Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1886, Page 5, Image 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - I . ' . . - - . - - - - _ _ j OM DLY BEE : SFNIY OCTOBER 17 1SG.-TLVPAGES. . ; so\1EiiIllcc \ FOR OIAEIA. ' : A Grotip of Photographs Which Attracted No Little Attention. OME VEUY FINE I3UILDINGS. 1q I ii nctpoIIs nnU J ts litiliti In sI t I.nItIun i3ttII I.CIiahII1)'r of Cnnnerce--Ioan ; nid TrioL fluiltltng-A IcipiJou. I trrwenJor Me Ona7w SNn4ap Ike. ] Ag a rule1 the IIii ; : is not givcn to I1Inc tratlotis , lint the reporter who this week (1kd on the new architects , Itodgon & O1 ! , 1L ( lrkn ) Natioi1 Bank build- mile' ing , nw so many photographs of large ri , ) USflCS blocks and ) tRl)1iC buildina , as (1I 3 iI8ndsonIe reidciiccs , 1ocat&d in . 2\liiineapolis \ , and St. Paul , that the Iiii ( ' 0111(1 ( not resist the temptation to repro- iluec them , belinviug dint in this way it call bct aerrc the intcreslq of the icoplo of Omaha and ebraska , and by giving to111e Itica of the kind of structures that arc being erected nil aroniid us incite the (81)italIStS ) flhld buil.lers . of small homes to erect sitimliar tuh1LIinz Iii Onialia , It Is tilfi ititemition , If the photographs cin be liroetired In tinie , to pmbIms1i emits , next Spndty : , and for several weeks following , ) I . mint only of time most Proninent inibime buiiding. but also sone of time line resi- dtiiue of the two rival eitk's of the north- West. Minneto1Is : ) is noted for its fine imlilnltmmg ) , and vhule Omaha is nov being SUIUCd ) with a nuimiber of ehganit truc- ture , a few examples will not connie amiss. Prominent among the groln ) of piwtographs cen by the Ibi rcinreenta- vc was the TilE ORT1I\VESTERN \ ROAD. . Lincoln People Pin Great hopes on Its Arrival at theaapital City. A LONG LIST OF INDICTMENTS. ljaIIcastcr't4 DItrlcL Court Grinds Theon Out ] rnldIy-TIle ; Y. M. (3. A. ConventIon-Slate Othi Iollows-Lincoin cnvs. IFBCM TIlE UIEA 1.I1COLN UL'UAU.1 'lIme Nortiiweskrn road has practically re.nchctt Lincoln. Yesterday the laying of Itoh lint ! readied the city limits , and a force of mineni were at work with the mile-driver on tiii banks of thoAntelope , near the state fair grournis , commeneinir on tlan second track froiti that poInt Into the city. A promiiiiiemnt linac In the building ol tine Nortliwestenni atatod to a reporter yesterday that the coin- n.trlnction train vouid land at the Missouri l'acilic depot tine lirst days of the week , and that before Noveniber I Chicago and LIncoln through trains would be running over tine mew line. Vhiie tine Northwestern Is one of four dIstinct railway systems , and tine last of the number In reaching the city , it is the - second thioughi limo trout Ctilcago under one - corporation that has reached Lincoln. Ciii. - eago is the great eastern centre , and while : , tine Union memo through pools have given J.lucoln a second railway connection with the , east , Line fact remains that the Northwestern is the second road to haVe a continuous hue ( if steel rails betweeni tine two niaces. 'rIds is winy , presuniably , that a pronninent whole- baler remarked yesterday that tine North- vestern road meant inure to the capital city luau all the rest , sluice the first conning of the : ii. & ii. , and tine expectancy afloat now is that tine Missouri rIver rate 1)001 , in so far as Lincoin Is concerned , must o under , and the dIscrimination that 51111)9 freight to Kansas City fromun Chicago , by way of Lincohui , at a less rate than the since Ireichit Is allowed to ston at Liii- coin innust go and go speedily. 'l'hie peruni- Iotis effects of such outrageous pools as that : ihl sunietinies press upon acomunnunity until lorbaaranco ceases to be a virtue , and the ortinsvesteriu. if not hide bound and s1ftsh , ugint to see far enough to recognize that therels a brilhlantopentng for it to do Justice to Lincoln at ounce and gain a good wlU that vLll stay % ith It. zNnIcrExTs COUET. "Time grand jury scenis to be industrious If time balance of the court does grind slowly - ly , " said a court official yesterday , and lie pointed to tine long roll of indictments as corroboration of his statement. 'I'iiese Iii. ( tictuuieuitS each iremnise n trlai , amid tine orlun. timid ( iOCkCt , inIm the assistance of tine grand Jury. Is suiliclent in length to furnish a L uunonthn's work. Among tine later indictments handed down Is one against James Mclntee , charging hum with murder In thu second dc- gree. 'finis is the case that creatcu so unuchi hnuterest aunt attention tine past summer the ' particulars of whicti svore given fully at the - limo anal which related that Melatee , by cruel Wind unnatural abuse , caused tine dentin of ini daughter. svhio died after mouths of buttering. Among time additional Indict- undue are three for house bneaking and robbery - bery cases that caine up at state fair tune wiwin tine city wins filled with crooks anti whim tine oflicers did such valiant service that nearly every one of the olfenders were nabbed aunt put Ia jail ( or Iistrlct court triaL 'rime grand jury scenes to be sup- pieruentnngthls good work already donna by briuiging in the vroper Inidictunents , sshuicin - - vihi uijnil tine oiTomidera to tine proper iunlsim- uncut. Lprenz Lozier who created audi con- - ' bternlatlunn in South Lhncohn by tine free use nf tire arena vomited at neighbors whneun dli.