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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1886)
rJL1HE OlMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 17 , laSO. TWELVE IMAGES. THE NEBRASKA FISHERY , Village of railing Waters and Artificial Fi h. THOUSANDS OF OVA AND FINS. a lie Hntehcry "Which Supplies the Streams nnd Ponds of the Stnto With Useful and IJcntitlful SneclmoiiH ofKlsli. [ Written for the Omaha Numlny Iht. } The I'latto is spanned at South Ilend by a long wooden bridge owned by H. T. Clarke and several oilier gentlemen. The southern end of this structure is in Cass , the northern in Snrpy county. To cross this bridge , u toll of one dollar must be paid for a double team , wagon and driver. Seventy-five cents are assessed against the Individual with a horse and wagon , while foot-passengers are classed with horses and cattle and asked for twenty-live cents each as u tariff for crossing. Sheep are privllcdged individ uals , being taxed but five centi. There arc two railroads running over this bridge , one a narrow and the other a standard gnugo. The latter is made for the cars which run scml-occablonally to .Stout's quarries on the Sarpy side , and the former for the fussy little locomotive which pulls them back nnd forth. The northern bank of the river is lined with bluffs , covered with coarse grass , ill-concealing the out-cropping of rock strata in various degrees of worthless- ness. On a shelf , cut on the hill side , rniiH a rural road , at times skirting the base of the bluffs and hugging the margin of the stream. Thin leads , after a drive of about ten minutes , to TIIK STATU nsiir.uv. Hero there is a notable difference in the nature of the land. There is moro vor durp , fewer rocks , better trees and richer soil , and one feels that ho has forsaken u rock-ribbed country only to line a tor- restinl paradise. This feeling is increased as the drive is continued , and the pictur esque glen of the fishery is brought to view. A short distance above the road , on the right , is a fall of water flowing in n steady musical stream , the while spark ling like silver in the sunlight. Beyond , and far up in the glen , whore the view is more or less obscured in the leafy vista , are other falls , varying in size and reson ance , each subserving a practical utility while appealing to the refined sense of ttio beautiful. There is little about these miniature falls to suggest the cataract of Lodoro , and yet the poets who nave vis ited the place have been moro happy in likening it to that celebrated fancy than to anything else. Still , there is want ing but the hamlet , to justify its beiiur known as the Village of Falling Waters. There is a dreamy quiet about the place in which the inhabitants of Irving's crea tion "would revel , to sit and smoke and gossip and dream dreams and see appari tions to their hearts content. Skirting n little hill , the road winds upward and ends upon tlm eminence , from which may bo had a delightful view of the Flatte and the wooded depths and cultivated Holds beyond. Upon this height , tlio residence of the superinten dent. M. E. O'Bncn , lias been built. This is a neat little structure , interiorly as well as exteriorly , giving every evi dence of a calm , tranquil and happy rural life. On the day of my visit , Mr. W. L. May of Fremont , the oldest member of the State Fish commission , was present. In company with him and the superinten dent , I made a tour of the place , first descending several ( lights of steps down the hill siuo to the ponds in the glen , and then walking along tlio tortuous path to the head waters of the streams. These burst through a crevice in a rock , nnd into the reservoir of the spring house , where they lie for a few moments , when they How through a largo pipe to the hatching house. Tlio purity of this water is remarkable , so pure is it indeed , that in the spring , it seems as if it were even a hundred feet deep , a pin could bo distinguished in its depth * . The spring house is a stone structure eight by txvelvo feet in sine , wNli a window and door , the latter being always carefully locked at night. Tins is done for more than one reason , tlm main one , however , being to prevent malicious people from tampering with or poisoning tlio water , as was once done. The cow ardly deed , however , was discovered and the injurious effects destroyed by shutting off the fluid from the hatchery. In the vicinity of the spring house , there are Kovoral "draws'1 or openings In the hills from which other rills gush. Ono of those supplies pond Ivo. 1 in which , when 1 visited it , there worn 20,000 young brook trout. The water in this was seem ingly dark grcon , caused doubtless by the rcllou.tlon of the foliage on all sides and above , and closely resembling the cele brated ( ireen Lake In Colorado. At the southern extremity of this pond , is a stone dam thirty-live feet wide , three feet thick and twelve feet high , fitted with a gate and screen , through the latter of which the water Hews and then