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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1886)
THE OBIAHA DAILY BEE : 'SATURDAY , OCTOBER 10 , 18S6. 5 ftepnblican Leaders in Lanoaiter Leaving the Trickster to Hi Destruction. DOINGS AT THE STATE CAPITOL. Fitnoral Services of l-'rnnk Ij. "Wheeler Chancellor Mnnntt'H Touching Address Tlie Second Dlikudo Performance , : r.'f t.tsrot.x nuitEir.I In a short interview recently with Mr J. L. Calclwoll , the leading candidate for representative in tins county , he wa. lieard to remark that , as cclf preserva tion was the lirsi law of nature , he had ( Ictc'rmlncd lo cut lee e from the balance of the ticket , especially Church llowe and his prohibition plank , and protect himsolt during the ro t of the campaign , The idea of Mr. Moore making temper ance speeches in Htmielt anil pledging the liberal league in Lincoln that he is against the Mibmi.s'-ion question , if dividing himself into rather too manj parts. He will find in November that he will need Ins whole person intact l < : carry as many isms as lie is now trying to do. The campaign is waxing warmei and warmer , and the republican nominees noes throughout the district are gradu ally finding that while Church Howe forced his nomination , no scheme car be worked lo force his election at the ballot box. Hence they are gradually unloading him , and refuse to accede tc the usual custom of supporting mid working tor tlie entire ticket regardlcs ; nf. who the candidates may be. Hui Howe's record , r.nd the way ho entwinci Hie prohibition plank into the platform are more than they can bear. ( July yes terday one of the stalwarts in the pnrtj remarked that a few moro speeches b.\ Moore , Shamp and Raymond woulii consign the whole ticket to obliteration The speech of Congressman Laird lien demonstrated the fact that the neoph are not onthusiastio over the Ohurcl Howe campaign , as not a rousing clicoi was given except at the mention of tin uamc of James G. lilainc , when Ihi rounds of applause went up as if givet by a trained chorus. Mr. Laird in con eluding said he did not believe he couli do any more good to the people , and no once diJ ho dare mention the name o the man m whose interest he made ar excellent campaign speech. Tin farce of a Church Howe campaigi can not much longer continm in this county. The young men of tin party are inquiring why the onthusiasn has all dropped out of the campaign One promising young man called on tin UEI : man this morning and inquired "Can it bo true that Mr. Howe tried ti bring about the election of Mr. Tildon b ; a kind of legerdemain trick ? ' ' Ho wa referred to the records at the stale house and became satisfied. The record of Mr Howe in his support of the railroad com mission bill .in the legislature , a'nd hi vote in the state convention on the rose lution offered by Senator Van \Vycl * pledging the party to its repeal , will b considered by tlm voters , and the wil ; I gentleman from Neniaha will receive ; It t request to stay at home by a large ma jor.ty. CAl'ITOI , BUILDING DOINGS. Superintendent Junes was busily a work yesterday , sending out the SCCOIK installment of notices to principals o graded schools , to push in their report that ought to have been forwarded so\ oral nio.iths ago. There are some sister or seventy delinqcnts in this regard. From six months to a year ag the appraisement lists " for th appraisment of school lands i Cheyenne , Sheridan , and Dawc counties were forwarded by the commis sipner of lands and buildings to tli proper authorities in those counties. Wh the appraisers in those counties wilfull neglect their duties in the case has nc as yet been made apparent , althotig there is a general inquiry as to whe these school lands will be placed in th market for lease. The State Journal company ycslerda was engaged in the work of delivering an installment of volumes nineteen of th supreme court reports just issued fror the press. The auditor has issued a wai rant in payment therefor. 