- ciiargod , has lund his meaning In tine grand jury rooumi. and an Innilctnleunt followed tine hearing. Several nnonn inartles ane hayini their boarlung to day and hut grand Jury wIll probably continue over to tine oouuulnn week. T.trr. covzruo Y. 4. c. . & . On 'I'hurn.tav of this weak tine state counven. tiou of 'f. M. C. A. of Nebrasica vI1I be mcmi at the associatIon rooms iii I4iuncoimn. 'linis coueuntIon , front every indication already received , wili be tine greatest gathering ot the kind ever mdii In tine state , and the good peo- tile 0 ! LIncoln are actively at work inn sri-aug. lug nil deunlis for tine receintion slid aceonn iuiodnttiou of delegates and guests In tine btt possIt)1e mnatniner. Uioni tine arriyai of tinesu iii tine city tluy unto requested to report at . once to the roonnns 01 tue nssociationn , wineic tine recnptin connunnittce vihl assIgn them hoinnus while tine ) ' remunain in the city , suuti home neeti hesitate about conning , fur time POOPie of Lincoln will care for intl wiiilunciy UUi gladly. 'lime railroads wili give tine ems- tonnnary one aunt a third rate on trnnspop- tion , a9iJrouin IJQrLunJivmi iil1eatiyn'-ts , tt1uitne , . .ung . . .ii s tnriiiaii : an.sociation are sanguine that time convention riil be all that could be desired. . .llo VlI.I. Imr l1nr.sENr. 11ev. 11 , E. Il-own amnd 0 , K. Obenof New York- , wino represent tIme Internatiouui cmii- inlttee , lii be present amid take an active mart In timework ot tue assot-i'stion. hiobeui Oreneral mecretary of the Y. M. C. A. at l'ittsturg. 1L , will be In attendance ; J. Brown , btato secretary of liliuQjs. will be hiresouti J. E. EIp. cU Syracuse , N. ' 1' . , vIiiLs' rvnt : ( .eorge 4t. Josiyn , secretary ! tlneM. . C. A. at Omaha. will be In at- tendanee , and Harry Curtis , general score- tar3 at Council Bluffs , Is. , will be anioug the vonkers prusunnt. rim rlGdnAsiME covers a wora laid out for four days , Tinurs- day to Satarday next inciusnvo. 'l'eunporary organization is lixed for 4 p. in. Thursday , and peRmanent organization Friday at 9 a.nn. Tine association rePOTt from ditTerent iarta or tine state will be beard , also the stats ex- - eoutive committee's eInort , and among tine papers to be road before the couvenntlou wIll be one on boys' work , also "Value of 8eouiar Agencies , " aud ous upon tine lnsviratlon of faithful services. unuerous addresses are entered upon tine prograunuo br dliTerent sessions during tune convention , aud tine pro- graunmne is one that It Is expected wnii make extra work for line conyeuitioa in meeting it. oluNuu L000E I. 0. 0.7. The Old Fellows of Nebraska wifi meet Inn grand lodge at Lincoln , conunenc1g Wedmnes- : W - tp& c - - i : - . - 4 - - , - . - tI , ' s- - iIi : " A\ \ Ml'NlAl't1Li4 l1'tiiTutn HI ILI'ixO , Whnicin is located on tInt' conner of ( 'cut-al nvmntie anil lainn ctret , nun tine imigint elevation and orrrhooking tine entire city. It is without doubt time finest exposition building in time country. and is one of the utiost pronniucunt buildings itn 'ntlnnetnpohis , and during the exposntloin was visited by an average of , OOO leolnle dnuiy. It is 400x400 feet square amid 00 feet hign , time three stories being built of brick , stone aind ten-ut cotta. Tue lookout tower is 2S0 feet higin. with two elevators for thnc acconiinodnti on of visitors. The corner stone of this building was laid ann time 23d day of April , 18911 , and according to the contract entered into with Messrs. liotig. son & Son , it uniust be finnished August 2&I , and it was tione. Tine building was erected in 120 days , OOQ men baling cnn- ploed mnigint and mtav to finish the task , nil of which goes to show winat can be done in a sinort time if tlnc'soliomo is backed 1)3 nnen wino know nosuch word ilay , October t9. 'rine local Ocid Fellows arc diilgenmtiy at work making nil Preparations for the neception and care of delegates. ninth it is exiected that a ery large attenninhnce vhii be received , TIme eraund iotlge will be given a rccettion Veunesdav even lug , iuich will no held at tine 1.ietropoiltntn skating i-link. 6overmnor Iawe.s Mayor Burr and Attorney Sawyer vll ) dye muidiesses ot welcome , and Grant Master Arthur Gibsoun and iirotiier UNcut are also exinected to nunako speecimes appro- innate for the occasion. All citizens having tinigeles and carriages have been invited to connL'regate at Odd Fellows' hail , Thursday auierunoon. and each take a uumnnber of tine delegates for a n-ide around tine city. It is expected - pected on this occasion that Lincoln amid Lincoln people will do timeunseives irouid and entertain tineir gtnests with tnue Lincohun lies. PitahitY. Tnv TO1'1C. Hassrnusson , the Dane who was found dead , and viio lund been left winen very sick without care and attention , was buried tromnn tine coromner's ollice yesterday. lie had S37 In time First Nntionai bank , on deposit. aunt Itasmus Johnson , of this city , was appointed adnniinh.tralor of mis etste. winlch will revert to mis relative.t , wino sue nil in Dcii mark. Mr. Leunke , a former Lincoln residenntwhuo as iii tii& agricultural innplemnnennt bnnsimness in Lincoini. but wino inns iateiyhived on a farun in Stevens ( 'rtek precinct , lisa his ak-eli crtitiieit yesterday , ninth cannot recover. lie was leading a fractious buii tied drarged him over tine ground witin the above residt. wimidersou. . of St. Louis , a prominent attorney of flint city , buns come to Lincoln to ilefenid .James A. ( 'mute , one of tine Stewart Chute Lumber company partners , whose arrest - rest and retention tins beemn previously men- tioned. SOCIETY AT TUI CJil'iTAL. Tine Standard club gave its tirst ball of the season on 'l'hursday evening nut Masonic hail , It was a very select affair , numbering in its attendance ninany of Lincoln's most popular society people , and nothing was left unat- tenled to that might in any way to contribute to the Pleasure of the chub unmemnbershnip or the chub guests. 