Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1886, Page 3, Image 4

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r < \nrr.T WKAVIVO neatly .tonpby nn
V pr.ifnrpd weaver Call at 811 N 17lh t.
liitv.icn Hurt nnd fuming MS ,
AM-Klnd of type-writer eopyln ? nortly
done at Valentine's short-hand institute.
rrioiMUNT-org : nM2 per month. ilotpc ,
T 1&13 '
ron SAW-
TTUMi SALK FurnKhPd house , one
JL1 hundred nnd forty-live dollnrft per month
for room rent , trom most de lrnbln cliiM ot oc-
cnpiuitf. lloui" , well nud eomplotly furnished
and leased for number of ycnrs nt n low runt.
K l.firkln' Ural Kstato A Jan OfUce. Kvposl-
tlon llullding. 704 IT
j ll SALK Or Kent -Hotel and furnlturp In
Atchlkon. Nvbrnifca Tormi easy , ( lood
llnnd nnd rtoinir nn excellent bu lne . Address
A. J. Meals , < > Nulll , Nebraska. 712 17 *
_ _
7 OH SAl i : A fin * lUbloionlnti Ptnlllon ;
3 1 irr-nil" and kind , chcnp. tchlef Inpnr llros. ,
Kiln tftrnam "t. (74 18
j > HICK , llrlck , brick 1 for sale and now ready
J ) fordtllvcry nt Smith .t Whitney's brick
yurd.S. 211 list. , south of It. It. cro ln * . W4 Iti'
"filOll SAMI 1/mti | of LarHPdr.ift inulo , flvc !
JL1 jciusnld.or will trndo on realcMntP. In.
quire , No 120 N 1Mb st I'p etairs. J. \ ' . . Vnn-
tlcTcoor. GI5
' I7V > K i ; Her e , linrm < and v nitons ,
J-1 Schlceliiear llros. , 1018 Karnam st. fiTl
HALIJ Icn In cnr Innd lots. Address
Oilbcrt Hro . ' Council Ulutls. 3TH
neil HA I.K Parlor Midrootn nnd kitchen
furniture carpetsrnugo nnd hpntluir stuVPI , nentlf horse five yearn old.
allul nhirgnln , irlvilm up housekeeping 2AII
17IHCMAI.K Largo flro nnd burplar proof
J1 snlo. po t ri-J. Poll fortr,0. J. AV. Mnr-
Bhnll ' lWUjBrnnin st. 700 _
" 171011 MAI , ! : Furniture RIKII pn n ol Mt-room
JL1 houM , tlmo on pait. Qill 1M2 North S7tli
ftrnittwo lilochp from licit Tur line. f.O
H OIJ tKS Ix > H Vnrim.I.nmu--money loaiiML
. llomH nnJ 1) ) < iiiiflatmreot-i. _ 1 > 07 _
SAIiK tne-ip , iron columns < md win
dow cnps unllahlo for front on brick biilld-
For rnrtlcnliiri"apply nt thlsouVo. ( II
\\7ANT1ID-A Blrl about 15 jenro old lo work
\ > In po p corn factory , 10IH Hurncy M
6UO 17 *
TyANTr.D-ttlrl nl linlpl for
kitchen worn. ni7 IS *
WANTHD-Tlrst clnss pn try cook Al o
otiu dl hw Rhcr nt Dllllnt ? Hnll 1MR Podgy
Itrtet. OV ' I * *
: ) rook7iT5oTForest nvpinip ,
WANTii ( .71 * 111
XVANTHU-Dinlnjrroom ' m" ' one dish
ii wnxhcr nt the C'unflcld houso. Oi'.i I ( > *
ANTKD Kxporlcncod hlrt n liners nt inn
Omnlm shirt factory , 'Mi N liith
fi.11 in
WANTKH ( Seed cltl Uir > ri'iicriilhoil o oit
st s.u. cor-Jth nnd K.irtmm at. C48 18
Ty ANTED fill 1 for ponprnl h > in pvvork A.
> f H. Mayno , s o cor.1st uud Wcbiter.
\T7ANTKI ) A pill for r ncm ! Imu'owork ,
VV miiat bo n irooil. plain cook. Apply to
lire A. II , Kuetla , Colfax MM door north of
Leaven worth. 0 < 'J 17 *
W ANTI'D A Klrltocto ppnernl hnnsowor' * .
Musi tie n m > nd iilniti cook and luumlre s.
Apply at 30S North 2-M Pticct. B44i'
) A flrst-cliiss dlnlnir loom Klrl.
Apply to the Cordon hou'c , Wjinoie. Nob.
Liberal WIIKCB. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 043-1H
W ANTKD-A cook. Apply to C 12. Mnyuo
B. vv. cor. 15th and Kiirnnm. C.7 17
'ANTI'.D A cook nt Miller's rchtaurnnt ,
1U01 N. 10th bt. C37
7AN'ri'.I-2 Rood kitchen Rlrls nt TncJOc
Host , cor 10th and Ilurnuy. r.'C 10-
W ANTl'.I ) A poiiiictcnt'pcrMiiiuH | nur < i for
child nt 4flfxiiivcntit. 543
AV L7ANTii : > A conipclent kitchen sfirl : must
bp Kooil cook nnd Inundrea'ita w cor. lnth
Chicago Pts. f.M 17 *
Rli filrl lorjicnernl hon eworic. In
quire of J. Pclbcrt.nnst Orovo st. between
ML I'lensnnt nnd I'oppioton nve . 61S 10 *
AV ANTI2D ( innrt ( firl forprnernl houee ork.
Mi 8. A. 1' . luke.v.2411 Chicago ut. C21
ITANTKIi Acook nt I' . 1' . Itotnl. PC. cor.
I 10th undJoncfc. KO Hi *
W ANTKD A ( rlrl to do housework In a
email fiimlly , Cicrmnn prcfcirvd , apply ut
! rurnuin st.
VCT ANTJill "ciTiiiriberinTiid nt ! /
\-\7A NTIJIl A ( rood plrl for general house-
work , I41S Jonosst.
C7ANTKD A iroort tflrl for K"neml hoiiBO-
1 worn. llWIFurnatn st. 4V ( >
rANTEf-A. IiidFforllll7c work , 1B19 How
nnl. 616II-
\VANTUH Girl > tu t bo coixl COOK and
11 laundress.Ms I'uunam , Mrs. J. M. O'liurs-
ton. - toW
W ANTKD-A cook tor small family , Inquire
H l so nth 13th M. 01
TV } 'ANT1JIJ Mead cook ill the I'mnims res-
tiuirnnt. yi S lllli st. 783
WX Center St. .
710 17 *
Six first clnss Calvnnlzed Iron
Cornice Workers ; peed waires to the
right moil. Apply lo It J ThoniMtii at New
Couit HOUEO , or K.ol'B Hotel , Council Illuffa.
_ _ [ _ _ 0 % ? t' _
KD A go'Ml hnnorablo nmn with t jOO
cn b , as ptirtncr ; can miiko fiomtl&to
IMporilHy loovo ert ntrcnls nnd sell good * in
tlili Btiite. AddrvM 14(1 ( , lleo ollice. 2767 *
'tT'ANTIJn AirenH In Otimh i and every
Vi couutylnNiibriitkii toha.idlo the AioSonle
1'or terms mldicas Gee T. Anderson , Oen'l
Agt. , 11)0 ) North llth St. , Lincoln , Nob. 010-17 *
A\ MNTii : > Hey , at once , cwspapor t-'nion ,
lit I : nnd Howard. 073 10
AV 7ANTKD Hey with security as Ncw
Afent Albright's l.ubor Accncy.
607-17 *
\\7ANTKH-A flrsl-clusj pastry cook nt once
ul Coz7ons Mouse. 01010
ASTKI ) 1'nrtnor with tl.jd ciipluTto
KO Into HII ( 'atabllslieil planlmr mill lmt-1-
Iices. AddruJK KVi O U. , Lincoln , Nub , (112-17 ( *
AV 7ANTKn-r\jOiIonced ) dry Koods clerk ,
IBin Howard. 017 I0
\\7ANTKII lOtlist class tinners , tilG : Dodge.
VY 11. K. Sawyer . .1Co 5 < 7 19 *
\\7ANTii Track men for now truck lay-
ii Inc. Jut sturliul. Steady work und good
job. Albright Ijvuor Agency , 13W Kamuiii gt.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41 > 7
WANTl'.D-Hook iijjcnts , O'Neill ACe , pub-
Ushers and Kuneral iij.-tntn for subKTiptlou
Peeks , box 4W , Oniulin , Nub. it.'V n i (
\\7 ANTKD-A Kurilencr.iniirrloil ; ( rood terms ;
I'artleiilars Inipilro olllce. P. 5th et. , No.
M5. _ & 00 t8
\\MNTKD Installment canvnssorn to cull at
1207 1'nnmni bU.uid see what o Lave to
offer. C , K. IMC , Mating * r. 1175
\\7ANTKD-An uxporlented shoo salesman
Ii uuquettloniitilii icfercncu re < iulrcd. Uhi
c KO llarKRhl Snoo Co , 1318 Douglni 81. Cll 17
rplllllmiroit Mftc Co In the world waul men
X to eel l their ( roods on salary or coniinlftnion
tn nil towns In Xobrn ka. No capital or expert
rneenoceiituiy. Itcfernnce loiiulied. Address
U , box 207 , Oiimh , orM , box W , Lincoln , Neb.
WANl'ii : > SU Kalva"u"iri > d Iron cornice
ninkora at omo at John Kpvnctcr's , corner
10th n.i DoJto. & > > 17
WANTKO Meii for \Vyomlm7 Hood
Inter'i job , Coinpnny ttork. E. B. Al
lirlght , Labor ugeney , lib ) I'krnam st. 1UO
\ > ANTKD A few more Hirpnta to Introduce
ii our Automatic Music-Hi Iiufruments , on
Instalhnonta , Anyone onn play them without
miisicHl luatriicllon , the best paylnir. rtcltist
celling novelty ever known. fi&lottQawuek
IHII bo raallie-1. O , R. I.CP , Mnn 2er , 1307 Kar-
cam street , up utalrs. t88
WANTKD-Cood carpenters. Apply to Hcltcr
k Campbell , room 1 Hvdlck block , 1VO
\lrANTKn-81tiiHtioati8 hauler In llrcry or
i' private stable by younp man with 10 year *
experience In bandllnu and drlvlnr of bortes.
