Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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A Grandma Who Kidnapped a Thico-
Montlis-Old Baby.
They Olijcct to n Convict Foreman
Going to Utali Pourth AViud
llcpublicn'.is An lirrlnjGirl
Had Notes , lUc.
Kldnnppcil the Ilaliy.
A rather pretty young girl , about six
teen years of age , wnlkcil into the county
court yesterday nt noon , nna npproacli-
ing Judge MeCulloeh , said :
"I want sonic pupuid so llmt I can get
hold of my child. "
" \\Mio \ Ims your childt" asked the
judge , gazing benignly upon tlic young
"Mymothcr , " returned the cirl. Slio
then went on to toll hur story , which , it
must be confessed , is rather sensational ,
llowcvor. it appears to bo strictly true.
"My namu , " said the girl , "is Cora
Bossett AUoul sixteen montlis ago. when
1 was fifteen years old , my mother forced
ho was stationed
me to marry a soldier v >
nt Fort Omaha Tnu man iago took plaeo
at Council Binds , lor a lime wo lived
happily together. A little over Ihreo
husband was
west and ago ho left his post hero without
taking me with him. I then wont to hvo
with my mother , when my child , a
all the time that
girl , was horn. Dining
did not treat
f lived with mv mother she
mother should , bho
mo right-as a
wanted to associate with tough peo-
> UI IUII me iw HT3wv * * ' i ; i
rlo , to go with her into saloons and other
baif places , and would get very angry bo-
eause 1 refused to do as she wanted mo
to. She told mo openly K ° a " "
times that 1 ought to enter m > o ? ' °
prostitution f became. tired f l ] 8
of treatment finally
my motlu-r , taking niy
with me. I went to
for a Mr. Johnson , who keeps a "oar ing
' d there
house in South Omaha. 1 wo
fco\cral weokH without beinginoii'sicu 03
mymollier Last Friday she oa"nnV
the hon o where I was work111 ? ! " "
walked out into the kitchen , A , , . , ?
afraid that she was going to * lf.
baby , and .so I took it up in my. 'll , " . "
She didn't say a word , but rushed ' !
and toio the child away from. , , . ' "
before -I had time 'to re'111 ;
what she was doing She rushed o , ,
doors , jumped into a hack and drov , .
away with the baby. J haven't seen av.
thing of her or the child bince , b./ri
know thalsho still has it in Her posse * ,
sion. She thinks that if hho can get 1,01,1 ,
of my baby , .she can make me ]
South Omaha and force mo into a | ,0V , , , ; ,
noHgn. '
Judge McCulloch promptly issued h-i-
bcascorpus papers , and Mrs. Domett's
mo her ' wdl be compelled to gvo , „ , , , | 10
child. 'J he woman is known as Mrs.
Sampson and her daughter gives her
anythmg but a good name. She is now
living on California Mreet.
Jho gr.imltnothor of the ch'ld ' was
brought into court yesterday afternoon by
Deputy Shenll Pliillips. She gave $500
bonds to appear with the baby at ! 5
o'clock to-da.f when the case will bo
given a hearing.
Practiced Amid tlm Mom
and Siiialld | StirroiiniiinKN.
lestorday morning Oflicor Pcironnot
was called to arrest a man name Jos. Cole
who , his wife claimed , had threatened to
shoot her because of an alleged friend
ship which ho claimed had grown up
between her and a man named
Samuel Andeison , who is
working on one of the school
houses which is now in course of
erection. She claimed fuither that ho
was hi7.y and laid around the house re
fusing to support her , while at divers
times he paid attcnlions lo a woman liv
ing on Iho opposite side of the alloy
between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
and Jackson and Leavenwoith streets.
iho ollicor wont to the house mentioned
and found a miserable looking woman ,
not weighing 100 pounds. She was the
picture of misery , in miserable surround
ings , and hold in her arms n child
almost as heavy as herself ,
which Sbomcd sick enough to bo
in the grave. This woman was ,
asked as to the whereabouts of Cole , and
rather testily answered the query by stat
ing that ho had just taken her eldest
child which had been allcctod with
blindness , to the hospital. This story
was doubted by the wife of Cole , who
stated that fihu know Cole to bo in the
house at the time. The latter will un
doubtedly be arrested , bLcansu it is
feared the charges and counter charges
will pet Imps cause loss of life.
An Important Order from tlio Score-
tnry of War.
A copy of the latest order issued by the
war department was icceived at army
headquarters Ycstcrdisy. It had direct
bearing upon the number of stall'ollicerh
thatn dopaitinciilcominaniler shall be al
lowed. By the terms of the order Ihc
posl of assistant surgeon is abolished.
