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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1886)
THE CXMLAHA DAILY BE&t SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10 , J88G. SPEOIALNOTIOES yvili crux-menu under this ho id , 10 cents per line tor tlio llMt iii'ortion , 7 cents for each sub- cc < | iient ln ort'on. und $1.50 n line per month No advertisement Mlion for less than 23 cents for tlio first Insertion Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they tniiM lun consecu tively nnd must ho pnld In advance. All nilvcr tlsoments must ho hnmlcd In hofoto 2 o'clock ji. m , und under no clrcum'tnneej will thej bo laden or dl contlnutd bj telephone. I'nrtltH ad\crtl lneln the e < olumn8 nnd hiv ing the nnswori nt'drcised In cnro of Tun Urn will pl < n o n'k for n check toonnble them to get their letters n none will hn delivered except on pro ont > itl.n of chiik. All hnuwcrt to nd- TCrtlHiiicntsMioiiM bo eni'losi'd In envelopes. TO fcOAJT-MOITEl. -\1 O.Mto : fin elt ) and turm property , 111 low intcs , btettiitt A Co , lloom 'J , Iron lliink 6M \tOXKV TO LONAt rpiwnnnhlp into , on ill fiirnltino. line wntchoj und other personal property. ( ' . .I. ( 'unwell , room 1'J Iron Hank building , 121 h nnd Fnrnnm. 104 rpo LOAN Money Limns pluco I on Im- JL proiii'l reul egtnto In city or county for New Hnglnnd Loin .t Trust Co. , bv Donglua County bank , loth und Chicago sis 807 o 27 $ .10,000 to fonn. Sums f600 mul upwards , Lowi st rates. Uomls , 15th nnd Douglnt nts. _ W > 7 IVfONF.V TO LOAN'-bn chnttcls , collateral" ! JLY1. nnd real ostiito. H. S. Campbell , loom 1 , 150 * ) Fninamst 103 oxin TO T.OAN-O. v.uvTsco M i : lutontnl Loan Agents l&O'i Funmni st. W8 [ ONiV 'I O LOAN On real estate nndohut- tols. D Ik Thomas. Dili M1 ONI'.V to invent If you have ( rood notes to soil cull on J. II. i'nrroito , 1'Jth nnd ( Mil- _ 50U M Mv : TO LO.VN-In stuns of JJ.OJO nnd upvrurds on first class real astute Bconrity. Potter. ic Cobb , lAin Fnrnamst. _ 010 MONKY to loan on ctiiittoTTihd real ostnto ; fnlr rate Interest- . U. Purrottc , 10th nnd Clilcairo. _ 4M MONIIYTO LOAN-On fnrm nnd city plop- orty , no delay. Vf. A. Spencer. ICiO'i ' I'ur- limn st. 110N1 OMV : I.IIANI 1 > ut 0 I- ' . Heed &Co'fU.onn olllcsnn furniture , plntios , horsrs.wiiKons , personal propel ty of nil kinds , nnd nil ether nr- llilosof value , without romornl. Ul'J H. 1,1th , over Itlnvhum'e romiulbslon store. All busl- conlliiontliil. Ull M ON HY to loan at straight 8 per centNo commission L 1' . lluiiiuiond , loomll , 1C22 DouKlilSKUort. 4J7-H3 $ riODOOl ) Tn loan on Uinnhn citv pioportyntO par cent , 0. W. Duy , over 1.11 J DouKlas st. 1114 T OANS Loans Loans. Hcnl estnto loans. Colluteiiil louiis. Chnttnl loans. Longtime loam. Hhoit tlmolouns. Money ulvvuys on hand to lonn on any ap proved security. Investment securities bought and sold. Cull ut tlio ollico of tbo Omnhn Flnanclnl ex change , econd lloorof thn Hurkor block , s. w. cor. of Fifteenth und Fnrnuiu sis. Corbctt Manager. 012 G rr.ll CH.vr Money to onn. J. J. Mnhoncy , " nrnam. ! 115 61'KK CKNT money to lonn. K.U 1'attnrson , 13th nnd Douglas. 910 _ MONHY to lonn by the undersigned who hni the only properly organl/od loan ngoncy In Omnhn Lnnn ° ot HO to fl.OOU mndo on fur- nlturn. pianos , orgnns , horses , wngons , mnchln- ory , A.O , , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential Loam so mndo Hint nny part cnn be paid nt any time , each pny- mo at reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances mndo on fine watches and diamonds. Persons Bhould carefully consider who they nro dcnllng with , ns tnnny now Concerns nro daily coming Into oxlMenco. ShOnlld you need money , cnll nnd sco me. W. ll. Croft , Kooro 4 , Wlthncll Ilulldlng. 15th nnd linrnoy. W20 BUE1IUE3S CHAJICES. FOH SALB Or trndo lor merchandise , H. H. lands In Weld Co. , Colo. Address Lock Uo.\ 10 , Jiilcbhuig , Colo. ns , ! 17 * FOH BALK bonnllnir honsofuinlluie. House now tilled wltb boulders limy bo rented. Aildiesslt. 18. Dee olllco. 018 17 * "ITHJKHAI.i : HeatrlcoFtcam Inundryof Dont- JL rlco. Nob. , dolntr a fc'ooil business ; reasons f or sclllnir other business. Inquire or write to Mrs. i : , N. Mnlllnson. llontrlcc , Neb. 4" fl 18 * ] 7 > OKSALK Or oxclmngo. Kloirnnt stock of inilllnory , mostly now , Invoice iibout $3,000 , consisting of fcutliors , birds , flowers , ribbons , stiuvvnnd felt lints , bends nnd noxeltiog , Inoos , ntid neokweur , hnlrKOods. Intact o\or > thln.if necessary fora stock suitable to a fine nnd se lect trndo. Unexcelled locution. Will sell or Irndo for choice Omnhn propoity Some cash loqiilred. JI. A. Upton & Co. , 1509 Km num. num.iftt ! iftt _ WANTF.H For n No 1 hotel , propriotoi. Wo hnvo for rent ( ho loading hotel In llontrlco , Neb. No ono need apply unless ho has monov to purchase the tut nlturo nnd cnn ulvo the best of rofojenco. liazlott Ic IJatcs , Ilcntrlco , Nob. OJO. "ITlOlt SALE First-class hurdwnro buslnoss , JD HX ) ft. biilldinfr , with J.I.OOO stock. Nocn- cnmbinncos , Hlcknets cause of bolllnir. Ad- dresg lock box 1 , Aliiswiutli , PiOl ) . 274 "filoTl NAI.i : Ilukory , confectionery nnd JL1 lunch room , ohonp If sold soon ; sickness came of Boiling' . Inquire of Kopp , Drelbns li Co. . lion Farnam Bt. , Onialin. Nob. K > ] YnoitSAl.K-Or trade for Omaha property. JL1 The best located livery business , with stock In the city. Long lonso of burn at cheap rent. Mnyno llros. , 1610 Fiminni 023 HOIJMCS I.7 > ts.Fnrnisl.nnits money loaned. Ilonils , 16th nnd Douglas streets. 016 rouKP. L1YH STOCK Auction Stables , 2.VK Cum" Ing street. The best facilities for hnniillng nnd selling ntnuctlon. HorBos , mules nnd live stock , nlso cnrrlnge * . carts , livery nnd horeo supplies , west of Chicago. Side dajs , Mondays. Wodncsilni nhd Hat unlays. Hiown , Wiiispenri-Cautci. Telephone No 601. | I 215 N 4 I.O3T T OST A line roilFuFt shnwl , about t ) o'clock JI-/Saturday ovenlng.Sept. 11. Leave at this otlico und got rcnnid 2U1 BOAKDIUQ. BOAHDI.NG Good day board , 1010 Cullfornla 4J7010 * VERSONAI , . ! * t , ) lMtS-ONAL Nont nnd tnsty nil-wool business JHiiltu , t" . I. . O. Jones fi Co. , American Clotlilurtf , UOy Funmni at. Mnil orJor.tilled. . ICO N 0 1 > iilSNAL : ) Wcnlt , iiintovolnj'uil parTsUFfho body enlniKOd und slronKtbnnea. Positive pioof , lull purtlcnlBis , etc. , mulled In plain en velope nonlnd for stump. Addioia Kilo M eJI- cnl Co.,7 Pwnn St. , llnlliilo , N Y. 205 n a * "A I ADAM ALASKA rovouU past piescntnnd alL iiiiure , how ninny In family , ago , etc , , how to holiinlloctlonsof budbund or lovijr. rintls- faction jfiiarantcod 27 cunts mm upwards , bll P. iathst 271 L Mr * . Dr. Nannie V.Vurron -L. cinirvojnnt , Mcdlcurnnd business Medium Boom No. 3 , m North ICth bt , Oinulin , Neb. TJ1OH F.XCHANr.n-B-room cottugo ( now ) In JI.ako'b ndil , for Lincoln property. Lee * box 17 , Valparaiso , Keb. 645-17 _ rpo THADK A lot In A iibui n Hill , for n good X sound hoiso , 403 8. Iblh st. 17ALKNTINF/8 Short-hnnd Institute Is In to- I position building , lee TIOII HUNT Squiiro rinno ( j monthly. A U Hospo. 