Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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A Lincoln Man's ' Pitiful End In a Rickety
Old Building ,
Aiiotlior fitroiiR Vnn Wjck Alan
Nomlnntnl Vuv the Semite A
Cluifcli Ilowo MrclliiK riz-
7\cs \ Out Stnto Nc s.
A SlliprnWo Urntli.
, N'eb. . Oct. in. IbpiTlftl Tele-
to tliellt.K. ] In aionm ipsemblliign
( Inserted foatrnt'k nt ! M I1 street was round
to-day tlio dead body of a > oun ninn named
lla&mus'un. Ho wasnnt n dniiikard or a
tramp or n worthier man , but to tbo con-
Iraiy was aliard wurkiiiB , sober and Indus
trious j onus man v.lio bad made inniipy and
saved It und bad riulte a sum In bank. To do
this bo bad llu > d In dilapidated quaitcrs , and
till sickness came lie did \\oll , but foi a week
.holms buen sick. llh rondltlon becoliiiiic
nlnnnlnir , Lr. 1'ctcis was called , vsbotook
tbo nick man In a carriage and tiled to llnd
for blin n plane \\horo bo could line :
clirlKtlan care. Tbe Homo for tbo Friendless
refused admission , tbu .Medical Iiistltulu
ditto , and a number of lioardliiK bousesVITO
tried , but with like results. Tbo doctor ga\o
him mcdlclno and returned blin to bis old
crix/y room , \vliero bo was found dead noxl
day , l > luir In aiool ] of blood , Hu uvldentl\
died from liumnrrliixc , tlioitclt In reality
from \\nutofcnrc. A lamtn\asstll ! btirnlnij
wbon bo was found. 'I bo coroner lias taken
clinrRO of tlin body for burial and typhus
fever Is certlllcd as tbu man's ailment.
A Ilnnno County Coinlilnntlon. , Neb. , Oct. 15. ibpeclnt to tbo
UKK.J Tbo democrats and nntl-iiiunops both
held tlicli county conventions yesterday
afternoon for tbo nomination of a nicmbei of
the legislature and county ollioers. Hy an
arrangement made between the two couven-
lions tbu democrats \\cro to nuinlnule n
county attorney and the aiitl-monops en
dorse tbo nomination ; tbo ant ! monops were
to nominate a member for the legislature and
tliudemoci.its cndoiso tbo nomination ; tbo
county commissioner to be seleeteil by a com
mittee fioru both I'oiueutioii.s. Tlio result is
that ox-Judge 12. fa. Connelly was nominated
for county attorney , Hon. W. A. I'o > liter
for member of tbu legislature , and II. 11. ( ill-
lott foi county commissioner. I'oynter , in
Ills speech before the eoincntlon , stated Hint
If elected , howould vote for C. 11. Van
United Status senator.
Another Ono for VnnVjck. .
O'Xr.iu. , Neb. , Oct. 15.-Si | > eciaI to the
BKK.J The republican senatorial conven
tion ot tbo Twellth hcnntoilal dlstilctwas
hold at this place last nlsht. jlr. A. M.
Itnbblns , of Yalloy county , a pronounced
Van Wyck man , uteivcd the nomination
for senator , stionp lesolutlons were n.ib ed
favoilnn thu return of Hon. C. II. Van Wjck
to tbo United States senate , to which tbo
nominee , brine called to the floor. responded
in tetinsblch lull no room fur doubt , llu
pledged himselt most earnestly to carry out
ilia wislicb of his constituents to the utmost
of Ills ability , htaylus by Wyck as long
ns them \\ero any hopes of electing him.
Sir. Hoblilns H ceitain ol a rousing majority
In this dibli let.
The AV. O. T. U. Convent Ion.
FHIMONT : , Neb. , Oct. IB. [ Special Tele-
fiiam to the UKI : . ] The state convention of
tbo Woman's Christian Tompcianco union
closed to-day. The delegates selected to the
national contention at Minneapolis aio :
Mrs. Newman , Lincoln ; Mrs. M. A. Hitch
cock , Viempnt ; Miss Anna Craig , Uluo
Springs ; Mrs. OiiiMlean , Yoik ; Mrs. 11. 0.
Clprk , Omaha. Alternates. Mib. Todd , Uast-
Inga : Mrs. Lelphton , Lincoln ; Mrs. Soule ,
Omaha ; Mrs. Dlaekhurn , Atkinson. Thu
next com entlon will bo held at licattluc.
A DcinoriMtlc .KnllnrJ * .
LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. 15. fSpeclal Telegram
to the linn.J The domociats tried to hold a
convention to-day and put a candidate In the
Hold for district judge against Sam M. Chap
man , the republican nominee. The effort
was n disastrous failure from a democratic
point of view , not a fourth of a do/en dele-
pates appearing not o\cn enough to make a
chairman , hecretnrv and a mover of motions.
In view ot tbu lack of Intciest an adjouin-
inent was taken foi a week , and It Is thought
the mnttei will und theio and the second
judicial district be lett without a contest.
No KiltliuHlnnm for Ilowo.
PAWS KB Cirv , Neb. , Oct. 15. [ Special
1 Telegram to tbo HUB. ] Tlui Church Ilowo
meeting here to-night was a tame affair , there
being no enthusiasm. The meeting wnb
small and made up largely of prohibitionists
nuil democrats. 1'ln innnuy and passes't
buv republican \otes in r.iwneo , for thu brass
r.ollars arc bioken. hook for a majority lor
JIcSluuo and the Van Wjck logltl.itlvo
ticket in Novmbur. Tha dflinocnus aio jubl-
Dostrtiotivo Fire nt Norfolk.
Noui'oi.ic , > Jeb. , Oct. 15. [ Special Telo-
pram to tbo HEK. ] The Paellie hotel block ,
tbo llnest In the city , biunou tlilw evening.
The building was owned by. I. KooulgRtoln ,
end occupied by D.I' , hack , ol tbo hotel ;
Jonas te LJoxtcr , eioceis ; Koenigbtein , diug-
clst , and .lamoH Wlicelei , uilonu. All woie
heavy losers. The amount of Insmanco is
not known. The llru was caused by tbo fall
In ; ; of a chandellcrin Wheelei
Prohibition Nominal Ions.
Neb. , Oct. 1C. [ Special Tolo-
, pram to the IJi.u.J The prohibitionists of
Iod o county met to-day at Xoith Bend and
nominated tiiu following tlcl > et : Senator ,
Ilov. J. Warner : rcpie ontatl\es , 1' . L. LUIII-
bird , ritiinoiit ; J. W. Stnveiison , North
" JHentl ; county nltoiney , 1) . M. Strong , Noith
nufl'nlo County Nomination * ,
KIIUIXHV , Neb. , O-t in. - [ Special Tele-
Krum to tliul3ii.l : : Tim lopubKi-nn conven
tion to-day nominated S , W. Thornton and
Jlemy 0. Amlunvs for repiostnintlves nud
0. K I'.KUih for county nttmuoj.
Anclilont at IMiitlHinonili.
Neb. , Oct. 1 15.--SCcial | |
to tlio llii.l ; : Aiabioie I'attor on ,
nu old and respected citizen , W.IN knocKed
.down jiml inn over by a lieiuht car In tbo H.
