Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1886, Image 1
'l SIXTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 38 , 18SG , NUMBEB 112. A F8EHCH TRAGEDY Another Bnrst of Dramatic Eloqucnco Trom the Pen of Ronan , A POPULAR RAGE FOR SUICIDE. Other Interesting Itcrao From the Gay and Naughty Capital. A MOTHER'S ' MURDEROUS FREAK. After a Quarrel With Her Husband She Drowns Herself and Children , MORE TALKS ABOUT CRUISERS. Opinioua Expressed by Naval Experts on the New American Navy. ALL THE NEWS FROM GERMANY. Dlt-lliiKiilslied French Dclcfrntlou Starts for AmoHcn lo Atteiul the Hurt hold I Statiin Dedication A Tnlk AVilh Ic UOIIIUI'H LntcHI BfTort. S , Oct. 17. [ New Vork Herald Cable Special to the lli.r. . ] Krncst Kenan has has main huist foitii In a bl.i/e of dramatic eloquence. Vesteidav the I'lgaio publlbhcit extracts from his tragedy "L'Abbesse do Jouarvc. " The Abhcsso ( neo mniiuise ) do Salnl Klorenl is , dm Ing the Fiench revolution , imprisoned In the boibonno and nenlenecd to ileatli. The night before her execution the Marquis d'Arcy , also con demned to death at the same hour , manages to enter the cell of the Abbesso Julie do Jounue. d'Arey and Julio wore lovers be fore ) the hitter had taken the veil , and Julie , nt sight of d'Aroy , cries "Tieasou , licason ; nnd 'tis j on , cher ami , wtio are the traitor. " d'Arcy teplles : "What Is done In the face of drath escape : ! ordinary laws. Who shall judge us , ( Soil ? that Is to sny , the ic.Ulty of things , who knows the purity of our lives. ' , A long anil intensely powerful metaphysical dialogue ensues , at the end of which .mile , in Ihep.cseiiceof denln , yields herself to her lovei's embrace , nnd , with : i Until riBtatio onthuist , exclaims , half uncoil. K-Iously : "Mon ami , eo moment cst pour mol lo commencement de 1'elernltc. " i in : Dfivi : OK KIIINIIUUHII'S KCONOMV. I'arls napeis comment on the Duke of IMInburgh'd too exuberant zeal for economy , and leirnrd the tact that his piesents on leav ing Constantinople weio scandalously shabbv , nnd excited general derision and contempt. A KLT.M.1NO EPIDEMIC. The ntmo.sphere of 1'nris last week was hl-rli charged with electiiclty. The equinontinl gales have been working havoc among thcchlmnos on the boulevaids and have s.idly alTected the nerves of many sensitive boiiluvnidicrs. The last few dajs have seen the outbreak of another duelling epidemic. NCnnheis of usually amlaole journalists and men of fashion lime been sci/ed with a sud den di'she to run each other Ihiougli the lungs. Tl-o Compto do Dionlto has al ready had numerous affairs of honor In his career , has foimht two duels , ono on Tuesday , the other on Wednesday , and has come vic toriously out of both , limning Henry Ilaticr , a diamatic clitic , thiouu'h Iho wrist , and after lighting over an hour Inilictiiit , ' an ugly cjicst wound on M. Jlcrmolx , a sorlRhtly and ad venturous contributor to La Fiance. There 1ms also been n lively passage at arms be tween M. ( ieorges Lcgrnnd , M. Jlormeix's colleague , and M. Dolphin , who had differed about the mciits of "Juntoat thu Theatre ( leu Chateau d'Kau. Tlie duel was fought with svvoids In the peaceful woods of Levcs- Inel , and Delphin smote his antagonist In the hip , hand and thigh. hUlClDE AOA1N 1IKCOMIKO TOPULAl ! . To swell the list of casualties , sulcldo has ngaln bccomu popular here. Between 0 and t ) o'clock one morningthrco malu bodies weie ( islied up In the Siene. The next day an old man sliot himself , and on Iho next ayotinj clrl Hung herself from a third-floor balcony to oscapj dishonor. Tnulo is slightly reviv ing , but lite In Purls Is still oututgcously dear , which makes suicldo Intelligible. Over a thousand families , mostly of the mlddlo and lower classes , have left the city fortlio fitibuibs , beyond the formications. This quaiter they are unable to pay tlie gi owing cost of rent and provisions. A i > isiiN < .i'isinr : > winniNn. : The American colony Is full ot the weddiiiR of Miss Anita Cauoll , daughter of John Leo Cut roll , ex-governor of Maryland , and liaron doLaiiange ( , which has Just been celetn.ited quietly at tint fiishlonablu llttlo climeh of St. 1'Icrio do Chnlll ill. Tlio wedding music , MI UK by the famous ciiolr of the cinucli , was lather dlstin bed by a heavy thunder stoim , which ceased , however , as the nappy ptlr left the chinch. Thu bride , an attractive , vivacious In unette , woio the traditional cos tume of white ana orange blossoms , with a long nnd costly lace veil. The bildeeroom , bin ely twenty-seven , Is tall anil distin guished. The two sisters of the bildo nnd bidoionm ! ; did duty as bridesmaids. Among the low guests invited weie Air. and Mis. C.iuoll , Mr. McLean , United Htato minister ; Mr. and MIH. llolliimn , liaron and Hnroness do Iloljjno , Mis. Diita , Mls.s M tin ay , Mrs. Itlchaidsand Colonel Hltelilc. There will bluntly bo another niarila o In the Cauoll family , the sister of the jouug baroness boliii ! onsaijed to another French nobleman , DS'.ATIl OK AN ADVKM UllKSS. Thu ( piailler Lalln Is moninliiK just now over thu death of an ecccntile beauty known as thu Cumtosso do la Falconleiu , whopol- so.h'd herself the other day. The comtosse. vvhosu teal nnmo was Clemunco Glard , kept a rackety biaseiluln the Hue do la llarjiu and was a gieat tavoilto with tlie students. Km ilfo was a lomaucc. She bo an It ns a foil ud ling. At the tender ago of tit teen slut nn away from an oiphanaue , and after In- numeniblo adventures In Franco nnd Algciln mauled n cleik namea Sorel. whom she alundoned to contract a now marringu with ( Jomto F.ilconlor. Wearying of her second husband , she settled down near thoSor- benne , where her adorcis soon mustered , not In palis , but In battalllons. At foity-alx bhu fell ite. perately In love , nut her nlUctlons \\e\o \ unrcrtultcd , and In despali she tooK a dose of alum , ending ncr Milfi-iliigs just In time to avoid ; . iiio ecntlon for bigamy. A 910TIIKIt'HMAD DISK. I ) . Bho DrovviiH llerbeirand Tlirco Clill- ilrcn In the 'Jhninus. LOXBOS , Oct. 17. [ Xcvv Yoik Iler.ild Cublo Special to the lJi.jf.