falls into pond No. a , with a grateful sound. In this pond are 7,000 mountain trout , a species of fish of which travelers to Colorado rado and Utah know moro or less after they return from their journeying. Another dam and cascade mark' the boundary of this pond , when the third pond is reached. This contains mountain trout two years old. many of them being about eight inches long. As wo journeyed by the ponds , Mr. O'Drion carried a pan full of pulverized beef liver , handfulls of which ho cast into the water. In a second every lish in the ponds rose to the surface and the next darted away with the fragments of a feast. The avidity with which this breakfast was seized was most noticeable with the mountain trout last mentioned , some of them jumping out of and lashing the water into foam. In the fourth pond were two-year old brook trout. Each of these ponds is framed with water cross , which in some places is very beautiful indeed , contrasting in its light green with the moro sombre hue of the surface of the pond. TUB IIATCHKHY is reached at this point , ft is a two- Btory frame structure , painted in dark brown. The sooond lloor is used for storing lish cans , while the tirst is used for hatching , The water , ns before stated , is received from the main spring at the head of the glen , It forces its way through an upriaht pipe and falls in sparkling purity , into u long wooden trough extending across the building. From this trough run twenty-live faucets , beneath each ot which , in another trough is a tin pail of peculiar construction. The bottom is perforated ami a slight distance above the lower rim of the pail , Near the upper run is a circular opening ol about one inch in diameter , A tin pipe perforated is fixed to this anil may bo re moved at luisnni. Whnn the water is suf fered to run through the faucets men tioned , it flows into the next trough and tliuu'o , through the perforated bottoms , ris-os gradually In the pails. When it reaches the perforated tin pipe near the upper rim , it flows out and drons into another trough which loads it to a large wooden box on the floor called the nureery , Tlio rise of the water in. the palls is most gradual , scarcely percepti ble , just such as is necessary to gently ugituto Uio ova which arc there deposited. After the ova arc plac"d there , the milt Is deposited in the same place , and with al most immediate effect upon the ova , which arc seen to largely increase in size. These ova are procured from the female when in n state of fiiicundity , after which she is at liberty to again be set free in the waters. The null Is procured in the -same manner , without injury to the male. The ova remain In the cans until the fry is hatched , the moderate rise of the water keeping them in motion akin to that ot the stream. When tlio' fry is hatched , however , the perforated tin pine which guards the outlet Is removed , and the fry to the nursery. Itcsides these cans there is a scries of wooden troughs , about ten feet long , two feet wide anil six inches deep. Thcsn are several feet below the trough from which the main supply of water is received. and from this by means of faucet and hose , they are supplie'd. Small supports run along on eacn side of thcso troughs , upon which rest square frames with wire gan/.o containing openings about one- eighth of an inch in width and three- fourths of an inch in length. Upon tlio o tray.s or sieves trout uggs are placed , the water is allowed to rise up to and However over thcin , and then pass away The capacity of these trays is about 500.000 brook , mountain or lake trout , which re quire about ton weeks to hatch. When hatched , ( hey swim through the sieve , sport for a time in the waters , and are then sent to the pond , In the cairn men tioned , ' . ' 5,000,000 eggs can bo accommo dated at one time , and require about six weeks in which to hatch. The lish raised at the hatchery arc those already mentioned , namely brook trout , which require ten weeks to hatch ; California ormountnm trout , eight weeks ; hike or salmon troutton weeks ; wall-eyed pike , ten days ; black bass , fifteen days. ( torman carp , six to ten days. The egg _ of the pike are imported from St. Clair river and East Saginaw bay , in llannel bottom trays , covered with moist moss , and packed in boxes with line ice. They are then hatched at this hatchery. In this Kame room is a .small but inter esting collection of alcoholic specimens which have already done duty at the state fair. There arc also line aquaria with beautiful specimens of the several kinds of lish raised , among them being the ( mill-back sucker , the mirror carp , par tially covered with scales ; young German carp ; sealed carp , covered entirely with a glistening coat ; brook trout , speckled , seemingly transparent , and as pretty as a picture ; mountain , or rainbow trout , even moro attractive and interesting. In an other acquarium mopes a pair of turtles , one a venerable old snapper , with a mossback - back , which ill comports with the vic ious visage