151,1 Douubis. VJI JAD1KS Wishing for good domotlo help can Uo supplied nt short notion at the Omnhn Kinplojnit'iit llurenu , lISNoith ICth bt. , Citniiibu block. 4CO rpo THAUK-Lundln Kranklln county. Neb , - fora county newspaperouttlt. Corr spou- dunce solioitud. Addsosu Y , Frunkllu , Neb. _ tVSQi ! < l BLACK Walnuts , hulls on , fackoil. on cars , at OOilsror bimhcl , AdJrc'33 , D. H. Luke , Bliuniuuluah , Iowa. 627 3 Tfrolt THADIJ-llcnl cst.ito and horses To r X l > oot , uiiit shout or olotbuuAddrtKsCora - Ing , lovrii , 1' . O. box 1H3. 637 17 * ICK.NT Square Piano , (1 monthly. A 'S13 Douifla * . Ui7 rpllEFJJ , Hoses , Urubs.eio. . planted free lor -L poiwns buying of Douglas Co. Nunorles C.O. Howard. I'rop. . 1' . O. box 2UO. YhoK .SAIJi Oil TIIAUK A good 'second Jl' hnnd Max Meyer It lira , piano. Will sell fnrlmK lu value , ortrndo for u lot In Omaha. Cull on or addroa vVm. A , WiUon i. Co , . 1418 Harney tt. , Omaha , Neb. nil HAYING bought the book ui-cnuntflot out- itundlng Indobtixlnets of ihu Into firm of ( I. Itlchtvr.Xdli Fnrnnm , everybody tndubtrd to Eftid llrm vrtll plonro cnll on mo at til.l S lUth t. unit make arrungomcnta for scttlcmeht of fitoo. Chat. JCuhTuiaaa , Otunbti , N'cb . Kt 15 , y < u-i > " . CAIirr.TVKAV1NO neatly done by nn nx. perloncod wcnver. Cnll at 811 N 17th t between Hurt nnd Cuinlng sis. 520-19 * Tpoii IlKNT Organs , f2 per month , iloj J-1S13 _ Douglas P-l BHICK , llrlok , brick : for ale nnd now rondy for delivery at Smith At Whltne ) s brick yard , S. 21th su , south of It. K ere ilng. 631 ! I 'OIlsAl.i : A goolooiintor anc' < hPlvlngl5 J-1 feet Ion ? , inquire t IA * DougliK.W W 15 * " 17TOII A l , , | pinof Large draft mulos.flvo JL1 jenriold. or will trndo on ronl eOnto. In quire , No 120 N 15th St. Up stairs. J. U. Van- ill rrooK. 01" ) Tj lill SAM : leo In cnr lend lots. Addrois JL : 0 llbc-rt llro 'Uouncll llluifs. 1173 " 171O11 S VM : I'nrlor l/nuroom nud kitchen JL fiirnltuip carpon.rnnsii ami beating utovm , nllnpiirly now , n gentle horse the yotn oltl , ? II ntn liirgnln , giving up hotnok"oplnir , 2fil ( loiigln Rt _ MB _ I 7Mll SAIil. Lirgo tire nnd Imrulnr proof 1 info , cn fij'J Sell for50. J. W. Mnr- Blmll. IVJJFiirnnmst _ _ _ 705 _ IJltHl SAI.I. 1 iiinitiironTiili en oot ix-room .1 ? hou o , time on part. Call 120J North E7th Mroot.two hlocki from Hoil Cnr lino. Wl H Ol Sh > lon Fin mi , Lnnds monoj loaned" Homl" ! 18th nnil Douglas otroets. U07 SAI < K Ciienp , iron columns nnd win * diiw caps silltnblo for fronton brick build- Inir. For pnrtloiihirs apply nt this office. SIT WAJITEB-FZMALB KBI.F. WANTIJD A Klrltodo general hmiftownrk. Must bo H Kood pliitn cook and laundress. Apply nt 3Q.S North 22 < 1 HlrcoU C44-J2 * A"\'ANTr.l--A tlrst-clnss dlnlnif room clrl. > > Apply to the ( Jonon ! houio , Wyniorc , Neb. Liberal Wires. C4J-18 "WANTED A laily typn-wnter. C. II Mnyne , i B. w. cor. 15th mul I'limnm. 028 17 AXTKlT-A cook. "Apply to c7lT. 1nyno s. w. cor 15th nnd rurnnm. 02717 \v 1TANTKD A cook nt Miller's rostnurunt , 1001 N. lOHi t. 037 \rANTHD-2 good kitchen girls lit I' . T Host , cor 101 li nnd llurnoy. C-C 10" , \ > THI ) Olrl for Kenornl housework Im- incdliitoly at 1013 Chloa o st Oil 1.1 w ANTI'I ) Immudlutoly experienced waist und sUl-tmakcrs. Apply lB12Ciiminir. rai ir. * \ \ - A competent person ns nUiso for chllil ut 4HI Convent bt. C43 " \\7"ANTiD ; A I'rcnch woman nurse for j our- old child. Apply to No 103 1'lfth iivc-mio , Council HIIIITS. OUI5 WANlIjD tlona Aniorloan jjirl forRonornl housework. Family small. Omul homo for the rltfht ylrl. Mis. C. II , bprny , 1311 James st. WANTKll A competent kltclien cirl ; must bo freed cook und laundressB ; w cor 20th nnd Chicago sts. 6BH 17 * "V\7"ANri2l Girl fort-'cnornl housoworit. In- I qiilro of J. Solbort.niist flrorost between 511 Plonsmitnnd I'opriletonnves. 5121ft * ANTUD ( InodKiil I or rc > noi nl TIOUDOK ork. JIrs. A. P. 1 ut.ey , 21U Chicago t. 121 WANTiO : Competent cook and laundress Inn family of two , Mrn. W. H. McCoid,2Ul S. 18th. 511 ANTKU Sowing ( 'iil nt824 South 18th st D70 ' A cook nt U. 1 * . Hotel , so. cor. 10th nnd Jones. 510 10 * \X ANTKIi At Heyns ( iuliory , a lady 10- Tl toucher. Ornnlio lllock. 4TJ WANTKD A girl to do housework In a ninil family , Gorman preferred , apply ut 1UOO Furnnin st. 403 W , VNTii > Chumbcrmnid nt ' .11 , ' Douulns. 462 iTANTii > A good girl for general house- T woik , 1415 Jones st. 48J "I/I7ANTIJD A Rood Blrl for gouernl house- VI wont , 1809Fiirnnm st. 403 WANTKI-Flrst-clnss dining room ( jlrl im- nu'dlutoly ; none ether need apply. Occi dental hotel I0th nnd Howard. 48-i ANTED A lady for oflico work , 1010 How unl. 01010 * \\rAM'ii > Girl Must bo peed cook nnd > V laundress. 230H Fiuuuun , Mrs. J. M. Tliurs- ton. _ _ | _ TXTAXTKD A cook for small family , Imiulio VV BOO south 13th st. Cl'J W ANTKH Head cook ut tlio Famous ics- tnurnnt. 319 S llth st. 789 WAHTUll MALE HELP. WANTii : > I'n-bcr , Immodlntoly. A Rood man for stuudy job nt 21- ! South 14th fit. 1,47-15 "yXJANTflD Agents In Omah I and every VT county In Nebriibki to hnndlo the AioPeulo For terms mldtess ( Joo. T. Andcrjon , Ocn'l Agt. , 1JO North llth St. , Lincoln , Nob. 040-17 * W ANTIID A first-class pustry cook nt once ut Ciu/ons llouso. U10-10 WANTIID-Partner with $1,500 capital to KO into nn cstubllshed plnnhur mill busi ness. Address 8J5 O St. , Lincoln , Neb. 04.M7 * "V\7"ANTiD : Anovpoiloncod und thoroughly ' ' ( food mnn to tuko euro of horses and do general work on the pluco No other need apply. Inquire ntN. E.'cor. of 19th nnd Call- ioinlnst ? . 684 15 irANTIID-Strongboy : , 20t N. 10th st. > 01915 * W PANTKD-tlxjiorioncod dry goods clerk , 181'J Howard. 017 10 * WANTKU OJHco boy. Dradslroot's agency. 652 15 TSTTANTKn-lonist clU33tlnnoiS , 1315 Dodge. VV II. K. B iwyor fc Co. 617 19 * V\7ANTii : ) A boy to take care of stock In VT clothing store , one who knows something1 about clothing. J. Harris , 1014 Farnnm. 507 14 \\rANTKI > Track ojonfor now truck fny- TT Ing , Just started. Steady woik nnd good job. Albright Labor Agency , J3M Farnnm bt. 4'J7 ' k ngcnts , O'Neill ACe , pub- Ushers and gtinornl agents for subscription boots , bos 4UJ , Omnhn , Nob. O-'J n 14 WANTIID-A gnrdonor.marrlod : ( rood terms ; I'artlcul.irs Inquire oillcp , 8.6th St. , No. 015. 500 18 * WANTKI > Agents , mnlo or fonmlo , ovory- whPie , to take orders for plating.Addrc 3 at once O. L. Horton , Wlotn , la. 3.4 li * \\7ANTKD Instnllinont canvassers to cnll at T t IM" Fnrniiin t. and see what vvo hnvo to oner. C. I ! . LooMunngtr. U75 V\7ANTio : An oxporlonted shoo rmlojinnn , t ) uiuiuostlonubloielorcnoo required , ( "hi- cngo lluignln Bnoo Co , 1318 Douglat , et. iiil : 17 rnilHlnigest Mfg Co In thn world want men -I. to sell tliolr goods on salary or commission In nil tovv ns In Nebraska. No capital or o\porl > piii'o nocosinry. Hofeinnuo leiiuliod. Aildro < s , M , box UUT , Oiiiulm , or M , box 5U7 , Lincoln , Nob. * ill u u WAX run hit gnlvuni/ed Iron corn Ice makers ntonco nt John Ihicnetcr's , corner 10th an. " Dodgo. 