-Tlio ] local cor oner has empanncled a "my to ln\cbtisato a domcstlu tragedy of wet Id-vvido Interest , It feiems thai a resident of Fnllium , near the Thames , named Wlleox , pawed a l i > aci-1 loven sobbing so acutely tiuil H'llci < \ fill that iomcthlns uiiUMUtl hnd K.ij-j.i-i v J. ! u all bis questions the llttlo follow , who was soaking wet , iiiuddj nnd hatless , could only answer by henrt-bre.iklni ; sobs. Xollilng was left except to take the wandetlnB waif lo tlio police station hard by , where , before a roarlnt : cannel lire , he maimed to Jerk out : "Mother Is dead In the water , with baby slslcr and my brothois , Harry and Frnnk. 1 wnnt my father. " It became evident tlmt the boy was shock ingly frightened , > ct soon , growing calmer under the reviving Influence of heat and some food , he cave his home as IS ! Denmaik road , Camberwell , a suburban district on Iho Sur rey side of the Thames nnd miles distant. A telegram sent to the nearest station there soon produced the father , who is a well-to-do Imtchernnd who , on seeing his child , seemed to reall'/e that some tragedy had occurred anil almost fainted before the stoiy was told. To Ills eager questions the child , leassured , now ; ; avu coherent answeis , and these made up a story like this : TALK or THE TiiAor.nv. Ills mother left home in the afternoon airylng her babe , live months old , with her sons Hairy , nine veaisold , Iho narrntorot this slory hlnitelf , Charles , seven years old , and Fiank , aged thiee. They took the tram car to the tlver side , boarded a penny cam- boat , got off at Chelsea stairs , walked to Vnuxhall and entered n penny tea gnrden , whcrotenniid milk were provided them. They then left , walking , doubtless , aimlessly along tlm embankment beyond Wadsworth bridge when , pcihnps by a sudden Impulse , tno mother turned into the llrovvn home dock yard , near the lluillnghnm polo pounds nnd nil nt once pushed her three boys Into the dock water , and with her babe In nuns her self jumped In. Ciiatlle , who must hnvo fallen in a soniowhat.sliallow place , scrambled out , but was too much caied to give a coher ent account of his oscane. A i-irm IJUAIIIIII. : run cArsi : . When tlio inspector questioned the father , who was soDhlng as loudly as the child , ho said : "My wife and 1 had n silly quanel. It began on Sunday last , and was daily deep ened by mutual reel Imlnatlon. Friilay after noon , as she still felt very badly , I suggested n little outing to a friend's house , and this is the lioriiblo ending of a foolish tltr. " Tlie pair remained till dawn nt the station , when a searchlin ; police party was organ ized , the meinbei.s of which , with much dllll- ctilty , found llirou.-h the boy the place of Hie catastrophe. Three lltllo slraw hats lloallng at the side of the dock gave the first conobor- allou of the youthful Ialo of murder and sui cide. A little later the body of Harry was found In live feet of water. It was neatly dicsscd and had on a gray overcoat and knirkcrbockes. ; The face vvoio n look of gieat terror. Soon after midday one of the Thames' vulture folk , described in the first chapter of Dickens' "Our Mutual Friend , " discovered near Fulham .biidgo the body of Frank , clad in a neat grey frock and plnn- lore , once white , but now soiled with Thames sewerae. The bodies lie at tlie Chelsea mortuaiy , suriounded by an immense - menso crowd of curiosity mongers , eapcilv discussing the last London sensation. The mother and the b.ibe have not yet been found. nr.rojin Tiirc Tn.\nii > Y. Those In the tea ganien who . aw the RIOIIJ ) of four w hen taking their last meal desci Ibe the mother as seemingly pel fcctly sane and appaienlly happy. Unfoitunately llttlo can bo learned as to tlio cause ot snch an im pulse and ol the manner ot such a resoivo in mother thirty-five years old , always hereto fore lovincly maternal , the only witness available being young and having had his memory obscuied by terror. I'sycholojists thus have no clue ns to what was passing In the woman's mind and as to whether her act was the result of piemedltation or Impulse. Tlio iiist witness to bo examined nt tlie In quest Monday moining will be the husband , Francis Leader , who may explain the prob able condition of Mis. Lcadci's mind when ho pnited with her. MOKE ABOUT OIIUISfcClS. OpintoiiH Which Put tlio New Ameri can Vessels In Had Ijlght. LONDON , Oct. 17. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable-Special to tlio Br.H. ] From William John , manager and naval architect of tlio UariowShlp Building company at Harrow , In Furness , who Is a well reco n Ied author ity on thu construction of fast cruisers , I ob tained his written opinion regarding the American new steel cruisers. Ho said : " 1 have seen tlio plans of your cruisers , but have not examined them closely enough to speak confidently of them. Fewer guns and inoro speed would , 1 think , bu better. A model cruiser should not only outsteam all Ironclads , but al ° o merchants' ships likely to be armed as ci niseis. It should , moie- ovcr , have a coal simply for long chases at high speed piactlcally that it should excel meichantmcn In both speed and coal stowage. Iioncladsnie , ofcouise , absolutely wotthless lor protecting commerce or destroying eruls- eis. Crullers of nineteen knots speed me absolutely safe so as honclads are con cerned. " SP.A COAUNO DAXOKItot'S. "No ; coaling at sea Is so prccnilous that only picsslng emergencies would justify ti listing to it. I do not think such Amcilcan poitsas Xew Vork ate in the slightest dan- ircr fiom any class of Ironclads nllont. Tor pedoes and submarine torpedo boats add , yon know , so vastly to tlio dillicul- tics that toielgn Ironclads would have to con tend against outside these polls. I would not dieam of using Ironclads lo piotcct Now Yoik ncalnsi lionclnds. There is too srroit n field In thu usu of the various terms ot (01- ( pedo boats and dynamite shells lor defensive puiposcs. I think that torpedoes , combined with dynamite shells , will have a morn pi o nounccd effect on Ihu world's future navies limn toruedoos have had In the past. I think American warships should bo designed and constiuctcd by Ameilcaiis in Ameilca , " TJIOSI : WHO WOULDN'T TALK. Mr. Watts , the