which he turns up toward the surface. In the nursery are a cat fish and a hideous buffalo lish with white lips and dark sides. He sulks in the shadows and teems annoyed over our mquisitivcncss. South of the hatchery is a series of other ponds , larger and more beautiful than those described. The lirst of these is almost an oval , with sodded banks and a terraced island with ( lowers in the centre. In this are 400 largo trout. Hclow is a series of spawning races , and then comes another pretty pond , studded with an is land upon which the remnants of some frost-blighted llowcrs are visible. This is hemnied in by a stone dam , sixty feet long , six wide and fourteen high. A fall of water drops into a basin and is thence conducted by a pipe under tlio roadway , to several other ponds beyond. Ono of these is the carp breeding place , 200 feet square. The water had been drawn out of this pond and the fish removed to the small pond preparatory to shipping. The bottom showed a number of cedar boughs upon which the carp spawn. Another pond 150x200 feet contains .Vi.OOO wall-eyed pike , while a smaller enclosure shelters about 7,000 black bass. Two other ponds complete the complement and in tlios.o , little aiul adult carp disport themselves. Mr. O'Brien with an assis tant seined one of these ponds and brought up some beautiful specimens , each of which seemed in the possession of the greatest vitality. The carp are fed on squash , but Mr. May's story that they make nightly pere grinations to the neighboring fields for their vegetables may bo received with doubt. The trout luxuriate on liver while the bass and pike are fed with smaller fry.The The hatchery was commenced on a small scale about four years ago , when it. was authorized by an act of the legisla ture. the commission then consisting of Dr. Livingston of Plattsmouth W. L. May of Fremont , and It. S. Kalcy of Hod Cloud , hiring a man to breed some Cali fornia salmon. It soon got into the hands of the present management , by whom everything outlined above has been done in about tlio last three years. There are now eleven ponds , and the fishery prop erty comprises fifty-two acres. The su perintendent has two assistants in sum mer and ono in winter. The last appro priation was $8,000 for two ycais. which , when salaries and other incidentals arc deducted leaves but about if 1.700 for im provements. In view .of this fact , tlio amount of work done , the transformation that lias taken place on the site of the fishery , and the number of strcants and privufe ponds stocked throughout the state , the success of the undertaking must bo considered remark able. able.Tho The commission is at all times ready to supply people , in season , with fish' for streams or ponds , and during this month , November and December , will furnish applicants with carp without other ex pense than that of express charges. It is probable that a larger appropriation will bo requested next year to successfully carry out the plans now maturing. The superintendent is ono of the most painstaking of our state ollicialu , and is ably assisted by the commission , espec ially Mr. May , whoso interest in the un dertaking is nearly and well directed. ! : . A. The Young OlarKymnn'H First Poo. Chicago Inter-Ocean : It was their first W'idding. The groom was "now , " so was the bride , nnd tlm congregational clergyman had committed matrimony only in his imagination. Finally however - over , it was all over ; the twain was one flesh , and the little wife was weeping in the arms of the mother. The groom slipped up to the nervous minister , and as that gentleman was about to pass out into the night , pressed a coin into his hand. * "A $20 gold piece , " thought the young preacher. His heart beat faster now than when ho was olliciating at the wed ding. Ho needed the money t > o much , Indeed , ho often wished his meagre salar\ was only half its size , ho had such dilli- culty in collecting it. And now to receive $20 all at onco. Why , it - . Then it occurred to him that it was customary for the minister to ninko the bride a present of his tirst marriage fee. The good Yuan sighed as ho removed his thin overcoat and returned to the room where the guests were offering their congratulations to the newly wedded couple. "I forgot something , " said ho , as ho approaohcd the bride. "This is the tirst marriage fee I have over received. It is yours , It should be kept as a reminder of this occasion. " The young bride stretched out her hand and the coin rang as it touched her marriage ring , The guests looked up ; thn unconscious wife did not close her hand upon the fifty cent piece that lay there and all saw it , The minister was glad it was his lirst marriage. The guests tried to. appear as if thov < iid not seu the half dollar , and the reporter quietly smiled , and thought perhaps the veiling husband was saving up to buy the di vorce. A California youtiTsquce/ed Ms girl so tight that ho broke- two of her ribs , but was comforted when she suld : "Uo on , Hank and buit the other