Inqulro room 6 over Com National bank.
_ _ _ _
SIIuutlon aa boo kkc | > cr clothlnir
taleauian or iiny kind of ollice work by a
younir mnu who writes H fulr hand and cnn
apeak Uerioau. Have had oxperlence lu cloth
lug. A II , room 2V , Premier block , city.
. _ 5iJ ? ! _
\\'ANTKD lly young marrloJ man , place to
11 take cure of farm Mock ; uudorttatida tbo
busJnen. Addruea A. 11. Uox 63H , Lincoln , Neb
_ _ _ 6U.17 *
\\7ANTKI - Situation aadry foods ur grneer >
1 clerk ; 6 yt-Lra expvrl uce ; uood relereiiees
furoUhed. Addrejj Immediately H 19 llceottieo
. . . _ i2 17 *
T\7ANTKI htdy mnkintr a apvclnlty of
optTutlvedcntUtry dualrea a ( ituatlon
thoroughly competent. For pttrUculars addrcsa
A. W , Mllltr , VsJl , la. 671 J 8
\VA "nW fomretrnt short h n < l nd Irps
i > writer wants poiitlon. Addrcs. * . H 2 ( , Hoe
office. t 0-17 *
_ _
WANTEDP.tiiMlon by an experienced PX-
port MpnoKrnphrr and type rite . \ \ 111
commence nt low salary. AJdresa It 17 , Bee
oltlce _ _ _ Oft 17 * _
WANT I. II Situation , tiy thoroughly expe
rienced liookkcepf r and collpctor ! coric-
tpondent , Kmrh h , Oertnnn and I'rtnili ; mar
ried ; H3Tcnrsol < lcry l ! best of rctercnce * . Ad-
drp It 23 , Doe onico. _ 670 1B _
\ \ AhTKH Po ltionm Dry flood * store. 10
ii yrar' experience , be t of rcfcrpuce , W.
Xnrrl" , 716 N. 20th st _ _ 4 20 _
DHl"OOI8T < s-A I'h. O. of 9 ycnrs excellent
ptperlenep wishes n ltiifttion In IhNclty.
Isenpntilp and etui ooine well iecommende < l.
Addruk * Drus , U15 llowiinl au ltl It *
A\TANTiD ; Pittintlon by n fully competent
ii v llthtnlllM r with f ypvrs experience' In
llinnpp ntid Anicrlcrt : workiucr nt present In
ono of the InmoU Jpwelry hou es In fhlcniro.
lBtP aeP * and nddrr , Carl Th. t.iindqili't ,
care Mrs. Nordell. HSTown end * U , Cbleairo , 111
ra 10 *
ANTKD-A position by n stenoirrnphpr ,
references Riven , ndjrpss P 14 , HPP < > fllcc.
ANTKU A partner In nn o > tabllshcil ro l
tstnto lin lnp . Ile t locntlon In thu
city. Aildt s H 20 , Ilee otticp f f' ' _
AV 7ANTP.Dtllllro , pierp'mtit" . chops nnd
printers to use. our one ! < -Toilet Supply.
& * * J lb *
' A sccond'hand Ininl conl double
ucnter. Address , Lock llox 71 * ! , Omnlm.
b'.0 li *
"W MNTKD ( Jcnlleinnn wishes moderntely
' ' eanll , well hpntcd , cnz > room , private
family. Address , Ftatlntf tcrm . H J3 , Ilec.
t'.il 17 *
i : ' * . Stock of dr.vcooil , elotlilliK mid
Cents' furni hlns cooil * or boots nnd
Mme In ctclmiiKe for Oni.ina Itenl '
llros. , 101H I'nrmim T ,
_ _
AXTCD All klndi of hort-lmnd nud type
nillcr work nt Valentine's Short-hand in.
f tit Ho.
Jlnu o I to 8 rooms ninr r. P
depot. Addre 8 1122 , Ileo olhco wO-lS *
\\7A.NTiii : 2 furnished room * nltlillrst-cln'sa
IT boanl , for nuui nnd wife nud 3 dill.hen.
lintb , fe'UH nnd hunt H , 8 , lieu Olllco.
' ? ) 10 *
IJ T ohulycorrepoiulcnts of , tew-
T lab origin betvvcen > lttcun nml l cntv
cursor BIP AddrerS OsrrospondliiK tliiuiu ,
\Vllbur , Neb Invlosu two for ruplv.
Ci't IB *
" \\7AN'Tii > Iloanl nnd room by nentlcninn
IT nnd wife , ntlvato family pu'rericd , ud-
orcs , K H.lbU olllco. 5O If. *
\'ANTii ) llnrsoand bUKiry. Mu t bo I ca
ll Bonnblu. Inouiro cor. 15tb ami Vinton Sts.
0-J2 Ifi *
\\'AN'Tii-pnnnd : | IIOVB ti Ipirn bookkeep-
i Ing ; Eltuntlona . ll. t-mltb , 1C1.1 Chlcngo
ft. r-sn-i'
V\7AN I'KITo rent stimll cottnirevrith bnrn
IT bosUofreference ; AddicsltlC. Omnha
Ico. ! 010 17 *
k A Tla-Teami. ! T.Murray.
\\'ANTKH lly n ( ? rntlcmnn , nnd unlnr-
> < ni'lied irom with bomd In a private Inm-
iy. | HuturcnifS oxclKliffcd. Addres-- ' . * rt Ilco
li lri 17 *
\\ANTni ) To meet dnmnnd for compc P it
ii bookkeepers I will Inttruct n few [ K.T-
fen nnd wait on half Jiav until jou luvi-sit-
uatlons. JU Smith , 1013 blcapo st. tell 10 *
\\rANTBI > Young Indies who dcslro totnko
i i iiurt In iim.ilc'ir thuutrlcaU l ir th > luti-r.
( iocd liiitnietionttlioilt expense. Ad Ires * ut
once W. H S. , box 482 , Omaha , Nub.
49" 17-
WANTED ( ernian laille to lenrn book-
knepuiK : K'lod ' Bltuutione , J. It. Smith ,
All wniltmirtoleRrn fhnrt-htmd
nnd t > jio-writlnj ; to attend Viilentiap's
Short-hnnd lii-tllule. Kxpieltion bullllnv.
Omaha. We can furnish sulllcicnt finplovment
toyoiitrr men imd boys to pay their board hllp
In attendance. 06"i net. " 0
FOH HUNT rieiriint new brick resilience
every niodurn convenience ; will ICUBO ft r
u term of } ears lit low rant to good pirtv. K.
Lnrkln , Eiposltton bulldlnK. 7u7 17
3jOK RENT 6 room bou c , 1107 Davonpoit
et. Imiuho 1010 Fariuim St. , up i-tulia.
Sl'J-lB *
FOIt HKNT Elpvon room hoti'e pnr2lst and
J.ep.veiiHortli Bt. Two blocks horn street
riir. Apply to IturVo & liirkalow ! , DoiiL-lns st or
W K. Aniiln , Ike olllco. ( KJi
KK.NT I'urt of gtoru suitable for a
Kcnta'ruri.laliliiir fiodsotoro ; in inwvl lo-
entity ; nddiees It 21 , llee ollice. WO IS
IT"OH " Itr.NT f , roon'i house , 1107Iavpnpoil t.t.
1 Inquire 1018 Knrnivm St. , up stairs. M6.1G *
FOIt HUNT ColtuKO sixroomsNo. fi8 ! X 17th
st. Itcfereticcs required. S Sppr montb.
CM 16 *
Foil iti'.Nr OnoM-room trnmt' dwollinsr , in-
qulru 111 north 8th st. ttia 17 *
Full HKNT Elegant 10 room rosidencp ou
Furnnro at. nil modern ImproToments , liir
nituro niul cnrpot for halo : all now ; am com
pclled to K\O ! up on account ot Illness. Address -
dress H 15 , lice olllco. 512
_ _
HKNT-Btore snltnblo for ,
1412 8 13th st. 1'eterson. f,78
Foil HUNT Nluo-Konm House , all modern
conveniences. 25111 Uodire sf It , S llerlin
mn Dodge st. 5a > i ;
TT'OIt HKNT Half n dozen new. six room
houses in A. S. Patrick's addition-two
block * from either red or Kreen strool car
lines. Call nt room 3 , Arlington block. I'ntrlck
Hros. tHt- ' . '
POK HKNT Mints on the Belt H H 111 Oak
Chatham , juet south of the Saratoga hclioo
bouse. These lots cun be i tinted for 10 j enrs on
ren son itblo terms. John 1. lit dick. U7 ! N 7
FOH HKNTKlao l.Vroora house , modern Im
provpmenta,2 tli and Farnuin. A. } ' . Tukey
1304 Furnam st. 0.2
Foil IliNT : fl-room cottage , llurney near
ixltb (3J per mouth. B. A. Slouinu. 1512
Furnam st t41
FOR 1IENT With board , lariro front room
suit ible for t o or four yentlcmen.01
Hurney street , 708 17 *
F OH KENT Nicely furnished front rooms
Hll N. 17th 81. 705 1H
171 OK HUNT One suit of room * und ono
- front loom with board. No. 019 N. It'th ' ft
( W- : : ! _ _ _
FOU ItKNT-Kurnlslied room , f7.00. No. FOH
6. r-'ndBt. UW 18 *
ITIOII HKNT UnfiirnlBhod roonn , slntrle or
-L cu siDKlo seiitloiiien or parties with
out children , 130 : ! Douglas St. , 'M Mory , Inquire
CbM. IvHulmnn. B'JJ 20 *
FOH HKNT 1 largo nicely furnished front
room ; use of bulb , hot nnd cold water
water closet on fume floor. liuijuli o cm S. 17th
St. 63SI7 *
TOH HKNT-Two furnished rooms , with or
JL3 without board. Apply ut 412 nortn llth tl
677 1H
FOH ItliS'T Furnished rooms , ( ras. 1'Utli '
nu cor Zlelund Webster , nlso Inrire burn ,
017 17 *
F OH KENT House of ten rooms , with barn
1512 8 5th at. 70
Foil IlKNT-Wltn board , to n few Kentle
men dcslrlnen pleasant home , sunny com
munlcatlmr front roonn , with ovury com en
lence , &U 1'leaiant at. 67'J 'M *
cm HKNT-Nlcely furnUhc.1 room vvltl
larirti closet , with or without tiourd , ud
Joins hoi and cold bath. CCH .N 17th at. 81U
0 H UKNT-Two nlcolf furnlsned fron"
rooms each suitable for moor three en
tlemi'ii with or without board. Terms uioder
ftte. IMJFaiuam. till 20 *
FOH HUNT Uootns , 1019 Farnom.i
] 'KB '
_ _
OK HKNT-Furnlsbpd front room with
_ board TS 17th. _
FOIt HKNT Nicely furnished rooms , boarO
if desired ; 113 B. 23d St. , bet , Douglai and
Dodgti. U5
_ _
Foil UKNT FuTntsbed roora7l715 Dodpe.
t l 17 *
171011 UKNT-Two nicely furnished rooms.
JU fitting room and bedroom. 20U I'iorcu tt.
