Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1886, Image 1

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The United States' New Navj as Sten by
' ' . . . " ; ' Foreign "Eye * .
An Admiml Who Thinks the Boats Alto-
getbcr Too Blow ,
Marino Warfare and DostructiTO Engines
Minntely 'Diecussed Standpoints.
ICxports from Gcrmnny
to llio tlnllctl KtntoR SnpprdRRltiB
ISoclnllKin Warlike Attitude
of Knropcnn Powers.
Thn Now Nnvy
PAIIW. Oct. IB. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to thu IK. : | I had an interview
Thursday with Admiral Aul > e , the r'rench
minister of marine , at his cabinet In the
nilnlstiy on llio ruu Itoyalc , in reference to
the utility of the now steel cruisers now
being built by the United States government.
1 showed thu admiral the diauiams nnd
sketches of thu Huston , The admiral praised
the Ingenious contrivances for lUlitlng , the
pilot house , superstructure of the
battery , etc. , and then , looklnc at mo with a
sharp , punclrntlneglance , asked :
"What Is her st.oed' < " '
"Not ojilto thirteen knots , sir , " I replied.
Tliu nilmlral shook bis head and said em
phatically : "Then as a as war vessel she Is
useless. A cruiser Is of no use whatever , un
less shu has speed enough to catch a fast
ocean steamer that Is to say , unless sliu has
a speed of nineteen knots. Cruisers of less
speed than this area weakness , nota strength
to a imvy , for they will only bo captured or
Blink uv the enemy. The now cruisers to bo
built for the French navy are to have a mini
' mum speed of nineteen knots , capable of
being Increased to twenty knots during live
hours lit a stretch by the application of an
apparatus of terugo farce. If they don't at
tain tills speed tiio government will refuse
them. "
1 then asked tlie Admiral If he would ex
plain tins best way for the United States to
set about to get a navy. Tliu Admiral rang
an ulcctilc bell and , said to thu attendant ,
"Don't lot anyone Interrupt mo for half an
hour. " He rolled a cigarette , and baid :
"You have a truly magnificent body of
naval olllcers , and you have splendid sailors ,
and you have no heavy lion-chuls three
points upon which you are most heartily
to bu eonuratulatcd. Naval experiments
have now clearly demonstrated that hugu
Iron-clad1 * , In which European governments
have spout hundreds and hundreds
of millions , liavo had their day.
Thuso inastadoiis of the ocean have
had their day. They will be scarcely
nioro useful in the next naval war than the
fraud old line of battle ships of Tonfalseau
niul Abiuikir. mastadons have been
rendered worthless by those microbes of the
sea , torpedo boats and swift cruisers. The
fault has been that all the naval construc
tors till lately have attempted the Impossi
ble. They have tried to unite In the same
vessel all thu means of modern naval warfare
the ram , heavy guns , armor , flcctness and
torpedoes. The result Is a yast , unwieldy ,
. floating fortress , liable to bo sunk by the lirst
well-directed torpedo. The United States , I
repeat , au sincerely to bo congratulated on
having none of these useless monsters.
Your situation Is this : In the lirst place you
are not ImiiiDcrcduy havlnu' any mercantile
marina to protect In n naval war this will
give you great advantage. All your naval
operations can be , therefore , con fined to pro
tecting your harbors and destroying the
enemy's commerce. You ran make your
harbors Impregnable with your land forts ,
torpdocs and torpedo boats. Forty or llfty
unarmed cruisers with sufllclont speed could
destroy your enemy's commerce , for all the
Iron clads of all the tlecUs of the world would
to-day bu utterly Inadequate to blockade your
coasts and prevent these cruisers from getting
to Bca. But thesu cruisers should
Imvo a minimum speed of nineteen
knots ; that Is to say , they should bo faster
than the great trans-Atlantic steamers. They
should , besides the ordinary nmclilnu guns ,
Imvo two or three guns of the longest possible
ble- range , llrlng projectiles tilled with the
latest explosives discovered by science. Such
cruisers could to-day destroy or demoralize
the entire marine coinincrceof untied Kniopu.
Kven if one of these cuilsers were to bu com
pelled to Ik-lit a high Kuiopcnn Iron clad , the
advantage would still bu with the criislur , for
a crnsler , being small and moving about with
rapidity , Is almost Impossible to bu hit , while
the high Iron clad Is a splendid target.and the
high steel plates are now perfectly vulnerable
to project lies charged with fulminating cot
ton or with inenlleiic. "
Here the admiral showed me three steo
plates pierced bv projectiles containing ftil-
nilnutlni : cotton , menlleiiu and , as u third
substancn , a composition , which Is the sectet
of the Fiench government , which has twlcu
the povternt mcnilciieand Is no moru dan-
Kcrous to manipulate than the ont.nary gnn
loadnr. This now explosive will enable thu
calibre and consequent weight of the guns to
Do diminished and makes thu steel plates al
most as pencil-able ns the wooden walls of
ships In the days of Decatur and Ualnbrldee.
The admiral continued "Now
- : , compare
one of these cruisers with an Ironclad In
attacking a.fort. Doth ar equally vulner
able , but the cruiser Is almost Invisible from
the distance from which shu can throw her
explosives , while thu Itonclad Is so lilKh and
cumbersome as to bu a good mark fiom the
land , for even at night all of thu movements
of this Hunting foitress can bo followed
by eleclrlo lights. The crulsor ,
on the contrary , is almost Invisible because
of her smallness , and uncatchablo because of
lcr ; spued. These proposed cruisers are
merely the application of lefon taught hy
your great civil war , Thuy are merely Ah -
banias adapted to the latest advantage of
science , The motto of your naval reform
bhould be : Los Alabama ? , encore lus Ala-
banuis , ct tonjours IRS Alabama * . "
After cxpiesslng the highest appreciation
ot the American naval ofllcers , their pluck ,
their scientific attainments , and their
Bpleudiil seauiaiillke qualities , the admiral
said ;
' 'I an ) going to demand of the chamber * the
two 'hundred million of francs to put thu
French navy on the footlnit that U ought to
I .Ve. 1 shall luslat upon the necessity of fast
I trulsersof * minimum ipe-ed of nineteen
knots. I shall not have these cruisers built
. Jri the coveinment doeS yards , but Ir. te frrat
comtncr'c.Ial dock yards of France. .1 shall
pay to the mercantile constructors ; Uulld mo
a crulsor with a minimum sliced of nineteen
knots , capable of being InrreaMMt to nearly
twenty knotis for a period of live hours the
critical period ol n chase. Uy the application
of the tlravo force Instrument , lately In
vented , skillful engineers assure mo that
this sp eil .is perfectly attainable. I also say
to thu constructors : If the cruiser , on her
trial docs' not attain this speed , then the
government will refuse her , and she
can be utlll/.pd for the merchants' marine.
