Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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DcllU'ttd by enrrtor In tiny pnrlor tliooltynt
twenty tt'iitspcr week.
II. AV. TII.IO.V , . . . .Manager.
ncFisrcsOirif B , No. * &
NIGHT I'Diron No. 21.
Now York ritimbi.ig Co.
Now fall goods at Keller's.
Cooper & Meoo ( ! soil Hardware ! .
Cheap railroad tickets at Hu-dinellX
One io/eti ! c.ibinets and a large panel
for ? 2.BO at Schmidt's gallery.
H II. Allen will shortly open the store
formerly occupied by Coeko & Morgan.
Permit lo marry was yesterday given
Clitirh's liimtell and ( . 'arolinoSetam , Doth
o .Silver City.
Opening of Paris tourists ami English
round hats , Saturday , Oct. Kith. JJIiss ,
IBM Douglas street , Omaha.
Thu Congregational people Imdapleas-
r.nt social last evening al the residence of
T. .1 Evans , on Oakland avenue.
( iraud opening at Illiss , ' No 15M Doug-
la street , Onmlm , to-day. Latest Pari-
s'an ' hats and English round hats.
The ducks are beginning to thicken on
Lake Manawi : , anil E. W. < ray reports
the air UK being thick with them yester
day morning.
To-day.I. J. Hllss'opening takes place
at No. 1511 Douglas .street , Omaha.
Lntesl novelties in Parisian bonnets and
.English round lints.
'J ho paving of Hroadway to the river > s
among the improvements which arc to
are to attend the building of the proposed
wagon bridge at the foot of Hroadway.
IK J. Austin got his right hand mashed
Thursnay , by a falling timber , while at
work on the new bridge al Spoon lake.
lie will have to lay oil' duty for a short
Mr. Moiheroll , contractor for the roof
of I ho government building , is ncre , and
Hays the work will .soon commence. lie
it will employ about twenty-live men , and
Bj the lirst carload of iron has already ar
A special invitation is extended to the
ladies of Council UlnH's ( o attend Blips'
opening to-day at No. IBM Douglasstroet ,
Oniuha. Latest stylus in millinery and
Parisian bonnets and English round
Only about 2,000 voters have registered
thus 'far. There must be many tardy
ones , who should hurry to the front
to-jay. ( Kemember that if you do not
register , you cannot vote , and no one can
register jour name for you.
The members of Harmony Chapter No.
25 , O. E. S. , are requested to meet at the
residence of John Keller this evening al
8 o'clock to perfect arrangements for
their banquet to be given on the 21) ) th
irist. Ily order of the W. M.
II , C. Addis , the well-Kiiown implement
man , met with a serious accident al
Wakeliold , > Tob. , \Vednesday. . He
was thrown from a buggy , and received ,
it is feared , internal injuries. One rii >
was broken , and slighter injuries were
also received. Mrs. Addis was informed
by telegraph , and has gonu there to at
tend him.
The ease of J. H. Blank , charged with
the dastardly act of slugging Sum Davis ,
was disposed of yesterday , Judge Aylcs-
woith discharging the defendant. There
was much evidence pointing ; to Blank as
the man who hit Davis , but Blank showed
an alibi. The judge did not think there
was quite evidence enough to warrant
him in holding Blank.
The announcement made by ono of the
papcrH.yostcrday that the man Keating
nad died during the previous night was
not true. Ho was still alive yesterday ,
but his end was evidently drawing near ,
and death liable to come at any moment.
An inlormatiou has been already pre
pared , charging Chislcr with his murder ,
so that the important document could bo
lilod the moment that death was anne
no meed.
By tlio changes in the police force Offi
cers Lewis and Wightman turn in ( heir
ftirs , and retire to private lifo. They
have served well , and the fact that they
were not retained on the force will not
be counted against them , all realizing
" Oinrn nro , „ . . "Mives which actu-
t WW y . - , -ml
ate a now mayor in p r.l' " ? his tnuu , . . .
and that it is not always the worst men
who fail to receive honors.
Ed. Ferris , charged with obtaining
money under false pretenses , was yester
day before Justice Selmrlz. and on motion
of the prosecution the bail was lixcd at
$330. An attempt will be made to secure
his release by lining bonds. It Is charged
that Ferris and his wife gave a mortgage
for $67 on the household furniture , claim
ing it belonged them , when it belonged
to his motnor-in-law , Mrs. JoncH , who
would not stand it.
