2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FBIDAY , OOTOBEK 15. 1880. COULDN'T STAND CANADA , A Des Moinca Defaulter Voluntarily Re turns From the Financiers' Retreat. HE V/ANTED TO ACT SQUARELY Another Story HcKnrdlns tlio Hail- dock .Murder Accusing Ijcavltt of the Crlmc-A Fugitive Saloon- ISI'H Tnlc lown Items. A Wonder of Womlors. DBS MOI.NKI , In. , Oct. U. [ Special Tel- r grain to the Hicn , ] DCS Molncs furnishes the remarkable spectacle of ono of Us citi zens wlui left It In disgrace to Join tlio Amer ican colony In Canada , Urine of the alder man's rolrcat ami voluutarlaly ruturiiliiR and stineiidcrlnK hlmsulf to Justice. The deputy inar.ilml this morning returned from the cast brliiKlng with him A. 11. I'ciry , tlio defaulting bookkeeper of the KurcknConl ; cnmp.iny , who lied trum tlio city last winter. Ills whereabouts were unknown until a few clnys aso , wliou a letter wns received from Mm from Toronto , Canada , statins : Hint ho wns willing to como b.ick. An olllccr started nt unco for him and lost no tlino In got tint , ' Mm over tlio border and tlicnro linmc. On Ills arrival ho wm locked up In delimit of bail , ntid when nsKcd why no gave hlmsulf up , lie Haiti : "Hccaiiso 1 wanted lohavo the matter set tled rljjlitly. I wanted to como back and mnko my defense. I did not rare how It was nettled whether I was acquitted or hunt to the penitentiary only to have this load oft my mind. 1 did not care to live In Canada nil my days. I was safe enough there , for 1 could not bo arrested without wime trouble , Imt I wrote of my own accord for the icnsons 1 have stated. It was wholly a voluntary aiiriender. " Terry's accounts wcro short 37,000 , nnd ho Is held on a charge nt larceny by embezzle ment. _ _ Another Story ol'the Murder. Sioux UITV , In. . Oct. 14.-fSiedal | Tele gram to the Ilii : : . | It was learned to-day that Oeorito Trlebur , one of tlio parties still nt largo chnut'il with complicity in the Had dock murder , made a statement lulatlvo to the tragedy before leaving , to one or two nc- ( iiinliitances , anil your corrusju'iiduiit saw Mr. A. Hess , ono of. these. Air. Hess keeps a wood yard In the rear of Trleber's lormcr saloon , niul states that Trlobcr asked him to assist his wife In leaving. The day before Trlubcr himself left lie said : "If they get i ew ( meaning Leavltt ) ho will put the killing either on mo or Aronsilorf oruMunchratli. " Ho further said that Leavltt , seeing the plan appointed for the murder lulling and the parties weakening , drew a nun and llrcd the 'fatal shot. Ho claimed tlmt Lenvltt was ac cused of the deed next day bv his co-con- 'splrators and given money to leave town. The attorneys for tlio iluleuso In the Arons- dorf mimler case have this svcond-linnd evi dence In hand and tire developing it. Albeit Koschml.tkl. or IMsmark , one of the two hired to do thu Job , ami who was arrested In Cali fornia , has not reached here yet , and it Is be- glnnluc lobe believed tlmt ho will corrobo rate Trieber's story. low.Vs W. C. T. U. Sioux CITY , la. , Oct. 14. The con vontlon of the Iowa W. 0. T. U. to-day elected tlio following ollleors : President , Jlrs. J. Kllen Foster ; corresponding secretary , Mrs. M. J. AUlrich ; recording secretary , Mrs. Anna L. JUoliin ; treasurer , Mrs. M. J. Davenport. The following ilHocatf.s to the national con vention were elected : delegate at lame , Mrs. J. II. Illooil : delegates , Mrs. A. 11. Me- Klnnoy , Miss K. K. Kriclc , Mrs. M. M. Smith , Mrs. U. A. IJiincan. Mrs. M. K. ilimmin , Mrs. M. A. Wood. AbnioJ. IVrklns , presi dent of the Vermont W. C. T. U. addressed the convention this evening. Al'ronilnont. ? Tan Married , DUHUQUB , la. , Oct. 1-1. lion. Fred O'Don- nell , ox-maynr of tlils city'alia very promi nent In , spclal and political circles , was mar ried to-day' to Miss Faimio Stunt , of this city , daughter of one of the leading families of the place. _ Brooklyn .Jockey Club Itaces. Gu.vvKsiixn , Oct. 14. 'three-quarters of a jnllo Cleaner won , Millie second , Mamie Hunt third. Tlmo 1MK- : One and one-eighth inllcs Hnpert won , Stoncbuck second , Ueggars I3ush third. - - Three-quarters of a mile Nellie B won , Jessie second , licbclllon third. Time 1:1. : % Ono nnd one-lialC miles Fcrknla won , Gonfalon second , Bonanza third. Time Ono nntl one-sixteenth nillns Ferg Kyle von , Florence M second , I'ontlco third. Western Trulllo Affairs. CIIICAOO , Oct. 14. At a general moctlns of the Western Trnflle association to-day several , according to agreement , submitted a list of all contracts made during the period of cut rates , . and measures wore taken to rqiml- I/.o them for tliu benefit of all parties inter- cstcd , A tariff , was agreed upon for tlio now line ami to cement tliu pool recently organ ized. fc Two Yonra For Threw Wives. KANKAKKH , 111. , Oct. 14. llonry GoIT , formerly of Chicago , was sentenced this morning to scirvo two years In the peniten tiary for bigamy. Three wives with their children appeared against him. POLITICS IN' CI2DAII. A Chut on CumliilntcH and * lUoaNiircN. HASTINGS , Nob. , Oct. 12 [ Correspon dence of the BIK. ; ] Saturday before last the democrats held their coiinly conven tion. David Kwing was nominated for , commissioner and A. M. Gooding for county attorney. A resolution favorable to Van Wyck was also passed. The republican convention for the nomination of commissioner and county , /uHornoy / was huld last Saturday. M. iJondingor was nominated for county commissioner and K. M. Johnson for county , attorney. The candidates for the bommissionomhip are both good men and 'between the t\v > it will bo nip anil luck. .JMr , Gooding will be , beyond all doubt , . our county attorney ; the puoplu want no .jjnan . who is "tlnekr' with both the town- /iite anil railroad gang , no mailer what "Jiis politics. Mr. Gooding is by all odds . .the best posted man on common law of "nuy man in this section , while opponent Is practically