1'ItANK WIIKEI.EU'S 1'UNEHAL. A special car was attached to Iho cas bound 15. & M. train yesterday mornin conveying the funeral party who accoir pained the remains of Frank L.Vhcelc to Plattsmouth for burial. Tlie followin are the remarks of Chancellor Manal made at the memorial services : This service would be Incomplete wlthot n word on the part of those who have bee for four years wist the counsellors and con mnlon.s ( it this dear young man. yet It i hard for any of 113 to break this solom Kilence. Six \cara have cone by since deal Inbtenteied tills university circle and wit that extraordinary exemption that wo shotil lorKi't our mortality. And now wo have ha oiirwarnini ; . Death has visited our hiirhp' ' class and singled out that one ot Its ni"b < who would have been named > , nllasot ' ' 10 yslcaTmanhoo ! that'on'iflno0 " & both".0. . v" * ' - ; ; > ; s'l-UESTS - ! ? ' " me eltv ami mo uunubit. . , .uii loves a shining mark , is'ot onli | > liy : cally , tail morally and mentally as we Fiank Wheeler was one of our brightest at best. The young men who stood nearc him bear witness to the spotless purity of li life ; they can recall no word from his llr that was Impure , discourteous or unklnet. This death Is to all of us a wamlng- warnlng truly to llvo while we are here pi paring for life. Too many of us spend i our lives getting ready to live. The nit robust and vigorous and manly mnn In n own college circle was the first of his class be called away on the very threshold of 1 active life ; but in his college years ( ie n already done a true and round and complc llfework. So It may and ought to bo of ea one here. Come thu summons when It inr In the midst or nt the end of the year study , ItMionld find the full llfcnoik , slu or lone , done and well done. There Is ono more lessen I would linprc deeply on my own heart and yours that i look not too exclusively on the things tl ivro seen. When wo do this as students , ' nro condemned as superficial. When asm and women wo simply look at externals ' are living superficial lives. It we reallz life's meaning every day , looking not or nt the things which are .seen and temper but at those which are unseen and eternal well , thru death would notcomoto us to shock and a mystery , but as the natural a blamed event toward which ull life's dis pline Is ( ending , unit for whlcii It U a prep atlon , Wo have lost one whom we prued R loved , \VestmIl mt&s him out of this lai circle. To the smaller circle In which I print must bo deeper and Intenser our bca go out In sympathy. Speaking for students and Instruct ! alike , who for years have stood near tl dear young man , we pray that you may comforted , dear zrlencs , by the solo suQlcli comfort In an hour like this a sutalnl fullli oud peace In the Lord Jesus Christ. "THE MIKADO , " The second performance of "T Mikndo" by Miss Hrown and the hot talent was presented to a good audiciu Kitch one taking part seemed to r forth their best olForts , which was high appreciated by those present , Amoi the chorus wore several of the ht singers of the city , which means mm To individualize without mentioning i would be an injustice , as every ono who taste was not prevented will tcstil Certainly Miss Hrown and Mr. Nor are entitled to the thanks of thu thcate going people for furnishing a chustc a : pleasant amusement to our people. ITEMS IN UHIEP , The Fiomont & Elkhorn Valley ro his located a now towq Ccrcsc calling it Dav iy. Sam McClay , deputy sheriff , who h hi n on a pleasure trip to the hub and other tavtt-rn ritif- * , has returned home , looking fatter and happier , but lovrs his Lim-oln town the best. Tlm pk'tiro pneumonia scare which agitated tlm stock people here for a few davs regarding some cattle near Hlair in this state , has been quieted by Dr. Oorth , who says the diwase is noitlif-r plouro pneumonia or contagious. The doctor has been in the southern part of the state killing glandcred horses. A trial tc > t of the water works here once again lm < proven satisfactory to the council and citizens. The action of ; he steamer was al < o satisfactory and it s now dreidcd that Lincoln has tlie best of protection against lire. With ) lcnty of good water , a complete sewer system and live miles of paving next joar , how Lincoln doe boom. The Knights of Pythias have all re- ; urned from tholr Hustings jaunt , bring. Ingbaek prize money to the amount o ( SiOO.S.j. Their next annual meeting will bo held in Omaha. The district and county county courts were busy yesterday with minor civil Lnisinnss , while the grand jury ami Attor ney Strode were wrestling with crimin als. als.It It is estimated the juries of the present term of the district court will exceeil § 2,000. the price of a handsome farm , while the court costs would purchase homer- for a full half-do/.rn. A. S ; McKay , Fremont : F. A. Scoville , Valparaiso ; C. W. Sherman , . mouth ; T. 1' . Johnson , Ashland ; 1 ndrew Hose water. Omaha ; E. F. Warren , 1W. ; . Whitten , Nebraska City ; W. A. Cotton , Xolimskn Tilr. The combination , proportion and pro cess in preparing Hood's Sar apnrlln ! are peculiar to this medicine , and un known to others. The Hnllrunil Question. I'ooitMANs lUxru , Urceley county Neb. , Oct. 13. To the Editor of the BEE As the time i > so close at hand when w < elect our lawmakers , is it not importan that we present our side of tlie railroai question ? What rights do they possess lawfully , and what do they assume When they survey a new route for a roai they say we want this land , and if yoi are not willing to sell we will compelyot to under our charter as common carriers When they want help they are nothing but common carriers , but when the roai is completed they take possession of coa mines , and virtually say buy your coa of our agent for wo allow no one else t < ship or sell coal in your town but oui agent. Should the railroads bo allowci to make classification on freight that wil stop all smaller interests and drive tin shipping to larger ones as they now do If they have the right to put the freigh on dressed beef so as to prevent ship roont , where did they get it ? If the ; have the right to own coal mines , Hour ing mill and other industries makin ; them absolute monopolies , where do the ; get that right ? I say tlie.v have no sucl rights , only by bulldozing the pcopli and assuming them , and wherever a rail road exceeds its charter rights it shouh be forced to forfeit its charter. J. H Hudson in the railways and the republi says : 1. Tlie railway is an improved am modern public highway for the transpor tation and travel to which it is adaptei just as canals and turnpikes are publii highways , for that to which Jthey ar adapted. It owes its existence to the ex ertion by the government of its power t establish highways , a power which evei the government cannot employ for an ; but a public purpose. 2.'lo allow the private anil pecuniar ; objects of these enterprises to superscd' their public purpose would make prival rights superior to public rights , wouli defeat the end for which they wer created , destroy their public charactet and render the ants by which they wer created unconstitutional and void. 8. In the nature of a public highwa ; the government which creates it retain the right and the duty of supervising am regulating it , so as to guaid and main tain its public use. 4. The fundamental characteristic c the public highway is the right of al persons to use it upon equal terms. If 1 could go to cities or towns and hav the exclusive right to sell all the coal meat , or Hour , how long before 1 wouli in wealth be a Vanderbilt ? We have toi many men to represent us who are ii favor of railroad monopolies. Fin wines , fine cars , passes and plenty o : mouev are hard to work against. Th rule should bo to select the best men w car. to make our Jaws and see that the ; work for the people. If the railroads through their charters , construe them t mean that they have a patent on th people , we might as well move out a they will soon own tho. whole continent We are in reality in a worse fix thai when the little tea question came up Ii Boston or the slave question during th war. What are the people but slaves t do as the railroads bid them ? Durin , slavery the slave took the name of hi master. Are we to follow ? Whoso "nit ger are you , Jay Gould's or Vandei Wit's ? DAN POOKMAN. Iho Poor liittlo Ones. Wo often see children with red eruf tions on face and hands , rough , goo' skin and often sores on tlif > * ' tliinfs i'1' " " * ' ' . . -cad. Thes . . vu n uopraved condition i the blood. In the growing period chi drcn have need of pure blood by whic to build up strong and healthy bodies. . Dr. Piercers "Golden Medical Discoverj is given , the blood is purged of its ba elements and the child's dcvclopmei will bo healthy , and as it should b Scrofulous afl'octions , rickets , fever sore hip joint disease or other grave rualadl and suffering are sure to result from nc ; lect and lack of proper attention to sue cases. Turning to the Itlglit. Major W. H. Smythc gives the follo\ ing origin of the American custom turning to the right ou the road ; "Oi ancestors drqvn oxen as a usual thin In driving an ox team the driver wai on the loft of the team , so that he or handle the goad or whip with his rig ! hand. In meeting a wagon each drivi would turn to thu right , so that ho cou bo between his own oxen and those of tl other wagpn. " Kow