'l'he music furnished by Pro- lessor llngenow and his pinlihmarnionic orchas- ti-a was delightful. and was propareuL espe- clammy for time occasion. tnomn those In at- teundauce were noted : Mayor and Mrs. C. C. hunMr. . nndMrs. W. Meyer , nlr. mind Mrs. 11. P. Lani Mr. and Mrs. J. C. VIse , Mr. and Mrs. 1" . . C. l3roek , Mr. and Mrs. 1) . D. Muir , hlr amnd Mrs. S. Opentneinuner , Mr. amid Mrs. C. S. Lippineott , 'nlr. and Mrs. Jacob ltcncine , Mr. and Mrs. J. Friend , Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Barr , Mr. .snd Mrs. David iso , Mr. and Mrs. 1' . It. Dennis , Mr. and Mrs. N. Ackerman , Mr. and Mrs. iloasciman , Mr. and Mrs. S. ii. Mayer , l'iatLsnnoutii ; Mrs. E. May , Chicago tine Misses Lowenakln , llyatns aunt V. ohs. of Cincinnati ; 3lessrs. Strasburger , of Cinicago ; Mr. Liebernnan , of Cinicnuo. and a large nuunner of time popular young i'eoile ' ot Lincoln comnupleted tine list of attendants. 'I'o-innorrow evening occurs - curs the tirstannumil bali of the letter carriers of Lincoln w'inlcln is booked for Nasotnic Temnile hail , and tine nmusie vill be furnisined by I rofessor 'rinayer's great northwestern baud. 'l'ine committees having nil mnmatters inn charge are as follows : Exectntivo-G.\ ' . Blake , 'l'iios. McSinanc , A. D. Crude , I ) . D. Sullivan. lnvitation-W. IL lakiun , E. A. . Pierce , IS' . A. Eaton , 0. C. linker. Reception-i. V. l'utaann , Chums. Smattery , G . B. Fairbanks. Bert Stewart. Miss Ainna Tebbetta , Miss 1)eiia W'aish. Miss Bertha Cinlids Mits Sara Lowumnau , Floor-A. D. Craig. 1) . U. Sui I- van. van.Time Time Police force , not to be behind in tine social race , uroposu to have a enaund bail , and have , with that eund In view , secumed Temnipho hail for the evening of October 2f ) , when limo poiicemunemn's bail sviii be given. Chief Beacin is cimairmnaun and Cinarlr1r I'arsons secretary of tue comnnmuittees , and I ohlcemnan ! lobson is general mnianager. Captain Post , James Malone - lone , A. J. Hyatt and Policeumnan Kinehnelo are the executive committee , annd timey will proceed at ounce to tine work of matting the ball a great success in every particuniar. 3llss Alice it. Carton , one ot time bright and Iohnular young ladies of Lincoln , was Incited In marriage to Joinn B. Chapman. of Couuncii Bluffs , at noon.S'edmnesday , October Bk A. few at tine more Intimate friends of the eon- ti-acting parties arid the iunummmeiiato relatives only witnessed line ceremony which was utct and iunpressnvt' . Ccunnctl lihutYs will be tine manic of Mr. and Mrs. Chapman , ad a most of best wishes follow them from Lincoln friends. , Viiiiamnn Leonnard anti wife , wino have neon visitimmg friends in Nebraska City , are at bonnie agaimn. Mrs. M. 'lowne is visutIn tine present week with mci- sister , Mrs. W'et , at Freummoni. Mrs. Monntroe is at inommno after a visit of several weeks inn Chicago , her tormuer Inommic , aunt where her trIemnds are unamny. Mr. mend .51-s. Nornnan Parker , old-time residents of Lincoln , took tnmmnir departure the tnat week for Sun Diego , Cal. , where they nnnmike their mama inn future. Mrs. Jacob Poeinhcr and daurtiter are in Liincolmm vlsitinng with Ceo. II. I'oeimicr. Mr. and Mrs. E. 'I' . ltobftQ yted ! ! im intIu _ yral dav i'a ' Week. umnu inc inospitahitles of that city during tine session of time Grand Lodge , Knights of j'ytinlas. ir. J. 0. Carter and fannily have been en- Joyiumc a visit tine Past Weelt frent Mr. and Mrs. Jtobbins amid Mr. and Mrs. Limneberg , all of Columbus , 0. Miss hiciskeil , of Spriungileld , 0. , who inns been visitmnnuz tier brotiner in this cltyreturned bnmnnewnrd Tuesday. U , ATtmrrlll. . of Cincinnati , wino has been visiting f-binds in l4liicoln , returned houne 'fuesday. Mi-a. Dr. Reed , wino has been passing the Sumnmuner months auuon tine ( li-ecu nnotnntainns of Vermont , returned home Wednesday to Lincoln. Miss Emma Wilson , a young lady from Elir.abethn , N , J. , wino has been In Lincoln tine past week with friends , has conticued iner westeru trip to Denver for a visit with rota- tives in that place. Miss Estelie Short , of Belle Centre , O..who lisa been a guest inn the family of Dr. Biia- zard , started inonnewant Friday for her monte in lhuckeyedouz. General and Mrs. J. E. Smith , of Omaha , were in Lincoln Monday on route for Ilasting. Mrs. lion- and daughter Mabel , of North Loup , are In the city , guests of Mrs. 11. A. Babcock. Miss Etta Collier returned momma the past week from an extended visit with ( mends in las Moines , and a visit of a few days in Omaha while en iouW. Mrs.'iggers , who has been on it lone visit to England , and with friends nnd reIatnve as fail. The Minneapolis exposition build. Ing s it now stands cost tine stockholders t22OOO , which is considered a very low figure for a building so well appointed as. it is. It is to be regretted that a larger cut of tine building could not hare been procured for publication. but tine one IlUbhisined to-day gives a very good idea of the tCfltntV of tine structure. Near this buIlding in tine group of inhotos is tine MINNI.Al'OLIS ClI.tMI1RII 01' COMM nimen , S Inicin tt as erect'd at tine corner of Foci-tin nvennmie and 'finird street , at a cost of 1'OOi. ) It i flvestoriesln'ngin amid UD'15O feet inn size , anti is built entirely of stonm , styie Eiinbethaun , nmnd is time fine-t e'nmann. her of comunerco bmnihuing in tine west. It contains G3 ofilecs eciusivt' of stores and tine elnitntljer room. It is it smaii si.d town wuinmn itself. and ts orc-upitd by grain mmd eomnnunssIomi men. C. . N. & St. i' railway offices , and inunmny others. 