Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1886, Image 1

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    ILY EE.
The Qulf Storm Sweeps Whole Towns Ont
of Existence.
Tnll I'nrtlculnrs of the Disnutor an
\'ct Unohtnlnnlilo AVork ofVliul
and Itnln Thioni > hotit
the Country.
The Destructive
XKVV Oni K < SS Oct. H. A dlsiiatchto the
riniPs-Dc'itiociat , received rally tills morning
fiom Oiangi' . 'le.xas , sas thostorm did great
damage at bablno PasTho Porter hotel ,
which" contained a largo number of guest' ,
\vassvvcnt \ away , ami n uoat containing u
number ot people was ovcrtiuncd in the bay
and nil on board were drowned. Eight lives
aie known to be lost , and it Is feared that thu
woistlms not been learned. A schooner
picked tin three men In the 1m In an ex
hausted condition. A telief boat
htiR gone fiom Oinngo with provisions
and clothing lor the destitute
The water continued to ilse Moudav und
leachrd the lltst ilnor of several houses. This
crt'iitcd a geneial alarm and mam persons
Icttthclt homes , taking leluuo In the hotel at
1 astport. The naiiow nctk of land between
the rl\i > r bank and thu sea maish hoideriiig
the bays and gull vvas completelv undei
water , which In ome places was waist deep.
At 11 o'clock Monila ) night the wind lulled a
liltloaiid the ah cami' In stiong pull' * , the
clouds went Mtiddlni ! iiway , the
lienons clencd and tlio mid-
tight moon shone on a di solute scene
below. 'Ilio vvatei had become lea'ouublv'
modeiate. Tlm balk India , lor Peiisacola ,
lost her main tup sail dm tin ; the gale. The
baromeloi on the I ndei vvilli'i fell to i. ! ) . : , a
rcnmrkable low leglsler. 'I lie d image ex
tended all along the ilvei At Cutiit ( iap ,
John Who lost his tliH'sheis , allot his rice ,
his cattle , and luct the stciiin made n clean
bweupot his plare.owslrom Point Alapachu
ami points below , show that the ( list account
of tiedamag | was rathci undei than over
estimated. Tlieie has been almost entlio do
Htinetlou olciopsof all kinds from points
Alapachu to Port Lads on the east side ol the,1
rlvVr 'Ihesihoonei J. A. J. , liimbei laden ,
was ( liiven on tlm levo thlitv-livo miles
below the cltv and left hiirli and diy. Two
unknown tiigifeis shared the same fate.
What few ounces theic weio on ticc-swcro
blown off.
A special from Oranpe , Tex. , to the
Picaiine sas : Details ot the destruction
hvthestoun at babino Pass and Johnson's
B.IV.OII como In slowly and aio ) ct Iiidehnltc.
Two blethers named Pomcroy weio picked
up b ) : i schooner In Sabine lake. They had
been in the water thlrtv-slx limns , clinging
to theli capsl/i d yawl. They repmt tliat lift )
jives weio lost at the Poiter house , where the
p ople hid collected ns the best place' of
salctv. U vv put to pieces at It o'clock. Many
persons aie missing. Still greatci 'oss is
rcpoitc'd fiom Johnson's la\oii. ! Whole
families w ere swept away , and until liouso
was lelthtaiidlnc within five miles of the
lake- .
The Tlmes-Domociat's Lake Chailes , Li ,
special savf , : The loss ot pioperty alonj ; the
Campion Palish unit coast and for some dis
tance west ol babino Pass bv thu storm of
Tuescliy nuht was feaitul. The mall boat
from Cameron Parish repents that the watei
at Calcasleupas was oiijlit leet deep at tlio
light house and tliat the entire country east
and west was submerged Tuescla ) night ,
drowning thousands ot cattle and mining
crops. No Iivia weio lost at Leesbuig 01
Calcasieupas , but the follow lug aie icpoitcd
lost at Johnson' " Uavon , I-a. :
Tilt : i N i iiu : rAstii.ins or
Ar.i iur : > LAVIIIKIIT ,
( Jr.c.iuiK bimrvi us ,
llADritOD ( JlII.V.
Besides man ) others whoso names have
not ) et been ascertained.
< iAivrvioN , Tex. , Oct. II. The town of
Sabluo 1'ass , ut tlm mouth of the Sabine
fivei. the cllviilluir line butwoim Louisiana
and Texas. Is icpoitcd entirely washed away
by thetculllc stoim of Tuesday niglit. Ovei
Inty lives are tupoitrrt lo t out of a total
population of 200. 'lelej-'raphlc communica
tion with nil points ontsliiu of Texas was
nearly suspended last nliilit , owing to the
stoims. The followinc account ot tliugieat
dlsantei atSablno Pass was tclcgiaphod last
niuht to Houston :
Beaumont , out town , Is In a state of Intense
excitement to niizbt at the news just received
from Sablnn 1 ass. It is news ol terrible loss
of life and destruction of propeity in tliat
place liom high watir. We nave now no
ielegtaphic- communication with the
Puss , wires all being down , but
an engliio ariived heio to-nlcht over the
Kast Texas railway that left there about 0
o'clock. Two cltl/uns , who rowed in a small
boatuciobs an expanse of tossing waters n
distance of several miles fiom tlm town of
SabJnoPass to the lailioid tiack. came In on
thu engine and gave a Iieait-iendlni ; account
of affairs tlibio. Thuy sa > tlio waters began
to Invade tliu town liom the cull and lake
together , about 2 o'cock Tui'sda ) iilternoou ,
and rose w itb unprecedented rapidity. The
eiti/ensof the doomed place did not reali/o
the Iminent danger until It was too late to
escape , when safe ! ) b ) lllght was rccoKiil cd
ns out ot the question. People who weio
situated so they could do so , betook them
selves to houses and icsoits adjudged to be
the suli'sl. 'Ilio water kept ilsing , ami be
tween S ami 4 o'clock the smaller
house' * began to ) leld to the
icslstless torce of tlm waves and not
on ! ) moved trom theii foundations , but
turned on their shies and top' . A llttlo later
the houses began to glvo wa ) and death by
diovvnlni : nei'incel Inevitable torevei ) clti/en
of the place. With the ) leldlng ot tliu hinallnr
houses hev i ml people who lemaincd on them
we'io in owned , and when tlm icsidcnccsund
business places bean to ciumble the fatality
began to double.
LIST or mi : IOST.
'Ilio following Incomplete list of thu
drownul vviisobtnlnod tiom the two gentle-
mi'ii wliircamu over on thu engine :
Miss MAIIAI i A.
, li.\i VOMIV and famll ) of six.
One Uuow.s's wifannd tuo children.
HOMI u K't.Mi , wife and child.
Mns. Jt .SKMI and son ,
Mis. : I'eiMMiov and famll ) of sve.
Mns , bit vv.vitt , ihimzhtei and son ,
A man by the naiueot WII.SOM.
Mns. Aiiun'iiMrlti.v.sdi.iis' .
Mis. : .MrDovM.i ) and daughter ,
FnvNtMi 1,1 in.vN ami family.
Ooi.L'MiM.vbiKUaud familv ,
Also about tvvcut-llvu colo.u-d people
whoso names could not be given.
The ntiovo list compiiscs over fifty human
beings victims ot the storm , among them
80IIIH ol the leading families of thu place.
Mhenv aio otlteib , and nun ) ot them were
doubtless ilrovvni'd without any ono now liv
ing know Ina tinv thing of it. It IH feaied
that vvkeilo families In dltVeient pius of tlio
phuu have been swept nvvnv without leaving
a pc.if.on or vi'stu o to indicate tlii'ii horilblu
tate , Jl is Mtlil that tlio hltiiat'on ' dining tlie
latin put ot tliu aftn noon be.'eais de ciip-
tion , The nuinlli'ittiuloiis of terror and
n oiiy bv the jieople , looking face to
face at death and lenlUing that there
VNO.S no escape ; thu dvlug rrles of
women , audible but ii'iufrrcil almost nolsiv
Icssbv thoiou of tliesea ; tint hearse \olces
ot pallid men tilng to save the = o dear to
them , alt combined , made thu hcenu too hor-
ilbletobo deseubvd.