- < t M. y.irds this nMtning' , llntb ln.'s and oue
\\oKictitoifaiid hnc.innot ) Ue.
. Fonrl'ul Accldout nt a \ilr. .
. . . Fmin ; > , Xeb. , Oct. 15. A fatal accident
* "
occurred on the fair grounds yc tcnlny.
Y\f\i \ } \ running hoi PCS were ocorlng for n mile
dash. On recoMiu the \\oid "go , " Ylscola
Rtiiinbled , and foil , throwing JooXImmei man ,
_ her rider , at K' titty feet. Immediately
behind Vlucola , Harry Kdwards thundered
down upon tlm mostratiumlmil aiut fell
cnor him , landlnt ; tbo jockey , Frank ( loo. I-
man , nbn btdo /.linuierm.iii. . The uxeite-
incnt in thu stand \\iis Inte.isi' ,
fainting nnd men uishau
in u fianlli ; endeaMii to lender
rmlbt.uico To ndd to the confusion f-amu of
the ronmlnlnff horm" > took Insbi , and just
beyond ll-o nun Into thu ipiarltrtretch two
n ere iinlmals fell and their rider * were j
thrown \iidenlli to the ground. Iheso wcr
ICe a I.liul.i and John Itcdman. Fred HIM ,
nt Mitchell , D.ik. , tbo rider ol thu foimcr. Is
luUlly Injmed , bis skitllbolnj ; i'iu.sbed. The
other ilder walked Into the jud o'a Kta-ul.
oovored with builsos , but not badly hurt.
y.lmmcniun bad his shoulder l > Indti anil arm
liroUen , and is Internally llu and
Goodman were picked no for U'.ul.
Ylbcola , a ery valuable animal , had her
loj : bioken. Tboothor horsi-a do not slum-
iuuks of Injury.
Irvluji Hrtll For
. Nnw TOUK , Ovt. 15. H is t.eml-olliclally
nuuounctii that tlw Irvine ilall democracy
-will enrtorsB the nomination of Henry
Gsorso for ma > or.
Parnilt to wml was
to Jvring I. Wouitwtird and Mi > *
Martin , both o. Oinubn.
An Kntliunlnfitlc Hoitttiorncr'n Ornnd-
lloiicut | Trltiutc to n hoonl
NP\V York Tribune A correspondent
of the State Ledger , a newspaper pub
lislicd nt Jackson , MNs. , contributes an
eiiloiliini four HIM ! a half columns lone
of ( > pncrnl C K Hooker , of Mississippi.
To say that this rulf/ginni is " (
Is to suy nothing. To alllnn that it out-
glows the most glowing tribute Hint ever
sprang from the lips of Admiration , ns
Admirutlon sat enthralled at thu feet of
OMULS , is to keep well within the bounds
of voraelty. In comparison with it the
regulation valentine seem ? unsociable ,
"Lulla Kookh" prosaic , mid the con fee-
tioneri- known as taili Dales its inuflec-
tital sweetness It but just rend Its
concluding paragraph
"Nover shall wo forget his ( General
Hooker's ) reply to the toast 'Woman,1 nt
Jackson , Miss , some ton years ago , at a
banquet. Our recollection of it is as of
the glories of gorgeous sunset , when tlio
radiance is so widely diffused that one
cull hardly designate the nlaro of greater
ell'nlgcnco. It was an exhibition u spec
tacle. How suggestive of comparison is
the recollection ! Memory has umbnlmcd
it , Tli imagination is busy with anxious
delight to tell , by some imagery , how ho
touched one , mid to what sweet ofToeU
and inllucncu ho was to bo compared.
The lavish of Ills lay was as thu glad min
strelsy of n sevenfold ohoitis of halle
lujahs and harping symphonies. Ho
seumud to stop out of some niche in that
glorious century long agono a knightly
improvi&ntoru when love ruled tlio ci : nip ,
the court , thu bower ( when louc and gal
lantry were in their 7unlth ) , and was the
delicious vogue Instead of the present rage
of lucre and vulgarising utilitarianism ,
lllchly garbcu with grace In every movement
mont liu unstrung his harp. Ho gam
boled through tentative preludes with
kindling mlon and warming lire , until ,
in a line frenzy , his music Hooded the
welkin His voice had the rich , largo
mellowness of a French horn , and a
moonlight quality suggestive of the
troubadour and surenadu. It was tune
ful enough for nightingales to emulate.
He seemed rapt. Witn dancing pulses ,
under I ho inspiration of his high ardors.
hu warmed to his theme until it possessed.
him Petrarch and his Laura came to
mind. Thought and speech were wed
ded ill a glow of transport at the bridal.
Nightingales seemed to sing. Harps ,
not strung of earth , seemed to join the
minstrelsy All 1 can say is that it was
glorious , glorious. glorious. "
Knjoymcnt of this exquisite work of
art is tempered by the rulleetioh that it
was this samu Gunoial Hooker who was
selected to nominate Mr. liaynril in the
last democratic national convention , and
that after hu finished , and while the
echoes of liis hallelujahs and harping
symphonies were yet ringing in its cars ,
thu convention tui neil around and nomi
nated Cleveland. But then the world
always did fail to recognise its greatest
_ _
A Mission.
On next Sunday at 10 80 o'clock n mis
sion will begin in the Chinch of the Holy
Family , Eighteenth anil l/.ard struets , of
which llcv. H. A. Slmfl'cl , S. J. , is pastor.
The Services of the mission will bo held
in the morning and evening for about a
weuk and be conducted by Ucv. II. 15rons-
gccst , S. J. , an old and experienced mis
sionary from Chicago. The missions
which have thus far been held in
church have been largely attended , the
last given being that by Hev A. A. Lam-
be it two years ago.
Hnglnnd Howine Enmity.
PAJIIS , Oct. 15. Thu Llburte charges Bus-
land with tiylns to .sow enmity between
Franco and Germany , "which ratlioi shows a
tendency , " the paper continues , "to dia'v
neaier together tor tholr mutual intoiostln
vaiious questions. England lears tlio pos-
slbllltv that sucli a -appioachmcnt might
clfect ncr littoiests in Egypt. "
Another Sliulcc.
CnAnr.KSio , Oct. 15. There was a slicht ,
but distinct shock of e.uthquako shoitly
after 4 o'clock this mornlin ; , which made
windows rattle , hut did no othei harm. The
B.iiue bheel ; v/as felt at Summci vllle.
In ventilating tlio Irlnh Ijtuul Act.
LONDON , Oct. 15. The commission to In
quire Into the workings of the Irish land act
will bo.iii ; its work on October ! W and con
tinue during November.
Ijfift Out In the Cold.
ATIIKNS , Oct. 15. Newspapoin hero com-
iiU'iitins on the various phases of the eastern
dllliculty , conclude that Knul.iml bus been
left out'ln thu cold.
Real JjHttxto TrutiHrers.
Tbu following transfers were liled Oct.
11 , with the county clerk :
.Jefferson W Hertford and others to Jonas
U Him In , lot Hand 4 , blocks , lotsfl , 7 , 8 , 18 ,
JO , .M. 'AJ7 , 23. block : i. lots 15 and 10 , block
4. lots 3 and 4 , block 7. lots 8 and 4 , block 8 ,
Hawthornn add , w d 81S.OOO.
