0 THE OMAHA DAILY OCTOBER 15 , 1880. THE DAILY HEi : . * COUNCIL BLUFFS , Y MORNMNS.tT. ( ) ( 15. Oi'FICE , NO. 12 , PEABI , STnEET. rclluiid ly t nrricr Ui nrIlnrtor tbecltrnt 11. W. TIMO.V. . . . Tl.t.r.I'HONU ' ) ! nrfiNr'-sOmcf ; , No. W. NIIIIIT I.DITOII No. Ut. MINOU .MENTION. Now York Now fall poods at Cooper vV Mi'ii' ( ( ! < ell sinvo4. Cooper vV : MelJeo sell Hnrdxvuio. ( 'In-lip railroml licket < ut HiHlnn-ir * . If jou Inivo not ivjjlstrit'il , ilo o nl rinei' . OIIP io/.pn ! c.i Wncl ? nnd si lirjo : ; pini' : | for ifa. . " ) ! ) : it Selnnidt's iralli'O' Hnc.inipniiMil No. 8 , Union Li-ii-riio , Ute to K've ' it < tinnuillUiiiuet : : ! October lit. A nexx * fiont is bcin lint onto the luiildui } , ' occupied by Mrs. . ] . K. Meti-ulfe on Hrouilvviiy , Yi'Slorduj' .Justice Ilt'iulrleks ollicinleil nt iliu xviMiiiin of U'illiam A. Miller , of .Silx-er City , und Kllu \ \ . .Moss , uUoof tluit idai'i' . TinJood ( Tomplurs jjavo u bull lu t evening in Temple ball. It M-emt'd to hi ; heartily enjoyed by t.o ! o wlio ] iirtici- : jiati'd. Do not full Into tlio delusion that be cause you xx'ere rcjjiiton'd at the roeent i-it.v election that your name is "till on the books You must register ujjuin tliis week if yon xx'ant to liuvu unj llo v lo \0t ' . Permit lo xved xx-as pven vesterday to . .1.V. . Doxxi-ll , of C'liillieotlio , Mo. , and SIIH r Hunt , of Loxeland. Also lo II. L. I'ulmer , of Omaha , and Uura Morchuul , of Atlantic. TIKMT are u larjj-1 number of Kradiu rerlilii-ates and other dociimeuts leadv lor the iiexvmayor's signature. H < - xyill liavi * tox'rit3 Ins aiitorali ; ] about livt1 liniulrrd limi'.s to eateh up xvllh tlio rou- lim1 busiuiMs. Hi'pnlnr nieetiiiK of I'idebty Couupi , Mo. l.Vi , lo.al ! . Arcanum , this (1'ridax ( ) I'M'niiiK , October l"i , tit 7. ! ' . ' ) o'cloek. Al 1 memhi'is inti'rested iu ottin up a < ei ies of parties , please attend , aKo oilier busi- in of iniDortuncc. The e.ity wiMpliinnstcr is sealteriujj notices in'lonniiiir the pnbiie that "sjr.iin , eoal , hay , etc. , not wciirlicd on the only city se.iles. Bryant .street , i-ity bnildiii" ; , is not oHlcially xx-ei lied. " I'nilor the nexx' laxx1 no ono eau register oiirname for you. You uin-i appear in person before the board. If you IICK- Jcct lliis , xon cannot .sx\i-ar in your vole on election day , as the old custom xvas. Deri.Moinus in liniiii ; its mori-hants xvho throw paper Into tlie streets. Council Illttll's , xvuieh is too ready to pattern after Di'flMoines , .should make a move in tliis direction. This city needs cleaner streets and alleys , anil needs them badly. The "C" .supper "iven by the Arino clui ) , of St. Paul's church , lat t eveninjr , proved a hiippv success Tin- menu xvas framed as to brm < ; to the front many articles the naiiies ot xvhieh brfian xxitli that latter of the alphabet. An iiltuinpti'it burglary is reported as hiivimr taken place at the reBidenee of 1) . C White , on ( iraliam uvi'ime. A loj who xvonldn't keep liis mouth shut is supposed to Inivo induced the felhnv.s to llee before the sociired any plunder. M. K. Meaden , of ( loshen , liu < , and Miss Lulu Stephensiui , of Ihis oily , xvero married Wednesday at , "i p. in. at the bride'.s liome in the presence of a select company of old triemls , the Hov. C. W Croft.s olliciatiiiir. They loft on the ox-e- ninj ; train for tlieir new homo in Goshen. The marslial of Atlantic was hero yes terday , looking after a runaxvay couple. The friends and relatives of tnu young folks xvere fearful that the lover xvould not do the rifjlit tiling by the girl , but on becoming satisfied that they had been Jaxvfully xveddeit they coucfiidcd not to bottler tlio course of true love any turtber. Coeke & Morgan yesterday commenced nuts in the district court against the Council Hind's savings bank and the firm of M. ] ; . .Smith & Co. , for $37,000 dam ages on account of their dry goods store being eloped and stock sei/.ed by attach ments , which they claim xvero wrongfully taken out , The ( ilobo , which en ioys the distinc tion of being thu only democratic paper lie re , at last conies out xvilli a lukewarm endorsement of the county ticket , anil goes through the regular grind by which each candid. itu is given a complimentary notice. It has not got around to say hoxv it likes the toxvnship ticket , framed ut the so-culled convention , and concerning which so large u portion of the party is ( lixsatistioil. There xvaa u roxvdv dance on North Jiighth street lust Satur.duy night. Yes terday four young folloxvs xvero brought in as having been among the partici pants , but the xvitncss who claimed they were there , had skipped for Omaha , anil the cases xvere necessarily postponed. The boyw admit having been at the dance , but say they xvero there Him ply as lookers on , and took no part in the tun nor In tlio row. Frank Norman , arrested for threaten ing to shoot an old .sxveetheurt xvho had married another man , xvas yesterday let loose again , the xvomaii xvho hud him arrested concluding that he xxould not carry out his threats , but only meant to scare her. Thu judge thought that the follow XVIIH simply shoxving the xvoman that sliu did xyoll to marry the other one , und at tlio woman's request the man xvas bet free. .Mrs , fr.ink , whoso nuniousMrs. Ilubor became so notorious here In connection with the Mercer ease , is said to bo in Minneapolis , and the query is raised why the ? 