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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 17 , 1886.--TWELVE PAGES. k. H * 3fvt4 * : nftypwBir Gill'Bt I ABOUT In tnitnvr tn nn adi'i'i'ti din'iit lirndcd , * . ( Drrhirtitltmof It'iir , " irlilt'lt ff//ir / ) / < iwf In ttir Ifr/wW/Mii / / nftlir I " iti ! , ii'c bi'i/ ( ' > cull atli'itUon to our i-rditcrd in'icrtt. lu.irin'li-fi { arc not / / / / lnit > i-miiif/li In ntitlftf the ml re rt her * of "A lri'liii'iH'ni of ll'ur. ' ' Unit iff intend telling bnnks irlll intif. c them * llll foirrr. clu'iti > c > 'tlnin ji/owr/sr ; / , or Here are the Prices Take Advatnoge of Them. Handsomely bound .cloth volumes , printed on guutl paper , in largr , clrnr type. Published ut T"io. ( Ioeluration of War price fl-lc ) . Ad HIM Bcdc. Aesops Fables , Anderson's Fairy Talcs Arabian Nit-bls , Called Hack' CliiUlron of the Abbey. Oiekcns Child's Ilktory of England , Don Quixote , Ooris , IJast Lynne , Felix Holt , Fern Leaves Grimm's Fairy Talcs , Otillivai'i. Travel * , Ilyierion | , Ivanhoc , Jane K\\c John Hali fax , Last Days of Pompci , Last of Mohicans , Mill on the Floss , Mysterious lEland , Oliver Twist , Our Mutual Friend , Paul and ViJgiuia Pilgrims' Progress , Robinson Crusoe , Scottish Chick , Shan- don Ucllf , Spoopciul kc Papeis , Suits Family Robinson ; Tluddeus of Wan : w , Tom Jlrown's School Days , Tour of the Wor'd in So Daj , 2ooco Leagues Under the Sta , Vanity Fair , Guy Manncring , Wa\cj | and hundreds of others. Wools , Ancieiil anil Modern Ui'uutifnlly pound in line English oloth , printed in largo clear l.ypu on good vapor. Published at ? 1..10. Declaration of War price fiOc. Mrs Rrowiiing , Hums , Hymn , Dante , Favorite L'OIMDS , ( Joobhc , Honiaus , Iliad , Ingi'low , Lucilo , Meredith , Moore , Odys sey , Pee , 1'opc. Proctor , -hillpr , Scott , Shakespeare , Swinbtiruc , Tennyson , Wlnttier , etc. , etc. , etc. Declaration of War , Price 50c. Largo 18 mo. beautifully bound iii cloth , extra well printed on good paper * published at $1 8f . AiH'ora. Floyd , Admiral Ward , Can tons , David Uoppei ii .Id . , Wood's Natural History. Lifo of Napoleon lionapartc , Tales from Shakespeare , Deerslnjer , Dora Thomas , Ennnert > on' & Essay , File 118 , Green Mountain Hoys , Harry Lorro- quor , Horschoo Robinson , Hyperian , Lady Audloys1 Secret , Molly Hawn , Mon sieur Lecocacuio , Moonstone , Newcomes , Pcndcnnis , Pickwick Papers , Pilot , Portia tia , .Sea Queen , Spy , Thirty Years War , Twice Told Talus. Under Two Flags , Wanda , Widow Hcdott , Doniboy anil Son , Wooing O' T. , Yolande , etc. , etc. , etc. etc.Undo Undo Tom's Cabin , handsomely bound U cloth , published at $1. For UUc. Declaration of War. PricojO. Books in Sets Cliambrr'H Encyclopaedia ; published mf.aj. v r ? > 1:1.75. : Declaration of War price. $10. This is the best edition of this great work now published. Carlisle's Works Declaration of War price I ? ' . ) . liogton Irving's ' Wo ks Ten volumes , large 13 mo. , printed from new plates , in largo clear typo , very tastefully bound. Published at $ ir > . B'or St. , . Declaration of War price 0 , George Eliot's ' Works , Beautifully printed , from clear largo tyif ) > > on good paper , and liandsomcly bound m 1' ! mo.elolh volumes Published at $12 OiilySJ. Declaration of War prices , $3. The works of the great Satirist. W. M , Thackery Eleven largo13 mo. volumes , beauti fully printed and copiously illustrated , published at $10 r.O. < ) illy SiO. Declaration of War price , $7. Lord Lytlon's ' Ws. The complete works of this cr.lobr.iled and favorite author , in I'l ' largo 12 mo. , rloth volumes. Published nt ? l.r)0. ! ) For $ .7.75. Declaration of War price , & 9. 