Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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aey ra * 8 * | ig * ' * > * * * g ' fc jujeja HMKe ? * " j < 'fcjt " * a - - -
M.VAM \U 1
Nrw Y irk. Ort. 1 , , 3l4ivfV ' ) n ca'l.
qnleUT nt Mgfi ] * t cent , cl r lnz t 5 KT
cent * Ve 1 ,
PHIMI : M tncAnt.K PAPKR K * . ' . < n
Metdv ;
fortify dn > bilh ; W H for rf ra ! rf1.
tiprniiSMfcNTS Uonrnmtnt bomU were
d all Htitl flrui.
SiotKThe ! ook market openetl cetj-
ereUy tmn lit from ' -'u' . jtprwnt ulim-p
th cknini : flcuri'snl U < \enliir. . Tlicre
, much Irrt-cnlmlty and fcvPtlMin o In
iiljtrartlnir. . which , Ifonvex-er. soon rtlsuji-
itffiied and ttvetnnki't inortil up In unKiti.
TnerHlnswere eenemlly lr t by noon , after
which tticiu was lr s ImMncs-s and alternate
* i1v\nwsnnd ! declines until tlicclov , which
was nrm .
STOCKS ON V.-M.I. srnp.nT.
cent bowls. . IOT * ' C. & N. W
U.Js.4)i's . Ill' nn-rt-noil. Hl ,
NewVo . n * V.Y. U
Paelfk ' of . l i jOiwon Trnn. . . .
Central Pacitic. . Pacmc Mail .
G.VA . H3 'P. ' I ) . .V K .
iinirrreG. . . . 1TO 'P. ' P. C .
C. H.AO . liW Unck Island . 135
U. U.VW . 14i ! ' < fct. L. AS. P. . . . S5H'
I ) . Alt 0 . W'4 iitercrn-d. . . Oil' ' ; ,
Eiie. . . as jC. , M. ASI. P. . . iH 4-
Vrc erred . . . . ' ' jupferrcd . . . 121
Illinois Ontral. ! ! < St. P. AO . 50
I. , It. AV ptefcired. . .
LnVf Shore . W-V , t ; nion P.icllic. . . 01 * 4
K A .V . .Vt'4V. ' . , hi. 1 * A P. . lf S
MIcli. Ci-ntral. . . ' I inefvrted . .
Mo , Pwlrlc . ! lf > \\Vst4-in Union. " > {
Northern P.ic. . . 2sv < O. . 1U A N . . . UC
Chlcnco , Oct. Ifi. Flour UnchaiiErsI ;
winter uhortt tlc.tir , S4.UVIi4.10onth ; -
em. WOW 00 : WlsconMn , S4.00. . , *
4.10 ; Mlchliran oft sprlnc whi-nt , S3..Vf ) < $
4.1(1 ; Mmnc-sotn bakur * . ? : i..virt4.10 : patents
fjnitt at * 3.ij i3.&b in bariel * . and ; 3.Xjj ( )
Wheat Dull nnd lic.i\ier. closlnc * t'c
under > iistt-nla > : cn&h. Tl' ' 4NoPinl ; > i-r.
TJKc ; Di-ceinber , 74 > , c ; May. vJV"lr.
Corn Wak : rlo ln ' 4c under ji'-ti-ntay ;
" . .
DeceinlH-r , : x-a : > ' . -itc ; Mr.\.4 ? jp.
Oats Quiet ; ca li , 2tVc : Nmeinbcr , ii
May , -0 , c.
Itye-St4'adv at 4 c
iSarley Dull nnd lie-ivy at K c.
Timothj M-eil rrlme. Sl.filifl.Cj. :
Klax-hecd IN1
Whisky SI.1S
Pork Stionsi-reash : , O.Ulf3n.l5 OrioU'r.
50.10@i.loJi ! : Kovcinber , SlUft : anuaiy ,
ilO.r."virUi.O.V. ( (
I.snl Quirt " lint . Mrady : rash ,
Itutter Kiis ) ; c-reainrry , ' . " > < 330c : dairy ,
14dl7c ; ] i.icknt : stuck , .i/.s c-
Cliees-e Sti-ailv ; choice , liill-crtani cl-cd-
dars , llWl'Jctlits. ; : lldjll 'c : young Americas.
ll ! c ; skims , 2 ( < i7c.
Kciss-lT 'c.
UiUrs lhairrecn ' salted , fully cured ,
IJfc : llirln. do's e ; Lull hides ; r.Jse ; dry. 'A : ;
f-alteil Ilai2c. (
Tallow No. 1 country , 3)-au ) , , ( rc ; Xo , 0.
3c : cake , S'fc.
Keccim .
Flour , bbls . im.000
Whent-bu . ,000 75.0JO
Corn. DU . 221.0CIO
Ontsbu . moOO 14bl'00 '
Hye , on . 'JOJO , 7,000
Itsrlev.oa . Oo.K ( > 0 STi.O"K )
Now York. Oct. 1 . Wliiat Uecciiits ,
4fJOCiu ! ; exports .000 ; spot I4 < al c and op
tions ? , ( \c lo cr , closing steady at Hfi' c
HlKjve iKittoin rntes ; nncrailed red , 7T@sTx ; ;
No. 3 red , M'it No. 2 u-d , S'Hc In ek-vator ,
We atioaf. M'ivrfSlc f. o. b. : No. 1 red , b7c ;
No. 2 red , ( Ji-toU-r. clo ed at Kt c.
Corn Spot lots steady , but only modera
te elv actlMojitions \a ( < c lo\\tr. closins :
steady \\ltli a n.-iction : of ' , "j'4c ; ieeiits ] ) ,
lOs.OOO ; expiuts. 7.000 ; unirraded , I4i ( < -J'itsc :
No. 3. 43' 'u.4n54c : No. 2 , 44 4c In elevator.
4.1 4 3Kc ; No. 2 , Octn ! T , closed nt
4lic }
Uati A shade better nnd moderately ac
tive ; receipts 74,00. ) ; exixnts 1,000 ; mixed
\\pstein , : ; t'u3fvhit ! vre.stern. % ; 40c.
Petroleum Stead j ; Uniti-d. CTc. .
HCKS In fair demand and steadv.
1'ork Firm and moderatUely active.
J.ard A trifle hltlier , but less active : vest-
cm steam , spot , (1.10. (
Uuttcr Dull and unchanged.
Cheese Quiet , but Meidy. ;
Cincinnati. Oct. Iti. Finn ; No.
2 , red , 7C ( 7GUc.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 37J < fc.
Oats .Stesay ; No. 2 , mixed , 27 } c.
lte In full' demand ; No. 2 , .VJJ.JC.
Pork In fair d"inand : extra heavy , SU.75.