5SJ n 'ANTKD 25 carpenters , Henderson * I'ut- rldgo , I'arlc nvcopp. ohtrunco to park 6S.j l5 * \\rANTi : Il-Men for Wyoming. Oood TT vvhuei's job. Company work. K. S. Al- bright. Lnlyir uyciicy , 13U8 Farnnm st. IW ' \\7'ANTKiT .Tioy"to take car * of Kb r o"alii I do TT light worK uiouud house. Dr. Jones , H1U5 Farnum. f > U5 IP WANTini A flrst-chiha man to woik In milk dnliy. Inbulroof J. 1 > . Hod ) , Yt mile north of deaf nnd dumb nayliim. OC.I 16 * "xy/ANTKD A fovr moro agents to Introduce > ' nur Autoinatlo Musical Ins'rumonts , on Instalhnonta , Anyone nun play tbuin without niiisicnl Inatruutlon , the best paylnir , oinlost celling novelty over known , ? ? 5 lo JID n week * an bo re illzod. C I ! . Lee , Mauiyor , lW7 ! Far- nnmstri'ot.upstnlrs , 488 BITUATIOW WAlfTBD. WANTl'.D lly yoniiic tnnrrlol mnn , plnco to nike care of farm stock ; nndordtnnds the busliu < a. Address A , H. Dor Ml , Lincoln , Nob. _ ? 1L/I / ! _ DlU'ROISl'S-A 1'b. Q. of Ucara collHit oxperlonce wlsho * a tituutionln thUclty. Isiupublo und can come well rcooinmomlod. Addiuss Drugs , 1412 lluivurd St. ffi-1 17 * Y1MNTKD Situiitlon by n fully competent ( I watohmttlior with b year * ' experience lu Kuropo and America ; working at prwnt In one of the Inryo&t jnvrolry lioiifosln ( hlongo. Sluto vvujros und ndUross , Carl Til. I.iiiidrjtilsl , care Mrs. Nor Jell , t > 3Tu < rnscnd tu , Cbicnco , HI. IUlb ! * u > housekeeper by a nilJiilo agud Indynnd dmiirhlur , apply nt Chrlslluu AM boclitty , llllh uud Furnam st. _ _ _ cos 15 * _ WANTED position by a stenographer , rufurcnce * given , uiWress 1 * K , lleo oilier. _ 1JBJ 25 _ " \\7rA > Tiu-l' : Dry Goods etore , 10 TT jrur's experloacc , best of reference , W , NoriU , 710 N. Will st. _ M4 20 _ W.ANTKD- Situation by nn oxpurlonced ex- pert fUnotriaphcr i iw ! typewriter. Will c mrjtwo ut lovr salary. AUdron It IT , llco o"u < CO 17 * WANTi : ! ) A Indy making a speclnlty oC operatlro dontutrv dcslrei n tltuatlon : thorouuhly competent For pnrttctllnrs nddrees A. W. Miller , Vail , In. 574 18 M1BOEI.IAIIEOUS WANTS. " \\7ANTBH Ilonrd nnd room by gentleman I T and wife , prlvnte Cainllr preferred , ed itress. H 14 , this ollico. 6/1 If. * U'ANir.H Morse and buggy. Must bo rea sonable. Inquire cor. 15th and Ylntnn Sts. ftK 18 * \V AN 11:11-5 furnished roonu with n > M-cln s TT board , for man and wlfo nnd 3 children Ilatb , gas and bout H , 9 , llco Olllco. JB ) _ 18 * \\ANllU-len ) and boys ti lonrn bookkoep- I1 Ing : situations . ll. Nnlth. 1013 fhlcuxo st. 6J3M * \\rANll -Torent l small cottage with barn IT bc t of relcrenco ; Addios It Id , oraihn llco. 010 17' Vi AN i iii-Tonmg. : 1 . Murrny. | W\Nrii A new or pocond hnnd tjpo- uiltlng Mnclilno , nddrcii , U. H. Ticndnell , North Ilcnd , Nebr ran 15 \ \ * \Mii : > lly n genlloninn , nnd unlnr- T T ni'hod loom with boaul In a private fain- i | ) . Hotelonccsuxulianecd. Address H 20 lleo oflico 031 17 * \\ANTii : ) To meet demand for competent TT booKl.ecpers t vvlll Initiiicl n few p-r- soni nnd vtnit on half pay until jou hiveslt- nations J-HSmli 1013 Chlcugo si. f'l HI * ' \\rANTii : > Young ladlei who do lie to take T T purt In iimiiteur thontrlenU for tbo winter , ( lood ln lrilctlon without expense Address nt once W. H. S. , boi4SJ , Otanlm , Not ) . 453 17 * \\"ANTKD To Itcnt , four iintiirni'hod roonm TI near nnd north of the U I1. Depot Address - dross V 6.1 , lloo ollice. W7 WANI'lID ( .ornmn ludlei to lo.irn book- kerpmgi good sltuallotiB , J , U. Bmlth , 1013 Chicago SU 5JJJC * \\7ANTin : All wnnting to lonrn short-hand TT und typo wrltluar to attend Valentino's Short-hand institute , ISxposltton building. Onmlia. Wo cnn furnKh sulllclimt omploymeiit to young men und boys lo pay tholr board while- In attendance. M5 Oct. 20 ron RENT nousra AND i > OT3. 1O It It INT : One It-room truino duelling , In quire 111 north 6th st. COO 17 * FOH HUXT-0 loom house , 10.U N. 10th. 010 IS Foil HUNT Kleirntit 10 room residence on rnrnniii st , nil modern linprovenicnts , tnr- nituiound carpet for sule ; nil new ; am com pelled to ilvo up on account ol Illness , Ad- ill ess It 15 , lice ollico. * > 12 JT'OH HINT : < 1 room house , 1107 Davnnpoit st. I1 Innulro 1010 Farnmn st. , up stnlis. nitJ.15 * Foil UUNT-Storo on South 1.1th street , 4024 1-2 , apply nt Ihodorick's , 012 S 10th. 6S1 15 * "ITiOH HI'.N'T-Storo siillublo for Itostnurunt , JL1 H12 B 1'ith bt. 1'olcraon. f 7a 171 OH HUNT Nine lloom House , all modern Jconveniences'Dia Dod o sf U.S. Hoilln , 141 ! ) DodKo st , 50" ) 17 * FOH HUNT Unit n do7en new. six room houses In A. S. Patrick's ntlilltlon-two blocks from either rod or ( ? reen stioot cur lines Cull nt room 2 , Arlington block. I'atrlok llros. 4N120 * FOR JlKNT-nOlotson tbo Holt H It In Oak Clialbnm , Just south of the Surntoifn school house. 'IhcRo lots can bo lontcdforlU jenrs on ronsonnblo tcims. John 1. Itcdlck. W71 N 7 POH HUNT Fine IVrooni hoit < o , modem Im- proveinents , 2jth nnd rarnam. A. P. Tukcy. llOlFariiain st. "TT1OH UiXT : (1-room ( cottiffo. Ilarney near -U SOth. $30 per month. S. A. Blomiin. 1512 Farnuin st tOJ TfiOH l.KASK Wohuvoolovon ncros on IT. P. -I ? H. H. trnok.BOOfeot fionttwill lonsonll or pnrtfor live years Bedford S , Souer. ttll FOB HEriT KOOHS. FOK HKNT-Snlto of furnished rooms. 1 St Muiy's nvo. 02.1 IB * FOJl UUNT- Fill nlshud room , 17l" > Hod no. 5SU 15 * Foil linNT I'nfurnlshed rooms , Single or en sinKle Bcntlemen or parties witli- out chlidron , 13IW DoiiKlus St. , 3d Story , Inqnlio Clius. Knufmmi. 50. . 20 * TT1OH Itr.NT 1 laiiro nicely fwnjshodfront JL room ; use of bath , hot nnd cold water ; wntor closet on same floor. Knmilio fill ! R. 17th bt. 03817 * TTlOIl HUNT Three unfurnished rooms Indo- Jt ? slrablo locality , nour street cars. Trout loom , nlcovo and bny wlnJow. Ilnth room , etc. lioloroncos oicliiuiBOd. lnqulio21T2 Dnv- cnpoit bt. 5b'J ' 15 * TTIOK KKNT 3 Unfurnished rooms to quiet JL ; jmrty without children. 111J Williams st. 5'JJ l. > * lli.NT : Furnished rooms to Indict or Foil Kontli'mqn. 1211 Davenport bt. SC3 15 * 17 OH HKNT-Two fninlsliod rooms , wither JU without board. Apply at 112 noitn 14th st. 577 18 * Foil ItKNT Furnished rooms , jras. bath , n o cor. 21st and Webster , also largo burn. G07 17 * F OH HKNT House of ton rooms , with him , 1512SfithSt. 570 FOH HUNT With board , to n few gentle men desiring a plcasunt homo , sunny com * munlcatlng front rooms , with every conven ience. 635 Pleasant St. 67010 * Foil niCNT A nicely furnished fiont room ut90fl Fiirnain st. 470 TT1OSI HUNT Unfurnished biisomcnt and -L ? furnished room , 1015 Dodgost. 655 15 * OH IlENT Nicely furnished room with largo closet , with or without bourd , ad joins hot nnd cold bath. 003 N 17th St. 013 Poll HIMS'T Two nicely furnlsncd front rooms each suitable for two or three pen- tloraon with or without board. Terms inodor- nte. 1DOJ Funmni. 014 20 * F OH HUNT Itooins , 1019 Farnam.'J ( KB IJiOH IlKNT Itoomii at 1410 Chicago street. 13 ' 4'JJ 15 * , iOH HF.NT FnrnUhud front room with F J board 117 S 17th. 5J9-1C * FOH HF.NT Nicely furnished rooms , bonrd if dcshod ; 1KIS.-'Jil St. , bet. Douglas nnd Dodge , 4 US Foil IlKNT Front parlors to puriies wish- Ing to pay good prioo. Address H ! l , llco Oflico. 480.10 * FOH HUNT In private family two v ory desir able front looms luriilinoil or uiiliirnlsliod. Hoard next door.Ull llurnoy st. 4VJ _ TT'OH HUNT Largo , south trout room : bay JL window ; iinlurnlshod ; on cur lino.HIS. . 