wii IHY . A Poor Dny for Traders on Chicago's ' Board of Trade. BUT LITTLE LIFE IN THE PITS. AVIiont Au.uln Miikcs n Dovvnwnrtl Ilronk Corn Shown ilie .More Ac tivity Nothing Doing In I'lo- \islotis Cj un tnt Ion x. < HIL.UJO I'llOOt' < K SIAimr.T. Clllf v ie ) , Oct. -Special [ Telegrim to ( he Hi K. 1 CnlilendvIces received on 'change were elull nnd wheat pi Ices begin at once to dropdown. Tlu-iuib pllve was ; in > \\liric areund"J/c Novembpi opened on lln < reg- Him bund ! it7 > | ! sold stialght down tn 7.J' e with nbeint nil the reptesenlillvo hollies disputed to let go the wheat that they h ul been Irving to hold 01 evi n to shoit the mm- ket n little. Com was about steady , Mav opening at 41V .latin ir > pork was sle'.idj with selleisnt * ! ' ) 10 No news of nnv kind enteieel the e.ulv maikel. The wheat Iliietuv lions ketil between ? i 4 ( < i , t , imiici the liisldu than outsideligme.s Tiadeis si emed to real- 170 that to keep Ibe maiket upieejulreil n con- htnnt e\pciidltuie of mn-cle. and this the ) ate not disposed lo give It until help ol some otht'i ehdiactei seems piobable. Yestcielny's roiiiii'il | cliinicis did not matcri.d/e , but tlicie Is salel to be a gooil deal of timing In Dci-t'inhei wheat in New Yoil * In ( ieimaii o.Npoileit. Il is a dKln-ssliuly dull dav In tbe tii'ivisinii pit , and long belore noon the pit was deM'rted. I'nies showed veiv llttlu change , falling olT about .V and lot an limir m HI not moving at all , by icason ol no trades The elepicssion lu this pit bad an nelxerse ellcct on nun , between which two pits Ilieie Is nlvv nv s a mote or less deal 1) ele lined bond of svmpithv. Tbe close was as the day was , anil the mmkct inlcd \oiyelullamlheavv. In a geneial way vciv Hinall inteiest ceuteied lu wheat. \ iw and then MOHS Tinlev tiled ( evoil ) * the piice up , but he liually leall/eil tbe si/e of the job on hand gave It up , He sas that be' Is n bull on wheat bt'ciuse he believed It to be gemd pion- erlj : that w bile hi1 does ueit pietend to be able to call the m n ket lei n d ty , his bcltct Is Htionsr mat ultimately thoie Is moie In tbn longside. It , however , Hie crovvel nicdis- noM-d to beni , lie will not li 'hl tliam. Two or llnee times nfti'i the lh-.t decline Novem- bci iilcked up to 7V , but alvv avs lell back ngnln mid dm In. : the bull * ot the time ruled a llttlu uiidci that lU'inc. Den Stnulfu began u savairc laid on wheat during tbe iccc-t and bioku the miiket ( Illicitly down to 72"C ten Novembei , at which it sold Heelv , tolng still leivvei. Tiie liual elo.-e was as lollovvs : Wheat , inslei ; 71e foi Octobei , 7'J' ' < jC toi November , 7c tor Dccembi'i. 7.V tot .laumir > , wi'ne toi May. Corn , a shade llimei ; ! Mlie for O ! ( ) bci. JCi' c lei NoMiiubei. " . ( ) l < je lei Deeembt'i , : iJfe teir.laiiitaiy. 40 ; < e lei Mav. O.ils einli't ; Ule foi Octobci , -'i'c ) fen Novembei , ! i5 ; < .e lei Decimbei. UO c ten May. Turk , casj : Sb.s ; ! lei October , SS.'JJ'J ' lei Novem bei , FV.i'J'iJ lor ! > < cemlici. haul , easv ; SVii" for Octeibc'i , So.'J.1) foi Novemb.'i. § ' > . ? > ' > lor the jeiir. Ci nn. 2:45 : r. M. Puts on November wheat , ? H'e ; calls. 7i : c. 1'nts on Novem- bci coin , -t"j c ; callsi. y"e. CHICAGO IjlVK STOCK. CinrAno , Oct 11. | bpoelil Tohwam tc ; ho UEI.I C.vi n.i : . Tim feelinilliis nioni' Ingvvas not \ery hiii ) ) > lul when salesmen found a blp ; biiipl | > ol cattle .mil biuuisap li.iienllv not \oiy anxious to K < > out r.ni ! breast thu bevcrc sliaia of wind and lain Tlio sujipU ot good to choice natives was not lnrre. and such cattle sold at nteadj pilees , ( icnoially , liowever , tlio bruf isittlu maikel was dull and weak. Tlie b.-st c.iltlu sold al ? 5.10Q.VJ.r , and the yards at Hie close wen pretty well cleaied of usolul ueet cattle , Sblpp iiKstei-is , i.wto : ! ir oo ibs , s .oo n r ; 1200 to IS. ' * Ibs , SI.UOi ( ? . ( J3 ; 053 to WOO lb * : J..10@J.10. The raiiKe cattle leeelpl.s to daj were about 500 wintered Texaus and toi rl lory cattle and only about SCO through To\ ans. The market was slow at thi- decline ol 10l5c ! , which wus established before theelosi on jesterday. bales \\uiu nindo inuiuoi It's * une\enly , but the supply was very well cleaied at tlio iinrts : W5 Jlontanas , lill Ibs , S'.Ni ; SM Wjoniiiifs , ivjno Ibs. fiur , , UiSI W\oniinir , H.JS lb , S-IO : ! ; IWJ Wyoiiilnir bait biceds , 1107 Ibs. fcK : ! ( ) ; M Colorado Texaiib , lOJllbs St.l5 : : 101 Coloi idn Tcxans , 1U17 IH ! , SILOIJ17 ; .Montanas , 1U'.H Ibs. Sl.to : ; 141 Coloiado To\ans. 101.1 Ihs , 88.1'JH ; 7CoIoiadoTnns. . tro Ibs. W.lTi ; ili Jlontanas , lliOf. Ibs. S7K ) ! ! : m Wjoiiiini ! Texans. lo.to Ibs , ? : i 00 ; UK > feedeis , 10W Ibs , SKOWI : ; : cows , unibs , ? : t.7" > . lloos 'Ibe receipts weie too heavy an 1 as a consequence prlies bioke down , mled Ir- reKularanywheie fioiu 10@-0e lower , pool and coiniiiou p.ickini ; boils , foi which them Is no demand , sutfetliu ; the most , d'ooil mixed boUlatSt.OOgM.lS , with besthea\yal S . O < J .40. with ioiih and common atauv price obtainable. hmhtsoiU sold at SU , IUi i 4.X ! ) ; Yorkuis at - K1NANCIA.U Now York. Oct. II. Movrsv On rail , ptl\o at 4 ( 7 per cent , clo lnt ; at 6 < jifi pei contabkcd. J'IIIMU MKUCANTILB I'XI-KII 45 poi cent , STIJIII.INO ExciiAjcon Steady and un clmiiKed ; actual rates , Sl.SlJf tor sixty daj bills ; SI.Kl'f tor demand. UuvuitNMKNis ( lOM-niincnt bonds wen dull and } f per cent butter tor 4Jis , STOCKS Tlio htock market continued tin jtulvunco begun jestorday and bftloro tin movement wan nhccl.cil material aihanci o\cr liiut night's liKines had been ucorded Tlio onenininaatroiif ; at aihanees raiiu-lnt fi 0111 } { Io9 pel cent , Missouri 1'aellle , .lei- soy Central and New Kn bind showinic lh < widest dlll'eienci's. ' After the liibt liom tin nun ket became steady to MIOIIK anil bo con tinned until nearly noon , when a i.ithei heavy tone prevailed until just previous ti thu close , when tlio 1IM iceo\eieil and tin close was steady to Him , close to tlio lies in Ices ot tlio dav. STOCKS ON WA.LT. 8TIIKKT. ntl cent bonds. 103 0. * t N.V . . U. prctciicd N.Y. C llii'j of'01. 12(1 ( Oiecon Ti.ui. . , . Central I'liciUc. . 4S' ' raclilc Mall. . . . C. , t A 14i ! 1M ) . it K pimiTiea , . . K'O I'.O Hill ) C. B. .tO 188 Itock Island. . . . i-r.i D. UV lU'J St. I , , its. If , . . . .sst , J ) . &U. U ' prefeucd. , . Kill ) . . . ! . , M. it St. I' . . . lire erred. . 