_ 2.111 _
FOR HUNT SfurnUbud rooms ut 91 < liar
pry. 648 in ,
JlOfKNT - front rooms neatly furnished
with fus. Gentleuiuii only at 5J3 south 1461.
681-18 *
_ _ _
FOH HENT Front parlor * to parties wl h
ing to pay ff oed price. Address H 3 , Itee
Office. 48A.U *
1710 K HKNT-Hoom with board for two. 1SIJ
J2 Capitol ave. kli 17 *
TCToTl HBNT-l'artof Uoorfor lUUt manufuo-
-L lurmir purposes. Cent i ally located. Low
rent. 1SOI Furnum 61 , upctalis. 431
FOH r.r.NT Nicely furnl he < > front room I
with nlcorp. Ml modern convenience ! , t ir .
hree pentlomen , four blocks directty south I
rein opera hnuie , apply at once , 141S Jone t. |
1710H HKNT-Furnlshhd loom 16 .
-13 GS5-1S"
FOH HENT In private family furnished
fmnt room with gas , rent tnoJurntn , S20B
Webster st. MO 1s *
JTlOli HK'ST New nnd nicely furniMiPd
-L1 room ,802South 18th Mrett 67'J l.
TpOHTlENT T nfurnlMied room otrsecond
I1 llooi new block , cor. IHth nnd Dolce sts.
suitable for ollicp . Inijulru at Hooin IMrom2
to i ) ( > Vlo.kjp.m. C77 ! * < '
FOH HI'.NT-In private family twn v-pry ie ! lr-
able front r iom furnl'Su I or unfin nlMiod.
Ilonrd nctt door. 2(13 ( Hnrney &t. < VJ
IfOIl IlKVT I/into , Mvtth front room : buy
window ; unlurnilhod ; on tar lino. 8IJ S.
23dstcet. _ _ ISa
if Oil lir.NT - > icolvfu-nlfncdroom. Inuulrc
Kniifinnn llrps. , 10J"J 1'nrnjm. 467
FOIt UKNT Lnrgo Front Hoom. up suilrj.
No.120 N 15th gt. J. K. Vnnilcrcook.
_ MB
T OIl HUNT A Inrjro trout room : fiNe lor
I inlochcApiiiirc | rngpwood plnno nt 1"1 !
rnrniuu block west of conn hon e.4r.9
HKNT KurnMied nxfu "for nne or t o
J. pentlcmcu : furn.t'ire new. pleasant locu
tion ; Hownnl st , bet. "Ill nu < l Vlh. ; mult , l < 1e.
_ _ " _ _ _
"poll itKNr Plo7v xnt "funl tieil roou .
southfrnnt lirick Uat. bnani ciu : l > o Iml
ni-itdimr Applyji' tun r hlongo t. ! > l- _
iMMl ltiNl Nicely furiTl hcil r.u'ut room ,
alcove and closet. No 115.S2.Ust.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 2M " " "
T ; > Olt HhNT-ruriiisncil rooms" 1MO ilo-lgp.
V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wi o 47 _
F oil ifiiNT 0 iiicply furnl hMl riintus nt t'io '
cor of 7tb nn 1 I'nclllc 6t. lor man nti'l ' wife
! with orwllliouttio.uM B5S JC _
ITlOlt ItiNT Tliteo fumMioil rooino for
J hoiiH' ! > CAiplm.- , for ruin nml vrde ivltliout
chUJren. Call at fill North IMh I. tfii W
Foil HI ! VT A nicely furnlshol front room
with itlcove , to irfiitlumcu only , lit No. 18H
I'linmni st. V.U
TTlOlt IlKST Sulto of room , furui he < r ; nNo
-L Islngloroom lorKontlomuu. WJiSSt. tnry'9
. ' . '
nVjB. 827 1
_ _ _
Foil fta\r-Nowli rurnlshoJ room.-J'.it St.
Miiry'B u\c. P."l
BlI.vrTII-TI. dwel In ? lots ou lr 'in street In
He lick's ( iro.e , lictwien rarnam innl
I-c'ivcuviorth streets , w Itli plenlj or hailotruos ,
for side by the C. K. Miiyno Heal istnto : nml
Trust Co. 71K 17
OUni.UMl III I.I , lot at Miio t tWO Rrp tle !
chfjii'i'-t i i the uiniket. tots u indu bu-
j end nrc H-llliu ; ut fi'U. ' Ovur UXiloU neil and
thirty houses bulli In Oichiitilllill t lil summer
Only HV ) lots left for -.lie , Ka y tvrniK Spec nl
Inducements to pnrtio ? HNhiiig to htilKl 'Iho
0. K. Mnjno Hun I I'jt.llo A. Trust To. 70117
I ( ITS lc s th'in two mlle Ironi bti lm"s pnrt
J of rtirnnm St. at S-lpfl to f l.V ) , on ca-y
terms. mo tliiehcapot lota hi Iho muritct
'llicr nr" In Mnvnc'Huililltlonnm1 for snip by
Iho C. IX Muyno K > tnlo .V Truvt Co 702 17
Illth St nortlT of It ll inck tor
- < > bidochciip byilie C. I ! MHJIIU Hcnl K"tnto
A. Trust C ) . 702 17
Two splendid lots , Kilhy place , each tWO.
Corner lot , Crcslou , very uhc.ip nt tt''On.
Four business lots ou Lcuvemvorth street.
cncli fl.OjO.
Lot. W. A. HojdlcW's ndd'tlou ' , iienr I.cnvou-
wortli , $1,0'X ) .
Kast fiont Vlrirlnlanvenue. chenp , $1,000.
Povcnly-flvo feetesst front Virslnln nvfiiuc ,
but vi een I'oppli-toii \Voolivorthn great bar-
KiHn nt f.lrw ) .
New coltaao , five looms full lot , cellar , c's- '
tern , etc. , Sl.f'W ) , only t'XO cash required , bal-
niK'o mo'ithly.
Tbico 1 jt . lllock A , Founders & Hlmcbnil h's
Hildltlon , for till only ? lliu.
yixfid. 14th st , , nenr.liicKaon , $3.roO.
CO feet fiout ou l.t'iivcnworth.noui Parltuvu. ,
I" . D. Tnnucr X Co. ,
703 19 lJli ( ! Honiinl Mrcot.
OUIt oiHco Toilet Supply Co. will furnish
> ou with it cib : net , clean towel , Minp , romb ,
brush , blucklnir nntl UriiBli ut low rale" .
Till : only cliitio : ( In Co lands nron p-isltlve
advance ot one ilollnror more per ncrc e.icli llu\o twouty thoii'nnit i > crc . ot linotiirri- hind on and adjoining rn.lroi : < l ttatlon ,
in Iruct ? to suit pnrohiiser. 1'rlcos vcrv low
and terms easy. Vor full p.irtlculuih ndilro s or
nnqulru ol 1. It lltirton , Ifw'.l 11111111:11 : t-ticut ,
Oniiiliii. 703-17 *
8OM B peed tincldipo lots to IciiBo for tw < Mity
JOTS by the C. E. Hayno Itenl K-lMu &
TiuttCo. 70-17
Anis : near I'ort Oinnliu forsulobyC.
K. .Mnync Held Kstfttu & Trust ( o.
SOMK ( rood property on lower end of t-auna'
orssticct for snle nt reasonable pricpg t > j
the C. B. .Mnyne Itenl Ksuxte \ Trust Co.
OMAHA Property oirers to-diiy ns i-nfo nnd
sure proflts on invcMinent : is at iiny tlmo
In Its history : e-pecuilly Is this true of choice
innldo leslileneo iiinlliufilne-i property.
Tlio rapid KIOH th of onrcity , the rent num
ber of public and private enterprises now undur
way must of necessity ean.-o an advance in tlio
price' of dcflnililo piopcriy.
Add to tlipsotho vust nmtinnt of public nnd
private improvements contemplate. ! lor nn
other y .nr nnd v\o cannot t nil to ten Hint Omnlui
isoii the veivo of n tldnl vvnvo of prosperity ,
such n Mltinciipolis nnd Knnsns City hnvo long
\V rcepcctlully call the iitf-ntion of those
ccckfiiirnu invu tmont to our pnitlul Il-tof hai-
pubiished below :
COIcot , liieliidlusr comer , on Sniiudcrd st. for
ton days nifLTU.
bfl feet nnd corner on Saun'Jerp , f ' 1,10 .
I--'Icet. ( ncMiclim- two corners on L 'nv
worth struct , fi.103
Klurst lot In 1'otter'b n 1 lltlon. $1.100.
3 Ion on Holt L IIP. m > ! ir Luavcnnorth street ,
suitable tor iiny klml of trnckniro , vrniehouso
or Ptontso purpose. All tor $ , ' .230.
Plno t corner In HniiM om 1'mce. Call nnd
Ifet price.
lluiintifiil lot fiontiiifon llnns-om Park ,
j splendid lots In Ilnrtlctt e addition , adjoin
Inir Luivenvvortli stieet The U for tl.WJO.
plendid lnislneslotr i't'on : Jnckcou street
ciose to 13th. Only Jlu.OU ) , t&'M ' } casb , bnl.uao
to suit.
Full bnslncfs lot , 6fl\1ItJ , on Jlnrey near IGth
street , for 1U dnys at $7.000.
KM feet , liiciinllnwcoriKr on Cnpitol nvcnuo.
