r.o-oinmodntlons. All ticket nirniiiN roll tlckuts v.u tbU line. M. IIUOHITT , H. WILSON , ( lencinl . - > grnt ( Jen1. I 'r. Agent. W. M. IIAIII'OLK , L. H U > M.l8 , Uonl.Wobtorn/iKt. C'l ' K Agt. llUlarn.aiu St Curryingthelloliflum and United State ) every tuturday Between & faj York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. FUL , A.NU W I STI J It. fialon from l > 'f > to t i * . lixciirJlon trip frora (110 to tlHcconcl CHbiri , oiitwui I , II' ' ! prupald.ili ; ojcor ; < ioii. K'M. Btcurii/u im snsrd Bt low rules. Fetor Wrlfrht & Buns , Goilora , Uroadway , Now Vorif. llunry PunJt , 12la F rniinst : ; PaiU"u : V Co list * Fiiriium st ; D. O. Fiotiuan , rsii l'.irtwui * t . XUKATTICg , L Ii G P , , , , Lon.JSiig , HMldt-neo2IOI SU Mary's Avunue. Hnii8. ' ) . m.l to2 nnd Ii toil p.m. T leptionu 4S.V Oil oc , KXKI Dodge mi tct. Hours , 10 to 13 i > m. ; y lo 0 nnd 7 to H p. m. Telephone. 630. A wuitk.