On H'ce'lpt ot this news the citi/ens of
Biaiminiit Immcdlntelv btv'an picparatloiis
foi lellcf. The Knst TIHS railroad placi d a'l
riigtnu at tlti'ii disposal , and a p.irt ) ut ninii
lunugoncito trant'i ) ) to c.urj the news thuio
find inoeiiro boils und stall for
'Ib dam.ige to pruiieit ) ut habliio Pass has
been \ > ij gieat. Tlm vvliinf pioport ) of tlm
town was owned bv New Votk capitalist. ? ,
7\ho al o own tl oadlolninu lauds , and vvtro
nimlng to imikii balilr.o I'aaa au Import ml
poll on tl e gulf cm-vt ,
This cltv litisbieii in a state of feve'iish e\-
eitrmt'iit nil it ij ovei the divadiul news fium
. , blno P s Muny nnxioiih wi sims have
nil ! I ) visited tlio telegraph olllcis , boekine
luii tor paitUulais fiom tlm strlvken town.
Tii'itleiallsiif tbu rat istroplio are virv Uifll-
call to oltain , be ' .ui-.aof the itnpalicU faclll-
tioa fur eommuulevllon In tlm vicin
ity of babino Pass. Telegraph IQ
r , mmuuliallon with Bp.unnont and Orange.
tt.e oraioii points I ) tlm unfurtuualo town ,
lui * Ui un -r-st.-U.ltsl. nl. but ! he inl ibltiutbol
tu tc avvaliiu ' . ! . < ; r. turn
of the lolief piitlrs tlmt have itono to bab IIP i
Pass. ' 1 he town lies oul ) four fe-ot above tl o
ocean tide mark and Is bottndicl >
: > v great swamns on the wc-st
and Like Sablneon the north. Ihoontranro
to Lake babino Is a mile and a halt above
town. The lake Is llflieu miles long and ten
miles In width , with an avciiM- depth of
sevc'ti feet , whichlsalw.isnmintaiucd b ) the
litiuo voluino of wati-i | ourln Info the biMn.
fiom two navigable rlveis-the Neches and
babine. It was this lake , nrconllnis to the
most experienced navl ators on thiscoast ,
tint ( leslrord the town. Ihe biiniciue of
last Sunday in tlm West Indies tilew the
waters w. Illi gieat violence toward the1 Icxas
coast. Ibis hurricvne was lust
noticed on this coast on Sundiv morning ,
attaining Its maximum onTuesdav aftrrnoou
nnd was maintained at a blub point by the
Impetus of the waters behind 'Ihe hum-
canu It clt did not rc-ich these coasts
nt nil , as scaiee-lv a breath
of wind was stirring when tlio tidal
wivo llrst touched tineoist \\hen its
mixlmum was readied on Tttcsila ) after-
no'in ' , however , lieiie northwestern miles
sprang up along the whole coist , and at
Sabine Pass this gale blow the vvateis out of
LnkuSablnu and drove them tow aid tlm
gulf , where the lake waters were met by the
gientsvvell ( iiused bv the Inn lie \nc' \ . llns
lesullcd in driving the ) lake waters over into
tliu little town and subnieigiiu the countr )
lor ten miles aiottnd without a moments
As soon as the collector of customs was np-
prl ed of the disaster ho sent the COVIMII-
ment tug Penrosti to piupare to make a tilp
to biblue , and she stilted foi that pi icu at
'J o'clock this afternoon. The Pen lose can
not get bark he'lote to-monow , when details
ol tills aw fill dlsastci will be known.
The latest repents place the number of lives
lost atbahlno at over sl\t ) .
The Gnlo In Ohlcnco.
CittcAfio , Oct. II fbpicial 'leleiriam to
the BKIC.I Chicago has been as Isolated fiom
the rest ot the woilel as the lesult of the
steirm this morning , as vvas Charleston when
the eaitlieiuake cut tlio connection with civil-
I Ait Ion by telegraph of that city. Tlio wiles
ol tliu Wesloin Union and Baltimoio & Ohio
Telegiapli companies aio down in every di
rection from tills city. The storm seemed to
boaoclonooi a numbci of cyclones , with
Chicago ns the stoim center. The Chicago
office is completely Isolated , mid at 4 o'clock
to day did not have a vvliu vvoiklm ; to any of
thu principal c-lttcs. Just befoto the break in
the Detioltclicult occurred a briet dispatch
was received , stating that the countiy be
tween Ypslhntl , Mich. , and Klkhorn , Hid. ,
was being devastated by a oclono of ter-
rlhc force , which it Is believed has ciused
erious loss of lite and property. Details
cannot be learned until thu necessary repairs
can bo made to the whos. Between Auroia
and Mendota , on tlio Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy road , the btorm was dlsastious in Its
seveilty. One gust 01 huriicaiiu chopped
down suven telcgiaph poles nt one sweep
near Moline , Ilk , on the line of the Jtoclc Is
land lallroaci.
Chief Opciator LIed , of the AVcstem
Union , siid tills afternoon that novel in
tlio histoiy of the local office 1ms it been so
baddiy crippled since the hie ) that destio > 0l (
it in tlio fall of Wil. "Wo aio cut oil fiom
the oulsldo woild completely , ' said Mi.
Llod , "but I am hopettil that wo will not belong
long In tlmt condition. Wu havu hundieds
of men and a number of wrecking ens , and
I am postivc we will liavo all om principal
Hues w orklmr bofoie 7 o'clock. "
A icpenter visited the signal sen ice office
and asecitatncd some facts iCKaidliu : tlio
stoim. Tlio stoim was at fust noticed a clay
beloro ) estculay In the noithein pait ol
.Montana and Dakota , wheio tlieie was a
heavy depression. Testeiclay morning the
stoim moved slightly in a southcasteily
direction. In tlio afternoon it moved
south as far as Omaha , and last
night it moved southeasterly fiom Yankton
until it leiclied Omaha , and then it cliamrud
its couise and cime eastward until it reached
H.ivcnpoit , la. , when It again changed
slichtly to tlie noithcast. This morning at 0
o'clock tne storm center vvas at Davenport ,
la. , and at noon it vvas located between Chicago
cage and Milwaukee , but neaiot to Chicago ,
and was moving east with creat lapleiity.
This 11101 ning the baiomctci at the signal ot-
hco was the lowest ever known in this sec
tion , indicating 129 1-10 inches , conccted for
sea level. At 110 : ! ! the storm center vvas
just noith of this city. Tlie wind at that
time , as icglstercel , was blowing at tlio i.ito
ot from tvvunty-elght to thirty miles nn hour
In the city. A telephone message Irom the
man at the crib stated that the gale wasblow-
IIIK at tliu rate of fifty miles an hour out
there and was Incieasing in force. The sig
nal serv Icu mm said tlmt it vvas going to be a
very bad night on tlio lake , and ho advised
vessel men not to venture out
CnicAcio , Oct. 14. A high wind , accom
panied by a dienchlng rain , has been pre
vailing here slnco cailythis morninc. The
storm toio thiough the treesof Douglas , Duf-
field mid Ilnmboldt paiks with the fury of a
hurricane Soft maplesaplings were twisted oil
close to theli tilinks and hurled ovei the top
ot the lamest tiees. Two real estate agency
buildings on Madison street , nur.i Gnrhohl
paik , weio picked up by Ilio wind and
pounded to pieces on the pialrlos ,
bticct car conductois and diivers.
who weio caught in tlio woist ot Ilio cale ,
hay tint It was onlv witli thu greatest dllll-
cully the ) saved themselves liom being
tluov.n fiom the cars. All the stieets in the
western and southern portion of thocit ) aio
litteieel with bioken tiees and Bhlveied sign-
boil its. The signal serv lee ollicci ropoits
that the stoim Is lapidlv advancing In a
northeaster ! ) direction and tliat itlsbecmu-
Inc moie scvi'io and very high winds will
pi ex all.