77 prnfeiied. , Illinois Cential St. I' . .10 5' ) l . , U.ttW pielericd , . . ui ; } , Kansas iSjToxas Texas 1'aclllc. . . Lnko SUoro. . . . Union Paclllc. . . , U AN W. , St. I.ifc 1' . . JO Mich. Cuiitrnl. . prcfcriml. . , H7 Jlo. 1'acllii ! , , . . 118 \\Vstein Union. 771. Northern I'.ic. . H. t\c \ N . . . 105) . pieferred. . i noi uoit : MAUICLJT. Chlcimo , Oct. H. Klour Uncliancod winter wheat Hour. 84.o-l.lO ; south ern. SU : ' < i-J.OO ; Wisconsin , 84WKJ 4.10 ; Mlcbluan soft sprint : wheat , tf3.rx ! > C' 4.10 : MlniH-fola bakers , ? H.50 M.lO ; pateiitn JJ.iiiKi .C'J ; low Kiad s , 1.7.Vi.75 ; ijo Hour nuiet at Sii.'Wjiii.M ) in ban els. and sa.OO i' ) in sacks. Wheat Under Ihn Inlluenro of dull cable and hliihercoiitolb the bpeculatlvi < olleiing \\orolariioandprlcesrloseil l tfil' + o nude yesterday ; eabb 71J7IUc ( ; November , 7J ; December , 7I } ; 3lay , ' Corn \VeaKci , ouned ) . ' ( . ( . 'C o lower , dt1 cllnedHdC u nion1 , improved a trille , am closed H > undei jrsienlay ; eahb ! H)4i ) < ' ! 4\e November , W ocVi o ; December , O'hOUO'ic ' , COKe ; May Oatb Uuil anil easier ; cash , 2Ufo ; Nc VPiiiber , 'J'i'jc ' ; Jlav. SOl Jtyt Steady ill 4f > c. jJarles-tJuii't at We. TnnotliyK'eil I'rline. Sl.on0t.07. riaxsecdLower ; closed atite > fe. \VbisKi-Sl.U. I'ork PeoliiH'd 1&020C , cioslnpr iiuipt cash , 5S.tHKaV.Oi ) ; November. 8S-.WHGf8.U5 Jannaiy , Sr W'j'CaiUO , , . Lard-Killed easier , closing qidot ; casl S.vruca.'i.TS ; November , 8- * > .7.r > : January , S5.U' Hulk JUats-Sboulders. 55.40W5.45 : sboi clear , SO.t .X3 < l,70 ; short ribs , i .70. Uutter K m : cu-amrry , HXiJ'-tocJ dalij 14M2.IC. , , Cbeose-Klruier , prices steady m cream chuildan. . llialSc ! dollats. l J-OUIIK A HIM teas , HK < * i sUlius , 'JQ7C. grcou s lted , fully I' S I'-bf ' do * . < ; bullbldes , ' o ; dry. ? d silled 11 ! > . Tallow No. 1 country * 3 > 4 ( < W c ; No , 2. Jic : cake , SiKc. . . Attprnnnn Hoard The market * ruled easier. Wheat. Noveiuber. T-JUe ; Maj , sn'tc. Coin.inciiil > r. " - " ' * < : fay.to' c. OiK Xovembei , iWVc : Miv , : )14C. ) 1'oik , .November , SHJIJI , ; .lanuaiy. S'.MK ) . Lard , November , S.\7ft , .lanuiij , " . . riour.bbti . 'Jl.OOO 17.0W Wheat , bit . ST.WJ 74.WJO Com. nil . 107 iMO M.OOO Oat .tll ) . 121.000 IfiUW ) lije , ou . ,0 ( : tOX ) llariVvtii . Ol.ooi 2-.000 ninctAnnil. Oct. U. Wheat Nominally strnnt ; ; .Vo. 2 , 7fie. Coin -rir'iiei : No. 2 mixed , Hi e. Oats ( Jiilet but lit in ; No.'J tnixeil , 2iO. Itvi'-Lis ; No. a. f'i' . Toi k-ulet ( but Him at 4DSO. I. ndriimatiM ) . Whlskj- t- : . StliiiiiMipolN. Oct. --Wheat-Quiet nun imseill"d. cttK'-d ' in Hio stiiko of i all- reid svvlle'imeii : No. 1 bald , csisli , 7d'je : .November , 71 Se ; DPcembei , 7Jo ; No. 1 iioithcrn. ei h , i' ve ; Noveml'ci , OUJfc : Oe- eembei , 71'n' ' ; No ' ) northern eish , lii'c ' ; Novemher. iitc : Derember , i'iS'p. r ( ) uietiiitcnls : | SL10 if I.CO ; b.ikeis' , Heielpts-Wheal , Is ! 010 bu. hhipiiients-Wlie.it , 17.000 bu. ; lloiu , W.IK'O ' bbl.s. bbl.s.Now Now York , Oct. 1 1.Vhtat Itoceipts : iMmii ; , ( ; exports , none : eash Udl' c and w- lions " 41 1 'jc ' lovvei , eln > ! iiK ste.iih .it about bottom tales ; nliiriaded red , 7 ' ( ! J > srKN ; o. II Hd , Me ; No a led. M ( " 'M e afloat : No. 'J ti d , Oetobel. closed at c. Coi -Spot V'l'jf ' and ontlons ( f ? ' c lowei cliisinr eadj ; lori'lpts 'jriXi ( ) ; i-x- polls , -40'H ) ; 'iailed , 44ftt4'i7ai' : Nil. ' . ' . 41 ' 4e in elevatoi. I.V4'c-l"i'je ] atloat ; No. ii ( ) tuber eloped at 14' . Ols J ntijc hUher : iccelpK 75,000 ; ex- pulls none ; mixed tcin-Ku7c. ! ! : ! . IVtroleuui Sleadj ; United , closed at fll'.C. I'oik-Onlet ; old in ! > M , SH.7"i ; new , mess 5-lti r.o. Laid 2 ( < f'J points lowei ; western .steam , spot , Si .lVil.a ( ) . ( Cheese easlei and moie netlvp. K BS Stiadj anil demand fair. llnttci Dull and licavj. MHvvruilcce. Oct. ll.--Wheit liuoyant ; eash , 7t'c ; Novumbei , 7e ; Decemljei , 74' ' , e. Coin Quiet : No ' . ' . ! ! 5'c. Oats Dinl ; No. 2U-l'he. Kyuliulet , No. 1 , Me. Hmloj-Uiisfttl.Ml ; No. i ! , MMe- l'iovisions-1 libber. Poik- October , ! .0 J November , ? 0.10. St. Louis. ( ct. 1-1. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 led , e.xsh , T.J'jc ; November , 7i7-i : ( ! ! > 71filie ; December , 7"'iii05ri\c ; .Mav , M diVi'jc. ' Coin No. 'J mixed , cash. : t"e : Novembei , . ! 'M ' ( r.\'e ; December , lUVt'ol' ' ! ! ' : ; .MAY , r.xn.is ' , c. 0iNnimo. : . a mixed , cash. 'Jojffd- ; Novemliei.lie bid ; Doeumbei , 1KU asked ; Mnv , : : o 4 ( ( . ( .o' < c. live hii-adj : 4s > Vc bid. Pork ! Wici.8J. ! ) Laid 5r > .7fiii.7."i. ( ) ) Itutlet bluady ; cieamei > , 'J4i < i27e ; daiiy , IX'l'J'lc. Ijivcrjjool , Oct. 1-1. Wheat Demand impioviii ; new No. ! ! winter , Os Ci'ijd ; new An. spun. , fii Sd. Coin Dem.ind Improving ; spot and Oi'to- bei. Is.'ii d ; steady. rolfilo. Oot. 11 Wheat Dull ; cash and Octubci , "G1 , e bid. Corn Ste.ilv ; cash and October , 3\'jc. Onts- Nominal ; easli , SC'oV. linns.-i-i Ci v , Oct. II. Wheat Low ei ; No. 2 led. cash. OOa hid ; November Gljc bill : .Maj. i/i' ' jc bid. Coin Low irNo , ' - ' , easli , 'Jilc ; Novembei , J'.l'ie hid ; Decembei , : ; .V bid. Oats Nominal ; cash , " 4e bid. MVH STOOIC. , Oct. 14. The Diovei's Jonuial icpoitsas lollovvb : Cattle Kecclpt.s. 10,500 ; gooil stionir , com mon weak ; wliippliu steeis , $ ! .50u.i ( K ) ; htockeis and leedei- , SJ.OO@.25 ! ! ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.70i < M.OO ; tbioiiKli Txas cattle , in peed demand ; steers , $2.GOi ( [ > : ! .40 ; cows , S . :0ii2.0 : ( ( ; ; webteinianueis. lOe lower ; natives anil half-breeds , SUOO'a.i.'iO ; rows , 5MO > < ( : ! .l.r ) : vvinteied Tuxans , SJ.OOC : : i&o. Jlocs Iteceljits , 10,500 ; sttroim c.ulv , lOfSSt.le lower ; roiiKb and mixed , SJ M I.UO : paeKln. and -.hlppinir , Sa.OOjil.iO ; iKlit weights , 5ri..fiu@l.4.'i : ' ; skips , .2o ( : ) . - ' . . Sheep Kuccipl * . 0,000 ; slow and n shade lower : natives. j-2.00W4.0J ( : wcstein , UOi * 3.00 ; Tcxans , $2.20 ; V..10 ; lambs. . Su.7o@-l.7j. St. Louis. Oct. 11. Cattle Ileeclpts , 1,000 ; shipments l.OJU ; lair to choice native slnppcis , SI.'i'K/HHO ; butchers' stems , ? . ! .15@ I Vi ; ran.eis nnd Texans , 8-.Wii. ! . : > r . llo-'s Ueceipts , 5,000 ; .shipments. 1,000 ; miukct oiiened steady , closing weak ; hutchus and choice hc.ivy , ? 