Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1886, Page 4, Image 4
{ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. OCTOBER 18 , 1880. THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Dully orornl.iv Edition ) InoluJIna Hntvlny Ilrr Him Yonr . $100 : For flit Montli < . ft ( H Tor Tlirro Months . S V. Tlm Ornnhn H nilr > y HKK , mnllou to nny Held 1C1 * * , One Vonr. , . 2 W ornrr , No. MI A < W Pin 1'AnvA't PTBKET Nrw VOIIK mrii-K , Itomi . TIIIMI'\K lll'ii.mxn WA1UIING1U.X UltlCE , NO.&I.I PUL-IITBICXTIIHUIKI.T All eommunlMtinm rrlntlnu to news nnilrill torlul tnntlcr whoulil bu nildres u < l to tliu Kill ton or Till : HUB. All Ini'lno'i loiter * iiMili-pinliliincosthotiM IK lulilroi-oil to TIIK Hue , l'ruti < 4lliMi I'oMi-Asv Oil VII \ , Di-nCK rhorhs nuil pn tiiHc-ii [ onlor to bo inmlo ] > nyotilo to tlioonlaruf the company THE BEE POBllSHIJfcIpm , PBOPBItUBS , E. IIOSBU'ATKK , KIHTOII. Tin ; DAiiiV itici : . Kworn Rintemcnt of Clrctilntlon. State or Nebraska , , County of DutiKlno. f B > ' doo. 11 , Tzfclmck , secretary o ( Tlic llci Publishing company , ilous solemnly sweai that the actual circulation of tliu Dally lic ( lor tlio week ending Oct. 1Mb , IbbOiis ai follows : Haturrtay. Oct. 0 . 1-W Hiin.lny. . 10 . ii. : < > 7. ' Monday , II . RW Tuesday , 13 . lt ! , K "Wednesday , 1:1 : . Knr. 'I'liursilay , 11 . 1'J.TOi Friday , 10 . l'J,70 ( Average . 12ii- : Cir.o. H. T/BCIIK-K. Sworn to and subscribed In my presenc < this 10th day of October , A. I ) , IVjfi. X. P. I-'KII. , fHKAl , ] Js'otmy Public. ( ii-o. 15. T/.sclmck , bnliiR llr-tt duly swoin , . . /deposes ninl nays tlmt litt Is M.-CI clary of tin lice Pui > llsiliiicomii.iny | , Iliat the actual nv rraeo dully r.licnlntlon of tliu Dully live Ten tliu month ot .Iniinnry. 18vi. was W..m ropies for Kuliruarv , IBM ) , 1U,5'.I. " > copies ; for March. ISSfi , 11 KIT' copies ; for Aiill | , ISsrt , 12,101 copies : lor May. issfl. I'-)1. ) : ) ) copies ; for .In no IBS , ' . , I'.aw copies ; lor. ) nly. I I'-VIM copies : for Ainriist , lsf-0 , 12-NU c'oiilcsjfor September , 183rt , in.OiM ) copies. Oio. : B. T.rnrr u. Subscribed and swoin to befoio nio thls'Ji day of October , A. I ) . , I860. N. P. Kin. : , ( SKA hi Notary Public. STA.TIJ TICICUT. , PorCiOVcrnor-IOllX M. TUAYKIl. 1 For Llout. ( lovcinor 11. II. SIIKDI ) . i For Secretary of StatcV. ( > . LAWS. PorTioasurer-O. II. WIMjAUD. For Aiiilitor-II. A. HAHOOOK. Tor Attorney ( Jonurnl-WlLUAM I.KF.SR , For Coin. Public Laatls-JOSKlMl SCOTT , I'orSupt. Publlulnstructlon-CiKO.U.LANl ! ; IlEPUULICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Senators- GEO. W. L1NINOKR , 1WUNO T2SCIIUCK. For ItoprcHcntntlvca : W. O. WlimiOUK , V. B lllBBAUD. ( iKO. UUIMItOD. n. S. 11A LIj , JOHN MATTH1KSON , JA.MKS H. YOUNC1. T.V. . IJLAUKBUUN , M. O. 1UCKETTS. For County Attorney : EMVAW ) W. SI. MICK AL. For County Commissioner : ISAAC N. PIERCE Mil. Amtoui : is "long" on pork. This Is tlio ronsou ho prefers being "short" on laborers. Tin : best way in which the friends ol Senator Van \Vyck can show themselves friendly in the coming election is by vo ting for candidates pledged to work and vote hi his interests. Exrr.nritisE sometimes runs wild , il can do n great deal , but it cannot mnkt John Matthiufcon look like Doctor Rick' otts or Doctor Hiekctts wear the appear mice of John Mattbieson. No ono but n candidate \vith thr braxen cheek of Church Howe would dare to appeal for the votes of workingmen - men with his record as the supporter ol Doss Stout and convict labor. Tin ; preferred candidate for senator ol the 1J. & Rl railroad 1ms not yet boon imblankotcd. lie will appear on tin track in duo season , when T. M. Marquette quetto is ready to take the reins. SOTATOU VAN WYCK'S challenge to his senatorial opponents to take the stumv remains still miuin\vcrc ; < l. Their anxietj to discuss the issues of tlm day with the old man is not so overpowering that thej arc unable to restrain it. ACCORDING to the report of the lecis lativo committee of the Knights of Laboi there was ono senator whoso record in congress proved him the friend and ad voento of the Interests of labor at Wash Ington. His other na mo was C. II. Van Wyck. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIK artist of the Republican gotsllchtlj mixed yesterday when ho placed Doctoi Kiokotts1 sable * countenance over a bloc ; raphy of JolmMattliieson , ami cxi > l".Tioi ! ! John's picture ns th < j counterfeit" OIK flt tlw lliOsl poplilar of our colored citi TIJIMI : , who organized t Cleveland and Hondricks club in 1881 while n member of the republican con * ral committee , was dreadfully shoekei to learn that Mr. Ilibbiird had cxprossuc dlsnppioval of Church Howe's nomina tton. It was a ftmiful blow to Mr Tlmmo's kind of stalwartism , TIIK ISr.i : denies the right of majorltle \C.totyrauni/o | over minorities. Constitu tlons iu republics are unacted to curl the license of majorities nud to plnci bounds Uoyond which they shall not go Kvou if ninu-Umtlis of the voters o Nebraska should dcclaro lor the submU Bion of a prohibition amendment the lii : would still deny that such a dcolaratioi would be binding upon tliu legislature. ONE of the strongest of the stronj jianics on the republican legislative ticket in this county is that of Georg Hoimrod. The republicans of Dougla county tnudo no mistake when the ; placed iu nomination n roprescntativi ( ifrman-Amorloan of unswerving in tofirity , largo ctinaoity and umpicstionci enurgy. Uvorgc licimrod is one of ou juoit Aiiucctsful business , men. Ho lui lived for tunny years in Omaha am * landi > illi ( : tnong her mercnantd atu # fiUrrirI ) lnU rltizfii * . Ho will bring t < fcflJtx111' ' ' 01'111'1' ' ' * clear head , wiili 6XpMi < ctiU ) in l > ukiiio * relations otul t tffit n''jn ' loriuior \ \ nitii ability whicl Will ttttiXu liiin Al indlnintil ( uioful mam Itft/t tun l"tila * county Uulugntlon , An Arbitrary The action of the republican county committvo in removing Mr. Hibbard from lliu list of legislative nominrm and rcplncmg him with another candidate of their choice , was a very arbitrary pro eocdiiiK. It was without precedent , ami clearly lx > yond the power of the cout' ' nnttpo. The republican party had matlc its choice of candidates in n regular dele' gate contention , nnd tlieso delegate ; alone hail tlie rlglit to make and unmake candidates. The committee bad nc aulhoiity wliatcvur to pass upon the lit ness of any candidate or hi5 political standing , livery candidate who holds Ins title Iroin the coir venlion is the peer of every olliev candidate. The committee is simply vested with the power to iill vacancies , not to create them. If it is conceded that the committee can take oll'iiny onu can didate and replace him with another ol their own choice , its power to substitute a now sot of candidates for the entire ticket would have to be granted. If the county committee can drop n candidate and put on another , the congressional and state committees could if they saw lit do the same thing. Charges of a very grave character afl'euting Church llowo's integrity and his republicanism have been bronchi nuil the committee could very properly invite Church Howe to explain his conduct. They might even go so far as to invite him to resign , but if he refusad to resign no oowur on earth could take him oil' . Ihe action of the committee with regard to Ilibbard hits no precedent and cannot be allowed to stand as one. H creates a new departure in politics which makes nominations by conventions use less and worthless. It coiitralixoH the power of destroying si ticket and nulli fying the will of the party as oxprcssed through the primary election in the hands of a do/en men who make up a committee quorum. In this case the injubtlco done is manifest on its face. Mr. Ilibbard was charged by certain personal enemies and defeated candidates for the legisla ture , chief among whom was Herman Titnme , with having voted for Cluvi'land and being opposed to Church llowe. Now Tmuno himself ortianixcd a Cleve land and liendricks club in Juil'er.sou preeinct while a member of the republi can county committee and he has been a member of it over since. The committee has the power to cxpei Tim mo for a broach of political trust , but it lias never even asked him to explain. Timme guts a proxy for Frank Walters from his dummy in Jofl'orson precinct , Clam Oft , and that disreputable shy.ster Walters is allowed to arraign Mr. Ilibbard before the committee , and votes to take him elf the ticket. Mr. Ilibbard in a frank and manly way stated Unit ho would support the whole county ticket on the platform on which he was nomi nated , but declined to take his coat oil for Church llowo. In this Mr. Ilibbard only stated what hundreds of republi cans on and oil'tho various county tick ets of this district tire saying , although some may bo liypociilical enough to profess that they are supporting the Nomaha fraud. Mr. Ilibbard was not present , and until he sees lit to resign from the ticket ho remains the nominee of the republican party. In the contest over his place Timme and the oilier dis gruntled conspirators were beaten , and Mr. Gilmore , against bis own protest , was elected , mainly because Union pre cinct wis : accorded the ollico. Mr. ( jil- more himself i.s an excellent man , but until Mr. Ilibbard retires voluntarily from the ticket he will not regard himself as entitled to the support of tlie paity. That Hypocritical Orilcr. It is given out by Colonel Dan Lament that the reason why the president has taken no action in the matter of federal olllcn holders who are said to have violated lated his order was that , up to the present time no specific charges had'been tiled. His only information consisted of letters from unknown persons and newspaper reports. Does the require , then , a personal acquaintance witli the writer of a letter to give him assurance of the truth of the information contained in it ? And arc newspaper statements to go for nothing with a man wlto has made it ono of the chief duties of his private secretary to keep him accurately ad vised of the contents of the public press ? Mr. Cleveland has boon too short a time in public lifo , and especially has been too recently transferred from state to national politics to have n very oxion- sivo personal acquaintance throughout the country , and the chances are that a hundred men of such prominence in state and national aflairs ns to make them honored correspondents might write to him , not ono of whom ho had over met or personally known. Tor that reason ate theirs letters and statements to bo ignored ? The press also , when it praises him , is quoted as accurately reflecting public opinion , but when it says that this and thr.t con volition has been run after the old liomocratio way by Uis newly appointed oflicials. are the statoiYlonts to bo rejected as news paper lies ? From whom does the president expect formal charges , sworn to before a notary ? From republicans ? It docs nol concern our party if democratic officials are everywhere as aotivo as they were before their appointment in caucusslng , pack ing primaries and controlling their con ventions , It concerns only their own party , and the president who , to please the mugwumps , made an order that ho does not enforce and that his puity know ho would not. Does ho expect members of his own party to tattle ? Democrats are not much given to reporting that us a sin which they have always regarded