constructor al Kllswlck , Nowcastle-on-Tyne , to whom I next appealed ut Aimstiong's ship works , iolt that oxlsllng circumstances forbade him to discuss tko Ameilcjii crulbers. Sir Nallmnlel Uainaby , chief director of naval construction in the British admiralty under Iho Clndstono gov- eminent , for tlie snmo leason declined to discuss naval nmttois. Sir Kdwurd Iteed , Into chief constitutor of the Hi Itish navy , was pi evented by puvero Illness from discussing the new cuuseis. In conversation with ine , however , some dnys ago , ho declined that Amtilca Is not able to do without Ironclads of Iho heaviest type. Uo said wo should have six nuuoi-clttds of 7,000 , tons each nnd SOCOhoi > powersixteen knots speed and Iweuty-fonr Inch otcul armour , but with un- nrmotod cstiemltleri , tocost S200ooo each , Onn novelty ho ad\oeated earnestly was that the t-lngle 1W > ton cannon which these vessels would entry thould bo cntliely unprotected , thus saving 1,000 tons of minor usually placed around such cannon , A vinv : i > icinii : : > oriNios , Mr. K , 0. Wnniei , late chief constructor of tlm Chatham loyal navy yard , held decided opinions about the new American embers , and expiesscd them without hesitation , lie tald : "Kiiul.uul now has constructed or under construction eight unariiiored cruiseisof the u-gularnvctaxc sever.teen-knol speed , six ar- u.i ic I ciuisers of eighteeu-knot speed , and t unr now in hand will UYOiago nineteen knots. Of ocean torpedo catchers , able to steam across the Atlantic in any weather , there are four under construction , certain to steam nineteen knots an hour , and several larger ones are also contemplated to run twcnlv knols. Foutteen-knot cruisers art ) absolutely useless in fact , a kind ol remnant of the naval 'dodo' tribe. lghleen knols should bo the minimum speed of modern crulscis. " " 1 low do the Amcilcan cruisers compare with the latest models1' ' "Well , 1 will tell > ott a seciet to scno as n comparison. Two ocean crulseis which , al though small , are In every way suitable for long distance ocean ciiilslug hnvo just been built for n foielgn government. They have mnilo on the average twenttwo and one- half knots nn hour , on n six horns' trl.u. In the face of such cruisers jour men-of-war would have to go to tlio bottom foi safety. Why should n government buy the tortoise when It can get a haio ? Your small Rimboals are lo have only Ivvclvu knots sliced , but really vessels of over 4,000 Ions and under til teen knols speed are worse than useless. America will bo throwing money away. " WHAT THE I10AT9 Slinfl.D HE. "Ocean erusleis should can T ' .wo twenty- live ton guns for bow nnd stern chasers , also sldo batteiies of six-ton cannon ; If of 0,0(10 ( tons , should stuam twenty knots ; if of 4,000 tons , nineteen tons ; It : ! , eCO tons , eighteen knots. Such ipccd is perfectly possible. No countiy deseives a good navy moio than America. " Amonu other authorities whoso names I am not nhlo to use , 1 noticed tlio same leclini ; that ctiisleis under eighteen knots assmed speed would set vc only as oceans pnveis for use in flooring the Atlantic lather than as serviceable war vessels. . I.OI.D CIIAKI.RS ni.ursronn's OPINION , Aimed with a copy of Admlinl Aubo's in terview , sent from Palis tor that purpose , ! went to Lord Charles Ueiesfoid's lumse to ob tain his views rcgauliii the new American cruiseis. Lord Charles had just idmned to London and was too much occupied with the ndmlialty and his piivato business to ECU mo. However , In ) ever tlm French In tel v lew nnd sent by bis secrelaiy the follow ing opinion of It : "Loid Charles Ilcresfuid qnito agrees with Admiral Aubo's idea , that no cruiser Is of nnj use in wnifaic unless It is equal In speed to the fastest oceangoing merchant vessels , and In addition that it must have great coal cnirjiiiK capacity , fuel being tlio very lite or bieatti ofthcciulser In paiticulnr. ri.osin : THAN CI.AMS At the admiralty I met an absolute re fusal toc.xpicss any opinion lepirdim ; naval nlfalis , either home or foieUn. The officials of the construction deparlmenl seemed lo have a decided opinion rcgniding the Amei- cruisers , but without exception said It would be Impossible for them to express any opinion without tlie peuiiisslon of the de- paitmcnr. In tlie absence in the countiy of Lord George Hamilton , Iiist loid of the ad miralty , I saw his pocretaiy , Loid Wnlmer Keir , who said he though It would bo impos sible to ret permission to obtain the opinions of the navy olllcials. He passed me on , how ever , to tlie peimancnt navv becietmy. in whoso hands the power lay. The sccietniy said it would be quite impossible to obtain tlie views of navy olllcials regarding the now American vessels. The department would object so seilously that even If pcimission were obtained fiom the ICirlish secio'ary ' of state , it would be Icnnred by the admiinlty. Kach nation must build Us own navy. I'IIK- latid might 1)0 willing to aid Ameilca but could not do so v , itliont aiding Ku sla and Franco also. I thcreloio ccnsa ! the attempt to obtain further ofllelal opin on , pieferring to look lor ex-ofliclnls. who aie moie at lib erty to speak. NI5WS I < 'KOM DKlUjlN. n Woi'lcmon's Chntnhcr Minister of Justiuo ( Jemuireil. Ili'.nuK , Oct. 17. [ Spoclnl Cnblcgiam to the 13ir..J : The ( ! crman liberals in the Austrian rcichsralh have pinscnled a bill piovidlug for Iho formation ot a workmen's cbambi'r , whoso functions shall be to collect labor statistics , appnnt a commission on aibliration and aiiviso Ihu government on questions atlccting the interests of the work- inu classes. The bill also pioposcs that brunch chambers bo eslabllshed in Uvcnty- si-c cities and that all of these bodies bo cm- powo cd to elect nlno doputlos lo the icichs- latli. Tin : MIMSTHII or .JI-RTKI : cKXsntiiD. Thursday's edition of tlio None Frelo Piessowas sel/ed on account of an niticle vehemently altacklUKthe minister of justice tor defending the use of the C/.cch language In the courts of liohcinia. The Herman ami Austilnn piess concur In condemning the policy ol the government ns a step toward ledeiallsm and us lending ( o the suppression of ( .ci man and the