1 , < X > 0 bond which bite loft behind her lo secure her appearance hero is not col- leeted. Perhaps if the inquirers xvould invobtigato u little the dineovory might be made that the bond is not collectable , tliere being some glaring legal defects in it. Thu prediction is made that the $1,000 will not be made to appear in cash for tome time , if ux'or. If Council Ulull's gets half the outer- prises xvhieh are promised a big boom will strike the city before it is a year older. Among the latest is the promise of a large building to bu put up by thu rullmun ear company , it to bo 100 by 400 feet , located near the transfer and to bo used for repairimr and housing cars , for ollices , etc. Council Itiull's is hearing many oheering reports , a ml so mo of them must surely bo ruali/.ed before dcuth re moves anne of those xvho are continually grumbling about the city and predicting its speedy decline. J. It. Ulank was yesterday arrested as being thu one who slugged um Davis on upper liroadway Wednesday night. Davis claimed that ho and Blank hud trouble before , and them had been throats mmleby Blank- that ha xvould hit him xvith u billy. Davis xvas walking along the street xvith an umbrellu over his head xvhou a man , xvhom ho took to bu lilunk , suddenly pulled it abide and hit him over the head and aerobs the baek xvith a billy , which xvus found yes terday morning in the btreet near by. U'hu man then run and made good his escape , Itlank denied that ha xvas tlm assailant , but admitted having oxvnod a billy , but not the ono that xvas found , Ills was at homo , but when sent home to , get it ; ho xvas unable to produce it in court. Illank also brought witnesses to shoxv that lie xvas not there at the time of the assault. Judge Ajlcsxvorth took the case tinder advisement , promising a decision this morning. tn VMIT ATivnn'i' iini trv T lii , Aivrt lIAiORb POUCi , Ilin Inaugural Prewnts PraGtionl Points of General Interest. FAVORING THE WAGON BRIDGE 7 IIP I ) < iinK4 ol * Hif Counoll Stiniluy SlnijlVorkor in Session An Ul I OiMMt to Hlnli Oinnha 1'Kipci-ty. 15-lN. , - Oet H.OnVuiltii' AVO-A , - - < ilay oven- urroil the murriugo of Ali s ( 'Inr.v H. Norton , ( illicit i laii.shtur of .Mr mul Mri. C , 11 Norton , of this city , to Mr. CIiirli' : . E. Knwcctt. of ( 'filsir U.iii | < U , li. : At mi uitrly hour tliu IIP IS bn .itt to a ? oiiiblc : iid bt'fori ) I ) o'clock the Mi.iciotH ( cirlora worn litlotl willi a merry cioivil. well littlnjc the oot'n ion. At ( ! oYloek wcililliiffinaroli , played by Mi L. L. Valentine , utiiioiiiii > i > il tlic coining of tin- lindal parly , consivtiny of the brhlc anil attcinlani , MUs Hattie Hunt , of tli'o place , tin ; room anil attoiulant , Mr. I'nt- nain , of ( Vilar It-iplils. Tliu brlilts's ili-r-s was i-roain-whltu nnn's-vclliiiK ' , with niar- sliullncil biuls anil am ! tube ro- i , no ar- t'clo ' of ji'Wi'lry bcinir worn. Tlio jirootn wa attiroil in tinusual black. Taking toitions ) inidcr a beautiful arch of ecrKn'enfrom tliu center of which a tuarria i ! hell \ -.uspcmleil. . The ceremony was then performed that made them oho by I'mteorjje ( Himlloy , of Weeping Water , Neb. , it rulativo of thu bride. C'oiijM-atulat.oiii iiuiuorous and earnest were iven Ilin newly wedded , after which an elo'rant repast , comprKiuj' the delieaeics of the f > ea > ou was > .er\etl. .Mirth and ueneral n.iyety prc\ ailed At 8 o'clock the bridal party took their leave amid showers of rice and old slipper's. Many of the quests accom panying them to the train. Mr. and Mrs. I'ucott will make Cedar K-iptils their home. The bride ( or Clara ) is well known amoup our people having lived here from childhood , her quiet ladylike manner has won for her a lioit ot life- lom ; friends who hold her in hiih ; esteem and heartilv wish her all the joys ( his life allbnls. The jrronmis a resident ot Cellar Kapids , and though not so well known to us , it is proven bejoml all question that ho is deaerviny , and pOses es all the yooil qualities necessary to make a aood husband , by the captivation and hiking from our mid.st "one of our Kirls" wlio is known for her oed judgment. May jov and happiness be ever theirs. I'he ) ) nj < ents were : One-half do/en silver knives and forks Mr. and Mis. < N. Hodgson , Mr. ami Mr.s. C. 1. Swartfajjor ; beautiful plush pin cushion , haml-omely embroiileied , Miss Hattiu Hunt ; largo silver vase , Mr and Mrs. .1. K. 1'owers , Mr. and Mrs. II. Stenhens , Mr. and Mis. .1. K. Owens. Mr. and Mrs."or ! e Maier. F. Wallman ; two beautiful h.ind painted sailers , Mr. and Mrs. II. Voote ; one-half do/.en .silver fruit knives , Mr ami Mrs. Dr. II. I ? . Daj silver butter knife in satin ease , Mr. and MrK. . .S. Halt ; one half-do/.en Mixer fruit knives , Mr. and Mrs. Henry CurtU ; silver vase , Frank lieyinur and Miss Aliee Nash ; one half-iio/eii silver unt ) ) icks , blisses Nettie and NoiM Uailer , ( irinnell , Iowa : two yolnmuh of po"mshanilsonielv bound in alligator. Miss L. L. Valentine , Miss James and Miss Henrv ; silver butterdish , very handsome. Mr. and Mr.s. L. I ! . Worth , Mr. and Mi's. V A. Worth , Mr. and Mrs. . I. L. Nash , Mrs ,1. H. Jackson , Delia Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hlanchon ; one do/.en silver nut , picks and eraek , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hake. Mr. and Mrs. 1C A Consiirny ; beauliiul wateh and odor cae combined , Mr and Mrs. II. B. 