Ella Smith , one of the young ladies at
Stella Long's hoarding house , left last
nitrht for the west , to start anew , and try
to live u different life. She is an Iowa
nirl , Marshalltown being her home. Her
brother traced her hero about three
weeks ago , but when ho came here al
that time after her , she declined to ac
company him. Ho came again yester
day , and prevailed upon her to start on
the road lo reform. Ho will provide her
a home , and she being hearlily weary of
n life of shame , promises to redeem her *
Yesterday morning a cra/.cd woman
arrived on one of the trains from the
cast. Shu was accompanied by her hus
band , the two. being on route from near
J'ittsburg to California. The woman was
nil right when she started , but it is sup
posed that the excitement of the journey ,
uiut her loss of sleep , caused her tem
porary derangement of mind. She was
BO violent that shu had to bo taken to the
jail , but wns becoming calmer Insl night ,
ami will doubtless bo teen able to resume
her journey.
The now registry law causes much
hunting for naturalisation papers. Many
who have lost their original papers are
taking out now ones , One yesterday , a
well Known citizen , who has not only
Toted many times , hut who served val
iantly through the war , took out papers
afresn , rather than sutler the delay and
annoyance necessary to send east and
have the old record revived. Another
citizen , William Ocss. took out Ids
papers , showing up his lirst papers , taken
out In Wisconsin in 1855.
Captain Cousins , in retiring from the
police force , says he turns over his star
with pleasure to the new captain , Nick
O'Urion , for he knows from personal
working with him that O'Unen Is ono of
the best ofltcers on the force , nnd the
shrewdest detective ho ever etuue in con
tact with. Captain Cousins leaven to-day
for Nebraska to look after home lauded
interests there , expecting to return
shortly. Cousins has made an excellent
record as an ofllcor , and as a citizen and
true man ho will continue to hold the re-
epect and o a toe in of a largo circle of
J. Krusdtorf , having taken eutiro con
trol of the Phojnix chop hoimo , desires to
Btate that ho has secured the services ol
Charles Decker , n first-class cook of New
York city. The best the market affords ,
night nnd day , in the best style of thr
art , Will also have n regular bill of fare
Try a Garland cook store , Cooper iS
Nelieo lave them.
Hard nnd soft coal , wood , liiue-.eniunt ,
etc. Council Ulnft's 1'uol Co. , .No , 0311
Urorvdway , _ Teh-phono Kit. ISO.
i ,
The Proposed Ordinances Which Are Onus-
ing Such a Stir.
Sonic Jlltior Ai-clilriiis t loss of the
Hiimlay .Si.'liu.Convention !
Personal- * null Itn- uN.
The Tenlh Avoutio l'r toot. )
The ordinance before the council , in
regard to the giving up of Tenth avenue
lo the Union 1'aellie , bus caused no little
commotion. The residents along that
avenue are especially arou-ed , and all
clti/oiis are interesscd. Some time ago
a move was made to have Twelfth ave
nue given up to the Union 1'acilic , to
allow the company to run its track up to
Main street , where a freight , depot waste
to be located for the accommodation of
the many heavy shippers whoso ware
houses arc on lower Main street. The
council passed an ordinance giving the
company the right of way on certain
conditions , the freight rates being lixed
the same as from the transfer , and other
clauses being inserted , which thu com
pany did not like. I'or some such reasons
the company declined to accept the ordi
nance within the ninety days Hxcd in
which it could be accepted. The matter
was therefore dropped. When thecili
/.ens appeared betore the railway com
missioners of the state last spring , and
made known thojr grievances before
them , one ot the causes as stated was
that the Union I'aellio had not kept its
promise in regard to building a freight
depot at Main street. The matter was
canvassed thoroughly al that time , and
the arrangement made that if the citi/.ens
would secure the right ot way for the
company , along some route which the
t'nion Pacific would deem advisable , the
freight depot should bo put in. As a re
sult of this agreement , the citi/cns1 com
mittee present an ordinance , through Mr.
Wright , who is both a mumbcr of the
committee , and attorney for the com
pany. The ordinance provides for the
right of way along Tenth avenue , from
Third street west. Also for a freight
dunot at the corner of Sixth street and
Tenth avenue.