that the driver si on the right sldo of the wagon , not havii to > yalk to 'drive horses anil mules , wl should not the practice of turning out 1 reversed * MOST PERFECT MADE Pr r r d wICj itrtct Ttgtrd to ftfl ty , Strength , & " - " . Dr.Price'iDikiosrWercbat&i noAmmonl , L1meAlaraorl'hoiph tn.Dr.t'rlo Eiuici * , Ymllla , Leaofi , etc. , fltvoiCcllgloaalj ON THE NIGIiniF THE FIRE , A Reminiecsnca of the Great Chicago cage Fire. CRIMES WIPED OUT BY FLAMES. ntn Very Inconvenient Time Mooting n Man In n KIrc-IilslUoil Alley niul Shooting Hint A Quick l'erliap you'd like to hear a story of the great Chicago lire that has never been printed. " The ( , 'hicago Herald reporter whoelcil his chair around nearer the grate where apiece of coal was blazing pleasantly and expressed n willingness to HMen. " \\ell , " continued the old man , "I'll reel it on" . It's n good while since then and no harm will be done. 1 came into possession of the facts some time ago and they're straight. A few days before tin- fire a young man who was employed in n wholesale house of that day was found to be an cmbu//.ler. His employ ers were at work on the ease when the lire came and swept everything away. Up to that time they had not fully decid ed what course they would pursue , The cashier , whom I will call Everett , was an agreeable fellow. Ho had wealthy relatives here and in New York , anil his wife was one of the handsomest women 1 ever saw. In tact , it was supposed that it was on nor account that Jiverett had pot into trouble. She was fond of dress and it was no secret that her desire to shine in society had led him into expen ditures that were beyond his means. The possibility that the defaulter's relatives would help him and the honest desire of one of his employers to MIVO him from dtagra'iu both contributed to the delay which oecured in his prosecution. "On the Saturday night before the big lire a long consultation was held at the store between the defaulter , ono or two of his triunds and two of the partners. At this conference no arrangement was reached and there was an intimation that if something was not done by Everett's friends by Monday morning the law- would have to lake its course , it was late when the meeting broke up and the heavens worn bright with the reduction from the first fire when the men came out on the street. Everett did not go home directly , lie first crossed thu river , took a look at the fire a few min utes and then proceeded to the resilience of a friend in the neighborhood of Center avenue. When he recrossed the river and pursued his way toward his own home on the north side it was long past midnight. "That Sunday he remained at home for the greater part of the day , but toward evening he again proceeded to the West Side , nad a Jong consultation with his friend and at 10 o'clock started for home. A new lire had broken out , and as lie reached the river he could sec from the bridge at Madison street that it was as threatening a conflagration as the ono that had preceded it. Perplexed over his own great trouble and believing that nothing could now save him from disgrace and pnnishment.Kverett walked leisurely toward the burning district , and when near enough to observe the oiicra- tions of the firemen , paused and took a survey of tlie surroundings. It was evi dent that the fire was already beyond control. Great arms of ilame were reaching out toward the north , and the spectator could see the path of destruc tion widening every minute. When the firemen had been beaten back repeatedly , and at length compelled to abandon their position altogether , Everett saw the lire leap the river , and , recognizing the fact that the brigade was now helplesshe saw with keen perception the fate which awaited the city. "Absorbed as lie had been in contem plating the horrible scene before him , Everett had not lost sight of the doom which was hanging over him. Clutching at straws like a drowning man the thought occurred to him that if the city was to bo destroyed there might in the confusion be a chance of escane for him. In the tremendous wreck and ruin of that night and the day which was to fol low what would one more or loss human wreck amount to ? If Chicago was to go down in a whirlwind of Ihuiie , wiping out fortunes , records , landmarks , Busi ness , and probably many individuals , could there not be some escape for him ? Killed with these rellcctions , but hardly knowing what to do or how his deliver ance was to