'VaNon , Council Hlull's , Iowa ; handsome hand painted china fruit dish , Mrs. J. C. Norton , Mrs. C. W. Uryanl , Oakland , Iowa ; lovely -.ilk bag , Mr. and Mrs. J. II. ( Jreen , Omaha , Neb. ; fancy match safe. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Van Hi unt , carving knife and fork , Mr. and Mrs L. L. Archer , Carson , la. ; txvo hand painted pepper bottles , Mr. and Mr.s. S. H. Blake ; elegant silver son ) ) ladle , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jenks , Mr. mid Mr.s. F. Farnsxvorth ; large mirror with beautiful plush frame , Mrs. J. T. JenkinsMr.s. . 1. 1' . Halloek , IJrayton , la. ; handsome .silver nankin ring , Mrs. M. E. Jones , Marion , Kan. : silver jewel ease , acorn in shape , lined with elierry satin. Mr. and Mrs. F. ( T. Het/.cl , Mr. and Mrs W. H. Van Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. I' . Het/.el , Mr. and Mrs. K. Cook , Mr. and Mr.s. C B. Harding , Mrs. D. Hunt ; silver clock , Mr. and Mrs. 1C. 1) . Hoopes ; coral water set , witli ham mered brass tray , J. M. Norton and wife , Chicago. lexdeorgo { llindley and xvife , Mrs. S. F. Pearl , xx'eeping xvntcr , Neb. ; picKle. dish xvith silver standard , fancy crystal bowl , Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Davis , Mr. and Mrs. W. ( X Davis , Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ainsxvorth , Mr. and Mrs. S. C. llurloxv. An Independent Candidate. 1 hereby announce myself as an inde pendent candidate for justice of the peaeo. and submit my claim to the voters of Council Blnll's , la. , on tne 2nd day of Nox ember , 183G. A. L. iIi.M : > itiCKs. Important City An".ilrn. All of the aldermen xvero present at last night's meeting to greet the new mayor , who presided for the first time. His inaugural was read , ordered spread uion ) the record , and the several matters therein spoken of referred" to the appro priate committees. The matter of opening up Ninth avenue through to the river was brought up. Mr. George F. Wright , in behalf of the property oxvner.s , expressed their willing ness to give the rltjht of xvay for the avenue , so that it could be opened with out expense to the city. Referred to the city attorney and city engineer to report ordinance , pjats , deeds , etc. , preparatory to the council taking action , ( ieo. F. Wright presented an ordi nance , giving the right of xvay over cer tain streets to the Omaha and Council lilulls Railway and Hiidgu company , to lay street car tracks and operate its lines for txventy-flvo years , The streets spec- illed xvero Ifroadxvay , South First , Graham avenue to High street , High street from Ninth avenue tu Sixteenth avenue , along Sixteenth avemio to Third stieet.Tliml street from Sixteenthax'onuu to Tenth ivenno , Tenth avennu from Third btreet to Sixtli street , Sixth street from Tenth avenue to Hroadxvay. The ordinance was explained as being one of t ho features of the new bridge enterprise , the bridge to bu located near the foot of Hroadxvay , und this line of htrent ears to bo ran'in connection xvith that. The ordinance provides that no steam motor shall bo used except on Broadway , xvest of Eleventh street. The eitv attorney could not see that the city could lose anything by the pas sage of the ordinance , provided it xvas amended so that the company should conform to the grade of jtrvetb , and that the city should not relieve the company ot responsibility of damages claimed by private parties. The ordinance xvas laid over under the rules. The question of paving Hro.ulxvay clear to the river xvas called UP , but no action taken , it appearing that the paying could bo ordered .it any meeting , Mr. Wright also read an ordinance giving to the Union Pacific the right to lay tracks along Tenth avenue , fiom Third street xvesterly , the company to lay tracks within ninety days , and to build n freight depot at the intersection of Shth ktrcut and Tenth avenue. The ordinance xvrl.ild over under t ! . > rnios. A number of the property owner * on that avenue protected ngnin t the giving tip of lite street to the railroad. Some of tin-Hi htul xxorked long and hard to get a little home , and noxv to hnxe it rendered worthies * naturally caused them to bu indignant. They will be given a further chunce to be beard , and the council promi es to investigate , and moxe sloxvly. The oididancR * will be t.iken up again next Wedne'day night , to which tune the council adjourned , after the transaction of < omo routine bii < ini > * ' . Tlie Innuuiirtil. At the meeting of tl-e eily council ln .l . evening Mayor ( ! roncxvc < r on taking the chair addressed them as follows : ( Gentlemen of tint Council : At a special election held on the -lilt Inst. the i-lii-tnis uf therttyof Council Hluifs . .axnt to elect mete to the nlllco of inaxor. to III ! the unexpireil term of the linn. .1 .1V. . Chapman , deceased. After nntlcu of election hail been serxcil nnon nuI I ipialiiied In a"eoidanre with tliu Inxv .mil sulmiitte I nix bond to > iir honorable - able hoily lei nppiox.il , xvlilch bund \\iis np- iiroxed on the 7lh lust. On the d.iy lolhw- I in ? I enteied iiion | the ill'c'i.irji- ' tnv of- llei.il iliillis. The untimely detth of Max or Cliu ; > nmnhieh " c.iiwd the necessitv tor a vp.