but u novice. The independent candidate for tliu state jfjsoiiatorship , Mr. John H Felbur , is mak ing it decidedly inlercallng all around , lie announced himself as candidate on July liTth , ami planted himself squarely on the Van Wyolc issue. If elected Mr. lialbor will do good work for Van Wyck in the stale senate this winter , and will bo found in slate legislation true to Van \Vvcl ; principles. Mr. Folbor is a thor ough anti-monopolist. Ho does not bo- hove in the railroad commission fraud , nor does ho believe in prohibition. Ho believes it better to hayo a high license law , tmcli as Nebraska now has , in pre ference to prohibition. Ho is no carouser , rarely visits the saloons , and still more rarely drinks , but he believes in personal liberty in so far as that does noi interfere with the rights of others. Van Wyck's scheme of having the vote on the railroad coininissloncrship busi ness recorded by counties in the late re- t-juiblicun convention was an exceedingly good one. Through il the people can see just how the delegates voted. Wo now jniow that Cedar 8 four votes were casl not only for the commission but for the prohibition amendment as well , The two delegates who attended the convention from this county will now have more than u little "fun" in explaining to the people why they voted as they did. Not a dozen men In this eoiufly , outside of the railroad pap-suckers , can bo found ryrho nro in favor of the commission. : t t BPCTiliil. A * HENRY GEORGE'S BENEFACTOR. Something About the Man WIio llns Willed Him n Small Fortune , New York World : Blue Anchor Is a hamlet in the heart of the grape produc ing region of New Jersey. It is about twenty miles from Canulon on the Camden - den > fc Atlantic City railroad , is the next station nbovo Wlnslow Junction , nnd is about six miles from Hammonton. Goo. llutcliins was a man about sixty years old. He and his wife Mary , a childless couple , lived on a farm of modest extent , yet of considerable value , which they called Ancora. llutcliiti * owned the farm and his principal business was raising grapes. Ho was a native of that locality , but had been something of a traveler in his younger days , and was noted as an intelligent man and a pro digious reader. In the course of his resi dence at Ancora ho had tilled tlio Iiouso with books -and periodicals , lln wns particularly fond of getting everything new in literature and in the indulgence of that habit he picked up a copy of "Progress and Poverty , " soon after its publication. He was delighted with the book and re-road It again and again. More than that , ho became an earnest advocate of the doctrines ho advanced , and mv. Ullcd his simple neighbors by his constant and persistent ellbrts to propa gate them. Thenceforth ho pui chased and devoured with avidity everything that Mr. Georjro wrote , and was carried along stop by step , body anil soul , with the author. But ho was as unassuming an apostle as ho was sincere. Ho en deavored to expound Mr. Gcorgo's doctrines to his neighbors and to make converts of them , but ho never sought , as so many admirers of popular authors do , to make known himself and his ad miration to his teacher. Ho only called on his lawyer and made his will in favor of the author. Then ho calmly waited for his summons , not without secrotsalis- faction , perhaps , at the thought that thn surprise occasioned by the discovery would make the author remember him all the more pleasantly. When , after the old farmer's death , a few days ago , the will was read its con tents were a complete surprise to every body but Itis widow and a few other per sons who had been cognizant of thorn all along. Ho had evidently consulted with his wife on the subject Mid won her over to Ins way of thinking , for she expressed no di.i.sat'.sfaction with his disposition of the property , and says she will oiler no objection to carrying out its provisions. There is ono other poison , however , who is not so well satisfied. This is a collateral relation of Mr. llutcliins , named Glendale W. Davis , who is said to live in Philadelphia , although his name tloes not appear in the directory of that city. The exact nature of his relation ship to the dead farmer is not known to the executor , nor does the contest tiled by him in tlio surrogate's court of Camden - den eountj' state the grounds on which tlio will is to be contested. The opinion in the legal circles of Camden is that the will cannot bo broken. The will ilsalf is a rather curious doc ument. After Hie usual formula declar ing tli.it George Hutchins , of Ancora , township of Wlnslow , county of Camdcn , state ot New Jersey , being of sound mind , etc. , bequeaths , etc. , to his wife Mary llutcliins , one-third of his rcnl es tate ami Northern Pacific preferred stock and such of his personal properly and household ellects as she may require for her own usp , a single other bequest is made of a sewing machine , logelhor wilh oiiough money to put kin shipping order , to Sarah Wood , wife of William S. Wood , of Randolph , Parker county , Ind. Then comes the residuary clause , which is as follows : "All the rest and residue of my estate , of any and every form , kind and descrip tion whatever , 1 hereby give , devise ami bequeath under the name of the 'Ilutcliins' fund' to Henry George , the well known author of 'Progress and Poverty,1 his heirs , executors , ami administrators ministrators- 'spreading the light' on social and political liberty and justice in the United Stales of America , by moans of the gratuitous , wise , efficient , and economically conducted distribution all over this land of said George's publica tions on the all important land question and cognate subjects , including his 'Pro gress and Poverty,1 his roplv to. the criti cisms thereon , his 'Problems of the Times,1 and anv other of his books anil pamphlets which ho may think it wise and proper to gratuitously distribute in