The constructors will agree to these terms ,
for there Is always a demand In commerce
for wssels of this type , and thus there Is no
risk ot the government having on Its hands
a quantity of failures , as might bo the cas > o If
the cruisers were to bu constructed In the
goM-rniuent dock yards. 11 Is , In fact , just
like ordering n p.ilr ot boots from the boot
maker. If they lit , well and good. 1 take
them and pay for them. If they don't lit , I
don't take them. "
! Nnrnl Opinion * .
Oct. 10. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to thu HKK. ] 1 Interviewed ,
to-day , Admiral Sir Spencer Hoblnson , n
former lord of admiralty , who speaks as an
expert In naval matters , because under his
nmiiuKcinont the change was made from
wooden ships to Iron-clad , and from smooth
bore to rilled cannon , 1 found him at his
residence In Eton Place , just recovering from
an Illness , hut qulto willing to give the bene
fit of His Jong experience In ship construction.
Ho said :
"Your 4,000 ton cruiser seems to me to com
bine more of the goodqualitles a cruiser should
possess , always , ot course , provided slu at
tains an estimated average speed of
eighteen knots an hour. This speed Is about
as hlgn as Is necessary , as cruisers must be
built to combine many opposing qualities ,
none of which can safely bo subordinated to
sneed. Kor Instance , they must bo
able to keep at sea In the rough
est weather without straining , they must
carry coal for long cruises , nnd
must also carry cannon and war stores of
considerable weight. It Is true that the
Italia and various oilier heavy iron-clads at
tain nearly the same speed as the nnarmored
cruisers , but can wo take the Italia as a sam
ple ? It Is on admirable boat for Mediterra
nean defence. | She irakcs the Mediterranean
practically an Italian sea , but In the Hay of
JJiscay she would roll herself to bits.
She might carry coal enough
to cross the Atlantic , but when
across she would have no
coal to return with or for bombardments or
cruiser chasing. Yes ; 1 have studied care
fully thu subject of coaling at sea from coal
transports. It's too risky. It Is a long nnd
wearisome alTatr. Yon must remember that
the modern ship Is like an Infantry soldier
forced to carry on Ills back food for the
whole campaign or walk back to the depot
for supplies when the food ho carried
Is exhausted. To attack Italy , America must
have vessels of the Italia type , as well as
Mediterranean coaling stations. Torpedoes ,
storms and coal supply will , however , effect
ually limit the action of the heavier armoi-
clads against the American coast defenders ,
who now have so much advantage that even
with our West India coaling stations the
British armor-cladscan hardly endanger New
York. "
cniTicisiNQ TIH : cisuiSEna.
"I would llko to criticise one point in your
cruisers , namely , the rlgglnir. In action this
Is certain to bo shot away , and probably in
tailing would foul the screws and wreck the
vessel. Moreover , them Is nothing to bu
gained by running such a risk , since if these
plans are drawn to scale yourciniser , nine
days ont of ton , would not make two knots
an hour under sail hardly steerage-way. "
After quilting the admiral I met at the
ofllceof the Thames Ship Building company ,
George Mackrow , the naval architect , who
possesses the unique distinction of having
cither designed or superintended the con
struction of the first Ironclads over owned
by the seven European powers , Including
Germany , llnsslaand Spain. While await
ing for Mr. Mackrow to finish his
business with the Japanese commission
sent over to report upon English
naval architecture , I examined a collection
of royal decorations awarded Mr. Mackrow
for ships constructed during the last fifteen
years. Regarding the new American cruis
ers Mr. Mackrow said : "I have not checked
their designs , put I judge the ships are
likely to bo a credit to the American navy.
The lirltlsh navy has no man-
of-war with over an eighteen
knot speed , nor any ocean cruiser
us yet even desiuncd to exceed eighteen
knots. One thing puzxlcs me. Ido not see
how , with their stated Horse power , the
American cruisers can attain this eighteen
knot speed. Yet ; such speed is possible
with Mifllclent engine power. In tact , wo
have just offered to build an ocean evulscr of
guaranteed nineteen knot speed. If the
American cruisers reach eighteen knots , I hat
will be. I think , as fast as Is needed. Never
theless , I expect within a year or two to see
ocean cruisers of twenty knots' speed. "
"Yes , my plans are hulllcleutly advanced
to glvo you a general Idea of what such a
ship would bo liku : Say about 0,000 tons ,
14,000 horne power , coal for 5,000 miles at ten
knots an hour , cost 1,250,000 , the frame
strong enough to support four twenty-livo-
ton guns , as against the six-ton guns the
American steamers will carry. Of course
this Is u llttlo In ndvancc- the times , but
the development of the tilplo expansion
enuines and other Improvements make such
u cruiser to bo expected. Hut armor clads ot
over seventeen knots speed are not probable
to be launched while steam is usfd for power.
People forgot that shlos are built for special
purposes , and Iron clads are for fighting.
Beyond a rurt'iln point speed can only bu ob
tained by sacrificing armor or coat supply or
weight of cannon as yon say. Uy vast sl/.o
It might bu posilblu to obtain great speed
added to the other lenuiaMuents of an iron
clad , For instance I could desUn a heavy
armor-clad , say of 10,000 tons , cost ten million
of your dollars , Which would steam twenty
knots. But no docks and few haibore. how
ever , exist for such a vessel. On the whole
crusters are such masses of compromise that
If the American vessels develop their speci
fied speed It will bo about as good as present
knowledgu can produce. "
"JIavo you seen the new shell ? " continued
the great constructor , changing the subject.
"It pierces sixteen Inches of armor and ex
plodes Inside the VIMSC ) , It's a terrible
weapon. I do not see how navies can guard
aznlnst its effect. "
Allthoercat naval powers of Kuropokocpln
London olio or more naval attaches to gather
infoimatlon regarding Hrltlsh progress In
shipbuilding. These gentlemen are all ex
perts and watch naval matters with
n closeness which may be judged from
the .fact that I was shown by
one foreign attache , whose name , obviously ,
I cannot give , a portfolio containing almost
every article yet printed regarding thn new
A mericun cruiser , I took pains to gather the.
ideas of tbet > e atlneUu regardluit tbn new
American uian-of-war. Aa diplomatic naval
etiquette forbids me their names la such crit
icisms , I divide thcrlt opinions into three
classes :
1. "America deserves congratulations on
her new cruisers , if an eighteen knot speed
Is realized It will be sufficient. Thcro'aro few
vessels so fast In the world as eighteen knots.