-eial elrrtloll , to n'.l the X'ac.mex cie.itcil. xxns a bt u-axe- incutliicli Is sold ) tell by Iliccitx nt larue , nsxell as b > almost exerj fmlMilnal eltl/en , without icunrd to iiartv iiMltiation.Vlicn the cltx lost . .lohnV. . Clmpiinm. U ln-t one of it Utreinnst , ahlest and best eit/eii ! , a linn who \\as xxidely and taxeiahly lnn\\n ; ; xxlth a imtltn.il iiMiiitntion ; a nnn wlut XXMH alxv.ixs ready to advocate and defend the in- tciestsef the city ami Its vili/ens ; a man ot slilfthiinesty und Intculj. . sineeie nnd Inni \xliiitexer lie advocated nnd bellexoil to lie rl 'lit , but , ahxajs nir.ihle , couiteniiMind tn- ! er.mt toxxnnls tlinse xvhn lividouiioviti' vloxxs When a community loM-ssncha nun , it nmv veil feel soiry anil uiieM'il.aiul ! ook niotitiil \xlllinnxietxand despair to nnd another to take Ills place. Alter the death of M.iyor Cli.ipmnn > our Imnoinble liody ele-tctl.l. V. Kvaus as mayor pro tpinpoii * . The pooil sense and \\isilon. exhibited bx this netlon is admitted by all. lie Is a i ; nileniaii ol the highest tj-pe ; a business man ol mine-than oidlinirv aft'.llt. ' , In whose ImiiiN the lunis of elt > pivermneat eunlil be s\iel > enti listed. .Assuming eolltiol ot the city nll.nrs mnli'i Much i-lii-iinistiince- I do soxith meat leliicinncifee'im ; ; the jrient re-ionsilillty [ , , ami kiio\xin < tiill x\cll tli.it pcth.iis uioie is I'XIiecteil of me tlnii 1 > xill ue able to l\e , and all I c.m promise Is lli.it \\ill serve to the b--it nl in.v abditj. Kverxlhiiif : c-on- ncctcil xvilh the Interests of tiisdtv is uexv to me r.t picsent. and Ixlll I thercrme h.ixe to anpcal to your lutienee and liidiil.cnei' tor awhile , until 1 sh'ill be alile to pi > - > t n selt' and become familiar \\ltli tliedllTeient de- liaitmcnts. Our city hcliu' one ot the jrreat- est railroad centeis in the xvesi , it should bo our policy to extend to the va- lions loads cuiituiim ; hvie all possi ble ntlxnntaccs Tor ninkini ; eonneetlnns and locating depot iiounds. and uruntlm : them the riKlit ol xv.\x' , but at the sanie time caie and judgment slioulil be used to protect om clti/cns troin Injuiy. I undurstand a movement is on foot to build another bridge acioss the Mis.somi river at or ne.ir the foot of Uro.idxxay , tlierebi tlxlni ; one moro connection - nection xxitli our younger but larger sister citj. This cnk'nuisc seems to bj of the : e.itcst Importance , and xvben conmleted canmit help out prove a nieat benefit to us , as xxell as the e on the other side of the river , xvho me in search of cheap homes. The represcnt.itixcs Ot this coinp.inyill probably appear before you to asu eci- lain plivlle es , and I xvould roroiunu-nil a liboial nohey townul them , but IICXXT losing siuht of the riulitsnl piivatecit'/.ens. Chief ol Police ,1. M. Matthexvs Ims ic- sl.'iicd nnd I Imx'c appointeil .lainei Mullen to Ills place. His bond is tiled xxiib thu city cleric subject to jour njipruxal. In Mils de- pnitincnt I desiie to in ike some dunces nnd xvill report the same at the proper t me. The lire ilt-naitmunt seems to be In good rnnniim order. Chief Templeton says he ie- ( juiics moie liosp for xvlniei use , and 1 xvimld e.ill the attention of the I'ne committee to this for inx'cstiration. The sti Inking ot wires for the nuxv tire alarm system is pro- Kiusslnt : liiu'ly , and 1 hope lh.it coo ; ! icituts xvlll bo attained \\lien It Is completed. Upon ciiperllulnl Insueetioa of tm ! tiiiniii-es ot IMo city , 1 am sorry to lind no axMilnblo cash in the truii'iiirv to pay tetiend land xuinnnts. If these win rants could bo Kept at p.ir , it would prove a iroat iidvant.11 ! , nlile to the city nml those xxho are employed and paid out of the fund. Apparently there are but txvo x\a > s to bring tills about , and that is by either iiicicauiiir ! the income or decreahlns tlieexpi'inlitmes. It is not my desiie or intention toeensuie orolt'clso the past actions ot Urn council , but for the tnture 1 xxonld iccommend that the expenditures bu kept strictly xvitiiin ( lie income , and , if pos sible , provide tor the outstanding oidcis. A Kient deal ot the shortage in this fund van be attributed to the non-payment of saloon licenses. 1 find Hint there Is duo to the city and unpaid liom tills source , nearly S-J.OOO. i'hls is not , ns it should be ; the saloon men on ht to come Corwaul and pay their license , nnd tlieieby shaio a noitlon ol Urn expenses of the city Koveinment. A more strliiireut policy lu tlds direction should bo followed. All other funds seem to be In a healthy con dition , shoxving balances enough to meet the cmrcnt demands. The acureirato balances In cnsh noxv in the hands of the trensincr foot ui ) to about S'JO.OOO , xvitli about that much more in the bunds of the comity treasurer , not yet paid over. The latter Includes col lections for the general fund which Is all in wanants. The tieasmer rank's upon his books a lex-y fund slioxvlng a balance of S.iWiO and nuisance fund with a balance of $101.13. llolh ot these funds seem to have outlived their usefulness , Mid 1 would recom mend Hint these balances bo merged Into the police fund aad thus make the money availa ble for use. Tne paving on upper Hroadxvay Is pro- cipsslng nicely durlngthls excellent \\eathcr. The impiovement to the sticct and the ml- joinlng piopcrty can lianlly bo estimated , and paving should bo extended ns rap idly ns the abutting property can bear the expense and the city is able to pay for Inter sections , etc. In connection xvith this I xvould call attention to the necessity of es tablishing some uulfoim system ol having the invert streetscleaiied. This is nccvsssuy , and 1 belicxo the people demand It. Muny people residing along the cictik nro complaining ot mnnmo and other nibbish being thrown Into It , nndtheieby obstructing tlm channel and cieating a miis.mce. In my opinion tins ought to bo stopped ami the nuisance abated as the people leshllng theie are entitled to the same protection ns tho-e who lixe elscxvhcio. 