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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY . .J ± UAY. OCTOBER 10. 1880. PEAT ON THE UPWARD HOVE Prices of the Leading Cereal Advance on Encouraging Eepoits , CORN ALSO BOOSTED HIGHER nut Slight Clmngca Hcconlcil In the 1'rovlrtlun Market Poor nenianil 1'or American Wlicat In tin jld ml Quotations. CHICAGO PIinDUCU MAHICIi'l' . CIIICAOO , Oct. 15. [ Special Telegram to the Ben.alueson'change ] this morning started out at substantially the same points nt which they Mopped last night. Wheat was n shade better , but It did not keep the Im provement. The first sales In November were at TJVe , then It dtopped oil UiTCV , < mcl recovered to Tike These constituted the early fluctuations. Cables continued slow Mid qulta Jetturcless. May corn opened easv 'J ' s sM sold at 40VcJanuary poik was o.iiotcd at S'-.W'v ' ' Mllmlne.V Hodman weio fairly active bn > er of wheat , taking in lots varying from 40,000 to bushels. .StanIfer was a seller ngalnsl puts. It Is said that Mllmlnc & Hodman's purchases were against calls bought last night of Friiley. around 72fc. The early tlucti-atlotis were within nanow limits ll wnn well along toward 11 o'clock when wheat began to shoiv nny decided signs ot strength , and then it took n Midden turn nnd went up lully Ie Tim starter was a dnelinn id 2 10 per cent In Hi itlsh consols but it was wime tlmebefoie ll became generally iindci stood thai Iheso Ecciitltics are novv rx dividend , v\hlri ! madu the decline apparent ralhei limn Ihen New Yoik was very strong , and "sent a good many ordeis west lot wheat. One linuso had orders aggiegatitiK nemlj a million bushels , l.i'szyiibkj waa prominent bnjei Aiiothei llilng In favor of in day's advance wau con Urination of jcsterdiiy's tlility boat loads taken at New Yolk and st.ileineiits that 200,000 bushels had been iiigigcd ) : at llallimoie and Philadelphia. Tilts combination of events indtii'i'd enough bujlng t eaiij No vember wheat to 7l\c. ! liiough tl.i-re weie sparing Mhs at rs e Ordeis weie piettv well lilted In the lime the tiniiket rrucliert this price , and later value ? le.ieted bark ti. 73Jc , The bmiru In wheat ran led May coin iipto-iPfcGill'jC 11 om the opening at 40 ? , r. lint It Hid not quite stav there. Pork lluctim- tions In tins meantime weie between S'.i ' > 7 nnd SU.1'5. ' J. 11. Milne , one of the two or three large fxporteis , gives this discouraging ux.implti of the demand abroad for Anieiican wheat : "i cabled to our eoiiespoiiilents tlie oiler of 6,000iiuartcrs of Chicago wheat at 3a per bushel under the. market , miikln. an enor In the cipher , although I Intended to make the oner atlhemaiket. Although that otter was over In London one whole day nobody accepted it. That shows how littln Ainuiir.ui wheat Is wanted. 1 nave offered cash wheat at about f > lAv. being granted a icbate by the elevators Impoitcrs In Liverpool don't want it at that price. .Mill"added Mr. Milne , "I think there lias been n great deal of whtMt bought which will Mill foi the sf.iboaul hi November. The tramp .steamers , which canj most of the grain , now happen to be on tlie other side. Them Is no room In tiie tegular steameis foi wheat , und has not been for a month. " The afternoon Hading was In fair volume but nobpfclal attempt was made to move the maikcU NovemlHT kept steadily around 73.fc } mull toward tlie close , wnen ft became easier. The closing- , were : Wheat , about eteady ; 71 VQf'l'ae SorOclobei ; "UVuTS'ic for Novembei. Coin , unchanged ; 31 , ' u lot Octo ber , : > Jic for Novellher , 4li { frie for May OaUs , unchanged Poil , steadys'J.OO ; torOe- tober , i'J.0,1 ' lei NovemliKi , S'J U5 lor .January. Lard , no change. . " :45 : I ) , m. Puts on November wheat bold at5ie ; calls weie 7-io bid. Pub on Novem ber coin weio : tt > Hc ; calls , l " " CHICAGO IjIVK STOCK CIIICAOO. Oct 15. [ Special Telegram to the HKK ) C.vm.K Fat shipping cattle of good quality Bold at steady prices , while tlui general inn of cattle were dull and lower. Thin and rough grades were extremely hard to sell , though was no quotable change In the general market for fat beeves. The strike of Armour's beef men took a big buyer out of the market , and In case bis 2,030 cattle of all kinds cannot be slaughtered , they will probably bo tluovvn back on the market Thnmaikct tins week lias not been very satisfactory , but trade lias not been interrupted nearly as much as wus exjiected. Shipping steers , II'M to 1,500 Ibs.Sl.txXa.V-'O ; 1,200 to 1.850 Ibs , S4.30fan.7fl ; 050 to 1,200 Ibs , S3.40l.OO. Tim receipts of ft through Texas cattle , counting some that t ai rived late yesterday , were about 2,500 head I , nnd ot northern ranners received to-day about 3,000. Sides weie very slow and prices 10 ( < il5e lower. There weio some rough western cattle , such as s > old at 33.45 two or three. da > b ago , foi which no buyers would glvo SUX ) . Sales : bO Montana , 1,253 Ibs , S3.8 : > ; 13 Montana. 1,200 Ibs. S3.G5 : W5 Wyom ing Texas , 1.1U Ibs , si.t.V. : : 10 Nebraska , 1.171 Ibs , 53.20 ; 50 Coloiado Texas , M > 3 Ibs , S3.05 ; 11H Wjomlng.tinders . , l.Oflt ll > s , S3.00 ; 51 Wyoming , 1,0.14 Ibs , S2 J : 241 W.vomlnL' Texas. 1,000 Ibs , S3.2.1 ; IM Wjoming Texas. l.Ortl Ibs , 53.1.1 ; M cows. 1,014 Ibs. S2.CO ; 201 \V vomlng. 1.0U7 Ibs. $3.00. lions I'racie was slow and prices again a good 5c lower all around , perhaps lOo oT ( on fomnion and undesirable stock , making a decline iiy cline of C5ijiOc ( : since the bieak on Tuesday .and Wednesday. Houuh and common packers are making S3.00gU. ( . ' > 0 , and only a lew selling ; tair to good mixed , S3.00i4.05 ( ' ; best heavy. S4.1l ) < i4.80. Thcie was only a limited demand lor light sorts. Xnt a hog lias been slaughtered in anv of the big houses ! this week .so far. Hough and common light I , 3.75g4.10 ( ; Yorkers , SJ.1524.SO. Nnw York. Oct , 15. MOMKT On call , RCtivu at Ja7 ( per cent , closing at 4 per cent iisked , PKIMI : MUKOAXTII.B PAPKU 45 per rent. STICHUNO JIXCIIANOK Stronc. but dull ; C4. l for sixty < lny bills ; H.b4 tor demand. OovEitNMbNTS ( lovernmenl bonds we're In good demand and stronger. JjTorue The block market was again quiet and presented little feature of special Inn-rent until toward the close , when active ftoclib came into prominence and the volume of business WHS largely Increased. The opening was irresrular. tliouili generally heavy , nnd the irregulailty continued for a fmort time , when the stiength displayed bv specialties rallied the general list. Toward noon , however , the market } ielded and be came .quiet , and bo lemalned until the last hour. STOCKS ON WAT.I. STIIKICT. 