4."W.V * > t pack- ei.s , JI.l'K.iM.-JO ; Yorkeis , S4.15'K \ \ pigs , common to good , { < : ) . 10W4.00. OMAHA J [ < Vi ; STOCK. 'J Inn-day Kvenlng , Oct. 14. Cuttle The liesli iceelpts of cattle were not heavy to-day and weie mostly range cat tle. Tlieio was a verv lair demand foi leed- cis and iiiite ] n good many changed hands. Them is moie Inquiry foi the better giadcs ot fcedc'is than theio has been and the mai- let Is Hi mi i. There were a tew innge cows Mild to dav , but the maiket Is weak and the supply libmnl. 'I he inaiKol for native butch- els' .stall is ven slow. There Is a tan de mand lot ieun-fcilsteers but very lew coming lu. The packing house is compelled to ship lu Uom other markets in older to obtain a lull Mipplv. Hogs The marketojiencdstcadv at yester day'B prices , but closed weaker. The receipts continue light , out commission men aio still ctullonlng their shlppcis to look out lor lower pi ices. Sheep Notliliigdolng on the market , iti.cr.ipis. No , Av. Slik. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. T3M'iU ! ! ! 'J40V4U ) lo'.Y/.isS 'iOS'4'.S5 05 , , 'J48 bO 4.80 i go of I'rloes. .Sbovvlni ; the hlgh'ist and lowest pilce. < paid foi loads ot hogb on this maikot diuiiif. iho past seven dajs and ior tlio .same time last > em : Soit. | ItbU. Oct. Oct. 18-5. Tth ' ' a.w 4.oo fill i.'id [ ) . ar , Qyi.wo ( Ull 4.40 &t K : i ii5 ( tu w 3 .H lltli 4.4i ! fill.70 175 SW.W ) Himiliir. I'-'lll Buniliiy il.51) ) ( Tel V5 32.5 nitii i.'A ftl.N ) 4. in ! I.iK © VJO Hill 4.4'i © M S5 I : All sales of stock In thU maiket aio mad ( per evvt. live weight miles i othcr\vlsu staled. Dead hogs bell nt H per Ib. fen all vv eights " .Skins , " or hogs weighing leas thin 100 Ibs , no value. Pregnant bows are docked 40 Ibs nnd stagb bO Ibs. Notes. Hogs closed weaker. Ll ht leceiptn of hogs. Very few corn-fed cattle routine in. Feeders bi Inglng n littlu better pilccs. Peter Smith , Nebraska City , was here , look luirovei the yards. Dave Anderson. Columbus , was hero look lug lor calves to-day. JL Yoorhees , Cli.ulroii , was here with four tccu loads of. cattle. W I ? lornp ! , lUv\lin . Inl foutte.-- 'en- of entile at the jariK K. Fleming , North ISi-iul. wa- her , ' w I'll eleven leiailsofftciUK. T. .1. CoiVee. I'oiu'n , bid si lo.ul of cattle In which he 'old on tlie inniKot. NeK I'uiintou. willi M. lliiike A. mis. l hack at the vaiils after 'cveral weeks sp-nt al North Mend. P. M. f.jvetinp. Swltlivvicl * . Imil live loads of cattle on the uiaiuet .1. II. Cresvvell , of the ( nine plnro. linil tout loads In. P. . A. Won. | . of Wood Mnn. , llvel slork coiuiiil 'lon ileileisot Chlcauo ami Om.ihn , steipped here today on his wa.v tollillcr , Nil ) . Vi iv few .lilpi PM luivelin'l theeoiiiaire Ir Mih > In hues initiiii ; the past few dn } . on arroiint ol the ridc.igo labui ti ulile- > . 'Iln H'sull lias been that tlio rerelptsveioeut oil so siiilileulj us to canst ; an advance here anil those who shipped in toiuul n uooil maikel. On the ni.uKel with lious : MMIS > , Itnzt-M , v.t'o. Neiith Mend : Ml. I.owei , ( Isrci.ln ; AsKwiirA. Co. ( dkl.iuil ; Vlif.'ln * t Nelson , I'llea ; .1. Wlllic'niscii , Danneliioi , ' ; W. I. N'ash , Keaiuev : MA UJH , ( ilblmn : Altei .Vdlovi-r , ( Siand Mindhpald ; v Mlles.llait- will. .1. O. ( i.ile , maiinci'i ol the 1'ast lluiiipton t.lve StucK e < iiiiiuiy | : , vvas In to il.ij ami sniil l"i ( ) head of leeileis llvvasftveiv liuebnncl ot 'teeis iind lioinlil the best pike eif uiiv- Iliiin : In Hie vnnli. Ml. ( Jnle Is a tlioio-a.'li eattle man nnd lias leason to be ] iioud ot 111' success. _ O.MA11AVMOljUSAIjH MAHIClJTS Geiiernl 1'i-inluoc. Tliuisiliiy. Oct. H. ! r/C/oHoii'f ( i/ir/ci' / ? uc tor nmnif ID'.K ot pnitlmc , < tMAiife/oii / the min/.rt / tmlitu'Hie ; iltwttilhmi un frulti le'/jrcim' / tiicjirlcci t fc/ik/i / / oK/sIde / onfcM nrc tlllul. K KS The bulk ol the iceelpts Is selling al ITc , but an occasional easels s ) ld nt l-e. ( Mi i rrfii Theileuiniul lei choice cieaiuerv and dnlij , as well us tiesh countiv loll. 1 veiv biisk. Inleiloi uinileluiniln as dull asevei. The season is uo'v sullliMentl > ad- \nnced lo ship roll butter. When pioneilv mailed and paeKcil nlccl } in clean boxes , no ! containing moie tlian about eif-'lity pou.uls 1'iesh cieameiy , 'iVi iJsj ; iieshilahy , INcJOu ; ehoicu eountiv roll. IS'u'Mc ; tliolco eountij toll , solid packed , ITodsc ; ( jood coiiutiv mil , Uieiile ( : ( jooil coiiulii loll , solid pieUed , IXu lOc : tali , nrnlic ; common.Iwiio. . ( ivviiA : moie healthy leellnt ; Is prevail ing. 1'iaiile chickens and uioiise. when In fi'oil oiilei , sell ie.ulll > nt quotations. luek aio In iniiuli bcttei iKiiie t. Qu-iil In lljhi iccclpt ami iiitiiih called lei .Snipe , fun sale , llrei and unte'lopo sc.uvo anil wanted. Miipneis should beai in inliul lo ship nil \vlule It is Iri'bli , and not hold oil until Kiev li.ueon lliilid Iniue nmntitles. 1'iairlo ehlekcns , pei don-u , ? . ! .co : nu.ill , SI "iO l.Tri : Minn1 , plovei , etc. , ? .Vi8t.l ! ° i ; ducks , ( Malhnd ) , Sl.T.Xiil ) ( ; ducks ( Teal ) , sl 00 il.T. ; dueks , niKed. Tnotiitfl.iiO : ifce-e , ? : i.00if Jfi'i ' ; dcci. saes , per . , ; eer , carcasses , pet lbTa'Je ( ; initelope , saddles , ll@l'-'e ; mite- lope , caicasses 7.ic ; ell * , saddles , l'.ti.V ' ( ! ; t-llc. eucasses , ii ( " ic : jnel * inhblts , i > ur do/ . , Sti.r : > 0i ( .OO ; small , pel dnSl.OOCitl S5. I'oi i.im Live noultiy continues veiv mill. Tlio demand lor diessotl chickens U ilall > increaslni ; Aiilvnls thus Ur have been exticmul.v lluht : Live Chickens , old. pel do.OOi < j'J 50 ; ehluKens , siirmjr , J'J.OO lifi'JTi ; duckbiiitCnJ.75 : till keys , fe7.00@ M ; geese , SMi.(7 ( ) ( ( > s.uo. liesscd ) fliicl.ens , holce jouuir , pel Ib , llf'l-c ( ' : choice old , Vrf'V ? : ducks lie ; icese , lie ; tuikejs , lifeSUlC. \ i in. i-Aiii rs Our potato inaiKet Is Inn iiithur unsettled state just at puent. . Cai- lots are hard to plnce. I'.umeis me suitplv ing de.ileia with wlmtevei ( lev icijuire toi iiiiiucdlatu consuuiiton. ) Jiuvois do not slum the least nuxlctv to Iny In their vv Intel stool * , w.uiii weather being , aiipniently , their oulj excuse lor lioUlniK ol ) . A elianue in the wi.-atlier woalel undoubtedly cnuse a much better teeliui. . On ons nlso incut with slovvb.de. ThenIs liaidl } a dealoi la thii maikut who bu.vs more than live or ten liiishelsnt a time. h > vveetputa.ioes aioiilentl- fill and low. iibbnce in nil supply. 