I.nrd-l.ittle ofterlnir ; S5.S7 .
Whisky 81. IX
Mllwntikoe. Oct. Ifj. Wheat Weak ;
wish , VlSj'c ; November , 71J4'c ; December ,
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , 84' < n.
Oats Inactive : No. 2 , 24 > < c.
Uye- Steady ; No. 1 , Sic.
llarley llU'lier ; Jo. 2 , 65 > 4r.
Provisions lliirlier.
Pork-October. S9.a > ; Noveuibcr , S0.10.
MliinenpollH. Oct. la Wheat Entirely
nomlnnl ; nothing done on 'chance because
ot tlio difficulty in cutting grain handled by
the railroads.
Jtccclpts Wheat , 19,000 bn.
Jshliiments Wheat , 0.000 bu. ; floar , 7.MO
bbl s.
s.St. . 1-iouK Oct. 16. Wheat "Weak and
% ( ac lower ; No 2 mixed , i n. 73J4c ; No
vember. 74 c ; December , 75 % ; ilay , & 4 4'6 ?
Corn Heavy ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash.3s e :
November , : i4c ; December , 34c : May ,
Kasy : No. 2 mixed , casli or Novem
ber. 20c : December , 2CKc bid ; Slay , SO'fc.
Whlsk > 51.13.
Pork S.87v. : !
lintterQuiet niidwcal : ; creamery , 24@2f3c.
litvcrpool. Oct. 1C. Wheat Holders
otfcr moderately ; No. 2 inter , steady at
Cs OKd ; new No. 2 tprlnc , steady nt Os Si.
Kfotir Holders offer freely : dull at bs Id.
Corn Supply good ; spot. October , f-teady
nt - ) ! < ! i } < d ; Notmbcr and December , steady
J8 3d.
Tolcilo , Oct. 10. Wheat Opened steady
and close < l easier ; cash or October , 'Cj c.
Corn Dull ; CARI ! , Stc.
Oats NeslecteiL
New Orleans. Oct. 10. Corn Qnlct and
> veak ; mixed. .
Oats Steady at & .
HOR Pioducts Kumer.
rork-S > 'J.M.
I ird-llelincd tierce , Sfl.23.
IJulk Meats Sliouldcrs. 53.37 > tf ; Jens
clear i\nd clear ribs , g6.rr'f. !
Clilcnuo , Oct. 10. The Drover's Journal
lollows ;
Cnttle Itccelpts , 1.100 ; steady ; shlpninc
ii-i-x , V3.506 5.i5 : stockers and feeders. Ji'JO
Crf SO" : cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.WKiyi.00 ;
bulk , Vi2X'V-.75 ; throijBh Texas cattle , lOc
, .
ranteis. steady : natlxps nnd hall-
hreed * . . S.S.OOQ4.00 : rows , 3'iSXSiCO ; win
tered Texans , $2Oirti.'iQ. ( (
JIozE-Keculpts , 8,000 ; strone and lOo
hither ; roncli and nil\e < l , SAfiS .SO : itack-
hie and bhpplinrt | 54.2 4.55 ; light ,
. . .
Khccp-lteetluts 1,000 ; strong for good ;
nathes , 2.2ia4.00 ( ; western. $3.40 3.00 ;
Texans. 82.233.00 ; lambs. S3.7.'X4.75.
Bt , Loula. Oct. 10. Cattle Kecclpts ,
none ; tOilnments. none ; fair to medium
hlppers , $3.754.20 ( : butchers' steers , com
mon to eholeo , fa.CKK.H.l& : fewlinj ; btockers.
fi.7ftS8.70 ; Teinns nnd Indian steers , com
mon to choice. Sioowaew.
JloirsHecelpts , 1,000 ; Milpmcnts , none ;
ehoe ! hesw and hutchert. ' selections S4. xa
"M : nackVm. fBlrtobe tS4.loa < .av York
er ? , fair to choice. SWtf'.SO ' ; jiitjs , common
10 lltKHl , 3,1034.00.
Unniius City. Oct. 10. Cattlo-RncelptS ,
1,000 ; ghimuents , none ; dull ; good to. choice ,
f4.XK ( < s4.M ) : cununou to medium , S3.'JO(33.iO ( ( ;
BtorUurb. Si'iVa-i'S ; feeding Bteers , S'irO ( < <
aw ; co s , 51.60 2.CO : grais range steers ,
H 02 * Hecelpts , 10.000 ; thlpments none ;
wpak nnd 5glOc lower ; Kiwd to choice , 54.20
SI.40 ; common UMiiedlum , S3.7S&4.10.
Satnnlny Evening , Oct. 16.
Cntll Values remain unchanged. A few
feodoisrhanged hands , and a few head of
butchers' ( .took ; sdo | Iroiu that them was
\rry Httltt duiiu on the market.
ifitcs The receipts were more llberol to
day , nnd the market declined from l&c to 25c.
llifrc weru a few loaiU lelt o\er.
siiwip Nothing dome on trie market
Cattle . . . Tfrj
I'rcvaUini ; I'rlcca.
tlidprnvallitiK prices paid for live
Mock on tuts market.
Choice otcors , ISWto IWDlts. , . g4.21Qi.CO
ST < li/ito i nMi * . . , lflj4.1.1
> < .
I'alrto ' STAMCOWS iO ) a i.31
( , fro < l to ohwco DQlta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l..Vi"ti.75
Lirht and mwitnm not * 3. < < ( ci W
( Jood to choice hcurr r.irs 4.00i4.16
Good to Cliolw nii\wl liagi
( Jm > a tociioifti Miwp.
KnirtocnrH <
Cominon isheeji
Xn. Av. 1'r.
4f ? . .nr.i s-5.00
3S. . . 114T a <
cows <
Na Av. Pr.
88. . . . lisa S-ittV
' '
Xo. Av. I'r.Dtl'M'So. . Av. Tr.
. . . . * S1.3T. 1..1TW $1.50
Xo. Av. 1'r. Xo. Av. 11-
W . . .IfeTfl SilK )
lloo. ' ,
.M. . .OCT. so 8 i rs. . . rs am 4.10
C.S..278 19) ) RAO M. . .244 bO 4.10
W..9W2 K > 4.10 la . . .8. * ! Ml 1.10
? /4 . . 5C1 2 > 0 4.10 .W. . JOS 1JO1.10
M. . .WO M ) 4.rt 40. . .331 100 4.Ki
( i3.43 12.1 4.0.Jn . 310 . . . I.I. * .
Xo. Av ; Shk.l'r. _ Xo. Av. hhk. I'r.
' ' ' ' " '
5. . . ' ? jj M ) 3.2S . . 1150 I'.Vj
tinner or Prices.