3 Great Histories. Macaulay's History of England , in five 1" mo. cloth volume.s , published nt 10. Foi-8I.U5. Delaration of War Price $1.45. Carlylo's French Hevolution , two neat ' 12 tno. cloth volumes , gilt tops , published nt2.6a. For $1.10. Declaration of War Price $1.45. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times , published in two large IS mo. volumes at $3. For 81. Declaration of War Price $1.413. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS , Scrap Poolfs & Autograph Albums In all shapes , tnlrn , liiiultutix and iirlci-x tn-t'cr ' equalled In Iho city. ChiJdrcns' Toy Hook for children of nil ages. In paper and cloth bindings. N. FALCONER. In Undo HUIII'H Court , Judge Diindy has returned from Wyoming , where he wont on a hunting trij ) about a month agoand will convene court on Monday. The law of \ \ yom- ing prohibits the killing of any game ex cept bear by non-residents. It is safe to Krusunio therefore thai Judge Dundy has a fund of bear stories on hand , as his entire - tire month's hunt was devoted to the chasti of bruin. Wni Avers & Son , of Philadelphia , aommonced suit m the United States po irt yesterday to eecuro judgment against Slonmn Ilros. for goods sold and delivered , and secured by judgment notes amounting to $1,211. The Now Kng'and ' Mortgage Security cpinpany of Wyndham , Conn. , com- iu'i ! pod action yesterday for the fore- clpfcuro of a ( COO mortgage against Mr. jtiul Mrs. John Allberry. Frank MurphyThos.Swobo and Frank Hunjiltnn , three of the seven defendants JU ( tie case of J , II , Hosier vs. Win. Pax- top ct nl. , tiled u petition in the United States court yesterday afternoon asking to be reinstated us defendants in the case with leave to answer. They claim they iyjll show that the other members of the land .syndicate disposed of uccri\ln ! por- tjoji of the property , deriving special bouelit thorofrom. and defrauding the emd Murphy , Swouo and Hamilton. For Sale or For Omaha Real Estate , a linely im proved farm of 80 acres within B miles of VhttUmouth , Nob. , and 1 mile from Echool and church , all fenced , 100 bear ing fruit trees , good two-story hotiao , wjud mill , stable for 10 horses , grannery. corn crib , etc. Cull nnd see about this. KKITKU & OAMPUULI. , 1500 Faniain st. , Room 1. Mine. O. llloUmaa } I M just returned from Now York and will be pleased to have a call from all \vlshing the latest and prettiest French Millinery , M14 Douglas street. "Open until 0 o'clock every evening. Ko cards. Arrival of Vienna umlomear at M. It. IllucinH&C'o. This enterprising linn have been among us for about one year. During that time they have enjoyed n steady growth in business and reputation , until increasing business has become one too many foi them. A now member has just been taken in , Mr. T 13. Ferguson , formerly general foreman of the nail works of tine city. Mr. lorguson is n thoroughly roll able business man , and will boa valuable addition to the linn. Mr M. L , Iliggins is too well and favorably known to need any encontums. These gentlemen will do a regular real estate and loan busline at tlit'ir pleasant ollico , ono door west ol Kudu's drug store , 'Iho linn will con tinue as heretofore M. L. Iliggins & Co , The Rov. A. Thompson will continue his course of Free Lectures ut the lioyil Opera house as usual at 11 a. in. , this ( Sunday ) morning. 