8V cenltioiidK. . 100 C. it N. W U. b.4W'ii llf preferred. . New 4 I-1 N. Y , C Pacific ' of'l . 12(1 ( Orecon Tran. . . Central Pacilus. . 48 Paclnc Mall. . . . C.A A 143 P. 1) . &K iireirrrwi , . . . l ) P. P. C C. D. * . Hock Island. . . , JJ. L. .t W . Ml1 * B. Alt U preferred. . Brie. . 0. , M. .fcSt. P. . pre enud . . , 7lJi ( preferred . Illinois Central. St. P. &O L H. A W preferred. , . . . Knnddit Texas , Texas Pacllio. . 21 l.akc Slioro Union Pacific. . L.iN WJilW. , St-UiV P. . Mich. Central. . . Ol'i preferred. . . . . . Mo. Pacific U7 > 4'Western Union , Northern Puc. . . O. , ! { . AN. . . . JMIODUOK MAKKKT. Clilouco , Oot 15i Klour Utielianeeil li ; TrliiU-r wheat Hour , 84.U\4.10 ; soutli- : < T1I. ( ! < . ! Wt4.00 : WlbCOllslll , { 4.0 % 4.1U ; Michigan . oft Hprlinr lu-at $3.U.i ) ( $ 4.JH : MiniH'sou bakorti , sa..v 34.iu ; patents , HJRVrtt.eO : lowKratlos , S1.75'i,76i lya Hour. cxui-1 ut j3.U5.aa.VJ lu ban els. enj Sy.OOC.J i-i ! ) in K&rk > . Wheat Active , tini-rttled. hlglicr : forelcu f\iUicet.qiiotetl stcaily markutticunNolg ; lo\vcr ; opened j-aslcr , di-cllued MC , but unilcr active ma-ud and buying by exiiorUirs Uilh uf spot L , \ J lulures .tnd covering' ( horts" by foreign J , , , iw-atliu market advanced l djl i1 , tlii'n J0 , , 'JiiM'c , fluctuated anil closvU 'jc lilclior ihnii ' ' ifittTilny ; cash,71K@71iCj Ko\cuibor , fj'Jj'L Tflej December , 75y$75Vo ; May , 81) ) , ' CornFifjimr : opened easier , advanced \ ( a f rlt ' ' ( ' 'JchlKiicr than yesterday ; cntli. t&M34\ ' ! novmiiber , SS c ; Jecenibcr , M > f ' j23jj/c. | tj'j jlCiJ l'tC. Oau-Ac. vnf.W.V.rBe'5 ) c11 a d Octobtr. l'c ! November , iViGJS c ; .May , X ) e Kye Steady nt 4c itarley Mmde hlehcr : 52la'Sc. ( ' T'lnnthy ' ecd Crime. Si ( UXrjl.07 , ftt SI.W. ( . , . . . . FlaJOcdg ( < > 0J. ( Whi y-Sl.l\ Pork X'iKV ' : lildier. closed steady ; ca li , .iK'tH.Wl ' ; October. SS.HO ; November. S .Uj ; Jnnuaiy. . 'l.nnl Stcndcasli : , S' . 7.V < rVSO ; OctoDor. .Vo < vrJK ; November. \7J'ej.'i.77J { ; Jantt- rvt5.0V < 74. Hulk Meals- Shoulder * . $5.40(35.45 ( : short clear , SC.iVKafl 70 ; short ribs SO 70. Uuttcr-Qulct : lirm : creamery , iiO'IS.1 : dairy , Iv S-'e ; parVlii" sloe ! ; , 7itiv. Chef" " lUiler : full cream chuddar ? , llffi ; < lo nuts. llhUlV ; > O IIR Amoilca. ; iklins. r Hides lli'avj green tailed , fully emed , KC ; lleht. do bVe ; bull hides ' > XK : dr > . 2c ; n " ' ' Taiiow'-No. t country , 3rfifo ( , No. 2. ; lc : rake. H > je. Afternoon Hoard The maikets ruled a shade Ilimer. Wheat. November , 73' . . ) \Vlieal.Du Corn , on ailosti Oats.bu 157.000 7ninH ) H\o , ou MM Noun. Unrlev.ou T4Uu > Ol.oai Olncliinatt. Oct. 15. Wheat Inactive ; No. S , 7.'i .ic. Corn Muady : No. U mixed. : t7'J ( ; . Oats Krinei ; No.3 iiiKi'ilajiTiic. . ItvoKasler ; No.VVf * > ! c. Poik-hU-ady BtSU.80. I.ard Klrincr nt S5 b7'i ' ; Whlskjv SI 13. Mltiiiiiniiolla. Oi > t. --\Vhoat-ulet ( } ; Ill-lit receiptsovvlim Ie ) lailioail striKi * ; No. I Flour Dull : patents. S4 10irf4.25 ; bakers' , S3. lOttS 25. Receipt"-When ! , fij.OOO bu. .Shipments-Wheat , 12,000 bu. : Hour , 1.200 bbls. bbls.New New York. Oct. 15. When ! 112,00) ) ; exports 24.000 ; spot h&i c and op tions VifiC higher , closing lirm ; ungraded red , 7KasiV ; No.3 red , MJtfe : No. 2 led. S3 > < < in elevatoi. S4IjftS4'p atloat : No. I led. hTcjHi4c ( ; No. 2 red , Octobei , closed at Lorn Spot firm but less active : options opened shade lower , later advanced JvfW'1 , closing Htm : receipts , 0,1,000 ; e\pmts , 4.0 > .H ; ungradedlilUdHVic ; old No. U. 43 > jc ; No. - , 5e In elevator , 4.hc alluut ; > o. 2 October closed at , Oats -"ii"i''jc " ' higher , moderately active : ic- relpts W.OOJ : expoits 1,000 ; mixed vvestein , Sa CeliMc ; white vviMtern , ; ( ; r40c. Petroleum Firm : United , closed at Olpf. I'oikJuiet and very tair : mess , Sll.oO ( 11.2ft. I.ard Steady ; pflmo steam , spot , SiXlO (50.1ft. ( lliittet Steady , fair dumaiul. KL'JJS Finn , for f rcsh stock. CJuiet. aiilvrauUt-c. Oct Ifi. Wluvit Strnni ; cash , 71l c ; November , 7l'fc ; Docemtier , 74c. Corn-Firm ; No. 2 , : H'A'c. ' Oatflinlet : No. 2 , U-l'fc. ' Kye- Dull ; No. 1 , Sle. Provisions lilclier. Pork- October , S8.05 ; November , 50 00. Su Liouis. Oct 15. Wheat Stroii'r am IdBliei ; No. 2 led , cash. " .We ; November 74c ; December , 7ti Hfef7ilhe ; May. ' ftV. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , : i2 Nnvembci , iCi e ; Deeembei , 34 c ; Dull , but firm ; No. 2 mixed , cash 2Crt il fe ; November , 2Ci4cJi\c ; Mai , SOJ < e WhNky Steady ntSl.ia. llutter Quiet and easv : ei eamery , 24S27c ( Afleriiooon Hoard Wheat Steady nii ( a shade better Corn Kirm and l c higher Oats Weak and ' ( .C Ue lower. Liverpool , Oct. 15. Wheat In poor demand ; newNo. . 2 winter , tis fij d , steady ; iievv No 2 sprlntr , f > M , steady. Flour In poor demand ; dull at 8s Id. Corn In poor demand ; spot and October. 4s : t d , steady ; November nnd December , 4s 3d , steady. Toledo , Oct 15. Wheat Steady and firm : cash , 70' n. Cfirn Dull ; eash , 37'tfe bid. OjtsSteaiti ; cash and October , 20 < \ KnnxiiH City. Oct. 15. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red , cash , file ; NovemlMji OIKc ; De cember , filcH bid ; May.Tl-Vc. Corn Illcber : No. 2 , cash , 20 'c ; Novem ber. SQ c bid : > Iay , 'J&X& . Oats Nominal ; cash , 24c bid. LIVE 8TOCK. Ghlcnco , Oct 15. The Drover's Journal reports as follows : i Cattle Kecoipts. 