1'ota- lees , choice , per hn , U.@t'ie ; i.ili to good. 1'J (3-1 ( V ; nnioiis , choke , ( Oc- ' . l DO ; tail tn uootl. 7VtOe ( ; in small loltliom stoic , pi-r bbl , Qi.OJ : ; sweet iiotatoecholee. . pei Ib , ' @ ' % eabbairc \ , choice , pei doUaOOo ( ; eel- civlOc. . Ai'i'i.rs Tbcie is plenty of fancy stock no\v an u ing li 0111 all sections , the demniul , hovvevei , is limited. Deilcis are not fullj prepaicil to lay In their winter 'iock. Com mon stock , S2.0 < @ 'J.'J.1) ; choice shipping stock , S3.A4-S.OO ; iaucv st.uul , 6.'J.7oi'.00 ' ) ; tnncy Mchl'an. ! ( SJ WoW.- ) . JloMK-oitovvjf ( JiiAiT.s Are verv nearly onto ! the maikel. The maiket Is supplied with Xuw Yoil * Concords ; ' > to fiO uaskd lots ] ) ei basket , : )5jMOe. ) ; 1U to IS basket lots , 1PC $ r c ; 1 to r bnsket Jots. 40ffiOc. ( ) vsnis : ; The wenthei bns been most ton w .u in to admit of \eiy heavy oyster tindc. However , Uncle Is better tlinu iibiuil nt tills season , nnd n good many ouleis liom Hit oiitsiduniobelnir Idled. .Mediums , 2 JLbtaiid ; - ards , liUc ; selects. tWe : Xevv Voikcounts , 40e , J < IMOVS Choice , SCO bi/e , per boS8.50 , Onv > ( ! is The only changes on the mar ket me Jamaica , winch aiclovvei than lasl week. Jamaica , per bo51.00 : per bbl. , $11. Cii\Niiiniciis : The maiket is tulrly well supplied w itli verv choice stock , ( /'ape coil , fancy , pei bbl. . ? b.r > 0 ; Wisconsin , & 7.00. BANANAS lianaiias mo felling nt aboul the same ns last week , lianmins. vplJovv , i > ei bunch , Sl.WJCit'i 00 ; ISmimius , jcllow , lar e bunch , S-J.M@ii.50. CAI.H-OIINIA Fnrns Two cars of Call- foiiila fiuit-5 weiu iccoivcil tlilsvvcek. On ne count ot tlio cooler vveather they ariived in veiygood older and met with quick .sales , I'eaches. 552. ' . ' " ) ; inai > o-Toliivs , 5 > i UO ; L'rapes , black , ? J.03 ; penio , vlc.u , SJI.OO ; iliims , 91.7 ; @ 'J.iiO : quinces , ? iSO@J.7C. M.vi'i.r. SUOAU. htrlctly rurc , 00-lb boxes , lc per pound ; strictlv pine , 10-lb tin pails , Ho per pound ; choice 5c bricks , ! J5Ib boxes , 12c per pound ; choice penny cakes , 'J5-II boxes , 12 > je per pound. llosuv Mcbiaskn , choice , whlto clover , ir. < airKj. ; Nebraska , dark , 1214c. ; Califoinla , o\trn vv lilto 15c. : choice , llif lS c. 1'novisioxs Hum , sugar-cured , 12c ; bone less , r 0-lb boxes , 1\Vtc\ \ picnic hum , 10' e bu-aktnst bacon. Hincnr-curcd , Ocslioulileis ; biunr-cured , He ; clear .side bacon , O D'fe ; desalted salted bides , H'/c ' ; dilcd beet ( limns ) , tfio dried beet ( legular ) , 12clnrd-0-lb ! cans , 1'alr bulk's , bUc ; 10 , 5 and : i-lb palls , Fnlibank's S'i'.lfle . Ki.orn A > 'n Mn.i.srrprb Winter wheal Hour , best quality patent , S2.7. > : n-cond ini.il Itv. S3.40 ; bi'bt qunhty | ) ilng lieai Hour , patent , * f'i.nOhr.iu. ; 50c percvv tchoppci ; : fetil , TOopcr evvt ; white corn meal , 51.00 ; veilowcoin meal , OOc pel cwt ; scieoiiiinj , IK ) < percvvt ; hoiniiiy , SU.oo per evvt ; shoits , Me per evvt ; trrnhnm , Sl.GO ; liny , in bales , 85.50ji ( il.OO iier ton. IU-AHS The market Is inmost cleaned up Nice clean beaulu ) fnli iciiuest. II. 1' , Navy , Sl.-JOOvUS : Jl. 1' . .Medium. Sl.-Wft clean countiy , SLtiSd LfiO ; good clean conn trv , PO SI.OO : inferior , G075e. ( inAiN Corn. iMc ; now outs , 2c ! ; ije10c wheat. No. 2. We. _ Grocers' PIOKI.KS Afcilluni , in Imls , sn.M ) ; do Ii : half bbls. S75 ; biimll , in bbls , S7.W ) ; do Ir haltbbls , S4.r ; gherkins , In bbls , S8.50 ; eli in halt bills. S4.7. ' ) . ftYllUJ1 No.70 , 4-g.illon KPCS , S1.23 ; Now Orleans , as-iOc pei gallon ; Mnple Synip , \ \ barrel , "old lime. " 7-'c pur gallon ; ! gallon cans. 51000 per eloi. ; > gallon can SS.uO poi do/ : quart cans , 3.00. buoAiis I'ovvdered , 7 * 7X0 ; cut loaf 7O7i.Ce : granulated. 0 > < aosic : ; coutcctloneis Afi' je ; standaid extra C. ( Krrii/gcj extra 0 , n > j 5Xo : medium > ellow. fi faS c. : Hindi. U > ic ; Inch , lOc ; } { Inch , Dinr.n Knuirs No. 1 quarter apples , n(5 ( ; in evaporated boxes , VJhdi' o ; blaukbei ries , boxes. .i tt'J c ; i-eachcs. - eastern , Wft f > Ke ; peaches , evaporated , 15M@17c : Sal Lake , 110:10 In niaykep laspberrleb.iiBw , 17l < . ; cm rents , W < 37u ; prunes , now , 1\ \ HOODS Oysters , stanelaid. pel cas , S3.SO ; strawberries , a Ib. PIT case. 82.10 mspburrlcb , 3 Ib per case , 2,10 ; Calllornit jieart , per case , S-4,50 ; apricots , per case 84.1 0 ; peaches , per case , $5.25 ; white chciries per case , $1.0 J ; plums , per case , Sa.iS : blue Iwrriew , per case , gl.'i'i ; CRK plum"Jib , ve cane , SiSO ; pineapples , 'Jib , per case , S3.-J eS5.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doA S1.30 ; I Ib bat nion per eloz , 81.W > Ol.nO ; 'J Jb gooscbenes per case , 81.75 ; 3 Ib hiring bestis , per case 1 = 1.70 ; a Ib lima beens , per case. 81.00J II mnriovvfnt p < as , per case , S3.403 ; Ib carl ] June peas , per case. J5J.75 ; 3 Ib tonmlooa COPKKES Ordiuarygracles. IKcailWei ; talr prime. Wi lSe : cholee , fancy green and yellow. 13 @Uc : old cov nrnmuiit Java , -OCiraic ; interior Java. 10U'c ( 20o ; Mocha , ! ii ( < -J4o > : Arhuckle'fi roasted We ; McLnuL'hlln'a XXXX roasted. Km Dliworth's. 159/c ; Heel Cross. Ific. STAitm Mirror gloss , i Ib , S. c ; Mlrro gloss ,3 Ib , 6Kp ; illrror Kloss , tf ! b , fifc tua\es corn , 1 Ib , Oc ; Klnpsfoid'b corn , Ib , 7cKlngsforil'H ; gloss 1 Ib , 7c ; Kingj ord'h KlM * . C Ib , 7" c ; Klugsford's pure , 3lb % c ; KliiL'sford's bulk , 4c. ToiiAprev Plug , climax , 42 ; horseshoe STc ; star. lQt\ \ spear head , : < 9c ; piper hcidstck OOc ; gold bhleld , 34c ; merry war. 25c ; J. T 1 'i'oiiACCO ' .Smoking , Durham , la Sic ; J t i.lc : - ' , ' 7.1 : N" O.M { , lu ei-ilm u. TJe ; end < it\ le-J-'r V N Otv \ sii'r : ' teun d , 4V .M iTflit"I'cr e.ulille , 'JSi' , square cases , SI.70 : mule oiiuaie , Sl.SO. CANDV Mixed.nll' < i > ; stickSS'flfli c. Cn'iins : ( inrnenn s .win , buttci nti-1 picnic , "iHe ; cieaius , JsHci , ginger < uiap , citvsoda. 7 .ft ho\rs Kiik s ( irnet-fil litrlcels. Wiioi.