1 1- * * tt - 4 The "Willing Helpers" will give t Dime Sonhible at Cynthia Chriitiai : church , Walnut Hill , next Tlttlrsdaj evening. All nru cordially invited , c.spe chilly those in the vicinity of Walun Hill. Solomon's Addition , fiO acres , for sale in acre lots , ouo milt from city , quarter mlle from deaf ant dumb institute : only $500 per acre , ! f5 < down , balance $10 per month , 0 per cen interest. N. 1. D , SOLOMON. Aycnts , full commission , Arrival of Vienna underwear a Ramgc's. Read the special notices. Of the C. K Mayno Real Estate aim Trust Co. if yoi want to buy real estate. Invitations and Elegant Hall Pro grammes , latest designs , Omaha Lith ographing & Stationery Co. The Ladies Musical society will meo Wednesday next , 8:80 : p. m , at Ma Miner's Mrs. Marie A. Wallace has rcturnc from the East , and will bo pleased to se her patrons in her new rooms , outhent coiner Thirteenth and Dodge , rear c Millard Hotel. LL Corner Dodge and 15tli IN 1 An Exceptional Opportunity LADIES' NEWMARKETS , lt DiuHontil Wimvr'nrlmck , tailor Jinlsli AT LADIES' NEWMARKETS , f of Ifrou-n niaaonal far bade Ito-tret ; s > ome inctnl button * , collar , cu/ ) ' * , nnd trimmed un the Intcli with UHtractian to match , LADIES' WRAPS , / wide It'ate Dlai/ona ! Jtcarcr , Itercrcfronts , full dolman slrrri'e.rni-nntiv inrtal buttons' , collar , ' " / / ' * a ml triniini'd around bottom ivitli verttviflc bttndx of axtrarlmn , s t4.fiO. AT Ladies' Black Frieze Wraps , War ml u lined , trimmed with handwnw black hare far. JSXTItA OCALITr AT Ladies' Seal Plush Wraps , lined , hcnrily trimmed u-itli tict quality blarlc It u re fit r , . . Worth $22. O. LA OIKS' UK-T VITALITY AT ASTRACHAN CLOAK , / < ? inches lena , xatln lined , chamois pocktts , four ornt'tnrnts. Sjiccialli/ adapted for fine trade. _ WortJi $ : t LADIES' NEWMARKETS AT Witli hood or cape , made of imported check cloth , with belt , novelty bone buttons , a'orn in the east to al most the e.rcliTnion of any other garment. IJ'orUi $ 'J. ? . AT LADIES' JACKETS , t ofhcai'ironylt clolii , * crriccnhle eolorn. Jliancd front. * , a-ith handfomc ntetal buttons. Worth $ ( i.r O. LADIES' JACKETS , AT Made of llerlln beaver eJoth , double-titifelied all around , collar and ruffs * of astntcltan , extra tiize metal buttons icltli handsome . fourugicr. Worth" fjj'J ' AT LADIES' JACKETS , of imported cheeked cloth , . ' ( pockets , relvct collar , lined throiifihoaf with fancij Kiitin , bound all around with braid. Worth IZ. Superior Assortment. Lowest Prices. Children' * Cloaks , sizes 4 to 14 years old , made of All Wool Melton Cloth , double box pleats , with cape , jiorltets , double stitched , at OTO ACCORDING 20 AGE. WOItTIf l-t MOIIE. KELLEY , STIGER & CO. , 1422 and 1424 Dodge Street. GO TO tiKlIMAXN'S New York Dry Gooitu Store , for Novelties in Dress Goods , Silks , Velvets , Plushes , itobcs , Millinory. Combination Suits , Knit ( Joods , Underwear , And for Hnrgains in Every Kind of Dry Goods. ONE 1MUCE TO ALL- Joim 11. F. LKIIMANN & Co. , 1310 and laia Farnam St. All kinks of Job Printing , Omnlia Lithographing & Stationery Co. * A Now Observatory. Work upon a second observatory has boon commenced in the campus of Creighton college , which will bo com pleted before thn close of the present month. , When-finished it will b'e supplied with an excellent sot of scientific instru ments , one of which will be un astro nomical clock , the othnr a telescope of even greater power than that now used in the observatory which was erected u coupla of years ago. This second op- sorvatory will in no manner interfere with that now in use. Dr. HanchcttHomeopathlst,3I3S : IS st Choice bargains in Heal Estate in Coun cil Itlnll'1) , near the Union 1'ucilic Trans fer. OOKI.L Hitos. & Co. , Room U , Wilhncll Block , Omaha , Neb. \ MUalon , To-day a inhsion will be commenced by Rev , F. lironsgest of Chicago at the Holy Family church. It will continue for a week , during which time there will be devotional exer cises both in the morning mid eve ning. The exorcises in the evening will consist of a sermon on a doctrinal sub ject by the missionary mentioned , which will be followed by benediction. Arrival of Vienna underwear at