The speed of naval vessels is crcatly over es
timated. The fact Is , wo have the eighteen
knots about reached the limit for ocean cruis
ers. This is shown by the
fact that In the last ten years
We have only really added one knot to the
speed of the fastest ships , America must
remember one point In construction by the
lowest tender that it docs not guarantee the
best workmanshln ; also that the speed ob
tained trom marine engines depends almost
ns much upon the builder's knowledge as
upon the sl/.e of the engine. "
2. "Tho new American cruisers will bo
admirable shlos. Ot course your 4,000 ton-
ncr , with Its estimated elmitecn knots , will ,
after the trial , never exceed fourteen knots
nn hour. That does no harm , however. With
all their talk about speed no English cruiser
can make over fifteen knots' steadily and
regularly. A fo'irteen-knot speed will over
take slow merchantmen. As for speed to
overhaul big passenger steamers , that cruls-
eis will lie In wait for , such Is not needed ,
for they can use cannon ball to overtake
them It they try their heels. "
3. The American navy needs minimum
ten-knot cruisers which , nn emergency , could
steam eighteen or twenty knots an hour for
live hours. An clghtoen-knot cruiser would
now compare well with any afloat , but navies
go ahead quickly. Your cruisers may bo an
tiquated bolero they are built. Why not build
new vessels from new designs , guaranteeing
at least equality with the mercantile marine ?
Of what use will your new cruisers bo If the
Atlantic lines and European crulsefs steam a
knot or two faster than all vour cruisers ? "
Such Is a summary of what I gleaned from
the naval attaches of four legations.
A linrgo increase In JI r Trade With
Thin Country.
ItaiiUN. Oct , 1C. | Special Cablegram to
the HEK.J Hct.nns giving the exports from
Germany to the United States during the
past year show that the exports from Berlin
have Increased Sl.l'-O.OOO ; from Uiomen ,
SdOS34 ! ; from Chemnitz , $1,800.000 ; from
DrcMlen , 53S,000 ! ) ; from Hamburg , 82,100-
000 ; from Lepsic , SS-'O.STO , and I rom
Stettin , SO.COO , Keturns from South Ger
man consular districts Imvu not been Issued.
They , however , will probably indicate the
same ratu of Increase , Frankfort heading the
list with an increase of S'00,000. The protee-
tionNt oigaiiH seek to prove that the increase
Is dun to the protective policy of the
government , while on the other hand the
National Xeitung , a fiee trade journal , con
tends that the return of stability in American
trade is the solo causu of the revival of busi
ness. The annual report of the Dussiildorf
chamber of commerce states that the expor
tation of paintings to America has almost
ceased since the rise in the American tariff.
The exportations of paintings from Paris to
America has decreased from 8,000,000 francs
to 1,500,000 francs.
Toward the close of business on the
Bourse to-day It was reported that the Impe
rial Hank of Germany would raise its rate of
discount on Monday. The rumor arose
from the fact that a meeting of the bank
committee has been called for Monday. An
uneasy fcclinc exists in financial circles over
the extent of German capital risked In
Russia. Leading bankers have placed a full
statement of the position of German Invest
ors in the hands of Prince Bismarck , and
have received from him private assurances
that the extente cordlalo between Germany
and Russia remains undisturbed , and that a
perfect understanding exists between both
courts.EMi'r.non WII.T.IAM'K MOVEMENTS.
Emperor William will return to Berlin on
Wednesday. He will give an audience to
M. Jules Hcrbctt , Fiench ambassador , on
Friday , and will afterward go hunting at
Ulankenburg. Crown Prince Frederick
William , King of Saxony , and Henry of
Prussia , Duke of Saxo Altcburg and Duke of
Saxo Coburg , will meet the emperor at Blank-
cnburg. It is supposed that the object of
the rendezvous of the princes Is something
beyond hunting.
The socialists attempted to hold reunions
In the suburbs of Lelpslc to-day , but the
meetings wcro suppressed by the authorities.
The mass meeting which was to have been
held at Kaiifbeuren , Bavaria , was also
forbidden by the police. Herr Vie-
reck , editor of the socialist organ ,
Deutsch Wortenblatt , which was re
cently suppressed , was to have
presided at the meeting , Krewlnkel , chief
of the socialists at A Ix , has been Sentenced
to ten months' imprisonment. He was
charged with sending socialist pamphlets ,
printed In the German , Polish and Russian
languages , to confederates at Tliorno for
secret circulation. The crusade of the police
against socialism is being carried on
more vigorously than over. The
authorities have succeeded In completely sup
pressing uvcry labor organization in Berlin ,
Hamburg , Lelpsic and Xurlch. The Social
DomoKrat boasts that police persecution can
not stop the socialist propoganda. and it
assciIB that socialism Is especially spreading
In the ranks of the army.
It All Depends Upon tlio Ability of
ItUNslii to DlHpntnuclo Ilorsulf.
PAUIS , Oct , Hi. ( New York Herald Cable-
Special to the UKK.J Peace or war nil de
pends upon how Russia gets out of het Bul
garian entanglements. The czar is by nature
obdurate , Impetuous , overbearing ; he cannot
allow the Idea to gain ground that he Is devi
ating from the traditional Muscovite foreign
policy , llu has the moral support of Ger
many to re-establish a Russianized Bulgaria
so long as he confines himself to pacific
means , but that Is ( be end of ( lie tether that
hinds' him to the'triple nlllmice. The mili
tary occupation of Bulgaria a move for
which four infantry divisions in south Rus
sia Imvo been designated and fully prepared
since the end of August would bo a leap in
the dark that tlie czar , with all his rashness ,
docs not dam yet to make. The
would so arouse Hungarian public opinion ,
fan Into Haute the latent Austrian hatred of
Russia , nnd force the hand of Franz Joseph
tnat war would bo the Inevitable result.