--Mcdlum. l ' Ib line heavv . - - 'i'JOipi1 ! : , tlftiliic ; llj-'ht. Iwiflsej , ro.use , Hinine ; liuir.v wool. a'ie oil. Him s dieen butchiM" . O'e ; prce , cureil. siJMje ; dr\ Unit , lUifcl'lc : < ti\ suit liMlOo : tic'ii calf sKiiik eyi'.i'.3. ' dnmaszi'd lildei t\vo-tliins ! pilce. Inilo'v Ue dicnse , lirime wiute1 , "n" > elleivvc : brown , l e. Sheep I'ellx.'J.V.c. . t.i \iiti n-I'llme sluuahieinlc leather , ! Kc ! prime oil * sole lenthet. "xViHse. ' I'ppei ' Icathei pel foot.'JOdil'ic ; IIIMII , kip. 7'K'fMi1 ; ink kip , OMtOV : lii-iicb kip. s'l.O.WI.'Jl ; hem , calf , H W@1.10 ; oak enlr , Sl.OOiil.'Kj I'u neli calf , Vl.'Wctl SO ; Moineii ) boot h4 , ! XiWe ) : : .Mnioceooll pebble , 38fi 'Ke. toppings nnd lining. ( XI'i'i'e ' llhvvv il MinwAUt : iron , late , 5i.no ; low ste.il sppclal east. 4c ; eruelo lesteel , O ; en * ! tools do , VJ'itl cnioii spokes' Pel sit , Sl,7.Vf.LOU ; liulH , per ol il.'i'i ; lullons bavved dry , $1. 0 ; tomjups , each , 7V ; a\e ) ; , eneli , 7.V1 ; qu\ro nuts n'1 Ib. " ( rtltc : cell chain. t > or Ib , ( ' ( < < I'Amalleable. ; . ( < ii\sc : lion wedges , us : erovvimrs , fie : bin row teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 7iiV ( : Htirden's hoiscslint" ' . 54.-IO ; Htndetrs mule shoes. SV n. Harbi-P wire , in ear lots , 1.00 per 100 HH. nml Nails , lates. 1 to 50 , S'J.no ; steel nnlls. 32.0' , : Shot Sl.if > ; Imclt shot , S1.S5 : oiieiital powder , kegs i-.f-O : do. hnlf keen , $2.00 ; do. eiuaiter ixCiis.tl.Wi ; blasting , ke , g-j.n : fuse , pei 10 feet , ( IV. Lead llm. Silt. iiif < is A.M ) C.M vncvi scid. . eaibollc fi2c : ucld. tnri.irle. "lieJinUam cooalba , pei lt > , 4 V : baik. sassafras , tier Hi. lOc : calomul , perlbT-J" : cliiiiclioiililin. per o40e ; cliloro- lot in , per lli , " 0 e : Dover's iowdeis pe > r It ) , fcl.'Jo ; cpsom salts , pur 11) , 'iV ; glvceiine , puie , per Hi. INlead : , acetate , per rh Vile ; oil , cnstoi. No. 1. pei gal. , M.&lj oil , eastot , No. 2 , per gal. . fcl.4D : oil , olive.pci R.it.SI,40 ; oil orkannum , 50c : opium , 53. 0 ; tiuinine , P. A : W. and H. A S . pei o70c ; potassium iodide , PCI 1b , S'.Vii : salioln , pel e > / , 40c ; sill- phate inoipnlne , pet oS2.h : ; sulpliur , per Iti,4c : stiveiiniue. turnSl.l" . I'AIMSIV un.-\Miue.iu. \ Omaha , 1' . 1 * Hi' ! white lead , St. Lrils , pine. 557.75 , Mar- ellles gioeli. 1 to-iln cum iI'lench /inc. pu'cii seal , 1'Jc ; Kruneh 7luc icil seal , nc ; I'lench 7inc. In v.unlsti as > tt , liOc : Tii-ncli Elnc , 75c ; M-rmllllou , Amciicmi , ISc ; Indian red , lOc ; rose plnl * . lie ; N euetiau led , Cook- son's , 2sie : Vi iietlan re 1. American. l' o ; red lead , T ciciiumie jellow , seuulne. line ; elnoinu vellow , K. V-c ; oclne. roche le , : > c ; oiMne , 1'ieiich , 2'c : oclne , American , l } c ; Winters mln-ial. I'Ce : helilgh blown , a'tjC ' ; bpanish blown , -'ie : I'rinco's uiliininl. "c. \ AHM in.s IS.iircN , pei gallon : Kmiil- ture. extia , 81.10 ; fmnitine , No. LSI.00 ; coach extra , 31.40 ; coach. No. 1 , Sl.'O ; Ia- ) mar , o\tia , S1.75 ; Jaiin ) , 71V ; nsphallum. extra , b5c ; shellne , SIi.50 ; hard oil linlsii , 51.50. Duvl'AiNis White lead. * c ; French /inc. 12c ; I'aris w lilting. ' 'Kc ; whltlntr , gildeis' , % 'c ; whiting , eoiivl , 1'4C , l.tmpblack , Gcr- manstown , llic ; lampblicK , eidinarv. be ; Prussian biue.Mc ; ultraiiiaiiue. Ibejvatidyke. brown , be : umboi , burnt , 4c ; iimbei. raw , 4e ; sicMinn blunt , ic' sienna , mw , le ; J'arib gieen. geiiulne1 , 'J5c : j-aris creen. common. 22y ; cinoiiie L'leeu. Jj. "V . . 20c : chrome green. K , 12c ; vcrmilhoii , English , In oil 70c ; raw and bin ni umber. 1 Ib cans , lac ; raw and binnl sienna , We ; vaudvke. blown , Hie ; ic- lincdlampblack , 12c ; eo-\ch black and ivory black , lOc : drop blacU tOc ; 1'iusslan Ulue , 40c ; ultram.iiinebUie , 18c ; cnromo giceu , i . , M. it 1) . , lfi < - ; blind anil siiyttci iricen. L. . M. & ! > . , Ific ; I'.nisL'icoii , isc ; ' Indian led. Iftc ; Venelian led. IV ; Tuscan , 22c : Ameiican veiniillioii. It. & D. , SOc ; je'llovv oclne , Oc ; 1 , . Jl. A : O. D. . ISs : good oblne , ic.c : patent drj w , bu ; giainliig color , light oak , dark oak , \vl.mut. ehustniit and asli. ISu fcii'inns Cologne splilu. 1W3 iiioof. S1.17 : do 101 proot , S51.li ; sphits , second ounlity. 101 proof , ? l.i : do isy proot. 51.10. Alco- hoi. l-bpioof ( , S'-.t ! per wine gallon. Iledis- tilled whiskies , Sl.03ft6l.59. Qin. blended , tl.fiCii'J.OO ( ) ; Kentucky bomboiis , S'J.OOcitiioO ; Kentucky and l''iiiiisvhnulai > es , y..OOQfi.M ) ; ( ioldcn bheaf bourbon and rve wlil-kies , imported , per case. S2.ooW.OO ? ; American , per case , S10.OOciJW.00. , Dry Lrnmoor. IIOAHDS. No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12. Hand 10 ft S17.50 No.3 " ' 12 , 14 audio ft 11.7.1 No.3 " " iy,14andl lt 13.50 No. t " " 12,14 and 10 ft 13.00 DIMr.NMO.Nt AM ) IIMDIIIIS. is nii rt'iu ' nils ft 'so ' ft it . ' 4ft 2x4 ' 10 SO , ili.601 lOK ) ! 17.00 18.00 21.00 Jl.OO 20. 10 10 , 16 50.11 ! fit ) ' 17.00 IH.03.J..00'U.UO ' .iiti.riu ifl.r > jiu.5o | 17.00 18 03 21.00,21.00OJ , 10 W lfl.iV ) IH.5J17.Ol/ OJ 110 f , HI.W110 10 17.00 IS.00.22.00U. ! 00 lii ! w in no in r , 117.00HUM ! 2000 20 oo FKXCINO. No. 1 , ) & f , Incli , 12 anil U ft , rougli. . .S17.0J No. , 4 tldliicli , lamnl 14 ft. , roiuili. . . 1J.OJ SIDINQ. A 12 , 14 vtlCft. , 21000 C S15.00 H IB. 14 * 10 It.,000 U 11.00 rKIIJNTi AM > I'AUTiriO.V. 1st com. , ? f In Wliito 1'lim Partition..SIW.OO i > ( [ ti ii ii .1 _ ( t > 27/o 2il Com.Y in. Norway IMno Ccllinir. . . . 14.00 rr.ooiu.vfi. A fi inch , v.-hlto pine , M C S2'.00 ' U Cinch , " " ! H D 21.50 srorK IIOAHDS. A 12 Inch. 8.1 S. 4I5C Sai.OO KUlliuh " " 4tt U-1.50 No. 1 , com. 12 In. , B. 1 s. . 10 , ISA .0 ll. . . Ul.OO No.2 , " ' " " ' . . . ia.ro " " " 12tV14lt 17.00 No.2 , ; " > " " 10 ft 10.0o rixiflin.va. UtamlSd. rlonr , lilnuh , H. 2s S50.00 : ! il , clcai , 1 Inch , s. U s 41.00 : ! < ! . cli-ai , W , 1' , 'i In 47.M U hcleet , 1 inch , s. 3 H 211.00 U select , 1)4 ) , I'ii.'Jln U1.09 HIIII' LAP. No. 1 , ] > Inln,8nud 10 inch S17. . " > 0 No.2 , iiliiiib ! iinil lOlncli 15.50 MII.MII.IS : LATH. XX eloar , S2.1K ) ; A Htmiilaiil , S .W ; .No. 1 , Sl.i5LUli : ; ! , S-.25. 1'osis White Cellar , 0 In. , HS , 12c ; 8 In. firs. , I11IV H'l lfl-.gr llbU 1'lH Kte IMi I IOJ W ) DO 40 U It ) ' * lien's S't.No 1 L'bToorTo' . ! 1.52 O" , ! 70' ' ij'i I/jro Olb'd rmicyfi 00'I 002 7r > 1 S5 1 ! U | 50 41 I.V It'll ' .li'io l"c > 6 Ulil 0)2 7.11 Ki I 'M GO 46 I.AKi : _ III lltilHijr lltila l"l , Kts r EW HSU. 10) ) ' . i 50 40 | 12 | 10 No , 1 Wliito KJsh. . . 7 00 o : iui : E03 101 01 ( K ) 1'umllv While 1'UU. . a 5) 3 112 ail M 55 No. I Trout 4 6J 4 012 65,1 65 IMI'dllTBU HWI. . IliUIIf llblK.Q'rllbUl'nlUor . Kits .tin . JISII. 