7.1 i.N I A I 0 IS ( 'ii ' AtlilLit ( ) l ( OMMEne t. . 'fine eteitmnnge roomni is 73 feet high , winicin ailows exented nnemubers Picmnty of room for mat timrowiun. It is inijeed a 11cc I buildiung andisMitnucapolis' undo. Next in order is time 0 the isiamnd , inns safely reached home ngaimn at Li mmcclii. Mrs. J. J. lndcrwonnl is onJoyinr a vi'it fromni her nnnotinteMrs. . Howehi. aund her sister , Mrs. C. Itavmniond , befit of ( 'oimnmmnbuc , 0. Nr. ainmi Mrs. II. 'r. Leninist , of Atcinim , lKamn. , 'veic vlsitimng Limnenhmn tine past week. Mr. neil Mrs. A. I' . Foster , wino svere a Portion of tine Linneolu delegationn of St. bouis lair visitors , returned honmne frmnn tine sotntin tine brat of tine week. Miss Lucia Genuminnii is inn Llmncoln for ttne pnlrj'ose of obtaining in tine art of clmimna decoratloun. Miss Geumnunlil conies to Lincoln fi-onni Freeport , Iii. Miss Line , Miss Launra Easterday Miss Pike anti otiner Lincoln ladies , seredekgates to tine Lnntlncran nnnlssiotnary mnneetinng at \Varerly tine cast veek- . lmmedrtakeri ientonn anid family are enjoying a vusit tinis veek trains Mrs. W'ilimite , of Crawfoi-dsville , I md. Mrs. loud , of I'Cria. Iii. . vito lens been visiting Mrs. , James .Mninouey and other friends , Inns returned Immne. D. U. Courtmnay wits agreeably surprised limit lied of tine week to greet lnis brother. t Jannes Courtnny , of New York , whom Inc had not seen In years. Mr. Courtunay thhmnks of mnakine Limncojmn mis hnomnme. Attorney A. It Taibot is enjoyIng a visit from lila parennts , Mr. and Mrs.S'mnn. . Tahlxnt , of Alexis , Ill. , who have been In the city tine past week. SIljKSi SiLiS ! ! SILlSll ! l3asenncnt-N. 13. Palconem- . 2,000 yaris Binck Gros Grain Silk tnu : is worth $1.00 , at 7De. 8,000 yards Colored Gros Grain Silk that is sold nil oyer town at $1.00 , our Basonncnt price is 7flc. 1,600 yards Colortxi Velvets in all colors at 70c , worth $1.00. None of these Silks or Velvets vih1 be sold after Non- day'it less tinan the regular price. COMBINATION SUITS I BASEMENT ! 40 ( ombination Suits that are worth from 1O.CO to l2.OO-On Monday tine lrieO will be .Vi.75. There arc no dun- Plicates of this lot. Come early if you want a cheup dress. REMNANTS OF 1)RESS GOODS - BASEMENT. On Monday we will offer about fifty new reumniunts of all wool dress goods at less than half PdCO. This lot has to be sold , aunti we make tine lriec to close them out in one day , 'WOOL LACES , ic. BASEMENT I I3ASEdENT ! 2.400 yards of colon-ed and black wool laces that are worth from 2e to 8c per yard. On Monday they will be sold at Ge Per yard. Tineo laces arc nil now , and a spiemnhid line of colors , also black. Time price is 50 per yard. Bargains in hlandkcrcinicfa. Bargains inn Collars. Bargains In Gloyos. Bargains in Laces. Bargains in Blankets. Bargains in Comforts. Bargains in Hosiery. Bargains In Underwear. Basement I Basement ! N. 13. FAICONER. SPECIAL FOR MONDAk. iALCONEIt'S TU1tKE ItED DAMASK 45G. 1 ease 'l'urktny Red Damask at 45c per yard vorth flOe. TURKEY RED CLOTHS. 5-4 Turkey lied Cloths BOo. 15-8 Turkey Red Cloths at B7o. 8-1 Turkey Rod Cloths at $1.15. 8-10 Turkey Red Cloths at l.6Q. ) OUliLE DAMASK CLOTHS AND NAPKINS HALF PRICE. 8-4 Double Damask Cloths at 3.25. 8-10 Double Damask Cloths at 8.75. 8-12 Double lamask Cloths at p4.75. 8-jo Double Damask Cloths at O. Nznpkias to match 8.5O per dozen. BLEACHED DAMASK. 58 in. Bleached Damask- 471c worth flSc-a largo variety of Patterus. I NAPKINS , 1.5O. 70 dozen f Elciuctied Napkins at 1.tiO , worth 2.5O. BLEACIIEI ) DAMASK. 2-yards wide bieachedflamnaskat l.OO , worth 1.85. 1.85.FR1NGEI FR1NGEI ) CLOTHS. 8-12 Fringed Cloths , Red Border1 at t3.OO , worth 200 dozen Fancy Bordered Napkins at l.OO , worth 1.fiO. See Sunday papers for Special Sale In Basement. New Goods , New Prices , the Basenent Is a success. success.N. N. 13. FALCONER , MlN.noTA Ll ) TRt'T ' titit.isir , \S inicin is saUl te be tine finest otlic'e bniid. Ing in the yost. 'rimere a r cn himrger buildings , of ernirse , but unone mire flnished so irand1y not is liners anything like It lun the whole cotlmntry. Iii- deed , it i origiunal witin tine architects , Iiodgsomn & Semi , wino built it. It Is seven stories high aid 40t 1O feet inn ize. 'l'lie building js cmntireiy construneted of stone , umnarhlo , glass amid li-cnn , inc wood being used excehit for doors and finnish. 'line in- tenor Is cimndoed with Mexicani onyx. All floors nIe mmuirblo , tine doors amid flmnislnimngs holing made of the lines t nunhogutny. Tine safe deposit vatnits nind retiring rooms of tine Loan and Trinst Conupamny are , withmount excep- tiomn , tine lmost in [ lie commntry , and as an ollice building it is . : ' ; ; ; ' 4. - . : ' - ; . ' , - - ' ni t 'k.i" ' PVIiWf' .t : ; 41 ic tfl -t ! \ w7 . 