Samuel D Mercer and wife to T H Price ,
lot ir > . block 10 , Walnut 1UII. w d Sm
(1 K Uertiand to hlbbiu A JUaswortli , part
of lot WJ. ( Slsii'h add , w d-Sii5U.
JelfeiMin Hailev to Michael Mcilovy ( ! , east
ftj feet o lot 0 , block 4 , 1'aikei's adu , w d
Joseph I' Preston and wife to Itose A Mur-
rav , lot ! > , block 1 , lUilvidcre , w d-5500.
John Krickson and wllo toCailASvon-
BOII , cast halt' of lot , 4 , block 1C , Ihiiau A : Sol-
den's add , w cl-SiJTS.
' 1'lioiiias II McUaguo and otlieis to II C
Hobbic , bits b unit' ) . block U , Hanscom Place ,
W il ft ! , > " .
Justis Kessler and wife to Gtibtav Vol- , lot I , in Cuiii'o'a hiihdlvlslon of noith
J , ol lot ( H , a C Ilogeis , plat of Okahonu.
w il Sl.WX ) .
LllKoityand wife to Lewis M Illiccin ,
cast 10 leet of lot 10 , and weat 40 feet of lot
17 , block s , ShllU's second add , w d Si.SOO.
Ylcloi M Cell nun and wlfu to Tliomas
Ihenimn and otlmi.s , lot S' < , block 17 , Oich.iul
11 III , w d-N > oO. Ann Uyeis to Uvinu Stanber ; ? , east
fiO tent ol west 150 feet of lot 1 , Uartlot'a mid ,
\ \ d-5'i , u .
.lames L Lorctt and wife to i : W SImeial ) ,
lot II , Pti'nton and Williams' mid , w d-
I ! W blmerall to Itehccc-a J Lo ott coiuyys
s.ime as last above , w d 31,000 ,
Samuul r. Hciteni ; and wlfu to l.ubain !
Dahn , bouth pirluf lot 5 , block C , Imptove-
mcnt association mid , w d WJ.
Augustus Kount/o and wltu to .Samuel U
Hojjeia. W-ltmncioin , ifi. 1:1. : n c-8' . ' .
S JUIercciaud wile t. Kit JJookwalter ,
lots 3 and S , block b , Walnut Hill , w d-
KrcdMauss and wife to Otto Wagner and
others , p.ut of lots 1 and a , block lt > , lied-
liud'H second add , w d 51,100.
I'll lloibach to Jamas 1) Shellds lot 5 ,
block f > , lloibachVi second add , w d i 1,125
Luw Is Schiodcr to FrankSbuiill and ( ithurs ,
lots 1. ! ! and a , block 1 , Ulo\eland Place , w d
-tt'.bOO ,
Augustus ICount/o und others to David
SlioHUti , lot lb , bbick 1. PIain > lc\v , w a--iW > .
William It Moirls to John TDIllou , lot a ,
blo.-k HtK , w d- ! > 4,0(4) ( .
Patrick ( Jm-alev and wltotn John ) ' . llo.l P ,
Jots Hand ' . ' . block H , Uwiiiht * Ls man's aild ,
w d-Sl.fXW.
J'Or Sulo or . .
1'or Onnhti lloal Kstali' . a llnrly im
iirovcil farm of 80 r.crcs within & miles of
IMattMiioutb , Neb. , and 1 milu from
school nnd church , nil fnncoil , 100 heur
in ? fruit trees , poorl two-story ,
iiK * mill , stable for 10 liorsos , grunnory.
co.'a crib , etc. Cull ant ! sun about tins , A : CAMI-JU : ! . ! . .
IW. ) Fiirtiutn st , itoou ; 1.
l > on't 'ull tn ni ihn Autonmtio Kxposi.
lion before U is o\erl : > stlnl.V { too lato.
J'osiiivuly S.i < rtliv : the lust royul oppor
tunity iu Onuihi. : 1118 Fnrnain ,
MM. .Majrranu's sohoo'of ilancinj , Alct-
ropwHlau hall , S. W. Cor , Ulh an.l
] ) wlfo. daisies for chlhtrcnViuiiios -
il.y ami iitur ? : < lav afUirnoou ; for hblies
and tri'iitieinou , SVcilnuidtiy ami Uutur
- -
Yeatordnj's Mooting nnd Business of th (
Presbyterian Synod of Nebraska.
A Crystal Wcilillnjz Ilolicnjliui He-
intbllcnns llutt by ji Cab Court
Notes A Street Cnr Acci
dent Othcv uo
The Presbyterians.
Tlio second day's session of tlio Prc'by-
torlnn siiioil of Nebraska convened at
the Nortli church on Snumlers stieet at
830 o'clock yoitcrday morning. The
lirst lialf hour of the meeting ; was given
to ile\otional sor\iecs , led bj Ilov. J.I ) .
The mo.lorator announced the follow-
lowing standing committees for the en
suing year :
Homo Missions llevs.V. . J. Ilnrsha ,
C T. ( Jlssman , J. 1) , Kerr , L. 1) . Wells
( J. W. Hodge.
Foreign Missions -Revs. 11. M. L.
Brnilen. T. A. llnmUton.E. L. Dodder , \V.
L. Hoyil , J. Martin.
Education llovs. W. W. Hawlm , Ur.
K. M. Hiekok , U F.Slmrp.Il. . Wibon.Mr.
F JI Cunningham.
Publication llovs. AV. U. Henderson ,
, ) Fleming , Mr. K. M. Cunningham , S. B ,
Neilson , A. 11. Campbell.
Church Krcetion Hevs. J. W. Little ,
W. U. Vincent , G. Williams , J. T !
Ministerial relief llovs. J. N. Hicks ,
J L. Lowe. , C. G. ilurlburt , E.M. Lewis ,
J. U. Hi own.
Frecdmeii llovs. S. H. McClelland , J.
P. Hlnck , II. C. UoskorvHle , E. Uenson ,
J. C Sylvuuus.
Systomatie beneficence Hevs. J. War
ner , J. W Fulton , E. Smith , A. M. llooke ,
J. It. Brown.
Aid for colleges Hevs. W. F. Doole ,
W. Hinghuul , W. E. Kimball , J. U.
Sabbath schools Ilov J. Warner , Mr
W. H. Cliadwick , Mr. E. M. Cunning
Tumpcrancc He\s. J. J , Hialc. A.
Folsom , J. G. Tate , M. L. Milfoid , 11. L ,
Reports were made showing the pro
gress of the church work in the live did-
urent Prcsbyterys that comprise the
synod. Thu reports wore highly giatify-
ing , exhibiting a marked of tbo
church membership and a growing inter
est in tlio cause by the pastors and people
ple of the state. The nynodical mission
ary also made his annual report showing
the condition of thn missionary work in
Nebraska , . Thu reports were received
and discussed fully by the members of
thu synod , after which they were re-
furred to the various committees. In the
afternoon thu superintendent of the
Ameiican Bible society inailu his yearly
report. Hev. F. II. Tibbals then ad
dressed ( ho synod upon the cause of work
among the Indians in which he is en
gaged. The matters set forth by him
were discussed by those present anil re
ferred to : i committee winch will report
what action if any should be taken by thu
synod in icgaril to this particular line of
chinch work.
