Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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The Dnllnew on Chicago 'Cimge Hflisved
bj a Day of Acti rity.
Corn anil IVovllon Al o Ailvnncc In
Price , Hut Kvcrj-thlnsr Clo cs
l > aslrr The Cattle Mnrkct
Blow Quotation' ! .
Cnir\ro. Oct. IS.SM"cl [ | .l Tel rnm to
t > ic BEL. ] lli open Uimnl call thN morning
WM v < ? r > unintenr tine , XoxomNT whwit
t l > eiiln < ? nnd eloping al Tic. ! Hut b twrpn
that time n l Ihe ojieninz of th rt tilnr
'p ts ol a dpcrpao * ID wlicat on is-
cam * * In and tinned tiji the ninrkft.
Tliere wa nl oan itnprod tone tn CAblc * .
XoTomlr w heat dnr | l on the reulnr btmrd
ntTJ f , * oUI to "ii'ifthen buck to T2io. and
r - ti\er l to T2tc. \o ember corn openi'd
ut ST. c , but qul klx sokl In a'r. The w hole
provision ll tva firmer and ratlirr iilglier.
'J'liere wft'san ndxanec of 2V hi t > ork at tlie
xcr ) .tart. though It was no ! maintained.
Xtnoinber oputieil at l .i % but within an
hour hail fallen to SlWtv The. iiu | > roted
cables vjKiXen or biuiicht In n eood innny
li.nin order- * . The Trench were reported
bii } Inc a coed many earzoss oil the ro t and
\\ero also lair liuycis of tiititri-s lipro. These
cause * eie unielent to put November wheat
up to 'iS'iv ' , but ll > ooii eased back to "K\r
Corn - > hl up to .Vi c and laek to s. % 4c.
The f < eliiiB as recants the "war" Mtuatlon
\va < ju t a little nervou1. aud unsettled , due
thlnj ; Ihat tended to i-ncotirngi * thl view was
tlieMnnllest frartioual ilecllne In consols for
Hccmint. This lialnrallj umile tlie bulls a Jlt-
tle Mionger In thtlr position than they would
otherwise ha\e been. The e thlncs were the
talk when wheat lirst .sold up to 73Sc , but a
little later , nhcii not so inuoli of tlii- . kind of
talk was In circulation , there was a reaction
to Vi c. On tl'l > dfcliniKralf y C'nrter was
a coed bu\cr. New York exporter *
said to be doln ? a partlculatlj acthe
ne.s-4. It wasclalme l mat vp -rila t > 's ta
weie twenttwo boatloads and tinlaj's HO
loads. This was \er > trencthciilnt ; in its
etl ( ot and baUed November wheat to
" 3V < i7M4iC , but when this eiiormmis export
incnetnint was unconfirmed there was a it-
actlon lo 7. " ' < < J. The inaiket stood at thlj
jKiint halt an hour liefore tlie close , l to
cables Miowed B net decrease on pacase of
-MO.CKO buslifls. The high iKiint In corn WRS
not maintained , owini : to the dcclinlutr ten-
deiic ) lu wheat toward the elov. I'ro\i-ions
too , became \crv steady aud were subject to
only a vcrj' moJprate trade.
2TO n. tn. Wheat advanced to TS c for
Xo\eiuberon the afternoon board , clo iuc at
73 > ifiTiiJc. Corn clo etl a simile hlirher than
at i o'clock. Provisions were \er > niuet ,
cIoMnR n fraction totter.
CUHH. 2 : < 0p. in. 1'iivllcges on Xo > ember
wheat , Ti.4c jud Tijfc bid.
CnirAoo , Oct. 13. I.Spechtl Telecram to
the UEi l CATTLI : . Among the ollerints
were a few very desirable cattle which MjIU
at steadj prices , but the general market was
\cryfilow ai'd a\vrazcd not quite so coed
as on yesterday. Common to fair kind > es-
j > cciallj were harder to j > cll , if possible , than
they lia\e been , thonzh there seemed to bo no
quotable change In price * . There were some
very good 1,000 Ib. cattle lor which ? 5.2) was
bid , but there was nothing here to compare in
quality with the cattle sold last week at
SXOO. The market thus far this week has
been about steady for good stock , with
almost no demand for inferior stock , hhip-
pln ? steers 1,350 to 1,500 Ib * , S4. 50 a\20 ;
L,200tolrvXlb5.S4. ) > S4.70 : OX ) to 1 , 00 lb ,
Sa.My4.10. ) 1 u ranpe cattle only about 1,500
Tejcans arrived including
tkiough to-day ,
ing sonic b'JO to dressed beef men ,
bn : theie were nearly 4.003 wintered Tesans
anilteirltory cattle. The market for very
good cattle was fairly active and In sionie
cases htroneer , nhlle the couimou kinds ,
especially thewiiitcred Tcsans sold at rxglOc
decline. Sales : I'.Kt iloiitnna , 1,200 ibs.
S4.05 ; 13 Montana , 1.311 Ibs , S4.05 ; 322 Mon
tana , l/JOO Ibs , S3.S ( S : IS ) Dakota , 1,12s Ibs ,
H.OO ; S7 Dakota. l.OST Ibs , ; TO half-
bieeds 1,142 Ibs , S75 ; 1S4 Wyoming Texas ,
1.04i : Ibs 53.M ) ; bl Montana Texas , l.O'H Ibs ,
Sa40 ; \Vynmlng Texas. ! N2 Ibsa0 ! : 1.W
natives. 1,201 Itw , S3. IS ; SIS Wyoming. l.US
Texas , 1,03s Ibs , 3.00 ; K Wyoming , 1.239
Ibs , S3.70.
lion- ; The market was active and ptlce.3
nbont the same as yesterday. At out1 time
during the forenoon there was a slight up
turn , but at the close the advance was not ob
tainable. As has been th * ease since .Mon
day , city butchers and eastern shippers were
the only bikers , all the leading pork packing
establishments beinc jet out of the market
on account of the lockout Hence , as
lieretofore , John P. Squire , the Bo-ton
packer , is the onlj buyer for the onlinar > run
of packers. Shippers and city butchers paid
S-J.IMH'-S lor ordinary sort , and S4.lAa-l.70
for fancy heavy nnd strictly Piilladelihlas. |
J.isht sorU M > ld at S3.W > g4 40 ; Yorkers ,
N w York. Oct. 18. Jlovur On call ,
active at 2g7 ( per cent , closing at 1 per
cent asked.
PntuK ilEncAjfrnjs PAPER 435 per
tled ; actual rates S-I.M ' 4 f or siMy day Dills :
4.ssi4 for demand.
GovuKXMfcXTS Government bonds were
dull but Meaily.
STOCKS "he temper of stock simulation
nndcrvvent a suailen change to-dav , and In *
Ftead of the hesitancy aud caution lately dis
played , there was a rush to uuy for both side.s
of account. Tne entire list particiitatcu In
the upward movement , which , howerer , was
nubject to frequent reactions. Hut the buy-
lue in the laM hour was heavier than at any
previous , time diirinc the day. The great tea-
tin o of to-day's transactiotiA. hovvuver , was
the sudden advance In Manhattan Klovated
lu the last hour from ICW to 1 < K > V. The tiuy-
ins vvas iloiif by sjK-clallsts sml was atx'om-
jiank-d by the rumor Him tilt-Manhattan | > eo >
iile had secured coutrol ot New Kncland.
Theo ) > uuiiii : was stroni ; ami active anil ; there
v as no stay to the rise until thwclo-e , which
\\ftsactivuandstrouk , ' at tlie lx'-.t pricc.s of
the day. Not a slncle active stock &hbvv n
decline to-nlcht , and tlio pains range from
Jf toSKl > erciit on the general list , while
Munhuttaii l.s up 11 per cent.
3 f pent bonds. . 100 if ) . & N. W 117
U. b.4 's 111-V piefcned. . . 142V
r dflc6so'f'i > il 138 jbiWon'Tnin * . . . ! ffli , '
Cmitret Pacific. . 4SJt'I > aeitc Mall 54U
C.A A liJU P. U. AK S0 > ;
prt-iorieo. . . . ICO p. P. C -
C , ttiU 15 & ( 'lock ' Island
li. U. * W 187 > i bt. L. A : S. F. . . .
] > . A K-G Sl t preferred. . .
Erie. . . , . 8Ti * C. , XI. A-St , P. , ,
preerre.1. . . 70 , preferred. . . 121 y
Illinois Central. ISJ.'iSU P. A O : a\
1. , H. & W 21 i preferred. . . liHt :
Kansas < tTexas. S-iVTexas Pacific. . . 3ii ) ,
JjikeShore ftJij ; Union Pacino. . . " '
1 * A K WW , , St. 1 Jt P. .
Mich. Central. . . < MHI prfforreil. .
MaPacinc 115\NVitern ' Union.