this country ; provided : " 1. That said George , his heirs , execu tors and administrators shall regularly furnish true annual reports of the man agement and distribution of the Hulchins fund to a paper called The Irish World and American Industrial Liberator or its acknowledged successor , anil shall also annually mail or otherwise send a copy of the said paper containing such annual reports to each of the following persons to wit : My aforementioned wife , Mary Hutchins , now of this place ; William S. Wood , now of Parker , county Randolph , state of Indiana , anil James Hutchins , now of Sotma , county Delaware , state of Indiana ; and provided : "a. That said George , his heirs , execu tors and administrators shall cause to bo inserted or printed opposite tlio title page of every free copy of IIIH books distributed by means of this fund , this my solemn request virtually to wit : 'That eacn re cipient shall read it and then circulate it among such neighbors or other persons as in his best judgment will make the best use of it.1 " Thu estate , which consists chiefly of real estate and a number of shares of Northern Paeilic preferred stock , worth at present ( WJ cents on the dollar , is valued at about $10,000. William S. Braddock , of Bates' Mills , is named as tlio solo executor. Mr. Braddock is about fifty-live years old and of medium si/.e , and ho has a dark complexion and iron- gray hair and beard. Ho owns a saw mill , ami Is ono of the largest cranberry raisers in Now Jersey. Tlio will Is now on file in the surro gate's court of Ctimdon county , and the questions pel-turning lo it will bo hoard by Judge Westcott , of the orphan's court. Touching the validity of the will , the executor , Mr. Braddook , says there can bo no question us to the perfect sanity of the testator. Whitobroastnutcoal , f'J.75 pcrton the cheapest and bust fuel. NKII , FDIL. : Co. . 2M South 13th St. If you buy lumber anywhere without first gelling Iloaglantls prices you will lose money. Crichton & Whitney soil hard and soft coal , 18th and l/.ard and 1318S. 15th street. Kosaliiul Place. Choice lots ? i50 each. This addition dos above and of ' east Sohlosingor's ail- ition whore lots are soiling tor $350 , Haven & MoMalmn , 1010 Harnoy street. Special Bargain A business lot with 3 stores , renting for ยง lMi ) per year , on paved street , tor $8,000 , on easy terms ; for four days only , as owner leaves town , S. A. SLOUAN 1012 Farnam Miet. \V have repairs for your slove. OMAHA STOVI : KEI-AIU Woitics.Oia S.iath. You can buy turnituro cheaper of A. L. Fitch & Co. , 12th St. , bet Farnam and Douglas , nun anv other place in the cily , Bargain--Two full lots on Twenty-fifth , within i blk of Loavenworth , finely im proved ; house , 7 rooms ; barn , fruit trees , grapes , etc. a special bargain , $1,500 ; easy terms , S , A. SLOMA.N , 1513 Furuam. Dr , JUmillon Warren , Ecleotlo Physi cian and Surgeon , Room (5. ( Crountiu block corner ttUh and Capitol avenue Dayaml night calls uromutlvattoutod to RAN AWAY FROM HIS BRIDE , James Irvlug's Mysterious Disappearance on the Eve of His Wedding , RAILROAD MAGNATES' VISIT. DonioorntH In Counoll- Tie ! Presby- torlntt Synod Unhappy Wives Hewer Contracts Court Notes Urovltles and Oilier Liocnl. Jlo It an Awny From Ills Hrldo. Tor nioro than n year past n , young Scotchman named James Irving has boon employed ns a book-kcciior in Simpson M carriage works on Dodge street. Sober , steady , reliable , niul good-looking witluil , it is not strange tlmt lie .should bo appreciated by his employer , who placed every conlldonco hi him. Mr. Simpson wna not silono in appreciation of the young man's good < | imlilications. Soinu months ago Irving madu tliu acqualn- tiuico of n young lady , the duughtor of onu of thu bust families whoso namu need not bo mentioned in this tnlu of disappointed hopes. Sullico it to say that ix mutual admiration ripoiiud into allcctloii , apparently mntnal also , us it resulted in an engagement and an arrangement for an October wedding. The announcement was a source of congratulation to tliu friends of both parties who considered it n splendid match and prophesied a long and liawpy married life for the worthy couple. To-day , Oct. 15 , was decided upon as a date for the union , and both parties made arrangements for the uvent. The young lady's bridal trossoau had been built , her friendsduly informed of the all'air and every necessary , and a great many unnce.'sary preparations made for the important event. Irving , on his part , seemed to be husv preparing for the event , lie went to Calm Bros , on Saturday last and , representing that lie was about to be married , invested in a ? ! ) ( ) suit ot clothes , i'or which ho secured - cured credit. On .Monday ho was at the ollico of his employer as usual and paid oil' the men and took money onottgli to balance his own account. Ho failed to appear at his work on Tues day , and some inquiries were made for him. Ho had been seen in the city during the day , but had disap peared in the evening.Vedncsday it was found that ho had left the city. He had about $1,000 in the Omaha Savings bank and other money in another bank in the city , all'of which ho drew on Tues day. Why ho left the city ia a matter of considerable conjecture. Ilisallianced is a most estimable young lady , who is well nigh heart-urokon over liis strange actions and has no reason to assign there for. Irving has of late been having some trouble over the settlement of a Scotch estate , and may have been called away suddenly on business. Dame Humor 1ms another version of the all'air that con firms the old adage "tho iirst love is the best. " Irving , it is said , recently told an intimate friend that a. bright-eyed lassie was waiting for him in bonnie Scotland and that ho was soon going to the old homo to unite his life and fortunes with hers. The affair has created quite a sensation among llio friends of the interested