Iliirifo-t nnd llnott pipco of 'jnsincs * property
In the nun ket. Cull und zet price.
Nleo 8 room coiln/o , vi ItnfiO foot lot. on 10th
near St. Mary's tivoniie. Llo-o to business ,
churches , PI * . Lu nloiio U wirtli th ) money ,
tor J.'Mlnysnt $1,700.
A few Inu in Ilr.iko'8 nldltloifon C.iplto ) nve-
nue , I'odKU ' nnd Dnvenport Hr < eta. f 1 , ' > :0 : to
fi.'Jifl ; oiy terms. This is the cho ipest piop-
oity In tovrn , considering its nuuiio.t lo licst
huttlcd rcsidonco und business portion if the
city hplcndld torncr lot In Mnrah'B nilil.tlcnle < s
tlnma niiloliompoatoUlco. Only fJ'Mi ; easy
Kloinnt now house on CpoMln nve , furnnco ,
bnt Ii room , el u. ; splendid location aiU iiDlgh-
borhooil , fora few dii ) n only nt f-i.tTO
Nice > rooin house on Cnsi near lith su , for
leiidnjB. at tlna.
Tnoolcirant residence lota on Ixinvcuworth
Just ; l blocks south of Coo i. Klrkcn'lnhrsolu-
Is'ont brick houses ou I'lcngnnt st ; the two for
r20i > . Single lots in this vicinity nrcsolll
for I2.00a
BU business lots on Vlnton st , , tha main
street connecting 13th und 16th Eta with South
Omaha and thoetock yiinlii ; eau inferthe o lots
for ulowiluys only nt $ W1 ench , vert cn y
terms ; hero lau chnncn to ( eeuro : , good b.i-,1-
ness lot ou a luadinjj bueliuss street , with u
email eiisli payment.
tYo nNo oiler FOIIIO haivnins In Creston , HKW
thornp , HllUlde , J , I. Hodlclt'a Mibdlv. Prof psct
place. West Hnd , Tnl > or I'laeo. Orchard lull ,
Lcavenworth Terrnco , nnd other good mlcll
tlons at prices nud term" thnl will enable ppo
pie of limited nu mix to fee ire some choU'u in
elde property Unit Is aafo and * uru to realuo
them a fair profit.
Ptri'ii 'trs and resMents of Omohii urolnvlleil
to call unit consult our list of de.sir.iulu bur
irnlns. lllckg& liiirhriiin ,
BY ? 18 815 8.15111 Bt ,
QJOMK ( rood property on the Hnt south of
O Nicholas nnd wett of IBihforfalo uythcU.
K. Muyno Heal Cstuto ATrust : Co. :6.-17
OVKIl an ucro of Kround on Tenth St. , north
of Cust'llar , for sale fheup by the C , H.
Muyne Iloul Httuto & Trust Co. 70J-17
1204 Fnrnum Si , , offer for tale the following
lutof property :
4 lota In Wasliinxton Square , 91,700 , f2.100.
Kull lot and < -rnom bouse on North-Dtb St. ,
near Or nee , $3,60) 1-8 cuth.
Hmall uoute on N , iuih St. , near Clark.
Uain'otsinFalriBOUtu Place , a blocks from
street cars. SSVl.
Beautiful V room residence In IteJIck's ndd ,
on Vlivlnla ave. , east front ; lot 75x149 ; modern
convenience * . Only * t.lWO ) , M cufli.
Lots la Jliiiibcom I'lace. All lociiildii .
Hun business property on Nortli 43th St. , now
renting to Une advuntUKO.
Jluelnens haute wild dwulllujr apartment ,
renting for tU > per month. A buryalu at ti.Ui
fur a lew days only , h cash.
Half lot and tturs building on car line ,
good business location ; $4&JU.
44 ft. on Far nun opposite Board of Trudu
building , f 4U.OJ. for B ttiort time only ,
i-roora h lute. I block from car line , corner
lot , only KV > 00.1-3 cash. TtiU U a beautiful lit
tlocottnve Uoioe.
1/ota in Mount Ploawmt addition on Military
a\u-ut I17J aud t'Jii UUtsc pricva arc about
half thcso n > f < l for jmnH'nr iiro"t-ry ; In thp '
4 clioico lot * In SifnnM-tft and lliracbinch s
aldiilon , onth froiiis , Mu | cachs very Ho p to
Ilvlt t.lno Drpof. & > fes
in lot * m ? . A It r&litVm o 'A'Hlmit Illll , J. 0
nnd CM. The I lcnnnrilili llultdinp Alft -
tlon arp | i'intnu ( n H l nddit. < n
C Iot ln IDphiiind f'atk. $ ti'i iin.l * Kn very
cheap , 01 c VMII c1l thl * proper' } bv tl-Pncro
? . 0 nnd ? 7. 0. f
liairv fnrm of "ti a > TP In Ponclns county ,
nenr VHller , a" neiv nry bull lltir ) , fnr tO per
5 ncrc lHn1'rltti'ro 1 > l lieu e , birn. ft'.In
SarntniriiaM , for tivnux 1 lil property I * dp-
flrable for i Httlnp.
lIciMitltnl lot lu fortliinU I'lncc. li/rt )
Stock lann of 4ti uco.8 \\ushliiuton Co. ,
bt't 12 miles from ntnann : InipiovetnetiH nud
cvcrjllilnp In Or t-fln $ or < lcr ; $10 per nciu.
1'nll for particulars.
Cirrlnpe" nnd cmeful drivers nlivny vcatly to
ho inopcrty.
Omnlin Heal LtaU'JL-Trut Co. , 1.VII 1'nrnnm.
578 17
r\r.MH Mtl.r. dwelllnir lot * with trts for
\J \ s.ilo lu Mnjno pinto by C. I ! . Mn > m <
1MI ltii : : food ncrr near we t Bide depot. flu-
* . prove.l.o'iea" ' . for sale bj r. 11 , Mnvno llcnl
: - > tnto i Trust ' "o. 7.K-17
FOU A1. : OK KXCIIANOK-lMr Om-ilia
Hi-nl IMnte , a tlnoly Improved farm ot K )
icro . williiii A milrs of I'l ilt'inonlli , Net ) . , nnd
I mile from cliool and phitrpli , all feneul. 1UI
licnrliii fruit Uee , ( rood tvvo-Mnr ) hou e , wind
mill , table : or 10 horses , irrannen , coin crib ,
rte ra'I ' n H siiihoiit t'il < . Itcllcr.V Campbell -
boll , 1W rurnuin t , lloom l. C15 SI *
i ic 1.0 r .
Mrsl tp oldln
Shade trees nnd K od Liulnlinps iwcr the
Tirs property Is 2' mlles outliwe t ofthe
postollicln the most popular direct ion.
Iff ) HoiMrs.
hnvobnon built ultliln ' ofa mtlcol It and the
boom still coutlmi PR.
$ - > JO to S TO
buys al'it In tiN ! ' 'Icirniil location whprcilcs
Imve ngrfreentetl tor thcpi t Olilnvti
Over hon > Thou < aml Dol.irr ,
lcltu ! SoiuAKonts ,
we. will ( rlvcb'iyei-s uuejunliPd n'lvnutnfrcs In
lcrm of payment.
A Itido
to this property m ts joii nothltir. Came and
M\alinllan. :
Ifvc mlsropre-C'.it it dmi't buy. lint
Is now the most p > , ml ir uddit on.
Anna Iti'iil i : tui Aironcy ,
_ _ _ i"ii ) ; Fiirnnin. _ J IL1 ? _
To Cnlr.tctorf. )
S'.A1.13f ) proH | ) li \ > dl bo rucplveil at the of-
- llee uf the Chief Kiwiuoer. t'nlon 1'iiclUc
m l ny , Oiiniliii.Seb . for thocrrndlni ; . lirldphirf
and track Inymtf , and mrlncitiKOl thu follow
liirork. .
Thu line from Oiildey to Colby , In ICarsii ? ,
about L'Jnillcs
The line irom I.o e'nnd to llunktiorn Stone
Quarrle . in Colorado , about s , tn.lix , nnd the
' \teti lnn til tlionhnn , Lincoln Wo tcrn
llillvvuy from tliroln Center vve twaril in
Kiiu ns. 4d to SO miles.
I'ltipotiiN for HIP Colbv I no will nol IM > re-
cfliclnfii-r lctolcrlS h.lmt propooaU forlhe
oilier bo receive I until the ovcnliiK of
Oi'tobpr IDtb.
I'lollle-fiinbn seen nt the oltlco of chtef on-
Khipcv lor llvod'i.vs previous to the d ijsnuincil
rorcloMnu rec"lpt of bids.
' 1 ho i Ischt Is l psiirv ed to reject any or : ill lilds.
S. II. CAIJiAWAY.dciieinl Malinger.
Notice to ContiMCtorx.
8KAl.ii : ) l'ropo ' > .nls will bo iccelvcd nt tlio
ollliunf the chief oniriiieur of the Union
1'ncllle rullwny , at Omnlm , Nebinsku , until the
pvetiliiirof Moiubiy. the First dny of .November ,
101-thofrrndlnir , brldfiinir , tnxcki.ivin ? nnd cui-
fueliDr ot the 1'iilnii I'nclKc nnd Western r lo-
rnlo railway fu the vallcj ol lilue liver , Colo-
indo , iilmut forty inllq .
I'rolllcs nnd plant , cnn bo t-peu nt ollice of chit-
enirlneer. Omnlm , alt oil Oct otter 2 > tn.
The riglit Is reseivoj o reject any or nil bids.
. It. CAtl.AWAV.
Oct 17dl5t I Oin'l Munaer f. 1' . Itv.
Grocers' 1/lHt ,
Picisi.r.s Medium.111 bols , : do lu
half bbls. sa.n'Miiall ; , in bbls. S7. . ' J ; do In
haitbbls , Si.25 ; gherkins , in bbls , SS.50 ; do
in halt bbls. S4.7.j .
hYllfVNo. . -i-g.uion Keffs , S1.20 ; Xuw
Orleans , 8SC < J4Gc per L-iillon ; Alanio ijynip , } $
barrel. " " > Id t liifj1' 7'.V pur rnlloii ; ! gallon
cans. so : CO per doz. : > i gallon can S3. per
do * : quart cans. iUK : ) .
