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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1886)
fi THE SUNDAY I3J3& : 17 , 1886. TELVE PAGES. THE SUNDAY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , SUNDAY MORN IN (5 ( OCT. 17. OfTICE , NO. 12 , PEAHL STREET. Zcllrmtl \ > y tnrrirr In nny part of the city ftt mints itntspir week. IMV.Tii.TON , Mnnaccr. HCBixr flOrrirE , No. 13. NiniiT iimon : No.1. . MINOH MKNTION. New York Plumbim ; Co. New full goods ai Roller's. Cooper AJ AlHii-t ) soil stoves , liny Sunl bntnd oysters , tlie best. Cliett | > railroad tickets nt Bi lmell's. Attend tlio , ) iisi-y side Monday at llic IJiit km pi Store. Tor rentA lnrtp , pleasant front room No. 017 1'irst lui'inie. Iniil fi Dtivtn have lost by death onnof tbelr valuable livery horses. I For 2/ic / jon can liny n nice .Jersey nt the Itiinkriipt Sloro to-morrow. Jersey .laoki'ts at 2fic to-morrow nt tbo Jiniikrupt Store , No. 18 Alnhi street. Mr. ,1. C. Leo is to Dtiilil a $10,000 resi dence on n lot just north of the Presby terian clinrch , A variant , giving Ids nnmo as William Kiillnj. % was yesterday aunt to ilio county jail for ten days. The interior of tlm rcsidoneo of Mr. Hiimnel Unas in being greatly beautified bi tliu decorative skill of P. C. Miller. hirgu stock and best makes of stoves ami inrniluro , liouso fiirni'diing < ; oods , etc. , on wi-okly or inontlily payments , at A.I Mmidi'l's. " * " Hired ( rirlH arc in great demand. Good Wages are ollet'cd , and atiil nisuij liCUSC' wives arc eomplaining that they cannot get wliat help they need. Mrs. Henry LelVerts. living on Tenth avenue , was quito badly hurt a day or two ago by being thrown from a buggy. Dr. Pmnoy is attending her. Mike Kelly , George Maddock , and V. It. Dennis were yesterday lined for get ting drunk The excuse that they thought tin ; town was on n boom did not save them. Frank Peterson has purchased the Howe propeity on Uroauway , corner of Glen avenue , and is lilting it up with the intention of occupying the store with a block of groceries. The new mayor is sot on having the paved streets kept cleaned. All have conceded thai this ought to be done , but the puzzle has been how to do it without Increasing the city's expenditures. The Sunday school association of this county has elected the Kov. Mr. Crofts as president ; Kcv. Mr. Hates , vice-president , and Dr. Montgomery as secretary. The next meeting is to bo held in Neola next May. Leave to wed has been granted : A. M. Williams , of this city , and b'annic Lodge , of St. Thomas , Canada ; James Z. Fergu son , of Htickner , Kan..and Lulu It. Macy , of llarlan ; Frank PonimLsbo and Kittio Moll tor , both of this city. Council Hlnlls begins to look up , and those who have been so long in the dumps and predicting the jiradual downfall of the city , are in the back-ground. The greatest need of Council HiiiIVs has been confidence in itself and a union of action. F. Sullivan was found prowling about ttio streets about ! l o'clock yesterday morning. Ho refused to give any ac count of himself , and was locked up un til morning , when Judge Aylcsworth sent him to the county jail for ten days as a vagrant. Mr. Horton , in crossing Eighth street "bridge , about 12 o'clock Friday night , noticed a man workinir at the window ol a residence just north of the bridge. The fellow on seeing Horton coming broke into a run , and made good Ins escape. An attempt was made on Friday night to burgari/e ! the residence of Tony Ger- Bpachcr. The fellow had just raised one of the windows when Mrs. Gorsnachcr was awakened , and aroused her husband , who jumped up only to see the fellow Bkiw out lively without any plunder. Joe Drisbach cannot get over the idea that ho ought to be at the head of an amusement company of some sort , ho liking the business hugely. It is said that he is planning on starting a variety company to lie permanently established hero. hero.Miss Miss Kvnllim Wilding , daughter of David Wilding , jr. , of Cresent township , died yesterday morning , at ! ) o'clock , from the bursting of a blood vessel. The funeral services will be held to-day at noon , and the remains will be interred in the Grangers cemetery , in Uoomcr town- Bid n. n.W. . S. Mayno , as assignee for Cocke & Morgan , has commenced additional suits for damages against creditors of that linn who attached the stock and closed the utoro. Among those against whom suits Were filed yesterday were : 11. It Clallin & Co. , Springfield. Einstein & Co. , and J. V. Farwell As Co. A drunken fellow caused a commotion in the vicinity of Stewart's packinghouse last evening bv swearing and prnyhig alternately , threatening to slop gore all around , and then indulging in a speech on woman's rights. In the midst of Ids foolishness ho barely e-scapcd death by the swiftly approaching dummy train , noticing it just in time to get oil' the track. The following paragraph has been go- ilig the rounds of the papers : "On the ancestral farm of Secretary Endicott , nt Danvers , Mass , is a pear tree 251 ! years old. It still bears fruit every year. " The paragraph met the eye of J. M. Phillips , one of the best known of Council ItlunV citizens , reminding him of the fact that , ns far back as tlfty years ago , ho ate pears from that historic tree. He tells many interesting details concerning It. Mr. Nash , the guardian of the Masonic temple , was startled the other night by the sight of n strange animal prowling about in the basement of the building. Investigation was conducted at the end ol a shotgun and the discovery made that il Was a 'possum , which hau been bronchi in as n gift to Deputy Treasurer llardiii. It had iiipmigi'd to escape trom the olllce gnd preferred the basement. tjomc irioanny bocnlncd of the amount of business being uono by the central telephone olllco here from the fact that In eight hours yesterday there were 1,2(0 ( connections made , besides 1D1 calls for out of town. The service hero is greatly Improved over what II was in its earlier history , and few complaints are now heard. The present manager , Mr. Lane , coins endeavoring to do his best to please the public , and his courteous and business like methods please the patrons. The Salvation army are enthusiastically * t work trying to arouse and save the Wicked. The group of maidens appear nightly upon the streets , shaking their tamborines , singing and marching , at tracting the crowd into Dohany's old ball , where they hold their peculiar ex ercises. It seems to be hard work to get hold of Council HlutVs , but by the policy of the army there must be no surrender , but the station , when onee taken , must bo hold for year at least. There } s n change of otllcors at every station every three months. Funds are raised by con tributions , by passing the plate and by olllng papers printed in the interests of the tinny. The feminine soldiers have their burrocks in the snino hall in which they hold their meetings , so the expense of board is greatly reduced , they doing their own cooking. It is a hard life for those who enlist , and even from what Jitilu money they secure they arc obliged to forward a liberal portion to headquarters - quarters to biipport the general work. GLADDENED C BY THE OUTLOOK , Council Bluffs Citizens See a Great Boom Coming. THE WEEK'S SOCIETY DOINGS. To-tlny's I'roRrnniino Tor Pulpits and I > C\VB I'fM'annnl .Mentions Notes and Neuw from All About the Cliy. lot It ISooin. The nnuouniicmont made yesterday of a change at the transfer , by which the hotel business is to be done away with there , ratiFcs considerable talk and rein forces the hopes , lately inspired , thai Council Hlnlls is on the eve of some changes for the better. 1 t Is tin der.-tood that Marked & Swobe are to get out of the hotel at : he transfer within s-ixly days. The purpose of this move is understood to be to make room for freight olliccs , which will bo opened in the trans fer building. Within a short time the oilh-es will 1)0 ) employing a large number of clerks , and it is estimated that by the move 100 persons will be added to the population of Council IJIull's , This change lias Ijucn talked of for some time , but Die aiiiioimepiuenl that within sixty days the hotel is lo be done away with leads to Ilio assurance that the change is surely to come and iliu predictions be realized. The many projects coming to the surface so nipidlv and in such variety and numbers , are causing a sensation throughout the city , and on every side are heard prophets foretelling a great boom for Council linns. This citvha ? had a lumH1 ! ' ' boom igltt along , and , as compared with other cities in Iowa , has nothing to complain > f. but being right in the shadow of Jmalm , with Us wonderful growth con stantly before its eyes , there has been an mpalient looking forward to a time , vhen Council HI nil's would partake of a .Innlar prosperity to its near neighbor. That time .seems near at hand , and the projects now on foot are for the closer wedding of the two cities , making a great commercial center in the growth of winch Council Hlull's will have its xharo of prosperity. No such feeling has been manifest in Council Hlull's for years , as now crops out at every turn. , There is jubiluncy , and much confidence lelt in all circles. Hiisiness men talk of projects by day and dream of them by night. Property owners are already figuring on advancement in prices of real rstalc. Speculators are building air cas tles , and everybody seems to have some special interest. There is still some discussion over the proposed giving of Tenth avenue to the Union Pacific company. Some of the property owners along that avenue are protesting against any Mich action on the part of the cily , until the company ar ranges to secure them for all damages , and so ai ranges lhat such damages may be had without expensive litigation. There has been no indication as yet but what the company will wi'lingly ' enter into arrangements by which damage claims will be justly sollled before the rights are granted to the company. Other ronlcs by which Ihe company can be cmially accommodated are being talked over , and it is possible that some other right of way may bo given in place of the one now being considered by the council. The citizens