Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : OCTOBEK 18 , 1880.
DtlKcicd l.j rnrricr In imj pntl of the city nt
Huntj ctntf l > ureok. .
H , W. TII/ION" , Manager.
n , No
NKJIIT lj > nou No " ) .
Now York Pliinibl.ii ; Co.
Now fall goods ; U Keller's.
Cooper & Mcpuu . < ( . ! ! hardware.
UuSial brand o.Viters , tliu best.
Chuiip inilroad liukul.i at HuslmpH's.
Hnn J. Mmnn spunks at Avouti to-
bmco January Judge A lcsnorlli 1ms
untnruli/cd 1.10 men.
Yo"tenliy ! was an unusual light bus !
ness ihij at Ilio hutiK
The republican hold : i mass nii'utiug
nt Macedonia to-iiiglit.
The ( 'lurk .school house , just otitsldo thu
city Innll.o , Is about completed.
One dem-ii c.ibinets and u large panel
for $2.r > ( ) nt Schmidt's .illury.
Colonel J.V Keatley will address the
cltl/.cns of Dnnliip lliii I'Vcnin .
Tito gla.vs lias been put In Kunball A :
Clmmp K now bank at Minden by J. H.
The annual stuto convention of the
B.iptists will con\oiiu at Ct' Kapids to-
The salvation army now rbari/e .in nil-
ini sion to tliosu who desire to unter their
liall during services.
'PJonus it Kelley , plmrmaeiht& at DPS
Moinc * , have buon found guilty iy a jur.v
of soiling liiiior | to minors.
I' Two camps of gypsies am lorateil on
South avenue. , near the raihoad clos
ings. Tiicro are about thirty in all.
For rent - Aell established confec
tionery and cigar store , with .stock and
IKtnri'i for sik > . I'.mniire at No. 101
Main street.
LnrpxtorK and best 111:1140" of stoves
and iiirniture , house furnishing goods.
etc , on weekly or monthly najments at
A. J iMandel'.s.
The funeral of William Keating will
take place to-moirow afternoon : it 3
o'clock , fioni his lulu homo , No. 1C01
Fourth avenue
In Des iMolnos six horses were stolen
Batunlay from one. man. They wisru
traeeil in the direction of Mar.ihalKown ,
and from there it is said they came to
wards , Council Hind's.
On Satuiday the sliorill'iaiiled the dni"
Btoro of Jiinic.4 ItraniU'at Des Moinns ami
captured a lot of whisk y , etc. Branitr is
charged with .spiling liquor to minors ,
then ! being live counts against him ,
A petition w'll ' bo circulated to-day and
to-morrow for signatures ieo.tieting the
council to order a hpeeial nleetion on the
clay of the general election for the pur
pose of voting on the pionosed tax for
building the approaches to the now wagon
bridge at the fuot of .Broadway.
Free huieli e\ cry morning from 10 to
13 at ManWhite's. .
Everard and Kulalia , by Ed Wright ,
for hale by BiHhwII & Uroekv/ell.
Fresh oysters in every style at I lie
Phoenix Chop House , No. 033 Broadway.
An Overcoat Keoovrrcd.
Nearly two weeks ago Mr. HI. John ,
ono of the uroprietors of the Hevure
house on Broadway , was robbed of his
overcoat and also some jewelry belong
ing to his wife , the sneak thief having
entered thuir room in the day time. Mrs.
St. John misled the jewolrj at the time.
but her husband never thought of having
lost bis overcoat until a day or two ago ,
nud on going to where he thought Ins
coat was hanging discovered another
one , which was quite ragged , in its place.
lu ! hunted in the pawn bhops and linally
found it in an Institution on Broadway ,
where the proprietor bad loaned $ l.lV5 on
it. St. John , thinking ; the coat well
worth that amount , paid it over to the
"broker" and walked oil' with his own
coat , now having the old coat loft on his
J. Krnsdlorf , having taken entire con
trol of the Phiunix chop house , desires testate
state that , he has scoured the Mrvices : of
Charles Decker , a lir-st-class cook of New
York city. The best the market afford * ,
night and day , in the best tvle ot the
art. Will also have a regultu oill of fare
Hard and soft coal , wood , llmo , cement ,
etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. , No. 5UU
Broadway. .Telephone No. 180.
Seal brand oystersat U. J. Palmer's.
Helping tlio Itooni.
Work on the ten new bridges over
Spoon lake is progressing linely as the
piling Is being put In to protect the land.
Inside of three weeks the piusongor
coaches will be kept on this fa'ulo of the
river , it it stated on good authority. This
atouo will oaiiMj an increase in the em
ployment of at least llfty on this side of
the river. There arc how in tlio yards at
the transfer lifty freight oars waiting to
bo sent over to the Omaha shops , with
Jlltlo or0 : > rospuc(9ofovoretUuk'tJioru ( : ,
us the hliops arc now ci'oWdfn ro tltclr ut
most capacity. There ih little doubt that
Dion will be put on to repair these oar.s
right here , and just ns soon as possible
temporary housed will bu put np for the
convenience of those car repi'.irer.s until
permanent shops can bo built.
Try Jarland ( eook btovi ? for soft eoal.
Cooper & McCco Imvn them.
Custom made railroad shora and ( ior-
uiau slippers at U. Ul.wsim's , Main at.
An Independent Candidate.