1 believe xxo hnvo an or dinance I'oveiing Mich eases nlul It should bo strictly enforced , and the vlolntots punished. Permit mo to call your attention to the loss ot lexemie to tlio city caused by not having an ordinance , icmiiiln. all weighing nnd xvood measining to bo done by the superin tendent ot the markets , an olllco established by the stnto law , nnd this olllcerelected by the people. 1 believe , that nn ordnance com- uells him to pay Into the city tiensnry''O per cent ot nil his fens , but ns lorn ; as private panics me allowed to do weighing the city xvelglimnster bus but little to do , gets no fees , and In consequence the city loses the revenue. The city Ims gone 10 the expense ot establishing standard scales and there does not seem to be any nppaiciu tensun why they should not bo extensively used. Inasmuch as the city needsadilitiounl In come It mlgt't bo well to luvesti.ute tins mat- tei closely. Xoxx- , gentlemen , I xvould ask that each one of you letalu your respective places on the various committees to xvlilch you hnvo been appointed , nnd 1 hope our ollicial con nections maj bu pleasant ami harmonious , ami that good results may bo attained , benu- licml to the xxholo city , without regard to party , clique or combinations. Richmond Ranges for haul coal are the best. Cooper & Mcico ( sell them. It May Ho a Fortune. Will C. Gariuan , of tljis city , has in his po-scssion an old deed , which may lind its xvay into courts , and may bo the menus of putting him in possession of a comfortable fortune. Ho has made the discovery that his father-in-law , W. H. Probosco , xvho died some years ago , was once the owner of a largo number of lots in Omaha. The deed in question is one by which the < ) i ilri City company , by its president , < 1 I Palmer , noxv a resi dent of tins c ! convoyed to Mr. Pro- boseo sixty lots tu what is noxv the most valuable part of Omaha. The deed is dated October 1 , 1855 , and in it reference Is made to the lots us described on the map issued in August of that year. At that time and for years afterwards the lots wore of little practical value , und for ar lH .1 M ' ' ' : ' " ' " ' wUh mt r. ailntf iriv ri'turus U hen | u < died , li ix'iijf initiiir In ir , filu > njj tn < , the present xxife Of Mr. ( iurman. nothing xvas done to pro * * > rvo the title and retain po ? i"jioii of the propulv , ; unl thy facts have ln'ikinic lo l to sight for some time. Noxv the llnding of the old deed has spt inquirv on foot , and there is said to be a po-Mlnlitr tlmt there is a fair shoxv by a light in the courts to secuic thH propertv to the heirs. Tlio deed Is re corded bv Ljiinn ItielinrrtMin nnd wit- nos-inl hefon- . J PopDlelon. as nolarj. Mr ( jarman has placed the matter in the hands of Ids attorneys to look up , and see \xliat i-.in lie done about il. The lots are s.iid to bo among the moM \aluable in the c-itv. and if there can be any title gained for the heirs it will be a hot inn/.n , and perhaps tiiotv may be sullieicnt -lioxving made hxhieh a laige sum at least could bi > obtained lo remoxe the shadow from the properly. Just xvhnt the c lain lo ( he propertv'amounts to at tliis late dale cannot bo determined until futHUT investigation is given it. The records are being looked thtough , and as Probo-eo nexer deeded the properx. ! axvay , the matter is deemed Mii1k-ionll > important lo warrant the heirs in look ing ll up. First-class regular dinner 2."i cents 12 teD D o'clock. Pliientx chop liou-e , fio. > Hioadway. Klectrie door bells , burglar alarms , and oxery form of domi'stlo electrieal tipli ) ) nnces at the New York Plumbing Co. Tlio Sunday School Workers. The Sunday scliool convention opened iN lirbt session at the Haptist clinreh jcs- terday atteruoon as previously an nounced. Although not us many were in atlenilance xvas as desired , the meet ing itself xvas of an e.xc.-cdingly iiMrue tix-o and interesting character , urging upon Sunday school \\-orkors the greatest earnestness mid enthusiasm in this noble work in xxliich they are engaged. The programme xvas carried out u pnblMiod with one exception. In the absence ot J. 1. Loxe , lie ! devotional exercises xvere conducted by Mr. Muixv , rvreveutati\e ) ) ini ionurv of Harrison county. Last evening able uddrevs xvere given bv Drs. ( ooley , MeLreaiy and Keielienbaeli. i lie folloxxiug programme is announced for to-day , it being a change from that originally arranged : MOIIMNO. 9:01 : Devotional exeicNes. ! ' : : -lelatlon { ot lamllj to the btnulny school. I0:0i-nnilp.itlnnsof : | | tlicsiippilntcnilcnt. 