The storm bus been accompanied vv 1th con
siderable lalnlall , this station showing half
an inch ot water , Tliu wind Is blowinc at
thu rate of thlitv miles an hour and has at
tained n velocity of liom torty-hvo to lilty
miles on the lake. Reports show that tlio
htoi m extends over a veiy vvldo aien , but no
paiileulai.scan be obtained , as tliu telegraph
vv lies aio down in all duectioiiH. A ON clone
between Ypsllantl and FJkhart , Ind. . toro
do\\n all the wires In that neighborhood , and
on tlm Chicago , Burlington Qulncy rail-
load the top of a cat was blown oil and cai-
ried a-'aiuit iho vvlies with Bitch toice as to
bieak them ull.
Ill ov\ ned Out at Buir.ilo ,
BrrrALO , N. V. , Oct. H. A terillle gale
accompanied by rain set In heiu this attei-
noon and continue ! ) with increasing Uiry.
At midnight the wind Is blowing sl\ty-hvu
miles nu hour. "Tho Island. " Inhabited by
squatters , Is flooded , and the water poms In
lingo waves ovur it. Twenty'iiino
houses hmi ; been totally do-
htrovccl and ovei ono hundred poisons
are fiomelea" . Thupt-oplo are moving their
household goods to the umlnlrind , Oltlccrs
wore sent to tuo rescim of thu family of
Charles LimbiMt , Lambrit vvis saved , but
his wife an I daughtei were drowned. Sov >
others arc repoili-d missing , The basements
of the house , on Canal sticot urn Hooded , the
Inmates taking refuse on their ujiper floois.
A l.ulce A'essel J'oninlors.
PotirCoi uott.Ni : , Ont. , Oct. 14. An un
known schooner , suppeised to bo a three-
iimsti-d vessel , foundi-ied vvlion about tlueo
miles otf tlilf , poit this afternoon , She had
just opened no to the ranges and was stialgh'
teiu'd away for tlie haibor , when siiodlsai-
pcaied. 'Iho'tig ' Booth started Immediately
to tiv and ph'k up the sailorA heav ) gale
was hlouiiiK liom tlio soutlivvest at Iho time ,
' 111' } tugltiUh has if tuiupcl dcro nnd re-
posts the lounUeied vc srl as iho Ueo. M.
Cl.ase Cant du Coot , grain hden. bound
tiom Chicago for ButVplo.lien the Itiilh
ipndird tlie Ill-tated vcdsul , she found the
tug W. A , Jlomi ) theru , and to/e'lhei thev
hiveel fc ur of ( lie riou whom the ) icaiud
clinging to II e ? which stuck up out of
the vTate ; . < apt.ih : Cook and ono man iicvcr
came up aflor the vessel went down.
Itiiiu Worked lu K.tntcakee.
K\NhAKK : ; , HI. , Oct. H. Tfco le-sther
vroikstovvci at this piac * , whlnh V.RS com
pleted IM vrtHik , was blown over to-day ,
crushing Ihe baru of H. U. Joausou and a
piiiUvit of the loslJcnce of J&shh Aldvicb.
Aldtlch and bis wife were in another portion
of the liouso at the time , and were unin
jured. Iho tower vvis IM fict high anil
twenty feet across. U was made ot boiler
Iron nnd cast SIIOOi 'Ihe wind blow down
fieos and chininu ) ! ! and toro off roofs. No
llvos wuru lost.
Wind nnd Itnln lu 1cmA.
Drs MOIM.S la. , Oct. 14. [ Special Tele
gram to thu Hi.i : . ] Heivv winds hnvo pre
vailed all over the state to-day and In some
Instances doing oino damage. A special
fiom Clinton savs : A strong wind nnd
heavv lain prcvu'led ' this mornlnc. The
wind did no mateiinl barm nnd the tain
much good. 'Ihe wind Is northwest nnd It Is
urowlng cold lapidlv. I'hrce men lu n skiff
on tlie rlvei weie upset and baiely rescued.
Mnnj Ilnilillnjjs Unroofed ,
STitKAiolt , 111. , Oct. II A teiilllc gale
blew hero this afternoon which nearly
amounted ton e\\clone. To-night a number
of buildings weru unioofcd , but no lives were
PUe .Men LOBO Their Lives In a Lake
J lsa ler ,
CM vrt AND. O. , Oct. 14. A report w.i re-
ceMved help tills moinlng by AI. A. Bradley
A. Co. , owneis ol the piopeller Solah Cham
berlain statlnir that the vessel was sunk In
collision with a New York Central line boat
simlles east of dheboygan , WIs. , last nluht ,
and four deck-hands and the second en-
glnpci , names unknown , woiolost.
MIIWAIKIE : , Oct. 14. A special to the
livening Wisconsin liom blieLovuan sas :
Captiin Oiceiil ) , of the lost stenm barge
Chamberlain , refused to be interviewed con-
eeiuliiK the dlsistcr , and also has foibldelcn
the surviving members ot the ciew liom
Hiking about it. He said lu > does not know
the names ol the men who lost their lives.
The unfortunates vv cio thu second engineer ,
a Ilicmnn and tluee deck hands. The Cham
berlain was stiuck on tlio pent bow and was
cut down below the vvntei line , blio im
mediately began to sink and Captain Greenly
ordi'ied the boats lowered. The live men
whowcic lost jumped Into ono ol thulioats ,
when the dav Its broke ana the ) vveiodumped
Into tlio lake and diowncd. 'ilio
Chambeilaln lies about tlncu miles
east of Sheboviran port , blio vvas
valued at SW.OOO. Tlie captain ot the John
Piedegon , Jr. , which arrived hero this morn
ing , civ PS but little Information concerning
the collision. HP sas tlie boits POIIIO to
gether during a dense fog and heavy gale ,
about b o'clock , and immcdintelj supaiated.
He did not know the name ot tlio steamei
they collided vv ith , nor did ho know nn ) tiling
concerning her fate until huaiiivecl here.
Ho cruised about in tlie vicinity of the scene
until lii o'clock last , night , but could notdis-
covei anything , so hf headed toi this pent.
The quick work on botli bowsol thu Piede-
iron Is badly ciushed in , but lior hull la unin-
nnecl. She Is now unloading hei caigo.
Membeis of the Piedezon's ciovv saw the
Cliambeilain's consoit , the Faettu Hioun ,
drift oil in the darkness after the'collision.
Her iih-boom rake'd the sides ol the Piedu-
gon's cabin as she drifted by.
, Alaine , Itcinir Destroyed by
FnrloiiH Pinnies.
EAsrroin , Jfe. , Oct. 11. A destuictue
coiillagiation bioke out this afternoon in
Capon's siuline factoiy , and N now sweep
ing through tlio business poition of town.
Pour sardine lactoiies , Smith's saloon ,
Pa I no's stole , Warien Biovvn's house ,
Clark's house , aid othei dwellings , have
ahcady been desliocd. The Passauiaquoildy
hotel has just caught hie. Tliu wind Is blow
ing flesh liom the southeast , and them are
no hopes of preventing the fire sweeping tlie
whole ot Watoi sticct. Tlio gieatest excite
ment pievails. The mcichnnts are all mov
ing their goods out of theii stores. Theic is
no hie apparatus In town except two hand
engines. Two ) earsago tno lownwas cle-
sticjvefl by file. The telegiaph poles are
binning. The telegiaph oflleo has been
abandoned on account of the ueai approach.
ot the flames ami all telegraphic communica
tion is stopped for the present.
DestriH'tlvo lralrie Fires.