I hurnby announuo myself ns un inile-
pendent oandlduto for ju.stlcA of the
peace , and submit nij claim to U.u voters
of Council Blutl's , lu , , on the 2nd day of
November , 1B < J8. A. U HUNUUIUKS.
First-ehisH regular dinner 85 cents 10 to
9 o'clock. I'hcunlx chop ho > ne , 003
Broadway ,
Mf . Bfnrlmok Alive.
Mrs. K. Starbuck , uho on Juitt Monday
At ( il nwood had luch a terrible uxpen *
ouee with lln > , oausod tiy dioppinjj n coal
oi ! lamp on the itnlrvrivy of her homo , in
still allvo. Her \velvoyuar-oKl t ohild ,
who had JUKI preceded her up the stairs ,
{ two tbo alarm by jumping out of the
window and notifying the. neighbors ,
thus saving the moUutr'u llfo. An it WP.H ,
Mrs. Slnrliiiclr had all her nlotlies burned
oft' hur. and was herself nettrly fatallv
burned. C , J. Bhiuohitrd , the deputy
coal oil insiocloV ) , went to Glonwood to
investlgnto the explosion ns It was re
ported to have been but on learning
ti ! ut it was the result of dropping .1 lighted
lamp , and no explosion occurred , ho did
not iiiYcsticato further.
Sno that your booki are nnnlo by More-
house & Co. , room 1 , KVOTPU block.
Substantial nbitructs ot titles and real
eutfito IOHIIP. J. W. & K. Ii. Squire. No.
101 I'e&rl strrct. Council UIuils.
Bf5t stoves , both cook nud beating at
low price * , W. A. Wood , No. OOi ilaiu
* H\
Ej-e V ilne'ses to the Fatal Shooting Declare
They Do Not Know ,
Morn TltlhiKS to Help tlio Koom-A
'loueli on the I'rnlmtluu Ques
tion HunilnjHuDiicii -
I tics In the HliifT-i.
Tlio .TSnidoi' of Kcatlni ; .
Willlnin KcntiiiR , ho wnt on la l
Monilaj nlfjlit , uliont 11 IS o't-lock , shot
by A. 11. ScliMor within two blocks of
the homo of ' 'itch of the men , diril on
.Siituuluy niKht til his home , No. 1701
Toiii'th tivcnuo , lm\in < , ' lived ju l live
tln.ys sifter the hootiiij ; .
Coroner Kuul ivjiaireil to the home of
Renting yciitrriliix * inotii'tiK ' ninl lirlil un
lniUi"-t ) attei eniininelin as jurom K. K.
Hi'csS. . Hicliurtls nml J. J Walt.
While tlie iiiniiest wts : boiiiK hold in
the front room a imst nioitrni \ \ : \ * bn\i\K \ \
held in tinbink room bv lt , C. U. Tin-
ney uml Dr. K. 1' . IJrlliii or , Dr. Mel
lU-llingcr aNo beinj : thnro. Tlion- was
mucli ( liHiiully : in Uncling the bull , but it
uns linally loLtitcil in Ilio ri ht llluum , It
having pi\ ccl in a lltlle abo\e tliu navel
uml downward , making llirou opcninjis
in the stn.ill intestines. It was of ! ! 8-cal-
ibn1 , nud is now in the custody of Coio-
net I'nul.
'J'he first witness sworn was Mrs.
\V. II. Campbell , who said : " 1
saw three men oiitide of my fence ;
heard the shot tired ; saw Koatinjr fall ;
he then not up and walked to mj tfato
and laid down ; Kuuting then called for
Mr. Campbell ; Campbell went out and
summoned help ; 1 sathe smoke and
lire from the yun , but don't know \\lio
lired the .shot.
W H. Campbell testified that ho heard
loud talk ; } ; ot un out of bed and siw Hash
and heard thot , all the men went toward
my bain except Keating ; Hays and
younjr Kee e woru in tlie ] ) : irty ; Keating
came up to my ; ; ulu and fell ; as HOOII as I
ioiild diess 1 wunl out ; Keatmy did not
tell melio fired the sliot.