Hamge's. The r/ltidcrliolm l < 'lro. John Lindorholm , the South Tout ! street merchant who was burned out : weeks ago , has received $0,000 on insnr anco of his block. Mr. Linderholn stated to a liir. : man yesterday that then was no doubt that the lire was an inccn diary ono. He rightly claims that sua picion cannot bo directed toward him because the insurance adjusters have ex ainined the matter thoroughly and satis lied themselves on that point. Head the special notices of the C. K Muyno Heal Estate ami Trust Co. if yoi want to buy real estate. A Now Paper. C. A. Jabobson , the proprietor and cd Her of the Svensa Postetj ( fyvedish Post ] an inllucntinl Swedish pap r published ii Now York City , has been Ip Omaha fo several weeks looking for asito for a pr per mill , which a wealthy firm wit wliloh he is connected pronpse : to local hero. Mr. Jacobson lihs become B favorably impressed with Oniaha thai h has decided to romove.hs ( paper fror New York to this city. Tllo material i now en route and will nvrjvo here in week or ton days. TJie. publication e the paper will bo comuibnccd in this cit " some tuna in November" , Head the special noliaoa of the C. ! Maytio Heal Kxttito nndjTrust Co. if yo want to buy real estate. The Trunk DIy cry Again. Policeman Mike Dcmpsoy yesterda learned of the recovery at Missouri Vu ley , of the tnniK that was stolen froi Miss Hose O'Connor , nt St. Joseph's ho : pltal , last week , by young I3 ires , wh suicided at Council Hluffj last week. ] appears that Uaires went to Missoui Valley and stopped at the Cheney housi where he left the trunk. Ho reprcsente that ho was a sborilY in searcti of tw liorsethiovcs , The trnnK had been oncnc and the 'most valuable of Miss O'Coi ncr's clothing stolen. The trunk was n turned to its owner yesterday. Hatchnr & Co. , 1910 Douglas etrcc 1 oan niomiy in any amount. Low rale IT IS NATURAL tvTicn an entcrprisinr/ bends ( til its energies toward furtilsJting a select stock of choice Clothing for Men and Jloye , at lower pricesf that they must secure the highest possible success. Such a Jinn Is the NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO oJ Omaha. Some oj tlie people ivJio call upon than daily may imagine , because they are selling at such loiv Jtgures , that the goods are cheap ones. Hut such is not the cnse , as they are actually selling the same quality , In preferable styles , from $3 to $ IO less on each suitt/tan Is asJscd by other dealers If you do not wish to buy just now , call , looh around and see Ihc enormous assortment of clothing and othet Jftscings jfor Hfcn , Itvys and Children. Their courteous salesmen will 'politely sliow you through and also convince you tltat all goods are sold at strictly oncprice by A Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha. T. J. HOOK , REAL ESTATE Room 10,1509 , Farnam St , Offers for Sale : A flm- lot In Clarlio'g addition , close to street CIUH , uiinio tilook with l.irt'u okwuit liou--08 , hiilldlii- < : 4,500 ; lullotith. bnl.l.anndilyeiirs. OiHMif the best fornnr lots In Armstrongs nilil : only iy.UOO. A nice , ti"w lieu o on Son-mil at , In Shlnu's nildonl : } ' SJ/OJ ; f'JiWcaili.bal. ? " > u inontli. Tor n tu\v dnys only Full lot on south eldo Ddiiplaa st , hut. 20tIi nml'-'iid sts : $7,500 ; owner returning to Uuiopc. i'lno lot on Ilainuy hctwoim UMlh nndSTtli sts. , ? r. , : > : ' iD ; f-VXU cueli.bulimco 1,2 nnd It j-eiue. Kino now 7 room house , fltnblci , etc ; line locn- tlon , in Itntvthorno mid. , ? : t,50J : Full lot In I.OWO'H ndd , $1,000. Aeiolotsln llelvodero and Newport , flW to S < OC. If you wont to buy or sell Ileul Kstnto , BCO T. J. HOOK , Itoom 10 , No. 150J rnrnnir St. OIIUKOII NOTIOI5S. To-tlay's borvlcos at the Different ChurclieH Throti liout tlic City. Swedibii Kvangelical Lutheran , corner of Cass and Nineteenth streets. Divine service anil preaching by the pastor , E. A. Fotfolstrom , at 10iO : ; a. m. and 7:80 : p. m. .Sunday school at 3jO : ! p. m. Tues day evening , prayer meeting , and Thurs day evening preaching. Scandinavians are invited to attend all the meetings. German Lutheran church. 