This will relieve Dr. Summers , jr. , of
duty , and will throw upon Dr. McParlin
all the medical work at this post. An
other ollicer whoso services , according
to the circular , are lo be dispensed with ,
is Urn instructor of rillo practice. His
position is now occupied by Col Henry
It is not > believed that in
this icgard the otdervill bo
carried out. Colonel Henry was ap
pointed to his present position by a
ipceial order of tue war department , and
bib services in his present position are
Vo valuable to bo dispensed with ,
"I regard this order as tho'result of a
quarrel between the seciotary of war and
( lenurnl Sheridan , " mud n military man
in speaking of the mailer to-day. "It is a
pietty well known fact that there is bad
blood between the two and that the see-
ictury of war is much dissatisfied on ac
count of some of the details made by
General Sheridan. So far as Colonel
Ilunry is concerned , 1 don't believe that
ho will be removed from his piosi-nt po
sition. "
The Dlfili-lol Court Will Send Homo ol'
Thorn to iho roiiltuntlnry.
l.i'c Kstflle , district attorney , u'ltmird
Wednesday night from Blair , w hero ho
filed infoimatlou against two men , K , D.
Unulley ami Paul Newman , for whai ho
styles one of the r.mKcsl pieces of foigery
ho has ever known. These fellows sold a
number of notes to a of that phicu
named MeMenainy. The signatures were
such thai the purchaser , although well
acquainted as ho was with flu hand writ
ing of the victims , was unable to discover
lhat they were forgeries. The men
wl'o o signalmen were attached to the
noli wore thonuplu-b unable to ay that
Ihcir names \\vro \ not wiitten ns they
( hem < .elves would wiite Ihem , and their
denial could only bo ba ed upon the
Lfv > \ \ lodge that they had signed
no notes Minh as those charged againH
them , which ran from ? UO upwnul
Tlio matter was investigated and it was
found out that soinn time ugn thu .
d lluou li Bhiir uud
t * * * .
infjlon comity , anil < rccurc < l ( lie sipnntiircs
stf n number of citizen ? to blanks , gtmr-
suitct'ing , in consiili-r.ttion of the pajniunl
of tl on delivery n certain number ol
fruit tree ? which coultl bo planted to ad
vantage. The trees never arrived , but
tlio iiotf" < ahovo rnfi-rrcii to did , nnd these
were made by the sharks who skillfully
counterfeited the hand-writing of the men
who had signed for n few fruit trees.
The feeling or tlio Hlair people is intense
over the deception , anil there is little
doubt hut tfiattho forpcrswill bo warmly
accommodated behind the walUoftho
pcimi'iitiary. ' The trial will take place
on next Monday.
The Marshal of Atlantic Sets Out on
n 1'llni linnjco.
Yesterday morning Marshal Herbert ,
from Atlantic la , arrived in town looking
lifter a wn.i waul girl who had left. her
homo abo'tit four weeks ago and had
bci'ii traced to this city. Jlo name was
Mary Ware. At homo she was a young
lady , ( sti > i > inrd and in the enjoyment of
every comfort which parents in a well-
to-do condition could aflinil. She sud
denly bt'Cami' tlNallertetl , and nnexpect-
I'dlv diMtpprared. The marshal had
sevi-ial addre t" ? at which ho
proposed to call to . relit'llior or not
the young woman had abandoned the
right palli for that \\liich led to destruc
tion Another Atlantic young woman had left
her home and gonu to Council Hlulls to
keep company with a young man whom
the girl's fatlfcr had forbidden his houso.
The lady was MTU , and the marshal was
assured that eventually the proscribed
young man would lead the > outig woman
into the mat ringo .statet but that will give
little pleasure to the distracted parents ,
whosu daughter's ' age places her bejoiid
their control.
Kail ICa : ns.
There is a treat in store for lovers of
horse-raciii" , for the Omaha Fair asso
ciation has determined to hold a fall trot
ting meeting at its grounds , on Tuesday
of next week. The arrangements there
for have already been consummated , and
contracts have been drawn up. The first
and most important event will be a free-
for-all trotting race with the following
entries : llarrv Wilkcs , Charles Hilton
and Arab. The entrance fee for this
race is lixcd at i500 , with $11) ) JO added by
the association , ami $ riOO extr.i if 2:17 : is
beaten. This will make ttie purse $ ! ) ,000.
Harry Wilkes has a record of S 1-13 ; Hil
ton , ' . ' :17J : ; and Arab , U.tOJ. The second
nxco is for the 3 18 class for a purse sf
$800. The entries are J. Q. , haying a
record of 2:1 7J : Kndjmion , 8.21 ; and
Eva , 2:20. : Hotli of the races will bo
hotly contested and liiulilv interesting.
The Fair association ought to he rewarded
with liberal patronage for their enter
prise. _
Still hooking ; for tfaokmnn.
The police authorities arc still on the
still hunt for. Jackman , but ho far ha\o
discovered no trace of his whereabouts.
The following is an exact copy of the
postal card containing the matter which
is being sent out :
sflOO uirwAitn.