23d stooU 48.1. -iTioil KiiNT-Mcoly fu-nlihed room. Iininiro JL' Knufninn llros. , IOJ9 I'm nun. 457 1I1O11 lll..NT--Hoom with boTiiTrfor two JoiT Jl3Cailiol | avo. Ulili ! _ _ _ _ OlT HKN'lV-l'nrt of HooFfoVTiirhrTuaiiutiic- turing purposes. Ccntially located. Low lent. 1207 Fuiimm St. up stnlia. 4J4 _ Foil IIIM : < Sulto of rooms In prlvnto fntn- lly , rent moderato. iM Webster ft. " _ _ 5(10 ( lri Foil HUNT Uugo Fiont lloom , up ptulrs , No.120 N 16th st. J. K. Vandorcook. 64" _ Olt HUNT A largo front room ; nlso for sale cboapsiuara | rosovvnod piano ut IKil Farnam ut.ono block wostof court bouse. 4-9 Tji OH IlKNT Furnlahcd loom for ono or two JKontlemon ; furnlturo new , ploiiKiiiit locu tion ; Howard st. , hot. bth and llth , ; south side. TTioil liuvr I'loasa'nt fiiriilshed roonisT JL : south front brluk Hut , board can bo but next door. Apply nt I41H 1'hloigo st. 01 3 _ : Nicely funibhod f.ont loom , alcove und closot. No USS Mst. _ _ 295 1 OH HLNT-Furnisuod rooms , 1810 Dodgo. JJ _ _ _ _ FOH KKNT 4) ) nicely fnrnUliod rooms ut the cor of 7th and 1'uclllo et. for man und vvito or gentleman ; with or without board 653 16 * JTIOH "HliNT " Nicely "fiirnlshod front , 'room ' .1. ' with ulcovo , all nioilorn convoitloncos , tor three font loin on , four blocks directly south trom opera house , apply at once , 1415 Janes bt. _ _ fiill 3 71OK IlKNT Three fumlsbod rooms for - hoiuHikoupIng , for man unl wife without children. Cull at Bit Nortj'i ISthst. Ktt 1C * FTrinrKNT nrgoTnTceiy * Fu7iiis"Ued fronT loom. 8198. 191h tit. COI 15 * " 17011 HUNT A nicely furnlehed front room J. vrith alcove , to g-ontlomen only , ut No. 1811 Farnam at. 5'J1 ' FOH HF.NT Sulto of rooms , furnished ; lusiT 1 single room lor gontlomon. CUA St. Mary's avo. _ _ _ IUT at POH IlKNT-Nowly furnished room,3Ml St Mnry's aVe. P31 aaj.s-nouai33-i.QTd. _ T OH HALli Fine mill property , llonawn ti J ? Co. , opposite 1 * O. W 17 _ OHNKH on Bnunders st , 12U feet. JH.'SOO. ' Graham , Crelghton block. 4'J4 15 "F you wl n t6 buy or * 11 property , fee . Kcitcr i Campbell , 1500 Fnrniuii , room 1. f 521-19 inoiiSAl.h Fine mill property. JL1 Co. , orpj'Sl r O. tSJii 17 iruTit SAT.K-Somo ofThelioit rMUIenoo IOM JL1 In the city. I'nddooh IM ice nt W.foO to S1,1W ( , \ \ iHhlnitlon Sqiinre nt ) to $7.nn ) , Hnti'com 1'lnce n $1,100 to * 2.00 , Mlllnnl I'laco , JJ , ( Xlto $ . ! .UO ) , Oiejfory A n Jloy , 1112 Dougl is t 510 I71OH SATiK A Moo residence lot nexf to the L new renllcnJ'of Win II. Hums on Sev enth streetbftvYcrn 1'lMt mid Willow avenue * Apply to Foicst Smlih , No. 1,10 Main street , rpuncll HIiilK 4M-i ! ; XFjott wnnt lo'iTouble j our money < ] Ulok , buy Iciisin t chje hnfcr s Addition r,7J 11 "ITlOll SAI.i-f-Fiio : | mill property , llrnnwn A JL1 Co .oppositeIM ) ( in 17 Foil SAI.IRightroom ie ldenco on imh 1 streetea t front , ohcnp and on t n y terimh Will boviirnnt Nov ] t. Ludwlck \ PCHs o cor loth nnd Dougl i . -TiU ) 1 , /JlxliKft between St Murj nvo and lii < n\pii- vl worth st , J1 , ' < JO cheap. Oralmm , Crulchton blk. 4M ! 15 L' ' riBMk n Kllby place , f" > 0. nrnhutn , CrolRliton hilt 4-H U joii wi n 10 ouy or ton propi rty , BOO llcltur & Ciunpbcll , lf > 03 rimimn , room 1. 621-10 OOKNKK oiiKth Btroet In Imp. Asa. udd. wixlK. A line lot ixml only SVini Oroffory X Hnillcy , 13U DoiiKlns Mrcet. 510 II' sou nhh to liny or ooll property , see Hotter & Campbell , 1WJ I'nrnnm , room 1 ft.1-lfl "IT'Oll SAIi-HoU o 5 rooms , lot 3KUO JL' ft , cor. nth nnd I'uul sts. bargain at ! 2 lotscorner , 100x110 ft. , llnn coin 1'lnco. . . . U lots In WuMihiitton Square , each . . . 2OJO n choice lots In Patrick's 1st ndd. C0\12ft , each. . . . . . . . 1,100 811 Marshall A , Lobcck , 1501 Firnnm. IF you w Mi to buy or sell property , BOO Keller .S. Campbell , 1609 Faiiinm , room 1. 6JI-10 . near now schoolliou'e , J 5U',000. arnhiun 4U41C T OT In Shinu's ndd , $1,200 , Grnham , Ci olgh- JU ton blk. I''l ' 15 L1710K S.VI.K-TjiltB 7 nnil 8 , 120 * trO foot , 111 -L1 block 3. first iiddltlon 'to South Oiniihn. Call on Trod Ijomon , care I'lirmeia1 lioii o , or iitldrosa George iuio , r. O. 'ioi07 , Hapld City * _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TST : LoMlnOiiiiilm View B on .V Ilixilloy , Iill2 Oo Kla4 &t 510 BOWI.INO UHKiNlotSl : ! > 0 10 pnrcentcash nnd $5 per month. Marshall & Lobcck , Agents , 150U rnrimm street. B4'J S HlNN's"AUI.r80xls7 ) ft. , ffi'OO. ( Trnliunu SIV you lime property to "ell , Hat It 4U1I5 with Heller it Campbell , l.'iO' ' ) Parnum , room 1 , "fi OH SALU Houses on very oaty payments. - Lots on easy payments , money to loan. IVJvlbO feet on liith street , fi-room house , \cry clie.ipnt5l.9JO. House and lot Wnlnut Hill only $2.100 Three lots In Lonvcnworth Terrace $2,0 0. lOOvino feet Hillside ndd. S-.BOO easy terms , only $100 flown. II. W. Huntress 1TO1 Farnam street. 434 : iot Hnnscom iilnco , bargain at ? 2,100 , iJ'Jiloun. Ornham , Crolghton , blK. 491 15 FINi : corner lot on CnmtiiR fiticot. Civil ! , with niionsoi. oust of S.iundori st , SIJ.IOJ. Gregory \ Hiidley , 1312 Douglas street. 510 rr you hnvo1piopcrty to sell , list It with L Iloltorte Cnmpboll , 1JOJ Furnnni , loom 1. r,2-Mf ! 171OH SAMA-Hnuso und lot on Stinunl St. , J near Snumti'r" . must bo sold thlavveck. 1'rico f-NSOO , worth $ .1,500. K. F. Hliiger. f > 0 ; RKAllsi'IJATIp HAHdAlN fl4xUtt lot in- llnvvcs' ndd , J1.030 , half cish. bee this nnd you will purchase ! J L Iico ( VCo. , over Com morciul bnnk. . .1 1)30 ) LOT on Leaven Jlprth st , 1 Dlk fiom 1'nrk nvo , Jr > uO , Oralmm 41'4 ' IB T/lOIl hAl.i : Look I Lookll Don't mM It. JD One-half Interest in 2-'x7o2 , 3 story , brick building , rontlnir itor $ i)0 ) per month , on Donir- Ins street , oppoilljcf Millaul Hotel Only f 11,000 If sold nt onto leaf cash. As uood a bargain ns jon Hill Jli'd.ln | Clmnliu to-clny. Theflnt'St phiqo.iii.Oinuhn VIow. Overlooks lie city , i Ivor iilicl bldlfs. N6 , JUooai huuso , xtO. Porch on cast and south , closets , puntrv , cellar nnd splendid olstorn all lorJ50) . 3" OJ cat-hand $ i > per montn. Whoio is therq n bettorchnpce to cot an elegant homo tbnn this ? Call on us for bargains. 31. A. Upton A , Co. , 15"F Fat num. 3SO. FOR SAM : House and lot ; live room lieu = o on Wbonton St. . ono block fiom red and 13th st , cnr lines , cellar , wx'll und clnem. I'llco f2rKK ) . Terms easy. H. F. liunily , loom 2.1 , Ojinhn Nutloiinl bank bnlldiiiff. 5r | HOIJSIIS Lots , rurms.l.anils money lonnud Ilomls , loth und Douglas streets. 007 FOHSALi : Wo have sKtoon lots In Haw thorne addition that wo will sell : host and chonpbstlnsldoproperty In Oinulin. licdloid & Sonur Ol.i LOT on Hurt st. mar puvnment. $ lblK ) . Orn- liam , Crel hti.n block. 41)1 ) 15 B \HGAIN Now-fnooia cottUKo pn lot.iC'c 111. Only hnlf block from Shormuii me. Oood collar , olstorn with niter. Flist olnss llnlsh thioiiRhout , Will be painted to sultpiit- cluiFor. Must bo sold at once , SJ.OCO ; cash { Ij50 , balance ? . " ) per month , ( liogory & Hudloy , 1.112 Douglas st. Sin IT you hnvo property to soil , list it with Holler & ! Cnnipboll , 1509 I'urnum , room E2MO 1. 