10o-oiinliiicatioiisof : : : Hie tcuuhcr. ll:00-Tliu : teacher'lexx.ml. . . \rni.xoox. : 2:00.Sunda.school : liteiatme. 20-lepoit : : ! ! fiom bunilay school mission- niv 3:00 : .Sabbath descc'ation. -1:00 : What can be done to make the xvoik pcimniieiit. ) : ; ! -Kectlon i ! ot officers. Adjournment Seal brand oysters at H. J. Puhucr4s. See that your books are made by More- house oc Co. , room 1 , Kverett block. ' I'nrnirraplis. Mrs. K. A. Collins , of Shelby , \\-as at tlie Pacilie yesterday. John Allies noxv starts on another ex tended European trip J. ( J. Ad.niH and xvifo , of Sioux City , were ut the Paeilid yesterday. G. Cusnoper , one ot Hastings' hotel clerks , xvas at the Ogdcn yesterday. T. M. C. Logan , from the town bcurin" his name , xvas.at tie ( Ogden yesterday. Charles Umblo is lying seriously ill at his home on avenue U. xvith typhoid fever. , Mrs. P. T. Nelson , of Harlan , is visit ing her mother. Mrs. A. Kussell , on ave nue ( j , Hon. Thomas H. Martin and daughter , of Washington , were at the Pacific yes terday. Mrs. Hi'nton , of Memphis , Mo. , is vis iting Mrs. C. P. Hointon and Mrs. Dr Judd. Mrs. Shannon and Mr.s. Col ton , of Hroxvnsville , Pa. , uro the guesls of Dr. Cleaver. Miss Belle Hatcher has returned from Burlington , Neb. , xvhere she has been for a short tinm past J. P. Maxliehl. of .Norwall ; , one of the democratic nominees for county commis sioner , xvas in the city yesterday. Dr. I'lumcr , xvho recently graduated in the east , noxv leaves for Germany to t : ke additional courses of studj" . C. A. Mitchell , a xvcll known Chicago mercantile tourist , is at the Pacific on a regular monthly visitation to customers hero. hero.Mr.s. Mr.s. A J. Footo has joined her hus band hero , he being in the fruit tree busi ness , and making headquarters at the Pucilic. J. K. Davidson , of Logan , xvho not only knoxvs hoxv to run a hotel but also a newspaper , the Courier , was greeting his Council Blufl's triends j'esteruiiy. We have a fexv rare bargains in good stoves that are somewhat old stylo. If you xvant a good stove for a very little money , nail at Cooper & McGeo's. MuyorGronoxvog's desk xvas last c\-en- ing graced by a beautiful boquotof roses , placed there xvith the compliments of the Cleveland and Hcndricks club. Anything you xvant in Housekeeper's Hardware and Tinxvaro at Cooper ' & McGeo's. Substantial abstracts ot titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. S.iniro. No. 101 Pearl street. Council Blulls. John Hcckley. the xvell knoxvn caterer , has taken charge of the lunch counter at at the Mint. Hard and softcoal , xvood , lima , cement , oto. Council Blurts Fuel Co. , No. fW'J Broadxvuy. 1'clcphonu No. 180. Everard and Eulaliu. by Ed. Wright , for sale by Bushnell & Crockxvell. Mr. Wells Cohk , ono of the oldest and lies knoxvn of Council Blulls citUuns , has become associated with Charles A. Baker , of Omaha , in the real estate and loan business , intending to handle Coun cil Binds real estate as xvell as Omaha business. Their Council Blulls oflico xvlll be at 127 Eighth street. The lirm is a strong ono , xvidouxvuko , mul cannot but niuko a success by their joint ellbrts. Frpsh oysteru ii | every style at the 1'luL-nix Chop House , Xo , 005 Broadway , Mrs. A. S. Hull iM prepared to do dress making on short notice and at reasonable prices. No. JJx'S Broadway. J. Ernsdtorf , having taken entire con trol of the I'lui'iiix chop house , desires testate state that ho has secured the services of Charles Decker , a llrst-class cook of New York city. The host the market affords , night and day , in the best style ot the art. Will also have a regular LIU of faro A Crnnil Display. With last night the grand fall and win ter millinery opening of H , Friedman ended , The display xvas a grand one in deed , and his many friends and custom ers as well as thu public in general had an opportunity ol xvitncsaing the newest styles and latest designs of tlio French modiste. Much admiration xvas caused by the pattern room , which had been so ingeniously arranged by Mrs. Mitchell , xvho is again this season m charge of tlie millinery department. The notion tie- WHATEVER ELSE YOU /oif/r/ Hint Hir Ctiinii'll llln/-i ) On1COIIIIHIIIII ' irlltmrAr a elm title in lln-h' jh'in nn liniiiut'i/ lit nc.rl , anil Hint tln'H tire Ixmntl to nnitci-liittif ml net' tin Ir stork liifow Unit tin if. ( Jo MT tlicin iM-fni't' HHII ] Hiivlnt + r cltcirhcrr , tnnt obtain tin-r ! ; r/rr , / / ' ijitii ii'tinf In luift nnnllilnu in tin , 'ilint' thru " - illiv ? / i/nit jH'h'i's tlutt Il'lll Ct'l'tltllllll Xltlt I/OII rk 'OIMS oj'uttiifffrs itinl ii/rf/.rs / / of Mattings , Window Shades , CUBTAIN AHB UPHOLSTERY GOODS , Etc , . I lot of Tn Mi' I.liicin. Tuirt'.t and X i > htiii to rlo.tr out nt IKSS Til.IX ro.ST. .sv < - tin-in. Conneil Bluffs Carpet Co. , "No. 4:05 Broadway , Council BlufFs. rj 3 3 ! Farm.ng Lands in loxvu , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from if . "i ( M ) to $10.00 per acre. School and slate lands in Minnesota on 3)ears' ) time r > per cent interest. Land Buyers faie free. Information , etc , gixen by 3 ? . IE5. -CTSTJEVCTUP , No. " > . " > Broadxvay , Council liltin"- . Iowa , agent for i'reidrik eii & Co. , C'lleago. ' RS. C. L GJUJSTTE , , c , ± , o- HAIR