These who know her statesmen best feel that
Russia would nolther abandon Bulgaria nor
occupy it. but with tough perseverance and
ceaseless pertinacity would threaten , promise ,
tease , cajole , bully and worry the liulgarUu
regency and the Bulgarian people until they
had been worked up into a state of acute
fever and had become from sheer fatigue
humble pawns of the czar ,
Meanwhile Russia keeps up a desperate
flirtation with France , based upon the propo
sition already submitted to the sultan by the
Russian ambassador , by which France would
regain her pio.itlge in the levant and in
Etfypt , but the. flirtation la not marriage , and
the Franco-Russian alliance yet exists.
Ruiala , Austria , Gcrmauy , France
and Turkey alt stand with hands upon their
sword hilts , and theru is no telling at what
moment the blades may leap from their scab
bards , for even winter snow and choked
mountain passes did not last year prevent the
Bulgarians and the' Servians from flhtlng
each other until far Into3)eceuibor. Russia ,
In fact , Is Imprcgnabl from attack In win
ter , but winter will , not prevent Russian
troops from occupying Bulgaria.
One thing Is certain It Is clear to the most
unattentlvutourtst-that , whether Houlanger
bean Alclblades ornot , French olllcers nnd
soldiers have never before been so neat and
clean or In such first ratu lighting trim as to
day. No doubt Boulanger Is a splendid war
minister. He Is dally becoming more popu
lar and still keeps on Introducing new army
reforms , the latest of which allows soldiers to
rest on Sundays , instead of putting on line
uniforms and parading about to please holi
day makers.
Jlnron llotliNnlilld Dond.
FHANHFOIT , Oct. 10. Meyur Karl Rothv
child , head of Ilia great banking linn , died
suddenly to-day from heart disease ,
The President' * West. Virginia Trip
Itoportcd ns n Jolly One.
AVA.mtiNfiTO.V , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the Br.K. ] Those who went with the
president on his trip to West Virginia say
that they had n grand time. Certainly the
party was a convlval one. Secretary Fairchild -
child , It Is said , c/ui / enjoy n good drop of
liquor. Commissioner Miller Is the govern
ment head ol 'the liquor business and can
sample ns well as , anyone. Thomas Hiking
is a fac simile and the president does not
mind a sip or .so. Colonel Lament plays pro
priety and carries the bait. They all got
home at G o'clock ) this morning and one of
the lirst tilings the president did was to ap
point Cousin Bennte Folsom to bo consul at
Sheflield. England. Den is Mrs. Cleveland's
cousin and took bur to Europe , llo intended
to come here and ispuiid the winter at thi )
white house , but evidently Cleveland did not
want him. Some * , people are saying to-day
that Mrs. Cleveland was so put out by the
president's leaving her for the bunting trip
that as soon as ho got homo she. madu him
appoint Bonnie. Certainly the appointment
has caused more talk than any made for
a year , especially since the president has
talked so much lately against nepotism.
Sheflield Is otic of thu best consuls at the dis
posal of the government. It pays a salary of
S'2r > 00 jind many lets. There were hundreds
of applicants for the place.
Among the callers pn.thc president to-day
were two saloon keepers from Buffalo , old
triendsof the presiilftiT. llu used to go to
their place wheii he lived in Buffalo ,
and tins was theirlirstvlsit to him. Last
year two others called < an him and ho took
them out ridin.c. cTlio visitors to-day ex
pected the san'ic treatment , but Grovw is
married now , and Mrs. Cleveland said "No. "
As indicated in these dispatches , the presi
dent is beginning to get frigliU-ne : ! at the
action ofhis old Bu'/Ialo' / , friends , and ho in
tends to elvo them sbmo places. To-day ho
appointed Frank Goodyear to be commis
sioner to examine thd Northern Pacific rail
road. Goodyear ' 13 a brother of Charles
Goodyear , a law paVtnorof , W. S. Bisseil.- the
president's best friend. Cleveland offered
this ran to Buffalo , * but , Ills friends do not
think much of It .
BUEItmAN-JlOl. ! * , * . fiEliONIMo'e FATK.
After a vast amount qr talk a ml red tape ,
General Slierldaiuwllt probably Imvu thoimst-
ing votu In rGen > iiiino'n Jnte. The general
Impression Is If Sitting Bull's life was spared
after the Custer mas.iacru ; it would bu Incon
sistent to hanfcGcronlnioand , if thn knotty
legal question is decided in favor of handing
thn insurgent over to'the'mUitarynnthoiitics ,
which Is now expected , General Sheridan's
advice as to the punishment will be followed.
General Sheridan bos just returned from a
visit of inspection orthe division ot tlio Mis
souri , and has had n conference with the
president within n day or so. As far as any
prejudice existing against General Miles , ns
a volunteer ottirer , and In favor ot General
Crook , as a West Pointer , it is generally con
sidered that General Miles has tlio strongest
political Influence of any olllcer In tlie army.
William Golkan has been commissioned
postmaster nt Ht. Charles , Neb ,
The lollowing now ofllces and postmasters
Colonel N. E. Colmnan , n former account
ant in the disbursing ofllcc of the United
States coast and geodetic survey , to-day died
charge * , and specifications with tlie district
attorney hero alleging fraud against the fol
lowing olllcers and employes of ( ho bureau :
F. M. Theme , superintendent ; B. A. Calonn ,
assistant superintendent : C. O. Botitcllu , II.
( } . Ogden , John W. Parsons , Edwin Smith.
F. II. Parsons and1 R. M Bache. Warrants
have been Issued for all those Implicated In
tlio alleged frauds , and It Is expected that
there will bq a general shaking up In this
staid old department.