The city council has very widely dc-
cidcd to await the expression of the sen
timents of the people before taking ac
tion on the ordinance , but there is an
evident disposition on the part of the
council to give away the avenue for that
Mayor ( iroueweg outlined his views
upon the subject in his inaugural , in
which he urges the. council to be liberal
in its treatment of the railway companies
in their endeavors to do anything which
would help the city. At the same time
the rights of private citizens should bo
protected He does not look upon the
giving up of Tenth avenue with much
favor , but he will surely oppose it if some
means are not taken to protect the pri
vate cili/.eii.s who have propertv on that
avenue. There are some who "have put
the earnings of years into homos on that
avenue , and they will surely bu entitled
to some damage. For the city to give
the railway company thu right-of-way
over the avenue may bn a good thing for
the city , but even should it so prove , it is
not enough for the city to .simply give up
the avenue with the mere promise of the
company that the city shall not be liable
for any of these damages , but that the
company will settle them. Mayor ( Jrono-
weg feels that some arrangement should
be made so that these property owners
shall be satisfied , and get their rightful
damages secured before the company is
allowed to occupy the avonuo. tor the
city to give up the avenue and then leave
the property owners to secure their dam-
aces as best they could , would be a hard
ship to many. It would leave these citi
zens to light their battles , if any are to bo
fought , single handed , and would place
these citizens in a condition of o.ompara-
live helplessness , for few of thorn arc in
condition to stand thu expense of pro
longed litigation. If the Union Pacilic
company intends to do the fair thing by
these citizens it can do so first aa well a's
last. If the nuestion of damag < > s can be
arranged salisfHctorily with the property
owners , and they can ue induced to with-
' w opposition to the scheme , then one
iu . . . "Ktacles will bo removed ,
of the greav > . . . < > riven some assur-
Until these citizens tv. _ ' ' > protected
aneo that their interests wlu . . . - msr-
they will surely protest against in"w- . , , _
pnso , and they will find many symi ? . u'7' '
ors , among them , without doubt , the
mayor himself.
Another objection which is heard
against the move is the running of moro
tracks across Main street. Main street
is an important nml busy thoroughfare
and should have as few railway tracks
crossing it as possible. If railway tracks
cross it at Tenth avenue then there will
bo a block which will bo a dangerous
pocket , for on the north will bo the Union
I'aeilio tracks and on the south the Chicago
cage , Burlington & Quincy tracks. It is
iv mystery to many why the Union Pacific
incus to cross Main street at all. If ( he
roight depot is to be a block west of
Mum street , it does not appear plain
, vhy it should be deemed necessary to go
wo blocks east ot Main street. Some
claim that the Union Pacific want to get
atraek up to the blulls , so as to haul dirt
for approaches to the new bridge and
for other improvements , but this would
only a temporary necessity. Others pre-
lict that ore long thu Union Pacilic will
have a line running cast of Chicago , and
that it wants to have the creator part of
the right of way through this city secured
now.The suggestion has been made also that
thu Tenth avcimo route should bo aban
doned and another chosen , which would
not affect so much residence property.
There is talk favorable to a condemation
of lots on thu north side of Klevonth
avenue , that avenue already being occu
pied by tracks , and the lots not being val
uable , It is thought that this is practica
ble and that it would do away with the
Tenth avenue dilUeultics.
Now is the time for the discussion of
all these difllcultics and complications.
The city council should be informed
frcoly of ttio feeling of thu people , and
when so informed they wlP doubtless act
in accordance with what thus sue ma for
thu bust interests of all. There is a dis
position to maku sacraliccs if necessary ,
in order to helu along any change whiuh
will increase the business facilities of thu
city and advance its commercial inter
ests , Thu time has gonn by for blocking
thu wheels of progress here , but while all
want to BCO enterprises encouraged , there
i.i a feeling that too much care cannot bo
exercised in giving valuable franchises
to great corporations. In order to inform
thu readers what the proposed ordinance
contains , it is given in almost its entirety
as follows :
That the right of way for n single or
double track railway , with the necessary
switches , turnons , and side tracks , over ,
along and upon Fourth avenue , west-
warn , from its intersection with Third
street , is hereby prantcd to the Union
Pacilic for the construction and opera
tion of a railway thurcon.
Thu said company shall within ninety
days from the passage of the ordinance
lay down its track , and construct and
maintain a suitable freight depot , or
other depots at thu intersection of Fourth
avenue and Sixth street for the accommo
dation of the public , and at said depol
shaU'bo received 'and delivered all the
local freight , consigned to or fron
Council Hind's o\cr said company's rail-
wnv , when so ordered by consignees or
consignor * , thereby relieving and re
leasing the said eompnny from the like
obligation to so receive and deliver
freight at any other point in aid city ,
sunlit shall so construct , equip , manage
and operate said depots and line of mil-
way as to furiiiMi ample accommodation
for the public , and the speedy transit of
all freight shipped or received over the
The company " -linll conform at all
times to the grade1- Tenth avenue and
the street crossing the same , and shall
provide aid maintain waterways , out
lets. bridges and suitable crossings.
The right of way is granted upon the
express condition that whenever the
company ximll fail to comply with the
covenants for a period of thirty days ,
unle s failure is caused bv providential
causes lo\oiid ) , the power ol the company.
the right to the avenue shall and
the city may remove the tracks at the
company's expense.