Pac. . . 2-ViO. . IS. AN . . .
Clilcngo , Oct. IS. Klour Unchanped ;
M Inter whrat flour , JCUVl.lO ; south-
i-ru. IWHX3-4.00 ; Wlbconsin. Siw > < {
4.1'Jj ' Michigan coft iprini : wheat , SS.50 < i {
4.10 ; Minnrsou baVws , : patt-nls ,
JU .W ; low grades , < 1.7\5i75 ; no "our.
qmct at SVaQiiO JD tttncJs. aud Saoo lo wu-Vii.
Wheat Active and hicher ; 'opened Tun-
wttlod and about \e higher tluniterda } 's
clr.-lnp , Improvisi J4o more , rulea easier ,
fluctuated and closed ix < c higher than tester-
da > : cash ami Octotx-r , 71H'Kovember. . n
tnd cloved Ic higbcr than yestoday ; cash
ad IVtober. 3 < Hc ; Noteintvr , SSMaWKc ;
cj Jsnuary , S7 c ; May ,
OiU-Hlsher cash. 24 Vc October 24c
; . ; , ;
November. 25 c ; MayEO.Qc. .
yliljler t 52c.
TiinoUiy eeec Prime , il.673l.CS.
"F x sed fi'i'mil at * > . < . c' - J , ' 1 < \ ) * .
i r--2)c tdxinee on
a l < ) e on deferretl.I ttr dwhnc , ! 1O" 1 > .
tl me iiulPt ; caMi. " .Ti : October , SUld ;
N-TptnVr , Ht.lOW W' ' * : Juntmrr. Sl .0f >
10 Of ; .
lnl Klrmw , rlo * d ! * < T ; msh and
October , . < ! i7J ; Xo f1nbfr , 5.77 ; Jsn-
rj .
Bulk .Mtts-Shwilder . S3.4" r..4.1 : short
elenr. S8.w 70 : hort rllts } f. 7 : .
1 1 ot t * r iS Mer ; err * tn try , ! .Vn"96Kc : d lrj %
K iKIc ; pftckint ; nck. 7 ( 'V.
Chcc t Dimaml luir for clioiee : fnll
crbntn clieddnrs llmisc1o : fl t .
yni e Atwrka * , 11 c ; "kints * Te.
K Slow at IftrtUr.
lli le llc v green --ailed , fully
IVe ; llcht. io'V ; btililiWes5Vdry. 3c ;
Tillow So. 1 country. svrJtff : Jf ,
Attemooti lV rd Hie murkets wfte Ml
AVhwit. Xo\enil > er , T8l > <
Corn , N'oveinlwr. : tic : Dect'inbor , Jlic ;
ary , 8ifc : itaJl'jc. . U t , Xoxnn-
KT. 25'4c ' ; Pmmitwr. % > t.e : Jdav. ao p.
Pork , Xovpmtier , tWIJ1 , : Dccfinber. 4V.15 ;
.lannaiy , Siaio. l inl. Xovi-mber , 5
December. ? i > 7' , ; January. S.OX.
Klour.bbi * . 5.0-0 14.0)0
Whi-Rt.bu. . 130 ( WJ . ' .0 > J
Corn , ou . 41o < 0 2110 :
O t .DU . -'latiiK ) D7.CMO
HVC , D'l . 1XVJ 8.0X )
liaripr.ou . inj.ixjj 71 ov )
Xrw York. Oct. 1"VhU \ t Uf uii.ts
2.vsooo : rxixirts U'.i.OJJ ; | Mtliflae aud on-
tlous I'ir2' ' c I'ishpr ; e\cited and feieii h.
closing with bv.t ticuri-s ruling sttong : un
graded red TV < 3- > 3No. ; . S red. Mo ; No. 2 int.
SV ; In elevator , ; Xo. 1 ied.vt71Jc ;
Xo. 2 October closed
October closed at44 V * .
Oats i j c hishei and actl\e : receipts ,
10.OOJ : export * 2.0"X ) ; mixed western , SOgJL'c ;
w hlte w estern. .1 % d-IOe.
J'etroleum Firm : fluted , WJ c.
KKKI Dull nnd easier.
Pork Firm , but quiet : old mess. ? 0.7n ;
ncvSioio. .
l ird fttfU points higher ami fairly
active ; western & train spot , SG.Ooyt < U2 } < .
Untter Dull and hpa\v.
Chese f nchanced : thill.
Clnctunntl , Oct 13. Wheat Stronger ;
higher : Xo. 2 red , 7f.c.
Cora Firm nnd higher ; X'o. 2 mixed , 370
oats Firm ; Xo.2 miiced. 27'T1 ( c.
H > e Finn ; liigher : Xo.2 , O.'tgVJc.
Pork Firmer at SI'so. .
Lard Stronger at So 75.
Wlilsky-Steadj at il IS.
Mlnucni > tilly. Oct. --Wheat Opened
Receipts Wheat , 11\ODO btl.
Shipments Wheat , ff.ij.OOO bu. ; flour , 27,000
Milwaukee , Oct. 13. Wheat Buoyant ;
cash , 71Sc , ; Xovember , 72'sc ; December ,
CSorn-Quirt : Xo. S , ns c.
Oats Dull : Xo. 2 , 24 Vc.
llye- Quiet ; > o. 1 , Me
Barley-Unsettled ; Xo. 2 , 53S'c-
Provisions Higher.
Pork October , SO.OTi : Xovembei , SO 10.
St. LiouK Oct , 13. Wheat Easier
excited and strong , ana IS li c higher ; Xo.
2 red , cash , 711c ! ; Xovember. 74 > @ 74\c ;
December , 7G'c ' bid ; Mnv , SVc bid.
Com btrong and © "je higher ; Xo. 2
iul\ed , .ii' ' < : Xovember , ; * 1 < 1 ; Decem
ber , SJ taSl'.c ' : ilav.SUic.
Oats liigher ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , 2.'i > jc ;
Xovember , SOc ; Dceembei , 20Kc bid ; Mar ,
ifve liigher at 4s c.
Pork 59.37Hwfl.Ml.
Laid SO.705ifl. S.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 24 < 207c ; dairy ,
fternooon Boanl AVhcat Strong and
5 < @ * { c higher. Corn b'irui and H@\'c bet
ter. Oats He higher.
Ijlverpool , Oct. IS. Wheat Supply
larenewXo. ; 2 winter , steadv at Cs C > id ;
ne\v Xo. 2spiiug , dull at Us N.I.
Flour Holders offer freely ; dull at Ss 4il.
Corn Holders offer freely : spot , steady
at 4 r5d ; October , easy at 4s W ; Xovember ,
4s 2J d ; December , steady at 4s 3d.
Toledo , Oct. 13. Wheat-Excited ; c.ish ,
Corn Finn ; cisb , 3S ! c.
Oats Unchanged ; cash. SC'-j'c.
ICan an Citj , Oct. It Wheat Highei ;
Xo.2 red , cash. COjtfs bill : Xovemt > erCOc bid :
Xew Orlenns , Oct.11 ? . Corn Dull and ; mixetl , 45 4'Jc ; vellow , rXKgole ;
white , 51tV-i2e.
Oats Finner at Sjc.
Cornineal Steady.
Hog Products In lair demand.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , S5.50 ; loue clear
and cleur ribs , SO.C2 > / .
Ijll'K STOCIi.
Chicago , OcL 18. The Drover's Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 6.COO ; best fteady , com
mon lower : shipplnc steers , $3.ft@ , < ;
stockers and feeders. S2.10@3.SO ; eow ,
bulls and mixed , S1.W2AOO ; bulk , 2,05 ®
a 70 ; through Texas cattle , a shade lower ;
steers , s2.GOn.40 ; cows , S2.20@2.M : western
rancers steady : natives and half-breeds ,
SCUO' : cow * . ? i40 , < i2.b5 ; wintered Tex-
and , 5U.OOv.a3. : > . * > .
Hoes Kecelpts , 7,700 : steady , closing
weak : roucli and ml\ed. 33.'i > @ 4.JO : : packing
ana shipping , S4.OO54.tVi ; light weights , SS.M
@ 4.4.1 : .skips , S-i3Kj3.4.'j. (
Sheep Keccipt6r > 00 ; dull and2V ; lower ;
native * . SilOTM.iO : western. JXWSS.GO ; Texans -
ans , S2."oy-i.lO ; lambs. So.75@4.75.
KaiiHiis CitjO t. 13. C.utle Receipts ,
4 , ( > CW : shiDiaents. 2,000 ; good to choice , ? 4 00 ,
( q < M. common to medium. ? :5. : : vg3.W ! ; stock-
crs , S2.t 0 xr5 ; cows , l."iO < < j/.J.GO ; rHSsl"auE6 I
steer * , > i'J5 < a3.20.