1' Mtistbosoldln LOTS. Next CO days. Shade trees and ( rood buildings cover * the ground. This property \ Zli miles southwest of the postollio In the 1.1 iwt popular direction. ' 100 Houses. hnvo boon built within U ot n mlle of it nnd the boom still continues. * .MO to f.TM buys nlot In fits elosunt location wherosulos huvo Hb"Kri'i'Kaled for the iiiistPO days Over i'oitj 'I lioiisniHl Dollars. lleliijf BoloAKonts , wo will ulvo buyers unequnlled advnntu'cs ( In terms of payment. A Hldo see to this propoity cosu yon nothing. Comonnd Manhattan. If w o inlsropresont It don't buy , but Mnnlialtiin Is now the most popular addition. Ames Heal Kstuto Aironcy , lV)7 ) Furnnin. MI 17 BOWMNO ( MIKKV-Our now nddltlon Is west ofWnlnut Hill , on Hamilton sticot. lly selecting lots nt $150 for insldo and 5175 for corners , you will mnko n Hood Investment. 'J'cuns 10 per cent cash nnd $ .1 monthly. No churjfo for showing the lots Mmshall .V Lo- bock , 15U'J Fnrnnm ! )10 ) Poll SAM : o room house on Popplcton nvo , luiKO lot fOvlll" , only M.OOO. Gietfory A. Had Icy. U12 Douglas st. 519 IF pou hnvo property to sell , list It with Hoitor&Cumuboll , 1509 luriiam , room 1 622-10 Foil SAM : on KXCIIAMII : ror Omaha Houl Khtnte , n finely Improved farm ot H ) ncros , wlthtn5 miles of' Plnttsmouth.Noh. , and 1 mlle from Fclujol and church , nil fenced , 101 bonrlnir fruit trilf , ( food two-story boii'o , wind mill , stublo : o ( II horses. Krannuiy , corn crib , etc. Call nnirti-b liboiit tills , lloltcr Sc ( ' 11111 p. bell , 1509 Farnum St. , Honm 1. 015 21 * Two Kood business lots In South Omaha , J ? 159 ouch , 1-8 cnslcT Three south TToTIt lots on Hurdotto st , Pat rick a 2d udd , 511x120 , JI.200. ouch ; Ml oush. Two lolsun'l'ontli Bt nour Nlchobu , with triickiu-it tfliltiblo for inunufucturinK or wurohousn , bitljj iOfJOO ; 1-2 casli. A line cant rt * t * lot In block 18 , Hariscora place , fi.2M A Hourly neirlrom | ) house , full lot on Park ave , near Hiuisutuii park , $3,000 ; Jl.OOJ cuitsh ; balunco LK. 34 illM'fi ' yonrs. I/ots mllolyivoatiVonLoa\onwortb | st nenrthd West S'do stutiou/iii the Uolt l.lno , ? . ) 0 to SIUJ ; JM cash : ? & ) 'Mil ) 'lx ' months Look ut tueso lots they " 10 fho'chonpost In thomariiot' Apro lolBin UJfjliluro from fliito fJO' ) , 15 acroi tin ito ( jilks west from court housc , , botwuon LeavonW/mh and Duiltro st , SWlper aero ; a barsulfl.Cil' ' Improved ami unimproved buslnoss anil resi dence property In till purls of thu city. A. H Conibtock , Hooin 2 , 2d story MoiLhants' Nutlonr ul bunkbiilldlny. _ 03118 Foil HAM : Ala baruln,3ono aero lots In llfh edoro. Inqufro ul J-0 N 15th bt. J. K. Vandoncdok. , _ _ _ fil' ' l Foil b.\l.i-CQ ; ft. trontlnir on DoJgo st.y blocks east of tbe po tohco. ( A baitrnln ut S18.VU : $ U,000 cash. Marshall i Lobcck , 1WJ Pktrnain. _ _ _ 329 IF you wish to bny or soli piopcity , wo Mcitcr A Cumpbt'll1W3 I'aumin , room , ! * ' 62116 GEOltOIA AVJi , throe lots at SIVj ) ooohT UrHhum , Croiiiliton block. 491 15 IF you huvo propeity to sell , list ll with Heller & Campbell , 1BOJ Faruum , room 1 622-18 KOoll & QELItV'S Dlvroit estate uu every othpriluy , SoolU _ _ _ _ _ W- * HOHsKS Lu.lar'ns IviiidJ money ( oaned. llcnu , ra nl 'o ' ijlaj strncta. 907 Tt Hlcc A Co , over Commercial Nat llnnX , s s o. cor Kill.nnl Douglas St. , olTer the fol lowing batgnnn in Omnhi real pstnttv Finest corner In Ambler place , < ! < 00 | f.XX ) ca h I'lnlnvlew lots Siva to $1,100. Hnw cs ndd lots $ COO tof LtwO on n v pn } inonts ; li room boiuo nnd lot oni'Mh ' ft , bet llnmlltoti and Chnrles 52W0. ; $ SX ) cn li 4 room hoh-U' and lot with barn , just on irridt ? In I'nxpoct place. Hinillton t , $2,5w , ? ! , OOU p.t ii Fli < t addition to ( ontril pnrk. lots f n't ' to J" " > 0 In Btitiito place adil InlsJVi'i ' tn $1 Kl Mt I'lraonnt ndd lot ? 175 to 5 < 7/i. / Term * on then- popular nddltioiK unit one-tenth down , buhim-o fliiii month. Sure to donhie In value within fl months 1 line ncro In c.iso'n ndd ? .t.Vti ) , t : ! ca h. fl fine in re In llclMiloro { ( . ! to JV ) . 20 ncros one half mile we t of 1lb.hlntid 1'nrk. f.'iiil perncre. 1 ncre Turk jil'iielVxi , l-n cn h. 40 ncros fi tulles wr t ol HodcHst , fl5f ) per acre. SplomlM inve tnii'iit ; : < lot on 1 iirnnm st neir iWlli , Cut don n to irni'le. S.VtO ) oneh. Honutlful lots in Washington Sqitnro , on pnvcdftreet$1,5X1 to fl.tniieich. OBOV tornu ; pli'inlid new moilern leoluemo , with full en t trout loton ( ii > oiglon\entle'l.60 , hnlf cnih. ObiKlnes' * lots tl'V. ' S l'th ' t , $ l , > Hoichon ou y lorini ! buy ononf these before tin1 vbuliiot Is flnlshi'd nnd double jonr inonev. Ihnino i pnrnpr , 10th nnd Davenport. $ ( l.00lncnoli. . Cut ttiNimt nnd Investlgnte brfoic purrhatlnir. We nnbllMi only fresh bnrgnlr.s thnt vvo cin de liver. .1 L Illce .V Co CCfl ir _ * " " BFS1NF.SS block ) TrFnrniini.Dou"KhT8"DodKO Hiirney and Cumltiirstifct. llrcgory & Hadloy , 1.112 Doiiula * M. 611 [ TTOIt HAM-Or ! excnaro. llouso unit lot , 1 Plli mil Nicholas ; lioii o nnd lot Utli mid Dorcas ) . Win I. Monioe , flth unit Doiiffln * WV1 " 17 LHO A NT lot in llansooni place , fJ.100 , en y U terms , ( irnlinm. 4U4 15 rpo r.MlANli : Forcltr propertr or good I farm In Neb , n clean stock of cltitblnir , ud- ilro8iJ.M. 1) , ; Kfln Kith.Omnhn. Neb OO'lll. ' * UALUSTALi : HAItnJN2 boiuHUuTlots on west Cnnilng st. , $7IK ) oneh. Fine bar- pnins. J. U Him k 0 , over Com mercial Nntloivil 07 , * ) USI ! tt Sii.HYTa : big roa estate ad every ether day. See It Itri ' A1 riTKIlT-i CO. , Ilia Do'iiglns street. MHlard Hotel Ih.ick , oiler special tvuguiiH in dOHlr-iblo resldonco homes nnd lots. Uusl- ness propeitjchoice lots In evorj do'linblo addition nnd n long list of bus nesi anil icM dciu'olots in South Om ilia , Uivo us n cull und we will sincli plcnso jou. COJ 10 CLAHIC A. FHIIN'CH oiler the folhnvlng bar- gums for onewn'i'k ' : F.ast trout lot , block 1 , llnngeom place Knst front lot block 1 ? , Hunscnm plate * Corner , Yntcs & Heed's ndd. , very cheap f 700. Corner Oxford Place $17V 6 lots In Bniindois& Htmhnngh , mid lay benu- tltul , coulli liouiH lor all J1'AX ) . 4 lots In Ihoinbuig , east fiont 5.V ) , these nto nil bargains lot us show them to you. Clark A French. IMP Dotmlns 51V10 Sl'LFjNllID lots In Tabor Place , Kllby Place , lltgblund 1'laco und Jerome Park Ask for prices. tiiogory & Hndloy , 1112 Douglas st. 519 To Contractors. , will bo tueol\odnt tlW of- STIArEDrreports flee of the Chief rniruiccr , I'nlon 1'uclllo inilwny , Oniiihn.Neb , Tor llicBiiullnn' . hrlilirlnir nnd truck ln > Itig , und burfueliiK of the folloiv- inirworlc. The line fioin Onkley to Colby , In Kansas , nbout22 miles ' 1 bo line from I.o.eland to Itiickhorn Stone Quarries In Colinlulo.iilioutH1 , miles , nnd the extension of tlio nlinu , Lincoln V Westein Itnllnny from Lincoln Center westwiud In Kniivns , 40 to fi9 inlliw. 