GOODS , ? , , i/o-t partment m nrite.il niueli ( iraisc by the novel arrangement of the line line of goods carried by Mr. Friedman. The Now Police Koroo. The mayor lu-t night reapi > ointcd all of the old police force except O Ulcers Cousins , Lexvis and Wiglunmn , In their iilaoesjie appointed C. A. Hose , It. P. llendrieks and L. Tamasie. Seal brand oyslersat 11. .1. Palmer's. Custom-made railroad shoes and Ger man slippers at G. Bi.ixsim's , Main st. MURDER ! ! Diphtheria Isuirtiln iuii1 < luir It * imiiual visita- linn , 'lonjciiri'ti-iulot ' 1)11. THUS. .II'ITKKIS' HI'.MKDV lor Hint tiitnl nu'liily has ilLMiion- Etiatcil the liu't Unit It N intullll'lcusn ' iiruxuut- Ixii nnd cum. Ifjon jiermlt jour chililieiito ID | illi illplilheiiii , "Tlii'lr hlnoil lie upun youi head. " For -iiilo oiilj ul tlio ulliet1 , No. 1 South stli ticotOiitiL'H Illuirs , In , , or uunt l ) > * express on receipt oC price. Si. Troin thu Oiimlm Ileo : Mr. .1. H. Itutli-r. of lliicl Dpll.I'ottnxvnttnnilo Co. , town , mid his InniHy of ctcvon persons , uerei\ll > lckwlth iiuillL'nuiit < 1 phtlicilit. l'\ury one < it ilium lius rec-overo I liv Iho no or Dr. Ji-llurls11'itnentlxo unit CHID for Diphtheria , without the uid ot u iiliycl.m. : . Fiom tliu Couuull lllulls Diilly llomlil : Mrs. 1' . M ( Juuird.wlto of Knjrliiccr flcrnril , or the I'nlou 1'uelllu. this city , 1ms boon u Brent suircrc rfor ninny > oars , Tltli whnt was siip- piMjL-il to tmcaneerol the tin out. It was --o nml she win thicatuni'il with Mat vntlon. llui tt'n- ernl \\nifniuplatcl.vbKikvn. . Mio could only H iiliow liquid looil. nml oxen thill uoulil not illtri"5t or iisslnillate I'lisploliins ol Oiuiuil lUtilIsi\iil ( Uniiilui mtciulcil fu-f lor tlirco yuius uintKiixo no rc-lU-t. Dr. Juirorls.ot this city , In four xxvcl.ti' lliuo cuteil her tliiout , mi.l com pletely rc toi oil her hoallh. Und Mrs. ( ii-inid not obtnliicil lolluf Fnon Blio Mouhl liaxc died Iroin hlood poison , the tuiim that destroyed the llloorCJi'ii. Grnut. IVom the Council lllnlTs Oully rjlobo : M. A. Mcl'lku , oilltor of the Oarabriu ( Ebcns- Imrir , I'a ) Kroomun , lins b cn the personal Inunil of the editor ot the Olobo tor moro thiui twenty yens , unit H known whoioxer hois known us ono of thu but men llxin . ills fnniily was riivniroil with diphtheria , iiuil rii'iilly dis- tiii-si-'il. MIIIIO of Dr. JclTeils' Dlphtlicrlu Cuio uas used , iindthe llxes of the tc tof Uhcliild- rou snx-cil. I.ettort. Iroin Mr. Mcl'lko are mi- bounded In their expressions or pratitudo for lliullnp seine means ol axx > rtlnir the IOVH of nil his llltlii ones rix-o of Sir. MoPiku'B children out ol'i.'lfr'it ' died fioiiKllnhtliurln buloic lie luiii Riioppoitunityof nslntDr. . Jolfcrls' remedy. DV.pM--iil nvseiiesul Dysiioptic , why lu'o In ml err und dlo in dls- pnlr xvitli eniiccr of the htonineli ? Dr. TlionuiB Icllorii cures every cu o of ludliroatlon ami constipation In n very short time. Hen of ref erences fix-on. Dysponslu is the cnuso of ninety I'i'r ' cent of nil < ll cnscd condltloiiB. 1'rlca fl for two weeks trentmeiit. Dr. Jctfarls' dliihthoriii mcillcinn 13 Infiilllhle for nil kinds of core thrnnts. Indlsponslblo in putrid HOI-O throat , in malignant s-arlot rover , clmiiFliii ? It Ints ixiiirrt to the simple torm. Infal lible euro lor all lulhimmatory. ulupratlve , put rid , cnncnrniiB nlcoriillon of thu womb and all eiitiirrhal eondltlnns. full printed Instructions how to nso the medi cines sent with them. No doctor irqulrcil. Hr. .Ictfcris * remedies can only bo obtained nt his ollice. No. SI Sniilli Kltflitn Btreet , Council IllulTs , lonn.orscnt ay cxpieas on receipt of price. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buliiK u Vi Hat or Honnct , ono faro will be paid ; f 10 , round trip. H. S. KI.OY1) , A.O MiUAMl'lim.I , MemlxTiiiilrrrton Cot Mciulicr Now Orln.ui * rot- ton Kx'Kt'iiU'I ' tun ntrliaiii.0 and Mvrclmiita' K llourd u ( S , S , FLOYD & CO , Itioliurs la n i , , - , , " l | 1 IUI bUUIIUj AND STOCKS , For Future Delivery U'ltl Open for InislttcMtiHSftnn an of- Jleeti run ln'Jltleil HI > , 10f > ANJi HI S. 1'itlt HTltliKT. Unforto 1st Xutlnunl Ilanlr , Ouiiilia. THE BANK OF COMMERCE JiiJO XoHh Jdth fit reel , Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000 OHO. H. nAKKKIt , President. BOIIT. L. GAHL1CIIS , Vlco-Prcsldeut. 1' . JOlINSO.V.t'ashlor. DIHECTOItS : SAUUKI.TL JOIINEO.V , ( ! KO. K. UARKEU , OUT. L. OAiiLiciiii , WM. BKIVEUS , F. U.Joiiwco.v. A irenertil banking buelncMj trnnaHcteil. lutertet allowed on time ilepotit .8 OIllcu , 1111 1-3 riirimin. . UOih ami California. Will make a Qpsciul Sale this week o OIL CLOTHS , CURTAIKS , CURTAIN GOODS , ETC. Prices will bo Lower than made by any other store in the west. Do not fail to see us before purchas ing elsewhere. This department wo shall close out , and shall mnko prices to sell them. Our Stock is seasonable and styles excel lent. „ Tiiese are Bargains Never Be fore offered , And pau can , save money by calling onus before purchasing for we will not bo undersold. DON'T FORGET THE PLAGE. NO , 401 BROABWAY COXJ2 > TCIXj , la Horses and Mules For nil purposes. nO'iuht and sold , lit rotiill am ! In loin. 1-arKO quantities to telout fiom t-evernl pairs ut llnourlvore , Kinghioi' douhlo. WISE , Council SPECIAL NOTICES. Bpccinl mlx'erllhomuntg , stiuii us Ixst , 1'ou n To Ixiaii , Tor Sale , To I'ent , Vianls , llnurdlnv , etc. , xvlll liuliteortud In Uil loluiiiu ut llie loir ruteofTUNCK.Vl'S I'CIt UNI ! feriliu nrbllu.