Slmnlnt : the hleh st nnd lowest trice
tmidlor load * ot liosrs on this nmrkct duriiie
the jiast si'u-n dajs and for the snme time
la ljear :
| Sept I'M. | Cct IRJfl. "Oct. IM5.
Wli ' 4 40 Fit Ki I 3 K5 3 1O 3 St'.OJ ' 40
lltb 4.C. . UM.7D 375 &JUO Ptl
12th Pnmlay 3 ; ffn \ - 5 i nj.S
13th l..V > tl hO 4.15 & 1.40 .1."i
nth < 4' 4 ? . ' . i 2.1 < ; n no
rth 4 10 s.4.o ; ,1 IS ( iJ.,1 30
Itltii 4 45 U.4.I.J : i.ui ( jM. ft
All snles of stork in till * market me made
pprc\\t. liint'lclit milesotheiwiNOStateil
li-ad hoes-ell at } c i > or Ib. foi ail neljrlit * .
"Skin'or lie s MeUhins les-than I to ) His.
no vsdiic. I'ltnant sows are docked 40 ib * .
and vt.igsijOlbs.
General I'roitucc.
Katnrd.iy. Oct. in.
Tlif foUniciii ; ; jinVf < i > c , ittr rriun.i Jo' * of
pn > i/i rr , ( i Mon Wic tiuirftcl tiln\i. \ 77 ;
fyu ( f < itio scm.frnU rt'rc cnJ 1/ic prices lit
u/iidi / oiUi/r ( orders rr f/ ) / ! f.
Iln Tliere is no change in the lintter
market. Poor butter is slow sale and
has tn be disposed of at low pi ices. Creamery
hatter doe- > not M II \ orinpldly and there i >
not miicli cutiinii ? in. In nrdt-r to comniiind
top prices butter niu > t be shipped in neat
luokn fs and must lie hanilledith r-ate.
Clmii-e butter coinminds lt' < 91fcc nuil f.mcy
isi-iic. Fairtopiod \ tfdilnjr at 12' ( fl5c
and poor 4af * . : Choice creamery butter It
sellin -JliiriV. .
Koi.s Tin1 maiket K steady at I7r. with a
lew single case lots at IHX
Cmi : > i : Full cream cheddais , liifi < > , ' 121 c ;
full eienm Hats , tuins. iv.Vdiiiii : ; ; American.
ltKc ; : laiii-v Swiss , H tl. > c ; Swiss , imported ,
2Va-i7 : Liiiiburwr , I2 . ; blek : , lc !
I'ofi.Tnv Old fo-.vK choice , per doz. 2.2i
( e i..V ) : fanov , S0 < Bi.75 ; small , SJ-t-O iij ;
Spfmi ; ehickiiii ! ) , IA O. > I.oOiti.-j" > ; tancy ,
Si'J'i : mediiiin , Sl. . " > 0 < tl 75 ; small , not
wanted ; ducks. S2.2. " > Cri5j ; dics.eil cliiciteliN
pel | b , ( HQlOe ; dresse < turke\s pel
dlies-ed ducks , per ib , lOy lie
G\MK-As Iho season advances
tlui di'iiuiinl inipioM" * . Eveiytliuic
received tliti- far , in KIMM ! condition , has met
with leady sales. Prairie ehickrns.
per dozen , i'UX ' ) ; qnall. Sl-'iOCnl..1 ! :
sim f , nerdiiz. . ? 1.2.Vi l. " " . : ducks. ( Mallaidi.
Sl.SiM ( ; ducks ( ) . S1.00"U.i" > ; ducks ,
mlxi'if. 75cil.W : ceeMS. SS.OO i.jO : deer.
saddles , wr Ib. , llgi.'c ( ; deer , carrasses , per
Ib. , "n'.k ; ; antelope , saddles. 11@1'J < - ; antelope -
lope , can-asses , tHtjTe : jack mbbiK per dc .
Sa.V'at.OO ) ; small. j w uoz. , 51.00rtl.'ij.
Ai-ri.Ks Prices on choice apples
are lioldmc upeiy \\ell. Mis
souri apples are in very liberal
supply. The folioninp quotations arc lor
apples vu-11 pacKi-d in barrels : choice Mis
souri stock , ? J.a < rS2.M > : Michigan , 6 160HiT5 ;
fancy M icniaii ! ) , > J.OO < a2. ) .
J'oiAions lliere Is now a brisk deniinil
foi straluhi cai's of strictly choice1 potatws at
M.VK ) ; per bushel. Mtaed varieties , small ,
or otherwise Infeiior stock continues \cry
dull and will not sell for more ttian 83 or 4Tc.
Swr.i'.T PorAroKs Tlie maikPt is glutted
with choice sweet potatoes. Very choice
stock was -old this weel ; at IJc and e\i"n
lonei : Choice shipping stock , per Ib. , 1(51' ( ' jo.
ONIOXS The uumand is not heavy and
tlicv are sellinii In a small \\ay : Clioice
stock , perbu. , Hitri.iw.
CAHBAOI : Thu ruaiket is fairly well sup
plied : Choice stock , jier doi. , . " > Uc.
CIMRY A great amount of very poor
stock has been coming in. which been
sold lor what It would brine. Prices on
choice stock remains about the saiiip as last
week : Choice stock , per doz. , " .ijjJU1 ; eUra
laige , per doz. , 40 iv.
Ovsnus--The trade Is in very much tlie
same condition as last \\eeUon account ot
the continued warm weather. Prices nre
low and dealeis are well supplied with the
choicest stock. Orders fioia t'-e ' outside are
bein rnlied in tiHd shape : Mediums , 2. > c :
btandurds , .TO ; selects , C5j : X. V. connls. 40o.
LEMONS Messina , per box Sb.50 ;
Malaga. SG.OO.
OHA Mi F.S Jamaica , per box , 5100 : per
CiSAXiiunitiES Stocks arc inovlnc fairly
well at the. same quotations as last week.
Cape cod , fancv , per bbl. . SS.50 ; Jersey ,
choice , S7.W , Wisconsin. S7.M.
BANANAS Bananas an1 selling at the
same prices as last > \eek. Bananas yellow ,
per bnneh. S2.00' < tU W ; bananas , yellow ,
larce bunch. 2.50fra.M. (
CAMFOIIKIA Fiii'iTs Stray shipments of
Calilornla fruits continue 10 arrive , but in
< mall quantities. Grai > e-.Tokayss2.00 ; L-rapcs ,
black , S-.03 ; pears , si 75i.a3.oO ; plums , $1.75 ;
quinces , SiM ) .