1C. M. IIuvi. sworn , sold' 1 first saw
Keating and Sehihler in Eislur'B saloon on
Hro.uhv.ij ; Keatinjr had two chickens in
ld- hands until we } ; ot where the " -hoot-
in < oeeui red , Kealinji would turnnioitnd
und quarrel v\ith Seliisler , who would
run but of Heating's road ; a Mini I time
before tlie shouting occurred Keating
called Seliisler a - and said if he did
not lca\o Use chickens alone be would hurt
him , at the same time ha\in < j ; his liand on
hiv hip pocket , I ot them < iUiOled , Koat-
liiKstarted towards home , when Schlstor
ealled him a - - and a - ; Keatiiif ;
e.vnie back , Seliisler irot behind me anil 1
jerUed away , and as I did so the shot was
'tired while'm.back . was turned ; Seliisler
dt-iiled to leave and 1 stopped him ; we
all walked up to SrhUler and I said Keat-
iiii ; w.isshot , he said. "Yes .Mi-.he is shot ; "
1 don't ' know who shot him ; Kciitin then
walked about a rod and laid do\\ > , rol
nj ) and went to Campbell's gate , aain ;
biid down and 1 helped carry him to his
home , Kei'.imjj did not tell me who .shoi
\V A. K. M. Higli mith swore as to
hearing noi e : got up out ot bed ; saw
four men and a boy , thej were seemingly
all < iuarreling ; niter the shot some onu
said : "Now , Sehi.lerou'd better lly. "
Aimer llec e aiilVas : on mv way
home londay night about 11 o'clock ;
when J got to Clnis. J'isler's saloon wont
in ; .saw "Schisler and Hays ; didn't see
Keating ; we came out and started for
home. After describing in detail all the
movements made by the p.uty after
Keating had joined them , he continued :
Schisler was continually fooling with the
chickens , when Keating called him some
hard names , after which he started for
home ; Schisler then called Keating n
thief , etc. , Keating returned anil tri'jU to
maUc him take it back , which S < : hisler
would not do ; Seliisler pot behind Hays ,
when Keating put his hand in bis hip
pocket Schisler said , "Jusl let me see
that once , " when Keating replied , "If
you do see it , yon wont tool any more
with the chickens" ; Hays juinDcd away
from between them , und uS bo did so
borne one shot ; 1 saw the Hash ; I do not
know who lived the shot ; I could not say
if Sehisler did the shooting ; Keating said ,
" 1 am hbot,1' ami after walKing away ,
laid down and asked me to tell his wife ;
afterward haw Schisler ; Hays told him ,
"He is shot , " and Schisler said , "Yes , lie
ib .shot" ; Schisler then bluitcd towards
At 11 o'clock a recess \ \ as taken until
2 o'clock , in order to summon other wit
Promptly at 2 o'clock the inquest was
continued in the paint shop ot Coroner
Fanl , in the lir. ! : ollicu. The first witness ,
1'ollccman O. E. Uoswick , testified
as to arresting Schisler , but did not liml
a revolver on bin nernon. Schisler said
ho had ioiiiu ( lilliculty with Keating and
had run oil' .
1'oliceman Nick O'llncn swmo as to
bis talk wi'.li Seliisler ; he and Keating
bad a quarrel that evening and Keating
had threatened his life.
James Million , then deputy marshal
but now chief ot notice , s\uiro as to going
to the cell in n Inch Schiblcr was ; he said
they had been quarrelling and that Keat
ing tlucatencd to kill him. 1 asked at hi * IIOIIFO , who hhot him nnd
lie lold mb U wn SMiHer.
Frank Ciuanella , city marshal , testified
us to a man named Jones having called
nt the elty jail on the morning after the
shoolnig and he took him to the cell in
which S > ; hislei wns. After dtanding
there awhile he ( Jones ) t > nid to Sehi&ler ,
"if you did the .shooting you had bettor
pleml guilty ; you know what I told yon
a week ago. " Schisler said In reply , "I
could not In Ip it , I bad to do it. "
Doctors Bulllnper nnd Piunoy swore as
to liuding Ilio bullnt yesterday morning
at the post mortem ami that Kcuting
cainci to his death from the effects of tbo
pistol .shot.
The jury then retired , nnd after about
three minutes' ilnlilinnitlon returned a
vcrdiol Hint Keating had coiuo to his
death by a shot fioin H pistol in the
bands of some person unknown to them.
Krutlng. who Is in Ids flfty-Mxth year ,
lf.avi.1' ) H wife and married HOD.
About 1 o'clock yesterday u HIK : repro-
hcuUtivo called at tliu county jail and
through HID courtesy of the jailer. James
O'Nnfl , Imd quite lonjfthy tulk with
Schi'dot. Ho wns looking over a copy of
the bu.NOAV I'.i'.n when tlioHEi : man went
in and at tirst seonied dls'.ncllued to talk
until he should see hU attorney , Colonel
Daily. IIu liiiKily , in answer to "what
V.H3 you doiii" with a revolver In your
juicktit thht nichtt" replied ; "Lcariicd
It bncntuu sorao dort < in the neighborhood
weic botliorromc , Until I wentoutou thu
Orison Short Una I never owned a gun ,
but fiuco then I've had it. 1 don't ro-
uinmbor iiuich what occurred that night ;
they vvuru all fcobug with his ohlcKens
ns much ns I was. " Mr.Sldslor , it is , Is [ iu struitcnctj rlrciinittanrcH ,
ana is almost dopendcnt upon the neigh'
bors and /riends for food for liorsoif and
children. They reside at No , 1(305 ( Fourth
r.vcimo. Koliislor was cmploycil ou the
Dlatfcrm of the Irtish ! , transfer in hand-
liji" frolfiht.
Tlte verdict of the jury , who , bj the
vruy , in roturuiux tbelr verdict , uaid that
us no one had Instilled M to suiiing any
one do the slioutlng , they rould not put
tlio iilHino on any ono person , is pro-
nouiiefcfl by nil who ijturd thrt tobtiiuouy
as boin n very vti-un * ir one , in fact thu
ol Chief of Police Mullen und
Marshall Onanella being enough to .it-
Isfy the jury There u : i eeminijly little
tflort to get ul all thcdetails of the atlair ,
and the id en of a man being shot down
\\itlrsevoral standing about , and yet no
ono knowing MIO ! Mint him eem * prepos
terous 'Ihcjun wa made nji of nelgh-
bor , which was perhaps Hl-mlvi od , and
ono of tiin jurj men's ions wa in the
party when the tragedy occurred. The
matter \ > ill not , of cour e , bo allowed to
re l in any such uti'-atisfactdry eondilion ,
but M-ill be probed to the bottom , and the
fat ts brought to light. The -tupidity of
the inquest will not , donbtle , bo al
lowed to thwart the end * of justice.