4F6A , tJ& & r9iTi1i . : 1-pp I1Lpi. . -p-- r . P , : - - - ' c m fi e - N - i Mt - . - . ' -tIODGSON & SON , RCI-IITECTS--- 1iiSMSOT.t lOAN A'il ) ! rnm1sT iiEiLfliNCt. - - F'REEDOI'S ' BREATh OF' FiRE. An Incident of' the Great Conflagration in Chicago Fifteen Years Ago , Time Timieviung Operatlouis of % Vlihinmni ComnstamitIlls Arrcst , Immnprisumn- nncnt amni LI1)erty-A Dialnumn- ored Name. t Tr-atcn for lJnc Oiialgi Stmmndaj ltee.l TIne fifteenth annivcrsar of the gm-cat Chicago fire recalled to mnny miuti the yivid scenes of that oventftnl night. IVimatever desoiatnon and ruin it brought to others , it washailed , with cleligint by one nnan at least , whom it relented from ti. felon's ccfl. Williamn Cjnstitnt was a youmng man wino mad been raised inn a little Wisconsin vilhunge , and , whom I knew intimately well us we lnnd becut school bovs together. Young Constant caine to Chicago amid obtunne.mI : employment with tine well- known hardwirc fnrni of Hibbnn-d & Spencer. ll rose rapidly from one pOSt- tion to another , nnd finally beeanc one of tine stock-lepers. , It was in this position that he betmtyed tine coinfidence of his employers au1d becanno a thief. lie determined - termined tc , ttcal , a complete stock of inardwiro for : cotumttry stare and go nub bunsiness for hnimsehf. The nmutniner in whnieli inc earriqdout this plan was mimer ingetnious. lie had a lnnruncss nnade to fit over lins Finoulders , and coincealed under lila overcoat. This harness was so or- ranged that he conid carry at leunst rev- or onto hundred noundsof stolen goods , without much chance of detection. llavinng in mis possession a key to tine store , inc generally mannged to cone ° al himself nutil all others mad gone. He then harnessed humnseif up and quickly loaded ininnself with stolen hardware , srliieii ho imad curefuily selectemi during time day. Leaving the store , maying locked ttnti doou , Inc curried his plunder to it stable where he packed it in boxes and barrels , ready for &nipmnent. Day after day he carried out this programnno until me mad accumulated a fine stock worth over :6OOO : at wholesale prices. itesigmuing his position , inc came to Ne- buaska and selected Weepion- Water as tine mmcc to open lila ostuInlishmeut , Constant built a neat little store and furnished it wIth handsome and costly lixtinres. His stolen goods vere tinen sinipcd to inimu front Chicago , and lie soon opened his store in fmnne siyio mimi connuneneed to do mu profitable business. Everytinlnnz seemed to go urehl with hun , and he tinomngint his future vuus certainly brigint So far Inc had not at all been tlistunrbed by any thought tinat lie would be detected iii his sviuoicsale theft. So conlident was Inc of this that he linnhiy proposed marriage to a hnaundsomno 3-cuing lady , to whonn Inc hind boom paying mitten. tion for some little tinic. Jima propositionn was accepted , and tine happy day was fixed. ' OneSeptembor , inowever , time little town of SS'eepin S'ater was tinrosvn unto imntonse excitement by the announcement [ hunt Wiilhuim Constant , tine prosperous and enterprising hardware - ware nuerchamit , was under minrest for gramnd larceny in having stolen front Hub. bard & Spencer almost his entire stock of goods , A Chicago detective hind arrived in town tine uniglit before , amid hind mit once taken mini unto custody. Tinestenhlngs of Conataunt 'mmml gradually been detected by tine mew stock-keeper inn Hubbard & Spen- cci 'S cstabiisiunncnt , mind the case being Placed in the baundsof a detective agency every detail of tine systematic robbery was soon learmied ; Connstamnt wus tjukcn back to Chicago and lodged u sail under tine old court- mouse , lIibbarl & Spencer recovered their goody , ntI imployed ! ' 'I rt ; , jo assist in the prosecution nt the case , As 1 was a ciork and student in thbir oflico I had conisid orabic to do uylththe matter. 01 course I was groatlysurprisod mit the turn affairs had taken in tine career of my old school- mute. I eaihd td son him one day in tine Jail , and had it long talk with him. He concealed nothini , and mad no hesitancy Itn talking abouttlio case. At Intervals lie broke down pq stied tears , but they were not tears of repentance for liEs crJm , They wore tears caused by his unfortunate situution and the thought , that ho was bookqd for tine pcnitcnnthmtry , His chief reret * as that his plundering selnemne hnad'ailed ? nd tinat ho had been foiled in hits attempt to wed a beautiful and confiding girl , lie seennoci to have host nil sense of honor and appeared to be devoid of conscience , although be did in. tnmato that II ho could possibly get out of the scrape me would tincreafter lead a straight life. I told him' tinat ho could hope for no assistance from me , and that in all probability he would mayo to go to Jolmet. % S'iien I left him bel appeared to be completely broken down. But within a few Jays William Con. stant was a free mail. Tine great fire swept up front the Southwest , takln everything in its path , arid when It strue the dome of the court-house , I looked out trom an alley window oLNo. 8 lcarborn street and w. ndei-ed what would becom - . - - - of tine inrisonners , among w-honn was Con- stunmnt. I packed my trmntnk amid carried it to a inlunee of safety on tine lake fromnt. letnnrnming { to tine vicinnty of tine court- inoui-e , tine supper lortiomn of winncin was mow wrnipinod inn liannnes , I sunw a nuotiey cross-ti of imnen cominimng out of tine north door of tine bacnnnemnt. 'lucy ivere tine urisomiens tm-mutt least' to save tinenr lives. No m'rnomier , vxcejnt nnurdcrt'rs , vere mcml inn cinstody. as tlnero was no jiiuce to take themun. ' 1 inc nntnrderers. inowe.vor , vere hun-idly connduet.ed to \Vcst Side station Inoue. All others were given their hibenty. I caught a glance of 'IVihinamn Constannt uts lie hun-lcd Ptst : me lie ( liti not recognize - nize Inc. his futce was brigint witin hope. Little careti 1w for tine ruin tinmit was beimng wrnughlt so longas inc gaimned his Inberty. ' .I'hat wnns tine lastl vor saw ofS ilihnm ( 'omnstamnt. Ho beennnne a wiuderer upon tine face of tine earth , and a few years ago , as I Inavtsbeeui told , liedied far away treat hnotiie and frlennds Ar.r SonuxsoN. : IAVITT'S COiitNG. 