The evening session , a popular meet
ing in tlio interests of home missions , was
largely attended. Hev. Tlios. L Sex
ton , D. 1) . , the yiiodical mission
ary , presided. After briefly call
ing attention to the marked progress
which tlio Presbyterian church lias made
in Nebraska he said : The cause is
now in a most promising condition , , anil
a great responsibility rests noon us to
advaneo the work. * Mis. Tibbctts , an
Indian Jaily known us "Uriglit Ejes , "
then read a short address. The work
among thu Indians has been somewhat
embarrassed by I ho civil relations they
occupy towards thu irovornmont , and es
pecially the \yliito people. What thu In
dian needs is thu chance to make the
make tlio most of himself in the direc
tion of civili/ation. He should bo brought
mo ic in contact with thu better class of
white , instead of being secluded from
them. The Indians , so far as our church
work is concerned , should bo placed
under the care of tlio homo mission
board. Thus the elders of the Indian
cliurchps will meet tlio white ministers
and ciders on thn floors of our
ecclesiastical bodies. Shu asked for more
sympathy for the Indian. You may not
think much of him as you see him walk
ing on your streets , but remember God
loves linn and that Christ died for him.
Her address made a very deep impres
sion on tlio audience. Hev. E. L. Dodder
ottered special prayer for tiie Indians ,
after winch Hov. deorero L. Crissman , of
Hastings , took the platform. Ho spoke
of thu great progress that has been made
in this state. The demands upon us nro
very urgent and iinpiessivo. Now com
munities arc springing up all over the
state and in many of them there is a de
mand for our church. Wo should work
earnestly for thn advancement of this
great cause not for the homo board's
sake , but tor tlio fitiko ol Christ. The
Ilov. Dr. Timothy Hill , of Kansas City ,
Mo. , was then introduced. He said that
foi tvone joars ago he crossed the Missis
sippi river with commission of a homo
missionary in his pocket , and ho has been
a home missionary ev < ir since. Nineteen
years ago lie w cut down to the Cherokee
country to see what could bo done for
the Indians. Now tlioro nro churches
among them. Tlio _ > are steadily advanc
ing in population , in education , and re
ligiously. Their school building at Parko
JIill is not surpassed by any in Kansas
City. The homo missionary work has
brought them to their present advanced
.sUto. They have a presbytery which
iceently hold u vcrv interesting meeting.
A scrmom was preached in Choctnw and
interpreted in English The Lord's supper -
per wus administered anil the Inuad and
wine was distributed by an Indian , n
negro and iv wlntu man. Thus there
were blacks , whites and Indians in
the congregation assembled on that
occasion. Tliuru lira 75,000 white men
in tlio Indian territory. Therca are great
many intermarriages between tlio
whitcsnnd the Indians. There are now
about one thousand four hundred Pres
byterians in thu territory , twonty-soven
ministers and foitv-ono churches. At
the meeting ot the Indian presbytery ho
learned that tlioro were 1,200 Comanchos
ami not a single missionary among them ,
nightr-m year * ago the doctor said ho
bcg.ui his work us synodiual missionary
in ICiuiKH. 'I ho uhuiuh was then very
fucblo , but it has now beoomo very
strong The PresbyU < rlan church nil
over this country has grown along the
IIPO of homo missions.
Tbi ) oNurei-.cs were closed with the
doNoIogy and benediction.
The devotional sci vices this morning
will bo conducted by lluv. Williams , ot ,
the Omaha Piodbtery. This evening.
there will be : v popular meeting in the
interests of foreign missions , to bo-ad-
linked by l > r. Aluxartdur Mitchell , of
New Yoi I : , and others.
Tlio Stnto Contrnl ConimUtop
Inn For a Float Heimtor ,
The executive committee of the demo
cratic .state central committee met again
at 9 o'clock yesterday morning in 11. W.
Patrick' * olUeo for the purpose of com
pleting the organisation which was noc
found possible at the meeting on Thurs
day night , owing to the lack of
"harmony'1 that IB so essential > in the
conduct of a democratic mooting of any
kind. The organization was completed
by the selection bt 1 W. Patrick ns see
rotary end T ! ! < .Cnppongcr ns nsslsta l
secretary of the corinnHtco. It was do
cidcd to make tHe 'lloadminrters ' of tin
committee at Stic'rerixry Patrick's ofllci
during the comliift campaign. The dis
cussion of different schemes that ofl'crcil
some hope of succcss'for ' the democratic
ticket in Douglas county this fall was in
dnlged At great Icjugih until the committee -
toe had talked tlicm.tclvcs into the beliul
that they would < hnve no trouble in cap
tnring tno county without a struggle. II
was liually dccidud'lo make tlio issue on
the prohibition question , nnd arrange
ments were niady to commence the light
at once A connnitte'e was appointed tc
prepare for a short 'Mtumping campaign
bv the way of making a snow of activity
Yesterday was the date for the meeting
of thu convention to nominate n Hunt sotv
ntor. The nine Douglas county delegates
were on hand at 3 oVIock in tlio after
noon at 11. W Patrick's ollico , earn ing
their instructions for the lion Fred Met/ .
The fho Harpy county men failed to ap
pear , however , not having been properly
notified of the meeting. The positive
declaration of Air. Met ? that ho would
not , under any circumstances , ac
cent the nomination for float
senator , loft the delegates dis
armed. They appointed a committee
to await upon Mr. Metto sec if lie could
not lie induced to reconsider Ins intention
in regard to the jiroflcied nomination
for float senator. In case Mr. Met ? will
not alter his determination to attend the
democratic obsequies the delegates have
a number of other Germans in mind who
will bo proffered the nomination , among
them. Mr. C. T , Paulson and Gnstay
Bonoko. JMr. 0. S. Montgomery is also
spoken of as a candidate in case none of
the other gentlemen named ran bo in
duced to accept tlio empty honor of iv
nomination. Tlio delegates adjourned
until next Thursday , when another ef
fort will bo made to force the nomination
upon 'omc unsuspecting democrat.
A Crystal Wedding.
Fifteen years ago yesterday , Mr. and
Mrs. M. Hellman , of this city , were mar
ried in Louisville , Ky. The gioom had
been a resident of Omaha for fifteen
years before that event , and here ho had
made up Ins minit to establish himself
for life. After the marriage , Mr. and
Mrs. Hellman pamo to this city and huro
they have since resided , while prosperity
and happiness have attended them in
both material and domestic affairs. It
was fitting , therefore , that the fifteenth
anniversary of the event which led to so
felicitous a sequel should be fittingly
commemorated , and tins was done last
evening bv a crystal wedding at the pa
latial resiilence'of the worthy gentleman
and lady , 223 > St. Mary's avenue.
The parlors weio brilliantly illumi
nated and well filled with
friends of both Mr. and Mrs.
Hellman. Various games of cards were
indulged in with much interest ; uul spirit ,
and served to while away the hours in a
very agreeable manner. At 11 o'clock
the guests were ufecorted to the dining
hall , where a Uoiuttittil supper was
served. Rabbi ften ibn presided , anil
while tlio menu : ' wrfa being discussed
merry conversation and hu jrliter went
around the board. ( At the close , Dr.