HUM. M inch.llo > o'ri' inch , lOc ; 'finch.
Dmni ) KiiciTS-r-iNo. 1 quarter applps , 3J @
4c ; In evaporated.boxes. 0\04c ; blackber
ries , bodies 9l6cl reaches , eastern , -ify ®
Vc ; peaches , evaporauul , 15J17c : Salt
Lake , none In market * laspberrics.nevv. 171 * ;
Wl Ko ; currents , B gTu ; prunes , now. 4 %
' &TAHCH Mirror pioss , i lb , 5' c : Mirror
Kiops. C11) , 7Hc ; Kln sford's pure.
* ic : Knnrsfoid's bulk , 4c.
TOIIACCO I'luir , climax , 12 ; horseshoe ,
37c ; stnr. HV ; spear head. 30c ; piper heldsick ,
GOc ; k'old shield , : Mc ; nieiiy war , i > c ; J. T
J. . * ? c *
Toii.vr co Sniolclnp , Durhatn , Is 51c ; 5 s.
54c ; MS , 57c : } ts , COc : ineerschuin. 3uc ; old
style. ' "Jc ; V. N. U , I5c : spirit cured. 45c.
MAICIIRS I'er caddie , ' Sc ; square cases ,
51.70 ; niulo Kijuare. S1.20.
' '
CiiACKEits tiarncnu's soda , 'butter and
picnic , 5'jc ; cieanis , 8K > Kiugcr snaps , 8) ) c ;
cltv soda. 7'fc.
SOAPS Kirk's bnvon imperial. 32.70 ;
Kirk's satinet. S3.00 ; Kirk's standard. SH.OV.
Kirk's white Russian. S4.00 ; Kiik's White
Cap. SO-SO : Dome , $3.5 ; Washboard. S-1.10.
White Cloud. 53.75.
Suo.uis I'owdcred , 7 > , f < 73ic ; cut loaf
"iif ! > 4f granulated , OV < afi c ; coutoctloners"
A , ( Srirt't.c : standard extra C. ! iVirc ; ( ; extra
C , ftJftoBKc : medium yellow. 6 > a ( < (53jSc.
UANNI-.I ) GOODS oysters , staudaid. p r
cas , S3. : ) : btravvberrles. 'J lb. per case. S-MO ;
raspberries , 2 lb per case , J2.10 ; California
peart , per case , ' ? 4W ; apricots , per case.
S4.i 0 ; peaches , per case. SS/i'i ; whlto cherries ,
per 81.03 ; plums per case , & 1.G5 ; blue-
bcrrleH , per case. 81.v > : eiri ; plums.2 lb. tier
CJIS.P. S2.M ) ; pineapples , U lb , per case , S3.SO
G5.50 ; 1 lb mackerel , pur dor. 31.20 ; 1 lb salmon -
mon per doz. l..VX < tl.ilO : a lb Kooseberies ,
PCTKISP 51.75 ; 2 lb stilus beans per case ,
81.70:2 : lb lima teens , per case. SI.OO:21b :
marrowfat tier case. & 2403 ; I b early
Jiinejieas. ju-r CASC. S2.7.1 ; 3 Jb tomatoes.
2.4 ( ) < ivJ ' - ' . ' .
COFFKES Oi dinaryj rafles , llGJllKc ; fnlr ,
11&l'ifGi prime , l ' ( < il-cchoice. ! lo Ollcj
fancy Kreen and yellow. 13) ( jl4c ; ofii trov-
Dry 1-mmDer.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. 8. 12 , 14 and 18 ft . 517.50
No.3 " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14.75
No.3 " " 12. 14 and 10 H . 13.50
No. 4 " " 12. 14 and 16 U . 12.00
12ft Hfl ! 10 ftlS , ftlZO ft 22 tt 24ft
2x4 . ' 1B.M'2i.OO ) , ; 2100
. ' 16 . 'lB.fiO ' 18 &l 1C W K.Oa'ld.OJ ' i".00 iJ.
- .DO1
iar > 10 nu'injto.H.o'i ' ' IR.OO ! oj aiw
1K.CO 10 60 lfl.l l 17.00 18.OJI ( HO M 00
No.,1 , 4 & 0 Inch.a3and 14 ft. , rouch.$17.04
No. a , 4 < kOlnchJ,12aud , 11 ft. , roimli. . . 14.0J
1st com. , ? 4Mn > Vijtq , | Pine Partition..833.00
2d Com. % In. Xornri } ' 1'lne Cellliiir. ! ! ! l ! ix )
A Olnch , white pliii'20 C 820.00
C 6 Inch , " ' I'M 1) 21.50
A 12 Inch. 8.l8.lrlJC g l. < X )
Hl'JIiich " " ,4'tl ) -iLM )
Xo. 1 , com , 12 In. , o. 1 a. . 10 , 18 A 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. 2 , ' t . . . la.'XI
No.2 , " , , IBitHfL 17.00
" " , ' ' 10U HI.OO
RlllNni.Kf , LATH.
XX clear , ; A , ttnndard , S2.fXj ) So. 1 ,
Sl.i ; Lath. Si25.
I'OBTS White CiiilAr. 0 In. , K f 12c ; 8 In.
qr . , t > Xc. . -
- J h.
Mew nsiu Ill'kH'f U'UQr llbls 1'ls "Kit
1X10. 11M W W ) 40 , U 10
Ilen'a S't.So 1 I/b'7 ' 00 1 003 W 2 Oi 1 70 c5
I/CO ( ilb'd FHncyfl 003 002 76 1 Ml aj 60 46
I/If It'd bli're Fey ,6 , 00 , OJ2 75 1 65 lao _ | 0 _
_ _ _
nun . ! ' HblVor . llbli P'l * KU
riSB. ,
I w M 4fl , „ i J0
No , I White Kith f 7 00 ! 0 308 ton 10 t Oil DO
Fttmllr Wblto kith. . , ' 3 60 3 J.1'2 ' ( n 1 M ffi
Kal Trout UMUOdSUlU 71
" . rlaillf "tl" Q'r'libU Palls or KUi
J ( > J M 10 K JJ (
Norwegian , . ,
XKK lltr'ne * U , X)7 tOt 608 SO 3 10' . . . , 1 Oi !
Holland her-l
rlnya , new. | .
Speculators Governed by Closing of Minneapolis - (
apolis Mills and Cbioago Factories'
Corn Also Drcllnri In S ) iniiatliy No
Activity In Tradlnc , niul the
Ucnr * ( lovcni I lie Mnr *
CIIIUAOO iMioori K .M uiuu/r.
CnirMio , Oct. lf . Ispt > TolpRram to
the 111.r. ] At MlnncniioliH to-day only one
of ( ho bli : nml four of the little Hour mills
\\cieruiinlnir. Kinhteen other-lucre closed
tlovvn by thetdrlko of the switchmen theie .
At thPstocK jnnls nil the hot-killing
establishments vveioelo , and one ot the
gicat cattle houses. Tlie't1 meat f-trllc ( < < . In-
> olvlnc the tvvo cirat western Industries < tbe
troatc't iloiu-niiikiiK iiiai'hiurry nnd ureat * t
slpiiiliti'rlrtg ; anil Hacking estahllsiiuients hi
tinuiiltlt. . locked out iVOOJ turn at Chlcaeo
niul 10,000 niuic at Minneapolis. The i' weie
tin1 Inllupiices that iilto.'ethercoutiolled
Chicago mnilii't * to-day. The nmrki'ts
tt\ik'd out \\IUi tin ) benr not only hold I us
nil ( ho advantage thov sained jcstenlay , but
making a lltllo further headway in Kolllns
Piicps down to Ihe tuilnt when * thi" numer
ous element think thov ought to to , The
open boaid ciowd did onln llclit liiHltiess
mi n b.isisol nk1 lor Nou'inbcr. but \\lun : thi ;
ivyular oponeil cxcn tlavo prleVITO
nuteutiTtalia'd , No\ciuber opened at ? J"i.r
nnd liniiiiMlialcly dropix-d to W4o. Mule
support \\ns ui\on It. and but few orders ot
mi } kluiloii1 on the Moor. The bulk or
tiipscoro cither to sell or to buy around
Vi9 < o or uniU'r. May coin opened ntlie , a
shmlti lower , and full to JO.'se , 1'ork sold at
SlU'iJn for January.
I'p to lO.'rC o'clock , 70evns the low
point In \ \ , but the constant o\pi < ctatlon ,
cxeept on thti part ot a lew chronic bulls ,
was that at any moment It ml lit make n
t Hither decline. Uv 11 o'elwli the viice nt
\o\einbor wheat had talleu to ? J'4' ' ' under
nil almost entire lack of support. ' 1 ho llutir
talk was that Krale\ had unloaded about all
of his wheat , and with still heavier nifii on
the bear MuV of the. matket little 01 no head
way could be made. Mainly lor those
icnsons nuuu vas attempted. KUIIIOI of
o\ei' 1..VJO.OCO lilt increase In the \islblo
supply also tended to depress the m.irket
moiuoi lo , but no li&uro * In this le ppit
weiocoiibidereil entitled to any Rreat sliaio
of credence. KnoiiKh shorts placed them-
si-he fveii on the market between 11 : : > 0 and
Kf ) tfiadv.tncu No\eiuber to 7-i'o , : i le-
co\erv nt 'go ' , but the short purchases weie
nut with any paitlcuhir idea of niotcrtlon
n aiiislaii e\peutd use In juice. Tbcio
\ns little or no taU amoiiK those best ( mull-
tied to name the liituru course of the inaiket
to hid cato that n move in this dlicrtton
\\as iiniontr the probabilities.
Tnmiiul closuMIS slow and more or less
hcav } atiiuotations. When wheat was at its
\\cakestcorn was moio or less ellectod In
sympathy. May liilllni ; to 406tc. but it aftei-
waid recou-ied n small Imctlon and closed
quotablv steady. A modeiately firm market
was had in DtoviMons Januii\ pork maklnc
nn advance ol about . " > . But this \\iis due
moio to the condition esistiiiK at the yaids
than trom any local demand lor that pioduct
or liorn n stroni : feullns contributed by any
sjicculativo duxiaud. Small grains were
generally e.v < j and not subject to any par
ticular feature.