generally seem to favor treating the company liberally , so for as this can be done without injuring the privale properly owner. The council will doubtless grant the right of way for the now street car lines to be run m connection with the new bridge There seems reason able grounds for believing that the wagon bridge will be bomething more than a bridge en paper. The planning for a union depot nearer the center of the city is also being dis cussed. This has not come to the surface in any formal 'manner yet , but it is ex pected that it will soon appear. The changes being made in and about the transfer indicate that a large addition will be made to this city , both in popula tion and business. With the now and large roundhouse , the repair shops , a J'uilniHii car shop , ana other e.Herpriscs , it seems that the stir will be felt throughout - out lhat part of the city , and add to the prosperity of the whole. Social chit Olmr , Now that the season is about open , is it not time for the formation of a society club ? Probably the most successful club ever in existence in this city was the Imperial last sou ton , and it is high time to think of resurrecting the old Imperial or start ing another one. On Friday a party of young folks went out on a nut hunt. * Each couple were in a buggy alone by themselves , and a de- lighttuT afternoon was spent. The party consisted of Dr. Soyborl and Miss Ida \Vies , Charles Haas anil Miss Gray , C. Niman and Miss Clara liebbington , W. II. Wakelield and Miss Ida Toslovin , Ed. Harvey and Miss Lou Toslevin , Ilert ICviuis and Miss Anna Mcrkcl. The com pany were joined by Mrs. George Keel- iiui , Mrs. J. F. Kimball and Miss Jessie Walker , who were on horseback. As a "hunt" the expedition was a success. Charles Haas brought homo the largest number of nuts , ho havlngdrivcn through the brush ami several accidentally drop ped In Ids buggy. Dr. Soybertdidn't hunt any , as ho wanted to bo ready in his buggy in ease lie should have to return to the city on n professional visit. Minion got the second pn/.o by scouring two acorns. Wakcfield having hardly recovered from his recent attack of malaria , did not dare leave the buggy. Jlcrt Evans had his pockets filled with "chestnuts" before ho left the eitv , as ho was afraid to leave hhjhorscin the woods , but the others were "onto him. " Harvey having resided in Omaha so long was afraid to leave the buggy for fear he might get lost in a strange city. At I ) o'clock on Wednesday afternoon at the rnsidotie-j 'j lu ! . , ; ' : ; : r. , Kir. anil Mrs , A. J. Stephenson , their daughter Miss Lulu was united in mar riage to Mr. Myron Meader , of Goslien. Ind. , by the Rev. G. W , Crofts , pastor of the Congregational church of this city. Mr. Josblyn rendered the Mendelssohn wedding march on the piano as tint bridal couple entered the room and took their stand beneath a floral horse shoe. The bridn wore a dress of white bilk. The newly wedded ones left on the evening train'for their now homo iiiGohhen , Ind. . where the young man la engaged in real estate business. K. E. Hush , formerly of this city , but now chief olerk to bupormtondenl Sea- ton , of the American Lxpress company at lie ? Monies , has married Miss Wallace , of Waterloo , la. Cards are out for the wedding of Miss Clara Heok and Mr. E. Albcrton , to lake place next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at St. Paul's church , The reception will bo held at 'the residence of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. S. licck , from Ute to 13o'clock the same evening , at No. 160 Glen avenue. Invitations have been received in this city announcing to take place nextThurs day at ( Joshun , Ind. , the wedding of Miss Kutu Christine Uortuer to Mr. Joseph Clinton Deck. Miss Uortuer will bo remembered by many of the young people of this city as the truest of Miss Lou Stephenson , uowMrs. Mender , 'On next Thursday Miss Margaret ' - " - of Galesburg , ' 111.vho is well known to many of the Council niuITs so eicty : people ns the gu ° st of Miss Ll/.alo llrown 1 ! , will be united in Grace church , Galesburg , to Mr George Pcroy Hoover , at 0 o'clock p. in. Miss Lizzto Brown , o t this city , who It now at Galesburg , will net as bridesmaid. Colonel E. J. Abbott and wife celebrate their silver wedding on the 27th of this month. Harmony chapter. O. K. S. , Is prepar ing for a banquet on the 2tth. ! The ladles of the congregational church arc preparing an entertainment to bo given at an early date. It will bo a novel one , consisting of a vivid repre sentation of the old fashioned distnc school. The social given by the congregation- ali t.s at Ilio pacious residence of Mr. and MrT. ) . Evans , on Oakland av enue , Friday evening , proved a happV one in every re prft. The entertain ment generously given by Mrs. Evans was bountiful and served with excellent taste. Pleasing music was given by Mrs Holf , Mr. Westcott , Miss Merkell , and others. Mrs , McDermid added not a little to the enjoyment of the occasion by SOUKS very pleasing renditions in the sign language. The sent" , of hops to be given bv the Catholic ladies promise to be very en joyable , and to. bring many dollars into the fund for the impro\emcnt of the chinch piopeny , Mrs. A. Hall is prepared to do dress making on short notice and at reasonable prices. No. ! ! 