Coroner I aid yoMordav afternoon
issued a warrant lor Sehisler which was
seiM-d on Deputy SlicrilY James O'Ncil at
the county jail tor S'uislei to appear be
fore a magistrate , as the eoiouer believed
b\ the evidence introduced that Sehisler
lired the shot that resulted in the death
of Kcatinir , notwithstanding the \crdiot
of the jury.
Mii. Keating is very sick , catted by
the nci vous shnek , and was yoMerday
coiilincd to her bed. evening two informations weic
lilcd charging two other putties with the
murder of Kcr.ting. The parties thus
charged arc Altu.'r Hces-c and ! / . M
Hays. Moth of lhe o were witnesses to
tlie nil 'at i * , and yet they do not know who
did the shooting. Under then own uvi
deuce they ami SchUlor weio present
when Keating M-M - liot dox\n , and as
they do not say that Sehisler did the
shooting , it was deemed best to ha\u
them held on a like charge of murder , as
it st-ems that one of the tlirco must bo
responsible for Keating'a death. The
informations weic drawn up by County
Attorney Ware , ami sworn to by Marsha" !
( itianella.Vanants were issued at once
for their ancst.
I'"leetric ' door belli , hurglar alarms , and
every foi m of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
oT Future Judtrnictit.
Yesterday morning Hev. U. W. Crofts
preached a seimou in the Congiegat'onal
church which , while not directlv ex
pressing Ids view * on the question of
prohitinn after death , shadowed them
forth Millieieutly to indicate that ho
thinks such a probation possible , or , at
least , that bo docs not believe , as some
of his denomination do , that heathen
who have never heard of Christ will be
damned forever. He Bought tohow that
< 5od held men responsible only tor what
light they had , quoting numerous such
passage * , "and that servant which Know
his lord's will , and prepared not himself ,
neither did according to his will , shall be
beaten with many .stripes ; hut he that
knew not , and did commit tilings worthy
of stripes , shall bo beaten with stripes ,
tor unto whomsoever much is given , of
him shall be much required , and to whom
men have committed much , of him they
will ask the more. "
The speaker believed that as this was
consideied equi.abli ! and fair among men
it could not bo o\ected ) ) that God will do
Ic-s justly and fair in dealing with his
ereatuics. Men wore not to bo condemned
for what they did not know , or for sins
committed ignorantly ,
On ( he other hand , men were to beheld
held responsible lor their knowledge , and
for their opportumticsot knowledge , and
they would bo judged in accoidanco with
all the o circumstances.
This led to the query , whether it would
not be belter , then , to remain in ignor
ance and escape responsibility. Such a
wKh was unmanly and cowardly. Hotter
he a thinking , enlightened anil Vesuonsi-
blu being than a mere animal , idiotic or in
sane. Got ! bad written more or less of
His law upon every heart , and this , so
far as known , must be obeyed. Alon
were in duty : bound to seek light , and if
they shut their eyes to the truth , or lazily
neglected to search for it , they could not
thus escape the responsibility of their
own ignorance. If. having the light ,
they failed to carry it to others , if they
failed to dispel the ignorance of others ,
and bring them into a knowledge of God ,
then they were guilty doubly so.
In view of the recent discussion at DCS
Moines , the sermon , as indicating Mr.
Croft's views on the .subject , was very in
teresting , and was closely listened to by a
large congregation.
Mrs , A. Hall is prepared to do dress
making on short notice andat reasonable
prices. No. ! 128 Hroadway.
Poihointl Purn rnplis.
Ed. II. Farrell , of Dunlap , is at the
! ' . W. Lcc , of DCS Moines , is at the
M. J , Hums , of Oltnmwa , is tin Ogden
house guest.
B. E. Loomis , of Chicago , is a Pacific
house guest.
E. M. Sullivan , of Detroit , is a guest at
the Ogden house.
J. W. Squire has returned from an ex
tended eastern trip.
J. Ilarrigan , a prominent stock man of
Solomon , is at tlio Pacific.
E. tl. Nugent , advance agent for Mur
ray & Murphy , is at tlie Pacific bouse.
J. J. Stcadman , editor of the Non-
pariol , left , yesterday for his home in
E. F. Gatoly and F. A. Gibbons , of
Sioux City , were among tlie guests at the
Hcehtelo yesterday.
Mr. Watts , formerly cashier of the
Council Hlull's savings Lmnk , but now of
Neola , spent yesterday in the city.
N. P. Dodge has been attending the
triennial convention of the Congrega
tional church at Chicago and was a mem
ber of one of the most important com
mittees. _ _
"Tho best stove I ever Imd , " is the ver
dict of thousands who have used the Ka-
dlant Homy base burner. Cooper &
McGee , agents.
DSeal brand oysters at II. J , Palmary ,
No , 328 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs.
Mrs. O. A. Rogers ,
tale of Hie Parisian Millinery Co , Manager.
R. ! WiLUaiaS
. . . ,
JH .V. Main St. , Council muffs , In. , ami
20 < l Id. 10th St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Neb.
ilanurucTiirer'e Agent fur the
'IVnK Awnlnirs , KooiliiK Slate , Man
tels , IMato and Window ulass , Show-
C'aHca , Klfvators ( hand and hy-
tlr a vll Ac.