as a political virtue. . They would not toll on an otllclril boss for defeating thorn to day , because they oxpcot at sorno time to bo ofllcial bosses themselves. And it republican newspapers report the facts as current news of the day , the state ments are ignored by the president as party UPS. Republicans are interested in this mat ter only to the extent of showing how great a political fraud a man can become who attempts to mix mugwumpory w ith democracy. To conciliate the mug wumps ho announced that ho would not Comoro good men from ofllco on Bpcouut of their politics , but at the sumo time ho invented the "ollonsivo partisan" reason for making all the removals that his party demanded. When this became odious ho rtibstituted the other phrase , "pernicious activity , " and under it con tinues the removals that ha was not manly enough to make on good old dem ocratic grounds. Everybody knows that the most perni ciously active or actively pernicious dem oerats throughout the land won chosci to replace republicans , not only ns n re ward for past parly service , but tostimu late thorn to gro'ator activity in the fu lure. Kvory move that is made , over , pipe that is laid is with the direct intcn of strengthening the party hold upon th country nnd securing its continuance li power. That is legitimate onotigh if i wotc only done a In manly instead of hypocritical way. It is said in the sam dispatch to which wo refer that after all the L-lnirgos made in letters fron persons \\hom the president doesn' know , nndln newspaper report that he doesn't believe , liav been copied at the treasury tun sent to the Indiana oflicials for nnswci Collector Ktilin , of Indianapolis , bcinj especially named. Of cour o the explanation * ami flimsiest excuse \\illbcmado anil aeeop'.ed , and no re niovtils will follow. As the New Yorl H'orMsaid , if just one removal wen made for disobedience of the president' order , the people would believe he Mican what lie said , but that ono romo\al wil not bo made , and tlie people do not be licve that ho ever meant to do it. A Itotliuclltlll Doilll. The death of a Rothschild is always i notable event. It would moan nniel more than the death of any potentate it Kuropo wore it not for the fact tha the policy of the great bankinj house of the Rothschilds is more stabl than that of any dynasty. They have in liisrited no legacies of revenge , no policic of territorial aggrandi/.emonl and liav no "balauec- power" to preserve King- ) may kiss or light and it is till tin same to tlmin until their interests ar < all'ectod ; then they can make the lighter kiss. kiss.Tho The Hollu-childs have boon a wonder ful family. The founder of the house Meyer Ausolm , born in 17-I ! ) , .started a banker and broker in a small way in tin city of Frankfort , where he was born From the lirst lie was distinguished foi linancinl ability and integrity , and din ing Napoleon's possession of Germany William Landgrave , afterward olecto of Hesse , confided to Rothschild his ini moiiM ) fortune without Tin. . established the fortune of the house Dying in 1812 , Meyer left live sons , An solm , Solomon , Nathan , Charles am James , who established themselves res pcctively at Franklort , Vicuna , London Naples and Paris , and excepting that a Naples these houses still exist. Moye : Karl , the Rothschild now dead at Frank fort , was a grandson of Meyer Anselm and hoiul of the house. During the second generation the pol icy wits established of keeping the grca fortunes of the house together , and totlili end marriages outside of the family worn decided against. Since then the. ' have intermarried , in ono case tin uncli ami his niece becoming husband am , wifo. Until Lord Hosobcry married r daughter of the English house , thii practice of ii'termamasro lias been ad licretl to. The history of this family in Englam lias boon singular , as marking the abate ment of a race prejudice. An act o denixation was passed by parliament ii 1821 in favor of Nathan , equivalent tc our naturalization law , which gave Inn a legal status in England , which Jew ; did not before possess. On his death , it 1830 , his son Lionul Nathan succeodei him and was repeatedly elected to par liament , but not boiug able to take the prescribed oath , "on tlie true faith of : Christian , " ho was not admitted to hi : seat until the "act for removing the disa bilities of the Jews" was passed in 1853 Ho was thus the first of his race to sit ii the English parliament. In recent yean tlio same contest about the admission o Bradlaugh. the athcisi , has existed , atu it was only settled by quietly dropping it and allowing Hradlaugh to take tin oath and his scat in the present parlia motir. 15ut notwithstanding the great financia power of thollothschild's and othorJowisI bankers in Europe.thorace isyctofliciall : proscribed in hovoral continental conn tries , notably in Austria , which refused t < receive our Koiloy because lie had i Jewess for a wife. This shows how in votoroto n race prejudice can become The Rothschilds have always been distin guished , as individuals , for modesty o deportment and for nriosteiitatioui charity ; as business men , for sagacity and integrity. They have not alone booi bankers , but they have mined gold it Russia , salt iu Siberia , silver in Contra America , and have been and are cngagct in other vast commercial enterprise1 with which tlio floating of national loam has no direct connection. Their rule of business is to requin strict obedience to the letter of instruo tions , nnd always to reward success. Ai instance is in point. An old and failhfu. agent in the East h d specific instruction tO do ft certain thing. A change in tin situation which could not bo then , anew now , instantly communicated