Tlmelty is not liable for any damage
that may occur by reason of the location ,
construction or operation of thu rail
' 1 he company shall not talc ; any earth
from Tenth avenue or from any street or
alley , or maku any excavations therein ,
and the company shall construct ami
maintain such culverts , ditches and
water courses as the eity shall direct
along the same and at all laterscctions.
'The company shall file Its wr.tten ac
ceptance of the ordinance ami rights
therein granted within thirty days alter
its passage.
New Hrldsc anl ; Stool KniHvny.
It begins to look as if the many predic
tions concerning another bridge across
the Missouri wore soon to be realized. has been a great change in senti
ment concerning the advisabiiitv of a
wagon bridge at the foot of Hroadway , or
al some other suitable point , connecting
the two cities. When the project was first
discussed , about four years : igo , the mat
ter was viewed with strange prejudice by
many Council IM nil's citizens , aiul when
the Ur.H gave even the plain news as to
the meetings of committees and other ac
tions taken , there were not a few who
were loud in their outcries that it was an
Omaha scheme to ruin Council HlulVs.
Loudest among them all wa.s the dear old
grandmother , who in days had even
more vigor to her voice than in these
latter days of her dotage. Now , even the
old lady can no longer resist the tide of
public sentiment , as voiced by the people
nore , and she has joined in the demand
for a wagon and street car bridge , and
will doubiluss be , ere long , claiming that
she originated it and carried it through.
The lirst move mailu publicly of late
was at the last meeting of the 'city coun
cil. The matter came out boldly and
squarely. As stated yesterday , an ordi
nance was presented to give the bridge
company the right of way for street car
lines. A ? it is a matter which concerns
the city greatly , the ordinance will bo
looked over very carefully , and will
doubtless be amended in several particu
lars before being passed , but when prop
erly amended so as to more fully protect
the city's interests , the ordinance will
doubtless meet with little opposition.
Among the clauses which will probably
bo introduced as amendatory will be one
which will provide that the company
must within homo reasonable time , to be
lixed by the ordinance , avail itself of the
rights granted under the ordinance , and
not hold it as a more paper to be used if
necessary to thwart other enterprises , and
compel others to buy up the rights. The
oidinance is brielly as follows , as now
P"iidmg :
Consent is given to the Omaha &
Council Bluffs Railway & Uridgo
company , and its successors and assigns ,
to construct and maintain for twenty-
live years a single or double track street
railway , with the necessary switches ,
turnouts and sidetracks , along and over
streets , alleys and bridges hereinafter
designated , and such other streets as the
comprny may hereafter select with the
consent of the city. The company shall
have the right to intersect and cross the
tracks of any street or other railway , and
the right to connect its main line with
its depots , stations , car houses , and
stables , situated on any lot fronting on
such main lino.
The streets anil avenues opened are :
Broadway , South First street , Graham
avenue , High street from Graham avcnuo
to Sixteenth avenue. Sixteenth avenue
Ironi High street to Third street , Third
street from Sixteenth avenue to Tenth
avonu'3. Tenth avenue from Third street
to South Sixth street ; and South Sixth
street from Tenth avcnuo to Broadway.
Provided , that no steam motive power
shall be used on any of said streets and
avenues , except on Broadway west of
Eleventh struct.
Ti'.S tracks shall bo laid so as to con-
- * " thte established grades of streets
form. . " - . has or shall establish
wherever the cu. - u nro not
such grade. Whore HI.IO , , .
graded , the tracks shall be laid to con
form to the surface of the streets , but
they shall be made to conform when the
eity establishes its grade. In case the
city shall pave any street along whish the
railway may run , said company shall at
its own expense pave the space between
.he rails , to correspond with the street
.taving. Whore tracks arc laid upon a
street already paved , the company shall
> av property owners , abutting , for the
paving between the rails.
The city shall not bo liable to said
company that may bo occasioned by the
breakage of gas or water pipes , o 1 for
delays occasioned by the construction of
sewers , laying of water or gas pipes , or
repairing the name , or from the improve-
mint or repairs of any streets.
The company shall file Its acceptance
ivitlnn thirty days.