-or t ion ami I'lvo fonts for I > lnnf or uuthsulmoiiucnt insertion , I.oavo ndxerthenicu uat our ollleo No. 12 I'eul street , ne.ir llruuilway , Council UllltlH WAMT3. " \ \ rAN'tl5l > 1 1/ iwo gentlemen , I'cuoiiin iiml ' T alllliit , ' room or one liii 'u rixim , in m < K'I- ' borhood tif I 'list aveiiuo pitifiirii ) I Etatlnjr terms/ . 7. . , lloo ollice WANTKICltrfor t'cnrrnl lioueevvor. ( jooil liomu , llberulrngei. . 31 IB. A .M. Wolr , Aveniio I ! . J A iron < l firl for KCiierul liouec- xvork nt IUO llaucroft btreet. RICE , M. D. , Or other Tumors jemovod xritliout the Uulfu ordniHlnt' utbloo ) . Over Unity years priivlicalexcrlence. No. 11 I'uarl&t. , Council llluUV tVCoDiultatlon free , Reduction in Prices , IN China Glassware Etc. . , , , At W. S. Hcmor & Co's , No. 23 Main st Council Uluflfs. AND JOBBING COUNCIL BLUFFS. " " .it.// / * i i.n KM , nil 1 \it.\r.- 1 . - * . * DKr.iti : , WKI.I.S & cu , W tlolCMfo Agricultural Implements , BQ&IK , Cm rl'ii * . I to , ' ifmineil ( III nl . town. KKYSTOMMAMTAcmtlNU : CO. > m' e thoilriirninl nn.l CV > .iiilelo | Hav Loader , also Rakes , Cider Hill & Press , COIIN SHKU.KKS AMI ITltH ( fTTHl" . No . i.MI. NH , IWnn.l IMT .south Mniu Street , Council Uiiiirs lown HAN ID IWMM.IA ACO. . , Mnimn * in l.lob'i Mof agricultural Iniplewnls , Wagons , Bugles , ln/fVJ / ? , ale ! " " klnl" "f l > ml Miw'ilnorr. ' to llto South Mnin irti ( . Council Itluifi. x.v ; : iMMif.fv. I'.O. OI.KIMIX. T. H.Iiorui.n , < ir.o r l're .ATron . VPro * AM ui j * -Vi'o.msol. i . Council BluTs Haidlj Fact/ ) , , . . Mnniirneturer ir Axle , t'iek , Sln.Un nml Sm\U lliiuiliiM , of every iU cilplioii COUNCIL HI.Ul'KS CVKl'K'l' CO. . Carpets , Curtains , Window Sliadas , Oil I'loths , 1'iirtnln riiture < . I'nh'tlMet } lloo Is , Etc. Na 104 llron.lttny . Counoll Illuir-i , to ITU. PKHWSOY & MOOHK , Wliolcfalo Jobbers In the - Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco fl Pipes NOB. ISMnlu uiiU T IVarl Sis. Council HluiM , lotvn. COMMISSION. SNYDKK iV-'l.KAMA , Wlioli't'iln Fruit and Produce Commission Merc'ints. ' NO Ht'onl St. , Council 'iiuir ' . HAH US , HAAS , vi CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , glots' Sninlrii" > . Kt . Nn. 2 ! Main St. , nail No. " 1 I'enrl St. , Council Illuir * 1 It ! O.V. . lU'TTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission. N'n. 51 ! roimrll Illutrs. WHIT \ Dt'QUKlTK , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Kos. IflniHl 18 IVarl St. . Coun-ll Illuira. L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries Aho Wliolusaltt l.lqunr Outlet * . No 4lf > llmnd- way. Council IllmH. HA K.V/.SS. Err. HKCKMAN , STH01WKHN & CO. , Munii'iieturcis of ami Wltnlt > Ale ntuilora Ii Leather Harness SaddlerEtc. , , Saddler/ , . No. 62o Mnlu St. . Council HluXj , Iowa. /MTS , CAPS , HTC. MKTCALF BROTH KHS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps aad Gloves. NOR. : ' : mill lilt llnmilwij- . Council HluTs. KUKUN'K & FELT. Wholesale * Iron Steel Nails Hardware , , , Heay , Anil XVoo 1 Stojlc , Council ItlulTrf , lown. IIIIIVS A .Y/J D. 11. McDANKL ! ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TulleXTWool , llcltBOicii aund Furs Oounoll HluiTi Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wliolfdilo Dealers lu Illuminating & Lubricitlaj Oils Ginllu ETC. , E3TO. E.TIieodoro , Atfcut , Council IllulTs. Iowa. LVMliElt K'K. A. OVERTON ft CO. , Hard Wood , Sonthera Lumber , A-ncl Hrlilga Matoi lit ! Simclnlt | pdWlioli0aIi Lu in ker ol all Kinds. Ulllco No. liU MMu St. , Counoll Illuirs. lowrx. Gii AAD JOHN LINDKR , Wholr.milo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , iorSt. Cotlhar.Vrt Herb Illttrrd. No. U Main at. Council llliitla. SCHNK1DKII & IJKK ( ; , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquor , Matit til. . CnuiicU ll' ' Star Sale Slafcaod Mule lards , imOAOAYAY , COUNCIL HLUFFS , Uppobllti Diuiimy Uupot. HorsuH unit mules kept constiintlv on hand , for sale ut relitil or In ear loads.Or- derH promptly Ulloil by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SHUIKI : & HOI.KY , I'roprioSM 1'eluplionu No 1M Formerly of Keil Hile : Ktaulcc , corner a t , nvc uml 'Uli strcot. THE CHAMPION FITTl. . will uu.iniiiluu to luiu-li yim tu drift > ucci'Hfull/ n ( uw lining. Vi u rin drll nil tli ( i.illvrni Uml U nc'eiloJ for tliu fuin.ljf.iu it tnU all curmciits worn bjr liiillca , B-ulfiam uml clil itrcn iMiilet iiml Kuiilloinun , U trill roil you nothing "f V until you hnvo luirnixl. Ui'Jii ion will nunt tliu lilt Jr. XV u rlmllenk'U coiillif lltlDM. 'I lie iiin > luiifrlvnc3 | > t I drt' > uniktr mul tail.irt n ( kiiuMlo ii ; ll * > ii | > orlontjr. It Ittliulnreiillun urtlHdiiuiu Wulkcr. u wull known hiencli mulUla. U tollt riipldlr uicl Kuod nnt * runko limner. XVo waul Hr.l dJ" < u.rnH 1 1 loks holj of tlietiiirliiui * wllli UK , XVulIku lu ui iku inuiiar unit iillow ottivr > to UIKU nlto , iu wo offer llbarul criul. For furllio Infurnintlon cnll or n.ldr n. JIHS.MAKV KAHTUII ) ( > i.Uoil ACnt ! , lloum 60. 1'ucinc HDIIIU. Council Coaiptr"f ) W. A. WOUK , I'liiprlotur. N. SOHURZ , Justice of the Otaee over American Kipres * Coaiptr