Senator Mandcrson , who has been here
for a day or so , has been quietly in
vestigating the numerous removals mm
changes In tlio government printing ofllcu
under Benedict. The senator is chairman of
the senate printing committee , nnd he has
notified Public Printer' Benedict that the
committee Is empowered to investigate the
government printing olTIco nt any time nnd
he thereby served notice on him that thu
committee would begin nn investigation of
his dismissals and methods In n very fuw
nays. Messrs. Manderson , Gorman and
llawley , compose tie | seuato print
ing committee , and there Is n
lively time | n prospect. Gorman
has suffered most , and Ills mun have linen
turned out unmercifully , it Is stated this
niornlne that there will be a discharge of 'MO
moiu employes of the government printing
olllco to-night. The employes of that placu
state that the large discharge already made ,
nearly GOO have crloplod the work
going on there. There is need of
every one discharged and more besides lo do
the work required by I'm government. In
thu bookbinding department the work Is
throe years behind time. The rush ot reports
from the departmenta'wblcli , nro soon to he
nlaccd In tliu printer's luindx will require a
employment since J4ii JJnnedlct took charge ,
- t.F , r
The.First AwUfrnMti * . Bl. O.'s Report ,
WASHJNOTON , ( ) ct7 :1 . First Assistant
Postmaster deiff-rnl fc. X- Stevenson has
submitted to tbepostmaster ; general his tn-
nual report upon tbuou r.atlonsof the bureau
for HID fiscal year oj\u ( \ unu ! > 0. It shows
the number of.postoffic si established during
the year to 3,482p'pumber discontinued ,
1,120 : net Increnset.a fe ; whole number of
postoftices , MQ4 } ; jjunibpr filled by appoint
ments of the postmaster general , 51ry. ) The
with the provlous yuar. " S.tKW ; on removals
nnd suspensions , H.&fiO ; increase , nscompared
with the proviatu year , 6,1M ; on deaths of
postmasters. 587 ; on establishment of new
postofllees , 8,432 total , 2J,747. General Stev
enson renews bis recommendation of last
year that the government pay olllce-runt for
postmasters of Jhu third clasa ,
ArresliiU for Cur Kobbcry.
ST. Louia , Oct. 16. For some time past
freight cars on.lhe Missouri Pacific and Iron
Mountain railways have been systematically
robbed. The thefts In every Instance have
been so completely covered up that detection
for a long time seemed Impossible. The mat
ter was placed , in the hands of detectives and
nineteen brakenicn were arrested at Fort'
bmlth , charged with boliitf implicated in the
robberlu * . hundreds of dollara of merchan
dise have in this way been stolen.
Heartrending Incidents of the Terrible
Storm Along the Qulf.
Wives nnd Children Drowned Hcforc
HiiNlinndH nnd Fntlicra The Death
List Growlnu Appeals Tur
Iniiucillnto Aid.
The Great IMsastor.
r3At.vr.STox , Tex. , Oct. 15. [ Special Tclo-
Hram to the Bin.J : Kutthur particulars of
thn great disaster at Sahlne Pass are con
stantly belli ) : received. Tim situation has
not been exaggerated In the least , A correspondent
pendent who has just returned from Sabinc
Pass telegraphs from Orange that turkey
buzzards are soaring over Sahlno for miles
around on land and water. It Is ono vast
eharnol house. The town Is swept out of ex
istence. What was a prosperous village
when last Tuesday dawned. Is now the center
of wreck and desolation. Tlicro am 12" per
sons missing nun supposed to be dead. Only
about twenty-live bodies have tints far been
recovered , There Is not ono sound house In
the town of Sabinc. The residences of Dr.
Ullllland and Kdltor McClanahan arc the
only ones that can ho repaired. Kvcry other
house Is an absolute wreck. Tills , In brief ,
is the story of the storm. Innuniprablo
touching and heart-rending Incidents of the
storm are related by the survivors. Ono
house , containing fourteen colored persons ,
was seen to go down with a crash and every
one of them was lost. Incidents are related
of husbands lashing wives and children to
floating wreckage nnd then seeing them
killed by heavy logs being driven against
them. The damairo to property can only bo
estimated by the value of the town , for all Is
lost. The Sablne and East Texas railroad Is
washed out for a distance of ton miles. The
ties have Iloatcd elf and the rails are twisted
llko wires. An cll'ectof the great hurricane
Is that millions of dead fish wore east np by
the waves , and thousands of birds also strew
the cround , A young woman ii < a perfectly
undo state was found roaming around on the
prairie , live miles from S.ibine. She was de
mented and could not tell her name.
When the government tug 1'enroso reached
Sabine yesterday Columbus Martin was
found rowing around the delta looking for
the bodies of bis family. Ho said : "Myself ,
wife and three children were clinging to the
floating roof , which was gradually btt-aking
to pieces. One of the little ones went and
then another. 1 was holding thu youngest ,
and soon my wife said : ' ( ! ood-bye , husband ,
I am going. I could not reach her. Thu
pieces of the roof supporting her broke oft
and she sank before my eyes. 1 > 'cld onto
the youngest child , named Pearl , some time
longer. The child , addressing me , said :
'Papa. ' I'm tired : won't yon walk witli me. '
The piece of 100 ! I was on was now crumbling
lo pieces. I told the little ono to kiss me.
bho put botn her llttlo arms around my neck
Hid gave inn a big squeeze , and just then a
n-iivc dashed 11.3 on" and 1 saw her no moic.
' . real God , why didn't I odo\vn loo. "
He was pressed to go on board Ihel'cnrosr ,
jut refused , saying , "Hero amomr thesu
agoonsaro the bodies of my wife and chil-
Iren , and here will I stop till 1 llnd them. "
No tongue can tell how the people have
mfTercd during the past few days.
. TDufltructlon nt Johnson's RnyoiiT
OitAXOE , Tex. , Oct , 10. ( Special Telegram
o the UKI-.J : The villagoof Johnson's Bayou
s on a high ridge on the sea coast , and the
layou from which It takes Its name runs
lirouch the Inhabitable parts of that section
if the settlement. In which is also situated
ho postofllco station known as the I lad ford.
They are in Cameron parish , on the Louisiana
here , six miles east of Sabiuo Pass. This
layou is nineteen miles lu length and varies
rom ono to four miles In width. Hidges
ace the gulf twelve feet above sea le\-el , and
n the rear is a dense ana impenetrable
narsli. The population of Johnson's Uayon
I'uesday numbered 7BO souls. To-day eighty-
Ivo of that number are counted with the
lead. Iladford was very thickly settled and
> opulous. It boasted of its cotton gin and
otton and cane plantations. It was
ho head of navigation and the stores were
nany. Principal amoni ; these were those
iin by J. Pavert , who also operated a gin ,
ind turned out annually 800 bales of cotton ,
irodnced In that section. Other stores were
wned by A. 15. Smith & Co. and J. ( Jrllllth ,
; tnoral ! merchandise , and other small mer-
ihnnts constituted the commercial comuuin-
ty. The handling of cotton nnd sugar cane
iroducts In the district was thu principal In-
lustry. These ridges composed some of the
Icbcst and most fertile grazing land In
lountry , 8,000 head of cattle and horses'being ,
iwncd by the thriving community. Com-
nnnlcatlon with the outer world was had
( trough two steam vessels , both owned In
lohnson's , llayoun and Itadford , while a
leet of trading vessels piled the waters of
ho liayoii.