inmlCVecliislcation of nil Bohemia. oKi'iciAi. ' , . ! ' AXjforxr rn AS DHAD. Thenuthoiltles at Fnssin , Jiavarin , have issued n statement clvlii ! : ofllclul documents to p love thai King Louis is ( lend. The object - ject ot tlio piihlcation ! of the statement is to dispel the belief of the peasants In tlie moun tain disti lets that tlie king is still alive , that he has never been mad nnd that ho is Im prisoned by a Uaitoroii'i refoucy. Other niotintalnceis hold that the phjsician , ( Jud- den , diuu'ged Iho klui ; and threw him into Stcrnberg lake whllo lie was in a d ) Ing con dition and that ( hidden escaped and is now alive In Ameiicn. The agitation has threat ened to end In un outbreak. The aiithoilllcs warn peasants Hint judicial pioccedlngs will bi ) taken against those who spread fulso re- poits. The Hamb'irt' corponitlon lias vo'ol .Ol > .ooo mniks tor the creo lun of lor lilca- lions nt tux Ha en. Tlio woik w II bu bcL'un iirmcdlately and will extend o or Cro-.Mi I'rlnco twelve joirs Irolulck Will am will open Iho new la , bar of Wilholnia Havn on the 10. h ot November. (1KIIMAM/.IXO Till : PIlOVI.VCI.s , The 1'fuss.lan govonim'nt conr'nu a Its exeit ons to tteiimmi/oth < 'ea < t < rn provinces Polish kaoliirs are beict ; trmstoriu I liom Iho tcliool In l'os''n to otl.n. | rovlnc ; ? . The Peen : tclioolmajleis who ret use < o i boy tlio oidciiiol theBoveiniucnt in th.s respecl uiu The Catholic. < i in im y at Paderburn , which was closed during the Kultcik-iuipr , wns re- oponeil to-day. Frederick Uodonstcdt. the wilier , Is eutfcr- Ine fiom a severe attack of orhtlia nmla. Kudhert Uombach , n well-known painter , Is dead. A new drama by Blumcntbal , uititkd "Tho IJIack Veil , " has Deeu produced at Fmnkfort and Is meeting with much succcs' . MaiiDgeis 1'o'lrnl , of Hnnibuig , and Jnnner , of Yliunu. have cnca oil Mine. Senib Ich for iif-criesof sixty ccuceits , lor oac'i ' of wlilchsho will receive 4.0JO narks. The first peiforiuauoj was givou In Berlin yesterdsy. Oail llelncko's newpomlo opera , "Aut Hohem liefehl , " is iunuiu veiybuct'-sfuly : nt Hamburg. THE3 PIIEXUII DKLKO.VTIoy. A UUtlnRulshoA Company Starts for America Do Lessens Talks , ON noABD THE BKETAONB , HAVKU , Oct. 10. [ New fork llerald Cable Special to the UEK. | Tne departure of the French deloga- tl n Inst nlcht from the Sa'nt Lnnro dcprt took plnco atnld oonsldernblc stir , on in ? to the presencu of M. D.i Lcssops , who held by the in n-1 Ids eldest dniuhti r. On our rench- liiCthe railroad dock liero we found the same bail weather wlilch Imj } prevailed In I'arls and along the o nst of'Normandy during the last few days. Our arrival at Ilavro took plnco at half past 0 a. m. A violent storut was blovvlrg from the southwcsl. M. De J.csscps bonnlcd the Dretnpno , being icspectiully snlutvil by all present. In his left hand he held that ol Ids daughter , Tottcto , now crosslut ; the Atlantic for the th'rd time , and In his r e < it ho carried a small nnd Inslgnlliccnt satchel , vvoith perhaps 26 centime0 , and nn Arabian bag. "These com prise rll the br.Kifae of Iho grand Fiancais , " ho said , as hi smilingly passed UP the gang pli nk , "and the consequent worries of having to await ir.y liacgago are cares tinkuow n to mo. Never In my lite and I have tmveled round the world have I oinled iiioretlinn these. " And so the sailor fnllnwini : him on binrd carried only the tiui'k beloiuinc toTototto. A TALK WITH l > n I.FASKI'3. 1 icquested permission to accompany him Into his stateroom , which 1 noticed was next doot lo the ladles' thawing loom , adjacent to the dining .saloon. First of all lie In stalled hlmiclf In his statetoom with his daughter and took his breakfast , meanwhile chatting with me In his well known frco and easy manner. Ho Ihen told me that ho wished to thank Ihu Americans for Iho kindly way in which they ha\o alwajs gicetetl him , and that it Is an error to Im agine that any hostile feeling hnd been shown to him. lie would meet them again In iKsfi once moie to shako their hands. Ho had to congratulate himself upon the co operation ot the Americans ( at Panama ) , their leadnu men In tlie works , their Instui- nients and their machinery. " 1 shall bo back in Pans on November 7 , " ho added. Then ho tells mo how sea sickness Is un known to him. Perhaps his daughter , Feidl- nand , otherwise Toletto , may be slightly un well , owing to the stioni ; wind , butsho a ) > - peats to trouble herself lltllo on Iho mat ter. She Is veiy enerue.tlc and lesemblcs her tlliisliious patent In most respects. She chats to mo in her turn about her journey to Knn Finnclsco , of the Incidents and even of the accidents she experienced when her train was derailed on the way from New York to San Fianclsco , near thu Itooky Mountains which event furnished tier the oppoitnnlly of an acquaintance with Iho Moimoiis. They gavohei ns a kecpsako a sm.ill book , which she coii'-clentiously retains. A DISllNflflSIiril COMPANY. \Veba\oon board'n tuily distinguished company. Amonsr others are Jiiun's , ( icitcrnl Pcllssior , Napoleon Noy , M. liailhnldi and many pn-tlv Amoiiean and French women apt ! many repieseutatives of talent , so that notwithstanding the bail weather which prevails in tlio channel , we shall not be too dull on botid the lirotairnc. M. li.utUoUU Is lo be cicalud a commander ol Iho Legion ol Honor. VHSMKLS. A Largo Xttinucr of Idves Lost In the Knclfsh Ohiinnul. LONDON , Oct. 17. [ New York Herald Cable Special lo the BKK.J The Norwegian baik I'Vedeilckstad , . .Coptain .IJjelke , from Musquash for Svyanseli ; Isstatcd bya lelejram fiom Padstovv to jttrjo been totally wfecftcd at Port Quint. Ijleven Dersons me reported diowned and only one snvcd. The Norwegian bnrk Alliance , Captain Ainesn , from lortIadison to the United Kingdom , is ashore on Doom b.trinavciy dangcioiis iiosltion. Eleven persons are leported saved and four mlssin ? . Tbo liiltlsli ship M alleny was wrecked In Bristol channel , and twenty persons were diowned. Thoshoie is strewn with wreck age. The bodies washed ashore have been stripped of valuables by wreckers. Another large bnik wns seen In teuiblo distress , Hie crews being huddled together on the