OMAHA , Neb. . Oct. IS , 1830. I will
pay the above amount for the delivery ot
DUO W. J. Jacknmn to the authorities at
Omaha , Neb. Two warrants await his
anlval ; one on a charge of obtaining
money under false pretenses and one for
beating his hotel bill , Jackman is a
smooth tongticd fellow , about thirty
years old , light complected and slim
uuilt , weight about 110 pounds. He is a
frequenter of gambling nouses , hotel and
newspaper olhccs. He was emplojed on
newspapers hero and in Lincoln , and
during boptcmbor ho acted as assistant
secretary of the Omaha Fair association ,
I will pay the above amount for his deliv
ery hi Omaha. NAT Buowx.
Itnil Notes.
A mcctingof the Nebraska Uoneral Pas-
Bongor Agents assoctationlwas held yestcr
day morning in thoIJ. & ] M. headquarters.
There were present Jiuchanan , of the
Fiemont , Elkliorn & Missouri Valley ;
Stehhins , of the Union Pacific : Francis ,
of the 1 $ . & M. ; Dennis , of the. Missouri
Pacific , ami Lincoln , of the St. , Ioo &
Grand Island. No important business
was transacted , only routine matters being -
ing disnosed of.
I ) . IJ. Christiansen , of the general
storekeeper's otlico , Union Pacific head
quarters , has returned from a trip to St.
LiOiiis and Chicago.
Assistant General Superintendent Dick
inson. of Denver , and D. E.Vurtalo ,
superintendent of the Wyoming divis
ion , wore in the city yesterday.
Dr. ( Jalbraith , the Union Pacific physi
cian and surgeon , left yesterday for
Stroiusburc on professional business.
A Novel Complaint.
Harrison Uachman , a negro , appeared
tioforo Judge Stenberg yesterday after
noon andwanted to swear out a warrant
the for arrest of a restaurant keeper
on Twelfth street named Hums.
liachman charges that ho wont into
Hums' restaurant to get dinner this noon
when the proprietor declined to
servo him on account of
liis color. There is a in the Ne
braska criminal statutes , which makes
it an oflense , punishable by line ,
to refuse a colored man accommodations
at : i restaurant , theatre or other
public ! place of business and
on the .strength of this liachmau
desired the m rust of Burns. Judge
Stenberg refused lo entertain his com
plaint unless ho engaged an attorney
and proicciitod the matter in regular
form. This liaehinau says lhat ho intends
to do.
( Jeorgo U. Cltuk , traveling reporter for
ISnulsti eel's , "I have just returned from
a dip through the Black Hills country. I
found business fairly prosperous along
the line , especially in the Bl.ick Hills
\vhoro the country is de\ulopmg wonder
fully. Still some jf the cattlemen are
complaining of hard times. Everybody
b eljimoiing for thu Omaha and Not til-
\V. F. Gnlllths. freight commissioner
" 1 am feeling it little blue , 1 must confess
over the postponement of the big mass
meeting which was to have been held this
afternoon. It will takn place at sonut
time in the near future just when , 1
can't bar. Nu.xt TueMlay evening tlm
two ooininittue will hold a joint meeting
and harmony between the discordant
elements , will , 1 anticipate , bo ic torcd. "
The Ijuto Mrs. Joseph > ratzn.
The fuioral of this estimable lady
took ( iiitcii yesterday morninglfiom St
Patrick's ( Catholic ) church at o'clock ,
when holcini ) high mass wa.s cele
brated , She was a most worthy woman.
and beloved by a host of friends and
aeqmuntaiico who learned to appreciate
hur nohlo character and perfect life. Her
bereaved husband and three iittlo chil
dren arc to bo condoled with on Ihis ,
their great loss u hicli can never bo made
up on uaith. Thu dica cd was the
slatfMii law of Surgcant iVlor MaUa , of
the poeo ! : force , one whoso popularity in
this cit\ makes , iny of hu sorrow * u nurt
of ( Itch * ,
The Wood by Case.
Thu jury in the \ \ odby case eamo in late
yesterday aftc-ritoou and repotted an in
ability to agree This is the caso. it may
be riunem'oorod , hi which Her. Wood by
a colored olcigvman , MIDI ! Thos. F. Boyil
bec.tu.-e thu latter ivftueil him adumtau'uo
.lu the UiuascircK- lUooncru liout > & .
A Voting nnd Attractive Qctitll
ljenven to liecotne n Mormon.
Yc.stcrday morning a reporter for th
HER , in pa sing through one ofjthe carsc
the Union Pacific ns it stood in the trail
just before leaving for the west , stumble *
over n valise which lay in the aisl
beside one of tlio scats. 11
was about to give cxpressioi
to a feeling of dissatisfaction when :
female voice exclaimed "Don't kick tlm
grip again , it's going to join the Mor
inons. ' ' 1 ho reporter looked at th
woman. She was about twcnty-on
\cars of ago , with full ruddy features am
Haven hair. A few inquiries nsccrtalnei
Iho facl lhat the woman wa
trom Illinois , and had conceived Iho ide :
of going alone to Utah to become a mem
her of the Mormon church. She eemct
to experience a pleasure in telling ot liei
destination , and though there was man ;
a leer and look at her by the other pas
-engei , nobody Deemed to be anxious ti
sli.iu the unoccupied half of her seat.