par ties. .Mr. Simpson has found nothing wrong witli his books as yet , and it ap pears that Irwing's crookedness consisted entirely in his unmanly treatment of his allianccd and the defrauding of Cahn Bros , out of a wedding suit. THEIR FI11ST VISIT W13ST. Arrival of the Blj- Moil of the Peim- Hjlvnnia. Road. At 7 o'clock last evening there came into the Union Pacific depot u train of four cars , which wcro the neatest in every respect that have attracted attention hereabouts. It contained the president and directors of the Pennsylvania rail road company. They were mot at the c'opot ' by S. 15. Jones , assistant general passenger agent of the Union Pacific , and Colonel Tom Orr , of the same com pany. The names of the visitors are as follows : (5.15. Roberts , president Ponnsy vania railroad company. Philadelphia ; Jolhn P. IGreen. vice-president ; N. P. Short- idgc. director ; Henry D. Welsh , direc tor ; John P. Wetherill , director ; Thomas Williams , jr. , guest of Mr. Roberts ; J. N. McCnlloiigh , Iirst vice-president Penn sylvania company , Pittsbnrg ; Wni.Thaw , second vice-president Pennsylvania com pany , Pittsburg ; Thomas D. Messier , third vice-president Pennsylvania com pany , Pittsburg ; D. S. Nowhall , assistant secretary Pennsylvania railroad com pany , Phlldolphin ; S. 15. Liggett , secre tary Pennsylvania company , Pittsburg ; Hon. John Scott , ox-United States sena tor , general solicitor Pennsylvania rail road company , Philadelphia ; 1) . 15 Cum mins , director Pennsylvania railroad company , Philadelphia ; K. Y.Townsond , president Cambria iron company , Phila delphia ; John M. Harding , private sec retary to Mr. Roberts , Philadelphia ; W. C. Sutherland , private secretary to Mr. McCullongh , Pittsburg. The party had a regular schedule route laid out when then loft Philadelphia , Thursday , October 0 , as follows : Wed- cesday , lith , Altoona to Pitt-shurg , via West Pennsylvania , ( Monongahehi house ; Thursday , 7th , over S. W. Pennsylvania and P. , V. & C.j Friday , 8th. Pitts burg ; Saturday , ! ) th , Pittsburg to Cincinnati , (15nrnet ( house ) ; Sunday , Kith , Cincinnati Monday , lllli , Cincinnati to Indianapolis , via Dayton ( Now Dennison hotel ) ; Tuesday , 13th , Indianapolis to St. Louis ( Southern hotel ) , Wednesday , 13th , St. Louis to Kansas City , Missouri Pacilio , ( Coate.t house ) ; Thursday , 1-ltli , Kansas City ; Friday , 15th , Kansas City to Omaha'Missouri Pacific , (1'axton ( house ) ; Saturday , 10th , Omaha to Minneapolis , Chicago , St. Paul , Mia. ncapolis & Omaha railway ( West house ) ; Sunday , 17th , Minneapolis ; Monday. 18th , Minneapolis to Milwaukee , Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul ( Pliinkington nouse ) ; Tuesday , IDtli , Milwaukee to Chicago , ( ( iraud Pacilio hotel ) ; Wednesday , UOth , Chicago to Ft. Wayne and linmsporl , ( Park Place hotel ) ; Tuesday. 2UtH , Williumsport to Philadelphia. On thu arrival at the depot carriages were taken for the Paxton hotel , and in asmuch as the party had arrived several hours ahead of time ( evidently disgusted witli Kansas City ) , the regular reception committee of this city was not on hand. When the Paxton was reached , however , Senator Mandorson mid "several members of the board of trade met the visitors , They wcro escorted to the Omaha club and an impromptu dinner given them. After the inner man was well satUlicd Senator Mandersou iravo one of his un equalled welcomes. Ho reform ! particu larly to Omaha's prominence and Ne braska's progress , introducing many merry things tlmt in the hands of able men always servo to do valuable punctua tion. In referring to the opportunities for loud mill industries in the wttit , and especially in this locality , Senator Mander&on made u very pointed remark to his friend , John Price Wether- ell , the king ot this line of business in America. The hitter responded in a few business like remarks , and from their tenor it could plainly be scon tlmt if any of the ctherell lend works rear their "touts" in the west K will bo in Omaha. General Koberts , president of the Penn sylvania road , then > wns called upon , lie said it was his Iirst visit to the west , and although ho was prepared for surprises ho never thought he would sec such won ders. "Why , the cAttla wore Jumbos compared to eastern cattle , and the grain why , gentifincJi , it boats the world. " Although impromptu this was one ot the most im portant festival reunions over hold in the Omaha club and it is to bo regretted that the ndvhneo arrival did not permit Omaha to turn out a larger reception delegation. Among those who wore present , besides Unit prince of en tertainer. ' ' , Senator Mandorson , wore Herman Kount/.o. Hon. A. U. Wyman , P. 13. Her , A. K. U akeloy , Secretary Nattin- gcr , of the board of trade , and Mr. Rich- arils , a prominent drug merchant of St. Louis who intends locating hero. The visitors started out to make the annual directors' Inspection of the lines of both the Pennsylvania company and the Pennsylvania Railroad company going to the northern terminus ot the roads at Chicago , and the western at St. Louis. Coming so near to this part of the country , of which so much has been said in the eastern papers , they decided to visit it. The won derful development which they have noticed everywhere 5u the west has born a surprise to most of thorn , more tlinu rcali/.ing the expectations which they had formed. They will leave early this morning for Minneapolis. The train which those railroad digna- tarios occupy is certainly the most com plete that ever came to the Omaha de pots. * The rare nolislied dark outside of the cars was but n dismal introduction to what was within. Mr. M. S. Callaliau has charge of the party , and it is needless to say that the president of the Pennsylvania company has made a wise selection. Ho thoroughly understands every minutiae of his business , and is just as able to nolo