1'roposnls for tlio Colby line will not bo ro- celvud uftur October 12 h , but propo uls for the other lines will bo mculvod until the ovcnlnir of October Ilith , I'liillles can bo Peon ut the otlico of chief on- plnoo ! for the d is pievlons to the dajbniimed lorclosliiK receipt ot bids. The rlnht li re oi \ ed to rolect nnv or all bids. S. H. OALLAWAY. General Munugor. octG-octlU Motice. OFFICE , Aunnon OF 1'uiit.ic ACCOUNTS , I IU or NKIIIUSKA , Li.vroi.N , I'oli. 1st , 1SP8. f JT1S hoiehy certified Hint the Union Insur- uuco Compiuiy ot Sun 1'riinclsco , In tlio stuto of Culllornlu , 1ms compiled with the Insurunco law of this stuto und Is mithoiizcd to truusiict the business of IIro Insurunco In this stuto lor tlieciirrunt > our. Witness my bund nnd the cnl of Bnld offlco the day and j ciir first ubo\ written. ( Signed ) II A nncoCK , [ SK vij Auditor Public Accounts. master's Sale. TN TIM" Cii cult Com t of the United Stntcs for J. the Distritt of Nebraska : Tootle , Jliinnu & Co. , ) vs. VIn Chuncery. Lyman A. I IK , ot ill. ) Mill ) HjOSlMIC OK MOIITOOK. . Public notice Is horn by Klvon , tlmt In pursu ance und by virtue of n Oociue filtered in the nbovociuiKo , on the 21st day of November , 1M5 , I , Ellis L. Illoibowor. ppeciul master in chilli- cory In Mild court , will on t'io ' Wrd diiy of No vember , 18M ) . ut the hour oC 10 o'clock In the forenoon of tlio Mild dn > , Mt the north door of tlio Tinted Stutoscouit house nnd post ofllco bnlldlnir. in the city of Oinnlm , DoiiRluscounty , Klatoaiul dhtricl of Nolnaakii , soil utniiction the following described property , to-nlt : The south-west quarter i'i ) of Bcotlon thlrtj-threo ( Wi : uKo the ( -oulli ca t iiiartor | Ci ) ol section thlrt\-thico < nl ) . In to\vnthtoo (3) ( ) , innfro twen ty-two { . ! i , westol the "Ixth principal morldlan , contulnliiK tineo hunilred und twenty ncros pC0)oriiimlncionllntf ! ) to the iroveinmont sui- \cy , in riiinug count v , stale of Nohrnskii. ELLIS L niCUIIOWKll , Spoclnl Muster In Olinneory. Y. G. HCME.NWAV , Coniplulniint'B Solicitor. IllSlMKV & C'OMSTOCK , GenL Insurance Agents , Merchant's National IlanK Duihllnp. Cor. Tar- mini nnd l.HM nts. , room 1 up-stnlrs. Telephone No. U75 Omiiha. Nobraaka. . I'hocnlx. London , Luirland . 15,723,174.13 rircmon's.Nownrk , N J . l,654,8M.r > Glen's Falls , Olon'o Kalls.N. Y . l,4'Ji HI.6J Clruul , I'liltadnhihln , 1'a . l ai.WJ.Tl Westchester , Now Yoik , N. Y . 1H.W.5J John II uncoelr Mutuul 1.1 To , lo8ton,7&l,710t)7 ) ) To Wliom It Slny Coiicfrn : "lOTOTICE Is heiony Klvon Hint the undorslcnod J- > will ri'toivo bfilji until 4 p. m. on Tuesday , October 1'Jtli , A. 1) ) . IKSli , nt the ollico of tlio city cleik , for oii'.h of the tolloulm ; pnrcolsof hind , toIt : lle lnnliif ( nttho N.W. comer of lot I , block lS7Hnnd i mining PoutlH loot to Iho .S. JI. i.or- ndrof suld lot , thence west IH..l feet , tbcnco north I ieot.tlieiico oust ID leot to the pluco of - the N. W. corner of lot 2 , block , niul ninnliiB Miulli 41 Icet.thunco west IS fileel , thonto noith41 ! ( ! , thence c-ast 1B.U loot to tlio pluco ul bo lnnlntr , llcglMiilntr ut the N. W. coiner of lot n , block IK'i.und rimnluir south 44 ti'ul , thence west 18.1 lect , tbencu north 41 loot , thence eust 1K.5 feet to the jiliiefof iK'nImiliiis. lleirlnnlnurut fioN.V. . ODI nor of lot 4 , block ! H7'i ' , und lunnlni ; boinli4l feet , tbeni'O witbt 17 7 loot , tlieiuo north 4. 1 foot , thence oust IS. 1 loot to the pluco of boyliuiliiK. llogmnlnifiit theN W corner n ! lot 5 , block IHT'i , ami running south 4'J feet , tbenco west 17 4 feet , tlieiuo north 4ilfeot , tlionco oust 17 7 loot to tlio pluco of hojflnnlnir , Ilotfiiinlnk' nt the 8. W , unrncr of lot 7 , block Ih7'/i , und ruunliiK noith 31 feet , tlutnco iiKt .l.U feet , thence Routh 'f ) rent , thence eiut U.7 toot to thopluroof be lnnlnyr. lli > ilnnln nt the N. W , coiner of lot 8 , block lS7iaml ! riinnliiif wnith 41 lout , thence weet'J.U feet , thcnoo noitii4l loettheno onst U.7 foot to the pluro of hcxlnnlntr. lle lnnlut ? nt tlio N.W corner of lot D block IBJU.aiul iillinlilK MMilh 4lleetthi'iico west 8 'J leet.tbuncenorlli 41 I cot , thence eiiat O.l ! feet to the place of Ix 'iiiiiliw. Iteglnnlnt ; at the N , W , corner of ) ot 10 , blocc lB7iiundiunnliiKsoutli 14 feet , tbenco west 8 r leot , tliunco north 44 feet , tbenco eust 8.9 foot to Urn place of iKulnnliiK. licKlniiliivnt the N. W , corner of lot 1 , block 101 li , and itumiiiK south 44 feet , ihonco Jcet , thence north 44 loctthencu east 7.0 loet to ( bo place of bet'lnninjr. HevlnnliiK at tbo N , W , corner of lot 2 , block lll | ( | , nnd running bonth llfrel , thence wo t 7.1J leet , thence north 41 feet , tbencu east 7.t > feet to tbophicp of liouliiiilng- . lli'iilnnlnir nt tlio N. W COIMOI of lot U , block lOI'i , niiilruilllliiif Foutll 44 fi ottbeiiLO rtCbt It "I foot , thence 11011 n 44 fiet , tbenco east 7.1feut to the pluco of betdnnlnii1 , llrtfliinliiK at the N. W , corner of lot 4 , block I'JP'i ' , und runnlnif south 41 feet , thoiue ! fcet.lhen o noitii 41 luct , thctnco east 0.7U feet to the plncoof beiflnnlnir. IleirlnnhlK at the N W. corner of lot fi , block IDI'/i ' , und iniiiiliiK south 41 leet , Ihunvewcst n.1)2 ) fret , thence north 44 feet , thence east li.ltl feet to the place of beirinnliiK , IlonliiMlntr ut the N.V. . corner of lot 0 , block 1 P . und riinnliiK south 44 feet , thoitro nimt fi.W feet , thence nijrth 41 feet , tlionco uistOUj fottto thodncoof | beirinnliii ? . Ilexlnnln ) , ' ut the N. W corner of lot 7 , block 10I1 } , iind runiimir south 41 feet , llionou wo-t S.IU foot , thence north 44 feet , thcnuu east f > 05 tret to the pl.icoof beirlnnln ? . UcelnnliiKut thoN. W corner ol lot 8 , block lOHi. mid rnnnliifr south 44 feet , thence wott 4.77 feet , thence north 44 feet , thence > fiet to the place of bo/lnnliiK. llojjinnliitrnt thoN. W.ooruer of lot 0 , blook IdlH.nnd rumilnir south 44 foct , tlicnco west 4.3.1 fret , tlienco north 44 feet , thouco east 4.77 toot to the place of hoKlnnlntr. llcfc'lnnliiif at the NV. . corner of lot 10 , block Ifll H , und running t-outli 41 feut , thence \tu8t4 feet , tlienco north 44 lect , thence vast 1.UU ftct to the pluco of bCKlnnlnir , No bids to bo conblderodttt a rate Dulow thu uimrulsod value. The city council reserros the right to reject October llth , 1660. olldCt Notice of Registration , rpo Tilllecnlolctsor : 1st District , 1st -L In thoclt ) of Onmlin. You nro hi-reby notllled that the Will sit n rtKlMrar tor rir t DMilrt. llr l A\niil. nl MS ufdfUil Souih Tenth tni'iirliitf 'lhiir--0m , October 2l t , lv < ( l , nt 11 o'clock a m , for tliiMunpofeof re iKlrtlnn nil iltinhfliM % otrr * within ml dl tllctnn 1 tor tlio purpose of ndilltiK to. nnd porreetlnn the rejrls- ttntlon tibeidv nmdi , und tor siuli purpose the unilrislirniMl will sit mulkeip liH book of ii'j- istintlon open oneh dn\ then after ( except Sun day at t hiI'lu e nfnre tild fiom eleven o'clock n. in. until ! > een o'eiiu'k p in , until Momlny , NoMMiibor 1st 18si , nt the linnrof l o clock tn , when SUM tniok < 't tetrlsinitlon w III be o'txcit. Alliinnlllledoter me imllllol tn attend nnd see tlint their imnii1 * niv propi-rls irpl iriml. ISAAC HI ) III N , ol3dlOt HcKl'trat l t UlMrlet , 1st Wnnl , Notice of Registration. rpOTIUJ leirnU oters of Jud DIsttlct , l t Wnrd , 1 In thocllj of Oiniihn. You mo lieiob ) notltli'd