ST. Louis , Oct. 14 A speclil from Shei-
min. Tev. , says : Late advices from the In
dian territory state that the most extonslvo
and destructive fires ever know n In that ter-
iltoiy are sweeping over the piairies. Mil
lions of acres of glaring lands , which a few
das ago were covered with n luxuiious
grow til of grass , are now bairen , ch aired.
w astes. T ho area burned ov er extends from
Ninita on the north to Muscogco on the
south , and eltliei side of tlie Missouri , Kan
sas it Texas railioad as tar as the eye can
see. Lai go numbers ot cattle have been
bin nee ! to death and immense ) quantities of
hay , baii'd and looco , which was to have be'en
used lor fodder dm ing the vviutei , lias been
dcstrocd and cattlemen will bo obliged to
diivo their herds elsovvhuie tosavothom fiom
starvation. An Investigation Into the origin
of the lire is being made by tlio VInlta In
dian agunt ,
The Hplscopnl Coin nnl ion.
CHICAGO , Oct. 14. The I-piscopal conven
tion to-day took up the Judd i evolutions.
Buv. Dr. D. H. Gieei , of Bhodo Island ,
claimed that though thu piescnt nnmo of the
chinch in a measuio accidental , It was
still a most piovldential appellation. Had
tliu chinch of Homo ch ingcdi1 Had the Kpis-
copal chinch changed' , ' It not , then there re
mained thu same need ol piotostlng as In the
past. Itev. Di. Boco , of Wisconsin , ob
jected to the present name because ho wanted
the chinch to have nei hobb ) or bo placed in
tlio lleht of contlnuallv haiping about upos-
talic succession. Itev. Di. Hopkins , of cen
tral Peunslvanla , at last claimed the floor ,
inuklnc .somo good points foi thu change. Ho
did not expect It at once , how ovei. It would
take time. Adjouiiied. To-monovv thu con
vention will sit ehielly as a botudol mis
Hnllronil AVnr Averted.
CHICAGO , Oct. 14. T. J. Potter ol the Bur
lington , It. It. Cablu of the Bock Island , J.
C. McMillan of the Alton , und A. A. Tnl-
nuigo of tlio Wnbash , met hero to day and
succeeded In leaching a compiomise which
will avert war on southwestern possi'ngcr
business. Tills was done b ) agreeing to
tormagioss money pool for thteejeais on
all business between Chlcairo , bt. Louis and
Kansas Clt ) and othei competitive points ,
The Biiillngton , which hud Intciposed an
objection , agiced to lepoit its local business
west of the liver , This accomplished , the
mectliie adjournud until to-moriow , when n
it-port will DO submitted to thu general meetIng -
Ing , which will IH ) called next week to ratify
thu compromise.
Lntonla Joukoy Clnh Kucos ,
CINCINNATI , Oct. 14 , Seven tinlongs ;
LUIandwon , Bedstone second , Beilin third.
SK furlongs : Daik Hall won , Clailon
Fecnnn , Lady M.ex third. Time 1 :20)4. :
Mile and seventy janU : Two staiters ,
Pat bliecety and Mountain Bauirer , bheedy
won. Time lW. :
Onemllu : Hliihtllght won , Hopedalo second
end , Brilliant third , Timu-lIT : ) < ; .
Ono milo : Emma Johnson won , Harrods-
, Andella third. Time 1:4V. :
A HIiiuW Kuvlbher Iiiiohccl.
n , Tenn. , Oct. 14 , Sirs. Leach , a
vvlaow residing two miles Irom Dersbuir ; ,
TOIIII , , was raped last night by u ne renamed
named Matt Washington , who was shoitly
afterward captured and lodged In jail. This
momlng at 10 o'clock 2sO unmasked tuen sur
rounded the jail nnd took foicible possession
of the ravisher. They would have hanged him
In D > ersburg , but at tlio remwst of uiuny
prominent citizens they earned bun acioss
the rlvei and strung him up to the iicnicst
tree. Washington confessed to the crime ,
Bityinc ; be Intended ravishing Mrs. Leach's
thirteenearold daughter , vvno vras absent
from borne ,
Armour's ' Beef Men to Bo Ordered Out
This Morning.
or Ijfthor Complete the Selec
tion of a heir Incentive Hojud
A Conference on the
Color Question.
A New Complication.
Cmr.voo , Oct. 14. At n meeting to-night
of District assembly , No. 57 , Knights of
Labor , It was ( K-cldccl to older out , tomorrow
row , all Ihe empoes ! of Aimour ACo.'s beef
depailment. This move will add sevcial
thousand men to those already out nnd will
maku the stiike netiPial at least so farns tlio
Armour establishment Is concerned. At mid
night the members of District assembly
No. 67 weio still In session , T. P.
B.iuv , who was ono of the two
delegates sent hero by the Kle'hmond
convention with authority to settle the. stiike ,
sas he will ptolmtil ) leave foi Richmond to-
moriovv nlL'ht. Ho sas he has arrived at the
conclusion that the packois nio meicly playIng -
Ing foi time. He broadl ) Intimates tlmt Ins
mission In nichmotid will be to Institute , If
possible , a lx > ) ce > U against Aimour , whom ho
Is convinced is alonu in the wa ) of an amica
ble settlement ol tlie stock jnids troubles.
Kni | > htH or Labor.
UiciiMOM ) , Vn. , Oft. 14. Tlio e\ccntivo
boaid ot tlio Knlghtb ol Laboi called a meet
ing at 8 o'clock this moinlng to consider tlio
question of scuellnc aid to the locked out
cotton workers at Augusta , Me. , tlio curriers
and tanners at Salem and 1'cabody , Mass. ,
and the joinncjmcn idnmbcis of New York
City. Tlio general assembly bad nlieady
votou that monej should be apmopilated for
tlicii icllef. It was resolved tiiat tie ! bum of
815,000 should bo devotullo this pinpose ,
55,000 In each of the cases. It was consul-
eied tbat a further sum could bo sent as
needed. Mi. Powdeilv held aconfeiencc at
Turd's hotel last night with fifteen orsKteen
coloied delegates to the general assembly.
The ) repiescnt the coloitd assemblies of the
Knights of Laboi of Vnglnia , Georgia ,
Floilda , Mississippi , and other southern
states. The object of tlio conference
tlio formation of a bin can of colored knights
thioughout the southern states toi tlio pur
pose ot piepaiing accurate statistics
iclitlvo to tlio condition of ( lie
coloied people , and their iciatlon to
white laboiers wbereVer they aio euuilojed
together. Tlieso statistics aio to compile
eveiythiogin connection with tlio laws of
laboi , tlio tiiati'ient they icceive liom then
emplojcrs , theii wat > t , the cost of living ,
etc. it Is pioio ed toicain whether they re
ceive the full libeilyniul rights to which tbev
aiu legillv entitled , bnt Mi. I'ovvdeilv sakf ,
in spewkin , , ' ot the conference and its objects ,
that the question of social equalltj Is not one
ot the objects ol tlio buteau. Us object is to
stimulate the colored people to woik toi then
own elevation. The dfalegites he met weio
intelligent men who seemed well lilted to aid
in thu hiipiovciiic'iil of the coloied lace. It
was decided tocicctaclmiiman andscuctarj
and have assistants In each of thosouthuu
Immediately after tlio general assembly
was called to oiduiiat 9 o'clock this moininp ,
thu woik Oi balfotting lor tlio membeis
of the cxecutivo.uoaia bogan. Theioworo
sK membeis ot the bomd to bo elected. Tlio master worKJntin , the geneial sccie-
tar > and geneial trcasuiernio ox-ofliclo mrm-
beis of ( lie eyc-ciitivo boaid.
Tiie entire moinlng session was consumed
In balloting Tor members of ex
ecutive board.
The vote stood as follows : Thomas B.
Many , 304 ; Jbhn W. Ilajes , 281 liairy was
elected on that ballot.
becond b.xliot John W. Hajcs , 333 ; A. A.
Carleton , 1.34 ; Haves elected.
Thiid ballot William II. 13ailey. SOT ; A.
A. Caileton , 170 ; Hallev elected.
A rc'ce- was taken at li o'ulock until 3 p.
m. , when the balloting lor the icmaintng
tlueo members of the boaitl will begin.
' 1 ho lemainini ; ballots toi membeis ot the
general executive boaid resulted ns lollovvs :
A. A. Caileton , 203 ; T. B. McCiuisc , 'JT ;
Caileton was elecjed.