whether particular railroad facilities are afforded on the dif ferent lines liis train passes over , as ho is in seeing whether the Hap jack for the morning breakfast is properly turned. Mr. Callaliau is a Now Yorker of college bred instruction and to his credit , hkox many other railroad men in far lessor capacities , bo. it said , ho knows that ho does not own tins road or the world either. Under him are eleven assistants , and one reason strikes the lookers on in Vienna icl that these railroad magnates fee good is because their stomachs are scientifically diagnosed. L. J. Grubb is baggageman ot the party , and although he has not to wrestle with very largo pieces his weather eye is always open. This visit of the Pennsylvania gentlemen will certainly bo no detriment to Omaha. It is to bo regretted that they could not remain longer. THE DI2MOOKATS IN COUNCIL. Meeting or the Democratic State Cen tral Committee. The first meeting of the now state dem ocratic central committee took place last evening in the Paxton hotel. At an early hour \jhe \ rotunda was filled with a busy , noisy , smoky crowd of rock- rooted , straight-out , warm-iii-the-marrow bourbons , of every , typ'o and every con dition in life. They \vcro from city , town , hamlet and plain'i and circulated in a peculiarly dcniooratiojstylc on all parts of the lloor. The > .sample- was not for gotten , and the cigar Stand likewise con tributed to their".entertainment. . . The gathering seemed. ) without a head , and though the odices".of chairman and sec retary were to be liUed/tliero seemed to bo little diplomacy being practised to secure either pno or thiS'otnor ' of the posi tions by aspiring Mortals. So far as ap pearances wont it looked occasionally as if a little 'biitiontiilto'lihgif was1 done by Omaha gcntlemonpbul it n-ns in a furtive manner which scarcely attracted atten tion , m i > The occasion of the gathering brought out several df tin ; local war steeds , among them being the calm and dignified pres ence of Dr. Miller ; the active personalty of his assistant , Frank Morrjsoy , the ro tund FalstalHan frame of Hugh Murphy , the contemplative entity of Q. V. Gallagher ' ' lagher , the insinuating sr.ru'oturo of Charles Drown , with a host of others. Those wore supplemented by retired vet erans from abroad , Smails of Fremont , North of Columbus , with a few from other parts. I5ut the absence of J. S. Morton , Calhoun , James Croighton , W.L.May. Holman , Boar , Livingston , Boyd and Heimrodleft the gathering decidedly m- compiuto. At about half past 8 o'clock a couple of adventurous spirits led the way to room 18 , to which place they wcro finally fol lowed by the remainder of the democratic lambs. The meeting was called to order by Tobias Castor , of Wilbcr , and runicMor- risoy , of Omaha , was elected temporary secretary. J. S. Lohcw was elected door keeper. The following gentlemen were present : Frank Galbraith , Albion ; E. D. Slur- dovant , proxy lor G. W. Johnson , Fillmore - . Castor Wilbor J. 1) . llub- more ; Tobias V/iiaUJlf 11 n.jui ; tit * st AHU- bio , Fiiirburv , K. A. Cluirtl , OUc Liintlinprj J'l'iink Alurrihtiy , iiroxy forGiso. 1'ritcliutt , Oiinihu ; 13. ll.'Olark,15lairF.A.llaiiwM ; , Hlouniinttoii.luui ; : Hovlo , KearneyJlius. ; O'luii ' , Oniului ; J. J. MoAllistor , roncu ; Jlilus Xuntinrur , Suliuvlor ; Thos. O'Dny , Nollgli : .1. L. Campbell , Psmillion ; J. M. 1'nttur.son , Pliittsuioutlii J. S. Luliow , Mc- Coolc ; H. J. Colus , York ; F. K. Johnson , lirownvillo ; Jnmos Duvinnoy , Tcuumsuh ; It. 13. JMartin , Broken How ; 10. P. Child , Lincoln , proxy lor A. J. biixvyorj Goo. \Vilclish , Auroni ; C. 13. J'oibos. St. Paul ; The election of chairman resulted in the selection of James 13. North , of Columbus ; and of secretary C. S. Mont gomery , of Omaha. This was followed oy the election of the following executive commitlee : Tobias Castor , Saline ; J. 13. Shorvin , Dodge ; J. M , Patterson , Cass ; Dr. Childs , Lancaster ; G. P. Marvin , Beatrice , The oxeculivo committee hold 'mclHing \ ' after the ad journment of tint , committee , ami ad journed this mdrijhig'at I',1 : ! )0 ) o'clock , to meet nt Oa. m. . , 1 TJ1K tlAi'lSoi-th Prosbytorinn In Siit-hlori nt The Presbytoriujiv : Symil , of Nebraska mot in annual Boston , < it the North Pres byterian church ' n Hnumlers street at 8 o'clock last ovehln . The synod of Nebraska , which Jj'ody boouuios the mid dle position butwojin- Jim presbytery and the general assoinl/lyv. icovors the entire state and is comp6&il'df five presbyter ies , viz : OninliitJT Koiirnoy , Hastings , Nebraska City ami " Niobmra. In the synod of Nebraska are 195 churohes , 110 ! ministers and 87,021 members of the church. The opening of thu synod last evening showed a gratifying attendance that promises well for the success of the meeting , Among these in attendance were : Ministers J. I ) . Howoy , J.V. . Fulton , J. 1) . Kerr , V. S. Hlnmiy , . Oliver. 13. M. Lewis , F. N. Uialo , K. M , llickok- , William Hamilton. S. H. Nelson. C. M , Des Hots A. F. Asheloy , 13. C. llaskoll , J. 1) . Krum , I ) . K. Paiifrbum. H. Wilson , J , ( iriawold , A. M. Darlev , J. H. Reynolds , J. N. HIo\c \ , W. L Boyd , T , A. Hamilton , II. M. Goodoll , Fred Johnston , L. .1) . Wells. C. Hullhorst. W. S. Brown , J. ( J. TutoV. . K. Kimbali , J. McDonald. N. S. Lowry , deorgo T. tVi'-sman , J. W. Yourcs , W. F. Ulndand. ,7. Urinkcma , liwln.J. W Wood , J. C. Irwtn. J. A. Hood , H. Jl. Bradcn , Joel Wnrnor , Thomas S. Vail , Joshua liak ! > . S. 11. Me- Cleland , T. L. Sexton , A. B. Bryan. J. T. Balrd. Elders J. M. Qrnhnm , J. B. Gra ham , J. B. llcavtwcll , W. 1) . McConl , R. L. Adams , ( icorffi1 It. Milton , Mauley llojrors. Albert W. Wells , William llnys. W. T ) . llarf , C. W. S. U illis , J. L. Kdwards , J. P. Crop- soy. J. P. Davidson , A. P. Leach , J. 11. ItiirgH , M. M. Nicholl. Tlio rctirinir moderator , Itcv. W. 13. Rim ball , delivered