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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1886)
AA A Sttnngc Document and What It Promises to Rovcal. MRS. COCHRAN ANSWERS. Hho Tell * Her Slrto of tlic B ory The Sioux City BiinCCt 1'ollco Court Ijocnl I iCH , EtO. A Hcnsntlminl Mj'fltery. It leaked outyc.stiinlivy that the police nro engaged In investigating n mystery which in ftomcthiiiR on the Captain KUId order. Tliny arc trying to discover the whereabouts of a hidden treasure , which is supposed to bo located on Twenty- second nnd California streets. The manner in which the matter was lirst brought to the notice of the police , la decidedly interesting. The other day n | ronllcimm walking down the street plckrd ii | ) n smnll piece of paner. It was inscribed on both sides , nnd Its contents wore of such n curious nature that he de cided to bring the matter ut oncu to the notice of the iiolieo. Ho accordingly turned the document over to Marshal Cuniniings. In who o possession it now is. On OIK ; side of the paper is si diagram , ns follows ; 22.N1) hT. Stable. On thu two sides of the paper are the following inscriptions , whlcli explain the diiignim and its purpose : Oct. 5 , 1886. Mike : 1 burled It like vou told mo to. Hy tin ) aid of tills jou will luul It. Kvcry bit ol the money Is K" o but a little. , Jiuitv. : Then follows the description of the location of thu treasure : "On tlie northeast corner of California nnd Twenty-second street1 ! , htcps from coiner of sidewalk In a heu line tiom the corner , of stable ; stop ; then walk Mwn Rti'iis In a lice-line fioin a comer across alloy. Uhr tlicio ami } uu will liiul it seven feet deep. " The following parenthetical explana tion accompanies the explanation : "Tear this up , of course , after yon get through with it. If you don't , wo are douo for. " The diagram is very neatly and aceur- ntely drawn It oocnpws about one-half of a note sheet. The writing is of almost Hcmi-feminlnc character. There is noth ing about tin ; document to show the name of eilher the writer or the person to whom the mysterious missive is ad- dressed. The police were engaged to-day in dig- ping on the snot indicated , bill so far Iliivo found nothing. It is more than ] irobablo that "Mike" has been there before fore them and alruady dug up the mysterious something. 'There arc two theories concerning the matter. Ouu is that the communication is con cerning booty buried by thieves for tem porary safe-Keeping. This is a highly probable theory and every feature oFtho document bears it out. The other is that the body of sonic victim , murdered for nis money , has been buried there. Tins Mipposilion , however , appears to bo a triilo far-fetched. CocIinui'H Answer. The sensational divorce proceedings commenced a few weeks ago by Hov. Warren Coehran against his wife , Katie Cochran , and the subsequent assault case will bo remembered. Yesterday W. S. Shoemaker , attorney , filed across bill and answer in behalf of Mrs. Cochran that Bhows the Uev. Cochran up in anything luit an enviable light. The petition is a very voluminous document. The plain- tin' alleges that she became acquainted with Hev. Cocliran in 188-1 through an ad vertisement in the UIH ; , in which the de fendant signed himself Otis Myrtle , jr. , nnd sought correspondence with n. view to matrimony. They afterwards met nnd she was induced to marry the de fendant , who represented that his home in Omaha was u littln palace , and she should be given a deed to it. At this time thu Itcv. Cochran had an undivorccd wife Jiving m Michigan unknown to the pliunliu" . They were married in Septem ber and came to Omaha. In less than an hour after their arrival Itcv. Cochran mndo her go to work scrubbing the lloors nnd induced her to spend her own money to furnish the house , Ho then put her to work in the garden r.nd compelled her to perform most of the labor in Ilia gath ering of 1.200 pounds