Ju tno city tiBObtnlntil bjr pairouUlnif tlio
Pron ,
Nouo but experienced hands employed.
Out of town orders btnnil or express so
licited , and all work wbrruntud.
Selling Out Cloak Department
Tills Weak ,
W'M-A.l'AXTON , J'lCS. Ij.U.WllUAMS\'le < 3-Prt'B.
215 S. 13th St. , Omalia , Neb.
i i
School , County niidi Municipal Bonds
ItOIIT. U O.MtMCIIf. F. H. .
Sci-ictnry. Trensilicr.
Capital Stock ' . $150,000
Liability of Stockholder ? . . . . 300,000
'J he only i ejrnlar tmvluvii bnuX hi the stnto. Flvo
percent Interest paid oil deposits.
OuyC narton. rrcsidont : J. J. nrovrn. Vice
President ; L. M. Hennett , Matiniliiir til-
rector : John 11. WUhur Ciishlor.
On Wheat , Corn. Ontrs Vork , Lntd nnd IL n.
Stocks , for I.oni ? and Sliort Time. Sono lorl'nco
Cliculnr. H. I' . UAHT & Co. , ISO Washington
St. , Chlcnro , 111. Itolorcncu : American Kr-
chnnuo National Hank.
GenL Insurance Agents ,
Mt-rchnr.t's llins lluildln ? . Cor. Tnr-
auin and 1'Mhsts. ' , room 1 up stairs.
Telephone No. a" . " > Omaha. Nobra lcii.
I'hocnlx. London , llni/huid . J6,7SVin.n :
rin-mon's , Nfwuik.V. . J . l,5'iS5).n )
UlcnV rolls , OlonMMlli.N. V . 1,49 'S.WJ
Ciltnid , I'hll.uleiphlii. I'll . 1SO.V)1.7I )
Wcstchcdtcr. Nuw York , N. Y . . . . lUM.M
John II niiMx-lr Uutunl Lllu .Ioston,2,701,710,8T )
Cura without modi-
POSITIYEi clno. Patontol Octo
ber 1 . 1N78.
One box will cure
the moat obthmtocaso In four days orloj * .
No nauseous doses ot cubobi , copnlbn or ( ill of
tundiUuooil tlint tire curtain to product ) uyspon-
flft bv dci'trovlnir the co'UInis of tlio sUKiniah ,
1'rlcotl.M. 8oM tir all drug-rUtt or innllml on
receipt of pi Ico. For furtlior particular * eont
torch cular. 1 > . O. Box ITTI. / \ TT T ) TJ
* TG. . yiXjIj-A-2 r CO. , IjllKK
v u *
tiJohnst. . Now YorK. "
hiic'diillj IlUilllfd far
.lledlcluul ll.e.
DH , TDiV I , MAI.UNn , Eur
g < -on Iu Clilcr , NatlunM Gunn
i'H <
"Hi utlciiU" " vu rxllrd t <
jour Kfjut'iiiu Ifult VHii.tef l >
Mr Ijilor , Hiufgift , of Trillion
anil I Jttid itreU a ft-w bottlci
with far better tffcct tlmn ) iy "
IIHIA | . J. I ara rri nimpndlnf
> oiir artlrltfjlu my prariko , UDQ
flnd It Tr
- . b&i Itl Mgnltur *
on lb I ttcl.
( Sole IfOU I * , lk < f } , 8 )
816.318 and 323 lUce a. Ffailadebhix. Pa. ,
fjoodmnn Dnifr Co.GemlAgentsOmiha ,
riobate Hotlia.
IN tlio mntlfr of tliu > cute of Nanuotto
lluuincr , devcusmi. i I
Notice Is horuliy Klvon.thut the creditors of
suld ilecfiiK'd will meet thu udinlulbtiiitor of
Euld ustato liuforo mo , county jud o ot DnuKlua
county , Nobiiibka , nt the touniy court loom , In
eultl fuunty.on tlio 1st < lti > of Doconibor , ISMi.oii
the I6t Uuy of 1'vbiuury , 1 7 , nnd on thu Ut
duy of .Vpi II , IfST , nt 10 oVlock u. m , cuch duy
for tlu ) pnrpotoor iiresc'iitliif tliclr tlaiins lor
uxumlnutloii , ndjustmont mid uUQnanco. Bix
inoiuha uro ullowoil for creditors to iiicEunt
tliulrcliiliiiB.iuul ono yc'iir for tlio adinlnUttutor
tOEUttlomtld onlHto , fiom the 1st duy of Octolior ,
IhSfl , thU nollco \ lll bo iiiibllnlicil In the Oinnhu
Dally Ilvu once ciibh wcok for lour nooks sue
cobSh cly , j'rior to the l t duy of DoocinlJur. 1&-4J
J. II. McCui-uini , County Judtfo.
. P. DAVIS & CO.
Nebraska Land Agency
GoneraldetlarBla Heil EtUte and Beai Katata
* , liOJ I'uiuuui tt. , OmuUu.Kcb.
Jon't ffti'iii-t flint tJir CoimrH lilnfl'ft Cnt'iU't f' nitnHi ) ) trill initl.T r
' In tlirli' ] h'in on < ltinittirs / iir.itntl / tlttil tlii'i/ HIT Innnnl /
nllH rciltirc Ilirh' slwli ln'/'nrr Unit tluif.