28 Hroadway. See that jour hooks are made by More- house it Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Sunday Services. The following notices of church services to bo hold to-day will guide the would-be worshipers : Preaching in the Baptist church at 10.UO a. m. and 7.DJ p. in. Strangers in vited. Seats free. San Jecs to-ilay ? .t Union diapid. Iar- mony street , conducted by Kcv. 0. ( t. Uico , of the Congregational church , at 8 o'clock. The late improvement in the chapel making it very pleasant , all tire cordially invited. Sabbath school at 4 o'clock. Pravcr meeting Thursday evening at TiliO o'el-jck. Topic , "Humil ity. " J'hc two last prayer meetings have been conducted by the ladius. Topic at Hroadwav M E. church this ' morning"What tlie'Hiblo Has Done for the Anflo-Sa\on llace. " Evening : "Temperance the Enforcement of Law. ' Sunday-school at 1'm. . young people's meeting all ! : 15 p. m. Regular service at St. Paul's church at 11 o'clock a. m. , and Sunday-school as usual. No evening service. Kov. J. F. McDowell will preach in All Saints' church at 7-t'J : p. m. , on "Our Loyalty , as a Church , to the Stale. " No morning service. Gospel service at the Y. M. C. A. rooms at-1 o'clock. Both ladies and gentlemen invited. Services in the Congregational church to-day , morning and evening. Morning stibjecl , "The Basis of Future Judg ment. " Evening , "Behold the Man. " A cordial invitation i < extended to all who may desire to attend. Rev. L. S. Snyder will preach in the Bible Alone church , corner of Hiull' and Story streets , at 11 o'clock a. in. and at ? o'clock p. m. Rev. J. 1' will preach at the A. M. E. church en Williams street at 7:30 : p. m. Foil RKXT--A well established confec tionery and cigar store , with stock and fixtures for sale. Enquire at No. 101 Main street. Anything yon want in Housekeeper's Hardware and Tinware at Cooper & Me- Gee's. JIo and She. An incident which felt under the observation of the UEB man the other day , lias been thus narrated in a most pleasing manner , the poem being from the pen of Rev. G. W. Crofts. There are numerous morals which are to bo drawn from the incident , but they will bo so apparent to the reader of the poem that no further comment is necessary : The lightning express was icady to go On a staunch and popular lhu > . When there fell from a wrist vvldtcr than snow A bracelet ot vvoikinniibhip tine. From a wrist whiter limn snow , and it lay A blight jcllow ciiclet between The ponderous cars on their tienolierous way , And mocked In its glittering sheen. Far out of roach In a dangerous place , And not e'en a mlmito to spare , \Vlilln deep anxiety spread o'er the face Of the fail one watcldiiK It theie. Who will venture tlno' the gateway of deatl For the .sake of Hie lady fair. And train the applause ot herlra'zrant breath 'Ihe gift ot her gratitude rnreV One passes beneath in cicasv array While "cllii , " Ifjoes his hammer , "climr Cllllf , ' . " lie crawls thro' the gateway of death that ilaj And rescues the ulltteilng tiling. Anil haniling It up , it Is clasped once inoio To that wiist , but nollilm : she said ; Not even "Tlipnk you , " but swept thro' the door Her lu'ait was a tincture of le.ul. Gallant mechanic , with heart of pine gold ! K'en morn than a HalclKh wa ho ; Moie Ki'nnd than a hold knlglit-eriant of old lint IfSb than a ladv was she. Richmond Ranges for hard coal arc the best. Cooper &McGce sell them. Personal Mrs. A M. Jackson is qnito ill. Mr. James A. Jackson , left yesterday on a trip to St. Louis. James Roberts , of Woodbine , was Blurt's visitor yesterday. II. B. Coo and wife , of Missouri Valley were nt the Pacific yesterday. G. W. Burgess , n banker of Ncligli Neb , , was In the city yesterday. W. II. McClellan. of Weston , was f guest of the Pacific house yesterday. C. II. Stookwell , of Coon Rapids , wa among those at the Ggilen yesterday. John Helm and two friends ycstorda went into Nebraska on a hunting expcdi lion. LUiSfls Cor and Leu J jsse ! ! , oj/ ' ' " " wood , were imi guests ot ullss iMiiiTi'u Walker yesterday. Mrs. llowo and MM. West , of Glen- wood. were at the Ogden yesterday , spending the day in shopping. Mrs. S. R. Cheadlo. of St. Joseph , and Mrs. II. A. Xangs , of Ottnmwa , are the guests of their sister. Mrs. J. C , Lango. Airs. T. S. Couch and daughter left Thursday evening for Washington terri tory , intending to spend most of the winter there. Supervisor Underwood was in the city yesterday. Ho owns some property on Tenth aveiiuo , and he earnestly protests against the running of railway tracks along that avenue , unless the property owners arc puid for their damages. Supervisors M. L. Sloan , D. P. Green. J. H. Crawford and George Chase , of Woodbury county , were in the citv and at the Ogden yesterday , Their mission was to inspect the now county jail and gather some ideas for the guidance of the board in the construction of a new jail at Sioux City , They wore rather favorably Impressed with the novelty of a revolving jail room , but were not satisfied with some of the other arrangements of the jail hero , deeming the jailor's apartment and other rooms too crowded. Wo have a few rare bargains in good stoves that are somewhat old style. If you want a good stove for a very little niouoy , call at Cooper & McGee's. TErCIS "WEEK. Come Early for Bargains. Selling Out Cloak Department This Week. BARGAINS IN CLOAKS THIS WEEK ! 