10) ) W ) | 50 40 | 1. 10 Norwoiflnn | I 4 I I KKKlluriiffftli CO 7 60,0 bfla 80,3 10 I 01 90 Holland her. now. 00 MURDERING GUNS. * finiull Stool CiiuiionH Whcmo Usa is to llldtllo Torpcilo IJoalH anil Mow Down Slcn. Tlio October ibsuo of llarpor's Monthly contains nn llinstrutcil article by Admiral Simpson of the American'navy Unit deals with the construction wf the Mccl gniif. Unit uro to bo iisoil to arm the now war ships that Secretary Whitney is Koing to build. Inciilenlally die ; nodutn inachiiiB gun , or qnick-iiriiifj gun. is muntionml as " " inJllioiicli the article u "niiiroonnf ; sun , is cliii-lly devoted to thu method of con structing big breech-loaders. A naval ollicor who talked about these "inurdor- ingKiins" ychterduy s.ild : "Onii has only to stop to think n mo ment to appreciate the tremendous advance - vance made in the construction of gnus dtirinj' the present century. Every one is faniiliiir with the fact that a very lar o number of thu piivateers that did tlnur country hiich urcat service in the last war with Knclnml were armed vvitli six- pounders cannon that throw a ball of cast iron weighinu six pounds. These gnus were mounted in broadside , much as , the nino-inch guns on the wooden fri gates that form the gi eater part of our navy now arc mounted , und it requited about live men to serve them well They were lired perhaps once in ten minutes , Although the principal weapon of the little war ships of soventy-livo years ago , llio sK-ponndpr is now ono of the little puns to be nfcd as the Illnt-lock inn ket vu < ie tiitul in tho-.p dati , to repel attack * fron. mall boat * nnil jiiek men oil' of oxDosi'd parts of an cnom 's ship. This latter stuico givi" ; them the nanii ! of iniinlerini ; cniH The IN pounder ol 18IJ was iiiiallv a bra-.s jiiueo , and tin1 eluugeof powder was o Mnall tlmt thu ball * failed often to jieiielr.ite llio Ililek lil ink of un eneniv's .lip ! H is a faet Unit , until within foil > years , thick tim ber in the lop iiiiof alnp v\as a stilli- eient proleelion even agiin-tt : the eannoii baJU of linger ilegiee Hut now thu q-iiek-liiing i\-piiuuder lias become nu iivvfui weapon of di liuetion. its bin el is made of < .teel. liisiitid of being llred b. > toiieliiiiij a Iliiininjr inateli lo the jirini- Ing in the vent of the gnu , as iN ane ent names0 ! ! was , H is lired and loadid n well bI I he mot'on of n Icvir. In nlaeo of the little loose bag of powder and the round iron ball that loaded ( he aneiiMit one , a metallic e.ntridge that is made up of powder fulminate anil a long steel bolt is nscd The eaitiHlges aio placed in a mnga/ine connected vvitli the gun , and the motion of the levir throws out the empl.v shell after the disHiaige , inseiU a fresh cn'liidge and lii es n. The Mieed atlained at u lucent trial of the Norden- felt s-K iioiinder at Daitford , I'ujrland , was six rounds in fonrlui n 8 'nniids. It t'onld be easily anil accuiatelj liied twent.v times in a minute. "Hut the speed atlained , important as it is is not thu only advantage of these pounder quick 111 ing gnn.s. At tlio D.ntfoid trial mentioned the gun was tested to show its power. 1'ivii lion plates , each nn inch thick , vveio used over an uppiopriato baeking of vvooil to foi m a target , et the steel bolts \\liieli this gun threw with such marvellous lapulily passed clear through the live inches of iron plates , the being gun hied at n disttince of sixt.'v yaids frmn the target. That is the soil ot a weapon tlint the thin racing shells railed torpedo boats have got to face The littlesteamei may Ilv at " a spued of twent\-live null" an hour , "but iinle-s she can gel niiohsei veil within , i \er.y slioit distance of the big nuin-ol war she souks to destioy the eaptaius of tlio top on the masts , which me erected on all ships , vyill got the tango of her with ( 'no lightning sK-noumliTs , and betoie she can travel three times her length will drive such u shovvei of steel bolts clear tliiough hull , boiler and i vorytliiiigabont her thai not a soul nor a fiagincnt will be left above water to tell whence sn | > came or mark where slio went ilown. Not even the best of torpedo boats , ex cept thriiiigh aceitlunt ot fog or in the smoke ot battle between larger ships can hope to reach an eneinj to do him hurt. "Ono glory of naval waif.iro dcpaited forcvei the glory of la.\ingi : sliiu yardarm - arm to.viidiirni beside the enemy , and to the mad music ol the iatcln.1 vvitli sword and iike ) .svvaiming over thu rail anil sweeping the enemy fiom Ids own dceK. It can't be done now because sailormen ' decks The six- don't light on open - pounder is the slowest of the macliino guns , and in the matter of dcstioyiug men who : ne nnproteetud by blnuliU of inut.il the least eil'ectivo ( JmcK-liring guns thai throw projectiles the si/o of a lillc-ball aie made in great \uiutj. Thu smgle-buTel Noulenfelt ot this calibre weighs biit l.noiinds , and can be liied 1 0 times a inirutcs. The next larger si/o has three bauds It vveighsJOioiin ( < | sand can throw 400 piojeeliles per minute This is just now a very nomilar weapon in tins I'lunch , ( iuiman and It.ilianiiunies , both on account of its Uluptixeness and the lightness in weight. It is inoiintc.l on n light eaiiiagu ior held seiviee. On ship bo-ird , hovyevcr , the live band gun is the smallest si/c n en. Larger ones having tun barrels , weighing 220 pounds , have been dcv i&ed for use in torts as vvijll as on ship ? , and even twelve ban el guns that weigh 2 ( > 'J iiounds are becoming common. The ten bariel gun throws 1,000 projectiles u minute , and the other one 1,200 , Their eilectivo range is a lit tle over 1,000 jards. One gun like this is vvanantfil to keep the open ports of nn enemy's ship clear vvhuii within r.ingc. "A cm ions test was made with one of the ten-bauel guns not long agoin India. Two companies of wooden soldiers weie set m ) on tne rillo range. A eompain of lifty men , armed with the best modern rillus , lired at one of the companies of wooden targets at a distance of 1,000 yds. , while a ten-barrel machine gun pcppctcu the other company during the same in terval of time. It required siv men to feed , aim and fire the machine gun. An examination of the targets bhovved that tlio machine sun did as much w 01 k as the tiftv trained men. Hut in time of actual