come , ho almost ran to the Soutli Division , hastened through its al ready smoking streets , and , joining the mad throng of terror-stiicken people , pushed rapidly on toward his homo on North Dearborn street. There , at least , ho could gain a few minutes for reflection and decision. "There were lights in many houses , but in his own all was dark. Some people were already moving their valuables U5 there were no signs of ac ivit" . " ' jU"- ' uout his own premises. > - * ' ' " distracted witli fear w1 - " _ - . witn a naud so nervous that he could hardly hold the key ho opened the front door and entered. A lamp burning low stood on the back parlor table , bul no ouu appeared , and when ho called oul there was no answer. Bounding up the stairs he quickly searched every room ir vain , and then , returning to the lowci lloor , he saw on the table , for the lirs time , a note from his wife , in which sh ( informed him that she had left him , ant that it would do him no good to snarcl for her. It was dated at" 0 p. m. , am must have been written soon after hi ; departure in the evening , "For a moment the man was dazee and ho sat clutching the paper , unmind ful of the red glare that was now brightening toning everything in the room and evei illuminating his sorrow-burdened face Ho had thought of escape , of a rnsq o sotnu kind , and of a chance in a new iieh of redeeming himself , but all his hope : had been associated with her who wai now jest to him , Walking quickly t < the window he looked out on the blazing city. In the presence of such devastatioi his own wreck seemed at first insigni licant , and ho smiled grimly at tin thought that thousands were going dowi r that night into ruin in ono form and an 3 other that might be as hopeless as tha which overshadowed him. Then eanv despair and sorrow , remorse and self condemnation. Why live in a world ii which ho was to doubly disgraced ? Wh ; not leave it now in this storm of lire , ami | n the mighty wrath of the night , go ou into the unknown , making no sign am leaving no trace J "He raised a window , and , as th angry roars came up from the streets now lined with rushing people , nov courage tool : possession of htm , Ho fel equal to any emergency. Ho could fac death in any term if need bo , but h would not add to his other crimes am shortcomings the sin of self murder. Th revolver which he had held in his hand flashed in the light from the lurid heav ens , ami , as ho laid it down , he felt sue ! relief as one oxpcriences on waking fron a hideous dream. The resolution to liyi had taken possession of him , and he wa on the point of gathering up thu fev things which ho could carr with him in his flight whei he heard the front door open an < close and the sound of voices coming ui from the hail. A feeling of alarm tool control of him. The perspiration stooi out on his brow and as he crept on tip toe to the balustrade and peered over In clutched the discarded revolver and list oneil with bated breath to determine , 5 possible , who Ids visitors were. A tninuti later hi * worst fours were realized SUITS. ? 2.1.00 Mcrc'nt TnilnrMade at § 12.00 -W.OO k ' 1-1.00 K.VOO ' 10.00 10 ( W is.r. W.OO 30.00 50.00 2i ) . .0 00.00 ' 'S.OO or. oo tto.on T5.00 . ttt.X ( ) /f/5f7r , CLOTHING PARLORS iYTacle by some of tlie most prominent merchant tailors in the east liave been received tliis week by tlie Only PANTS. $ 6 Merchant 1'nilor Made at ? 3.00 8 " 4.00 10 " 5.0(1 ( " 0.00 15 1119 Farnam Street , 10 " S oJ / tffr CLOTHIHG PARLORS And comprise all of the latest styles now being made. These suits were purchased in a large lot at a very low figure , and by reference to the OVEBCOATS , price list to the left it will be seen that they will be sold even cheaper $25 Merchant Tailor Made at $10.00 than ready made clothing. Another new line of Childr iis Clothing 11.50 has also been receive d. 40 11.75 45 50 20.00 22.00 MISFIT CLOTHIE PARLORS 00 20.50 , 70 80.01 1119 Farnam Street. MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS His wife , driven from her refuse , and in the company , evidently , of the inan who had always exercised an evil intlucnci' over her ! had returned , perhaps in the in the hope that her huhband had not yet received the mite and with the expecta tion of postponing her llight to another time. "It wa < while Everett was li.