Hint the undeitlgnrd will all us iiiirlsniii lor Sot'oiul District ot the 1'lrst Wnnl nt 17.S 'oiiili llth Mirel , commeno- IliK Tlnirsil'iv , Oi tuber -'Ist , l ssi , at H o'clock a m , , lot tlio purpose of in lstoilnp nil iiuulltlod Mitrrs xi It III n UI ' 'nil dMilct. Nt un1. mul for the purpose of lidding to , nnd cimcttlnir the K'k'lsliiinon iiliouil } inndi'und ' tor snub imipnso the undcrslffiipd will sit und keep hli book ot re- ) Istrntion open euch dn > thoienitei ( except Sun- daj ) ut the pluco nforcsnld fiom elev en o'clock n m until " : e\eti o'clock p in. until No em- bet 1st. | < isi ] . nt die hour of lit o'clock m , whensnlil book of ii'Blstrullon will bo clo i > d , All nuiilltled voters nro no'llled to ntlend nnd sco that tholr iiiiineinie prnpoili roirlsteriHl. UKNUV KIlllKNl'l'OUr. olldlOt KeKlstrnr'Jnd District , 1st \ \ unl. Notice ot Registration. rpOTHKlejrnl volcisof Urd District , 1stWunl , JL In the ell } ofOmnhn : You nro hereby notified tlmt the Undersigned will Kit us roiclstrur ti.r Tliliil District , 1 Irst \\nul , ut Illti South 3Kth ntioot. commoncliiK Tliuis < lny , October21st , tS'n , ut H oVlock n in. , for the innpo'o of icRlMorltur nil ( iiiallllod votois wlihlnsiildflrd diotilct 1st IT aril , nnd tor tlio purpose of nddhiR to , und coiriotliiRlhn reKlstmtlon uliendy iniulc , und for such pur pose the undersigned will sit nnd keep his book of registration open ouch May thereafter ( oxi'e | > t Snndn\s ) nt the plnoo nforosuld from olOMMi o'clock n m. until so\en o'clock p m , until Monday , November 1st , t iU , nt the hour of 12 o'clock in , w hen 'ild book of icirlstrntion w 111 bo closed. All iimllcdoters | ! ! nro notified to ntlend nnd see Hint their nnines nro properly mastered. ALl'lUIl ) V1XRV. ulliJUt KeifIstrur 3rd District , 1st Ward. Notice of Registration , , loftnl Miters ol the 1st District of the j SUM Ward , In thocity of Omnhn. Younro hereby notified that the undcrslirned will situs rcKlstinrfortho IstDlstiict.'Jnd Wurd , of suld cltnt the N W. coi. Mlh nnd Jnckson slieets , ( Helnnod & TIL'S sforo ) , coiiimonc'lnir Tliuisdn > , October 21st , A. 1) . l ! < sl ( , nt II oYlock n. m. , for the purpose of relslerlntnlliiuullllcsl ( voters within said dlsti let , und tor thopuiposu of luhlliiK to , nnd eorioi'tliiK tlie rculstriitlon nlioiiily mnoe , nnd foi biicli purpo'o the under- sltrncd will Bit nnd keep his book of roKlslrntlon open each day thercaltnr ( csxcopt Sundiijsjia tlio tlio pliieo nforosuld lioni cloven n'cloiik u. in. until -ox en o'clock p m , tintll Mondiiy , No\ em ber 1st 18SH. nt the bonrot 12 o'clock m. , wlion enlil book of roRlslrntlon v/ill bo closed. Ah iiunlllledolorsnro notified to attend nnd BOO Hint their names mo properly registered. .1 A MRS DONNKLLY , SH. , HoKlstrnr. OniBhu , October lath. IbM ) . olJdlOt Notice of Registration , ' TIIKIeitnl voters of the Second Dlstilct , T'O Second Wind , In thnclty of Oiiiuhu : You nro hoiehy notllled Hint the undoisltrned will sit us registrar for Second Dlstilct , Second Wnrd. nt the corner of ItOth nnd I'oppleton Mti'cts , commencing lliursduy , October 21st , IBi-G , ut H o'clock u in. , for the purpose of qiinhflcdoterswlthlnsnld2ndills - tiltt , 2nd wnid , nnd for the puiposo of nddini ; to , and ooiicctliiK the rcglstiatlon nlrendy Hindu , anil for such purpose HID undcrslKued will sit und keep hli book of unlstrnllou open ench dnv tben'iiltcr ( except Snndnys ) nt the plucn nforosnld from ejox en o'clock n in , until RONOII o'clock p. m. , until Mondny , November 1st , IbMI , nt tlio tioui of 12 o'clock m. , when snld book of icjl ( tintlon will be closed. All iiunllfled votois nio notllloil to nttond nnd ECO Hint their nnines nio properly registered. Jl'LlUS HUDOWSKY. o3dlOt Hcslstrnr 2nd District 2nd Wain. Notice of Registration. TO the Icsnlotors of I'd Wind In the city of Oiiiuhn. Yon mo hereby notified that the undersigned will sit ns roRistrur for Third Wnrd , In the city orOinuhu , ut l'I18 Dodjto htroet , ooraniuncliiK ThutHdny , October 21st , 1880 , Ut 11 o'clock u. m . for the vurposa of rojrfsterinjr nil nilnllllcd votois within snldTlilid Wnrd. nnd fortho pur- posoof nihlliiK'to ' , and onrroctlnir tlio reBlbtnx- tlon nlrendy inndo , nnd lor such purpose thn undorslpned will sit nnd keep his book of reels- tuition open cnch riuy thereafter ( except Sim- duys ) nt the place uforosnld from cleon o'clock u m. until floven o'clock n. in. , until .MonilLy , No\ombcr 1st , 18v1 , nttbo hour of 12 o'clock in. , when suld book of roKistratlon will bo closed. All ( inulllled voters uro notlllod to nttend und Bee that their nmnos nro iiroporly rCKlstorod. olldlOt MATT HOUYBIt , Keglstrnr. Notice of Registration , TIO the lejul voters of First Distilct of ttio Ith n aid , In tlio city of Oninliu. YO-J nro hoioby notified Hint the undersigned - ed will situs rcKistrnr for the First District of tlio 4th u aid , ut Forsytli's ditiK store , cor. lUth nnd Capitol live. , coinmoncliitf ThuiMlny , Oct. 21st , 18M ) , at 11 o'clock n. in. , foi tlid ] iuiposoof reiflstorintr nil qualified \otrrs within paid dis trict , und tortile purpose of mldlng to , und cor- roctliiKtho icirlstintlon ulrendy mtulo , und lor such pin pose the undersigned will sit und keep hlsbookofrosrlstintlon ojion oneh dny tlioro- niter ( accept Sundays ) nt the place nforosuld lioinolovon o'clock u.m until seven o'clock p. m , . until Monday , November 1stnt the hour of 12 o'clock M. , when snld book of rcjfistrntlon will be closoil. All ( iiiallllod votci a nro notllled to nttend nnd sco that their nnmos nro properly roistered. 1) . li KIIY1-S , oUdlOt Hcglstrnrorist District.4th Wnrd. Notice of Registration. rpO THE li'irul voters ol tbo 2nd District of X tbo 4th Wind , In tlio city of Oinulin : You uro hereby notillod tlmt the undersigned will sit UH rcBlstrur for thu Second District of the 4th Wmd , in the ollico of the county sur veyor , In the basement of the county court bouse , cominonchiK Tlmrsdny , October 21st , 1W8 , nt 11 o'clock r. . m , for the purpose of rojrls- torlntfall iiuullfled voters within snld 2nd dls- tiictof tlio 4th ward , und fortho purpoxo of ndd- IiiKto.nnil corroctlnif the rcKlsliutlon alrendy nnide , und for such puinoFO the unilnrsiniieil wlllsitiind Uccp his book of iCKlstrutlonopen cuch dny thereafter ( ovcept Sumliiys ) at tbo plucc iitori'suld from eleven o'clock n m. until ( ( neil o'clock p. in. , until Monday , November 1st lKufl , nt the hour of 12 o'clock m.wbon snld hook of roKlstiiitlon w III be closed. All qunllllod inters mo notllloil to nttend und see Hint Hiclr mimes nropiopnrly rcjrlsleicd. oMdlUt JAMHS O. CA'iXTiilHcKlstrnr. | | : : Notice of Registration , rr\O tliolo \OIOMOC riiat Dlstilct Cth ward , -L in the city of Omiiha , You nro hereby notillod Hint the undorslcn od will sit nsnulstrur lortbo 1'Iinl DIitiict&th wnrd , ut No.'M \ Cuss slirct , coiiimuiicliiK Tliursdny , October 2lt > t , IHeil , ut II o'clock n. m. , lot the purpOM'of ro lsteilnic nil voters wllhin ( aid dlstilu , ami tor thn puriioso of udilln to , nnd oorioctlnr. the le iHtnitlon nlioiidy iiuule , und lor such pin pose the iinderblKnod