Thu Otnahn Tj po Foundry nml Sup
ply Housu Tor Printers and
The Western Newspaper Union a
Omaha Is prepared at all times to outli
publishers on slwt notice with presses
type , rules , borders , Inks , completion
sticks and rules , and in tact ovcrylhius !
in the line of primers and publishers
supplies , Better terms and more liberal
nriecs can bn secured than by .sending tc
Chicago or elsewhere. Save money b
buying near homo. Second hand good )
in the printing line bought and sold. We
often have great barg.ilns in this parties
lar. Send for Tin : PitiNriit : ' Ai'xiuAitv ,
our monthly trade journal , that gives
lists of goods and prices and from tirm
to time proclaims nnciuallcd ] bargains ir
new and < -econd hand material.
12th Street , bet. Howard and Jackson
Omaha , Nebraska.
Chief Galilean's "Hold Up. "
Wednesday night about 10 o'clock , n
Chief Galligan , of the lire department was
going home , ho was stopped on the corner
nor of Eleventh and llarnoy Mieef
by two toughs , one of whom
produced a revolver and commanded
the chief to surrender hi.s valuables. Thu
fellows had evidently been waiting
for some ether person , because , the in
stant they lecognued the chief's uniform ,
the gun was dropped , and at the same
time , the would be assailant was felled to
the ground by a blow from the chief.
The other foot-pad fled. Tin- gunner
was badly ti-iod up and dropping hi.s gun
took to his , feet and run. Chief Galtigan
wants the man to call for the weapon.
\\nnt a lloso Cart.
Yesterday morning .Fudge Henther and
M Meyer , of South Omaha , werci n town ,
calling upon members of tlio council
with a view of soliciting their asSManco
in establishing a lire dcpaitment in that
place. It Poems that the city owns a
liosc cart which at the picsent is held for
liractice by the Dttrauts , and which , it is
thought , could bo granted to the South
Omaha company and bo put in more
[ jractical use. The council will probably
: - kc action on the matter at its next
Another Kutcrprise.
Mr. Cliff Richardson , of the Richardson
Drug Co. , of St. hero prospecting
'or a location of his establishment.Mr. .
llichardson ib very favorably impressed
with Omalni as a growing city
and a wholesale distributing
point. ft is almost an as
sured fact that the Richardson Drug
company will put in a branch house herewith
with a f liOO.OOO stock. This company has
\ capital of $5,000,000 , carries a stock of
'jflOO.OOO ' , and is one of the largest con
cerns of the kind in this country ,
It Will no Six Stories.
The original intention of tlio projectors
of the now hotel on the corner of Tenth
and Farnam streets \\as to erect a build
ing but live stories in height , but a num
ber of the merchants recently circulated
a petition among themselves nnd neigh
bors and with it secured $11,000 , which
will be used as : i donation to the project
ors of the enterpiiso with which to budd
a si.xth story.
Another Kntcrprlsp.
P. Furlong , 01 Springfield , 111. , one of
the largest and most enterprising dry
creeds merchants of that town , is to ar
rive in this city to-day to make ar
rangements lor tlio opening of a large
dry goods store in this city. He brings
with him considerable capital anil a va--t
experience , which will be greatly appre
ciated among the new men who are now
giving an impetus to the businc- life of
thid city. _
Iron ,
There was a meeting hold last night of
the company owning the latest Bedford
Place enterprise , the corrugating iron
company , ut which an excellent showing
was made. The building is now com
pleted and orders have been sent en-it for
the most apino\ed style of machinery.
some of which is now on the way , ami
the rest will bo in position before the
commencement of winter.
Try our now oyster crackers. C , B ,
Moore & Co. , Grocers.
For fine Merchant Tailoring call on
Isaao Hart , ICOo Howard street.
Honesty nl'tlio HcandlnavfaiiK.