7,000 ; bfasl cattle steady ; othciR lower ; Hhlpiilnc steers. st.40 : < a5.20 ; stockers and feeders. 53.00@n.2.15 ; cows. bulls nnd mixed , Sl. . " > 0@.00 ! ; bulk , S2.SO ® 2.50 ; throucli Texas cattle , lOc lower : canners - ners , $3.2j@3.00 ; peed steers , SS.CXX53.40 ; western ranpors. loiJl.C lower ; natives and half-breeds , 3S.OO'3i.ti.'i : ; wintered Texaiis , 5U.ioii ( : o- . Hogs Hecelpts , 11,000 : slow , 10o lower ; rouch and mixed , S3.50@4.05 ; packing anrt shipping , S3.75 1-1.50 : light weights , fc3.50@ 4.35 ; skips , SU.ii9@ii.70. Sheep Kecelpts. Jl.f'OO ' : steady ; natives , 32.254.20 : wcstein , S3.50o8.UO ( ' ; Texans , S2.20O2.75 ; lambs. S4.00@4.75. Ht. Lionis , Oct. 15. - Cattle Kecclpts , 1,000 ; shipments , , WO ; market steady at un changed prices ; fair to choice niitive ship pers , S4.25@4.SO ; butchers' steers , $3.25 ® 4.SOraiifcrsand ; Texans , S2.00QH.55. Hots Hecclpts. 3,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market active and lower ; butehersand choice heavy , S4.SOr.i4.50 : packers , S4.ai34.a > i ; Yorkers , S4.10vf-t.U : ) ; pigs , common to Ku ° d , f3.104.00. Kauaiia City , Oct 15. Cattle Kecelpts. 2,000 ; shipments. 1,000 ; slow and weak ; ijood lion's Uee'flpts , C.miO ; shTpmeiits , 2.000 ; peed to choice. 4.30(34.50 ( ; common to me dium , 3.754.i5. OMAHA l.iIV13 STOCK. Friday Evening , Oct 15. Cattle There wcro a low moro cattle In to-day limn vesterday. Values remain about the same. Western ranee cattle are In lib eral supply and feeders aio cliaiifilnc hands moderately fast , Han e cows and native butchers stock are comlm ; In very fast und the market Is weak and slow. Medium ueleht corn-fed steers were In fair demand. Hogs The receipts ot ho s were more lib- eial lo-day and the market at least lOc lower. Tim I'felliur In the market Is weak anu deal ers uennrally anticipate lower prices. Sheep Nothing doing on the market ItKCF.II'TS. Cattle 1,400 11 ogs 1,10J Provnlllnt ; I'rleo-4. Shovrlnc tha prevailing prlcua paid for llvn hto < ; k on tlilH market. Choice hteew , 13.W to 1500 Ibs S4.25@4.CO Choice steers , 1100 to iO3Jbs : 3.75(54.00 ( Medium steer * . 1350 to lavj Ibs. . . 3.fiOtfl.i5 ( Fat Illllosteers , lOMto ll.Wlbj . . . . 8.80 ( < 54.00 ( iomi feeders , 2. ) ® 3.2.5 ( liKMl to clioicocorn-fed cows 2.0 . Hnngo cows 2.25GW.50 Fair to medium grass cows , . e.ocw".2 : ( ioo < l to choice nulls l..vx > cl,75 Light and nieuium nogs 4.0191.10 ( iood lo rholco heavy liogs 4.10u'l.25 ( iood to choice mixed ho s 4.050 4.15 Hough throw outs 2.50Q(3.iX ) ( iood to choiw sheep. 8.oortf3.25 Falrtoeood sheep , . , 2.7.W3.00 Common sheep , , 1.50&2.50 noprcHuntative Males. FKKDKIIS. Mo.Ay. . Pr. No. Ar. _ _ Pr. 'r- ' 40. . . . tlito 53.00 Ul'l.I.S , No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. S0..1.V > I Sl.fX ) 2. . . .1810 81.'X ) U..1845 1.50 2. , . . 1520 l.CO WKSIT.BN" COWS. No. Av. Pr. 87 , Ml SiSS lions. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Ar. Shk. Pr. ' 10J..COO 200 84.05 02.557 160 S4.15 75.21(1 ( 100 4.07 } , ' 03 . .2 0 120 4.20 fll.25l ICO 4.10 B1..243 . . . 4.20 S9..2C.7 400 4.10 70..212 bO 4.20 74..230 200 4.10 62..821 200 4.25 61 . . B85 bO 4.15 55. . . 254 120 4.25 fa. , .U)7 ) . . . 4.15 llU..Si5 320 4.15 CO..237 m 4.15 69..2M 300 4.25 Titnon 01 TS. S'o. Av. Shk. Pr. No , Av. Mik Pr IB . jm 40 52.00 n. .ijs.s , vfl SAin 7. . .KO . . 2.75 3. . . 'iVlO ) 3. rt ft . . .1W 40 3.00 C . . .873 COO 3.25 J ! . . .1ST. W s/io 3..SGO ISO as ) 1 . . .4UO 40 4.'A'i cc ori'rlcc * . Sliovvlni ; the highest nnd lowest nricr , * > ald for load * ofhoR * on this matkel elurlng he pn't < even dajs and for the s-nnie Unit1 n tjear : Sept. 13. | Oct. lsd Oct. ; th i ) at ft } 3 7. > ® 3 co : i : w w 40 Ull 4 40 O4 M I 3 M 3 W 3 S.'VM (0 ( Itli 4.45 ttl.TJ 37S ® 3.W Snniliiy. 2th Sunday | 1 .7) ) < 2.1 , 02.5 31 h 1.W ® l HI i l.lf. 5M.IIJ ' .Vil 33.30 Ull I 4" , © 4 M 4 Si (8 ( W 3 ? 0 /.111 . 4 M 8.1.70 4.05 ftj4 2'i ! tW 30 All silos of stork In this market aie made - ewt , live weight unless otherwise slated Dead hogs sell at h'c per Ib. for all weights , 'SMns"or hogs welghllii : less than 100 Ibs. no value. Pii'gnaiit sows ate docked 40 Ite. and stags so HH. No "hefp market tnl > r n step down. Cattle receipts were morellh l.vl. .Indue Hrii h. Denvci , was In to-day. ' 1. \l. \ I lord , Cliejemif , was at the jurds to day. J. McCall , Dennlson , lit. , was on with a eat of hogs. I ) . It. nnd .1. W Snyder , had WG head of cattle in to-day. It. Hade. Niobi.ira , wa * here with live loads of cows and stiers Hogs sold to-day at 51.00 per bundled higher than u yeai ago to-day. 0. W. Miller , Cone ml , .Neb. , was hero and sold Iwo loads of native stoi'keis. M. Qnenly , Medicine How , was on the market with three loads of cattle. The Lance Creek Cattle company. Lusk , had two loadofeillle in the yams. The Swim Land and Cattle company were on the mm Ket with n train ot WX ) head of cat tle. tle.Mr. Mr. Hunt , from Vermont , who recently bought a ranch nuat Papilllon , was a visitor at the yards A. Unas had twelve loads of entile In from Itlttei Creek ; Is Suuneei , of the same I lice , had two loads in. The Wisconsin-Wyoming Land and Cattle company , Medicine How. had seven eais of e.ittte on the market. On the market with hoes : Files t Co. , Cedar K.ipids ; H. H. Di-xter. Hlair ; Mois-e , Rogers it Co. , Not Hi liend ; Spelts A. Co. , liUiiiiil.I.V. ! : : ; . I'hl , Slormsbiiiir : L. Ander- MIII iV Co. , .MeadM. ; Klllner , Madison ; A. K. Louden , Mim ; : ll. .Smith , Kilend ; A. I'llnt. Utelilicld ; J.V. . Jones , Aurora ; 1) ) . F. Uo.u-li , I'hlllip.s. O.M.VHA W HOICKS AliB MA Kit UTS General 1'roiliicc. Friday , Oct. 15. Tie/oHoH'J ? iff prices nre jur round Ints of produce , us folil on Hi f mnrhel toini. . Tlie iliiDttitlona nn fruits represent tlie prices ut \cMdi nittshtc onler * nre filial. Hui nn : The reccipth of butter are liberal , mil the bulk of It is vety coinmon and a good deal of It is very poor. Packages of choice and laiiej butter meet with very fair silo and at good prices. I'ooi butter Is slow sale and has to be disposed of ut low prices. Creamery butter does not sell vei v rapidly and there is not much coming in. In order to command top prices butter must bu shipped in neat packages and must be handled with care. Choice butter commands ICOilbc and fancy Ib Oc. Fair to good is soiling at IS' lSe and poor -lifti" * ? . Choice creamery butter is Mslliiu at 24W2.V. Kocis During the earlv part ol the week a few large lots of eggs that Had accumulated In the hands ol commission dealers were cleared up at Hi'tfe The uvelpts at the pr sent - ent time are not large , and the market is firm at 17c , with an occasional ease at IS ; . CHKKSK Full cieam Cheddars , single , iso ; lull cream Hats , twins , 13c ; YoitngAmerican , lite : fancy Swiss , 14@15c ; Sw s. nuiKjrled , BV'W7 : Llmbuiger. 