will sit und kcop lilsbnok of u-Klstint Ion open ouchdiiy tlioioaiun ( oxcupt Siinduyw ) ut the pluoo nloro- mill 1 1 oni eleven o'clock n. m. until seven o'o'ock p in. , until Monday , Novotnbur 1st , l m , nt the liour of 12 o'l'loi k M , when said book ot rcfflstrntlon will bo close 1. All qnulllli > d voloi.s m o notllled to ntlenil und gee thnt their iiiuned nro piopcrly leKlsteied. .S. WAKI'l'lIM , ! ) , nlldTt Hi-vlhtrm lf > t | ) istilcir > th Wind. Notice of Registration. rilOTHK loKal volcisol 'ml District , Mb Wmd -L In tlio clt j ofOmuhn You mo heiuby notllled thnt the unilnisl nnd will situs ruKistiur lot Huuoiid DMiiU , I'lfth Wurd , nt Hit Ninth llllh street , Oiiiiiliu , coin- nicncmi ; 'Ihuibdii ) , October 2l t , IdW , ut II o'clock u. in , , for Ibu puiposoot ii > iMorlnif nil ( juulilleil volorsvltliin H.ild diiti let , ami for the purpose of nddhiK to , nnd coiii > etlnirliu | K-KlB- trillion nlieiuly miuln.und for imrposo ihn iindor.'lk'nfd will sit nnd kwp lih book of lotfls lintloiiopen ench duy tbeiciiflcir fe\Lept Sun- All qiialllloil votoia niu notitlod to uttoiid und too Hull llulr iiuinos nru protieily rcKlstiiird , oHdlt't ' It. K Itl'.DMtm , IKvlstrnr. Notice of Registration , rpOTIli ; lo ulMitrrx nl 2nd Diaiict.Oth Wurd Jin tno city ol Omnhn ; You lire hcicby notlllcd Hint the undersigned w ill Hit in H ( fist i ur lor Un > riioond Dlstiint ol tbo BiMb Wmd.ut the ooinurof 2tth unl Ciimlnv Hlioelit , lOiiiiiH'iKliuc 'i'liursilu > , ( ) i tobur 2ht , 1KM , nt 11 o'clock n m. , lor tbo iiuriiosonf re - Isti'linif all quulllledolei t within biild 2nd die- tiht ut tbu Mh wind , unit tor tbo puiposi1 , < il Idlnif to und ' < 'Uliif tbo midbt , * a , i'ori : i a > n ulrtail ) nnide , nnd for Niiuli put \ > o > * > tbo under- KlyniMl will ell und keep his book ot iciriblnillon open ruuli du > tbeicultor ( except t'unilii > b ) nt tbo placu uloionldfioin eleven o'clock a. iii.iin- tiUovcnoYloi , ) , p. in. , until Iciiuluy , Nocomber let , ltu ! , ut tbo hour of U o'clock in. .when suld book of iei'lstriitlon will be closed. All qunllllo I \olcraaro notlllcil to uttend nnd euo tbul thuir J01I.N UAllIt , SIMritOVKI ) I'AKMS , UutlcrCo , Kun * , lor uula ; 55 nlco cltr lots. ii : Dorado , Kniin. , forsulo. Kuch lane U vxdl nd.intut to Kraln undntock ; rlclisoll ; allpiow or ptiituro Hnil ( no wiibto ) . Title perfect , with wurinnly deed. 'i'h low nrosmooili , nloo building loin , only > ' , mlle north of l0. . I'rlco , t75 ! to M75. Teacher , cloiks , anyone who wlFlioj a safe property Hint will double In 1 year , should buy lots In Kl Dor- do ; populAllou 0Wi ) the prettiest < lly In Ku i sag Tcrmg emu. Adilrvit li W , CAC , K'ti ' o i do Kuusiu. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. 11EV1NS A CHUKCHI ! . ! * , N-W. Cor , 13h anil DoiistM 81 * W. J. nn a.llth StreoU ar.oiUJiv. : . ATioKMcr AT LAW , riOcoiior'g Illock , 15th ( ir.oum : s. SMITH IMx Fnrnnm Street. I. . H > . EBOMTU'.S , Attorney at JAI ItoomH I'li'iucr 111oohOppo ltoro9tonioo. PHYSICIANS. CJlAltLKS ItOSISU'Arjilt , AT. Physician & Surgeon , 214 * * . 12th St. , cor Fninnm. Iron Hank I Olllco houi s , 2 to 4 nnd 7 to n p. m. 10 to 13 on Hiinda ) . o. s. fHrrtiAN , w. . , Physician and Surgeon , OFFICE. V.IK Cor. 14th and Douglas. Odlco Telephone 4B5. Hciddenco Telephone 43 , Surgeon and Physician OFFICE. N.W. Co14th and Douglas St , Ofllco Telephone 4C5. Hcsldcnco TelouuonoMS JAMKS 11. PlsTllOUY , M. 1)TI rhyslclfin nnil Sur/fcon. / Hoaldeneo , No. 1407 .Tones Street. Offloo , Wlllniell Illoek. Telephone , residence , No. 13S. onioe , Mi I'nTSICIAN AND SnilOROf , nice mul Hesldonoo , 7S4 N. 10th St. JI. A. WOULKY , M. I ) . , Office 14W Italian Street. Telnpheno 4W. Itcbklonuo 1712 Capital A\c. TulephonoSlD. VANCAMPM.U. , in Tolo at . 1st door wed of 1' O Tnko ole ntor to room3 12-1J third floor. Telephone No Hcsldonco.fOHN. 20tlistroot. Tolophoiio No. 30 I'.M. CI1AUW1CK , 1'hyslclan nnil Surgeon , Telephone 689. Office 3H 3. I4th 8t it. W. CONNELL , M. U , IIomcBOpnthlst , Omco. 31.1 S. 14th it. Telephone 53'J. im. jr. w. WVSAUT , s urgeon Howard , Hestifpnce.lOll Dodne st.iTolophono , 88. Ollico hours , 10 to IS n. nnd 2 lo 5 p m. INSURANCE. C. T. TAYLOR , General Agent NEW YORK LIFE IHSUrUNCS CO OfllcoCor. 14th nnd Doujrlas 31s. Isiucs Orillnury Life , Kmlowniont , Llni'tod nndowment , Five Your Dividend Pliin und the Populiu Non Foi reltlnjf Tonllno Policies , As- seta over f l,0,000CO ) . Agents viinti'd. . General Agent Proiident Saving Llfi Assaran ) Co of New York. Mlllurd Ho ol Illook , Omnhn. The ptilcllv ' Natural 1'r Jinluni Plnn " Actun nvornKo yonrly cost during 183J , 1B31 nnd 1885 , nt ago u7 , for $10,000 , was f 78.SO. _ FINE JOB PRINTING. CO. , Printers , Book Binders And Ulnnk book Manufacturers. Nos. lOfl and lOSS.Kth strnot. Omnhn.Nob. J.F , Kalrllo , Bupor- Intondont lllndery. Telephone No. 253. HARNESS. J. F. SEG-ER Unnntnctttror nnd dunlor lu hnrness , buddies , whips , horse clothing , otc. All grades of harno'is nlvrnys liojit on buna or mndo to order. Hopalrlntf u specialty 110 N. 16th tit- bet. Uoilgo nud Capital Avo. AUCTIONEER. A. Vf. COWAN & CO. Auction and Commission Consignments solicited ; furniture hniiirhtitlil cold. SnloJ of Hvo stock and household furnl- turoiitiirlvato rosldcnuoi Is n specialty vrith ui. Itoniiiiulior tlio piaoo , W'jst i. Fillsoliur's bloolc Nlllhst. NoIlO STOVtb and TINWARE. OhO. J. AKMUUUhT , Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery , Etc. Also Tin Hoofing , flnttarlny.SpoiitliiT , aivl Oonernl .lotiTiiinlnir. The host of work und r AI Bonn bio cluirgo- ) . Milk onus anil other tlnwuiti n stout 2JIJ CumlngSt , Oninliu , Nob. Dentists. 'WlliNNKUllY .t K Dentists , 1314 Farnam titroa MEAT MARKETS. _ _ li. iIKUHKUTZ IStli Street Market. AH kinds of fresh nnd salt moaaoanitantly on hand. Poultry , gumo , etc. , in tenson. _ K. llKuuuinv. 14 So. 13th strpot. RESTAURANTS. _ _ The Morns Restaurant fstbo very bust rallnif hnuso In the city. Try It und you will bo B.Uhllod. lillUot f ire 011 t i'j i ao lo.tu unl li trap ijno A5s.50oinimutatlou tiukot for II. Tickets for 21 menlg tl ' , \ llgurdby the week } j.2 > . Mcala,23 * caoh. _ 16h ! Del , Dou las and Dodfje Ss , Notice ol Registration , rpo THU l > al VOIVH of lat nistrltt , Cth Ward , -L lii the oily of Dmiilm : Vnu uro heibby nidlllcd iliutlhn iiinloislcnud will sit ns rogUtrui tor Klrit DHtilot , Uixlh Wurd , ut ( ho store of H. II. Lucas , 2 W ( Jumlnif street , coininuni'inir Thuiilny , t > > tobor Xnt | , I KM , lit 11 o'clock u. in. , lor Iho pnri'Os.0 of iculi- luring nil nnulltled volna vutliln kjld election dlbtrlct , und lor Ibo pilt-ii'iso of tuldlng to , nd forioctlng thn rut Ion ulriiady imuii ) , nnd for such purMio | Hiu unduri'lgno I will nil wild keep bin book of ictfUliiitlon open < ! > thorouftcroxccpt ( Buiuluyw at the ptiueuforc en 111 fiom eleven o'clock . nn until HOVOII o'clock p. in . until Monday , Xovuinbor 1st , 1D-J- , at I ho hour ofX \ o'clock- . , wluniP.ill tn > ok of legifctintlon will ho clotDd. All fUiill"'i.l | rotcrs nro notllled to nttuivt und soft that lh'lrinttu" ? oUdlOt Hpfi | trftr Ut I'rcclnot.Cth Wunl