-tcuing in this attitude and with these' thoughts courting through his mind that he heard the woman say that the note was gone ; heard Sailer , the junior member of the firm to which he was a delinquent , laugh Miceringly and say something intended to be humorous ; heard both coiii-nlt as to the advisability of remaining there tem porarily , and heard his own wife suggest that it would be well first to search the house. The revolver was still in his hand , held by a grip that was as haul and cold as the steel itself. The old feel ing came back to him. Hero \yas an op portunity to add fresh horror to the dreadful drama which was being cnaclod all around him. Three pulls at the weapon which he held in his hand , and the uillows of the lire fast rolling on would in an hour at most wipe out the sin , the shame and the sorrow forever. "At that instant Sailer , followed by the woman , began the ascent of the stair. > . The long suspense hwl told on Kvcrett , and in his ncrVousness , when lie came lo raise himself' in ' order to fahoot in his tracks the man wno with a light and jaunty air waa telling another man's wife what'hc would dOjWith her husband if he caught him , he made a noise which was fatal to his plans , In a flush Salter had drawn his pistol and fired. Everett's weapon going ofl'but once , and that so wide of the mark that no damage was done. Two , three' ' and four times Salter fired at the 'dark figure which in the glare he conld . faintly distinguish in the upper hall , and as no response eaiue he and the woman hastily descended scended to the parlor to make ready for flight. Mrs. 1'verptt was in hysterics and would not leave the place until bcr com panion made an "investigation for the purpose of determining tne identity of his victim and making sure that he was dead. The ( lames were now rolling all around them , and it was evident that not many minutes would elapse before the block in which the housa stood would be in ruins. With desperation marked on every feature Sailer examined his weapon and slowly began the ascent of the stairs. Agitated as he. was , lie realized that if the work had not been finished it must bo done , and , after reaching the body of his victim , he first made sure that it was that of Ev erett. JMo sign of life was visible. The man did not breathe. His flesh was al ready clammy. Ho must be dead , the murderer thought , but to make doubly sure he closed his eyes and lirod once moro into the recumbent form. Only the echo of the report and shriek of the woman below greeted his ears , and as ho dashed down the stairs both saw through the half shaded parlor window a great sheet of llanie burst from the row of buildings that stood across the street. No time was to be lost. Hastily assuring his companion that ho had made no mis take in his man , Saltcr seized her by the arm and led her out. "The street was then * - " , . . over te > the ? ian- , - " < " ' : n'sh ' K > ven ,1 . CP. An occasional wagon , .ieu madly by , and ono or two fugi tives were to bo seen making such haste as thov could toward the north , but the multitude had already gone. Once in the open air. stilling though it was , the woman seemed 19 gain fresh life , and under the reassuring words of her escort came at length to believe that the tragedy of which she had been a witness woulii never be known. As they were about to turn off towsrd the lake they stopped for a irdnuto and looked back. The street was now a mass of flame , and from the windows of the house which had so re cently been hers she could see the red tongues darting gleefully. In thai fear ful furnace they could res.t assured that every vestige of their crime would dis appear forever. "Where they went , nobody knows. The woman is still living , though not in Chicago. She loft the city a few days after the fire , but Salter was" not in her company. She has never told whore she left him , and , as a matter of fact , has al ways denied that she was with him on that night , 1 happen to know , however , what became of , him. In their flight toward the l kq , their footsteps were dogged by a man. Pursuit under such circumstances was not the easiest thing in the world. < The streets were as light as day , nnd'Jofcibpl , m the 11 urn o and smoke objectsvvero visible at great dis tances. Twoor.tbreo times the figure which was darting here and there through the streetsand , alloys came out at sharp coriieri' expecting to head them off , but cacli'time without success , At length ho was successful. By making a shortcut he > YIV ) able to put himself in a position whqro could see the pair com ing. In his