12K ; brick , 13c Pofi.TitY The receipts ot poultry have been lighter than last week and prices are a little better. Laruo spring chickens and choice old fowls aio in very fair demand. .Small old fowls do not sell readily even at a low price. A few ducks Imvo been in this Spring chickens , large. S2.00U2..i'i ; fancy , 32.25 ; medium , Sl.50yi.75 ; small , not wanted ; ducks , S2.2."i ( < f-J.50 ; turkeys , not wanted. GAME The. receipts of game the past week have been vcrj light. Ab the season ad vances the demand imptoves. Everything received thus far , in irood condition , has met with rcndy sales. Two small deer which were received yesterday sold Immediately on arrival at tlio extreme price quoted : Prairlo chickens , per dozen , S3.00 ; quail , 51.50@1.75 ; saddles , per Ib. , ll@12c ; deer , carcasses , per Ib. , 7@Wc : antelope , saddles , ll@12c ; ante lope , carcasses , 0 ( 7c ; jack rabbits , per doz. , S3.50Q4.00 ; binali , peruoi , St.00(3l.a5. ( Ai'i'i.m The maiket was nearly bare of good stock last week , but this week they have been coming In very fast and the market Is well supplied with all kinds. Ship pers .should bear In mind that the manner in which apples nre pwiked has fully as much to do with the price , which tney command In the market , as the quality of the apples. Prices on choice apples are holding up very well. Missouri apples are In very liberal supply. The following quotations are for apples well packed in barrels : Com mon stock. S2.0J2.25 ; choice Missouri stock , $2.50 ; Michigan , $2.50@2.75 ; fancj Michigan , S3.003.25. POTATOES Dealers are afraid to lay In their wintei stocks on account of the con tinued warm weather.and for ilmt reason po tatoes have been slow hale all the week. Com mission men have found it slow work dis posing of car lots because no ono was icady to lay in their winter supply. A change from warm to cold weather would undoubt edly produce a very active demand for po tatoes. Car lots sold this week at the ex- tieme quotation , but they wcte choice and very smooth and clean. Smill and inferior stock Is not wanted and Is hard to sell even ut the lowest quotations. Colorado and Utah potatoes sold fairly well this week , but mostly in small lots : Choice stock , per bu. , 50Ji55c ( ; common or small , per bu. , 30 ( < ilOc. ! SVVKKT POTATons Tim market is glutted with choice sweet potatoes. Very choice stock was sold this week at IH'c and even lower : Choice shipping stock , per Ib. , l@H c. ONIONS The demand Is not heavy and thov are selling In a small way : Choice stock , perbu. , KJgl.OO. CAiniAnE The market Is fairly well sup plied : Choice stock , per doA , 50c. CKI.IIRV A gieat amount of very poor stock has been coming In. which tins been noli ! for whnt It would brine. Prices on choice stock remains about tliu samn as last week : Cholco stock , per do35iJ40cj ( extra large , per doz.-4K ( < Ul > c. fl\t-v < tira - The trade is In very much the same condition as last week on account of the continued warm weather. Prices are low and dealers are well supplied with the choicest stock. Orders from tne outside are. being lilted In good shape : .Mediums , 25c ; standards , .SO : selects , aic : ; N Y. counts , 4X ( . LKMONS Messin * . per box SH.fi030.ou ; Mftlnga , Sii.00. OHANOF.S Jamaica , per box , $0.00 ; per bbl.ll.OO. CiiANiiHitniES-- Stocks are moving fnlrly well at tliu same quotations as labt week. Cape cod , fancv. per bbl. . 8S.50 ; Jersey , choice , S7.50 ; Wisconsin , $7.50. HAXANAS liananas ar ( felling at the same prices as last week , Hanaims. jcllow , iier bunch , 2.00Ji'J 50 ; bananas , yellow , We bunch. 2.50@s.50. CALIFOKKIA FIIVITS Stray shipments of Califoinla frulU continue to arrive , but in biu.ill quantities. ( } n\Do'Tokayi < , $2.00 ; crapes , black , 82.00 ; pears , < ! 3.75 ( 3.00 ; plums , 81.75 ; quinces. 82.50 , S llome-srown grapes arc nbont played out A fnvv are coming in , but ( Inn- are for the most part too sort to bear reshlp- ment. The market Is fnlrly well supplied with Now York grains. Home-grow 11 , per Ib , 5c ; homergrovvn. iO-lb basket , 40o ; New 'rYorlt , per 0-lb basket , 40c : Malaga , per bbl , SU.OO ; Malaga , extra larse bbl , 10.00. : y Nebraska , choice , wldto clorer , . ; Nebraska. dark,12 14c ; California , l Ib sections , 15c ; California , 't Ib sections , 12k'Ql4c MAI'I.K SUOAR Hrlcl-F , per Ib , l2Xc ; i > en- ny calces , per Ib , 15c. JlAi'i.i'.yvni'i' Hulk , 13 to 17 cal kegs , per gal , 51.00 ; gal cans , per gal , 51.05 ; } gal cans , per gal. S 1.10 C.DEB-NOW York.perbbl , gfi.50Nevv York , X bbl , 84.25 ; Crab , per doi qts , Si. 75 ; Michi gan relined , per bbl. 0.50. VINEOAU White wine , ISQISa : cider \in- egar , I3@15c : single strength , 12c ; triple trength , ISOtSc. PiiovtbioNs lln'r , 12c ; picnic ham Bo ; breakfast bacon , Oc ; clear side bacon , dr > 'nil .sides.s - , - . vfctm cr.s 'x'1 ; dfied beet , it u'ar , l-'s I'rifiUxii ' f , ham vlice * UK lard .VMlicaii * . H\O lar < ' , .A ) Ib cans Faltbanks. 7e : 10 Ib runs Pa , , 7'4c ' : f > Ib cans , Pulrliniilru TVc ; ! 1 IhntK Knlrlnnl.