'fine Local Comummninices Making Ar. rangemenits for tine Em-emit. A meeting of tine joint committee from tine E. N. A. and A. 0. II. societies , for tine inmnrpose of making arrangements for ' rcceptiomn mind lecture of Michael Dam-itt , was held lust cvenimng at J. E. Riley's oflice. There were present Messrs. Donovan , Graves , O'Malley , Minahan , Brennan , Smyth and NeMahon. It was announced that Mr. Davilt wonid lecture mere on tine 26th inst. , : tnd tinnt : tIme unminex of tine exposition building had been secured for tine occasion. It ss-ns decided that , in response to i-c- quests front time neighboring towns , that tickets 1)0 forwarded to icadimig citizens in I'apclhion , Elklnorn , Fremont , Blair , Calhoun , Council lhiulTs and Piattannouth. It was also agreed to invite the leading clemnymen and editors of this city to at tencfthnn lectune. To-day one of tine committees will go to Council Biuffs for tine purpose of malting - ing nurrangemnents for a number of the citizens of that place to be 1)reSouit on tine nhiit inn question. tini5 iS tine first time that Micinal ] Javitt has lectured mu tints comnuntry where a price of admis- Sian WflS cinargemi. And yet , low of the tine Irish leaders arc moroin need , and cortaimnly nouc of them mire ninore worthy of a liberal response. Altinough giftea by nature and endowed uvitli attainments winich might immure scomnred a competence in tinny hue he nnight have followed , Mr Davhtt is a poor maim. lie has given his mis time amid almost Inis life to tine caumse he represents. Hint advanced years have cautioned his fi-iends to insist upon his looking out for the fLnture. Accordingly inc hints coinsented to the present lecture tour Mr. Davitt's lecture vi1I be the host able , and at the saute timne interest- nmng , exposition of the irish question that inns yet boon delivered in Onininu. Marx Speaks ot lcCormnnick. Al Marx , tine prize lighter who had his jaw broken in a recent light , was in town yesterday lie was very btttor in his de- numnciatloin of McCormIck ninth his backers wino , tie sand , Lund determined from the atart to defeat him. "That man MeCor- iniek , ' ' SmIiiluirx ( , ' 'is ii miserable , how- lived coward , and I should like to have onne nnore ito at him. He know that be couldn't lick nun by fair means amid so he determined to do it by foul , Here is the lead that was found in his gloves after the light" Marx hero pm-educed two email bars of lend composition , winhcin weighed to. getiner Ierlnnps ) an ounce or two. On the lower part of lila chin Mar exhibits a long bruise which ho says was caused by anti of tine strips of lead , "You can depend upon it , " lie remarked , after the repon-ter had cxamimeti the itnulen strips , "I nun going to make McCormick's backers pay tar this hlLtIQ piece of ditty work Jtnst as soon as I nun vchi and able to secure alawycr I shall commence imuit against them. " Marx' 't'- ! . . .t.t'- ; ; be..ihlnt * tb . - r % " _ 1 : .rnln still painfun. untni withiun a day or so lie could not eat any oiimi food. I1 Is stopping at hiusor's mend mouse , west of tim city. . - Licensed to Wed. Judge AicCuhiocti issued mar-hugo hi. censes yesterday to tine following partiest NAME uiusitsuxcE AGIS. \S' . ii. Snyder--------imnntha..24 ( Kittie htevan . . . . . . . .Oniatna. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ciaus J uugJulnansen. . Snirpy county..31 Catherine hirundt , . , . , 5arinyoounty..25 William Paiumenteer .1' iorencsn. . . . . . . . . . .28 Amy \Vest - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Muunch..Onialnut . . . . . . . . . . . .27 babimia lienrung..Omaina. . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Shoe..Onimaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . Aihie . . . . . . . . . . . , , ) , La , . . . , , , 17 it Bohemian Marriage. Last evening Judge Stenberg married Arthur Pulaski and Miss Eiyina Klemnke , tine ceremony taking pinco at the real- denco Of the former , on Sixteenth mind Mason streets , Mr. Pulaski Is one of the policemen recently appointed , an4 Is one of the most popular and energetic nnen on the force. W G. Albriglit , while driving to South Omaha tine other day , wits timnown fron his carriage , his teammn heecmnnmng 1ri'int.- cued at the curs , audserio'lv ' ; lntnrt l'be horses toxetbe bun-y , ni us : itbie one , to pieces , and were tuw j'nred , - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I : : : = : = = tntiexc'ehied tsnywhc-rc. Each oiliceimohder on the % -iriotns iloors him provIded svithn a safe for hi own uic inn tine mmdii vault on et'iin ' hoer. Two elevators sao a great ileal of stair chnnnbing anti isthmi not a little to time hmundsomc alipenranee _ of time inteiior tieeormttionns. 'Ehis buntidinig cost 22iOOO. Below isn cut i-c pre sethtiilg the inialmi entriuuice to the btn1ktims which gives oiue Itlea of its exu'ror. i'1to * rchmiteots , lhnig-oii & Soni. it nttninl of whose vork tint' above ctnt rep ? aeflt , hve sennnnetntiy iocted iii Omit-nina w it in olllccs hut tint' Netnrznska Na- tloiiai flank bitildiuig. 