twenty-two.1' WOMEN AND THEIR HAYS , ' * The Great Lack of Proper Education of Girls In the Affairs of Everj-Day Life , THE COMPLAINTS OF THE SEX. The Charming Girl niul the Tom-Hoy nt AVomnnhooil Senmtnl. Mnr- i , Deaths niul KtliicUo | A J/ove-ljn loii Ditty. All for Sty hove. Launch 1110 n golden argosy. Hoist ino the silver sails : Lend mo tr > o waves , tlinu dnnchiK ? ci : \Vnlt 1110 , yo favoring gales. Oo lull ttio illicit liy stars to light , The inuoii to stoop niul shine , Hccnuse my love hath sent for me , Ui'cause my love Is mini ) 1 Foil mo tlio mighty ciHlnr tree. Build imi a palace fair. Deck It with tolil ; niul Ivory , Hang Itvltn arms rare. Film , ' wlilu thu ijntes that part tlio sea And let thu clarions piny , Jiocanso tlio day hath dawned for me , My love Is ml no for nyot ( So bit ! the nlKhtlneales to slug , Tlio pearly fountains play , A melody ol love by nlKtd , A diemii of iiluiit by day. Tull yo tlio world It draw not near , Tell ye tliu hills and sen , Tlio dory of my llfo Is here. .My love hath come to me I \ Now Iilcn. Health anil Home ; Ono of the great- curses ot this intellectual ago is the grunt lack of proper eilncation of our girls in tlio practical affairs of every-day life. Tlicy till want to bo "school inarms , " governesses or the wives of ricli men. Housework , which should form tlio basic principle of our cconomin life , is sluinnoil by tiioin as something degrading. A young woman will stand behind a dry- goods counter fourteen hours a day for a mere pittance not enough to clothe her lese her health , become anemie : and un fitted for tlio performance of her natural duties , rather than accept a position as u domestic where she would have si com fortable home , good health and become properly lilted for the duties of a wife and mother. The ranks of the unfortunate filled with who having nate are shop-girls , ing no place to spend their evenings , seolc the parks and beer-gardens , where young men , as it were , lie in wait for thorn aa their natural prey. How many young women can trace their downfall to this misplacement of their talents ? Good domestics , and wives who are good cooks are so rare that when one is found she is is worth her weight ; n gold. We have schools in which our girls arc taught cookintr , embroiderv , music , painting , school teaching , the languages , but positively not one in winch is taught the art of housekeeping. Why ? Shindy because of the prejudice against it. Yet ail girls desire to get married , which is very easy to do , but it is very , very aif- lionlt to live happily in marriage ; and where the wife has no knowledge of the art of housekeeping , domestic economy , or is a poor cook , bo her husband as rich as CruL'sus , her lot will be miserable. Such a woman is totally incompetent to be a wife ; her proper place is in some garret "singing the song of the shirt. " While n man admires womanly beauty , yet in married life ho admires much more 11 good square meal , cooked by the hands ot his wife or under her immedi ate directions. What we mean by a good square meal is not simply roast beef and potatoes , with a piece of indigestible pie and a cup ot ordmaweoffee , but a table covered witli snow-white linen , the china and glassware shining like so many min iature mirrors , witli bouquets of fresh blooming ( lowers in season , and napkins soft and fresh from the laundry , not stiff as pasteboard , so that they will slide from your knee. These preparations cost but a triilo and are the invariable precursor ser of a good appetite. No dish should be served umlocorated ; the fish or meat should bo surrounded with small pieces of either parsley or beets , carrots or tur nips cut by molds into various knickknack - knack devices , not so much for eating as for ornamentation , and also as an appe tizer. For puddings , melons , etc. , pul verised sugar should always be at hand , and for iced tea a slice or two of lemon with granulated sugar. These , r.nd a thousand and one other little things wo could mention concerning the table , cost no more than the slovenly-served appe- tito-destroying-foods of the present time. Cleanliness of tlio table should bo coim- portant with cleanliness of the body. Such a table would never fail to make home the abiding place of true love and solid comfort. But as wo have no schools for teaching the above art , what are \yo to do ? Why not establish one , establish a tlo/.cn , yes , and in every city and in every village. Have it a nchooi for practical housekeep ing. Instruct tlm pupils in every depart ment , from the scrubbing of tlio front door stops to the mysteries of the kitchen. Itun it actually as a boarding house. Issue diplomas of graduation to your servant-pupils after a two , throe , or oven four years course. Have each pupil begin by learning the most menial labor , and ' by degrecs'advanco luir until she is thor oughly qualified in every department of the scullery , chamber , laundry , and kitchen. Have her do practical work , network work in theory. Take in boarders , charge