Stockholm Correspondence St. Loui'
Republican : 1 said that the Scamllnn <
viaus were honest. It was my custom at
Copenhagen , on goin- ' out of the hotel ,
to hang the key of my door on the propel
hook near the potters desk. On ictnrn
ing I generally found it in the door oi
my room and the door itself unlocked
On remonstrating with the pioprictoi
about this I was told that this was noi
Germany ( .lie was too polite to say Amer
ica ) , but that it was Denmark ; that tin
D.ines were honest , and lhat locking
one's door was a nsole > 8 formality n
Copenhagen , From that time on I oftei
left my doorunlocked In Scaiidinavitu
hotels , ami never lost oven a pin. In Nor
wegian lintelit is the practice for thi
guest not only to leave his phocs ontMdi
the door at night lo ho blackened , hut t <
leave his coat , pants and vest outside on i
chair to bo brushed by one of the ser
vants , 1 should smile to sea a travclci
expose his wardrobe in this wise to tin
hotel thieves in St , Louis. Honesty is M
far presumed upon in Seandanavia tha
on the steamboats which ply between Co
penhngcn and Chiistiana tlio passenger
no matter how much or ho < v little hi
patroni/ps the table or Iho bar , kpops hii
own aecounl of what ho eats and drinks
and renders his bill to the steward of tin
boat and pays it before leaving , if 1 hai
not seen every passenger , more than i
n hundred m number , on n largo steamoi
do this , and had not done it myself , 1
could not have believed that such a ens
torn could c.xist. Each passenger wouli
hand to the steward a little lifct in penci
of what ho had uaton and drunk , and tin
fitcwuul would mark the price oppositi
each Item foot it tip and receive pay
ment. The stewaul had kept no aecounl
wnatovur with any passenger , but had
trusted to each one implicitly to keep liis
own account. Some foreigners wht
wcte not aware of Iho custom , anil some
bibulous persons whoso memories hat !
boeu obscured by an excess of drink ,
weio put lo much trouble to render tlicii
UoaJ K-natc tfrnnsfor * .
Tlio following tr.xnsfcr.srwcro filed Oct
13 , with the county clerks
Clias A Larson and wf tn JIps Dohcrty , \ \ >
Itltt , Porter's add , w d $1.100.
Clin.s O Lobcek nnd wl to A C Buck , It !
blkt : , Patricks atlil , wfl Sl.r.00.
( leo H Bogfrsand wfld Kdwnitl Svoboda
Hfi blk 7 , Arboi plnre , oit-w-tl S2.X ) .
\i V Pnrjn and wf to < 5eo 1 , Dtuilinm , HI
httdtt Ick nlnre , w d 5400.
Ada r Dinke el nl to John W Koley , e' ll
10 blk 7 , Drake's add , w il000. .
KllMhcth P. lsto John Little , w 50 ncrcs
of nwne , sec 85 , 15 13 , w d 81,350.
Jehu Hunentc to Omnlm Cornuatlnc Iron
Co , It U blk \ \ Bedford place , w d SI.
Atniistiis Pr.xtt nnd wf to Orplia C Dins'
more , sw no tec ill , Ifi , la , wit blti.OOO.
Edward T Shelhv et al to W C Patterson ,
Its O.tnd 10 hllc 0 , llnnscom pince , w d
Mary A Upton and Imsb to Z Thomason ,
ci ltH : llan O.\k ndd , w d S3 10J ,
Mnrk A Upton and wf to X Thomn < on , eW
ft Its H nnd 14 blk TO , H Omahn , w d-SJ.MH ) .
Aloti7ii B limit and wf to Anna M ( ! IHH- |
rich , It II ) blk to SshuU's -'nil mid. w d Sl.iVW
11.1 Davenport to James .M Swetnnin.itsfi
and 5 Daumpcut's sub of acic lot In Oho a
ndil , w d-5'J.-IOO.
I'innkVnlleriind wf to J J (5rain , n' < , ' of
blk Arnistioii'sathi.
Theo Olson and Jinties Vnre to the Public ,
plat of S Omnhn P.ult Duillcntlou.
John Campbell etttl to James 1' McCaithy
H 5 , Itceil's 2d add , w d-Sl.WKi.
Jncnb BTnddniiil wt tois W llolbiool ; , a
ncres In sw 21 , in , i-j , ( | c SI.
( i \V HolliiooU to Cnlhuilne Toilil , 'J ncies
In see'-M , Ifi. VJ. 11 c-Sl.
Kmnk A BfiUfj et al to Clias K Moore cl al
It 7 lilk 3 , Ctesteii add. u d S * < JO.
J P MeCailhy to Lewis A Croft et nl , It 5 ,
lieeil's 2d add , w d S..WKI.
teretal It20bl ! > 0 , Kllhy iilace , w d-SHU
Joslah T Comstock cttil to C 1) Weodnorth
e 22 it lot-4 and w22 filotublk 11 , McCoi-
mlck'H add , w d Sir : > o.
James Me enth and \ \ f to Jacob New H 44
anil ejf It 4Clat ke | iltt-e , w dS410. .
John T Dillon and wfio Aithtii C VVakely
It 0 blk ! H , Omaha , \ \ d 5:1,000. :
Tlios Ilrennen etnl to the Public , plat of
Kullcy's lulil-Deilleatlon.
Thus O'Htten and \ \ f to Jolin C Ilownid
niul Chsis C ( 1123 blk 111 , Hanscom
plnce , w tl 81,550.