GitAi'ESHoinerrown crapes are about
played out , A fnw are comint ; in , but thev
are for tlie most part too soft to bear restiip-
ment. The market is lairly well supplied
with Xew York grapes. Honie-srnwn. per
Ib , 5c ; home-Krown , 10-lb basket , 40c ; Xcw
York , i > er iHb basket , 40c : Maln.a , per bbl ,
S9.00 ; Malnca. extra lanre bbl , 510.00.
HO.SEV XebrasUa , choice white clover ,
15slOc. ( ; Xebrsiskn , dark,13(3Hc ( ; California.
1 lo sections I5c ; California , 2 Ib sections.
JlAi-i.i : SuoAn Bricks , pcrlb , 12 > c ; pen
ny cuKe.s , i > cr Ib , ISc.
.M API.I : SMIL p Bulk. 13 to 17 cal Less.
l rtalS1.00ial cans , per Bal , Sl.OO ; > ( 'al
cans , per cat. 1.10
C.DKUXew York.perbbl , SO.MXew ; Yoik ,
H b&l , S4.W ! ; Crab , ir doz qts , 32.75 ; Michi
gan relmed , IXT bbl. $ fl.0.
YiSKOAii Wliltn wine , lM15c : cider vin-
efjar. layiSc : single strength , 12c ; tiiplc
strength , ISfujtSc
Pnovisioxs Ham , 12c : picnic ham Oc ;
breakfast ttacon , 'Jc ; clear side bacon , IWjc ;
dry salt sides , b\ic : slioulders , be ; dried beer ,
rezular , 12c : dried beef , ham pieces. I5c ; lard ,
50 ib cans , otclard. ; CO Ib cans , Fairbanks ,
7c ; 10 Ib cans. Fairbanks , 7'/c : 5 Ib cans ,
Fairbanks , 7o ; 3 Ib cans , Fnfrbinks , 7c ,
BKA.NS Inferior stock f0.75ai.W ; uood
clean country , gl.00@l. ' . 5 ; medium , hand
picked , Sl.00yjl.40 ; hand picked navy , SMO
( l.--O.
Fi.orn Mn.i.STi'Frs \ \ Inter wheat
flour , l > est quality patent , S2.76 ; second qual
ity. S2.-10 ; Ix-st quality spring wheat
Hour , patent , S2. < Xbran,50cpcrcutchoppeJ ) ; ;
feoil , 70c i > er cwt ; white corn meal , fcLOO ;
> ellow corn meal , Kte per CUT ; screening , COc
percwt ; hominy , S'iw per rwt ; shorts , .Vic
percwt : craham , 1.00 ; hay , In bales , 85.60S
6.00 v > er ton.
ChtAix Corn. 24c ; uew oats , 2 c ; rye , 40c ;
Wlieat , No. 2 , OOc.
GencrAl Markets.
WooiMedlum , 1SQ20 } per Ib : fine heavy ,
MfaiOc : llfc'lit. lavji ; coarse , MQICcj burry
wool ,
HIIIKH ( ireen butcher * . 6Xc : rice.
red , wgsi c ; dry flint , IKglSc ; dry fall
lOc ; crean calf skins , IKS Kc ; damaged
hliles two-thirds price. 1'allow SJio. Grease ,
prime white , Sc ; yellow , 2c ; brown , l ? c.
Sheep Pelts , -iVc75c
l.KATHKii i'riiue alaiiKhter sole leather ,
83c ; prime oak sole leather , S&sSsc , Upper
Morocco oil pt-bLlo , SS SSo , toppings
and linlnKfs 6 aft o
ilKAVT UAKmTAise iron , rate. iSO ;
low sU < "l special cast , 4c ; cruclb looieel , Cc ;
cast tools Co. V-i lsc ; wagon kpoVes' ixtr tat ,
J1.7V43.00 ; hubs , pet set , fJ.ttl : fei'oas. '
cawed drr , SI. 0 ; toncup.i , caoo. Tic ; sties
each. 7io : KQu re nuts , prr Ib. 73lie ; cell
ci ) inp r il ) , Ml'io ; raaljrabla. ( Xgic : Iron
* fetlce. , Cc. cr" > wU rs , 6c. harrow tVuth , 4c :
pnas tlotiJ. 1Burdeu'i horti-iuow.
54.40 ; 15 ri ! . / t- . c . , < ! 4 < I1 r ]
wire. .11 < ar J 'ts. f ' i p.-f * H > , . r.-"I
N'niK. ratIJt > 50. ? J 5" ; fieri nail * . i c > ;
Shot-Sl. ' : > ; bti sliot , S1.VS : oriental
powder. k rs Si1 * : do. li lf
Ilo. oimrtw ke < .ct..iO. bla tln ,
In * * , rei 1" te U < v > \ l.e l Bar. *
DmM > ' HKMli M.s Acid ,
82ca ul. tr.tiarc. ! 'V3c : h ! am eftp
lh. 4'rlnrk : * . fnis. per t > < , 10r : calottiel.
iK-r It7r. . riiinciionldls , per o40e : chloro
form. per B.vv - ; Do\ers. ponder * , jwi tl > .
SI. IV. ernom % ftUs. per flHc ; clycpritie. '
pure. ] er Ib. 2 > : lend , acetate. PIT 8 > , Ulc ;
oil. c * tor. Xo. 1. i r c , l. . S1..W : oil castor.
Xo. 2. per ral , SI > 0 : oil oh\e. rtT gut. , 51.40 ; i
oil orlrannnm.V ) : oninm. $ .1.2" : quinine , '
P. , V AV. and H. AS. . . prr nr 71V : ) wta * lrm '
Iodide jicr Iti , * . ' > - , : tail-in. pror. 40j ; sill-
t hat - m < rr-liliH" . 1 er < > . SJi'i : suipliur , | er
Jt. , 4- : lr.c-h In" . I > .T i z. .
PAINT * IN on , - \ \ iiiivad. Ciumln. P. P
ke ; viliilc lead. St. I.T-.JI * , imre. 67.7J : Mar-
I'llles cr en. 1 t Mo MIH. ; Irenchzinc.
L-ret-n seal , He ; French zinc n-d sx-nl , lie ;
French zinc. In varnish asst , OOc : French
zinc,75c ; vermillion. Americnn. Iv : Indian
red , 10c : ro e pink , l-ic : \ rnctlan red , ( . '
M > tr . .8'jcrnetian : red. Amencnti.
red lead , 7l eeiiromc : jellow , tr'-nnlne. '
chrome \eliow , K. I8o : fK-hre. roche Ic , J'-c ;
ochre French , S c : ochre , American.
Winter' * niln r. < l. UUc : Lcliicli l > roun.2'.e ' " ;
i brown. SKc : 1'ri' mineral
Dm P kiSTsWnile lead , -c : tench sine ,
! > : Pnrl < wiitlnL' ! . ' li < - ; \\hltinc.iiders. : ; !