111A DQTA ItTKHS POlt HARKNESS BROTHERS , 4L01 Broadway , - - - Council BluiFs' la. Tlin Knrmors' Orator. 1) . H Clarke and John Clark , lisa com mittee , have arranged for a free lecture by Pi of. C. L , Whitney , to-morrow after noon , in Dohancy'H old hall , opposite the city hall ; the lecture to commence at 2 o'oiock. Prof. Whitney is of the national lecluro bureau of the Patrons of lliisbrandry. All are invited to hear him. 1 , l 'rsrynl Special sale of Jerseys , commencing tomorrow - morrow ( Monday ) morning. 150 Jerseys at 'Jo cents each. Tlieso goods sell elsewhere for 51. 100 Jerseys , line braided worsted , at 57 cents 100 vest front Jerseys ul 08 conts. The same goods are sold bv other merchants for S2.75. L'OO worsted fun -back Jerseys at $1.15 , worth ? H. 50 slroi-t jackets in "Nlggnrhcnd" and Tricol cloths at . * ! , regular price , ? 1. J. CiOI.DIIKUr.S , Dnnkritpt slore , No. 18 Main street. Morton Kiihn , who was arrested for ombiv./.ling from the Singer company , or for collecting money after ho had buon discharged , is coming into brighter days. Investigation show ; that the only amount which he received after ho loft the em ploy of the companv was ft , and lie claims thai lie h.xndcd this over to a per son whom he thought vvasconnectcd with the ollice. It appears that Kiihn was en gaged to a wortliv young lady living at llolstein , Miss Klvira ( "opdburn , and on learning that , he was in' tionble she bravely came hero aniHiaMboon looking up the faets and intt-wsting herself in his release. She hasi'jsecured employ ment here , and yi'stp/rday / a marriage certificate was taken/touI | / ) , so that the young folUfc will now Qontjpmmato their desires , FO rudely interrupted by his ar rest. | ' THE BIGGEST ) THINGS. Interest Ins F'aots Useful When You Get I nto an Ar iiniriit. Tliclargcbt tlioaler in tin ) woild is the new opera lioiist ; in Puife. It covers nearly three acres of ground ; its cubic mass is1,257,000 'feet ; it cost about 1,000,000 francs. The largest suspension briilcrn is the one bc'twecn Now York city and Urook lyn ; tl'io length of the main span is 1,5 ! 5 font ( J inches , the en tire length ot the bridge i&5U80 feet. The loftiest active volcano is Popocatu- pistl "smoking mountain"thirtylive. miles southwest of Pucbla , Mox. ; "it is 17,748 font above ( lie sea level and lias a crater three miles in circumference and a thousand feet deep. The longest span of wire in the world is used tor a tele graph in India over the river Kistnah. Il is more than 0,000 foot in hmgth and is 1,200 feet high. The largest ship in the world is tlie Great Eastern. She is 083 feet , long 81 ! foot broaii and ( > ' feet deep. being l8(5'-i7 ! ( tons burden , 18,015 gross and Ki.341 net register. The greatest fortress , from a strateg ical point of view , is tlio famous strong hold of Gibraltar. It occupies a rocky peninsula jutting out into the soa. about three milns long and three-quarters of a mile wide. Ono central reek rises to a height of l-13."j feet above the sea level. Its northern faoo isalmost | > orpundicular , while its cast side is full of tremendous precipices. On the south it terminates in what is known as Kurona point. The west side is less bleep than the easl , and between its base and the sea is the nar row , almost level .span on which the town of Gibraltar if built. The fortress is considered impregnable to military assault. Tin1 regular garrison in lime of peace numbers about seven thousand. The biggest cavern is the Mammoth cave in Kdmonson county , Ky. It is near Green river , about six miles from Cave City , and twenty-eight from Howling Groun. The cave consists of a succession of irregular chambers , some of which are largo , situalcd on diil'urent levels. Some of these are traversed by navigable branches of the subterranean Kcho river. Blind lisli are found in its waters. Tlie longest tunnel in the world is that of the St. Gothard , on the line of railroad between Lucerne and Milan. The sum mit of the tunnel is 000 feet below the surface at Andermatt , and O.COl ) feet be neath the peak of Kastclhorn of the St. Gothard group. The tunnel is twnnly six inn ! a half feet wide , and is eighteen feet tun inches from the floor to the crown of the arched roof. It is nine and a half miles long , one and live-eighths miles longer lhau the Mount Cenis tun nel. nel.Tho The biggest trees in Ihe world am the mammoth trees of California , One of a grove in Tularo county , according to measurements made by numbers of the state geological survey , waat shown to bo 'J70 feet in height , 103 fcijl iu circumfer ence at has o , and 70 feet at a'point 1'J feet "iifiVrt cruttU',1. Some of the trees urii U70 feet high and ! M feet in ujuTiVtttr. SOr.JC of the largest that havb been felled in- il loato an ago of from 2,000 to ' . ' ,500 years , The largest library is thn Hibliotheqno National In Paris , founded by Louis XIV. It contains 1.400,000 vdlunies , ilOO.OOO pamphlets. 