Henson proposedtho Aoast of the health
and continued happiiuiss of both the host
and hostess and Ulicir family. Ho pief-
aced it with a rnfift-cii o to the two occa
sions on which thee guests had re
cently shared < l the ? hospitality of
Mr. and Mrs. the
> ( Hcl\man , yearn
ing of the human heart , under almost
every circumstance , tfor the happiness
of hoinu , the manittjr in Which that hap-
at u .similar gatl'ieringjiuoatUo twentieth
and twenty-tilth v anniversaries of the
marriage of At'1 , and Mrs. Hdllman.
This neat little speech Was warmly ap-
precii'ted. Several other gentlemen
subsequently gave expression to con
gratulatory thoughts.
Supper over , the gucits returned to the
parlors , where games and vocal music
were indulged in , Mrs. Martin Calm ren
dering a few pieces in a most delightful
Mr. and Mrs. IlBllman were the recip
ients of hearty congratulations and left
nothing undone to render perfect the
enjoyment of _ their guests. In this they
wore , appreciably assisted by their beau
tiful and talented daughter Blanche , who
is spending a few days at home from her
studies at tup Academy of the Sacred
A very pleasant coincidence of the
evening was the fact that it was also the
wedding annivuisary of two couples who
were in attendance , Mr. and Mrs. Men-
dulssohn , who wore married in Detroit ,
Mich , , five years ago , and Mr. and Mrs.
A. Iiell 'r , who were married sevonyeais
ago in Chicago.
A number of beautiful crystal souvenirs
worw presented by the guests , among
which were noticed the following :
Bouquet holder , I. Oborfelderj ice
croapi set , Mr. and Mrs. M. Sloman ;
lemonade set , Simon Oberfolder ; water
set , Air. and Mrs , B. Hellman , Chuyunnu ;
finger bowl , Mr. and Mrs. Purvis ; berry
bowl , Mr. and Mrs. S. A.Slomau ; berry
bowl , Mr. and Mrs. Adler ; linger bowl ,
Mr. and Mrs S. KaU ; water pitcher , Mr.
and Mrs. Brown ; toilet case , Mr. and
Mrs. Hun ; berry bowl , Mr. and Mr. * .
floral lioiwshoe , Mr. and Mrs , Martin
Calm ; basket of flowers. Miss Nellie
Caiinj basket of flowers , Mrs. E. Hose-
water ; water pitcher. Mr. and Mrs. A.
Calm ; butterdishes , Mr. and Mrs. Hotlis-
child ; vases , Mr. and Mrs. Heller ;
crystal basket. Dr. and Mrs , Jensen ;
vase , Mr , anil Mrs. George Hoyn ;
flower basket , Mr. and Mrs. Gold
smith ; pitcher , Mr. and Mis. 1. New ;
eolury glass , Mrs. nnd Mis. A Polack ;
finger bowl , Mr , and Mrs. C Hnrtniann ;
glass vnso , Mr. and Mis. Mendelssohn ;
ice cream sot , Mr. and Mrs. A. Mover
The guests were as follows : Mr. and
Mrs. U. Han , Mr. und Mrs Charles Wise ,
Sioux City ; Mr , and Mrs. A. Heller. Mr.
and Mrs M. Sloman , Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Sloman , Mr. nnd Mm. George Hoyn , Mr ,
and Mrs , C. Hnrtniann. Mr. and Mrs. L.
Mendelssohn , Mr/anrUMrs Wm Hotlis-
child , Mr. and MifH jNcwmnn , Mr. and
Mrs , A. Calm , Mn.imkiMrs , Albert Calm ,
Mr. and Mrs. MarUh Sihn , Mr. and Mrs.
I. Oborfeldor , Mir and Mrs A. Meyer ,
Mr. and Mis. MorilV , & ! uycr , Mr. and Mrs.
Hoburt Purvis , MrP nnd Mrs1. A. Polnck ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. AUor/AIr. { an I Mrs. M.
Goldsmith , Mr , and4 Mrs. A. S. Brown ,
Mrs , E , HosewatdrT'Mr and Mrs. Louis
Holler , Mr. and 515. ,1 , N-ow , Mr , and
Mrs. I. KatDr. . and Miv . Jensen ;
and Misses Minaiu iHothschild , Annie
Rothschild , Tilliu-Ntrtvmnn. Millie Calm ,
New York : Sara li'lf. { Kosonborg , of Chi-
'rngo ' ; and MosBM. lMf Wi o and Simon
Oborfelder and Fredm'nhn.
" AlouiVliv'onilon. "
The exciting melodrama of "Alone m
London" was given last evening to an
audience that fairly packed the opera
houao from pit to gallery. Tlio play is
cunningly constructed with a clear coin-
prehension of the public nppuute. It
treats of sullcring virtue , superhuman
amiability , tear soaked beauty , und its
antipodal exaggeration in the way of
hardened villainy unredeemed by a sin
gle ray of humanity. Most of tlio scenes
illustrate lifo in the slums of London ,
and variety and amusement is a Hunted in
the human distortions that are bred in
such by-ways. The thread of tlio story is
admirably sustained throughout , and the
becomes so bympaihi'Uo that by the time
the climax is iiMilu'd interest deepens
Into suspense nnd they wait bnmthlewlj
for the end The stngo etVects arc excel
lent , and in the sluice lion o scene when
the heroine has been chained bj her miir
derous husband and the waters turned in
upon her , the audience fall ly ceased re
spiratiou for a moment or two , and foil
prompted to rush to thu rescue isosuch
thrilling and realistic scene has over before
fore been put upon the stage. It Is tin
vorv triumnh of mechanical ellcet.
Miss Cora Tanner , ns Ailuio Meadow.1 ? ,
made a lineimpiussion In her pniiis-tnk-
ing and conscientious work , and the etv
tire company was even and eminently
satisfactory A bright bit of character
acting was that of Laura Lrrlair as Mts ,
Malonuv. Leonard Grover also furnished
considerable comedy in Ins pirt of JIMV
hinson. Goonro Windsor and Maggie
Hollowny were both amusing. Mr. C ,
G. Craig was nil that could bo desired in
liis role of advputuroi.
The play will bo repeated tills after
noon nnd evening.
Mrs * . Malr.n'R Kiittofil ,
'Hie funeral of Mrs. Joseph Mntza took
place at 10 o'clock Thursday morning
Ironl St. Patrick's church on Thirteenth
street. Tno funeral sermon was deliver
ed by Ilov. Jonnutti' , who expatiated at
length upon the noble life nnd .uiiny vir
tues of thn deceased , and assured the be
reaved of the happiness that is the reward
of the deceased lor hur faithfulness in
After tlio services the remains were
borne to their resting-place in the Catho
lic cemetery. The pall bearers chosen
from Sergeant Mat7a's fcllow-olllcers on
the polli-o force were Pat Hinchey , Dick
Kurdish , Jim Kradv , Put Gillignn , Tom
Casey and Mike McCarty. All of the
other members of the police force , who
con hi possibly bo relieved from duty ,
attended the services.
The bereaved husband wishes to pub
licly express his thanks to thu many
friends for the many nets of kindness
shown him during his gicat atllietion.
lllw Hack rtrokon.