good prices , give first-class service , and , as Colonel Sellers would sa'y , "thorn's millions in it. " Will any of our readers take the hint ? A diploma from such an institution would insure marriage , and , what is still better , happiness in mar riage. Women "Who Are AlwnyH Complaining Cincinnati ! Enquirer : The egotism of tlm sex loads its members to be always balancing their sensations in a pair of scales , weighing them with tlio utmost nicety and exactness , or else to place them under n mental microscope to bo studied. Habits of introspection and solf-anaiysis aru most hurtful when u too vivid imagination renders calm judgment impossible. The training that women receive and their habits ot living are cal culated to heighten emotional sensibility and nerve sensitiveness , and their love nf excitement is a most dangerous clement in degeneration of tlio organism. They yield easily to all passing , real or imagin ary disorders , without making an ollbrt to forgot them , belittle thorn orriso super ior to them. To ho fragile and frail in appearance , to have a look of extreme delicacy , is the consuming desire of our women. A smill waist , hand and foot ore desiderata ; the lily must usurp on the fair cheek ; to avoid a coarse and blowsy complexion a veil must bo used during the promen ade to protect from even a zephyr's gen tle breath or tlm sun's kisses. The con finement in close school-rooms during early life nnd the artillcialitles and ox- eilomont of society later on causa defici encies of every kind in blood and bone , nerve and muscle.Vhat wonder if tight lacing , the ttso of cosmetics , exposure in dress , laok of sleep and exercise , cause an impeded elnmlation , poverty i the quantity of the blood , and all attendant evils. Women an * reared like exotics in a green house ; and often they meet the samu fato--llourish apparently for a sea son , bloom in beauty , nnd are gone. It is a pity that a knowledge of physiol ogy is not more generally diffused , and especially among women. Even thu best educated of them are ignorant of some of the simplest fuels , or have tudied thorn to so little advantage as to piako the grcatcM mistakes. . Thus t hey try U > make certain diseases lit certain paina.diagno3D ; them as symptoms of heart , lungtor liver trouble , or imagine they are threatened with a terrible sickness. Starting with nn inherited feeble constitution , even this is deteriorated by a lifo of indoor Inac tivity in the best hours of the day and late hours nt night. Though the complex mental and physical organisation re quires the most careful treatment , they tlo not ven try to recuperate after n se vere strain. There Is thus given an apti tude to morbid degeneracy , with no re serve force to fall back upon. Fleeting pains , which in a moro active life would pass unnoticed , are treated as cause for alarm , and drugging and doctoring arc commenced ; the high-keyed nature.which hns a sensitiveness of the violin , broods over them until a morbid pitch is reached ; from agitated apprehension they sink into mild-eyed melancholy or gloom , and become burdens , to themselves and friends , \\hociinnotnin \ the gamut of the disease of tliovaletudinarian ? .Malar ia , billiousncss , , dyspepsia , neuralgia what changes have open rung upon them ; what fugues written ! Malaria ( bad air ) might not be Heard of if constant and sulUolent , exercise were taken ; billions- ness and dyspepsia , names given by women to any manifestations of stomach trouble , would fniquently vanish were proper attention ! mild to dietary rules ; neuralgia , that ) note noire in many a home , is oftciii the indication of over taxed nerves , weakened vitality or ex posure to cold. Of course , these things may bo , and sometimes are , serious mat ters , but in how many instances uro they n ami's given to passing disturbances and slight ilerangi'tnontB ot function , which would pass quickly away if left to them selves ? The Charming Girl. It is a little dillicult to describe the "charming girl. " She has not as yet penetrated the remote country places , ex cept in tlio faint reflections to be found in the columns of the illustrated story- papers , says the Boston Record. She has succeeded the "typo" girl , however , in the current literature of a somewhat bet ter order , and is a decided relief from the over-ingenuous , too-quickly loving , extra-spontaneous maiden who preceded her. ' 1 he charming girl usually knows a good deal. A man feels in talking to her that she has ideas , that she is quite out of the transitional stage between an affectionate creature of impulses and a rational human being. She is a compan ionable girl. Slie is less impressionable than the typo girl was. As Mrs. Howe says , girls don't fall in love any more. It would bo impossible for the truly charming girl to fall in love in the old-fashioned way , the way which led the amiable predecessor of the Ange lina typo to set her affections on a villian or idiot mid cling to him through thick and thin with a fidelity and a rapture