of grapes. Sliu was compelled to do nil of her own washing nnd ironing , and was oven required to out her husband's hair and black his boots. This trouble and disappointment could luivu been borne bythoplaintill'liad not liln children by his former wives been allowed to join In the war against her. They commenced a systematic course of iibuso ot the plnintilVin order to force her to leave her home and thus bo defrauded of her shuru of the propoily. The petition recites at length the many nbusns heaped upon the plalntilV by the Coohran children. Well advised of their plans mid purposes the plaint * ! ! ' refused to bo driven from her home , although the children nt one tinio attempted to compel her to do BO by violence. A severe charge is made against Itov. Cochran by the pe titioner to the oflect that in October and November , 1634 , ho , by u judicious di lri- button of corn , decoyed a lot of chickens , the property ofV 11. Harrison , J. 11. Co vert and L. It , Tirrcll , about six do/.cn In till , into hia barn and compelled his wife to kill them and prepare them for the market. The plniutill' finally succeeded in gutting a hired girl lo help her and al- logon that Hev. Cot-bran very soon became unduly intimate with the hired girl and ciuuiud another domestic low. There are other charges contained in the petitlonof nbuso of the pluintln" by llov , Cocliran , who , hhu asserts , frequently shipped and choked her and used otnor violence to ward her. The plalntlli * asks for a di vorce and alimony in the sum of ? 8,0(0. Hlntix City' * nUmarok. nVcstiMtlay morning I Im overland paisn ger train on the Union I'acilie from the westhad on board Kosnilnky the man known un'Mlianiaiek , " who it is claimed it implicated in the murder of Hev. Mr Had dock ut Slout City. Ho was in custody of James Neulan , chief of the polite , win went to Sun Francisco to arrc him. Ik It n ntnti of medium liei lit. ratliar for b.ddln" features , and seemingly posn'sseii of ihn feeling that ho would like to stran f li ! tomu ptiron. Hut r.rri't wnsn olevi't ' ) > liTiof work nnd redound to thu crudll it iho polifo of that pliii.o. Mayor Ciclniut anil Mardial Shank'j worn Jirrt'ti ) mrct him , lmIng oomo fron KiotiX Oily in time to ineet him last night 'J'hey were cloM-lod with him while tin 'train teed In I ho dfpot nnd nllhougl limy wntiid notny anything nhout it I i Inferred that they icrcivml hi * oonfes gioii.ora ttAloiiicnt ot liU roitncotloi with il-o ilrnwlful murder TM * . > douo in order to proyuH the po ' ' - of his being consulted by any con federate In Sioux City. It Is said that when "Bismarck" left Sioux City , the second day after the murder , ho was accompanied by n man named Ouenther nnd another party , known ns the "Kid , " and that they went down the river in a boat. Uismarck wn.s furnished money to ? et away with , and was instructed that if lie was ever brought back or asked for n statement , ho was to place the matter onto Lcavltt as being the guilty party. In pursuance of this it was paid that he had made n statement , and that ho had followed out the instructions given be fore his departure. The party crossed the river to the lllitfl'o , where they took the evening train for Sioux City. Talks AVItli Travelers. Com Tanner , star "Alone in London' jompany. "I commenced at the nge of fourteen and have been on the stage nearly ten years. The first six years I lioarcd in n broad range of characters , from low comedy to Shnkespercun trap- dy. ' 1 hen I went to London witli MeKuo Hankin , where wo played n long engage ment in the Uanitcs. The next year 1 took the part of Alice Verncy in ( lone- viovo Ward's play. 'Forget Me Not , ' nnd the next year relofncd iMcKeo Hankin , with whom I did 'Hilly I'iper.'m the DantU'S , until the close of the season. 