J. F. Austin , assistant civil engineer of
the Union Pacific , who has been wonting
near Maryvillo , Kaus. , mot with a bad
accident Wednesday night. lie was rid
ing on a hand-car and the lever struck
him in the back. The result will undoubt
edly prove fatal. As soon ns the com
pany hero heard of the accident , a special
train , in charge of Conductor Dully , was
scut to the scune of thn accident. It re-
tuinedlast evening about U o'clock nnd
was met by Colonel Tom Orr , Depot
Muster Hnncy , ami Depot Ollicor Green.
The injured man was convoyed to bis
homo , accompanied bv Dick llollman , of
the Union Pacitie service.
A Kleptomaniac.
For some time past Superintendent
Mahoncy , of the poor farm , has been
missing jtrttclesof plate and ether kitchen
service in largo quantities. Yestciday
lie made a thorough search of the prem
ises , and in a room occupied by an insane
girl named Annie Lcnholin found 01
plates , ! T > saucers , 21 bowl ? , 41 spoons. 5
( loop dishes , 32 knives , 13 smal [ dishes , 1
colloc pot , -1 milk pans , a carving knife ,
hatchet and a lot of towels , napkins , etc.
The articles were all in excellent shape ,
the patient being n monomaniac on the
.subject of neatness.
15asn Hall Scheme.
A meeting of base ball enthusiasts is
to bo held on Monday evening at Ban-
die's cigar store , to discuss the admission
of Omaha into tlio Northwestern league.
The organization ns now contemplated
will bo composed of ( Jshkosh , Minneapo
lis , Sti Paul , Des Moines , Dnluth , Milwau
kee nnd piobably Omaha. It is proposed
to organi/o a first-class club hero , to be
operated by n stock company.
Relow the Kiver Hot torn.
Mr. M. M. Francis , n civil engineer ,
showed a BEU icporter last night , some
specimens of rock and formations that
were found at a depth of seventy-nine
feet below tbo surface of the water by
men engaged on the ne.w bridge. Mr.
Francis proposes to give the specimens
to Engineer Morrison.
II Icks-Cou verse.
Mr. T. B. Hicks and wife were Pullman
car passengers last evening. Thcso are
the parties whoso wedding caused a great
sensation in Cheyenne. It will bo remem
bered that a friend of the late Converse
threatened to shoot Hicks on sight. Per
haps the pleasant trip through Omaha
may cnit as well ns biidnl trips should.
Knocked Down l > y a Cab.
Last evening John Aissam , one of the
best switchmen on thu Tenth street cross
ing of the Union Pacific , was knocked
down by one of Jim Stophonson's cabs.
Ho wus not very badly injured , but ho
still calls on James for damages.
Street Car Accident.
Henry Lovelace , n son of the veteran
flagman at the lower crossing of the
Union Pncilic , was nearly killed yester
day. Ho attempted an acrobatic act
with a street car and came neai winding
up on a stretcher. His bioken leg wu *
properly set.
Police PointB.
Judge Stonburg disposed of an unim
portant lot of drunks and vagrants in po
lice court yesterday morning. Joseph
Pierce , a tin-horn gambler who has just
arrived from Deadwood , was ordered out
ot the city.
Intetnnl rtovcnuc.
The collections of internal revenue up
to the present date for I his month , amount
over if 100,000. The now collector , S. II.
Callioun , IIHH filed his bond for $125.000 ,
and is expected to take ohnrga of his
ollico Homo time this month.
Personal ParnKi-niiliN.
r.Thonnis Hiloy , of Hiloy & Dillon , went
to Leadvillu last night.
P , F. Winebronnor , n prominent oyster
niuicbant of Baltimore , is in the city ,
Mr. und Mrs. Albojt Swnnson , of Chicago
cage , are the guests of H. J. Moynlhnn
and family.
J , L. DoBovoiso , local ticket agent of
the Hock Island , hnfl just returned from
a Chicago trip.
Mrs. Thompson , of Diinvor , mother of
Willlrm Thompson , of this oily , iu in thu
city visiting fi lends.
M. Strasberger , of tiic Nebraska Cloth
ing Co. , has just returned fiom a visit to
their western stores.
Mr. David Urquhart , who passed
tin ( High the cltv Thursday en route west ,
jjiient > he day w'ith liis sister , Mrs , J. B.
1-oiguson , 1712 Douglas.
Mrs , John McCalg , who brought the
remains of bor daughter , Mamie Alcllns ,
to Oinidin for burial , irturned yesterday
to her homo in Fannington , Utah.
Charles E. Bruner , the captain of letter
carriyrft , leaves to-day on u vacation tour
in the western part of tlio state for the
purpose of visiting friends and relatives.
C. G. Greene , a prominent business man
nnd owner of Greene's opera house at
Cedar Haplds , la , , wus in thu city jester-
day on business connected with his west
ern stock ranch.
Hev. S. I1. Woodman , nnd wife , of Bos
ton , delegate to the Niinonnl Convention
of the Young Men's Christian association ,
nnd his wife , : v delegate to the Women' *
Christian Temperance union , left Thurs
day on the Missouri Pacilio for Cincin
nati and Kansas City. They have bi-cn
visiting W. 1 , Hawks of this city.
They llelil nit Interesting Meeting
Imit Night.
An interesting meeting of the Bolunn
inn republican1 ! of the 1'list nnd Second
wards was hold at Bohemian hall lasl
night. The meeting was largely ntti-iideii
by tlio representative Bohemians of tin
city , who are fully nlivo to tno Import-
nncu of the coming I'leotlon , 1C W. Bar-
tos was chosen chairman of the meeting ,
and 1Hess selected as secretary. Ad
dresses were made b George Hoflinmi ,
Frank J. Ki par and others , selling
forth the issues of the coming conteM
nud emphasl/iiii ; the necessity of organ-
l/.ed and harmonious notion by the re
publicans of all classes and nationalities.
The meetii.g WB warm in its expressions
of endorsement of Senator Van Wyek
nnd his record The republican state
ticket was endorsed. A committee of
tlireowns appointed to call upon the
republican candidates lor the slate
senate and legislature and secuiu a
statement of their vi iws on the prohibi
tion question. The committee will
loport at the next meeting of the repub
licans , and if the candidates leforrud to
nro all in favor of _ high license llio re
publican scnntoiial and legislative tickets
will bo endorsed.
A CoiiBlnWo'n Closn Cnlt.
Constable 1) ) , B. llouck was attempting ;
the feat of passing the Tenth street ero-s-
ing yesterday when , without a signal of
any kind , n train which was standing on
the track was shoved down ngninst him.
lie was knocked down and narrowly os-
raped being diacged under the wheels.
lie was considerably bruised , but will bo
In good running shape for the race on
November 2.
Arranging Kor Dnvltt.
A committee from the A. 0. H. , Em-
tnctt Monument association and the
Land League will meet nt J. E. Hiloy's
ollicc this evening at 8 o'clock to com
plete arrangements for the public recep
tion that will be tundeied to Michael
Davitt , lint Itish agitator , upon his nr-
livnl in this city on Tuosdav , October 'Jl. (
A full attendance of the members of the
committee is desired.