that looks very silly to the charming girl. She knows hersclt better than ever a girl know herself before. She is taught wisely anil well by her careful mother , and no man can surprise her heart into surren der unless ho has at least a few of the elements of genuine _ manliness and no bility , attractions of mind nnd spirit as well"us of face and manner. Of course there is a sham charming girl who doesn't fall in love because she has no heart to loso. having wasted it all in adoration of herself and pretty gowns. This inconsequent and effective little sham knows enough , however , to imitate the ways of the girl who is genuinely charming , and she gets up a very clever and interesting counterfeit oftentimes , and one which is extremely good to look at on a plessant summer's day. By and by , when the ideal srirl comes to bless the world , there will without doubt bo a sweet and pretty sham of her also to be tonnd at the shore and mount ain resorts , whom the sham men then upon earth will Ilirt with to their heart's content , while the ideal men will bow at the shrine of the ideal girl. Tlio Tom-Boy nt AVomanliood. The girl romp , otherwise known as the Tom-boy , is an oagBr < earnest , impulsive-1 glad-hearlcd , kind-souled specimen o'f genus feminine. If her laugh is too fre quent , and her tone a trilletoo emphatic , wo are willing to-oycrlook these for the sake of the true lifl ) and exulting vitality to which they arjj Uio escape-valves ; unu , indeed , wo rathqr Ifko the high-pressure nature which must close oil'its superlln- ous "steam" in such ebullitions , s.iyr tlio Cincinnati Enquirer. The glancing eye , the glowing cliook , the fresh , balmy breath , the litliQ , . graceful play of the limbs , toll atalo of'healthy and vigorous physical development winch is nature's best beauty. Thc'jjpnl and the mind will bo developed alsoi in due time , and wo shall haye before ; us a woman in the highest sense of ( he term. When the Tom-boy has sprung up tea a healthful and vigorous womanhood she will bo ready to take hold of the duties of lifo , to become a worker in the great sys tem of humanity. She will not sit down to sigli over the work given her to do. to simper nonsense , or fall sick at heart , but she will ever be ready to take up her burden of duty. In her track there will bo sound philosophy , in her thoughts boldness and originality , in her heart heaven's purity , and tlio world will bo better that she lived in it. To her alloted task she will bring health , vigor , energy and spirits ; these will give her both the power and tlio endurance , without which her life must bo , in some respects at least , a failure. What Catches the Feminine Eye lu thu Newspapers. Brooklyn KaglnAman : who has started a number of papers and who is keen on newspaper subjects told mo the other day that ho had at fast hit upon u highly val uable scheme. "I have ascertained through a careful series of observations,1' ho said , "that women who read the newspapers are in terested in four subjects scandals , mar riagcs , deaths and etiquette. Take any woman in town and toss a paper in her lap while she is working on a 'splasher' depicting the everlasting 'Throe Little Maids,1 or is engaged in some equally absorbing work , and what docs she do ? First she glances along the headlines until she comes to the Victoria Morosini episode. She at once drops her work , taps her teeth meditatively with her thimble and wades through jovory word of the report. The moral she draws from the story is usually that she doesn't sco why so much , fuss is made about that Morosini { croaturn , whom she saw onn night on the stage of the Casino and found to bo ns awkward as a cow. Then she stops abruptly and skims over tlio paper till she finds the column headed 'Deaths. ' she revels time . Hero fora long , wondering if the Johnson who has just died is any relation to the Johnson who boarded at the second farm-hoiisa down the turnpike near the cross-roads from whore she spout the summer in Connecti cut four years ago. After arguing this over for homo time and settling it posi tively one way or the other she goes to the next name. If she discovers the death of a child she divines at once that it was scarlet fever , nnd decides to have the doctor look at the rash on Lucy's ' neck the instant she returns from school , Then she comes to the marriage column. Did you ever too anything more amusing than the absorption of the woman over the marriages ? An earthquake wouldn't ' disturb her. She invests every couple with the romance of her own courtship , and goes off into , speculations on the groom's prospects and the style of the bride's wedding outfit. As for the etiquette column , that always makes her chatter. 'Hero,1 she says , 'is the most absurd young woman , 'bo writes to the editor to know whcthciUbo ought to go to the theater with her 'young man without it chaperon , I remember thu first time dour llonry took.tnu to the theater.'and so on. After shelling waded through this column.sho throwthe paper iwiuo , and th t night when her husband comes homo shy tolls him how much she was In terested in the newspaper. 