by cable made it in his judgment unwise to follov ills Instructions , and ho pursuei a different course , of which In advised tlio house. Ily return niai ho was reprimanded and dismissed Time prove the correctness of the agont'i judgment and brought largo gains in stead of loss to the house , whereupon hi was as promptly restored and rowardei for his success as ho had been iumisho < for his disobodionca. Some of the finest estates and castle : in Europe are owned in the family , ye the dingy old ofllcc in Fruukforl and tin early homo of the family are rotainci almost unchanged. They do not forgo their humble origin or modest begin ulngs. Indeed , these who bccomo really great , financially or otherwise , soldon do. The poor boy who becomes u millionaire lionairo , a governor , senator or prcsl dent often spooks freely of his humbli beginning if ho does not retain souvenir of it. It is the man who is rising or striv ing to rise that socks to conceal the earl ; days or hard conditions of his life. Who ! ho has reached the biiminit ho oftoi points with prldo to whence ho started as a proof of his ability. As wo said , there will bo no change it the Rothschild a flairs , All are trained t < business us the Asters of this country are and there is always an equally shrowi zucccssor ready to take up the work o him who is claimed by death , So far ai appears the house niay thus stand for i thousand years , Tni' Noraaha fraud capped his record ai the republican state convention by voting against the resolution repealing the rail road commission and by casting his bal lot in favor of submitting the prohibitory amendment. By recording hinwll against railroad regulation and in favot of no license C'hureji Jlowo drove lw more of the many nails which will fallen down his political coilln at the Novembet election. The farniers-of tlm First dis trict wlio have MiftVrcd under the opera tion * of the bogut railroad commission will note with Indignation that the rail road lobbyist fiom Notnaha county sit * tains his reputation ns a pliant and will ing tool of the confederated monopolies Tlio advocates of high , license and the opponent * of sumptuary legislation \\ill rebuke the prohibitionist for revenue only by snowing him under a mountain of votes by the ti'nc ' the polk close on election tiny. Tin : railroad companies have found from sad experience that there is much dill'urenee In the quality of steel rails. The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy Kail- road company wants to buy 20,000 ton for 1887 , hut It wants the rails made ol material in which there is CO per cent ol charcoal Iron , and in addition it wants a live-year guarantee of the wearing qual ity , and it wants to decide for itself whether the rails fullill the conditions re quired. The l.ito Air. Vumiorbilt bought EnglUh rails and paid tlie tar ill'on them , because they would outwear these of American make. Tlie steel mills in this country are turning out a bolter quality of tails in consequence of larger experi ence. They find that they must have proper ores , and tlie eastern mills are using largo quantities of foreign ores in making their Bessemer pig. Now that Harnoy street is being put to its limit gr.ido we hope that will be no personal favoritism shown to any prowerty owner. Tlm street should bo put to grade from lot line to lino. All obstructions on the sidewalk should be removed. It Is an imposition upon the property owners who pay for their share of the improvement to have the street blocked by largo trees in the middle of the sidewalk and to bo compelled to climb up and down tlie sidewalk because the board of public works \yinks at ob structions left in the street by influen tial parties. IT is rumored that Mr. Donovan has withdrawn from the democratic ticket. Michael Donovan was one of the very best names on the tiokot , a sterling citi- /.on , an honest ami honorable man , an enthusiastic supporter of Ireland and Irish rights and a strong candidate among all classes , lie was hardly up to L'at Ford's standard , liowqver , and has lost nothing by retiring from an unequal contest. Coi.oxii. : Swirx.i.r.u , of the bureau of statistics , left Washington yesterday for Omaha. His son , Colonel Swit/.ler of Omaha , can furnish Aim swiio interesting statistics of tlie poor prospects of the Douglas county ticket. r Tun "cold wave" 'Hag hit the proper prediction on Friday' hutch to tlio sur prise of all concerned. Many of the pre dictions of General I : i7.un's bureau pro- diet several hours after tie | country has experienced. Cinmcii HoWi : is putting in his time Jrying to explain h'is record. Like the blood stain on Mticbollt'H hand , the "damned spot" will not out at his bid ding. _ Tonnossno Politico. Huston I'uft. The pieat caniimlcn Issues in Tennessee seem to bo very small Indeed , only the differ ence between lldille-ike-dco anil lidcllu-due- duiii. It Old Him Good. The Judge. Somebody Is alarmed because the president is gaining in lies ! ) . Oh. lie can stand it. Ho Kainc'l ' about 140 pounds In one day a few weeks ago , and It never hint him a bit. A ( Donl of Ice. Chicago Tribune. DCS Molncs , la. , N threatened with nn Ice famine. Dni ists are put to much incon venience In procuring enough to carry on their business. It reqnlies a preat deal of ieo to supply an Iowa druggist this year. Should Htwc Itccu Transported in Sections. Clilmuo Trtlmnr. ( lonctal Miles' argument that the removal of. ( luronlino fiom Arizona was a severe enough punishment i.s all light , FO far as It cocs. What the American people object to Is the slmnltuiiconsnoss of tlio removal. Ho should have taken him to Florida In sections. Tlioy Unmonibor Thnlr Friends. Mncritn Democrat. It would perhaps bo well unough for the worklncmen of tlio First district to romoni- ber at this juncture that John A. McSliano , when a member of the k'Klslaturo , onilcftV- ored toliavoongiafted unonthebl'l ' proviil- iiur fcrthocomplnilon Oi the capital n pro vision that no convict labor should be cm- ployed In the work. 