"I was most ready to return n blow
and would not brook at all this sort of
tiling , " tor 1 know i would cure all dam
ages with Salvation Oil. 2 , > cts.
Never "bull-doze" iv mail , but if yon
moet one with a bad cough , you may
"bull-dose'1 him to advantage with Dr.
Hull's Cough Syrup , iio ots.
Tlio Bossott n.iliy.
The habeas corpus case commenced by
young Mrs. Hossett , of South Omaha , to
bceuro possession of her baby from her
mother , was called in Judge McCnlloch's
court yesterday afternoon and continued
until I ) o'clock this morning. A larno
number of witnesses have been summoned
and thou.iso promises to bo an interest
ing one. _
Ilcil Star Cough Cure aels like a charm
on oore throats. No poisons. Twenty-
live rents. _
Tlic Criminal Calendar.
Judge Neville , of the district court ,
who has been in Washington county tins
week holding court , will return home to
day and will commence tlio trial of the
criminal cases in the diitriet court on
Laities who experience a sense of weak
ness and sometimes lameness of the
back , should use Dr. J. II. McLean's
strengthening Cordial and Blood 1'uri-
lier , it will supply the much-needed
strength and ovuicumo all weakening
Deputy Shoiiff Phillips will go to Lin
coln to-day in charge of Frank Maestrick ,
an insanco patient.
Ono of Cheny & Olson's show windows
dews was broken in Thmsday afternoon ,
by a clothing sign falling against it.
Horsemen talk freely to the effect that
the races at the driying pan ; on Tuesday
will bo the linest ever held in the west.
Peter Gees has issued invitations to hid
friends to be picscnt at the opening of
his new hotel on Sixteenth and Jackson
this evening.
Tom Hayes , charged with an assault
upon a block watchman named Beok ,
wasanaignedfor trial bofoieJudgeStnn-
berg yesterday afternoon and had his
case continued for one week.
The Metropolitan elub gave its open
ing party Thursday night at Miropolitan
hall. The affair was a decided success and
wiH bo given extended notice in the
UKK'S social columns on .Sunday morning.
Marshal Cumniings and Ollieer Turn-
bull le.ivu to-day for a weok'a hunt in tlo :
northern pait of the state. They have
COO cartridges ami as many pounds of
lunch and refreshments ready tor the
Coroner lre.\ol ycslei day turnedovcr ) to
Wnrmser & Louis the f 17.000 stock which
he replovined from ShenlV Coburn Thins-
day.Viirnisor i\s \ Louis gave U bond
for the satisfactory discharge ot their ob
ligations in the matter ,
Qln the United States court yesterday
the Crane Hros. Manufacturing company
commenced a suit to secure a judgment
against John Lanhaui , of Saline , for
$ -,000 on a claim innchated by the plain-
till trom Cowing A : Co.
Mr. and Mirf. L. II. Korly worn the vie
funs ot a Mirnriso parly tendered them
by their frionusTlnn.sday evening at their
residence on Twenty-sixth ami Popploton.
The occasion was the crystal wedding
anniversary of Mr. and Mis. K.
bountiful and costly piusents were
brought along by thu membmy ot thosnr-
pnso paily ami turned over to thn happy
couple , Musio , dancing and relrenhments
furnished a pleasant eu-niiig'b entertain
Forllio National
1)milix , Oct. -Archbishop Walsh has
received from IhKbaim nn installment of
1,500 toi the national cause.
Causes Its victims to bo miserable , hopeless ,
confuscil , and > lni > r < ssi-tUu iiilnil , M ry Irrita
ble , languid , ami drowsy. It Is a illsra&a
v.lilch does not Ret well o Itself , It icqulrct
careful , persistent attention , anil a niir.oJy to
throw elf the causes , iml tone up tbo Uljc3- ;
llvo organs till they iicifonn Ibolr duties
Ntlllliii ; ! ) , Hood's Barsapnllla h > is luovru
Just tbo i c'julrccl i ciuedj In lumilri ds of cases.
" I b u C taken Ilnod'n B.irsaimillli for dys
pepsia , trom which I liavo xullcrcd two jears.
1 tiled man ) other medicines , Imtmmu pi ovcd
no sallsfnctory as Hu.ul's 8ar ipirllla. "
TIIOH COOK , Jl.usti Icctrlo Mglit Co. ,
KcvYoi k City.
Sick Headache
' For the put two ycnrs I luvo been
aOllclul nlllt MSUIO hi'ad.ul os and dyspep
sia. I was Induced to iry Hurnl's Hutapa-
rllla , and ha > a found cicat relief. Icluer-
lully rccommi'iiil U to i.ll. " Mus. K. 1' ,
A AUl.L , New Ha\en , Conn.
Mrs. Mary 0 , Bmltli , Cambrlilgeport , Mast. ,
tva * a sufferer froiinlyfjui sl.uuul kick head.
-vcluv tUie took lu | > f3 | b.-irsapnrim aud
found it the bust remedy Mo over u d.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by alt drupKlstt. It ; U ( or $1. M-uto
only ! > y 0.1. HOOD & CO. , I/iwrll. U .
IOO Doaos Ono Dollar.
It is not commonly known thai n lareo
portion of the rheumatism nnd neu
ralgia evtant is traceable directly to the v.
diseased condition or imperfect action of
the kidneys and lUor , therefore n remedy
which cures the resulting disease must
have found nud smitten tlio first oiuiso.
Jinny persons using Athlophorcs for
rheumatism and neuralgia havpbeon sur
prised to linil that chrome dKorders of
the liver and kidnevs have nl o been
gieatly relieved nnif thi > \ have written
for an explanation. The tact Is , that trio
lemeilv nets directly on those organs ,
cleansing them fiom all irritating sub
stances and n'gulntiiig their action.
Taken in connoetion with Alhlophoros
1'ilh this is , without exception , the most
valuable kidney and li\er remedy in the
world , nnd will euro n largo propoitlou
of those who have these d
Charles F. ( irill'm , Stout , Iowa , says :
"I have not had an aehe or pain of rheu
matism since I used the Athlophotos ,
which is now over a jear ago I'or tlneo
months m\ store \sas closed , not being
able to attend to my business nt all My
joints wore swollen and there did not
seem to be nny part of my body that did
not aehu. After millering in this way
until the pain was almost beyond emlur *
nneu , I went to the Cot fax Spiings to try
the effect s of the water. The day I left
home I had to be carried down stairs.
After lomniniiignt tlio Spring a month I
came back , being some better. After
being homo a few weeks I had a i elapse.
It was nt this time I learned of Atlilo-
nhoros. I sent for a bottle of it and in
lifteen minutes after 1 had taken the first
dose 1 felt its efl'eels , nud when I had Hn-
islicd the third bottle 1 was well. 1 hnvo
not hud nny rheumatism since.
Every druggist should keep Alhlopho-
ros ami Atlilophoros I'llls , but where they
cannot bo bought of the druggist the
Atlilophoros Co. , 113 Wall St. . Now York ,
will send either ( carriage paid ) on receipt
of regular price , which is $ 1 00 per bottle
for Atlilophoros and 5'c ' ) for Pills.