the sermon for the owning. He chose for his text a part of the lif- toontli verso of the third chapter of I Timothy : "Tho Church of the Living God , the pillar and ground of Truth.1 The ml dross wns an able ono and closely followed by the largo attendance. The speaker said that man has n natural do- slro for an association with fellow men of his own class. ThU desire forms an element ot character called the social that results in the formations of associations of business and social character. This deslro is at tributed to divine plan. Ho who trained the stars to troop together also united men in a common association. But these human associations , while they have their proper Hold , do not satisfy man's highest desire. To supply this Gotl founded the church. Of late , however , there have been inltnenccs at work to keep men out of the church and away from God. There is a crying need that the church should be given the attention tine to its holy origin and bo given the prominence lor which il was founded. The speaker referred to some of the characteristics of the successful church. First may bo mentioned the piety of the members that always forms the uond of union which exists among tlio individuals who compose a church lite second feature is the dolinito form of constitution for the direc tion of the church. The church may ex ist with individuals without organization , but not with the same success. The church is not for the purposes of worship alone , but like the pagan temple stands as a permanent monument of the place in which God dwells in an especial man ner. In worship and testimony too the best work of the church is shown. The influence of the church on modern clvili- /.alion was dwelt upon at considerable length and closed the strong sermon. Attor the sermon the Svnotl organized by the election of Itov. W. J. Harsha as moderator. Tliero will no morning , afternoon and evening sessions ol tlio synod to-day and to-morrow. There will bo a popular meeting this evening in the interest of homo missions , to bo addressed by Dr. Timothy Hill , of Kansas City , and Ifov. T. L. Sexton. The mooting to-morrow evening will bo in the interests of foreign missions and will bo addressed by Uev. Alexander Mitchell , of New York. On Sunday morning the sacrament of the Lord's Supper 'will bo administered by the moderator. TWO UNHAPPY AV1VJBS. They Suck Separation From Alleged Unfalthliil Husbands. The trouble in the Gotham family came up again yesterday in the form of a petition for a divorce filed by Mrs. Gotham In the district court. Mrs. Gotham , then Lillian Gray , came here from Chicago in May last , to work in ono of tlie manufacturing establishments and scoured board with a Mrs. Gotham , on Thirteenth street. She worked but a short time when she became engaged to the son of her landlady , and on Juno 20 gave up her position to become Mrs. Frank Gotham. Their wedded happi ness was of but brief duration. A few weeks ago she became sick and was de serted by her husband , who wont back to live with his ma. Ho afterwards com menced an action in Justice Berka's court to got possession of the few arti cles of household furniture that ho had given his wife at the time of their mar riage. Upon this showing of facts Mrs. Gotham asks the court to grant hur a de cree of divorce and restore to her her maiden name , Lillian Gray. nits. SIOSSKTT'S CIAIM. .Mrs. Hannah Mossett filed a petition in tlio district court yesterday asking a di vorce from her husband , Joseph Mossett , to whom she was married twenty-two years ago in St. Louis. Drunkenness and cruelty are the causes assigned for the desired separation. STltUOK ON TIII51II FOREMAN. The IlaruesR Moil in Murks Brothers' Object to a Convict Bonn. There was a walk out of workmen nt Marks Bros' harness manufactory on Harnoy street at noon yesterday. There are twenty-live men employed in the har ness department of the factory. About a month ago the proprietor put in a now foreman over thcso workman , a man named J. J. Connor , who has boon until recently the boss of the convict harnessniakors of the Mis souri state penitentiary at Jollorson City. The worxmon assort that Connor has been treating them in probably Iho same manner that ho did the convict laborers , and has placed work upon that they could not ami would not perform. They made an unsuccessful attempt to com promise in order to keep on good terms with their foreman , but failing in this they petitioned their employers to have him released , setting forth at length his arbitrary and abusive metnods with his workmen. The proprietors have had the petition under consideration and yester day returned an answer to the men that the foreman would bo retained. The workmen , twenty-live in number , then walked out of Iho shop and will refuse to go to work again under Connor. The workmen have no complaint to make against their employ- era. Their trouble is entirely with Con nor. There will probably bo a union formed among the Omaha harness mak ers as a result of the trouble. Till : OTIIKIl SWK. Quo of the proprietors of the above named establishment called nt the Hi'.i : oflico liiht night to make a statement in correction or explanation of the charges fibovo that were made on the authority of the striking workmen. The proprietor states that the foreman lists not had any thing to do with convict laborers for a number of years , but came hero from Chicago , whore ho had been employed for some lime. When the workmen ob jected to him a few days ago the firm asked them to try him another week , and- If ho was not satisfactory then ho would bo discharged. Instead ot doing this the men walked out. Manual Training. D. K , Bond , superintendent of the pub lic schools at Blair , and Messrs. Halter and Hewers , memb.irs of the Blair board of education , were in Iho cily yeslerday inspecting the workings of the manual training department of the Omaha public schools. They contemplate