Hog * licraipK 7tOi ) ; slilDinents. 1,000 ;
linu : good to choice , bl.UK24.oO ; common to
medium , & 3.75 < ft.4.25.
St. L/oulB. Oct. 13. Cattle Heoelpts ,
3,000 ; shipmentsis.OOO ; fair to choice flip
ping , S4.25-l.yO ; butchers' steers , So.2.vgl.20 ;
rancers and Texaus , 52.00 3.00.
Hogs Kweipts , 5,000 ; hblpraenU. 1,000 ;
brisk demand.
AVtiluftsday Kvenlng , Oct , IS.
Cattle Th receipts wejo considerable
lighter to-il-iy than tliey were jc-tu-rday.
\ alues remain about steady.
llozs Tlit ) light receipts have forced buv-
ers to iiaj more for hoes than the mark'et
would warrant. Liberal receipts would be
very upl to cause a sharp decline.
bbecpNothingdoing : on the market
Cattle 2,000
llOiCS. 400
rrevftillni : Prices.
ShowliiKtlui prevailing pricci paid for live
stock on UiU market.
Choice steers , 1S.Y ) to 1K Ihs. 54.2MJ4.00
Choioe steers , new to ISM Ibs. . . . . . S.75M4.50
Medium Rteers , 12-VI to lawibs. . . a.OOyt-J.lS
fat little hteers , ICiKitollMltw . . . . aaVd-LOO
Good feexlers , ? .lUacAi5 (
( Jood to choice corn-ft l cows 2.11 > W3,00
Fair to raedl um grass co vn 2.00rtr2.23
Good to choice oulls l.SO&-.OO
J.itht and medium nogs 8.U2S.70 '
Good to choice heavy hogs 3,7&Ss.W '
Good to choice ralxitd hos 3.rY > 3,75
Itoucli throw outs , , 2.UVU3.00
( iood to rtuncu threp. , S.UO.t.ij : ;
yalrtocnod sheep 2.7V&.H.CO
* - ' "
Common fchwp
Showlnij the highest and lowest prices
paid lor loui * of hogs on thic market durtug I |
the just seven days and for the taiue time
last ) ear :
ItcprekcrilntiTC U&lca.
No. Av. Pr ,
J9 12S3 S1.50
no * .
No. Av. Slk , Pr. No , \v M k. Pr.
fO ' 'K , IHI 54 ; % S FV 190 4.S"
49 Sn 1X1 4 1 * . 7J aVH JH 4Sft
00iffl 100 4.i5 7J . . avi 100
M . Ml IflU 4.'J5 f . . SM 130 4.ffl
7S . . .ttl WO 4.3T 72 .346 100 4.W
All M > fe < of < tock in thU murVrt are miule
pr ewt. lire vieltht ntiifs * otherwi" * t l.
ell t ' < P pw Ib. for nil weight- * .
; , " or hcnf wi-irhlne les * than loulb < i.
General Protlitce.
Wetlned y. Oct. 13.
ire IHI roui't < o' or
jrn fi rc o stiJrt it 'he fn'trfce ! foFijTtic
I < T * nrc
j ; f.s Hie e-z market Is very firm at
quotations. Hecelptsare nbod equal to the
dcinMi'l. Dealers do not look for any chance
in the market as long as the present mild
wrath ? ! ei'titinnrA ' coM spell , however ,
would very likelv cause n nilvanct * . JMrictly
liei i , rii < llri | . iK-r doz. . 17c.
1H TT 1 he demand for choice creumerv
and d .i > . as well as lre h countrv r ll. Is
ven M sk. Inferior grades retnnlu as dull
us ever , flic season I- now sufttclenlly ad
vanced to ship roll butter , \\hen \ protierly
crnded and jui'-kcxl nicelj In ipati botes , not
( vititnlnini : more than nbout eighty jtouuds
Fresh creamer } , i'mlisficshdnir } . ] s JOc ;
ehoH-e ntuntiv roll , isa-.Mc : choice country
roll , solid inclsiil. 17r 'lc : gof d country roll.
HV < rl7o : good ptiuiitrv roll , solid packed , l.V-i
! ; fair. ll. < (14c : enminon. 4 ( 'Vt
( JAVfK A more healthy feeiint Is prevail
ing. Prnirle chickens aud gmuve , when in
food order , sell readll > at quotations. Ducks
me in much better tcviupst. Qimll in lUht
recelj t and much called for. Sniie | fair
sale. Di er aud antelope seareo and wan tod.
bhipncrs slioiild U'ar hi mind to ship nil
game while it is , and not hold oil until
thevhaveon hand largp qu.intlt'e . Prairie
chickens , per do/en. ST.WJ : quail , Sl.)0 < 5il.75 ;
snioe , plover , etc. 7.V31.25 ; ducVs , ( ilallanls
S1.7.wiou ; ducks ( Teal ) . Sl.w l.a : . : duck * .
mixed. ; 5 aSl.CrJ : gee e. S .00 < l ! . . ' ' > : deer.
saddles. Per Ib. . ll tl-'c ; deer , carcasses , per
Ib . TW.k.1 ; antelope. Mddles , llglSe ; ante-
IOJKcarcasses. . 7v5 c : elk , saddles , 10v.ai2c ;
elk. parc-tssps , iyri ; ( . ; jnck rabbits ; wr doz. ,
Sa.'i < Xfl4.00 : small , per dot. Sl.UVnl S3.
IVa j.inv J.ive poultry contfnuei very
dull. The demand for dressed chickens Is
dnil ) incieasing. Arrivals thut far have
been exttemely light : Live Chickens , old.
per doi- . § _ W.u"--50 : cliicKeus , spring , S2-M
.rt.i'i ; ducks. S-v : < @ -j.75 : turkejs , S7.00 ®
s.0i ; geese. t-C.f Xi < ' .oo. Dressed Chickens
tboice voung , per Ib , llirtlic : choice old.
'Aduifis. ; . lie : gee f. He ; turkejs ,
l'J@ir .
Vri.KTAin F. Our potato market is in a
rather unsettled state just at present. Car-
lots are hard to place. Fanners nrp suppl
ing dealers whatever tl ey re.juire for
Immediate consnmpt on. Buvers do not
show the leait auxietv to lay in their \v inter
stock , warm weather being , npparentlv , their
only excuse for holding < > ! T. A change in
the weather would unooublelly wasp a
much better feeling. Oiiioiisalso meet with
slow sale. Tliere is Iiaully a dealer in the
market who buys more than tive or ten
bushels at a tune. Sw eel potaaoes are plenti
ful nnd low. Cabba-e m fair -upplv. Pota
toes , choice , per bit. V (3 ( 'we ; fair to"good. . 40
fU : onions , choice 0 < yB l.W ; fsir lo
good. "xii-Oo : in small lots Tiotn store , per
bbl , S3.00 ; sweet notntoechoice. . i > er Ib , ife
-'Xc ; eabbaze , choice , per doz , 5d\ < iOc ; cei-
eiy , 40c.
iVJri.Tliere ! is plenty of fancy stock
now arriving Horn all sections , the demand ,
how evei. Is limited. le.iers ! are uot fully
prepared to lay in their winter s ock. Com
mon steck , f iOD@2 S5 ; choice snlpnlnt ; stocl > ,
Si.V.v .T.00 : fancy -ttnd , S2.75c .OO ; fancy
.Michigan , S3.COt4J.-J5.
iloMn-cnow > OnAi'i-.s Are verv nearly
out of the maikct. The market is supplied
with Xew Yoilt Conconls ; 25 to SO ua-kt't
lot ? pjer bjskot , I5.j-0c ! ; Utolj baikct lots. : i to i uaskei lots , 4l\iy$0e ,
OTHS : Tlie weathei has b H-n mo t too
w.irm to of a very heav > o > ster trade.
How evei. trade is better than usual at this
season , and a good many eiders from the
outride are bemj nlied. .Mediums , 2..c ; stand
ards. 'Me : selects. S5c : Xew York counts - 0c.
LEMONS Choice , COO size. j > er box SS.M.
OiiAXGf > The only changes on the mar
ket arc Jamaica , which are lower than last
week. Jamaica , per box , S'T-00 : per bbl. , f 11.
Ka The market is fairly well
.supplied with verv choice stock. Cape cod ,
fancy , ] > er bbl. . SS.50 ; Wisconsin , S7.50.
B \XANAS Bananas are selling at about
the same as last week. Bananas , rel'ovv , jier
bunch , fcl..VJ.it2 00 ; Bananas , jellow , laiee
bunch. & .M .
CAIJFOIISIA Firrr Two cars of Cali-
foinia fruits were rtceived this week. On ac
count of the cooler weather they arrived in
verysood order nud met with quick sales.