'Iho worklngimm will remember his friends , or The Dcmociat shares with many other bettet and wiser people In a most egregious misunderstanding of his temper and Intentions. On the Homo Run. iu ; ; . CMC. i. I'nt away tlio Inllllnnt stockings That our bran nine , nsud to wear ; They are busted amUllsbpmletl , Mark , 1 mean tlio ijlayiira tlicto. II. - ; ' Sadly fold tlio slcybhta lii'eechcs , Hang the rainbow capliway , All so stained \vltlr LfloovJJof umpire ? , IJluu crass and et cetera. iif < j Bat and ball give to the city , Them It backed ln vcrytlilng ; Send the darlings to their parents , They must back tljimjiow till spring , Work on tha now UiriojAPacido branch the Union 1'acilio & Western Colorado has been imuiguratb U wjlli a rush , and the rush will shortly bo increased to a rusher. Brown & Co. , tlio Chpye.nno & Northern con tractors , have had for the past week graders at work on the now Jino. The force has boon daily increased until 500 men are now making the dirt Ily. The contractors have orders from the Union Pacilio management to have 1,000 menat , work as soon as they can got thorn thoro. The road is making straight for North Park , and will bo there by the tirst of January , 1837 , if energy and capital can accomplish that result. The grading will bo rough work in a great many planes and mi morons tunnels will have to bo out. All of this HCtiyitv pu the pun of the Union Pucllio H caused MV the recent purchase of the Colorado AiicSiftud by the B. & M. William J. Magiunis , of Ohio , lias boon appointed o.hiof justice of the supreme court of this territory. Keep It Itc'fnrc ItepuhlU'ntis. The republicans of the Fir-d dlMrii should ask tlu < m ehr.s whether * a mm liiuiitjMitcli n record as that of Churel Mown hm any rightful claim upon the support ot nny decent republican l.oav' ' ing out of question his corrupt method- and notorious venality we appeal tore- - publicans to | mu c and reflect boforc they put a pieinipm upon parly iron son nnd conspiracy against its very exist dice. Ton years ago , when the republican party was on the verge of disaster , ami every electoral volt * cast for Hayes nml Wheeler was needed to retain the parti In power , Church llowu entered Ink a conspiracy to deliver republican Nebraska Into the hands of the enemy. This infamous plot is not a mere coujoc' turo. The proof of It dee not rest on siirmKu or suspicion. It is not to be pooh-poohed or brushed nway by pro nouncing it one of Hosowater's malicious campaign slanders. Thj records of tlio legislature of which Church Howe wa a member In ' 70-77 , contain the indelible proofs of the treasonable enable conspiracy , and no denial can stand against evidence furnished by his own pen. Briefly told , the history of this plan to hand over the country to Tilden and democracy is as follows : In 187(1 ( Nebraska oleeted Silas A. Strickland , Amasa Cobb and A. H. Connor presidential electors by a vote of ill.liltl as again-tl a vote of KV.Kil cast for ho Ti Idtm and liendricks electors. After the election it was discovered that the canvass of this vote could not take place under the then existing law before tlie legislature convened. Tlie electoral vote hail to bo canvassed in December at the latest , and the regular ses sion of the legislature did not boirln until January. [ u order to make a legal canvass of the electoral returns , Governor Garbcr called a special session of the legislature to convene on UicIHIiof December , ' 70 , at Lincoln , tor the purpose - pose of canvassing the electoral vote of the state. Tlio democratic effort to cap ture republican electoral votes is historic. Tildeif s friends , notably Dr. Miller , had boon plotting for the capture of nno of the electors from Nebraska , and it is also historic that a largo bribe was offered to one of tlio electors , General Strickland. The call of tlio legislature broke into the plan of the plotters , and they found a will ing and reckless tool in Church Howe. When thn legislature convened at the capi- tal.Church llowo Illed a protest whioli maybe bo found on pages 0 , 7 and 8 of tlio Ne braska House Journal of 1877. The fol- lowiugcKtract makes interesting reading : " 1 , Church llowo , a member of the legisla ture of Nebraska , now convened by procla mation of his excellency , Governor Silas liarbcr , for tlio pmposo of canvassing nnd duclatinij the result of the vote cast in Ne braska for elector.- , for president and vice president of the United States , hereby enter my solemn protest against such act , donylm ; tlmt the governor has power to call tins body in special session lor any snHi piiipose , or that this body lias any authority to canvasser or declare the result ot such vote upon the foliowim ; grounds : 1'lrst. This loalslatnro now convened hav ing been elected under what is known as the old constitution , has no power to act In the premises , the now constitution of the state bavins been in toieo slnco November , 1875. " The second and third clauses deal with technical objections and arc somewhat Lmgtliy. The concluding sentences of this precious document are as follows : "For the foregoing reasons I protest against any canvass of tlio electoral vote of the state by- his body , and demand that this , my protest , bo entered upon the journal. " ( Signed ) Church Howe , member of the legislature of Nebraska. The democrats did not respond to the call of the governor and there was barely a quorum in the senate , while