T. U. McUuire , . ! 3l ; Josepli Buchanan , 2bl ;
McGuiie was elected.
ha JI. Ayleswoith , 315 ; Buchanan , Sb ;
Avlesworth was elected.
Thoiovvasa piellmlnary ballot for tlio
election of two membeis ot tlio general co-
opciativo boaid to Jill the places of the two
i ( -tiring members , and the assembly then ad
journed till to moi row morning , when tlio
election of general ofllcers will bo concluded.
The Switchmen' * ) Strike.
MiN' , Oct. M. All the old switch
men ol the Milwaukee A St. Paul joined tlio
stilkcrs last nUht and their places weio
piomptlv Idled tills morning. Several con-
leiences weio held between the switchmen
and railioad maiiaccis. but no compromise
wasieachcd. The bt. Paul switchmen hive
not accepted tlio invitation to join the stilke.
Scenes nt ilio Trial of the
JuiNiy Ciiae.
Bni < ssiis : , Oct. ! . [ Now Yoik Ilciald
Cablti Special to the Bi ITho Vamlen > -
nicssln case isbtlil proceeding , and there arc
some exciting Incidents as tuo pilsonur and
his witnesses heap accusations of immorality
on the memoiy of Mrs. Yandeismessln. Din
ing the examination the audirnco was held
within closed doors. The leading took place
of many love lottwtf addicted to Mis. Viin-
dorsmessin bj several well-Unovvn artists
and jouinali&ts. Ono bairlsler and ono
newspaper reporter protested publicly
ngalnst the intiodu6tlon of theii names In
the pioceedliigs , and iinnounced their
intention of prosecuting some of
tlio witnesses for peijury , Tno
imblic viosecntoi dellvcieel a slashing addiess
against the mlsonei , B tying that II ho Knew
of Mis. Yaudersmossln'.s disgraceful conduct
with so many men , why did ho live with hei
to the last. The truth Is , the prlsonei novel
thought of his honor , but only killed his w lln
out of splto when h6 saw his political caict'i
blaslcd by the scanitttl of tlm whole affair.
The judgment and vejfllcl will be given to
morrow night late. If Vandersmessin is ac
quitted violent flpinQifstiatlons aie expected
from the Mous mining clashes , who will com
pare the leniency sljovvn him to the teulblo
punishment dealt by ; the same Mons couit
against the woikimjn Implicated In the
Cliailuiol stiike and outrages ,
A Dontiln I'oainit Pal In in.
CINCINNATI , Oct. H Two heavy falluies
oecuiied hero within , four hours to day on
account ot thu defalcation ot ono man. The
lir t 111 in to go untjer was that of Jacob
Weller A. Co , , wholesale dealeis In peanuts
and pickles. A tough estimate of the liabili
ties places them at 5100,000. It Is claimed
that the assets will nearly ic-noh this amount.
The eanso of the lalluro was a forjeiyby
theii confidential clerk , 1C , M. Doll , of many
thousand dollars vvoith of warehouse re
ceipts. Doll iias fled to Canada , and has
written a confession to the firm , but does not
.state what his shortage is. i'our hours Inlet
tlio announcement tt the lailiiro of Skuats ,
I'M want A ; Co. , another peanut commission
linn at Si and M Water street , wan made ,
They hold about fcWWO worth of Weller'u
paper and their liabilities will piobaUy
leach SCO.OOO. _ _ _
" " " " *
Neln-asUti and lei AVrathcr ,
For LMStcin lavva : ' 'air weather north'
vu-slerlv vvln < N , cjldei wllheoli wave.
For Nilnasl.a nul ; v f'in Iowa : Fall
weathci , k at table -v -J
coh1 r.
A 8icum-siitDi : OUT.
I'rcBtilcnt Clcvelntid Snunkn AAV ay on
n SnonliiK I xpcilltlon ,
Wv itisoTo.v , Oct. 14. [ Special Telegram
to the Hm : ] The president has again
sneaked out of town w Itliout letting nnv ono
know. All daj long ccret arrangomcnts
weio made at tlio white liou--e for a sliont de-
liarturc and the servants rnjolmd to veciecy ,
'lo-nlglit at quaitei to 10 the oflleo earrlite
cnmoup to the fiont door , this one being used
so ns to not excite suspicion , and Cleveland ,
Colonel Lament and Sinclair , the valet , cot
In. A small valise and a shawl strap weio the
only luggage. ' 1 he carriage wont to the Hnl-
tlmoro tfc Ohio railroad and tlm paitj ic-
mained In the vihlclo which stood in the
ilarlc coal jnul beside the depot until the
irnlnauivcd liom llitltimoie. Attached to
tlio Cincinnati cvpiess was I'lesldcnt ( ! ar-
let's private cai IJ.iltluioie. When the train
came to a stand still 'ho presidential paitv got
out and Colonel Mmont. can ) iug the valise
lid the w i.v to the car. At the train tlio pie s-
kU-nt was met Comuiissionei of Intenial
Keu'iiut ) Miller and all bondul the train.
ho officials about thodopotwen1 lemaikably
Isnorant of thodi'stlinlion of the piesidcut ,
and even Slnclali , the valet , who , aftei seeing
them salely abo.nd the train , letuiued , re-
fuswl tosiy wheio they weio bound. Thu
piesldent , liowevei. t'oes \Voodmont , the
club honso in Mai viand on the Ball i more A :
Ohio millo.ul wheie he went last fall lor a
day 01 two shooting and INiinc. Mrs. Cleve
land Is left alone at the vvhlto house. Yes-
terdiy the president was too bus ) to gold the
depot to paj the last icspccts to fie latoChlef
Just Ira Chase. Althomrhhe had accepted an
Imitation to uro to tliccemetety and aeeom-
an ) tin- bed ) to the depot , ho M > nt ( ! ailand
oicpicscnthlm. To night he slides out of
town to hsh and shoot.
Til VI IMllsltil MI VI OUIM.I5.
Colonel Iniuont slid to-dav that the reason
why the president had taken no action In
the mattei of federal olilcc holders who mo
slid to have violated his oidei was that , up
to the present time no sperlhc chaiges nail
been tiled. All the Ititoimitlon that the pios-
Identhud locelved consists of letteis from
unknown peisons and newspaper lepoits
"If , ' coiitiinuil the colonel , "spi'dlie cliaiiies
aio tiled with the piesident , and inliilnato
fiom icllabloouicc1 ! . Immediate action will
bo taken. At the tieasmy department , hovv-
evei. extiacts ot chaigi's against ceitain In
diana otllclals hue been copied and sent to
theseoffetideis. Among these called upon
toanswirare Collector ot Customs Ktilin ,
of Indianapolis.
Sccretai ) Mann ngwas so much overcome
bv hisexeitloiis at the tieasury ) esteidav
tliathowas unabli ; to attend tlio cabinet
mcetlmrto dav. Ills filends ilo not to
acknowledge it , but the senetary was not as
well this moinlng , and bis pbsiclans de
cided that ho must not attend the cabinet
meeting , so Assistant Secietary r.ilrchild
went. Manning was onlj at the tieasui ) a
short time to day.
oii'iciAi.s niAitonn WITH ritArn.
Ariiicent Pagan , icceutly disbmsiiig agent
of tlio coast suivey. who was i educed in
older to m ike loom lot a deiuociat , vviote
Asalstant beoetaiy Pali child todnj that he
could not iciiiain In ollice under tlie ] > rcsent
admsnistiation. Mi. Paean lias piepaied
allldavits charging misuse ol lunds and
voucheisbvolllcials in tlio
expects to nave them anested on Ins inloi-
mation to moiiow.
iii'isoAri'oiVTro nrcT.ivrn.
' 1 lu > pii'sident to day appointed Kdw.ild T.