1 ntcrpreted the title role in 'Claire , the r'oigcmnstcr , ' also playcct 'Lady Claire1 several weeks with Wnllnck'H Now York company , and many of tlioShakespcrean roles , finch ns 'Desdcmonia , ' 'Onholia , ' 'Portia , ' etc. By thu way. I appeared in comic opera for ten weeks at the Fifth Avenue theatre , New York. 1 was en gaged-there to create the leading char acter , tin ) 'Princess Ida , ' in Gibort te Sul- : in s opera of that name. " 'I have heard that actresses are gener ally superstitious. Are you included in tlie category ? " "No , I am not. 1 have repeatedly been issigned to room 13. I was once a mem ber of n dramatic company which con sisted of 13 people , and last summer , at Long Branch , my bath house was No. 13. and 1 have never experienced any evil results from the much detested number. Last year , when playing'Lady Claire , ' at Niblo's , New York , mot Robert Buchanan , the author of that play. Ho was very favorably imuressed with im performance , and at his request wo were ntrodueed. He informed me that he had lust completed the finishing touches to Alone in London , " and stated that the character of "Annie Meadows" in the play , was exactly suited to me. "After hearing tlie play read. I per fected arrangements with Colonel Sinn : o 'star' in the play this season , whicli up : o this time has been very prosperous. I found a horse shoe on Broadway the evening I first met Mr. Buchanan , which was Friday , and the lirst rehearsal of 'Alone in London' was held on Friday. "No , I have never had any diamonds stolen , never was in a burning hotel or a ailroad accident , nor does Worth manu- 'ucturu my costumes. Emotional roles nny best impersonations. During my entire career my sole ambition has been : o become perfect in tlie delineation of . 'cali.stic emotionalism. 1 commenced : ny dramatic life at the bottom of the ladler - ler , and by hard work and arduous study inve gradually ascended towards the top. uid although I have not reached the top rung , still I am at present elevated al iiK-li a height that I can complacently ook with mdill'crcncc on the past , rest- ng assured that my future will be full ot iromiso. " Itml Notes. The following circular was issued yo.v terday , by the Union I'aeilic : The freight agencies of the Union Pa-- cilio anil.Utah Central railroads at Og- ' .Ion station , Utah , will be consolidated with Mr. B. T. llulaniski as ioint agent , taking cllect October 11,1830. S. T. SMITH , Gen. Supt. The general freight oflice of the Union I'ncilic is undergoing considerable reno vation and reconstruction. A J. Alton , of Blue Hnpids , was seri ously injuied Tlum-day while riding on a band car of tttc Union Pacific , sustain ing paralysis of tiio lower limbs. Dr. Iioll'inan has ordered him to be brought to thii hospital at this place. George II. llodcl. n young man em ployed tn the machine .shop of the Union I'aeilio had his forefinger ol the left hand crushed yesterday morning bya cog. lie wasbronght to the Union Pacific infirmary and hi.s wound was dressed by Lhs. Holl- man and Carpenter. "Yesteiday morning's train from the west contained no loss than eightncn cars most of which v/ero well tilled with pas sengers. It was in eh'irgn of Carroll Pierce nnd engine22&upp lit d the motn e pwcr. It wns 0.10 of the longest trains of the season. Ed Matliis. formerly one of the engi neers of the Union Pacific , has exchanged places- with Daniel llynos , and taken sliurgc ot the locomotive round house , while Hyncs rides in the cab. The 1 o'clock run on the afternoon dummy was abandoned yesterday andwill ; continue so until the bridge work fails to interfere. Ijiptnn Anln. The contract was let yesterday for tlio building of a storehouse on Jones street in the rear of Puxton & Gallagher's store [ jyThos. Lipton , the now packer , whoso house at the stock yards is to bo opened about the 1st of next month. This will bo especially for the accommodation o ! the city trade , which Mr. Lipton pro poses to encourage. The building will bo completed in about three weeks , by which time Hie. first car load from