( , 't ) w tln'Hi btfoi'i' HUH /Miir/Mfsr clsru'linv , ( tint otitnhi tlirh' iii'lcm.
If neil it-tint to Inn ) ( iin/tliiini In tlit'ir line tln-jj it'ill ijitcirnt \ ; ' /iw Hint
u'ilt ccrlitinlii unit i/ott. /
stock ran /.s/.s / / of till tii'iiilca ( tint ' -J/.TS of
yA O fi B B t " 5" o B &TI o
p6is9 i/uridsns ,
Mattings , Windovv- ? Shades ,
A lot of T < tlilc Lini'ii * . 7Vi 'r/.s / antJ Xt to rfo.-r out tit LKSS
Til AX COST. .Vtr them.
Council Bluffs Carpet Go. ,
No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
J |
Knrmmg LninU in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from "i 00 to
$10.00 pr-r acre School und < tati > 1 uuK in Mlniii > seta o.iSJjcarV tinto fi ) > cr
cent interest. 1/nud nn > crt' fan1 free Information , i-to , gin ( bv
No. "M Hroadway , Council Blurt's Iowa , ngont for Kroiilrlk i'ii & Co. , (3'iloago. '
-L-cufcU. Jlics
oc-o , Oeufc.-C'C.t.t
Dlplitlicriu Unealu muklnif Iti visita
tion. li'iijuiiis'timlorUlt.THO ! ' .liKFi.KIS' :
ItP.MI IV ior tliut tutiil ni"lii ly Hits ilotmm-
st t at cil t lie ! not that it H InrnlllliliHisii luovoat-
Ivo nnd cum. If > ou 1'i-rmlt join rhlldioiito
dlo Mllh ( llphtlii'i-lu , "Tlii'lr tilood lie upon your
hcnd. " 1'iir sulo only nt the ollloc. No .l South
Sth street , Council [ Hulls , Iiu , or- sent by ciprcis
on receipt of prici * . f2.
Kuim thoOmahii Ilio :
Mr. ,1. II. lltitli-r , of llnrol Dcll.l'ottnwuttamlQ
Co. , I own , nml tils Inmllj ot ulcvon persons ,
IMC all " .ic-k with mallicntint il.phlhcila. Dxciy
niicorthetii him ruLO\viol bv the UMJ of Dr.
Ji'flVrls * I'.incntiM ) nnil Citio for Ulplithcrlii ,
without the u (1 ol a nhs uliin.
KIOIII thu Council lllulls Daily Herald :
Mi * . K. M ( iuiuril , lf" ol r.njriiit'crOpraid ,
of tht'l'nlon 1'iiL'llk' . this city , hat liocn UK"-1"
sutfi'iorfor nmnj jtMit'vllh what us Mip-
poieil to lioeniHM'rot tin-tliumt. It nstoiiul
hhc win thientviicil with Mart tttlnn. llui nun-
em ! hcnlth was ooinplcii'lj bioki'ii , Shu could
onlj sunlloulliild | looil , and o\on thill could
not dlKi'st or usslmllntu I'lijolchins ot Council
lllullsnnd Oiimlisi attciulfil her lur thin ycins
nn I mm'no lollof. Dr. , U > ili > iNot ilusclly , iu
luurnt'oks' tlino cured her throat , mi I com
pletely le-torcd lier lionlih. Had Mrs. rjtiiiiil
not ohtiiltiril lellof soon she Mould lm\rdlcd
Itoni blood noisnii , thcuunn that destroyed the
lllo of fJcn. Grunt.
I'rom the Council Illufls D.iily Hlobo :
M. A. McVIko , editor ot the Cum In In ( UHiiR-
uuijr , 1'n. ) 1'ioeinnn , has bnon the
Irlond of Ilio editor ol the Ololiu lor morn than
t ont > yoiira , and is known wherever ho Is
knowniroone of thobcstmon ll\tiiK. Illsfuinlly
wa rnviiRcd with diphtheria , and ( 'itntly diB-
troKgcd. Sonioof Dr. .loircria'Dlphtheilii Cine
vugipod , nnd the llos of the lector hischild-
rcn saved. J.ettois from Mr. Mel'lliu lire un
bounded In their expressions of gratitude for
llndlnif Eomo menus of nvuitlnir the loss ot nil
his little ones. The of Mi. Jlcl'iko'n children
out of uhfht died fiom ilinhtliorla liolorc ho liad
nn opportunity of lining' lr. Jefferis' rnmody.
Dyspoptlo , why live In raNory iinrt dlo m dls-
pulr with cnnciir of the stomach ? Dr. Thomas.
JelTorH cures o\ory capo of Indliiostlon and
constipation In u very flhoit time , llcfrtof ruN
eren"es Kivun. Dyppunslu is the ciiu > - ( ) of
ninety per cent or nil diseased conditions.
Pi iuo J.r > for two w celts treatment.
Dr. .leffens' diphtheria moJIoIno Ii Infallible
for all kinds ot soic throats. Indiapensihle In
pntild Polo thiont , In ni'illKnant s'uilel fn\or ,
chaiiKliiK' It liHS hours to t he Mmpli1 Coi m. Inl'ul-
llblo euro for all Inllnnnnatorxulceiatloput
rid , cancerous nleorntlon of the Tromb and all
cutanhsl conditions
Full pi luted Instructions how to use tluM.H.ill-
cines sent with them. No doctor icqiilied.