' - Jfo ; wliltiiiir. com'l. l * c : lampblack , < Jer-
maiisto\\n , l\in \ : lamplimck , ordinary. s > ;
Pius'l.iii bine . ' 5ciiltrauiariiip : , IVandj ; ke ,
brown. NnrnlHr. : . burnt. 4c : um tier , raw , 4c :
sienna , burnt , 4r ; sienna , law. 4c : Pan * .
Kiit'ti , i.1'iiiiiiie. 2Jc. Pails ( rreen , common.
w ; cliroine creen. X , -Occtirone : crre )
K. 1-Jc ; vermlllion , Knelish , in oil , 7. :
raw and burnt umber. 1 Hi ? an , lie : raw and
burnt s eiinn , I''e : valid ) ke brown. iSe ; refined -
fined lampblark. I2c ; coach black and Ivory
black , l c ; dittp black.0c ; Prussian Mue.
40c : ultramarini- black , 1S < ; clirome crecn.l. . .
M. 1) . . U'.c ; blind and shutter meeii. I. . , M.
A : 1) . , 15c : Paris eicen. l"v ; Indian nil. 13e :
Venetian red. IV : 'I u can , 2-Jc : American
\eriiillMon. L , v I ) . . -3o : > ellow ix-hix1 , ! > c ; K.
M. A : O. I ) . , IV ; jrood oclire. liV- patent
di\er. so : cmlnlni ; color , licbt oak. dm I ; oak ,
\\alliut. chestnut and nsh. 1-Jc.
AiiMSin.s Barreti. perpallon : Fiirnl-
liire. cxtta , SI. 10 ; furniture , Xo. 1 , fl.OO ;
coacll p\tra , S1.40 : roach. Xn. 1 , Sl.-'O ; Da-
mar. extra S1.71 : Japin. 70c : asphaltum.
t-Ttra , sV ; shellac , 53.50 ; hard oil linisn ,
M'liiiTS Cologne spirits. 1S proof. 51.17 :
do 101 prodl , Sl.l ; spirits , second ouaiity.
101 proof. 51.1 : do Ibs proof. S1.1G. Alco
domestic , Uins , inipoited
( d'1.00 ; domestic , 1.2.Vu i.00. Champ. . . . . . „ ,
Imported , pel ease. S-'MM&'XJ.PO ; American ,
per case , SlU.OOttt 10.00.
Gi-occrs * Ijlm.
PicKi.nsMedium , in bnls , Sil..V > ; do In
half bbls. 53.-1 ; Miinll , in bbK 57.V ) ; do in
hull bbls , S4.-ii ; gherkins , in bbK SS.W ; do
In halt bbK S4.7. . .
rv- > o.70-t-cation Kecs i.2J : .Vow
Orleans 8xi40c tier callon ; Maple Syrup , J <
barrel. " "M t mi- . ' ' 7-c per gallon ; 1 gallon
cans. S 000 per doz. : H' gallon can So. x > per
doz : atiart cans. $3.00.
KOPI : ' $ inch. flVs'c : ? Inch , 10 ; ; inch ,
Diiir.n Fit.-JTs Xo. 1 quarter apples. S4' @
Jc ; in evaporated boxes , PV'rtfl'jC ; blackber
ries boxes , ' .iV ! 4jc ; peaches , eiistern. 4 fn
5Vc : peaches , evaporated.15l@i7c : -salt
Lake , none in , i"-
' - " - " - currents , OJ4j ( 7c- ; prunes , ne\v. \ \
STAUCH ilirror pioss. i Ib , S 'c ; Min-or
J < c : Knicsford's bulk , 4c.
' 1'OHAt ro Pln . e imax , 42 ; liorepshoe ,
37c ; star. : ti.sp : vir head. .K11 ; nipci lieidsiok ,
OOe : irold sliieid. : Hc ; meiry war. 'J5c ; J. T
,1. . We.
ToiiACC o Smoking , Durliam. Is Tile ; 'Js.
.Me : ' s. 57c : ks , on.1 : m'Piscinim. : Uc ; old
ttl'e : V. N.O.1.V : spirit cured , 4.V.
.M.VTCiins J'cr uiddic , ' x ; squaie cases ,
S1.70 : mule square , fcl.20.
CANDY Mixed,9l'Kcetict ; : , 5H'9liC.
CiiACKrits ( iarneau's sodii , butter and
picnic , SKc ; ciearns , fea'c ; cinger snaps , b. c ;
citv soda. 7' c.
SOAPS Kirk's baron imperial. si.'O ;
Kirk's satinet. ? 3.00 : Kirk's btandard. Su.i :
Kirk's nhito Kussian , Sl.OO ; Kirk's White
Cap. 0. % : Dome. So.Vaslibo.ini. ; . S3.10.
White Cloud. SS.75.
C. WWe : medium yellow. SUwS-Vc.
CANXr.n Goons oysters , suiudaid. per
cas , S3.tO : : strawberiics , 2 Ib. per case Si.10 ;
rasoberries , 2 Ib iwr case , S'-.IO : Caliturnia
penrt. per case , "S4.fiO : apiicots. jver
& 4.i d : peaches , pt-r case. 5-V.iV white clieiries.
per c. e fci.Oi ; jiltnns i)0r case , $ a.G5 : bltie-
b-nies. per case , Sl.Vi : P J pinmsIb , pel
case. S2..V ) : pineapples , 3 ID , per ca e , fS.00
( i5.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz. 1.20 ; 1 Ib s.U-
mon per dnz. SWVSIUfiO : 2 Ib coosebenes.
percale. Si.75 : 2 Ib string Ivans , per ea e.
51.70 ; 2 Ib limn beens i > er case. Sl.f.O:2Ib :
marrowfat i as. i > or ease s2.403 ; Ib early
Junejieas- . per case. Si75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes.
"corFKEfc Ordinaryiraacs.ll(3iiH'c ( : f.ilr ,
prime. 12 } ' < < i'ccholcc : , Ibl , ( ai4c ; ;
Drr Lmmoer.
Xo.l Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 16ft . 517.50
Xo.2 " ' 1'A 14 and 16 ft . H.T.'i
Xo.3 " " 12 , 14 and 16 ft . 18.50
No.4 " " 12.14andl61t . 12.0-J
| is nn | ft'is ' ft'is ' njio ft ' 2. n\n \ n
2l4 . ] C..V > 'l ' < l.5J 1C.DJ l7.0o'ie.O'J2i.Oo'i ' ' ' 1.03
2iC . 16.50 IC.&il I6..VI 17.iy' ( ' J MM ± ! . ( W'Si.O'J '
1K..VI. 10. . ' . . 10.W 17.00 tS.CU-'I.WSl.