CnifAoo , Oct. 10. [ Special TeleKiain to
the Bii.J-CArriK : There were but few-
loads of natives on the market , and such sold
at about the same prices as hoietoloio.
Hangers nnd Texans sold a shade higher.
Some lots that were earned over from yester
day sold atSSlOc ( advance. Native butchers'
stock told a bhade higher on such as bulled
the shop trade. Canning stock was slow.
The Aimonr people nrc out of the market ,
and when that concern Is riinnini ; they take
590 or COO per day of odds and ends. The
stockerand feeder tiado presented no new
lions The market was active to the ex
tent of the supply and v.ilues fullj .XftlOc
hither as compared with the lowest yester
day , the maikct clo-inc steady. A few se
lected , equal to the bct t PliHiuleliiluas , sold
at very high prices , but the bulk of the heavy
sold between 24.OOiM.20 , with the best at
SI.'JJ@I.S5 ; rough and common packing
soils , 53,05tfil.R.'i : lli'ht Poits. slow ; ranch
and common , 53.sO < ai.70 ; Yorkers , S4.15 ( < !
4.a' > . The T. and li.iltiuioio soit cost round
about 54-iO. _
Neiw York. Oct. lc. JIovRy On call ,
quieter at 4(20 ( per cent , closing at 5 per
cent asked.
aTKHi.ixn KXCHANOE Quiet and steady ;
S4.SI lor sixty day bills ; H.M for demand.
UovKiiXMLxrs ( ioverumeiit bonds weie
dull and tiriu.
Sror KS The stock market opened ceii-
erally .strong at from 'ttaH ' percent above
the closinc IlKiire.s of last evcninc. Tiiere
was much Irrecularity and feverlshncss in
eaily tradlnir. which , however , soon disap
peared and the. maket moved up In unison.
Thu L-niiib were peneinlly lost by noon , after
which there wus less business and alternate
advances and dcclinci until the close , which
wan urm.
nip cent bonds. . lOD'n C. Jt X. W 117'V
JJ. b. 4J < 's 111 % , . prefcncd. . . ] 41Ji
N. i.C. . . . . . . 112 %
of ' " > . 120 Oreiron Tran. . . . W&
Central 1'acilic. . 1'acincMalI Kiv
C. & A . 1J. 1) . &K 20' < ;
rnuierrec. . . . . I' . 1 > . C 14ft
C. II.&O . IffJ Hock Island 12. %
I ) . ! , . * W . 14' > K St. L. & S. F. . . . S5 V
L > . All G . ftti-t preferred. ,
fiiie. . . . S5 + f 0.M. &St. P. . . l 4J
jiro erred. . . 75'i preferred . . . 121
Jllluois Central. IKJJ St P. &O . 50 . is l piefeircd. . . 11ISV
KaiiBas.tTexas. 80\ Texas 1'acl lie. . . Sljf
LnkcShoro . WJ < Union Pacllic. . . 01 i
1 * . AN . MU\V. , , St. L. & P. . 1SIH
Mich. Central. . . ft'i I preferred. . y <
Mo. Pacllic . llf.X Western Union. 77K
Northern I'ac. . . ! ! S } O. . H. & .V . 100
pruJrrrcd. . G3'i ' |
Chlentio , Oct. 10. Klour Unchancpd ;
winter wheat Hour , S4.0.VM4.10 ; south
ern. SU : 4.00 : Wlscoiibln , S4.00 ®
4.10 ; Sllcblpan soft sprlne wheat. Sa.&OM
4.10 ; MiniiVMitn bakeis , S9..WK4.1U ; paten to ,
84.W5i4.UO : ; low grades , S1.7.V < t2.75 ; lye Hour.
quiet t s.W" ? In barrels , nnd S3.ooa
fe : May. 405 0.
i , SIJ o ; November , 25 Vc ;
, .
Jtye steady at 48c.
liarley Dull nnd honvv at S'JJ'fR ' ,
Timothy seed I'l line , Sl.lHatl.C5.
Flax-seed USc
WhMky S1.1U.
Pork StroiiKer ; cash , S0.10r < i0.15 ; October.
8U.10 aio)4 ) ; November , MU5 ; January ,
u s-ouer * . . . : .
clear. 80.05 ( (5 ( 70 ; short ribs , Zfi 70.
JJutter Kai > y ; creamery , IM&'Xoi dairy.
14il7c ( ; packlnK stock , S oKc ,
Cheese Steadv ; choice , full-cream ched-
T cj
liides Heavy green salted , fully cured.
IWc ; lleht. do 8Jic ; bull hides r.Hc ; dr > . ' 'c ;
salted ] l@l8c.
Tallow .No. 1 country , 3X@3c ; No. 2 ,
8c : cake ,'s ' 'jUffa . . . .
Wheat.bu 7-VXW 7.Vxw (
Corn. DU 17w.W0 ! 'J2I.OOO
OatS.DU ] 43.XXI ( 14H.COO
Kye , ou , 2OOD , 7,000
U rlevDu 85,000 8S.OJO
New York. Oct. 16. Whiat Itccelpts.
4K,000 ; eiports , tfi.OOO ; spot jC < ' ' , Cc and op
tions yiidSKc lower , closlnt ; steady at IkfiJ' ' e
above bottom rates : ungraded re,7TW ( | i :
No. a red , HKcVo. 2 iwl , Sik'c In elevator
We arloat'oWigSIc f. o. b. ; No. l reU , b7c ;
No. - le.J , October , closed attil c.
Corn bpot lots bteady , but only wodera-
te ch ncllvc : optioh \ i VP lowtr.
fteadywilh ft reaction of
7.0XX' ; inuradeil , 44i.r4 4i- ;
No. , " . . 4S'o < i4t 4p : No. . ' . 41 * , c in elevator.
4. > 'Ai ' < tC. . jo afloat ; No. a , October , closed at
44S < ' .
Outs A shade letter nnd modcrntely active -
tivo : locolrK 74 , V ) ; exports ln > i ; mixed
western. : < 1 V < rxc ! < white westpin , a\t u p.
Petroleum Steady : Tnlted. 0.c. .
r.ucs 111 falrdeiuatid and steadv.
Pork riim and modenitlvely active.
Lard A trifle blither , tmt lc > s active : west
ern tram , siot | , ? ' 1.10.
Ktittrr linll nnd unchnnccd.
Cheo'-c Quiet , but steady.
Cincinnati. Oct. Irt. Wheat 1'h in * . Xo.
2 , red. 70.t7UV. :
Cmu-StiMdv ; Vo. 2 mixed. nH'o.
Oats stiMiiv ; Xo. - , mlMNl , 27Uc.
HveIn f\lr : demand : No. S. fi : ' ( \
Porl. In fair demand : o\tra heavy , S'J.iS.
Lard-Llttlo olTi'tinir ; So s7't. '
Whlskj 5l.i : .
MUvrnnkoc. Oot. 10. Wheat Wenk ;
cash , 71ae ( ; November , 71l4c ; December ,
Corn-steady ; Vo C , rt\e.
Oats-limotlve ; > o. i , ' 0 0.
lye ! Steady ; No. 1 , f > le.
Hailej-llU-lier ; No. - ' , .V.i4o.
Provisions -Ulclii-r.
Pork-Octolor. S'.l.0' > ; November , S'.MO.
Mliinonpollo. ( Vt. IfiWheat r.utllelv
nominal : nothlni ; doiio on 'chanire beoauso
of tliediinculty in getting grain handled by
the inilroads.
Horelpts Wheat. 10.0M bu.
Sb i pmcnts- Wheat , 0,000 bu. ; Hour , 7f 00
St. lon IH. Oct. 10. Wheat-Weak and
V < tte lowci ; No. S mixed , cash , 7ii1jo ; No-
vombci,74'c ( ; December , 73 * ( : ; .Muy , M 4it (
Corn llonvy : No. 2 mixed , cash. Jifl'jCp ;
N' " ember , : ui4e ; December , 84c ; May ,
Oats Hnsv ; No. 2 mixed , p sh or Novein-
ber. aV ; December , 'JG'sc bid ; May , : : o'4e.
Pmk S ! . : 7 , .
Lard-S.V < 0.
llult 'i Quiet nnd weak ; creamery , at Cfio.
Ijivcrpodl , Oct. Iti. Wheat Holders
oflei moderatel.v ; No. 2 winter , steady at
Os ( i'ljd ; new .No. 2 ptlnir. steady lit Os si.
1'lourHoldeis offer troely : dull nt bs Id.
Corn Supply coed ; spot October , steady
nl-ls " } < d ; November and December , steady
4s 3d.
I'olodo , Oct. 10. Wheat Opened steady
and closed easier ; cash 01 Octobui , 70'jc.
Corn Dull ; cish , n-t.
Now Orlonns. Oct. 10. Corn Quiet and
weak ; mixed. isrf4' ' e.
Oats -Steady at 3fe
Hoi : Products Kirincr.
Pork ? l . .M )
Laid Kolined tieico , SO.W.
Hulk Mo ti-SiOiilder : < . S.,37' ; Ions
clear and clear ribs tO.371 .
, Oct. 10. The Drover's Joutnnl
renoitsns fnliirvs :
Cattle Hecolpts , 1,100 : stonily ; shipnlnc
steer * , fc.'i.VMi.l. . ' . ' ) ; stockorsand teodets. S'i'-'O
( .wi.Ki : : cows , tiulls and mixed , Si.'xxci3.oo ;
bulk , s'i.2. ' ( < 2.7r. ; tliiouph Texas cattle , lOc
higher : cows , & 'J.OOf..70 ; sloeis2.COji3.25 ( ;
westein rancors , steady : natives nnd half-
bio.'ds. sy.000t. ' 0 ; cows , S--ftKaiUO ; win-
teiod Texans , 'J..lWdt.tW ' ) .
HO.ISIteceljits. . S.OOO ; stroiiK and 10c
higher : rouirh aiidmi\ed. 81.CT.ij-j 23 : pack-
inirand shlppinir , S4.2.@l : ; light , ? i70vc §
4.45 ; skips , $ j 1.60ft 3.i5.
SheepIJeceipts , l.OW ; stiou ; for good ;
natives , S'iiX < i4 00 ; western. S3.4Hiif.OO ( : ;
Te.xans S2.25rtS.00 ; lambs. sJ.7. : ' > ( .7. i.