deck. Tlio vessel foundered this morning , and it is believed that fiom a do/o J to twenty persons weie drowned. Tim ealo prevented tlie people ple on slioto from rendciiiiK assistance. The eiies of the doomed men were heard dis tinctly bj thosovvho w'ero watching the ves sel fiom the shoio. The German's Kinperor's Hunltli. HADHN BADEN , ( via Havie ) , Oct. 17. [ New Yoik Henild Cable -Special to tlio Itau.j This afternoon 1 saw the cmpeior ns lie drove In a close carriage fiom tlio resIdence - denco nt the villa Mcsmerlo visit the Coun ters Furstenbeig and seveial other Austilaii ladies at Iho IJotel d'Angletciro. The weather was coldjrain was falling and the wind pluiclng. The emiieior , who woie a lisrlit Austrian overcoat , got out of his cai- rhi0 ( ! and walked Jip tlie stejis of Iho liotel unaided with a flim and almost military pieclscness. He looked a lltllo paler than when I saw him al .Munich in July , but Is wonderfully lobust for his age. He dialled vivaciously for half an hour with the ladles about Iho society and dram.itlc gossip of Vienna and Berlin. Ho afterward drove homo and had a long talk with J'linco Hohenlohe , the governor of Alsace-Loualne , who came trom Stnislmig this moniiny to meet him. The eniieiorhas ] now lecoveivd fiom the recent slight attack of hepatic colic and blllouscalcnloiis , biought on by the sudden change ot weather , ills appetite Is first-rnto. The emperor and em- piess Invited 1'iiiice Holienloho and several other guests to the , Imperial table. The kaiser returns to Berlin on Wednesday. JlnnlanCI nlinH the ChniiiploiiHlitpT" LONDON , Oct. IP. , J n. m , [ Now Yoik Herald Cablo-Sptclat to the Iui.J ! : llanhm today In the Siiort-smai : , after uciting Iho ntteiiipts togcta malch from Beach , claims on fie Inltcr's ictlrcmeiit the championship > if the world. Thcsa aio his words : "As Bench declines to row me , and now retires , I claim the title of/clijunulon sculler of the world and am prepnifd to uphold the title by rowlnu-nny man In tHe woild from Putney to Moailnke for a tnk& of 90,000 a side. The deposit I left for tljo purpose of lowlnjc Beach Is still ijliig at the Spoilsman odlce as n proof ot my bona tUlf , and If no ono coiuoi foiward I claim.tho tltla which I am pupared to defend by towing In Amoiic.i. General ICaulbnrn Going to Hofla , OiuitOHvo , 0 t , 17. [ Now York Heiald Cable Special to thu JJiK.J : Oeneral Haul- bars has received full Institutions fiom St. Petersbmgand will go to Sofia vi.iTlrnova , but not PhlllppopolU , Sir William Whlto coos to Constantlioplo | to-night , Sir Henry Lasct-les goes ( o Bucharest. Ycllo\r Fnvorat lilloxl. NEW OIII.EANS , Oct. 17 , Vl\a \ state boaid of health have received Information of the prevalence of fever at Blloxl , Miss. , which Is supposed to be yellow fever. Charles Mai.slmll , superintendent of thu Louisville , .t Nushvillu railroad , states that ho was told that Dr. Lemon had pronounced the cause of Ids wife's death at Blloxl , as yellow fever. Marshall hr.d received a teteguui from the station agent which bora the I n foi mntlon that Iheio were thirty or forty cases at Illloxl , and Drs. Lemon and Majbinuhuvo advised about the nature of thu fever , Dr , Lamon adhering to the belief that It was unquestionably yellow fever. The board thereon is-nicd a notlco to the oluclulsnt BHoxl ( U'd.irins & billet quaran tine against U. BOTH FACTIONS STILL FIRM , Packers and Their Employes Give No Signs of Yielding BARRY EXPECTS A COMPROMISE. Powtlorlj- Orders Him to Stay In Chicago cage and Work for nil Amicable AtlJiiHtmeiit IMnkcrtoii Guards Increased , The Strike Situation. CiiirAno , Oct 17. One huiutrotl addl- tlonal Pinkerton 111611 airived nt the Impro vised hauacks In the slock yaids this oven * In ? . Tht ) force now numbers 4M ) won. The Htriko cnino before lite trades'assembly to day nnd raised quite acoiiiiuotluii. T. J. Lyons Introduced resolutions liolditi- . U. Armour responsible fur the strike nnd at ttiu bottom of tlio trouble. The resolution also called on the assembly to use Its Inlluetico to Induce all persons not lo trade nt simpshcro Ar mour's meats nra sold. The Introduction of the losolutlon brought a number of delegates to tlicir leet Instnntcr. A. Cameron vohcm- outly assorted that there WAS not a scintilla of proof to show tluxt Armour was mot001 less culpable than the other packers , nnd ho wns opposed to singling out on o man nnddestrovlnsfhlsbiislneis when the othem wore as deep In the mud as ho In Urn mlie. Another deleirnto said the block yards cm. plojes had neither naked nor taken such ac tion yet. and when thej tlid it would bo time enough for the asM'iubl ) to act. At tills point Clmlimrm Cinwfoid i tiled Hint as the resolu tion virtually contemplated u boycott the ns. scmbly could take no action on It , but referlt to the bojcott boaid , which Mas done. * Acting under iiistuicllons fioin General Master Workman Powdcily , T. 1 * . Harry will , contra ! y to announcement , uot , > go to KIHimond , but will U'liuln heto and continue his efforts to bilng about an nmie.ible settle ment. To-nlulit Barr wild ho hoped tor a speedy adjustment ot the troubles , on what basis ho could not say , but he was of the opinion that a compiomise.if soaio Mill would be etVectcd. lie s.ild ru.-Jmd bren aiithoil/ed by Povuletly to settle thodllll- eulty and was Invested with full power to act. act.Fully one thousand Knights ot Labor mot this afternoon In Uermanta Turner hall In soeiet session , ll.ury made a icpoit , giving an ontllnu of the -initiations which have been conducted by the committee oflileli h Is clmlriiinn. The meeting passed a vote of eonlidouc'.i In the committee mid pledged itself to obcj all ciders which might be is sued. The present status ot the stiikc is given by Hairy as follows : " 1 h.ive explained to the packers , especlallv Mr. Kent , flint mere technicalities are all that niev cut n settlement. The men want simply n toimnl recognition of the eight hour day and dn not object to vvoik- ingover time , the wagns for whlc n shall bo at the same r.itoiisiegnhir time. The pack- < ! ii-fiiho to eonecdo this one point. As Aimcur * > is , they hav o counted the cosl and tin shedding of n Httlo blood will not stop or iiilluenee. them in the least. 