In 11381 the bulk of the tea shipments
wore via the Suecanal. . In 1N85 the
.shipments by that route to America uero
but USo4ll)7 ) ponmls , while San Fran
cisco received li..UKJ.lST pounds. This
; \ear the imports by wayol San Francisco
have reached a7.W8,3S ( ) pounds , while
those via the Sueeanal have fallen oil'to
7,002,01 ! ) pounds. Coming b.waj ot San
Iranci co eleven days arc si veil.
/J'lie Automatic IXposition111 posi
tively elose out in Omaha Satnnlav even
ing at 10 o'clock. Ills Farnam.
AVill lie Sent Home.
Blanche Edwards , the young gii I res
cued from a life of Miamc in this citv ,
will be .sent to her home in Minneapolis
Tlio landlady of the house in which .she.
was found oll'ets to pay the gicater pait
of her expenses to that city.
The scientiiic world is , ib olntelyiston-
Hied al the wonderful de\elopmcnts in
Automatic Mechanism. Only two more
d ti.s. . .
Envelopes and Wrappers.
Postmaster Coutantyeslert'ay ' morning ,
ceivcd 00,000 t\\o-cont f tamped cm el
opes mid "iO.OOO now-paper wrapper ,
which lie expects will Mi ] > pl\ the demand
of the cituons for ' oinc time to come.
Don't fail to MM ; the Automatic E\posV-
lion before it is e\orlistinglv : too late.
Positively Friday and Sattirdav Hie la-t
royal opiiortunily in Omaha. 1UH Far-
A Card.
f desire to notify Policeman No. 20 that
I want to be let alone in tlio future , so
long as I attend to my own business and
do not interfere with anybody ol e.
Absolutely Pure.
Tblspow lor never v rio . A mnrvcl of pur-
ty , Btrength nnd vrlioiMmoni" ! < i. JIoio coon-
oinlcal tbiin tlio onllniiry Icmilsnnd cinnt : l > e
cold Incompotltlnn iththo multitude of loir
tentetiortwelirlit alum or nlio piimo powlc'B.
lloldoniy In cans. KOV\FJ UAKIMJ I'OWDKII Co
l6bWnllst..Now Vorlc
I3ti ! Et , Cor. Capitol Avnuo.
Mill TUB TniSATMItKT Or il ,
Chronic ( k Surgical Diseases.
DR. MoM EN AMYvPropt lotor.
fiul 'njour ' IToiimaliiiiu l'rl > ute ITKtttcn
U'ohuYU tlie f.icllUlc , . * pXJatii | * Biul rtmedln
for the tiucccfiful trc&tiiHint of tvury form of lilt
cu'o requlrliiK tlthcr mrillcBl nr f urt'Icul Ireutmrnt ,
uiul ln\IUiull liCi > nieiii > [ lliiviRtIn'atufurtlicinbclYOi
nr correspond \\ltli u . J-oiit ; exprrlrtico ill trcnt
Ina eneea l > r letter i ml > lc to trcjt many catn
centiriL : lfy wltlimit hCfimftlicm
WIUTK J'OH CIHUUI.AU on ncforniltlc nd
Draccf , Club I'cct , Cnrraturrs or tlio tipltio
Diiciirs or Woiirtf. hilct , Tuniurt , Caurrrf ,
Catarrh , Broncliltlr , Inlvlntlon , Klcctrklty , 1'oral-
) fla. Epilepsy , Klilney , Kjo , liar , Skin , BlouU and
nil Burglcal opfrutloua ,
Itntlorlea , Inlmleiii , Jlrarri , Triiitt'i , niul
nil klnclit of Mcillcf.l anil fvrgtcal Aplillaiiccu , man
ufactured and for enlo
Tha only reliable i > I dlcal Institute making
Private , Special f .Nervous Diseases
rA 81-ffllAI.TY.
from wlmtuiercauitctmHliued.iuccccafullylreiitid.
\V'e can remove S/pliilltic potion from llio j tnn
wltliont unrciirjr ,
New reitoratnetreatmPiit for Ion \italnotrer
C ll anil consult ua or rend nime and poit-oftlcc
address plainly ivritten riicloso ttanip , nnd we
will i ud you. lu plain nipper , our
Vl-O.N I'jlHiTS , Bl-ECIAL > M > KaBlTOU * IllsVAlU ,
StMiNiiVrAXKtMi , Hrer.uATor.nuxA , IiiroicN.
cv , Bvriuns , ( JoNoniuia.i , GLEKT , VAIIICOCXII ,
StnlCTPRK , AND Alt. III EA > E9 or THE OcMTO-
CIIIMAIII OnuAhe , or tend mutorjr of jour cakeJor
cu opinion.