-s.7Vp. . , - ' . SO. 1& i.00 | : good clean countrv , tl.CKVal.'J. ' ) ; medium , hand picked , Sl.SOifl.40 ; hand picked navy , SI.40 "il'-O. . , Ft.ot it .VXD MiusriFr v\ Inter wheat flour , best quality patent , S3. 75 : cootnl nual- Ity. SU.W : In-st ijualtty spring wheat flour , patent , f iCO : bran , 50o pcrcvv t ; rhonped feed , too per pwt ; vthlte corn meal , Sl.lW ; jeilowcorn inoal , WVt ptr cw t ; wreeninc , C > 0c pcrcvvl ; homtny. 02.00 per cwt ; shorts. r > 'K ! ppi-rwl ; eniliam , Sl.OO ; liay , In bales , So.'jO 0.00 per ton. , OIIAIN Corn. ? 4c ; hew oats 2Sc ; rye , 40c ; wheat. No. 2. We Grocer * ' Iilit. PirKt.Es-Medium , in bols Sfi.M ) ; do In half bbls. SS.7S ; small , In bbls , s.W ; do In halt bbls , Sl.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , sViO ; do in halt blK P4.7.X ftMtri1No. . 70 , t-pallou Kegs , Sl.20 ; > ew Orleans i ! fcn l4fio per gallon ; Maple Syrup. ' { barrel.ll.dd t me " 7.c pur gallon ; ! gallon cans. 51000 per do/ , ; & gallon can S5."J per doz : quart eatis S3.00. bttoAit1 Powdered , 7 % * 1j < > ; cut loaf 7fn7'jo : granulnted. C > f (0"te ! ; eoiHectloners' c ; standard extra C. ( Vrfti v ; extra C , 5f We : medium > ellow. M. , ( i5V. Hori : H Inch. 'fc-\ ; Inch , lOc ; 'finch , 10'e ' lnui : > Fiii-iTs Nu. 1 mtarter apples 3 0 $ 4c ; In evaporated boxes , > K < irt > 1.0 | : lilackber- rles boxes ! ' \.tsjc , ; peaches , e.islotn. 4 ctjS 5V ; peaches , evaporated , l.V4@ire : : salt Lake , none 111 mayker nispberrlesncw , 17'j (3isie ( : currents , n\i7e ( | ; prunes , new , 4V . ( loons Oysters , * tandaid. imr cas. iiU : ! ; slrawbertles , 'J Hi , per case.' ' ; rasoborrlos , a Ib per case , S'J.10 ; Calltiirnla pearj. PPI case , 4.r > 0 ; niirlcots , per ease , > 4. ( 0 : ppaches. per case. SV-J5 ; white cherries per ease. S l.O I ; plums per case , SJVJi : blue berries , per ease , ? ! . : egg plums -Jib , per case. 5'X."iOplneapiilos ; a Ib , per ca o , & 3.20 05.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per do81.20 ; 1 Ib salmon - mon per doz , Sl. ' > Y < ( l.tlO ; 'i Ib goosebei ioj. per case , SI.7.V. a Ib string beans , per case , 81.70 : 'J Ib llmi bt-Piis , per case. Sl.fiO : > Ib nianowfat pv > . i > or case. S'i402 ; Ib emly Juno ppas pei ca ( * . S2.7."i : 3 Ib tomntops. COFFBKS OrdlnarygraUes. llrtllW ( < " . ' " 'r ' , l ! ( 12J'e ; jirlme. 1 V-iiHephoee. ! ISS' Inner green and > ellow. WJsttfUe : old cov- eminent Java , ' "Ort'lV ; interior Java , 20e ; Jlc ; A i buckle's roastccf , l c ; MeLaughlin1" XXXX roasted , lOc ; Uliworth'.s. l.ri'ic : Hed ( . 'rosp. Ufc. STAism Mirror gloss , i Ib , 5 ic : .Mirror gloss , 3 Ib , .r > Ke ; Mirroi irlo s , G Ib , l i raves' corn . 1 Ib , "V " ; Klngsfoid's corn , 1 Ib , 7c ; Klngsford's gbf-s 1 Ib , 7c ; Kinss- ord's glo ° s. Olh , 7He ; Klnasfonl's pure. Sib. 5 c ; Kiiiirsfours bulk , 4c , TOHACC o I'lmr , pllinax' , 42 ; hoisoshoe , : )7o ) ; star. ; u. : spear head. : > ' . ) < ; plier | hclilslek , TOe : gold shield , 4c ; merry war , .i5c ; J. 1 J. , . TcniAcro Smoking , Duiham , Is 51c ; ' s. West : 'a.s. -r > 7c : ' . .s. OOP : meerschum , : wo ; old stIP , tf-'e : V. S. (1 ( . 15o : spirit cured , 4.x ? . MAICIIF.S 1'er eaddle , 'JSe ; squareenses , .io ; mule square , 51.20. OATJDV Mixed , aaiiKo ; stick8W ) > fc t'i'.ACKr.its liarneau's soda , butter and Kirk's white Hiissian , S4.00 ; Kirk's White Cap. 80.60 : Dome. S3.S5 ; Washboard. S3.10. White Cloud , $3.75. _ General Markets. WOOL Medium. Ibn20o ( per Ib : tine heavy , 14fulCc ) ; light. KX IS ; ; coarse , 14@10c ; bnrry wool , u@Acoff. ' Oreeii- butchers , < % c ; gree , cuied , Na Uc ; dry Hint. ll@l'c ! ' ; dry salt O lOc ; irreen calf s kins lHs 'J)4e ) ; damaged hides tw 0-thirds.price. rallovr S'4c. prime white. 3c : yellow , "c ; brown , l c. Sheep 1'elts. SSfaJTnc. LKATHKK I'rlmo 'slaughter sole leather , 32c ; prime oak s * > lo leather , : JO < y ? c. L'jiner ' leather per foot. 20 < g2.'ie ; hem , kiD , 75iNx ( ; ; oak kip. 8.Xs'JFiuncli ; Kip , Sl.OOfitl.'JO ; horn , calf , l.uO@1.10 ; oak calf , ; Fiench calf , SL' KuLSO ; Morocco boot lej , SOCftlfJc : Morocco oil pebble , SScjtiWc. toppings and linings , GO < aOOc. HEAVY JIAISDWAIIE iron , rate , 52.30 ; low stc l special cast ( 4c ; ciuclb lestecl , Co ; chain , per Ib , ( XaiUc ; malleable. G@Sc : Iron wedges , Co : crowbars , Oc : harrow teeth , -lc : Mir I HIT steel , 7@Sc : n Burden's horseshoes. 84.40 ; Burden's mule shoes. S5.40. Unrbup wire , m car Iota. SJ.OO per 100 Ibs. ronl Nails , rates. 10 to 00 , S'J.50 ; steel nails. 82.05 ; Shot $ l.tS ; buckshot , St.s > 5 : onentnl powder , kegs , 82.TO : do. half VTKS , ? 2.00 ; do. quarter kegs. Sl.SO ; blasting , kefs , $2.3o fuse , nor 10 feet , G5c. Lead Uar. Slo. DituosAXD CMEMICAI.S Acid , carbolic S2c : acid , tartarlc. 5'ic ; balsam copaiba , per tt , 4' < c : bark , sassafras , per Ib. lOc : calomel , perlb7J : chlnchonliiia. iier 07. 40c ; chloro- erin , per Hi. M ) c ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 81.25 ; epsom salts , per Ib , ; ytfc ; glycerine , puie , per tt > . IBc : lead , acetate , per Ib. 2Ic ; oil. ca-stor. No. 1. per gal. , 81.50 ; oil. castor. iodide , per R > , e2.5 : ealicln , perez , 40c ; sul phcto morpnlne , per oz. S2.ii : ; sulphur , per ft. 4c : Btrvchnine , ceroz. Sl.lJ- PAINTS IN Oii. Vlueeao. . Omaha , P. P HO : while lead , St. Lctils , pure. S7.75 ; Mar- ellles gr'-un. 1 to 5 In cans. ' , ' : ; French zinc , ' jfreen seal , 12c ; French zinc red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asst , 20c : French zinc , 75c ; Tcrmllllon. American. ISc ; Indian , rea.lOo : rose Pink , I4c ; Vcnetlan red , COOKI I son's "ho : Venetian red. American , IKc ; , red lead , 7Hc ; cnrome yellow , genuine. 200 ; ! chrome yellow , K. 12c : ochre , rocho'le , BO ; ochre , French , 29 0 ; oclire , American , IKo ; i Winter's mhifral. 2J < c : Lehlgh brown,2ijo ; Spanish brown. 2 e : Prince's mineral , "c. VAIISIBIIKH Jlarrels , per gallon : Furni ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI.00 ; coach extra , 31.40 ; coach , No. 1 , Sl.20 : Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japin , 70c ; asphaltum. extra , 85c ; shellac , 3.50 ; hard oil finisn , 51.50 ? DKT PAINI White lead , be ; French zinc , 12C ; Paris whltlnp. 