1 have all confidence in HIP strikers. If they leimilu oulct and peaceable nnd stick togelher , vie- toiy is Uic and speedy.1 Proclaims for Arliitrntion. MINNEAPOLIS , Oct 17. This moinlnc Mnyoi Amesjbsued a somovvhateromnrknblO' ' pioelamalion. In which , after reciting the damage to the meicnntile Intciosts of the city pioduced by the strike of switchmen , nnd the faut that both patties of thu state in their platfoims aie pronounced in favor of thu aibitrntlon of labor tiouhli'S ho says : Now. therefoic , by vlilue of tlie power vested In mo as mayor ol the city 01 .Min neapolis , I hereby call on all said paitles to all such dUlerenees to atouco ugieo and ap point u fixed n urn bin of uibltr.itor.-.and until haul differences bo by them adjusted , the foimer lelations be u'sumcd bv the parlies so the public intcicst nmv nolonirerhiilter. 1 Itnther eaniestlv icqiiest that no act ot violence or expression of 111 will bo made bv nnvone , In the liopethntlurmony bo restored. The switchmen's atiike assumed no new fcainre.s in either city. The mayor had a nieetimr-thismoinlng with the officers ot nil railroadvlio leplied to his piorlaination ealllns for arblliation , that there was noth- inr lo arbitrate. AH they wanted was an op portunity to ic.snino business , and they asked it they would be irotected in doing so. The ma.\oi's answer was evasive , but he said In case of a riot it would be nut down. Ilesubseqiifiiitly bud meetings with the jobber * ' association , and nfteiwards addressed a inectiiiK of strikcif , advising ai- bltratlou. This uflerunon ho vislled the Manitoba yaids in East Minneapolis and saw an engine held by the sliikoia. In the St. Paul vniils the day has hern un- ovi'iitfnl. Every road moved .some Height nnd it Is said all loads will resume open- lions to moirow moinlng under the protec tion ot their own special olllccrs. So tin the St. I'ftid strlkeis have conhned their cl- foits to moral suasion. Neither wide , how ever , shows mi } disposition tonibitialo. Can't 1'fty Their AYoi-lcmon. BOSTON , Oct. 17. The South Boston iron works , the well known gun factory , last night suspended opeiatlons on account of Inability to pay the worlvinen. The shut down may last two weeks or as many months. Neatly 250 oxpeit lion workeis are tin own out of employment. For the past six weeks the men have leceived no pay and the .suspension is explainer ! by the fact that tlio government nwcil tlm woiks ssno.uoo for illlcd cannon cnuhuros and other woik per- foimedot late , and tlm appiopiinthnm not being loithcomlng the resomres ot the com pany became almost exhausted. MNGMSM 1'OLITICK. Dr. Aufoi-py Talks on the CUIIHOS of Gladstone's Dd'ont , CIIICAOO , Oct. 17. fSncclnl Telexiam to the HIM : . | Dr. Aubioy , the well-known Lon don journalist and public speaker , Is In the city on his way to the J'.iclfln const. Dr. Aubrey was n ( iladstonlnn candidate for Noith Hackney at the gonc'ial election In July , and Kiiffeicd doleat with numerous others. Ho has spent some time In Canada , where ho has spoken concerning home into f 10111 an Kngllsli standpoint. In an intei- view to-day on the Kntjlisli political oitim- tlon , ho attributes the Iiheinl detent In Lon don mainly to the fact that the Irish policy of Gladstone was not undcistood , and to a fear that heavy taxes would bo Imposed in older to buy out thu Itish Inndloids. The torlcs persistently cheered this notion , he said , althoiich It was JhKrnntly unUiio. The torles Insisted that three times the amount named In Gladstone. ' * bill would bu leiuilied. The toiy people weie mndo to be- llnvo tlmt the money would bo raised by dliec-t taxation. ' 1 he home rnlo riuestlon was not decided on its meilts. Most of the talk about the disruption of the emplio was claptrap. The real contest centered mound the land bill : Dr. Anberry Icctuied In many Canadian town , mainly In leplyto what tin calls''tho partial , bigoted and misleading statement ! , " of the two Orange delegates liom I it-land.1 ICiino and Smith. "My reception In Canada.1' hesald , "hasbeen most cimiiul and entliusl- nstlc. | lia\ueveiy leason to bellovu that by tar thulniuer poitlon of Canadians are in 1mor ol ( iladstonu's uieasiiK'd , just Hb 1 ex- jiocttd to lind. " A Saloon 1st Who Klioots. MIMVAUI > II : : , Oct. 17 , 1'our diunlcen ralliond labojera entered tieono Kelfer's sa loon to day and raised a low. They were oideiPtt out and lesponded by smashing all the window sand furniture. The pioprletor kliot William Daley and John Hurna , and their companions lied. Hoth men 010 mor tally wounded. Kelfer walked to the polluo station and pwu Lluiadf up. CliUAUANOKS KOU THU AVIJUK. Omaha Shown Dp AVitli Met * Custom- nry Imrco IncrenHp. HOSTON , Oct. ( Tcleciam to the Hii : : . ] The follow IIIK taMe , compiled from special dispatches to the Hoston 1'ost fiom the leading clc.ulnc house' ! In the United States , ( .hes the clearances fortlio week end- lug October 10 , with the rale per cent of de crease and Increase ns compared with the clearances of the concspoudlng week Inst j e\r : Nrw Yonu , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram to thollF.i : . ] The work has been remarkable for sudden and sharp changes In the temper ol speculator , ami yet tlio voltimo of busi ness shows considerable falling off from that of the previous week- , Circumstances at Iiist favored n lower range of prices , and there weie declines running up to tlireo points on the easier woiklng of tlm money market , the uncertainty surrounding the Western rnll- rend situation , the talk about the Panama ro.ul lofttsiiig tolranslcrovoilnnd freight for the Pacific Mail cotu ] > , xn\ , and the labor stilkes at othei cities. The reaction brought with it quite u sluing bearish feeling1 , mid n huge shot I Interest was made , the covering of which subsequently assisted the bulls iiiiUciialli In theli cffoits to rally the market. About the middle of the week some of the leaileis , who lenll/ed and been walking lorn decline , tinned a thaipooiner and once more moved up llielr specialties. They had in their favor inthcr easier monej , shipments of gold from