battle the trained men , owing to the ex citement and fatigue incident to the con test , eonhl not tire with the accuracy nor spued attained in a practice dull at n mark , while the m-iclnnos , having neither nuives nor muscles , would spoilt death with unvarying accuracy and speed. It is no longer possible to work a cannon n i an unprotected deck , except when out of range of the niiirdciing gnus of the enemy. His not possible to take un enemy's ship by boaiding Small boats can never hope to c.irry'an enemy's ship by pouring R host of men on her deck , nor can torpedo boats approach within torpedo range except by stealth. Naval warfare is being narrovved down pietty well to contents between ships at long range with guns of immenai ) power. A knowledge of mathematics , chemistry and mechanics is now as nece.ssary for a modem naval seaman as com ago and sea manship were to naval seamen seventy- live years ago. " MS' OlREGTOPiY Artists' Material. " A. JIOSJ'E , ,111 , Artists' Materials , Piunos and Organs , ) ' > n DmiKlni Mrri-t , Oinr.hu , Agricultural Imrlsments , C1IUUCII1LL J'AltKEIt , Wliolctalo Dealer In Acrrieullnral Implements , "Wagons , Carriages nml llurei n. Jonca Mroet , between Vtli unil 101 li.Onmhn , Neli. LINING mrETC A Lr CO. , Agricultural Implements , Waitonii.Cttrrlugei ! , lluiulus. Klg. . Wliolomle. O-imba. L'AJtLIX , Oil Elf ItO Jt / ' < ' MAlt'JW Wliulcfealo De.il.irB In Affrit'iiliural Implements , iroEOiinaiiU UugBlei. iCI.yn..OJ nml HOT. Jonea t Butter and Esgs. McSJfANE ( ! fiCimOEDEK , Unyera of I5uter ( nnd Kffgs. Hcfrlnerator ami 1'urVlrc Huuae , lltli no > l I.uuven- worlliSt.r ! 11. ll.'limx.Diualia Butchers' Tools. IIELLEK , liutf hers' Tools and Supplies , Cubing * of Nil hlndi nltrajriin stock. Illfi JulHOBl.llainll i. _ _ Builders' Hardware and Scales. Bullilers'IIardware&Sc'iloIN'piili'Shop JJuchuclcs'UouItnurt Iluff.iln Kc--lIes. lldi Kcugla * it. , Oiiiilm , Ned. LEE , WtJED cO CO. , Jobbers of Hardware nnd Nails , Tinware , Hliiet Iron. Klc. Agent * for Ho r * > bialoi , ciul > lliiniirii 4erCo..Oiiiiilii' c l ) _ JtECTOIC ,1' WJL1IELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. WMtern mrenti for Jeffernon Hleel Nnlln. Aui'lla I'oJJdt-rCor InlrbanV" Unnrtard S ale . Corner Idtli anil lUnieOmnUii. . _ Engineers and Contractors , JIAYMOND C CAMPJ1ELL , EiiRrinecrs and Contractors , Brliltei , VUducti Hoof Trn se..fcleani Tile Irlfln , Pillnr Oakaud I'lnollrldreUimlifr. 15.U il.nar larimui , Omatu , f > cb. _ Boots and Shoes. t.v ir A xi > Ii 10 niid VV lmlp nlp llc-ali'ra In Jlools innl Sliopq , to < k of llnM or IHIIM'I nlwnT < on 1mm Dmnlin , NP' > VI Aii lln. Akont. n : r. lobbei 1 of I'onH niitl Sl llll Ionium M , Otn'ilu Sph Minuf ulm j , ' iimino llccr , K "K if. i fiy < t. " . for Aii'HMKcr-Htish ' Hj-invtnsy Abh' i'olal 15M nl . Kin t I'lutnoltcrnnil Krlanprr. tiTO/i'4 , P 1LKK , linn1'1 "pet1 Urcv.rvs , V.2l Kmili Piht pl ( C'mnlit Nrh. Coflcc , Spices , Sir , Oninlia Collt'o and Sjiico Ten * . Ooift-o * uplie llnkliiu l'o il"r. 1 \orlnijHr 1 tiiiLiil.auLdiy nine Ink Pu nil it lliirr.cr sinol Dinnlii , Neb _ ' < V7l7'/-.V : , t'OLK , ( ' MII.KS , Homo Cofieo ttiul SpIci' .Mills M't'ij Co t' > "roKiii lptiiniid spii iltlml'T" ' Mil i-it u tuirri nfllnklnx I'unilPi , I liViinnK lltlrnollltnl it. I Ir 'lr unu II IMII < i rl p > | ucl.tii.r llnnnlllcnd Iliuttei OoCi'p KHHuTiinUl OtnnliH Si-l > Cori'ice. IAGLK con.ivi : .lohll KpOIH'tL'l1 , 1'1'Op. Ifannfnclurpr of ( Jnl\Hiil/nl Iron nml Pornlrp. Duclgn iii.O iqiMiul 1 t N , 101 Ii ot . Omiihii. Nfli. J { 17/.11 1 ' IX < ! Tt'f OLT , } luiinU < tutcrt of Oriinmontnl ( iiilvnni/pit Cornices , Donni-r VV Inilun H 1- InulMelnlli * -k ) Ilitlit , tic. TIO S ii i KI Onialin n : u'oitKs , ( \ Speelil , Pi op. a-ilvnnlrotl Iron Cornlci' ' . etc. Pppot Improved 1'nt out M mill .kyllilil HM inil S10 s i.-tii KI cittuiiiu Car/lets. OMAHA C A It PET CO. , Jobbers of Carpels , rurtniiw , Oil Cloth" , Kn-jSi 1 Iroletinn MiUlInc * rtllll Douitlii * ntroi-t. Wheilessile CurpeH , Oil Cloths. MKltltiff ? , Ciirtnlti Ciiii'd * , ito. : H2l liiiiimn btrcct , eiiaali-t .Nob Croikery ami Notions. " - ' -f r jr it mi IT , Auotit for tlioM inufactnrcrn niitl Iuipoitpr9 of Cropkery , ( ; iissvvaro : , Lamps , ( lilu.no > > ' , ctp Ofl'iP , 31" South 131 Ii pt , I nnln Neb. Commission and Storage. / . "j. iimLKY , CoininiBsion ami .lobbing. Butter , Kcpeund 1'nidiicc. OmslKnincnts B Ueailquartcre for bl"no\vnro , Iti'rry llor B nuil dmpo llnitki r. llll DodctMli'itOmnhn. E lilt OS. , Coininission jrercltunt1' . It-lo' ' * . einmlm Xol . U' , E. HtDDELL , Storage and Commission Jlcrc-Iiant. bprrlultlpi ItuiteIIip : ' . t'lip ii. Poultry , r.amo , i\i > tirii Kio.lli in sontii Kill Piodncp Commission Jlcrcliants , Poultry , TUtttr ( Jinno , 1 rnltn. etc. 23 } B. 14th it t'lmihi Ni h , rEEKS .0 MILL A It , Gpncral Commission Mprplmnts , And Joliberaof Poiolun nnil Du-ncn lu Fruit * Corre- upontlcncitollcltfd. . VV arPtiou c Tiid ofllrn , 110 N. Ihlrtrrnth MI , omnliii.Nob. ' 1 plpphonw7' . Fruits. r. Jtocco , o co. , mportcri mid wholesale do ilcrs In Italian Produce , Forplcn , Donip'tlcmid rnllfornl.i I'rnlti nnd Commis sion Merrlimits. 10lb.Utli t. Oi'yexL-luslro ' fruit lioiiao In Oninli t. Coal anif Lime , 'r. 'MILESTONE c co. , PC tiers hi Hard and Koft Coal , Offlco and yard , H th nnd NIohoHs Bis , Oinnhit , Neb , Inrd'Ii'loiiliuno , is ? . ate. . i in vi. n , I'l" C. P. OnoiiM AH , V. I'rci. J A SUNDl'llUND.Soo. uinlTrcaa. OMAHA COAL , COKE cC LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and isoftCoal. ZOUhonth Thirteenth Strcpt , Omalin , Neb. co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Hilppem of Coal nnd Col e. CeiiuMit , I'l i tor , UIPP , Hair , Fire nrlclc , Dr.iln. Tllo mid .scwcrj'ipo. ( imc.I'lxtnu Ilot l. Kiinimn St. , Omilin , b. 'felt-phono 81 1. Confectionery. F"f : FAYAC0 - irannfacturiiiff Coiifpotioiicra , Jobbers of rnille.Nuts nnd Clj.a.8. 1211 1-urnam BU , Omnhn. Live Stock Commission. Live Stock Commission. Coo. Iluikp , Manager. Union Stock runts , H Dunlin. ' Live Stock Commission Jlerchants , Eblpmcnt * of any und nil I hule of Mark Lnlonfloik Varcln. Omahu , Ptl. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYEli < 0 CO. , Jobliers of Cigars , Tobacco , Qurm nndnimindllon , 213 to'.Tl tlltli fl. , 10M to lo.'l hnrniinml , Om iliH.N"ub. WEST P J < "ItITfiCJ7Elt , Jlniinlactnrprs of Fine CitrarR , And AVliulniiln DpnlPrn In I.oitf 'lobnfcoB , NoH.lOS mid 111) .Vlllh mn et , on Him. JIOUSEIt < ( * WOODLAND , Who'O'alo ' Id1 * ert In Cifrarn , Tobaccos , Pipes and Fin ikors' Articles. Aitontu for I ) . I.uldprs Jorf A , Co , llnorntnua Sniok- InK'loliucjoMll.v.iukcc , VVIxi'onidn .No ill .Nurlli hlnletntli "Iroct OniMliii , Ni'U. Dry Goods. Dry OoodsFurnlshliur Hoods & Notions llffinnil Ini Douiilni fnr. lllh Rt , Omuhil , Nt h. Distillers , Dlitlllere of Uqnnr * . Alonhnl nn l f-iilrlt II nnil Juibersor VVInennnu l.lqunrs. WILLO ll'Kl'UIXGH DISTILLE'X CO. anil JLEll 0 CO. , Jropnrtom nnd Joblieunf MnoVlnei nn l Minon. fcoloin iiufnoliirei iif KiunBily'i. K t IiHllH Hit ters iiiiilDuiiii" | ollfiior 1113 llnrneytil. Drugs , Paints , Etc , ir , T. CLAHKE Ditua co. , Largest Drue , 1'a'nt ' , Oil & ( ilasa HOUHO Weitof Chlcngu C'ntnnlclo I.lno of Druggl'l' Hun- cideB. 1114 llnrney it .Omnliii. G O O niTA N Jll UG CO. , Wholesale Diu 'istH. Anil Dculeriln I'nlnU , Olltaiul VVIudo't fiUn.Om ha , Drain Tile , Etc , A. II.8AI KH.IVi J.W DrnroitiiSBC.iTrB f ll. J , CAHSON , VM'iis. mid Hupt. THE UNION IIVDKAULIC DltAINTILE CO. , Offlco 713 B Hill M . OmaliH , Npl ) IHcblnerr and Eupi'lUjfcirMauufnolurliit ! Ccuit.nl 1)1 alnJ fie. Wholesale Dealers In Furniture. f rua.n t , Oninlin. Ni'li. 1 RL ES NlffElt ICK , Furniture , llo'lilins ' , Upholstery , Ulrrori , etc , llnilMJ unj lilO I'arnam it , Oinobi. Groceries , r.i.\To.v. a iLLAvirrti , p co.t Wlioi ! ! nlo ( ifororlpH mid Provhloiis , Nn Ta. . IT , m nml.IIS 10tli'-t.OuiiIin. Neb o ti n , n tjTtT r To tro.7 Wlloli'S.llo ( tl'OCOM , mil mil 1 rnTOimo-tti tt , Oin m i . , , _ i , . .1,1rim Hardware. ; r. , ; . nno.ircir Honvy HnnlAVJiro , Iron nml S PprhiKVttin > n ' lock , llBnlwnrn l.ntnlicr , PIC. innl 1 ' 11 II irncrt , ( minim. //j.v/Tr ; , o aunt o\ , WlioJpsnlo lion nr.il Slpel , VTneon nml r rrl APWp it Stork. Ilcnvir l Utr , UI'Hiul 181 1 1 mtrnwn ti ! I , ( niiHlni , , I'tmim'e'J. 'I lies , < ! rntc , nniMl.txxl" . l lniul 1121 1-itnim I to I. Iron IVorHs. 1 1 on Works , WrmiRlit nml nitt Iron Itnll , inj VV'nrk , Iron ItRlrn , llnllliii' Ui'Mlnn unit Olnlpri , Mitim 1 II'IP | ' * . Urnii VV 'rl. , i.ini i il Poiimln Mnililnn nnil lllmKoinllli \Voit d'llri nnd vv ink * t' I * Ilv .inilUlli tuoot. Jewelry , EDIIOI.3 ! ,0 Wliolpsnlo .linvoliM's mid. Music Doalprs. l > cnlrr < In MM | rnnro. Dlniimnil' Vnlrlin . < lijckn , Juirelrrn'looHnnil M iliiriils. dp Ml mill 10J IJlli _ M.cin DotlKU , I Hinh i .Nph. Lumber , JUH/T.S Jtif.inrojtn , Donlor in Lumber. Latli , Limp , Snsli , leer , lUc. Ynid'-rniiiiM 7lli nnd DOURIHH Corner Utlinnil Doiiil ! . CHICAGO LU Wholo'sali1 I.ui'.ibpr , 814 S Kill Mn-i't , Oniului , .Vcli 1 . Culppuor , Mnn ( rorr ' c. y. nrKTX , Liimbpr. rtli mil ralirorrla Strprtn , Omaha , N'oh. j'ltun u : ai.ivt Luiiiber , Lime , Comciit , Etc. , Etc. Cor fill mil lioiiKln'ts . Oinn'iii.NtU. LiiHilipr. T. ir. co.t To Dealers Only. Ofllcc , 1(03 Fnrnnm strept.Omahn. UJIAS. it. LEE , Hardwood Linnlict , \VoodO.irpcls nnd rmuiipt ( loorlni ; Stlinnd llouglne ( ) inibu JO II X A. WAKKF1ELD , AVholcbsilo Lumber , Etc. Imported Htnl Amerlmn 1'orlliintl Conunt Stnto Agent for Mllwnnkeo IlTLlranllc C'ciui'iit nnd llont Quliuy VVlilti-l.lnsp. Live Stock. UA'JOS'HTOCJC J'Alink CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. Julin F. Bojd , Supciliitocdont. Millinery and Notions. I. OJlEItFELDElt 0 CO. , I niportcrB and Jobbers or Milliiiory anil Notions , 1111 nnd lll'iUnrriO ) vi. opt , Omnhii , Npb. Notions. "c , 5. "odoDiticri ,0 co ? , An- the only Direct Importers of Gorman & French Toys < t Fancy floods In Ni-hrnEkii. Clili Hk'O prices rivplltntcd trltllnut add' In lrclKht. 1415 1 nrnnni irirt , OniMliii. WholPh lo Dcnlprs In Notions and Furnisliing1 Goods , l nnd < in 8 Tenth HI , Omahti. Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing Ci 00(18. ( lOHGiind lf)9 ( ) Piirnmn nt , Omnha , Noh Overalls. D MA XU CO Ml * A XT , Jlannfactiircrs of Ovcrallg , Jonnn I'.inU , hlilrln , IHc. 110. mid 1101 Uouiiliin hlrcnt , Or.iah i , Nch. Printing. .lob Printers , lilnnk Hook Makers , And Hook IlliiderH 10d luid IW foulli ourtueiilh Urtct Oraalm.Neli. SrAr Ell UNION Auxiliary I'liblishers. Dealers In Typo , I'rnjfps nnd Printer ! ' Huppllos. tOJ Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. Tt&WIN MOllltIK .P CO. , Mfinufnctm-crn , 1'ntki ra end Donlctu In & Strictly 1'ttro Apple IliikhiR I'owdPr , Hirorlnij IJxtrurtH , Tnlilo hiuio , - ! lllulii ' . Ciinirri' f B--'tlM ' l-n-iu-h Mmlii" W-i-li , | t-olu I.J.onli lor Vork Hliitn Smiil ItcHnud Apple Cl. dor. HOG I cnvciinurtli M . Oiuulin , Safes , Etc. Omaha Safe Works. Mnnurnrturernof Tire iiiul IliirBlurl'roofSnrn , Vnnll leer > , Jnll WorkMint i'r > und Wlru VVorL , Cor. lullnmt J rk on tits , omi.hu , Nib , 77 M ) YElt , P C0 AffonlK for Hall's Stifo & Lock fo.s1 tire uiul llurKur Proof Sufiic , Tlmo Ixickii , Voult und Jail Worlt. lUil 1 ur i im strn t Omiilin , Mob. Sash , Doors , Etc. . A J > ISJiItO lJ'\Q CO. , Wholofalo Mnnufiu turon of , DoorH , liliiuls and Mouldings , Iliuncli olciIih ) ! mid 1/ord cl , lniulii\eli ] , G. lA'MAN ' , Sash , Door , lUinila , Hoiildiiifrs , Ilullillnu 1'jpcr , ulc , KKll hnutli Tlilrtiontli Htrcct , Oiiiuhn. Heb. A rnmplctu Huck of llulldeit' Hurdwnrc. JtO ITl MA NUFA CTritlXG CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Dears , Blinds , Ufinlil'iiKi ' htnlr Work mid Inti rlnr Iliird Wood Kin I ill Juil opiiibd , Ii , I * ( or Blh HI d ] < 4uvcuwurllitit * . Onnibu , el ) . Pumps. cmritcmLL ruMr co. , AVholoMilo rumps , Pipe , FittinifH , Cteiiiunml VVnti-r hui > | illi.i lU aiUUiirl | r f r Mult fusitCo'BUuiHlii. llll I itrimui l , Dniuun. New , A. L , H'Fin\JG co7 rumps , I'ipoH ami EncincH , Bt nm , VVulPr , Unllivny nd Mllllnu hupi > ll i. Ilia _ inu , if.'unili'Jl tBrnuiu BI , Oninliii. Nub. DT/T iTjNvyiV7 > TAr7F < 7nf Ilnlltdir Wind Mlllit rtckm mid Whtfr fiuppllct , I'luiulilntfCDi-di. ll ltliit linn. UH nml K.u 1 HI- limit bl , Omnhn. ti K 'ton , iUaugir. ' Ti units. 11. If , MAJUIOFF , Wholesale Trunks , M'lliird ' Hotel Hlo'-kOiunba , Wagons and Carriages. A.r. \ nrHri'tiOx , Tlio LcadinfirOiirriatfO Factory , ( KnTAIll leilUl IWJ mid llll Dodiiu Uect. Omitlia. Building Material , 0 JlAirA LUJUIKK G'O.T Denier In All Klml o ( JiiiUUuir ( Muterinl at Wliolesale. 16th Btrcvlund Union 1'ucino Truck , Uiunlia.