One of the old policemen remarks that
for years past there has not been an in
augural given by a ntiw mayor , or a radi
cal change in the police force , without
thu same night boinir marked by numer
ous burglaries. The coincidence is given
for what it is worth , and the readers are
left to their various conjectures as to why
this should bo thus. Certainly it is that
the night on which Mayor Gronowcg gave
his inaugural , and announced his new
force of police , there wore several houses
visited by burglars. Ono of them was
tht' residence of vValtor Young , corner ol
Seventh street and Mynstor. When lit
awoke yesterday morning ho found hi , '
suit of clothing gone. The fellows hail
taken the clothing into the yard , and 'in
their haste had allowed some of the con
tents of thu pockets to drop out. Among
the articles thus found by him was i
package of bills receivable , a note for t
small amount , and a diamond for cutting
glass. Ho lost but a small amount o :
Harry Inman's house , No , 733 Wash
ington avenue , was also visited , llli
clothing was taken , but left in the street ,
where it was being used by Harry's doj
as a bed , when found the next morning
The thlovesgot away with hisgold watel
and chain and a little change ,
John Lindor's house , corner of Fits
street ami Washington avonuo. was ran
sacked. The burglars helped llieinsolvo
to the clothing of Oscar Lmder , who wa
sleeping up-stairs , but left it in the yard
taking away only his silver watch ,
Thu residence of Frank Grass , at tin
corner of Scott and Mynster , was visited
Ono of the fellows was at work at th
window , when Mrs. Grass was awakunci
by the noise , and seeing the man abou
to enter aroused her husband. They sa\
two men hurry awav , the fellows sooi
being out of sight and rcaeu.
Kav S. Tuttlc Is in oft the road for a
few days. ,
Sh nirFarell , of Mill * coiinly , was in
thu city yesterday. 'I '
Samuel Haas has gtme lo Chicago on a
brief IIUSUHMH trip. '
Charles Lamber cn , of , Omaha , was a
lilull's visitor .vesterd-ij ,
K. C. Whitney , of , Shenandoah , was
at the Pacilic yesterday.
W. W. Loomis left yesterday on a
business vi itto Cedar Unpids.
O. P. lUirnett , of Onjalta , called on
some of his old acquaintances yester-
Kverard and Kulallu. by Kd. Wright ,
for sale by Hushncll A ; Croekwcll.
Fresh oysters in every style at the
Phojulx Chop House , No. 50. ) Broadway.
The lloyal Arcanum met last ovoninir
to maku arrangements for the scries ol
socials this season.
Mrs. A. S. Hall U prepared to do di ess-
making on short noliccaml at reasonable
prices. No. ! W8 Hroadway.
Seal brand oystersat 11. , f. Palmer's.
The bills for the recent special election
amount already to $372 , and with the
others yet to be heard Irom , it cost about
as much to elect si mayor as the mayor's
nual salary amount's to.
Custom-made railroad shoes and Ger
man slippers at ( ! . Hl.ixsim's , Mam st.
Ati Independent Candidate.
1 hereby announce myself as an inde
pendent candidate for justice of the
peace , and submit my claim to the voters
of Council Hlull'-i , la. , on the -'ml day of
November , ItWi. A. L. l
Richmond Hunges for hard coal are the
best. Cooper & Mcee ( ! hull them.
At 0 o'clock last evening Keating , who
was shot the other night was HtiTahvo ,
with good prospects of living through
the night.
First-class regular dinner 25 cents 18 to
U o'clock. Pluuntx chop house , 505
Electric door bells , burglar alarms , and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Seal brand oysters at II. J. Palmer.s.
See that your books are made by More-
house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
Substantial abstracts ot titles and real
estate loans. J. W. it K. L. Squire , No.
101 Pearl street. Council Bluffs.
The Catholic ladies have decided to
substitute for their annual fair a series of
hops , to be given in the M. E. Smith
bnildiiiir The lirst of the scries will be
given on the 8''d. The proceeds of these
parties are to be deyuted to paying for
the pavingand other improvements about
the church property. " . '
Best stoves , both cook and heating at
low prices. W. A. Wobcl , JCo. r.Ol Main
street. , ,
"The best stove I over hail , " is the ver
dict of thousands who fiavujiisod the Ha-
piiint Homo base burner. Cooper &
MeGee , agents.
Will make a Spscial Sale this week o
Prices will be Lower than rande by
any otlisr store iu the west.
Do not fail to sco us before purchas
ing elsewhere.
This department wo ebfill clone - _ . ,
and shall innko prices ( o sell thorn. Our
Stock is seasonable and styles excel-
Tiisse m Bargains Never Be
fore offered ,
And pau ran save money by calling
OUUB before purchasing : for wo will
not bo undersold.
lit N. Jiuin St. , Council BluflB. la. , and
SOU S. Iflth St. , Hooiu f,0fnmha ) , xcb.