hiiDiUwas a knife that had seen service in.a liitchen. As the fugitives rushed along \boyiimid \ little attention to things aroundoiJiRiu. Passing an alley in which the shadows were yet dark they looked noilhnrto die left nor to the right , There was a footstep timed with their own , a gloaming piece of steel on which the red light of the conflagration was reflected , and a thrust in the back which called ono scoundrel to his final account. With a shriek of horror the woman lied , and was soon lost sight of in the crowd which thronged the park. The dark figure disappeared in another direction , and the waves of fire rolled on. "That was fifteen years ago nextSatur- day night. Tim man with thu knife was Kvcrett , as I hapitnn to know from hi : own lips. Ho had been stunned by a wound that ho had received in the first discharge , and the shot which Saltcr hail fired at him later on was what saved his life. It struck him in the shonlder and brought him to his senses. Though weak and suffering , ho resolved on immediate pursuit , andT in his canfusioh , not boihg able to find his revolver , he proceeded to the kitchen and , taking the bread knife , found an exit at the rear door and was soon on tlie trail of the fugitives. Everett had his wounds dre.ed the next day , and as soon as it was possible he went north , whom he remained until ho was fully restored to health. Sailer's body was lound and hir death was set down as tlie result of asphyxiation. The lire had passed ovrr him and his remains were hardly recog- ni/.able. Nobody then suspected how he came lo fall where he did , and you may be very sure the only pers-ons who knew were not very anxious to tell about it. Everett was never prosecuted for his embe/.zlement , and ns he died a couple of years ago I don't see any lir.rm in giv ing jou the story. " A Hccklcss Driver. A warrant wai issued in the police court yesterday morning , for the arrest of \ \ . V. Graham , for reckless driving. Graham , while driving down Eighteenth street , ran over and Knocked down an old man named 1) . W. Kaufman. $ .Specially DlMllIrd for ZUediclnul Una. Till BEST T.OWICJ _ .r uo an GEfftfiAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION Bit. HDtV. UlVALUNO , Snr geon lu Chief , National Gun of > ; , J. , vrilti * "Uy attention WM railed tt your lJpnton JHlt Whlikc ) bj Mr. l lor , UniRpisI , ol Trenton and 1 liavo unsl a fuw luttlei with far buter effect tban ny ; bam Imd I am recommending > onr article in my practice , anc nod II Tory mtisUctory. " BETTiSE CF UJItiTICHS. C3"Tbt GtnolDf b i the BUniure ElS.SWl 1 UKMIELSON EESNER & ( gel < i | ti for lt tl. B. ) 816.318 and 320 Race St. Philadetonia. Pa. Goodman Drug ( 'oGcnl.AgentsOniabs Nebraska. Delicious Flavor. No pains arc Bparcd to make these mcalf 'BEST ' that can bo produced. People o i EPICUREAN TASTES are highly " pleased with them. If your Grocer or DfnrUetman da not fceer Uieu. tend direct to Armour .t < - ' < > . . C'lilcaco- ns "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS.1 "Its numerous competitors appea , totare , one after another , fallen away. ' BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , May 31 , 1884. O/flll Grotfn , Dru&ittt. ( r fin. Wat. Deafen BEWARE OF IMITATIONS UrissSSES' &tara B n u ' 'V J < ? tfl * "i 1 Tned utfthe Crucib Abor.t Iwat'-jfAra tgo I discovered & IHUa note on ny ehcsk , u > d thu doctors pn > - connccd it ( MLccr. 1 liayc tried a nanbci of phjaicltuu. bat without receiving njr perma nent btnrlt. Amoc ? Uie number W TJ one or tire fpfcWlita. The medicine tbcy applied vas like fire to the tore , unaing mtccie fun. I ea * a etatement in the papers telling what E. S. S. had done for others einularlj afflicted. I procured eomc at once. Before 1 bed need the K-conJ bottle the ccighbors coold notice thai mjuncor was healing up. ilj- general bc&lLh bid been bad fore or three years 1 bad a backing conga and epit blood contla- CAlljr. I htd s tcvore pain m mr brent. After taking t\i \ bottloe of S. S. S , my cocjh left me and 1 grew ctouter than I haa been for tevcrrJ yean. My cancer hu healed over all but a llttlo f pot about the alzc of a half dime , and It la tapldlr dbappculnc , I would < hi o oury cue with Cinctrr to phc S. S. S. a fair trial. MRS. NA3CV J. llcCONAUQUBY , Atho GroTC , Tippecauoe Co. , Ind. Feb. IS , 1653. Swift's SpeciJc le ci'tlrelr ' TegeUblc , and teems to cnrc cancers br forcJog out the Impa rities fioia lie bjjisl. 