there wore several to spare in the honso of which Howe was a member. The protest en tered by llowo was doubtless prepared by the Tilden lawyers in Omaha and llowe had the glory of being the sole champion of Sam Tilden. The legisla ture ignored Church llowo , spread his protest on its record and canvassed the electoral vote in spite of it. When the legislature convened in Jan uary , 1877 , tlio presidential contest was at HP height in Washington. Church Howe had changed places from the honso to the sonata. Early in the session , a resolution was introduced expressing tlio conviction on the part of "the senates that Hayes and Wheeler having received a majority of the electoral votes were entitled - titled to their seats. This resolution gave rise to a very lively debate which lasted two days. Church Howe asked to bo excused from voting when it lirst came up and was so excused. On tlio final passage of the resolution the record [ page ! 570 , Senate Journal 1877.J shows the following results Yeas Ambrose , Balrd , Blanohard , Bryant , Calkins , Cams. Chapman. Gc'iby , Dawes , Gar- flold , Uilhtun , Hayes , Kennard , Knapp , Popoon , Powers , Thummel , Van Wyck , Walton and Wilt-ox 20. Those voting in the negative were ; A'ton , Brown , Covcll , Ferguson , Hinmnn , Holt , Church llowo and North 8. During the same session of the legisla ture , Church llowo's vote on United States senator for the first three ballots ii recorded ns haying boon cast for E. W. Thomas , a South Carolina democrat , [ pages l'J3 and 208 Senate. Journal. ] All tills time Church llowo professed to bo a republican independent , republican on nation al issues and a temperance granger on local issues. Wo simply ask \vhnt right a man with such a record has to the support of any republican. STATE AXI ) TKItlUTOIiY. N'obniHka .IdttlnjjH , A $2,000 Catholic church is being built at Coleridge. Scliuylcr Ifl looking for the B.&M. from Ashland. The Cnito Miionncrchor sent $ GO to the Charleston sulforers. Theodore Wagner tumbled off a wagon load of lumber near Grand Island and ilicd. ilicd.Tho The now Methodist church at Colum bus , which cost $1,000. was dedicated no the 10th. Twenty thousand bushels of corn will bo shipped from Gretna , Sarpy county , is soon as the Asliland cut-oil' is com pleted. The Norfolk Journal has altered its ihapp , and now presents the rounded ap- l > i-aranco pf a well-fed and prosperous ildermau. Hell is the suggestive name of a new : own on the Northwestern extension of . .10 B , & M. The lirst train to town was warmly welcomed , Columbus expects to have her water- ivorks in operation before winter , settles town to business. The pipes are going lown lively and the sUndpipo U climbing leavonwnrd. Two York youths went out to hunt irith a loadea slioigjin , A few hours after ( > no of them , Peterson by name , r turned home with largo slice of Ii : shoulder shot awav. B. G. Holt , of Creightou , attempted I shoot the rheumatism out of his systen but only succeeded In making a palnfi hole near his heart. He lives. The N'ellgh council has fnrnNiod tl saloonkeepers and druggists there with INt of habitual drunkards , and warue them not to ell them liquor under pel ally of having their licenses revoked. Tlie B. A : M. propose to turn the chat ; nel of the Mi oiiri river at the month t the 1'lalle and shape its eourso to tli blidge. If Mircessful it \\ill glVO til company a much needed addition to tli yard facilities in I'lattsmouth. The Me'hoili < t church of Nehra ka hn appointed a committee of twcntv t ' locate the M. 1 ] , Slate university. 'It i probable that cither Central Ciiy , Vor or \Ylllow-the places where tli three church academics are located wil be selected , A corps of railway surveyors , prc siimablv working for the Chicago , St Pal , Minneapolis ft Omaha company has been running n line through \ alle. county during the past few days , fret the we > l part of the county Ihrough On and northeast up Klin creel ; valley. A surveying corps of the F. H. & M. V nre now at work running n line south west in the direction of Hastings am York. The survey starts from the end o the new bridge across the Platte and lol lows tlm river on the south side pas North Bond , Scliuyler and Columbus. Mrs. John Collins , wife of itpectioi hand on the Kock Island road at Alc\an dria. Iliuv into a passion because her bus liana bought her pegged instead o sowed shoes , swallowed a handful of rn poison and pegged out before a stomael pump could he obtained. Her tende sole no longer aches and her tongue i .silent. She was thirty-two ycais ot ago and leaves four children. 'Iho aticient mound builders ha\o lof footprints in the Kkhorii valley. / curiously formed mound has been di.s covered in the bottoms a few miles soutl of Norfolk. It is hollow in tlio center tlio outer edge being nearly twenty feel high sit the highest point. It stands on on the level plain isolated and far re moved from the hills. The interior i < about sixty feet across. The outer wall- or ramparts are co\orcd in some place : with bushes and small trees. Stanton county is greatly excited ovci the mysterious disappearance of Mrs Prvor. She loft her liomo in Stanton driving a spirited team of horses. On Saturday the bugiry was found over turned on the shore of the Klkhorn , tin team having plunged over the bank , : distance ot fifteen feet. The team was found two miles down the. stream on the opposite side. The river has been dragged for two miles , and up to this hour no trace of tiio remains lias been found. St. Kdw.irdsBoonc | county.has a severe attack of snakes. Five reputable and voracious citi/.ens , while fishing in the Crouehe milldaiu , found the "serpent. ' ' It was not ono of your common ylgglcrs. but "a monster of mighty , mien and thrilling proportions. " At lirst the crowd was too diimfounded to move , but when with an car piercing hiss il charged on them and raised from its sides t'wo arms or feelers , about ten feet long , they all ran to the high ground near the mill race. T'wo of the party took a largo O.