the packing house will have been shipped , Air. Linton has already made arrange ments by which a load of pork shipped Irom hio house aid o'clock in the even ing and ho unloaded at the place meii- thmed at ? o'clock next morning , access to the shine being hy the Paxton & ( lallagor track. Army Notes. Colonel Poland , of the Twenty-first In fantry was in the city yesterday on route from Fort Leavenwortb , to assume his now communy at Fort Bridger.Vyo , The troops whicli have dur ing the past summer , been stationed at Montc/uma , Utah , to protect the settlers in tlie southeastern portion of the territory from Indian in- ciimions , have been ordered back to Forl Douglas. All danger IB considered past. General Brock is expected to be ut his post of duty early next week. General Dandy went west yesterday morning to establish an agency at Prleo'ri Station on the Denver & Itio Grande road for the purpose of supplying new Fort Du Chesne. Sick on the Cam. A well-to-do gentleman named John Henry Flood , of Chambersburg , Pa. , passed through the city Thursday eyening lie was very seriously ill with Bright's dis ease of the kidneys , So near did lie think his end was approaching Unit he dictated to a fellow-passenger what dis posal lo make of his traveling elVeets' nnd In * remains in case of death. Dr Coll' , man , of this city , was summoned to meet the train on its arrival at fi0. : ' He did so , and after examination of the traveler , gave Ids opinion that he would live to the cud of his journey eastward , Tlio TrimU Gone. There u now no hopu of pecuriuj ; tin tniiil ; stolen by Baler from MssO'Coi' | | in r The oue supposed to be in Pacific Jmulion has uiatvriou&ry disappeared. ST. PIIII.OMBXA'B FAIR. It Opens W Itli n Hooin AVhnt la to , IJo Seen , The second evening of the fnlr for tlic benefit "of St. Phllomena'a cathedral , whicli is now being hold in the annex to the exposition , nns nttonded Thursday tnghl by a good-si/.ed and liberal audience The tables were decorated in a most hcnutlful manner , and many articles which had not arrived for the first night , wore placed in display. There Is an ex cellent array of i.vouug ladies , who af ford every opportunity to the visitor to Invest his money in a number of articles of great variety , both of use and orna mentation. Last evening n Mikado tea party In costume was given by the ladies of the choir , and this evening tlio ladies will sing a number of pieces from that popular opera , in costume , under the leadership of Alias Fanny Arnold , Mr. Edward Moadimbcr , proprietor of the Novelty carriage works , has donated handsome two-wheeled ' , a - boy's phaeton or "dog-cart , " ' complete in every detail nnd beautifully liuMicd. It would be a "joy forever" to any boy , nnd the con test for it will doubtless bo a lively one. The candidates for it are : Wior Coil- man , Clarcnco Gallagher , Aide MoCau"- rey , Fred Nash. Baby Carey , Willie poad , Harry Cushing , Creighton Shelby , To in m ie Hiley , Will Coryell , and Frank Maginn. Senator Teller. The ox-secretary of the interior nnd a man who knows a great deal , to say the least , about Colorado politics , was in the city Thursday on his way to Washington. There are ycry few more tillable men than the senator , but , like all men in the proscenium boxes of the theatrical show , lie has but little criticism to make on what may take place within the glare and glitter of the garnsh lights. Colorado rado will go republican , ot course ; Blaine will be the next nominee were the gist of the man's conversation with a repre sentative of the BUK ; but kind words for and a desire to see Senator Mauder- son were the monopolizers. "Why , that brainy little man you folks liave sent from Nebraska is a power in : hc senate , " said the Colorado senator. " 1 can almost call his popularity simi lar to liis stories , chestnuts they 11 keep , seriously speaking , Senator Mandcrson is one of the most popular