2x10 1B.5J I6.ri I0.r.i 17.H.1K.OJ.2.110 2iCI
il2 ! ' 1G..MI 1B.W IT.d'J IS.OO 22.03 2iOl
t3r4-S.\h . . . llli. . jlg..V | ) lil.f. i I7.d.l IS.O ] 211 ( K ) 1M ftl
Xo. 1 , 4 & 0 inch , 12 Hii-l 14 ft , roinh. . .517.01
Xo. 21 & Clncli. 12 and 14 ft. , rouuh. . . 14.0J
1st com. , ? fin White I'inn 1'artition. . . . $ 3.00
2d * * * * * * * * ' * 27 50
' ' '
2d Com. ? ij' in. .Norway Pine Cellinc' . . ! HOO !
n.oonixf. .
A Alnch , white nine , 2 < i C SiO.OO
CCiucli , " " S4 1) 21.50
A 12 Inch , s.1 i. 4'JC 03-UW
li 12 inch " " 421) S1..W
Xo. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10. 18 A 20 ft. . . 21.0J
Xo.2 , . . . 1S.M )
Xo.2 , " 12 & 14 ft. 17.00
" " " ion IG.OJ
XX clear. 52.JO ; A standard , S'.W ; Xo. 1 ,
5i. : ; hath. S2.25.
POSTS White Cedar. 0 In. , JjS , 12c ; S In.
qrs. , ' . 'He. '
ngu. | rsirf ii'u or Uhi IMS KI
' - L'b'7 ' cic'eoca oVi"rb
Ben's s-t-Noi cs
L'ee Glb'd Fancy ! ! < f'l 002 751 Ml 3J 50 45
LV H'il sh'ru rcy 8 oft 3 OJ2 7. > 1 Ml M M 4i
nsii. Ht W Hr IJbls J-'lf Kts
100 Kl , 50 40 | 12 | 10
Xol White Fi h. . . 7 00 C DO 3 SO 3 0 rot W
Family While Fish. . . 3 50 3 1S,2 , K , 1 5j 62 5
No.1 Trout . U U ) 4 Ki2 Ml , Bi 74 , 65
SW. Corner 91ii and Douglas S
i -1tn tnfJT" * ' -
1.1 i.isr.
. f.i t of l/tt.'r * rnm.i-mng uncalled fm
in the pn to4 > i for the wek endinc
Oct. IS , 1J . '
NotePurtHH ml I mg for these letter ? ,
will ulesM' ny "A < lvcrtitl , " Divine ll o !
date * t the head Of the M t , * ml inrmrei I
lor sumo nt the ; "Ladies' Delivery Witt- i
dow. " I
To avoid mistake * hate yonr msll ml-
ilre od to street and number.
nttXTi.KMr.vs tirr.
Th ealy perfect oubstttute for Mother * *
mill * . iQT&iuKbia ia Cholera Infantum
ana Teethlntf. A prr-dlrested fool for Dys-
nsDtlcs , Consumptives , Convalescents.
Pcnoct nutrlect la uU Wasting Dlso.lteo.
ueqiitrea no ceo tine Our Boo The Cars
nntl Feeding or Infants , mailed free.
> OLI2SB. OOOOAI.B i CO. . Bostoa.
" TFMRI NETSVtTA lj < lUj nn ,
FOPS" IR ALi SUSSiiS'.iffiV.' '
elExb , B 111 n U ! Ilt7 iMf , , Iu Monkood ,
UI ! . A'G. II I.I \ CO. . , KV > l.fBtwiSUelCU ,
111. ( IOO ( vcr i' > rl. irc , M for t.OO.
Artists' Mater/at.
" "
A. JJOSPE , , Ul. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organ ? ,
1113 lK > u lic Street. < iin Ji .
Agricultural Implements.
\ \ liolcuait Dralrr ID
Agricultural JniplenientsVaponB \ ,
Cuntcci nud Huczl-f. Jonrt ttreet , betweun Dtb
Biid lUtb.Owabi. Kc-b.
Acrricultnral Inipleiuents ,
Wtynn , < 'arrl . ? ei. Gucflet , ate. , ' .VbolfitU , OTiah * .
l > A2lLlX,01tEXJJ01tI'\1J MARTIN
Wholctale Dculcri ID
Affrictiliural Iinploraeiits ,
nd Bueclei. Ml , 903 , VOi and 'XT , Jones tt
Butter anil Eggs.
Buyers of Utitter nnd Egge.
RtfrtrerMor nd Parkins Home , llth nnJ Leiren-
worth St. , U. I * It. It , Ti "t , < iiraiju.
Butchers' Tools and .Supplies ,
co Cailngof nil klndi alw 7ilo Hock. 1216
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Bniltlers'Hardware & Sea loltcpair Shop
W hunlc ' Tooli and Buffalo Bralet. Kt6 DourU. iu ,
Dtnihm. Nfb.
Johhera of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnmre , f-hc t Iron. Etc. Arentc for Howe bcile * .
r.d Jll ml fondtrlij Ore < li . .NfU.
Wholesale JIardwarc.
VTntfrr acrntt fdr JeTtrton fieri Knili. Acttlo
i t tlli nk HanO rt3 t-ctlej. Oorccr
KnU and lltmcr. Omaba.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers and Contractors ,
. Viaduct * nooTTrna < . f-uim I-1 DrlTl
ca I * nePmUe Laub r liiL : . . tfc
1'a.niam C iuetiu Jseb.
Boots ari Stvis.
. ir.t\n srinsb
snot- :
Mimuf iti ] nlf 1 > 1rr In
IkHit * ! mid Shoes ,
lMf Mwi of Ku | . .f r i.v. < jf lw y on html
S Ifrhn l > tmli N. V T Au'lln. Aipm.
nr. .
ilobher * of Hoots ami S
1(11 mtnure il , OBtkha , S > h MmmfurUi j.
"trr-ft. lloMon.
Apt. for Anlieti-ipr-Kusli llrewlmr A * '
iixt * Fnrt Nu < l pueri.nrt rrtunpi-r.
. .V7Yfr ) ,0 TT. Kit.
l.apcr Iseer Brewer * ,
IMl North l 'h Mwt.
Coflte. Spices. Etc.
Oinnliu CoflVo ami Spice Mill * .
. CofTi F . ' -pt < T lUknir to o > r , II Ytirtniltr-
trattr.lJiuiKlrj Itlnc irk n < till li ll.irncy
Miff i oniKbii. vrb
< rATKS. COLK ct' .U///S' : .
Home Cotlee niul Spice MI1N M'f'qr Co.