Peaches Si25 ; graueTokays. . SiOO ; crapes.
black , SiOO : pearvicar. . S3.00 ; plums , S1.70
( g-iOO : quinces S2..W5-.J.7.V
MELONA few arestill coming in. but the
deuiaud is light and tieare slow sale.
ilAi'LE SCOAK. Stilctly i urc. 50-lb boxes ,
15c per pound ; strictlv jiuie , 10-lb tin pal's '
14c per jiound ; choice 5c bricks , 25-lb bo.xes ,
12c per ixund : elioice penny cakes , 20-lb
boxes. 12 sc per | iouiid.
HONEV .Nebraska , choice , white clover ,
15glGe.Nebraska ( , dark. 12.Q14C ; California ,
cxtr.x white 13c. : choice , lajtlS'-sC.
Pnovisioxs Ham. sugar-cuied. 13c ;
boneless. 50-lb boxes H'jc ; picnic liam.lO > c ;
breakfast bacon , sugar-cured. PC : shoulders
susar-ctired , Sc ; clear side bacon , native ; dry
salted side.s fe'ic ; drie < l beef ( hams ) . 15c ;
dried beef ( regular ) . 12c lanl , 40-lb cans , Fair-
bank's , sL4c ; 10 , 5 and 3-lb jiails , Falrbank's ,
rXorn AXD MIM.STI rrs V inter wheat
flour , best quality patent , Si75 ; second qual
ity. S2.40 ; best quality spring wnent
flour , patent , S2.CO ; bran , 50c per cwt ; chopped
feed , 70ci > er cwt ; white corn meal , SLOO :
jeilow corn meal , POc per cwt ; screening , OOc
per cwt : hominy , 52.00 per cwt ; shorts ft
tier cwt ; grahaut , SLOO ; hay , in bales ,
aoo per ton.
BRAKS The market is aimost cleaned un.
Xice clean t eans in fair request. H. P.
Xavy , 51.70 1.70 : H. P. Medium. S1.505C
clean country , SL25gLSO ( : good clean coun-
trr. JO Sl.OO : inferior , K.ii73e.
OIIAIX Corn. 24c ; new oats , 2V : : rye. 40c :
wheat. Xo. 2 , OOc.
Grocers * FJht.
PiCKtr.s .Medium , in bols SG..V ) ; do In
half bbls. 3. ' & ; sinall. In bbls ST.W ; do in
halt bbls , 34.-J5 ; gherkins. In bbls , SSM ; do
in halt bbla. S4.73.
ftTKl" Xo.70 , 4-galloii Kegs S1.20 ; Xew
Orleans , Ss Wc per gallon ; Maple Syrup , tf
barrel. 'Nild t me. " 7-'o per gallon ; ! gallon
cans. S10 CO per dor. : H' gallon can S5.0J per
doz : Quart cans. & 3.UO.
Sue AI powdered , ? .ci7Kc : cut loaf
7r < J7' c ; granulated. C > ( ? ' 0 : c ; conlectionei-s'
A.C 4c ; standard extra C. r.u 'to ; extra C ,
5Xc : medium yellow.5liic5ic. ( .
llopu Kinch. l c ; ? ! ' . incii , lOc ; } inch ,
10' e
DniKD Fnrrrs Xo. 1 quarter apples , S X@
4c ; in evatKiratcd bONCS , V < i < avwe ; blackber
ANNED Goons Oysters , standaid. per
cas. $3.30 ; strawberries. 2 Ib. per case. S2.IO ;
rupberries , 2 Ib per case , S2.10 ; California
peare , per case , S4.60 ; apncots , per case ,
(4(0 ( : peaches , per case , S5.2A ; white clierries ,
per case. 89.0J ; plums , per case , 3,1.5 : blue
berries , j > er case. 31A > ; egi ; plums , -Jib , i > er
caw 5iM ; pineapples , ts Ib , i > er case. S3.20
CJ5.M ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz. S1.20 ; 1 Ib hat-
ruon per doz. 8l.KVjSl.GO ; 2 Ib cousebenei ,
per case , SL75 ; 2 Ib btring beans , per case ,
SL70aib llniabeens , r * can51.60 : a Ib
marrowfat ryas. wr case. S2402 ; I b early
Junepea . per ease. S2.73 ; 3 Ib tomatoes.
COKFKES Ordinan'bTaflM , llQHVfc : Jalr ,
liftl2Hc ; prime , l18cchoiee , IS r Uc ;
tanpy green and vellow. 18Wcl4c ( ; old cov-
prmncut Java , JO rtfic ; interior Java. lG } , < ai
20 o ' ' ,
ICc ; McLaughlin's XXXX roasted , ItV
'B , I5hc : lied Cross. Ifc.
Mirror gloss , i Ib , iVc ; Mirror
- 3 Ib , 5U'c ; Mirror gloss , a Ib , G > fc ;
Graves corn. 1 Ib. Cc ; Kinpsford's corn , 1
Ib , 7c ; Ungsford'B gloss 1 Ib , 7c ; Kings-
pro's "glofs , G Ib , 7Wc ; Kinjsford's pure , Sib ,
Jf c : Ktngsford s bulk , 4c.
ToitAoro Plug , cinuav , 42 ; horseshoe ,
S7c ; star. Sftr ; siar head , . 2tc ; piper heldsick ,
fiOc ; pd ! shield , 3Je ; merry war , 25c ; J , T
"TOBACCO Smoking , Durham , Is Sic ; KS.
Wi : fs , 57c ; ks , GOe : meerschum. SOc ; old
Rt IP , JJc ; V. X. O , 15c : spirit cured , 45c.
MATCHKS Per caddie , aSc ; square cases ,
JL70 ; mule square , 81.90.
CASDT Mixed , UKc ; stlcr. BH'l ( Kc.
CBACKEK9 Garneau's soda , butter and
picnic , Mje : creams , 6 > tc ; ginger snaps , 8) < c ;
citT soda. 7fc-
, , boAi Kirk's bavon impenaL 82.70 ;
Klik'i satinet. Saoo ; Kirk's standard , 83.03 ;
Kirk's white Kussian. 54.03 ; Kirk'b White
CkD. SiW : Dome. 53b5 ; Washboard. iia
Wolte Cloud , 53.75. _
General Market ! .
WOOL Medium. 1S(32 ( ; ir Ib ; fine heavy ,
l4f51Gc ; light , Ift isx : ; coarse , 14alGc ( ; burry
w eel ,
Ku - ( n ' ' cr * . * .e. crwn
tin s tsi..c ; idrv * ut 11 . xdry a't.
irp'O ralf Kn s ' " ' ' ti i
1 ! ! rinwl.Ps'\.ji1J.j'l" ! ' * . * taw- ' "
\THKK I'ritn < l iiehtr ole Iwithcr ,
S3c ; pr.mooak otf If at her. aft x- * . I jit er
l * thrr . 7. vV ;
o k Kil.itPVtrmirh ku $ l. (
hem. calf. $1.V@O10 ; oak cwir , Sl. .
Krrlichrtlif , S.JA ! < l.Si ; MnrtxxM ) txxjt Ic ; ,
Mntt totiil | i t > i .3Si 'Uc. toppings
Hr.AW 11 vm > w AWE iron , rate. .
low Mwi 'pceiR cast , 4c : cru < * ib lcjteei. Cc ;
ra t tool lo. ! ? < < Iv : was in spores' per t ,
S1.7.W.VK ) ; hubj er * et il.45 ; felloes
wvred drt. 51toncues ' sch , 7ie ; sies.
eeh. 7.v > : square nut * , ivr Ib. 7 ( < rllc ; coil
chain. ir Ib. A&l3c ; maiieebie. ( > * : Iron
Wedp * ? * . Go : crnwtiars , Oe : harrow levth. 4 - :
Fprlni ; fcteel , 7 < * se : Uurrt'-n's liopt tioe * . '
S4.40 ; Bui-don's mu'e ' titoc * . Si 40. Urt ep
wire , m cur lots M.W per K > o lb . ronl
NslK rnti-s 10 to .VA SJ.jn ; tteol nails S2.ft5 ;
Shot-l.i.v biicKViot. SI.-5 : oriental
powder. kPCS S ? . ' : do , half kec , S2.O1 ;
do , Qtmrter keir . Sl.'iO ; bins-tun ; , kegs , siS'i
fue. pel li > teet , too. Lead liar , Hti.
l Hif. Avn t. . 'Kvitc At Acid , carbolic1
S2c : add. tariaric. % Jc baUnm conalbn , per '
ft , 4 c : barn. Mis ufras. per Ib. 1ft : : calomel ,
it-rlb'-J" . chincuonluia. peroz. 40e ; chum *
lortn. per SiOc : Dover's ixwdf'is per Hi ,
$ ! . * > : epsom wits per Ib , S c ; civet-Hue ,
pinter ) a. . IS : , lead , acetate , per ll > 21c ;
oil , cn toi. No. 1. pcreal. , fcl.5J : oil. csf-tnr ,
NIL a. i > er cal. . S1.4i > : oil. olive.pfr cnl..S1.40 ;
( nl ( iriirninrini. V > c : opium $ S.20 ; anlninc ,
P. AW. . and It. A . JNT OB. 70o : potassium
iodiilr , IHT Hi , $ i-5 : caiicin , jier ot , 4l > e ; iul-
rthete morpnlne. pel or S2.HS ; sulphur , per
H. . 4c : stn'chnine , rer oz. tl.l.V.
PAINT * , iv on.-\Mueean , Omaha , P. P
Uo : white lea I. St. hcuis pure. J:7.75 : Mar-
ellles irr < * n. 1 lo * ID c-tns J ; ; French rlnc.