1'crnoiu unable to rlilt us mny be treated nt their
liomrt , by corropoudcucc' Jltdlclnca ami Iiutru-
mentt tent by mull or eiprou UKCUIIKLV 1'ACK-
El ) HHO.M ollShltVATlO.V. no mnrkj to Indicate
rontrnta or tender. One personal Inu-nk-w pro
furred If loiuenlont. I'lft ) rooms for the ccom <
inodntlon of patlciit > . Hoard and attendance at
Teaiouablc pilcei. Addri > > * all Intern to
Omatia Medical and Surreal Institute ,
Csr , 1 3th U. and Caa'.tal Avg , OMAHA. NIB. .
With which we have met in the disposal of the several specialties we
advertised clurinor the last week has proven to us that the people of
Omaha appreciate bargains whenever they are offered , and in order to
keep the ball rolling we have placed on our bargain counters for this
week the following : One lot of Men's All Wool Oassimere Pants at
$2.60worth at least $3.50. One lot of Men's Blue Chinchilla Pea
Jackets and Vests at $6.90 , worth at least $9. One lot of medium
weight Oassimere Overcoats at 7.50 ; sold by other dealers for $10.
Another lot of our celebrated All Wool Men's Oassimere Suits at $6 ,
which are positively worth at least $8.50. Our All Wool Scarlet
Undershirts and Drawers at 50c each are going fast. All of these
specified lots are in rather limited quantities , and those desiring to
examine them will find it to their interest to do so at once. ALL GOODS
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Tliese Pitlnt- < are in every reboot stiidlN first class , being composed of the best and
pin eat materialolitaiimhlc 'Jhe > luno a larger sale than any other piinl inado in
this country orabin.ul , anil , nlthoii h tin } cost a trifle more per gallon than e.ny others ,
they will do iiioio and heller work for the s.nuo amount of money , owlng to their won-
deil'til covet 'mi ? propei I le , while their sniierior duiabilily lendeis them the most eco
nomical paintin ! the > \oild. fcamplo Cauls andDcsciiptUo I'lice List ft eo by mail.
\.NUF\CTUUEI18 01'
H. W. Johns' Asbestos fire and Water Pi oof Sheathing , Building Fell , Sleam Packings ,
Boiler Coverings , Roof Cement , Roof Paints , Fire Proof Paints , Colors in Oil , Varnishes , etc.
r.roilincan bo done in the oven of the
ChailerOak JJaiiKO or btove \ \ Ith thu Wire
Ciauo Oven Door , iiioioiieifeetly thauo\cr
jio Hvo coals.
j ay the stunk , chop' ' , ham or fish on a
wiioiiroileror meatiaelc , placing it in an
oidiuaiy b.dco pan to catch the diipplugs.
Allow it toiemnin in the oven -\\ilhtlio \
door closed 15 or 20 inlnutLS. No tttrnini'
isiequiied. At the end o this time it will
bo found nicely cooked lemly to serve.
Theio It no taint of coal-pis or smoke ,
nnd the meats ai o more tender and better in
flavor than those broiled o\cr the coals.
The convenience or bioilitiK in the oven
will bo apprcelated hycveiy house-keeper ,
and adds another to the many leasons why
the Charter Oak liango or Steve with tlio
"Wire. Gait/o Oven Door bliouldbo preferred
in ( lie market.
' . to all others now
KRAUSn , LUIIKHR & WELCH , Coi unnus , 1 A I'AUUKN&SON buiumoR
S. W. COK. Ifllli AM > I , OHIA9EA.
Properly of every description for sale m all parts of tno city. Lands for sale In
every county in Nopraska.
Of Titles of Douplas county kept Alans of the city Mate or county , or any ether
information demreil , furnihlied 'oo of cliarjjo upon ap ) > .ication.
"Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The larpost slook. Prices the lowest. Repairing a specialty. All work warrant
ed. Corner Douglas and 10th streets , Omaha.
LUVI OAHTKll , rreetdont. K II. 1IA\1JKN , hucrttiiry.
.trictly . Pure Ilii
For Sale by all tlie Leading- Paint , Oil and
Drug Houses of the West ,
To Consumptive' . Many have bsen hippy
to irmptlioli tpstinicmj in fn\orol tlio UM > C
"Wllliin's I'lirol 01 l.ivci Oil mid l.lmiV Kxpc-
rlenpu line proxpil It tolioii viiltinlilo i-pmcdv
foi I onsiiiniitlonFtlituii. . Ulplitlicrlii i.n.l nil
ilNcn > os nl tlm thrnit iuul luni" ) . Mnnuliitur -
o < ] mil } liy A. II. W1I.I Oil , thetiiM , llo-ton.
gold li ; all < lrii'fflsts (
Holders of Currency Honds & Uo.itls of
Will reeoiroa cnimiinnlcntlnii of Interest nnd
InniimiiniotQ tlicm lij fnnwiidliii.-tlia.i-miiiioa
and addresses to in ( it they luivo inn iilioaciv
ilono to ) with u incmnixn linn ol ihe niniiiint
ol lioiulR of eltlinr dints liulil l ) > them , or liy
calling lu pel f ( in ut om-ofllco.