1005 South Twenteenth street. Service every Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. E. J. Fresu , pastor. Presbyterian church , corner Dodge and Seventeenth streets Services at 10:80 a. in. anil 7:80 p. in. Preaching by the pastor. Hev. W. J. Harslia. Sunday- school nt close of morning worship. Young people's meeting at GM5 p. ni. Preaching in the morning by Hev. Arthur Mitchell , D. 1) . , of Now York. Seward street Methodist church , on Twenty-second and Seward streets. This pulpit will be tilled to-morrow by brethren from the Presbyterian synod Hov. G. T. Erissman at 10:80 : a. in. and Hev. L. D. Wells at 7:80 : p. m. Unity church , No.118 North Seven teenth .street. Service at 11 a. in. Sun day school at 12:15. : Hov. W. K. Copeland - land , pastor. Subject of sermon to morrow morning , "A Lofty Ideal , " North Presbvtcrian , Saunders street , Hov. Win. K. Henderson , pastor. Ser vice at 10:80 : a. m. and 7:80 : p in. Sunday school at noon. Young people's meeting nt U0 : ! ! p. m. In the morning the Hev. Dr. Timothy Hill , of Kansas City , Mo. , will preach , after which , by appointment of synod , the Lord's Supper will bo ad ministered. At the evening service the Hov. I1' . S. lllanoy , formerly pastor ot the North church , will preach. Strangers made welcome at all tno services. W. C. T. U. , Ihicklngham , Twelfth nnd Dodge streets. Gospel services to night at 7:80 : conducted by George A. Joplin ; Hov. George Tnto , of Shelton. and Mr. Hillings , the evangelist , will also bo present nnd take part. Prayer meeting on Tuesday evening at 7:80. Ladies' prayer meeting Thureduy nt 8,00 p. m , Hand ' of llono nt 4 p. in. The Ilofonn club holds its business session at 7:30 p , m. Thursday. On Saturday ore- nluir nt 7:30 : the public entertainment conducted by the Heform club will be held. All , especially young men without u church home , are invited. 1'irst Christian church , corner Twen tieth street and Capitol avenue. Com < inuniou service at 10:80 : a. in , , Sunday school at noon. All Invited. CastcllarStrcot Presbyterian , SUtoentli and Castellur. Hov. J. M , Wilson , pas tor1 Preaching at 11 a. in. by Hov. W , V , Hlngland , president of Hustings col luge ; and 7:80 : p. m. by Hov. Thomas L , Sexton , D. I ) . Young people's meeting , 7 p. tn. Sabbath school , 11 p , m , Southwest PresbyterianTwentieth and Lcuvcnworth streets. Preaching at 11 a m. by Hev. Thomas L. ' Sexton. D. D. , faynodlcal missionary of Nebraska Young people's meeting , 7 p. ui , St. Barnabas church , Nineteenth and California streets. Ilolv Communion ni 11 a. m. by Kev , AY. F. Weeks , Enos burgh Falls , Vt. , preacher and celebrant Sunday school at 12:80 : , Even sonc auc at 4 p.m. | | St.John's church , ( Grace chapel ) cor ner Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets Services at 8 a. m. , 11:00 a. m. , and 7:81 IS A Cheap Coal King will Line Belt Railway with Manufacturing Establishments. These in turn give a solid value to all property atljaCuiit to its line. J. B. EVANS & COMPANY NOW II A VI ; FOR SALE 2OO LOTS JUST P Elilelicocli's First Addition , lyiii Just west of Onmliu View , Jmt north or ( lie Corrugated Iron Worksjutit Routli of Hertford IMuvc , Avilli varioiiH inaiiiirncturing establishments already in full blimf PKICES For 30 days will I o from 25 to 5O per cent lower tin n mi } ' properly in the vicinity , Terms , 1-4 Cash ; Balance in i , 2 , and 