'l.'uaUK ; un Itlood ami Skin DlMvucs moiled tree. TUE SWIFT BI'BCITIC CO. , Urawer J , Atlanta , Ga. DEWEY & STONE , One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States to Select From , LINCOU BUSINESS DIRECTORY Hoccutlr Built. Newly FurnUUoJ Tlie Tremoiit , J. C. FITZOEKAU ) * EON , Proprietors. Cor. fth anil 1'J-ts. , Lincoln , Neb. Hate * S1.50per day. Street cars from bouse to nnr part of tlie c"r. J. II. W. HAKINS , Architect , Offices 33. 31 and 42 , HioliarUs Block , Lincoln , Nob. KlovnturoulHIi street. Dreader 01 Breeder ol Q ALLOU-A v CATTLE. SHOUT HUILX UATTLI F. M WOODS , Live Stock Bales made in nil pnrts 9/ * * " ' " ' ' rates. Hoom3Slnto lt"o U. S. at fair Gollowar mid ° ' - * - LJaeoln , Nob.j . . - -uort Horn bulls for sule. D. H. GODLDING , Farm Loans and Insurance , Correspondence in rojrnr.l to loans solicited. Room i. UioliarJj Illo k. I.liieoln. Nob. Hiiverside Short Horns Of etrittly pure Uutos nnd Hates Tnppodcattle , liynl numbers nliont GO bead. I'urailios rrprest'iited : Filberts. CrnBirs , Acoinlis. Henlc . Hose of Slmrons , MOPS Hoses , KnlKlilly Ducbcsees , 1'lnt Creek \ounif Mnrys , rhylliscs , Ixjunns and True Ixjvcs. liulls lor said. 1 1'ure IlntiM Filbert , 1 Pure UiiteB Cnitrk-'S , 1 Itotoof Sluuon , 1 Vouni < Miiry , ll'ine Cruluk Bliunk mid others. I'oine nnd Inspect the her.l. Address , CJ1AS. M. 1J11AN- BON , Uncoln , Nob. When in Lincoln Mop at National Hotel , And get n good dinner for 2io. A.FEDAWAT Prop. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital . $250,000 Burpltuj . 30,000 H. W. Yfttcs , President. A. E. Totizalin , vieo President. W. II S. Hughes , Cashier. W. V. Moree , John S. Collins. H. W . Yates , Lewis S , Reed. A. E , Ton/alin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON JiANK , Cor 1 tli and Farnam Sts A General Banking Business Transacted , N. W. HARRIS & Oo. TtA XKEliti , ClflOA G O. DhEJRQ Of Counties , Cities and others ot UljntJd bluli trrniloboupht and eold. Knstnrn oOice M Uoronehlre it. . Dotton. Correspondence - ence ulicllnd. i-FULLY WARRANTED-j- Goo. J. ArinbrU9tz U3Cumlni it. I ) . H Howiuun. in Farnaui it. John Hu'jale , S4S7 Curatnett. Hermnn Kundo.fiitf H' ute Olb > L O , Laiuo. 3 8 Soutli 13tu et. rnulsen & Miller. CU North llth it. W K Bt H'Uel , 10JI H" " ward nt. C. W , biteyor.U ) ; Bmth lithet- Time Table atho timo'of nrnvnl and departure - parturo of trains bj- Contra ! Stnndnnd lime Tat n ,1 1 2T.tslral"3 ° r tbe GSt. . K , M. * ? dePart r ' tholr depot , corner of. iith n i w < -'kstergtroot : tnxltis on trio IJ. & M. p n ' &Ql ? ndiK - 9st - JA' P fr ° ra ho H. dejvot ! otbors from ttio Union I'aelflo niUUQE TRAINS. Leave Transfer for Omnhti nt 7:12 1)9:15 : 9:31 : ' : * ; - - . ( : : ; > -10:37-.n:37 : m.t:3T 3KI-2i3T : - -3fp-3:37- : 5:50 8:12 73) ; 7:53-8:50- 11:52 : p. m. Leave Hrondrray l " " _ . - . - II oo. Lr. n > ' * PV Ct ArrroOmana ] 0 a * r . ii JlLMp.'in. ; Ar. Ilrnndwoy . in cIToct August -.nil until further no tice. Tbia M additional to present train pervipo. J. W. JJOH8K , a. P. A , CONNECTING LINKS. Arrivnl nnd departure of trains from tli Transfer Depot atCuuncil HlutTs : DEI'AHT. AH1UVU , CIUCAflO , HOCK 1KI.AHP Jk 1'ACirjO. n 7:15 A. M. D :1.1A. : > r. II0:15 A. u. II 5:30 : p. M. CiiiOi > . M. JJ7Wi- : . OIIIOAGO & AC-.IRA. M. AU:15A. : M. A 8:10 : v M. A 7:00 : P.M. CIUCAflO , nUIIMNQlOX & A9U5A. : M. I A 0:15 A. u. UC:4Ur. : ti. II 0:30 : p. M. I A 7:00 : p. M. CMICAnO , JI1I.M AUKtE & FT. PAUL. A9l.rA. : u. I A 0:15 : A. M A6:40r. : M. 1 A7Ui : ( > . M KANSAS ctrr , ST. JOE .v COUNCIL iiLurrs. A 10:00 : A. u. | UCKA. : u. CbMf. : M. | A 5:35 : p. B. n'ABASii , hi. LOUIS & rAQiric. SIOITJC CITX * rAoina A 7:05 : A. li. I A9PJA.u. AflU5v. : u. i A8WP. : K. will leovpU. i' . depct , Oiniiba , t fl : < 0-7a5- Sa51:00n. ; : . mi 2W-Sui : ( : 105 ; 6 : BCO ! p. m Dl'aclOo Kriinm , 3W p. m. ; Uenrer hx. , 10fi5 : a. tu.i Ixn'iu KxDM : p. m , I-cavcstock rarrts for UniiiUa at * 7:05 : 5:10 : :3o : : : ! ; : : : : ' > 5-8tt tv ra. Atlantic Ex , , la 3. a Tf.Ua. m. ; CblcBsrn E . , le & O. 6rf)7 p.m. ; IxiciO Kx. , la. ft. 0 , 10:41 : . t Uo. I' a Ei.e. , | B. a t : Tu. m.i id U. P. Kt. , 6C ; a.m. Except Suudny. " ' TEBlASKFMAP. In colors , Btiovrs nllcountlet , towns , MH'lcil fur'if.0. OtDHliu City 51np , nt' additions , etc. , 3So. Nolro kn Stbih ( liutttu , Iliisnu-nj Ulroclory lid Farraor'ii Llit , 1 3. J. M. WOI.PH * CO . 1W B. Mtli .St . Omlin , Kf WOODBRIDGE BRO'S. ' State Agents FOH THE DECKER BRO'S , PIANiti Omaha , Neb.