men in na tional legislation to day. I see yon have some contest over Senator Van Wyct's election. He is a great worker , and lias iven Nebraska a greater reputation : lian it ever had before. I haven't given much attention to Nebraska politics , and jf course have very little to say , oven if I lad any business to do so. Oiie tiling is certain , Van Wyck is a good man. " A Pair or Marriage" . Miss Carrie and Miss Nealie Stevens were Thursday married at their home , 2500 Davenport .street. The former was wedded to Air. 11. Kennedy and the lat ter to Mr. W. C. Blackburn. The cere- nony was performed by Uev. J. B. Ma\- ield for one of the couples while Hev. T. M. House joined the other. Among the guests present from abroad were Miss Jallie Stewart , of Nebraska City , Miss Flo Blncidnirn , Mrs. E. M. Battis , Mr. K. \ . Blackburn , and Miss Grace Battis. Mr. and Mrs Blackburn go west to re side in Denver , while Mr. and Mrs. Ken nedy will return to live in Omaha after their wedding tour. A linrkini ; Nuisance. P. Gallivan complains that he is pcs- Lored beyond endurance by a neighbor ing cur. whos aim in life appears * tobe an ambition to chew oil'a chunk of Pat's shins , lie had complained to the owner of the dog and was politely invited to "go to. " Then lie went to the nohco and swore out a warrant for the dog's death , but none "of tiio finest" has yet appeared and the dog continues to menace his pedals. Why the police neglect to execute the warrant and the dog is the conundrum which Mr. CJalli- van has referred to Marshal Cummings. Homo Anln. { Yesterday morning there was quite a nu merous return from Hastings , of the Omaha Knights of Pythias , who had been in attendance upon the sessions of the grand lodge. Among these were Messrs. Shropshire , M illox , Trcitschkc , Uorden , Wiley , French and others. The next nn nual sesion of the grand lodgo'will bo hold one year hence in this city. E. E. Finnch was the only gentleman from tins city who was selected for ollicn and he was re-elected to the position of grand keeper of the record and seals , n position which ho has held for the past cloven years. Tlio Detective. S. A. Holland , representing the Detec tive Publishingcompanyof Cedar Hapids , is in town. His company publishes an excellent little paper called the "De tective , " which is full of news interesting all engaged in criminal business. Its contents are varied and besides consider able spnco is devoted to accurate descrip tions of fugitives from justice for which rewards are issued. It is the intention of this company to move to Omaha by the midd'e ' of next month , so that the Decem ber issue of tlie publication will be gotten out here , Sioux City Supervisors. M. L , Jones , 1) . P. Green , George Chase , J. B , Crawford and \ \ . L. Sloan , members of tlio board of supervisors of Sioux ( 'Ity , came into town yesterday mor ning nnd registered at tboPaxton They are on a lour of inspection of jails In this part of the country , witli a view to learn ing something about institutions of this kind , one of which they propose to build at their city. Judging from the enormity of some of tlio crimcH committed up there recently , the necessity of a good jail is very apparent. Tlio Gun Club. The Gun club will probably hold its annual limit next week , commencing probably next Thursday. Three days will bo allowed one for going , one for com ing and one for hunting. The banquet will be held til the Millnrd , at the con * elusion of tlie hunt , and extra prcparn lions \ ill be made tn place It ahead of anything in previous years , An Insane Cyprian. Thursday afternoon Court \Baillfl' \ Louis Grebe , arrested Lou White , nn in mate of a house of ill-ropnto at 1115 Cap ital avenue who is charged with being insane. Her trouble has been caused by indulging in the opium habit. She was locked up in the county jail. The Cabin I.lno Uouto. Tint man who knows it alluld | yesterday that the unite of the cable line had been located. It will run up Tenth to Daven port , out Davenport lo Thirty-second ! thence south to Leavcnwortli , and thence oasl to Tenth. Stole n Cow. Chas. Grnomes was arrested yesterday for stealing u row from S , T. Peterson , He tried to sell it to a butcher on Cuming struct. Hi.sonSampson. . Albert M. Hi\son and Mary J. Samp son , both of Omaha , were marriedThuri- day by Rev. A. F. Sherdll. 