'l'1n4Siinv& iii St l'nut mund tlimimnn'apjils , tine 1attot place being limo Intlin OffiCtivh01e tlielt' vomi. is tn ; ho scelt I , 11 tthiiiost e-ct.y residence , of- flee , or pubime building - ing orctcd. Those viio ntlmito InatIdsohitO residetices ainti buiittimngs ( ii all hunts eZtfl inicutsatit half hour itt thneltolliec hooking at sketches amid photos of their works. A nuiniber of tineso skctchcs vill turob- fltiy h 1511'pttlCtI ifl time for 1uiblieuntionn iii nncxt Sunday's Uti : . ; ; i 1I : ' : ' - - - S.d . ' ' r N.UN ENI'iIANCit TO i.O.N .tXt ) TItIS lii iIJiNO. CHANGING TilE TlChLT , F. B. lllbhnm-d nropprcd fromni time He- pmnbilcami LcgIsintive Ticket. Time republican counity centrni coin- mnittee inict itt tIne city hail at 2 o'clock ycsteiday afternoon . 'l'wemnty-tinrce mniennn- bors of the omtnnittee uvere lrcsemnt ) ninth wore called to order by Cinnirni an lhelnt'i. In time : uhnseiice of SecretaryW' . I' . Gui-by , 11.V. . Dumumi was chosen secretary pro 1cm. 1cm.Mr. . Simmural n-eportcu a list of tine ninnies of thne persons who have been mnaturmilized in tine distniet court since October 2. TIne aecrctam.y was instructed to furnish a copy of these mmaumics to tlnose wino hnmnvo clnunmgo of tine regktrttion : in the different wards. Frank W'untcrs , of the committee ap- Potmlteti to consult 1' . II. Hibbmnrd , one of the candidates for tine legisiattmre con- cerniing mis position ivitin reference to supporting tine ropubl'mcmin ticket , made : t verbal report. Ho said he hind nnct Mr. ilibbard and secured a profuse from mini to be present mIt tine nnecttng yesterdny. : Mr. Ilibbard admitted that he voted for Cleveland iii ' 54 and that he was not In favor of Clnunch howe for congress. Mr. Waiters tinought that mno man ougint to been on thin republican ticket wino would met support the cuntire ticket. At this point One Brec1cnriuigo. a minember of tine committee , ninado an etrort to have thnc reporters excltnded from tine meeting , amid made a motion to tim effect , bunt was voted down. A niotionwas then mmtdcthnntMr. Hibbard's name be dropped front tine ticket An amendment is'mis oflbred by Mr Gilmore of Union precimiet , that Mr. llnbbutrd be given one week in winich to appear ho- fore the coninnittee to explain his itoal. tiomi. Tine following letter was read from Mr. hUbbard explaining hIB absence from tine meeting : w' . F. Bechtel. Chairmnnan Itepubuican County Central Comnnumittce. lear Sir-I feel unuyself unable to attend the maccling of your coin- inittee owimig to belier called asvay omn business - ness at Elk City. For tine infon-matlomi of your commimntteo wino I am told. desire to lunow civ intemitiomi widn regard to the reptib- lican ticket , I uvili say that I propos ( , to sinp- port tine entire counuty ticket and stand finn on time plattorm on sslnich I was mnomiminmnitod. I did express may disapproval of Chmnnrch howe's nomination when it made. This was tine general sentiment of a large mnummnber 01 republicans 1 am notworkinig ngaimnst liow nor do I regard myself bound to work imard for mini. I received nay credentials fronm Unnion precinct uuanimnotmsly as its delegate ro the republican county conven- tioun , and I have renreseunted Union nrccinct in cotmntv convnitiomns for tine past three years. My record inns been known to every voter in the precinct. I camnuot conmpreimend why amy nnnemnbcr ot your comnmnnlttee should attack my imitegrity as a rt'pubuicann suimen I anni a candidate hoidinng icy comnmtnlssion at the hands of the connnty comiveinhlomn as regularly - larly as Cimurcin howe holds mis eomnmnnissionn trout tine cunnigressional convention. 1 ann mniost respectfully yours , 151AK { II. lIInmiAitn. Mr.Whitmorc also rend a letter written to mint by Mr. Bibbard. explaining his position and atmttimn vlnmit hue wommint do In case tine committee dropped his mmmc front tine ticket. After a lengtiny discussion - sion of the two communications , tine question came to a vote , resulting iii the adoption of the motion dropping Mr. Hibbuird's name from tine ticket. 'I'hno country delegates timen selected E , Glimnore , of Union VreciacL , as it candi. ( late Ifl Mr. Ilibbard a stood. Mr Gilmore said ho would support the ticket as ho hind always done , although Chtiroli howe mad not been his choice for congress , After some further business of ii minor importance , tine comnnlttce adjourned. Mr. Ghlmore , selected to take Mr. Ilib. bard's place on time ticket , is a fumier wino inns lived in Union precinct for eIght years. Ho is 43 years of age , a Pemnnsyl- t'mmnlau by birth , , and nit all-wool repub. hican. St. Phihrimnen Fair. There was amnother Imurge mnttendnince at itt time St. Phllomncna fair In the exposition annex mist nihit. The ball looked bettor than oycr and. Ibe lablos , boamitmfunliy drrouted and attended by scores of nitrite- tive ladies , dud not fall to Induce hosts of the visitors to leave a considerable amount of their money in the treasury of tine entertainment. l'hie new and oheoant sewing niaclilue , donated by the lngcr Manufacttmring connpany' to the fair , is well worthy of notice , It is a token of generosity on tine mnart of tine mmznngcunount worthy of emulation - lation amnd patronage by tim public. The machine is to be seem at Mrs. O'Brien's table. Thn voting for tine gold headed cane among the friends of C. S. IIig"imns George Iummcan , Jolnmn Kllkomniny mmnd Joinn'oods wIll take place on Mouniny mnlglnt. Time lomnm's Meet. A meeting of tine democratic county comntrai c-onnmnItttse was meld yesterday nttorinuon itt tine oilieo of J. A. ! nlcShane. IL Wa' . Iirgel.y attended. It was prasldc4 oY * - , .t Euclid Martin , mind louis helm. rodted as secretary. Both of these gomitli-nnun were elected to thnese positions imumnediutely after the late county con vention. L. H. Tower was elected tress- ui-er Time resignation of Michael Dorm. evan . , as one of tine legislative nominees % .lts considered , and afterqulte an amniount of regret had been axpressen at his with- drawni , tine resignatmon was atmOJtod , Philip Andrea 'vats selected to 1111 the vacancy. CII1CKET. Tine mist Gammne Oftiie Pinycti at time 11. & at. Gronmnds. Tine bust guumnt probably of line season , was imiaed yesterdmnybetweemn thus Omaha Cricket climb amid I inti eleven of tine freight timid ticket mntmdit ofhice of tine 13. & N. rail- i-onti. : Owumig to time want of dmnyhight to finish it , tine game rcstnhtent in a draw , somewimnit iii favor of time Omaha Crioket club , as tine smibjoimned sores will show : 0. 