L-rccii KcaJ , lie ; Trench zinc red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In varnish a * t , SOc : French
zinc , 750 ; Tcrmlllion. American. ISxS Indian
red , lOc ; rose pink. He : \ enetian red , CIKIK-
fons'Jstcrtietian : reJ. American , ij c ;
red lend. "He ; clinnue yellow , ernulne 'Ak1 ;
ehnime yoliow , K. 1'Jc : ochre , roche le , : fc ;
oclire , I-re n eh , 2 4c : ochre , American.c \
Winter's 2\c : Lt-hlcli brov\n. 2'1C ;
Spanish brown , --'c : I'lince's ininersl. ie.
\ Auvisnr1 Harrels tier irallon : Kurni-
ture. c\tra , S1.10 : lurnitme. No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach extra , 51.40 ; poach. No. 1 , Sl.-'O : Dv
mnr , etm.51.7S : Jainn , 70o : a ph.iltum.
extra , s5c ; shellac , S3.50 ; hard oil UnL n ,
UiiYPAis * . * White ; > c : French r.itic ,
12c ; I'nris whitlnjr. 2Jtc : vvliitmr , uilders' ,
2 \\liitinc. ; . com't , l'jc. ; lampblack , Ger-
maiistown. 12c ; lampbLicl ; . oidinary. N ; ;
Prussian blue.Vicultramarine , IS\and.v ; ; he ,
brown , be : timber , burnt , 4c ; umber , ravr , 4c :
ienua burnK * c- sienna , raw , 4c : Pans
creen. genuine. Z'ic : fans cre n. common ,
-"p ; clirome riwn. N. 1. . 20e : chrome ereen.
K , 12c ; rermillio'i , Enclish , in oil TOc ; RIVT
and bun t umber. 1 Ib cans rJc ; ravv nnd
burnt sienna , lie ; vandvke , brown , I3c ; te-
linedlampblack , lie : conch black and ivory
black. 10c ; drop blact ice ; Prussian ouie ,
40o : tiltramannoblue , ISc : cnrome irreen. i . ,
M. A I ) . , If- ; blind and snatter creen. L. . M.
& U. , IPe ; I'nris neen. Iv ; Indian red. lf > o :
Venetian 'A- Tuscan ' . - . '
red. : Tuscan'c : American
vermillion. L. & ! ) . , 2--V : : yellow ochre , PC : L.
M. & O. 1) . . is ; : peed oc'ire , lOe : patent
drer , b ; pramlns cilor , llt'iit oak , daik oak ,
wlanut. chestnut and ash. 12c
fcnniTS Cologne spirit" . IbS pronf. SI.17 :
do 101 proot. ; sjuriB , secund Quality.
101 rroof , Sl.l : do 1 proof. S1.1G. Alcir-
hol. 1 proof , 5il pfr wne : caiion. Kedis-
tilied whiskies , Gin. blemlwl ,
Sl..f > 0 2.C J ; Kentuck- bourbons Eiu > " > .o-J ;
Kentucky and Ppiiusylvania rvcs , Sif'X O. * ;
( Jolden Slieaf bonittiin and rye win kies.
Sl.rxca0.oo. ) Brami < s , importc ,5. " > . .OXa.V ) :
domestic. SLo05j3.oar ( iins imported , S4 .V )
( < ; .00 ; donustic , 1.2VnXOa Chnmiiasiies ,
imported , percale. S2 < .00(3.x5.00 ( ; American.
per case. SlO.iKH ir'.a } .
Dry LiunOor.
Ko. 1 Com. s. 1. ? . i'i i' nun W n . $17.50
Xo.2 " 12. 14 and 10 ft . 14.71
Xo.3 " " 12 , 14andl5lt . 13.50
Xo.4 " " " 12 14 and 16 ft . 12.00
i i i
12 ft It Jt 10 ft IS ft 20 It 22 ft K ft
JO.A310.M10.OJ17.Wilb.tlJ2i.CO 21.00
17.0alE.OJ2i03 .00
] 7.ijis.wi.uoi'i.o (
17. jlS.OJ-J3.Wlil 0
17.0(118.00 ( 2.002i
No. 1 , 4 iC inch , 12 and 14 ft. , roush. . . 17.01
No. a , 4 Jc Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , tou h. . . 14.0J
A 12 , 14 A-lCft. , S10UO C SlJ.00
B 12.14 & 10 ItACCO D 11.00
I'tcom.s.iu . White Pine Partition..S-T3.00
.M " " " . . . 27/iO
3d Com. > ' in. Norway Pine Cellinir 14.00
A Olneli , white pine , 20 C S29.00
C Cinclt , " " 84 U 21.50
A 12 Inch. s-ls. 4aC 5SVOO
H 12 inch " " 4.l ! > 2-tJO
No. 1 , com. 12 in. , s. 1 s. . 10. ibi 'JO f t. . . 21.0J
No. 2 , " ' " . . . ls.f-0
No. 2 , " - " 12 & 14 ft 17.00
" " ifift IG.OO
rjxi nixo.
1st and 2a. clear , l1 inch , s. 2s Sy.OO
Sd , clear , 1 inch. s.2 s. . > . 45.OJ
M. clesr. 1 > < , I'2 " in 47..VJ
C select , 1 inch , s , 2 s. Ki.OO
U elect , 1 } . , , l' , 2 in 3G.OJ
snip LAP.
No. 1 , plain.Sand 10 inch S17.50
No. 2 , plainb and 10 inch IS. * *
XX clear. t2.t < i : A standard , S M ; No. 1 ,
S1.35:1-ath. S2.2Ti.
POST * White Cedar. C in. , h's , 12c ; S in.
. , .
LIME. Err Qulncy white lime ( best ) SDc :
Cement ( Akron ) SI.IM. Hair. 35c. illchi-
pan plaster , S2.73. Sash , Me. IJlinds , Me.
Doors , We.
Mew rimL..IJI'K . H't 111-yr UblsI'Js , Kts
y JM w < 0 jj Ja
Ben's S't-No 1 L'b 7 00 < CO 3 6& 2 05 1 70 ( VT
L'fc-e Gib'd l'nnc > .5 Ot 002 7i 1 55 1 3) 50 45
VK H'd sli're fo-'s ' TO 3 03 2 75 1 M I 33 M U
I.AKK n. iu
"f HUP Qr Ubls l"ls Kts
sir .
ell. | 100 w yj 4Q J2 | jo
No.lWhito FBh. . . . T W C : .T W3 101 0) ! fl
yisinllv Wbilo Jlsh. 3 M 3 15 2 ffi 1 M ffil ES
Xo.ll'rout 4 Ui ] 05S Ml 85 , 74i Ki
" rl Jlf llbl Q'rllbls 1'ails or Kits
gdj , J ( > , w w ia 12 jo
Korwoglan I I I ' ! I '
H .X)7 ) 606 SO'380,3 10. . . . 1 04' ' 90
Holland her-
rinrc , new. I m
Special Ordinance Ho. 855.
AN Ordinance levying u tjifclal tax and assess-
merit on certa < n lots tind real estatu in tbu
city of Omaha , to cover the part co t of oon-
fctruetlng a sever In Sewer District No. ft.
WIIEIIF.AS it having been and belus hereby
adjudged , delermlned nnd Cbtabll huJ that tbo
sev erul lots and piepet of real estate hereinafter
referred to. have each I > tKn ) bpeclally beneStod
to the full amour ) ! herein levied nnd a s > s-.t > d
against each of Mtiil lots and pieces ot real
etutu , resppctlvely , liy reason of the conttruc
lion of a tow er lnMiivt-r District Xo. 27.