Kir.ope , buying by Lon don , ( lie agreement icaelied by tlio western loads , and ninioin of the Nickel Plate-Lake Shore settlement. The great feature of the Tiro'vTi ! ? * ' > ianTirnian ; the buying of which largely Incieased on Ihe success attending tlio i eduction of laic.s on the Tuiid avenue lines and the action ot ( he dlrectois In extending the iTi-cuiit r.ile to all lines on and afler No vember 1. The stock moved up i.ipldly at inlet valh ami did not slop until It showed an advance of 'J7 points. The Impiovemeut In the romulmlei of tlio list was to y points , with Laekavvana , New KiiK , Missotiii Pacific , Michigan Ccnlral Manitoba , llockiiiK \ alley , the Nickel Plate , and ! Jt. Louis iV San Francisco stocks In ttio Ic.ul. The sudden tiansition from depression to bnorancj illustr.ites the tecuperattvo powcis of the market , wlilch mows out of thu firm hold which Ihe bull fever has on thu public gcncially. In lalhoad inoitirages de.iliugs weie well distiibuted but Ihe principal activ ity was in the soiithwestein Issue , and of these Atlantic it Paeliic incomes were the leatnie. Government bonds weio lower eaily In the week , but afteivvards improved In consequence ot small supclv. Foreign ox- rlminio inloit lov\ei , and the decllno stalled another Impoitant movement in gold. About i > : ) ( shipped from Kurope to tills sldo duilni the week , but at the close ex- chance vvns a lltllo firmer and no new en gagements weie reported. 'Iho monetary situation , on Iho whole , was easier. The bulk of business in call lo-ins was atti@7 per cent , with exceptional ti.iiihactions as high as U and as low as per cent. nnts. cox's MISTAKE ; . How "Suiifict's" AVIfo Hns Involved This Country and Turlioy. Xi.vv YOIK : , Oct. 17. [ Special Telegram to the BKI : . ] bunset Cox has entangled this countiy and Turkey In n most pccullai way. While MIH was in TuiKoy with him , Mis. Cot busied herself In whatever commended Itself lo her wldc-awako and useful nalure , and , among oilier Ihltigs , established a life-saving station. The sullan dr-coiated Mis. Cox with Chitchat , an order highly pi l/ed in Tuikoy. Mis. Cox took the badge andiiaichmcnl com mission as a member of the oidei ol which It Is a sign , and Suimet came homo jubilant with Jil ° wife's Chitchat among a thousand other nice mementoes he had colh clod in the land of the sultan. She snpnoscd she had a light to take t ho dccoiatlon. It was the sultan who made a uussot It. Beluga citllniit man and used to dolnjr lavois foi many women nt a time rather than lei one. asIs the. custom licit * , ho sent nnotliei ol his Chatcbats to Mm. ( irou-r Cleveland. She declined It , and It bccaiiui Seeutniy ISaynid's duty lo so Inform thu sultan , Ho heaid at the same time ot Mis. Cox's Chitchat , nnd , U Is said , lias decided that .Sunset must send it luck , unless congress penults him to accept It. AM toCox'snigiiment that bo Is not Mis. Cox , nnd .site is not in the uoveuimunt employ , it Is nmlciMood Hint Mr. Bay.nd smiles saga- cloitsl ) and slii''h with the notaries In theiuiw pl.iy : "Now ; Tlmt Will Not Do. " The nm- bassadoi'fi veislon of this tnle Is not yet made iiubllc ; neither is Mr. ll.iyaid's. The above Is the story as It Is told at tlio county domoc- incy hcadqnaitciH among the uvcnngicss- mnn'.s lilends. Sullivan in .Now Vork. Niw : Yoitic , Ocl. 17. [ Special TeLviam lo Iho BIE. : | Although Alexander Sullivan , ex-president ot tlio IiMi National Leitgue , dropped do\v n on Now York Filday night nnd sequesteicd al the Windsor In a vcrj nn- obtrusive mniiner , his appeaianco was wifll- clout lo sei.d a dull llnougli deii'Ociutlo ell- etes , which Immcdlnlely juiiipeii to tliu con clusion tlmt ho had coma with no other pur pose than to take p.iit In the piO'Ciil cam paign , and their experience In l i , when ho Ird O > ,000 piotecllonlsl Irishmen Into the republican tanks In this state , has led them to look upon him as a dangerous man. One of his most Intimate friends , how over , denied thai Mr. Sullivan intended taking any part In politics , and added : "He has hud etiuuuh of it for n time , and Iho issues ol this aionotsuch as would lead him to tr.l.olbii stump , " Antl-SulllvnnlMs chai o that .Sulli van's mission Is to confer yltli Cluun-a-Cieal Jcadeis here , who arc under bin cr ntriO , ami to uiinni'O that the votes of the oidei , us far as possible , be cast lei the lepubilcau candi dates. Korlous Acolileiit. About 3 o'clock this morning un lu- runte of Frunkio Clifton's cstablLshiuDiit , who wns enJoyhiK u drivu on .Sherman uvonue , WHS thrown out of llin carr'a/io ' / und the probabilities uro tbnl IHT i will result fatally. BENEDICT BOUNCED TOO MANY TLo Discharge of Printers From tlio Govern ment Office to Oraso , NEW APPOINTMENTS TO DE MADE Tlic til-awing I'owpr of tlio fjtthnr Void 1'oellnK or Apprehen sion AII-OIIK Mnny Htntcs- titcnlnVnslilnKlon. . Ho Wnntt flloro Men. WASHINGTON , Oot. 17. [ Special to th Uir..J : Public 1'rintcr Hencdlct has already shown his hand. After illsrhaiglni ; about one-lifth of nil tlm employes In thn public printing olllce ho announced thai he was pre pared to perform more labor with the reduced force than ho or his predecessor could before. It Is only n week since tlm hist wholcsnto dis charge. was made , ) et the New Voi k stnlo connternnil of Indiana llolmnn Is already pulling In his hoins. It Is now announced from the otllcc that no more discharges will be mndo , but that Instcud It will be necessary to make n number of now appointments boloto the ofllco will bo In the same etnto of elllclency which existed a few weeks ago. It Is claimed tlmt the discharges mnde weio cntliely non-political and that democrats and ropnbllcan.s weio alike sncrliiccd to the de mand for economy. It Is not asserted , how ever , that the new employes will bo selected i with like Impnitlallty , and those who hiuo been dismissed and who are anxious to get baek are already hunting mound for tlio mostpowortul detnocuitic "intlueiice" possi ble to obtain. t.Allon's POSITION IN POLITIC . Since the convening of the labor convention In Richmond theiu has has been a mo\\ lug feeling among politicians as to thu magnitude nt the movemeni which