Tor lUoriuid kldnoj rtinoaio" , dliuon'ln , In-
illKiitloii , weakness , IICMOIM dutilllty , dliousrs
of M onion , i < mstltatloii | , heiiduiilio , Impure
blood , \c. , Atliloplnuos fills nro unoiiunluU. II
ct ] lulli ippol l trcktmtQt of CNH > nie. NIMTOV * .
uiJ IILOID Diitttit ibftQ anT otLcr 1 htilclan InSI.
M city ( < ip"ri ihow iu till ola rc.lJrntOnoiT
Ncrtous Prostration , DoLlllty , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Morr.urln ! nnd oilier Alfoc-
liens ol Throat , Skin or B one j , Blood Poisoning ,
eld Sores anil ulcers , ro , i nh .or > r iiti i
ceerii , entiteiliel"tino principle , Rir lv FrlTttcM/ .
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excest ,
Exposure or Indulgence , which pr , iio , lorn t tb.
followluf tffoeti ! tmvuuiBeii , deblUIr , dlmu * i or ilfhl
moddrreellrt memorr , plrai > 1ion tb ntat , phTiteitldeaij
Torsion Ulhft Mvtloljof frmilet , oonruiloi of Mtal , et . ,
rendering llnrri e Impropiv or unhappy , ut
Krnunvtulj cured. Fanphlei(36iiitioa ( Uicktave , * !
caltil envelope , freeto nj nddrrti. Coniululloaalof-
floor fcy nail rree , Invited and it IctlT eenQdoBtlil.
A Positive Written Guarantee dr < n ID er rv i.
200 PAGES , FIWH PLATES , uimt c'.Mh * nJ out
t lading , iifttid fcr SCo In po uc or eurro j. Ottr Oft/
von Jarful | rnpleturti , iruo in lit * ) rtlftlri ofi th folio wing
ubjectii who m r mrry , nliotiot. whji biantiooi , woman-
fcooJ i bt > lcftl drear , c3vtt ofeollhae/ leicen , tb * pbjr .
I tog/crrfnr dtiiil n , * nd minj tnor * . Thor ntrrltd Qf
coQtcmpUifng tcr tag nbotiU ro d 11. lrvUr tdltlon
Mmr - -1r . > ( V WhlttUrr *
Or tlio l.lqtiur IJjjbil , t > Hitl > cly
C'nrvtl by Administering Dr.
Iliilncs * Unldcii Niocllin.
AV can boRl\cn Inn cup of conen or ten without
thi knuuli'JEL'ot tliHiHTSon taking It , Isubsolutuly
aarinlt"i % nnd " 111 clTecl a pornmiiput cnil sp wly
curu , wlioliivr tlio pntlent UK mudfiatu ( IrlnKeroi
% u Hicuiiullc wrick. It bus boon Klren In tlioo-
( jfc.tda of ca-st's. atiU In IMOI ) lnntKi.i.tiHerfoctcura )
has tollowi J It nrior tnlK The systi iu unc
Impicgnntvil Uie Hputlc , It b comcf nn tittot
ImiHwilbillty ( ortliallqitur nppctlte tocxlsi
AU1IN iV : CO. , Cnr. J3Ii mill DouElix. nnJ
IStli & rmnliicSiN. , Onirilia , Neb. '
A. D. FOVTKIt te ISIf ( ? . .
Joi'ncil Ilium , Inva.
Cnll orwrlto for imm"Ult cnut ilntiitf hund
o ? tc tlmonlnti from tlxibctt UDIIILTI una XXtiUf.
U. n.UO ( til-ItOUDLTV.
Cure wittiout moilt-
A POSITIVE clno. I I'utontol OclO-
1 bor 16 , 187D.
Ono hoi will euro
themost obtlnntorn o In fourdnrs ono .
No n iipooitii dojoi of cutotw. conalbn or oil of
RHndiUu-ood tlmt nro cortnln to nroduco dyapop-
vlnbvdo'tiovlnir tha coatliiari of the sunnnoh ,
] 'rlcol.tXX Bold 1 > 7 nil ( Intirirlttl or inalloJ on
receipt ofprlco. For furtlior parttoulais font
torrircular. P.O. Boxlr.n. nTTDD
T. C. uaL . -iT CO. , ( II U KK ,
t.Johni.1. . . Novr rorK.
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
Troro nlili'pod during the pint
two yettrs , without n drum-
nurfn uurciuiiloy. Noothor
housu in tlio world cnti trtttb *
Hilly tuiiko Bttb n BliowliiK.
Ono uimit : liloalcr only )
Trantoclln ouch town.
R.W.TANSILL&CO.,55 Stale St.Chicaao.
A Hook that cTerr fftlhtr
licmld I'lioo in lili non'a lint ids
and i eon hiiuaelf with tbuutmobl
caro. ( JUis all tlie imiiptoms torrttilo rffulta of IM paecii
duo to Uwrljr Ito and Ignor *
ll-ror. J
_ and I Fend * of FAHI- ( Of I'n
Hies need It. luetlmGlilabflomujntiiii tl < o
Far Jraln , IxunyVoak nn . loit Vitality , 8nl
only ir-iiliMt t rf * < oiietillutlnii. 1 loltl V A U.tuAl K.
UltJAU : A a..NtA. ) 111. I'ulluii HU Aur \ or V
y I uttlirniv i i.ruFniUu ilajtlllr. .
llorni ! ' iiirlrn-3UarllcIlllU :
' J rukd.coi.iblnul Oairanlinltlio
iiitljr iino In Iho itorlilKcnerjll ? ft
ncantlntiDii * > Ititrtfl tt ftaonrttt
'currfnt , hcltntfilr , Powerful , luiabla ,
C'omfortnbl'i and > tTerihi < , Aruld fnu't * .
OvMrH.OOOrnrrd flrn < lfiturnp foi iiiniptil U
- j'Uiorjuo IJIITK : i cm rtiKiXur : < .
JLK-2-0. AW rt . . -
uei and i'rlrea on itppllcntlon Hcjfdbv
ulltho l > e t i' rrtur tlullner" mnl Jtcutera.
Ul UlNNATI. U. S. A.
Cahlu Aiti'r M. C'OO CIN.
Successors to Jno. G Jaco1)9 ,
! 7aV X > IV Jff T A KJBItS
At thn old xtand M07 Fnrnnin st. Oi tiers
> y liihujr.iuli ho.ifilod niul inuniptly ut-
Kiiiluii to , TolcplioiiR No , B25 ,
. . , ,
lno < l Irnpli iiiciiii cai h bottle. Rur
nr in 2 l < Milay > . Auk your driinilil
ur It Meiit In an fur rj 1 .5(1 ,
UAL7DOU M'F'U. OO. , Bprlngfloltli U.
Mossrd. Kitlui & Co , ,
til rfllcU f l-M > tbr l flrrtrf ,
. htm > n > l > bUllril > l > l -
Iu ; * * , lxi l Uaubood.
lid hi 4fll *
IK. A , - . iIN < o. ,
It l. l >
On Vi'nvMi. I urn , Huly , 1'orU , J.ard and It. B.
U > C .K , tor I > nix inl Sliurt ' 1 imp. Hcnd for * le $
II J' lUiir ii. ( - ' < ! . . \ Ur ihlu tea
I , ( lutjiij , II. ) t ! rrruou : Atue/toau Kt >