Hudson , ol Nt'bi.ibkn , to be icci'ivei of pub-
mmievs at Lincoln , vice Thomas B. Uavls ,
'f UcinaliiR of Chief Justice Clinse
Pencil Cincinnntl.
j .1 irnNA.Ti , , Oct. 14. The special train
bearing the remains of Chief Jnitlce Chase
and committees and otlicis who aio to attend
the ceiemonies heio to-day , mined this
moinine at 9 o'clock over the
Cincinnati , Washington & , Baltimoio
railroad. Under the aiiangement made by
a local committee of aiiancenients , of which
Mavor Smith was chalimin , thepaitywas
met at the depot and acoiteye toimcd to cs-
coii the lemains to Music hall. Hie weatliei ,
which lias been fine lor many dijs , became
si 01 my , with rain last night , but bv the
tlmu the college began to loim the clouds
had paitly broken a\v.iy and a waim October
sun was shining thiough a iinrilied air.
Theiowasa icspectful gatltering ot pcojile
aiouiid the Grand Cential passungei station ,
anxious in their wav to testify their
lezard lei the distinguished dead. A
plitoon of pollco prevented cncioachnicnt
on the space icoulred , for the orderly forma
tion of the college. Tills was formed with
Ilifct eaninge containing Governoi Poiaker ,
Mavoi Smitli , Attoiney ( Jcneral J. II.
ICoslci and llalsleU , The second car-
liasi * contained members of the supicme
court of tlio state , lion. A. F. Maishall , M.
D. Fait. 8. Owens and W. T. Speai.
Mho third was occupied by Hon.
Alponso I'afr , Hon. A. F. Pciry , lion. M. P.
Pone and Hon. W. S. Gioesbeek. The
loiuth. fifth and si\tli carnages contained
representatives of the Bnt association and of
the chamber of commrrcool Cincinnati.
Tlioceiemonicsat Music hall in honor of
the Into Chid Justice Chase , was well at
tended. A .simple lioral duslirn In white ,
icpio'cntlng a cioss , wieath and an anchor
v\asthoonly oinament put on tlio casket.
As Mrs. Catherine Cliaso Bprague , with H
pai ty in company with lici ontcied the hull
and passed down tiio central ulste. the gicat
oignn sounded a funeial cpmfiosiHon. At its
lonc'iiision Hon. Benjamin Bultorwoith
made a bilef addioss trauatprrlng the 10-
malns to the state of Ohio , closing by com
mitting to ( Jovcrnoi Forakcr the casket con
taining all that remains of the distin
guished citi/en of Ohio. Governor Poiaker ,
in accepting thUBacred tinst foi tlio Male ,
said the entire statool Ohio felt honoicd by
( ids duj's proceedings. Tlio goveinor then
paid a tiliiute to tlm memory ol tlio ( lend
justice. Piajei was then olTeied by Key. Di.
John Hall , ol Xow Voile. Tnlsvvas follovvcil
by a chorus of angels. Tlio ovgoveinoi's
ointlon was not , ho said , the vvoik of a hls-
toi Ian 01 of a critic , but only the eulocj of a
loving disciple. It was delivery ! with tcndei-
ness , which at times was tinged with deep
leollng. Thocholi sang ' "Piajm. " .Instho
btanle ) MuthortS , of the United States MI-
piciiio couit , made the closing nildiess ,
M'ild KuinorH I-'roni Mo.vico.
Si. J.OUH , Oct. 14. A special from Kl
Paso/lexas. sajs : A topoitlsln olrrulallop
hero to the elTcct that cvPiesidont Gon/ale/ ,
of Me\lco , lias been assassinated In the in-
teiioi , but as tlio exact location of the place
wheiotho sujiposed crlmo occurred cannot
bo ascertained , the icport Is icport ih leceivcd
with consldeinblii doubt. Other stintlins ;
rumoisaie afloat heiu to the ctRct tliat the
Mexican government IH again struggling to
suppress an Insuiiectlon movement. A
Mexican nlllrlal mid this af tin noon that ho
hid posltlvii information that ovei twenty
persons had just been shot at Fresnlllo , a
town in the. state ot Xaectecai , by order ot
the Mexican govoinment. The oflucr also
said ho had Ill-aid a minor that Uoiiuio
Itublo , mluistei of tlio Interior and father-in-
law to President Dhu , had dlsappcaed ( while
out riding In the submhs ot the City of
Mexico , and hi ) was supposed to have been
kidnapped by insurgents.
Atllletlo . . .1 a 0 0 0 1 1 0 05
Baltimore . ? ! ooonoooo-o
HUM ! hits Athletic'ItaltnniiiM. . I'-uois
Athletic y , Baltimoio 0. UmplioValen
tine.AT ST Louis-
Browns . . . . , .00008000(1 ( 8
Maionns . 0 0 o n 0 ( I 0 (1 ( t )
A f > erliol ninogamos will bo placed ,
Hewitt Accepts the Nominal Ion ,
XiwVoiiK , Oct. H-Abram H. Hewitt
has agreed to accept the Tammany nomina
tion foi mav or , and lias wiltten a lottci an-
nounclnt ; tliu lact. Hewitt stipulates , how
ever , that the balance of the ticket should IH
sattatactoi ) to him.
A ICefui mor for Mayor.
Nuvv VOIIK , Oct. H. Tlio commutes of
ono I undrcd to-night nominated Throdoio
Uootuvclt for mi ) or ,
Two Conventions in. Session and Whnt
They Have Done.
UnstlncR nnil Fremont the Places
litfulfil Unicorn Klectctl for the
lnR Vcnr A tilttlo Outli-
crlnir nt Lincoln.
The flood
HvstiNos , Xeb , Oct. U. [ Speolnl Tolo-
; iam to the Hi.tThe ] annual session of
I'e grand lodge Independent Otdci of ( Jond
IVmplats \ebiaska , met in tegular session
n the lodge loom of Queen Clt ) lodu'O of this
ell ) at 10 o'clock this mottling. The loilgo
opened in due form with Anna M. Saunders
grand chief templar , In the chair , and then
noceededto nnkusiich protein appointments
and adopt such rules as weio necessarj to c\-
tedlto the business and then adlomnrd
mill 2 p. m , i'lie lodge was called to older
b ) H. Coole ) , gi and vice tcmplni , when an
uldiess of welcome was dcllveied bv I. . B.
'aimer , which was w i > abl ) icsponded to
> y A. 0 , Wolfenbaigei , of Lincoln. The
edge then piocecded with the regnliu ordei
) f business. During the nttcinoou a great
leal of enthusiasm was manllested b ) the
iiembcis ptesent , and all enjojeil thomselvi's
ind woikcd with an eainostness thitcan bo
uoductlvo of nolhlii ! ; but success to
ho older foi which thuy uio woikitig.
After ( oiicludlng the business ot tlio alter-
luuu the ledge adjomncd at (1 ( o'clock. In
Im in euing the lodge openi'd with It. Coolev.
'land vice tciiiplat. in the chair. Altei luiv-
ng piocecded lot a while with the le ulai
oide1 ot business , tlielodu-o listened ton ver )
iluasant and Instinctive addiess fiom Anna
S. Haundeis , ginnit ch'i'f ' templar , 'then bean -
; an n geneial discussion ol mattei s pcrtain-
ng to the wood of the oulci , lasting about
two houis , which was lollowod by a vciy ear-
icst spuech by A. ( ! . Wollenbarger , after
which ilio ledge adjoin ned until 0 o'clock
i. m.
' 1 he following are the ofllccis foi tlio onsu-
ngvear : Anna M , blunders , grand chief
templai , Lincoln : ( ieoigo .Scott , grand coun-
rlliir , Allen ( iillscn , giaud vice templai ,
David City : L. U. Palmer , giand recording
secietar ) , Hastings ; Mis. n. A. Mins , crand
tieasiuei , Omaha : Mis. P. . A. bmitli , giatul
supciintoiidcnt ol juveuilo temiilars , Pali-
icld. ' 1 he other ofllceis are to be appointed
) ) thogrann chief and vice templars. The
maud ledge adjourned this i veiling to meet
it Lincoln next ) eai.
Netir.iska's W. C. T. U.