I r .leireria' remedies can only be obtained nt
hlsodlce. No 23 Smith Eighth stieot. Council
Illuirs , lown.or Bout 3y oiptess on receipt of
Praclici'S in ( lie Sliito anil Feilnral courts
lloonib 7 and 8 Bhn nrt JJlo'iK. .
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Lmhcs buying n $5 Hat or Honnot , ono fare
will bo pulil ; $10 , round tilj ) .
Omaha , Nebraska.
Capital . $500,000
Surplua . 100,000
Herman Kountze , ProsidonL
John A. Crolghton , Vlco Prasldont.
r.U. Davis , Cashier.
W. IL MosauJer ,
IftlO Xorth Kith Street ,
Paid in Capital , - - - - $100,000
OHO. K. llAIlKint. I'rrsldrnt.
ItOIIT. J * tJAUI.ICHS , VlPo-1'rcsHent.
niitKCTOHS ;
BAMIIKI.H. Joi ov , ( Jro. K , HIIKKII ,
OUT. L. OAiiuciif , W i. SCIVUKS ,
A t'enoral banklnif business trntiEixctoJ ,
Interest allowed on time deposit .a
8. H. KMVI ) ) . A.O
M mlier < iulfp lunOot- N'uw trltMi ( ' t'ot *
tun nx'K Inn Ktrlmn.daDii C
llrokers lu
i i
For Future Delivery
Win Open for UitHlncnnasHHon as of
fices can bcjltttil up.
10 ! ) AXD 111 S. JStli ST11KET.
Ittfcr to 1st Nfttloool Uank ,
Established IbJT
Creston House
Unr onli hot'jl In Coun-il Ilhiffb bavins
t ml nil modem linpimpinents.
15 , > 1T und : : i'.i Main - ! .
MAX MOll. % , I'rop.
fonrtials , C'oiinly aii < J
ISuiiK Work > 1Jl Kindt a Slice-
Prompt Attention ] ! ) Mail Orders
Room 1 Evcrct Hlock , Poiincll IJlutls.
Stciutliird Papers Usocl. All .stylus of bind
ing in Mi : i/dnus ami
U. n. National Hank , M. K Smith . \ Co. ,
Citizens' Hani.Dcfue , \VolM V Co. ,
Mrst National Hank , ( ' . II. Insur.uipo Co ,
fflcor \ I'uscv.llanliers.C. H. SiivliiKS
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Plrfn and Doeoiu o Pu'utcr. I'aplci
MachcVnll Ornaniyiit- .
None but best hiindH opmployoU and chtir
Horses and Mules
Tor al' puipoic i. oo'ijlu tmd sold , at lotull .i > '
In Intl. Iaijo < iuiuitlttu4 to telecl tiom
l llnoiil\'oi ! > , Hiniloor d'ib'i > .
Ppnclal advcrll&unibitti , itlioh as Lost , Toil n
ToI.onn.Kor S.ilo , To ItontinntH , llonrdinn' ,
etn , " 111 brliEciluJ hi thlx cnluinn nt tlio lotv
rMuofTKNCnNTdl'l'.U UVKfonho llrftlmor
I Ion nnd rivuConlsrcrliinorori-nuhsubBciiuciit
lii < icitloi. : l.eavo nUvoilboinun nut nut olll'-i ;
No. 1) ) 1' i-lrc < .t nu.ii llroudr/ ! , CouiK-ll
\V"AriTKD-rusltiou vlth ii
lluve oxpri lento JIo < t irnccncc ! .
wnut nn7 fular.v ll'.l J urn itnituy. dlvo ino n
cl.iincc. N. Hi e , Cou..t'il lllu'.ls.
A\rANTKIi A l . .1'ht tlciic nt Hcchtelotf
> > _ Jlotp | .
Jroit Itr.NT-Ho.'i. ' . ' : , ileo fnriiblied
1 Apply ut 17 J.o.'I'i ' Ilitlu f.
\\'ANT1U ) II/ two irontlvmon , lic > lranru un l
r > pitting roiiiu < ii Din lin u luiini , In iioicli
borhooit i't Kliil uvunuo prof.'rroJ. ' ' '
tlutiiiiftormp T.lioo " '
\\rAN'm ) " - fliii lar e hoiiionurlc ,
i > Oooil lioni'j , lil > vr.\l Hit , A St.
Wolr , A\oiuiu I ! .
\\f ANTUli A coo.1 cirl tor ( invr i homo-
) worknt K'l lliincrolt strn'i.
n. HIGE 3SS I ?
. , , , . ,
Ffinratiti ( ) r other Tumor ivirul l wltbuut
OU//OC/J-K. | [ intfu 01 ilra\rln , { M hlnod.
O r thirty jriiM iir rtu'Al f rl'Jiiru.
Nell IMisrllil. , Couivil jl
i tt w.
Bed-action in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc.
, , ,
AtV. . S K rrcr & CoS. No. a .Main it
.H.I./ ( / I.I I It tlVCI 7 \ ttN. .
_ _
DII-UI : : : . WKM.S * co. ,
\ \ liolr A'o
Agricnltara !
_ ( nirlauoj , I IP Conn.'t . 111 irri. low.