2 > { c ; whltlnir , gilders' , 2J/c ; whiting , com'l , ike , lampblack" , Gcri i manstovrn , 12c ; lampblaclc , oidinary , be ; . Pnissian blue,55cultramarine : , IScivaudyke brown. Sc : umljcr , burnt , 4c ; umbor. raw. 4c ; sienna , burnt , M : sienna , raw , 4e : Pans gieen. genuine , U5c : raris creen. common. 22c ; chrome freon. > Y. . 20c : chiomcgreen , K , 12c ; vermlllion , Knslish , in oil 70c ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib cans. I''c ; raw and burnt sienna , We : Vandyke , brown , Kc ! ; relined - I lined lampbkek , 12c ; coacli black and ivory 1 black , lUc : drop black lOc : I'nifisian DIIIC , | 40c ; ultraniiiriiieblim , 18c ; ciiromo green , ij. , ' M. it I ) . , IGc ; blind and snuttcr irreeti. L. . 51. , & 1) . , ICn ; Paris irrcen , Ibc ; Indian red. Ibc : i Venetian led , Oc : Tuscan , 22c ; Ameiicaii i vermlllion. L. it 1) , , 20c : yellow ochre , i"c " ; L. i M. A O. U. . 18o ; good oclire , l(5c ( : patent dryer , be ; graining color , light oak , dark oak , wlanut. cneatnut and ash , I2c bpiniTS Cologne spirits , 168 proof. SI.17 : do 101 proof , ; Hpiiils , second ouality. 101 proof. 81.1 : do Ibb proof. 81.10. Alco hol , IbS proof , S3.1 * pei vvlnfiKallnn. Redis tilled whiskies , 31.00(31.50. ( Gin , blended , $1.50(32.00 ( ; Kentuck/ bourbons , ! $2.00 $ < uX5.oo ; Kentucky , and Pennsylvania ryes , 52.00@0.)0 ) ; Golden .Sheaf bourbon and rye \vhl-kles. . I 3 per case , 810.00 < ? 10.uO , Dry tiamoor. JIO.VHDb. No.l Com. s. 1 , s. UVHanil Wft Sl'.rX ) No.3 " i 1BH andlO ft 14.7S No.3 " " ' j3l4andln ; ft 1S.50 No.4 " " , 'I'iUandiaft ' 12.00 IlIfJE.SMO.N * X.MJ TlVdKKt * . towsstvtiit su , , ' 10.-.U la-W.IU.WJ.ll.UJ ; . _ . ! . . . . . . . . iuwzuxi . . . . 16 jld.50JIJ.iO 16.50 17.0JI8.0Jia.OU2J.I ' 'IB Id.WiaSJI 18.50 17.00 18.1XJII.OO , i.uo IxlO H.5U I6.W I8.M I7.UO l8.OJ42.dO.aioO . 18.5 , W.W10.H ) 17.00 18.002.00,2 , 00 _ . FKN'CINO. N5.1 , 4&0lncha24iid , 14 ft. , roneh..J17.0 * No. 2 , i & Oincli , 12 and 14 ft. , tough. . . li.03 61UINO. A 12 , 14 Alfift , 21000 C 15,00 U12. 14 & 10 It ! , 1,000 ! D 11.00 ( TII.INO AND PAUTITION. 1st com. , ? f In White Pine Partition. . . .833.00 Sd " " " " " . . . 2J.M ) 2d Com. & In. Norway Pine Celling ! ! i. u'oo vi.ooni.s'o. A 6Inch , white pine , M O $20.00 C Cinch , " 84 D 21.50 STOCK UOAIIUS. A 12 Inch. 8.1s. 4iiC 83400 It 13 inch " " 4'JD 2t50 No. 1 , com. 12 In. , o. 1 8. . 10. IB & 20 ft. . . 21.00 . No. 2 , " ' " " ' . IS.M No. 2 , " " 12 A 14 ft. 17.00 " IflJt 10.00 , , SHINGLES , I.ATIl. XX clear , 82.U ) ; A standard , 82.K ) ; No. 1 , 81.35 ; Lath , Si'i'i. POBTS White Cedar , 0 In. , K i 12c ; 8 In. qrs. , ri n. _ inTIJ . ill's it r irTsor "ntis PIS Kts | no 100 TO to 40 is lo Hen's S't.No 1 L'b'7 ' 00 4 00 3 S OJ 1 70 5 l/gp I1)M Tniicj 5 003 002 75 1 &i 1 no M 45 1/KjtM Sh'fl- > J 5 00.1 0 > 2 75 1 fv' t ) & 0 4S IAKK rtsii. UU Or lH > l ! ' ! l\l * JO wa , ,2 , | , No , 1 White. Killi. . . . 7 00 8 30.1 SOn 101 01 W FHiully Whlto Fish. . , 3 W , 3 15 2 m 1 W K K No. 1 Trout 4 80 4 l 2 Ml 95 71 M " iMwinTKu risii. TTrN IH Hbl ITr fUilO'alls or K'lts Norwegian ' I | i | I _ i KRK llcr'iiffj 14 , \T ) 600 603838 10 . . . . 1 OJ Hollnml her- rlnpg , new. W THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milmulwi SSI , Paul B'j ' THE BEST ROUTE to OMJIKi asd COUNCIL BlllffS it TWO THAINS nVIl.Y IlKTWHRN OMAHA tor NCI i. nu'Krs Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Pitul , MiiineapnHs , ( cthtr Kaniils. Clinton , Dtibti'inc , Davonitort , Kock Islatul.Frceport , llockfonl , Elffin , SlaJison , .luncsville. Beloit , Winonu , Ln Crossi' , And all other 'raportunt points Knst , Northeast nnd SouttR'a t. Tor through tickets cull on tlia T.ckot Atgua nt 14J1 Knriuun stri-ft ( In I'.txtoii liotuli , or n L'nlou 1'nclllo Uepot. I'lilluian MecDurs nnil thn tlnrst Dltiln-J Tnrs In the world iiro run on the umln lilies or the ClllCAK ) , Mll.WAUKSIC J. Sr. 1'AUI. UAIbWAV , nml every attention Is pnlil to panbcHiteri b/ coin lodiih e m plot CB o : t 'ie ' company. K Mll.t Kn , OeiiirBt Mnn.i'tr. J. F Ti'CKLii. As iletait : ticnorul MaiiftR r. A V. II CAnrii.'iTFii , GcncrM PaB ong-er n3 Ticket Aipnt. . . . OEO. E HKirrono , AfsistHnt Oenerfd I'asson- Ber rnd Tlcliet A cnt J. T. CL.AHU , Uoneral SuporlntenJont. RAILVJAY. Onialia , Council Bluffs And Chicago. Tlieonly road to tnle for Des Molncs , Mnr- shnlltown. ' oJnr nanl.ld. Cli'iton , mrlo , Chlcn- pel. SI IwiiiiUee .ind nil points cfnt. To the pco- pie of Jfoliru-teR , Colorndo. Wyomlntr. I'tnh , Idntio.Novnrln. Orcjron , WnplilriRlitn Hurt Cull fornla. It offf rs snpni lor a-Uaiitupes not poesl- b'c - line bj- any otupr Anions a few nt tlie numorouB points of in- Ecrlorltv onjoypd hv tha pntionn of thlProiu otvrcon Otnnha nnd Chlonco , nre Its two trnftn aelnyof DAY OMCIIKS uiilch ar tlio tliust thnt'brmnn nrt and ( nreniilty can create. Itn PAI/ACK SI.KEl'INO CA11S. rfhloh Hiornode-ls of oimfort anil olopr-inco It lAIII/it DHAW- INfi ROOM CAHS , iiii8urnn oabr any. nnd Its widely eolnbrnted PALATIAL DININ'f ! CAHS , the pminl of wlilch cnnnnt be found e'gowhcre. At Council llluffstho tinlnsof the I'nlnn I'acI re Ttr. ejonnect In t'n'on Dopeit with thee of the Chlcaaro & Nortliwr'S'orn Hy. In Clilcnpo the trains of this line ir.ako close connection with thoio of nil enstern llm-s For Detroit. Coliimtiiu. Indlanaroli" . Clncln natt. NiairiiruFnlli. BiilTnlo , I'lttsburir. Toronto , Montreal. lo ) ton.NT Voik. I'hlladelphl'i , Rnl- ttmor * Wnshlnifton ami nil I olnts In th a t , * sK the ticket aoent for ticket * , via the "NOKTHWUSTKIIN. " If yon nlsh the lie t 0"on mndatlons. All ticket apoiU" fell tlckuts r a this lino. M. HUGIUTT , K I1. WILSON' , ( ienctnl trcnt. ( Jen1. I a "r.Rent. . W M. IIAIII Ot h , U II BI.I.rS. . C enl Western / pt. f 't ' I as < Ant. I'.ll farnum St. St.e Carrying thcncl ium Roynl and UnltoO States Mull.Etillav