On the mornlnprof Tuesday last happiness
ind contentment was the lot of the people ,
intil 4 o'clock that evening. When the
itorm descended upon them all took to their
ionics , and waited with bated tircath the
'ate which they foresaw. The waters
M-iran rising and the wind swept through the
owcr stories of the building , driving the
itVrightcd people Into attics and upon roofs.
Uy 10 o'clock the lirst ridge , which was
welvo feet above the sea love ) , was ten feet
inder water. House after house fell In or
, vas swept nvvay. Cotton nnd stores next
inccumbed. It was a night of terror , do-
> crlbcd by the surrlvort > as appalling. The
> oople could only cling to each other and
: > ray for mercy and for the souls of those
whoso dtsimirliu shrieks rang In tuolr ears.
For twelve hours the storm raged over the
levoted settlements , and then there came a
lull. Hope was soon revived as the waters
-eeeded and the storm passed away , and the
survivors gathered on thn most elevated
points , viewing the scene of desolation
tround them. Thu houses that had stood tno
iction of the storm were completely gutted ,
1'tiero was no food nor drink , the salt water
liaving Invaded everything. Then the search
for the dead began. Those whose bodies lay
[ > Inloned by the ruins of the houses were
jpeedllv recovered. From the marshes more
corpses were taken ana burled ,
The death roll was then made up ns fol
lows ;
MBS. FIIAMC TIIKNKII and two children.
JjOCKi : , wife and seven children ,
Oi.u Mils. LOCKK.
Jilts. W. KKitnudON and three children.
HiiApFoitn ItKiiuv and daughter.
Mrs. AI.IIKIIT IJAMUKUT and two children ,
HAM HUIIWICK'S ' night children.
Mits. SIIKIJ , WAI.I.KY and four children.
GKOJIOI : HTiVKMHtnnd fourchlldieu.
Mu. KIIANSIIAI.I , , wlt'u mid rraiulson.
Mm. S. UAI.MKII and four children.
Lox/.o SMITH and child.
MILS. 'looniAKc's fourchlldien.
JACK TOOOHAKK and seven children.
MILS. HAWKINS and three children.
Dii. GIOIIUK : SMITH , wife tiud lour chil
All the above were white people. The fol
lowing-la a Hut of the colored | > coplo whose
bodies Invyo been lecoverod and Identified :
Ei.KVtu-Joii.ssoN and wife.
JACK ! < KWiM , jvifu and brother.
IticiiAiiu HAJIUHICK , wlfo and live chll-
Yesterday morning a packet stern-wheel
steamer culled the Emily P. arrived at John
son's bayou and brought to Orange as many
us .she could carry--about Mxty peofdo. Mot
[ > u of them had anything but what they
btood In , and many of them were minus
lists , shoes , coats ana dresses. Their wan's
tveri promptly supplied by the people of tfcU
Place anil the refugees were made comforta
ble for tinnight. . I'lils morning the Kmlly
P. and steamer I.ark will return and from
thence make regular trips until all arc
nroutjiht to n place of safety. All the people ,
save a few who havn stuck
s.jy they have nb.uuhmed thu place torever ,
They arc descendants of n raeo of people
\\lio , lii the past , made Johnson's bavou n
va'-t oraugo trove. The trust came and
ruined them and then they turned to cotton
and sugar and stock raising , only to meet the
fate of their forefathers , of the 8.COJ head
of stock which of which once thu bi.\on :
boasted , i , ooo are drowned , while the lemain-
der will diu of thirst , at nil the uater Is salt ,
Xiw : OIIIIAX : , Oct. 10. It is now learned
that over eighty live of thu Inhabitants ot
Johnson's llajou lost their lives In the slorm.
toity of their bodies have been recovered and
consigned to graves In Shell ( tiffs , while the
decomposing corpses of the reuminmtr for'y- '
livu llu testerltu In the marshes. Uodfunl
was very thickly settled and when thi' stoim
bunnii Tucsdav everybody took to
their homes nnd waited with bated
breath a fate which thev fort-saw. The
waters begun rising , the \\ind sept \ tliniugh
the lower stories of tliu buildings driving the
all i billed Into attics and upon tools , liy
10 o'clock the Hist ildgo which was twelve
feet above the son luvel was ten feet under.
House ufter house Sell In or was swept away ,
cither retrying the doomed people In thu
debris or hurling them into the passim :
waters. The villagi' of Hoaford and
Johnson Uayou weredeslioyed incompletely
as if an Invading army had done the work ,
For twelve hours the sloim ra cd. Of 8.000
head of stock which < nee thu bayon boasted. are drowned , while the lomalnder will
die of thirst , as all water Is salt. J. S. Spen
cer , ono of the Inhabitants ot the place , says
this is the third storm ho has experienced ,
having bren through the storm at Moigan-
thaw In .hint ! last , nnd at Indianola in
August. Ho was making a handsome liv
ing supplying noilhorn and eastern markets
with bird skins and feathers. Ho loses over
SXX ( ) In potteries. Spencer was fortui'rlv
editor ot the liloomlngton (111. ( ) Pantagraplf.
There is no estimating the total loss , as there
Is no way of ascertaining thn valuation ,
hence It sullices to say that the town is ties-
t roved and abandoned.
UKAI'MO.VT , Tex. , Oct. lf > . flio train
which went toward Sabluu to-dayns far as
thu truck allowed , icturned here at 8 p. m.
Fifteen bodies wore reooveied on thu high
land called Hack Uidtcu , west of Sabine , and
were buried. Six bodies ot women were re
covered on the west hhore of the
lake , two colored nnd four white. , ono
being that of Mrs. W. A. Junker , of Carlisle.
Mr. Junker Is still missing. The steimcr
Emily P returned Irom Johnson's bayou , La. .
to O ran m and reports that those drowned at
that place were clilelly colored people. The
deaths at Sabine Pass and vicinity will ng-
irregate more than ninety and at Johnson's
bayou about eighty-live. Only tlnoo
houses aiu left lit tor human
habitation , though pcihaps a do/.en
an ; standing In a precarious condition , The
people wlio escaped with their lives ore oom-
pletelv ruined liiianclallv , a majority of them
not being alilo to provide themselves with
the bare necessities of life. A telegram from
tlie merchant of Oalveston to the relief CDIII-
mitteo hero sav.s : "Cialveston subscribes
. " 1,000. " The Mexican schooner Hcirules
is high and dry at a point called
011 Ponds. Hercaptain rnpoits that he was
hound for NTPW Orleans with ] d5 mahogany
logs , all of which are now supposed to bu lost.