Maiiufiicturer'aKontfor the
TcnK A\vnIniH , Uooflng Slute , Man
tels , Plato and Window ( flaas , Show
cases. Elevators ( hand mid hydra -
dra ili&c.
In the city can bo obtained by patronlzluir tUs
GKO , W. SUIIINDEKE , 1'fop ,
Nope but experienced Jiands employed ,
Out of town orders by mail or oxpresa so
licited , and all work warranted.
Don't foi-t/i'l Hint ihtCountIt JtlitJJ's On / > < > / Ci ii ) > ( inu will make < t
clmiillt' In tliriijh'in on htntHirunl ne.rl. ami Unit tlic// / tinliuninl lo
inutrt'ittllii i-rttinv tlirit- . . / > < ' / , ut-foi-i' ihut tlitjh
< ! o NT tlicin hi'/'tii't1 unit jwir/ww rlst-u-tici-Ct tintt obtain ilictiin'lns. .
Jf [ itin irtntt ID tutu nnittlihiir In their linttlun will flvc you i > iictli < tt
it-Ill eri-tiiliilii null J/OH
Their utot-li 1'Hiinlntn of tilt f/jv i's iinil inttkt"i of
Mattings , Window Shades ,
A lot of Table Linen. * . Towel. * tintltinhlmt to eloxe enl tit LliSN
TilA.COST. . Sec them.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ,
No. 4:0 5 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
F ' , ?
Tanning Lauds In Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from fJi.OO lo
$10.00 pr : acre. School and state lands in Miniietota on < 5J years' time 0 per
cent interest , hand Havers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
Uo. r > , Vi Broadway , Council HlunTowa , agent for Freiilriksen & Co. , C'licago. '
, t/c -
nitit | > icrlntii8-ulii limbing lt imtnml visita
tion. Tun years' trlulof UH.THOS. .IIWIUIIS'
KKMKDV I'or that futnl ini'la'ly litis di'tmm-
Htrutciltho fiiettlmt It N liU'iillllilont a undent-
Ivu unit euro. If yon penult your chiMrun to
dlo with diphtheria , "Their blood lie upon your
hcnd. " Tor salt only nt ( ho olllco. No. 1 South
Slhstn'ct.CouiH'tl llltifi'9 , In. , ui-Kcnt bycipross
on receipt of | irii'i > . ! W.
From the Otimh'.i Hoe :
Mr. .1. II. Itutlbr. or Hazel noll.Vottnwnttiunlu
Co. , lovra , neil his Innilly ot clcvon personn ,
wore all side with mnlik-nntit diphtheria. Kvory
one of thorn has recovered by the un1 of lr. )
Jiitfuritt" I'invutillvii mid Cure lor Dlphtherlii ,
without the uiil of u physloum.
From the Council Illulla Unlly Herald :
Mr. . E. M. ( lerard , wife of Unirlnecr Ocrnnl ,
ot thu t'nion I'nulllu. this city , has been a great
sufferer for ninny years , with what wan sup
posed to hocanccr of the throut. It WIISKI Dud
bho wns threatened with starvation. Hot- Ken
ernl health was completely broken , She could
only swallow liquid tood. mid even Unit could
not digest or assimilate Physicians of Council
IllutraaiHl Oniiihii attended her for three years
nnd irnve no relief. lr. .lelTerls.of thin city , in
lour weeks' llino cured her throat , mid com
pletely restored her hoiilth. Hud Mrs. ( ! eriml
not obtained relief soon thu would have died
from blood poison , thu sumo that destroyed the
llloof ( jen. Grant.
From the Council Hind's Dally fllolio :
M. A. Mcl'lko , editor of the Cumbria ( I'.bens-
burg , I'n. ) Freeman , hns been the personal
friend of the editor of thu Qlobo for more than
twenty years , uiul is known wherever ho Is
known 119 ono of the best men living. His family
was riivuged with diphtheria , and Kiently dis-
trttssvd. totiioor IJr. .lotTerlB' Diphtheria Cure
wns iif-od , nnd thu lives of the rest of his child'
ren saved. J.ottors from Mr. Mal'lko nro un
bounded in their expressions /rnitlludo for
lindliih- some means of nvertlmrtbo loss of nil
hisllttlo ones. Five of Mr. Mel'lko's children
out of eight died from diphtheria before ho had
un opportunity or using lr. JotToris' remedy.
nvppEfsiAl nrsi'Ki-siAl
Dyspeptic , why live in misery and dlo in rtls-
imlr with concur of the stomach ? Dr. Thomas
Jelforis cures ovary case of indigestion and
constipation in n very short ilmo. licet of ref
erences given. Dyspepsia is thu causeof
ninety per cent ot all diseased conditions.