ox cry tuturduy Beivveen flntwer ; ) & iieiv York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCS , KAI.I. \ XOlTIJIl Palon from JUO to t" . Kxcurslon trip from tllO to fl . Second Cabin , outward. f i ; prepaid. * < < ; ovcur ion. f'0. " ijtocra/u tiiujaja ot loir ml os. 1'ctor Wrlirht & .Soils , Genera Agents , U Uroa.hray , Now Vorat. Henry 1'uiUt , Ul Farniiinat. : I'iuileun & Co. H-6 Kuriilin ) ut ; I ) . O. I'ri-umnn , l 'l Kiirn.Mn ' fil-RS' DEREGTORY Artists' Material. A. IIOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos iiml Orgrans 1SI3 loiik'ln btreot , Omshn , Agricultural Imfhntents. cYfuilCHILL PARIfEIi , Wbolctnle Dealer In Aerlcnltnral Implements * . Wagons , C < url Bi ) und Hut-cl' * . V.noi Blrec , liclneen Bt nnd lOtb.On. . . Nob. LININGISK C METCALF CO. , A rienltnral Implements , , Dugle > , Ktc , Wholeiale , Ouoha PAltLINOItEND01tl MARTIN WholeialaDcnloriln Afirricnl'turol Imiilcmenta , R'agontand Buirzloi , .Ol..iJI , "JXt andt07 , Jonai it Butter and Eggs. McSJTAlTE .0 KClIltOEIlEIl , liuycrs of I5ntter nnd Kfj s. nefrlicenitorand PacXIri ; House , lUli ant I/caton worth St. . If P. ft. K. Tiu k , Iliralm Butchers' Tccls. LOUIH II EL LEU , Untcliers' Tools and iaui ( o Cailosi of nil kinds nlwayiln Hoc a. llli Joneikl. , Omabi. Builders' Hardware end Scales , niEnA fGlf TAl'LOIt , Bnllders'Hardwaro&Scalc Repair Shop ilecbaulci' Tool ! and Buffalo Sril'i. HQi I > oula < lU , Omaha , Neb. LEE , FRIED < C CO. , Johhers of Hardware nnd .N'nlls , TlDW , FliMl Iron. Etc. AtenU for Iloire bcalet , inrt Mltnil ronrttrdi. Om > h.Npl > RECTOR fO ll'TLIIELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Western * centi ( or JflTerton Flefl Knlli. Anitli I'owdcrC" , Knlrtank > H nt rd hcilei. C' lOili MK | lUrncr , Owabt. Engineers and Contractors , ItA YMOND C CAMPBELL , Etig-iueera ami Contractors , Bridrci , VlMducli ItoofTrai.ei.Kteim Hilo DrtrlBf , i'lllax , O kcil I'uie Urttlre Lumber , litli at. , HMI furniim , Oualia.h'ob. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTOR. ' Boots and Shots. X ir.txn SUH'KD SHOI : coMTAyr. lnrpr > r.d VVhcilrwlollojlcru In HnotR and Shoos , 'omrlott * tok of HiiM-pr ( , no > tii nlwarn nnliacd W > S. ntti l Onmha. r A T Antlln. Aeent. s of Hoots nntl S 411 rnrtmin ( t , C'mnM. Nft' Minunit iy , F Beer , Apt. for Aniipusrr-Ilu < ili lircvvitia : A < s'n Epfclil nnnil Vnutt.tliKlwcMerxnil sroitz ' Jh / : / . ' , llrovvpfs , IWI V-rtn l 'h ' "trcct , r'ninhn. Set' . Coffee. Spices , Cic. Omnlni I'ollVn and Sjiico MI1N. Tci ( .Corce , Spircv lUkmc VOTitft. n v < i-ln KK tr cl . 1-nut'dir llluo I" ) . . Kit 1IK Iti llntuej Mrret OinnhK , Neb GATES , COLE ilx MILES. lome rotleonnd Spice Mills M'f'jr Co. IVrfoononiOinnml spii Mlrltvl' ' " . Vln i-ifm turTi of Ilnitnu I'owder , H T iriiti ! U < c.riict . Illnl IK. rlis I'rvnne rve i'f o it 1 & rwoluttfolU'ine lllcnj lltii l * il lev Uitiov rd 1 Otaihn Nil Cornice. KA i ; / . K ClHtXICK U'OltliS , lolin Maniifncturcr < > r OnlTanl J Iron ml Comic1. K3 ' ' ' IM mill I 6 N. IDlli H . Omh , Ne li. iti-'Mrrixa to HOLTK , llnnufnrlurcm r . Ornnmontal C < nlvnui7oil Corntt'ps , Horn or VVInilotrn , I'lnnl * . MrlnllrSLjllglit.cli BIOS , lit i ft. OmKli.1 C. Spceht , 1'rop. Gnlv ulip < J Iron Cornlrr . otc. Sinvrrlraimn-oil Put- M-l llcM.Tliilii rtttniHlSl'ls ' HtliM ( iniiilm. Carpets. OMAHA CA11PETCO. , J.ibLcof irjiets. Cnrtniits , Oil Cloths ItnsrSi I.It o'uuni . MnltliKT * Tt1511 Douglat tlrci't. ' S. A. OlM'HAKl ) , Wholesale riirppts ( Ml Cloths U ltlnc . Cbituln ( ! i xl . Kir. 112.1 Fnrimm Mrcct , ornalm. Nob. Croikery and Notions. II" . L. H'JtlGJITt Agent for tlu'Muniiiacturcrniinil Importers or Crockery , ( Unsswaro , , ( hliniit'jK , rtr. Offlrp. 317 Soulh 12th it. t nitba. Nell. Commission and Storage. ' ' j ) . .1. IIUK'LK'Y i und .lobbinpf. HIT. FcttanJ 1'rortiicp ( . 'onaliinmcnik lollcllecl. Jmitijnnrwrs for Mnnewnro. llorry llox. mid ( ir.u > o li ( kciF. llll DPInlrfut.Uiimlia. ! : ' PEYCKE JUiOS. , Conimibsiun Merchants. Fruits , 1'roilnfo ntul I'rnrl ioii > . Oii.nlin. NK TrT7 itntnnJJL , Storaare nnd Cniuinissinn Moreliant , Spei-liilllos-llii K" . KBIJ . I'lireio. Ponllrf. Cnmu. ljtfr . Klc. . Ktt1 H3sOIUh liih nrect. WIE11EMAN tV CO. , Produce roniinission Merchunts , Poultrj. Iiultcr , nunie , PrnUs. etc. ZW B. KthiL WKEKS .C- General Commission Merchants , And Jolibcrs of Foreign nnd Dnairmlc Frultf. r rr . eponilcncu folli Ited Warolioiif o nd oni(0. HON. Tlilrtecntli M , Omaha. .Npb Tcloplinnii ' > . Fruits. I' . KOCCO f : CO. , tnporlert nnd wholesale denlurs In Italian I'rodnce , elcn , Domc'tloand Cullrornln I'Vnlts nnd Comml < < lion Uorclmnts. lOIW. 14th t. Only oicluslta fruit lieu Coal aniLime. . f. sfiLESToyis Vc'cb " " Dealers In Hard anil foft Coal , Office and > RrJKth nnd Nu'liolAB BIB. , Omalm , Nob. Vnrd 'relcihoiK | , l" " 7. l.iu. r i. . . . i.iii. I'rr . C. FloonuAN. V.I'rci. J A Su.snKHLASD. Sec. und Tronn. OMAHA COAL , CORK .0 LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard nnd Soft Coal. zaiFoiitliTlilrtccntli Street , Omnlm , Nub. . . . p co. , Mannftictnrers of Illinois White Lime. Aud frhlppora of Coat nnd Co e. Cement , 1'lastcr , UIUP , llAlr. I'lro Drli k , Drain , Tile .uid frttwcr I'ipe. omrn. iMxtnn Ilut-l. futnam n. . Otniba , Nrb. TulPonon11 M ! . Confectionery. > . i > . jflrP CO. , jrannfactnrins'Confet-tionerH , Jobberi of Frulle.Nutr and ClfniB. 1211 Knrnnm HL Lire Stock Commission. M. JiUltKK P .SOJN'.V , Live Stock Commission. llukp , XaniKiT. Union Stock VardM Omnlia. Tolepliont 6S3. Q OltEKX , Live Stock CcnniiKsioii JIorcliantH , Ebtpmenuof liny nnd nil klmlH of Stock mllclled Union Moii Var1iiiHbn ) , Neu. Ciyars and Tobacco. MAX MEYEll P CO. , Jobbers of Clears 'J'oljncco , Quni and Ammunlllon , 21'i ln > S Illb ( . , 1UO ( to M > | Kuriium ot , ( ) il.ili.l. Neb WEST < P F1UTSCI1ER , Jlaniilaetnrers of Fine Clffars , And WholfKile Dcilrm In l.ccf Tnb cro , Koi. 1 uuJ IIU .N. Illb rlrrut , O il b . JIOUSKIt P WOODLAND , WliolCMili IX a'en In Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokcro Articles. Ajoiitf for II. IXldcri 'orf A Co , Hue-Cut nnd "rack 1'ot > icrn , .Mil viiukeovifcconnln. . Nu. ! ) ! Nurlli bKtucnlb "trout , Onmlia , Neb. M. E. SMITH ( K CO , , Dry Goods , Funilabiiiir Knoils &Nottona 1102 nnil 1104 nouKln , cor. llth fll. Omnha. Neb. DhiWtrs. Dutllleri of Llqaori.Alcnhol nnd Fplrtti Importer * uid Jotbtriof Wln ia d Uquori. WILLO W SPRINGS DIST1LLE * Y CO. and ILKJt C CO. , Importer ! and Jobberiof Fine VTInei and I.lquora , Bolo m nuctar r < uf Kennedy' * Ktil IndU lilt- trn and Domri'le Mquon. 