0. C. . rmntsr mxxixn. I. .1. Francis , catcimer and bowler 5 % ' . It , 'Vaugiummi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. .1. II. Griihithms , bowler 0. ii. Vnmuginan . 6 8. It. fauife , munn ou' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. ( ; . 11. itoberts , bowler 55' . H. Vauginan. 0 5 .1 C' . loyio ) , bowler SV. 11. 5 mntmminami . . . 53 ( I. il Sinnikesinmift , bowler (1. ( ii. Vatiginan. I 7.v. . F' . firifluths , ruin out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 S. 11. Eltirimlge , bowler 0. H. Vntughmarn 2 ii. 'it. Ueaii , bowier C. II. Vmitigimani . . . . . a 10. 55' . Broatch , not out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 11. 'l'.Atkins , absent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'fotai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Sm. orruca , rmimsirxNmNa. . . 1. F. Smmnhttn , bowler IS' . F. Grithitins. . . . . . . 2 2. 55. II. Vaughinuim , i-tint out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 a. W. Gavimn. bossier ioylo. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1. I ; . Ii. Vmmmn"hnan. bowlcrW. F. Orlllhtins. 0 .1. 11. W. 'l'ayIor , not out. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 i-I. .1. . 'ii. Scott , 1 7. U. W.Sest , S. J. Evans , , . , (1 S. S. Smuitin , ° 10. A. S. Clarke , 11 , A. Mchmmrty , . Extras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Total .i 'rue past season's record of the Omniia Cricket club inns teen ) decidedly good , es- Peelably when the obstacles in time w'ay of uractico are taken into conslmleratlorn. 'fine club hints played Hnstiungstwlco , once mit Imomine amid tine return match at final- inos5 on both of whicim oceations It canto ofPvictorious. 'i'lnc Lincoln climb also suE- fored a sigmmat defeat at its hands some few mouths ago. Taking everything Into comnaideration , tIne cltnb hopes to rnnako a better record next season , when a coaplo of maclies withn Chicago are arranged. WAXTE 0. Am Amiti-Monopoly St mm mnpem- . A good tiemni of uneasiness is nianifesteci at the B. & N. headquarters over Church Howe's canvass. Aitlnougin tinatroad bus been playing possum cnn time congression. at cnmtmnign , its nnammngcrs find thins enough between meals to set a fw pegs for howe , Last evomming there was s dark-i antemun caucus betss'eenn Manager Hoidrego , Jimmn Lmtirtl , George limnlinntnmie , amid Political I'mnrser Tnnyior. Jima Lmnird hnad conic front Lincoln all out of sorts over tine situation. To it prominent me- Ptmbhican wino asked inmnnn what sort of a meeting me line ! in Lincobn on Thunradmny evening he said : "Nobody soonied t4 kmnow that I was there to speak , tilthnough it was well mulvertised. Sonnotimhng mnust be done to wake the dd fools up in thnis district , or Howe is liable to be snowed nip. ' ' " \Veil , " Suiit Mr. Iloidrege , "what can we do ? " "Io , h-I ! send John C. Cowln among tine grangers and let mint make Ono of his matthinmg speeches. " " \thmnro Is Cowl's office " asked Hal. lanthnne , "we nnmi5t get him. " I' You Cain not find Cowin at huts oflic fit tints hour of tine night , " said. 'raylor , "you'll have to go to his mouse. " So they tm-emit to Cowini'a residence , but found , to their disgust , that Cowin had. gene to Now York. 'l'iuuraton was next talked of , but it was tlnougint. advisable , on account of lila railroad Oomimnocthons not to let imlmu cut the engict loose ngaumns [ McShnane. S\'tmat was finahby resolved upon to save howe In tine south Platte country inuns hot yet transpired. It is rumniorod that a tracer inns been sent omit by 'l'orn Miller for the Memndota Carpenter , but it is feared that tlmey wlIr be unable toget him out of "lice , " I'COple' $ 7hentre , To-night the Itamuson Iirnmntio corn. pamiy closes with "Wronged , or it Ftthner's Curse , " Tine vcck so far ina been sue- ceasful , and the mouse under thic now nnnnagemncrnt is fast gaining in uubhlo favor. Momidmty night II , N. Dixon's American Theatre company omens iii tine gruutlm-jsli comedy , "Ireland As It. Is , " This come ; ) mtuny Comics wobi recommemitied. l'rlces remnnuin time seine , 15 , 25 and IlL flrtv I I I ci. Timis mnnornlng at : 9 o'clock theme 'viii be It solutun blzhn mass In thin chapel of Creiginton college , Professor Frank 0. Trench , of Albany , N. Y. , is intinucmty. He proposesto locate hiere. irovided lie can secure classes in vocal amnd linstruinoututh music. John hates , a cabinet maker , while at work In lila shop , on Cumnning street , cut lila le" with mi umhimtrp edged tool , severing an artery , frommi which Inc bled aininost to exhaustion , lr , hlanohett was coiled and dressed time woumnd. it is believed the man will recover. - a- Ann Iowa Tragedy. flrumuqus , In. , Oct. lS.-Specimsi ( Telegram to the UErJ-Thne coroner's jury found that Yarmnner Westmnneyer , of lehawaru county , kimied hmi wife arid then burned the dwelling. Lymicinhmig is ti.mreatcn d , -S