1'rleo J.r > for two weols ; treatment.
Dr. Jcffurib' dlphtneria medlctno Is Infallible
for nil kind ; ! of fioie throats. Indispenslblo in
putrid sore throat , in mnllirimiit Auarlot t'ovor ,
changing it in 18 hours to the simple form. Infal
lible euro for all Inflammatory , nlecratlvu , put
rid , cancerous nleorntiun of the womb and all
cutiirrlial conditions.
Full printed Instructions how to us-o the luodl-
cmos sent with them. No doctor required.
Dr. .Icfforls' remedies can only bo obtained at
hie olHce. No. 1 South KiBhtti street , Council
UlulfB , Iowa , or sent ! > y express on receipt of
Practices in the State and Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies buying n { 5 Hut or Ilonnot , one faro
will bo paid : $10 , round trip.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Herman Kountze , President
John A. Crolghton , VicePresident. .
JT. II. Darin , Ctaakiob
W. U. Mesauler , As.Vt Gishlsc
J.I JO Xortlt Jfith Street ,
Paid iu Capital , . . . . $100,000
(1F.O. U. iiAKKKIl , President.
ROUT. L. OAUUCHS , Vlco-Prcsldent.
! ' . It JOIlNSON.Cunhler.
OUT. J * GAIII.ICHK , WM. Snvtiis ,
A general banklnsf business transacted.
Interest allowed on time dopoult .n
8. 8. KI.OVI ) , A. a. McCAMI'FlKU ,
MemburUulrettonCnt- ( Member Nutr Orlrun Cot-
tun llx'cenml bt. Ixjuli ton Kichanco anil ClilcuU'J
Mi-rclmnti' KxcUuiKe. 1 Hoard of Trade.
S , S , FLOYD & CO , ,
j 1 1 U I UJ1U1IU )
For Future Delivery
Will Open for bitHiness as noon aaof-
.Jlcea can bejltteil up ,
1OO Ayji 111 S. J.'lth NTJtEKT
liefer to let National IlmV , Oiauliu. '
Eelnbl.ehcd 18'iT
Creston House
The only hotel In Council Minn's liavlnz
re Esoa/pe
And nil modem Improvements.
! ! 15 , 217 nad2llMnlnt.t. !
.MAX MOlltf , Prop.
Journals , C'ounly ami
Work of * II Kiutls a Spec-
' Prompt AttentionJ Mail Orders
Room 1 Ex-crct Block , Council liliifls.
Standard Papers Usud. All styles of bind
ing in Magazines and
O. n. Notional lliiak , Jl. K. Smith It Co. ,
Citizens' Hunk , Dem-e , WelM \ Co. ,
birst Nntloiml liunk , ( ' . II. Insnninco Co. ,
fllcor iriibcy.IInnkora.C. II. Savin 3 Hunk.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
JATi.ST : DK310N8.
Iloiifp , Slpn and Decora o I'nlntcr. I'njiicr
tlneho Will : Drnuments.
None hut best hands oomployod nnd char
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes , oo'iulit nnd sol < l , at retail nni *
in loin , l.ui-k'u quuntlttes to ecloct from
Bovnal pHlruoT line drivers , slnK'tior ' dunlilo.
Council '
Special attrertlscinunta , uuuh m Lobt , f'oiln
To I.OHII , I'or Bnlo , To Kent , VSants , Hoiirdlnif ,
etc. , will Ijoltibortod in tlili column nt thu loir
rBtcofTUNCKNTHriCIt UNB foriho llmlnsur
t Ion nnd 1'lvoCunU Tor Une I'or each BUhsuijuuiu
Insertion , I.OUY iidverllBOnien unt our olllco
No. U I'nal street , nuar Ilrondwuj , Council
Ulutrs. _
HKNT-House : ul o furnUhcd room.
Apply nt IT North Main at.
\\7ANTKD-II/ two gentlemen , hcdronm iind
' ' eittlntr room or one loriru room , In nolKh-
liorhood ot I'll el avenue proforred. Address
statliitf terms , X. Y. Z. , Hoe olllcu.
fllrl for general housowork.
WANTKO home , liberal wngos. Mis. A. M.
Welr.Avtnuo K.
ANTKD A irond ( firl for KOncral liouso-
work at 109 llancroft strreU
: , . H/ICE , M. D. ,
Or other Tumors rumored without
tlio knlfo orclrnwlntrof blooj.
Over tinny years practical Kxerlenue ,
No. 11 I'ourlBt. , Council Uluffi ) .
txruoneulutioii ( roe.
Reduction in Prices ,
China , Glassware , Etc , ,
At W. S. Hcmor & ( Jo's. No. 83 Main st
Council Dlull'a.