1112 Ilirner ht. Drugs , Paints , Etc. n. T. CLAJIKK nnuo co. , Larjjet Uriiff. Paint , Oil & Olnsa House W atef CUICSKO Complete Una of DruiiliU BUB orlci. nil H rn r n.Omaha , GOODMAN DItUG CO. , Wholesale Diu lsts. AnlDaalenlnPalntaOllinnd Window Rlau.Oinaba , Drain Tile , Etc , IL. . H.s rr'i.l'r'i. J.W.Bxnrnnn.Sar.&Trcii iu J.CARION , v.i'ru.imiitjupt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Office 315 P Kth t , Omiba. Neb. Mucblnrrr aod bupilletfor | > Unuf oiurln ( CVwrni Drain Tile. furniture. DEWKY .0 KTOKK , "Wholoaale Dealers in Kiirnltnro. it. , Omaha. Neb. CUAItLES Furniture , liedditiir , L'jiholstery , Ulrrori.cte. 1XC.13M and ItlO 'uru ra it. Omabi flHfl JOBBERS * DRECTORY Groceries , , ( i u.h.Huirn , r cot Vholrsnlo ( irocorics nnd Provisions , Not 1(0 ( , tC , TWninKllS I0ht , Omntin N b Wliolo nlo till ! iiinl --a Hardware , n : / . Heavy ilunln.iro. Iron ninl Stool , VVmrnii Stuck , llnrrinntc I unil > r elc. 1301 ninl Ul llnntvy it i nint a K/hV/iT ,0 Gilt HO \ , Wholesale Iron nnd Steel , 'ajtiinatM ' rarrlngt'Wooil MOO * . lt * t ll iful.'ITi - - - - Sto\es. llnngrs Pni'iiares 'Mies , MRStln llratct. llra * lcxH ! ! 1J51 ni ll 1 _ ruirmi MMt Iron Works. I'AXTOX , P J'YKl'iLIXt ! Iron Works lit unit C.MI Iron IttuMlim Work , Iron Pl lr . iif. llcnnu niul ( llnlorf. S oim Kni.lnp > , llri \V. rk , ( ii nciHl Kfiunilrjr. Mnrhlno nint Illnok inlth VVory ( iPKcnn.l\SotVii. I ) UT ninl lUli ticcl. Jewelry , M .r .rH H nnil Music Dpnlcrs. Uralcrs In Sllri > r ro. Dlitnunul * , Watrlie * . Clocl , Jwwclct f Tool * mill Milcrlnlv OiC lul nnil IW IMi f I . cor. i > oilKP , luuiihn Neb. Lumber. Lens nit.titronn , Dealer in l.iun'ior. ' liittli , I.linp , Snsli , Duorn.Klc. Ynnl'-OotniT'tli Anil IKmcluM Corner 9lliiinrt Dunlin * . CHICAGO L CO. , Wholcsnlo 811 S lllli Mreci , Otnnliii , Ncl > . I . Colpvlicr. Mii C. X. DIKTZ. Lninlipr. ] Minniirallfon'l.iMtpol Omnlia NeK VltKI ) II' . GHA I' , ' , Ijinu' , ContPiit , Etc. . Htc. Oi > r. itli unit DouvlHi ii. Oinnhn. Ntb. JIOAHLAND. J\iinber. \ T. If. UAItrEY LUMBElt CO. , To Di'iilers Only. Office , KM Famnm trrct.Omabn ClL'iS. II. LEE , Jlarihvood Lumlict , Wood Cnrpctbnnd rnniUPt I'loorlnn. 9lli nd Ciiimlm. JOHN A. If'A KEFIELD , Wliolesalo Lumber , Ktc. JmpoTlcd nnd Anirriri.n rorlliind Onunl. Plato Ancnt for.MllwaukiT llyrtrHtillP ( "cnicnt and licit yiilnc ) Wliltol.liue. . Lire Stock. UNJONSTOCir VAItDS CO. , Of Omaha. Umlted. John K. Boyd , Suparlntcrdent , Millinery and Notions. I. OnEItFELDEJt P CO. , Importers und JubbcrB of Jliiliiicry and Notions , 1311 nnd KUIIiimtr Sl.oel.Omalin.Kfb. Notions. c.7.G dor > nicjr .0 co.T Are tlio only IHroot lmi > orlcrB of Gennan & French TO.VH & Fancy Goods In Ncbrimku. Clilciin ! prlctM duplicated without ndd- rclRhU 1 Hi Knrmim Sirrot , Oraulin. J. T. JtOJifNiaON NOTION CO. , Wbulewilo Doilcrs In Notions and I'nrnisliiiiff Goods , ( It ! and l ! & S. Trntti Ft. Omalm. VINYAR1) ,0 SCllNElDIllt , Jobbum In Notions , Hosiery nnd Gents' Furnishing ( foods. Wlfiand 19D3 Fnrnam at. , Omnhn , Neb. Overalls. "CANFIELD MA NUFA CTUJtlNO COMPANY , JannfactnrL'r.s of Overalls , Jeans I'nntB , Flilrtr , Ktc. 110J nnd 11CW DOURIHB Street , Omnh.i , N'cb. Printing. COMPANY , Job Printers , IHank Uook Makera. And Hook lllndurt. 10 ! anil Krt Ryu 111 luurtuunth Blrcct.Om haNeb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary PnbliHliera. Dealers In Type , Prpii'n and Prlntcni' Supplies. KO Couth Twelfth Street. Pickles , Vint gar , Etc. CO. , Manufacturer * . I'ncLers ami Ijcnlers In PirlilcH & Strictly Pitro Apple Vinegar Iluklnc Towitrr. lliivorlnu l.'itnuu. Tnble Huucc. French Mutlu" * With Bhilnii , ( Irnrrrn' b-s Ss-i ! ! t-ole fcidMil * , for Vork HtMif hnnil llcllneil Apple Cl- cli'r. 1'icJl enventiortli ft. . Omnlia. 5of"cs , Etc. G.ANDREEN , Omaha Halo Works. Ifanufarlnrrrnnf Flrtiaml Ilornl r I'mofSlfn , Vr.ult Doorr. J ll WorkHliut rri nnil Wire Work. Cor. Klb anil Jackiiui hit . , .S'Jb , Aponts for Hall's Safe & Look Co.s' nra anil llurg'ar Proof Suf 11. Tlma Nl ! . Vnulli mid Jail Work 1WJ Kiirnum f tri'el Oinuha , Nab. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. Disnitoir eft co. , VVtioletatn Manufncinreiiof Sash , DOOI-H , llllnds and MonIdingB : , ll.nucli unice.IJtli auil Itard t . . Omaba.Ncb , f/T FTLYMAN Balliiitiii I ifft , ul& . ISil kjulb TtilrtteuliJ bu eL OmabaN i > , AcotnplHn lock of lIulMtri * llantHnrc , HOIIN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Snsh , Doors , Blinds , Would'n , ' .f-ulr Work anil Interior Us ril VV'oiul . . . Klnlih . , . . , . . . - Juit opened K. U. lor. 3th und ; Onmbii , Neb. Pumps. CHURCHILL PUMI' CO. , Wholesale PuniiH ] , Pipe , KittiiiffH , am unil Walar bupjillAn. Itra'lfiuurlcr ' * f r Matl KoailCo'i Ouodi , lllll'nrimni > llnuihii.Nci > . A. L. firJt A NO CO. , Pitinpu. Pfpc.4 nnd Kiiu'lncH , Steam. Water , llallwur anil Jlllllni : PuutOIO. 10 , W ) , Wiand W4 tarumn it. , Omalm , fi b. U. S. WIND ENfilNK < tntl PUMP COMPANY. Haltadar Vflnrt Vllltj rIKim anrt WH r Siiprllea , fluuibliK Uooti , Hefting , lloio PIS nnJ CJI Knr- Lau > t. , Oiuaht , ( ( K. Krllnn , tluuiccr , Telrpbuiio Kn. 810. Trunks , II. II. MAIIHOFF , Wholeaulf Trunks , Hotel Illori.OmaUa. Wagons and Carriages. The Leading Uarrlaeo Factory , ( Enilll.lUlM HiS. ) IVn and till Dodtro itrect. Onuba. Building Material. OMAHA LUMHElt CO. , m-tlerln All Kln.liof Onildincr ilutnrial ut Wholesalu. Hill Hlr.-1'l and Union t'acldo Track , Oiaitlia ,