C ITMUiwttfrt nd p Ic- Grinder * Maialfii turrrt
nl H.iUne IVi o > r. lliTarlni : r.itmd . Dim < r. I'to
Tr oner e of u .r 1 I > I'xrkuCF Homo Blend Kiu > trd
( yiffrf. 1'tx * IlongrJ t otaiha. M-t *
EA GL K < ( ) it . .vi : ire IKS ,
.lolin Kjieneter , Prop.
Mftnufacturrr of Calnnlrnllrvn nnrt Cornlef. KS
l lfr < - mid 103 and I .i .s , lOlb ft. . Omaha. Neb.
Manufacture ! " of
Oniaineiitnl ( alvani7.ed Cornices.
Dormer Window ? Kin-iU MftnlirSkjIlcbl.ttr. J10S.
ii i n . l > nati : > i.
iry coftylcE WORKS ,
C. Spcelit , 1'iop.
ron Cornier * , itr. Fi , 'rt Itnr-roTcd I'nt-
em .Mctallrkfllilit : 'its aud 510 ! lih n umnha.
0.lf.l7/-l C A UPET CO. ,
Jubl.prf of
Cirpet : , Curtains Oil Cloths. Rues ,
l.tro'tum * . Mv it tip * Kf 1511 Doucla * Btroct ,
le Carpets , ( HI Cloths.
s Oruan Ooi K itr : 1(13 I'aina-u StK-ct ,
PmaTn. N > b.
and Notions.
W. / . . li'JtJGIlf ,
Agent for thpMsnaiiirtnrrr mill Inipirtcrr ot
Crockery , Glassware ,
luiiicyi , etc. Offrr. C1T Suuth 18th ft.
l iiinhn. N'ib.
Commission and Storage.
1) . A. lIVKLKr.
: ihd Jobbing1.
Butter , in.f : nrt I'rortuoo ( oiui " ffiCD'.c n > llr tnd.
UuiiilqunitcrB for bt.'iicT'nrp. lirrrr llor und
" . .rape llufkr k. 1414 lK ljpitmt , DiuRhi.
Coniini sion Merchants.
Fruit * , rnnluco and Troir.i.i * . OmtihK , N b.
' '
ir. K. lll'DDELL ,
Storage and Coiiiinission Merclinnt.
tptcluiiicp n teKITP . l iio kc Ponltry. Oaino ,
' - s , etc. Ktr 115 south Kth j
Produce Conuni sion llereliants ,
Ponltry , lluttcr. G. me 1 rnletc. . 2 B. 14thit.
IMnnliu Nli ,
General Coiiiinission Jlerelmnl ? ,
Anil Jol > brn > or Kciif en mul I > imf MIc FniliK Corre-
fcl-ondcnte Knll.'HiHl. Wurfbonfo Knd nfli * - . HON.
Ititnvrntb St .OranliK-Ncl ) Telrylionc 775.
r. nocco < c co. .
mporlcrj and whalf-ole dealer * In
Italinn Produce ,
Korf ipn. P me tlcand Ollfiirnla l-Vuits anil Commls.
lon llcrdjants. 104 S. luh su On'y ' cxcluslre
Irull house In Dmuha.
Concntf Lime.
Dcalun In
Hard nnd ir'oft Coal ,
OiSccacd jarJ , l"th ami Nicbolar K t. , Onmba , Keb.
' '
Ucu. i i Ai. nii. rre * . C. K. GOOTVMAK , V. I rr .
J. A M'Micui.Arn. t-oc. end Trutn.
Jobbers of Hard anil Soft Coal.
an < .jtli Thlrti'entb Stipct. Omaha. Keb.
,7. , T. .TOHXSOX , { CO. ,
llanufactui'prs of Illinois White Lime.
And Miipp r of Co l Hnd Cot' . Conic il , ria lr ,
Ume , Hair. Tire Brick , Drain. Tile un.1 si-wt-r ripe.
tislfd. l-.utou Ilutsl. Fanum tl. . Omttm , .Nib.
Teleph'inp HI. _
" > m p. FAY itCO. . ,
Jlannfacturlnsr Confectioners ,
Jobbers ot rruiU.Nme nnd ri.-aif. 1211 Turnam SU.
Lire Stock Commission.
jr. INJURE ( soys ,
Live Stock Coiiiinission.
Oeo. lluilr. H n cer.
Dnlon Stock Y rdi > , B. tlomha. Tsltplicne
Stock Coiiiinission Merchant P ,
Shipments of anj Bed all LlndE of feiocX nollcitrd.
l.'nlon f-tors. VnnliOiuohd , K'j.
Cigars and Tobacco.
37. tX MEYEI1 tt : CO. ,
JolilTiTrs of Cig-crs , Tobacco.
and AmmunUion. 215 to 711 S lltU it. , I'-M to
ID.'t Kirnjin m . O.-n lin.Nf li.
Jlnnnfaetnrcrs of Fine Cigars ,
And VTboli-.nle Dcalprr In l.f f Tobarro * . Noi. lOf
Hid llll X. Hib ttri-et , Oumba.
_ _
\VlJoie-nlo | ) CU'.T In
Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokers'
Ace nt for I ) . I.clili'n orf & O" . I'liu'-Cut iincl Siuok-
Int Tofc ( v..s. Mllwaulf"Vrcon : ln. No. 313
.Norlli MitcsmU Direct ( irnitnu , Neb.
Dry Goods.
JlE. . NMJT1I & CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing1 Goods
r. c-cr lllbfl.Omalm.Nrb.
DliUlleri cf Llguorm Alnnhol iin.1 fpMii. lie per ten
a fid Jottfrsof WititiEna Ilquor .
WILLO irsntixGti i > ixTjr < LE > y
CO. uiul XLEIt , ( > CO. ,
Icporten end Jobtert of Flue WliicV und Llgocrt.
hole minufneturmof KcnncdiV f.r.n indin 1)11-
tern Bnd Doaio lo l.lqunrn. ill ! llanicyf-l.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Largest Drujr , Paint , Oil & Glaes House
Weitof Cblnco. Coapletr Line of DructUli Ban *
Until. 1114 llarntj tU.Omaha ,
Wholesale Biuggl&ts.
And Dealenln Puliiti. Oil > and VVInilow R'aK.Oisiba.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. Il.BACXii.Prri J W nn.roiii . < .Scc.4.TJCJ
IU J.Cinif.y. . v.l'iea. nndSuin.
THE uxioy iiyimAULic
Office T15 F lltli tt. , Omahn. Nrb. Macfclnrrr and
feuppllet forllantifaeiurinc Ccoieoi imnii 'Hie.
Furniture ,
Wholesale Dealers ! u Furniture.
Faniam ct. . Oualia. Net.