8t. Louis. Oct. 10. Cattle Receipts ,
none ; shipments , nouo ; fair to medium
shippers , : t. 76(34.20 ( ; butchers' stceis. com
mon to choice , $ l.00f$ ( < ; fecdniR stockcrs ,
Si70i < iH.70 ; Tex'ans nnd Indian steers , com
mon to choice. S'.00rnt.05. :
lions Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , none ;
choice heavy and butchers' selections , S4.0i4 : ;
4..V ) : packers , fairto best , S4. 10J4.8T. ( ; York'
pis , fair to choice , S4.05jf4.30 ; pigs , common
to good , § 3.10 < t(4.00.
Knnsan City , Oct. 10. Cattle Rpceipts ,
1,000 ; shipments , none ; dull : good to choice ,
S4. 00(34 ( tt ) ; common to medium. S3.0-K ! ! ! ! ) ;
stockers , S2.2r < W.75 : feeding Bteers , S2.KJ ) (
3.S-0 ; cows , § l.Mif ) 2.CO ; gruss ruiiuu steers ,
Hogs Rpcelpts , 10,000 ; shipments , none ;
weak and 5@lOc lower : coed to choice , S4.20
@ 4.40 ; common to medium , S3.75@4.10.
Saturday Kveninir , Oct. 10.
Cattle Values remain unchanged. A few
feeders changed hands , and a lew head of
butchers' stock ; asldo from that there was
\ery little done on the market
Hogs The icceipts were IIIUT ? liberal to
day , and the market declined frVm 15cto25c.
There w ere a few loads left over.
Sheep Nothlngdolng on the market
Cattle . 700
Hogs . 1.5JO
Prevailing Prices' .
Showing the pnwallint ; prices paid for live
stock on this market
Choice steers , 13.10 to 1W10 Ibs . S4.2.1@4.00
Choice steers , HOUto WOT Ibs . S.76C' I.OO
Medium steers , liVJ to 1ST. ) Ibs. . . 3.ooi < * 4.l.r.
Fat llttlo steers , 1050 to 1150 lb * . . . . 3.89(41.00 (
Good feeders , . ? . .i'ffii.2.r. ) :
Good to clmtco corn-fed covv.s . 2.00 3.00
Range cows . 2.2SSW.M )
Fair to medium gra = s cows . 2.00C52.25
(5ood ( to choice tmlls . . . 1.5TS1.73
Light and medium nog" . 8.N @ 'l'M
( Jood to choice heavy rogs . 4.Xi ( ) C'l.l5
Coed to choice mixed ho'S . ! U > 0 ( < * 4.00
Jtough throw outs . 2..rA < 23.oO
( oed tochoieu slieep . S.OOrtM.'Jo
Falrtoirood sheep . 2.75Qt3.Xl
Common sheep . l.M ) ( < r2.00
ricpreficnlalivo Mules.
Fi'.iiins. :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
40. . . .1171) ) 83.00 19..10SG S3.1S
23. . . . 1147 3.00
No. Av. Pr.
23. . . . 'Js3 2.03
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3..1.M Sl.2.5 1..1700 Sl.W
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr-
80 . . .1070 S2.l"0 "
.V..200 SO 310 58. . . . M 319 4.10
C8..273 120 3.t'0 K1..244 HO 4.10
.M..2VJ M ) ra. . . . ± ' > i ho 4.10
M . . ' 'oi a-o 4.00 ta. . . KOJ 120 4.10
60. . . .SOS0 ! 4.00 40. . . . 3)1 ICO 4.1T.
03. . . . 243 120 4.01 70..310 . . . 4.15
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. hhk. Pr.
8. . .162 1CJ § 3.00 24 . .284 120 S3.0.ri
5..2.V5 120 a 15 5 , . . . : > W ) 120 SW
6..1J-1S hO 3.25 5..4CO KX ) 3.b5
Showing the hlgh < > st nnd lowest prices
paid for loads ot hogs nn this market during
the past seven dn > 8 nnd for the same time
last year :
"i Sept. Oct. Oct. I8 > 5.
Dili 1 4 40 ft I M 3 W ) Itt3 M 27'.S13.40
nun 4. in < ic i.7i ( Hunduy ,
l-'lli' ' Kuntlay . 32.6
< rn so 4. If. 33.30
4.4" . an si t SB i4.35
4 'n < & \o \ 4.05 C4'A I n 16 (23.30 (
4.41 42.1 I > 1 3 110 Ift4 1. ' , 3.1U
All Riles of stock In this market nro mndo
percwt. live weight unless othcrwisohlatcd.
Dead hog * sell at Xt per lb. for all vvnights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing lens than 100 Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs.
nnd stir's 80 Ibs.
Notes ,
lliitchcr stulf slow.
Hog receipts more liberal.
Hogs mot with a sharp < lecllne.
O. H. Hammond & Co. . iccched 1C care ot
cattle to-day.
( Joorge lioetel , Mlllard. was here to-day
with a car of ho.-8.
Charles Philimt , of Weeping " \Vater \ , was
here after feeders.
P. A. Harrelt. Weeping Water , was hero
looking for feeders.
lien McDonald , lluntlntrton , had twn loads
of cattle at the yaids.
D. II. A J. W. Snyder , Suydcr , had another
train of rattle In , 1C cars.
J. It. Hunter , of Chicago , was at the yards
with the view of placing feedeis.
J. C. Fri/zoll and Paul lice/lev , from Iowa ,
were in and bouvht four loads of feeders.
Among others having lions In to-dav were :
Hipp & l.iunport , Humphri'ib ; F. I ) . Drown ,
Dannebrou ; J. H. Kehne , 1'Iatt Center : K. J.
Hale , liattlu Creek ; Ciovvell 1) , & ( J. com
pany' West I'olut
On the market with hogs : William Hays ,
valpaiaiso : Clark , llcaloii i Co. , Wehton ;
Nelson it I'm mi , ' , Oakland ; T. .1.1 ole , llarl-
lii.tou ; U. O. Hall , AniU , la. ; W. J. lUvis.
Gti'ti'n ' ' : .1.11' e li.inev ! , Ashland ; Sprits A
L I'IVXM- : C K \\t > > aii ( , MdfordVo : ! ( < y
\Ve.vniit , | r . tiiTiimitown : Vircln tc
nu. I tiert : l . K. llopklli . Wllber ; W. W.
Klock. lira MMiVter \ : Tiuelson , lioup
City ; ! lU. . Muiphy , ( Vntral City.
uaiAHAVllOtjKSAliK MAIlttlVrs
( Jcttcriil Proituoo.
Saturday. Oct IB.
77ir f < > ti ? > rln < > prl v < nif for round lol < o/
protlucf , ( i < t > M on Hit uuirti t | < H/IIJ/ / . The
iiirf < iMon ox TriUM tvpwtnl t/iejirLf * at
wlilrh ojitslifr oiJrr * nre tillrl.
IH'iiiu : Theio Is nn ch.uuo in tlio butter
market. Tour butter l < slow sale and
has to bo disposed of at low pilces. Cieamery
butter does not sell verv inpldlj and there is
not iniiPlieomiiiir in. In ( < rdor to eommaiWI
top juices butter must bo shipped in neat
pick.iec.s and must be hnndlcd with earr.
Choice but l-r commands KHjriv and fancy
1 VifAV. Kniitoeood Is voihiig at 12' ' ' ? l.Vs
and pour -\ift\\ \ Choice croampiv butter la
svllliu at 2 i.-iV.
Kdiis The uiaiket Is steady at Ue , vvitli a
lew single e si < lots nt 1vo ,
Cm Ksr 1'ull el earn elieddars.slueip.12Vc ;
full cream tints , twins , l"o ; \ ,
HiKf : tnuev Swiss , Ut ; Swis . llrporlcd ,
AVui ; : LimburtfiM. 12S : brick , ic. :
PoflTin Old fowls , choice , per dn/ , " 2,25
OU'.W : taupv. SJ.'iK < ( " 7 : > ; snnll , SjlKjX8S ) ;
Snilug chii'Kons , hi'tie. ' ? . ' oO tJ.'i > ; tiuicy ,
S2.2.1 ; medium , SI. y-il.7. ) ' > ; simll , not
wanted ; ducks. < 2,2.\ : fit ; dies ed rliu-kenr ,
per | b , W'flOr ; die-ved tuikejs per Ib.l.vsflsk1 :
dhossed ducks , jii'i lb , HH'illc.
OAMK As thu season ndvatip n
the demand Impiove * . Kveiythint ;
received thus far. In good condition , lias mti
with toady sales. Pr.iiiio ehlrkrim ,
per do/en , S3.1K ) ; quail. Sl.Wrtl.75 ;
snipe , pel do/ . S1.2Vrfl.2,1 ; ducks. ( Mallard ) ,
S1.7.VetitK ) ; ducks , ( Toah , SI.OOil.ducks { ; ,
mixed. 7.VMlSl.jO { : gee < o. ( .OOjf t.VJ ; dci-r.
saddles , per lb. , USl.'c ( ; deer ,'assei , ppr
lb. , 7i'o ( ( ' ; antelope , s.iddles , llcjfJc , unto-
lope , caieasses , tlQj'c ; j.u'k rabbit- , per dot ,
5H. lK4.tK ! ) ; small , perdoz. , Sl.tKK. < vl 25.
Ai'i' Pi ices on choice apples
nro lioldiuc up vcrv well. .Mis
souri apples are in vi'iy liberal
supply. I ho following quotations are for
npplos well packed in bariols : choice Mis
Miurl stocli.SJ 2.1 u Si.f.Michlguu ) ; , S2.Mvij2.5 ; ;
fanc.v .Mich'gan. ' i. 00 :1.2.1. :
PoiAions 'Ihero is now a brisk demand
for straight pars of strictly cholcu potatoes nt
fiO@ . ' .V per bushel. Mixed vnrietus , small ,
or otherwise- Intel lor slock continues very
dull and will nut soil for umio than M or lOc.
8\ : PorAioi : * Tin1 market Isgluttcd
with choice sweet potatoes. Very choice
stock vv , is sold this week at I' c and oven
lower : Choice shipping stork , pel lb. , Ufil > 4e.
OMONS The demand Is not heavv and
thev are selling in n small vvav : Choice
stock , perbu. , SMTl.OO.