\i ( piece of tim ber that was lying near by and with a run threw it right on the head of the monster , the scone that followed beggars description ; witlt n terrific roar , it raised its head fully twenty feet out of the water , and apparently went over back wards , fallowing a body as big as a barrel , As it turned and went down stream , it could bo plainly seen that it was at least seventy-five feet long. It's back ap peared to bo covered with blttoish irrav scales , nearly round , and about tlio si/u of sauce dishes , and the iiudor side seemed to bo about the color of sole leather , but whether scaly or not , could not bo determined. Tlio animal escaped. Iowa Items. Work on the new high bridge at Du- btiquo is rapidly progressing. Gold has lately been discovered in pay ing quantities in tlio northeast part of Pocahontas county. The foundation for the now govern ment building at Dos Moines is rapidly ucaritiir completion. The order of Knights of Pythias has a membership of 0,25 ! ) in Iowa , of which 1,001 were initiated llio past year. An insurance company has boon or- animl in DCS Moines under tlio auspices of the Knights of Labor , and called the K. of L. Mutual and Co-operative Fire Insurance company. Mrs. Eliza Stnrbuck , of Glnnwood , was the unfortunate victim of u lamp explo sion Monday night. Her injuries are I'crysoMm ) and painful , but it is thought Lhat they arc not fatal. A young man by the name of Mike Conowiiy , living near Aplington , while issisting to thresh on his farm one day last week , became overheated. While yut very warm ho washed his lace in coltl water , when ho immediately became violently insane and almost unmanage able ) . Prophet Foster , of Burlington , congrat ulates himself that tlio predicted gulf storm arrived on schedule lime. Ho pro- licts that on or about the 20th another > ot of storms will run across the conti nent and pay their respects to Iowa and [ liiuoi.s. Th cso storms will bo very heavy ind destructive , and will reach this meridian close to the 21st and 27tli , DnUotn. Dakota's wheat crop amounts to 18,000,000 bushels tills yoar. A fair quality of coal was struck at Jamestown while drilling for an artesian well. There are eighteen residences in course af construction at Grand ForKS , costing troni $1,000 to $2,000 each. Enterprising baking powder men can scoop in a fortune by working the gypsum - sum beds near Itapid City , The average yield of.vlieat per acre in Union cotP'i ' ; will bo twenty-live bushels , and oats fifty bushels per aero , riio entire yield of grain i.s the heaviest : md best in HID history of the county. Dairymen in the Missouri riyor region stale tha * . since tlio lias stopped the young grass trom growing , and cows liavo only the dry Buffalo nnd other grasses to cat , the quality of milk lias greatly increased , with a much larger yield of cream. Wyoming. A Masonic hall is to bo built at Lusk. A meeting of the Union Pacilio om liloyes was held in Kawlins on Friday ifternoon , at which dissatisfaction was j.xpressed with the proposed changes of .he hospital service , and the matter was .nnied ever to the societies composed of 'ailroad men , to sue that their interests irore protected ; that they should not bo ; ompullcd to contribute to a hospital ser vice from which they could receive no > enelil , and that the company should not jo allowed to clear $75 per mouth from ho hospital duus of the employes of that listriet , as it was represented to bo doing low. low.Tho The Sun nays the Union Pacilio Rail- oad company contemplates the erection n Cheyenne , at an early period , of a milding to bo used for the advantage mil accommodation of their employes m : arioiis ways. The utructuvo will include i library and reading rooms , and an ovo- ilng school for ( ho teaching of uiechuu- cal drafting to any employe wlto may lesiro to so improve himself. The loea- ion will bo south of the railroad track , > otwcun Eddy ami I'crgtuou utreeU. FASHION FREAKS OF FAIL The Varied Styles of Headgear to tlio Tastes of the MANNISH STYLES IN CHESS , Unstlei , Mendsnml Manes StriSiluj ; Colors In Trimmings House hold Notcfl nml Oilier Items , New York In slilon < . Jx'uv YoiiK , Oct. ll. ! ICorroRpomlciNM of the BIK : 1 Take the average capote , and you have an extraordinarily com pressed nu'air gotten npevhlontly to show how little breadth there can bo to : i thing nnd thing bo yet a bonnet. As an addenda upon the narrow top , imag ine a still narrower and hltrli rising tuft of trimming , and a largo quota of fa. ii- ionablo millinery rises before your vision. One can Imagine also , how little of b > - comingness there is likely to bo in such highly condensed specimens of ait and while chubby faces have certainly the worst of il , yet the contour of a physiog nomy lacking breadth , but surmounted by an arrangement which adds perpendic ular lines where horizontal curves tire ro- cpiiMto , isscarco more attractive than the face of an apple cheeked damsel sot olV by ornamentations grotesquely unsuita ble. Thus nobody will bo stilted or rather perhaps scarce anybody ami many who are young onotigh will take refuge in hats which are in unusual variety ami shape for the winter season. But whllo in bonnet * there are lead ing characteristics , such ns notable narrowness and increased length at the back yet there is irreat variety as to smaller linNlmijrs. Some have fanciful scalloped edges set round with beads ; others show three