/,7't 'HA. 'l Ml'l >
Agricultural Iinploments ,
CnrrlnircH. Kto , Kto. Council lllnfft. Ion * .
> inko the Or IK I tin ) nnd Compteto
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill < S Press ,
Not. 1WJI , 1WI , I.Wi . nnd , t.V)7 ) Eolith Main Htrc t ,
Council HiiilTs Itma.
Mnntif'rs nn t Jobhors ot
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Baggies ,
. nnd nil XlnU or K .rra Maohlnorr.
11CU to IHS South Main Street , Council lllurfg ,
K.O. QI.KVSO.V , T. IIIni ) < in\H , ORO.F. WIUUIIT.
IVcg-ATriM V.-l'ros AMnn. Poc.ACo
Council BluTs IFandlJ Factor/ ,
( Incorporftted. )
Mnnufnetiirornnf Axle , 1'lok , Slediro nnd Small
Handing , of every doscrlptlon.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shade ? ,
Oil Cloths , Curtnln Kittnio , Upholittnry nooJt <
ICte. No. (05 llronilirny Counnll UlufTa ,
cin.tns , roit.icco , ETC.
Wlinlociilo .lobbers In tlio
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. Cft.Mnlii nnd7 1'onrl Sis. Counell lllutfl ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 141'e.irl St , Council ' 1UHN. |
I1AULE , HAAS fe CO. .
Wholesale Oils Palais Glass
Druggists , , , ,
' Suiidrlen , Kte. No. 22 Mnln St , anJ
No. > 1 1'enrl St. , Counell IIIntTfi.
lit I7V- .
O.V. . BUTTS ,
Wholesale California Frails a Specialtj
Qenornl CommlfPion. No. 5U Ilro.idwiiy ,
Council Illnirs.
Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 1C nnd 13 IV.irl St. , Council
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceriei.
Also Wholesale Liquor Donlcrn. No. 410 Itroad-
way. Council lllulTj.
Mami'nutiircrflof and WholtH'ilo Doilorala
Leather Harness Etc.
, , Saddlery. .
No. C&'i Mnln St. . Council Hlu fj ,
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. .
NOP. DlJmul 311 Hroiidway , Counall Ilitllfl.
1IKA VY < \ \ \ US.
Iron Steel Nails Hardware
, , , Heavy ,
And Wood .Stock. Council Illnir * , Iowa.
1) . H. MeDANELU & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sals of Hides ,
TallowWool , I'clts , Orciuoimd i'urj Counoil
DIutTu lown.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oil ! GuUu )
e.Theodoru.ABent , Counell Illuird. loirn.
Hard Wood , Sonthera Lumber , Pillag ,
* ud Ilridifo Mutcrinl Snoclnlll < > dWhole < , ala Lum
ber ul all KInda. OlHco No. I'M Mnln tit ,
Council llluirs. lown.
and nnmpctic WlnB" A
M" MVAiiujtiu iiiuo ) IA
for St. ( lottharri'g Herh Hilton * . No. U
MnlnSU Couilcll llliiltj.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Kn an Main St. . Ondicll
Star Sale Stables and Mule Kards , '
Uppoblte Dummy Depot
_ _ . w
Hor.scB and mules kojit constantly on :
hand , for sale at retail or In car loadc.Or
ders promptly tilled by contract on short
notion. Stock sold on commission ,
Siiurn-.ic it HOLV.V , I'roiirluSrs.
Tclopliono No. IM ,
Formerly of Koil Sale Staulca , corno
8 t. avu and 4th street.
Tlilt tyiteia U entirely new and U to ilmplu that no
will ifuuruntuu to tuucli you to ilrnft urcB ifiillr In
it Jew bourn. Youranilnm ull tUo i > ulUTii thnt l >
neuJcJ ( or Ibu J inllr. lii'uts ull xnrment * worn
br lailloiKiitlemrii und vhl'dri'D ,
J/adlei unil Kenileineii , It will coil you
until you Imvu leurneil , then jrini will " .ml tha tllior ,
We chullongo romi > ctlllon. Tliu itiuit v | irrlcnooii
dreiiumkeri und tulluri ucknowlot u In luperl
It litlielnrentlon of llidauiu Wnlkvr. n well k
f. for furthnInfurniatlou uili crn < ldre > i.
MIIH.MAKY KASTIIItllK.iun.Al ) < nt ,
. oem Wt. I'licinc Homo , ( kiunrll lllufft. lows ,
W. A. WOltK , Vroprlvtur.
Justice of tl * e Peace
OlUaa orar .