1/ncnl linconlos. Contractor Flyiin "hihull commence excavating for the new iihotul on Tenth ami Farnam about \ \ ediiwsdny next nnd expect to have the job completed in twenty-five days. The jfoundation will probably bo laid this yearA" A politician " ! see John A , McShnne landed in town to-day and .all the ward bummers 111 tlic city arc after him , look ing fora job , of course -I'd rather take a trip to the infernal rogioiuthan run for olllco. " Kobort Eassonwn ? vorv much ple.vcd with theremarkibf Air Withorell at the lunch given the Pennsylvania rail road at the club last night. He said , in olleet that when hogs and battle could bn slaughtered so near the place of raising , and then shipped in a dressed condition to the markets cast , that it meant nn ad vantage of 10 per cent to the city where they were slaughtered. " John Baumer : "The attention of HIP legislative candidates out to be called to the urgent need ol an improvement in the road law At present a man can Jay out a road without serving notice upoil the persons whoso property is alTected by the road. The law oughtto be changed so that the parties all'cetcd by the road shall be notified by an officer the same as a court summons of any other kind. " Judge Stenborg : "It makes mo tired ( o see the way people act every time a Chinaman is arrested. When Jim Nellgh had hi.s trouble on Farnam street me other night , and tlourished hi.s gun in the facu of a crowd of people , the marshal was blalmed for not canMng his arrest But when San Goon ge's out with a cocked revolver that he probably don't know how to handle , and chases a crowd of people oil'of the street , the policeman who arrested him is abused by the eiti- /.ens and the press , and foolish women face the unpleasant features of a police court trial to set as sympathising hearers of his case in court. ' Bulldinu Permits. Supi'rintcndent Whitloek issued build ing permits yesterday as follows : Kosana Soruenson , one-story tranio cot- liiL'O , Park Place 3 460 ( ! . P. Delu. two-btoiv frame residence , T\\euty-elphth and P.iiker. t,500 ! Mis. C1. A. Stli'kne } ' , two-story fume lesldencc , 100 South Twenty-eighth . U,000 Three permits , aggioentlng. ffl.r > .10 Thlspowaor novor'vnrteS. - A marvel of pur- ty.Etrciistliiina whoUisomonoRs. JIdro econ omical thun the oidlnnry kinds nnd oannt he old tncompetition with the tmiiutudo of low tOEt.Bhort woightn'um ' or i > hiisliate ] 1'owtlerg. Sold only In cans. Itorn. HAKINO POVTDEII Co leSWall St. . Nevr York M 13th SI , Cor. Capitol Avenue. ron TUB THKATMKI > T or jut. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. MoWIENAPflY. Propliotor. SlitttMi veura' lloxliitcl una 1'rivatu I'ractlcc Wuliavu the facilities , npparattip and n medics for tlio fucrcfsfnl treatment of ocry form of Ul - i ao rcniilrine cither medlcnl or eur Icnl Ireatmr nt , niul IrnHo nil tocc > menmlluvcftlfitefor : tlHtmsclvcj nr corrcspoml wllh in. J.oni ; experience In trrnt | | > K'CH ! 