> nko IlioUrlirmnl nitd Comvlcto
Hay Loader , also Rakes , cider Hill A Press ,
I'oiiN Pinit.t.KitsND VP.RH trniut' .
Xi < > iri't ' , rn i , IWmnl fii , = onlli Main Strodt ,
Co ini'll lliitlM. tnnsi.
IIAMU nii\iit-Y & M ,
M'm ifi'in I idb'i of
agricultural Implements , Wagons , Busies ,
f'Bi rldBi'x. nnd id ) kin M ot Tarm Mnolilnorr.
IKH ) to Mia South MnM "trcct. Council lUiiltg ,
r.p. Ui.Eisrtv. T. U 1) > i , tine R WituniT ,
ricc.ATr-.n. VIVos .Mvi. So Afomisel.
Coiucll BIuTs Unllj Pact/ ) , ,
( liip.trpornlol.1
r . \\le. l' nnj ?
4 , nro\f < r
( M/f
COUNCIL ni.rrscAui'KT co. ,
Carpets , Curtains , Y/inibw / Shade ? ,
OllCUitlis , rurtnln mi meg , Pptiiilstoi-y
Kto. Ntv JCGltroivlwny Couui-ll
( To , K/r. /
WlmlcfnU' .lolibers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pips *
Nos. t > Malli Htid „ > : foul bis. Council lllults ,
Winlio ) ( : !
Fruit andProduco Commission Martiiants.
Ko IH'oul St. . roiiiifil MlulH ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oil ? , Paints , Glass ,
I'll'- Ista1 fitiulrles , I'tc NH Si Miiln t. , mill
No. il I'earl M. , Conn11 Iliuim
Wholesale Callforali Fi'dits a Spcclalt/
Uoncrnl 1'ommlsf ott. N'n. fit !
WhulCBIlll )
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Grocarle ? .
KIIS. 10 mill 181'o'irl St. , Council Illiurn.
1 , . K1KSUI1T & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
\Vliolositlo Liquor llnnlnin. No. < 1J ( Hioml-
way , Council lllulN
Miinii'nrtuioisof nn.l Wliolesilo
Leather Harness Etc.
, , Saddlery. .
Ko. fCJ Mnlu LU. . Counull IHil Ti ,
llJL'fS ,'S. KTC.
Jobbers la Hats , Caps and
3mvJSll j- , Council
\ \ liolc nln
Iron Steel Kails Hardwara
, , , Heavy ,
Anil Wood Stock , Council Illiurs , Iowa.
nnis .1 D
1) . 11. McDANELl ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants fo ? S3 la of Hides ,
TallfW.Wool , 1'ollH , Giciisinma Vun Connell
lllUlfS 10.71.
01 ' .S.
WlioIt'Milo licnl.'rj In
Illuminating ft Lubrlcitlij Oil ) Ginllu
, Cuuiioii iiiiirr . iow\ .
JbWtUltlll I'lLtXO B i
Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar ,
XniUli-idKO Material Spoc-iiillInsWholes
LerorulJ . Ulllc'o No.M \ Main St. ,
Council llluira. lows.
Wholes ilo
Imported and Domestic Wine' ) & Liquors.
lorBt Ciottha.n's fl rb HlltPM. No. U
Main .St. Council lllniTii.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
St. . r./itiici ! U'.Hji.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
Oj > ; > oelt0 Ji'iiiiniy UcpoU
s 5
Horsrs nml intilps kept coiihtntttly on
luintl , for said at rotnll or in oir : loads.Or.
( h-rs inoiiiptly flllnd by contiaot on short
nollco. iSfooi ; solil on
.Siu.ini'.i : it Hou.v , I'iojirlu3r
Tulophoni ! No. HI
Formerly of JCi-iI Halu .Stnulcs , erne
El nvi ) uuci 4 Hi strcut ,
Ihlr ijKuiii Ii 0'iuiclx iiawmuiii > ' ) i-nuilo | iluu M
rill viurui.lvi ) lu Kuch you to .Uiifi riio.-i nl'ndr in
u fu > linur < knurun tliau ull ili. iit'irru * t : t It
nfu'l u 'ortli'i fuiiillr-u * it cult nil irm > tn / i
iij ln'll 'K , < iiUeineii uad Uilidrcn
Millet itnil t : uiloiiiuii , Until cuil 7011 UOIMKU
UDI/UU | li rn leMrncO. > uu vlll wnul llii > Itir.
Uil ( .linllriifu romiiotllloii. 'I'ln iu > l viii.irl n9v > l
iliu < tiiiiikeri unU tiilliir * Mckiutft i ' ii | u nupi-riortlv.
11 1 | th luvmill'in f l nUuia ST Ht i it "fell k 1011
riaii"li niuiiuiii It i llo r.i-.i ill * u i.'l ' bouit uxutl *
iiuko iinHiajr. \ \ u wunl nr n l i u rntt tiUVti
liul't ' < < r ihilMi > lutiii wtili in W.'liii ) lu mitu ii.i urr
Inl Mllov iilUulu In ilu ti 4l , i , mi tie I'lTor liOl.kl
fin tiir ( urlUi'r in ( < tJiatl 'iicullui ' 4 | r it.
Mils MAIU KASnilll'ir.l.m , .
llOuniM 1'n. ( I. Itniiff IV in nil lllut'i , lO'in.
W , A , WOIIK rioiiilnloi.
. ,
Justice of tlic Peace