175,000 manuscripts , 800.000 maps and charts , and 1WWO ( coins and medals , The collection , of engravings exceeds l.ilOO.OOO , conliunui ) in some 10,000 volumes. The portraits number about 100,000. . , The largest desert is tlfnt of Sahara , a vast region of northern Africa , extending from the Atlantic ocean oft the west to the valley of the Nile on" the east. ' 1 ho length from east to wed is about 51,000 miles , its average breadth about HOO miles , its area about 3,000.000 square miles. Haiti falls in torrents in the Sa hara at intervals of live , ton , and twenty years. In summer the heat during the day is excessive , but the mghU are often cold. In winter the temporaluro is sometimes bidow freezing point. Ilio greatest pyramid is that of L'licops , ono of the three pyramids forming the Memphis group , situaled on u plateau about ono hundred aud thirty- boven feet above the level of the highest rise in the Jule. Us dimen sions have been reduced by the removal or the outer portions to furnish btone for the city of Cairo. Its masonry consisted originally of 8U,08.000 cubic feet , and still amounts to 8-3,111,000 foot , i'ho pres ent vcrtii'j'l height is floO fcol , againsl 479 feet originally. The total weight of the stone is estimated at O.ili,003 ; ( tons. The largest bidl in the world is tlie great bell of Moscow , at the foot of the Kremlin. Its circumference at the bottom is nearly sixty-eight feet and its height more than twenty-one feet. In its stoutest part II is twenty-tiiTo inches lliick , and its weight has boon computed to be 4IU.72) pounds. It has never been hung. Ftcnl Kstato Transrcf ? . ] The following transfers were lilud Oct. 15 , with lliu county clerk : Krnst H Pe > eke and others to Kdilli Lane- ilnn H\lil\vin : , lots 17 and 1 , liuir U.ik ailit to Omaha , w d-S 1,000. Coineliiis H Connor to William \Vynian , lot 0 In Sunny Siilo mid to Omaha , w d S1.5UO. John f ! Luke and wife to the Oinnlin 1'eal Estate A : Tiust Co. , lots 14,15mid Ifi. block ! . ' , Claicnilon add to Omaha , wd S2s.0. Vernlo C heaver and wile to Samuel Dllle , smith y ot lot in , block II ) In KounUc A : IJuth's ami to Oiwilm , w d-S2.oo. j | tk'orijo K lU'itnnd to .Mao Hello Tidhall , the southwest cornel of lot , 1X1 , ( Use's add to Oinalm , wd-SOOa .Maieus P Mason and wife to Sophia T Larson , Iota 11 anil 12 , lilnck 4 , Kllby Place ndit to Omaha , w < l-jy.r.OU. Ahiaiiam U Sauer to Jefferson W Hcdfoid , the uiidixiilcil 1-10 in hits 1 to 7 in clusive and 0 to 2U Inclusive in block 1 , lots 1 to 8 ami 10 to 21 inclusive , block 2 , lots 1 , 2 anil ! t and fi to 24 inclusive , In block ! i , lots 8 to 24 Inclusive. In block 4 , lots ft to li ! inclu sive , In block 0 , all of block r , ' . , ' , lots C to 24 Inclusive , in block 7 , lots 1 and ( i to 10 anrt 1H to24 , blocks , lots 1 to .W and 10 to at Inclu sive , block ' . ) , all of blocks 10.11,12 and 13 , in Hedfo-d Place , an umlivlduU \ of lots 1 to 12 and 14 to 24 Inclusive , block 14 , lota 7 , S and V , block l. > , all of blocks Hi and 17 , in Dedtoid Place , an undivided 1-10 interest in lot 7 , block A , and lots 5 , 0 , 7 , B. ! > , block li , in licd- loid Place to Omaha , w d SS.OOO. Annie Slockdale and husband to Kdward EWIdtmou' , ninth 85 feet , lot ' . , block 2 , Arinstionu'sllrst add to Omaha , w d ' 58.000. 1) lj Thomas and wite and others to Ulias. Williams , lots1 ! and 4. block 2 , Orcbaid Hill ' add to Omaha , w d-82,000. Jacob U Denise and wife to Miutln T Minpliy , lot 0 , block 0 , Ucnisu's add , w d S7UO. Jacob C Denise and \\ife to .Martin T Mar- phv , lots , block 0 , Dcnlse's add , vd MIS. Jacob Levy and wife to Esther Ilorvvlch , lot n , block 1 , Jetter's adit to South Omabn , w d-S'2'JO. ' Jacob Levy and wife to Adolpli Klein anil JIoH's Ilorulcli , lots 0 and 10 , block 2 , Jet- let's mill to South Omaha , w it S4'.T . Jami's L Hlack and wltiMoJniie McCarthy , : ols 2 and " > , Drc.M'l's subdivision of lots M , ri and 58 ot S n loj'er's { Okohoma add to Omaha , vvd-SWS. Pierre 0 llliiiubangh and wife t lllcimid C Patterson , lotKi , block 1 , lllmebaugh'sadd to Omaha , w d 63. Uichaid 0 Patterson and wife to J N Wnt- son. lots 7. H , 18 and 14 , block 4 , Wakeley's add , w d fc400. J il A Clirlsmnn to Tunis O Hc'-oids , lot 3 of a subdivision of lot 4 , Itagan's add to Omaha , w d S1.259. John K Flunk to John Iloglo. lotfi , block ( i. Lowe's add to Omaha , w d SSOO. I'hrlbtain Keeher and wife to James .M Swctnam , lot 7 , block 17 , E V Smith's add lo Omaha s,003. ? Maitlu T Muiphy and wife to Joseph W Plielps lot ( > , block 0 , Dcnisc'ti add to Omaha , w d-6.1,200. . Albert S Billings and wife to C L Homier , lot 2 , block A , Uedloid add , wd-SbOO. Origin ofa Classic. HuiTalo Express : The June-bug poem is sullicient of a classic already to secure a reference as the "tho old song. " Yet it lias been before the public less than two years. This gem has been more often mutilated , misnuotou and stolen than any othur poem of its length in the language. There are at least half a do/.cn negro minstrels who claim it. Its real author was the "This and That" man of the Louisville Courier-Journal. The June- bug poem is seldom given correctly. In the original and beautiful version il ran ; The June-biiK liulha iraudv wing , liglitniiiK-hu. . ' halli tame , Tlio bed-bus lias no wluss at all , lint lie cts there just the same. An Inallil ! > l < ; Hcinrily. Science : It has recently conio to light that tlie stale of Nuw Yuri ; , in ] M)0 ) , paid to John M. Crous 1,000 for a remedy against hydrophobia , which ho con sidered infallible. The measure was ad vocated by DoWitt Clinton aiHChiincelor Kent. This remedy consisted of ono .ntiiic'o of the jawbone of a dog , burned anil pulveri/.ed ; the false tongue of a novvly foaled colt , dried and pulvori/.cd , and a "scruple of verdigris. " raised on the MirtHcu of old copper by laying it in moist earth. Tim warrant of the comp troller on which Ilio money was paid and tliu receipt of Crous are on lilo with other state papers at Albany. ALL THE LftTEST STYLES OF MILLINERY , No , 328 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , MrsOs A. : 59 rB ? Lat ) of the Parisian Mil iary ( o , Maiager. HBi Li Wtf BEaS Uf < * itii < U > j IU N. Main St. , Council UltiflV , la. , and 20S ) S. 15th St. , Hoojn 10 , Omaha , Ni'b. Manufacturer's AKOiitforthn CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awning. Uooflusr Slate , Man tels , Plato and Window ( ilass , Bhow- CaseH , Klevatord ( hand and by- dr a nll&c. In the city cun bo obtained liy putronUluc the HomeSteami MOIIroadwny Vj fJISS/0011110" Bluffa > e jiK VEO , WSCJIIXI > KLK , Prop , None but experienced bands employed , Out of town orders by mail or impress so licited , and all work warranted. WHATEVER ELSE YOU DO , Don't forget that the Cnuncll tilufl'ri Ctirpet CnintHiniH'tl ! make < t c7nni/r } in tlit'h' ih'in on , tinnnn-\i \ l. t m\rt , ( tndtlutt thcyurc bound to imttcrlatlu reduce Ilirlr ttoclt l > cj\n'f llntt tint/ . ( SoseetlietH before \nnt \ piirelume vlt > cH'herc , ami otitdin tlielr t > rlcf.t , Jf unn trnnl to buy < tnutliinu in their line then will yli'c yon prlcta that ii'ill ' ecrtnlnlif suit jfnii Their stuck twi.s/.s/s / of all { /nutci unrt nut tics of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Window Shades , CURTAIN AND UPHOI.STERY GOODS , Etc. A tot of Table linens , Toit'els and rV < j > / . ' 'ns to close out at LKSS TILtXCONT. See them. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , No. 4 = 05 Broadway , Council Bluffs. LAN farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to $10. 00 per acre. School and slate lands in Minhuootii on 80 years' time 5 per cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , givpn by ' - No. 555 Hroadway , Council HlutF- ! , Iowa , agent for Freidriksen & Co. , Chicago. MRS. C. L GILLETTE , -t-t t-c-t. : & atc6 cvte-VC fbt'iiCcis - - - - a- > - - ' * ! o-v xvta. t J evt-'t , U' HAIR GOODS , , , I/ 1 MURDER ! ! Dliilillicilu lonirnln mnliliiR- Its minimi visita tion. Ten iuurs1 trlulof Dlt.TIID.S. .IKKI'IUIIS' KIMIDY : : tor tlmi tutnl mpliuly hni iluiiion- RlnUcil tlio fuel Unit It inlnllllilntifii iiiovu ho niul cum. II jou penult jour cldMti-ti to die with illplitbi'iln , "Tliclf hlooil ho upon join lirnd. " Vorinlo only at tlio otllce. No. JM South ith street , Council Hnitf' * , Iu. , or seiilbj-expross on receipt of pi Ice. JU. I'rom tlioOnmha Hue : Mr. .1. II. Ilntlcr , of Hiuel Tplrottiwnttnmlo ] Co. , lotrn , niul tils fninllj nt1cli'vcn IJCIMIUK , wcio all Hluk with nmlk'iinnt illphlheila. Kvciy one of thorn luis rceo\eiml bv tlio u-n ot Dr. .Jellcrls * I'.muntUo iitid Cute tor Diphtheria , without the aid ol' n pliy.-t clan. From lliu Council lllulH Dully HciaUl : Mrs. K. M ( .rninl , wlfo of Knglnucr Ocranl , of thut'nton 1'nclllc. this cltj , lias been nKicitt sutleierfoiinunj yvnis , with what W B supposed - posed to liuomu'cr ot the throat. Itvas to unit slio was thieateneil with PUrviitlon. Her KIMI- oral hcnlthrits rntnpleiel ) broken. .Shncoillil only shallow HipiM loixl. mill e > on that couM lint dlpest or iistluilliilo l'li > fllelmiH of Council IllufTs iiud Oinnlui nitninloil FILMlor threw yenrs unil KH\e no relli'f. Dr. .lerTcrH.ol this city , In four weeks' time em oil her tlnoat , imd com plctely icatoreil her health. Hurt Mm. ( U'rnnl not obtained icltor eooo Bho oiihl hnroillcil from blood uolson , thosumu tlmt destroyed ttiu lltoo ! den. Uiaut. From the Council lllutls nulljfllobo : M. A. MclMkc , oilllor of the Cmnbrhv ( I'.bcr.R- burK , ! ' ) rroonmii , lias boon the perBoiiul Iriuiulof thordltorof the Olobo for niora than twenty yours , uncl H known wbuiover ho Is knoiTii 8 onn or tbo licst men living- . Ills family wns rnviiged with dlphtherlR , nn I KicRtly dls- trossptl. Somoor Ur. Jeirerls' Ulplitlioiltt Cure wns ti'od , nnd the lives of tlioiot-tof his child ren Biived. Loiters from Mr. Mol'lko nro un- bonnaoil In their expressions of Kintltuilo for llndliiK BOino lucniin of nveillnir the loss of nil his llttlo onus. Ilvo of Mr. Mcl'lko's chllilrcn out ofelRht illcd from illphthorlu heloio ho hud an oppoi tunlty of using Ur. JotTorlg' tcmedy. DVRPEI'KIA ! DYBPKIVIV ! Dyspeptic , why live In mlsorv and dlo in dls- pnlrwitn Ciinciirof thostomneli ? Dr. Tlioimis JellerH cures every euso of Indigestion mid coustlpiition In n very short time , licet of rol- orcnut'8 t'uon. Uvspensln n the cuiiso of ninety per eonl of nil dleeiucd oondltlonB. 