'Yes,1 ho suys , BROWN PARK Tlib latent addition to South Omaha , only twoblocltn m > iitli of ccntct' ' of South Omaha anil two Mock cant of tlwurcut llannnonil J'ach'intllottm. ; Large and Choice Lots , Wide Streets and Al leys , Fine View , Easy Terms. For further purllcutura call on MORRIS MORRISON , /Vtf ( youth Kith , lid. Dour \in-tli of llod'ard .S7. Holders of Currency Itdiiils Uomls of SERIES B , or TUB & Will rccMrnni-mmiMitilcntlon of Intcri'ft nnd ImiMirtiiiico IM tlioiu liy fonumlliifftliolr names anil mlclr-ijMJ1 * to u * 'If they him1 tint iilroml- ilono m , with n iiicmofnnimni nf tlio niiinunt < if ( mull * of rllhur illn * hrlJ by tliein. or by tiillliiK In pi-Mon Htourollleo. A. .S. IIAT4II tV < ' < > . No. fi Nns nn St. , Tow York. DAMAGED GOODS KSSi. Every Day and Evening , until all S" the goods damaged at the Are sold. Tliese goods are only slightly damaged and will be sold for almost nothing at Uwn fi a 'the papers arc mighty readable now. That was an awful catastrophe in Char leston , wasn' itV His witelooke up at him nnd says'What was that , dear ? ' 'Why , the earthquake. ' 'Was there one ? Well , there , that stupid old paper didn't have a word about it. ' The husband goes and gets the paper and shows her a six column article on the lirst page. She had not seen it , of course' Now , that's a pointer for any man with brains , " con tinued the projector of newspapers some what out of breath , but very much in earnest , "and I'm going to work it out. Kvery woman in America will buy a pa per that puts forth intelligence on scan dal , marriage , death and etiquette in tlio most alluring style of art. " Not JMnnv Women Are Good Ijlstencrw. San Francisco Report : ( Jood listeners among women are scarcer than fresh eggs at a corner grocery. Women can talk , ns a rule , but they cannot listen. And yet listening attentively is the first rule of agreeable conversation. If women could only realize this , talks between thorn would not bo the tiresome , trivial efforts they ; ilways are. Personal sub jects , their standard stock in hand of in terest to the one , born the other ; and sho. not being trained in tlio second rule of conversation , answering exactly , lots what she pleases to call her mind run riot. In consequence , the listening air is pierco"d by jagged ondsof "You don't titll mol" and "lam surprised ! " ana "Just what wo might have expected I" until the exclamation and interrogation fiend him self , on whom they have drawn so freely , sinks from exhaustion , Thunder Storms. Scientific American : I'rom ' certain me teorological statistics published in Ger many wo iearn that thunder storms In that country have , during the last thirty years , been steadily increasing both in frequency and severity. The number of deaths per annum from lightning has in creased in a far greater ratio than that of the increase of population. In the prctj- out state of our knowledge of the whole subject of atmospheric electricity , the cause of the phenomena of thunder storms is confessedly obscure. It is. however , very possible that some light would bo thrown on the question by a comparative study of the frequency nnd severity of storms during a length ened period and over a widn geographical area. The Gorman savants incline to the opinion that the increase is to be attributed to the enor mously increased production of smoke and steam which has taken place during the last three decades. Hut although wn mav admit this to bo to some extent a probable ycra causa , yet when wo con sider the very local character of thunder storms we should naturally expect to find that it would follow that the neighbor hoods of largo cities , and especially of manufacturing districts , would suffer the most severely. lint the statistics referred to show distinctly that the very reverse is the ca . The number of storms at tended by fatal results from ligntning is far larger in the agricultural districts than in the towns. Upon the other hann , wu ought to taku into consideration the protective action of lightning conductors , with.which the prominent buildings in ho towns of Germany are well provided , SOaiK OM ) I'KKSONS. Robert Cratty , of Prospect , Ohio , was 112 on August iM. Bancroft , the historian , is eighty-six years old. John O'Mally ' , of Dallas county , la. , is 112 years old , has chewed tobacco and smoked since he was a boy , takes a nip of old Kentucky when lie fools like it. and says that ho never recited moro than three verses at a time iu Sunday school , and did not go to sea as a cabin boy. The lirst anti-slavery man sent to the United States senate on that issue is still living. Joseph C'illny is the man , and lie remains on his old family homestead at Nottingham , N. II. He is ninety-six years old. Colonel George. L. Perkinsof Norwich , Conn. , who began his ninety-ninth year in August , is the active financial head of the Norwich & Worcester railroad and works as regularly now as