FurviDNT , Xob , Oil. 1-f. [ Special to the
But. ] This is tlio thiid day ot the annual
iieeting of the State Women's Clnlstian
remperance Union. The tonvuntion will
close to moi row niglit. So fai the sessions
iavo been well atlended and i\ good inteicst
shown. Thcte inesent 17" regulaily cl'Oben
lelegales i'lom moie than hit ) townstliiougli-
out the state , and a lame niimbci ofiltois
: iom abioad. Atlho oiiening session. Miss
Kmtiin P-ly , ot this city , delivered a neat ad-
Iress of welcome , which was nppiopilatel )
ind fcellnglv responded to b ) Mis. C. h.
Soule , of Omaha , The piesident's addiess
on Tuesday eveiilng , by Mis. Jcdnie Holmes ,
of Tccumseh , was full of eirncstncsb and
sounded the key note of tliecainest nusado
acainsttho llijuoi tiafhc now being made by
Ilio women of Nebiaska. The cm responding
secietarv's report showed an imreise duriiiK
tlio past vcai of lilt > -slx local unions in the
state. Wednesday moinlng the icpoit of
Hie superintendent ol legislation , Mis. Ada
U. Bittenbcuder , ot Lincoln , was read , she
being unavoidably absent. Her repoit uiged
Ilio gicat impoitance ot more stiingcnt laws
In regard to impino llteiatine , legal piotcc-
lion for imiitv and munlc ipal suffiago for
women. Miss Prances K. Willaid , national
piesident , appealed at this session ,
and as slio came loiwaid to speak , the
convention uiose and gieeted her with
the white salute. Slwspoko In icgard to the
cliculatlon of the woild'a pledge and tern-
peianco liteiatinc. A telcgiam of gieetlng
was dispatched to the Iowa state convention
In session at blouCity. . 'J lie comtesles and
itlv lleires of the convention were extended
, o Miss Willaid and Mis. bkcltoti , the latter
a t ilented ( ieiinan l.idy of. Califoinia , who is
laborinc vvltli gieat success prlnciiiallyamong
those of her ow n nationality. MIR. Pooley ,
ot Lincoln , stiperlnteiulent of ovangollstical
work , reported at tlie iitternoon hi'ssion. ns
also did Mrs. ( ! . W. Clink , of Omaha , supei-
inteiidcnt ot social puiity. In each o' these
blanches piogress vvas icpoitcd and renewed
activit ) uiged. H. W. Hauly , of Lincoln ,
the piohibliion nominee for coveinor , vvas
pieseiu and briefly adiiiesscd the convention.
Last evenlnir vvfluebsed tlio clowning suc
cess ot tlm convention. It vvas tlio addiess
dcllveied at the opeia house by- Miss Wlllard.
A laiger audience nevei assembled in the
opeia house , lively foot of stand
ing room was used from pit to
gallery , and main vvcio unable to get In.
Miss Willaid spoke 111010 than an bom and a
moio eloquent ple'a vvas ni'Vi'i heard In this
city. She is a lein.ukaLtlv cleai thinker and
n magnlllcent speakct. Hei woik is devoted
pilncipally In ui'hnlf of the whito-rlbbon
rlbhoti movcnii'iit 01 national Icmiicianie1.
The lolloping ollh eis were elected to dnj
for the ensuing v eat : Mis. Jennie F. Holmes ,
Tccumpoh , piesident ; Mi . M. A. liltehrock ,
Fremont , vice piesident at largo ; Mis. Porls
Wilson , Lincoln , corresponding secretai ) ;
Mis. C. M. Wooihvatd , bevvard , tieasnrer.
The KnlxhlK ot Pyihlns.
Xeb. , Oct. II. [ Special Tele-
giam to the Bnr. ] The annual eonclavo ot
the Nebraska KnUhts of Pjthlas closed Its
three da ) s1 session In this city this evening.
1 ho session has been an interestinu' and 1m-
poitant ono in tlm hlstoiy of the order.
Ovei two him died knights have been in
attendance. The pilncipi ! event of intciest
was the parade and compctlvo diill of the
tin co Lincoln dlvlsloiiHesteida ) aftei noon ,
witnessed bv thousands of cltl/eiiH , Apollo
division No. 11 raulcil off llrst mono ) , Lin
coln division No. 1 second , and A. D. Mai-
shal division thiid. A iceoptlon and bill
was lendeied the vlsltln/ knights at ( ! m-
numla hall last nl/ht by tlm citUcns and
membeis of tlv : local ledge ,
The olllcer.s elected foi the ensulnu'vear
an : us follows : Past grand chancellor , ,1. .M.
It win ; grand elmnculloi. John Monlson ;
giand vicoch.ineelloi , J. B , Chapman ; * grand
prelate , B. W. Wuol.vton : xiaiul master of
thoexclicqiiei , A. Yi'.i/rJ ; giand keeiier ol
recoidsHiulbeil , i : , K , Fienih ; giand inner
ruird , fieoriro Klikham ; giand outer guaid ,
Lew Webbei.
The riillilnic grand chancellor. J. M. Iivvin ,
niiulo ids icpoit , which sliovvB tlio older In u
llouijslilngeondltlnn , seventeen now lodges
having bciin Instituteit the past u.u , and an
Invieasu of about .seven hundred In the mem
bership , and out ) ono lodge saw lit to gtvo up
llh uiait'T. 'Ilio giand Iccpir ot
lecoids and waif , lopoit contains much of in-
\viift \ to knlghtH : Membcislilii on Junu 'M.
lbV-VoO ) > ) , Milking UK follovTM Past gi ami
i haiicclloi ! , r.ipihtclmnrolluiii ; , 2 ! > T : knights ,
ltisi ; loliif contributed by Mibnidinato
lodges during Ilio yrai to hick onlestltutu
bu'thern and families , 1.7b7.l ) ; lialanco In
the oxi hcnuers of buboidinuto lodges , June
toi , isi. sn.aiw.tvi } in widow und inplian
lunds , liy.W.aluoof : tlio lodiropropi-ily as
teportPd Juno SO. 1 si8,0il.w , heiug an In.
Cieaboot SV&i f'7 over tlo | amount iciioitci !
oniicaraio : < ; imd lo-lgo H-ceipts for juai
omling October 1 , lh' , JM 417 70 ; dltbuiM- .
muntb foi tame period , Si.7'.ir ! ! > 'J : o\- ( s of
rec-'lpts1 ovproNpondilints , loaxoj ; balance
on hand per lust repoit , iJOOUO ; cash assets
b'ranU locUf , i..0- ; | : didiii-tamount loaned
lit 10 per cent , { 1COJ ; cvuh in i 'hcquer ,
Tlio r nd mastei ofllicexcf.c'iuei sopoiteil
the * tollow Ing t ondillon of Hit * un inccs ol the
lodge : Htceiptafrom ritlilnggtniid master ul
tlio exchoiiucr , 5.,0 > 1 , 10 : from giand kccpii
ot tocords and seal. 5t , 7.70 : total , fcfi.J a 10 ;
oxpcndlturi's , paid grai'd 'odge v\aiuints ,
Iroui 5 0 toOj-.1 , both iialusUe , aggie ; atiii
A AVeuk
I.tNroi.v , Neb , Oil. -bpcrUI [ Telo-
cinm to the lir-lho ! : ] republic UIR held
their first campaign meeting In the city to-
niglit. About two bundled and liftypersons
were present. Incliidlinr all persuasions. It
was addressed by Hon. James Laltd. of Hast-
Ings. Ilo un lowed at souiplonclh the snob-
bishncss and weakness of liiedomociatiend-
ministration , and made u sinnig appeal tn republicans -
publicans to stand by the Pitt ) . 'Ilio mull-
IMICO was not very enthuslastio , conslderlne
the Inten-st tlmt Is being taken in this din-
trkt over congressman , and the- honorable
ceiitleman acted as tfiouu'h Im thought tlio
people lieto were talhei indlfTeieiit In
Mill Tor Onklnnil.