1'ileo fS lor two weeks treatment. , Dr. Jclfarls * dlphllieriii inedlclno Is Infnlllblo forsill klnilp of poie tlironts. lndl penslblo In putrid soio throat. In mnllfrnnnt Hfiirlot Jover , uliiinflnsltln ( < Hhourstothosiiiiploforin. Infill- llblo euro lor nil Inlhimnuilnrv , ulcoiatlve , put- ild. cancorons tilconillon or the womb and nil entiirrlml conditions. Tull prlnte 1 Instrncllons how to UFO the modi- ernes flcnt with them. No doctor ioiUlred. ] Dr. Jofferla * lomodles om : only lie nlitnlnod nt liisoalco. No. Kl south lilitlitti Mreot , Council lllulTB , Jown.orsont sy oiproas on receipt of prleo. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , Practices in the State and Federal courts Jtooms 7 and 3 Shtigart Ulo'ik. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. I.ndica buiiK ! n $ .1 Hnl or llonnct , ono faro will bn pnld ; $10 , lound tr.'p. Star Sale Stables and Mule yards , imOAlMVAY , COUNCIL M Io Diininix Depot. g CO 11 . * j .T.'c ' * knl" c" % > l { > iiv on Imndllfor siilo nt'ivtuil ornt rar i , . ! . " . - Jims promptly Wlcd hy rontnint on bhorl nutico. Stock fold on c-omndssion. kv Itoi.i'.v , IVopnoSrs. Tdnphonn No. 1M . KormiM-ly of Keil Sulc btttules , corno at. live itnd iltli sti'i'Ot. Tbl * r le'i ! entlreljr ne" mid wo wllliuiin nt e lol u-li > , iu to ilnid uci-i' fiilli ; I" B IuVour. . V..ui-.iii.liutl . "II llu. uatternt Unit U ncodel fortliofuin ly.mlt < "t ull vuruifnti worn jSJIeV'S 'lSSftSaS il' ' Jft rnu noil. . ! " , until you IHTII Iciriu-U. lli n ym ; l want H'S i ? rf Wo Vlinlleiiio lomiutUlon. 'Jlis inml > | ierleiiciii | dri n "ken und WlWi ' 'l"1nlluityr' ' ' kim/n it u ihe Int entlun of Ml li 'ao ' UIT. * * ieii nnti n Kiencliiuolluu. U ell § rup'rtlr nnJ umi I mienli iimkQ iimnVr. We want llrstclnn * uivtiti 11 l ko I oM nf t leDU-lnBiii wltli 01. Wold.In ui kO money ml allow ollifni to dii in l u. o wo DiTorllbariil JrmiT l'"r InliiriualloiiciilliirmMrcHi. furllio " " " ' Mlt" . IAKV rAHlUllJK.lJen | | Anuut. Itui.iu.'Jf. 1'jdtlc IInu e Coum-ll Illulfi. Iowa. W. A. WOIIK , 1'ropilotor. Justice of ti e Peace OJio oror OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , Ectabl elied 1857 Creston House , The only hotel ( n Council Illuns havlnz IF1 j re Elsosi/pe j"iiul nil modem Improvoments. 215 , XI7 iiiid-U'Mulii ' st. MAX MOllrf , Prop. loiirnnls , Contily juitl ICaiik Vork ol' . II Iviiuls a.Si cc- lulty Prompt Attentionjo Mail Orders MOREHOUSE & CO. Room 1 Evorct Block , Council lilufls , Standard Papura Used. All styles of bind ing in Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. HKPKHKNOnS : C. n. National Ilnnk , M. 15. Smith , V Co. , CHI/ens' Hunk , Docre , Wells Ar Cfi. , Mm National Dunk , C II. liihiinuico Co. , nicer & ] 'usey.HiinkerB.0.11. Suvlnits Ilnnk. P. C. MILLER , No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. LATK3T DESIGNS. MANTIFACTU31EK OF PAINTS , Houeo , Slirn nn < ) Duoorn o Palntnr. 1'nplcr MiH'lio Wnll OriiiiinontK. None but bnst luinds oumplo ) ed nnJ char wtirjotharj. Horses and Miiles- For nil purposoa. no'ijfht niul sold , nt totall am ! in into. JjiiKO iinitutlttos lo holoct from FoviTiil pHlrbof llnoilrlvorB.hliiKlooriloiilila MASON WISE , Council Hinds. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Pprclnl ndvertlsumuiiM , fuch ns Lost , Foil n 'IVi Ixinn , Fnr B.ilo , To lionl , nntf , lioiirdlnir. etc , will IwliiFcilud In Ilils column nt tlio loir r teolT15N UKNTS IMIt UNI ! fortho flret liifiir tlonnud I'lvo Cents Tor I.lno for each iibcii'iiont | Intuition. I.onvu advorlUoiucn tint our olllcn Kit. 12 IVul sliei't , near llrosidwuy , Council lilulls WANT.1 , . . wlt'i ' it houo , llnvo nxperleneo. INiil . J mi I wnnt 11117 fnlnry ( ill I am oittiy. dl\ mo n uhiiuco , N. : > . , cnio Ili'i ) , Ciiuiu-il niulli. ! TUI-A ) tooil nltflit clerk HI llttUtelii'f Hotel. I/OH KIINT llcHinn ; also liirnUhixl room. J1 Apply lit II Nottli M ln ' \rAN'IHH Hy l " jfi'iith'iiion , bcilroom und V V s'.ttiiiroom oronu IIIIK" room , In nultrli- liorhood ofTli-ft ti.ouuw | iinfcno < l.'lilios stiitliiyleriiiH , 7. V. / . , ll o ojllcf . _ \lANrnf ) - Olil lor yeiirrnl liotuoworlc. VV ( iood homo , Illieral wiigvb. Mm.v. . M. Wrlr , _ _ _ WANTKD-A poo.l Kill tor general lioueo- vroik nt 1U > llrtnoioft street. R. BICE , M. . ; Pnn-anc Or OtllUI I'llllllirj I C'lll ! > > U.I V ltllOUt. ItUllCclb ti,0 , hullo oi-ilnuviu0- iilnol. ( Ker thuty > e r | inicticulrx'rli.iao. No. II roiirlHt , Council IHlllT * | * y ( ) oti8Ultutton frro. 'Reduction in Prices , IN China Glassware Etc. , , . , AtV. . S Huuor & CD'S. No. itf .Main t ! Council