introducing a manual training department into the Blair schools. They worn shown through the schools by Superintendent Jumes , County Bower Contracts. The county commissioners yesterday annulled the contracts awarded to O'Neill for the construction of the two brick sewers ers that are to take tha place of bridges , one nt West Side addition and ono at the county line west of the Block yards. The contracts were then awarded to J. K , Riloy. ' The sewer ut Webt Side will cost -0 , Iho other $850. THIS nOQlHiH CAMPAIGN. How tt la Uolng Conducted by Church lie ve. A rcprcsetitlvo of the BKK happened Into the 1'axton hotel , and seeing a long procession of well known political bum mers , ward-workers , shyster workingmen - men and others of that ilk of the repub lican party. "Is there a political convention being held here , " iiuiuirrd the Bin : man. "Yes ; a convention of Church Howo's campaign boodlors , " said a bystander. "They are ns hungry looking lot of wolves as I have seen. " "The Paxton has been madu the hoad- qnaitorsof Church Howe , Itako it"siild the Hir. : man. "Yos , ho has established his headquart ers in pailor - and has organized a gang of runners who are employed day ami night in rounding up amt bringing in tin1 boodlers. " Investigation by tlio Br.t : man con firmed the bystander's statements. The machine is being run by D. 11. Mercer , who is acting as Howe's man Friday. Church Howe demonstrated his political seeondslglilvnon ho brought Mercer hero and lodged him in a soft berth in the Union Pacilic headquarters n few months ago to become posted on Douglas county politics and politicians. No sooner had Church Howe arrived In the city than his runners and messengers began running back and forth for every man who was known to bo a ward worker. It was a sight for gods and men to sco Frank Walters , " .Judge" Wright , "Doctor" Blair , Dennis Lane , Charley Schroto , H. W. Cossley , iust from Washington City , Jason Lewis , Herman Tim mo , and several workingmen - men who always put in a month's idle ness in every campaign , anil who have no votes to deliver. Tlinro wore also In tlio crowd a number of uoodlors from the country precincts , who went homo with their pockets lined upon the promise to give Howe a boom in tlioir respective localities. Quite a number of the republican work ers who were sent for , did not take kindly 10 the invitation , and respectfully in formed the mcsM'iigor that they had other business besitios working for llowe. Jason Lewis and his so-called labor committee will issue a call present I v for a conveiuion to nominate a ticket with Church Howe at the head , followed by a few blanks for candidates who are will ing to pony up. Lewis and associates will call upon every candidate for con tributions. Tlio highest bidder will get his name on the Lewis ticket , which generally polls from liftccn to twenty-livo votes. Howe is also organizing a strong force nt tlio slock yards under the leadership of n man from Somalia county , who is run ning a lumber yard in South Omaha. That party , as wo understand , has taken the contraot to deliver some voting cattle from the stock yards , and hence the mar ket prices of that kind of cattle has ad vanced considerably of late. The Court Cnll. The following cases will bo called in district court oeforo Judge Wakeley to day : Chambers vs. Council. Grellnor vs. Omaha Nail Manufactur ing Co. White et al. vs. Miller et al. Council vs. llollenbeck ct al. Mandcll vs. Mjller et al. McLeod vs. Dixon. HoMicok vs. Sally. Oborlenferetal. vs. Smith ct al. Siisterio vs. Omaha. Van Ellen vs. Omaha. Moore vs. Kaslon. Scholler vs. Stevenson. Smctana. vs. Semerat ct al. Christiansen vs , Omaha. Evensen vs. Kvcnsen. Holding Bros. & Co. vs- Miller ct al. Cunningham vs. Lybrook et a I. Nelson vs. Omaha. Pcrmita. Superintendent Whitlock reports that the approach of cold weather is having an million co to check the plans for fur ther buildings this year. Contractors all have their hands full to get the buildings already under way in shape for the win ter. Whatever other work is commenced this fall will bo in the shape of small structures. Only two permits wore issued yesterday as follows : William Wcckbacli , 1-story fr.inio cot tage , Pierce between Thlitcciith and Fourteenth . S 400 Chris Madson. fra mo blacksmith shop on Poppleton aveiuio . 175 A Cheap Attachment. An attachment case was commenced in Justice Anderson's court yesterday against Fred Hasso , the brewer. The suit was commenced by Brandois & Sons , who allege that llasse is indebted to them in the sum of $5 , and is about to disnoso of his property with a view of de frauding creditors. Hasso is preparing to remove to St. Louis. I. O. O. F. The members of Iluth Hebckah Dcgrcn , Lodge No. 1 , will visit Blair , Neb. , on Saturday evening , the lOtli inst. , to assist at tlio institution of a Ilebokah Degree Lodge. Ail members of Ucbokah Degree lodges are invited to participate. 'J he train will leave the St. Paul depot at Fifteenth and Webster at 5 : 15 p. m. SADII : WUKJIJT , Secretary. Police PointH.3 Tlio business disposed of by Judge Stimberg in police court yestorcay morn ing wasof an unimportant nature. John MoGinty , who had been intoxicated , was given six days in the county jail. John Murray , an old tramp who lias been sev eral limes ordered out of the city , was .sonteiiceil to blxty days in the county jail. Four suspicious characters wore discharged. _ Corn festivals , in which the piece do re sistance Is corn , have raged with unusual violence this fail , and the onlerlainment accompanying usually consists of songs , reciitiitioiis , etc. , referring to corn , a laver - or to selection being from Loiifongfel- low's "Hiawatha. " ItrovlilcH. The work of digging the proposed well for gas or oil will bo commenced as soon as the council acts upon thu petition of the projectors for the use of curtain city property near the river. John Hogan