A. S. DBATC'SI Ac. t'O.
No fi Nus nil 6t. . Tow Yoi k.
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
Railway Time Table
Tliu following Is tliu tlino of nrrivnl nnd de
parture of trains by Central Blnncliird Tiiuo nt
the lot-ill ilopott ) . Tilling of till ) O , St. 1' . , M. 4s
O. nirivo and depart from their depot , corner ( ) T
Ktli iuul Wohster HtrontB : tiiilm on tlio II. it M.
C. II. &g.and 1C. 0. , St.1 & P H. fiiim tlio It.
A. M. depot nil olliuiH Iroia tlio Union 1'uulllu
< 1C0t' | '
IlildKO tuilns will loiivo tJ I * , depot ut 0:11-
: - : ( - -8ino-iniiW : ) : lluiii. : ) in. : Ill : )
7:00 : 11:10 p. in.
Leave Trnnstur for Omiihn lit 7:12 ns.n- : Jl
: - -HIOMS-IO- : ! : u. m.llT-ttIJ-2JT : : :
3KI-aJ7 : : 4.37 5.W IU ) : 7-0 : : 7:585J : ; -
ll:5Jp. : tn.
I.DIUO llrotilwny 10 .1" ) p. in ; ArlvoOinalni
HIM. Iiv. Unmlia lUOUp. in. ; Ar. Ilinaduuy
10 25. In olfOL't AllKUit"Jtli until Inrlhci'no
tice. Tliwls ndilltloiutl to proscnt tiiiln Hcivlto.
.1. W. MDItSlI , U.I' . A.
Arrlvnl niul tlupHitiini of trains from tlia
Trnnslor Dojiot nt Con null lllullH :
IIKI'AIU' . AllltlVK.
cincAno , HOCK ISIAM > & IMIIMU.
117:15 A.M. I ) ! ' : ! ) A. M.
1IUIB A. M. IID : > 0 i > . M.
COU'Jl' . M , I 1I7IK)1 : ) < M.
APir : A. M. I A : I5 A.M.
A 4.:4UlM. . : . I A7W : e. M.
I'lllCAIll ) , IIUI1I.IMIJOS k
AUi5A. : : U. I Att.riA .
UOitUl' . M. II II. ) I' . M.
I A 7.IW IU. .
rillRAnO , U1IAVAIJKI E L hi. I'AI'U
A'Jlr : > A. M. I A'Jl.rA. : M
A 6W : i > . M. I A 7.0) ta
A10WA. : ( M. I DflllllA. M.
CbMe. : M , I AD/nr. u.
WAIIVSII , ST [ .GUIS & l-AI.'lllli.
A .1:001' : . M. | AlUJr a.
A7:0" A. M. I ADUA. : M.
A6.-2JI1. U. I ABJJI' : w ,
Uupurt. WUhl'WAItl ) . Arrno
UNION' I'ACI KIO. / . II. I i : H.
I'.itllloIIiprosi . 7:00n :
. . ! ) ( in or M Ma
. . .I.OCKl KlplGlM. 11:0)1 : )
Mull iiti'l ' lUpross OHJa
Nlb'llt lixpl 1)38 ) _
" "hUl'THWAItl ) . Airl\o.
"A.Jlti I1M. . IMI'SUI'Itl I'Al'M'lO A U , I 1 % M.
1C. C. , M' . J .V C. II.
OMn' ' Hl5t : | [ V'lu riiilli-iiKiinli T:001 : 7 ID
" " " "
. KdftrilWAHIJ. Anl\ .
J.M. e. u. I ( ' . , .sT. P. , M. A O. ( A.M. , I' . M.
Kluiu Cll ) i\in : | > 6t I I 0 : a
Aoioinmod'nOiOa :
U. j I' . . 11. A V. | A.M. I I1. M.
A.t.-ulngililly , II , il illy oxi opt Sun'
jOdully cxtoptS.uinilaj i l > , < laily oxuupl
trill lni\rlJ. I' , < loKt | , Oiii.ilm. nt 0n : 7'n
B'JT ; l0 llJu , ID ; :0tl 'lia ( 40-j A ; " > J:0"J ) i. tc.
fjI'uclauKxiiroi , 8iQ : p. m. ; Uutver hv.,103) ;
n , in ; I.o-al Hi,5.05 p. in.
I.eiuogtock yiinl * tor lltr.ii'ji nt * 7U3HI : ] ? . .
. 'jo-llsnu m i3naf : : : : - : : i'i0'jVdii : ' : v. jn.
Atlnntlo UT . luS. U. 7lStt. : in. ; Clilnnv i i\ ; . .
le F. 0.8:07 p m ; Kxo \ 8. 0,10-l : a.m. )
Mo. 1'ac. IJx. . lo. btX iU : u. m 1 U M. I" , Ui.
5.C9a. 13.