has not heretotoio been O'ediUd with the Impoi lance that It Is entitled to. There are I thor ciudldntes In the Horn for conciessional and other oHlclu.t the statesmen assembled \Vnshlngion lla e not until uc-iitly considered these men worlhy of notice as faetoiy In tin ) ra-e. Now , liowovfr , that the Knights ot Labor ha\o shown tin r strength to some extent , theio Is a growing belief that the movement of labor has not j el. readied the zenith. Opinions dilter ns lo tlio lesulUtobo expected In the campaign this lall. Those who have given the subject hut a cursory examination predict that in several districts where no danger has beietotoiu been learod by either of the old p.irtlc.s. recoL'iil/ed representatives of tlio la'ioi- ' movument may lie successful , D..rin ; thu past few dnvs > our eoi respondent has talked with sevcial piomiiient labor loaders and thinkers in WashliiL'tnn In rn- K.ird to the subject , and the Imniesslon gleaned fiom them Is that there will be no p.utk'iilar stilfe made by the Knights c.t Labor for a year or two to obtain a loothold In coiiKiess. itsonld bo exceedingly tin- wise , these men S'iy , just on the e\o of a picsidcntial election to foist their condldatCH upon tlm public with the Intention of electing' ihem , it , as is mom than likelv , llie'-n atlemnts should not be successful.'It is net yet time , " said one ol them , who Is recotf- ni/ed as one of the most iistnto ol the pai ty. "to show oiirstrcinrth or weakness. Jf wo should fail to-day we sh mid simply si ow just how gicat our sticngth is and nould give tlm other parties pownr to elieekmato us two years hence. If wo hold bask wo can poihaps contiol the balance ot uower two years from now , and make ourselves foil In one or both of the national conven tions. This Is tlio leason why so tow rocog- n I ml labor men luue. been nominated tor state and federal olllces. The movement may not bu made so soon as ISbS , but when itdoew come tlio public \\ill bo surprised at tbu stiength of thu heictotoiu despised labor paity. " WINCl : ! ! } 1'KSTfl. AVImt Hie Govern incut Is Dotnt ; to Ux- tcrminnto ISiiKlisti Simrrown. WASHING i o.v. Oct. 17. Tlio material Is largely in hand In the orirani/.ed division of economic ornithology of the department of a' ricultuio lor a series of bulletins upon tha ' relations of s'ovcial species of bluls in this country to agrlcultme. The evidence col lect.'d will have a strong tendency In some cases to upset widely picvnlcnl notions ro- spcctini ; tlie habits and values of certain birds , In otheis to lea a to organized elloitlor the mitigation or extinction of pests which tlneatcn destruction to valuable branches of agricultinc. In the latter categoiy Dr. C. II. Merihnn. head of the division , places English spanown as chief. This blid was Imported with a tloinisli of piaiso some yeans ago as an agent for the protection of shade tiees trout the ravages of cattai plllnis , inchworms and other creeping things , and lias go multiplied and developed among Its iiewsuriotindlngHas to become a vastly gieatcr scoingo than the ono It was expected to coun teract. Its piescnl ialo of increase Is enoimous , and tlie no.v tenltoiy which It Involves \ estimated at mote than l.'i'.003 Hqiumi miles annually. It Is essen tially u town blid , nesting almost exclusively about and upon piofeclions of buildings , but II takes long vaeatioi's ' during the Jrult Krowiiij ; reasons and wurtkiiits tiistidlousap- pctllu ujion the laigestand juiciest of ginpe.s and the daintiest of tree iitilN , in which woik of destiuctlon its aggrcirato of damatres Is almost incomputable. How best to piovent further Incicnsu and ctntiill Its imaging pioponslllc.s Is an uiisolvul piohlem. It may bu shot or poisoned , or It may be despoiled of Its nest , mil neither plans niomlso permanent irlluf. The es timated annual loss to ilco planteis trom tlio dcpicdations of this biid is between three and lour million dolhns. Dr. ilciiluni leccnt- ly snout .some time In tlm rleo liehlH of houth Caiollntt fortlio pmpo-scos studvln ; ; tlm habits ol the bird mid of experimenting1 With a vlewot'puivuiitln Its domedutioii ? . Ilotniind HID phiiitnrs making iholr heiolc cflints , and with paillul hiucesn , to sa\u their crops. l''or ' illustiatlon , a iiehl of 200aercs teiiulred the itmploymentof inino than IHly men and boyn , tlicir duty liulng for some liouis moinlnt ; and oveniiiK to ereato such u hubbub with guiiH and other nolso ptoduciiiK IniplemciiU : is would nic- vcnt the blulH fiom settiiiL' upifti tills pai tlcii- lai Iiehl and scaio tliimi over In of their neliihbnis. when a similar din was in pro- eoss lor a HKn imipose. Dr. .Meirlam IhlnkH ( hat n Hlnule hawk , trained us weio tha fal cons with which the spoilsmen of the mltldlo ages amused themselves , wouhl bo n n i'ilf'1- ivo piou'cllon to a > ilco ilohl. It IK protiablo that an oxpeilment In thin ( llu'clloit will bo tiled If a person of sull'clei ' t experience In the tialnlnu'ot blids ean l-o found touniU-itaKc it. Witli repaid to our iiidifeiiousblidsot ptey liuwks iinct owh tor the klllhiicof whlen J'oiinsylvaiilu mid perhaps ( itlu i Btatcn pay aiiumilum , Dr. .Mor- ilam HII.VH oinltliolo lsts nro convlnct'd that tb lr licivlcw ) am of great value to l.ini' : ' > if > , Not moio than thieo out of npuanU ol tiiiity of thu species prov upon donnlc | fowls , and ovuii tbc-sd mom ilianrenum ] late the tiiiiiins by killliiKlluhl mice. The Cloning Game. AT CINCINNATI Clncinimll . U 00000020 3 Louisville . . . .2 ( ) 0 0 0 0 i ! l u- /i First base lilt Cincinnati 7. LmiUU'lo ' 8 , I'llclierI'ockiiinoy i.n I IRcker. hiur Cincinnati ; } , Luiiisvlllu ' . ' , Oouliln TriiKOily at Iiidlnnnjiol ! . , IKDIAVATOMX. Oe . 17. Jlenry Xeitpl rte to day shot hlii wife , Ml.inlc , tlueo times and then cut his i.wu tbu ap. with a pocket Idilfn mill lhel ; a bullet ilin-iiili - his own he.ui , OK- i > lrlngilmubt : inst.kiitly. Thu woman tuny A 1'iiirilUtM Doiith. Xr.w ( ) III.IAXS : , Oct. 17.-.MIse .McCooi , veil known in pugillslle elicits , died this morning at thu Charity lio&pltal hero of bit ! * ncj din 'so ' and complications aritttij ; tl.ti f in , , i 1'u vi.iI I Ji 3 i hie i ( . ' " old ,