TiiuiitroiiK , Tor IW ! purpose of paying the
part test ol such ? ewf r construction :
lie it ordained by UiocltV council of tue city of
tn.-ctlon L Tliat tUfl'urt cost of constructing
a t > e cr in Sewer3 Unlinc. ! No. 27 , In the en r ol
Umaba , said cost Uinthe cum of { l&.ttu.U ,
bo and the same U h levied und ,
in proportion to tbo fuet front alonK laid 1m-
provement , and according to ei > ocial benenu by
reafcon of Mild improvement , uiion the follow lag
dbhcribed lotb und ruiJ t-Mato as tliown by tbo
generally rec imizL-d nuip of t no citj' ot Omaba ,
Ibtd , Itthoin-aphod and publl.l.od by Gto. I > .
lieinU , said cost tifilngbo levk-U on taid lots and
real estate , re > p < > ctn il > , as follow 6. to-vrlt :
Union Pacific Ky Co. . It3 blk IBS , city. . . . IM 68
" It 4 blk 1W , city , . 1M33
John Power. U & 1'lt 1& . city 123 33
Wiibelmlua Ilauuicr , 116 bl k IfcS , city . & 2 M
Union PbCjnc Ity Co. . it 1 blk 1& , city 123 3
It 3 blk 1J , city , L 6
Elizabetn Davislt7 blk 189city. . . . IS t6
II L. Stone , It b blk lea. city . . . . 123 SI
Paul Nelson. e44 It 1 blk. art. city S3 V7
KuiibronlcaDoJl , wSilt 29 'M
Ualtat Kramer , It 2 bk ! 06 , city 2 *
John IL Levy. It7 bW ! : WG , city . . . . . 62 M
do It 8 tit SUB , city . , .123 3.1
Cbas. Metz , It 3 UlkJUV , city S2 Hi
NeliC. Nelson , n * Blt i. blk ro7. city . . W tt )
Ilrueha Kacbnian , h UG It 4 blk 207 , city . . 33 63
Go.T. 6 blk 237city la 33
lUniljjrwm.llCMk- . IS bO
Union PiuHfic Hy Co. , It a bik 216 , city IS t > 3
" ' 4 * * . . .1 3ITf
6 LS M
M 1 blk J17 , City \l II
2 . . . tatt
" 7 " . . . . 62 M
" 8 " . . 123 U >
W. J.ConnoIi.n liltSMt S .citr > t-
Jobn CuriitoiibcikOji , § S It i blk 03 el C
Eunice 6. Siioor. It 6 blk KC J > 8 U !
Frank U. Alitii , Truetoe , It 7 blk & , city , bb u.
n fa blk SO , city. U ( U
, Han " It ' > > ka'sii-y ss on
Ju n 1 ! I i It i I v. &i ilr 'V
It . nlk - < * * citr * < 9
< .A5. W li't ' * . CltJ K lH
I * . P HT IY > . n fe7o fq ft II 1 M * * M. ( . t PI S
11 A M. M.On. . . . f H ' T It It 1 trtK SM.tlt ) 1 * S
Vnlou r lt c Rr Co. , It J ! MV M. etlj . . K Hi
O. AS. W. llrU , l(6Mk Ncitr . . . W 0
C . K > t i
" S ' " . . . ITS 1 *
r. I1 Ity CD , It S biv W. cMv aw
I " 4 " . 1M33
I " ills' cj ft U * blk 9R , citv in MI
O. . * . S.W.IIJCo. . , 7s.M q tt it & btm , lty m 41
V. 1' . Ky Co. , n 77 , It It 6 WV * , Oity IX M
11 Hwd A .K Cnmpbf.l. . hi lilk 477eit } OT
' ' '
Peter Ir n. r ' 4 It R Mk 217. rtir. . . . . 44 u
Peter Klll.w ' . 118 blk47elty 4105
- It 4 blk 247. clt j . . . . W IW
W. J. Counell , It 1 l > l i : . , city . & . vt
* vj | M
A. J. Harmon , n 'tit 4 nlk , city . . . . 61 7
( > ( Mibnc" , nHl f. ' , It 4 tilk iis.oit } IS rl
VV. J. rmilH > ll. s It 4 Mk s , , . | t . 12 M
Phi-be J.'lrn.vnor.n W , It 1 Wk.i4J.fltj ifi 41
rii.i < II. MiuV. < M4 It 1 WK inn. tltj . J J
f ehoolliMrlct No. I , It 2 blk * , citj . N < w
It s - * m
Wlntipy Wh lrn. n JJ't It 4 tilk H , cllv 1 7 45
A. Tbttma * , f. 1 < > It 4 Mk S4 .elty . . . 4 * < ir ,
Henr ) J. viitdM > 7. tt blk S4 * , city Isi si
IS A.I. IUrki > r.tt8blkS4 ! . cit } . . M 4
Morn * Kl utter. It 1 Mk SW , elty . 13J : fl
- } .vs wj
Po-nj i ectlke. n 'i ' It 7 lilk 2H. city 29 4S
tSustnve I'onn.s- It 7 , blkS ' , citv l 41
Pouiy .x t'oelke. n ' , It k blk Al.cit } , til tC
Uustinrpomv.sS Its. Mk 26l.ftly 81 10
Irusiei'of ? DinHha M. ! ! . Chuivtt , n't It
1 Mk rtl , oit.v . . ill os
Mnlimi.1 1' . rook , < ' , It I lilk SCI , city l W
Trustees ol j : . Omiibii .M. K. I hurcti. n '
It 2. tilk 21.1. city . . . . . . 2 41
Malmdnl * . tmik. ' It 2. lilksfll.otly > 4T
A. 7 lilk Ml , city. . . . . . . K *
S " 32itJ :
11 r lilk att.fity 5B
" ' ' ' ' " '
" s " . . . . . . . . . . ia ifi
e " . M y ,
J.J Kenti l.v.c 132 ft Mk 1. lion pry Hill , li' '
A. . \ II.Kouiitzc , t * licit t blk 1 nutM H'l SI 1U
" " " '
. . U0.15
* * * ' ' * *
4 1 6 * 0
* * * * Ti * * 1M ( * s
" ' C " 1(1- (
A. A 11. Kiiunlzc , It 17 blk 2,1'orsst Hill . 27 .11
IS 2 " . if 74
" 19 2 " . . . IW74
20 2 II . . . 1,174 ,
" ii 2 ! ' ! if T4
" 23 " . . . 0-174
24 2 " . . 1,674
S5 2 " . . . IB 74
2 2 " . . . 11S74
| | 27 2 " . . ( V ! 71
" ' " '
" Si 2 " . . . 1,6 , 74
Joel N. CornMi. M 2 " . . . Ifi 74
81 2 " . . . If.'l
: t : 2 ' . . . M 74
A. \ H. Kountye , " . . . M 70
2 3 " . . . f y
llronnell HnU.vrl8-.Mt 1 lilk'j , " . . . 3S7 7
A. AH 9 blk 7 " . . M 77
10 7 " . . . 'HI 77
John P. Hoe , It 7 Kountze's Tnil adj.sO K >
Paul Sominer. n 's w 1'C It ! * , " j 74
Henr > P Urcxel , 'tw li'ltS , " Ml 74
Mattic Helper * . itMt : i > . " 131 IS
llrliliretE 1'ord. n > ivt 132U 10 , " W 74
Murt K. MacK.s't vrl&MtlO , " 0074
August Wiberjr , n 'i w 132 It 11 , " C5 74
Joseph H. Dennli , w 1321t 11 , " ffl 74
JoUnl uil-tmii n , w ITilt 12 , " 4" .