ho did twenty- live years ago. Abraham Kmerson , of Canada , re cently celebrated his eighty-sixth birth day by digging forty bushels of potatoes in seven hours. Joseph Rosenberg , 102 years old , died in New Orleans a few days ago. Ho was ono of Napoleon's soldiers , and partici pated in the momotable retreat which followed the burning of Moscow. Andrew Lucas , who claims to have been a body servant of Andrew Jackson , died the other day In Urantford , Out. , at the alleged ago of 125 years. Next. William Kendall , aged ninety years , .Hod recently at ISclolt , WIs. The oldest Inhabitant of Cape Cod is Mrs. DoiiMlIu Laba , who is familiarly known as "Aunt Laba.1' She recently passed her ninety-ninth birthday. Mary ICnnis , who died in Philadelphia \VediKtsday , was 101 years old , and until just before her death maintained her menial faculties remarkably. The census shows that M. Chovroul is not the only centenarian in France , there being 12U others who can show that they have lived a hundred years. Tliomns Smith , of Ipswich , Mass. , died a few days ago , aged ninety-four years. He was a vctuntn of the war of ISIS , and voted for eighteen presidential candi dates. Francis Margaret Walpolo died in Lon don September 20 , aged ninety-eight. She was , on the maternal sldo.the grand daughter of the great Lord ( Jllvo , and paternally of Sir Thomas Walpolo , brother of Horace. She died a spinMor , though a belle in her youth. John Ilnyus , of Willislon , Chester county , Pa , , died on Sunday , Ootobur 3 , in tho'nlnoty second year of lib age. The deceased was born at Skohanim , County Tipparary. IndanJ. He , caino to this country in 1W1 , and settling in DoUwaro county , engaged In farming. Ho retained his faculties unimpaired up to the time of his death. Of liis six children ono son und three daughters are now living in Chester county ; also seventeen grand children and ihrno great-gnuidchTldren. Mrs. Grace Rodgers died at Miners- villft , Cambria county. Pa. , u. .few days ago. She was probably thu oldest person in the state , having lived .one hundred and four years. Shu wa vigorous to ( hi last and six hours before she died ar ranged her hair unaided. She was tlu > mother of eleven children , several of whom live in Johnstown. Captain James Lakeman , due of the oldest residents of Maiden , Mass. , cele brated his ' .Kith birthday October i ) , in an appropriate manner. The Rev. John Rodnny , rector emeritus of St. Luke's Church , Germantown , Pa. , died at his homo in that city September 08 , at the ago of 00 years. The body of licnjamin Skinner , col ored , familiarly known a.s "Uncle Hen , " who had llveu here for about twenty years , was buried in Upper Alton yester day , Iln was aged , upon the best attain able authority , 115yoaiv. The oninnara- tor for this dlMriet for the census of 1880 wrote to his old Virginia homo "for TIT- formation as to his ago , and the figures given are based upon the reply received by him. Skinner has been married three times. His third wife ( lied a few months ago. He leaves a large'lamlly of chil dren , several of whom reside in this vi cinity. Hon. John ll. Kwing , of Washington , PH. , on October B , celebrated his UOth birthday. During the entire day hosts of the venerable old gentleman' ; * friends were paying their congratulations. NOIIWAI.K , Conn. , Oct. JJ.--A signifi cant event recurring for many years in the quiet village of Wilton has been the birthday anniversary of Mn , Clarissa Davenport Raymond who is the oldest lady , with documentary evidence to provn it , ) n Connecticut. Liuering 11)1011 ) her ono-hiiiKircd and fifth year , Mrs. Raymond mend began to show nigiiH of falling health , and gradually slm grow weaker till a few weeks ago , when her legs re fused to sustain her trembling form and she was obliged to take to her conch. Her mental condition lias also been ( .omewhat impaired , and ut liinos her mind wanders. Galvcston News : Mr. * . Marie Farreau ono of the early settlers of Galvoston.who arrived in this city in September , 18U7 , died September 2'J , in I ho IKUh year of her ago , ami was burled yesterday afternoon from the residence of Mr.s. A. ( ) , Girard , corner of Twenty-sixth and Winnie , with whom she has been living for the past eleven years. The deceased caino from Franco to this country , and her husband died heroin ( linearly days of Galveston , her son , now also dead , having served us an alderman of the city soon after its In corporation , bho leaves no relativesam ] hns been cared for during the last days of her life by Mrs , Girard. I'lii-fiiui tlio Hume Cni < w. "If a lady IK beautiful , my HOD'said , a latter-day Lord Chc.ttorlicld , "never fail to refer to her boautv , " "What am I to do when the lady is plain ? " "Just the name , stick to the beauty. " I'lllng It On , . Diimloy Robinson , I wriiit your ad- vice. Drown. I hear , has , referred to mo na an inspired idiot. What hud I hotter do ? "Robinfon ( thoughtfully ) -Well , Hum- ley , I think yon ought to munu him tuk Lwk that word "inspired '