wide scallops ever the. forehead , filled in with trimming , etc. , while modes and materials for garniture and making open up a very world and oiler afield of endless .speculation as to tlio many ways in which the same tlijug can be donoj that supreme thing being a high tufted effect whether brought about by ribbons , ( velvet or gros grain with fancy edge ) velvet or plush on the bins. Assemblages of colors are as no ticeable nn the different fancy feathers that chieily give completion. To the warlike appearance consequent on high plumage is added perhaps the tailor suit dcnircd especially for MAN.MMIXK5S. So much so Indeed that regular tailors are employed to tlnisli with braid , the coats , lapels , pockets and collars that are particularly esteemed because mas culine hands have cut them. Continue out this train ot thongnt by the vest , choking neckband , duda collar of linen and tie. to say nothing of suits bespread by military irimps and cords sot on in soldier-like style , and your modern belle presents a figure where womanly graces are purposely and much to her satisfac tion counted out. Tlie bustle oxeoptod. That lives and llonrishos. and though strictly speaking , not indeed a "womanly grace/ ' yet certainly an appendage pre-eminently and prominently important in womanly attire. A irreat deal ot thought is given to it. Dillerent costumes require , of t-ourso , dill'eront bustles ; they clog the fashionable wom an's putting awav receptacles , keep ono turning around perpetually before full length mirrors to see if they lit , and bring about a consumption of plus to fasten - ton thorn in place. The pins tear liolis in delicate underwear , but Iho CUIIHO of all this .uid a great deal moro mischief is still cherished with pride. For costumes in general long draperies continue tlio 1 rule ; basques very short at tlie sides , pointed in front and usually from com pliment to tlio bustle , with postillion back ; collars high and sleeves with plain dresses always plain. For evening there arc , of course , many bounti ful elaborations , l ow nook dresses with very short sleeves , or really none , are still worn , but the square cut or pointed are too essential to become un fashionable. Trains are full and long , with rounded corners in Martha Wash ington style , but as hitherto are optional and relegated chhiolly to matrons. Peasant - ant waists are a pretty fashion , a service able ono , and will bo yorv popular. TitiMMims. If bustles arc dear , so likcwisa are beads. The average "woman dotes on them and covers herself with them. She buys ready made or makes fpr herself , plastrons , collars , cuffs , independent ormimentK .set hither ami thither , entire. fronts and side panels. Fringes made of thorn are headed by chenille galoous and velvet bands whereon glitter curi ously constructed bead finishings , while buttons arc made often as closely as possible to lusomblo beads , both by the gliltor of the jet , the milder clew of highly polished wood , or whom the crochet button i.s bestrewn by jot scintillations. The rage for vests nas brought small buttons to Iho front In moro senses than ono , some bolng buttoned on both sides with corresponding ornamenta tion on slcove.s. poekets and pos tillion backs. The mammoth buttons of last year nro decidedly of last year at least so far as drci-sus go. Tifis is suf ficient condemnation but they never were peed style , and thus their pxodus has boon hastened nnd their relegation to obscurity will be the moro complete. All buttons however arc not small and deal- on * show three sizes , ono quite smnll for waists , next for jackets and largest for skirts. Military cords and gimps as savoring of Iho masculine are in high vogue and in warlike looking braids set in intricate patterns , the largest designs are almost n foot in breadth and com posed of nearly inch wide braid. Pause- monterios are stylish and Dig niost elegant show imitation i w'ols while irndoscont cords Jorm fiosigns that sup port fringes and tapsel.s roilocling nil llgnts. Showy bands half n foot In width are made of fine steel cord in fancy patterns sot oil' by variously shaped spangles of the same metal. Other strik ing passementeries are of irridescont ( called Iriso this season ) metal gimps on cashmere colored groundwork , where parti colored beads and Jewelled drops are in those cascade styles thought so . effective in all handsome trimmings of thin wpceial description. iiousiiioi.i : > NOTKS. Now luiieli cloths range in price from $7 to $ < M ) . The most expensive- have rows of hemstitching douo upon plain white linen , with lace border , lace trimmed nnd hemstitched napkins to match. . Quito handsome cloths are of colored damask in dolical'i shaded of pinlc , bltto , yellow or novel combinations of yellow and pir.k. Fringed harder and napkins corresponding. Intelligent thinkers are becoming opposed to a mixed dl t on the ocean , as inducing sea sickness , and turn minor to some light , nourishing article such as coreulino , which , morn- ever , is very pleasing to the taste , is quickly cooked and can bo served in a remarkable variety of ways for porridge , pudding , cto , Chocolates rVi ! ' 'I1,1" ' ! ! ' * ur9 tletl "I * in Packages like ittlo billets of wood and on narrow rib bon all sorts of devices appear. Chiefly insects , but there are lishes , banjos , packs of cards and ono Knows not what. Mottoes nro also very fanciful in doll shape , as paper soldiers , trimmed with artificial flowers , oto. Some chocolates nro in circular boxes tor ladies and cigar- nttc * in casoi are for gentlemen. Now parlor scarfs are of thin India bilk a yard and a half long by a yard in width. ' 'W8. ' ? ' "owers are painted on thorn nud ball fringe edges the lower side ,