T A.JobDH > n. n 4 w2Mtl3 , " CO 74
Mur.v Green , s i , w 1 K it 13. " re 74
Chas. F. Bauern \ , w IKlt 14 , " r74 )
Albert Kali , e * w UK It 14. " 6C 74
lha KHufmau , w ISilt 15 , " 1X5 is
. 'ohn ? clkr. n'w 132 It 10 , " i 74
P.M.i W H.I'ttkliam.s ' , tt 1'Blt 1C , " CS 74
Mary llH.-levw lit ! It 17. " 1SJ 4b
J J btnli't.e It ! It 1 tilk 1 , Kountzo'sltb TO 43
Thoc..ii < eiPlEh2ulk ! 1. " Kim
Aur. Wll-trir. e l i It Hlilk 1. " W w
Hnii BcUoulx > , el'lt 4 bll : 1 , " s-J OT
I ) . U Thomas. eliMt 5 blk 1. " t i 03
A. Kountzo.e 1J2 n ' It 0. Ilk 1 , M ( fi
n C. I'cnnojcr , el.l-s'i HO lilk 1 , " 10 OT
Julix e Hoclck , c 132 n 't It 7 Mk 1. " 44 (15 (
J.6tenceubei-er ( , e 132 s S It7 blW 1 , " 44 0
I.Hascall , c lc ! It 1 blk 10 , Kountzc's
4th sup . tfi ' , {
3.K lliie. , e IK It 2 blk 1-i.Kountzc'f- sup CO 74
FritzPcn/fiiM-hnn. e It'lfthlklO. " w ) 74
1' . H. Vtlion AC. li. Strntton , 1S2 It 1 blk
10. Kountze - 4thup C6 74
A. Kountre , c 112It 5 tilk 10 , Kount/oV 4th
sun (16 74
O. K. SeoSold , c li1 It C blk 10 , Kouutze'i
4th up . fC 74
L. Cole , e 1H2 It 7 blk 1 ( > . Kouutze's 4tb 'up to 74
1C. Loremen.o iB : It h blk in , " 1,3 74
L. A Slew art. c 13211 d blk HI , " W II )
ut Kountrc , It 1 lilk 11 , .ft 4i
Mark Han cu , It 2 blk 11. " SO 42
.F.Ncl-onoJaJH2blkl.S.E. Ilogers au 176 19
DavldClllHck.olS21tabk ! 1 , " 17619
IlnnsHansiu.n 'i ol321t Iblkl4 , " Win
> MolKfMce R'icl3itlblkl4 , " 8" U9
15. H-lMckcrd , n Vi e K21t2blkl4 ! , " S8 TO
JJnrr WUIi . SeirClt2blt 14. " BS 09
Chcs-W. Willis , n ' cliTlta blk 14. " 88 ( rt
Murthn J. illi , s 'i o 13J It 3 , blk 14. " 8b 09
Edward i : Ellen O'Sulllvan , c l.t ! n 'i blk
1S.S E. Ho-'ers add . 8009
F Fletninc. e IK ' blk 15. S. K-Kopers ad K ) W
ILi. A. J. HoJse , w IS It Milk 1S. Omaha 33 3 §
- : :
" " " SI 3S
si" stra
Ilridzct Mania , It C. " 5S41
Wm. IX Moore , ISJof Moore's He ervc 145 IS
U. Kountre. w 132 tni It 1. sec 27-1V13. . . S > 54 25
" 2 - - . . . D6 11
C. F. Goodman , v , 132 n 122 tnxlt 7 , tec 27-
13-n . . 1B2F4
C. F. Gooduinn , w iC B MJ tax It 7 , sou IT-
15-13 . 7W 13
Section 2. That the ci > eclal tnxes and
lc\lc < ] and u sci-oa ns aforesaid , thall be
due Immediately ujxintlie tii saire uml iipjiroval
of tills ordinance , and f hall become delinquent
If not paid wltl.ln fllty days therenfter : and
thereuron n penalty of ten per cent plmll tie
adlc-d , together vv.tb Interest at the rate ot one
per tent a month , puynbloln advance from tbo
tline * aia UUP" become so dehnqucat.
SK-Uon 3. Tbat tbls ordinance shall tnke effc-ct
and belli lorccfrom and after IIP passage.
I'afcfd September 2-th , 1SS6.
V\"M. F. IlcciiEU President City Council.
J. IJ. SorniAiin , City Qerk.
Approv cd Senteinber 2tth , IK1- * !
WM. K UECHKI. , Actinp Mayor.
Tbe-e tiuea are now duo aud pajuble to tbe
city treasurer , and will become delinquent on
November 1Mb. 18s6 , niter which date a penalty
and interest will be milled as shown In Section 2.
o3d5 TKUM\S UCCK City Ireas-jrer
SIMI'novni ) FAIIMS , Uutler Co , Kans. ,
tor Eale : 53 nice cltr lot ; . El Dorado , Kans. .
for sale. Each Jam' is well adapted to grain
and stock : rich toll ; all piow or pasture land ( no
wuste ) . Title perfect , with warranty dood. The
lout ore smooth , nice bulldm lot * , only 4j mile
nonh of P. O. Price , f 173 to F37.X Teachers ,
cleiks , anyone who wi ho a safe protierty that
will double in 1 year , should buy lotin Bl I > or
ado : population H.OOJ ; the prettiest city In Kan-
Fas T'-rms cash. Addrosi C. W. Cae , Eldora
do Kansas.
Kansas.JfiGOQ KOFOLD ,
Horflnestera Exchange
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cicrars.
713 X. 10th St. , Omnlia.
Artists' Material ,
A. HOSPE , JJt. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Org-ans ,
1113 I > onilB ftrpft , Omcba.
Agricultural Imp/ements.
WboleMle r In
Asrricnltnral ImplenientsVaffons \ ,
CarrUces and Outfit * . Jones street , belvben till )
Agrfcnltural Iiuplcinente ,
Wnoni.Cs.rrtMf l , Bugfftes , Cux , Wbolenle , O-rtb * .
Wholesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements ,
i and Bogies. UOI , 903 , 1O3 and UT7 , Jones t
Butter and Eggs ,
Bnjers of Butter anil Efffirs.
Ile/rlfentor nd Patkin ? llonie. lllh coJ
wonli f u V r.JL.H.1 rmck , uni li * .
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
ianuf Cattccs of all kinds always In stcck.
Jon essU Omaha.
Hardware and Scales.
A uoir
Builders'Hardwarei Scale KepalrSIiop
Uecbacics' Tools and BoITalo Erales. 1 < 3S Douglas H- ,
OmaUa. Neu.
Jobbers of Hardware and Kails ,
Tinware , Fhet Iron. Ktc. Arenta for How * Scales ,
and Miami ( Vwderr-o. Om h .Nth.
"Wholesale Hardware.
Wertern arerits for Jefferson Fieri Ktlls. Anstta
Powder Co , r irt ok btaodanl scalesCcraar
lOlb and lltit-tf
Bo tt and Shoes.
Ma&cfsiturr - t'1 Whdf al < - l > f : er In
s < and Sioo ! ,
f It - ! > . ( > ? fjo < H ! * ' rat > * n hani
.VV " ISttist dnialta Neh A T Ao Un
if. r.
,1ni1i ! < T4 of Hoot's pud SliH .
1411 Karimni t , < itMl , . Nfb Mnrratarto } .
5/r7trf : / r7Tvo %
Afjt. for AnliP'i er-Hn-li HroMhie As < * n
lniirtv fault Uodne'icr ' anil l.'rUncrr.
. .STOW- ; iLKir.
Hecr HroMor * .
h M-wt. Otn h . N >
Cof'ee. Sfltcts , Etc.
Jtjin n itbs. " ip
Omaha CoiToe and SuiroMill < .
T < C lTe . p p llnkitic loidpr IT- ruin ; Kr-
trans IAUKUIT lllur irk Kir 14)1 ) if llsrner
i-trwt nm hs. veb
i : . : a i , i : ro u .N nE
John Kpenotcr , Prop.
Maiinfuclnrvr of r.ultinUMl Irxm and PornlPC. K3
iid 103 and ! 15 N. lO-.n HOmPbu Nrb.
Jli'EMI'JXG ( HOLTll ,
M.imtUrmtcrf cf
OriiaiiicntHl ( * alvanized Cornirc ? .
Dorn.orMnrto Kmrl . Mciallrkyllfht.otc. . S10S.
12t H Omaha
Eliy COltXH'E
C. Sprcht , Prop.
Galranlrrd Iron fnrr.lnt. etc. Spoil Mmrrfvcd Pat
ent MetallcLrllilit ! KHurdO'l'- t umilis.
rr co. ,
J Ubcof
Carpets. CnrtRi'iiA Oil Clothe. Knu : ?
Urolrum * . Mcttlt RI rt" tilt ninelas utrprt ,
.S. .J. ORClIAHli.
Wholesale Carpct-s. ( HI Ciiitii ? ,
Mettlrj' . Curtain Good' . Ktc. 1UJ J'mnam Mreet ,
( nnsha. Neb.
Croctery and Notions.
for tin1 * ! nnnfacturvrs and ltnporl r-of
Crockery , ( tla wan > ,
Lacpf , njlmncyr , HP or.rr. SK Soutb 13th tt ,
C'ruahn .Nct > .
Commission crd Storage.
Coinmi-Jsion and .lobbinir.
Hnttpr , KfF'i'id ' Pnidnoe. ConUcnracntt sollc'trd. '
Ufadgu > rter fur frtnewaie. . llerrj Her P und
Umru Jiaskt' r , 1411
Connnisvion Merchants.
rnilts. Produce nnd Pmrlflnrf. Oniahn N > b.
H' . E. llIDDELL.
Storage and Cuminiasitw Morcbnnt.
tnlli" Bu.toKrc * . < 1i ese Poultry. Oame ,
iyneu Mr. Eti H2 ou.U llth ureet
Produce Connni Rion Jleirliunt ? ,
Poultrj , lluitcr. Cnn-o 1 milPic. . EM B. Itlbet.
t r aha " > rli
General Commission 3ercliaiit [ ,
AnJ Jolibors of rnrt-iffti and Donics'lc Fruit * Corre-
nollcltod Warrhnu r nnd ot5ite. 110 > .
nlht. . tlroclia , Neb Telf plione 7T\ .
r. ROCCO < t ? co. ,
reporters and wholesale dealers In
Italian Produce ,
Foreign , name-tic and California fruit * .ind Commls.