9 by letter cmblee ua to treat many case * 5C ! nllBciiify without m-clnz thlrn ' . WIHTK fOU CinOUI.AH ou Dcformltle * nnd Hraccy , Club Feet , Cimnturca of tlie Hplno UEitJLizs or WOXEV , 1'llcn , Tnmirc , Cancers1 , Cnttrili , Qrouclilt ! * , Inhalation , Electricity , I'nral- yols , Kptlrpey , Klilnt-y , Kyt , Kar , bkin , Illood ami all surgical opcrutlona. Ilntterle * , Inhaler * , Ilrucrn , Trnsne , anil nil kinds of Medlcnl and .Surgical Appilaucve , mun ufactutcJ nnd for e.ilc > Ti3 only reliable nlcdlcal Initituto making Private , Special Nervous Diseases rA HP/JC1AI.TV. ALT , CONTAGIOUS AND JII.OOD DISEASES , from linlcvcr caiif e produced , ntu coisf ully trc.iti'd. Via cm rcmiAe. .Syphilitic po'.to.i from tlic njetcm without mercury , New reMorntnotrcalniPiit for lo u ofltal power A LI , COMMUNICATIONS CONl'IIJUNTIAl , C.ill r.nd consult us or eend uimo nnd pec t-ollli e nildriM plainly written encloio ntauip , and wo will ( .end yon , In pliiln wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN ui'ox 1'itiVATn , SITOUL JIM ) Nt.iirous , , 07 , HrrniLia , CioNonmm : ! , GLEET , VAKICOCEI r , STIIICrUHK , AND AIL 1 > I KA6K8 or THE OrSITO- Umsinr ORUANS , or tcud history of your case for an opinion , I'ereom nualilc tj \ Ml us may lie treated at tlielr homes , by correspondence .Mrdlcluei nnd Instru ments rent by mall or depress aiiX'UUIJI/i' 1'ACK- El ) FROM OIIHIUIVATIO.V , no inarkn to Indicate fonttnti or tender. One penonil lutenlcw pro ferrrd If contrnlvnt , Fifty rooms for tlio nccum- nioilatlon of patient * . IloArd and attendance at rc.isoualjle pilce - Addn-ns all l.ettcrn to Omaha Medical and Surgical institute , Cor. 13th St. and Caollol Avo. . OMAHA. NEB. . Invaluabl'oTu . mllU. chalei IIIIUM.UMI and Teething. A pra-dlgM10food for Dya- Peptlca. Conaumptlvet.vOonvaleoconts. orfaat nutriout la all WartlnK niseaeec. Ilsqulroa no cooklua. Our.HooL. The Our * and Feeding of Infant * , mailed t a. DUUOER , aoOUALU O CO. , Doatou , M M Bankrupt Stock , OF Shoe Findings at Cost , OMAHA CO. , OMAHA1JU7 aa Stet. With which we have met in the disposal of the several specialties we advertised cUirine the last week has proven to us that the people of Omaha appreciate bargains whenever they are offered , and in order to keep the ball rolling we have placed on our bargain counters for this week the following : One lot of Men's All "Wool Oassimere Pants at $2.60 , worth at least $3.50. One lot of Men's Blue Chinchilla Pea Jackets and Vests at $6.90 , worth at least $9. One lot of medium weight Oassimere Overcoats at 7.50 ; sold by other dealers for $10. Another lot of our celebrated All Wool Men's Oassimere Suits at $6 , which are positively worth at least $8.50. Our All Wool Scarlet Undershirts and Drawers at 50c each are going fast. All of these specified lots are in rather limited quantities , and those desiring to examine them will find it to their interest to do so at once. ALL G-oODS AT STRICTLY ONE PRICE AND MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha. TO 11A NDLK THIS Union Sewing Machine , NEBRASKA ANDOVER LIGHTEST RdffllRG , Simplest in Construction , And NOISELESS OVER 1,000,000 IN USE , Address for particulars , UNION MANUFACTURING CO. , UK ) X. Kith SI. Oinaliuvbrjiskii. . I One Day \ , TUESDAY , OCTOBER 19th. SPECIAL STAKE RACE. TOTAL PURSE , $3,000. HARRY WILKES , : Record 2:142 * . CHAS. HILTON , : \ \ 2:17 ARAB , : : : : 2:16 % . $500 ABBITIOHAL IF 2:17 IS BEATEN. 2:18 : CLASS. THREE ENTRIES. PURSE , $800. EVA , : : : Hecprd EWlDlTXOiOTsr : ADMISSION TO ENTIRE GROUNDS , SO CENTS. Belt Railway Every Half JIvur. C. S. RAYMOND , RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The Inmost slock. Prices the Towcst. Repairing " speclfiHy All work wan anted - ed , Corner lJoii'lai. { and 15th struuts , Omaha. THE C. E. SSAYHE REAL ESTftTE and TRUST CO. S.M' . COR. 15th A5 PAtlXAM , OMAHA. Property of ovorydesorlptlouror sale mall parU of the city. Jami > for sulo In .very county in Nepra a Qp 3 Of Titles of Douglas county kept. M UPS of the city aUto or county , or ny other ijiforuiatiou desued , furnUhed . 'cu of chars * upon pplloatlon , P. BOYER&OO. . and Jcti ? Work. 1020 l-'aniam Slrcct , OTiabft : , Neb. DR. IMPEY , JUV. Cor. Hth and Io i li'i ; ' Sis. Practice liniitcd to DlHousea of tlio EYE , EAR , NOSE AND THROAT , GlaBSOsflttod for all formi of dofeetlva Vlaioii. Artlllclal Kyoi Inserted. Curg fur U > ktV * rvhoo.1 ° , lbbimj ? } & . flUpuUhf * I'roofi. Bookj l M4