was sent to the county jail for thirty days by Judge Stenborg yes terday afternoon for tiio larceny of an overcoat from the store of the Nebraska Clothing company on Wednesday night , U.S. Jaynes , superintendent of the Chicago cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Onioha railway , received notice Irom J.M , Whit man , general superintendent , late ycMor * . Hay afternoon , not to receive any Jroight for Minneapolis or Minnesota tniiister , This is probably on account of the switch men's btriko , San Goon is on the warpath again , lie called ut this ollico vefitunlay and com plained bitterly of Policeman No. 30 , who lie says is persecuting him without causo. Ha says that the policeman came into his shop Wcdnusdav evening anil abused him shamefully , frightening away two young lady customers who were in his store ut the time. Paragraphs. J , A. Poland and wife , U. S. A. nro at the Paxton. A. H. Swan and W. K. Swan , of Cheyenne - onno , are registered al the Paxton. Cora Tanner , the star of the "Alone in London" company , is ono of the beauties of the American stiige. She is Mutiies < | iii ! of figure and is a winsome and attractive actress , and is said to resemble Kllen Terry , who supported Henry Irving on his American tour , OR EVERYBODft'OTECT-TO' " - ' & ' JWINCf-A'BOTTL&'Op O17 St. ClmrlonN < . , Nt.Knul.i.Mo. 1 rutulir in.lmloof M d1t lColl.j , , hti ti en ttnnr ntitoil ID lh ipifllil irrftttncQt of Cmoii . Ktivoti. aim anil lltoon DtuiMl thin anr otbtr 1'hjalrlKn IbBi. LftuiA. * lly rirfr ibow o.l IUMre.l'lnli > o , Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mentnl and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Attae- tlont ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Polionlno. old Soret and ulcers , r tt t a wiih .ni-ir.iioj.4 tvetttn , on Utfvt tel , DUO * prlnctrilti , Hnhlr , Prlttlclf . Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Exccat. Exposure or Indulgcnco , hlch rroJnD orth fell wls tH.edi ninoupDf , , , del-IIUj. dlnn-n or ilibt nd < ! tr tlrf munory , rlniMlion tlii hr , fhr.lcal J c.r , > Tl lontolh < m > dcior fmi.loi , eooruiloi if 14m , IM. , rcndorlnn Mun-l o Improper or unhai'py , w Krmintnllj tiirnl. r railitciS | ( < lpiirioD ) tbt boTo , itn rileJ cntslnpi , frteloanT ndilrxi. ConmlllllenH .1- Bee or tj mill n ef . IntlUtl un J ilrlrllj ctuOJintlal. A Positive- Written Guarantee ei n in cT rr . rebloeisc * lleJlelofl catti'crjnhirtb/ llor < ipr * . EllARRIACE COSDE , DOO PAOE3 , FIKE PLATBS. cleftnt c'lfllh nl .III blodltg. tftledf r DOo. In t'oitniortarr ey , Over flftr wonderful pnpletorFittruio Hfoj rtlI i on tbt fellolnf ubjtetit who inay mirry , wh nolliy j rn nh oi , woman. hood , jihy ! < ! des t , ( T ett ofccllbtey tn < l KI * J , the J-hri. lolojty of riprodueiloD * ud miny taort. Tboin tuirrtw contcmplatiuR murtliB * * hcul4 rind It , rvl r ftlUlon t&me , rPr < iTf > r. &So. AiJrfi 4abo [ > . HoKE l 2BD23G5O TftNSILCfl Tansill's ' Punch Cigars -TJP.rf'H' \roro shipped iluvins the imst two yourn , without a drum- \m \ ? nicrfuouri'iiiiiloy , Nootlicr U > tH ! T Iiouso In tlio world emi truttl * 2 fully iiiakii Bti3h u the . G\fif \ Ono nueut ( tliMlur oiily ) wnntod In onoh tuw SOLD OY LEADING DRUCCISTS. n.W.TANSILL&CO. , 55 State St.Chicaoo. A Book tlmt overr father should tiKico In liltf uon'fl luiiidi- audroul hiniseir with the utmost euro. Glvrg all ttio Mriiiptoins fiud tcrrlblrt rrnntu of Dliteaata duo to Eurly Vlcu und Jcnur * nnrc. U'rof. Jtian Ctvlal < . ) llusbanda nncl Hciuls of Fnm- ( Of I'd1 H Krnnpv./ Jlioanuud It , Testimonials f i om eminent Louilon Doc tori FRENCH HOSPITAL TREATMENT For DrMna , I > ocay , We knc , Tx > t Vitality , Tip. Soul only FOAlf'il. r'rrt > Coiiiiiillntlan. KromPA M. , to ft 1it. . K AUUt'OY. 174 1'ullon HI. . Now York. Pays Best WHEN PROPERLY DONE. We AIM TO AND DO GIVE TO ALL CUSTOMERS , [ LOWEST PRICES PROMPT THAHSACTIONO - lJUDICIOUO SCLECTIONS-"CoriGPICUOUS POSI- Tiori3----ExHcnicNCCD ASSIBTANCCUNQI - ASEO OPINIONS AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE. ADVcnriacMENTB DESIGNED , Pnoor * SHOWN AND > EATIMATCB or COVT IN ANY NCWSPAVCH * . FURNISHED TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES FREE or CHARGE. The H. P. Hubbard Co. , Sueceiiors to H. P. HUBBARD , jjudlcious Advertising Agents and Exports , j Established 1871. Inco'porited 1885. | New Haven , Conn. 200 P oc CATAIOQUC or LEAOIHO NcwapApcns. " SENT FHEC ON APPLICATION. WEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE Anil other * nfferlnff from lipnroua detilllty , extialiitlnff rhronla iliyiiue , pririUHtur * lihiclhio of yountf or old nro iioKltlircljr KUii'd by Dr. . llnrnu'ii ' fninoua Klirtro- i.-wjja-- - - - VSMHB'HHO llilt. TliouhHiidj 'A-SUto In fliu unliin Imvo lici'li cur . iiootrici " ? * rty lni > tu Uy U-lt ruU'iiifdajul oUI 10 ypiilM. Wliuln family uun ouar munu licit. KI < M-lrl < hii > i > rniorlr > > frni wjlli main lidtH. AvuM wurtlilt Im- Itatfoiu anil l > unil cuninnlil4 RK-ftrlo 'I'riuiira lor Itnplura. 7IK ) cilreil In'HS. Ki-ml flump for ImmlillleC. DH. W. J. KdKNE. INVFNTOR. ( ill WADASH AV. . I iVbuulutcly 1'uro ami Uniulultcrutcd. Ill UIIIN HOSPITALS , CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS , INFIRMARIES , A > iO Pflt&CRIQCO HV PHTbtCIANU tlVdlYV/Klflr. OUBE8 CONSUMPTION , HEMORRHAGES Ami nil n'litllny Jttn e > i DYSPEPSIA , INDIGESTION , MALARIA. lilt UNLY Fen THE SICK , INVALIDS , CONVALESCING PATIENTS , AGED PEOPLE , WEAK AND DEBILITATED WOMEN. I'or tale by Drugiilite , Qroccri * nil Dculcrt. I'l-lrc , Ono Dollar i > r IloUlo. M abovt , D'1 tit * bkicit of Cfiupnr tlowu to tx > ltU * CTyftr.Hm4 * > to/tit ) HiMkjr MouiiUlo * ( icri > t tt Trrtiorif4t , uu.vtl Ui prucort It from UttlrdMttrf r u luv Hl ( Jiuivu Mia , ta f'ltln t * , uotat.vi < ] t tu ( .rc cL > r | I'tc ' AlJ , ituiktlluy bU I > ( * lUr ta The Dulfj Malt Vh/hUkey / Co.DaltlmorcMd , j attg t/f r t utll 9t i < r-