A circular will bo addressed liy the finance
committee to the principal business houses
in thu leadlns ; trade centers ot tliu country.
It will requlio from S' to SIOO.OJO to
meet the emergencies of thu cnso.
Tlin Michigan Storm.
DKTHOIT , Mich. , Oct. 10. Keporls are
slowly coming In pUn > damage done by the
storm. In most , ' " ? ' ' 'J-n damage is to
fences , trees , rooffr ? KcShVi" . thu
gale was np tliu rlx.CO > ; grass mugo
hlghor than ever kfe .
' ' '
reported all along oVAc' , , . . p - ' * particularly -
ticularly on the Au : . , K STOCK. - alr
Haven and N'ejySrf ; . . , \nittr ex
tended a mile and .i half upon the land , and
floated away much valuable timber and
siniill bouses. The sloop yacht Turk , of Io- )
trolt. was carried away by the water , and liu-
ally lodged in an orchard 150 feet from shore.
Fields were generally Inundated , The sloop
yacht Annie S. , of Detroit , broke her cuhlo
on the eastern side of the lake , and was
landed high and dry a quarterof a mile from
shore at Suy Carty.
Destruction and Ijoss of
Ijlfe hy tlie Storm.
Loxno.y , Oct. 10. The troop ship Tyne ,
which is thirty hours overdue at Plymouth ,
has been sighted oil' there , laboring terribly
in the storm. The greatest anxiety lias been
entertained concerning her tor the last
twenty-four hours. The British ship Teviot-
tlalo , which sailed from Cardiff , Wales , on
Thursday last , was wrecked during the
storm on Carmarthen bar. Thcro were on
board at the time twenty-eight persons. A
boat , rescued nlno from I ho wreck. The
utliers , among whom wore the captain and
udlccrs. left In a boat , and but two of them
succeeded In reaching shore alive. The
other seventeen perished In the waves. The
great hiirricann which ban just passed over
England and Ireland was accompanied by
thu heaviest rains Within memory. During
last night thero'wero many collisions and
wrecks , nnd a number of channel ilshlni ;
lionLs were strandod. The storm was very
furious on the Irish coast. The streets In
many towns were flooded. Corn-stacks were
blown away , mid corn standing In tliu Holds
destroyed. The damage Is Immense. Tlicro
have been destructive Hoods in Wales.
The gale and Hoods along the south
ami west Kngllsh and Irish coast continue ,
having extended far northward. Many re
ports of bridges and buildings bulng
swept away are constantly coming
In. In Ulster , Ireland , the storm
and floods seriously Impede inllway
trallie. Many small vessels have been
wrecked. The loss of llfo ashore , so lar ,
caused by the norm , has not been great. The
British bark Hellaport has been wrecked oil'
Skellgs Islands , on the southeast coast of Ire
land. She was being towed by the tug ( iauie-
cock , when thu hawser parted and the bark
was thrown on the rockyshoroand destroyed ,
All her cinw perished.
The Congregational Council.
CHICAGO , Oct , 10. When the Congrega
tional council was called to order to-day Pro
fessor lienner , president of the Salt I.ako
academy , spoku against polygamy. The fol-
lowlne was adopted :
Husolved , That wo rccogulzo with respect
the loyal and Intelligent minority resident In
Utah , nnd I hat wit protest In udvancu against
the admission of Utah its a stutu at any
tlnin without the consent of that loyal mi
A short report on the now west education
commission was read , and other elm relies
were urged lo take moio Inteiest in assisting
the work of education in the west , itev ,
Albert Alvah I'rlHbi'e , of Dos Molne.s , la. ,
read a paner on "Chun-bus on the Itorder
hand of Self-support. " This was a powerful
plea for dependent churches. Thu council
will continue its work next week ,
They Still
CIHCAOO , Oct.10 , Great crowds were pres
ent at the session of the conveiu
tlon to-day to listen to the closing arguments
on the proposition to expunge tliu wouls
"Protoitaut I'.plsropal" fiom the innyer book-
anil laws of tlmchurcli. At thoconHiinlon of
thu debate a vnto wt i token by dlotT.'es ,
With the folloulti , , ' losulH : Clergv of Initv-
nine diocutcs voting : j'o.t * 17. nays U.J ; di
vided. 10. Lav dfloxates ot lorlv-four din-
cuso.s voting ; Yeas U , iiuy < < S'J ; divided. 41.
The resolution was. therefore , declared lost.
Tuo convention ntljourned until Monday ,
Captain and Grew Iiost.
ST. JOHNS , N. F. . Oct. to , Friday night
the schooner KmtlliiP , Captain ( Irani , bound
from St. Pierre to Hay Despair , struck on the
Dragon promontory In Hm milage bay , on tliu
west const of Nuvr Foundland , and sank im
mediately. The captain and crew of six men
wue all loit.
Orowda of Idle Men at the S'ook Yaidi
Using "Moral Suasion , "
Complete Arrangement Flip the Pro
tout Ion o f Proper ty K very thing
llcnily for nn Knii'ruenoj
I-'cw Violent Aots.
The Oront Lookout.
CuirAoo , Oct 10 ( Special Telegram (0 (
thn Uii : : . | "His war now for sure , " said a
stock man , ns lie stood on the Transit liotiso
steps ntlcrhlsO o'rlook breakfaM. At this
hour , usually so marked by crowds nt men
on their way to work , there was llttlo sign of
llfo on the stn-ols. Whore a week ago tlious *
anils of mi'n trooped through the big goto
leading to the yards , scarcely a doron at a
time could be seen. Over in thu oxclmnga
building , usually teeming with cuttle bit ) ore
and sellers , eager and noisy as so many
board of trade speculators , the great hall was
almost deserted , and the few that , Irmn old
association and custom , still madu their ap-
pearanee , stood around In a listless kind of
way. A passenger train came In on the
Michigan Southern tracks , but Instead of
pnlllim np on thu usual side-track nt the
depot , the engine kept on around "Tho
Hoi n , " and took three coaches np Forty-
seventh street and stopped at thu alloy which1
loads down to Armour & Co , , 3 houses. j
Nearly two hundred men alighted and !
walked to tliuollle.0 , where they were given
jumpois and overalls and sot to work In the
old house. What woikthorj was for thorn
to do Is a mystery , as no hogs
wcro being killed , but the authorities
say that they were "set to work , "
and as no one could sui ! them there. Is no evi
dence to the contrary. Theio has been a
committee , either appointed by the strikers
or self-constituted , for the purpose of dis
suading any now men from going to work.