Ion Merchant * . 104 > - . lllh H. Only exclaslre
fruit house In Omaha.
Coal ana" Lime.
' ! ' . iaiLESTOXE COM
Denier ? In
Hard arid Soft Coal ,
OHce ard yard , loth and Nlcbola * ( it. , Omaha. Neb.
Turd Tclepbunc , CC" .
Qro. r i.nn u. rrcs C F.GoonMtv. v. Pret.
J. A. MTVUMILAXD. bee. mifl Treas.
Jobbers of Hard anil Soft Coal.
133 Komb Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
, . . . . p co. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And MilpiMjn of Coal and Coke. Cement. Plaster.
Utae. lli-lr. llro Hrtrfc , Drain. Tile and bewer Pipe.
Otlre , Pjiton notl. Karnam tt. . Ornjlia , Neb.
Telephone ML _
F. p. FA Y P C07
MannfactnrinR : Confectioners ,
Jobtfr of FrulU.Katc and Cljrait. 1211 Farnam SL.
Lire Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Gea naitc. Mtnistr.
Union Stock Vejdf.S ( Iranha. Telephone U3.
Live Stock fommission MercLants ,
lpmeoti of any and nil kinds of frtoci
t'nlonf-tocl Vnrdr , Umahu , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jl/il.Y MEYER P CO. ,
Johljcr-j of Ciearp , Tobacco ,
Qani ami Ammunition. : ii tor3S Iltll it. . WW to
lU-'l Barnaul it Omaha , Neti.
HfliH'fai-turers of Khie CijrarB ,
And Wholesale Po i r : ] n Lent Tobarccn , No . 1M
ii Itrrei 0-U ; " .
OrGoods. .
.if. E Mrn jTte ] co , ,
Dry Goodf , FuniishiiiHrGoods iKotions
lit ) and 11IH Jioncln. , cor. lltb Si , Onmha..Neb.
Dlitlllrn of Llqcnn. Alcohol and Splrlti. Importer *
nnd .ufcteriof VVmetand l.lquor .
WIL LO ir s rjt rxas JJJSTILLE' r
CO. ami JLER tO CO. ,
Iirponen and Jobberf or Fine Wlori and IJqpoir.
bole minufneinrerf eif Kepnedr'o Pail India Ult *
lcr mid Doiuti IcU-juiirx 111 1 ! lUrnrrM.
Drugs , Paint t. Etc.
Lanje t Drnpr. Paint , Oil & Glaus Honse
W /lof Cbtcaco. Complete Une of I > ru liU Sao *
drliri. IIU llarnr ? tUOmtlis.
< ! OOI > MA y DRUG CO. ,
Wholesale Dimrt'ists.
Ar.l Dealer * In PalnU , O.liaud Window llliti.nmaba.
Drain Tilt , Etc.
A. lUfurru J r' > . J.W.ninroRn.Eer.JLTreai
H. J. C-iitKiy. Y.I'm , and Supu
O3.ce 711 S. llth tL. Ouata. Neb. Uacbleerr and
fiupp.lei for Manufacturing Cement Dram Tile.
Engineers and Contractors ,
neincers and CoutractorB ,
djm , Tladurll. Hoof Tto . Eleam Pllt Drtflac.
iilnjr , O a aoo Pine ilrtdf Lumber. IStb tt tiur
Mmaiu. Omaba , Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
r U Om tiiytU
Furniture , BeddingI'pholitery ,
Ulrron.tlc. 1 X:3L4 aocl KIO Faruu U Ouabe.
Groceries ,
( irocoHcs and l'rovl. louB ,
f lo ,
Wholesale Oroccr * ,
Hlh i
if. , / .
Heavy 11 mil mire. Iron nml Steel ,
AVhoIonlfl Iron ami Steel ,
lKl0 ! > ! nifirW'v > ' 1 * tp < k' " < " tUntr r
Ktc. lI7 iid ItlV l-rt
- rtmonti n " u b \ b
Kniitjos riirnaco-j , Tllo < , .
iralf , Ilra ttw < l 1 1 itrd Ix. l rnxm
Mrw I.
rptifbl ml Oft Inm tlu'lMnc Work , IK n Stain ,
lUlhnc. llounn ninl itrtli > r"ivim Knf nc Itran
\V rk , lit iirrnl tvtim rf MM bin * lit ,1
Wet ) Ii"irpnnt1 VVirl.f I r KT uti.M'th
Wholesale Jewelers nnd.Music Dealers.
Df lfrt tn Mirer * are , IU mcniJf , W iph < , riockn.
Je rler T ( ) lf nd MMcrtnlf. rir Id and 1CU 14th
ft.cor. IHxlc * . Uuithn \ < ; h.
Denier in Lninbor. Lntlt , Lime , Snsli ,
IHKirvKtc. YarJ Cornrr'th and Donglars Corner
Ithamt m > u < l\ < .
Wholesale Lumber ,
14 B. lllh urct , Omaba. Neb. f. Coif-otter , Mtn
15th and Callferrls Flrrctv Omaha , N h ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc.
Cor.fib ind lioncla. n ciniatin Neb
To Denier * Only.
* . U03 Farnara rl'FM.Omaba.
ClfAS. It. LEE ,
JIanlwood Lumber ; ,
Wood Carpet * anil parquet Hoorlcit. 11 h and lK > ucbs
A. jr.t KEFIELD ,
Wliole nlc Lumber. Kte ,
Imported nnrt American Portland OraioU Ftrle
.AccnlforMllxituLrp lirdreullc Ciuieiil nnd licit
fjnlnrr While Lime
Life Stock.
Of Omaha.
IJinlted. John F Bord , Euperlntcrjdeat.
Millinery and Notions.
Import en and Jobber * of
Millinery anil Notions ,
1713 and 12151Iarney M.ft. Omaha , Neb.
Are thoonlr Irtroct Imixmers ol
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In Nebraska. Chicago prices duplicated without dd.
Ins IreUlit. HIS rarnaru f-trc-ot , Omabu.
Wholesale Dealers In
Kotions and Fnriiisliinir Goods ,
tOTunil < X > 8 Tenth ( ju Omaha.
Jobber * In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
1W and IMS Farnam jt. . O-n&ba , Neb.
Manufat-turers of Overalls ,
Joaiu PunU , Shlrti , Ktc HE and 11M Ik > uel n Street ,
Omnhn. Neb.
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers ,
And Book Binders. ! > ' > and lirt South Kouru-enth
Href l. Omaba. Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Trpe , lre § es arid ITlntera' Supplies. tO3
toutn Twclftb Mre t.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
WIX MOItJlftftfi
Wanufactorerf , 1'nckers and Dealers In
Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar
B Uni Powder , Flarorlnr Kxlracts. Table hauce ,
hrench Musta Wash Ululrtr. Grocers' fcpfSalUrs
le nKditt for Vork Hate Sand IterJnl-d Apple Ct *
der. 1 USI earrnworth t. . Omaba.
Softs , Etc.
Omaha Safe Works.
lanufacturenof Flrcand llurelarProofSntcs , Vnolt
Uoors , Jail Wcrk.MiuKers nnd \ \ Ira Work. Cor.
lltb and Jackson Su , Umtliu , Na b.
P. JiOYEIi P CO. ,
Apents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire and II urar Proof Knlit , Time lk , Vaults
and Jail WorK. 103 > rnnm Direct Oin&b Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Sash , Doorn , lillnild and
Ilraneh oBce.lftli aud Irani tt OmabaNeb.
G. -M'T/ll-V ,
Sash , Door , Blinds , Moulding ,
Bulldlns P p r. etc. iroi . South Thirteenth . SI root ,
Onioiia . b. Ar mplete nuclei IJuUdera'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Monld'jij : > UlrWiirk Di3 Interior Hunt Wood Klnlih
Jucl < > i > eiit < l , N.K ror HU urd letTeD orttiBU.
Omjili. , Neb.
WboleKnlf ! Pnnips , Pipe , Fittings ,
eimunil Wntcr Suppllrt Hrndqunrten f r
r < itCo'i ( JtxxJt. llllJininni n. , iimabs. Jieto.
rnrans. Pipes anil
Slaua. Water , ltz < l > r end Mllllue r-upiit ! * . Klo.
_ 4QU. V3uo < nci ; fannni Um hi. Kelt.
WIia , Mllli. lria nU W t r fiupplie ,
ne Goo-tf , n * ( . Iloic. V16 nnii ttO r -
K r ltoa. N u itr.
jr. ji .KAmroFF ,
lioleialo Truiiks ,
ird Hotel B ! jrk ,
Wagons and Carnages.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1K4. )
nd K11 Haiti > trcet. Omaha.
Building Haterial.
Oil Air A LUMBER CO. ,
Material at
fkdfle Tnek ,