Furniture , lle'ldlng ' , fiiholstery ,
Ulrruri , etc. 1JOC. IMj ti.a ! ; tn Xarcani t Omaba.
< i 4LLA < flIJ'K , r CO. ,
\Vhole .nle ( iroeerios niul rro\isloiis ,
iliAlY , ( CO. ,
Wholesale Grocer < ,
and t.MTenwoTtl ! On. h
H * . , / . ItROATC/t.
Heavy Himhvine. Iron nnd Steel , fBt
' ' ' " ' ' ' " " ' ' " " '
'i I ri'l'llirni 7 n"'m I'IB'
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
W conM > ijrnmfo\V < iHl Stotk , IIr T ) llnrlwur * , 3
Ktr. 1217 uri'l 1JIV l.MTcuwi.Ttlj . M > n _ . V Net > , , |
Slovos , Itniices , FnniRcoH , 'Iilc < ,
-Mantlo i.ratcn. lliaMi.ct'K ] * I.JS1 kid 1. In mta
sm > I
Iron Works.
Iron Works.
\Vnmclit ml r * l Iron llullillnt Work. lr < n Sulr
llHlhn t. llfitms Mid ( .trdpr * Sifhtu I'tiiinpii , llravi
\Vi rk. ti nrral Fcundrr , Mnthlnc nn 1 1 li tkkintli )
\Vot > l > ! Br < > iind \ \ rk" I r ,
Wholesale .le\\elers nnd Music Dealers ,
In MlTrrioirx. linni'indr. M'ntrhr * , ( l < Hk ,
tirMknd Milrrinl * . pr 1'JI ' niul 10J 1Mb
it. , Our iHxlKi' . i'iu ' li * . Nrti.
J.Ot'TS JlltADFOItn ,
Dealer in Linulier. Lath. Lime , Sasli ,
Doon , Kte. Ynrdf-CornrrTth ami Doua ] * ; Corner
fih nml IKiiflnp.
Wholesale Lumber ,
BUS. luUMrcct , Omaha. Nol > . I. ( Vilprlirr. Mrvnjpcr.
KthanaCMlforrl Mrcri .Oiralia , Ni > b.
rini > tr. en A Y
Lninber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Utc.
C < < r. Clti and lioucln * M . Oma'ia , Neb.
T. IP. HAlirKYLVMllEll CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
Omce , 1403 I'urnnui rtrpct.Omabn.
cJZiSr Jt7 'LEE ;
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Curj'ctf and I'arqiipt noorlcg. Dth acd DoncUl
JO 7/.V A. K'A KEFTEL1) ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported rnil Anu-rlren rortlind Ci-airnl Fl t
Acent furMllnnuVri' HyjituiHr l > mcui und Hot
C'ulurr Avlillil.ime.
Life Stock.
Of Omalm.
. Jobn r. Bojd ,
Millinery and .Voticns.
J. Or.KJtFKLDEI ! < CO. ,
linpcrtcif ) and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
isnand ir > Harnpr H.cct. Omaha , Neb.
C. S. GOOmtlClT .0 CO ? ,
Arc the only Direct Importer * of
German it French Toys & Fancy Goods
In riilcafn prior s tlcrllcntrd wltliout uild-
Intrtrclpht. llllrnniani ttrcft. Omnlin.
Wholesale Dealers In
Notions nnd Fiirnit-hing' Goods ,
4'Hnmi 4Ji 8. Tenth Ft . Otnsha.
Jobber : In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
30 "i and 3OT9 Kirnam it , . Ooitba. 2seb.
Manufnrturers of Overalls ,
Jean * Pun IN hlru , Ktr lltn tnd 1104 Douclus Succt.
Omahn. Neb.
Job Printers , JHank Book linkers ,
And Book Ulndrri. 1K ( and irft South KoaneenUi
ttrocl , Omahi. Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
.Prej'ed und rrintfr Suppllci.
Pouth Twelfth Street ,
Pieties , Vinegar , Etc.
co. ,
Manufacture * * , l' ctcrs acd Ucal i In
Pieklep & Strictly I'urc Apple Vinegar
B kiic I'owder. llaiorlnc Kitnuit. Tublc Kuiue ,
I rrncli Mufti" n tb IllBliR. di-xvn' fc-e ; ! aC !
t-nl Kent * l"r York Mitet ind HvOut'd Afple Ci
der. 14. 1 envcnwi.rth tt , . Omuhx.
Safes , Etc.
0. AX DU
Omnha Safe Works.
Uantifnctnnrcof Kn ml Proof f ft , Vmil
Duor > , \Vcrt.hhut crt and Wire Work. Cor.
lubind.latkr unfair . omi.lm. N < b ,
P. ItOYEIl .0 CO. ,
Afronts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
lire and Hurt ; nr Proof S.ifi > , Time I/rf-k > . Vcultf
and jail Vi'urk. l < a > t r .iin rtrjct Omaha. MeO.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Jf. A. DHiJiJIOjr .0 CO. ,
Wliolr ale W.TiinfiirlurCK of
Sash , Doors , IMinds mid Houldhifjg ,
Ilraiich omtc.itli and Uerd l . , Ou.abay b.
c. * \ LY.iriy ,
Sasli , Door , Ulinds , ilonldiiigrs , r i > er. tie. 1M1 ' iiutb TtilrtfeDtli Slrett
Uwaha.Ntti , A rnmi > lete ftockof Jtulldtra'
Mcnufadurerf , of Sasfi , Boors , Bl/ntfa.
JJOBll'JiFf ( > UlrWorknn3 Htrtlor Ilnrrt Wood Fltil |
Juit upcii a. M. i : for t li in ; ! Ixateav
OiuMbo , Ncl ) .
Wholerue ! Puinjih , Pipe , Fillinj. ? ,
BteimiiD'l Wnter hupiimi. Uc ' "luari M f r MM ]
lojiilCo'aUuoay. till rkn.- /I Omiibu. .StU.
Pumps , Pipes nwl . ,
. Water. lUllnar and Mil it.f hujih ivt JttA
ICJD , ViUDrtfil Karnam ft. , iiiuab . M-t >
Hallnliij- Wind Mlllii citam and Wiltr . r'.er ,
iMuui > . .iiK < ; oo t > . ) lrlUrs.Tt1. v. H k U Ml 1'ur-
. ,
? vlp | > b > 'ID.
Wholesale rlruiik < i ,
Millar I llot l JKM * . Ociah > .
Wegtr.s and tarr/agei.
Tlio Lending Oarrlasrc 1
incniPI. . it'i )
J iiJJ41l I ) . . E. ' i .r : , rt.n ' ,
BuiSJiug AhtiriaJ.
EK co. ,
Dealer In .til Kiidt of
J < HiI.Hnsr Material rt liolcKl < .
* * B""iia