3 Years , Exchange Place. This new Addition has been obtained after much tedlou § negotiation , right In the heart of South Omaha. It in al most 111 the center of a circle of which Hammond's ' Packing House , Fowler & Upton's , Ar mours' ' , and the New Olsen Brewery , Form the four cardinal points. Tills Is all the necessary. These Lots can be found on sale Tuesday Morning at the office of _ H , B. ST. JOHN , Sole Agent. ROOM 11 , CKKICSIITON UI.OC'K , ist door South of P. O. p. m. ' Sunday school at 9:4G : n. tn. Rev. Win. Osyood Pearson , rector. Tabernacle ( First Congregational church ) . Capita' nvenuo , between Sev enteenth and Eighteenth streets. Ser vice led and preaching bv the pastor , Rev. A. SherrlH. Subject , ' 'The Present Discussion of Future Probation. " Sab bath school at noon. All are invited , First M. K , Church , Eighteenth and Davenport streets. Preaching at 10UO : n. in. and 7:80 : p. in. Rov. T. M. House , formerly of Palmyra , N. Y. , who is to bo thn pnxtor for the coming year , will oc cupy the pulpit. Sunday school at ! 30 : ! ! p. m. , L , 0. Jones , superintendent , Spe cial musical services at Sunday school , All are invited , especially stiangers in the oily , to these services , First German Presbyterian church , Koichtncnth and Cumlngs street. Preaching - ing In the morning at 100 by Hev. J , Uerk , of lliekmiin , Js'eb. In the evening at 7:111) : ) , by Key. Jacob Shaodel , of Plum Creek , Neb. In the afternoon at U o'block , at our mlnsion station in North Omaha , on Fourth mid Chester streets , Rev. Jacob llrinkcmn , of Hastings , Neb. J. U. Schaiblo , pastor. Kotintzo Memorial , English Lutheran , corner ot Sixteenth and Tlarney streets. Rev , J , S , Detwoilor , pastor , Sunday school at 11:15 : u. m , Church services nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. The morning sermon will bo bv Rev. ( ieorgo C , Title , member of the Presbyterian synod of Nebraska , now in session in this city , The pastor. Rev. J. S. Dotweller , will deliver - liver the third in the course of Sunday evening lectures on the "Invisible Word.7 Subject. "Angels. " St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Sunday school meets every Sunday at :80 : p. w , in Cosmopolitan Hull , 15U ! South Thirteenth street. St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Mif > siou , K. P. Hall , SaundorH street , near Charles , Rev. ( Jpo. II. Schnur , pastor. Sunday school at ! l0 ! p. in. Church nor- vices ana preaching by the Rev. F. It. Wotring , of the Presbyterian synod , at 7:80 : p. in. Bible meeting Thursday at 7:30 : p , m , Kvory ono is cordially invited. St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church. Rev. Willard Scott pastor. Ser- vice Rt 10:1 : n. in. and 7:80 p. m , Sunday school at noon. KOTKS. Rov. Alex. Thompson will lecture tills morning nt Royd's Opera house at 11 o'clock. Subject , "What Must Wo Do to lie Saved ) " No charge and no collec tion. Coal. Thn ability to furnish coal at very low rates is fast lining the Rdt railway with manufacturing establishments , as a result settlements are building up nil along its line and property is fu&t assuming a solid. value , The property now placed on sale by J. JJ. Evans & Co. supplies an opportunity for handsome profits. Prices range from $150 to | 500 , and terms are exceptionally easy. Taking Into consideration the fact Hint these lots are about a mile cast and south of the Deaf nnd Dumb institute and adjoin - join Omaha View , fronting Lake , Ohio and Mianm ttrccts , It is without question 50 percent cheaper than any property for sale to-day. J. I ) . Evans Ce Co. uro solo agents. _ _ Wanted You to leave orders at the Yf M. C. A , rooms for cleaning out wells and clfetcrns. Men always ready and to work ut