The members of the committee keep close
watch on the terminus of the .street ear line
and on that of the dummy train ? , and snu >
eeeded In Inducing a number of M > okera
after employment to return to the cltv. They
cannot obtain access to tliu special train * ,
however , and consequently succeed In divert-
Inir but a very small proportion of the crowd
that daily applies for work Irmn tin- packing
houses. However , they tu-u enthusiastic lu
their work and hall each man who weakens
with lusty cheers. I'lio precautions for
guarding the property of thu puckers have
heen greatly increased. In the town hall aru
a score of cots on which the regular police
sleep. Telegraph wlios lead to each of the
packing iioiiMis. and night and day an opera
tor is on duty. Thu watchmen at thu packing
timiM's rejmit by signal to the telephone olllt'e
every halt hour , and a patrol wiigon crew is
ready for duty nta moment's notice. Klec-
trlc lights liave been linng throughout all
the alleyways and Illuminate every nook
and corner , turning the darkest nluht Into
thu brightest day. Last , bill by no meant
least , in piotcctive measure' ! , Is the Pinkcrton
fon'e. Their barracks In Washington' 1) ) itch-
cr's Sous' packing houses present the appearance -
pearanco of a military camp. All through
tin ; day and night sentinels , armed with their
Winchester rifles , pacoupiind'down tiio alleyways -
ways and tracks which surround It , The
usual crowds of Idle men remained In the
vicinity of. the naokln ? houses to day Mid bo-
Bouuht men. wuo could bo readied not to
work.Many appltcnnts.forworkihow vcr- ,
wcntouton the regular and special passen
ger trains and were landed nt the doors of
thu packing houses , which wore guarded by
armed patrols. Thu strikers stopped a wagon
containing clothing and budding for thq
I'lnkorton men just outside the city llmltu
to-day and handled the driver roughly , throw
ing the clothing in the street. A wagoii
loaded with bread tor the l.'jnkerton gnantu
was stopped outsldo the city limits , when thu
police arrived the wagon hau'dlsuppo..rjd.
Tlio MinncapollH Hwitclimcii's Strike ,
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Oct. 10. The switch
men's strike stands in status quo. Superin
tendent Kgan , .of Manitoba , complains thit ,
a crowd nt' 209 strikers ibis afternoon un
coupled the cars mid killed the engine of a
trainload of wheat the company was try ug to
inoyej Also that the police refuse to inter-
ferc'and Mayor Ames cannot bo found ,
ills Views on Prohibition and Ifont-y
George's Cnnclidnoy.
NEW YOIIK , Oct. IB. [ Special Telegram to
the UEK.A Boston special L'lv.t'H the follow
ing account of an Interview with James U.
Blatno :
" 1 am just from Augusta , " said Mr. lilalnc ,
"and on my way to 1'hlladolphla , wlicnv I
speak Saturday night. I shall vlhlt Pitts
burgh and several other cities , returning.
about the middle of next week.1'
"What Is the situation in Pennsylvania'.1"
was nsked.
"It is about the same as It was In Maine.
The prohibitory party 'arc creating havoc ,
and seem determined to destroy the republi
can pai ty. "
"How about New York state'/ '
"It Is a little different there , " replied
Ulalno. " 1 presume If the question wiru
submitted to a popular void It would bo do *
feati.'d , anil that Is the very reason why'thq-
Icmpcranco fanatics oppose such n proposi
tion. It Istruo that the lepubllcnn party baa
never formally advocated prohibition In IU
I'latlorm ' , but every law that bus tended In
uny way to suppress thu liquor ttalllo in tlia
state has been passed uy republican legisla
tures , 1 remember an anecdote that Governor
Seymour told mo himself , which bears on Una
wry question , and which Is , by the wnyv
ngninst prohibition , Seymour was convent.
ing with Mr. Deluvan , of Albany , about the
elt'ect of ahsoluU ) prohibition In the
state of Now York. 'Now , ' bald Seymour ,
rtiimioM ) wo had a community In the
Male where the sale of Intoxicating diink *
was absolutely prohibited , where everybody
had all the food he wanted to eat anil
clothing he wanted to wear. ' 'Hut vou wan
turning of Klslnms,1 interrupted Mr. Dclavan ,
'Itut that's the kind of a community you HIO
striving to Pieato. Isn't It. ' 'Vos , perhaps
' Mr. Uclnvan. 'Well ' mild
so , replied . , Mr.
Seymour , 'we Imvo'J.BOO of such people
as thcM ) in Slut Sing. ' Deluvau saw tho.
point. "
"Do yon think the prohlbllory'party move
ment much more dunmous than the labor
movement ? " Inqulied thucunespondeiit.
"Yes , for the reason that the lormor tend1
to disrupt and destroy the republican party.
It Is the strangest thing to me why the third
party men think that we uru continually
lighting temperance when we aru for It , ft
Isanenersltv of human nutme almost Innx-
pllcable. 1 think that the campaign In Malno
Injured the thiid party movement verv much.
Neal Dow's conduct can only bu explained on
the ground that he Is an old mun , "
"what do > ou think of Henry George's
candidacy for Mayor of Now Yoik ? "
"I don't see how ho Is going to carry his
land ( schemes Intopractlce , " sala Ulalne , "It
may be all well enough to limit the amount
of lain ) one mun can hold , but I don't ' BCO
how yon cnn limit the time , Ton rau't
limit It lo lens than a year , for n mun will not
ROW unless he can reap. "
"Am you satisfied with the cainmtgu In
"Vi- . , and more than satisfied. Wo had a
good candidate for Governor In Hod well , nui (
he will make nn excellent Governor. "
Hewitt and Hoocovrlt Aooopt.
NEW YOIIK , Oct. -Messrs. . Hewitt and
Roosevelt have written formal letters accep
ting icbpcctlvcly the democratic nnd icmibll-
can nominations for mayor of Mew York.
tvnd Iowa Woollier.
For NebniHka and Iowa : Fair weather , fol
lowed by local rains In tha eastern porllou ;
urn i If Mnllunnry temperature ,