OAICIM ) , Xeb. , Oct II.- ( Special to the
Bfrc 1 0. A. Jacobson , recently of Now
YorkCltv , and who has started n Swedish
paper in Omaha , was licic- this week looking
upalocilion foi .1 paper mill Ho Is wall
lilcascd w lib Oakland and w III iocato n pnpcr
mill here II the water power s donated. Tlu >
giouud bus alread ) been donated.
AiomlnntloiiH foi Senator.
NonroiK. Neb. , Oct. ll-fSpiclal Telegram -
gram to the Hi i' . | The demociatlo convon-
lion of UieTentlidlslilct met line to-ulght
and nominated T. Howe Kcbeit , a wholesale -
sale lliiuoi dcalci , of > oi folk , foi senator.
Stoi k'H ol Mort I tiltUntniKO * on Cclcs-
WASHINGTON , Oct. 14. [ Special Tolegiam
totho BI.I. ] The lioiilblo slot ) that came
liom Alaskan tow das a oielathe to out *
lanes committed upon Chinamen up tlieie.
whereby a hue number of them were sat
adrift upon the ocean without ui"ans of sav
ing themselves , ! still being ch diluted lu a
number ot mnvspapcis. Youi correspondent
called at the C hliiese legition to-d ly to leal n
If an > thin , ; had been iccuived In conilrmu-
tlon of the icpoit.
"Wohavo henul nothlnir wlmtevei about
the mallei , " lepllcd Mr. Barllett , the Amer
ican sccietai ) of the legation. He was In
clined to legaul the storj as mailu out of
whole cloth.
"Is an ) thing being done ov the legation
relative to the alleged outrages committed
upon Chlnamon lauding at San Francisco
and other points on the Pacilie coast ? "
"Nothing. U tlio minister waH doing nnv-
thing it would not be best to have It pub
lished. Hut 1 can tell ) ou that no stops have
been taken. "
Mr. Itarilett siid furtliei that the' oniecr > of
the lc-'ation weie hopelul of getting tlinmh
tlielr indemnitv bill ut the next nession ot
coiigiess. In his opinion it was only a lack
ot tlmo tliat piovented its passage at tlie la t
A nilz/nrd In riover.
IlAi.nvioiti : , Mil. , Oct. IS. 'I hepiohlhl
tionlstsol both Mankind and "V liglnla have
tiled in vain to leach wilh the law the tlcmi-
ishing saloon ot John B , lli//ml ! , on Pox's
island. The only house on this little ti.iet ol
laud , wliiih Is located seven miles liom Cils-
field , Wicomlco count ) , is the residence and
saloon ot BlU/uil , who Is leaping a foitune
on ills snlu ot "bottled lightning" to ( do
osteiuifn. The spot Is paillv In Mai.vland
and parti ) in Viigmln. ) et is amenable to
thuIawH of nelthci state . On tlio main
land all nioiuid the island in Vli-
ilia and Muviand , local option exists.
' 1 lie house' is situated paitly in Maiyland anil <
putly in VIiglntaTbut Itso.xiict location can
not bo arrived at , ns It is not Included within
the lines of nil ) county or dlstilct. Smith's
island and Cilsholel d 1st i let of the county lie
adjacent to flic Maud , but no poition ot it is
included within the limits of eltlioi of thCMt
dislilcls. Tlie piopijc'toi has no license to
sell liquor , and not being In nuv county , so
lai as the existing lines show , and bniug un
able to locate himself ho has no soinco liom
wide h to piocuio a license , and consequently
goi's without.
In the absc-nce of an million ! ) to maiitll-
cense there can ot coiiiso , be no authority to
piohlblt him irom selling wifhout a license ,
and not being within the juilsdletion of any
count ) he is not subject to the existing locnl
option laws of tlio bonlerlng ( utilities. Hin
barioom pluvious to the passage ol local op
tion laws In the neighboring counties ot Vli-
ginln. was located on the Vhinnia side of the
line , but after tlie pas agc IIP has lumoved it
a lew feet and ovei the line , and now con
ducts ids luislni"in ! Maiyland. On this pc-
culiail ) situated island a man can xtanel with t
one foot In Maiyland and the oil or in Vli-
ginly and dinil ; to the health of both states
and defy thu iiutimiltieu ot each.
MIH. Ilovvo nt Her Old Trick H.
Niw : Yonic , Oct. 14. A si > cclal. liom Boston -
ton b : ) s MIH. Small L'.llowi' , who was taken
irom pilson about n ) cai ago , nllei serving
three yeais lei swindlim ; hundicds of people
out of Ihousoiiils ot della a by hei m fiuloun t
Women's bank , is again working her old )
ganio here. A few months ago she mid uj
colleague rented tlio largo liouso at No. li
West Newton BtH'ot , wliuro they huvoacaln
stalled the famous hank. 11 Is run
on the old Bvstcui , except that they1
take on deposit no sum less than
000 and pinmlsu T | wr cent intciutft
a month Instead of S. To u woman liom
Klttc't ) tliat wanted to deposit 8JOO Mis.
Howe said that she had all hut old ciisloiiie'1s
hack again , and was doing a liigei business
than ovei. blio explained tliat thev had no
cliciiiar or pi luted pat UciiluiH to give visitors
and did not ndvuitlse In tliu newspapers.
The ] ) ations vvciunll piivato customws and
her curds weio hiifilclent. The police have
been Informed that Mis. Howe IM at hrr old
tilcks and aie now at work on the matter.
It is probables tliat within a week thin svvind-
lei will again bo lodned behind the bais.
Blolo Their ItiLjht ofWny.
MiMVAtJKisi : , Oct. 14. A special to the
Kvunlng Wlftconnln from Madison sa.v8
that tliu Northwesluin lalhvuy property
ow ners along Thiid sticet aie high ! ) excltud
( ivei u match stolen by the Chicago , .MIlwiui-
keo&St. Paul company which list nlghl ,
with 1200 laboiciH , laid a track between Itn
Watertovvn launch and HIM 1 rack of tlio
Northwestern ion ! on disputed gumndf.
This movi'iuunt vvu to iioad oil Injunctions
and tochcckmalo thu Illinois Ce.ntial iall-
vva ) ,
Hold liiinlr Hohhera.
Mn.wAi'hFh , , Oct. 11. A special to the
Wisconsin fiom Ashland sa ) & two men
entcicdVllinirth'.s : bank ut that place about
10 o'clock this moinliig and compelled Mi.
Wllmarth to oiitei the vault at Iho point of
their ruvolvern vVlillo ho was In thu vault
tl o robbi-is took § 4,000 in easli liom this * '
Hiiuill Kafo and made theli escape. 'I'hfi
P'dlco and a posse of elti/i'iih aiu on the tiuclc
of the lobbuiH , vvno took to the woods.
'Jhreo 'J lines and Out.
I'IIVKI : < ANI > , O. , Oct. 14. Percy Hinring-
ton , u fanner Hvlni ; In AMitalinln counly ,
jvasmuidun-dtwo ) cais ago. LouliJ Web-
Ktur , a .voung man , was miubtcil for the
eilmoandon two trluls vvas convicted ut
inuidt'i In tlio first dcgtccnnil sentenced to
be banged In both i.isus. In tlm tlilnl tilal ,
wlilchwas held In Tiumlmll counlv. iho
jutv has jiii.t btought InuvLutiLt of not
t'tiii'y. '
_ . _ . _
A Geologist biih Ides ,
NoitiH AP.UIS , Mass , Oct. 14. The body
of B.oaid Putnam , chief of the tov > 'iniiu'Ut
topogiaphlca ! survey , was foiinel liauglng U )
n ire'o thU moinlng n st > oit distance from
thegtoloxlot's camp , whcin be Imd been
worKIiig , lie In I hi en mi-siu ! fiom thu
e'.unp tor a week. No cat su leu ina sulcldo la
kuown ,
A C'tieclc on linulliuis ,
KuKIA.Oct. 14. Uuit'illl K.llelUrS , Ht'fcr milltuv ngcnr , has Incu ordectd by blu
i gox-riiuiuii * to ubaBUon his proposed journe/