CAMHACIK Thu maiket Is fairl.v well sup
plied : Cliolco stock , per doz. , Mic.
Cni.ritY A amount of very p'lor
stock lias been coming In , which IMS been
sold lor what It would bung. Prices on
choice block remains about the sam as last
\veek : Choice slock , per do/ . , 85MOi' ( ; extra
largo , per do/.40ia4'ic.
0sTiitsThe : trade is in very nui"h the
same condition us last week on account of
the continued warm weather. Prices nro
low and dealeis mo well .supplied with the
choicest stock. Ordcis from the outside mo
being tilled In good nbapo : .Mediums , 25o ;
htaudards , ! W ; selects , 35.N. ; . V. conn's. 40 , ' ,
LKMoNh Museum , per box 58.50 ;
.Malaga , SG.OO.
On Axor.s Jamaica , per box , S'.OO : per
.s Stocl-'s nro moving fairly
well at the s.iiue quolr lions as last week.
Cape cod , faucv , per bbl. , 8b.50 ; Jersey ,
choice , S7.M ; Wlscolisll , S7.M ) .
HANANAS Hauunas are selling nt the
same prices as last week , Dannna.s , yellow ,
per bunch , S2.00.nJ W ) ; b.inan.tB , yellow ,
large hunch. ? 2.50ft3.M ( ) .
CAI.IKOIINIA Kniurs Stray slilpments of
Callfoi nla fruits continue to ai rive , but in
small ( Mian titles. ( Trai > o-.Toka5sS2.00i.rrapos ; ,
black , Si03 ; pears , 2.7.1cu3.00 ; jdiiins , S1.75 ;
quinces , 52.50.
GiiAi'r.s Home-grow n glares me about
played out A fewnrucominu in , but thuv
are for the most pait too soft to roslilp-
ment. The market is t airly well supplied
with New Yotk grapes. Home-grown , per
lb , Tx : ; home-grown. 30-Ib ua kot , 40c ; New
York , perlb basket , 40c ; Main , a , per bbl ,
Saoo ; Malaga , extra lar-'C bbl , S10.00.
HONKY Nebraska , choice , vvhltu clover ,
LVaiOc ; Nebiaska. dark , 12 < 314c ; California ,
1 lb sections , 15c ; C.ilifornia , 2 lb sections ,
M.VI-I.I : SrciAit Hrlcks , } > cr lb , 12 > fc ; pen
ny caKcs , per lb , 15c.
MATI.I : Svnur Hulk , 13 to 17 gal kegs.
per gal , Sl.oo ; gal cans , per gal , 51.05 ; & gal
cans , nor gal. S.10. !
C.innNewvork.pcrbbl ; , S0.50New ; York ,
K bbl , S4.25 ; Crab , per doqts , SJ.75 ; Michi
gan reliued , per bbl. S0.50.
VINKOAHWhite wine , 13ffll5c : cider vin
egar , lSl5c : single strength , 12c ; tiiplo
strength , 15@l8c.
PnovisioNS Ham , 12c ; jiicnlc ham PC ;
breakfast bacon , ! 'c ' ; clear side bacon , t'coj'J'/c ' ;
dry salt sides , 8' p ; bhoiilden > . x ! ; dried beer ,
ruiulni , 12e ; dried uccf , ham pieces. IDc : lard ,
fjOlbeans. 0c ; laid , 20 lb cant > , Kalibanks ,
7u ; lOIbcaiiH , Knlrbauks , 7'fc ; 5 lb cans ,
Kalibanks , 7'ic ; 3 Iti c.ins , Faubanks , 7 c.
HKANS Inferior Mock SO. Sitl.OO ; good
clean country , SI 01.23 ( ; mcilluiii , hand
picked , Sl.HO.vt,40 . ; hand picked navy , S1.40
(41.50. (
Fi.ouii AND Mii.T.sTi'FFslnter \ wlicat
flour , best quality patent , S2.754 second oual-
itv. S2.40 ; best quality spring wlicat
Hour , patent 82.CObrau.50cpercwtchoppcd ; ;
fiiHi , ? 0c per evvt ; white corn meal , Sl.OO ;
> cllowcorn meal , OOc percwt ; screening , OOo
percwt ; hominy , S2.00 iier cwt ; shorts , 55o
percwt : eraliam , SLGO ; hay , in bales , S5.50 ®
0.00 per ton.
( liiAiK Corn. 2c ( ; new oats , 2.c ! : lye , 40c ;
wheat. No. 2 , OOc.
General Mnrlccti.
WOOL Medium. lbc 20- per lb ; tine heavv ,
l4fai'K ( ! ; light , I0 < r is < c ; ourry
wool , 'J@5colf.
lIiDK.s ( Jrecn butcher" , C' c : grce ,
ciirc-d , 8@sjc ; dry Hint. ll@l c : drv salt
910c ; ire-n calf sklni , IKji'.tJtc ; damaged
hides two-thirds price. Tallow S c ( iicnse.
prime white. 3c : yellow , 2c : brown , 15/c.
Sheep I'elts. iVf 73c.
LHATIIK.II I'lime slaughter sole leather ,
32c ; prime oak sole lejthur , UO@iSc. : Upper
leather per toot , S0f < f3'.c ; hem. kip , 75ftsr 5c ;
oak kip ! Mva'J'ic : Fieuch kip , Sl.OOfot.'JO ;
hem , calf , S1.00@1.10 ; oak call , Sl.OOfffil.2.7 ;
Kreiich calf , Sl.-i'xtfl.bO ; Morocco boot Ice ,
30ji. c ; Morocco oil pebble , 28 < g. : c. toppinii *
and linings. OOStiWc.
HEAVY HAHWWAHE iron , rate , 32.30 ;
low sti-nl cast , 4c : cruclb ie.slocl , ( Jo ;
citst UKIS ! do , l'i < ClHc ; wagon sjioltca' per sot ,
Jfl.7.V fH. { > J ; hubt. per sut 81.25 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , 81. 0 ; tongues , eacn , 75c ; iivies ,
each , 75c : square nuts , pur lb. 7Cillc ; cell
clmin.per lb. ( XJl2c ; malleable. OQ e : Iron
wedges , Gc : crowbars , Oc : luirow teeth , 4c ;
spring steel , 7 < &Sc : liurdun's horM'.shoes ,
14.40 ; Hurdon'a mule shoes. 35.41) ) . llnrli'i >
wire , in car lots , fci.OJ per lot ) jbs. ronl
Nails , rates. 10 w 50 , gJ,60 ; sU-el nails , S2M ;
Shot 8l.u& ; buckshot 81.85 : oriental
powder , kegs , g'ANJ : do , half kegs , 52.00 ;
do , uuarter keifs , S1.50 ; blasting , kegs , S2 , :
fuse , pet 10 feet 05c. Lead liar. SIO.
UiiidHAMi ' . 'nr.MK ' AI.N , Acid , e. < ubollc ,
32c ; acid , tirlaric , 52c ; balsam cojiaibt' , per
11) , 4" < ; : bark t-assafras , jor ) lt , I0e ; ea'ome ) ,
per lb , 72c , ehlnchonidia , | ier oi , 4Uc , cliloro-
term , per lb , 50c ; Dovcr'n puudeis per Iti ,
81,25 ; epbom halts , jier 11 > , 3 > ( f ; gl.vcirlne ,
pure , pin lb. 'Me ; lead , acetate. , jiei H > , 2lc ;
oil , castor , No. 1. per gdl. , 1.50c ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , pei gal. , 1.40 ; nil olive , per gal. , 91.40 ;
oil orlirannum. 60i < ; opium , Sl.23 ; quinine ,
P. iv : W.and R. AS , , per o70i ; polufciium
Iodide , per Ti ) , S'J.S.1 ; sail 'In , per z. 40c ; sul-
phatu morphine , per o$2.35 ; sulphur , per
Hi , 4e ; htijchninc. per ox , sj,1. . ' .
J'AINYH IN OIL Wineeaii. Omaha , P. P
J P ; white lead , St Louis , pure , & 7 , " 5 : Mar-
elllc * green , 1 to 5 1 can * . Jj : 1'rench zinc ,
1'reeii seal , 12c ; French tine red seal , He ;
French tine. In Vitriilub ubit , COc : Fionch
zlnc,75g ; yeriallllon. American , l c ; Indian
red. lOc : rose pink. He ; Venetian led , COOK.
WHI'H , "rto : Venetian red. American , 1J < ;
red lead , 7jc } ; cliromo yellow , ge.uulnu. 2Ua ;
chrome jollow , K. 12c : ochre , n hv le , Uo ;
ochre , trench , "Xc\ \ ochre , American , ijfc ;
Wintei's 8Uc ; Lehlgh blown , 2ifc |
Spanish brown.Xc : Prince's uihieial. Zc.
DiM PVINIH V. HMO. leid , clie llll
1-e ; Paris whiting. 2Kc ; idcis ,
' -4 ' * ' ; whiting , coin'l , H/p ; l.impblack , Cicr-
manslown. UP ; lampbiacl ; , orJInaiy , Me ;
Prussian blue,55c liltrninamic , IHc ; vandyke ,
brown , bV ; umber , burnt , 4c ; nuibcr. law , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , law , 4e ; 1'jrln
. Lfiiulne. 'J.V ? , 1'i.rls green , roiumon ,
22c ; chrome i-rwn. N , Y. , 'JOc ; chronn green ,
K , 12c ; vermlllion , KuglMi , In oil , Vi\
raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans , 12c ; raw and
burnt slennu , I2c : vandyki ) biovvn , 18c ; re-
liucd lampblack , I2c ; conch black and Ivory
black , lOc ; drop black , lf c ; Pml dan blue ,
40c ; ultiamailui ) lil.ick. IV ; ehroiiKt gieen.L. ,
M. A 1) . , IC.c ; blind and hhuttei kiun , L..3I.
t D. , lOc ; Paris grcmi , iv ; h.dian uil , lp > o ;
Venetian red , 'Jo ; TiiMan. V2e ; Amt-rlcan
\ermillloii , L. , V I ) . , 20c ; > ellow iH'liii' . ic1. * ;
M , < k O. I ) , , IBs ; good ochre , I'V ' * riatcnt
drver , he ; Lralnlug color , liKhtunk.
walnut , chestnut aud li , lie ,